Sprejet na tretjem zasedanju generalne konference Organizacije Združenih narodov za izobraževanje, znanost in kulturo, v Bejrutu 10. decembra 1948.
Vlade držav podpisnic tega sporazuma so,
v prepričanju, da se z olajševanjem mednarodnega kroženja vizualnih in audio gradiv izobraževalnega, znanstvenega in kulturnega značaja pospešuje, v skladu s cilji Organizacije Združenih narodov za izobraževanje, znanost in kulturo, svoboden pretok idej v besedi in podobi in da se bo s tem spodbujalo medsebojno razumevanje med ljudstvi,
se sporazumele naslednje:
1. člen
Ta sporazum se nanaša na tiste vrste izobraževalnih, znanstvenih in kulturnih vizualnih in àudio gradiv, ki jih določa 2. člen.
Vizualna in audio gradiva so izobraževalnega, znanstvenega in kulturnega značaja:
a) če je njihov primarni namen ali učinek poučiti ali informirati s pomočjo razvijanja teme ali vidika teme, ali če je njihova vsebina taka, da vzdržuje, povečuje ali razširja znanje in povišuje mednarodno razumevanje in dobro voljo;
b) če so gradiva reprezentativna, avtentična in natančna;
c) če je tehnična kvaliteta taka, da ne moti uporabe gradiva.
2. člen
Določila nadaljnjega besedila tega člena se uporabljajo za vizualna in audio gradiva naslednjih tipov in oblik:
– filmi, filmski trakovi, mikrofilmi – bodisi negativi, posneti in razviti, ali pozitivi, slike in razviti,
b) glasovni posnetki vseh vrst in oblik,
c) diapozitivi na steklu; modeli, statični in premični; stenske karte, zemljevidi in plakati.
V nadaljnjem besedilu se za ta gradiva uporablja izraz 'gradiva'.
3. člen
1. Vsaka izmed držav pogodbenic se strinja, da bo v šestih mesecih po tem, ko začne veljati ta sporazum v dotični državi, oprostila vsa gradiva, ki izvirajo z ozemlja druge države pogodbenice, vseh carinskih dajatev in količinskih omejitev ter da ne bo treba prositi za uvozno dovoljenje, ne glede na to, ali je uvoz začasen ali stalen.
2. V nobenem primeru ta sporazum ne oprošča gradiva tistih davkov, prispevkov, stroškov ali znižanja dajatev, ki so določeni na uvoz vseh artiklov brez izjeme plačila in ne glede na njihovo naravo in poreklo, četudi so oproščeni carinskih dajatev; med te davke, prispevke in znižane dajatve so vključene, vendar niso omejene samo nanje, nominalne davčne izravnave in kolkovanje.
3. Gradiva, ki uživajo ugodnosti, omenjene v 1. odstavku tega člena, so v državi uvoznici oproščena vseh notranjih davkov, dajatev, prispevkov ali plačil, ki so drugačni ali višji za podobne proizvode v tej državi, ter so deležna najmanj enakega tretmana, kot je predviden za podobne proizvode te države glede na vse notranje zakone, določila ali zahtevke, ki vplivajo na njihovo prodajo prevoz ali distribucijo ter na procesiranje, razstavljanje ali drugo uporabo.
4. Ta sporazum z ničemer ne zahteva, da država pogodbenica odkloni tretman, kot ga predvideva ta člen, podobnim izobraževalnim, znanstvenim in kulturnim gradivom, ki izvirajo iz katerekoli države, ki ni podpisnica tega sporazuma, v kateremkoli primeru, v katerem bi bila zavrnitev takega tretmana v nasprotju s katerokoli mednarodno obveznostjo ali s komericalno politiko države pogodbenice.
4. člen
1. Za pridobitev oprostitve, ki jo omogoča ta sporazum za gradiva, za katera se prosi dovoljenje za vstop na območje države pogodbenice, se izpolni potrdilo, da so gradiva izobraževalnega, znanstvenega in kulturnega značaja v smislu 1. člena.
2. Potrdilo izda ustrezen vladni urad države, iz katere izhaja to gradivo, ali pa ga izda Organizacija Združenih narodov za izobraževanje, znanost in kulturo kot to določa 3. odstavek tega člena na obrazcih, ki so priloženi temu sporazumu. Predpisani obrazci potrdila se lahko dopolnijo ali popravijo na osnovi medsebojnega sporazuma držav pogodbenic, s tem da so dopolnila ali popravki v skladu z določili tega sporazuma.
3. Organizacija Združenih narodov za izobraževanje, znanost in kulturo izdaja potrdila za gradiva izobraževalnega, znanstvenega in kulturnega značaja, ki jih izdajajo mednarodne organizacije, ki jih priznavajo Združeni narodi ali katerakoli izmed njenih specializiranih agencij.
4. Pri izpolnjevanju takega potrdila je potreben sklep vladnega urada države pogodbenice, katero se prosi za vstop, da se gradivu priznavajo olajšave na osnovi 3. člena 1. odstavka tega sporazuma. Ta sklep se sprejme po pregledu gradiva in na osnovi upoštevanja standardov, ki jih določa 1. člen. Če po pregledu tak organ države pogodbenice, katero se prosi za vstop, ne namerava odobriti olajšave gradivom, ki jih predvideva 3. člen 1. odstavek, ker niso izobraževalnega, znanstvenega in kulturnega značaja, potem se o tem obvesti vlado države, ki je izdala potrdilo za gradivo, ali Unesco, odvisno od primera, še pred končnim odlokom, da bi se ji omogočilo, da posreduje s prijateljskim aktom v podporo oprostitve teh gradiv pri vladi države, katero se prosi za vstop teh gradiv.
5. Vladna agencija države podpisnice, katero se prosi za vstopno dovoljenje, ima pravico uvozniku gradiva predpisati regulative, s katerimi zagotovi, da se bodo ta gradiva uporabljala izključno samo za neprofitne namene.
6. Odlok, ki ga na osnovi 4. odstavka tega člena izda ustrezen urad države pogodbenice, katero se prosi za vstopno dovoljenje, je dokončen, vendar je omenjeni urad pri pripravi odloka dolžan posvetiti ustrezen razmislek vsakršnemu aktu, ki ga bo njegovi vladi posredovala vlada, ki je izdaja potrdilo o gradivu, oziroma Unesco, odvisno od primera.
5. člen
Ta sporazum z ničemer ne vpliva na pravico vlade pogodbenice, da pregleda gradivo v skladu s svojimi zakoni ali da sprejme ukrepe, ki prepovedujejo ali omejujejo uvoz gradiva, če za to obstajajo razlogi javne varnosti ali reda.
6. člen
Vsaka država pogodbenica bo poslala Organizaciji Združenih narodov za izobraževanje, znanost in kulturo kopijo vsakega potrdila, ki ga izda za gradiva, ki izvirajo z njenega ozemlja, in bo obvestila Organizacijo Združenih narodov za izobraževanje, znanost in kulturo o odlokih in razlogih za vsako zavrnitev upoštevanja potrjenih gradiv iz druge države pogodbenice, za katere se prosi za vstopno dovoljenje na njeno ozemlje. Organizacija Združenih narodov za izobraževanje, znanost in kulturo bo to sporočilo poslala vsem državam pogodbenicam in bo stalno vodila in tiskala v angleščini in francoščini kataloge gradiv z vsemi priloženimi potrdili in odloki, ki se nanašajo na ta gradiva.
7. člen
Države pogodbenice bodo skupno pretehtale ukrepe o zmanjševanju na minimum tistih restrikcij, ki niso odstranjene s tem sporazumom, in bi lahko posegale v mednarodno kroženje gradiv iz 1. člena.
8. člen
Vsaka država pogodbenica bo v roku šestih mesecev po tem, ko začne veljati ta sporazum, poslala Organizaciji Združenih narodov za izobraževanje, znanost in kulturo vse ukrepe, ki veljajo za njeno ozemlje, ki zadevajo izvajanje določil tega sporazuma. Organizacija Združenih narodov za izobraževanje, znanost in kulturo bo to informacijo, ko jo prejme, posredovala vsem državam pogodbenicam.
9. člen
1. Vsi spori, ki nastanejo zaradi interpretacije ali uporabe tega sporazuma, med državama, ki sta obe stranki Statuta mednarodnega sodišča, razen primerih, ki so predvideni v 4. in 5. členu, se predložijo Mednarodnemu sodišču, razen če se v določenem primeru doseže sporazum strank, da se bodo obrnile na drugačno obliko poravnave.
2. Če državi pogodbenici, med katerima nastane spor, nista stranki Statuta mednarodnega sodišča ali pa je stranka samo ena, bo spor, če tako želite prizadeti državi, predložen v skladu z njunimi ustavnimi določili arbitraži, ki se ustanovi v skladu s Konvencijo o miroljubnem reševanju mednarodnih sporov, ki je bila podpisana v Haagu 18. oktobra 1907. leta, ali katerikoli drugi arbitraži.
10. člen
Ta sporazum je dan na razpolago državam podpisnicam, da ga sprejmejo. Instrument sprejema vložijo pri generalnemu sekretarju Združenih narodov, ki bo obvestil vse članice Združenih narodov o vsakem depozitu in datumu depozita.
11. člen
Na dan 1. januarja 1950, ali po njem bo vsaka članica Organizacije Združenih narodov, ki ni podpisala tega sporazuma, in vsaka država nečlanica, kateri je generalni sekretar Združenih narodov poslal overjeno kopijo tega sporazuma, lahko pristopila k sporazumu.
2. Instrument pristopa se vloži pri generalnemu sekretarju Združenih narodov, ki bo obvestil vse članice Združenih narodov in nečlanice, omenjene v prejšnjem odstavku, o takšnem depozitu in datumu prejema.
12. člen
1. Ta sporazum začne veljati devetdeset dni po tem, ko prejme generalni sekretar najmanj deset instrumentov o sprejemu ali pristopu v skladu z 10. ali 11. členom. Kakor hitro bo mogoče, bo generalni sekretar pripravil uradni zapis, v katerem bo navedel, v skladu s tem odstavkom, datum, s katerim je ta sporazum začel veljati.
2. V vsaki državi, v katerem imenu je bil vložen instrument sprejema ali pristopa, bo ta sporazum začel veljati devetdeset dni po depozitu takega instrumenta.
3. Ta sporazum bo registriran pri generalnem sekretarju na dan, ko začne le-ta veljati v skladu s 102. členom Ustanovne listine in drugih določil, ki jih na tej osnovi sprejme Generalna skupščina.
13. člen
1. Vsaka država pogodbenica lahko odpove ta sporazuma po preteku treh let od datuma, ko je začel veljati v tej državi.
2. Vsaka država pogodbenica, ki odpove sporazum, mora poslati pisno noto, ki jo naslovi na generalnega sekretarja Združenih narodov, ki bo obvestil vse članice Združenih narodov in vse države nečlanice, omenjene v 11. členu, o tej noti in njenem datumu prejema.
3. Odstop začne veljati eno leto po tem, ko generalni sekretar Združenih narodov prejme noto.
14. člen
1. Ob podpisu, sprejemu ali pristopu lahko vsaka država pogodbenica izjavi, da s sprejetjem tega sporazuma ne sprejema kakršnekoli obveznosti za vsa ali katerikoli teritorij, za katere ima država pogodbenica mednarodne obveznosti. V tem primeru se ta sporazum ne bo uporabljal za teritorije omenjene v izjavi.
2. Države pogodbenice s sprejemom tega sporazuma ne prevzemajo odgovornosti za vse nesamoupravne teritorije, za katere so odgovorne, vendar pa lahko določena država pogodbenica obvesti ob sprejemu tega sporazuma ali kadarkoli pozneje, da je ta sporazum sprejet za kateregakoli ali za vse teritorije. Ta sporazum se v teh primerih začne uporabljati za teritorije, ki so našteti v noti, po preteku devetdeset dni od dneva, ko jo je prejel generalni sekretar Združenih narodov.
3. Katerakoli država pogodbenica lahko v času po izteku obdobja treh let, ki ga določa 13. člen, izjavi, da želi, da sporazum preneha veljati za vse ali za katerikoli teritorij, za katere ima država pogodbenica mednarodne obveznosti oziroma za kateregakoli ali za vse nesamoupravne teritorije, za katere je odgovorna. Ta sporazum v tem primeru preneha veljati za teritorije, omenjene v izjavi, šest mesecev po tem, ko jo prejme generalni sekretar Združenih narodov.
4. Generalni sekretar Združenih narodov bo posredoval vsem članicam Združenih narodov in vsem državam nečlanicam, omenjenim v 11. členu, izjave in note, ki jih je prejel v zvezi s tem členom, skupno z datumi njihovega prejema.
15. člen
Ta sporazum z ničemer ne prepoveduje državam, da ne bi sklepale sporazumov ali dogovorov z Združenimi narodi ali s katerokoli njihovo specializirano agencijo o olajševanju, oprostitvi, privilegijih ali imunitetah glede na gradiva, ki izhajajo iz Združenih narodov ali njihovih specializiranih agencij oziroma so jih le-te sponzorirale.
16. člen
Originalni izvod tega sporazuma je deponiran v arhivu Združenih narodov in bo dan v podpisovanje v Lake Successu, 15. julija 1949, kjer bo ostal za podpisovanje do 31. decembra 1949. Overjene kopije sporazuma bo generalni sekretar Združenih narodov zagotovil vsaki članico Združenih narodov in tistim vladam, določenim s sporazumom med Ekonomskim in socialnim svetom Združenih narodov in Izvršnim svetom Organizacije Združenih narodov za izobraževanje, znanost in kulturo.
Podpisani pooblaščenci po ugotovitvi, da so njihova predložena pooblastila ustrezna, po vsebini in obliki, podpisujejo ta sporazum v angleškem in francoskem jeziku, ki sta enakopravno avtentična, v imenu njihovih vlad na dan, ki je zapisan na drugi strani njihovega podpisa.
Protokol o podpisu
V času podpisovanja Sporazuma o olajševanju mednarodnega kroženja vizualnih in audio gradiv izobraževalnega, znanstvenega in kulturnega značaja, so se spodaj podpisani pooblaščenci sporazumeli naslednje:
1. Generalni sekretar Združenih narodov bo originalnemu besedilu sporazuma priložil primerke obrazca potrdila, o katerem govori v 4. členu, ki so bili poslani v potrditev državam članicam Organizacije Združenih narodov za izobraževanje, znanost in kulturo, kakor hitro jih bo prejel od generalnega direktorja Organizacije Združenih narodov za izobraževanje, znanost in kulturo. Generalni direktor bo v ta namen pripravil uradni zapis in bo poslal kopijo tega zapisa vsem tem vladam držav, kakor tudi primer obrazcev potrdila, ki jih bo prejel.
2. Glede na sklep sporazuma, ki ga določa 16. člen, bo generalni sekretar Združenih narodov posredoval overjene izvirne kopije sporazuma vsem državam nečlanicam, ki jih bo imenoval Izvršni svet Organizacije Združenih narodov za izobraževanje, znanost in kulturo.
S tem v dobri veri, na dan, ki je na nasprotni strani podpisa, pooblaščenci podpišejo ta protokol v angleškem in francoskem jeziku, ki sta enakopravno avtentična.
Adopted by the General Conference at its third session, Beirut, 10 December 1948
The governments of the States signatory to the present Agreement,
Being convinced that in facilitating the international circulation of visual and auditory materials of an educational, scientific and cultural character, the free flow of ideas by word and image will be promoted and the mutual understanding of peoples thereby encouraged, in conformity with the aims of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization,
Have agreed as follows:
Article I
The present Agreement shall apply to visual and auditory materials of the types specified in article II which are of an educational, scientific or cultural character.
Visual and auditory materials shall be deemed to be of an educational, scientific arid cultural character:
(a) when their primary purpose or effect is to instruct or inform through the development of a subject or aspect of a subject, or when their content is such as to maintain, increase or diffuse knowledge, and augment international understanding and goodwill; and
(b) when the materials are representative, authentic, and accurate; and
(c) when the technical quality is such that it does not interfere with the use made of the material.
Article II
The provisions of the preceding article shall apply to visual and auditory materials of the following types and forms:
(a) Films, filmstrips and microfilm in either negative form, exposed and developed, or positive form, printed and developed;
(b) Sound recordings of all types and forms;
(c) Glass slides; models, static and moving; wall charts, maps and posters.
These materials are hereinafter referred to as 'material'.
Article III
1. Each of the contracting States shall accord, within six months from the coming into force of the present Agreement with respect to that State, exemption from all customs duties and quantitative restrictions and from the necessity of applying for an import licence in respect of the importation, either permanent or temporary, of material originating in the territory of any of the other contracting States.
2. Nothing in this Agreement shall exempt material from those taxes, fees, charges or exactions which are imposed on the import of all articles without exception and without regard to their nature and origin, even though such articles are exempt from customs duties; such taxes, fees and exactions shall include, but are not limited to, nominal statistical fees and stamp duties.
3. Material entitled to the privileges provided by paragraph 1 of this article shall be exempt, in the territory of the country of entry, from all internal taxes, fees, charges or exactions other or higher than those imposed on like products of that country, and shall be accorded treatment no less favourable than that accorded like products of that country in respect of all internal laws, regulations or requirements affecting its sale, transportation or distribution or affecting its processing, exhibition or other use.
4. Nothing in this Agreement shall require any contracting State to deny the treatment provided for in this article to like material of an educational, scientific or cultural character originating in any State not a party to. this Agreement in any case in which the denial of such treatment would be contrary to an international obligation or to the commercial policy of such contracting State.
Article IV
1. To obtain the exemption, provided under the present Agreement for material for which admission into the territory of a contracting State is sought, a certificate that such material is of an educational, scientific or cultural character within the meaning of Article I, shall be filed in connexion with the entry.
2. The certificate shall be issued by the appropriate governmental agency of the State wherein the material to which the certificate relates originated, or by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization as provided for. in paragraph 3 of this article, and in the forms annexed hereto. The prescribed forms of certificate may be amended or revised upon mutual agreement of the contracting States, provided such amendment or revision is in conformity with the provisions of this Agreement.
3. Certificates shall be issued by the United Nations Educational. Scientific and Cultural Organization for material of educational, scientific or cultural character produced by. international organizations recognized by the United Nations or by any of the Specialized Agencies.
4. On the filing of any such certificate, there will be a decision by the appropriate governmental agency of the contracting State into which entry is sought as to whether the material is entitled to the privilege provided by Article III. paragraph 1, of the present Agreement. This decision shall be made after consideration of the material and through the application of the standards provided in Article I. If as a result of that consideration, such agency of the contracting State into which entry is sought intends not to grant the privileges provided by Article III, paragraph 1, to that material because it does not concede its educational, scientific and cultural character, the government of the State which certified the material, or Unesco, as the case may be, shall be notified prior to any final decision in order that it may make friendly representations in support of the exemption of that material to the government of the other State into which entry is sought.
5. The governmental agency of the contracting State into which entry is sought shall be entitled to impose regulations upon the importer of the material to ensure that it shall only be exhibited or used for non-profit-making purposes.
6. The decision of the appropriate governmental agency of the contracting State into which entry is sought, provided for in paragraph 4 of this article shall be final, but in making its decision the said agency shall give due consideration to any representations made to it by the government certifying the material or by Unesco as the case may be.
Article V
Nothing in the present Agreement shall affect the right of the contracting States to censor material in accordance with their own laws or to adopt measures to prohibit or limit the importation of material for reasons of public security or order.
Article VI
Each of the contracting States shall send to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization a copy of each certificate which it issues to material originating within its own territory and shall inform the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization of the decisions taken and the reasons for any refusals in respect of certified materials from other contracting States for which entry is sought into its own territory. The United Nations Educational. Scientific and Cultural Organization shall communicate this information to all contracting States and shall maintain and publish in English and French catalogues of material showing all the certifications and decisions made in respect of them.
Article VII
The contracting States undertake jointly to consider means of reducing to a minimum the restrictions that are not removed by the present Agreement which might interfere with the international circulation of the material referred to in Article I.
Article VIII
Each contracting State shall communicate to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, within the period of six months following the coming into force of the present Agreement, the measures taken in their respective territories to ensure the execution of the provisions of the present Agreement. The United Nations Educational. Scientific and Cultural Organization shall communicate this information as it receives it to all contracting States.
Article IX
1. All disputes arising out of the interpretation or application of the present Agreement between States which are both parties to the Statute of the International court of Justice, except as to Articles IV and V, shall be referred to the International Court of Justice unless in any specific case it is agreed by the parties to have recourse to another mode of settlement.
2. If the contracting States between which a dispute has arisen are not parties or any one of them is not party to the Statute of the International Court of Justice, the dispute shall, if the States concerned so desire, be submitted, in accordance with the constitutional rules of each of them, to an arbitral tribunal established in conformity with the Convention for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes signed at The Hague on 18 October 1907, or to any other arbitral tribunal.
Article X
The present Agreement is open to acceptance by the signatory States. The instrument of acceptance shall be deposited with the Secretary-General of the United Nations who shall notify all the Members of the United Nations of each deposit and the date thereof.
Article XI
1. On or after 1 January 1950 any Member of the United Nations not a signatory to the present Agreement, and any non-member State to which a certified copy of the present Agreement has been communicated by the Secretary-General of the United Nations, may accede to it.
2. The instrument of accession shall be deposited with the Secretary-General of the United Nations, who shall notify all the Members of the United Nations and the non-member States, referred to in the preceding paragraph, of each deposit and the date thereof.
Article XII
1. The present Agreement shall come into force ninety days after the Secretary-General of the United Nations has received at least ten instruments of acceptance or accession in accordance with Article X or Article XI. As soon as possible thereafter the Secretary-General shall draw up a proces-verbal specifying the date on which, in accordance with this paragraph, the present Agreement shall have come into force.
2. In respect of each State on behalf of which an instrument of acceptance or accession is subsequently deposited, the present Agreement shall come into force ninety days after the date of the deposit of such instrument.
3. The present Agreement, shall be registered with the Secretary-General of the United Nations on the day of its entry into force, in accordance with Article 102 of the Charter and the regulations made thereunder by the General Assembly.
Article XIII
1. The present Agreement may be denounced by any contracting State after the expiration of a period of three years from the date on which it comes into force in respect of that particular State.
2. The denunciation of the Agreement by any contracting States shall be effected by a written notification addressed by that State to the Secretary-General of the United Nations who shall notify all the Members of the United Nations and all non-member States referred to in Article XI of each notification and the date of the receipt thereof.
3. The denunciation shall take effect one year after the receipt of the notification by the Secretary-General of the United Nations.
Article XIV
1. Any contracting State may declare, at the time of signature, acceptance, or accession, that in accepting the present Agreement it is not assuming any obligation in respect of all or any territories, for which such contracting State has international obligations. The present Agreement shall, in that case, not be applicable to the territories named in the declaration.
2. The contracting States in accepting the present Agreement do not assume responsibility in respect of any or all Non-self-governing Territories for which they are responsible but may notify the acceptance of the Agreement by any or all of such territories at the time of acceptance by such contracting States or at any time thereafter. The present Agreement shall, in such cases, apply to all the territories named in the notification ninety days after the receipt thereof by the Secretary-General of the United Nations.
3. Any contracting State may at any time after the expiration of the period of three years provided for in Article XIII declare that it desires the present Agreement to cease to apply to all or any territories for which such contracting State has international obligations or to any or all Non-self-governing Territories for which it is responsible. The present Agreement shall, in that case, cease to apply to the territories named in the declaration six months after the receipt thereof by the Secretary-General of the United Nations.
4. The Secretary-General of the United Nations shall communicate to all the Members of the United Nations and to all non-member State referred to in Article XI the declarations and notifications received in virtue of the present article, together with the dates of the receipt thereof.
Article XV
Nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed to prohibit the contracting States from entering into agreements or arrangements with the United Nations or any of its Specialized Agencies which would provide for facilities, exemptions, privileges or immunities with respect to material emanating from or sponsored by the United Nations or by any of its Specialized Agencies.
Article XVI
The original of the present Agreement shall be deposited in the archives of the United Nations and shall be opened for signature at Lake Success on 15 July 1949 where it shall remain open for signature until 31 December 1949. Certified copies of the present Agreement shall be furnished by the Secretary-General of the United Nations to each of the Members of the United Nations and to such other governments as may be designated by agreement between the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations and the Executive Board of the United Nations Educational. Scientific and Cultural Organization.
In witness whereof, the undersigned plenipotentiaries, having deposited their full powers found to be in due and proper form, sign the present Agreement in the English and French languages, each being equally authentic, on behalf of their respective governments, on the dates appearing opposite their respective signatures.
Protocol of signature.
At the moment of signing the Agreement for Facilitating the International Circulation of Visual and Auditory Materials of an Educational. Scientific and Cultural Character, the undersigned plenipotentiaries have agreed as follows:
1. The Secretary-General of the United Nations shall attach to the original text of the Agreement the model forms of certificates referred to in Article IV which are being submitted for approval to the States members of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, as soon as they are transmitted to him for that purpose by the Director-General of this Organization. The Secretary-General shall then draw up a proces-verbal to that effect and shall communicate to the governments of the States concerned a copy of the proces-verbal and of the model forms of certificates transmitted to him.
2. Pending the conclusion of the agreement referred to in Article XVI, the Secretary-General shall transmit certified true copies of the Agreement to the non-member States designated by the Executive Board of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.
In faith whereof the plenipotentiaries have signed the present Protocol in the English and French languages, each being equally authentic, on the dates appearing opposite their respective signatures.
* Sporazum je Republika Slovenija prevzela v okviru pravnega nasledstva mednarodnih pogodb nekdanje Jugoslavije (glej »Akt o notifikaciji nasledstva glede konvencij UNESCO, mednarodnih večstranskih pogodb o zračnem prometu, konvencij Mednarodne organizacije dela, carinskih konvencij in nekaterih drugih mednarodnih večstranskih pogodb«, Uradni list Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe, št. 15/92, v: Uradni list Republike Slovenije. št. 54/92, poglavje »A. Konvencije UNESCO, A. C 6) ter še ni bil objavljen.