Uradni list

Številka 61
Uradni list RS, št. 61/1992 z dne 24. 12. 1992
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 61/1992 z dne 24. 12. 1992


92. Uredba o ratifikaciji amandmaja k Montrealskemu protokolu o substancah, ki škodljivo delujejo na ozonski plašč, stran 213.

Na podlagi tretjega odstavka 63. člena zakona o zunanjih zadevah (Uradni list RS, št. 1/91-I) izdaja Vlada Republike Slovenije
o ratifikaciji amandmaja k Montrealskemu protokolu o substancah, ki škodljivo delujejo na ozonski plašč
1. člen
Ratificira se amandma k Montrealskemu protokolu o substancah, ki škodljivo delujejo na ozonski plašč, ki je bil sprejet 29. junija 1992 v Londonu v originalu v arabskem, kitajskem, angleškem, francoskem, ruskem in španskem jeziku.
2. člen
Besedilo amandmaja se v izvirniku v angleškem jeziku in slovenskem prevodu glasi:
A. Preambular paragraphs
1. The 6th preambular paragraph of the Protocol shall be replaced by the following:
Determined to protect the ozone layer by taking precautionary measures to control equitably total global emissions of substances that deplete it, with the ultimate objective of their elimination on the basis of developments in scientific knowledge, taking into account technical and economic considerations and bearing in mind the developmental needs of developing countries.
2. The 7th preambular paragraph of the Protocol shall be replaced by the following:
Acknowledging that special provision is required to meet the needs of developing countries, including the provision of additional financial resources and access to relevant technologies, bearing in mind that the magnitude of funds necessary is predictable, and the funds can be expected to make a substantial difference in the world's ability to address the scientifically established problem of ozone depletion and its harmful effects.
3. The 9th preambular paragraph of the Protocol shall be replaced by the following:
Considering the importance of promoting international co-operation in the research, development and transfer of alternative technologies relating to the control and reduction of emissions of substances that deplete the ozone layer, bearing in mind in particular the needs of developing countries.
B. Article 1: Definitions
1. Paragraph 4 of Article 1 of the Protocol shall be replaced by the following paragraph:
4. "Controlled substance" means a substance in Annex A or in Annex B to this Protocol, whether existing alone or in a mixture. It includes the isomers of any such substance, except as specified in the relevant Annex, but excludes any controlled substance or mixture which is in a manufactured product other than a container used for the transportation or storage of that substance.
2. Paragraph 5 of Article 1 of the Protocol shall be replaced by the following paragraph:
5. "Production" means the amount of controlled substances produced, minus the amount destroyed by technologies to be approved by the Parties and minus the amount entirely used as feedstock in the manufacture of other chemicals. The amount recycled and reused is not to be considered as "production".
3. The following paragraph shall be added to Article 1 of the Protocol:
9. "Transitional substance" means a substance in Annex C to this Protocol, whether existing alone or in a mixture. It includes the isomers of any such substance, except as may be specified in Annex C, but excludes any transitional substance or mixture which is in a manufactured product other than a container used for the transportation or storage of that substance.
C. Article 2, paragraph 5
Paragraph 5 of Article 2 of the Protocol shall be replaced by the following paragraph:
5. Any Party may, for any one or more control periods, transfer to another Party any portion of its calculated level of production set out in Articles 2A to 2E, provided that the total combined calculated levels of production of the Parties concerned for any group of controlled substances do not exceed the production limits set out in those Articles for that group. Such transfer of production shall be notified to the Secretariat by each of the Parties concerned, stating the terms of such transfer and the period for which it is to apply.
D. Article 2, paragraph 6
The following words shall be inserted in paragraph 6 of Article 2 before the words "controlled substances" the first time they occur:
Annex A or Annex B
E. Article 2, paragraph 8 (a)
The following words shall be added after the words "this Article" wherever they appear in paragraph 8 (a) of Article 2 of the Protocol:
and Articles 2A to 2E
F. Article 2, paragraph 9 (a) (i)
The following words shall be added after "Annex A" in paragraphs (a) (i) of Article 2 of the Protocol: and/or Annex B
G. Article 2, paragraph 9 (a) (ii)
The following words shall be deleted from paragraph 9 (a) (ii) of Article 2 of the Protocol: from 1986 levels
H. Article 2, paragraph 9 (c)
The following words shall be deleted from paragraph 9 (c) of Article 2 of the Protocol:
representing at least fifty per cent of the total consumption of the controlled substances of the Parties and replaced by:
representing a majority of the Parties operating under paragraph 1 of Article 5 present and voting and a majority of the Parties not so operating present and voting
I. Article 2, paragraph 10 (b)
Paragraph 10 (b) of Article 2 of the Protocol shall be deleted, and paragraph 10 (a) of Article 2 shall become paragraph 10.
J. Article 2, paragraph 11
The following words shall be added after the words "this Article" wherever they occur in paragraph 11 of Article 2 of the Protocol:
and Articles 2A to 2E
K. Article 2C: Other fully halogenated CFCs
The following paragraphs shall be added to the Protocol as Article 2C:
Article 2C: Other fully halogenated CFCs
1. Each Party shall ensure that for the twelve-month period commencing on 1 January 1993, and in each twelve-month period thereafter, its calculated level of consumption of the controlled substances in Group I of Annex B does not exceed, annually, eighty per cent of its calculated level of consumption in 1989. Each Party producing one or more of these substances shall, for the same periods, ensure that its calculated level of production of the substances does not exceed, annually, eighty per cent of its calculated level of production in 1989. However, in order to satisfy the basic domestic needs of the Parties operating under paragraph 1 of Article 5, its calculated level of production may exceed that limit by up to ten per cent of its calculated level of production in 1989.
2. Each Party shall ensure that for the twelve-month period commencing on 1 January 1997, and in each twelve-month period thereafter, its calculated level of consumption of the controlled substances in Group I of Annex B does not exceed, annually, fifteen per cent of its calculated level of consumption in 1989. Each Party producing one or more of these substances shall, for the same periods, ensure that its calculated level of production of the substances does not exceed, annually, fifteen per cent of its calculated level of production in 1989. However, in order to satisfy the basic domestic needs of the Parties operating under paragraph 1 of Article 5, its calculated level of production may exceed that limit by up to ten per cent of its calculated level of production in 1989.
3. Each Party shall ensure that for the twelve-month period commencing on 1 January 2000, and in each twelve-month period thereafter, its calculated level of consumption of the controlled substances in Group
I of Annex B does not exceed zero. Each Party producing one or more of these substances shall, for the same periods, ensure that its calculated level of production of the substances does not exceed zero. However, in order to satisfy the basic domestic needs of the Parties operating under paragraph.1 of Article 5, its calculated level of production may exceed that limit by up to fifteen per cent of its calculated levels of production in 1989.
L. Article 2D: Carbon tetrachloride
The following paragraphs shall be added to the Protocol as Article 2D:
Article 2D: Carbon tetrachloride
1. Each Party shall ensure that for the twelve-month period commencing on 1 January 1995, and in each twelve-month period thereafter, its calculated level of consumption of the controlled substance in Group
II of Annex B does not exceed, annually, fifteen per cent of its calculated level of consumption in 1989. Each Party producing the. substance shall, for the same periods, ensure that its calculated level of production of the substance does not exceed, annually, fifteen per cent of its calculated level of production in 1989. However, in order to satisfy the basic domestic needs of the Parties operating under paragraph 1 of Article 5, its calculated level of production may exceed that limit by up to ten per cent of its calculated level of production in 1989.
2. Each Party shall ensure for the twelve-month period commencing on 1 January 2000, and in each twelve-month period thereafter, its calculated level of consumption of the controlled substance in Group
II of Annex B does not exceed zero. Each Party producing the substance shall, for the same periods, ensure that its calculated level of production of the substance does not exceed zero. However, in order to satisfy the basic domestic needs of the Parties operating under paragraph 1 of Article 5, its calculated level of production may exceed that limit by up to fifteen per cent of its calculated level of production in 1989.
M. Article 2E: 1,1,1-trichloroethane (methyl chloroform)
The following paragraphs shall be added to the Protocol as Article 2E:
Article 2E: 1,1,1-trichloroethane (methyl chloroform)
1. Each Party shall ensure that for the twelve-month period commencing on 1 January 1993, and in each twelve-month period thereafter, its calculated level of consumption of the controlled substance in Group
III of Annex B does not exceed, annually, its calculated level of consumption in 1989. Each Party producing the substance shall, for the same periods, ensure that its calculated level of production of the substance does not exceed, annually, its calculated level of production in 1989. However, in order to satisfy the basic domestic needs of the Parties operating under paragraph 1 of Article 5, its calculated level of production may exceed that limit by up to ten per cent of its calculated level of production in 1989.
2. Each Party shall ensure that for the twelve-month period commencing on 1 January 1995, and in each twelve-month period thereafter, its calculated level of consumption of the controlled substance in Group III of Annex B does not exceed, annually, seventy per cent of its calculated level of consumption in 1989. Each Party producing the substance shall, for the same periods, ensure that its calculated level of production of the substance does not exceed, annually, seventy per cent of its calculated level of consumption in 1989. However, in order to satisfy the basic domestic needs of the Parties operating under paragraph 1 of Article 5, its calculated level of production may exceed that limit by up to ten per cent of its calculated level of production in 1989.
3. Each Party shall ensure that for the twelve-month period commencing on 1 January 2000, and in each twelve-month period thereafter, its calculated level of consumption of the controlled substance in Group III of Annex B does not exceed, annually, thirty per cent of its calculated level of consumption in 1989. Each Party producing the substance shall, for the same periods, ensure that its calculated level of production of the substance does not exceed, annually, thirty percent of its calculated level of production in 1989. However, in order to satisfy the basic domestic needs of Parties operating under paragraph 1 of Article 5, its calculated level of production may exceed that limit by up to ten per cent of its calculated level of production in 1989.
4. Each Party shall ensure that for the twelve-month period commencing on 1 January 2005, and in each twelve-month period thereafter, its calculated level of consumption of the controlled substance in Group III of Annex B does not exceed zero. Each Party producing the substance shall, for the same periods, ensure that its calculated level of production of the substance does not exceed zero. However, in order to satisfy the basic domestic needs of the Parties operating under paragraph 1 of Article 5, its calculated level of production may exceed that limit by up to fifteen per cent of its calculated level of production in 1989.
5. The Parties shall review, in 1992, the feasibility of a more rapid schedule of reductions than that set out in this Article.
N. Article 3: Calculation of control levels
1. The following shall be added after "Articles 2" in Article 3 of the Protocol:
2A to 2E..
2. The following words shall be added after "Annex A" each time it appears in Article 3 of the Protocol:
or Annex B
O. Article 4: Control of trade with non-Parties
1. Paragraphs 1 to 5 of Article 4 shall be replaced by the following paragraphs:
1. As of 1 January 1990, each Party shall ban the import of the controlled substances in Annex A from any State not party to this Protocol.
1 bis. Within one year of the date of the entry into force of this paragraph, each Party shall ban the import of the controlled substances in Annex B from any State not party to this Protocol.
2. As of 1 January 1993, each Party shall ban the export of any controlled substances in Annex A to any State not party to this Protocol.
2 bis. Commencing one year after the date of entry into force of this paragraph, each Party shall ban the export of any controlled substances in Annex B to any State not party to this Protocol.
3. By 1 January 1992, the Parties shall, following the procedures in Article 10 of the Convention, elaborate in an annex a list of products containing controlled substances in Annex A. Parties that have not objected to the annex in accordance with those procedures shall ban, within one year of the annex having become effective, the import of those products from any State not party to this Protocol.
3 bis. Within three years of the date of the entry into force of this paragraph, the Parties shall, following the procedures in Article 10 of the Convention, elaborate in an annex a list of products containing controlled substances in Annex. B. Parties that have not objected to the annex in accordance with those procedures, shall ban, within one year of the annex having become effective, the import of those products from any State not party to this Protocol.
4. By 1 January 1994, the Parties shall determine the feasibility of banning or restricting, from States not party to this Protocol, the import of products produced with, but not containing, controlled substances in Annex A. If determined feasible, the Parties shall, following the procedures in Article 10 of the Convention, elaborate in an annex a list of such products. Parties that have not objected to the annex in accordance with those procedures shall ban, within one year of the annex having become effective, the import of those products from any State not party to this Protocol.
4 bis. Within five years of the date of the entry into force of this paragraph, the Parties shall determine the feasibility of banning or restricting, from States not party to this Protocol, the import of products produced with, but not containing, controlled substances in Annex B. If determined feasible, the Parties shall, following the procedures in Article 10 of the Convention, elaborate in an annex a list of such products. Parties that have not objected to the annex in accordance with those procedures shall ban or restrict, within one year of the annex having become effective, the import of those products from any State not party to this Protocol.
5. Each Party undertakes to the fullest practicable extent to discourage the export to any State not party to this Protocol of technology for producing and for utilizing controlled substances.
2. Paragraph 8 of Article 4 of the Protocol shall be replaced by the following paragraph:
8. Notwithstanding the provisions of this Article, imports referred to in paragraphs 1, 1 bis, 3, 3 bis, 4 and 4 bis, and exports referred to in paragraphs 2 and 2 bis, may be permitted from, or to, any State not party to this Protocol, if that State is determined by a meeting of the Parties to be in full compliance with Article 2, Articles 2A to 2E, and this Article and have submitted data to that effect as specified in Article 7.
3. The following paragraph shall be added to Article 4 of the Protocol as paragraph 9:
9. For the purposes of this Article, the term "State not party to this Protocol" shall include, with respect to a particular controlled substance, a State or regional economic integration organization that has not agreed to be bound by the control measures in effect for that substance.
P. Article 5: Special situation of developing countries.
Article 5 of the Protocol shall be replaced by the following:
1. Any Party that is a developing country and whose annual calculated level of consumption of the controlled substances in Annex A is less than 0.3 kilograms per capita on the date of the entry into force of the Protocol for it, or any time thereafter until 1 January 1999, shall in order to meet its basic domestic needs, be entitled to delay for ten years its compliance with the control measures set out in Articles 2A to 2E.
2. However, any Party operating under paragraph 1 of this Article shall exceed neither an annual calculated level of consumption of the controlled substances in Annex A of 0.3 kilograms per capita nor an annual calculated level of consumption of the controlled substances of Annex B of 0.2 kilograms per capita.
3. When implementing the control measures set out in Articles 2A to 2E, any Party operating under paragraph 1 of this Article shall be entitled to use:
(a) For controlled substances under Annex A, either the average of its annual calculated level of consumption for the period 1995 to 1997 inclusive or a calculated level of consumption of 0.3 kilograms per capita, whichever is the lower, as the basis for determining its compliance with the control measures;
(b) For controlled substances under Annex B, the average of its annual calculated level of consumption for the period 1998 to 2000 inclusive or a calculated level of consumption of 0.2 kilograms per capita, whichever is the lower, as the basis for determining its compliance with the control measures.
4. If a Party operating under paragraph 1 of this Article, at any time before the control measures obligations, in Articles 2A to 2E become applicable to it, finds itself unable to obtain an adequate supply of controlled substances, it may notify this to the Secretariat. The Secretariat shall forthwith transmit a copy of such notification to the Parties, which shall consider the matter at their next Meeting, and decide upon appropriate action to be taken.
5. Developing the capacity to fulfil the obligations of the Parties operating under paragraph 1 of this Article to comply with the control measures set out in Articles 2A to 2E and their implementation by those same Parties will depend upon the effective implementation of the financial co-operation as provided by Article 10 and transfer of technology as provided by Article 10A.
6. Any Party operating under paragraph 1 of this Article may, at any time, notify the Secretariat in writing that, having taken all practicable steps it is unable to implement any or all of the obligations laid down in Articles 2A to 2E due to the inadequate implementation of Articles 10 and 10A. The Secretariat shall forthwith transmit a copy of the notification to the Parties, which shall consider the matter at their next Meeting, giving due recognition to paragraph 5 of this Article and shall decide upon appropriate action to be taken.
7. During the period between notification and the Meeting of the Parties at which the appropriate action referred to in paragraph 6 above is to be decided, or for a further period if the Meeting of the Parties so decides, the non-compliance procedures referred to in Article 8 shall not be invoked against the notifying Party.
8. A Meeting of the Parties shall review, not later than 1995, the situation of the. Parties operating under paragraph 1 of this Article, including the effective implementation of financial co-operation and transfer of technology to them, and adopt such revisions that may be deemed necessary regarding the schedule of control measures applicable to those Parties.
9. Decisions of the Parties referred to in paragraphs 4, 6 and 7 of this Article shall be taken according to the same procedure applied to decision-making under Article 10.
Q. Article 6: Assessment and review of control measures
The following words shall be added after "Article 2" in Article 6 of the Protocol:
Articles 2A to 2E, and the situation regarding production, imports and exports of the transitional substances in Group I of Annex C.
R. Article 7: Reporting of data
1. Article 7 of the Protocol shall be replaced by the following:
1. Each Party shall provide to the Secretariat, within three months of becoming a Party, statistical data on its production, imports and exports of each of the controlled substances in Annex A for the year 1986, or the best possible estimates of such data where actual data are not available.
2. Each Party shall provide to the Secretariat statistical data on its production, imports and exports of each of the controlled substances in Annex B and each of the transitional substances in Group I of Annex C, for the year 1989, or the best possible estimates of such data where actual data are not available, not later than three months after the date when the provisions set out in the Protocol with regard to the substances in Annex B enter into force for that Party.
3. Each Party shall provide statistical data to the Secretariat on its annual production (as defined in paragraph 5 of Article 1), and, separately,
– amounts used for feedstocks,
– amounts destroyed by technologies approved by the Parties,
– imports and exports to Parties and non-Parties respectively,
of each of the controlled substances listed in Annexes A and B as well as of the transitional substances in Group I of Annex C, for the year during swhich provisions concerning the substances in Annex B entered into force for that Party and for each year thereafter. Data shall be forwarded not later than. nine months after the end of the year to which the data relate.
4. For Parties operating under the provisions of paragraph 8 (a) of Article 2, the requirements in paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 of this Article in respect of statistical data on imports and exports shall be satisfied if the regional economic integration organization concerned provides data on imports and exports between the organization and States that are not members of that organization.
S. Article 9: Research, development, public awareness and exchange of information
Paragraph 1 (a) of Article 9 of the Protocol shall be replaced by the following:
(a) Best technologies for improving the containment, recovery, recycling, or destruction of controlled and transitional substances or otherwise reducing their emissions;
T. Article 10: Financial mechanism
Article 10 of the Protocol shall be replaced by the following:
Article 10: Financial mechanism
1. The Parties shall establish a mechanism for the purposes of providing financial and technical co-operation, including the transfer of technologies, to Parties operating under paragraph 1 of Article 5 of this Protocol to enable their compliance with the control measures set out in Articles 2A to 2E of the Protocol. The mechanism, contributions to which shall be additional to other financial transfers to Parties operating under that paragraph, shall meet all agreed incremental costs of such Parties in order to enable their compliance with the control measures of the Protocol. An indicative list of the categories of incremental costs shall be decided by the meeting of the Parties.
2. The mechanism established under paragraph I shall include a Multilateral Fund. It may also include other means of multilateral, regional and bilateral co-operation.
3. The Multilateral Fund shall:
(a) Meet, on a grant or concessional basis as appropriate, and according to criteria to be decided upon by the Parties, the agreed incremental costs;
(b) Finance clearing-house functions to:
(i) Assist Parties operating under paragraph 1 of Article 5, through country specific studies and other technical co-operation, to identify their needs for co-operation;
(ii) Facilitate technical co-operation to meet these identified needs;
(iii) Distribute, as provided for in Article 9, information and relevant materials, and hold workshops, training sessions, and other related activities, for the benefit of Parties that are developing countries; and
(iv) Facilitate and monitor other multilateral, regional and bilateral co-operation available to Parties that are developing countries;
(c) Finance the secretarial services of the Multilateral Fund and related support costs.
4. The Multilateral Fund shall operate under the authority of the Parties who shall decide on its overall policies.
5. The Parties shall establish an Executive Committee to develop and monitor the implementation of specific operational policies, guidelines and administrative arrangements, including the disbursement of resources, for the purpose of achieving the objectives of the Multilateral Fund. The Executive Committee shall discharge its tasks and responsibilities, specified in its terms of reference as agreed by the Parties, with the co-operation and assistance of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank), the United Nations Environment Programme, the United Nations Development Programme or other appropriate agencies depending on their respective areas of expertise. The members of the Executive Committee, which shall be selected on the basis of a balanced representation of the Parties operating under paragraph 1 of Article 5 and of the Parties not so operating; shall be endorsed by the Parties.
6. The Multilateral Fund shall be financed by contributions from Parties not operating under paragraph 1 of Article 5 in convertible currency or, in certain circumstances, in kind and/or in national currency, on the basis of the United Nations scale of assessments. Contributions by other Parties shall be encouraged. Bilateral and, in particular cases agreed by a decision of the Parties, regional co-operation may, up to a percentage and consistent with any criteria to be specified by decision of the Parties, be considered as a contribution to the Multilateral Fund, provided that such co-operation, as a minimum: (a) Strictly relates to compliance with the provisions of this Protocol;
(b) Provides additional resources; and (c) Meets agreed incremental costs.
7. The Parties shall decide upon the programme budget of the Multilateral Fund for each Fiscal period and upon the percentage of contributions of the individual Parties thereto.
8. Resources under the Multilateral Fund shall be disbursed with the concurrence of the beneficiary Party.
9. Decisions by the Parties under this Article shall be taken by consensus whenever possible. If all efforts at consensus have been exhausted and no agreement reached, decisions shall be adopted by a two-thirds majority vote of the Parties present and voting, representing a majority of the Parties operating under paragraph 1 of Article 5 present and voting and a majority of the Parties not so operating present and voting.
10. The financial mechanism set out in this Article is without prejudice to any future arrangements that may be developed with respect to other environmental issues.
U. Article 10A: Transfer of technology
The following Article shall be added to the Protocol as Article 10A:
Article 10A: Transfer of technology
Each Party shall take every practicable step, consistent with the programmes supported by the financial mechanism, to ensure:
(a) That the best available, environmentally safe substitutes and related technologies are expeditiously transferred to Parties operating under paragraph 1 of Article 5; and
(b) That the transfers referred to in subparagraph (a) occur under fair and most favourable conditions.
V. Article 11: Meetings of the Parties
Paragraph 4 (g) of Article 11 of the Protocol shall be replaced by the following:
(g) Assess, in accordance with Article 6, the control measures and the situation regarding transitional substances;
W. Article 17: Parties joining after entry into force
The following words shall be added after "as well as under" in Article 17, Article 2A to 2E, and
X. Article 19: Withdrawal
Article 19 of the Protocol shall be replaced by the following paragraph:
Any Party may withdraw from this Protocol by giving written notification to the Depositary at any time after four years of assuming the obligations specified in paragraph 1 of Article 2A. Any such withdrawal shall take effect upon expiry of one year after the date of its receipt by the Depositary, or on such later date as may be specified in the notification of the withdrawal.
Y. Annexes
The following annexes shall be added to the Protocol:
1. This Amendment shall enter into force on 1 January 1992, provided that at least twenty instruments of ratification, acceptance or approval of the Amendment have been deposited by States or regional economic integration organizations that are Parties to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer. In the event that this condition has not been fulfilled by that date, the Amendment shall enter into force on the ninetieth day following the date on which it has been fulfilled.
2. For the purposes of paragraph 1, any such instrument deposited by a regional economic integration organization shall not be counted as additional to those deposited by member States of such organization.
3. After the entry into force of this Amendment as provided under paragraph 1, it shall enter into force for any other Party to the Protocol on the ninetieth day following the date of deposit of its instrument of ratification, acceptance or approval.
A. Preambula
1. Šesti odstavek preambule Protokola se nadomesti z naslednjim:
ker so pripravljene" zavarovati ozonski plašč s previdnostnimi ukrepi za enakopravno nadzorovanje celotne svetovne emisije substanc, ki nanj škodljivo delujejo, pri čemer je končni cilj njihova odprava na podlagi razvoja znanosti, upoštevaje tehnične in ekonomske razmere in upoštevajoč razvojne potrebe držav v razvoju,
2. Sedmi odstavek preambule Protokola se nadomesti z naslednjim:
ker upoštevajo potrebo po posebnih prizadevanjih, da bi se zadovoljile potrebe držav v razvoju, vključno z zagotavljanjem ustreznih finančnih virov in dostopa do ustreznih tehnologij, upoštevajoč, da je mogoče napovedati višino potrebnih sredstev, ki lahko precej pripomorejo k sposobnosti sveta, da se spoprime z znanstveno ugotovljenim uničevanja ozona in njegovimi škodljivimi učinki,
3. Deveti odstavek preambule Protokola se nadomesti z naslednjim:
ker upoštevajo pomen pospeševanja mednarodnega sodelovanja pri raziskovanju, razvoju in prenosu alternativnih tehnologij za nadzor in zmanjšanje emisij substanc, ki škodljivo delujejo na ozonski plašč, še posebno upoštevajoč potrebe držav v razvoju.
B. 1. člen: Definicija
1. Četrti odstavek 1. člena Protokola se nadomesti z naslednjim odstavkom:
4. »nadzorovana substanca« pomeni substanco v prilogi A ali v prilogi B k temu Protokolu, bodisi da je čista ali v mešanici. Vključuje izomere vsake take substance, razen kot je navedeno v ustrezni prilogi, vendar pa izključuje vsako nadzorovano substanco ali mešanico, ki je, v končnem izdelku, razen zabojnikov, ki se uporabljajo za prevoz ali skladiščenje te substance;
2. Peti odstavek 1. člena Protokola se nadomesti z naslednjim odstavkom:
5. »proizvodnja« pomeni količino proizvedenih nadzorovanih substanc, zmanjšano za količino, uničeno s tehnologijami, ki jih bodo podpisnice odobrile in zmanjšana za količino, ki se v celoti uporablja kot surovina pri izdelavi drugih kemikalij. Količina, ki se reciklira in ponovno uporabi, se ne šteje za »proizvodnjo«.
3. Na koncu 1. člena Protokola se doda nov deveti odstavek, ki se glasi:
9. »prehodne substance« so substance iz priloge C k temu Protokolu, ne glede na to ali so čiste ali v mešanici. Vključuje izomere vsake take substance, razen kot je lahko določeno v prilogi C, vendar izključuje vsako prehodno substanco ali mešanico, ki je v končnem izdelku, razen če je to zabojnik, ki se uporablja za prevoz ali skladiščenje takšne substance.
C. 2. člen: peti odstavek
Peti odstavek 2. člena Protocola se nadomesti z naslednjim odstavkom:
5. Vsaka podpisnica za katerokoli eno ali več nadzornih obdobij prenese na drugo podpisnico kakršenkoli del svoje obračunske ravni proizvodnje, predvidene v členih od 2A do 2E, pod pogojem, da skupne kombinirane obračunske ravni proizvodnje podpisnic za katerokoli skupino nadzorovanih substanc ne presežejo omejitev proizvodnje, predvidenih v teh členih za to skupino. O takem prenosu proizvodnje mora vsaka od podpisnic obvestiti tajništvo in navesti pogoje za tak prenos in obdobje, za katero bo veljal.
D. 2. člen: šesti odstavek
V drugi vrstici šestega odstavka 2. člena Protokola se za besedama »nadzorovanih substanc« vstavijo besede »iz priloge A ali priloge B«.
E. 2. člen: osmi odstavek (a)
V točki(a) osmega odstavka 2. člena Protokola se za besedami »po tem členu« in besedami »iz tega člena« vsakokrat dodajo besede
»in členov 2A in 2E«.
F. 2. člen: deveti odstavek (a/i)
V točki (a/i) devetega odstavka 2. člena Protokola se za besedo »prilogi A« dodajo besede
»in/ali prilogi B«.
G. 2. člen: deveti odstavek (a/ii)
V točki (a/ii) devetega odstavka 2. člena Protokola se črtajo besede
»glede na raven iz leta 1986«.
H. 2. člen: deveti odstavek (c)
V točki (c) devetega odstavka 2. člena Protokola se črta naslednje besedilo:
»na katere odpade vsaj petdeset odstotkov celotne porabe nadzorovanih substanc«
in nadomesti z besedilom;
»predstavljajo večino podpisnic iz prvega odstavka 5. člena, ki so navzoče in glasujejo in večino ostalih podpisnic, ki so navzoče in glasujejo.«
I. 2. člen: deseti odstavek (b)
Toča (b) desetega odstavka 2. člena Protokola se črta, točka (a) desetega odstavka 2. člena pa postane deseti odstavek.
J. 2. člen: enajsti odstavek
V enajstem odstavku 2. člena protokola se za besedama »tega člena« in besedami
»po tem členu« vsakokrat dodajo besede »in členov 2A do 2E.
K. 2.C člen: Drugi popolnoma halogenizirani CFC-ji
Naslednji odstavki se dodajo kot novi 2.C člen Protokola:
2.C člen: Drugi popolnoma halogenizirani CFC-ji
1. Vsaka podpisnica bo zagotovila, da za dvanajstmesečno obdobje od 1. januarja 1993 in za vsako dvanajstmesečno obdobje po njem, njena obračunska raven porabe nadzorovanih substanc iz I skupine priloge B ne bo presegla letno osemdeset odstotkov njene obračunske ravni porabe iz leta 1989. Vsaka podpisnica, ki izdeluje eno ali več teh substanc, bo za ista obdobja zagotovila, da njena obračunska raven proizvodnje substanc letno ne bo presegla osemdeset odstotkov njene obračunske ravni proizvodnje iz leta 1989. Vendar pa za zadovoljitev osnovnih domačih potreb podpisnic iz prvega odstavka 5. člena njihova obračunska raven proizvodnje lahko preseže to mejo za do deset odstotkov njihove obračunske ravni proizvodnje iz leta 1989.
2. Vsaka podpisnica bo zagotovila, da za dvanajstmesečno obdobje s pričetkom 1. januarja 1997 in za vsako dvanajstmesečno obdobje po njem njena obračunska raven porabe nadzorovanih substanc iz I skupine priloge B ne bo presegla letno petnajst odstotkov njene obračunske ravni porabe iz leta. 1989. Vsaka podpisnica, ki izdeluje eno ali več teh substanc, mora za ista obdobja zagotoviti, da njena obračunska raven proizvodnje substanc letno ne bo presegla petnajst odstotkov njene obračunske ravni, proizvodnje iz leta 1989. Vendar pa za zadovoljitev osnovnih domačih potreb podpisnic iz prvega odstavka 5. člena njihova obračunska raven proizvodnje lahko preseže to mejo za do deset odstotkov njihove obračunske ravni proizvodnje iz leta 1989.
3. Vsaka podpisnica bo zagotovila, da za dvanajstmesečno obdobje s pričetkom 1. januarja 2000 in za vsako dvanajstmesečno obdobje po njem njena obračunska raven porabe nadzorovanih substanc iz I skupine priloge B ne bo presegla ničle. Vsaka podpisnica, ki izdeluje eno ali več teh substanc, mora za ista obdobja zagotoviti, da njena obračunska raven proizvodnje substanc ne bo presegla ničle. Vendar pa za zadovoljitev osnovnih domačih potreb podpisnic iz prvega odstavka 5. člena njihova obračunska raven proizvodnje lahko preseže to mejo za do petnajst odstotkov njihove obračunske ravni proizvodnje iz leta 1989.
L. 2.D člen: Ogljikov tetraklorid
Naslednji odstavki se dodajo kot novi 2.D člen Protokola:
2.D člen: Ogljikov tetraklorid
1. Vsaka podpisnica bo zagotovila, da za dvanajstmesečno obdobje, ki se prične 1. januarja 1995, in za vsako dvanajstmesečnom obdobje po njem, njena obračunska raven porabe nadzorovane substance v II skupini priloge B ne bo presegla letno petnajst odstotkov njene obračunske ravni porabe iz leta 1989. Vsaka podpisnica, ki izdeluje substanco, mora za ista obdobja zagotoviti, da njena obračunska raven proizvodnje substance letno ne bo presegla petnajst odstotkov njene obračunske ravni proizvodnje iz leta 1989. Vendar pa za zadovoljitev osnovnih domačih potreb podpisnic iz prvega odstavka 5. člena njihova obračunska raven proizvodnje lahko preseže to mejo za do deset odstotkov njihove obračunske ravni proizvodnje iz leta 1989.
2. Vsaka podpisnica bo zagotovila, da za dvanajstmesečno obdobje s pričetkom 1. januarja 2000 in za vsako dvanajstmesečno obdobje po njem njena obračunska raven porabe nadzorovane substance iz II skupine priloge B ne bo presegla ničle. Vsaka podpisnica, ki izdeluje substanco, mora za ista obdobja zagotoviti, da njena obračunska raven proizvodnje substance ne bo presegla ničle. Vendar pa za zadovoljitev osnovnih domačih potreb podpisnic iz prvega odstavka 5. člena njihova obračunska raven proizvodnje lahko preseže to mejo za do petnajst odstotkov njene obračunske ravni proizvodnje iz leta 1989.
M. 2.E člen: 1,1,1-Trikloroetan (Metil kloroform)
Naslednji odstavki se dodajo kot novi 2.E člen Protokola:
2.E člen: 1,1,1-Trikloroetan (Metil kloroform)
1. Vsaka podpisnica bo zagotovila, da za dvanajstmesečno obdobje s pričetkom 1. januarja 1993 in za vsako dvanajstmesečno obdobje po njem njena obračunska raven porabe nadzorovane substance iz III skupine priloge B letno ne bo presegla njene obračunske ravni porabe iz leta 1989. Vsaka podpisnica, ki substanco izdeluje, bo za ista obdobja zagotovila, da njena obračunska raven proizvodnje substance letno ne bo presegla njene obračunske ravni proizvodnje iz leta 1989. Vendar pa za zadovoljitev osnovnih domačih potreb podpisnic iz prvega odstavka 5. člena, njihova obračunska raven proizvodnje lahko preseže to mejo za do deset odstotkov njihove obračunske ravni proizvodnje iz leta 1989.
2. Vsaka podpisnica bo zagotovila, da za dvanajstmesečno obdobje s pričetkom 1. januarja 1995 in za vsako dvanajstmesečno obdobje po njem njena obračunska raven porabe nadzorovane substance iz III skupine priloge B ne bo presegla letno sedemdeset odstotkov njene obračunske ravni porabe iz leta 1989. Vsaka podpisnica, ki izdeluje substanco, mora za ista obdobja zagotoviti, da njena obračunska raven proizvodnje substance letno ne bo presegla sedemdeset odstotkov njene obračunske ravni porabe iz leta 1989. Vendar pa za zadovoljitev osnovnih domačih potreb podpisnic iz prvega odstavka 5. člena, njihova obračunska raven proizvodnje lahko preseže to mejo za do deset odstotkov njihove obračunske ravni proizvodnje iz leta 1989.
3. Vsaka podpisnica bo zagotovila, da za dvanajstmesečno obdobje s pričetkom 1. januarja 2000 in za vsako dvanajstmesečno obdobje po njem njena obračunska raven porabe nadzorovane substance iz III skupine priloga B letno ne bo presegla trideset odstotkov njene obračunske ravni porabe iz leta 1989. Vsaka podpisnica, ki izdeluje substanco, mora za ista obdobja zagotoviti, da njena obračunska raven proizvodnje substance letno ne bo presegla trideset odstotkov njene obračunske ravni proizvodnje iz leta 1989. Vendar pa lahko za zadovoljitev osnovnih domačih potreb podpisnic iz prvega odstavka 5. člena, njihova obračunska raven proizvodnje preseže to mejo za do deset odstotkov njihove obračunske ravni proizvodnje iz leta 1989.
4. Vsaka podpisnica bo zagotovila, da za dvanajstmesečno obdobje s pričetkom 1. januarja 2005 in. za vsako dvanajstmesečno obdobje po njem njena obračunska raven porabe nadzorovane substance iz III skupine priloge B ne bo presegla ničle. Vsaka podpisnica, ki izdeluje substanco, mora za ista obdobja zagotoviti, da njene obračunska raven proizvodnje substance ne bo presegla ničle. Vendar pa lahko za zadovoljitev osnovnih domačih potreb podpisnic iz prvega odstavka 5. člena njihova obračunska raven proizvodnje preseže to mejo za do petnajst odstotkov njihove obračunske ravni proizvodnje iz leta 1989.
5. Podpisnice bodo leta 1992 presodile, ali bi bil izvedljiv hitrejši program zmanjšanj od predvidenega v tem členu.
N. 3. člen: Obračun nadzorovanih ravni
1. V prvi vrsti 3. člena se za besedama »Po 2.« doda vejica in besede
»2;A do 2.E«.
2. V 3. členu se za besedama »priloge A« doda besede »ali priloge B«, za besedami »v prilogi A« pa besede
»ali v prilogi B«.
O. 4. člen: Nadzorovanje trgovinske menjave z nepodpisnicami
1. Prvi do peti odstavek 4. člena Protokola se nadomestijo z naslednjimi:
1. Od 1. januarja 1990 bo vsaka podpisnica prepovedala uvoz nadzorovanih substanc iz priloge A iz vsake države, ki ni podpisnica tega Protokola.
V enem letu od dneva, ko prične veljati prejšnji odstavek, mora vsaka podpisnica prepovedati uvoz nadzorovanih substanc iz priloge B iz države, ki ni podpisnica tega Protokola.
2. Od 1. januarja 1993 bo vsaka podpisnica prepovedala izvoz katerekoli od nadzorovanih substanc iz priloge A v državo, ki ni podpisnica tega Protokola. Eno leto po dnevu, ko prične veljati prejšnji odstavek, mora vsaka podpisnica prepovedati izvoz katere koli nadzorovane substance iz priloge B v državo, ki ni podpisnica tega Protokola.
3. Do januarja 1992 bodo podpisnice po postopkih iz 10. člena Konvencije v obliki dodatka pripravile seznam izdelkov, ki vsebujejo nadzorovane substance iz priloga A. Podpisnice, ki niso nasprotovale dodatku v. skladu s temi postopki, bodo prepovedale v enem letu od dneva, ko je dodatek pričel veljati, uvoz teh izdelkov iz katerekoli države, ki ni podpisnica tega Protokola.
V treh letih po dnevu, ko prične veljati prejšnji odstavek, bodo podpisnice po postopkih iz 10. člena konvencije v obliki dodatka pripravile seznam izdelkov, ki vsebujejo nadzorovane substance iz priloge B. Podpisnice, ki niso nasprotovale dodatku v skladu s temi postopki, bodo v enem letu ko prične dodatek veljati, prepovedale uvoz teh izdelkov, iz države, ki ni podpisnica tega Protokola.
4. Do januarja 1994 bodo podpisnice ugotovile, ali so izvedljive prepovedi ali omejitve uvoza izdelkov, ki se izdelujejo s pomočjo z nadzorovanih substanc iz priloge A, vendar jih ne vsebujejo, iz držav, ki niso podpisnice tega Protokola. Če bodo ugotovile, da je to izvedljivo, bodo podpisnice po postopkih iz 10. člena Konvencije v obliki dodatka sestavile seznam takih izdelkov. Podpisnice, ki niso nasprotovale dodatku v skladu s temi postopki, bodo prepovedale v enem letu od dneva, ko je dodatek pričel veljati, uvoz teh proizvodov iz države, ki ni podpisnica tega Protokola.
V petih letih od dne, ko prične prejšnji odstavek veljati, bodo podpisnice ugotovile, ali so izvedljive prepovedi ali omejitve iz držav, ki niso podpisnice tega Protokola, uvoz proizvodov, ki se izdelujejo z nadzorovanimi substancami iz priloge B, vendar jih ne vsebujejo. Če bodo ugotovile, da je to izvedljivo, bodo podpisnice po postopkih iz 10. člena Konvencije v obliki dodatka sestavile seznam teh proizvodov. Podpisnice, ki niso nasprotovale dodatku v skladu s temi postopki, bodo prepovedovale ali omejile v enem letu od dneva, ko je dodatek pričel veljati, uvoz teh proizvodov iz države, ki ni podpisnica tega Protokola.
5. Vsaka podpisnica se v največjem možnem obsegu obveže, da bo preprečevala izvoz tehnologije za proizvodnjo in uporabo nadzorovanih substanc v državo, ki ni podpisnica tega Protokola.
2. Osmi odstavek 4. člena Protokola se nadomesti z naslednjimi:
8. Ne glede na določila tega člena se uvoz iz prvega, tretjega in četrtega odstavka in izvoz iz drugega odstavka lahko dovolita iz ali v katerokoli državo, ki ni podpisnica Protokola, če podpisnice na skupnem sestanku ugotovijo, da zadevna država v vsem ravna v skladu s členi 2, 2A do 2E in tem členom in je predložila podatke, kot je navedeno v 7. členu.
3. Na koncu 4. člena Protokola se doda nov deseti odstavek, ki glasi:
9. Za namen tega člena izraz: »država, ki ni podpisnica tega Protokola« vključuje, glede na posamezno nadzorovano substanco, državo ali regionalno ekonomsko integracijsko organizacijo, ki ni privolila, da se podvrže nadzorstvenim ukrepom, ki veljajo za to substanco.
P. 5. člen: Poseben položaj držav v razvoju
Besedilo 5. člena Protokola se nadomesti z naslednjim besedilom:
1. Podpisnica, ki je država v razvoju, katere letna obračunska raven porabe nadzorovanih substanc iz priloge A znaša manj kot 0,3 kilograma na prebivalca na dan uveljavitve tega Protokola zanjo, oziroma kadarkoli po tem do 1. januarja 1999, bo imela zaradi zadovoljevanja osnovnih domačih potreb pravico, da za deset let odloži izvajanje nadzorstvenih ukrepov, iz člena 2A do 2E.
2. Vendar podpisnica iz prejšnjega odstavka tega člena ne sme preseči niti obračunske ravni porabe nadzorovanih substanc iz priloge A 0,3 kilograma na prebivalca letno, niti obračunske ravni porabe nadzorovanih substanc iz priloge B 0,2 kilograma na prebivalca letno.
3. Pri uresničevanju nadzorstevnih ukrepov, predvidenih v členih 2A do 2E, bo vsaka podpisnica iz prvega odstavka tega člena upravičena, da uporablja kot osnovo za njihovo upoštevanje:
(a) za nadzorovane substance iz priloge A, bodisi povprečje svoje letne obračunske ravni porabe za obdobje 1995 do vključno 1997 ali obračunsko raven porabe 0,3 kg na prebivalca, če je ta nižja;
(b) za nadzorovane substance iz priloge B, povprečje, letne obračunske ravni porabe za obdobje 1998 do vključno 2000 ali obračunsko raven porabe 0,2 kg na prebivalca, če je ta nižja.
4. Če podpisnica iz prvega odstavka tega člena, kadarkoli preden zanjo pričnejo veljati obveznosti nadzorstvenih ukrepov v členih 2A do 2E, ne more dobiti ustrezne količine nadzorovanih substanc, lahko o tem obvesti tajništvo. Tajništvo bo takoj poslalo kopijo tega obvestila podpisnicam, ki bodo zadevo obravnavale na naslednjem sestanku in se odločile, kako ustrezno ukrepati.
5. Sposobnost za izpolnitev obveznosti podpisnic iz prvega odstavka tega člena, da bi upoštevale nadzorstvene ukrepe predvidene v členih 2A do 2E, in njihova izpolnitev bosta odvisni od učinkovitega finančnega sodelovanja, kot je določeno v 10. členu, in prenosa tehnologije, kot je določeno v členu 10A.
6. Katerakoli podpisnica iz prvega odstavka tega člena, lahko kadarkoli pisno obvesti tajništvo, da je storila vse, kar je v njeni moči, vendar ne more izpolniti ene ali vseh obveznosti, določenih v členih 2A do 2E, zaradi neustreznega uresničevanja členov 10 in 10A. Tajništvo bo takoj predalo kopijo obvestila podpisnicam, ki bodo zadevo obravnavale na naslednjem sestanku, ob primernem upoštevanju prejšnjega odstavka tega člena in se bodo odločile, kako ustrezno ukrepati.
7. V obdobju med obvestilom in sestankom podpisnic, na katerem se bo odločalo o ustreznem ukrepanju po prejšnjem odstavku ali za nadaljnje obdobje, če se tako odloči na sestanku podpisnic, se proti podpisnici, ki je poslala obvestilo, ne bodo sprožili postopki zaradi neupoštevanja iz 8. člena.
8. Podpisnice bodo najkasneje leta 1995 na sestanku pregledale stanje podpisnic iz prvega odstavka tega člena, vključno z učinkovitostjo uresničevanja finančnega sodelovanja in prenosa tehnologije k njim in bodo sprejele take spremembe, kot bodo morda potrebne za program nadzorstvenih ukrepov, ki bodo veljale za te podpisnice.
9. Odločitve podpisnic, navedene v četrtem, šestem in sedmem odstavku tega člena, bodo sprejete po istem postopku kot odločitve po 10. členu.
Q. 6. člen: Ocena in pregled nadzorstvenih ukrepov
V 6. členu Protokola se za besedami »iz 2. člena« vrine naslednje besedilo:
»in članov 2A in 2E in položaj glede proizvodnje, uvoza in izvoza prehodnih substanc iz I skupine priloge C.«
R. 7. člen: Pošiljanje podatkov
Besedilo 7. člena Protokola se nadomesti z naslednjim besedilom:
1. Vsaka podpisnica bo poslala tajništvu tri mesece po tem, ko je postala podpisnica, statistične podatke o svoji proizvodnji, uvozu in izvozu vsake od nadzorovanih substanc iz priloge A za leto 1986 ali, če dejanskih podatkov ni, najboljše možne ocene teh podatkov.
2. Vsaka podpisnica bo poslala tajništvu statistične podatke o svoji proizvodnji, uvozu in izvozu vsake od nadzorovanih substanc iz priloge B in vsake od prehodnih substanc iz I skupine priloge C za leto 1989 ali, če dejanskih podatkov ni, najboljše možne ocene teh podatkov, najkasneje, tri mesece po datumu, ko so določila Protokola, ki se nanašajo na substance iz priloge B, pričela veljati zanjo.
3. Vsaka podpisnica bo priskrbela tajništvu statistične podatke o svoji letni proizvodnji (kot je definirana v 5. točki 1. člena) ter posebej o:
– količinah, ki se uporabljajo kot surovine,
– količinah, uničenih s tehnologijo, odobreno s strani podpisnic,
– uvozu in izvozu v države podpisnice in nepodpisnice,
vsake od nadzorovanih substanc, navedenih v prilogah A in B, kot tudi prehodnih substanc iz 1 skupine priloge C za leto, v katerem so pričela veljati določila o snoveh iz priloge B za to podpisnico in za vsako leto po tem letu. Podatke je treba sporočiti najkasneje devet mesecev po koncu leta, na katerega se nanašajo.
4. Za podpisnice iz osmega (a) odstavka 2. člena, bo zahtevam iz prejšnjih odstavkov tega člena glede statističnih podatkov o uvozu in izvozu zadoščeno, če regionalna ekonomska integracijska organizacija priskrbi podatke o uvozu in izvozu med organizacijo in državami, ki niso članice te organizacije.
S. 9. člen: Raziskovanje, razvoj, širjenje ekološke zavesti in izmenjava informacij
Točka (a) prvega odstavka 9. člena Protokola se nadomesti z naslednjim
(a) o najboljših tehnologijah, ki prispevajo k neširjenju, rekuperaciji, reciklaži ali uničevanju nadzorovanih in prehodnih substanc oziroma zmanjšujejo njihovo emisijo na drug način.
T. 10. člen: Finančni mehanizem
Besedilo 10. člena Protokola se nadomesti z naslednjim:
10. člen Finančni mehanizem
1. Podpisnice bodo vzpostavile mehanizem z namenom zagotavljanja finančnega in tehničnega sodelovanja, vključno s prenosom tehnologije podpisnicam iz prvega odstavka 5. člena tega Protokola, da bi jim omogočile spoštovati nadzorstvene ukrepe, predvidene v členih 2A do 2E Protokola. Mehanizem, za katerega bodo dani dodatni prispevki poleg drugih finančnih nakazil podpisnicam iz tega odstavka, mora pokrivati vse dogovorjene dodatne stroške teh podpisnic, da bi jim omogočil spoštovanje nadzorstvenih ukrepov Protokola. Indikativni seznamu kategorij dodatnih stroškov bodo določile podpisnice na sestanku.
2. Mehanizem, vzpostavljen po prejšnjem odstavku bo vključeval multilateralni sklad. Lahko vključuje tudi druga sredstva večstranskega, regionalnega in dvostranskega sodelovanja.
3. Multilateralni sklad bo:
(a) pokrival, na podlagi dotacij ali olajšav, kar bo primernejše, dogovorjene dodatne stroške po merilih, določenih s strani podpisnic;
(b) financiral stroške dejavnosti, katerih namen je:
(i) pomagati podpisnicam iz prvega odstavka 5. člena pri opredeljevanju njihovih potreb za sodelovanje z zanje specifično izdelanimi študijami in drugim tehničnim sodelovanjem;
(ii) pospeševati tehnično sodelovanje z namenom zadovoljevanja opredeljenih potreb po prejšnji točki;
(iii) širiti informacije in ustrezna gradiva, kot je določeno v 9. členu, ter prirejati delavnice, tečaje in druge s tem povezane dejavnosti v korist podpisnic, ki so države v razvoju; in
(iv) omogočati in spremljati drugo večstransko, regionalno in dvostransko sodelovanje, ki je na voljo podpisnicam, ki so države v razvoju;
(c) financiral tajniške storitve multilateralnega sklada in druge s tem stroške, potrebne za njegovo delovanje.
4. Multilateralni sklad deluje po navodilih podpisnic, ki odločajo o celotni politiki sklada.
5. Podpisnice ustanovijo izvršilno komisijo za razvijanje in spremljanje uresničevanja določene operativne politike, smernic in administrativnih aranžmajev, vključno z izplačevanjem sredstev z namenom doseči cilje multilateralnega sklada. Izvršilna komisija opravlja svoje dolžnosti in obveznosti, določene v pooblastilih, kot je dogovorjeno med podpisnicami, s sodelovanjem in pomočjo Mednarodne banke za obnovo in razvoj (Svetovne banke), Ekološkega programa ZN, Razvojnega programa ZN ali drugih ustreznih agencij, odvisno od posameznega strokovnega področja. Člane Izvršilne komisije, ki bodo izbrani po načelu enakopravnega zastopanja podpisnic iz prvega odstavka 5. člena in ostalih podpisnic, morajo podpisnice potrditi.
6. Multilateralni sklad se finansira s prispevki podpisnic, razen podpisnic iz prvega odstavka 5. člena, v trdni valuti ali v določenih okoliščinah v naturalijah in/ali v nacionalni valuti po ocenjevalni lestvici Združenih narodov. Druge podpisnice so naprošene, da dajo svoje prispevke. Dvostransko in v določenih primerih, o katerih se s sklepom dogovorijo podpisnice, regionalno sodelovanje se lahko do odstotka in v skladu z merili, navedenimi v sklepu podpisnic, šteje za prispevek v multilateralni sklad, pod pogojem da se pri takem sodelovanju, kot minimum:
(a) strogo upoštevajo določila tega Protokola;
(b) zagotavljajo dodatna sredstva in
(c) pokrivajo dogovorjeni dodatni stroški.
7. Podpisnice se dogovorijo o programskem proračunu multilateralnega sklada za vsako finančno obdobje in o odstotku prispevkov posameznih podpisnic.
8. Viri iz multilateralnega sklada se izplačajo s soglasjem podpisnice, ki jih uporablja.
9. Odločitve podpisnic po tem členu se sprejemajo s soglasjem, kadarkoli je to mogoče. Če so izčrpana vsa prizadevanja, da bi dosegli soglasje, pa sporazuma ni bilo, se odločitve sprejmejo z dvotretjinsko večino prisotnih podpisnic, ki glasujejo in predstavljajo večino podpisnic iz prvega odstavka 5. člena, ki so prisotne in glasujejo, in večino ostalih podpisnic, ki so prisotne in glasujejo.
10. Finančni mehanizem predviden v tem času, ne prejudicira kakršnihkoli drugih aranžmajev, ki se lahko razvijejo glede na druge ekološke probleme.
U. 10.A člen: Prenos tehnologije
Kot 10.A člen Protokola se doda:
10.A člen: Prenos tehnologije
Vsaka podpisnica bo storila vse, kar je izvedljivo in v skladu s programi, podprtimi s finančnim mehanizmom, da zagotovi:
(a) da se bodo najboljši, ekološko varni nadomestki, ki so na voljo, ter z njimi povezane tehnologije hitro prenesle k podpisnicam iz prvega odstavka 5. člena; in
(b) da se bodo prenosi iz prejšnje točke izvršili pod poštenimi in najugodnejšimi pogoji.
V. 11. člen: Sestanki podpisnic
Točka (g) četrtega odstavka 11. člena Protokola se nadomesti z naslednjim:
(g) po 6. členu ocenjujejo nadzorstveni ukrepi in položaj glede prehodnih substanc;
W. 17. člen: Včlanitev po uveljavitvi protokola
V 17. členu se za besedami »obveznostmi po 2.« doda vejica in vrine »2.A do 2.E«.
X. 19. člen: Izstop
Besedilo 19. člena Protokola se nadomesti z naslednjim:
Vsaka podpisnica lahko izstopi iz Protokola s pisnim obvestilom depozitarju kadarkoli po štirih letih, ko je prevzela obveznosti, navedene v prvem odstavku 2.A člena. Izstop prične veljati po enem letu od datuma, ko ga je prejel depozitar, ali kakšnega kasnejšega datuma, če je tak datum naveden v obvestilu o izstopu.
Y. Prilogi
Naslednji prilogi se dodasta Protokolu:
1. Ta amandma bo stopil v veljavo 1. januarja 1992, če bo deponirano najmanj dvajset listin o ratifikaciji, sprejetju ali potrditvi s strani držav ali regionslnih ekonomskih integracijskih organizacijski so podpisnice Montrealskega protokola o substancah, ki škodljivo delujejo na ozonski plašč. V primeru, če ta pogoj ne bo izpolnjen do navedenega datuma, bo amandma stopil v veljavo devetdeseti dan od dneva, ko je izpolnjen.
2. Za namen prejšnjega odstavka se vsaka taka listina, ki jo deponira regionalna ekonomska integracijska organizacija, ne šteje kot dodatek k tistim, ki jih deponirajo države članice teh organizacij.
3. Po uveljavitvi tega amandmaja, kot je predvideno v prvem odstavku tega člena, bo stopil v veljavo za vsako drugo podpisnico Protokola devetdeseti dan od datume deponiranja njene listine o ratifikaciji, sprejetju ali potrditvi.
3. člen
Za izvajanje amandmaja skrbijo Ministrstvo za varstvo okolja in urejanje prostora, Ministrstvo za zdravstvo, družino in socialno varstvo, Ministrstvo za energetiko, Ministrstvo za industrijo in gradbeništvo in Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve.
4. člen
Ta uredba začne veljati naslednji dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 900-01/92-11/5-8
Ljubljana, dne 3. decembra 1992.
Vlada Republike Slovenije
dr. Janez Drnovšek l. r.
The Second Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer decides, on the basis of assessments made pursuant to Article 6 of the Protocol, to adopt adjustments and reductions of production and consumption of the controlled substances in Annex A to the Protocol, as follows, with the understanding that:
(a) References in Article 2 to "this Article" and throughout the Protocol to "Article 2" shall be interpreted as references to Articles 2, 2A and 2B;
(b) References throughout the Protocol to "paragraphs 1 to 4 of Article 2" shall be interpreted as references to Articles 2A and 2B; and
(c) The reference in paragraph 5 of Article 2 to "paragraphs" 1, 3 and 4" shall be interpreted as a reference to article 2A.
A. Article 2A: CFCs
Paragraph 1 of Article 2 of the Protocol shall become paragraph 1 of Article 2A, which shall be entitled "Article 2A: CFCs". Paragraphs 3 and 4 of Article 2 shall be replaced by the following paragraphs, which shall be numbered paragraphs 2 to 6 of Article 2A:
2. Each Party shall ensure that for the period from 1 July 1992 to 31 December 1992 its calculated levels of consumption and production of the controlled substances in Group I of Annex A do not exceed 150 per cent of. its calculated levels of production and consumption of those substances in 1986; with effect from 1 January 1993, the twelve-month control period for these controlled substances shall run from 1 January to 31 December each year.
3. Each Party shall ensure that for the twelve-month period commencing on 1 January 1995, and in each twelve-month period thereafter, its calculated level of consumption of the controlled substances in Group I of Annex A does not exceed, annually, fifty per cent of its calculated level of consumption in 1986. Each Party producing one or more of these substances, shall, for the same periods, ensure that its calculated level of production of the substances does not exceed, annually, fifty per cent of its calculated level of production in 1986. However, in order to satisfy the basic domestic needs of the Parties operating under paragraph 1 of Article 5, its calculated level of production may exceed that limit by up to ten per cent of its calculated level of production in 1986.
4. Each Party shall ensure that for the twelve-month period commencing on 1 January 1997, and in each twelve-month period thereafter, its calculated level of consumption of the controlled substances in Group I of Annex A does not exceed, annually, fifteen per cent of its calculated level of consumption in 1986. Each Party producing one or more of these substances shall, for the same periods, ensure that its calculated level of production of the substances does not exceed, annually, fifteen per cent of its calculated level of production in 1986. However, in order to satisfy the basic domestic needs of the Parties operating under paragraph 1 of Article 5, its calculated level of production may exceed that limit by up to ten per cent of its calculated level of production in 1986.
5. Each Party shall ensure that for the twelve-month period commencing on 1 January 2000, and in each twelve-month period thereafter, its calculated level of consumption of the controlled substances in Group I of Annex A does not exceed zero. Each Party producing one or more of these substances shall, for the same periods, ensure that its calculated level of production, of the substances does not exceed zero. However, in order to satisfy the basic domestic needs of the Parties operating under paragraph 1 of Article
5, its calculated level of production may exceed that limit by up to fifteen per cent of its calculated level of production in 1986.
6. In 1992, the Parties will review the situation with the objective of accelerating the reduction schedule.
B. Article 2B: Halons
Paragraph 2 of Article 2 of the Protocol shall be replaced by the following paragraphs, which shall be numbered paragraphs 1 to 4 of Article 2B:
Article 2B: Halons
1. Each Party shall ensure that for the twelve-month period commencing on 1 January 1992, and in each twelve-month period thereafter, its calculated level of consumption of the controlled substances in Group II of Annex A does not exceed, annually, its calculated level of consumption in 1986. Each Party producing one or more of these substances shall, for the same periods, ensure that its calculated level of production of the substances does not exceed, annually, its calculated level of production in 1986. However, in order to satisfy the basic domestic needs of the Parties operating under paragraph 1 of Article 5, its calculated level of production may exceed that limit by up to ten per cent of its calculated level of production in 1986.
2. Each Party shall ensure that for the twelve-month period commencing on 1 January 1995, and in each twelve-month period thereafter, its calculated level of consumption of the controlled substances in Group II of Annex A does not exceed, annually, fifty per cent of its calculated level of consumption in 1986. Each Party producing one or more of these substances shall, for the same periods, ensure that its calculated level of production of the substances does not exceed, annually, fifty per cent of its calculated level of production in 1986. However, in order to satisfy the basic domestic needs of the Parties operating under paragraph 1 of Article 5, its calculated level of production in 1986. This paragraph will apply save to the extent that the Parties decide to permit the level of production or consumption that is necessary to satisfy essential uses for which no adequate alternatives are available.
3. Each Party shall ensure that for the twelve-month period commencing on 1 January 2000, and in each twelve-month period thereafter, its calculated level of consumption of the controlled substances in Group II of Annex A does not exceed zero. Each Party producing one or more of these substances shall, for the same periods, ensure that its calculated level of production of the basic domestic needs of the Parties operating under paragraph 1 of Article 5, its calculated level of production may exceed that limit by up to fifteen per cent of its calculated level of production in 1986. This paragraph will apply save to the extent that the Parties decide to permit the level of production or consumption that is necessary to satisfy essential uses for which no adequate alternatives are available.
4. By 1 January 1993, the Parties shall adopt a decision identifying essential uses, if any, for the purposes of paragraphs 2 and 3 of this Article. Such decision shall be reviewed by the Parties at their subsequent meetings.
Na drugem sestanku podpisnic Montrealskega protokola o. substancah, ki škodljivo delujejo na ozonski plašč, so se podpisnice na podlagi ocen po 6. členu protokola odločile, da bodo sprejele prilagoditve in zmanjšale proizvodnjo in porabo nadzorovanih substanc iz priloge A k protokolu, tako da se:
(a) sklicevanja v 2. členu na »ta člen« in v celotnem besedilu protokola na »2. člen« tolmačijo kot sklicevanja na 2. člen, člena 2A in 2B;
(b) sklicevanja v celotnem besedilu protokola na »1. do 4. odstavek 2. člena« tolmačijo kot sklicevanja na 2.A in 2.B člen; in
(c) sklicevanje v 5. odstavku 2. člena na »odstavke 1, 3 in 4« tolmači kot sklicevanje na 2.A člen.
A. 2.A člen: CFC
Prvi odstavek 2. člena Protokola postane prvi odstavek 2. A člena, ki ima naslov »2.A člen: CFC«. Tretji in četrti odstavek 2. člena se nadomestita s sledečimi odstavki, ki se oštevilčijo kot drugi do šesti odstavek 2.A člena:
2. Vsaka podpisnica bo zagotovila, da za obdobje od 1. julija 1991 do 31. decembra 1992 njena obračunska raven porabe in proizvodnje nadzorovanih substanc iz I. skupine priloge A ne bo presegla 150 odstotkov njene obračunske ravni proizvodnje in porabe za te substance iz leta 1986; z veljavnostjo od 1. januarja 1993 dvanajstmesečno nadzorno obdobje za te nadzorovane substance traja od 1. januarja do 31. decembra vsako leto.
3. Vsaka podpisnica bo zagotovila, da za dvanajstmesečno obdobje, ki se začne 1. januarja 1995, in za vsako dvanajstmesečno obdobje po njem njena obračunska raven porabe nadzorovanih substanc iz I. skupine priloge A ne bo presegla letno petdeset odstotkov njene obračunske ravni porabe za leto 1986. Vsaka podpisnica, ki izdeluje eno ali več teh substanc, mora za ista obdobja zagotoviti, da njena obračunska raven proizvodnje substanc ne preseže letno petdeset odstotkov njene obračunske ravni prooizvodnje za leto 1986. Vendar pa za zadovoljitev domačih potreb podpisnic iz 1. odstavka 5. člena njena obračunska raven proizvodnje lahko preseže to mejo za do deset odstotkov njihove obračunske ravni proizvodnje za leto 1986.
4. Vsaka podpisnica bo zagotovila, da za dvanajstmesečno obdobje, ki se začne 1. januarja 1997, in za vsako dvanajstmesečno obdobje po njem, njena obračunska raven porabe nadzorovanih substanc iz I. skupine priloge A ne bo presegla letno petnajst odstotkov njene obračunske ravni porabe za leto 1986. Vsaka podpisnica, ki izdeluje eno ali več teh substanc, mora za ista obdobja zagotoviti, da njena obračunska raven proizvodnje substanc letno ne bo presegla petnajst odstotkov njene obračunske ravni proizvodnje za leto 1986. Da bi zadovoljili osnovne domače potrebe podpisnic iz prvega odstavka 5. člena, njihova obračunska raven lahko preseže to mejo za do deset odstotkov njihove obračunske ravni proizvodnje za leto 1986.
5. Vsaka podpisnica bo zagotovila, da za dvanajstmesečno obdobje s pričetkom 1. januarja 2000 in za vsako dvanajstmesečno obdobje po njem, njena obračunska raven porabe nadzorovanih substanc iz I. skupine priloge A ne bo presegla ničle.
Vsaka podpisnica, ki izdeluje eno ali več teh substanc, mora za ista obdobja zagotoviti, da njena obračunska raven proizvodnje substanc ne bo presegla ničle. Vendar pa za zadovoljevanje osnovnih domačih potreb podpisnic iz prvega odstavka 5. člena, njihova obračunska raven proizvodnje lahko preseže to mejo za do petnajst odstotkov njihove obračunske ravni proizvodnje za leto 1986.
6. V letu 1992 bodo podpisnice revidirale razmere z namenom, da bi pospešile program zmanjševanja.
B. 2.B člen: HALONI
Drugi odstavek 2. člena Protokola se nadomesti s sledečimi odstavki, ki se oštevilčijo kot prvi do četrti odstavek 2.B člena:
2. B člen: HALONI
1. Vsaka podpisnica bo zagotovila, da za dvanajstmesečno obdobje s pričetkom 1. januarja 1992 in za vsako dvanajstmesečno obdobje po njem njena obračunska raven porabe nadzorovanih substanc iz II. skupine priloge A ne bo presegla letno njene obračunske ravni porabe iz leta 1986. Vsaka podpisnica, ki izdeluje eno ali več teh substanc, mora za ista obdobja zagotoviti, da njena obračunska raven proizvodnje substanc ne bo presegla letno njene obračunske ravni proizvodnje za leto 1986. Da bi zadovoljili osnovne potrebe podpisnic iz prvega odstavka 5. člena, njihova, obračunska raven proizvodnje lahko preseže to mejo za do deset odstotkov njihove obračunske ravni proizvodnje za leto 1986.
2. Vsaka podpisnica bo zagotovila, da za dvanajstmesečno obdobje, ki se prične 1. januarja 1995 in za vsako dvanajstmesečno obdobje po njem, njena obračunska raven porabe nadzorovanih substanc iz II. skupine priloge A ne bo presegla letno petdeset odstotkov njene obračunske ravni porabe iz leta 1986. Vsaka podpisnica, ki izdeluje eno ali več teh substanc, mora za ista obdobja zagotoviti, da njena obračunska raven proizvodnje substanc ne bo presegla letno petdeset odstotkov njene obračunske ravni proizvodnje iz leta 1986. Da bi zadovoljili osnovne domače potrebe podpisnic iz prvega odstavka 5. člena, lahko njihova obračunska raven proizvodnje preseže to mejo za do deset odstotkov njihove obračunske ravni proizvodnje iz leta 1986. Ta odstavek bo veljal, razen glede obsega, za katerega se podpisnice odločijo za dovoljeno raven, proizvodnje ali porabe zaradi zadovoljitve tistih osnovnih potreb, za zadovoljitev katerih niso na voljo nobene ustrezne alternative.
3. Vsaka podpisnica bo zagotovila, da bo za dvanajstmesečno obdobje, ki se prične 1. januarja 2000 in za vsako dvanajstmesečno obdobje po njem, njena obračunska raven porabe nadzorovanih substanc iz II skupine priloge A ne bo presegla ničle. Vsaka podpisnica, ki izdeluje eno ali več teh substanc, bo za ista obdobja zagotovila, da njena obračunska raven proizvodnje substanc ne bo presegla ničle. Vendar pa za zadovoljitev osnovnih domačih potreb podpisnic iz prvega odstavka 5. člena lahko njihova obračunska raven proizvodnje preseže to mejo za do petnajst odstotkov njihove obračunske ravni proizvodnje iz leta 1986. Ta odstavek bo veljal, razen glede obsega, za katerega se podpisnice odločijo za dovoljeno raven proizvodnje ali porabe zaradi zadovoljitve tistih osnovnih potreb, za zadovoljitev katerih niso na voljo nobene ustrezne alternative.
4. Do 1. januarja 1993 bodo podpisnice sprejele odločitev z navedbo osnovnih potreb, če bodo, za namen izvrševanja drugega in tretjega odstavka tega člena. To odločitev bodo podpisnice revidirale na svojih naslednjih sestankih.

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