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Številka 23
Uradni list RS, št. 23/1993 z dne 7. 5. 1993
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 23/1993 z dne 7. 5. 1993


36. Zakon o ratifikaciji Statuta Sveta Evrope, stran 274.

Na podlagi prvega odstavka 107. in prvega odstavka 91. člena Ustave Republike Slovenije izdajam
o razglasitvi Zakona o ratifikaciji Statuta Sveta Evrope
Razglašam Zakon o ratifikaciji Statuta Sveta Evrope, ki ga je sprejel Državni zbor Republike Slovenije na seji dne 15. aprila 1993.
Št. 0100-62/93
Ljubljana, dne 23. aprila 1993.
Republike Slovenije
Milan Kučan l. r.
1. člen
Ratificira se Statut Sveta Evrope, sestavljen v Londonu 5. maja 1949.
2. člen
Statut se v izvirniku v angleškem jeziku ter v prevodu glasi:
The Governments of the Kingdom of Belgium, the Kingdom of Denmark, the French Republic, the Italian Republic, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the Kingdom of Norway, the Kingdom of Sweden and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,
Convinced that the pursuit of peace based upon justice and international co-operation is vital for the preservation of human society and civilisation;
Reaffirming their devotion to the spiritual and moral values which are the common heritage of their peoples and the true source of individual freedom, political liberty and the rule of law, principles which form the basis of all genuine democracy;
Believing that, for the maintenance and further realisation of these ideals and in the interests of economic and social progress, there is a need of a closer unity between all like-minded countries of Europe;
Considering that, to respond to this need and to the expressed aspirations of their peoples in this regard, it is necessary forthwith to create an organisation which will bring European States into closer association,
Have in consequence, decided to set up a Council of Europe consisting of a committee of representatives of governments and of a consultative assembly and have for this purpose adopted the following Statue.
Chapter I – Aim of the Council of Europe
Article 1
a) The aim of the Council of Europe is to achieve a greater unity between its members for the purpose, of safeguarding and realising the ideals and principles which are their common heritage and facilitating their economic and social progress.
b) This aim shall be pursued thorough the organs of the Council by discussion of questions of common concern, and by agreements and common action, in economic, social, cultural, scientific, legal and administrative matters and in the maintenance and further realisation of human rights and fundamental freedoms:
c) Participation in the Council of Europe shall not affect the collaboration of its members in the work of the United Nations and of other international organisations or unions to which they are parties.
d) Matters relating to national defence do not fall within the scope of the Council of Europe.
Chapter II – Membership
Article 2
The members of the Council of Europe are the Parties to this Statute.
Article 3
Every member of the Council of Europe must accept the principles of the rule of law and of the enjoyment by all persons within its jurisdiction of human rights and fundamental freedoms, and collaborate sincerely and effectively in the realisation of the aim of the Council as specified in Chapter I.
Article 4
Any European State which is deemed to be able and willing to fulfil the provisions of Article 3 may be invited to become a member of the Council of Europe by the Committee of Ministers. Any State so invited shall become a member on the deposit on its behalf with the Secretary General of an instrument of accession to the present Statue.
Article 5
a) In special circumstances, a European country which is deemed to be able and willing to fulfil the provisions of Article 3 may be invited by the Committee of Ministers to become an associate member of the Council of Europe. Any country so invited shall become an associate member on the deposit on its behalf with the Secretary General of an instrument accepting the present Statute. An associate member shall be intilled to be represented in the Counsultative Assembly only,
b) The expression »member« in this Statute included an associate member except when used in connexion with representation on the Committee of Ministers.
Article 6
Before issuing invitation under Article 4 or 5 above, the Committee of Ministers shall determine the number of representatives on the Consultative Assembly to which the proposed member shall be entitled and its proportionate financial contribution.
Article 7
Any member of the Council of Europe may withdraw by formally notifying the Secretary General of its intention to do so. Such withdrawal shall take effect at the end of the financial year in which it is notified, if the notification is given during the first nine months of that financial year: If the notification is given in the last three months of the financial year, it shall take effect at the end of the next financial year.
Article 8
Any member of the Council of Europe which has seriously violated Article 3 may be suspended from its rights of representation and requested by the Committee. of Ministers to withdraw under Article 7. If such member does not comply with their request, the Committee may decide that it has ceased to be a member of the Council as from such date as the Committee may determine.
Article 9
The Committee of Ministers may suspend the right of representation on the Committee and on the Consultative Assembly of a member which has failed to fulfil its financial obligation during such period as the obligation remains unfulfilled.
Chapter III — General
Article 10
The organs of the Council of Europe are: I The Committee of Ministers; II The Consultative Assembly. Both these organs shall be served by the Secretariat of the Council of Europe:
Article 11
The seat of the Council of Europe is at Strasbourg.
Article 12
The official languages of the Council of Europe are English and French. The rules of procedure of the Committee of Ministers and of the Consultative Assembly shall determine in what circumstances and under what conditions other languages may be used.
Chapter IV – Committee of Ministers
Article 13
The Committee of Ministers is the organ whic acts on behalf of the Council of Europe in accordance with Articles 15 and 16.
Article 14
Each member shall be entitled to one representative on the Committee of Ministers, and each representative shall be entitled to one vote. Representatives on the Committee shall be the Ministers for Foreign Affairs. When a Minister for Foreign Affairs is unable to be present or in other circumstances where it may be desirable, an alternate may be nominated to act for him, who shall, whenever possible, be a member of his government.
Article 15
a) On the recommendation of thè Consultative Assembly or on its own initiative, the Committee of Ministers shall consider the action required to further the aim of the Council of Europe, including the conclusion of conventions or agreements and the adoption by governments of a common policy with regard to particular matters. Its conclusions shall be communicated to members by the Secretary General;
b) In appropriate cases, the conclusions of the Committee may take the form of recommendations to the governments of members, and the Committee may request the governments of members to inform it of the action taken by them with regard to such recommendations.
Article 16
The Committee of Ministers shall, subject to the provisions of Articles 24, 28, 30, 32, 33 and 35, relating to the powers of the Consultative Assembly, decide with binding effect all matters relating to the internal organisation and arrangements of the council of Europe. For this purpose the Committee of Ministers, shall adopt such financial and administrative arrangements as may be necessary.
Article 17
The Committee of Ministers may set up advisory and technical committees or commissions for such specific purposes as it may deem desirable.
Article 18
The Committee of Ministers shall adopt its rules of procedure, which shall determine amongst other things:
I the quorum;
II the method of appointment and term of office of its President;
III the procedure for the admission of items to its agenda, including the giving of notice of proposals for resolutions; and
IV the notifications required for the nomination of alternates under Article 14.
Article 19
At each session of the Consultative Assembly the Committee of Ministers shall furnish the Assembly with statements of its activities, accompanied by appropriate documentation.
Article 20
a) Resolutions of the Committee of Ministers relating to the following important matters, namely:
I recommendations under Article 15.b;
II questions under Article 19;
III questions under Article 21.a.i and b;
IV questions under Article 33;
V recommendations for the amendment of Articles, l. d, 7, 15, 20 and 22; and; VI any other questions which the Committee may, by a resolution passed under d below, decide should be subject to a unanimous vote on account of its importance, require the unanimous vote of the representatives casting a vote, and of a majority of the representatives entitled to sit on the Committee.
b) Questions arising under the rules of procedure or under the financial and administrative regulations may be decided by a simple majority vote of the representatives entitled to sit on the Committee.
c) Resolutions of the Committee under Articles 4 and 5 require a two-thirds majority of all the representatives entitled to sit on the Committee.
d) All other resolutions of the Committee, including adoption of the budget, of rules of procedure and of financial and administrative regulations, recommendations for the amendment of articles of this Statute, other than those mentioned in paragraph a. v above, and deciding in case of doubt which paragraph of this article applies, require a two-thirds majority of the representatives casting a vote and of a majority of the representatives entitled to sit on the Committee.
Article 21
a) Unless the Committee decides otherwise, meetings of the Committee of Ministers shall be held:
I in private, and
II at the seat of the Council.
b) The Committee shall determine what information shall be published regarding the conclusions and discussions of a meeting held in private.
c) The Committee shall meet before and during the beginning of every session of the Consultative Assembly and at such other times as it may decide.
Chapter V – Consultative Assembly
Article 22
The Consultative Assembly is the deliberative organ of the Council of Europe. It shall debate matters within its competence under this Statute and present its conclusions, in the form of recommendations, to the Committee of Ministers.
Article 23
a) The Consultative Assembly may discuss and make recommendations upon any matter within the aim and scope of the Council of Europe as defined in Chapter I. It shall also discuss and may make recommendations upon any matter referred to it by the Committee of Ministers with a request for its opinion.
b) The Assembly shall draw up its agenda in accordance with the provisions of paragraph a above. In so doing, it shall have regard to the work of other European intergovernmental organisations to which some, or all of the members of the Council are parties.
c) The President of the Assembly shall decide, in case of doubt, whether any question raised in the course of the session is within the agenda of the Assembly.
Article 24
The Consultative Assembly may, with due regard to the provisions of Article 38.d, establish committees or commissions to consider and report to it any matter which falls within its competence under Article 23, to examine and prepare questions on its agenda and to advise on all matters of procedure.
Article 25
a) The Consultative Assembly shall consist of representatives of each member, elected by it parliament from among the members thereof, or appointed from among the members of that parliament, in such manner as it shall decide, subject, however, to the right of each member government to make any additional appointments necessary when the parliament is not in session and has not laid down the procedure to be followed in that case. Each Representative must be a national of the member whom he represents, but shall not at the same time be a member of the Committee of Ministers.
The term of office of Representatives thus appointed will date form the opening of the ordinary session following their appointment; it will expire at the opening of the next ordinary session or of a later ordinary session, except that, in the event of elections to their parliaments having taken place, members shall be entitled to make new appointments.
If a member fills vacancies due to death or resignation, or proceeds to make new appointments as a result of elections to its parliament, the term of office of the new Representatives shall date from the first sitting of the Assembly following their appointment.
b) No Representative shall be deprived of his position as a such during a session of the Assembly without the agreement of the Assembly.
c) Each Representative may have a substitute who may, in the absence of the Representative, sit, speak and vote in his place. The provisions of paragraph a above apply to the appointment of substitutes.
Article 26
Members shall be entitled to the number of Representatives given below:
Austria                                             6
Belgium                                             7
Bulgaria                                            6
Cyprus                                              3
Denmark                                             5
Finland                                             5
France                                             18
Germany                                            18
Greece                                              7
Hungary                                             7
Iceland                                             3
Ireland                                             4
Italy                                              18
Liechenstein                                        2
Luxembourg                                          3
Malta                                               3
Netherlands                                         7
Norway                                              5
Poland                                             12
Portugal                                            7
San Marino                                          2
Spain                                              12
Sweden                                              6
Switzerland                                         6
Turkey                                             12
United Kingdom of Great Britain
and Northern Ireland                               18
Article 27
The conditions under which the Committee of Ministers collectively may be represented in the debates of the Consultative Assembly, or individual representatives on the Committee or their alternates may address the Assembly, shall be determined by such rules of procedure on this subject as may be drawn up by the Committee after consultation with the Assembly.
Article 28
a) The Consultative Assembly shall adopt its rules of procedure and shall elect from members its President, who shall remain in office until the next ordinary session.
b) The President shall control the proceedings but shall not take part in the debate or vote. The substitute of the Representative who is President may sit, speak and vote in his place.
c) The rules of procedure shall determine inter alia:
I the quorum;
II the manner of the election and terms of office of the President and other officers;
III the manner in which the agenda shall be drawn up and be communicated to Representatives;
IV the time and manner in which the names of Representatives and their substitutes shall be notified.
Article 29
Subject to the provisions of Article 30, all resolutions of the Consultative Assembly, including resolutions:
I embodying recommendations to the Committee of Ministers;
II proposing to the Committee matters for discussion in the Assembly;
III establishing committees or commissions;
IV determining the date of commencement of its sessions;
V determining what majority is required for resolutions in cases not covered by sections I to IV above or determining cases of doubt as to what majority is required, shall require a two-thirds majority of the Representatives casting a vote.
Article 30
On matters relating to its internal procedure, which includes the election of officers, the nomination of persons to serve on committees and commissions and the adoption of rules of procedure, resolutions of the Consultative Assembly shall be carried by such majorities as the Assembly may determine in accordance with Article 29. V.
Article 31
Debates on proposals to be made to the Committee of Ministers that a matter should be placed on the agenda of the Consultative Assembly shall be confined to an indication of the proposed subject matter and the reasons for and against its inclusion in the agenda.
Article 32
The Consultative Assembly shall meet in ordinary session once a year, the date and duration of which shall be determined by the Assembly so as to avoid as far as possible overlapping with parliamentary sessions of members and with sessions of the General Assembly of the United Nations. In no circumstances shall the duration of an ordinary session exceed one month unless both the Assembly and the Committee of Ministers concur.
Article 33
Ordinary sessions of the Consultative Assembly shall be held at the seat of the Council unless both the Assembly and the Committee of Ministers concur that the session should be held elsewhere.
Article 34
The Consultative Assembly may be convened in extraordinary session, upon the initiative either of the Committee of Ministers or of the President of the Assembly after agreement between them, such agreement also to determine the date and place of the session.
Article 35
Unless the Consultative Assembly decides otherwise, its debates shall be conducted in public.
Chapter VI – Secretariat
Article 36
a) The Secretariat shall consist of a Secretary General, a Deputy Secretary General and such other staff as may be required.
b) The Secretary General and Deputy Secretary General shall be appointed by the Consultative. Assembly on the recommendation of the Committee of Ministers.
c) The remaining staff of the Secretariat shall be appointed by the Secretary General, in accordance with the administrative regulations.
d) No member of the Secretariat shall hold any salaried office from any government or be a member of the Consultative Assembly or of any national legislature or engage in any occupation incompatible with his duties.
e) Every member of the staff of the Secretariat shall make a solemn declaration affirming that his duty is to the Council of Europe and that he will perform his duties conscientiously, influenced by any national considerations, and that he will not seek or receive instructions in connexion with the performance of his duties from any government or any authority external to the Council and will refrain form any action which might reflect on his position as an international official responsible only to the Council. In the case of the Secretary General and the Deputy Secretary General this declaration shall be made before the Committee, and in the case of all other members of the staff, before the Secretary General.
f) Every member shall respect the exclusively international character of the responsibilities of the Secretary General and the staff of the Secretariat and not seek to influence them in the discharge of their responsibilities.
Article 37
a) The Secretariat shall be located at the seat of the Council.
b) The Secretary General is responsible to the Committee of Ministers for the work of the Secretariat. Amongst other things, he shall, subject to Article 38.d, provide such secretariat and other assitance as the Consultative Assembly may require.
Chapter VII – Finance
Article 38
a) Each member shall bear the expences of its own representation in the Committee of Ministers and in the Consultative Assembly.
b) The expenses of the Secretariat and all other common expenses shall be shared between all members in such proportions as shall be determined by the Committee on the basis of the population of members.
The contribution of an associate member shall be determined by the Committee.
c) In accordance with the financial regulations, the budget of the Council shall be submitted annually by the Secretary General for adoption by the Committee.
d) The Secretary General shall refer to the Committee requests from the Assembly which involve expenditure exceeding the amount already allocated in the budget for the Assembly and its activities.
e) The Secretary General shall also submit to the Committee of Ministers an estimate of the expenditure to which the implementation of each of the recommendations presented to the Committee would give rise. Any resolution the implementation of which requires additional expenditure shall not be. considered as adopted by the Committee of Ministers unless the Committee has also approved the corresponding estimates for such additional expenditure.
Article 39
The Secretary General shall each year notify the government of each member of the amount of its contribution, and each member shall pay to the Secretary General the amount of its contribution, which shall be deemed to be due on the date of its notification, not later than six months after that date.
Chapter VIII – Privileges and immunities
Article 40
a) The Council of Europe, representatives of members and the Secretariat shall enjoy in the territories of its members such privileges and immunities as are reasonably necessary for the fulfilment of their functions. These immunities shall include immunity for all Representatives to the Consultative Assembly from arrest and all legal proceedings in the territories of all members, in respect of words spoken and votes cast in the, debates of the Assembly or its committees or commissions.
b) The members undertake as soon as possible to enter into agreement for the purpose of fulfilling the provisions of paragraph a above. For this purpose the Committee of Ministers shall recommend to the governments of members the acceptance of an agreement defining the privileges and immunities to be granted in the territories of all members. In addition, a. special agreement shall be concluded with the Government of the French Republic defining the privileges and immunities which the Council shall enjoy at its seat.
Chapter IX – Amendments
Article 41
a) Proposals for the amendment of this Statute may be made in the Committee of Ministers or, in the conditions provided for in Article 23, in the Consultative Assembly.
b) The Committee shall recommend and cause to be embodied in a protocol those amendments which it considers to be desirable.
c) An amending protocol shall come into force when it has been signed and ratified oh behalf of two-thirds of the members.
d) Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraphs of this article, amendments to Articles 23 to 35, 38 an 39 which have been approved by the Committee and by the Assembly shall come into force on the date of the certificate of the Secretary General, transmitted to the governments of members, certifying that they have been so approved. This paragraph shall not operate until the conclusion of the second ordinary session of the Assembly.
Chapter X – Final provisions
Article 42
a) This Statute shall be ratified. Ratifications shall be deposited with the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
b) The present Statute shall come into force as soon as seven instruments of ratification have been deposited. The Government of the United Kingdom shall transmit to all signatory governments a certificate declaring that the Statute has entered into force and giving the names of the members of the Council of Europe on that date.
c) Thereafter each other signatory shall become a party to this Statute as from the date of the deposit of its instruments of ratification.
In witness whereof the undersigned, being duly authorised thereto, have signed the present Statute.
Vlade Kraljevine Belgije, Kraljevine Danske, Republike Francije, Republike Irske, Republike Italije, Velikega vojvodstva Luksemburg, Kraljevine Nizozemske, Kraljevine Norveške, Kraljevine Švedske in Združenega kraljestva Velike Britanije in Severne Irske, prepričane, da je krepitev miru, ki temelji na pravičnosti in mednarodnem sodelovanju, ključnega pomena za ohranitev človeške družbe in civilizacije, zagotavljajoč svojo naklonjenost duhovnim in moralnim vrednotam, ki. so skupna dediščina njihovih narodov in pomenijo izvirna načela osebne svobode, politične svobode in spoštovanje zakona, na katerih temelji Vsa prava demokracija,
v prepričanju, da je za ohranitev in nadaljnje uresničevanje ter idealov ter za pospeševanje gospodarskega in družbenega razvoja potrebna tesnejša zveza med vsemi enako mislečimi evropskimi državami,
z ugotovitvijo, da je treba v skladu s potrebami in izraženimi težnjami njihovih narodov oblikovati organizacijo, ki bo združevala evropske države v tesnejšo zvezo,
so se zato odločile, da ustanovijo Svet Evrope, ki ga sestavljata Odbor ministrov in Posvetovalna skupščina, ter so v ta namen sprejele naslednji statut.
I. poglavje – Cilj Sveta Evrope
1. člen
a) Cilj Sveta Evrope je tesnejša povezanost med njegovimi članicami ter zaščititi in nadalje razvijati ideale in načela, ki so njihova skupna dediščina, ter pospeševati njihov gospodarski in družbeni napredek.
b) Ta cilj bo Svet Evrope uresničeval po organih Sveta, in sicer z razpravami o vprašanjih, ki so skupnega pomena, s pogodbami in sprejemanjem skupnih akcij o gospodarskih, družbenih, kulturnih, znanstvenih, pravnih in administrativnih zadevah kot tudi z uresničevanjem in razvijanjem človekovih pravic in temeljnih svoboščin.
c) Sodelovanje članic pri delu Sveta Evrope ne sme vplivati na njihovo sodelovanje pri delu Združenih narodov na njihovo sodelovanje pri delu Združenih narodov in drugih mednarodnih organizacij in zvez, katerih članice so.
d) Vprašanja, ki se nanašajo na obrambo držav, niso v pristojnosti Sveta Evrope.
II. poglavje – Članstvo
2. člen
Članice Sveta Evrope so pogodbenice tega statuta.
3. člen
Vsaka članica Sveta Evrope priznava načelo spoštovanja zakona in načelo, da. mora vsaka oseba pod njeno jurisdikacijo uživati človekove pravice in temeljne svoboščine. Vsaka članica si bo resnično prizadevala aktivno delovati za uresničitev ciljev, opredeljenih v I. poglavju.
4. člen
Vsako evropsko državo, ki je sposobna in pripravljena izpolniti določila iz 3. člena, lahko Odbor ministrov povabi, da postane članica Sveta Evropa. Vsaka tako povabljena država bo postala članica od dneva, ko bo instrument pristopa k temu statutu v njenem imenu predložen generalnemu sekretarju.
5. člen
a) V posebnih okoliščinah lahko Odbor ministrov povabi evropsko državo, za katero ugotovi, da je sposobna in pripravljena izpolnjevati določila iz 3. člena, da postane pridružena članica Sveta Evrope. Vsaka tako povabljena članica postane pridružena članica od dneva, ko v svojem imenu deponira pri generalnem sekretarju instrument o sprejemu tega statuta. Pridružene članice so lahko zastopane le v Posvetovalni skupščini..
b) Izraz »članica«, ki se uporablja v tem statutu, se nanaša tudi na pridružene članice, razen kadar se uporablja y povezavi z zastopanjem v Odboru ministrov.
6. člen
Preden Odbor ministrov pošlje vabilo, predvideno, v 4. in 5. členu, določi število predstavnikov v Posvetovalni skupščini, ki jih bo imela prihodnja članica v tem organu, in njen sorazmeren finančni prispevek.
7. člen
Vsaka članica Sveta Evrope lahko svoje članstvo odpove tako, da sporoči svojo odločitev generalnemu sekretarju, Odpoved začne veljati konec tekočega finančnega leta, če je bila sporočena v prvih devetih mesecih tekočega leta, in konec naslednjega finančnega leta, če je bila sporočena v zadnjih treh mesecih tekočega leta.
8. člen
Vsaki članici Sveta Evrope, ki hudo krši določila 3. člena, sme biti odvzeta pravica, da je zastopana v Svetu Evrope, in Odbor ministrov jo pozove, da odpove svoje članstvo pod pogoji iz 7. člena. Če se članica takšnemu pozivu ne odzove, sme Odbor ministrov odločiti, da je prenehala biti članica Sveta Evrope od dneva, ki ga Odbor sam določi.
9. člen
Če kakšna članica ne izpolnjuje svojih finančnih, obveznosti, ji sme Odbor ministrov odvzeti pravico, da je zastopana v odboru in v Posvetovalni skupščini, dokler njena obveznost ni izpolnjena.
III. poglavje – Splošne določbe
10. člen
Organa Sveta Evrope sta:
I. Odbor ministrov;
II. Posvetovalna skupščina.
Za ta dva organa deluje sekretariat Sveta Evrope.
11. člen
Sedež Sveta Evrope je v Strasbourgu.
12. člen
Uradna jezika, v Svetu Evrope sta angleščina in francoščina. Poslovnika Odbora ministrov in Posvetovalne skupščine pa določata pogoje in okoliščine, v katerih se lahko uporabljajo drugi jeziki.
IV. poglavje – Odbor ministrov
13. člen
Odbor ministrov je organ, ki deluje v imenu Sveta Evrope skladno s 15. in 16. členom
14. člen
Vsaka članica ima enega predstavnika v Odboru ministrov, vsak predstavnik pa ima en glas. Predstavniki v odboru so ministri za zunanje zadeve. Če se minister za zunanje zadeve ne more udeležiti seje ali če druge okoliščine to narekujejo, se lahko določi namestnik, ki se udeleži seje namesto njega. Ta naj bi bil, kadar je le mogoče, član vlade svoje države.
15. člen
a) Na priporočilo Posvetovalne skupščine ali na svojo lastno pobudo Odbor ministrov obravnava ukrepe, potrebne za uresničitev cilja Sveta Evrope, kamor spada tudi sprejemanje konvencij in sporazumov ter skupnih politik vlad o posameznih vprašanjih.
b) Odločitve Odbora ministrov lahko imajo v določenih primerih obliko priporočila vladam, kadar za to obstajajo razlogi. Odbor lahko tudi pozove vlade članic, da ga seznanijo z dejanji, ki so jih začele v zvezi z danimi priporočili.
16. člen
Razen pristojnosti Posvetovalne skupščine, ki so opredeljene v 24., 28., 30., 32., 33. in 35. členu, Odbor ministrov obvezujoče odloča o vseh vprašanjih, ki se nanašajo na organizacijo in notranjo ureditev Sveta Evrope. V ta namen sprejema potrebna finančna in administrativna pravila.
17. člen
Odbor ministrov lahko po potrebi ustanovi odbor in komisije, ki so svetovalne ali tehnične narave.
18. člen
Odbor ministrov sprejme svoj poslovnik, ki med drugim ureja:
I. kvorum,
II. način določitve predsednika in trajanje njegovega mandata,
III. postopek za sestavo dnevnega reda in postopek za dajanje predlogov za resolucije,
IV. pogoje, pod katerimi se sporoči imenovanje namestnikov skladno s 14. členom.
19. člen
Na vsaki seji Posvetovalne skupščine Odbora ministrov predloži poročilo o svojih dejavnostih, ki mu priloži ustrezno dokumentacijo.
20. člen
a) Za sprejem resolucije Odbora ministrov o naslednjih pomembnih vprašanjih:
I. priporočila iz 15 (b) člena,
II. vprašanja iz 19. člena,
III. vprašanja iz točk (a) I. in (b) 21. člena,
IV. vprašanja iz 33. člena,
V. vprašanja, ki se nanašajo na dopolnila k členom 1 (d), 7, 15, 20 in 22,
VI. vsa druga vprašanja, za katera bi Odbor ministrov zaradi njihove pomembnosti s sprejemom resolucije pod pogoji, predvidenimi v odstavku d), določil, da zanje velja, pravilo soglasja zaradi njihove pomembnosti, se zahteva soglasje vseh glasujočih predstavnikov in večina predstavnikov, ki imajo pravico zasedati v Odboru.
b) O vprašanjih, ki izhajajo iz poslovnika ali iz finančnih in administrativnih pravil, se odloča z navadno večino predstavnikov, ki imajo pravico zasedati v Odboru.
c) Resolucije odbora iz 4. in 5. člena se sprejemajo z dvotretjinsko večino predstavnikov, ki imajo pravico zasedati v odboru.
d) Resolucije odbora, vključno sprejem proračuna, poslovnika, finančnih in administrativnih pravil, priporočil za dopolnila k členom tega statuta, razen tistih, ki so navedene v odstavku a) točka V, in odločanje ob morebitnem dvomu, kateri odstavek tega člena se uporabi, se sprejemajo z dvotretjinsko večino vseh glasujočih predstavnikov in večino predstavnikov, ki imajo pravico zasedati v Odboru.
21. člen
a) Sestanki Odbora ministrov se sklicujejo:
I. za zaprtimi vrati in
II. na sedežu Sveta,
razen če Odbor ministrov ne odloči drugače.
b) Odbor odloča o tem, kaj bo objavljeno o sklepih in razpravah s sestankov za zaprtimi vrati.
c) Odbor se obvezno sestaja pred in med začetkom vsake seje Posvetovalne skupščine kot tudi vsakokrat, kadar meni, da je to potrebno.
V. poglavje – Posvetovalna skupščina
22. člen
Posvetovalna skupščina je posvetovalni organ Sveta Evrope. Razpravlja o vprašanjih, ki so v njeni pristojnosti, določeni s tem statutom, in seznanja Odbor ministrov s svojimi sklepi v obliki priporočil.
23. člen
a) Posvetovalna skupščina lahko razpravlja in oblikuje priporočila o vseh vprašanjih, ki so v skladu s cilji in pristojnostmi Sveta Evrope in so opredeljeni v I. poglavju. Prav tako lahko razpravlja in oblikuje priporočila o vseh vprašanjih, o katerih jo Odbor ministrov prosi za mnenje.
b) Skupščina sestavlja svoj dnevni red skladno z določbo odstavka a) tega člena ob upoštevanju dejavnosti drugih evropskih medvladnih organizacij, katerih članice so nekatere ali vse članice Sveta Evrope.
24. člen
Posvetovalna skupščina lahko ob upoštevanju točke d) 38. člena ustanovi odbore ali komisije z nalogo preučiti vsa vprašanja iz svoje pristojnosti, kot je opredeljena v 23. členu, proučiti in pripraviti vprašanja za dnevni red in dajati mnenja o vseh vprašanjih postopka.
25. člen
a) Posvetovalno skupščino sestavljajo predstavniki vsake članice, ki jih voli nacionalni parlament izmed svojih članov po postopku, ki ga sam določi, s tem da sme vlada vsake članice dodatno imenovati predstavnika, kar je potrebno, kadar parlament članice ne zaseda, ni pa sprejel postopka, ki naj bi se upošteval v takšnem primeru. Vsak predstavnik mora imeti državljanstvo članice, ki jo predstavlja. Hkrati ne more biti predstavnik v Odboru ministrov.
Mandat tako določenih predstavnikov traja od začetka redne seje po njihovem imenovanju in preneha z začetkom naslednje redne seje ali poznejših rednih sej, razen v primeru parlamentarnih volitev pri članicah, ko imajo članice pravico, imenovati nove predstavnike.
Če kakšna članica zasede sedeže, izpraznjene zaradi smrti ali odstopa, ali imenuje nove predstavnike zaradi parlamentarnih volitev, se mandat novih predstavnikov začne z dnem prve seje Posvetovalne skupščine, ki sledi njihovemu imenovanju.
b) Nihče od predstavnikov ne more biti med sejo skupščine odpoklican s svoje dolžnosti brez soglasja skupščine.
c) Vsak predstavnik ima lahko namestnika, ki bo med njegovo odsotnostjo imel pravico zasedati, pravico do besede in glasovanja namesto njega. Določilo odstavka a) tega člena se analogno uporablja za imenovanje namestnikov.
26. člen
Članice imajo pravico do naslednjega števila predstavnikov:
Avstrija                                                 6
Belgija                                                  7
Bolgarija                                                6
Ciper                                                    3
Danska                                                   5
Finska                                                   5
Francija                                                18
Nemčija                                                 18
Grčija                                                   7
Islandija                                                3
Irska                                                    4
Italija                                                 18
Liechtenstein                                            2
Luksemburg                                               3
Madžarska                                                7
Malta                                                    3
Nizozemska                                               7
Norveška                                                 5
Poljska                                                 12
Portugalska                                              7
San Marino                                               2
Španija                                                 12
Švedska                                                  6
Švica                                                    6
Turčija                                                 12
Združeno kraljestvo Velike Britanije
in Severne Irske                                        18
27. člen
Pogoji, pod katerimi je Odbor ministrov lahko kolektivno zastopan v razpravah Posvetovalne skupščine, in pogoji, pod katerimi imajo lahko posamezni predstavniki v Odboru in njihovi namestniki besedo v skupščini, so določeni s poslovnikom, ki ga je sprejel Odbor po posvetovanju s skupščino.
28. člen
a) Posvetovalna skupščina sprejme svoj poslovnik. Izmed svojih članov izbere predsednika, čigar funkcija traja do naslednje redne seje.
b) Predsednik nadzoruje postopke, vendar ne sodeluje v razpravah, niti ne glasuje. Namestnik predstavnika, ki je predsednik, lahko zaseda, ima besedo in glasuje na njegovem mestu.
c) Poslovnik med drugim določa:
I. kvorum,
II. postopek volitev in trajanje funkcije predsednika in drugih članov urada,
III. postopek za sestavo dnevnega reda in njegovo predložitev predstavnikov,
IV. čas in način sporočanja imen predstavnikov in njihovih namestnikov.
29. člen
Razen določil 30. člena se vse resolucije Posvetovalne skupščine, vključno tiste, katerih predmet so:
I. dajanje priporočil Odboru ministrov,
II. predlaganje vprašanj Odboru, ki naj se uvrstijo na dnevni red skupščine,
III. ustanovitev odborov ali komisij, IV. določitev datuma začetka njenih sej,
V. določitev večine, s katero se sprejemajo resolucije, ki Se ne nanašajo na gornje alinee I do IV, ali odločitev ob morebitnem dvomu, kjer se zahteva večina, sprejemajo z dvotretjinsko večino vseh glasujočih predstavnikov.
30. člen
Resolucije Posvetovalne skupščine, ki se nanašajo na vprašanje internega postopka, predvsem volitev članov urada, določitev članov odborov in komisij in sprejem poslovnika, se sprejemajo z večino, ki jo določi skupščina ob upoštevanju V. alinee 29. člena.
31. člen
Razprave o predlogih Odbora ministrov, da se kakšno vprašanje uvrsti na dnevni red Posvetovalne skupščine, morajo biti omejene na opredelitev predlagane zadeve in razloge, ki govorijo za ali proti njegovi uvrstitvi na dnevni red.
32. člen
Posvetovalna skupščina ima vsako leto eno redno sejo, katere datum in trajanje določi skupščina tako, da se izogne, če je le mogoče, sovpadanju s parlamentarnimi sejami in sejami Generalne skupščine Združenih narodov. Redna seja ne more trajati več kot en mesec, razen če skupščina in Odbor ministrov v, soglasju ne odločita drugače.
33. člen
Redna zasedanja Posvetovalne skupščine potekajo na sedežu Sveta Evrope, razen če Posvetovalna skupščina in Odbor ministrov ne odločita drugače.
34. člen
Posvetovalna skupščina lahko skliče izredno sejo na pobudo Odbora ministrov ali predsednika skupščine po dogovoru med. njima, v katerem določita tudi datum in kraj seje.
35. člen
Razprave Posvetovalne skupščine so javne, razen če skupščina ne odloči drugače.
VI. poglavje – Sekretariat
36. člen
a) Sekretariat sestavljajo generalni sekretar, namestnik generalnega sekretarja in drugo potrebno osebje.
b) Generalnega sekretarja in namestnika generalnega sekretarja imenuje Posvetovalna skupščina na predlog Odbora ministrov.
c) Druge člane sekretariata imenuje generalni sekretar skladno z administrativnimi pravili.
d) Nihče, ki je član sekretariata, ne more biti plačan uslužbenec nobene vlade niti član Posvetovalne skupščine ali nacionalnega parlamenta oziroma opravljati poklica, ki ni združljiv z njegovimi nalogami.
e) Vsak izmed osebja sekretariata mora s svečano izjavo potrditi svojo pripadnost Svetu Evrope in svojo odločitev, da bo vestno opravljal naloge s svojega delovnega področja, ne da bi pri tem nanj vplivalo katero koli nacionalno mnenje, ter voljo, da ne bo iskal niti sprejemal navodil v zvezi z opravljanjem svojih funkcij od nobene vlade niti kateremkoli druge ustanove zunaj Sveta Evrope, kakor tudi vzdržati se vsakega dejanja, ki je nezdružljivo z njegovim statusom mednarodnega funkcionarja, izključno odgovornega Svetu Evrope. Generalni sekretar in njegov namestnik dasta to izjavo pred Odborom ministrov, osebje pa jo poda pred generalnim sekretarjem.
f) Vsak član mora spoštovati izključno mednarodno naravo funkcij generalnega sekretarja in osebja sekretariata in se vzdržati vplivanja nanje pri opravljanju njihovih nalog.
37. člen
a) Sekretariat je na sedežu Sveta Evrope.
b). Generalni sekretar je za delo sekretariata odgovoren Odboru ministrov. Med drugim tudi zagotavlja Posvetovalni skupščini administrativne in druge storitve, ki jih potrebuje, razen določil 38. d) člena.
VII. poglavje – Financiranje
38. člen
a) Vsaka članica sama nosi stroške za zastopanje v Odboru ministrov in Posvetovalni skupščini.
b) Stroški sekretariata in vsi drugi skupni stroški se porazdelijo med članice v sorazmerju, ki ga določi Odbor po številu prebivalstva vsake članice.
Prispevek pridružene članice določi Odbor.
c) V skladu s finančnimi predpisi predloži generalni sekretar vsako leto proračun Sveta v sprejetje Odboru.
d) Generalni sekretar predlaga odboru zahteve Posvetovalne skupščine glede izdatkov, ki presegajo vsoto v proračunu, namenjeno za skupščino in njeno delo.
e) Prav tako generalni sekretar predlaga Odboru ministrov ocenitev stroškov, ki se porabijo za uresničitev vsakega priporočila, predloženega odboru. Resolucij, katerih uresničitev zahteva dodatne stroške, Odbor ne bo štel za sprejete, če ni odobril predvidenih dodatnih stroškov.
39. člen
Generalni sekretar vsako leto sporoči vladam članicam njihov prispevek. Vsaka članica plača ta prispevek na naslov generalnega sekretarja in je plačljiv na dan, ko je bil sporočen, vendar pa ne kasneje kot šest mesecev od tega dneva.
VIII. poglavje – Privilegiji in imunitete
40. člen
a) Svet Evrope, predstavniki držav članic in sekretariat uživajo na ozemlju držav članic imunitete in privilegije, potrebne za opravljanje njihovih funkcij. Te imunitete varujejo predstavnike v Posvetovalni skupščini pred zaporom in vsemi podobnimi postopki na ozemlju vsake države članice zaradi mnenja ali glasovanja pri razpravah skupščine, njenih odborov in komisij.
b) Države članice si bodo prizadevale, da bi čimprej sklenile sporazum z namenom, da se izpolnijo določila, odstavka a) tega člena. V ta namen priporoči Odbor ministrov vladam članic sprejem sporazuma, kjer bodo določeni vsi privilegiji in imunitete, priznani na njihovem ozemlju. Dodatno pa se sklene poseben sporazum z Republiko Francijo, ki bo določal privilegije in imunitet, Sveta Evrope na njegovem sedežu.
IX. poglavje – Amandmaji
41. člen
a) Predlog amandmajev k temu statutu sprejema Odbor ministrov, oziroma Posvetovalne skupščine pod pogoji iz 23. člena.
b) Odbor priporoči in oblikuje v protokol amandmaje, za katere meni, da so potrebni.
c) Amandmajski protokol začne veljati, ko ga podpišeta in ratificirata dve tretjini držav članic.
d) Ne glede na določila prejšnjega odstavka tega člena bodo amandmaji k členom 23 do 35, 38, 39, ki jih bo sprejela Posvetovalna skupščina, začeli veljati z dnem, ko je notifikacija generalnega sekretarja, ki potrjuje, da so bili ti amandmaji sprejeti, poslana vladam držav članic.
Določila tega odstavka se ne morejo uporabljati do konca druge redne seje skupščine.
X. poglavje – Končne določbe
42. člen
a) Ta statut mora biti ratificiran. Ratifikacije se pošljejo vladi Združenega kraljestva Velike Britanije in Severne Irske.
b) Ta statut začne veljati, ko je deponiranih sedem instrumentov o ratifikaciji. Vlada združenega kraljestva bo vsem vladam podpisnicam poslala potrdilo z izjavo, da je statut začel veljati, in imena držav članic Sveta Evrope na ta datum.
c) Po tem bo vsaka podpisnica postala pogodbenica tega statuta z dnem deponiranja svojega ratifikacijskega instrumenta.
V potrditev dogovorjenega so pooblaščeni podpisali ta statut.
Done at London, this 5th day of May 1949, in English and French, both texts being equally authentic, in a single copy which shall remain deposited in the archives of the Government of the United Kingdom which shall transmit certified copies to the ether signatory governments.
Sestavljeno v Londonu 5. maja 1949 v angleščini in francoščini, pri čemer sta besedili enako verodostojni, v enem izvodu, ki ostane deponiran v arhivih vlade Združenega kraljestva, ki bo overovljene kopije poslala drugim vladam podpisnicam.
3. člen
Za izvajanje tega statuta skrbi Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve.
4. člen
Ta zakon začne veljati petnajsti dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 007-02/93-7/1-1
Ljubljana, dne 15. aprila 1993.
Državnega zbora
Republike Slovenije
mag. Herman Rigelnik l. r.

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