Uradni list

Številka 65
Uradni list RS, št. 65/1993 z dne 3. 12. 1993
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 65/1993 z dne 3. 12. 1993


91. Uredba o ratifikaciji Sporazuma med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Južnoafriške republike o ukinitvi vizumov za imetnike diplomatskih in službenih potnih listov, stran 943.

Na podlagi tretjega odstavka 63. člena Zakona o zunanjih zadevah (Uradni l. RS, št. 1/91-I) izdaja Vlada Republike Slovenije
1. člen
Ratificira se Sporazum med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Južnoafriške republike o ukinitvi vizumov za imetnike diplomatskih in službenih potnih listov, sklenjen z izmenjavo not z dne 28. aprila 1993 in 14. septembra ter 17. septembra 1993.
2. člen
Sporazum se v angleškem izvirniku in slovenskem prevodu glasi:
The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of South Africa presents his compliments to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia and has the honour to propose that visa requirements for holders of diplomatic and official/service passports be abolished in accordance with the following terms:
1. Slovenian and South African nationals who are holders of valid diplomatic of official/service passports may enter the territory of the other Contracting Party without the necessity of first obtaining a visa on their passports for a stay not exceeding 120 days from the date of entry.
2. The members of the diplomatic or consular mission of one of the Contracting Parties accredited in the territory of the other Contracting Party, who are holders of diplomatic or official/service passports, as well as the members of their families may during the period of their assignment, stay in the territory of the other Contracting Party without a visa or residence permit. Their designations shall be communicated via Notes Verbale to the other Contracting Party prior to their arrival, where possible.
3. Persons referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 will be allowed to enter the territory of the other Contracting Party at any frontier open for international traffic provided that they meet the requirements of laws and regulations in force in that country applying to foreigners with regard to entry.
4. The provisions of this Agreement shall not exempt persons referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 from the obligation to comply with the laws and regulations in force in the territory of the other Contracting Party applying to foreigners with regard to sojourn, settlement, employment and the practice of lucrative business.
5. This Agreement does not affect the rights of competent authorities to refuse permission to enter or stay to persons whose presence in the territory of either Contracting Party is considered undesirable.
6.1. Either Contracting Party may for reasons of public order, security or health, in, whole or in part suspend the implementation of this Agreement.
6.2. Such a suspension shall immediately be notified to the other Contracting Party through diplomatic channels.
7. The Contracting Parties shall convey to each other, through diplomatic channels, specimens of new or modified diplomatic or official/service passports, including the date of their applicability, at least 30 days before their introduction.
8. This Agreement has been concluded for an indefinite period.
9. Any amendment of this Agreement agreed upon by the Contracting Parties shall be effected by an Exchange of Notes.
10. This Agreement may be terminated by either of the Contracting Parties on giving thirty days advance notice in writing through diplomatic channels to the other Party.
If the above proposals are acceptable to the Government of the Republic of Slovenia, I have the honour to suggest that the present Note and a Note in reply shall constitute an Agreement between the two Governments concerning the abolishment of visas for diplomatic and official/service passport holders, which shall thereafter enter into force on 1 July 1993.
The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of South Africa wishes to avail himself of this opportunity to renew to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia the assurance of his highest consideration.
Cape Town
28 April 1993
The Embassy of the Republic of South Africa presents its compliments to the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia and refers to Diplomatic Note 400/029/406 regarding the proposed abolition of visa requirements for holders of diplomatic and official/service passports.
The Embassy of the Republic of South Africa has the honour to suggest that this proposed agreement shall enter into force on 1 December 1993.
The Embassy of the Republic of South Africa avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia the assurances of its highest consideration.
Vienna, 14. September 1993
Ministry for Foreign Affairs
of the Republic of Slovenia
Gregorčičeva 25
61000 Ljubljana
No: 921-95-88/92
The Ministry for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia presents its compliments to the Embassy of the Republic of South Africa at Vienna and has the honour to confirm the receipt of the note of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of South Africa No. 400/029/406 dated 28 April 1993 and of the note of the Embassy of the Republic of South Africa S8/5 MWM/now dated 14 September 1993 regarding the Agreement on the abolition of visa requirements for holders of diplomatic and service passports.
Ministry for Foreign Affairs has the honour to confirm the agreement of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia that the above mentioned notes and this note in reply shall constitute the Agreement between the two Governments concerning the abolishment of visas for holders of diplomatic and service passports, which shall enter into force on 1 December 1993.
The Ministry for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the Embassy of the Republic of South Africa at Vienna the assurances of its highest consideration.
Ljubljana, 17 September 1993
To the Embassy of the
Republic of South Africa
Minister za zunanje zadeve Južnoafriške republike izraža svoje spoštovanje ministru za zunanje zadeve Republike Slovenije in ima čast predlagati, da se ukinejo vizumi za imetnike diplomatskih in službenih potnih listov pod naslednjimi pogoji:
1. Slovenski in južnoafriški državljani, imetniki veljavnih diplomatskih ali službenih potnih listov lahko vstopijo na ozemlje druge pogodbenice brez obveznosti predhodne pridobitve vizuma na njihovih potnih listih za bivanje, ki ni daljše od 120 dni od vstopa.
2. Člani diplomatske ali konzularne misije ene od pogodbenic, akreditirani na ozemlju druge pogodbenice, imetniki diplomatskih ali službenih potnih listov, kakor, tudi njihovi družinski člani, lahko v času opravljanja svojih dolžnosti bivajo ha ozemlju druge pogodbenice brez vizuma ali dovoljenja za bivanje. Njihovo imenovanje bo z diplomatsko noto, če le mogoče, sporočeno drugi pogodbenici še pred njihovim prihodom.
3. Osebe, omenjene v 1. in 2. odstavku, lahko vstopajo na ozemlje pogodbenice na vsakem mejnem prehodu, določenem za mednarodni prehod, pod pogojem, da spoštujejo veljavne zakone in predpise, ki veljajo v zadevni državi za tujce glede vstopa.
4. Določbe tega sporazuma ne oproščajo oseb, omenjenih v 1. in 2. odstavku, obveznosti, da spoštujejo zakone in predpise, ki veljajo na ozemlju druge pogodbenice glede tujcev v zvezi z bivanjem, nastanitvijo, zaposlitvijo in opravljanjem pridobitne dejavnosti.
5. Ta sporazum ne odreka pravice pristojnim organom, da zavrnejo pravico do vstopa ali bivanja osebam, katerih prisotnost na ozemlju ene ali druge pogodbenice je nezaželena.
6.1. Vsaka od pogodbenic lahko iz razlogov javnega reda, varnosti ali iz zdravstvenih razlogov deloma ali v celoti preneha izvajati ta sporazum.
6.2. Tako prenehanje izvajanja mora biti drugi pogodbenici nemudoma sporočeno po diplomatski poti.
7. Pogodbenici si bosta po diplomatski poti poslali vzorce novih ali spremenjenih diplomatskih ali službenih potnih listov, vključno z. obvestilom o datumu njihove uporabe, najmanj 30 dni pred njihovo uvedbo.
8. Ta sporazum je sklenjen za nedoločen čas.
9. Vsakršna sprememba tega sporazuma, ki jo dogovorita obe pogodbenici, bo začela veljati z izmenjavo not.
10. Ta sporazum lahko odpove vsaka od pogodbenic s predhodnim tridesetdnevnim vnaprejšnjim pisnim obvestilom, sporočenim drugi pogodbenici po diplomatski poti.
Če so zgoraj navedeni pogoji sprejemljivi za Vlado Republike Slovenije, imam čast predlagati, da ta nota in nota-odgovor tvorita sporazum med dvema vladama o ukinitvi vizumov za imetnike diplomatskih in službenih potnih listov, ki bo stopil v veljavo 1. julija 1993.
Minister za zunanje zadeve Južnoafriške republike izkorišča tudi to priložnost da ponovi ministru za zunanje zadeve Republike Slovenije izraze svojega visokega spoštovanja.
Cape Town
28, april 1993
Veleposlaništvo Južnoafriške republike izraža svoje spoštovanje Ministrstvu za zunanje zadeve Republike Slovenije in se sklicuje na diplomatsko noto št. 400/029/ 406 glede predlagane ukinitve vizumov za imetnike diplomatskih in službenih potnih listov.
Veleposlaništvo Južnoafriške republike ima čast predlagati, da ta predlagani sporazum prične veljati 1. decembra 1993.
Veleposlaništvo Južnoafriške republike izkorišča to priložnost, da Ministrstvu za zunanje zadeve Republike Slovenije ponovno izrazi zagotovila svojega odličnega spoštovanja.
Dunaj, 14. september 1993
Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve
Republike Slovenije
Gregorčičeva 25
61000 Ljubljana
Št. 921-95-88/92
Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve Republike Slovenije izraža svoje spoštovanje Veleposlaništvu Južnoafriške republike na Dunaju in ima čast potrditi prejem note Ministrstva zunanjih zadev Južnoafriške Republike št. 400/029/406 z dne 28. aprila 1993 in note Veleposlaništva Južnoafriške republike S8/5 MWM/ now z dne 14. septembra 1993 glede sporazuma o odpravi vizumov za imetnike diplomatskih in službenih potnih listov.
Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve ima čast potrditi soglasje Vlade Republike Slovenije, da zgoraj omenjeni noti in ta nota-odgovor sestavljajo sporazum med dvema vladama glede ukinitve vizumov za imetnike diplomatskih in službenih potnih listov, ki prične veljati 1. decembra 1993.
Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve Republike Slovenije izkorišča to priložnost, da Veleposlaništvu Južnoafriške republike na Dunaju ponovno izrazi zagotovila svojega odličnega spoštovanja.
Ljubljana, 17. september 1993
Južnoafriške republike
3. člen
Za izvajanje sporazuma skrbi Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve.
4. člen
Ta uredba začne veljati naslednji dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 900-03/93-29/1-8
Ljubljana, dne 11. novembra 1993.
Vlada Republike Slovenije
dr. Janez Drnovšek l. r.

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