RESOLUTION 820 (1993)
Adopted by the Security Council at its 3200th meeting, on 17 April 1993
The Security Council,
Reaffirming all its earlier relevant resolutions,
Having considered the reports of the Secretary-General on the peace talks held by the Co-Chairmen of the Steering Committee of the International Conference on the Former Yugoslavia. (S/25221, S/25248, S/25403 and S/25479),
Reaffirming the need for a lasting peace settlement to be signed by all of the Bosnian parties,
Reaffirming the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina,
Reaffirming once again that any taking of territory by force or any. practice of »ethnic cleansing« is unlawful and totally unacceptable, and insisting that all displaced persons be enabled to return in peace to their former homes,
Reaffirming in this regard its resolution 808 (1993) in which it decided that an international tribunal shall be established for the prosecution of persons responsible for -serious violations of international humanitarian law committed in the territory of the former Yugoslavia since 1991 and requested the Secretary-General to submit a report at the earliest possible date,
Deeply alarmed and concerned about the magnitude of the plight of innocent victims of the conflict in the Republic, of Bosnia and Herzegovina,
Expressing its condemnation of all the activities carried out in violation of resolutions 757 (1992) and 787 (1992) between the territory of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) and Serb-controlled areas in the Republic of Croatia and the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina,
Deeply concerned by the position of the Bosnian Serb party as reported in paragraphs 17, 18 and 19 of the report of the Secretary-General of 26 March 1993 (S/25479),
Recalling the provisions of Chapter VIII of the Charter of the United Nations,
1. Commends the peace plan for Bosnia and Herzegovina in the form agreed to by two of the Bosnian parties and set out in the report of the Secretary-General of 26 March 1993 (S/25479), namely the Agreement on Interim Arrangements (annex I), the nine Constitutional Principles (annex II), the provisional provincial map (annex III) and the Agreement for Peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina (annex IV);
2. Welcomes the fact that this plan has now been accepted in full by two of the Bosnian parties;
3. Expresses its grave concern at the refusal so far of the Bosnian Serb party to accept the Agreement on Interim Arrangements and the provisional provincial map, and calls on that party to accept the peace plan in full;
4. Demands that all parties and others concerned continue to observe the cease-fire and refrain from any further hostilities;
5. Demands full respect for the right of the United Nations Protection Force (UNPROFOR) and the international humanitarian agencies to free and unimpeded access to all areas in the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and that all parties, in particular the Bosnian Serb party and others concerned, cooperate fully with them and take all necessary steps to ensure the safety of their personnel;
6. Condemns once again all violations of international humanitarian law, including in particular the practice of »ethnic cleansing« and the massive, organized and systematic detention and rape of women, and reaffirms that those who commit or have committed or order or have ordered the commission of such acts will be held individually responsible in respect of such acts;
7. Reaffirms its endorsement of the principles that all statements or commitments made under duress, particularly those relating to land and property, are wholly null and void and that all displaced persons have the right to return in peace to their former homes and should be assisted to do so;
8. Declares its readiness to take all the necessary measures to assist the parties in the effective implementation of the peace plan once it has been agreed in full by all the parties, and requests the Secretary-General to submit to the council at the earliest possible date, and if possible not later than nine days after the adoption of the present resolution, a report containing an account of the preparatory work for the implementation of the proposals referred to in paragraph 28 of the Secretary-General's report of 26 March 1993 (S/25479) and detailed proposals for the implementation of the peace plan, including arrangements for the effective international control of heavy weapons, based inter alia on consultations with Member States, acting nationally or through regional organizations or arrangements;
9. Encourages Member States, acting nationally or through regional organizations or arrangements, to cooperate effectively with the Secretary-General in his efforts to assist the parties in implementing the peace plan in accordance with paragraph 8 above;
Determined to strengthen the implementation of the measures imposed by its earlier relevant resolutions,
Acting under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United nations,
10. Decides that the provisions set forth in paragraphs 12 to 30 below shall, to the extent that they establish obligations beyond those established by its earlier relevant resolutions, come into force nine days after the date of the adoption of the present resolution unless the Secretary-General has reported to the Council that the Bosnian Serb party has joined the other parties in signing the peace plan and in implementing it and that the Bosnian Serbs have ceased their military attacks;
11. Decides further that if, at any time after the submission of the above-mentioned report of the Secretary-General, the Secretary-General reports to the Council that the Bosnian Serbs have renewed their military attacks or failed to comply with the peace plan, the provisions set forth in paragraphs 12 to 30 below shall come into force immediately;
12. Decides that import to, export from and transshipment through the United Nations Protected Areas in the Republic of Croatia and those areas of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina under the control of Bosnian Serb forces, with the exception of essential humanitarian supplies including medical supplies and foodstuffs distributed by international humanitarian agencies, shall be permitted only with proper authorization from the Government of the Republic of Croatia or the Government of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina respectively;
13. Decides that all States, in implementing the measures imposed by resolutions 757 (1992), 760 (1992), 787 (1992) and the present resolution, shall take steps to prevent diversion to the. territory of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) of commodities and products said to be destined for other places, in particular the United Nations Protected Areas in the Republic of Croatia and those areas of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina under the control of Bosnian Serb forces;
14. Demands that all parties and others concerned cooperate fully with UNPROFOR in the fulfillment of its immigration and customs control functions deriving from resolution 769 (1992);
15. Decides that transshipments of commodities and products through the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) on the Danube shall be permitted only if specifically authorized by the Committee established by resolution 724 (1991) and that each vessel so authorized must be subject to effective monitoring while passing along the Danube between Vidin/Calafat and Mohacs;
16. Confirms that no vessels (a) registered in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) or (b) in which a majority or controlling interest is held by a person of undertaking in or operating from the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) or (c) suspected of having violated or being in violation of resolutions 713.(1991), 757 (1992). 787 (1992) or the present resolution shall be permitted to pass through installations, including river locks or canals within the territory of Member States and calls upon the riparian States to ensure that adequate monitoring is provided to all cabotage traffic involving points that are situated between Vidin/Calafat and Mohacs;
17. Reaffirms the responsibility of riparian States to take necessary measures to ensure that shipping on the Danube is in accordance with resolutions 713 (1991), 757 (1992), 787 (1992) and the present resolution, including any measures under the authority of the Security Council to halt or otherwise control all shipping in order to inspect and verify their cargoes and destinations, to ensure affective monitoring and to ensure strict implementation of the relevant resolutions, and reiterates its request in resolution 787 (1992) to all States, including non-riparian States, to provide, acting nationally or through regional organizations or arrangements, such assistance as may be required by the riparian States, notwithstanding the restrictions on navigation set out in the international agreements which apply to the Danube;
18. Requests the Committee established by resolution 724 (1991) to make periodic reports to the Security Council on information submitted to the Committee regarding alleged violations of the relevant resolutions, identifying where possible persons or entities, including vessels, reported to be engaged in such violations;
19. Reminds States of the importance of strict enforcement of measures imposed under Chapter VII of the Charter, and calls upon them to bring proceedings against persons and entities violating the measures imposed by resolutions 713 (1991), 757 (1992), 787 (1992) and' the present resolution and to impose appropriate penalties;
20. Welcomes the role of the international Sanctions Assistance Missions in support of the implementation of the measures imposed under resolutions 713" (1991), 757 (1992), 787 (1992) and the present resolution and the appointment of the Sanctions Coordinator by the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe and invites the Sanctions Coordinator and the Sanctions Assistance Missions to work in close cooperation with the Committee established by resolution 724 (1991);
21. Decides that States in which there are funds, including any funds derived from property, (a) of the authorities in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro), or (b) of commercial, industrial or public utility undertakings in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro), or (c) controlled directly or indirectly by such authorities or undertakings or by entities, wherever located or organized, owned or controlled by such authorities or undertakings, shall require all persons and entities within their own territories holding such funds to freeze them to ensure that they are not made available directly or indirectly to or for the benefit of the authorities in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) or to any commercial, industrial or public utility undertaking in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro), and calls on all States to report to the Committee established by resolution 724 (1991) on actions taken pursuant to this paragraph;
22. Decides to prohibit the transport of all commodities and products across the land borders or to or from the ports of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro), the only exceptions being:
(a) The importation of medical supplies and foodstuffs into the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) as provided for in resolution 757 (1992), in which connection the Committee established by resolution 724 (1991) will draw up rules for monitoring to ensure full compliance with this and other relevant resolutions;
(b) The importation of other essential humanitarian supplies into the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) approved on a case-by-case basis under the no-objection procedure by the Committee established by resolution 724 (1991);
(c) Strictly limited transshipments through the territory of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro), when authorized on an exceptional basis by the Committee established by resolution 724 (1991), provided that nothing in this paragraph shall affect transshipment on the Danube in accordance with paragraph 15 above;
23. Decides that each State neighbouring the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) shall prevent the passage of all freight vehicles and rolling stock into or out of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro), except at a strictly limited number of road and rail border crossing points, the location of which shall be notified by each neighbouring State to the Committee established by resolution 724 (1991) and approved by the Committee;
24. Decides that all States shall impound all vessels, freight vehicles, rolling stock and aircraft in their territories in which a majority, or controlling interest is held by a person or undertaking in or operating from the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) and that these vessels, freight vehicles, rolling stock and aircraft may be forfeit to the seizing State upon a determination that they have been in violation of resolutions-713 (1991), 757 (1992), 787 (1992) or the present resolution;
25. Decides that all States shall detain pending investigation all vessels, freight vehicles, rolling stock, aircraft and cargoes found in their territories and suspected of having violated or being in violation of resolutions 713 (1991), 757 (1992), 787 (1992) or the present resolution, and that, upon a determination that they have been in violation, such vessels, freight vehicles, rolling stock and aircraft shall be impounded and, where appropriate, they and their cargoes may be forfeit to the detaining State;
26. Confirms that States may charge the expense of impounding vessels, freight vehicles, rolling stock and aircraft to their owners;
27. Decides to prohibit the provision of services, both financial and non-financial, to any person or body for purposes of any business carried on in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) the only exceptions being telecommunications, postal services, legal services consistent with resolution 757 (1992) and, as approved, on a case-by-case basis by the Committee established by resolution 724 (1991), services whose supply may be necessary for humanitarian or other exceptional purposes;
28. Decides to prohibit all commercial maritime traffic from entering the territorial sea of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) except when authorized on a case-by-case basis by the Committee established by resolution 724 (1991) or in case of force majeure;
29. Reaffirms the authority of States, acting under paragraph 12 of resolution 787 (1992) to use such measures commensurate with the specific circumstances as may be necessary under the authority of the Security Council to enforce the present resolution and its other relevant resolutions, including in the territorial sea of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro);
30. Confirms that the provisions set forth in paragraphs 12 to 29 above, strengthening the implementation of the measures imposed by its earlier relevant resolutions, do not apply to activities related to UNPROFOR, the International Conference on the Former Yugoslavia or the European Community Monitor Mission;
Desirous of achieving the full readmittance of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) to the international community once it has fully implemented the relevant resolutions of the Council,
31. Expresses its readiness, after all three Bosnian parties have accepted the peace plan and on the basis of verified evidence, provided by the Secretary-General, that the Bosnian Serb party is cooperating in good faith in effective implementation of the plan, to review all the measures in the present resolution and its other relevant resolutions with a view to gradually lifting them;
32. Invites all States to consider what contribution they can make to the reconstruction of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina;
33. Decides to remain actively seized of the matter.
RESOLUCIJA 820 (1993)
sprejeta na 3200. zasedanju Varnostnega sveta dne 17. aprila 1993
Varnostni svet:
Ponovno potrjuje vse predhodne relevantne resolucije,
Upoštevajoč poročila glavnega sekretarja o mirovnih pogajanjih, ki jih vodi sopredsedujoči Odbora za vodenje mednarodne konference o nekdanji Jugoslaviji (S/25221, S/25248, S/25403 in S/25479),
Ponovno poudarja, potrebo po trajnem mirovnem sporazumu, ki ga bodo podpisale vse strani v Bosni,
Ponovno potrjuje suverenost, ozemeljsko celovitost in politično neodvisnost Republike Bosne in Hercegovine,
Še enkrat potrjuje, da sta prisvojitev ozemlja s silo ali kakršnakoli dejavnost »etničnega čiščenja« protipravni in popolnoma nesprejemljivi, ter vztraja, da se vsem razseljenim osebam omogoči mirna vrnitev na njihove nekdanje domove,
Ponovno potrjuje s tem v zvezi svojo resolucijo 808 (1993), v kateri je določil, da se ustanovi mednarodno sodišče za pregon oseb, odgovornih za resne kršitve mednarodnega humanitarnega prava, ki so bile storjene na ozemlju nekdanje Jugoslavije od leta 1991 dalje, ter zahteva, da generalni sekretar predloži poročilo v najkrajšem možnem času,
Je zelo vznemirjen in globoko zaskrbljen zaradi razsežnosti težkega položaja nedolžnih žrtev konflikta v Republiki Bosni in Hercegovini,
Obsoja vse aktivnosti, ki kršijo resoluciji 757 (1992). in 787 (1992) ter potekajo med ozemljem Zvezne republike Jugoslavije (Srbija in Črna gora) in območij pod srbskim nadzorom v Republiki Hrvaški in Republiki Bosni in Hercegovini,
Je globoko zaskrbljen zaradi stališča bosanskih Srbov, predstavljenega v 17., 18. in 19. odstavku poročila generalnega sekretarja z dne 26. marca 1993 (S/25479),
Sklicujoč se na določila VIII. poglavja Ustanovne listine Združenih narodov,
1. Priporoča mirovni načrt za Bosno in Hercegovino v obliki, s katero se strinjata dve strani v Bosni, in je predstavljen v poročilu generalnega sekretarja z dne 26. marca 1993 (S/25479), in sicer Sporazum o začasni ureditvi (aneks 1), devet ustavnih načel (aneks II), začasen zemljevid provinc (aneks III) in Sporazum o miru v Bosni in Hercegovini (aneks IV);
2. Pozdravlja dejstvo, da sta ta načrt v celoti sprejeli dve strani v Bosni;
3. Izraža globoko zaskrbljenost zaradi dosedanjega zavračanja bosanskih Srbov, da sprejmejo Sporazum o začasni ureditvi in začasen zemljevid provinc, ter poziva to stran, da sprejme mirovni načrt v celoti;
4. Zahteva, da vse strani in drugi vpleteni spoštujejo premirje ter se vzdržijo vseh nadaljnjih Sovražnosti;
5. Zahteva, da se v celoti spoštuje pravica Zaščitnih sil Združenih narodov (UNPROFOR) in mednarodnih humanitarnih agencij do prostega in neoviranega dostopa na vsa območja v Republiki Bosni in Hercegovini, ter da vse strani, še posebej bosanski Srbi in drugi vpleteni, v celoti sodelujejo z njimi ter storijo vse za zagotovitev varnosti njihovega osebja;
6. Še enkrat obsoja vse kršitve mednarodnega humanitarnega prava in še posebno dejavnost »etničnega čiščenja« ter obsežnega, organiziranega in sistematičnega zapiranja in posiljevanja žensk ter ponovno potrjuje, da bodo tisti, ki izvršujejo ali so izvršili, ukazujejo ali so ukazali izvršitev takšnih dejanj, osebno odgovorni za ta dejanja;
7. Ponovno potrjuje svojo zavezanost načelom, da so vse izjave ali obveze, dosežene pod prisilo, še posebej tiste, ki se nanašajo na zemljo in lastnino, popolnoma brez zakonske veljave, ter da imajo vse razseljene osebe pravico do mirne vrnitve na svoje nekdanje domove, in da se jim pri tem nudi pomoč;
8. Izjavlja, da je pripravljen sprejeti vse potrebne ukrepe, da bi pomagal stranem pri učinkovitem izvajanju mirovnega načrta, s katerim se bodo v celoti strinjale vse strani, in zahteva, da generalni sekretar predloži Svetu v najkrajšem možnem času, in, če je mogoče, ne kasneje kot devet dni po sprejetju te resolucije, poročilo, v katerem je opisano pripravljalno delo za izvajanje predlogov, omenjenih v 28. odstavku poročila generalnega sekretarja z dne 26. marca 1993 (S/25479), in podrobni predlogi za izvajanje mirovnega načrta, vključno s pripravami za učinkovit mednarodni, nadzor nad težkim orožjem, ki med drugim temelji na posvetovanjih z državami članicami, ki delujejo v okviru države ali preko regionalnih organizacij ali dogovorov;
9. Vzpodbuja države članice, ki delujejo v okviru države ali preko regionalnih organizacij ali dogovorov, da učinkovito sodelujejo z generalnim sekretarjem v njegovih prizadevanjih pomagati stranem pri izvajanju mirovnega načrta v skladu z 8. odstavkom zgoraj;
Ima trden namen poostriti izvajanje ukrepov, ki jih nalagajo vse njegove predhodne relevantne resolucije,
Deluje v skladu s VII. poglavjem Ustanovne listine Združenih narodov in
10. Določa, da določbe, navedene v 12. – 30. odstavku spodaj, ki presegajo okvir dolžnosti, navedenih v predhodnih relevantnih resolucijah, stopijo v veljavo devet dni po dnevu sprejetja te resolucije, razen če generalni sekretar Svetu ne sporoči, da so se bosanski Srbi pridružili drugim stranem pri podpisu mirovnega načrta in njegovi izvedbi ter da so bosanski Srbi prenehali z vojaškimi napadi;
11. Nadalje določa, da če kadarkoli po predložitvi zgoraj omenjenega poročila generalnega sekretarja, generalni sekretar sporoči Svetu, da so bosanski Srbi ponovno pričeli z vojaškimi napadi ali da ne upoštevajo mirovnega načrta, določbe iz 12. – 30. odstavka spodaj takoj stopijo v veljavo;
12. Določa, da se uvoz v, izvoz iz in tranzit blaga preko območij pod zaščito Združenih narodov v Republiki Hrvaški in preko območij v Republiki Bosni in Hercegovini, ki so pod nadzorom sil bosanskih Srbov – izvzete so osnovne humanitarne pošiljke mednarodnih humanitarnih agencij, ki vključujejo zdravila in hrano – dovoli le z ustreznim pooblastilom vlade Republike Hrvaške ali vlade Republike Bosne in Hercegovine;
13. Določa, da vse države pri izvajanju ukrepov, ki jih nalagajo resolucije 757 (1992), 760 (1992), 787 (1992) in ta resolucija, storijo vse potrebno, da preprečijo preusmeritev vsega blaga in proizvodov na. ozemlje Zvezne republike Jugoslavije (Srbija in Črna gora), za katere je rečeno, da so namenjeni drugam, še posebej tistega, namenjenega na območja pod zaščito Združenih narodov v Republiki Hrvaški in na območja v Republiki Bosni in Hercegovini pod nadzorom sil bosanskih Srbov;
14. Zahteva, da vse strani in vsi vpleteni v celoti sodelujejo z Unproforjem pri opravljanju imigracijskih in carinskih funkcij nadzora, ki izhajajo iz resolucije 769 (1992);
15. Določa, da se tranzit blaga in proizvodov preko Zvezne republike Jugoslavije (Srbija in Črna gora) na Donavi dovoli le, če to izrecno odobri Odbor, ustanovljen z resolucijo 724 (1991), ter da je vsako plovilo, ki ima takšno pooblastilo, podvrženo učinkovitemu nadzoru, medtem ko pluje po Donavi med krajema Vidin/Calafat in Mohacs;
16. Potrjuje, da se nobenemu plovilu, a) registriranemu v Zvezni republiki Jugoslaviji (Srbija in Črna gora) ali b) pri katerem ima večinski ali upravljalni delež oseba ali organizacija, ki se nahaja v ali deluje iz Zvezne republike Jugoslavije (Srbija in Črna gora), ali c) ki je osumljeno, da je kršilo ali krši resolucijo 713 (1991), 757 (1992), 787 (1992) ali to resolucijo, ne dovoli plovba preko naprav, vključno z rečnimi zapornicami ali kanali na ozemlju držav članic, ter poziva vse obrežne države, da zagotovijo ustrezen nadzor nad vsem kabotažnim prometom, ki vključuje točke med krajema Vidin/Calafat in Mohacs;
17. Ponovno potrjuje odgovornost obrežnih držav, da s potrebnimi ukrepi zagotovijo, da je plovba po Donavi v skladu z resolucijami 713 (1991), 757 (1992), 787 (1992) in to resolucijo, vključno z ukrepi, za katere je pooblaščen Varnostni svet, da se zaustavi ali kako drugače nadzira vsa plovila, zato da se pregleda in preveri njihov tovor in cilj, da se zagotovi učinkovito nadzorovanje in strogo izvajanje relevantnih resolucij, ter zopet ponavlja svojo zahtevo iz resolucije 787 (1992), namenjeno državam, vključno s tistimi državami, ki niso obrežne", da priskrbijo v okviru države ali preko regionalnih organizacij ali dogovorov pomoč, kakršno zahtevajo obrežne države, ne glede na omejitve plovbe, navedene v mednarodnih sporazumih, ki se nanašajo na Donavo;
18. Zahteva, da Odbor, ustanovljen z resolucijo 724 (1991), redno poroča Varnostnemu svetu o informacijah, ki so bile predložene Odboru in se nanašajo na domnevne kršitve relevantnih resolucij, in imenuje, kjer je to mogoče, osebe ali pravne osebe, vključno s plovili, za katere je bilo sporočeno, da sodelujejo v takšnih kršitvah;
19. Opozarja države na pomembnost strogega izvajanja ukrepov, ki jih nalaga VII. poglavje Ustanovne listine, in jih poziva, da uvedejo postopek proti osebam ali pravnim osebam, ki kršijo ukrepe, navedene v resolucijah 713 (1991), 757 (1992), 787 (1992) ter v tej resoluciji, in jih primerno kaznujejo;
20. Pozdravlja vlogo mednarodnih Misij za pomoč pri sankcijah v podpiranju izvajanja ukrepov, ki jih nalagajo resolucije 713 (1991), 757 (1992), 787 (1992) in ta resolucija, ter imenovanje koordinatorja sankcij s strani Konference o varnosti in sodelovanju v Evropi, in vabi koordinatorja sankcij in Misije za pomoč pri sankcijah, da tesno sodelujejo z Odborom, ustanovljenim z resolucijo 724 (1991);
21. Določa, da države članice, v katerih se nahajajo sredstva, vključno s kakršnimikoli sredstvi, ki izvirajo iz lastnine, in so last a) oblasti Zvezne republike Jugoslavije (Srbija in Črna gora) ali b) komercialnih, industrijskih ali javnih podjetij v Zvezni republiki Jugoslaviji (Srbija in Črna gora) ali c) ki so pod posrednim ali neposrednim nadzorom takšnih oblasti ali organizacij ali pravnih oseb, kjerkoli se že nahajajo ali so organizirani in so v lasti ali pod nadzorom takšnih oblasti ali organizacij, zahtevajo, da vse osebe in pravne osebe na svojem ozemlju zamrznejo ta sredstva, ki jih imajo, in s tem zagotovijo, da niso na razpolago v ali za posredno ali neposredno korist oblasti v Zvezni republiki Jugoslaviji (Srbija in Črna gora) ali kateremukoli komercialnemu, industrijskemu ali javnemu podjetju v Zvezni republiki Jugoslaviji (Srbija in Črna gora), ter poziva vse države članice, da poročajo Odboru, ustanovljenemu z resolucijo 724 (1991) o dejanjih, opravljenih v skladu s tem odstavkom;
22. Določa prepoved prevoza vsega blaga in proizvodov preko kopenskih meja oziroma v ali iz pristanišč Zvezne republike Jugoslavije (Srbija in Črna gora), edine izjeme so:
a) Uvoz zdravil in hrane v Zvezno republiko Jugoslavijo (Srbija in Črna gora), kot je določeno v resoluciji 757 (1992); s tem v zvezi bo Odbor, ustanovljen z resolucijo 724 (1991), sestavil pravila za nadzor ter tako zagotovil popolno spoštovanje te in drugih relevantnih resolucij;
b) Uvoz drugih pomembnih humanitarnih pošiljk v Zvezno republiko Jugoslavijo (Srbija in Črna gora), ki se odobri za vsak posamezen primer s postopkom ne nasprotovanja Odbora, ustanovljenega z resolucijo 724 (1991);
c) Strogo omejeni tranziti blaga preko ozemlja Zvezne republike Jugoslavije (Srbija in Črna gora), kadar jih izjemoma odbori Odbor, ustanovljen z resolucijo 724 (1991), če nič iz tega odstavka ne bo vplivalo na tranzit blaga po Donavi v skladu s 15. odstavkom zgoraj;
23. Odloča, da naj vsaka država, ki meji na Zvezno republiko Jugoslavijo (Srbija in Črna gora), prepreči prehod vseh tovornih vozil in tirničnih vozil v ali iz Zvezne republike Jugoslavije (Srbija in Črna gora), razen na strogo omejenem številu cestnih in železniških mejnih prehodov, o lokaciji katerih bo vsaka mejna država obvestila Odbor, ustanovljen z resolucijo 724 (1991), in ki jih bo ta Odbor odobril;
24. Odloča, da naj vse države na svojih ozemljih zasežejo vsa, plovila, tovorna vozila, tirnična vozila in letala, katerih nadzorni delež ima oseba ali organizacija iz ali delujoča iz Zvezne republike Jugoslavije (Srbija in Črna gora), ter da ta plovila, tovorna vozila, tirnična vozila in letala lahko zapleni država, ki jih zaseže, po odločitvi, da so kršili resolucije 713 (1991), 757 (1992), 787 (1992) ali to resolucijo;
25. Odloča, da naj vse države na svojih ozemljih v času preiskave zadržijo vsa plovila, tovorna vozila, tirnična vozila, letala in tovore, za katere sumijo, da so kršila ali kršijo resolucije 713 (1991), 757 (1992), 787 (1992) ali to resolucijo, in da naj bodo po odločitvi, da je prišlo do kršitve, taka plovila, tovorna vozila, tirnična vozila in letala zasežena, ter lahko, če je primerno, njih in njihove tovore zapleni država, ki jih zadrži;
26. Potrjuje, da lahko države stroške za zaseg zaračunajo lastnikom plovil, tovornih vozil, tirničnih vozil in letal;
27. Odloča, da prepoveduje zagotavljanje storitev, tako finančnih kot nefinančnih, katerikoli osebi ali telesu za namene kakršnegakoli poslovanja v Zvezni republiki Jugoslaviji (Srbija in Črna gora), z edino izjemo telekomunikacij, poštnih storitev in pravnih storitev v skladu z resolucijo 757 (1992) in storitev, potrebnih za humanitarne ali druge izjemne namene, če vsako tako posamezno storitev odobri Odbor, ustanovljen z resolucijo 724 (1991);
28. Odloča, da prepoveduje vsemu komercialnemu morskemu prometu vstop v teritorialne vode Zvezne republike Jugoslavije (Srbija in Črna gora), razen če ga od primera do primera ne odobri Odbor, ustanovljen z resolucijo 724 (1991), ali v primeru višje sile;
29. Ponovno potrjuje pristojnost držav, delujočih v skladu z 12. odstavkom resolucije 787 (1992), da uporabijo take ukrepe, primerne določenim okoliščinam, kot so potrebni po pooblastilu Varnostnega sveta, za uveljavitev te resolucije in ostalih relevantnih resolucij, vključno v teritorialnem morju Zvezne republike Jugoslavije (Srbija in Črna gora);
30. Potrjuje, da se določbe, navedene v odstavkih od 12. do 29. zgoraj, ki poostrujejo uporabo ukrepov, določenih s predhodnimi relevantnimi resolucijami, ne nanašajo na dejavnosti, povezane z Unproforjem, Mednarodno konferenco o nekdanji Jugoslaviji ali Opazovalno misijo Evropske skupnosti;
V želji, da bi Zvezni, republiki Jugoslaviji (Srbija in Črna gora) dovolili popolno ponovno vključitev v mednarodno skupnost, ko bo v celoti izvedla relevantne resolucije Sveta.
31. Izraža svojo pripravljenost, da po tem, ko bodo vse tri strani v Bosni sprejele mirovni načrt in na osnovi verificiranega dokaza, ki ga zagotovi generalni sekretar, da srbska stran v Bosni v dobri veri sodeluje pri učinkovitem izvajanju načrta, preučila vse ukrepe te resolucije in ostalih relevantnih resolucij, z namenom, da jih postopoma odpravi;
32. Vabi vse države, da naj preučijo, kako lahko prispevajo k obnovitvi Republike Bosne in Hercegovine;
33. Odloča, da se bo še naprej aktivno ukvarjal s to zadevo.