Uradni list

Številka 58
Uradni list RS, št. 58/1994 z dne 30. 9. 1994
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 58/1994 z dne 30. 9. 1994


84. Zakon o ratifikaciji Sporazuma med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Kraljevine Belgije o zračnem prometu, stran 972.

Na podlagi druge alinee prvega odstavka 107. člena in prvega odstavka 91. člena Ustave Republike Slovenije izdajam
Razglašam Zakon o ratifikaciji Sporazuma med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Kraljevine Belgije o zračnem prometu, ki ga je sprejel Državni zbor Republike Slovenije na seji dne 19. julija 1994.
Št. 012-01/94-96
Ljubljana, dne 27. julija 1994.
Republike Slovenije
Milan Kučan I. r.
1. člen
Ratificira se Sporazum med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Kraljevine Belgije o zračnem prometu, podpisan 23. marca 1994 v Ljubljani.
2. člen
Sporazum se v izvirniku v angleškem jeziku in prevodu v slovenskem jeziku glasi:
The Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Government of the Kingdom of Belgium,
Being parties to the Convention on International Civil Aviation opened for signature at Chicago, on the 7th day of December, 1944;
Desiring to conclude an agreement, supplementary to the said Convention, for the purpose of establishing air services between and beyond their respective territories;
Desiring to ensure the highest degree of safety and security in international air transport;
Have agreed as follows:
Article 1
For the purpose of this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires:
a) the term "Convention" means the Convention on International Civil Aviation opened for signature at Chicago on the seventh day of December 1944 and includes any Annex adopted under Article 90 of that Convention and any amendment of the annexes or of the Convention under Articles 90 and 94 thereof so far as those Annexes and amendments have been adopted or ratified by both Contracting Parties;
b) the term "Agreement"' means this Agreement, the Annex attached thereto, and any modifications to the Agreement or to the Annex;
c) the term "aeronautical authorities" means: in the case of Slovenia, the Ministry of Transport and Communication, Civil Aviation Authority and, in the case of Belgium, The Ministry of Communications, or, in both cases, any other authority or person empowered to perform the functions now exercised by the said authorities;
d) the terms "Territory", "Air Service", "International Air Service", "Airline" and "Stop for non-traffic purposes" have the meaning respectively assigned to them in Articles 2 and 96 of the Convention;
e) the term "Designated airline" means an airline which has been designated and authorized in accordance with Articles 3 and 4 of this Agreement;
f) the term "Agreed services" means scheduled air services on the routes specified in the Annex to this Agreement for the transport of passengers, cargo and mail, separately or in combination;
g) the term "Tariffs" means the prices to be paid for the carriage of passengers, baggage and cargo and the conditions under which those prices apply, including prices and conditions for agency and other ancillary services, but excluding remuneration and conditions for the carriage of mail;
Article 2
Grant of Rights
1. Each Contracting Party grants to the other Contracting Party except as otherwise specified in the Annex the following rights for the conduct of international air services by the airline designated by the other Contracting Party:
a) to fly without landing across the territory of the other Contracting Party;
b) to make stops in the said territory for non-traffic purposes; and
c) to make stops in the said territory for the purpose of taking up and discharging, while operating the routes specified in the Annex, international traffic in passengers, cargo and mail, separately or in combination.
2. Nothing in paragraph 1 of this article shall be deemed to confer on a designated airline of one Contracting Party the privilege of taking up, in the territory of the other Contracting Party, passengers, cargo and mail carried for remuneration or hire and destined for another point in the territory of that other Contracting Party.
3. If because of armed conflict, political disturbances or developments, or special and unusual circumstances, the designated airline of one Contracting Party is unable to operate a service on its normal routing, the other Contracting Party shall use its best efforts to facilitate the continued operation of such service through appropriate rearrangements of such routes, including the grant of rights for such time as may be necessary to facilitate viable operations.
Article 3
Designation to operate services
1. Each Contracting Party shall have the right to designate, by diplomatic note, to the other Contracting Party, an airline to operate the agreed services on the routes specified in the Annex for such a Contracting Party.
2. Each Contracting Party shall have the right to withdraw, by diplomatic note to the other Contracting Party, the designation of any airline and to designate another one.
Article 4
Authorization to operate services
1. Following receipt of a notice of designation by one Contracting Party pursuant to Article 3 of this Agreement, the aeronautical authorities of the other
Contracting Party shall, consistent with its laws and regulations, grant without delay to the airline so designated the appropriate authorizations to operate the agreed services for which that airline has been designated.
2. Upon receipt of such authorizations the airline may begin at any time to operate the agreed services, in whole or in part, provided that the airline complies with the applicable provisions of this Agreement and that tariffs are established in accordance with the provisions of Article 12 of this Agreement.
Article 5
Revocation or suspension of operating authorization
1. The aeronautical authorities of each Contracting Party shall have the right to withhold the authorizations referred to in Article 4 with respect to an airline designated by the other Contracting Party, to revoke or suspend such authorization or impose conditions, temporarily or permanently;
a) in the event of failure by such airline to satisfy them that it is qualified to fulfill the conditions prescribed under the laws and regulations normally and reasonably applied to the operation of international air services by these authorities in conformity with the Convention;
b) in the event of failure by such airline to operate in accordance with the conditions prescribed under this Agreement;
c) in the event of failure by such airline to comply with the laws and regulations of that Contracting Party;
d) in the event that such airline cannot prove that substantial ownership and effective control of the airline are vested in the Contracting Party designating the airline or in its nationals.
2. Unless immediate action is essential to prevent infringement of the laws and regulations referred to above, the rights enumerated in paragraph 1 of this article shall be exercised only after consultations with the aeronautical authorities of the other Contracting Party in conformity with Article 16 of this Agreement.
Article 6
Application of laws and regulations
1. The laws and regulations of one Contracting Party relating to the admission to, remaining in, or departure from its territory of aircraft engaged in international air navigation or to the operation and navigation of such aircraft shall be complied with by the designated airline of the other Contracting Party upon entrance into, departure from and while within the said territory.
2. The laws and regulations of one Contracting Party respecting entry, clearance, transit, immigration, passports, customs, currency, sanitary requirements and quarantine shall be complied with by the designated airline of the other Contracting Party and by or on behalf of its crews, passengers, cargo and mail upon transit of, admission to, departure from and while within the territory of such Contracting Party;
Passengers in transit across the territory of either Contracting Party shall be subject to no more than a simplified control.
3. Neither of the Contracting Parties shall give preference to its own or any other airline over an airline engaged in similar international air services of the other Contracting Party in the application of its regulations specified in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this article or in the use of airports, airways, air traffic services and associated facilities under its control.
Article 7
Certificates and licences
Certificates of airworthiness, certificates of competency and licences issued or rendered valid by one Contracting Party and still in force, shall be recognized as valid by the other Contracting Party for the purpose of operating the agreed services on the routes specified in the Annex, provided that such certificates or licences were issued or rendered valid pursuant to, and in conformity with, the standards established under the Convention.
Each Contracting Party reserves the right, however, to refuse to recognize, for the purpose of flights above its own territory, certificates of competency and licences granted to its own nationals by the other Contracting Party.
Article 8
Aviation Security
1. The Contracting Parties reaffirm that their obligation to protect, in their mutual relationship, the security of civil aviation against acts of unlawful interference forms an integral part of this Agreement.
2. The Contracting Parties shall provide upon request all necessary assistance to each other to prevent acts of unlawful seizure of aircraft and other unlawful acts against the safety of passengers, crew, aircraft, airports and air navigation facilities and any other threat to aviation security.
3. The Contracting Parties shall act in conformity with the provisions of the Convention on Offences and Certain Other Acts Committed on Board Aircraft, signed at Tokyo on 14 September 1963, the Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Seizure of Aircraft, signed at The Hague on 16 December 1970 and the Convention for the Suppression of Acts against the Safety of Civil Aviation, signed at Montrealon 23 September 1971 and its supplementary Protocol for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts of Violence at Airports serving International Civil Aviation, signed at Montreal on 24 February 1988.
4. The Contracting Parties shall, in their mutual relations, act in conformity with the aviation security provisions established by the International Civil Aviation Organization and designated as annexes to the Convention on International Civil Aviation to the extent that such security provisions are applicable to the Parties; they shall require that operators of aircraft of their registry or operators who have their principal place of business or permanent residence in their territory and the operators of airports in their territory act in conformity with such aviation security provisions.
5. Each Contracting Party agrees to observe the security provisions required by the other Contracting Party for entry into the territory of that other Contracting Party and to take adequate measures to inspect passengers, crew, their carry-on items as well as cargo prior to boarding or loading. Each Contracting Party shall also give positive consideration to any request from the other Contracting Party for special security measures for its aircraft or passengers to meet a particular threat.
6. When an incident or threat of an incident of unlawful seizure of aircraft or other unlawful acts against the safety of passengers, crew, aircraft, airports and air navigation facilities occurs, the Contracting Parties shall assist each other by facilitating communications and other appropriate measures intended to terminate rapidly and safely such incident or threat thereof.
7. Should a Contracting Party depart from the aviation security provisions of this article, the aeronautical authorities of the other Contracting Party may request immediate consultations with the aeronautical authorities of that Party. Failure to reach a satisfactory agreement within thirty (30) days will constitue grounds for application of Article 5 of this Agreement.
Article 9
User charges
1. Each Contracting Party may impose or permit to be imposed just and reasonable charges on the designated airline of the other Contracting Party. These charges shall be based on sound economic principles.
2. The charges imposed in the territory of one Contracting Party on the designated airline of the other Contracting Party for the use of airports and other aviation facilities by the aircraft of the designated airline of the other Contracting Party shall not be higher than those imposed on a national airline of the first Contracting Party engaged in similar international services.
3. Each Contracting Party shall encourage consultations between its competent charging authorities and the designated airline using the facilities and services, where practicable, through the airlines' representative organizations. Reasonable notice should be given of any proposal for changes in user charges to enable them to express their views before changes are made.
Article 10
Customs and Excise
1. Each Contracting Party shall exempt the designated airline of the other Contracting Party from import restrictions, customs duties, excise taxes, inspection fees and other national, regional or local duties and charges on aircraft, fuel, lubricating oils, consumable technical supplies, spare parts including engines, regular aircraft equipment, ground equipment, aircraft stores and other items intended for use or used solely in connection with the operation or servicing of aircraft of the designated airline of such other Contracting Party operating the agreed services, as well as printed ticket stock, airway bills, any printed material which bears the insignia of the company printed thereon and usual publicity material distributed without charge by that designated airline.
2. The exemptions granted by this article shall apply to the items referred to in paragraph 1 of this article, whether or not such items are used or consumed wholly within the territory of the Contracting Party granting the exemption, provided such items are:
a) introduced into the territory of one Contracting Party by or on behalf of the designated airline of the other Contracting Party, but not alienated in the territory of the said Contracting Party;
b) retained on board aircraft of the designated airline of one Contracting Party upon arriving in or leaving the territory of the other Contracting Party;
c) taken on board aircraft of the designated airline of one Contracting Party in the territory of the other Contracting Party and intended for use in operating the agreed services.
3. The regular airborne equipment, the ground equipment, as well as the materials and supplies normally retained on board the aircraft of the designated airline of either Contracting Party, may be unloaded in the territory of the other Contracting Party only with the approval of the Customs authorities of that territory. In such case, they may be placed under the supervision of the said authorities up to such time as they are re-exported or otherwise disposed of in accordance with Customs regulations.
4. Baggage and cargo in direct transit shall be exempt from customs duties and other taxes.
5. The exemptions provided for by this article shall also be available where the designated airline of one Contracting Party has contracted with another airline, which similarly enjoys such exemptions from the other Contracting Party, for the loan or transfer in the territory of the other Contracting Party of the items specified in paragraph 1 of this article.
Article 11
1. There shall be fair and equal opportunity for the designated airline of each Contracting Party to operate the agreed services between and beyond their respective territories on the routes specified in the Annex to this Agreement.
2. In operating the agreed services, the designated airline of each Contracting Party shall take into account the interest of the designated airline of the other Contracting Party so as not to affect unduly the services which the latter provides on the whole or part of the same route.
3. The agreed services provided by the designated airlines of the Contracting Parties shall bear reasonable relationship to the requirements of the public for transportation on the specified routes and shall have as their primary objective the provision, at a reasonable load factor, of capacity adequate to meet the current and reasonably anticipated requirements for the carriage of passengers, cargo and mail between the territories of the Contracting Parties.
4. The designated airlines shall, not later than 30 days prior to the date of operation of any agreed service, submit for approval their proposed flight programs to the aeronautical authorities of both Contracting Parties.
5. For supplementary flights which the designated airline of one Contracting Party wishes to operate on the agreed services outside the approved time-table it has to request prior permission from the aeronautical authorities of the other Contracting Party. Such request shall usually be submitted at least two working-days before operating such flights.
Article 12
1. The Contracting Parties shall allow that a tariff
on one of the routes as specified in the annex shall be
established by each of the designated airlines, if possible
after consultation between those airlines.
2. The tariffs for carriage on agreed services to and from the territory of the other Contracting Party shall be
established at reasonable levels, due regard being paid to all relevant factors including cost of operation, reasonable profit, characteristics of service, the interest of users and, where it is deemed suitable, the tariffs of other airlines over all or part of the same route.
3. The tariffs shall be submitted to and received by the aeronautical authorities of the Contracting Parties at least forty-five (45) days before the proposed date of their introduction; in special cases, a snorter period may be accepted by the aeronautical authorities.
If within thirty (30) days from the date of receipt, the aeronautical authorities of one Contracting Party have not notified the aeronautical authorities of the other Contracting Party that they do not approve the tariff submitted to them, such tariff shall come into effect on the date stated in the proposed tariff.
In the event that a shorter period for the submission of a tariff is accepted by the aeronautical authorities, they may also agree that the period for giving notice of disapproval be less than thirty (30) days.
4. If a notice of disapproval has been filed in accordance with paragraph 3 of this article, the aeronautical authorities of the Contracting Parties shall hold consultations in accordance with Article 16 of this Agreement and endeavour to determine the tariff by agreement between themselves.
5. If the aeronautical authorities cannot agree on any tariff submitted to them under paragraph 3 of this article or on the determination of any tariff under paragraph 4 of this article, the dispute shall be settled in accordance with the provisions of article 17 of this Agreement.
6. If the aeronautical authorities of one of the Contracting Parties do no longer accept an established tariff, they shall so notify the aeronautical authorities of the other Contracting Party and the designated airlines shall attempt, where required, to reach an agreement.
If within the period of ninety (90) days from the date of receipt of a notice of disapproval, a new tariff cannot be established, the procedures as set out in paragraphs 4 and 5 of this article shall apply.
7. When tariffs have been established in accordance with the provisions of this article, those tariffs shall remain in force until new tariffs have been established in accordance with the provisions of this article or article 17 of this Agreement.
8. No tariff shall come into force if the aeronautical authorities of either Contracting Party have disapproved it except under the provision of paragraph 4 of article 17 of this Agreement.
9. The aeronautical authorities of both Contracting Parties shall endeavour to ensure that the tariffs charged and collected conform to the tariffs approved by them and are not subject to rebates.
Article 13
Staff requirements
1. The designated airline of one Contracting Party shall be allowed on the basis of reciprocity, to maintain in the territory of the other Contracting Party its representatives and commercial, operational and technical staff as required in connection with the operation of the agreed services.
2. These staff requirements may, at the option of the designated airline, be satisfied by its own personnel of any nationality or by using the services of any other organization, company or airline operating in the territory of the other Contracting Party and authorized to perform such services in the territory of that Contracting Party.
3. The representatives and staff shall be subject to the laws and regulations in force of the other Contracting Party. Consistent with such law and regulations, each Contracting Party shall, on the basis of reciprocity and with the minimum of delay, grant the necessary work permits, employment visas or other similar documents to the representatives and staff referred to in paragraph 1 of this article.
4. To the extent permitted under national law, both Contracting Parties shall dispense with the requirement of work permits or employment visas or other similar documents for personnel performing certain temporary services and duties.
Article 14
Sales and revenues
1. Each designated airline shall be granted the right to engage in the sale of air transportation in the territory of the other Contracting Party directly and, at its discretion, through its agents.
Each designated airline shall have the right to sell transportation in the currency of that territory or, at its discretion, in freely convertible currencies of other countries and any person shall be free to purchase such transportation.
2. Each designated airline shall have the right to convert and remit to its country in accordance with the foreign exhange regulations in force, at the offical rate of exchange, receipts in excess of sums locally disbursed in due proportion to the carriage of passengers, baggage, cargo and mail.
3. Each Contracting Party shall, on the basis of reciprocity, exempt the designated airline of the other Contracting Party from any form of taxation on income or profits derived by that airline in the territory of the first Contracting Party from the operation of international air services, as well as from any tax on turnover or capital.
This provision shall not have effect if a Convention for the avoidance of double taxation providing for a similar exemption shall be in force between the two Contracting Parties.
Article 15
Provision of Statistics
The aeronautical authorities of both Contracting Parties shall supply each other, on request, with periodic statistics or other similar information relating to the traffic carried on the agreed services.
Article 16
1. The aeronautical authorities of the Contracting Parties shall consult each other from time to time with a view to ensuring close cooperation in all matters affecting the implementation of, and satisfactory compliance with, the provisions of this Agreement and of its Annex.
2. Such consultations shall begin within a period of sixty (60) days of the date of receipt of such a request, unless otherwise agreed by the Contracting Parties.
Article 17
Settlement of disputes
1. If any dispute arises between the Contracting Parties relating to the interpretation or application of this Agreement, the Contracting Parties shall in the first place endeavour to settle it by negotiation.
2. If the Contracting Parties fail to reach a settlement by negotiation, they may agree to refer the dispute for decision to some person or body, or either Contracting Party may submit the dispute for decision to a Tribunal of three arbitrators.
3. The arbitral tribunal shall be constituted as follows:
Each of the Contracting Parties shall nominate an arbitrator within a period of sixty (60) days from the date of receipt, by one Contracting Party, through diplomatic channels, of a request for arbitration from the other Contracting Party. These two arbitrators shall by agreement appoint a third arbitrator within a further period of sixty (60) days.
The third arbitrator shall be a national of a third State, shall act as President of the Tribunal and shall determine the place where arbitration will be held.
If either of the Contracting Parties fails to nominate an arbitrator within the period specified, or if the third arbitrator is not appointed within the period specified, the President of the Council of the International Civil Aviation Organization may be requested by either Contracting Party to appoint an arbitrator or arbitrators as the case requires.
4. The Contracting Parties undertake to comply with any decision or award given under paragraphs 2 and 3 of this article.
If either Contracting Party fails to comply with such decision, the other Contracting Party shall have grounds for the application of article 5 of this Agreement.
5. The arbitral tribunal shall determine its own procedure. Each Contracting Party shall pay the expenses of its arbitrator. The remaining expenses of the arbitral Tribunal shall be shared equally by the Contracting Parties.
Article 18
1. If either of the Contracting Parties considers it desirable to modify any provision of this Agreement, it may request consultations with the other Contracting Party. Such consultations, which may be between aeronautical authorities and which may be through discussion or by correspondence, shall begin within a period of sixty (60) days from the date of the request.
2. If a general multilateral air convention comes into force in respect of both Contracting Parties, the provisions of such convention shall prevail. Consultations in accordance with paragraph 1 of this article may be held with a view to determining the extent to which this Agreement is affected by the provisions of the multilateral convention.
3. Any modification agreed pursuant to such consultations shall come into force when it has been confirmed by an exchange of diplomatic notes.
Article 19
1. Either Contracting Party may at any time give notice in writing through diplomatic channels to the other Contracting Party of its decision to terminate this Agreement.
Such notice shall be communicated simultaneously to the International Civil Aviation Organization.
2. The Agreement shall terminate one (1) year after the date of receipt of the notice by the other Contracting Party, unless the notice to terminate is withdrawn by mutual consent before the expiry of this period.
In the absence of acknowledgement of receipt by the other Contracting Party, the notice shall be deemed to have been received fourteen (14) days after the receipt of the notice by the International Civil Aviation Organization.
Article 20
This Agreement and any amendment thereto shall be registered with the International Civil Aviation Organization.
Article 21
Entry into force
The present Agreement shall enter into force when Contracting Parties will have notified to each other the fulfilment of their constitutional formalities with regard to the conclusion and the entering into force of international agreements.
From that date the Agreement between the Government of the Federative Popular Republic of Yugoslavia and the Kingdom of Belgium on Air Transport, signed on the 24th September 1957, is terminated in regard to the relations between the Republic of Slovenia and the Kingdom of Belgium.
In witness whereof the undersigned, being duly authorised thereto by their respective Governments, have signed the present Agreement.
Done in two originals at Ljubljana on this 23 day of March 1994 in the English language.
For the Government of the
Republic of Slovenia
Lojze Peterle, (s)
For the Government of the
Kingdom of Belgium:
Willy Claes, (s)
Vlada Republike Slovenije in Vlada Kraljevine Belgije
kot pogodbenici Konvencije o mednarodnem civilnem letalstvu, ki je bila odprta za podpis v Chicagu 7. decembra 1944,
v želji skleniti sporazum, ki bi dopolnjeval omenjeno konvencijo, z namenom vzpostaviti zračni promet med svojima ozemljema in dalje,
v želji zagotoviti najvišjo stopnjo varnosti in zaščite mednarodnega zračnega prometa; sta se dogovorili o naslednjem:
1. člen
1. Posamezni izrazi v tem sporazumu imajo, razen če kontekst zahteva drugače, naslednji pomen:
a) "konvencija" pomeni Konvencijo o mednarodnem civilnem letalstvu, ki je bila odprta za podpis v Chicagu 7. decembra 1944, ter vključuje vsako prilogo, sprejeto na podlagi 90. člena omenjene konvencije, in vsako spremembo prilog ali konvencije v skladu z njenim 90. in 94. členom v tisti meri, v kateri sta te priloge in spremembe sprejeli ali ratificirali obe pogodbenici;
b) "sporazum" pomeni ta sporazum, njegovo prilogo in katero koli njuno spremembo;
c) "pristojni organ" pomeni za Slovenijo Ministrstvo za promet in zveze, Republiško upravo za zračno plovbo, in za Belgijo Ministrstvo za komunikacije, ali v obeh primerih kateri koli organ ali osebo, pooblaščeno za opravljanje nalog, ki jih zdaj opravljata omenjena organa;
d) "ozemlje", "zračni promet", "mednarodni zračni promet", "prevoznik" in "pristanek v nekomercialne namene" imajo pomen, določen v 2. in 96. členu konvencije;
e) "določeni prevoznik" pomeni prevoznika, ki je bil določen in je dobil dovoljenje v skladu s 3. in 4. členom tega sporazuma;
f) "dogovorjeni promet" pomeni redni zračni promet na progah, določenih v prilogi tega sporazuma; za prevoz potnikov, tovora in pošte, ločeno ali kombinirano;
g) "tarife" pomeni cene, ki jih je treba plačati za prevoz potnikov, prtljage in tovora in pogoje, pod katerimi se te cene uporabljajo, vključno s cenami in pogoji za agencijo in drugimi dopolnilnimi storitvami, izvzeta pa so nadomestila in pogoji za prevoz pošte;
2. člen
Prometne pravice
1. Vsaka pogodbenica odobrava drugi pogodbenici, razen če je drugače določeno v prilogi, pri opravljanju mednarodnega zračnega prometa, ki ga bo opravljal določeni prevoznik druge pogodbenice, naslednje pravice:
a) do preleta ozemlja druge pogodbenice brez pristanka;
b) do pristanka na tem ozemlju v nekomercialne namene;
c) med opravljanjem prometa na progah, določenih v prilogi, pristajati na tem ozemlju s ciljem vkrcati in izkrcati v mednarodnem prometu potnike, tovor in pošto, ločeno ali kombinirano.
2. Nobeno določilo 1. odstavka tega člena ne daje določenemu prevozniku ene pogodbenice pravice, da na ozemlju druge pogodbenice za plačilo ali najem vkrca potnike, tovor in pošto, namenjene v kakšen drug kraj na njenem ozemlju.
3. Če določeni prevoznik ene pogodbenice zaradi oboroženih spopadov, političnih nemirov ali posebnih in neobičajnih okoliščin ne more normalno opravljati prometa, si bo druga pogodbenica prizadevala omogočiti nadaljevanje takega prometa z ustreznimi spremembami, vključno z dodelitvijo pravic, ki so nujne za opravljanje prometa v tem času.
3. člen
Določitev za opravljanje prometa
1. Vsaka pogodbenica ima pravico določiti in z diplomatsko noto sporočiti drugi pogodbenici enega prevoznika za opravljanje dogovorjenega prometa na določenih progah, ki so v prilogi določene za to pogodbenico.
2. Vsaka pogodbenica ima pravico umakniti in z diplomatsko noto sporočiti drugi pogodbenici določitev katerega koli prevoznika in določiti drugega.
4. člen
Izdaja dovoljenja za opravljanje prometa
1. Po prejemu sporočila ene pogodbenice o določitvi v skladu s 3. členom tega sporazuma bo pristojni organ druge pogodbenice v skladu s svojimi zakoni in predpisi brez odlašanja izdal tako določenemu prevozniku ustrezna dovoljenja za opravljanje dogovorjenega prometa, za katerega je bil ta prevoznik določen.
2. Po prejemu takega dovoljenja lahko prevoznik kadar koli prične opravljati dogovorjeni promet v celoti ali delno, pod pogojem, da izpolnjuje določila tega sporazuma in še posebej, da so tarife določene v skladu z določili 12. člena tega sporazuma.
5. člen
Preklic ali začasna prepoved opravljanja prometa
1. Pristojni organ ene pogodbenice ima pravico odreči izdajo dovoljenja iz 4. člena prevozniku, ki ga je določila druga pogodbenica, tako dovoljenje preklicati ali začasno prepovedati opravljanje prometa ali določiti začasne ali stalne pogoje:
a) če jih prevoznik ne prepriča, da je sposoben izpolnjevati pogoje, določene v zakonih in predpisih, ki jih ti organi v skladu s konvencijo normalno in primerno uporabljajo;
b) če prevoznik ne opravlja prometa pod pogoji, določenimi v tem sporazumu;
c) če prevoznik ne spoštuje zakonov in predpisov te pogodbenice;
d) če prevoznik ne more dokazati, da je druga pogodbenica ali njeni državljani lastnik odločujočega deleža in imajo dejanski nadzor nad prevoznikom.
2. Razen če je takojšnje ukrepanje nujno za preprečitev kršitve zakonov in predpisov, ki so navedeni zgoraj, bodo pravice, naštete v 1. odstavku tega člena, uporabljene samo po posvetovanju s pristojnim organom druge pogodbenice v skladu s 16. členom tega sporazuma.
6. člen
Uporaba zakonov in predpisov
1. Zakone in predpise ene pogodbenice, ki se nanašajo na prihod, zadrževanje in odhod z njenega ozemlja zrakoplovov, ki opravljajo mednarodno zračno plovbo ali na uporabo ali vodenje takih zrakoplovov, bo spoštoval določeni prevoznik druge pogodbenice pri vstopu na ozemlje, odhodu z ozemlja in medtem ko bodo na omenjenem ozemlju.
2. Zakoni in predpisi ene pogodbenice glede vstopa, carinskega postopka, tranzita, vseljevanja, potnih listov, carine, valute, sanitarnih predpisov in karantene bodo spoštovani s strani določenega prevoznika druge pogodbenice in s strani ali v imenu njegovih posadk, potnikov, tovora in pošte pri tranzitu, prihodu in odhodu in medtem ko bodo na ozemlju te pogodbenice.
Za potnike v tranzitu čez ozemlje ene in druge pogodbenice bo veljal samo poenostavljeni nadzor.
3. Nobena pogodbenica ne bo dala svojemu ali kateremu koli drugemu prevozniku prednosti pred prevoznikom druge pogodbenice, ki opravlja podoben mednarodni zračni promet, pri uporabi svojih predpisov, navedenih v 1. in 2. odstavku tega člena, ali pri uporabi letališč, zračnih poti, služb zračnega prometa in drugih storitev, nad katerimi ima nadzor.
7. člen
Spričevala in dovoljenja
Spričevala o plovnosti, spričevala o sposobnosti in dovoljenja, ki jih je izdala ali jim podaljšala veljavnost ena pogodbenica in ki so veljavna, bo druga pogodbenica priznala kot veljavna za opravljanje dogovorjenega prometa na progah, določenih v prilogi, če so bila izdana ali je bila njihova veljavnost podaljšana pod pogoji in v skladu s standardi, določenimi na podlagi konvencije.
Vsaka pogodbenica si pridržuje pravico, da za polete nad svojim ozemljem ne prizna spričeval o sposobnosti in dovoljenj, ki jih je njenim državljanom izdala druga pogodbenica.
8. člen
Varnost zračne plovbe
1. Pogodbenici ponovno potrjujeta, da je njuna medsebojna obveznost varovanja civilnega zračnega prometa pred nezakonitim vmešavanjem sestavni del tega sporazuma.
2. Pogodbenici si bosta na zahtevo medsebojno pomagali, da bi preprečili nezakonite ugrabitve zrakoplovov in druga nezakonita dejanja proti varnosti potnikov, posadke, zrakoplovov, letališč in navigacijskih naprav ter vsako drugo ogrožanje varnosti zračne plovbe.
3. Pogodbenici bosta ravnali v skladu z določili Konvencije o kaznivih dejanjih in nekaterih drugih aktih, storjenih na letalih, sprejete v Tokiu 14. septembra 1963, Konvencije o zatiranju nezakonite ugrabitve zrakoplovov, sprejete v Haagu 16. decembra 1970, Konvencije o zatiranju nezakonitih aktov zoper varnost civilnega letalstva, sprejete v Montrealu 23. septembra 1971, in njenega dopolnilnega Protokola o zatiranju nezakonitih nasilnih dejanj na letališčih za mednarodno civilno zrakoplovstvo, sprejetega v Montrealu 24. februarja 1988.
4. Pogodbenici bosta v medsebojnih odnosih ravnali v skladu z določili Mednarodne organizacije civilnega letalstva o varnosti zračne plovbe, ki so opredeljena v aneksih konvencije, v tisti meri, v kateri ta določila veljajo za obe pogodbenici; od letalskih družb, ki so vpisane v njunih registrih ali ki opravljajo pretežni del svojih dejavnosti ali imajo sedež na njunih ozemljih, ter od letaliških podjetij na njunih ozemljih bosta zahtevali, da delujejo v skladu s takimi varnostnimi predpisi.
5. Vsaka pogodbenica soglaša s tem, da bo spoštovala varnostne ukrepe, ki jih zahteva druga pogodbenica za vstop na svoje ozemlje, in da bo izvajala primerne ukrepe za pregled potnikov, posadke, njihove ročne prtljage kot tudi tovora pred vkrcanjem ali natovarjanjem. Vsaka pogodbenica bo z naklonjenostjo obravnavala vsako zahtevo druge pogodbenice za uvedbo razumnih dodatnih varnostnih ukrepov za njene zrakoplove ali potnike zaradi neposredne grožnje.
6. Ob nezakoniti ugrabitvi ali grožnji z ugrabitvijo oziroma drugih nezakonitih dejanjih zoper varnost potnikov, posadke, zrakoplovov, letališč ali navigacijskih naprav bosta pogodbenici pomagali druga drugi, s tem da bosta poskrbeli za komunikacije in druge ustrezne ukrepe, da bi se čim hitreje in varno končal tak incident ali grožnja.
7. Če ena od pogodbenic ne bo spoštovala določil o varnosti zračne plovbe iz tega odstavka, lahko pristojni organ druge pogodbenice zahteva takojšnje posvetovanje s pristojnim organom te pogodbenice. V kolikor v tridesetih (30) dneh ni dosežen zadovoljiv sporazum, je to razlog za uporabo 5. člena tega sporazuma.
9. člen
Letališke takse
1. Vsaka pogodbenica lahko uvede ali dovoli, da se uvedejo upravičene in razumne takse za določenega prevoznika druge pogodbenice. Te takse bodo ekonomsko utemeljene.
2. Takse, ki bodo na ozemlju ene pogodbenice uvedene za določenega prevoznika druge pogodbenice za uporabo letališč in drugih naprav, ki jih bodo uporabljali zrakoplovi določenega prevoznika druge pogodbenice, ne bodo višje od tistih, ki bodo uvedene za domačega prevoznika prve pogodbenice, ki bo opravljal podoben mednarodni promet.
3. Pogodbenici bosta podpirali posvetovanja med svojimi organi, pristojnimi za določanje taks, in določenim prevoznikom, ki uporablja naprave in storitve, kadar koli bo mogoče preko organizacij predstavnikov prevoznikov. O vsakem predlogu spremembe taks bo dano primerno obvestilo, da bodo imeli možnost izraziti svoje mnenje, preden bodo takse spremenjene.
10. člen
Carine in davki
1. Vsaka pogodbenica bo oprostila določenega prevoznika druge pogodbenice uvoznih omejitev, carin, davkov, inšpekcijskih taks in drugih državnih, regionalnih ali lokalnih dajatev in taks za zrakoplove, gorivo, maziva, potrošne tehnične zaloge, rezervne dele vključno z motorji, običajno opremo zrakoplovov, zemeljsko opremo, zaloge na zrakoplovu in druge predmete, ki so namenjeni za uporabo ali se porabijo samo v zvezi z uporabo ali servisiranjem zrakoplovov določenega prevoznika druge pogodbenice, ki opravlja dogovorjeni promet, kot tudi zaloge tiskanih vozovnic, letalskih tovornih listov, katerega koli drugega tiskanega gradiva, z natisnjenim znakom podjetja in normalno reklamno gradivo, ki ga prevoznik brezplačno deli.
2. Oprostitve, dane v tem členu, bodo veljale za vse predmete, navedene v 1. odstavku tega člena, ne glede na to, ali bodo ti predmeti uporabljeni ali porabljeni v celoti na ozemlju pogodbenice, ki je oprostitev dala, pod pogojem, da so ti predmeti:
a) prineseni na ozemlje ene pogodbenice s strani ali za račun določenega prevoznika druge pogodbenice, vendar niso odtujeni na ozemlju te pogodbenice;
b) zadržani na zrakoplovih določenega prevoznika ene pogodbenice ob prihodu na ali odhodu z ozemlja druge pogodbenice;
c) vkrcani na zrakoplove določenega prevoznika ene pogodbenice na ozemlju druge pogodbenice in namenjeni za uporabo med opravljanjem dogovorjenega prometa.
3. Običajna letalska oprema, oprema na zemlji kot tudi material in zaloge, ki so normalno na zrakoplovih določenega prevoznika ene pogodbenice, se lahko izkrcajo na ozemlju druge pogodbenice le z dovoljenjem carinskih organov tega ozemlja. V takem primeru so lahko pod carinskim nadzorom omenjenih organov, dokler niso ponovno izvoženi ali drugače porabljeni v skladu s carinskimi predpisi.
4. Prtljaga in tovor v direktnem tranzitu bosta oproščena carine in drugih taks.
5. Oprostitve, predvidene v tem členu, bodo veljale tudi, če določeni prevoznik ene pogodbenice sklene z drugim letalskim prevoznikom, ki podobno uživa take oprostitve s strani druge pogodbenice, dogovor za posojilo ali prevoz predmetov, navedenih v 1. odstavku tega člena, na ozemlje druge pogodbenice.
11. člen
1. Določeni prevoznik vsake pogodbenice bo imel primerne in enake možnosti za opravljanje dogovorjenega prometa med ozemljema pogodbenic in naprej na progah, določenih v prilogi tega sporazuma.
2. Pri opravljanju dogovorjenega prometa bo določeni prevoznik vsake pogodbenice upošteval interese določenega prevoznika druge pogodbenice, da ne bi neupravičeno ogrožal prometa, ki ga ta nudi na celotni ali delu iste proge.
3. Dogovorjeni promet, ki ga bosta zagotavljala določena prevoznika obeh pogodbenic, bo v primernem odnosu z javnim povpraševanjem po prevozu na dogovorjenih progah in njegov osnovni cilj bo ob primerni zasedenosti zagotoviti kapaciteto, ki bo ustrezala sedanjim in primerno predvidenim zahtevam po prevozu potnikov, tovora in pošte med ozemljema pogodbenic.
4. Določena prevoznika bosta najmanj 30 dni pred pričetkom opravljanja katerega koli dogovorjenega prometa, pristojnima organoma obeh pogodbenic predložila v odobritev svoje predloge voznih redov.
5. Za dodatne lete, ki jih določeni prevoznik ene pogodbenice želi opravljati na dogovorjenih progah izven odobrenega voznega reda, mora zahtevati dovoljenje pristojnih organov druge pogodbenice. Tako zahtevo mora praviloma predložiti dva delovna dneva pred pričetkom takih poletov.
12. člen
1. Pogodbenici bosta dovolili, da bo tarifo na eni od prog, navedenih v prilogi, določil vsak od določenih prevoznikov, če je le mogoče po medsebojnem posvetovanju.
2. Tarife za prevoz v dogovorjenem prometu na in z ozemlja druge pogodbenice morajo biti določene v razumni višini, pri čemer bodo upoštevani vsi pomembni dejavniki, vključno poslovni stroški, primeren dobiček, značilnosti vsake proge, interes uporabnikov in, kjer se presodi kot primerno, tarife drugih prevoznikov na celotni ali delu iste proge.
3. Tarife bodo predložene in pristojna organa obeh pogodbenic jih morata prejeti petinštirideset (45) dni pred datumom, ki je predlagan za njihovo uveljavitev; v izjemnih primerih lahko pristojna organa sprejmeta krajši rok.
Če v tridesetih (30) dneh po datumu prejema pristojni organ ene pogodbenice ne sporoči pristojnemu organu druge pogodbenice, da ne odobrava tarife, ki mu je bila predložena, prične ta tarifa veljati tisti dan, ki je določen v predlagani tarifi.
Če sta pristojna organa sprejela krajši čas za predložitev tarif, se lahko sporazumeta tudi o tem, da je čas, v katerem je treba sporočiti svoje nestrinjanje, krajši kot trideset (30) dni.
4. V kolikor je bilo v skladu s 3. odstavkom tega člena vloženo sporočilo o nestrinjanju, se bosta pristojna organa obeh pogodbenic, v skladu z določili 16. člena tega sporazuma, posvetovala, da bi z medsebojnim dogovorom določila tarifo.
5. Če se pristojna organa ne moreta sporazumeti o kateri koli tarifi, ki jima je bila predložena v skladu s 3. odstavkom tega člena, ali ne moreta določiti katere koli tarife v skladu s 4. odstavkom tega člena, bo spor rešen v skladu z določili 17. člena tega sporazuma.
6. V kolikor se pristojni organ ene pogodbenice ne strinja več z neko že določeno tarifo, bo to sporočil pristojnemu organu druge pogodbenice in določena prevoznika bosta skušala, kadar bo to zahtevano, doseči sporazum.
Če v devetdesetih (90) dneh po prejemu sporočila o nestrinjanju, ne more biti določena nova tarifa, se bo uporabil postopek, določen v 4. in 5. odstavku tega člena.
7. Tarife, sprejete v skladu z določili tega člena, veljajo, dokler niso določene nove tarife v skladu z določili tega člena ali 17. člena tega sporazuma.
8. Nobena tarifa ne bo pričela veljati, če se z njo nista strinjala pristojna organa obeh pogodbenic, razen v skladu z določili 4. odstavka 17. člena tega sporazuma.
9. Pristojna organa obeh pogodbenic se bosta zavzemala za to, da bosta zagotovila, da bodo tarife, ki se bodo zaračunavale in plačevale, ustrezale dogovorjenim tarifam in se ne bodo zmanjševale.
13. člen
Potrebno osebje
1. Določenemu prevozniku ene pogodbenice bo na recipročni podlagi dovoljeno, imeti na ozemlju druge pogodbenice svoje predstavnike in komercialno, operativno in tehnično osebje, ki je potrebno za opravljanje dogovorjenega prometa.
2. Take potrebe po osebju lahko določeni prevoznik po lastni presoji zadovolji z lastnim osebjem katere koli narodnosti ali z uporabo storitev katere koli druge organizacije, podjetja ali prevoznika, ki deluje na ozemlju druge pogodbenice in ima dovoljenje za opravljanje takih storitev na ozemlju te pogodbenice.
3. Predstavniki in osebje bodo spoštovali zakone in predpise, ki veljajo v drugi pogodbenici. V skladu s takimi zakoni in predpisi bosta obe pogodbenici, na recipročni podlagi in čim hitreje izdali potrebna delovna dovoljenja, delovne vizume ali druge podobne dokumente predstavnikom in osebju iz 1. odstavka tega člena.
4. V tisti meri, v kateri to dovoljuje njuna notranja zakonodaja, bosta pogodbenici odpravili zahteve po delovnih dovoljenjih ali delovnih vizumih ali drugih podobnih dokumentih za osebje, ki opravlja nekatera začasna dela ali naloge.
14. člen
Prodaja in dohodki
1. Vsak določeni prevoznik ima pravico prodajati zračni prevoz na ozemlju druge pogodbenice neposredno ali, če želi, preko agentov.
Vsak določeni prevoznik ima pravico prodajati prevoz v valuti tistega ozemlja ali po lastni izbiri, v konvertibilnih valutah drugih držav in katera koli oseba lahko kupi tak prevoz.
2. Vsaka pogodbenica bo dovolila določenemu prevozniku druge pogodbenice, da lahko v skladu z veljavnimi deviznimi predpisi po uradnem tečaju zamenja in pošlje v svojo državo presežek dohodka nad izdatki, ki ga je dosegel na njenem ozemlju s prevozom potnikov, prtljage, tovora in pošte.
3. Vsaka pogodbenica bo na recipročni podlagi oprostila določenega prevoznika druge pogodbenice kakršnih koli taks na dohodek ali dobiček, ki ga ta prevoznik pridobi na ozemlju prve pogodbenice z opravljanjem mednarodnega zračnega prometa, kot tudi kakršne koli takse na promet ali kapital.
Določila tega člena se ne bodo uporabljala, če bosta pogodbenici sklenili sporazum o izogibanju dvojnemu obdavčevanju, ki bo imel podobne oprostitve.
15. člen
Statistični podatki
Pristojna organa obeh pogodbenic bosta medsebojno na zahtevo dajala drug drugemu statistične podatke in druge podobne informacije, ki se nanašajo na prevoz, opravljen v dogovorjenem prometu.
16. člen
1. Pristojna organa obeh pogodbenic se bosta občasno posvetovala z namenom zagotoviti tesno sodelovanje pri vseh zadevah, ki vplivajo na uveljavitev in zadovoljivo spoštovanje določil tega sporazuma in njegove priloge.
2. Taka posvetovanja se bodo pričela v šestdesetih (60) dneh po prejemu take zahteve, razen če se pogodbenici ne dogovorita drugače.
17. člen
Reševanje sporov
1. Če bi nastal med pogodbenicama kakršen koli spor glede razlage ali uporabe tega sporazuma, si bosta pogodbenici v prvi vrsti prizadevali, da bi ga rešili s pogajanji.
2. Če pogodbenici spora ne moreta rešiti s pogajanji, se lahko dogovorita, da odločitev o sporu prepustita neki osebi ali organu, ali pa lahko ena ali druga pogodbenica spor predloži v odločanje arbitraži treh razsodnikov.
3. Arbitraža se bo oblikovala tako,
da bo vsaka pogodbenica imenovala enega razsodnika v šestdesetih (60) dneh po dnevu, ko je po diplomatski poti prejela od druge pogodbenice zahtevo za arbitražo. Ta dva razsodnika bosta sporazumno določila tretjega razsodnika v nadaljnjih šestdesetih dneh.
Tretji razsodnik, ki bo državljan tretje države, bo deloval kot predsednik arbitraže in bo določil kraj, kjer bo razsojanje potekalo.
Če katera koli pogodbenica ne imenuje razsodnika v predvidenem času ali če tretji razsodnik ni določen v predvidenem času, lahko vsaka od pogodbenic zahteva, da predsednik Sveta Mednarodne organizacije civilnega letalstva določi razsodnika ali razsodnike, ki so v posameznem primeru potrebni.
4. Pogodbenici bosta spoštovali vsako odločitev ali razsodbo, ki bo sprejeta v skladu z 2. in 3. odstavkom tega člena.
Če katera koli pogodbenica ne bo spoštovala take odločitve, ima druga pogodbenica pravico uporabiti določila 5. člena tega sporazuma.
5. Arbitraža bo določila svoj poslovnik. Vsaka pogodbenica bo plačala stroške svojega razsodnika. Preostale stroške arbitraže bosta pogodbenici krili enako.
18. člen
1. Če katera koli pogodbenica meni, da bi bilo zaželeno spremeniti katero koli določilo tega sporazuma, lahko zahteva posvetovanja z drugo pogodbenico. Taka posvetovanja, ki so lahko med pristojnima organoma in ki so lahko ustna ali pisna, se bodo pričela v šestdesetih (60) dneh po dnevu, ko so bila zahtevana.
2. V kolikor bo za obe pogodbenici pričela veljati kakšna mnogostranska konvencija o zračnem prometu, bodo odločilna določila take konvencije. Posvetovanje v skladu s 1. odstavkom tega člena je lahko sklicano, da bi ugotovili, v kakšni meri na ta sporazum vplivajo določila mnogostranske konvencije.
3. Kakršna koli sprememba, ki je dogovorjena na takih posvetovanjih, prične veljati, ko je potrjena z izmenjavo diplomatskih not.
19. člen
1. Vsaka pogodbenica lahko kadar koli pisno po diplomatski poti sporoči drugi pogodbenici, da odpoveduje ta sporazum.
Tako sporočilo mora hkrati poslati Mednarodni organizaciji civilnega letalstva.
2. Sporazum bo prenehal veljati eno (1) leto po dnevu, ko druga pogodbenica prejme to sporočilo, razen če je sporočilo o odpovedi sporazumno umaknjeno pred iztekom tega roka.
Če druga pogodbenica ne potrdi prejema sporočila o odpovedi, se šteje, da ga je prejela štirinajst (14) dni po dnevu, ko ga je prejela Mednarodna organizacija civilnega letalstva.
20. člen
Ta sporazum in kakršne koli njegove spremembe bodo registrirane pri Mednarodni organizaciji civilnega letalstva.
21. člen
Ta sporazum začne veljati, ko pogodbenici druga drugo obvestita, da so izpolnjene njune ustavne zahteve glede sklepanja in uveljavitve mednarodnih sporazumov.
S tem dnem preneha veljati v odnosih med Republiko Slovenijo in Kraljevino Belgijo Sporazum med Federativno ljudsko republiko Jugoslavijo in Kraljevino Belgijo o zračnem prometu, podpisan 24. septembra 1957.
Da bi to potrdila, sta podpisana, ki sta imela pravilno pooblastilo svojih vlad, podpisala ta sporazum.
Sestavljeno v dveh izvirnikih v Ljubljani dne 23. marca 1994 v angleškem jeziku.
Za Vlado Republike
Lojze Peterle I. r.
Za Vlado Kraljevine
Willy Claes I. r.
3. člen
Za izvajanje sporazuma skrbi ministrstvo, pristojno za promet in zveze.
4. člen
Ta zakon začne veljati naslednji dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 326-06/94-11/1
Ljubljana, dne 19. julija 1994.
Državnega zbora
Republike Slovenije
mag. Herman Rigelnik l. r.

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