Uradni list

Številka 67
Uradni list RS, št. 67/1994 z dne 27. 10. 1994
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 67/1994 z dne 27. 10. 1994


95. Zakon o ratifikaciji Ustave Mednarodne telekomunikacijske zveze, Konvencije Mednarodne telekomunikacijske zveze in Izbirnega protokola o obveznem reševanju sporov v zvezi z Ustavo Mednarodne telekomunikacijske zveze, Konvencijo Mednarodne telekomunikacijske zveze in Izvršilnima pravilnikoma, stran 1355.

Na podlagi druge alinee prvega odstavka 107. člena in prvega odstavka 91. člena Ustave Republike Slovenije izdajam
Razglašam Zakon o ratifikaciji Ustave Mednarodne telekomunikacijske zveze, Konvencije Mednarodne telekomunikacijske zveze in Izbirnega protokola o obveznem reševanju sporov v zvezi z Ustavo Mednarodne telekomunikacijske zveze, Konvencijo Mednarodne telekomunikacijske zveze in Izvršilnima pravilnikoma, ki ga je sprejel Državni zbor Republike Slovenije na seji dne 27. septembra 1994.
Št. 012-01/94-117
Ljubljana, dne 5. oktobra 1994
Republike Slovenije
Milan Kučan l. r.
1. člen
Ratificirajo se Ustava Mednarodne telekomunikacijske zveze, Konvencija Mednarodne telekomunikacijske zveze in Izbirni protokol o obveznem reševanju sporov v zvezi z Ustavo Mednarodne telekomunikacijske zveze, Konvencijo Mednarodne telekomunikacijske zveze in Izvršilnima pravilnikoma, ki so bili sprejeti v Ženevi 22. decembra 1992 na dodatni konferenci pooblaščenih predstavnikov Mednarodne telekomunikacijske zveze.
2. člen
Besedilo ustave, konvencije in izbirnega protokola se v izvirniku v angleškem jeziku in v prevodu glasijo:
1 While fully recognizing the sovereign right of each
State to regulate its telecommunication and having regard to the growing importance of telecommunication for the preservation of peace and the economic and social development of all States, the States Parties to this Constitution, as the basic instrument of the International Telecommunication Union, and to the Convention of the International Telecommunication Union (hereinafter referred to as "the Convention") which complements it, with the object of facilitating peaceful relations, international cooperation among peoples and economic and social development by means of efficient telecommunication services, have agreed as follows:
Basic Provisions
Purposes of the Union
2 1. The purposes of the Union are:
3 a) to maintain and extend international cooperation between all Members of the Union for the improvement and rational use of telecommunications of all kinds;
4 b) to promote and to offer technical assistance to developing countries in the field of telecommunications, and also to promote the mobilization of the material and financial resources needed for implementation;
5 c) to promote the development of technical facilities and their most efficient operation with a view to improving the efficiency of telecommunication services, increasing their usefulness and making them, so far as possible, generally available to the public;
6 d) to promote the extension of the benefits of the new telecommunication technologies to all the world's inhabitants;
7 e) to promote the use of telecommunication services with the objective of facilitating peaceful relations;
8 f) to harmonize the actions of Members in the attainment of those ends;
9 g) to promote, at the international level, the adoption of a broader approach to the issues of telecommunications in the global information economy and society, by cooperating with other world and regional intergovernmental organizations and those non-governmental organizations concerned with telecommunications.
10 2. To this end, the Union shall in particular:
11 a) effect allocation of bands of the radio-frequency spectrum, the allotment of radio frequencies and registration of radio-frequency assignments and any associated orbital positions in the geostationary-satellite orbit in order to avoid harmful interference between radio stations of different countries;
12. b) coordinate efforts to eliminate harmful interference between radio stations of different countries and to improve the use made of the radiofrequency spectrum and of the geostationary-satellite orbit for radiocommunication services;
13 c) facilitate the worldwide standardization of telecommunications, with a satisfactory quality of service;
14 d) foster international cooperation in the delivery of technical assistance to the developing countries and the creation, development and improvement of telecommunication equipment and networks in developing countries by every means at its disposal, including through its participation in the relevant programmes of the United Nations and the use of its own resources, as appropriate;
15 e) coordinate efforts to harmonize the development of telecommunication facilities, notably those using space techniques, with a view to full advantage being taken of their possibilities;
16 f) foster collaboration among its Members with a view to the establishment of rates at levels as low as possible consistent with an efficient service and taking into account the necessity for maintaining independent financial administration of telecommunication on a sound basis;
17 g) promote the adoption of measures for ensuring the safety of life through the cooperation of telecommunication services;
18 h) undertake studies, make regulations, adopt resolutions, formulate recommendations and opinions, and collect and publish information concerning telecommunication matters;
19 i) promote, with international financial and development organizations, the establishment of preferential and favourable lines of credit to be used for the development of social projects aimed, inter alia, at extending telecommunication services to the most isolated areas in countries.
Composition of the Union
20 The International Telecommunication Union shall, having regard to the principle of universality and the desirability of universal participation in the Union, be composed of:
21 a) any State which is a Member of the Union as a Party to any International Telecommunication Convention prior to the entry into force of this Constitution and the Convention;
22 b) any other State, a Member of the United Nations, which accedes to this Constitution and the Convention in accordance with Article 53 of this Constitution;
23 c) any other State, not a Member of the United Nations, which applies for membership of the Union and which, after having secured approval of such application by two-thirds of the Members of the Union, accedes to this Constitution and the Convention in accordance with Article 53 of this Constitution. If such application for membership is made during the interval between two Plenipotentiary Conferences, the Secretary-General shall consult the Members of the Union; a Member shall be deemed to have abstained if it has not replied within four months after its opinion has been requested.
Rights and Obligations of Members
24 1. Members of the Union shall have the rights and shall be subject to the obligations provided for in this Constitution and the Convention.
25 2. Rights of Members in respect of their participation in the conferences, meetings and consultations of the Union are:
26 a) all Members shall be entitled to participate in conferences, shall be eligible for election to the Council and shall have the right to nominate candidates for election as officials of the Union or as members of the Radio Regulations Board;
27 b) subject to the provisions of Nos. 169 and 210 of this Constitution, each Member shall have one vote at all Plenipotentiary Conferences, all world conferences and all radiocommunication assemblies and study group meetings and, if it is a Member of the Council, all sessions of that Council. At regional conferences, only the Members of the region concerned shall have the right to vote;
28 c) subject to the provisions of Nos. 169 and 210 of this Constitution, each Member shall also have one vote in all consultations carried out by correspondence. In the case of consultations regarding regional conferences, only the Members of the region concerned shall have the right to vote.
Instruments of the Union
29 1. The instruments of the Union are:
– this Constitution of the International Telecommunication Union,
– the Convention of the International Telecommunication Union, and
– the Administrative Regulations.
30 2. This Constitution, the provisions of which are complemented by those of the Convention, is the basic instrument of the Union.
31 3. The provisions of both this Constitution and the Convention are further complemented by those of the Administrative Regulations, enumerated below, which regulate the use of telecommunications and shall be binding on all Members:
– International Telecommunication Regulations,
– Radio Regulations.
32 4. In the case of inconsistency between a provision of this Constitution and a provision of the Convention or of the Administrative Regulations, the Constitution shall prevail. In the case of inconsistency between a provision of the Convention and a provision of the Administrative Regulations, the Convention shall prevail.
33 Unless the context otherwise requires:
34 a) the terms used in this Constitution and defined in its Annex, which forms an integral part of this Constitution, shall have the meanings assigned to them in that Annex;
35 b) the terms – other than those defined in the Annex to this Constitution – used in the Convention and defined in the Annex thereto, which forms an integral part of the Convention, shall have the meanings assigned to them in that Annex;
36 c) other terms defined in the Administrative Regulations shall have the meanings therein assigned to them.
Execution of the Instruments of the Union
37 1. The Members are bound to abide by the provisions of this Constitution, the Convention and the Administrative Regulations in all telecommunication offices and stations established or operated by them which engage in international services or which are capable of causing harmful interference to radio services of other countries, except in regard to services exempted from these obligations in accordance with the provisions of Article 48 of this Constitution.
38 2. The Members are also bound to take the necessary steps to impose the observance of the provisions of this Constitution, the Convention and the Administrative Regulations upon operating agencies authorized by them to establish and operate telecommunications and which engage in international services or which operate stations capable of causing harmful interference to the radio services of other countries.
Structure of the Union
39 The Union shall comprise:
40 a) the Plenipotentiary Conference, which is the supreme organ of the Union;
41 b) the Council, which acts on behalf of the Plenipotentiary Conference;
42 c) world conferences on international telecommunications;
43 d) the Radiocommunication Sector, including world and regional radiocommunication conferences, radiocommunication assemblies and the Radio Regulations Board;
44 e) the Telecommunication Standardization Sector, including world telecommunication standardization conferences;
45 f) the Telecommunication Development Sector, including world and regional telecommunication development conferences;
46 g) the General Secretariat.
Plenipotentiary Conference
47 1. The Plenipotentiary Conference shall be composed of delegations representing Members. It shall be convened every four years.
48 2. The Plenipotentiary Conference shall:
49 a) determine the general policies for fulfilling the purposes of the Union prescribed in Article 1 of this-Constitution;
50 b) after considering the reports by the Council on the activities of the Union since the previous Plenipotentiary Conference and on the recommended strategic policy and planning for the Union, adopt all decisions if considers appropriate;
51 c) establish the basis for the budget of the Union and determine, in the light of its decisions taken on the reports referred to in No. 50 above, a ceiling* for the expenditure of the Union until the next Plenipotentiary Conference after considering all relevant aspects of the work of the Union in that period;
52 d) provide any general directives dealing with the staffing of the Union and, if necessary, fix the basic salaries, the salary scales and the system of allowances and pensions for all the officials of the Union;
53 e) examine the accounts of the Union and finally approve them, if appropriate;
54 f) elect the Members of the Union which are to serve on the Council;
55 g) elect the Secretary-General, the Deputy Secretary-General and the Directors of the Bureaux of the Sectors as elected officials of the Union;
56 h) elect the members of the Radio Regulations Board;
57 i) consider and adopt, if appropriate, proposals for amendments, to this Constitution and the Convention in accordance with the provisions of Article 55 of this Constitution and the relevant provisions of the Convention respectively;
58 j) conclude or revise, if necessary, agreements between the Union and other international-organizations, examine any provisional agreements with such organizations concluded by the Council on behalf of the Union, and take such measures in connection therewith as it deems appropriate;
59 k) deal with such other telecommunication questions as may be necessary.
Principles Concerning Elections and Related Matters
60 1. The Plenipotentiary Conference, at any elections referred to in Nos. 54 to 56 of this Constitution, shall ensure that:
61 a) the Members of the Council are elected with due regard to the need for equitable distribution of the seats on the Council among all regions of the world;
62 b) the Secretary-General, the Deputy Secretary General, the Directors of the Bureaux and the members of the Radio Regulations Board shall all be nationals of different Members, and at their election, due consideration should be given to equitable geographical distribution amongst the regions of the world; as far as the elected officials are concerned, due consideration should also be given to the principles embodied in No. 154 of this Constitution;
63 c) the members of the Radio Regulations Board shall be elected, in their individual capacity, from the candidates proposed by the Members of the Union; each Member may propose only one candidate who shall be one of its nationals.
64 2. The procedures for these elections shall be established by the Plenipotentiary Conference. Provisions relating to taking up duties, vacancy and re-eligibility are contained in the Convention.
The Council
65 1. (1) The Council shall be composed of Members of the Union elected by the Plenipotentiary Conference in accordance with the provisions of No. 61 of this Constitution.
66 (2) Each Member of the Council shall appoint a person to serve on the Council who may be assisted by one or more advisers.
67 2. The Council shall adopt its own Rules of Procedure.
68 3. In the interval between Plenipotentiary Conferences, the Council shall act, as governing body of the Union, on behalf of the Plenipotentiary Conference within the limits of the powers delegated to it by the latter.
69 4. (1) The Council shall take all steps to facilitate the implementation by the Members of the provisions of this Constitution, of the Convention, of the Administrative Regulations, of the decisions of the Plenipotentiary Conference, and, where appropriate, of the decisions of other conferences and meetings of the Union, and perform any duties assigned to it by the Plenipotentiary Conference.
70 (2) It shall consider broad telecommunication policy issues in keeping with the guidelines given by the Plenipotentiary Conference in order to ensure that the Union's policies and strategy fully respond to the constantly changing telecommunication environment.
71 (3) It shall ensure the efficient coordination of the work of the Union and exercise effective financial control over the General Secretariat and the three Sectors.
72 (4) It shall contribute, in accordance with the purposes of the Union, to the development of telecommunications in the developing countries by every means at its disposal, including through the participation of the Union in the appropriate programmes of the United Nations.
General Secretariat
73 1(1) The General Secretariat shall be directed by a Secretary-General, assisted by one Deputy Secretary-General.
74 (2) The Secretary-General, with the assistance of the Coordination Committee, shall prepare strategic policies and plans for the Union and shall coordinate its activities.
75 (3) The Secretary-General shall take all the actions required to ensure economic use of the Union's resources and shall be responsible to the Council for all the administrative and financial aspects of the Union's activities.
76 (4) The Secretary-General shall act as the legal representative of the Union.
77 2. The Deputy Secretary-General shall be responsible to the Secretary-General; he shall assist the Secretary-General in the performance of his duties and undertake such specific tasks as may be entrusted to him by the Secretary-General. He shall perform the duties of the Secretary-General in the absence of the latter.
Radiocommunication Sector
Functions and Structure
78 1. (1) The functions of the Radiocommunication Sector shall be to fulfil the purposes of the Union, as stated in Article 1 of this Constitution, relating to radio- communication:
– by ensuring the rational, equitable, efficient and economical use of the radio-frequency spectrum by all radiocommunication services, including those using the geostationary-satellite orbit, subject to the provisions of Article 44 of this Constitution, and
– by carrying out studies without limit of frequency range and adopting recommendations on radiocommunication matters.
79 (2) The precise responsibilities of the Radiocommunication Sector and the Telecommunication Standardization Sector shall be subject to continuing review, in close cooperation, with regard to matters of common interest to both Sectors, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Convention. Close coordination shall be carried out between the Radiocommunication, Telecommunication Standardization and Telecommunication Development Sectors.
80 2. The Radiocommunication Sector shall work through:
81 a) world and regional radiocommunication conferences;
82 b) the Radio Regulations Board;
83 c) radiocommunication assemblies, which shall be associated with world radiocommunication conferences;
84 d) radiocommunication study groups;
85 e) the Radiocommunication Bureau, headed by the elected Director.
86 3. The Radiocommunication Sector shall have as members:
87 a) of right, the administrations of all Members of the Union;
88 b) any entity or organization authorized in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Convention.
Radiocommunication Conferences and Radiocommunication Assemblies
89 1. A world radiocommunication conference may partially or, in exceptional cases, completely, revise the Radio Regulations and may deal with any question of a worldwide character within its competence and related to its agenda; its other duties are specified in the Convention.
90 2. World radiocommunication conferences shall normally be convened every two years; however, following the application of the relevant provisions of the Convention, such a conference need not be convened or an additional one may be convened.
91 3. Radiocommunication assemblies shall also normally be convened every two years, and be associated in place and time with world radiocommunication conferences so as to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the Radiocommunication "Sector. Radiocommunication assemblies shall provide the necessary technical bases for the work of the world radiocommunication conferences and respond to all requests from world radiocommunication conferences. The duties of the radiocommunication assemblies are specified in the Convention.
92 4. The decisions of a world radiocommunication conference, of a radiocommunication assembly and of a regional radiocommunication conference shall in all circumstances be in conformity with this Constitution and the Convention. The decisions of a radiocommunication assembly or of a regional radiocommunication conference shall" also in all circumstances be in conformity with the Radio Regulation's. When adopting resolutions and decisions, the conferences shall take into account the foreseeable financial implications and should avoid adopting resolutions and decisions which might give rise to expenditure in excess of the upper limits on credits laid down by the Plenipotentiary Conference.
Radio Regulations Board
93 1. The Radio Regulations Board shall consist of elected members thoroughly qualified in the field of radiocommunications and possessing practical experience in the assignment and utilization of frequencies. Each member shall be familiar with the geographic, economic and demographic conditions within a particular area of the world. They shall perform their duties for the Union independently and on a part-time basis.
94 2. The duties of the Radio Regulations Board shall consist of:
95 a) the approval of Rules of Procedure, which include technical criteria, in accordance with the Radio Regulations and with any decision which may be taken by competent radiocommunication conferences. These Rules of Procedure shall be used by the Director and the Bureau in the application of the Radio Regulations to register frequency assignments made by Members. These Rules shall be open to comment by administrations and, in case of continuing disagreement, the matter shall be submitted to a forthcoming world radiocommunication conference;
96 b) the consideration of any other matter that cannot be resolved through the application of the above Rules of Procedure;
97 c) the performance of any additional duties, concerned with the assignment and utilization of frequencies, as indicated in No. 78 of this Constitution, in accordance with the procedures provided for in the Radio Regulations, and as prescribed by a competent conference or by the Council with the consent of a majority of the Members of the Union, in preparation for, or in pursuance of the decisions of, such a conference.
98 3. (1) In the exercise of their Board duties, the members of the Radio Regulations Board shall serve not as representing their respective Member States nor a region, but as custodians of an international public trust. In particular, each member of the Board shall refrain from intervening in decisions directly concerning the member's own administration.
99 (2) No member of the Board shall request or receive instructions relating to the exercise of his duties for the Union from any government or a member thereof, or from any public or private organization or person. Members shall refrain from taking any action or from participating in any decision which may be incompatible with their status defined in No. 98 above.
100 (3) Each Member shall respect the exclusively international character of the duties of the members of the Board and refrain from attempting to influence them in the performance of their Board duties.
101 4. The working arrangements of the Radio Regulations Board are defined in the Convention.
Radiocommunication Study Groups
102 The duties of the radiocommunication study groups are specified in the Convention.
Radiocommunication Bureau
103 The functions of the Director of the Radiocommunication Bureau are specified in the Convention.
Telecommunication Standardization Sector
Functions and Structure
104 1. (1) The functions of the Telecommunication Standardization Sector shall be to fulfil the purposes of the Union relating to telecommunication standardization, as stated in Article 1 of this Constitution, by studying technical, operating and tariff questions and adopting recommendations on them with a' view to standardizing telecommunications on a worldwide basis.
105 (2) The precise responsibilities of the Telecommunication Standardization and Radiocommunication Sectors shall be subject to continuing review, in close cooperation, with regard to matters of common interest to both Sectors, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Convention. Close coordination shall be carried out between the Radiocommunication, Telecommunication Standardization and Telecommunication Development Sectors.
106 2. The Telecommunication Standardization Sector shall work through:
107 a) world telecommunication standardization conferences;
108. b) telecommunication standardization study groups;
109 c) the Telecommunication Standardization Bureau headed by the elected Director.
110 3. The Telecommunication Standardization Sector shall have as members:
111 a) of right, the administrations of all Members of the Union;
112 b) any entity or organization authorized in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Convention.
World Telecommunication Standardization Conferences
113 1. The duties of world telecommunication standardization conferences are specified in the Convention. 114 2. World telecommunication standardization conferences shall be convened every four years; however, an additional conference may be held in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Convention.
115 3. Decisions of world telecommunication standardization conferences must in all circumstances be in conformity with this Constitution, the Convention and the Administrative Regulations. When adopting resolutions and decisions, the conferences shall take into account the foreseeable financial implications and should avoid adopting resolutions and decisions which might give rise to expenditure in excess of the upper limits on credits laid
down by the Plenipotentiary Conference
Telecommunication Standardization Study Groups
116 The duties of the telecommunication standardization study groups are specified in the Convention.
Telecommunication Standardization Bureau
117 The functions of the Director of the Telecommunication Standardization Bureau are specified in the Convention.
Telecommunication Development Sector
Functions and Structure
118 . 1. (1) The functions of the Telecommunication Development Sector shall be to fulfil the purposes of the Union as stated in Article 1 of this Constitution and to discharge, within its specific sphere of competence, the Union's dual responsibility as a United Nations specialized agency and executing agency for implementing projects under the United Nations development system or other funding arrangements so as to facilitate and enhance telecommunications development by offering, organizing and coordinating technical cooperation and assistance activities.
119 (2) The activities of the Radiocommunication, Telecommunication Standardization and Telecommunication Development Sectors shall be the subject of close cooperation with regard to matters relating to development, in accordance with the relevant provisions of this Constitution.
120 2. Within the foregoing framework, the specific functions of the Telecommunication Development Sector shall be to:
121 a) raise the level of awareness of decision-makers concerning the important role of telecommunications in the national economic and social development programme, and provide information and advice on possible policy and structural options;
122 b) promote the development, expansion and operation of telecommunication networks and services, particularly in developing countries, taking into account the activities of other relevant bodies, by reinforcing capabilities for human resources development, planning, management, resource mobilization, and research and development;
123 c) enhance the growth of telecommunications through cooperation with regional telecommunications organizations and with global and regional development financing institutions, monitoring the status of projects included in its development programme to ensure that they are properly executed;
124 d) activate the mobilization of resources to provide assistance in the field of telecommunications to developing countries by promoting the establishment of preferential and favourable lines of credit, and cooperating with international and regional financial and development institutions;
125 e) promote and coordinate programmes to accelerate the transfer of appropriate technologies to the developing countries in the light of changes and developments in the networks of the developed countries;
126 f) encourage participation by industry in telecommunication development in developing countries, and offer advice on the choice and transfer of appropriate technology;
127 g) offer advice, carry out or sponsor studies, as necessary, on technical, economic, financial, managerial, regulatory and policy issues, including studies of specific projects in the field of telecommunications;
128 h) collaborate with the other Sectors, the General Secretariat and other concerned bodies in developing a general plan for international and regional telecommunication networks so as to facilitate the coordination of their development with a view to the provision of telecommunication services;
129 i) in carrying out the above functions, give special attention to the requirements of the least developed countries.
130 3. The Telecommunication Development Sector shall work through:
131 a) world and regional telecommunication development conferences;
132 b) telecommunication development study groups;
133 c) the Telecommunication Development Bureau headed by the elected Director.
134 4. The Telecommunication Development Sector shall have as members:
135 a) of right, the administrations of all Members of the Union;
136 b) any entity or organization authorized in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Convention.
Telecommunication Development Conferences
137 1. Telecommunication development conferences shall be a forum for the discussion and consideration of topics, projects and programmes relevant to telecommunication development and for the provision of direction and guidance to the Telecommunication Development Bureau.
138 2. Telecommunication development conferences shall comprise:
139 a) world telecommunication development conferences;
140 b) regional telecommunication development conferences.
141 3. There shall be, between two Plenipotentiary Conferences, one world telecommunication development conference and, subject to resources and priorities, regional telecommunication development conferences.
142 4. The telecommunication development conferences shall not produce Final Acts. Their conclusions shall take the form of resolutions, decisions, recommendations or reports. These conclusions must in all circumstances be in conformity with this Constitution, the Convention and the Administrative Regulations. When adopting resolutions and decisions, the conferences shall take into account the foreseeable financial implications and should avoid adopting resolutions and decisions which might give rise to expenditure in excess of the upper limits on credits laid down by the Plenipotentiary Conference.
143 5. The duties of telecommunication development conferences are specified in the Convention.
Telecommunication Development Study Groups
144 The duties of telecommunication development study groups are specified in the Convention.
Telecommunication Development Bureau
145 The functions of the Director of the Telecommunication Development Bureau are specified in the Convention.
Other Provisions Concerning the Functioning of the Union
World Conferences on International Telecommunications
146 1. A world conference on international telecommunications may partially, or in exceptional cases, completely revise the International Telecommunication Regulations and may deal with any question of a worldwide character within its competence and related to its agenda.
147 2. Decisions of world conferences on international telecommunications shall in all circumstances be in conformity with this Constitution and the Convention. When
adopting resolutions and decisions, the conferences shall take into account the foreseeable financial implications and should avoid adopting resolutions and decisions which might give rise to expenditure in excess of the upper limits on credits laid down by the Plenipotentiary Conference.
Coordination Committee
148 1. The Coordination Committee shall consist of the Secretary-General, the Deputy Secretary-General and the Directors of the three Bureaux. It shall be presided over by the Secretary-General, and in his absence by the Deputy Secretary-General.
149 2. The Coordination Committee shall act as an internal management team which advises and gives the Secretary-General practical assistance on all administrative, financial, information system and technical cooperation matters which do not fall under the exclusive competence of a particular Sector or of the General Secretariat and on external relations and public information. In its considerations, the Committee shall keep fully in view the provisions of this Constitution, the Convention, the decisions of the Council and the interests of the Union as a whole.
Elected Officials and Staff of the Union
150 1. (1) In the performance of their duties, neither the elected officials nor the staff of the Union shall seek or accept instructions from any government or from any other authority outside the Union. They shall refrain from acting in any way which is incompatible with their status as international officials.
151 (2) Each Member shall respect the exclusively international character of the duties of these elected officials and of the staff of the Union, and refrain from trying to influence them in the performance of their work.
152 (3) No elected official or any member of the staff of the Union shall participate in any manner or have any financial interest whatsoever in any enterprise concerned with telecommunications, except as part of their duties. However, the term "financial interest" is not to be construed as applying to the continuation of retirement benefits accruing in respect of previous employment or service.
153 (4) In order to ensure the efficient operation of the Union, any Member, a national of which has been elected Secretary-General, Deputy Secretary-General or
Director of a Bureau shall refrain, as far as possible, from recalling that national between two Plenipotentiary Conferences.
154 2. The paramount consideration in the recruitment of staff and in the determination of the conditions of service shall be the necessity of securing for the Union the highest standards of efficiency, competence and integrity. Due regard shall be paid to the importance of recruiting the staff on as wide a geographical basis as possible.
Finances of the Union
155 1. The expenses of the Union shall comprise the costs of:
156 a) the Council;
157 b) the General Secretariat and the Sectors of the Union;
158 c) Plenipotentiary Conferences and world conferences on international telecommunications;
159 2. The expenses of the Union shall be met from the contributions of its Members and of entities and organizations authorized to participate in the Union's activities in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Convention. Each Member and any such authorized entity or organization shall pay a sum proportional to the number of units in the class of contribution it has chosen in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Convention.
160 3. (1) Members shall be free to choose their class of contribution for defraying Union expenses.
161 (2) This choice shall be made within six months following the end of a Plenipotentiary Conference in accordance with the scale of classes of contribution contained in the Convention.
162 (3) If a Plenipotentiary Conference adopts an amendment to the scale of classes of contribution in the Convention, the Secretary-General shall inform each Member of the date of the entry into force of the amendment. Each Member shall notify the Secretary-General, within six months of the date of this communication, of the class of contribution it has chosen in accordance with the amended scale in force.
163 (4) The class of contribution chosen by each Member, in accordance with No. 161 or No. 162 above, is applicable only as from 1 January following one year after the expiry of the six-month period referred to in Nos.
161 or 162 above.
164 4. Members who have failed to make known their decision in the time specified respectively in Nos. 161 and
162 above shall retain the class of contribution previously chosen.
165 5. The class of contribution chosen by a Member can only be reduced in accordance with Nos. 161, 162 and 163 above. However, under exceptional circumstances such as natural disasters necessitating international aid programmes, the Council may authorize a reduction in the number of contributory units when so requested by a Member which has established that it can no longer maintain its contribution at the class originally chosen.
166 6. Likewise, Members may, subject to the approval of the Council, choose a class of contribution lower than the one selected under No. 161 above, if their relative contributory positions are, from the date fixed in No. 163 above for a new period of contribution, substantially worse than their previous positions.
167 7. Expenses incurred by the regional conferences referred to in No. 43 of this Constitution shall be borne in accordance with their unit classification by all the Members of the region concerned and, where appropriate, on the same basis by any Members of other regions which have participated in such conferences.
168 8. Members, entities and organizations referred to in No. 159 above shall pay in advance their annual contributory shares, calculated on the basis of the biennial budget approved by the Council as well as of any adjustment adopted by the Council.
169 9. A Member which is in arrear in its payments to the Union shall lose its right to vote as defined in Nos. 27 and 28 of this Constitution for so long as the amount of its arrears equals or exceeds the amount of the contribution due from it for the preceding two years.
170 10. Specific provisions, which apply to the financial contributions by entities and organizations referred to in. No. 159 above and by other international organizations, are contained in the Convention.
171 1. (1) The official and working languages of the Union shall be Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish.
172 (2) In accordance with the relevant decisions of the Plenipotentiary Conference, these languages shall be used for drawing up and publishing documents and texts of the Union, in versions equivalent in form and content, as well as for reciprocal interpretation during conferences and meetings of the Union.
173 (3) In case of discrepancy or dispute, the French text shall prevail.
174 2. When all participants in a conference or in a meeting so agree, discussions may be conducted in fewer languages than those mentioned above.
Seat of the Union
175 The seat of the Union shall be at Geneva.
Legal Capacity of the Union
176 The Union shall enjoy in the territory of each of its Members such legal capacity as may be necessary for the exercise of its functions and the fulfilment of its purposes.
Rules of Procedure of Conferences and Other Meetings
177 1. For the organization of their work and the conduct of their discussions, conferences and meetings of the Union shall apply the Rules of Procedure in the Convention.
178 2. Conferences and the Council may adopt such rules as they consider to be essential in addition to those in the Rules of Procedure. Such additional rules must, however, be compatible with this Constitution and the Convention; those adopted by conferences shall be published as conference documents.
General Provisions Relating to Telecommunications
The Right of the Public to Use the International Telecommunication Service
179 Members recognize the right of the public to correspond by means of the international service of public correspondence. The services, the charges and the safe guards shall be the same for all users in each category of correspondence without any priority or preference.
Stoppage of Telecommunications
180 1. Members reserve the right to stop the transmission of any private telegram which may appear dangerous to the security of the State or contrary to its laws, to public order or to decency, provided that they immediately notify the office of origin of the stoppage of any such telegram or any part thereof, except when such notification may appear dangerous to the security of the State.
181 2. Members also reserve the right to cut off any other private telecommunications which may appear dangerous to the security of the State or contrary to its laws, to public order or to decency.
Suspension of Services
182 Each Member reserves the right to suspend the international telecommunication service, either generally or only for certain relations and/or for certain kinds of correspondence, outgoing, incoming or in transit, provided that it immediately notifies such action to each of the other Members through the medium of the Secretary- General.
183 Members accept no responsibility towards users of the international telecommunication services, particularly as regards claims for damages.
Secrecy of Telecommunications
184 1. Members agree to take all possible measures, compatible with the system of telecommunication used, with a view to ensuring the secrecy of international correspondence.
185 2: Nevertheless, they reserve the right to communicate such correspondence to the competent authorities in order to ensure the application of their national laws or the execution of international conventions to which they are parties.
Establishment, Operation and Protection of Telecommunication Channels and Installations
186 1. Members shall take such steps as may be necessary to ensure the establishment, under the best technical conditions, of the channels and installations necessary to carry on the rapid and uninterrupted exchange of international telecommunications.
187 2. So far as possible, these channels and installations must be operated by the methods and procedures which practical operating experience has shown to be the best. They must be maintained in proper operating condition and kept abreast of scientific and technical progress.
188 3. Members shall. safeguard these channels and installations within their jurisdiction.
189 4. Unless other conditions are laid down by special arrangements, each Member shall take such steps as may be necessary to ensure maintenance of those sections of international telecommunication circuits within its control.
Notification of Infringements
190 In order to facilitate the application of the provisions of Article 6 of this Constitution, Members undertake to inform one another of infringements of the provisions of this Constitution, the Convention and of the Administrative Regulations.
Priority of Telecommunications Concerning Safety of Life
191 International telecommunication services must give absolute priority to all telecommunications concerning safety of life at sea, on land, in the air or in outer space, as well as to epidemiological telecommunications of exceptional urgency of the World Health Organization.
Priority of Government Telecommunications
192 Subject to the provisions of Articles 40 and 46 of this Constitution, government telecommunications (see Annex to this Constitution, No. 1014) shall enjoy priority over other telecommunications to the extent practicable upon specific request by the originator.
Special Arrangements
193 Members reserve for themselves, for the operating agencies recognized by them and for other agencies duly authorized to do so, the right to make special arrangements on telecommunication matters which do not concern Members in general. Such arrangements, however, shall not be in conflict with the terms of this Constitution, of the Convention or of the Administrative Regulations, so far as concerns the harmful interference which their operation might cause to the radio services of other Members, and in general so far as concerns the technical harm which their operation might cause to the operation of other telecommunication services of other Members.
Regional Conferences, Arrangements and Organizations
194 Members reserve the right to convene regional conferences, to make regional arrangements and to form regional organizations, for the purpose of settling telecommunication questions which are susceptible of being treated on a regional basis. Such arrangements shall not be in conflict with either this Constitution or the Convention.
Special Provisions for Radio
Use of the Radio-Frequency Spectrum and of the
Geostationary-Satellite Orbit
195 1. Members shall endeavour to limit the number of frequencies and the spectrum used to the minimum essential to provide in a satisfactory manner the necessary services. To that end, they shall endeavour to apply the latest technical advances as soon as possible.
196 2. In using frequency bands for radio services, Members shall bear in mind that radio frequencies and the geostationary-satellite orbit are limited natural resources and that they must be used rationally, efficiently and economically, in conformity with the provisions of the Radio Regulations, so that countries or groups of countries may have equitable access to both, taking into account the special needs of the developing countries and the geographical situation of particular countries.
Harmful Interference
197 1. All stations, whatever their purpose, must be established and operated in such a manner as not to cause harmful interference to the radio services or communications1 of other Members or of recognized operating agencies, or of other duly authorized operating agencies which carry on a radio service, and which operate in accordance with the provisions of the Radio Regulations.
198 2. Each Member undertakes to require the operating agencies which it' recognizes and the other operating agencies duly authorized for this purpose to observe the provisions of No. 197 above.
199 3. Further, the Members recognize the necessity of taking all practicable steps to prevent the operation of electrical apparatus and installations of all kinds from causing harmful interference to the radio services or communications mentioned in No. 197 above.
Distress Calls and Messages
200 - Radio stations shall be obliged to accept, with absolute priority, distress calls and messages regardless of their origin, to reply in the same manner to such messages, and immediately to take such action in regard thereto as may be required.
False or Deceptive Distress, Urgency, Safety or Identification Signals
201. Members agree to take the steps required to prevent the transmission of circulation of false or deceptive distress, urgency, safety or identification signals, and to collaborate in locating and identifying stations under their jurisdiction transmitting such signals.
Installations for National Defence Services
202 1. Members retain their entire freedom with regard to military radio installations.
203 2. Nevertheless, these installations must, so far as possible, observe statutory provisions relative to giving assistance in case of distress and to the measures to be taken to prevent harmful interference, and the provisions of the Administrative Regulations concerning the types of emission and the frequencies to be used, according to the nature of the service performed by such installations.
204 3. Moreover, when these installations take part in the service of public correspondence or other services governed by the Administrative Regulations, they must, in general, comply with the regulatory provisions for the conduct of such services.
Relations With the United Nations, Other International Organizations and Non-Member States
Relations With the United Nations
205 The relationship between the United Nations and the International Telecommunication Union is defined in the Agreement concluded between these two organizations.
Relations With the United Nations, Other International Organizations and Non-Member States
Relations With the United Nations
205 The relationship between the United Nations and the International Telecommunication Union is defined in the Agreement concluded between these two organizations.
Relations With Other International Organizations
206 In furtherance of complete international coordination on matters affecting telecommunication, the Union shall cooperate with international organizations having related interests and activities.
Relations With Non-Member States
207 Each Member reserves to itself and to the recognized operating agencies the right to fix the conditions on which it admits telecommunications exchanged with a State which is not a Member of the Union. If a telecommunication originating in the territory of such a State is accepted by a Member, it must be transmitted and, in so far as it follows the telecommunication channels of a Member, the obligatory provisions of this Constitution, of the Convention and of the Administrative Regulations and the usual charges shall apply to it.
Final Provisions
Ratification, Acceptance or Approval
208 1. This Constitution and the Convention shall be simultaneously ratified, accepted or approved by any signatory Member, in accordance with its constitutional rules, in one single instrument. This instrument shall be deposited, in as short a time as possible, with the Secretary-General. The Secretary-General shall notify the Members of each deposit of any such instrument.
209 2. (1) During a period of two years from the date of entry into force of this Constitution and the Convention, a signatory Member, even though it may not have deposited an instrument of ratification, acceptance or approval, in accordance with No. 208 above, shall enjoy the rights conferred on Members of the Union in Nos. 25 to 28 of this Constitution.
210 (2) From the end of a period of two years from the date of entry into force of this Constitution and the Convention, a signatory Member which has not deposited an instrument of ratification, acceptance or approval, in accordance with No. 208 above, shall no longer be entitled to vote at any conference of the Union, at any session of the Council, at any meeting of any of the Sectors of the Union, or during consultation by correspondence conducted in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution and of the Convention until it has so deposited such an instrument. Its rights, other than voting rights, shall not be affected.
211 '3. After the entry into force of this Constitution and the Convention in accordance with Article 58 of this Constitution, an instrument of ratification, acceptance or approval, shall become effective on the date of its deposit with the Secretary-General.
212 1. A Member which is not a signatory to this Constitution and the Convention, or, subject to the provisions of Article 2 of this Constitution, any other State referred to in that Article may accede to this Constitution and the Convention at any time. Such accession shall be made simultaneously in the form of one single instrument covering both this Constitution and the Convention.
213 2. The instrument of accession shall be deposited with the Secretary-General, who shall notify the Members of each deposit of any such instrument when it is received and shall forward to each of them a certified copy thereof.
214 3. After the entry into force of this Constitution and the Convention in accordance with Article 58 of this Constitution, an instrument of accession shall become effective on the date of its deposit with the Secretary-General, unless otherwise specified therein.
Administrative Regulations
215 1. The Administrative Regulations, as specified in Article 4 of this Constitution, are binding international instruments and shall be subject to the provisions of this Constitution and the Convention.
216 2. Ratification, acceptance or approval of this Constitution and the Convention, or accession to these instruments, in accordance with Articles 52 and 53 of this Constitution, shall also constitute consent to be bound by the Administrative Regulations adopted by competent world conferences prior to the date of signature of this Constitution and the Convention. Such consent is subject to any reservation made at the time of signature of the Administrative Regulations or revisions thereof to the extent that the reservation is maintained at the time of deposit of the instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession.
217 3. Revisions of the Administrative Regulations, either partial or complete, adopted after the aforementioned date shall, to the extent permitted by their national law, apply provisionally in respect of all Members which have signed such revisions. Such provisional application shall be effective from the date or dates specified therein, and shall be subject to such reservations as may have been made at the time of signature of such revisions.
218 4. Such provisional application shall continue until:
219 a) the Member notifies the Secretary-General of its consent to be bound by any such revision and indicates, if appropriate, the extent to which it maintains any reservation made in respect of that revision at the time of signature of that revision; or
220 b) sixty days after receipt by the Secretary-General of the Member's notification informing him that it does not consent to be bound by any such revision.
221 5. If no notification under Nos. 219 or 220 above has been received by the Secretary-General from any Member which has signed any such revision, prior to the expiry of a period of thirty-six months from the date or dates specified therein for the commencement of provisional application, that Member shall be deemed to have consented to be bound by that revision, subject to any reservation it may have made in respect of that revision at the time of signature of that revision.
222 6. Any Member of the Union which has not signed any. such revision of the Administrative Regulations, either partial or complete, adopted after the date stipulated in No. 216 above, shall endeavour to notify the Secretary-General promptly of its consent to be bound by it. If no such notification has been received by the Secretary-General from such a Member before the expiry of the period stipulated in No. 221 above, that Member shall be deemed to have consented to be bound by that revision.
223 7. The Secretary-General shall inform Members promptly of any notification received pursuant to this Article.
Provisions for Amending this Constitution
224 1. Any Member of the Union may propose any amendment to this Constitution. Any such proposal shall, in order to ensure its timely transmission to, and consideration by, all the Members of the Union, reach the Secretary-General not later than eight months prior to the opening date fixed for the Plenipotentiary Conference. The Secretary-General shall, as soon as possible, but not later than six months prior to the latter date, forward any such proposal to all the Members of the Union.
225 2. Any proposed modification to any amendment submitted in accordance with No. 224 above may, however, be submitted at any time by a Member of the Union or by its delegation at the Plenipotentiary Conference. 226' 3. The quorum required at any Plenary Meeting of the Plenipotentiary Conference for consideration of any proposal for amending this Constitution or modification thereto shall consist of more than one half of the delegations accredited to the Plenipotentiary Conference.
227 4. To be adopted, any proposed modification to a proposed amendment as well as the proposal as a whole, whether or not modified, shall be approved, at a Plenary Meeting, by at least two-thirds of the delegations accredited to the Plenipotentiary Conference which have the right to vote.
228 5. Unless specified otherwise in the preceding paragraphs of the present Article, which shall prevail, the general provisions regarding conferences and the Rules of Procedures of conferences and other meetings as contained in the Convention shall apply.
229 6. Any amendments to this Constitution adopted by a Plenipotentiary Conference shall, as a whole and in the form of one single amending instrument, enter into force at a date fixed by the conference between Members having deposited before that date their instrument of ratification, acceptance or approval of, or. accession to, both this Constitution and the amending instrument. Ratification, acceptance or approval of, or accession to, only a part of such an amending instrument shall be excluded.
230 7. The Secretary-General shall notify all Members of the deposit of each instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession.
231 8. After entry into force of any such amending instrument, ratification, acceptance, approval or accession in accordance with Articles 52 and 53 of this Constitution shall apply to the Constitution as amended.
232 9. After entry into force of any such amending instrument, the Secretary-General shall register it with the Secretariat of the United Nations, in accordance with the provisions of Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations. No. 241 of this Constitution shall also apply to any such amending instrument.
Settlement of Disputes
233 1. Members may settle their disputes on questions relating to the interpretation or application of this Constitution, the Convention or of the Administrative Regulations by negotiation, through diplomatic channels, or according to procedures established by bilateral or multi lateral treaties concluded between them for the settlement of international disputes, or by any other method mutually agreed upon.
234 2. If none of these methods of settlement is adopted, any Member party to a dispute may have recourse to arbitration in accordance with the procedure defined in the Convention.
235 3. The Optional Protocol on the Compulsory Settlement of Disputes Relating to this Constitution, to the Convention, and to the Administrative Regulations shall be applicable as between Members parties to that Protocol.
Denunciation of this Constitution and the Convention
236 1. Each Member which has ratified, accepted, approved or acceded to this Constitution and the Convention shall have the right to denounce them. In such a case, this Constitution and the Convention shall be denounced simultaneously in one single instrument, by a notification addressed to the Secretary-General. Upon receipt of such notification, the Secretary-General shall advise the other Members thereof.
237 2. Such denunciation shall take effect at the expiration of a period of one year from the date of receipt of its notification by the Secretary-General.
Entry into Force and Related Matters
238 1. This Constitution and the Convention shall enter into force on 1 July 1994 between Members having deposited before that date their instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession.
239 2. Upon the date of entry into force specified in No. 238 above, this Constitution and the Convention shall, as between Parties thereto, abrogate and replace the International Telecommunication Convention (Nairobi, 1982).
240 3. In accordance with the provisions of Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations, the Secretary-General of the Union shall register this Constitution and the Convention with the Secretariat of the United Nations.
241 4. The original of this Constitution and the Convention drawn up in the Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish languages shall remain deposited in the archives of the. Union. The Secretary-General shall forward, in the languages requested, a certified true copy to each of the signatory Members.
242 5. In the event of any discrepancy among the various language versions of this Constitution and the Convention, the French text shall prevail.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned Plenipotentiaries have signed the original of this Constitution of the International Telecommunication Union and the original of the Convention of the International Telecommunication Union.
Done at Geneva, on 22 December 1992
Definition of Certain Terms Used in this Constitution, the Convention and the Administrative Regulations of the International Telecommunication Union
1001 For the purpose of the above instruments of the Union, the following terms shall have the meanings defined below:
1002 Administration: Any governmental department or service responsible for discharging the obligations undertaken in the Constitution of the International Telecommunication Union, in the Convention of the International Telecommunication Union and in the Administrative Regulations.
1003 Harmful Interference: Interference which endangers the functioning of a radionavigation service or of other safety services or seriously degrades, obstructs or repeatedly interrupts a radiocommunication service operating in accordance with the Radio Regulations.
1004. Public Correspondence: Any telecommunication which the offices and stations must, by reason of their being at the disposal of the public, accept for transmission.
1005 Delegation: The totality of the delegates and, should the case arise, any representatives, advisers, attachis, or interpreters sent by the same Member.
Each Member shall be free to make up its delegation as it wishes. In particular, it may include in its delegation, inter alia, in the capacity of delegates, advisers or attachis, persons belonging to any entity or organization authorized in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Convention.
1006 Delegate: A person sent by the government of a Member of the Union to a Plenipotentiary Conference, or a person representing a government or an administration of a Member of the Union at a conference or at a meeting of the Union.
1007 Operating Agency: Any individual, company, corporation or governmental agency which operates a telecommunication installation intended for an international telecommunication service or capable of causing harmful interference with such a service.
1008 Recognized Operating Agency: Any operating agency, as defined above, which operates a public correspondence or broadcasting service and upon which the obligations provided for in Article 6 of this Constitution' are imposed by the Member in whose territory the head office of the agency is situated, or by the Member which has authorized this operating agency to establish and operate a telecommunication service on its territory.
1009 Radiocommunication: Telecommunication by means of radio waves.
1010 Broadcasting Service: A radiocommunication service in which the transmissions are intended for direct, reception by the general public. This service may include sound transmissions, television transmissions or other types of transmission.
1011 International Telecommunication Service: The offering of a telecommunication capability between telecommunication offices or stations of any nature that are in or belong to different countries.
1012 Telecommunication: Any transmission, emission or reception of signs, signals, writing, images and sounds or intelligence of any nature by wire, radio, optical or other electromagnetic systems.
1013 Telegram: Written matter intended to be transmitted by telegraphy for delivery to the addressee. This term also includes radiotelegrams unless otherwise specified.
1014 Government Telecommunications: Telecommunications originating with any:
– Head of State;
– Head of government or members of a government;
– Commanders-in-Chief of military forces, land, sea or air;
– Diplomatic or consular agents;
– The Secretary-General of the United Nations; Heads of the principal organs of the United Nations;
– The International Court of Justice,
Or replies to government telecommunications mentioned above. .
1015 Private Telegrams: Telegrams other than government or service telegrams.
1016 Telegraphy: A form of telecommunication in which the transmitted information is intended to be recorded on arrival as a graphic document; the transmitted information may sometimes be presented in an alternative form or may be stored for subsequent use.
Note: A graphic document records information in a permanent form and is capable of being filed and consulted; it may take the form of written or printed matter or of a fixed image.
1017 Telephony: A form of telecommunication primarily intended for the exchange of information in the form of speech.
Functioning of the Union
Plenipotentiary Conference
1 1. (1) The Plenipotentiary Conference shall be convened in accordance with the relevant provisions of Article 8 of the Constitution of the International Telecommunication Union (hereinafter referred to as "the Constitution").
2 (2) If practicable, the precise place and the exact dates of a Plenipotentiary Conference shall be set by the preceding Plenipotentiary Conference; failing this, they shall be fixed by the Council with the concurrence of the majority of the Members of the Union.
3 2. (1) The precise place and the exact dates of the next Plenipotentiary Conference, or either one of these, may be changed:
4 a) when at least one-quarter of the Members of the Union have individually proposed a change to the Secretary-General; or
5 b) on a proposal of the Council.
6 (2) Any such change shall require the concurrence of a majority of the Members of the Union.
Elections and Related Matters
– The Council
7 1. Except in the case of vacancies arising in the circumstances described in Nos. 10 to 12 below, the Members of the Union elected to the Council shall hold office until the date on which a new Council is elected. They shall be eligible for reelection.
8 2. (1) If, between two Plenipotentiary Conferences, a seat becomes vacant on the Council, it shall pass by right to the Member of the Union from the same region as the Member whose seat is vacated, which had obtained at the previous election the largest number of votes among those not elected.
9 (2) When for any reason a vacant seat cannot be filled according to the procedure of No. 8 above, the Chairman of the Council shall invite the other Members of the region to seek election within one month of such an invitation being issued. At the end of this period, the Chairman of the Council shall invite Members of. the Union to elect a new Member. The election shall be carried out by secret ballot by correspondence. The same majority as indicated above will be required. The new Member shall hold office until the election of the new Council by the next competent Plenipotentiary Conference.
10 3. A seat on the Council shall be considered vacant:
11 a) when a Council Member does not have a representative in attendance at two consecutive ordinary sessions of the Council;
12 b). when a Member of the Union resigns its membership of the Council.
– Elected officials
13 1. The Secretary-General, the Deputy Secretary-General and the Directors of the Bureaux shall take up their duties on the dates determined by the Plenipotentiary. Conference at the time of their election. They shall normally remain in office until dates determined by the following Plenipotentiary Conference, and they shall be eligible for reelection once only.
14 2. If the post of Secretary-General falls vacant, the Deputy Secretary-General shall succeed to it and shall remain in office until a date determined by the following Plenipotentiary Conference. When under these conditions the Deputy Secretary-General succeeds to the office of the Secretary-General, the post of Deputy Secretary-General shall be considered to fall vacant on that same date and the provisions of No. 15 below shall be applied.
15 3. If the post of Deputy Secretary-General falls vacant more than 180 days prior to the date set for the convening of the next Plenipotentiary Conference, the Council shall appoint a successor for the balance of the term.
16 4. If the posts of the Secretary-General and the Deputy Secretary-General fall vacant simultaneously, the Director who has been longest in office shall discharge the duties of Secretary-General for a period not exceeding 90 days. The Council shall appoint a Secretary-General and, if the vacancies occur more than 180 days prior to the date set for the convening of the next Plenipotentiary Conference, a Deputy Secretary-General. An official thus appointed by the Council shall serve for the balance of the term for which his predecessor was elected.
17. 5. If the post of a Director becomes unexpectedly vacant, the Secretary-General shall take the necessary steps to ensure that the duties of that Director are carried out until the Council shall appoint a new Director at its next ordinary session following the occurrence of such a vacancy. A Director so appointed shall serve until the date fixed by the next Plenipotentiary Conference.
18 6. Subject to the relevant provisions of Article 27 of the Constitution, the Council shall provide for the filling of any vacancy in the post of Secretary-General or Deputy Secretary-General in the situation described in the relevant provisions of the present Article at an ordinary session, if held within, 90 days after a vacancy occurs, or at a session convened by the Chairman within the periods specified in those provisions.
19 7. Any period of service in the post of an elected official pursuant to an appointment under Nos. 14 to 18 above shall not affect eligibility for election or reelection to such a post.
– Members of the Radio Regulations Board
20 1. The members of the Radio Regulations Board shall take up their duties on the dates determined by the Plenipotentiary Conference at the time of their election. They shall remain in office until dates determined by the following Plenipotentiary Conference, and shall be eligible for reelection once only.
21 2. If, in the interval between-two Plenipotentiary Conferences, a member of the Board resigns or is no longer in a position to perform his duties, the Secretary-General, in consultation with the Director of the Radio-communication Bureau, shall invite the Members of the Union of the region concerned to propose candidates for the election of a replacement at the next session of the Council. However, if the vacancy occurs more than 90 days before a session of the Council or after the session of the Council preceding the next Plenipotentiary Conference, the Member of the Union concerned shall designate, as soon as possible and within 90 days, another national as a replacement who will remain in office until the new member elected by the Council takes office or until the new members of the Board elected by the next Plenipotentiary Conference take office, as appropriate. The replacement shall be eligible for election by the Council or by the Plenipotentiary Conference, as appropriate.
22 3. A member of the Radio Regulations Board is considered no longer in a position to perform his duties after repeated consecutive absences from the Board meetings. The Secretary-General shall, after consultation with the Board's Chairman as well as the member of the Board and the Member of the Union concerned, declare existence of a vacancy in the Board and shall proceed as stipulated in No. 21 above.
Other Conferences
23 1. In conformity with the relevant provisions of the Constitution, the following world conferences of the Union shall normally be convened within the period between two Plenipotentiary Conferences:
24 a) two world radiocommunication conferences;
25 b) one world telecommunication standardization conference;
26 c) one world telecommunication development conference;
27 d) two radiocommunication assemblies, associated in place and time with world radiocommunication conferences.
28 2. Exceptionally, within the period between Plenipotentiary Conferences:
29 – the second world radiocommunication conference may be cancelled together with its associated radiocommunication assembly; alternatively, either one may. be can celled even if the other is held;
30 – an additional telecommunication standardization conference may be convened.
31 3. These actions shall be taken:
32 a) by a decision of a Plenipotentiary Conference;
33 b) on the recommendation of the previous world conference of the Sector concerned, if approved by the Council;
34 c) at the request of at least one-quarter of the Members of the Union, which shall individually address their requests to the Secretary-General; or
35 d) on a proposal of the Council.
36 4. A regional radiocommunication conference shall be convened:
37 a) by a decision of a Plenipotentiary Conference;
38 b) on the recommendation of a previous world or regional radiocommunication conference if approved by the Council;
39 c) at the request of at least one-quarter of the Members belonging to the region concerned, which shall individually address their requests to the Secretary-General; or
40 d) on a proposal of the Council.
41 5. (1) The precise place and the exact dates of a world or regional conference or radiocommunication assembly may be fixed by a Plenipotentiary Conference.
42 (2) In the absence of such a decision, the Council shall determine the precise place and the exact dates of a world conference or radiocommunication assembly with the concurrence of a majority of the Members of the Union, and of a regional conference with the concurrence of a majority of the Members of the Union belonging to the region concerned; in both cases the provisions of No. 47 below shall apply.
43 6. (1) The precise place and the exact dates of a conference or assembly may be changed:
44 a) at the request of at least one-quarter of the Members 6f the Union in the case of a world conference or assembly, or of at least one-quarter of the Members of the Union belonging to the region concerned, in the case of a regional conference. Their requests shall be addressed individually to the Secretary-General, who shall transmit them to the Council for approval; or
45 b) on a proposal of the Council.
46 (2) In the cases specified in Nos. 44 and 45 above, the changes proposed shall not be finally adopted until accepted by a majority of the Members of the Union, in the case of a world conference or assembly, or by a majority of the Members of the Union belonging to the region concerned, in the case of a regional conference, subject to the provisions of No. 47 below.
47 7. In the consultations referred to in Nos. 42, 46, 118, 123, 138, 302, 304, 305, 307 and 312 of this Convention, Members of the Union who have not replied within the time limits specified by the Council shall be regarded as not participating in the consultations, and in consequence shall not be taken into account in computing the majority. If the number of replies does not exceed one-half of the Members consulted, a further consultation shall take place, the results of which shall be decisive regardless of the number of votes cast. 48. 8. (1) World conferences on international telecommunications shall be held upon decision by the Plenipotentiary Conference.
49 (2) The provisions for the convening of, the adoption of the agenda of, and the participation in a world radiocommunication conference shall, as appropriate, equally apply to world conferences on international telecommunications.
The Council
50 1. The Council is composed of forty-three Members of the Union elected by the Plenipotentiary Conference.
51 2. (1) The Council shall hold an ordinary session annually at the seat of the Union.
52 (2) During this session it may decide to hold, exceptionally, an additional session.
53 (3) Between ordinary sessions, it may be convened, as a general rule at the seat of the Union, by the Chairman at the request of a majority of its Members, or on the. initiative of the Chairman under the conditions provided for in No. 18 of this Convention.
54 3. The Council shall take decisions only in session. Exceptionally, the Council in session may agree that any specific issue shall be decided by correspondence.
55 4. At the beginning of each ordinary session, the Council shall elect its own Chairman and Vice-Chairman from among the representatives of its Members, taking into account the principle of rotation between the regions. They shall serve until the opening of the next ordinary session and shall not be eligible for reelection. The ViceChairman shall serve as Chairman in the absence of the latter.
56 5. The person appointed to serve on the Council by a Member of the Council shall, so far as possible, be an official serving in, or directly responsible to, or for, their telecommunication administration and qualified in the field of telecommunication services.
57 6. Only the travelling, subsistence and insurance expenses incurred by the representative of each Member of the Council in his capacity at Council sessions shall be borne by the Union.
58 7. The representative of each Member of the Council shall have the right to attend, as an observer, all meetings of the Sectors of the Union.
59 8. The Secretary-General shall act as Secretary of the Council.
60 9. The Secretary-General, the Deputy Secretary-General and the Directors of the Bureaux may participate
as of right in the deliberations of the Council, but without taking part in the voting. Nevertheless, the Council may hold meetings confined to the representatives of its own Members.
61 10. The Council shall consider each year the report prepared by the Secretary-General on the recommended strategic policy and planning for the Union in keeping with the guidelines given by the Plenipotentiary Conference and shall take appropriate action.
62 11. The Council shall, in the interval between two Plenipotentiary Conferences, supervise the overall management and administration of the Union; it shall in particular:
63 (1) approve and revise the Staff Regulations and the Financial Regulations of the Union and any other regulations as it may consider necessary, taking account of current practice of the United Nations and of the specialized agencies applying the common system of pay, allowances and pensions;
64 (2) adjust as necessary:
65 a) the basic salary scales for staff in the professional and higher categories, excluding the salaries for posts filled by election, to accord with any changes in the basic salary scales adopted by the United. Nations for the corresponding common system categories;
66 b) the basic salary scales for staff in the general services categories to accord with changes in the rates applied by the United Nations and the specialized agencies at the seat of the Union;
67 c) the post adjustment for professional and higher categories, including posts filled by election, in accordance with decisions of the United Nations for application at the seat of the Union;
68 d) the allowances for all staff of the Union, in accordance with any changes adopted in the United Nations common system;
69 (3) take decisions to ensure equitable geographical distribution of, the staff of the Union and monitor the implementation of such decisions;
70 (4) decide on proposals for major organizational changes within the General Secretariat and the Bureaux of the Sectors of the Union consistent with the Constitution and this Convention, submitted to it by the Secretary-General following their consideration by the Coordination Committee;
71 (5) examine and decide on plans concerning Union posts and staff and human resources development programmes covering several years, and give guidelines for the staffing of the Union, including on staffing levels and structures, taking into account the guidelines given by the Plenipotentiary Conference and the relevant provisions of Article 27 of the Constitution;
72 (6) adjust, as necessary, the contributions payable by the Union and its staff to the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund, in accordance, with the Fund's rules and regulations, as well as the cost of living allowances to be granted to beneficiaries of the Union Staff Superannuation and Benevolent Funds on the basis of the practice followed by the Fund;
73 (7) review and approve the biennial budget of the Union, and consider the budget forecast for the two-year period following that budget, taking account of the decisions of the Plenipotentiary Conference in relation to No. 50 of the Constitution and of the limits for expenditures set by that Conference in accordance with No. 51 of the Constitution; it shall ensure the strictest possible economy but be mindful of the obligation upon the Union to achieve satisfactory results as expeditiously as possible. In so doing, the Council shall take into account the views of the Coordination Committee as contained in the report by the Secretary-General mentioned in No. 86 and the financial operating report mentioned in No. 101 of this Convention;
74 (8) arrange for the annual audit of the accounts of the Union prepared by the Secretary-General and approve them, if appropriate, for submission to the next Plenipotentiary Conference;
75 (9) arrange for the convening of the conferences of the Union and provide, with the consent of a majority of the Members of the Union in the case of a world conference, or of a majority of the Members of the Union belonging to the region concerned in the case of a regional conference, appropriate directives to the General' Secretariat and the Sectors of the Union with regard to their technical and other assistance in the preparation for and organization of conferences;
76 (10) take decisions in relation to No. 28 of this Convention;
77 (11) decide upon the implementation of any decisions which have been taken by conferences and which have financial implications;
78 (12) to the extent permitted by the Constitution, this Convention and the Administrative Regulations, take any other action deemed necessary for the proper functioning of the Union;.
79 (13) take any necessary, steps, with the agreement of a majority of the Members of the Union, provisionally to resolve questions not covered by the Constitution, this Convention, the Administrative Regulations and their annexes and which cannot await the next competent conference for settlement;
80 (14) be responsible for effecting the coordination with all international organizations referred to in Articles 49 and 50 of the Constitution and to this end, conclude, on behalf of the Union, provisional agreements with the international organizations referred to in Article 50 of the Constitution, and with the United Nations in application of the Agreement between the United Nations and the International Telecommunication Union; these provisional agreements shall be submitted to the next Plenipotentiary Conference in accordance with the relevant provision of Article 8 of the Constitution;
81 (15) send to Members of the Union, as soon as possible after each of its sessions, summary records on the activities of the Council and other documents deemed useful;
82 (16) submit to the Plenipotentiary Conference a report on the activities of the Union since the previous Plenipotentiary Conference and any appropriate recommendations.
General Secretariat
83 1. The Secretary-General shall:
84 a) be responsible for the overall management of the Union's resources; he may delegate the management of part of these resources to the Deputy Secretary-General and the Directors of the Bureaux, in consultation as necessary with the Coordination Committee;
85 b) coordinate the activities of the General Secretariat and the Sectors of the Union, taking into account the views of the Coordination Committee, with a view to assuring the most effective and economical use of the resources of the Union;
86 c) after consultation with the Coordination Committee and taking into account its views, prepare and submit to the Council an annual report indicating changes in the telecommunication environment and containing recommended action relating to the Union's future policies and strategy, as stipulated in No. 61 of this Convention, together with their financial implications;
87 d) organize the work of the General Secretariat and appoint the staff of that Secretariat in accordance with the directives of the Plenipotentiary Conference and the rules established by the Council;
88 e) undertake administrative arrangements for the Bureaux of the Sectors of the Union and appoint their staff on the basis of the choice and proposals of the Director of the Bureau concerned, although the final decision for appointment or dismissal shall rest with the Secretary-General;
89 f) report to the Council any decisions taken by the United Nations and the specialized agencies which affect common system conditions of. service, allowances and pensions;
90 g) ensure the application of any regulations adopted by the Council;
91 h) provide legal advice to the Union;
92 i) supervise, for administrative management purposes, the staff of the Union with a view to assuring the most effective use of personnel and the application of the common system conditions of employment for the staff of the Union. The staff appointed to assist directly the Directors of the Bureaux shall be under the administrative control of the Secretary-General and shall work under the direct orders of the Directors concerned but in accordance with administrative guidelines given by the Council;
93 j) in the interest of the Union as a whole and in consultation with the Directors of the Bureaux concerned, temporarily reassign staff members from their appointed position as necessary to meet fluctuating work requirements at headquarters;
94 k) make, in agreement with the Director of the Bureau concerned, the necessary administrative and financial arrangements for the conferences and" meetings of each Sector;
95 1) taking into account the responsibilities of the Sectors, undertake appropriate secretariat work preparatory to and following conferences of the Union;
96 m) prepare recommendations for the first meeting of the Heads of delegations referred to in No. 342 of this Convention, taking into account the results of any regional consultation;
97 n) provide, where appropriate in cooperation with the inviting government, the secretariat of conferences of the Union, and provide the facilities and services for meetings of the Union, in collaboration, as appropriate, with the Director concerned, drawing from the Union's staff as he deems necessary in accordance with No. 93 above. The Secretary-General may also, when so requested, provide the secretariat of other telecommunication meetings on a contractual basis;
98 o) take necessary action for the timely publication and distribution of service documents, information bulletins, and other documents and records prepared by the General Secretariat and the Sectors, communicated to the Union or whose publication is requested by conferences or the Council; the list of documents to be published shall be maintained by the Council, following consultation
with the conference concerned, with respect to service documents and other documents whose publication is requested by conferences;
99 p) publish periodically, with the help of information put at his disposal or which he may collect, including that which he may obtain from other international organizations, a journal of general information and documentation concerning telecommunication;
100 q) after consultation with the Coordination Committee and making all possible economies, prepare and submit to the Council a biennial draft budget covering the expenditures of the Union within the limits laid down by the Plenipotentiary Conference. This draft shall consist of a consolidated budget, including cost-based budgets for the three Sectors, prepared in accordance with the budget guidelines issued by the Secretary-General, and comprising two versions. One version shall be for zero growth of the contributory unit, the other for a growth less than or equal to any limit fixed by the Plenipotentiary Conference, after any drawing on the Reserve Account. The budget resolution, after approval by the Council, shall be sent for information to all Members of the Union;
101 r) with the assistance of the Coordination Committee, prepare an annual financial operating report in accordance with the Financial Regulations and submit it to the Council. A recapitulative financial operating report and accounts shall be prepared and submitted to the next Plenipotentiary Conference for examination and final. approval;
.102 s) with the assistance of the Coordination Committee, prepare an annual report on the activities of the. Union which, after approval by the Council, shall be sent to all Members;
103 t) perform all other secretarial functions of the Union;
104 u) perform any other functions entrusted to him by the Council.
105 2. The Secretary-General or the Deputy Secretary-General may participate, in a consultative capacity, in conferences of the Union; the Secretary-General or his representative may participate in a consultative capacity in all other meetings of the Union.
Coordination Committee
106 1. (1) The Coordination Committee shall assist and-advise the Secretary-General on all matters mentioned under the relevant provisions of Article 26 of the Constitution and the relevant Articles of this Convention.
107 (2) The Committee shall be responsible for ensuring coordination with all the international organizations mentioned in Articles 49 and 50 of the Constitution as regards representation of the Union at conferences of such organizations.
108 (3) The Committee shall examine the progress of the work of the Union and assist the Secretary-General in the preparation of the report referred to in No. 86 of this Convention for submission to the Council.
109 2. The Committee shall endeavour to reach conclusions unanimously. In the absence of the support of the majority in the Committee, its Chairman may in exceptional circumstances take decisions, on his own responsibility, provided he judges that the decision of the matters in question is urgent and cannot await the next session of the Council. In such circumstances he shall report promptly in writing on such matters to the Members of the Council, setting forth his reasons for such action together with any other written views submitted by other members of the Committee. If in such circumstances the matters are not urgent, but nevertheless important, they shall be submitted for consideration by the next session of the Council.
110 3. The Chairman shall convene the Committee at least once a month; the Committee may also be convened when necessary at the request of two of its members.
111 4. A report shall be made of the proceedings of the Coordination Committee and will be made available on request to Members of the Council.
Radiocommunication Sector
World Radiocommunication Conference
112 1. In accordance with No. 90 of the Constitution, a world radiocommunication conference shall be convened to consider specific radiocommunication matters. A world radiocommunication conference shall deal with those items which are included in its agenda adopted in accordance with the relevant provisions of this Article.
113 2. (1) The agenda of a world radiocommunication conference may include:
114 a) the partial or, exceptionally, complete revision of the Radio Regulations referred to in Article 4 of the Constitution;
115 b) any other question of a worldwide character within the competence of the conference;
116 c) an item concerning instructions to the Radio Regulations Board and the Radiocommunication Bureau regarding their activities, and a review of those activities;
117 d) the adoption of questions to be studied by the radiocommunication assembly, as well as matters that the assembly shall consider in relation to future radiocommunication conferences.
118 (2) The general scope of this agenda should be established four years in advance, and the final agenda shall be established by the Council preferably two years before the conference, with the concurrence of a majority of the Members of the Union, subject to the provisions of No. 47 of this Convention.
119 (3) This agenda shall include any question which a Plenipotentiary Conference has directed to be placed on the agenda.
120 3. (1) This agenda may be changed:
121 a) at the request of at least one-quarter of the Members of the Union. Such requests shall be addressed individually to the Secretary-General, who shall transmit. them to the Council for approval; or
122 b) on a proposal of the Council.
123 (2) The proposed changes to the agenda of a world radiocommunication conference shall not be finally adopted until accepted by a majority of the Members of the Union, subject to the provisions of No. 47 of this Convention.
124 4. The conference shall also:
125 (1) consider and approve the report of the Director of the Bureau on the activities of the Sector since the last conference;
126 (2) recommend to the Council items for inclusion in the agenda of a future conference and give its views on such agendas for at least a fouryear cycle of radiocommunication conferences, together with an estimate of the financial implications;
127 (3) include, in its decisions, instructions or requests, as appropriate, to the Secretary-General and the Sectors of the Union.
128 5. The Chairman and Vice-Chairmen of the radio-communication assembly, or of relevant study groups, may participate in the associated world radiocommunication conference.
Radiocommunication Assembly
129 1. A radiocommunication assembly shall deal with and issue, as appropriate, recommendations on questions adopted pursuant to its own procedures or referred to it by the Plenipotentiary Conference, any other conference, the Council or the Radio Regulations Board.
130 2. With regard to No. 129 above, the radiocommunication assembly shall:
131 (1) consider the reports of study groups prepared in accordance with No. 157 of this Convention and approve, modify or reject the draft recommendations contained in those reports;
132 (2) bearing in mind the need to keep the demands on the resources of the Union to a minimum, approve the programme of work arising from the review of existing questions and new questions and determine the priority, urgency, estimated financial implications and time-scale for the completion of their study;
133 (3) decide, in the light of the approved programme of work derived from No. 132 above, on the need to maintain, terminate or establish study groups, and allocate to each of them the questions to be studied;
134 (4) group questions of interest to the developing countries as far as possible, in order to facilitate their participation in the study of those questions;
135 (5) give advice oh matters within its competence in response to requests from a world radiocommunication conference;
136 (6) report to the associated world radiocommunication conference on the progress in matters that may be included in the agenda of future radiocommunication conferences.
137 3. A radiocommunication assembly shall be presided over by a person designated by the government of the country in which the meeting is held or, in the case of a meeting held at the seat of the Union, by a person elected by the assembly itself. The Chairman shall be assisted by Vice-Chairmen elected by the assembly.
Regional Radiocommunication Conferences
138 The agenda of a regional radiocommunication conference may provide only for specific radiocommunication questions of a regional nature, including instructions to the Radio Regulations Board and the Radiocommunication Bureau regarding their activities in respect of the region concerned, provided such instructions do not conflict with the interests of other regions. Only items included in its agenda may be discussed by such a conference. The provisions contained in Nos. 118 to 123 of this Convention shall apply to a regional radiocommunication conference, but only with regard to the Members of the region concerned.
Radio Regulations Board
139 1. The Board is composed of nine members elected by the Plenipotentiary Conference.
140 2. In addition to the duties specified in Article 14 of the Constitution, the Board shall also consider reports from the Director of the Radiocommunication Bureau on investigations of harmful interference carried out at the request of one or more of the interested administrations, and formulate recommendations with respect thereto.
141 3. The members of the Board have a duty to participate, in an advisory capacity, in radiocommunication conferences and radiocommunication assemblies. The Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Board, or their nominated representatives, have a duty to participate, in an advisory capacity, in Plenipotentiary Conferences. In all of these cases, the members having these duties shall not participate in these conferences as members of their national delegations.
142 4. Only the travelling, subsistence and insurance expenses incurred by the members of the Board in the exercise of their duties for the Union shall be borne by the Union.
143 5. The working arrangements of the Board shall be as follows:
144 (1) The members of the Board shall elect from their own members a Chairman and a Vice-Chairman for a period of one year. Thereafter the ViceChairman shall succeed the Chairman each year and a new Vice-Chair-man shall be elected. In the absence of the Chairman and Vice-Chairman, the Board shall elect a temporary Chairman for the occasion from among its members.
145 (2) The Board shall normally hold up to four meetings a year, generally at the seat of the Union, at which at least two-thirds of its members shall be present, and may carry out its duties using modern means of communication.
146 (3) The Board shall endeavour to reach its decisions unanimously. If it fails in that endeavour, a decision shall be valid only if at least twothirds of the members of the Board vote in favour thereof. Each member of the Board shall have one vote; voting by proxy is not allowed.
147 (4) The Board may make such internal arrangements as it considers necessary in conformity with the provisions of the Constitution, this Convention and the Radio Regulations. Such arrangements shall be published as part of the Board's Rules of Procedure.
Radiocommunication Study Groups
148 1. Radiocommunication study groups are set up by a radiocommunication assembly.
149 2. (1) The radiocommunication study groups shall study questions and prepare draft recommendations on the matters referred to them in accordance with the provisions in Article 7 of this Convention. Those draft recommendations shall be submitted for approval to a radiocommunication assembly or, between two such as semblies, by correspondence to administrations in accordance with procedures adopted by the assembly. Recommendations approved in either manner shall have equal status.
150 (2) The study of the above questions shall, subject to No. 158 below, focus on the, following:
151 a) use of the radio-frequency spectrum in terrestrial and space radiocommunication (and of the geostationary-satellite orbit);
152 b) characteristics and performance of radio systems;
153 c) operation of radio stations;
154 d) radiocommunication aspects of distress and safety matters.
155 (3) These studies shall not generally address economic questions, but when they involve comparing technical. alternatives, economic factors may be taken into consideration.
156 3. The radiocommunication study groups shall also carry out preparatory studies of the technical, operational
and procedural matters to be considered by world and regional radiocommunication conferences and elaborate reports thereon in accordance with a programme of work adopted in this respect by a radiocommunication assembly or following instructions by the Council.
157 4. Each study group shall prepare for the radiocommunication assembly a report indicating the progress of work, the recommendations adopted in accordance with the consultation procedure contained in No. 149 above and any draft new or revised recommendations for consideration by the assembly.
158 5. Taking into account No. 79 of the Constitution, the tasks enumerated in Nos. 151 to 154 above and in No. 193 of this Convention in relation to the Telecommunication Standardization Sector shall be kept under continuing review by the Radiocommunication Sector and the Telecommunication Standardization Sector with a view to reaching common agreement on changes in the distribution of matters under study. The two Sectors shall cooperate closely and adopt procedures to conduct such a review and reach agreements in a timely and effective manner. If agreement is not reached, the matter may be submitted through the Council to the Plenipotentiary Conference for decision.
159 6. In the performance of their studies, the radio-communication study groups shall pay due attention to the study of questions and to the formulation of recommendations directly connected with the establishment, development and improvement of telecommunications in developing countries at both the regional and international levels. They shall conduct their work giving due consideration to the work of national, regional and other international organizations concerned with radiocommunication and cooperate with them, keeping in mind the need for the Union to maintain its pre-eminent position in the field of telecommunications.
160 7. For the purpose of facilitating the review of activities in the Radiocommunication Sector, measures should be taken to foster cooperation and coordination with other organizations concerned with radiocommunication and with the Telecommunication Standardization Sector and the Telecommunication Development Sector. A radiocommunication assembly shall determine the specific duties, conditions of participation and rules of procedure for these measures.
Radiocommunication Bureau
161 1. The Director of the Radiocommunication Bureau shall organize and coordinate the work of the Radiocommunication Sector. The duties of the Bureau are supplemented by those specified in provisions of the Radio Regulations.
162 2. The Director shall, in particular,
163 (1) in relation to radiocommunication conferences:
164 a) coordinate the preparatory work of the study groups and the Bureau, communicate to Members the results of this preparatory work, collect their comments and submit a consolidated report to the conference which may include proposals of a regulatory nature; •
165 b) participate as of right, but in an advisory capacity, in the deliberations of the radiocommunication assembly and of the radiocommunication study groups. The Director shall make all necessary preparations for radiocommunication conferences and meetings of the Radiocommunication Sector in consultation with the General Secretariat in accordance with No. 94 of this Convention and, as appropriate, with the other Sectors of the Union, and with due regard for the directives of the Council in carrying out these preparations;
166 c) provide assistance to the developing countries in their preparations for radiocommunication conferences.
167 (2) in relation to the Radio Regulations Board:
168 a) prepare and submit draft Rules of Procedure for approval by the Radio Regulations Board; they shall include, inter alia, calculation methods and data required for the application of the provisions of the Radio Regulations;
169 b) distribute to all Members of the Union the Rules of Procedure of the Board and collect comments thereon received from administrations;
170 c) process information received from administrations in application of the relevant provisions "of the Radio Regulations and regional agreements and prepare it, as appropriate, in a form suitable for publication;
171 d) apply the Rules of Procedure approved by the Board, prepare and publish findings based on those Rules, and submit to the Board any review of a finding which is requested by an administration and which cannot be resolved by the use of those Rules of Procedure;
172 e) in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Radio Regulations, effect an orderly recording and registration of frequency assignments and, where appropriate, the associated orbital characteristics, and keep up to date the Master International Frequency Register; review entries in that Register with a view to amending or eliminating, as appropriate, those which do not reflect actual frequency usage, in agreement with the administration concerned;
173 f) assist in the resolution of cases of harmful interference, at the request of one or more of the interested administrations, and where necessary, make investigations and prepare, for consideration by the Board, a report including draft recommendations to the administrations concerned;
174 g) act as executive secretary to the Board;
175 (3) coordinate the work of the radiocommunication study groups and be responsible for the organization of that work;
176 (4) also undertake the following:
177 a) carry out studies to furnish advice to Members with a view to the operation of the maximum practicable number of radio channels in those portions of the spectrum where harmful interference may occur, and with a view to the equitable, effective and economical use of the geostationary-satellite orbit, taking into account the needs of Members requiring assistance, the specific needs of developing countries, as well as the special geographical situation of particular countries;
178 b) exchange with members data in machine-readable and other forms, prepare and keep up to date any documents and databases of the Radiocommunication Sector, and arrange, with the Secretary-General, as appropriate, for their publication in the working languages of the Union in accordance with No. 172 of the Constitution;
179 c) maintain such essential records as may be required;
180 d) submit to the world radiocommunication conference a report on the activities of the Radiocommunication Sector since the last conference; if a world radiocommunication conference is not planned, such a report covering the two-year period since the last conference shall be submitted to the Council and to the Members of the Union;,.
181 e) prepare a cost-based budget estimate for the requirements of the Radiocommunication Sector and transmit it to the Secretary-General for consideration by the Coordination Committee and inclusion in the Union's budget.
182 3. The Director shall choose the technical and administrative personnel of the Bureau within the frame work of the budget as approved by. the Council. The appointment of the technical and administrative personnel is made by the Secretary-General in agreement with the Director. The final decision for appointment or dismissal rests with the Secretary-General.
183 4. The Director shall provide technical support, as necessary, to the Telecommunication Development Sector within the framework of the Constitution and this Convention.
Telecommunication Standardization Sector
World Telecommunication Standardization Conference
184 1. In accordance with No. 104 of the Constitution, a world standardization conference shall be convened to consider specific matters related to telecommunication standardization.
185 2. The questions to be studied by a world telecommunication standardization conference, on which recommendations shall be issued, shall be those adopted pursuant to its own procedures or referred to it by the Plenipotentiary Conference, any other conference, or the Council.
186 3. In accordance with No. 104 of the Constitution, the conference shall:
187 a) consider the reports of study groups prepared in accordance with No. 194 of this Convention and approve, modify or reject draft recommendations contained in those reports;
188 b) bearing in mind the need to keep the demands on the resources of the Union to a minimum, approve the programme of work arising from the review of existing questions and new questions and determine the priority, urgency, estimated financial implications and time-scale for the completion of their study;
189 c) decide, in the light of the approved programme of work derived from No. 188 above, on the need to maintain, terminate or establish study groups and allocate. to each of them the questions to be studied;
190 d) group, as far as practicable, questions of interest to the developing countries to facilitate their participation in these studies;
191 e) consider and approve the report of the Director on the activities of the Sector since the last conference.
Telecommunication Standardization Study Groups
192 1. (1) Telecommunication standardization study groups shall study questions and prepare draft recommendations on the matters referred to them in accordance with the provisions of Article 13 of this Convention.' Those drafts shall be submitted for approval to a world telecommunication standardization conference or, between two such conferences, by correspondence to administrations in accordance with procedures adopted by the conference. Recommendations approved in either manner shall have equal status.
193 (2) The study groups shall, subject to No. 195 below, study technical, operating and tariff questions and prepare recommendations on them with a view to standardizing telecommunications on a worldwide basis, including recommendations on interconnection of radio systems in public telecommunication networks and on the performance required for these interconnections. Technical or operating questions specifically related to radiocommunication as enumerated in Nos. 151 to 154 of this Convention shall be within the purview of the Radiocommunication Sector.
194 (3) Each study group shall prepare for the telecommunication standardization conference a report indicating the progress of work, the recommendations adopted in accordance with the consultation procedure contained in No. 192 above, and any draft new or revised recommendations for consideration by the conference.
195 2. Taking into account No. 105 of the Constitution, the tasks enumerated in No. 193 above and those enumerated in Nos. 151 to 154 of this Convention in relation to the Radiocommunication Sector shall be kept under. continuing review by the Telecommunication Standardization Sector and the Radiocommunication Sector with a view to reaching common agreement on changes in the distribution of matters under study. The two Sectors shall cooperate closely and adopt procedures to conduct such a review and reach agreements in a timely and effective manner. If agreement is not reached-, the matter may be submitted through the Council to the Plenipotentiary Conference for decision.
196 3. In the performance of their studies, the telecommunication standardization study groups shall pay due attention to the study of questions and to the formulation of recommendations directly connected with the establishment, development and improvement of telecommunications in developing countries at both the regional and international levels. They shall conduct their work giving due consideration to the work of national, regional and other international standardization organizations, and
cooperate with them, keeping in mind the need for the Union to maintain its pre-eminent position in the field of worldwide standardization for telecommunications.
197 4. For the purpose of facilitating the review of activities in the Telecommunication Standardization Sector, measures should be taken to foster cooperation and coordination with other organizations concerned with telecommunication standardization and with the Radio- communication Sector and the Telecommunication Development Sector. A world telecommunication standardization conference shall determine the specific duties, conditions of participation and rules of procedure for these measures.
Telecommunication Standardization Bureau
198 1. The Director of the Telecommunication Standardization Bureau shall organize and coordinate the work of the Telecommunication Standardization Sector.
199 2. The Director shall, in particular:
200 a) update annually the work programme approved by the world telecommunication standardization conference, in consultation with the Chairmen of the telecommunication standardization study groups;
201 b) participate, as of right, but in an advisory capacity, in the deliberations of the world telecommunication standardization conferences and of the telecommunication standardization study groups. The Director shall make all necessary preparations for conferences and meetings of the Telecommunication Standardization Sector in consultation with the General Secretariat in accordance with No. 94 of this Convention and, as appropriate, with the other Sectors of the Union, and with due regard for the directives of the Council concerning these preparations;
202 c) process information received from administrations in application of the relevant provisions of the International Telecommunication Regulations or decisions of the world telecommunication standardization conference and prepare it, where appropriate, in a suitable form for publication;
203 d) exchange with members data in machine-readable and other forms, prepare and, as necessary, keep up to date any documents and databases of the Telecommunication Standardization Sector, and arrange with the Secretary-General, where appropriate, for their publication in the working languages of the Union in accordance with No. 172 of the Constitution;
204 e) submit to the world telecommunication standardization conference a report on the activities of the Sector since the last conference; he shall also submit to the Council and to the Members of the Union such a report covering the two-year period since the last conference, unless a second conference is convened;
205 f) prepare a cost-based budget estimate for the requirements of the Telecommunication Standardization Sector and transmit it to the Secretary-General for consideration by the Coordination Committee and inclusion in the Union's budget.
206 3. The Director shall choose the technical and administrative personnel of the Telecommunication Standardization Bureau within the framework of the budget as approved by the Council. The appointment of the technical and administrative personnel is made by the Secretary-General in agreement with the Director. The final decision on appointment or dismissal rests with the Secretary-General.
207 4. The Director shall provide technical support, as necessary, to the Telecommunication Development Sector within the framework of the Constitution and this Convention.
Telecommunication Development Sector
Telecommunication Development Conferences
208 1. In accordance with No. 118 of the Constitution, the duties of the telecommunication development conferences shall be as follows:
209 a) world telecommunication development conferences shall establish work programmes and guidelines for defining telecommunication development questions and priorities and shall provide direction and guidance for the work programme of the Telecommunication Development Sector. They may set up study groups, as necessary;
210 b) regional telecommunication development conferences may give advice to the Telecommunication Development Bureau concerning the specific telecommunication requirements and characteristics of the region concerned, and may also submit recommendations to world telecommunication development conferences;
211 c) the telecommunication development conferences should fix the objectives and strategies for the balanced worldwide and regional development of telecommunications, giving particular consideration to the expansion and modernization of the networks and services of the developing countries as well as the mobilization of the resources required for this purpose. They shall serve as a forum for the study of policy, organizational, operational, regulatory, technical and financial questions and related aspects, including the identification and implementation of new sources of funding;
212 d) world and regional telecommunication development conferences, within their respective sphere of competence, shall consider reports submitted to them and evaluate the activities of the Sector; they may also consider telecommunication development aspects related to the activities of the other Sectors of the Union.
213 2. The draft agenda of telecommunication development conferences shall be prepared by the Director of the Telecommunication Development Bureau and be submitted by the Secretary-General to the Council for approval with the concurrence of a majority of the Members of the Union in the case of a world conference, or of a majority of the Members of the Union belonging to the region concerned in the case of a regional conference, subject to the provisions of No. 47 of this Convention.
Telecommunication Development Study Groups
214 1. Telecommunication development study groups shall deal with specific telecommunication questions of general interest to developing countries, including the matters enumerated in No. 211 above. Such study groups shall be limited in number and created for a limited period of time, subject to the availability of resources, shall have specific terms of reference on questions and matters of priority to developing countries and shall be task-oriented.
215 2. Taking into account No. 119 of the Constitution, the Radiocommunication, Telecommunication Standardization and Telecommunication Development Sectors shall keep the matters under study under continuing review with a view to reaching agreement on the distribution of work, avoiding duplication of effort and improving coordination. The Sectors shall adopt procedures to conduct such reviews and reach such agreement in a timely and effective manner.
Telecommunication Development Bureau and Advisory Board
216 1. The Director of the Telecommunication Development Bureau shall organize and coordinate the work of the Telecommunication Development Sector.
217 2. The Director shall, in particular:
218 a) participate as of right, but in an advisory capacity, in the deliberations of the telecommunication development conferences and of the telecommunication development study groups. The Director shall make all necessary preparations for conferences and meetings of the Telecommunication Development Sector in consultation with the General Secretariat in accordance with No. 94 of this Convention and, as appropriate, with the other Sectors of the Union, and with due regard for the directives of the Council in carrying out these preparations;
219 b) process information received from administrations in application of the relevant resolutions and decisions of the Plenipotentiary Conference and telecommunication development conferences and prepare it, where appropriate, in a suitable form for publication;
220 c) exchange with members data in machine-readable and other forms, prepare and, as necessary, keep up to date any documents and databases of the Telecommunication Development Sector, and arrange with the Secretary-General, as appropriate, for their publication in the working languages of the Union in accordance with No. 172 of the Constitution;
221 d) assemble and prepare for publication, in cooperation with the General Secretariat and the other Sectors of the Union, both technical and administrative information that might be especially useful to developing countries in order to help them to improve their telecommunication networks. Their attention shall also be drawn to the possibilities offered by the international programmes under the auspices of the United Nations;
222 e) submit to the world telecommunication development conference a report on the activities of the Sector since the last conference; the Director shall also submit to the Council and to the Members of the Union such a report covering the two-year period since the last conference;
223 f) prepare a cost-based budget estimate for the requirements of the Telecommunication Development Sector and transmit it to the Secretary-General for consideration by the Coordination Committee and inclusion in the Union's budget.
224 3. The Director shall work collegially with the other elected officials in order to ensure that the Union's catalytic role in stimulating telecommunication development is strengthened and shall make the necessary arrangements with the Director of the Bureau concerned for the convening of information meetings on the activities of the Sector concerned.
225 4. At the request of the Members concerned, the Director, with the assistance of the Directors of the other Bureaux and, where appropriate, the Secretary-General, shall study and offer advice concerning their national telecommunication problems; where a comparison of technical alternatives is involved, economic factors may be taken into consideration.
226 5. The Director shall choose the technical and administrative personnel of the Telecommunication Development Bureau within the framework of the budget as approved by the Council. The appointment of the personnel is made by the Secretary-General in agreement with the Director. The final decision for appointment or dismissal rests with the Secretary-General.
227 6. A Telecommunication Development Advisory Board shall be established and the members of the Board shall be appointed by the Director, in consultation with the Secretary-General. The Board shall be composed of persons with a wide and equitable cross-section" of interests and expertise in telecommunication development and shall elect its chairman from among its members. The Board shall advise the Director, who shall participate in its meetings, on priorities and strategies in the Union's telecommunication development activities; it shall, inter
alia, recommend steps to foster cooperation and coordination with other organizations interested in telecommunication development.
Provisions Common to the Three Sectors
Participation of Entities and Organizations Other than Administrations in the Union's Activities
228 1. The Secretary-General and the Directors of the Bureaux shall encourage the enhanced participation in the activities of the Union of the following entities and organizations:
229 a) recognized operating agencies, scientific or industrial organizations and financial or development institutions which are approved by the Member concerned;
230 b) other entities dealing with telecommunication matters which are approved by the Member concerned;
231 c) regional and other international telecommunication, standardization, financial or development organizations.
232 2. The Directors of the Bureaux shall maintain close working relations with those entities and organizations which are authorized to participate in the activities of one or more of the Sectors of the Union.
233 3. Any request from an entity listed in No. 229 above to participate in the work of a Sector, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Constitution and this Convention, approved by the Member concerned shall be forwarded by the latter to the Secretary-General.
234 4. Any request from an entity referred to in No. 230 above submitted by the Member concerned shall be handled in conformity with a procedure established by the Council. Such a request shall be reviewed by the Council with respect to its conformity with the above procedure.
235 5. Any request from any entity or organization listed in No. 231 above (other than those referred to in Nos. 260 and 261 of this Convention) to participate in the work of a Sector shall be sent to the Secretary-General and acted upon in accordance with procedures established by the Council.
236 6. Any request from an organization referred to in Nos. 260. to 262 of this Convention to participate in the work of a Sector shall be sent to the Secretary-General, and the organization concerned shall be included in the lists referred to in No. 237 below.
237 7. The Secretary-General shall compile and maintain lists of all entities and organizations referred to in' Nos. 229 to 231 and Nos. 260 to 262 of this Convention that are authorized to participate in the work of each Sector and shall, at appropriate intervals, publish and distribute these lists to all Members and to the Director of the Bureau concerned. That Director shall advise such entities and organizations of the action taken on their requests.
238 8. Entities and organizations contained in the lists referred to in No. 237 above are also referred to as "members" of the Sectors of the Union; the conditions of their participation in the Sectors are specified in this Article, in Article 33 and in other relevant provisions of this Convention. The provisions of Article 3 of the Constitution do not apply to them.
239 9. A recognized operating agency may act on behalf of the Member which has recognized it, provided that Member informs the Director of the Bureau concerned that it is authorized to do so.
240 10. Any entity or organization authorized to take part in the work of a Sector has the right to denounce such participation by notifying the Secretary-General. Such participation may also be denounced, where appropriate, by the Member concerned. Such denunciation shall take effect at the end of one year from the date when notification is received by the Secretary-General.
241 11. The Secretary-General shall delete from the list of entities and organizations any entity or organization that is no longer authorized to participate in the work of a Sector, in accordance with criteria and procedures determined by the Council.
Conduct of Business of Study Groups
242 1. The radiocommunication assembly, the world telecommunication standardization conference and the world telecommunication development conference shall appoint a Chairman and normally one Vice-Chairman of each study group. In appointing Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen, particular consideration shall be given to the requirements of competence and equitable geographical distribution and to the need to promote more efficient participation by the developing countries.
243 2. If the workload of any study group requires, the assembly or conference shall appoint such additional ViceChairmen as it deems necessary, normally not more than two in total.
244 3. If, in the interval between two assemblies or conferences of the Sector concerned, a study group Chairman is unable to carry out his duties and only one ViceChairman has been appointed, then that ViceChairmen-man shall take the Chairman's place. In the case of a study group for which more than one Vice-Chairman has been appointed, the study group at its next meeting shall elect a new Chairman from among those ViceChairmen and, if necessary, a new ViceChairman from among the members of the study group. It shall likewise elect a new ViceChairman if one of the ViceChairmen is unable to carry out his duties during that period.
245 4. Study groups shall conduct their work as far as possible by correspondence, using modern means of communication.
246 5. The Director of the Bureau of each Sector, on the basis of the decisions of the competent conference or assembly, after consultation with the Secretary-General and coordination as required by the Constitution and Convention, shall draw up the general plan of study group meetings.-
247 6. Study groups may initiate action for obtaining approval from Members for recommendations completed between two conferences. The procedures to be applied for obtaining such approval shall be those approved by the competent assembly or conference. Recommendations so approved shall have the same status as ones approved by the conference itself.
248 7. Where necessary, joint working parties may be established for the study of questions requiring the participation of experts from several study groups.
249 8. The Director of the relevant Bureau shall send the final reports of the study groups to the administrations, organizations and entities participating in the Sector. Such reports shall include a list of the recommendations approved in conformity with No. 247 above. These reports shall be sent as soon as possible and, in any event, in time for them to be received at least one month before the date of the next session of the conference concerned.
Recommendations from One Conference to Another
250 1. Any conference may submit to another conference of the Union recommendations within its field of competence.
251 2. Such recommendations shall be sent to the Secretary-General in good time for assembly, coordination and communication, as laid down in No. 320 of this Convention.
Relations Between Sectors and With International Organizations
252 1. The Directors of the Bureaux may agree, after appropriate consultation and coordination as required by the Constitution, the Convention and the decisions of the competent conferences or assemblies, to organize joint meetings of study groups of two or three Sectors, in order to study and prepare draft recommendations on questions of common interest. Such draft recommendations shall be submitted to the competent conferences or assemblies of the Sectors concerned.
253 2. Conferences or meetings of a Sector may be attended in an advisory capacity by the Secretary-General, the Deputy Secretary-General, the Directors of the Bureaux of the other Sectors, or their representatives, and members of the Radio Regulations Board. If necessary, they may invite, in an advisory capacity, representatives of the General Secretariat or of any other Sector which has not considered it necessary to be represented.
254 3. When a Sector is invited to participate in a meeting of an international organization, its Director is authorized to make arrangements for its representation in an advisory capacity, taking into account the provisions of No. 107 of this Convention.
General Provisions Regarding Conferences
Invitation and Admission to Plenipotentiary Conferences
when There is an Inviting Government
255 1. The precise place and the exact dates of the Conference shall be fixed in accordance with the provisions of Article 1 of this Convention, following consultations with the inviting government.
256 2. (1). One year before the. date of opening of the Conference, the inviting government shall send an invitation to the government of each Member of the Union.
257 (2). These invitations may be sent directly or through the Secretary-General or through another government.
258 3. The Secretary-General shall invite the following organizations to send observers:
259 a) the United Nations;
260 b) regional telecommunication organizations mentioned in Article 43 of the Constitution;
261 c) intergovernmental organizations operating satellite systems;
262 d) the specialized agencies of the United Nations and the International Atomic Energy Agency.
263 4. (1) The replies of the Members must reach the inviting government at least one month before the date of opening of the Conference and should include whenever possible full information on the composition of the delegation.
264 (2) These replies may be sent directly to the inviting government or through the Secretary-General or through another government.
265 (3) The replies of the organizations and agencies referred to in Nos. 259 to 262 above must reach the Secretary-General one month before the opening date of the Conference.
266 5. The General Secretariat and the three Bureaux of the Union shall be represented at the Conference in an advisory capacity.
267 6. The following shall be admitted to Plenipotentiary Conferences:
268 a) delegations;
269 b) observers of organizations and agencies invited in accordance with Nos. 259 to 262 above.
Invitation and Admission to Radiocommunication
Conferences when There is an Inviting Government
270 1. The precise place and exact dates of the conference shall be fixed in accordance with the provisions of Article 3 of this Convention, following consultations with the inviting government.
271 2. (1) The provisions of Nos. 256 to 265 of this Convention shall apply to radiocommunication conferences.
272 (2) Members of the Union should inform the recognized operating agencies of the invitation they have received to participate in a radiocommunication conference
273 3. (1) The inviting government, in agreement with or on a proposal by the Council, may notify the international organizations other than those referred to in Nos. 259 to 262 of this Convention which may be interested in sending observers to participate in the conference in an advisory capacity.
274 (2) The interested international organizations referred to in No. 273 above shall send an application for admission to the inviting government within a period of two months from the date of notification.
275 (3) The inviting government shall assemble the requests and the conference itself shall decide whether the organizations concerned are to be admitted.
276 4. The following shall be admitted to radiocommunication conferences:
277 a) delegations;
278 b) observers of organizations and agencies referred to in Nos. 259 to 262 of this Convention;
279 c) observers of international organizations admitted in accordance with Nos. 273 to 275 above;
280 d) observers representing recognized operating agencies authorized in accordance with Article 19 of this Convention to participate in the radiocommunication study groups and duly authorized by the Member concerned;
281 e) in an advisory capacity, the elected officials, when the conference is discussing matters coming within their competence, and the members of the Radio Regulations Board;
282 f) observers of Members of the Union participating. in a non-voting capacity in a regional radiocommunication conference of a region other than that to which the said Members belong.
Invitation and Admission to Radiocommunication
Assemblies and to Telecommunication Standardization
and Telecommunication Development Conferences when
There is an Inviting Government
283 1. The precise place and exact dates of each assembly or conference shall be fixed in accordance with the" provisions of Article 3 of this Convention, following consultations with the inviting government.
284 2. One year before the date of the opening of the assembly or conference, the Secretary-General, after consultation with the Director of the Bureau concerned, shall send an invitation to:
285 a) the administration of each Member of the Union;
286 b) the entities or organizations authorized in accordance with Article 19 of this Convention to participate in the activities of the Sector concerned;
287 c) regional telecommunication organizations mentioned in Article 43 of the Constitution;
288 d) intergovernmental organizations operating satellite systems;
289 e) any other regional organization or other international organization dealing with matters of interest to the assembly or conference.
290 3. The Secretary-General shall also invite the following organizations or agencies to send observers:
291 a) the United Nations;
292 b) the specialized agencies of the United Nations and the International Atomic Energy Agency.
293 4. The replies must reach the Secretary-General at least one month before the date of opening of the assembly or conference and should, whenever possible, include full information on the composition of the delegation or representation
294 5. The General Secretariat and the elected officials of the Union shall be represented at the assembly or conference in an advisory capacity.
295 6. The following shall be admitted to the assembly or conference:
296 a) delegations;
297 b) observers of organizations and agencies invited in accordance with Nos. 287 to 289 and 291 and 292 above;
298 c) representatives of entities or organizations referred to in No. 286 above.
Procedure for Convening or Cancelling World
Conferences or Radiocommunication Assemblies at the
Request of Members of the. Union or on a Proposal of
the Council
299 1. The procedures to be applied for convening a second world telecommunication standardization conference in the interval between successive Plenipotentiary Conferences and fixing its precise place and exact dates or for cancelling the second world radiocommunication conference or the second radiocommunication assembly are set forth in the following provisions.
300 2. (1) Any Member of the Union wishing to have a second world telecommunication standardization conference convened shall so inform the Secretary-General, indicating the proposed place and dates of the conference.
301 (2) On receipt of similar requests from at least one-quarter of the Members, the Secretary-General shall inform immediately all Members thereof by the most appropriate means of telecommunication, asking them to indicate, within six weeks, whether or not they agree to the proposal.
302 (3) If a majority of the Members, determined in accordance with No. 47 of this Convention, agree to the proposal as a whole, that is to say, if they accept the proposed place and dates, the Secretary-General shall so inform immediately all Members by the most appropriate means of telecommunication.
303 (4) If the proposal accepted is for a conference elsewhere than at the seat of the Union, the Secretary-General, with the assent of the government concerned, shall take the necessary steps to convene the conference.
304 (5) If the proposal as a whole (place and dates) is not accepted by the majority of the Members determined in accordance with No. 47 of this Convention, the Secretary-General shall inform the Members of the Union of the replies received, requesting them to give a final reply on the point or points under dispute within six weeks of receipt.
305 (6) Such points shall be regarded as adopted when they have been approved by a majority of the Members, determined in accordance with No. 47 of this Convention.
306 3. (1) Any Member of the Union wishing to have a second world radiocommunication conference or a
second radiocommunication assembly cancelled, shall so inform the Secretary-General. On receipt of similar requests from at least one-quarter of the Members, the Secretary-General shall inform immediately all Members thereof by the most appropriate means of telecommunication, asking them to indicate, within six weeks, whether or not they agree to the proposal.
307 (2) If a majority of the Members, determined in accordance with No. 47 of this Convention, agrees to the proposal, the Secretary-General shall so inform immediately all Members by the most appropriate means of telecommunication and the conference or assembly shall be cancelled.
308 4. The procedures indicated in Nos. 301 to 307 above, with the exception of No. 306, shall also be applicable when the proposal to convene a second world telecommunication standardization conference or to cancel a second world radiocommunication conference or a second radiocommunication assembly is initiated by the Council.
309 5. Any Member of the Union wishing to have a world conference on international telecommunications convened shall propose it to the Plenipotentiary Conference; the agenda, precise place and exact dates of such a conference shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of Article 3 of this Convention.
Procedure for Convening Regional Conferences at the
Request of Members of the Union or on a Proposal of
the Council
310 In the case of a regional conference, the procedure described in Nos. 300 to 305 of this Convention shall be applicable only to the Members of the region concerned. If the conference is to be convened on the initiative of the Members of the region, it will suffice for the Secretary-General to receive concordant requests from a quarter of the total number of Members in that region. The procedure described in Nos. 301 to 305 of this Convention shall also be applicable when the proposal to convene such a conference is initiated by the Council.
Provisions for Conferences Meeting when There is no
Inviting Government
311 When a conference is to be held without an inviting government, the provisions of Articles 23, 24 and 25 of this Convention shall apply. The Secretary-General shall take the necessary steps to convene and organize it at the seat of the Union, after agreement with the Government of the Swiss Confederation.
Change in the Place or Dates of a Conference
312 1. The provisions of Articles 26 and 27 of this Convention for convening a conference shall apply, by analogy, when a change in the precise place and/or exact dates of a conference is requested by Members of the Union or is proposed by the Council. However, such changes shall only be made if a majority of the Members concerned, determined in accordance with No. 47 of this Convention, have pronounced in favour.
313 2. It shall be the responsibility of any Member proposing a change in the precise place or exact dates of a conference to obtain for its proposal the support of the requisite number of other Members.
314 3. Where the issue arises, the Secretary-General shall indicate, in the communication referred to in No. 301 of this Convention, the probable financial consequences of a change in the place or dates, as, for example, when there has been an outlay of expenditure in preparing for the conference at the place initially chosen.
Time-Limits and Conditions for Submission of Proposals
and Reports to Conferences
315 1. The provisions of this Article shall apply to the Plenipotentiary Conference, world and regional radio-communication conferences and world conferences on international telecommunications.
316 2. Immediately after the invitations have been dispatched, the Secretary-General shall ask Members to send him, at least four months before the start of the conference, their proposals for the work of the conference.
317 3. All proposals the adoption of which will involve amendment of the text of the Constitution or this Convention or revision of the Administrative Regulations must carry references identifying by their marginal numbers those parts of the text which will require such amendment or revision. The reasons for the proposal must be given, as briefly as possible, in each case.
318 4. Each proposal received from a Member of the Union shall be annotated by the Secretary-General to indicate its origin by means of the symbol established by the Union for that Member. Where a proposal is made jointly by more than one Member the proposal shall, to the extent practicable, be annotated with the symbol of each Member.
319 5. The Secretary-General shall communicate the proposals to all Members as they are received.
320 6. The Secretary-General shall assemble and coordinate the proposals received from Members and shall communicate them to Members as they are received, but in any case at least two months before the opening of the conference. Elected officials and staff members of the Union, as well as those observers and representatives that may attend conferences in accordance with the relevant provisions of this Convention shall not be entitled to submit proposals.
321 7. The Secretary-General shall also assemble reports received from Members, the Council and the Sectors of the Union and recommendations by conferences and shall communicate them to Members, along with any reports by the Secretary-General, at least four months before the opening of the conference.
322 8. Proposals received after the time-limit specified in No. 316 above shall be communicated to all Members by the Secretary-General as soon as practicable.
323 9. The provisions of the present Article shall apply without prejudice to the amendment provisions contained in Article 55 of the Constitution and in Article 42 of this Convention.
Credentials for Conferences
324 1. The delegation sent by a Member of the Union to a Plenipotentiary Conference, a radiocommunication conference or a world conference on international telecommunications shall be duly accredited in accordance with Nos. 325 to 331 below.
325 2. (1) Accreditation of delegations to Plenipotentiary Conferences shall be by means of instruments signed by the Head of State, by the Head of Government or by the Minister for Foreign Affairs.
326 (2) Accreditation of delegations to the other conferences referred to in No. 324 above shall be by means of instruments signed by the Head of State, by the Head of Government, by the Minister for Foreign Affairs or by the Minister responsible for questions dealt with during the conference.
327 (3) Subject to confirmation prior to the signature of the Final Acts, by one of the authorities mentioned in Nos. 325 or 326 above, a delegation may be provisionally accredited by the Head of the diplomatic mission of the Member concerned to the host government. In the case of a conference held in the Swiss Confederation, a delegation may also be provisionally accredited by the Head of the permanent delegation of the Member concerned to the United Nations Office at Geneva.
328 3. Credentials shall be accepted if they are signed by one of the competent authorities mentioned in Nos.325 to 327 above, and fulfil one of the following criteria:
329 – they confer full powers on the delegation;
330 – they authorize the delegation to represent its government, without restrictions;
331 – they give the delegation, or certain members thereof, the right to sign the Final Acts.
332 4. (1) A delegation whose credentials are found to be in order by the Plenary Meeting shall be entitled to exercise the right to vote of the Member concerned, subject to the provisions of Nos. 169 and 210 of the Constitution, and to sign the Final Acts.
333 (2) A delegation whose credentials are found not to be in order by the Plenary Meeting shall not be entitled to exercise the right to vote or to sign the Final Acts until the situation has been rectified.
334 5. Credentials shall be deposited with the secretariat of the conference as early as possible. The Committee referred to in No. 361 of this Convention shall be entrusted with the verification thereof and shall report on its conclusions to the Plenary Meeting within the time specified by the latter. Pending the decision of the Plenary Meeting thereon, any delegation shall be entitled to paiting governmthe conference and to exercise the right to vote of the Member concerned.
335 6. As a general rule, Members of the Union should endeavour to send their own delegations to conferences of the Union. However, if a Member is unable, for exceptional reasons, to send its own delegation, it may give the delegation of another Member powers to vote and sign on its behalf. Such powers must be conveyed by means of an instrument signed by one of the authorities mentioned in Nos. 325 or 326 above.
336 7. A delegation with the right to vote may give to another delegation with the right to vote a mandate to exercise its vote at one or more meetings at which it is unable to be present. In such a case it shall, in good time, notify the Chairman of the conference in writing.
337 8. A delegation may not exercise more than one proxy vote.
338 9. Credentials and transfers of powers sent by telegram shall not be accepted. Nevertheless, replies sent by telegram to requests by the Chairman or the secretariat of the conference for clarification of credentials shall be accepted.
339 10. A Member or an authorized entity or organization intending to send a delegation or representatives to a telecommunication standardization conference, a telecommunication development conference or a radiocommunication assembly shall so inform the Director of the Bureau of the Sector concerned, indicating the names and functions of the members of the delegation or of the representatives.
Rules of Procedure
Rules of Procedure of Conferences and Other Meetings
340 The Rules of Procedure shall apply without prejudice to the amendment provisions contained in Article 55 of the Constitution and in Article 42 of this Convention.
1. Order of Seating
341 At meetings of the conference, delegations shall be seated in the alphabetical order of the French names of the Members represented.
2. Inauguration of the Conference
342 1. (1) The inaugural meeting of the conference shall be preceded by a meeting of the Heads of delegation in the course of which it shall prepare the agenda for the first Plenary Meeting and make proposals for the organization, chairmanships and vice-chairmanships of the conference and its committees, taking into account the principles of rotation, geographical distribution, the necessary competence and the provisions of No. 346 below.
343 (2) The Chairman of the meeting of Heads of delegation shall be appointed in accordance with the. provisions of Nos. 344 and 345 below.
344 2. (1) The conference shall be opened by a person appointed by the inviting government.
345 (2) When there is no inviting government, it shall be opened by the oldest Head of delegation.
346 3. (1) The Chairman of the conference shall be elected at the first Plenary Meeting; generally he shall be a person nominated by the inviting government.
347 (2) If there is no inviting government, the Chairman shall be chosen, taking into account the proposals made by the Heads of delegation at the meeting described in No. 342 above.
348 4. The first Plenary Meeting shall also:
349 a) elect the Vice-Chairmen of the conference;
350 b) set up the conference committees and elect their respective Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen;
351 c) designate the conference secretariat, in accordance with No. 97 of this Convention; the secretariat may be reinforced, in case of need, by staff provided by the administration of the inviting government.
3. Powers of the Chairman of the Conference
352 1. The Chairman, in addition to the other prerogatives conferred upon him under these Rules of Procedure, shall open and close the meetings of the Plenary Meeting, direct the deliberations, ensure that the Rules of Procedure are applied, give the floor to speakers, put questions to the vote, and announce the decisions adopted.
353 2. He shall have the general direction of all the work of the conference, and shall ensure that order is maintained at Plenary Meetings. He shall give his ruling on motions of order and points of order and, in particular, he shall be empowered to propose that discussion on a question be postponed or closed, or that a meeting be suspended or adjourned. He may also decide to postpone the convening of a Plenary Meeting should he consider it necessary.
354 3. It shall be the duty of the Chairman to protect the right of each delegation to express its opinion freely and fully on the point at issue.
355 4. He shall ensure that discussion is limited to the point at issue, and he may interrupt any speaker who departs therefrom and request him to confine his remarks to the subject under discussion.
4. Setting up of Committees
356 1. The Plenary Meeting may set up committees to consider matters referred to the conference. These committees may in turn set up subcommittees. Committees and sub-committees may set up working groups.
357 2. Sub-committees and working groups shall be set up when necessary.
358 3. Subject to the provisions of Nos. 356 and 357 above, the following committees shall be set up:
4.1 Steering Committee
359 a) This Committee shall normally be composed of the Chairman of the conference or meeting, who shall be its Chairman, the Vice-Chairmen of the conference and the Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen of committees;
360 b) The Steering Committee shall coordinate all matters connected with the smooth execution of work and shall plan the order and number of meetings, avoiding overlapping wherever possible in view of the limited number of members of some delegations.
4.2 Credentials Committee
361 A Plenipotentiary Conference, a radiocommunication conference or a world conference on international telecommunications shall appoint a Credentials Commit tee, the mandate of which shall be to verify the credentials of delegations to these conferences. This Committee shall report on its conclusions to the Plenary Meeting within' the time specified by the latter.
4.3 Editorial Committee
362 a) The texts prepared in the various committees, which shall be worded as far as possible in their definitive form by these committees, taking account of the views expressed, shall be submitted to an Editorial Committee charged with perfecting their form without altering the sense and, where appropriate, with combining them with those parts of former texts which have not been altered.
363 b) The texts shall be submitted by the Editorial Committee to the Plenary. Meeting, which shall approve them, or refer them back to the appropriate committee for further examination.
4.4 Budget Control Committee
364 a) At the opening of each conference, the Plenary Meeting shall appoint a Budget Control Committee to determine the organization and the facilities available to the delegates, and to examine and approve the accounts for expenditure incurred throughout the duration of the conference. In addition to the members of delegations who wish to participate, this Committee shall include a representative of the Secretary-General, of the Director of the Bureau concerned, and, where there is an inviting government, a representative of that government.
365 b) Before the budget approved by the Council for the conference is exhausted, the Budget Control Committee, in collaboration with the secretariat of the conference, shall present an interim statement of the expenditure to the Plenary Meeting. The Plenary Meeting shall take
this statement into account in considering whether the progress made is sufficient to justify a prolongation of the conference after the date when the approved budget will be exhausted.
366 c) At the end of each conference, the Budget Control Committee shall present a report to the Plenary Meeting showing, as accurately as possible, the estimated total expenditure of the conference, as well as an estimate of the costs that may be entailed by the execution of the decisions taken by such conference.
367 d) After consideration and approval by the Plenary Meeting, this report, together with the observations of the Plenary Meeting, shall be transmitted to the Secretary-General for submission to the Council at its next ordinary session.
5. Composition of Committees
5.1 Plenipotentiary Conferences
368 Committees shall be composed of the delegates of Members and the observers referred to in No. 269 of this Convention who have so requested or who have been. designated by the Plenary Meeting.
5.2 Radiocommunication Conferences and World Conferences on International Telecommunications
369 Committees shall be composed of the delegates of Members and the observers and representatives referred to in Nos. 278, 279 and 280 of this Convention who have so requested or who have been designated by the Plenary Meeting.
5.3 Radiocommunication Assemblies, Telecommunication Standardization Conferences and Telecommunication Development Conferences
370 In addition to delegates of Members and observers. referred to in Nos. 259 to 262 of this Convention, the radiocommunication assemblies and the committees of the telecommunication standardization and telecommunication development conferences may be attended by representatives of any entity or organization included in the relevant list referred to in No. 237 of this Convention. -
6. Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen of Sub-Committees
371 The Chairman of each committee shall propose to his committee the choice of the Chairmen and Vice-Chair men of the sub-committees which may be set up.
7. Summons to Meetings
372 Plenary Meetings and meetings of committees, sub-committees and working groups shall be announced in good time in the meeting place of the conference.
8. Proposals Presented Before the Opening of the - Conference
373 Proposals presented before the opening of the conference shall be allocated by the Plenary Meeting to the appropriate committees set up in accordance with Section 4 of these Rules of Procedure. Nevertheless, the Plenary Meeting itself shall be entitled to deal with any proposal.
9. Proposals or Amendments Presented During the Conference
374 1. Proposals or amendments presented after the opening of the conference shall be delivered to the Chairman of the conference, to the Chairman of the appropriate committee or to the secretariat of the conference for publication and distribution as conference documents.
375 2. No written proposal or amendment may be presented unless signed by the Head of the delegation concerned or by his deputy.
376 3. The Chairman of the conference or of a committee, a sub-committee or a working group may at any time submit proposals likely to accelerate the debates.
377 4. Every proposal or amendment shall give, in precise and exact terms, the text to be considered.
378 5. (1) The Chairman of the conference or the Chairman of the appropriate committee, sub-committee or working group shall decide in each case whether a proposal or amendment submitted during a meeting shall. be made orally or presented in writing for publication and distribution in accordance with No. 374 above.
379 (2) In general, the texts of all major proposals to be put to the vote shall be distributed in good time in the working languages of the conference, in order that they may be studied before discussion.
380 (3) In addition, the Chairman of the conference, on receiving proposals or amendments referred to in No. 374 above, shall refer them to the appropriate committee or to the Plenary Meeting as the case may be.
381 6. Any authorized person may read, or may ask to have read, at a Plenary Meeting any proposal or amendment submitted by him during the conference, and he shall be allowed to explain his reasons therefore.
10. Conditions Required for Discussion of or Decision or Vote on any Proposal or Amendment
382 1. No proposal or amendment may be discussed unless it is supported by at least one other delegation when it comes to be considered.
383 2. Each proposal or amendment duly supported shall be submitted for discussion and thereafter for decision, if necessary by a vote.
11. Proposals or Amendments Passed Over or Postponed
384 When a proposal on an amendment has been passed over or when its examination has been postponed, the delegation sponsoring it shall be responsible for seeing that it is considered later.
12. Rules for Debates in Plenary Meetings
12. 1. Quorum
385 For a valid vote to be taken at a Plenary Meeting, more than half of the delegations accredited to the conference and having the right to vote must be present or represented at the meeting.
72.2 Order of debates
386 (1) Persons desiring to speak must first obtain the consent of the Chairman. As a general rule, they shall begin by announcing in what capacity they speak.
387 (2) Any person speaking must express himself slowly and distinctly, separating his words and pausing as necessary in order that everybody may understand his meaning.
12.3 Motions of order and points of order
388 (l)-During debates, any delegation may, when it thinks fit, submit a motion of order or raise a point of order, which shall at once be settled by the Chairman in accordance with these Rules of Procedure. Any delegation may appeal against the Chairman's ruling, which shall however stand unless a majority of the delegations present and voting are against it.
389 (2) A delegation submitting a motion of order shall not, during its speech, discuss the substance of the matter in question.
12.4 Priority of motions of order and points of order
390 The motions and points of order mentioned in No. 388 of this Convention shall be dealt with in the following order:
391 a) any point of order regarding the application of these Rules of Procedure, including voting procedures;
392 b) suspension of a meeting;
393 c) adjournment of a meeting;
394 d) postponement of debate on the matter under discussion;
395 e) closure of debate on the matter under discussion;
396 f) any other motions of order or points of order that may be submitted, in which case it shall be for the Chairman to decide the relative order in which they shall be considered.
12.5 Motion for suspension or adjournment of a meeting
397 During the discussion of a question, a delegation may move that the meeting be suspended or adjourned, giving reasons for its proposal. If the proposal is seconded,
the floor shall be given to two speakers to oppose the suspension or adjournment and solely for that purpose, after which the motion shall be put to the vote.
72.6 Motion for postponement of debate
398 During discussion of any question, a delegation may move that the debate be postponed for a stated period. Once such a proposal has been made, any discussion thereon shall be limited to no more than three speakers not counting the person submitting the proposal, one for the motion and two against, after which the motion shall be put to the vote.
12.7 Motion for closure of debate
399 A delegation may at any time move that discussions on the point at issue be closed. In such cases the floor shall be given to not more than two speakers opposing the motion, after which the motion shall be put to the vote. If the motion succeeds, the Chairman will immediately call for a vote on the point at issue.
12.8 Limitation of speeches
400 (1) The Plenary Meeting may, if necessary, decide how many speeches any one delegation may make on any particular point, and how long they may last.
401 (2) However, as regards questions of procedure, the Chairman shall limit the time allowed for a speech to a maximum of five minutes.
402 (3) When a speaker has exceeded the time allowed, the Chairman shall notify the Meeting and request the speaker to conclude his remarks briefly.
12.9 Closing the list of speakers
403 (1) During the debate, the Chairman may rule that the list of speakers wishing to take the floor be read. He shall add the names of other delegations which indicate that they wish to speak and he may then, with the assent of the Meeting, rule that the list be closed. Nevertheless, as an exceptional measure, the Chairman may rule, if he thinks fit, that a reply may be made to any previous statement, even after the list of speakers has been closed.
404 (2) The list of speakers having been exhausted, the Chairman shall declare discussion on the matter closed.
12.10 Questions of competence
405 Any question of competence that may arise shall be settled before a vote is taken on the substance of the matter under discussion.
12.11 Withdrawal and resubmission of a motion
406 The author of a motion may withdraw it before it is put to a vote. Any motion, whether amended or not, which has been withdrawn from debate may be resubmitted or taken up by the author of the amendment or by another delegation.
13. Right to Vote
407 1. At all meetings of the conference, the delegation of a Member of the Union duly accredited by that Member to take part in the work of the conference shall be entitled to one vote in accordance with Article 3 of the Constitution.
408 2. The delegation of a Member of the Union shall exercise the right to vote under the conditions described in Article 31 of this Convention.
409 3. When a Member is not represented by. an administration at a radiocommunication assembly, a world telecommunication standardization conference or a telecommunication development conference, the representatives of the recognized operating agencies of the Member concerned shall, as a whole, and regardless of their number, be entitled to a single vote, subject to the provisions of No. 239 of this Convention. The provisions of Nos. 335 to 338 of this Convention concerning the transfer of powers shall apply to the above conferences.
14. Voting
14.1 Definition of a majority
410 (1) A majority shall consist of more than half the delegations present and voting.
411 (2) In computing a majority, delegations abstaining shall not be taken into account.
412 (3) In case of a tie, a proposal or amendment shall be considered rejected.
413 (4) For the purpose of these Rules of Procedure, a "delegation present and voting" shall be a delegation voting for or against a proposal.
14.2 Non-participation in voting
414 Delegations which are present but do not take part in a particular vote or expressly state they do not wish to take part shall not be considered as absent, for the. purpose of determining a quorum as denned in No. 385 of this Convention, nor as abstaining for the purpose of applying the provisions of No. 416 below.
14.3 Special majority
415 In cases concerning the admission of new Members of the Union, the majority described in Article 2 of the Constitution shall apply.
14.4 Abstentions of more than fifty per cent
416 When the number of abstentions exceeds half the number of votes cast (for, against, abstentions), consideration of the matter under discussion shall be postponed to a later meeting, at which time abstentions shall not be taken into account.
14.5 Voting procedures
417 (1) The voting procedures are as follows:
418 a) by a show of hands as a general rule unless a roll call under b) or secret ballot under c) has been requested;
419 b) by a roll call in the alphabetical order of the French names of the Members present and entitled to vote:
420 1. if at least two delegations, present and entitled to vote, so request before the beginning of the vote and if a secret ballot under c) has not been requested, or
421 2. if the procedure under a) shows no clear majority;
422 c) by a secret ballot, if at least five of the delegations present and entitled to vote so request before the beginning of the vote.
423 (2) The Chairman shall, before commencing a vote, observe any request as to the manner in which the voting shall be conducted, and then shall formally announce the voting procedure to be applied and the issue to be submitted to the vote. He shall then declare the beginning of the vote. When the vote has been taken, he shall announce the results.
424 (3) In the case of a secret ballot, the secretariat shall at once take steps to ensure the secrecy of the vote.
425 (4) Voting may be conducted by an electronic system if a suitable system is available and if the conference so decides.
14.6 Prohibition of interruptions once the vote has begun
426 No delegation may interrupt once a vote has begun, unless to raise a point of order in connection with the way in which the vote is being taken. The point of order cannot include any proposal entailing a change in the vote that is being taken or a change in the substance of the question put to the vote. Voting shall begin with the Chairman's announcement that the voting has begun and shall end with the Chairman's announcement of its results.
14.7 Reasons for votes
427 The Chairman shall authorize any delegations which so request to give the reasons for their vote, after the vote has been taken.
14.8 Voting on parts of a proposal
428 (1) When the author of a proposal so requests, of when the meeting thinks fit, or when the Chairman, with -the approval of the author, so proposes, that proposal shall be sub-divided and its various sections put to the vote separately. The parts of the proposal which have been adopted shall then be put to the vote as a whole.
429 (2) If all the sections of a proposal are rejected the proposal shall be regarded as rejected as a whole.
14.9 Order of voting on concurrent proposals
430 (1) When there are two or more proposals on any one matter, they shall be put to the vote in the order in which they were presented, unless the meeting decides to the contrary.
431 (2) After each vote, the meeting shall decide whether or not the following proposal shall be voted on.
14.10 Amendments
432 (1) Any proposal for modification consisting only of a deletion from, an addition to, or a change in, a part of the original proposal shall be considered an amendment.
433 (2) Any amendment to a proposal accepted by the delegation submitting the proposal shall at once be embodied in the original proposal.
434 (3) No proposal for modification shall be regarded as an amendment if the meeting considers it to be incompatible with the original proposal.
14.11 Voting on amendments
435 (1) When an amendment to a proposal is submitted, a vote shall first be taken on the amendment.
436 (2) When two or more amendments to a proposal are submitted, the amendment furthest from the original text shall be put to the vote first; if this amendment does not obtain the support of the majority, of the remaining amendments, that furthest from the proposal shall then be put to the vote and the same procedure shall be followed until a subsequent amendment gains the support of the majority; if all the amendments submitted have been considered and none has gained a majority, the unamended proposal shall be put to the vote.
437 (3) If one or more amendments are adopted, the proposal thus amended shall then be put to the vote.
14.12 Repetition of a vote
438 (1) In the committees, sub-committees or working groups of a conference or a meeting, a proposal, a part of a proposal or an amendment which has already been decided by a vote within one of the committees, subcommittees or working groups may not be put to the vote again within the same committee, sub-committee or working group. This shall apply irrespective of the voting
procedure chosen.
439 (2) In the Plenary Meetings a proposal, a part of a proposal or an amendment shall not be put to the vote again unless:
440 a) the majority of the Members entitled to vote so request, and
441 b) the request for a repetition of the vote is made at least one full day after the vote has been taken.
75. Rules for Debates and Voting Procedures in Committees and Sub-Committees
442 1. The Chairmen of all committees and sub-committees shall have powers similar to those conferred by Section 3 of the present Rules of Procedure on the Chairman of the conference.
443 2. The provisions of Section 12 of the present Rules of Procedure for the conduct of debates in the Plenary Meeting shall also apply to the discussions in committees and sub-committees, except in the matter of the quorum.
444 3. The provisions of Section 14 of the present Rules of Procedure shall also apply to votes taken in committees and sub-committees.
16. Reservations
445 1. As a general rule, any delegation whose views are not shared by the remaining delegations shall endeavour, as far as possible, to conform to the opinion of the majority.
446 2. However, if any decision appears to a delegation to be such as to prevent its government from consenting to be bound by amendments to the Constitution or this Convention or by the revision of the Administrative Regulations, this delegation may make reservations, final or provisional, regarding that decision; any such reservations may be made by a delegation on behalf of a Member which is not participating in the conference and which has given that delegation proxy powers to sign the Final
Acts in accordance with the provisions of Article 31 of this Convention.
17. Minutes of Plenary Meetings
447 1. The minutes of Plenary Meetings shall be drawn up by the secretariat of the conference, which shall ensure that they are distributed to delegations as early as possible, and in any event not later than five working days after each meeting.
448 2. After the minutes have been distributed, delegations may submit in writing to the secretariat of the conference any corrections they consider to be justified; this shall be done in the shortest possible time. This shall not prevent them from presenting amendments orally during the meeting at which the minutes are approved.
449 3. (1) As a general rule, the minutes shall contain only proposals and conclusions, together with the principal arguments on which they are based, presented in terms as concise as possible.
450 (2) However, any delegation shall have the right to require the insertion in the minutes, either summarized or in full, of any statement it has made during the debates. In this case, the delegation should, as a general rule, announce this at the beginning of its statement in order to facilitate the work of the reporters and must itself hand in the text to the secretariat of the conference within two hours after the end of the meeting.
451 4. The right accorded in No. 450 above regarding the insertion of statements in the minutes shall in all cases be used with discretion.
18. Summary Records and Reports of Committees and Sub-Committees
452 1. (1) Summary records of the debates of meetings of committees or sub-committees shall be drawn up, meeting by meeting, by the secretariat of the conference, which shall ensure that they are distributed to delegations not later than five working days after each meeting. The records shall bring out the essential points of the discussion, and the various opinions of which note ought to be taken, together with any proposals or conclusions resulting from the debates as a whole.
453 (2) Nevertheless, any delegation shall be entitled to invoke No. 450 above.
454 (3) The right accorded in No. 453 above shall in all circumstances be used with discretion.
455 2. Committees and sub-committees may prepare any interim reports they deem necessary and, if circumstances warrant, they may submit, at the end of their work, a final report recapitulating in concise terms the proposals and conclusions resulting from the studies entrusted to them.
19. Approval of Minutes, Summary Records and Reports
456 1. (1) As a general rule, at the beginning of each Plenary Meeting, or meeting of a committee, or sub-committee, the Chairman shall inquire whether there are any comments on the minutes of the previous meeting, or, in the case of committees or sub-committees, on the summary record of the previous meeting. These documents shall be considered approved if no amendments have been handed in to the secretariat and no objection is made orally. Otherwise, the appropriate amendments shall be made in the minutes or summary record as the case may be.
457 (2) Any interim or final report must be approved by the committee or sub-committee concerned.
458 2. (1) The minutes of the last Plenary Meetings shall be examined and approved by the Chairman.
459 (2) The summary records of the last meetings of each committee or sub-committee shall be examined and approved by the Chairman of the committee or sub-committee.
20. Numbering
460 1. The numbers of the chapters, articles and paragraphs of the texts subjected to revision shall be preserved until the first reading in Plenary Meeting. The passages added shall bear provisionally' the number of the last preceding paragraph in the original text, with the addition of "A", "B", etc.
461 2. The final numbering of the chapters, articles and paragraphs shall normally be entrusted to" the Editorial Committee after their adoption at the first reading but may, by a decision of the Plenary – Meeting, be entrusted to the Secretary-General.
21. Final Approval
462 The texts of the Final Acts of a Plenipotentiary Conference, a radiocommunication conference or a world conference on international telecommunications shall be considered final when they have been approved at the second reading in Plenary Meeting.
22. Signature
463 The texts of the Final Acts approved by the conferences referred to in No. 462 above shall be submitted for signature, in the alphabetical order of the Members' names in French, to the delegates provided with the powers defined in Article 31 of this Convention.
23. Relations with the Press and the Public
464 1. Official releases to the press about the work of the conference shall be issued only as authorized by the Chairman of the conference.
465 2. The press and the public may, to the extent practicable, be present at the conference in accordance with the guidelines approved by the meeting of Heads of delegations referred to in No. 342 above and with the practical arrangements made by the Secretary-General. The presence of the press and the public shall in no way disturb the normal conduct of the work of the meeting.
466 3. Other meetings of the Union shall not be open to the press and the public, unless the meeting in question decides otherwise.
24. Franking Privileges
467 During the conference, members of delegations, representatives of Members of the Council, members of the Radio Regulations Board, senior officials of the General Secretariat and of the Sectors of the Union attending the conference and the staff of the Secretariat of the Union seconded to the conference shall be entitled to postal, telegram, telephone and telex franking privileges to the extent arranged by the host government in agreement with the other governments and recognized operating agencies concerned.
Other Provisions
468 1. (1) The scale from which each Member shall choose its class of contribution, in conformity with the relevant provisions of Article 28 of the Constitution, shall be as follows:
40 unit class
35 unit class
30 unit class
28 unit class
25 unit class
23 unit class
20 unit class
18 unit class
15 unit class
13 unit class
10 unit class
8 unit class
5 unit class
4 unit class
3 unit class
2 unit class
1 1/2 unit class
1 unit class
1/2 unit class
1/4 unit class
1/8 unit class*
1/16 unit class*
(* For the least developed countries as listed by the United Nations and other Members as determined by the Council.)
469 (2) In addition to the classes of contribution listed in No. 468 above, any Member may choose a number of contributory units over 40.
470 (3) The Secretary-General shall communicate the decision of each Member as to the class of contribution chosen by it to all the Members of the Union.
471 (4) Members may at any time choose a class of contribution higher than the one already adopted by them.
472 2. (1) Every new Member shall, in respect of the year of its accession, pay a contribution calculated as from the first day of the month of accession.
473 (2) Should the Constitution and this Convention be denounced by a Member, its contribution shall be paid up to the last day of the month in which such denunciation takes effect.
474 3. The amounts due shall bear interest from the beginning of each financial year of the Union at 3% (three per cent) per annum during the first six months, and at 6% (six per cent) per annum from the beginning of the seventh month.
475 4. The following provisions shall apply to contributions by the organizations referred to in Nos. 259 to 262 and to entities authorized to participate in the Union's activities in accordance with the provisions of Article 19 of this Convention.
476 5. The organizations referred to in Nos. 259 to 262 of this Convention and other organizations of an international character which participate in a Plenipotentiary Conference, in a Sector of the Union or in a world conference on international telecommunications shall share in defraying the expenses of the conference or the Sector in accordance with Nos. 479 to 481 below, as appropriate, unless they have been exempted by Council, subject to reciprocity.
477 6. Any entity or organization appearing in the lists mentioned in No. 237 of this Convention shall share in
defraying the expenses of the Sector in accordance with Nos. 479 and 480 below.
478 7. Any entity or organization appearing in the lists mentioned in No. 237 of this Convention which participates in a radiocommunication conference, a world conference on international telecommunications or a conference or assembly of a Sector of which it is not a member, shall share in defraying the expenses of the conference or assembly in accordance with Nos. 479 and 481 below.
479 8. The contributions mentioned in Nos. 476, 477 and 478 shall be based on the free choice of a class of contribution from the scale given in No. 468 above, with the exception of the 1/4, 1/8 and 1/16 unit classes reserved for Members of the Union (the latter exception does not apply to the Telecommunication Development Sector); the Secretary-General shall be informed of the class chosen; any entity or organization concerned may at any time choose a class of contribution higher than the one already adopted by it.
480 9. The amount of the contribution per unit payable towards the expenses of each Sector concerned shall be set at 1/5 of the contributory unit of the Members of the Union. These contributions shall be considered as Union income. They shall bear interest in accordance with the provisions of No. 474 above.
481 10. The amount of the contribution per unit payable towards the expenses of a conference or assembly shall be set by dividing the total amount of the budget of the conference or assembly in question by the total number of units contributed by Members as their share of Union expenses. The contributions shall be considered as Union income. They shall bear interest from the sixtieth day following the day on which accounts are sent out, at the rates fixed in No. 474 above.
482 11. Reduction in the number of contributory units shall be possible only in accordance with the principles stipulated in the relevant provisions of Article 28 of the Constitution.
483 12. In the case of denunciation of participation in the work of a Sector or of termination of such participation (see No. 240 of this Convention), the contribution shall be paid up to the last day of the month in which such denunciation or termination takes effect.
484 13. The sale price of publications shall be determined by the Secretary-General, bearing in mind that the cost of reproduction and distribution should, in general, be covered by the sale of the publications.
485 14. The Union shall maintain a reserve account in order to provide working capital to meet essential expenditures and to maintain sufficient cash reserves to avoid resorting to loans as far as possible. The amount of the reserve account shall be fixed annually by the Council on the basis of expected requirements. At the end of each biennial budgetary period all budget credits which have not been expended or encumbered will be placed in the reserve account. Other details of this account are described in the Financial Regulations.
486 15. (1) The Secretary-General may, in agreement with the Coordination Committee, accept voluntary contributions in cash or kind, provided that the conditions attached to such voluntary contributions are consistent, as appropriate, with the purposes and programmes of the Union and with the programmes adopted by a conference and in conformity with the Financial Regulations, which shall contain special provisions for the acceptance and use of such voluntary contributions.
487 (2) Such voluntary contributions shall be reported by the Secretary-General to the Council in the financial operating report as well as in a summary indicating for each case the origin, proposed use and action taken with respect to each voluntary contribution.
Financial Responsibilities of Conferences
488 1. Before adopting proposals or taking decisions with financial implications, the conferences of the Union shall take account of all the Union's budgetary provisions with a view to ensuring that they will not result. in expenses beyond the credits which the Council is en-powered to authorize.
489 2. No decision of a conference shall be put into effect if it will result in a direct or indirect increase in expenses beyond the credits that the Council is en-powered to authorize.
490 1. (1) At conferences and meetings of the Union, languages other than those mentioned in the relevant provisions of Article 29 of the Constitution may be used:
491 a) if an application is made to the Secretary-General or to the Director of the Bureau concerned to provide for the use of an additional language or languages, oral or written, provided that the additional cost so incurred shall be borne by those Members which have made or supported the application;
492 b) if any delegation itself makes arrangements at its own expense for oral translation from its own language into any one of the languages referred to in the relevant provision of Article 29 of the Constitution.
493 (2) In the case provided for in No. 491 above, the Secretary-General or the Director of the Bureau concerned shall comply to the extent practicable with the application, having first obtained from the Members concerned an undertaking that the cost incurred will be duly repaid by them to the Union.
494 (3) In the case provided for in No. 492 above, the delegation concerned may, furthermore, if it wishes, arrange at its own expense for oral translation into its own language from one of the languages referred to in the relevant provision of Article 29 of the Constitution.
495 2. Any of the documents referred to in the relevant provisions of Article 29 of the Constitution may be published in languages other than those there specified, provided that the Members requesting such publication undertake to defray the whole of the cost of translation and publication involved.
Various Provisions Related to the Operation of Telecommunication Services
Charges and Free Services
496 The provisions regarding charges for telecommunications and the various cases in which free services are accorded are set forth in the Administrative Regulations.
Rendering and Settlement of Accounts
497 1. The settlement of international accounts shall be regarded as current transactions and shall be effected in accordance with the current international obligations of the Members concerned in those cases where their governments have concluded arrangements on this subject. Where no such arrangements have been concluded, and in the absence of special agreements made under Article 42 of the Constitution, these settlements shall be effected in accordance with the Administrative Regulations.
498 2. Administrations of Members and recognized operating agencies which operate international telecommunication services shall come to an agreement with regard to the amount of their debits and credits.
499 3. The statement of accounts with respect to debits and credits referred to in No. 498 above shall be drawn up in accordance with the provisions of the Administrative Regulations, unless special arrangements have been concluded between the parties concerned.
Monetary Unit
500 In the absence of special arrangements concluded between Members, the monetary unit to be used in the composition of accounting rates for international telecommunication services and in the establishment of international accounts shall be:
– either the monetary unit of the International Monetary Fund
– or the gold franc,
both as defined in the Administrative Regulations. The provisions for. application are contained in Appendix 1 to the International Telecommunication Regulations.
501 1. Stations performing radiocommunication in the mobile service shall be bound, within the limits of their normal employment, to exchange radiocommunications reciprocally without distinction as to the radio system adopted by them.
502 2. Nevertheless, in order not to impede scientific progress, the provisions of No. 501 above shall not prevent the use of a radio system incapable of communicating with other systems, provided that such incapacity is due to the specific nature of such system and is not the result of devices adopted solely with the object of' preventing intercommunication.
503 3. Notwithstanding the provisions of No. 501 above, a station may be assigned to a restricted international service of telecommunication, determined by the purpose of such service, or by other circumstances independent of the system used.
Secret Language
504 1. Government telegrams and service telegrams may be expressed in secret language in all relations.
505 2. Private telegrams in secret language may be admitted between all Members with the exception of those which have previously notified, through the Secretary-General, that they do not admit this language for that category of correspondence.
506 3. Members which do not admit private telegrams in secret language originating in or destined for their own territory must let them pass in transit, except in the case of suspension of service provided for in Article 35 of the Constitution.
Arbitration and Amendment
Arbitration: Procedure
(see Article 56 of the Constitution)
507 1. The party which appeals to arbitration shall initiate the arbitration procedure by transmitting to the other party to the dispute a notice of the submission of the dispute to arbitration.
508 2. The parties shall decide by agreement whether the arbitration is to be entrusted to individuals, administrations or governments. If within one month after notice of submission of the dispute to arbitration, the parties have been unable to agree upon this point, the arbitration shall be entrusted to governments.
509 3. If arbitration is to be entrusted to individuals, the arbitrators must neither be nationals of a State party to the dispute, nor have their domicile in the States parties to the dispute, nor be employed in their service.
510 4. If arbitration is to be entrusted to governments, or to administrations thereof, these must be chosen from among the Members which are not involved in the dispute, but which are parties to the agreement, the application of which caused the dispute.
511 5. Within three months from the date of receipt of the notification of the submission of the dispute to arbitration, each of the two parties to the dispute shall appoint an arbitrator.
512 6. If more than two parties are involved in the dispute, an arbitrator shall be appointed in accordance with the procedure set forth in Nos. 510 and 511 above, by each of the two groups of parties having, a common position in the dispute.
513 7. The two arbitrators thus appointed shall choose a third arbitrator who, if the first two arbitrators are individuals and not governments or administrations, must fulfil the conditions indicated in No. 509 above, and in addition must not be of the same nationality as either of the other two arbitrators. Failing an agreement between the two arbitrators as to the choice of a third arbitrator, each of these two arbitrators shall nominate a third arbitrator who is in no way concerned in the dispute. The Secretary-General shall then draw lots in order to select the third arbitrator.
514 8. The parties to the dispute may agree to have their dispute settled by a single arbitrator appointed by agreement; or alternatively each party may nominate an arbitrator, and request the Secretary-General to draw lots to decide which of the persons so nominated is to act as the single arbitrator.
515 9. The arbitrator or arbitrators shall be free to decide upon the venue and the rules of procedure to be applied to the arbitration.
516 10. The decision of the single arbitrator shall be final and binding upon the parties to the dispute. If the arbitration is entrusted to more than one arbitrator, the decision made by the majority vote of the arbitrators shall be final and binding upon the parties.
517 11. Each party shall bear the expense it has incurred in the investigation and presentation of the arbitration. The costs of arbitration other than those incurred by the parties themselves shall be divided equally between the parties to the dispute.
518 12. The Union shall furnish all information relating to the dispute which the arbitrator or arbitrators may need. If the parties to the dispute so agree, the decision of the arbitrator or arbitrators shall be communicated to the Secretary-General for future reference purposes.
Provisions for Amending this Convention
519 1. Any Member of the Union may propose any amendment to this Convention. Any such proposal shall, in order to ensure its timely transmission to, and consideration by, all the Members of the Union, reach the Secretary-General not later than eight months prior to the opening date fixed for the Plenipotentiary Conference. The Secretary-General shall, as soon as possible, but not later than six months prior to the latter date, forward any such proposal to all the Members of the Union.
520, 2. Any proposed modification to any amendment submitted in accordance with No. 519 above may, however, be submitted at any time by a Member of the Union or by its delegation at the Plenipotentiary Conference.
521 3. The quorum required at any Plenary Meeting of the Plenipotentiary Conference for consideration of any proposal for amending this Convention or modification thereto shall consist of more than one half of the delegations accredited to the Plenipotentiary Conference.
522 4. To be adopted, any proposed modification to a proposed amendment as well as the proposal as a whole, whether or not modified, shall be approved, at a Plenary Meeting, by more than half of the delegations accredited to the Plenipotentiary Conference which have the right to vote.
523 5. Unless specified otherwise in the preceding paragraphs of the present Article, which shall prevail, the general provisions regarding conferences and the Rules of Procedures of conferences and other meetings as contained in this Convention shall apply.
524 6. Any amendments to this Convention adopted by a Plenipotentiary Conference shall, as a whole and in the form of one single amending instrument, enter into force at a date fixed by the Conference between Members having deposited before that date their instrument of ratification, acceptance or approval of, or accession to, both this Convention and the amending instrument. Ratification, acceptance or approval of, or accession to, only a part of such an amending instrument shall be excluded.
525 7. Notwithstanding No. 524 above, the Plenipotentiary Conference may decide that an amendment to this Convention is necessary for the proper implementation of an amendment to the Constitution. In that case, the amendment to this Convention shall not enter into force prior to the entry into force of the amendment to the Constitution.
526 8. The Secretary-General shall notify all Members of the deposit of each instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession.
527 9. After entry into force of any such amending instrument, ratification, acceptance, approval or accession in accordance with Articles 52 and 53 of the Constitution shall apply to this Convention as amended.
528 10. After the entry into force of any such amending instrument, the Secretary-General shall register it with the Secretariat of the United Nations, in accordance with the provisions of Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations. No. 241 of the Constitution shall also apply to any such-amending instrument.
Definition of Certain Terms Used in this Convention and
the Administrative Regulations of the
International Telecommunication Union
For the purpose of the above instruments of the Union, the following terms shall have the meanings defined below: 1001 Expert: A person sent by either:
a) the Government or the administration of his country, or
b) an entity or an organization authorized in accordance with Article 19 of this Convention, or
c) an international organization
to participate in tasks of the Union relevant to his area of professional competence.
1002 Observer: A person sent by:
– the United Nations, a specialized agency of the United Nations, the International Atomic Energy Agency, a regional telecommunication organization, or an intergovernmental organization operating satellite systems, to participate, in an advisory, capacity, in a Plenipotentiary Conference, a conference or a meeting of a Sector,
– an international organization to participate, in an advisory capacity, in a conference or a meeting of a Sector,
– the government of a Member of the Union to participate in a non-voting capacity in a regional conference, in accordance with the relevant provisions of this Convention.
1003 Mobile Service: A radiocommunication service between mobile and land stations, or between mobile stations.
1004 Scientific of Industrial Organization: Any organization, other than a governmental establishment or agency, which is engaged in the study of telecommunication problems or in the design or manufacture of equipment intended for telecommunication services.
1005 Radiocommunication: Telecommunication by means of radio waves.
Note 1: Radio waves are electromagnetic waves of frequencies arbitrarily lower than 3 000 GHz, propagated in space without artificial guide.
Note 2: For the requirements of Nos. 149 to 154 of this Convention, the term "radiocommunication" also includes telecommunications using electromagnetic waves of frequencies above 3000 GHz, propagated in space without artificial guide.
1006 Service Telecommunication: A telecommunication that relates to public international telecommunications and that is exchanged among the following:
– administrations,
– recognized operating agencies, and
– the Chairman of the Council, the Secretary-General, the Deputy Secretary-General, the Directors of the Bureaux, the members of the Radio Regulations Board, and other representatives or authorized officials of the Union, including those working on official matters outside the seat of the Union.
on the Compulsory Settlement of Disputes Relating to the Constitution of the International Telecommunication Union, to the Convention of the International Telecommunication Union and to the Administrative Regulations
At the time of signing the Constitution of the International Telecommunication Union and the Convention of the International Telecommunication Union (Geneva, 1992), the undersigned Plenipotentiaries have signed the present Optional Protocol on the Compulsory Settlement of Disputes.
The Members of the Union, parties to this Optional Protocol,
expressing the desire to resort to compulsory arbitration, so far as they are concerned, for the settlement of any disputes concerning the interpretation or application of the Constitution, the Convention or of the Administrative Regulations mentioned in Article 4 of the Constitution,
have agreed upon the following provisions:
Unless one of the methods of settlement listed in Article 56 of the Constitution has been chosen by common agreement, disputes concerning the interpretation or application of the Constitution, the Convention or the Administrative Regulations mentioned in Article 4 of the Constitution shall, at the request of one of the parties to the dispute, be submitted for compulsory arbitration. The procedure to be followed is laid down in Article 41 of the Convention, paragraph 5 (No. 511) of which shall be-amplified as follows:
"5. Within three months from the date of receipt of the notification of the submission of the dispute to arbitration, each of the two parties to the dispute shall appoint an arbitrator. If one of the parties has not appointed an arbitrator within this time-limit, this appointment shall be made, at the request of the other party, by the Secretary-General who shall act in accordance with Nos. 509 and 510 of the Convention."
This Protocol shall be open to signature by Members at the same time as they sign the Constitution and the Convention. It shall be ratified, accepted or approved by any Signatory Member in accordance with its constitutional rules. It may be acceded to by any Members parties to the Constitution and the Convention and by any States which become Members of the Union. The instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession shall be deposited with the Secretary-General.
This Protocol shall come into force for the Parties hereto, who have ratified, accepted, approved or acceded to it, on the same date as the Constitution and the Convention, provided that at least two instruments of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession in its respect have been deposited on that date. Otherwise, it shall come into force on the thirtieth day after the date on which the second instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession is deposited.
This Protocol may be amended by the Parties hereto during a Plenipotentiary Conference of the Union.
Each Member party to this Protocol may denounce it by a notification addressed to the Secretary-General, such denunciation taking effect at the expiration of a period of one year from the date of receipt of its notification by the Secretary-General.
The Secretary-General shall notify all Members:
a) of the signatures appended to this Protocol and of the deposit of each instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession;
b) of the date on which this Protocol shall have come into force;
c) of the date of entry into force of any amendment;
d) of the effective date of any denunciation.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed this Protocol in each of the Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish languages, in a single copy within which, in case of discrepancy, the French text shall prevail, and which shall remain deposited in the archives of the. International Telecommunication Union, which shall forward a copy to each of the signatory countries.
Done at Geneva, 22 December.1992
1 Ob upoštevanju suverene pravice vsake države, da sama ureja lastne telekomunikacije, in ob upoštevanju naraščajočega pomena telekomunikacij za ohranjevanje miru in gospodarskega ter družbenega razvoja vseh držav, so se države pogodbenice te Ustave, ki je temeljni dokument Mednarodne telekomunikacijske zveze, in Konvencije Mednarodne telekomunikacijske zveze (v nadaljevanju: Konvencija), ki Ustavo dopolnjuje, in zaradi omogočanja miroljubnih odnosov, mednarodnega sodelovanja med ljudmi ter gospodarskega in družbenega razvoja z učinkovitimi telekomunikacijskimi službami, sporazumele, kot sledi:
Temeljne določbe
1. člen
Cilji Zveze
2 1. Cilji Zveze so:
3 a) vzdrževanje in razširjanje mednarodnega sodelovanja med vsemi Članicami Zveze za izboljšanje in smotrno uporabo vseh vrst telekomunikacij;
4 b) podpiranje in nudenje tehnične pomoči državam v razvoju na področju telekomunikacij ter pospeševanje aktiviranja materialnih in finančnih virov, potrebnih za izvajanje tega;
5 c) podpiranje razvoja tehničnih zmogljivosti in njihovega najučinkovitejšega delovanja zaradi izboljšanja učinkovitosti telekomunikacijskih služb, s povečanjem njihove uporabnosti in s tem, da postanejo, kolikor je le mogoče, splošno dostopne javnosti;
6 d) pomoč pri razširjanju ugodnosti, ki jih nudijo nove telekomunikacijske tehnike, med vse prebivalce sveta;
7 . e) pomoč pri uporabi telekomunikacijskih storitev za omogočanje miroljubnih odnosov;
8 f) usklajevanje delovanja Članic za doseganje navedenih ciljev;
9 g) podpiranje sprejetja širšega pristopa k telekomunikacijskim problemom v globalnem informacijskem gospodarstvu in družbi na mednarodni ravni v sodelovanju z drugimi svetovnimi in. regionalnimi medvladnimi organizacijami ter z nevladnimi organizacijami, ki se ukvarjajo s telekomunikacijami.
10 2. V ta namen bo Zveza še posebej:
11 a) razporejala pasove v radiofrekvenčnem spektru, dodeljevala radijske frekvence in opravljala registracijo dodeljenih radijskih frekvenc ter kateregakoli s tem povezanega orbitalnega položaja v orbiti geostacioniranih satelitov, da bi se izognili škodljivemu motenju med radijskimi postajami različnih držav;
12 b) koordinirala vsa prizadevanja za odpravo škodljivega motenja med radijskimi postajami različnih držav ter prizadevanja za izboljšanje izkoriščanja radiofrekvenčnega spektra ter orbit geostacionarnih satelitov za radio- komunikacijske storitve;
13 c) olajševala standardizacijo telekomunikacij po vsem svetu za doseganje zadovoljive kakovosti storitev; 14. d) pospeševala mednarodno sodelovanje pri pospeševanju tehnične pomoči državam v razvoju ter vzpostavljanje, razvijanje in izboljševanje telekomunikacijske opreme in omrežij v državah v razvoju z vsemi sredstvi, ki jih ima na razpolago, vključno s sodelovanjem v ustreznih programih Združenih narodov in uporabo lastnih virov, če bi bilo to potrebno;
15 e) koordinirala napore za usklajevanje razvoja telekomunikacijskih zmogljivosti, še posebej tistih, ki uporabljajo vesoljsko tehnologijo, zaradi izkoriščanja vseh njihovih zmožnosti;
16 f) pospeševala sodelovanje med svojimi Članicami z namenom, da bi dosegla čim nižje tarife, ki še omogočajo učinkovite storitve, in hkrati upoštevala potrebo po vzdrževanju neodvisnega finančnega vodenja telekomunikacij na zdravih temeljih;
17 g) spodbujala sprejem ukrepov za zagotavljanje varovanja življenj s sodelovanjem med telekomunikacijskimi službami;
18 h) izvajala študije, pripravljala pravila, sprejemala sklepe, oblikovala priporočila in mnenja ter zbirala in objavljala informacije v zvezi s telekomunikacijskimi zadevami;
19 i) skupaj z mednarodnimi finančnimi in razvojnimi organizacijami pospeševala odobravanje prednostnih in ugodnih kreditnih linij, ki bi se uporabljale za razvoj družbenih projektov, usmerjenih, med drugim, v razširitev telekomunikacijskih služb na najbolj osamljena področja držav.
2. člen Sestava Zveze
20 Mednarodno telekomunikacijsko zvezo, ob upoštevanju načela univerzalnosti in želje po vsestranskem sodelovanju v Zvezi, sestavljajo:
21 a) katerakoli država, ki je bila Članica Zveze kot pogodbenica katerekoli mednarodne konvencije o telekomunikacijah pred uveljavitvijo te Ustave in Konvencije;
22 b) katerakoli druga država, Članica Združenih narodov, ki pristopi k tej Ustavi in Konvenciji na podlagi določil 53. člena te Ustave;
23 c) katerakoli druga država, ki ni Članica Združenih narodov, ki zaprosi za članstvo v Zvezi in ki potem, ko si je zagotovila podporo dveh tretjin Članic Zveze, pristopi k tej Ustavi in Konvenciji na podlagi določb 53. člena te Ustave. Če zaprosi za sprejem v članstvo v obdobju med dvema konferencama pooblaščenih predstavnikov, se Generalni sekretar posvetuje s Članicami Zveze; če država Članica v štirih mesecih po zahtevi za njeno mnenje ne odgovori, se šteje, da se je vzdržala.
3. člen
Pravice in obveznosti Članic
24 1. Članice Zveze imajo pravico in so dolžne izpolnjevati obveznosti, ki so določene v tej Ustavi in Konvenciji.
25 2. Pravice Članic v zvezi z njihovim sodelovanjem na konferencah, srečanjih in posvetovanjih Zveze so:
26 a) vse Članice imajo pravico do sodelovanja na konferencah, možnost biti izvoljene v Svet in pravico imenovati kandidate za izvolitev na mesta funkcionarjev Zveze ali članov Odbora za radijsko regulativo;
27 b) v skladu z določbama št. 169 in 210 te Ustave ima vsaka Članica en glas na konferencah pooblaščenih predstavnikov, na vseh svetovnih konferencah in na vseh zasedanjih o radiokomunikacijah in srečanjih študijskih skupin in če je Članica Sveta, tudi na vseh zasedanjih Sveta. Na regionalnih konferencah imajo pravico do glasovanja samo Članice zadevne regije;
28 c) v skladu z določbama št. 169 in 210 te Ustave ima vsaka Članica pravico do enega glasu na dopisnih posvetovanjih. Če gre za posvetovanja, ki so v zvezi z regionalnimi konferencami, imajo pravico do glasovanja samo Članice zadevne regije.
4. člen
Uradne listine Zveze
29 1. Uradne listine Zveze so:
– ta Ustava Mednarodne telekomunikacijske zveze,
– Konvencija Mednarodne telekomunikacijske zveze in
– Izvršilna pravilnika.
30 2. Temeljna listina Zveze je Ustava, katere določbe so dopolnjene s Konvencijo.
31 3. Določbe Ustave in Konvencije so dopolnjene še z določbami Izvršilnih pravilnikov, navedenih spodaj, ki urejata uporabo telekomunikacij in ki sta obvezujoča za vse Članice:
– Mednarodni pravilnik o telekomunikacijah,
– Pravilnik o radiokomunikacijah.
32 .4. V primeru neskladnosti med določbo te Ustave ali določbo Konvencije ali Izvršilnih pravilnikov vedno prevlada določba Ustave. V primeru neskladnosti med določbo Konvencije ali določbo pravilnika pa prevlada določba Konvencije.
5. člen
33 Razen če v kontekstu ni drugače določeno:
34 a) imajo pojmi, uporabljeni v tej Ustavi in opredeljeni v dodatku, ki je integralni del Ustave, takšen pomen, kot je zapisan v tem dodatku;
35 b) imajo pojmi – razen tistih, ki so opredeljeni v dodatku te Ustave – uporabljeni v Konvenciji in opredeljeni v njenem dodatku, ki je njen integralni del, takšen pomen, kakršen je zapisan v tem dodatku;
36 c) drugi pojmi, ki so opredeljeni v Izvršilnih pravilnikih, imajo takšen pomen, kakršen je določen v pravilnikih.
6. člen
Izvajanje uradnih listin Zveze
37 1. Članice so dolžne spoštovati določbe te Ustave, Konvencije in Izvršilnih pravilnikov v vseh telekomunikacijskih organih in službah, ki so jih ustanovile ali ki jih vodijo in ki se ukvarjajo z mednarodnimi storitvami ali bi lahko povzročale škodljivo motenje radijskim organizacijam v drugih državah, razen če gre za službe, ki so izključene iz teh obveznosti v skladu z določbami 48. člena te Ustave.
38 2. Članice so poleg tega dolžne sprejeti potrebne ukrepe, da bi upravljavskim agencijam, ki so jih same pooblastile za vzpostavljanje in upravljanje telekomunikacij in ki se ukvarjajo z mednarodnimi storitvami ali ki upravljajo postaje, ki bi lahko povzročile škodljivo motenje radijskim službam drugih držav, naložile izpolnjevanje določb Ustave, Konvencije in Izvršilnih pravilnikov.
7. člen
Struktura Zveze
39 Zveza vključuje:
40 a) konferenco pooblaščenih predstavnikov, ki je najvišji organ Zveze;
41 b) Svet, ki deluje v imenu konference pooblaščenih predstavnikov;
42 c) svetovne konference o mednarodnih telekomunikacijah;
43 d) sektor za radiokomunikacije, vključno s svetovnimi in regionalnimi konferencami o radiokomunikacijah, skupščine radiokomunikacij in Odbor za radijsko regulativo;
44 e) sektor za standardizacijo telekomunikacij, vključno s svetovnimi konferencami za standardizacijo telekomunikacij;
45 f) sektor za razvoj telekomunikacij, vključno s svetovnimi in regionalnimi konferencami o razvoju telekomunikacij; '
46 g) Generalni sekretariat.
8. člen
Konferenca pooblaščenih predstavnikov
47 1. Konferenco pooblaščenih predstavnikov sestavljajo delegacije, ki predstavljajo Članice. Sestaja se vsaka štiri leta.
48 2. Konferenca pooblaščenih predstavnikov:
49 a) določa generalno politiko za izpolnjevanje ciljev Zveze, določenih v 1. členu te Ustave;
50 b) potem ko preuči poročila Sveta o delovanju Zveze v času od prejšnje konference pooblaščenih predstavnikov ter o predlagani strateški politiki in načrtih Zveze, sprejme ustrezne sklepe;
51 c) postavi temelje za proračun Zveze in v skladu s sklepi, sprejetimi v zvezi s poročili iz št. 50, določi najvišje izdatke Zveze do naslednje konference pooblaščenih predstavnikov, potem ko preuči vse pomembne vidike delovanja Zveze v tem obdobju;
52 d) zagotavlja vse splošne smernice, ki obravnavajo zaposlovanje kadrov v Zvezi, in po potrebi določi osnovne plače, razpon plač ter sistem doklad in pokojnin za vse funkcionarje Zveze;
53 e) pregleda račune Zveze in jih po potrebi na koncu tudi potrdi;
54 f) izvoli člane Zveze, ki bodo člani Sveta;
55 g) izvoli Generalnega sekretarja, namestnika generalnega sekretarja in direktorje uradov sektorjev kot voljene funkcionarje Zveze;
56 h) izvoli člane Odbora za radijsko regulativo;
57 i) preuči in po potrebi sprejme predloge amandmajev k tej Ustavi in Konvenciji v skladu z določbami 55. člena te Ustave in v skladu z ustreznimi določili Konvencije;
58 j) sklene ali po potrebi revidira sporazume med Zvezo in drugimi mednarodnimi organizacijami, preuči katerekoli začasne sporazume s takšnimi organizacijami, ki jih je v imenu konference sklenil Svet, in v zvezi s tem sprejme takšne ukrepe, kakršni se ji zdijo potrebni;
59 k) obravnava tudi druga pomembna vprašanja s področja telekomunikacij.
9. člen
Načela v zvezi z volitvami in z njimi povezanimi zadevami
60 1. Konferenca pooblaščenih predstavnikov mora pri vsakih volitvah, obravnavanih v št. od 54 do 56 te Ustave, zagotoviti:
61 a) da bodo člani Sveta izvoljeni ob dolžnem upoštevanju potrebne enakopravne razporeditve sedežev v Svetu med vsemi svetovnimi regijami;
62 b) da bodo Generalni sekretar, namestnik generalnega sekretarja, direktorji uradov ter člani Odbora za radijsko regulativo državljani različnih držav Članic in da je ob njihovi izvolitvi upoštevana enakopravna geografska razporeditev med svetovnimi regijami; v zvezi z voljenimi funkcionarji pa je treba upoštevati tudi načela, ki so navedena v št. 154 te Ustave;
63 c) člani Odbora za radijsko regulativo bodo kot posamezniki izvoljeni izmed kandidatov, ki jih bodo predlagale Članice Zveze; vsaka Članica lahko predlaga le enega kandidata, ki mora biti njen državljan.
64 2. Postopke za te volitve določi konferenca pooblaščenih predstavnikov. Konvencija vsebuje določbe, ki obravnavajo prevzem dolžnosti, prazna mesta in možnost ponovne izvolitve.
10. člen
65 1. (1) Svet sestavljajo članice Zveze, ki jih izvoli konferenca pooblaščenih predstavnikov v skladu z določili št. 61 te Ustave.
66 (2) Vsaka Članica Sveta določi osebo, ki bo opravljala funkcijo v Svetu in ki ji lahko pomaga eden ali več svetovalcev.
67 2. Svet sprejme lasten poslovnik.
68 3. Med dvema konferencama pooblaščenih predstavnikov deluje Svet kot Izvršilni organ Zveze v imenu konference pooblaščenih predstavnikov in v okviru pooblastil, ki mu jih slednja določi.
69 4. (1) Svet sprejema vse ustrezne korake, da Članicam olajša izvajanje določb te Ustave, Konvencije in Izvršilnih pravilnikov, sklepov konference pooblaščenih predstavnikov, po potrebi pa tudi izvajanje sklepov drugih konferenc in zasedanj Zveze, obenem pa opravlja tudi vse dolžnosti, ki mu jih naloži konferenca pooblaščenih predstavnikov.
70 (2) Obravnava širše zadeve s področja politike telekomunikacij v skladu s smernicami, ki jih določi konferenca pooblaščenih predstavnikov, da s tem zagotovi celovito odzivanje politike in strategije Zveze na nenehno spreminjajoče se telekomunikacijsko okolje.
71 (3) Zagotavlja učinkovito usklajevanje dela Zveze in izvaja učinkoviti finančni nadzor nad. Generalnim sekretariatom in tremi sektorji.
72 (4) V skladu z nameni Zveze prispeva k razvoju telekomunikacij v državah v razvoju z vsemi sredstvi, ki jih ima na razpolago, vključno s sodelovanjem Zveze v ustreznih programih Združenih narodov.
11. člen
Generalni sekretariat
73 1-(1) Generalni sekretariat vodi Generalni sekretar, ki mu pomaga namestnik generalnega sekretarja.
74 (2) Generalni sekretar pripravlja ob pomoči koordinacijskega komiteja za strateško politiko in načrte za Zvezo in koordinira njene dejavnosti.
75 (3) Generalni sekretar izvaja vse ukrepe, ki so potrebni za zagotavljanje gospodarne rabe sredstev Zveze, za vse administrativne in finančne vidike dejavnosti Zveze pa je odgovoren Svetu.
76 (4) Generalni sekretar je zakoniti zastopnik Zveze.
77 2. Namestnik generalnega sekretarja je odgovoren Generalnemu sekretarju; Generalnemu sekretarju pomaga pri opravljanju njegovih nalog, obenem pa opravlja tista dela, ki mu jih Generalni sekretar poveri. V odsotnosti Generalnega sekretarja opravlja njegove naloge.
Radiokomunikacijski sektor
12. člen
Dolžnosti in struktura
78 1. (1) Dolžnost Radiokomunikacijskega sektorja je izvajanje ciljev Zveze v zvezi z radiokomunikacijami v skladu z določbami 1. člena te Ustave in sicer tako, da:
– zagotavlja racionalno, enakopravno, učinkovito in gospodarno uporabo. radiofrekvenčnega spektra v vseh radiokomunikacijskih službah, vključno s tistimi, ki uporabljajo krožnice geostacionarnih satelitov, kot je določeno v določbah 44. člena te Ustave, in
– opravlja študije brez omejitev v frekvenčnih območjih in sprejema priporočila v zvezi z radiokomunikacijskimi zadevami.
79 (2) Posamezne odgovornosti radiokomunikacijskega sektorja in sektorja za standardizacijo telekomunikacij se neprestano preverjajo v tesni povezavi z zadeva mi, ki so skupnega pomena za oba sektorja, ter v skladu z ustreznimi predpisi v Konvenciji. Med sektorji za radio- komunikacije, za standardizacijo telekomunikacij in za razvoj telekomunikacij mora obstajati tesna koordinacija.
80 2. Radiokomunikacijski sektor deluje preko:
81 a) svetovnih in regionalnih radiokomunikacijskih konferenc;
82 b) Odbora za radijsko regulativo;
83 c) radiokomunikacijskih skupščin, ki so pridružene svetovnim konferencam za radiokomunikacije;
84 d) študijskih skupin za radiokomunikacije;
85 ' e) urada za radiokomunikacije, ki ga vodi izvoljeni direktor.
86 3. Člani Radiokomunikacijskega sektorja so:
87 a) praviloma vse uprave (administracije) Članic Zveze;
88 b) vsaka ustanova ali organizacija, ki sta pooblaščeni v skladu z ustreznimi predpisi Konvencije.
13. člen
Konference in skupščine o radiokomunikacijah
89 1. Svetovna konferenca o radiokomunikacijah lahko delno ali v izjemnih primerih v celoti spremeni Pravilnik o radiokomunikacijah in lahko obravnava katerokoli vprašanje svetovnega pomena, ki je v okvirih njenih kompetenc in je povezano z njenim dnevnim redom; druge njene naloge so določene v Konvenciji.
90 2. Svetovne konference za radiokomunikacije se navadno sklicujejo vsaki dve leti; v skladu z ustreznimi določbami Konvencije takšne konference ni potrebno sklicati ali pa se lahko skliče tudi dodatna.
91 3. Skupščine za radiokomunikacije se običajno prav tako sklicujejo vsaki dve leti in so časovno in krajevno pridružene svetovni konferenci za radiokomunikacije zaradi izboljšanja učinkovitosti in uspešnosti radio-komunikacijskega sektorja. Skupščine za radiokomunikacije zagotavljajo potrebne tehnične temelje za delo svetovnih konferenc za radiokomunikacije in odgovarjajo na vse zahteve svetovnih konferenc za radiokomunikacije. Naloge skupščin za radiokomunikacije so določene v Konvenciji.
92 4. Sklepi svetovne konference za radiokomunikacije, skupščine za radiokomunikacije ter regionalnih konferenc za radiokomunikacije morajo biti v vsakem primeru v skladu s to Ustavo in Konvencijo. Prav tako morajo biti sklepi skupščine za radiokomunikacije ali regionalnih konferenc za radiokomunikacije v vseh primerih skladni s Pravilnikom o radiokomunikacijah. Pri sprejemanju resolucij in sklepov morajo konference upoštevati tudi predvidljive finančne posledice in se morajo po možnosti izogibati sprejemanju resolucij in sklepov, ki bi lahko povzročili rast izdatkov nad zgornje meje kreditov, ki jih je začrtala konferenca pooblaščenih predstavnikov.
14. člen
Odbor za radijsko regulativo
93 1. Odbor za radijsko regulativo sestavljajo voljeni člani, ki imajo vse kvalifikacije s področja radiokomunikacij in ki imajo praktične izkušnje pri dodeljevanju in uporabi frekvenc. Vsak član mora poznati geografske, ekonomske in demografske razmere v določenem delu Sveta. Svoje dolžnosti do Zveze izpolnjujejo samostojno in častno (honorarno).
94 2. Dolžnosti Odbora za radijsko regulativo so:
95 a) odobravanje predpisov o postopku, ki vsebujejo tehnične kriterije, v skladu z Pravilnikom o radiokomunikacijah in s kakršnokoli odločitvijo, ki bi jo sprejele pristojne radiokomunikacijske konference. Te predpise o postopku morata upoštevati direktor in Urad pri izvajanju Pravilnika o radiokomunikacijah ob registraciji dodeljenih frekvenc; dodeljevanje opravijo Članice. O teh predpisih lahko razpravlja uprava, ki v primeru stalnih nesoglasij zadevo preda naslednji svetovni radiokomunikacijski konferenci;
96 b) obravnavanje katerekoli zadeve, ki se je ne da rešiti z uporabo zgoraj navedenih predpisov o postopku;
97 c) izvajanje kakršnihkoli nalog, povezanih z dodeljevanjem in uporabo frekvenc, kot je to določeno v št. 78 te Ustave v skladu s postopki, ki so določeni v Pravilniku o radiokomunikacijah, ali kot jih predpiše pristojna konferenca ali Svet s soglasjem večine Članic Zveze pri pripravi ali. izvrševanju sklepov takšne konference.
98 3. (1) Pri izvajanju svojih odborniških dolžnosti člani Odbora za radijsko regulativo ne delujejo kot zastopniki svojih držav Članic ali regij, temveč kot varuhi mednarodne javne ustanove. Še posebej pa se mora vsak član Odbora vzdržati posredovanja pri odločitvah, ki neposredno zadevajo administracijo Članice.
99 (2) Noben član uprave ne sme zahtevati ali sprejeti navodil v zvezi z opravljanjem svojih dolžnosti v Zvezi od katerekoli vlade, njenih Članov ali od katerekoli javne ali privatne organizacije ali osebe. Članice se morajo vzdržati katerekoli dejavnosti ali sodelovanja pri katerikoli odločitvi, ki ne bi bila v skladu z njihovim statusom, navedenim v št. 98 zgoraj.
100 (3) Vsaka država Članica mora spoštovati izključni mednarodni značaj nalog, ki jih imajo člani Odbora, in ne sme "poskušati vplivati nanje pri opravljanju njihovih odborniških nalog.
101 . 4. Organizacija dela Odbora za radijsko regulativo je določena v Konvenciji.
15. člen
Študijske skupine za radiokomunikacije
102 Naloge študijske skupine za radiokomunikacije so opredeljene v Konvenciji.
16. člen
Urad za radiokomunikacije
103 Naloge direktorja Urada za radiokomunikacije so določene v Konvenciji.
Sektor za standardizacijo telekomunikacij
17. člen
Naloge in struktura
104 1. (1) Naloga sektorja za standardizacijo telekomunikacij je izpolnjevanje ciljev Zveze, ki so povezani s standardizacijo telekomunikacij, kot je to določeno v 1. členu te Ustave, s preučevanjem tehničnih, operativnih in tarifnih vprašanj ter s sprejemanjem priporočil zanje, vse z vidika standardizacije • telekomunikacij po vsem svetu.
105 (2) Določene odgovornosti sektorjev za standardizacijo telekomunikacij in za radiokomunikacije so predmet stalnih revizij v tesnem sodelovanju z ozirom na zadeve, ki so splošnega pomena za oba sektorja, ter v skladu z ustreznimi določbami v Konvenciji. Med sektorji za radiokomunikacije, standardizacijo telekomunikacij in za razvoj telekomunikacij mora obstajati tesno sodelovanje.
106 2. Sektor za standardizacijo telekomunikacij deluje preko:
107 a) svetovnih konferenc za standardizacijo telekomunikacij;
108 b) študijskih skupin za standardizacijo telekomunikacij;
109 c) Urada za standardizacijo telekomunikacij, ki ga vodi voljeni direktor.
110 3. Člani sektorja za standardizacijo telekomunikacij so:
111 a) po zakonu administracije vseh Članic Zveze;
112 b) katerakoli ustanova ali organizacija, ki je za to pooblaščena v skladu z ustreznimi določili Konvencije.
18. člen
Svetovne konference za standardizacijo telekomunikacij
113 1. Naloge svetovnih konferenc za standardizacijo telekomunikacij so opredeljene v Konvenciji.
114 2. Svetovne konference za standardizacijo telekomunikacij se skličejo vsaka štiri leta; kljub temu pa se lahko v skladu z ustreznimi predpisi v Konvenciji skliče tudi dodatna konferenca.
115 3. Vse odločitve svetovnih konferenc za standardizacijo telekomunikacij morajo biti v vseh primerih usklajene s to Ustavo, Konvencijo in Izvršilnimi pravilniki. Pri sprejemanju odločitev in sklepov morajo konference upoštevati predvidljive finančne posledice in se mora izogibati sprejemanju takšnih sklepov in odločitev, ki bi lahko povzročili dvig stroškov nad zgornje meje kreditov, ki jih je odobrila konferenca pooblaščenih predstavnikov.
19. člen
Študijske skupine za standardizacijo telekomunikacij
116 Naloge študijskih skupin za standardizacijo telekomunikacij so določene v Konvenciji.
20. člen
Urad za standardizacijo telekomunikacij
117 Naloge direktorja urada za standardizacijo telekomunikacij so določene v Konvenciji.
Sektor za razvoj telekomunikacij
21. člen
Naloge in struktura
118 1. (1) Naloge sektorja za razvoj telekomunikacij predstavljajo izpolnjevanje ciljev Zveze, določenih v 1. Členu te Ustave, ter opravljanje na področju svojih kompetenc dvojne funkcije Zveze in to kot specializirane agencije Združenih narodov in upravljalske agencije za izvajanje projektov v razvojnem sistemu Združenih narodov ali drugih finančnih aranžmajev, vse zaradi olajševanja in spodbujanja razvoja telekomunikacij z nudenjem, organiziranjem in koordiniranjem tehničnega sodelovanja in nudenja pomoči.
119 (2) Sektorji za radiokomunikacije, standardizacijo telekomunikacij in za razvoj telekomunikacij morajo med seboj tesno sodelovati v zadevah, ki se nanašajo na razvoj, vse v skladu z ustreznimi določbami te Ustave.
120 2. V veljavnih okvirih so specifične naloge sektorja za razvoj telekomunikacij:
121 a) dvigovanje zavesti ljudi, ki sprejemajo odločitve, o pomembni vlogi telekomunikacij v državnih, gospodarskih in družbenih razvojnih programih ter zagotavljanje informacij in nasvetov o možnih opcijah politike in strukture telekomunikacij;
122 b) spodbujanje razvoja, širjenja in delovanja telekomunikacijskih omrežij in storitev, še posebej v državah v razvoju, ob upoštevanju dejavnosti drugih ustreznih teles, s krepitvijo zmožnosti za razvoj človeških virov, planiranja, upravljanja, mobilizacijo virov in z raziskavami in razvojem;
123 c) spodbujanje rasti telekomunikacij preko sodelovanja z regionalnimi telekomunikacijskimi organizacijami ter svetovnimi in regionalnimi razvojnimi finančnimi institucijami, nadzorovanje stanja projektov, ki so vključeni v njegov razvojni program, za zagotavljanje njihovega pravilnega izvajanja;
124 d) mobilizacija virov za zagotavljanje pomoči državam v razvoju na področju telekomunikacij s spodbujanjem ustanavljanja preferenčnih in ugodnih kreditnih linij ter sodelovanje z mednarodnimi in regionalnimi finančnimi in razvojnimi institucijami;
125 e) podpiranje in koordiniranje programov za pospeševanje prenosa primernih tehnologij v države v razvoju v luči sprememb in razvoja omrežij v razvitih državah;
126 f) spodbujanje udeležbe industrije pri razvoju telekomunikacij v državah v razvoju in svetovanje pri izbiri ter prenosu primerne tehnologije;
127 g) po potrebi svetovanje, izvajanje ali sponzoriranje študij tehničnih, gospodarskih, finančnih, upravnih in zakonodajnih zadev in zadev politike, vključno s študijami določenih projektov s področja telekomunikacij;
128 h) sodelovanje z drugimi sektorji, Generalnim sekretariatom in drugimi ustreznimi telesi pri razvijanju Generalnega plana za mednarodna in regionalna telekomunikacijska omrežja z namenom lajšanja koordinacije njihovega razvoja, vse z vidika zagotavljanja telekomunikacijskih storitev;
129 i) pri izvajanju prej navedenih nalog mora še posebej paziti na potrebe najmanj razvitih držav;
130 3. Sektor za razvoj telekomunikacij deluje preko:
131 a) svetovne in regionalne konference za razvoj telekomunikacij;
132 b) študijske skupine za razvoj telekomunikacij;
133 c) Urada za razvoj telekomunikacij, ki ga vodi voljeni direktor.
134 4. Članice sektorja za razvoj telekomunikacij so:
135 a) po zakonu administracije vseh Članic Zveze;
136 b) katerakoli ustanova ali organizacija, ki je za to pooblaščena v skladu z ustreznimi določili Konvencije.
22. člen
Konference za razvoj telekomunikacij
137 1. Konference za razvoj telekomunikacij so mesto, kjer potekajo razprave in proučevanje tem, projektov in programov, pomembnih za razvoj telekomunikacij ter za dajanje usmeritev in navodil Uradu za razvoj telekomunikacij.
138 2. Konference za razvoj telekomunikacij vključujejo:
139 a) svetovne konference za razvoj telekomunikacij;
140 b) regionalne konference za razvoj telekomunikacij.
141 3. Med dvema konferencama pooblaščenih predstavnikov mora biti ena svetovna konferenca za razvoj telekomunikacij, glede na sredstva in prednostne naloge pa se lahko izvedejo tudi regionalne konference za razvoj telekomunikacij.
142 4. Konference za razvoj telekomunikacij ne sprejemajo končnih dokumentov. Njihovi sklepi so v obliki
resolucij, odločitev, priporočil ali poročil. Vsi ti sklepi. morajo biti v vseh primerih v skladu s to Ustavo, Konvencijo in Izvršilnimi pravilniki. Pri sprejemanju resolucij in sklepov morajo konference upoštevati predvidljive finančne posledice in se morajo izogibati sprejemanju resolucij in sklepov, ki bi lahko povzročili naraščanje stroškov preko zgornjih meja kreditov, ki jih je določila konferenca pooblaščenih predstavnikov.
143 5. Naloge konference za razvoj telekomunikacij so podrobneje določene v Konvenciji.
23. člen
Študijske skupine za razvoj telekomunikacij
144 Naloge študijskih skupin za razvoj telekomunikacij so podrobneje določene v Konvenciji.
24. člen
Urad za razvoj telekomunikacij
145 Naloge direktorja Urada za razvoj telekomunikacij so podrobneje določene v Konvenciji.
Druge določbe, ki urejajo delovanje Zveze
25. člen
Svetovne konference o mednarodnih telekomunikacijah
146 1. Svetovna konferenca o telekomunikacijah lahko delno, v izjemnih primerih pa v celoti, revidira Mednarodno telekomunikacijsko regulativo, prav tako pa lahko obravnava katerokoli vprašanje svetovnega pomena, ki je v njeni pristojnosti in ki je povezano z njenim dnevnim redom.
147 2. Sklepi svetovnih konferenc o mednarodnih telekomunikacijah morajo biti v vsakem primeru v skladu s to Ustavo in s Konvencijo. Pri sprejemanju resolucij in sklepov morajo konference upoštevati predvidljive finančne posledice, in se izogibati sprejemanju resolucij in sklepov, ki bi lahko povzročili naraščanje izdatkov preko zgornjih meja kreditov, ki jih je določila konferenca pooblaščenih predstavnikov.
26. člen
Koordinacijski komite
148 1. Koordinacijski komite sestavljajo: Generalni sekretar, namestnik generalnega sekretarja ter direktorji vseh treh uradov. Predseduje mu Generalni sekretar, ki ga v odsotnosti nadomešča namestnik generalnega sekretarja.
149 2. Koordinacijski komite deluje kot notranji managerski (ravnateljski) team, ki Generalnemu sekretarju svetuje in daje praktično pomoč v zvezi z administrativnim, finančnim in informacijskim sistemom in zadevami tehničnega sodelovanja, ki niso v izključni pristojnosti določenega sektorja ali Generalnega sekretariata, in o zunanjih odnosih in informiranju javnosti. Pri svojem delovanju mora komite popolnoma upoštevati določbe te Ustave, Konvencije, sklepov Sveta in interese Zveze kot celote.
27. člen
Voljeni funkcionarji in osebje Zveze
150 1. (1) Pri izvajanju svojih zadolžitev ne sme nihče od voljenih funkcionarjev ali osebja Zveze iskati ali sprejemati nasvetov od katerekoli vlade ali drugih oblasti izven Zveze. Vzdržati se morajo kakršnegakoli delovanja, ki ni združljivo z njihovim statusom mednarodnih funkcionarjev.
151 (2) Vsaka članica mora spoštovati izključni mednarodni značaj zadolžitev voljenih funkcionarjev in osebja Zveze in ne sme poskušati vplivati na njihovo delo.
152 (3) Noben voljeni funkcionar ali član osebja Zveze ne sme na noben način sodelovati ali imeti kakršnihkoli finančnih interesov v podjetjih, ki se ukvarjajo s telekomunikacijami, razen če ni to del njihovih zadolžitev. Izraz "finančni interesi" se ne nanaša na nadaljevanje pokojninskih ugodnosti, ki izvirajo iz prejšnje zaposlitve ali službe.
153 (4) Zaradi zagotovitve učinkovitega delovanja Zveze ne sme, če se le da, nobena članica, katere državljan je bil izvoljen za Generalnega sekretarja, njegovega namestnika ali direktorja urada, le-tega odpoklicati med dvema konferencama pooblaščenih predstavnikov.
154 2. Pri zaposlovanju osebja in določanju pogojev za storitve je potrebno največjo pozornost posvetiti nujnosti izpolnjevanja najvišjih kriterijev učinkovitosti, sposobnosti in celovitosti. Pri zaposlovanju osebja je treba ustrezno upoštevati čim širšo geografsko bazo.
28. člen
Finance Zveze
155 1. Izdatki Zveze zajemajo stroške:
156 a) Sveta
157 b) Generalnega sekretariata in sektorjev Zveze;
158 c) konference pooblaščenih predstavnikov in svetovne konference o mednarodnih telekomunikacijah;
159 2. Izdatke Zveze se krije iz prispevkov njenih Članic in ustanov in organizacij, ki so pooblaščeni za sodelovanje v dejavnostih Zveze v skladu z ustreznimi predpisi Konvencije. Vsaka Članica ali katerakoli tako pooblaščena ustanova ali organizacija mora plačati ustrezen znesek, sorazmeren s številom enot v prispevni stopnji, ki si jo izbere v skladu z ustreznimi predpisi Konvencije.
160 3/ (1) Članice si lahko prosto izberejo prispevno svojo stopnjo za kritje stroškov Zveze.
161 (2) Izbor morajo opraviti v roku šestih mesecev po končani konferenci pooblaščenih predstavnikov v skladu z lestvico prispevnih stopenj, ki jih določa Konvencija.
162 (3) Če konferenca pooblaščenih predstavnikov sprejme spremembo lestvice prispevnih stopenj v Konvenciji, mora Generalni sekretar vse Članice obvestiti o datumu, s katerim prične sprememba veljati. V roku šestih mesecev po prejemu tega obvestila mora vsaka Članica obvestiti Generalnega sekretarja o prispevni stopnji, ki jo je izbrala v skladu s spremenjeno lestvico,
163 (4) Prispevna stopnja, ki jo izbere vsaka Članica v skladu s št. 161 ali 162 zgoraj, stopi v veljavo šele s 1. januarjem eno leto po poteku šestmesečnega obdobja, kot je navedeno v št. 161 in 162 zgoraj.
164 4. Članice, ki ne sporočijo svoje odločitve v roku, ki je določen v št. 161 in 162 zgoraj, zadržijo že prej izbrane prispevne stopnje.
165 5. Prispevna stopnja, ki jo izbere Članica, se lahko zmanjša samo v skladu s št. 161, 162 in 163 zgoraj. V izrednih primerih, kadar gre na primer za naravne katastrofe, ki zahtevajo mednarodne programe pomoči, lahko Svet odobri zmanjšanje števila prispevnih enot, če zanj zaprosi Članica, ki ugotovi, da ne more več plačevati prispevkov po stopnji, ki si jo je izbrala na začetku.
166 6. Prav tako lahko Članica po predhodni odobritvi Sveta izbere nižjo prispevno stopnjo, kot jo je izbrala pod št. 161, če se njene prispevne pozicije od dneva, ki ga določa št. 163 zgoraj za novo prispevno časovno obdobje, bistveno poslabšajo.
167 7. Stroške, ki so povezani z regionalnimi konferencami, o katerih je govora v št. 43 te Ustave, pokrivajo v skladu s klasifikacijo enot vse Članice določene regije in kjer je to primerno, prav tako tudi Članice drugih regij, ki sodelujejo na takšnih konferencah..
168 8. Članice, ustanove in organizacije, navedene v št. 159 zgoraj, morajo vnaprej poravnati svoje letne prispevke, ki se izračunajo na podlagi dveletnega proračuna, ki ga odobri Svet, ravno tako pa tudi vsako spremembo, ki jo potrdi Svet.
169 9. Članica, ki je v zaostanku s plačilom Zvezi, izgubi pravico glasovanja, kot je to določeno v št. 27 in 28 te Ustave vse dokler znesek zaostalih plačil ni enak ali ne presega zneska prispevka, ki je bil določen za pretekli dve leti.
170 10. Posebni predpisi, ki se nanašajo na finančne prispevke teles in organizacij, na katere se nanaša št. 459 te Ustave, so navedeni v Konvenciji.
29. člen
171 1. (1) Uradni in delovni jeziki Zveze so arabski, kitajski, angleški, francoski, ruski in španski.
172 (2) V skladu z ustreznimi določbami konference pooblaščenih predstavnikov se ti jeziki uporabljajo za pripravljanje in objavljanje dokumentov in drugih besedil Zveze, in sicer v verzijah, ki so enakovredne po obliki in vsebini, prav tako pa tudi za simultano prevajanje na konferencah in srečanjih Zveze.
173 (3) V primerih neskladij ali sporov prevlada francoska verzija besedila.
174 2. Če se o tem strinjajo vsi udeleženci konference ali drugega srečanja, lahko potekajo razprave tudi v manj jezikih, kot je navedeno zgoraj.
30. člen
Sedež Zveze
175 Sedež Zveze je v Ženevi.
31. člen
Pravne pristojnosti Zveze
176 Zveza ima na ozemlju vsake države Članice toliko pravne pristojnosti, kolikor je potrebuje za izvajanje svojih nalog in za izpolnjevanje svojih namenov.
32. člen
Poslovniki konferenc in drugih srečanj
177 1. Pri organiziranju dela in vodenja razprav se na konferencah in srečanjih Zveze uporablja poslovnik, naveden v Konvenciji.
178 2. Konference in Svet lahko poleg pravil iz poslovnika privzamejo še takšna pravila, ki se jim zdijo bistvenega pomena. Ta dodatna pravila pa morajo biti v skladu s to Ustavo in s Konvencijo; pravila, ki so sprejeta na konferencah, se objavijo kot dokumenti konference.
Splošne določbe, ki veljajo za telekomunikacije
33. člen
Pravica javnosti do uporabe mednarodnih telekomunikacijskih storitev
179 Države Članice priznavajo javnosti pravico do korespondiranja preko mednarodnih služb za javno korespondiranje. Storitve, plačila in jamstva so enaki za vse uporabnike v vseh kategorijah korespondiranja, brez prioritet ali preferenc.
34. člen
Ustavitev telekomunikacij
180 1. Članice si pridržujejo pravico, da lahko ustavijo prenos kateregakoli privatnega telegrama, ki bi lahko ogrožal varnost države ali nasprotoval njenim zakonom, javnemu redu ali spodobnosti, pri tem pa morajo takoj obvestiti urad, iz katerega je prišel, o ustavitvi katerega koli takšnega telegrama ali njegovega dela, razen če tudi takšno obvestilo ne bi ogrožalo varnosti države.
181 2. Članice si prav tako pridržujejo pravico, da lahko prekinejo katerekoli druge privatne telekomunikacije, ki bi lahko ogrožale varnost države ali bile nasprotne njenim zakonom, javnemu redu ali spodobnosti.
35. člen
Ukinitev storitev
182 Vsaka država Članica si pridržuje pravico, da lahko ukine mednarodne telekomunikacijske storitve, bodisi vse bodisi samo določene zveze in/ali za določene vrste korespondence v odhodu, v dohodu ali v tranzitu, pod pogojem, da o tem takoj obvesti vse druge Članice s posredovanjem Generalnega sekretarja.
36. člen
183 Članice ne prevzemajo nikakršne odgovornosti do uporabnikov mednarodnih telekomunikacijskih storitev, še posebej ne v zvezi z odškodninskimi zahtevki.
37. člen
Tajnost telekomunikacij
184 1. Članice soglašajo, da bodo sprejele vse možne ukrepe, ki so v skladu z uporabljenimi telekomunikacijskimi sistemi, zato da bi zagotovile tajnost mednarodnega korespondiranja.
185 2. Kljub temu pa si pridržujejo pravico, da o takšni korespondenci obvestijo pristojne organe, da bi le-ti lahko zagotovili izvajanje svojih zakonov ali izvajanje mednarodnih Konvencij, katerih podpisnice so.
38. člen
Vzpostavitev, delovanje in zaščita telekomunikacijskih kanalov in naprav
186 1. Članice morajo sprožiti vse potrebne postopke za zagotovitev vzpostavitve, pod najboljšimi tehničnimi pogoji, kanalov in naprav, potrebnih za hitro in neprekinjeno izmenjavo mednarodnih telekomunikacij.
187 2. Če je le mogoče, je treba te kanale in naprave upravljati z metodami in postopki, ki so se pri praktičnih delovnih izkušnjah izkazali kot najboljši. Vzdrževati jih je treba v pravilnih delovnih pogojih in biti ves čas v koraku z znanstvenim in tehničnim napredkom.
188 3. Članice morajo varovati te kanale in naprave v okviru svoje jurisdikcije (pravosodja).
189 4. Razen če niso s posebnimi dogovori niso določeni drugačni pogoji, morajo Članice zagotoviti vse potrebne ukrepe za zagotavljanje vzdrževanja tistih odsekov mednarodnih telekomunikacijskih vodov, ki so pod njihovim nadzorom.
39. člen
Obveščanje o kršitvah
190 Za lažjo uporabo določb 6. člena te Ustave se Članice obvežejo, da bodo druga drugo obveščale o kršitvah določb te Ustave, Konvencije in Izvršilnih pravilnikov.
40. člen
Prednost telekomunikacij, povezanih z varovanjem življenj
191 Mednarodne telekomunikacijske službe morajo dati popolno prednost vsem telekomunikacijam, ki so povezane z varovanjem življenj na morju, na kopnem, v zraku ali v vesolju, prav tako pa tudi vsem izredno nujnim epidemiološkim telekomunikacijam, namenjenim Svetovni zdravstveni organizaciji.
41. člen
Prednost vladnih telekomunikacij
192 V skladu z določbami 40. in 46. člena te Ustave, imajo vladne telekomunikacije (glej dodatek k tej Ustavi, točka 1014) prednost pred drugimi telekomunikacijami do meje, izvedljive glede na specifično zahtevo izvirnega pošiljatelja (izvirnika).
42. člen
Posebni ukrepi
193 Članice si zase, za upravljalske organizacije, ki so jih same priznale, in za druge agencije, ki so bile za to ustrezno pooblaščene, pridržujejo pravico, da sklepajo posebne dogovore v zvezi s telekomunikacijskimi zadeva mi, ki v splošnem ne zadevajo drugih Članic. Takšni dogovori pa ne smejo biti v nasprotju z določili te Ustave, Konvencije in Izvršilnih pravilnikov, vsaj kar se tiče škodljivega motenja, ki bi ga njihovo izvajanje lahko povzročilo radijskim službam drugih Članic, in na splošno tehničnih okvar, ki bi jih lahko njihovo delovanje povzročilo v delovanju telekomunikacijskih služb drugih držav Članic.
43. člen
Regijske konference, dogovori in organizacije
194 Članice si pridržujejo pravico do sklicevanja regionalnih konferenc, do sklepanja regionalnih dogovorov in do oblikovanja regionalnih organizacij zaradi urejanja vprašanj s področja telekomunikacij, ki so primerna za obravnavanje na regionalni ravni. Takšni dogovori pa ne smejo biti v nasprotju niti s to Ustavo niti s Konvencijo.
Posebni predpisi za radio
44. člen
Uporaba radiofrekvenčnega spektra in krožnice (orbite)
geostacionamih satelitov
195 1. Članice si morajo prizadevati omejiti število • uporabljenih frekvenc in spektra na najnujnejši minimum,
s katerim še lahko v zadostni meri zagotovijo vse potrebne storitve. Pri tem si morajo prizadevati za uporabo najnovejših tehničnih napredkov.
196 2. Članice morajo pri uporabi frekvenčnih pasov za radijske storitve upoštevati, da so radijske frekvence in krožnice geostacionamih satelitov omejeni naravni viri in da jih morajo uporabljati racionalno, učinkovito in gospodarno, v skladu s predpisi Pravilnika o radiokomunikacijah, tako da imajo države ali skupine držav enako praven dostop do obeh z upoštevanjem posebnih potreb držav v razvoju in geografskega položaja določenih držav.
45. člen
Škodljivo motenje
197 1. Vse postaje, ne glede na njihovo namembnost, morajo biti postavljene in upravljane tako, da ne povzročajo škodljivega motenja radijskim storitvam ali komunikacijam drugih Članic ali priznanih upravljalskih agencij ali drugim pooblaščenim agencijam, ki opravljajo radijske storitve in delujejo v skladu s predpisi Pravilnikov o radiokomunikacijah.
198 2. Vsaka Članica se obvezuje, da bo od upravljalskih agencij in drugih agencij, pooblaščenih za ta namen, zahtevala, da spoštujejo predpise, navedene pod št. 197 zgoraj.
199 3. Nadalje Članice priznavajo nujnost sprejema vseh izvedljivih ukrepov za preprečevanje delovanja električnih aparatov in instalacij vseh vrst, ki povzročajo škodljivo motenje radijskim storitvam ali komunikacijam, navedenim pod št. 197 zgoraj.
46. člen
Klici v sili in sporočila
200 Radijske postaje morajo z absolutno prednostjo sprejeti klice v sili in sporočila v sili ne glede na njihov izvor, nanje odgovoriti na enak način in nemudoma glede na zahtevano ukrepati.
47. člen
Lažni ali zmotni signali v sili, v nuji, varnostni ali identifikacijski signali
201. Članice soglašajo, da bodo ustrezno ukrepale, pri preprečevanju prenosa ali kroženja lažnih ali zmotnih signalov v sili, nujnosti, za varnost, ali za identifikacijo in da bodo sodelovale pri odkrivanju in identifikaciji postaj na področju svoje pristojnosti, ki oddajajo takšne signale.
48. člen
Namestitev naprav za državno obrambo
202 1. Članice so povsem svobodne pri nameščanju vojaških radijskih naprav.
203 2. Kljub temu pa morajo pri nameščanju teh naprav, kolikor je le mogoče, upoštevati ustavne določbe, ki zadevajo pomoč v primeru sile, in predpise v zvezi s preprečevanjem škodljivega motenja in določbe Izvršilnega pravilnika v zvezi z vrstami oddajanja in uporabe frekvenc, glede na naravo storitev, ki jih opravljajo te naprave.
204 3. Kadar pa te naprave delujejo kot del storitev javne korespondence ali drugih storitev, ki jih ureja Izvršilni pravilnik, se morajo v splošnem podrejati redni regulativi (predpisom) za izvajanje takšnih storitev.
Odnosi z Združenimi narodi, drugimi mednarodnimi organizacijami in državami nečlanicami
49. člen
Odnosi z Združenimi narodi
205 Odnosi med Združenimi narodi in Mednarodno telekomunikacijsko zvezo ureja sporazum, ki sta ga sklenili ti dve organizaciji.
50. člen
Odnosi z drugimi mednarodnimi organizacijami
206 Zveza sodeluje z mednarodnimi organizacijami, ki imajo sorodne interese in dejavnosti, da bi dopolnila mednarodno usklajevanje zadev, ki so povezane s telekomunikacijami.
51. člen
Odnosi z državami nečlanicami
207 . Vsaka Članica si zase in za priznane upravljalske agencije pridržuje pravico, da določi pogoje, pod katerimi dovoljuje izmenjavo telekomunikacij z državami, ki niso Članice Zveze. Če Članica prizna telekomunikacijo, ki izvira s področja takšne države, jo je dolžna posredovati, in če se prenaša po telekomunikacijskih kanalih Članice, veljajo zanjo obvezujoči predpisi te Ustave, Konvencije in Izvršilnega pravilnika ter običajni stroški. '
Končne določbe
52. člen
Ratifikacija, sprejem in odobritev
208 1. Vsaka Članica podpisnica mora v skladu z ustavnimi pravili istočasno, z enim samim instrumentom ratificirati, sprejeti ali odobriti to Ustavo in Konvencijo. Ta instrument je treba, kakor hitro je mogoče, vročiti Generalnemu sekretarju. Generalni sekretar mora Članice obvestiti o vsaki vročitvi takšnega instrumenta.
209 2. (1) Članica podpisnica uživa v obdobju dveh let po pričetku veljavnosti te Ustave in Konvencije, čeprav ne vroči instrumenta o ratifikaciji, sprejemu ali odobritvi v skladu s št. 208 zgoraj, pravice, ki so podeljene Članicam Zveze s št. od 25 do 28 te Ustave.
210 (2) Po poteku obdobja dveh let od začetka veljavnosti te Ustave in Konvencije tista Članica podpisnica, ki ne vroči instrumenta o ratifikaciji, sprejetju ali odobritvi v skladu s št. 208 zgoraj, nima več pravice voliti na nobeni konferenci Zveze, na nobeni seji Sveta, na nobenem sestanku kateregakoli sektorja Zveze ali med korespondenčnim posvetovanjem v skladu z določbami te Ustave in Konvencije, vse dokler ne vroči takega instrumenta. Vse druge pravice razen volilnih so neokrnjene.
211 3. Ko pričneta veljati ta Ustava in Konvencija, je vsak instrument o ratifikaciji, sprejemu ali odobritvi v skladu z 58. členom te Ustave veljaven takoj po dnevu vročitve Generalnemu sekretarju.
53. člen
212 1. Članica, ki ni podpisnica te Ustave in Konvencije, ali, v skladu z določbami 2. člena te Ustave, katera koli druga država, ki je navedena v omenjenem členu, lahko kadarkoli pristopi k tej Ustavi in Konvenciji. Tak pristop k Ustavi in Konvenciji se izvede hkrati v obliki enega samega instrumenta.
213 2. Instrument o pristopu mora biti vročen Generalnemu sekretarju, ki Članice obvesti o vsaki vročitvi takšnega instrumenta ob njegovem prejetju in vsaki pošlje tudi overovljeno kopijo instrumenta.
214 3. Po začetku veljavnosti te Ustave in Konvencije v skladu z 58. členom te Ustave začne Dokument o pristopu veljati z dnem njegove vročitve Generalnemu sekretarju, razen če v njem ni drugače določeno.
54. člen
Izvršilna pravilnika
215 1. Izvršilna pravilnika, navedena v 4. členu te Ustave, sta obvezujoča mednarodna dokumenta in morata upoštevati določbe te Ustave in Konvencije.
216 2. Ratifikacija, sprejetje ali odobritev te Ustave in Konvencije ali pristop k tem dokumentom v skladu z 52. in 53. členom te Ustave pomenijo tudi privolitev v sprejetje Izvršilnih pravilnikov, ki so jih pred datumom podpisa Ustave in Konvencije sprejele pristojne svetovne konference. Ob taki privolitvi se lahko v času podpisa Izvršilnih pravilnikov ali njihovih sprememb da kakršnekoli pridržke, pod pogojem, da pridržek že velja v času vročitve instrumenta o ratifikaciji, sprejetju, odobritvi ali pristopu.
217 3. Spremembe Izvršilnih pravilnikov, bodisi delne ali popolne,.sprejete po preje navedenem datumu, bodo začasno in do meje, ki jo dovoljuje njihova državna zakonodaja, veljale za vse Članice, ki so takšne spremembe podpisale. Ta začasna uporaba velja od datuma ali datumov, navedenih v spremembah in je odvisna od pridržkov, ki so bili morda sprejeti v času podpisa teh sprememb.
218 4. Takšna začasna uporaba traja vse dokler:
219 a) Članica ne obvesti Generalnega sekretarja o svojem soglasju na obveznosti iz katerekoli takšne spremembe in da po potrebi navede, do katere mere ima zadržke v zvezi s to spremembo v času podpisa te spremembe; ali
220 b) Šestdeset dni po tistem, ko Generalni sekretar prejme obvestilo Članice, s katerim ga ta obvešča, da se ne strinja, da bi bila obvezana s kakršnokoli takšno spremembo.
221 5. Če Generalni sekretar od katerekoli Članice, ki je podpisala kakršnokoli takšno spremembo, ne sprejme obvestila v skladu s št. 219 ali 220 zgoraj pred potekom roka šestintridesetih mesecev od datuma ali datumov, navedenih na spremembi o pričetku začasne uporabe, se šteje, da taka Članica soglaša, da jo obvezuje takšna sprememba, da pa zanjo veljajo vsi pridržki, ki jih je imela v zvezi z njo ob času podpisa takšne spremembe.
222 6. Katerakoli Članica Zveze, ki ne podpiše nobene spremembe Izvršilnih pravilnikov, bodisi delne bodisi popolne, sprejete po datumu, navedenim pod št. 216 zgoraj, se mora potruditi, da čim prej obvesti Generalnega sekretarja, da se strinja, da je zanjo obvezujoča. Če Generalni sekretar od Članice ne prejme nobenega takšnega obvestila pred potekom roka, navedenega pod št. 221 zgoraj, potem velja, da se Članica strinja, dajo takšna sprememba obvezuje.
223 7. Generalni sekretar mora Članice takoj obvestiti o vsakem prejetem obvestilu v zvezi s tem členom.
55. člen
Predpisi za dopolnjevanje Ustave
224 1. Vsaka Članica Zveze lahko predlaga dopolnila k tej Ustavi. Vsak tak predlog mora priti do Generalnega sekretarja najkasneje osem mesecev pred prvim dnem zasedanja konference pooblaščenih predstavnikov, da bi tako zagotovili njegovo pravočasno razpošiljanje in vsem Članicam Zveze omogočili njegovo preučitev. Generalni sekretar mora kakor hitro je mogoče, vendar najkasneje šest mesecev pred že navedenim datumom, tak predlog razposlati vsem Članicam Zveze.
225 2. Vsaka Članica Zveze ali njena delegacija lahko kadarkoli med konferenco pooblaščenih predstavnikov predlaga kakršnokoli dopolnitev Ustave v skladu s št. 224.
226 3. Sklepčnost na kateremkoli plenarnem zasedanju konference pooblaščenih predstavnikov, potreben za preučitev kateregakoli predloga za dopolnitev ali spremembo te Ustave, je sestavljen iz več kot polovice delegacij, ki so akreditirane na konferenci pooblaščenih predstavnikov.
227 4. Sprejem katerekoli predlagane spremembe k predlagani dopolnitvi kakor tudi predlog v celoti, spremenjen ali ne, morata na plenarnem zasedanju potrditi vsaj dve tretjini akreditiranih delegacij na konferenci pooblaščenih predstavnikov, ki imajo pravico glasovanja.
228 5. Razen če v prejšnjih odstavkih tega člena, ki sicer prevladajo, ni drugače določeno, se uporabljajo splošni predpisi o konferencah in poslovnik za konference in druga srečanja, kot je to zapisano v Konvenciji.
229 6. Katerakoli dopolnila te Ustave, ki jih sprejme konferenca pooblaščenih predstavnikov, začnejo veljati v celoti in v obliki enega samega dopolnilnega dokumenta na dan, ki je bil določen na konferenci med Članicami, ki so pred tem datumom deponirale instrument o ratifikaciji, sprejetju, potrditvi ali o pristopu tako k Ustavi kot k dopolnilnemu dokumentu. Izvzeta je vsaka ratifikacija, sprejetje, potrditev ali pristop samo k enemu delu dopolnilnega dokumenta.
230 7. Generalni sekretar mora o vročitvi vsakega instrumenta o ratifikaciji, sprejetju, potrditvi ali pristopu obvestiti vse Članice.
231 8. Po začetku veljavnosti kateregakoli takšnega dopolnilnega dokumenta, ratifikacije, sprejetja, potrditve ali pristopa v skladu z 52. in 53. členom te Ustave, se ta dokument uporablja kot dopolnilo k Ustavi.
232 9. Generalni sekretar mora po pričetku veljavnosti vsakega dopolnilnega dokumenta to vpisati pri sekretariatu Združenih narodov v skladu s členom 102 Ustanovne listine Združenih narodov. Št. 241 te Ustave velja za katerikoli dopolnilni dokument.
56. člen
Reševanje sporov
233 1. Članice lahko razrešujejo svoje spore glede razlage (interpretacije) ali uporabe te Ustave, Konvencije ali Izvršilnih pravilnikov s pogajanji, po diplomatski poti ali v skladu s postopki, ki so določeni z dvo- ali večstranskimi sporazumi, sklenjenimi med njimi o reševanju med narodnih sporov, lahko pa se rešujejo tudi na katerikoli drugi soglasno sprejeti način.
234 2. Če noben od gornjih načinov razreševanja sporov ni sprejet, se lahko katerikoli Članica, udeleženka v sporu, zateče k arbitraži v skladu s postopkom, ki je določen v Konvenciji.
235 3. Izbirni protokol o obveznem razreševanju sporov v zvezi s to Ustavo, Konvencijo ali Izvršilnimi pravilniki se uporablja med Članicami, pogodbenicami tega protokola.
57. člen
Odpoved Ustave in Konvencije
236 1. Vsaka Članica, ki je ratificirala, sprejela, potrdila to Ustavo in Konvencijo ali pristopila k njima, ima pravico, da ju odpove. V takšnem primeru je treba sporočilo o odpovedi Ustave in Konvencije hkrati poslati v enem samem dokumentu z obvestilom, ki mora biti naslovljeno na Generalnega sekretarja. Generalni sekretar po prejetju takšnega sporočila o tem obvesti ostale Članice.
237 2. Takšna odpoved začne veljati po preteku enega leta od datuma, ko je Generalni sekretar prejel takšno obvestilo.
58. člen
Začetek veljavnosti in s tem povezane zadeve
238 1. Ta Ustava in Konvencija začneta veljati dne 1. julija 1994 za tiste države Članice, ki so pred tem datumom vročile svoje instrumente o ratifikaciji, sprejetju, potrditvi ali o pristopu.
239 2. Ta Ustava in Konvencija bosta po začetku njune veljavnosti na dan, naveden pod št. 238 zgoraj, razveljavili in za pogodbenice nadomestili Mednarodno Konvencijo o telekomunikacijah (Nairobi, 1982).
240 3. V skladu z določbami 102. člena Ustanovne listine Združenih narodov mora Generalni sekretar Zveze registrirati to Ustavo in Konvencijo pri sekretariatu Združenih narodov.
241 4. Originalni izvodi Ustave in Konvencije, napisani v arabščini, kitajščini, angleščini; francoščini, ruščini in španščini, bodo shranjeni v arhivih Zveze. Generalni sekretar bo vsaki Članici podpisnici poslal overovljeno istovetno kopijo v zahtevanem jeziku.
242 5. V primeru neskladja med različnimi jezikovnimi različicami Ustave in Konvencije bo obveljalo francosko besedilo.
ZA DOKAZ so spodaj podpisani pooblaščeni predstavniki podpisali izvirnik Ustave Mednarodne telekomunikacijske zveze in izvirnik Konvencije Mednarodne telekomunikacijske zveze.
Sprejeto v Ženevi, dne 22. decembra 1992.
Definicije nekaterih izrazov, uporabljenih v tej Ustavi,
Konvenciji in Izvršilnih pravilnikih Mednarodne
telekomunikacijske zveze
1001 Za potrebe zgoraj navedenih dokumentov Zveze so v nadaljevanju navedeni pomeni naslednjih izrazov:
1002 Administracija: katerikoli vladni resor ali služba, odgovoren za izpolnjevanje obveznosti, ki so določene v Ustavi Mednarodne telekomunikacijske zveze, v Konvenciji Mednarodne telekomunikacijske zveze in v Izvršilnih pravilnikih (angl. Administration).
1003 Škodljivo motenje: Motenje (interferenca), ki ogroža delovanje službe za radionavigacijo ali drugih varnostnih služb ali hudo zmanjšuje, ovira ali večkrat prekinja radiokomunikacijsko službo, ki deluje v skladu s Pravilnikom o radiokomunikacijah (angl. Harmful Interference). -
1004 Javna korespondenca: Vsaka telekomunikacija, ki jo morajo uradi ali službe sprejeti in oddati, glede na to, da so namenjeni javnosti (angl. Public Correspondence).
1005 Delegacija: Vsi delegati, po potrebi pa tudi vsi predstavniki, svetovalci, atašeji ali prevajalci, ki jih je poslala ista Članica (angl. Delegation).
Vsaka Članica lahko po lastni želji sestavi takšno delegacijo. Še posebej lahko med drugim v svojo delegacijo vključi, s pooblastili delegatov, svetovalcev ali atašejev tudi osebe, ki pripadajo katerikoli ustanovi ali organizaciji, pooblaščeni v skladu z ustreznimi določbami Konvencije.
1006 Delegat: Oseba, ki jo je vlada Članice Zveze poslala na konferenco pooblaščenih predstavnikov, oziroma oseba, ki predstavlja vlado ali upravo Članice Zveze na konferenci ali na srečanju Zveze (angl. Delegate).
1007 Upravljalska agencija: Katerikoli posameznik, podjetje, korporacija ali vladna agencija, ki upravlja s telekomunikacijskimi napravami, ki so namenjene mednarodni telekomunikacijski službi ali ki bi lahko tej službi s svojim delovanjem povzročile škodljivo motenje (angl. Operating Agency).
1008 Priznana Upravljalska agencija: Katerakoli zgoraj navedena Upravljalska agencija, ki upravlja z javno korespondenco ali radiodifuznimi storitvami in na katero je Članica, na katere ozemlju je sedež agencije, v skladu s 6. členom te Ustave prenesla obveznosti, oziroma, ki je to operativno agencijo pooblastila, da lahko na njenem ozemlju postavi in izvaja telekomunikacijske storitve (angl. Recognized Operating Agency).
1009 Radiokomunikacije: Telekomunikacije s pomočjo radijskih valov (angl. Radiocommunication).
1010 Radiodifuzijska služba: Služba za radiokomunikacije, katere oddaje so namenjene neposrednemu sprejemanju s strani splošne javnosti. Te storitve lahko vključujejo prenos zvoka, televizijske oddaje ali druge vrste oddaj (angl. Broadcasting Service).
1011. Služba za mednarodne telekomunikacije: Nudenje telekomunikacijskih zmogljivosti med telekomunikacijskimi uradi ali postajami katerekoli vrste, ki so v različnih državah ali pa jim pripadajo (angl. International Telecommunication Service).
1012 Telekomunikacije: Vsak prenos, oddaja ali sprejem kakršnihkoli znakov, signalov, pisane besede, slik in zvoka ali obvestil po žici, radiu, optičnih ali drugih elektromagnetnih sistemih (angl. Telecommunication).
1013 Telegram: Napisana stvar, namenjena telegrafskemu oddajanju zaradi dostave naslovniku. V tem izrazu so vključeni tudi radiotelegrami, razen če ni drugače določeno (angl. Telegram).
1014 Vladne telekomunikacije: Telekomunikacije, ki izvirajo od:
– kateregakoli šefa države;
– kateregakoli šefa vlade ali njenih članov;
– katerihkoli vrhovnih poveljnikov kopenskih, pomorskih ali zračnih oboroženih sil;
– katerihkoli diplomatskih ali konzularnih agentov;
– Generalnega sekretarja Združenih narodov; šefov najpomembnejših organov OZN;
– mednarodnega sodišča;
oziroma odgovori na zgoraj navedene vladne telekomunikacije (angl. Government Telecommunications).
1015 Privatni telegrami: Vsi telegrami razen vladnih ali službenih (angl. Private Telegrams).
1016 Telegrafija: Oblika telekomunikacij, v kateri je oddana informacija na sprejemni strani namenjena zapisu v obliki grafičnega dokumenta; oddana informacija je lahko včasih predstavljena v alternativni obliki ali pa shranjena za nadaljnjo uporabo, (angl. Telegraphy).
Opomba: Grafični dokument zabeleži informacijo v trajni obliki in ga je možno shraniti in ponovno pregledati; lahko je v pisni ali tiskani obliki ali kot fiksna slika.
1017 Telefonija: Oblika telekomunikacije, ki je pred vsem namenjena izmenjavi informacij v obliki govora (angl. Telephony).
Delovanje Zveze
1. DEL
1. člen
Konferenca pooblaščenih predstavnikov
1 1. (1) Konferenca pooblaščenih predstavnikov se sklicuje v skladu z ustreznimi določbami 8. člena Ustave Mednarodne telekomunikacijske zveze (v nadaljevanju: "Ustava").
2 (2) Po možnosti že predhodna Konferenca pooblaščenih predstavnikov določi kraj in datum naslednje Konference pooblaščenih predstavnikov; če tega ne stori,
potem to določi Svet s soglasjem večine Članic Zveze.
3 2. (1) Točen kraj in datum naslednje Konference pooblaščenih predstavnikov oziroma eno ali drugo se lahko spremeni:
4 a) kadar vsaj četrtina Članic Zveze Generalnemu sekretarju posamično predlaga spremembo; ali
5 b) na predlog Sveta.
6 (2) Vsaka taka sprememba zahteva soglasje večine Članic Zveze.
2. člen
Volitve in z njimi povezane zadeve
– Svet
7 1. Razen v primeru praznih mest, ki nastanejo zaradi okoliščin, opisanih pod št. od 10 do 12 spodaj, izvajajo Članice Zveze, ki so izvoljene v Svet, svoje naloge do dneva, ko je izvoljen nov Svet. Lahko so ponovno izvoljene.
8 2. (1) Če se med dvema Konferencama pooblaščenih predstavnikov sprosti kateri od sedežev v Svetu, dobi pravico do njega Članica Zveze iz iste regije, iz katere je bila Članica, ki je izpraznila sedež in je na prejšnjih volitvah dobila največje število glasov med tistimi, ki niso bile izvoljene.
9 (2) Kadar se prostega mesta ne da zapolniti v skladu s postopkom pod št. 8 zgoraj, povabi predsednik Sveta druge Članice iste regije, da opravijo volitve v roku enega meseca po izročitvi takšnega vabila. Po preteku tega roka predsednik Sveta povabi Članice Zveze, naj izvolijo novo Članico. Volitve so tajne in po pošti. Zahtevana je enaka večina glasov, kot je navedena zgoraj. Nova Članica opravlja svoje naloge do volitev novega Sveta na naslednji pristojni Konferenci pooblaščenih predstavnikov.
10 3. Sedež v Svetu velja za prostega,
11 a) kadar predstavnik Članice Sveta ni navzoč na dveh zaporednih rednih sejah Sveta,
12 b) če se Članica Zveze odpove svojemu članstvu v Svetu.
– Voljeni funkcionarji
13 1. Generalni sekretar, njegov namestnik ali direktorji uradov prevzamejo svoje dolžnosti na dan, ki ga določi Konferenca pooblaščenih predstavnikov ob njihovi izvolitvi. Svoje dolžnosti opravljajo do datuma, ki ga določi naslednja Konferenca pooblaščenih predstavnikov, in imajo pravico do enkratne ponovne izvolitve.
14 2. Če se izprazni mesto Generalnega sekretarja, ga nadomesti njegov namestnik in opravlja njegove naloge do dneva, ki ga določi naslednja Konferenca pooblaščenih predstavnikov. Kadar namestnik Generalnega sekretarja zasede mesto Generalnega sekretarja pod navedenimi pogoji, se na isti dan izprazni mesto namestnika in se v tem primeru uporabljajo določbe iz št. 15 spodaj.
15 3. Če se mesto namestnika Generalnega sekretarja izprazni več kot 180 dni pred datumom, ki je določen za sklic naslednje Konference pooblaščenih predstavnikov, imenuje Svet naslednika za to obdobje.
16 4. Če se hkrati izpraznita mesti Generalnega sekretarja in njegovega namestnika, prevzame dolžnosti Generalnega sekretarja direktor, ki ima najdaljši funkcionarski staž, in to za dobo, ki ne presega 90 dni. Svet imenuje Generalnega sekretarja, in če se mesto izprazni več kot 180 dni pred datumom, določenim za sklic Konference pooblaščenih predstavnikov, tudi njegovega namestnika. Funkcionar, ki ga tako imenuje Svet, opravlja svojo dolžnost, do konca mandata, za katerega je bil izvoljen njegov predhodnik.
17 5. Če se nepričakovano izprazni mesto direktorja, mora Generalni sekretar zagotoviti opravljanje nalog direktorja vse dokler Svet ne imenuje novega direktorja na svoji prvi redni seji po tem, ko se je pojavilo prazno mesto. Tako imenovani direktor opravlja svoje dolžnosti do datuma, ki ga določi naslednja Konferenca pooblaščenih predstavnikov.
18 6. V skladu z. ustreznimi določbami 27. člena Ustave zagotovi Svet zapolnitev vsakega praznega mesta na položaju Generalnega sekretarja ali njegovega namestnika v primerih, ki jih opisujejo ustrezne določbe tega člena, na redni seji, če je ta sklicana vsaj v 90 dneh po izpraznitvi mesta, ali na seji, ki jo skliče predsednik v času, ki ga določajo te določbe.
19 7. Nobeno obdobje službovanja na mestu voljenega funkcionarja, imenovanega v skladu z določbami pod št. 14 in 18 zgoraj, ne vpliva na pravico do izvolitve ali ponovne izvolitve na tako mesto.
– Članice Odbora za radijsko regulativo
20 1. Članice Odbora za radijsko regulativo prevzamejo svoje dolžnosti na dan, ki ga določi Konferenca pooblaščenih predstavnikov ob njihovi izvolitvi. Na dolžnostih ostanejo do dneva, ki ga določi naslednja Konferenca pooblaščenih predstavnikov, in so lahko samo enkrat ponovno izvoljene.
21 2. Če v času med dvema Konferencama pooblaščenih predstavnikov član Odbora odstopi ali ne more več opravljati svojih dolžnosti, Generalni sekretar po posvetu z direktorjem Urada za radiokomunikacije povabi Članice Zveze iz zadevne regije, da na naslednji sej i Sveta predlagajo nadomestne volilne kandidate. Če pa se mesto izprazni več kot 90 dni pred sejo Sveta ali po seji Sveta, ki je pred naslednjo Konferenco pooblaščenih predstavnikov, mora Članica Zveze kolikor hitro je mogoče, vendar najkasneje v roku 90 dni, določiti drugega svojega državljana, ki bo opravljal dolžnosti, odvisno od primera, dokler novi član, ki ga izvoli Svet, ne zasede mesta, ali novi člani Odbora, ki jih izvoli Konferenca pooblaščenih predstavnikov, ne prevzamejo svojih dolžnosti.
22 3. Po večkratni zaporedni odsotnosti na sestankih Odbora se šteje, da član Odbora za radijsko regulativo ne more več opravljati svoje funkcije. Po posvetovanju s predsednikom Odbora in zadevnim članom uprave oziroma Članico Zveze, Generalni sekretar objavi prosto mesto v Odboru in nadaljuje s postopkom, kot je določeno pod št. 21 zgoraj.
3. člen
Druge konference
23 1. V skladu z ustreznimi določbami Ustave se običajno v času med dvema Konferencama pooblaščenih predstavnikov sklicujejo naslednje svetovne konference Zveze:
24 a) dve svetovni konferenci za radiokomunikacije;
25 b) ena svetovna konferenca o standardizaciji telekomunikacij;
26 c) ena svetovna konferenca o razvoju telekomunikacij;
27 d) dve skupščini o radiokomunikacijah, ki sta časovno in krajevno združeni s svetovnima konferencama o radiokomunikacijah.
28 2. Izjemoma pa je mogoče v času med dvema Konferencama pooblaščenih predstavnikov:
29 – odpovedati drugo svetovno konferenco o radiokomunikacijah skupaj z ustrezno skupščino o radiokomunikacijah; alternativno je mogoče odpovedati eno od njiju, čeprav druga že teče;
30 – sklicati dodatno konferenco o standardizaciji telekomunikacij.
31 3. Te aktivnosti se sprejmejo:
32 a) s sklepom Konference pooblaščenih predstavnikov;
33 b) po priporočilu prejšnje zadevne sektorske svetovne konference, če je to potrdil tudi Svet;
34 c) na zahtevo vsaj četrtine Članic Zveze, ki morajo svojo zahtevo posamično nasloviti na Generalnega sekretarja; ali
35 d) na predlog Sveta.
36 4. Regionalne konference o radiokomunikacijah se skličejo:
37 a) s sklepom Konference pooblaščenih predstavni-. kov;
38 b) po priporočilu prejšnje svetovne ali regionalne konference o radiokomunikacijah, če je to odobril Svet;
39 c) na zahtevo četrtine Članic, ki pripadajo zadevni regiji, in ki morajo posamično nasloviti svojo zahtevo na Generalnega sekretarja; ali
40 d) na predlog Sveta.
41 5. (1) Konferenca pooblaščenih predstavnikov lahko določi točen kraj in datum svetovne ali regionalne konference ali skupščine o radiokomunikacijah
42 (2) Če takega sklepa ni, potem svet določi natančen kraj in točen datum svetovne konference ali skupščine o radiokomunikacijah s soglasjem večine Članic Zveze iz zadevne regije; v obeh primerih veljajo določbe iz št. 47 spodaj.
43 6. (1) Točen kraj in natančne datume konference ali skupščine je mogoče spremeniti:
44 a) na zahtevo vsaj četrtine Članic Zveze, če gre za svetovno konferenco ali skupščino, oziroma vsaj četrtine Članic Zveze iz iste regije v primeru regionalne konference. Svoje zahteve morajo posamično nasloviti na Generalnega sekretarja, ta pa jih nato pošlje Svetu v potrdilo; ali
45 b) na predlog Sveta.
46 (2) V primerih iz št. 44 in 45 zgoraj predložene spremembe niso dokončno sprejete, če jih ne sprejme vsaj četrtina Članic Zveze, kadar gre za svetovno konferenco ali skupščino, oziroma z večino glasov Članic Sveta iz isto regije če gre za regionalno konferenco, v skladu z določbami pod št. 47 spodaj.
47 7. V primerih posvetovanj v okviru št. 42, 46, 118, 123, 138, 302, 304, 305, 307 in 312 te Konvencije Članice Zveze, ki ne odgovorijo v roku, ki ga je določil Svet, veljajo za nesodelujoče na posvetovanjih in se jih zato tudi ne upošteva pri določanju večine. Če število odgovorov ne presega polovice Članic, s katerimi so se posvetovali, je treba nadaljnje ponovno posvetovanje, katerega sklepi pa so nato odločilni, ne glede na število glasovnic.
48 8. (1) Svetovne konference o mednarodnih telekomunikacijah potekajo glede na sklepe Konferenc pooblaščenih predstavnikov.
49 (2) Določbe za sklic, sprejetje dnevnega reda in sodelovanje na svetovni konferenci za radiokomunikacije veljajo enako po potrebi tudi za svetovne konference o mednarodnih telekomunikacijah.
2. DEL
4. člen
50 1. Svet sestavlja triinštirideset Članic Zveze, ki jih izvoli Konferenca pooblaščenih predstavnikov.
51 2. (1) Svet ima redno sejo enkrat letno na sedežu Zveze.
52 (2) Med to sejo je izjemno možen dogovor za sklic še dodatne seje.
53 (3) Med dvema rednima sejama lahko sejo po splošnem pravilu na sedežu Zveze skliče predsednik na zahtevo večine njenih članov ali pa na lastno pobudo v skladu z določbami iz št. 18 te Konvencije.
54 3. Svet sprejema sklepe samo na sejah. Izjemoma se lahko Svet na svoji seji dogovori, da se lahko o katerikoli specifični zadevi odloča tudi korespondenčno.
55 4. Na začetku vsake redne seje izvoli Svet svojega predsednika in podpredsednika izmed predstavnikov Članic, pri tem pa upošteva načelo kroženja med regijami. Oba opravljata, naloge do naslednje redne seje in ne moreta biti ponovno izvoljena. V odsotnosti predsednika opravlja njegove funkcije podpredsednik.
56 5. Oseba, ki jo Članica Sveta določi za delo v Svetu, mora biti, če je le mogoče,funkcionar, ki dela v njeni telekomunikacijski upravi ali je zanjo neposredno odgovoren in je kvalificiran za delo na področju telekomunikacijskih storitev.
57 6. Zveza krije samo potne, življenjske (bivalne) in zavarovalne stroške predstavnika vsake Članice. Sveta v zvezi z njegovim delom v Svetu:
58 7. Predstavnik vsake Članice Sveta ima pravico, da se kot opazovalec udeleži vseh zasedanj Sektorjev Zveze.
59 8. Generalni sekretar deluje tudi kot sekretar Sveta.
60 9. Generalni sekretar, namestnik Generalnega sekretarja in direktorji uprav imajo po položaju pravico sodelovati na posvetovanjih Sveta, nimajo pa pravice glasovanja. Kljub temu pa lahko Svet skliče tudi seje, ki so omejene samo na predstavnike njegovih Članic.
61 10. Svet vsako leto preuči poročilo, ki ga pripravi Generalni sekretar, o priporočeni strateški politiki in planiranju za Zvezo, ki mora biti v skladu z usmeritvami, ki jih daje Konferenca pooblaščenih predstavnikov, in sprejema ustrezne ukrepe.
62 11. V premoru med dvema Konferencama pooblaščenih predstavnikov mora Svet pregledati splošno upravljanje in poslovanje Zveze; še posebej mora:
63 (1) potrditi in pregledati pravilnik o zaposlovanju ter finančni pravilnik Zveze ter vse druge pravilnike, če se mu to zdi potrebno, pri tem pa upoštevati sedanjo prakso Združenih narodov in specializiranih agencij, da uporabljajo običajni sistem plač, dnevnic in pokojnin;
64 (2) in po potrebi prilagoditi:
65 a) osnovne plačilne lestvice za osebje v poklicnih in višjih kategorijah, razen plač za mesta, ki se dopolnjujejo z volitvami, da so usklajene z vsemi spremembami lestvic osnovnih plač, ki jih sprejmejo Združeni narodi za primerljive splošne sistemske kategorije;
66 b) temeljne plačilne lestvice za osebje v splošnih službenih kategorijah, da so usklajene s spremembami razmerij, ki jih uporabljajo Združeni narodi in specializirane agencije pri sedežu Zveze;
67 c) ureditev delovnih mest za poklicne in višje kategorije, vključno z mesti, ki se polnijo z volitvami, v skladu s sklepi Združenih narodov, ki se izvajajo na sedežu Zveze;
68 d) dnevnice za vse osebje Zveze, skladno z vsemi spremembami, sprejetimi v. splošnem sistemu Združenih narodov;
69 (3) sprejemati odločitve za zagotavljanje enakopravne geografske razporeditve osebja Zveze in nadzorovati izvajanje takšnih sklepov;
70 (4) odločati o predlogih za večje organizacijske spremembe v Generalnem sekretariatu in Uradu Sektorjev Zveze, ki so skladne z Ustavo in to Konvencijo in ki jih Svetu pošlje Generalni sekretar, potem ko jih je preučil Koordinacijski komite;
71 (5) pregledovati in odločati o načrtih v zvezi z razvojnimi programi Zveze glede namestitev, osebja in človeških virov, ki pokrivajo več let, ter dajanje smernic za nameščanje osebja Zveze, vključno z zaposlitvenimi ravnmi in strukturami in pri tem upoštevati smernice, ki jih je dala Konferenca pooblaščenih predstavnikov in ustrezne določbe 27. člena Ustave;
72 (6) po potrebi prilagoditi prispevke, ki jih plačujeta Zveza in njeno osebje v skupni pokojninski sklad za osebje Združenih narodov, v skladu s predpisi in pravilniki sklada, kakor tudi ceno življenjskih stroškov, ki se odobravajo prejemnikom iz pokojninskega in dobrodelnega sklada Zveze na temeljih prakse, ki ji sledi sklad;
73 (7) pregledati in odobriti dveletni proračun Zveze ter preučiti predlog proračuna za dveletno obdobje po tem proračunu in pri tem upoštevati sklepe Konference pooblaščenih predstavnikov v zvezi s št. 50 Ustave ter omejitve porabe, ki jih je podala ta Konferenca v skladu s št. 51 Ustave; zagotavljati mora najstrožje možno gospodarjenje, vendar pri tem ne sme pozabiti na obveznosti Zveze, da čim hitreje doseže zadovoljive rezultate. Pri tem mora Svet upoštevati mnenje koordinacijskega komiteja, ki je vsebovano v poročilu Generalnega sekretarja, ki je omenjeno v št. 86, ter poročilo o finančnem poslovanju, omenjeno v št. 101 te Konvencije;
74 (8) pripraviti letino revizijo računov Zveze, ki jih je pripravil Generalni sekretar in jih, če je potrebno, potrditi za predložitev na naslednji Konferenci pooblaščenih predstavnikov;
75 (9) organizirati sklice konferenc Zveze in s privolitvijo večine Članic Zveze v primeru svetovne konference oziroma večine Članic Zveze iz iste regije v primeru regijske konference, zagotoviti ustrezne napotke Generalnemu sekretariatu in Sektorjem Zveze ob upoštevanju njihove tehnične in druge pomoči pri pripravi in pri organizaciji konferenc;.
76 (10) sprejemati odločitve v zvezi s št. 28 te Konvencije;
77 (11) odločati o izvajanju katerihkoli sklepov, sprejetih na konferencah, ki imajo finančne posledice;
78 (12) opravljati katerokoli drugo dejavnost, ocenjeno kot potrebno za pravilno delovanje Zveze, do meje, ki jo dopuščajo Ustava, ta Konvencija in Izvršilni pravilniki;
79 (13) sporazumno z večino Članic Zveze sprejeti vse potrebne ukrepe za začasno reševanje vprašanj, ki jih ne zajemajo Ustava, ta Konvencija ali Izvršilni pravilniki in njihovi dodatki, in ki jih je treba rešiti pred naslednjo pristojno konferenco;
80 (14) odgovarjati za izvajanje koordinacije z vsemi mednarodnimi organizacijami, ki so navedene v 49. in 50. členu Ustave, ter v ta namen v imenu Zveze sklepati začasne sporazume z mednarodnimi organizacijami, navedenimi v 50. členu Ustave, prav tako pa tudi z Združenimi narodi pri izvajanju sporazuma med Združenimi narodi in Mednarodno telekomunikacijsko zvezo. Te začasne sporazume je treba predložiti naslednji Konferenci pooblaščenih predstavnikov v skladu z ustrezno določbo 8. člena Ustave;
81 (15) Članicam Zveze pošiljati čim prej po vsaki seji Sveta povzetke o dejavnostih Sveta in druge dokumente, ki jih oceni kot koristne;
82 (16) Konferenci pooblaščenih predstavnikov podati poročilo o delovanju Zveze od zadnje Konference pooblaščenih predstavnikov dalje in ponuditi primerna priporočila.
3. DEL
5. člen
Generalni sekretariat
83 1. Generalni sekretar:
84 a) je odgovoren za celotno upravljanje s sredstvi Zveze; del upravljanja s sredstvi lahko po posvetovanju s Koordinacijskim komitejem prenese na namestnika Generalnega sekretarja in na direktorje Uradov.
85 b) koordinira dejavnosti Generalnega sekretariata in Sektorjev Zveze, upoštevaje stališča koordinacijskega komiteja zaradi zagotavljanja najučinkovitejše in najgospodarnejše porabe sredstev Zveze;
86 c) po posvetovanju s koordinacijskim komitejem in ob upoštevanju njegovih stališč pripravi letno poročilo, ki ga predloži Svetu in v katerem navaja spremembe v telekomunikacijskem okolju ter vključuje tudi priporočeno dejavnost, ki se nanaša na bodočo politiko in strategijo Zveze, kot je to določeno v št. 61 te Konvencije, hkrati s finančnimi posledicami;
87 d) organizira delo Generalnega sekretariata in namešča osebje sekretariata v skladu z navodili Konference pooblaščenih predstavnikov ter v skladu s pravili, ki jih je določil Svet;
88 e) sprejema administrativno ureditev uradov Sektorjev Zveze in namešča njihovo osebje na podlagi izbire in predlogov direktorja zadevnega urada, čeprav je Generalni sekretar tisti, ki sprejme končno odločitev o namestitvi ali odpustu;
89 f) Svetu poroča o vseh sklepih, ki so jih sprejeli Združeni narodi in specializirane agencije in ki vplivajo na splošne sistemske pogoje za službe, dnevnice in pokojnine;
90 g) zagotavlja uporabo vseh pravilnikov (regulative), ki jih sprejme Svet;
91 h) Zvezi zagotavlja pravno pomoč;
92 i) v administrativno-upravne namene nadzoruje osebje Zveze zaradi zagotavljanja najučinkovitejše uporabe kadrov in izvajanje splošnih sistemskih pogojev za zaposlovanje osebja Zveze. Osebje, ki je določeno za neposredno pomoč direktorjem Uradov, je pod upravnim nadzorom Generalnega sekretarja in dela po neposrednih ukazih zadevnih direktorjev, vendar pa v skladu z upravnimi smernicami, ki jih določa Svet;
93 j) v interesu Zveze kot celote ter po posvetovanju z direktorji zadevnih Uradov po potrebi začasno prerazporeja člane osebja z njihovih dodeljenih mest zaradi zadovoljevanja spreminjajočih se zahtev na glavnem sedežu;
94 k) sporazumno z direktorjem zadevnega Urada izvede potrebne administrativne in finančne priprave za konference in srečanja vsakega sektorja;
95 I) ob upoštevanju odgovornost Sektorjev opravlja ustrezna pripravljalna dela do konferenc in po konferencah Zveze;
96 m) pripravlja priporočila za prva srečanja vodij delegacij, navedenih v št. 342 te Konvencije, pri tem pa mora upoštevati rezultate vsakega regionalnega posvetovanja;
97 n) pripravlja, kjer je primerno tudi v sodelovanju z vlado gostiteljico, sekretariat konferenc Zveze in zagotavlja opremo ter storitve za srečanja Zveze, po potrebi v sodelovanju z ustreznimi direktorji pritegne tudi uslužbence Zveze, v skladu s št. 93 zgoraj. Generalni sekretar lahko, če se to zahteva, na podlagi pogodb pripravi sekretariat tudi za druga telekomunikacijska srečanja;
98 o) izvaja ustrezne ukrepe za pravočasno objavljanje in razdeljevanje vseh službenih dokumentov, informacijskih biltenov ter drugih dokumentov in zapisnikov, ki jih pripravijo Generalni sekretariat in Sektorji, poslanih Zvezi ali katerih objavo zahtevajo Konference oziroma Svet; Svet vodi tudi spisek dokumentov, namenjenih objavi po posvetovanjih z zadevno Konferenco in ob upoštevanju službenih in drugih dokumentov, katerih objavo zahtevajo konference;
99 p) periodično izdaja časopis s splošnimi informacijami in dokumenti, ki obravnavajo telekomunikacije, in pri tem uporablja informacije, ki jih ima na razpolago ali ki jih je zbral, vključno s tistimi, ki jih je dobil od drugih mednarodnih organizacij;
100 q) po posvetovanju s koordinacijskim komitejem in ob upoštevanju vseh možnih varčevanj pripravi in predloži Svetu dveletni osnutek proračuna, ki pokriva porabo Zveze v okvirih, določenih na Konferenci pooblaščenih predstavnikov. Osnutek obsega konsolidiran proračun, ki vključuje tudi stroškovno utemeljene proračune vseh treh Sektorjev, pripravljen je v skladu s proračunskimi navodili, ki jih je izdal Generalni sekretar, in vključuje dve verziji. Ena verzija obravnava ničelno rast prispevnih enot, druga pa rast, ki je manjša ali enaka katerikoli omejitvi, ki jo je določila Konferenca pooblaščenih predstavnikov, in to po vsakem črpanju z rezervnega računa. Odločitev o proračunu mora biti po potrditvi Sveta poslana v vednost vsem Članicam.Zveze.
101 r) ob pomoči koordinacijskega komiteja pripravi letno poročilo o finančnem poslovanju v skladu s finančnim pravilnikom in ga predloži Svetu. Povzetek poročila o finančnem poslovanju in o računih mora biti pripravljen in predložen v obravnavo in dokončno potrditev do naslednje Konference pooblaščenih predstavnikov;
102 s) ob' pomoči koordinacijskega komiteja pripravi letno poročilo o dejavnostih Zveze, ki ga po potrditvi Sveta pošlje vsem Članicam;
103 t) opravlja vsa druga sekretarska dela za Zvezo;
104 u) opravlja vse druge funkcije, ki mu jih je poveril Svet.
105 2. Generalni sekretar ali njegov namestnik lahko v vlogi svetovalca sodelujeta na Konferencah Zveze; Generalni sekretar ali njegov zastopnik lahko v vlogi svetovalca sodelujeta na vseh drugih srečanjih Zveze.
4. DEL
6. člen
Koordinacijski komite
106 1. (1) Koordinacijski komite pomaga in svetuje Generalnemu sekretarju pri vseh zadevah, ki so navedene v ustreznih določbah 26. člena Ustave ter ustreznih členih te Konvencije.
107 (2) Komite je odgovoren za zagotavljanje koordinacije z vsemi mednarodnimi organizacijami, navedenimi v 49. in 50. členu Ustave v zvezi z zastopanjem Zveze na Konferencah teh organizacij.
108 (3) Komite je dolžan pregledati napredek v delovanju Zveze in pomagati Generalnemu sekretarju pri pripravi poročila, navedenega v št. 86 te Konvencije, ki ga izroči Svetu.
109 2. Komite mora svoje odločitve sprejemati soglasno. Če v komiteju ni večinske podpore, lahko njegov predsednik v izjemnih primerih na lastno odgovornost sprejema odločitve pod pogojem, da oceni, da je odločitev o obravnavanih zadevah nujna in da ne more počakati
do naslednjega sestanka Sveta. V takšnih primerih o teh zadevah takoj pisno poroča Članicam Sveta in pojasni svoje razloge za takšno delovanje, hkrati pa pošlje tudi druga pisna mnenja, ki so jih podali drugi člani komiteja. Če v takšnih primerih zadeve niso nujne, so pa kljub temu pomembne, se obravnavajo na naslednji seji Sveta.
110 3. Predsednik je dolžan sklicati komite vsaj enkrat mesečno; po potrebi se lahko komite sestane tudi na zahtevo vsaj dveh njegovih članov.
111 4. O delovanju koordinacijskega komiteja se izdela poročilo, ki je na zahtevo dosegljivo Članicam Sveta.
5. DEL
Sektor za radiokomunikacije
7. člen
Svetovna konferenca za radiokomunikacije
112 1. V skladu s št. 90 Ustave se skliče Svetovna konferenca o radiokomunikacijah za preučevanje določenih zadev v zvezi z radiokomunikacijami. Svetovna konferenca o radiokomunikacijah obravnava zadeve z dnevnega reda, sprejetega v skladu z ustreznimi določbami tega člena.
113 2. (1) Dnevni red svetovne konference o radiokomunikacijah lahko zajema:
114 a) delno, ali izjemoma popolno, revizijo Pravilnika o radiokomunikacijah, navedenega v 4. členu Ustave;
115 b) katerokoli drugo vprašanje svetovnega pomena, ki sodi na področje Konference;
116 c) točko v zvezi z navodili Odboru za radijsko regulativo in Uradu za radiokomunikacije v zvezi z njunim delovanjem ter pregled tega delovanja;
117 d) sprejemanje vprašanj, ki naj bi jih preučila skupščina za radiokomunikacije, prav tako pa tudi zadev; ki naj bi jih skupščina preučila v zvezi z bodočimi konferencami o radiokomunikacijah.
118 (2) Splošna vsebina tega dnevnega reda mora biti določena vsaj štiri leta vnaprej, končni dnevni red pa sprejme Svet po možnosti vsaj dve leti pred Konferenco, ob soglasju večine Članic Zveze in v skladu z določbami št. 47 te Konvencije.
119 (3) Ta dnevni red mora zajemati vsako vprašanje, ki ga Konferenca pooblaščenih predstavnikov določi za vključitev v dnevni red.
120 3. (1) Ta dnevni red je mogoče spremeniti:
121 a) na zahtevo vsaj četrtine Članic Zveze.. Takšne zahteve je treba posamično poslati Generalnemu sekretarju, ki jih nato posreduje Svetu v potrditev; ali
122 b) na predlog Sveta.
123 (2) Predlagane spremembe dnevnega reda svetovne konference o radiokomunikacijah niso dokončno sprejete vse dokler jih v skladu z določbami št. 47 te Konvencije ne sprejeme večina Članic Zveze.
124 4. Poleg tega Konferenca še:
125 (1) obravnava in potrjuje poročilo direktorja urada o dejavnostih Sektorja od prejšnje Konference dalje;
126 (2) Svetu priporoča zadeve, ki jih je treba vključiti na dnevni red naslednje. Konference, daje svoja stališča o teh dnevnih redih za vsaj štiriletni ciklus Konferenc o radiokomunikacijah hkrati z oceno finančnih posledic;
127 . (3) po potrebi vključuje v svoje sklepe navodila ali zahteve Generalnemu sekretarju in Sektorjem Zveze.
128 5. Predsednik in podpredsednik skupščine za radio- komunikacije oziroma ustrezne študijske skupine lahko sodelujeta na združeni svetovni konferenci o radiokomunikacijah.
8. člen
Skupščina za radiokomunikacije
129 1. Skupščina za radiokomunikacije obravnava in, če je primerno, izdaja priporočila k vprašanjem, ki so bila sprejeta v skladu z njenimi postopki ali ko so ji bila naložena s strani Konference pooblaščenih predstavnikov, katerekoli druge Konference, Sveta ali Odbora za radijsko regulativo.
130 2. Glede na št. 129 zgoraj mora skupščina za radiokomunikacije:
131 (1) obravnavati poročila študijskih skupin, izdelana v skladu s št. 157 te Konvencije, in potrditi, preoblikovati ali zavrniti osnutke priporočil, ki so vključena v teh poročilih;
132 (2) upoštevaje potrebo, da je treba zahtevke po sredstvih Zveze zadržati čim nižje, sprejeti program dela, ki izhaja iz pregleda obstoječih in iz novih vprašanj, ter določiti prednost, nujnost, predvidene finančne posledice in časovne roke za dokončanje njihovih študij;
133 (3) v skladu s potrjenim delovnim programom, kot izhaja iz št. 132 zgoraj, odločati o potrebi po vzdrževanju, ukinitvi ali ustanovitvi študijskih skupin in vsaki od njih zastaviti vprašanje, ki ga mora preučiti;
134 (4) kolikor je mogoče, združiti vprašanja, ki so zanimiva za države v razvoju, da bi jim tako olajšali udeležbi pri preučevanje teh vprašanj;
135 (5) svetovati o zadevah iz njene pristojnosti kot odgovor na zahteve svetovne konference o radiokomunikacijah;
136 (6) združeni svetovni konferenci o radiokomunikacijah poročati o napredovanju zadev, ki bi jih lahko vključili na dnevni red bodočih Konferenc o radiokomunikacijah.
137 3. Skupščini o radiokomunikacijah predseduje oseba, ki jo določi vlada države, v kateri poteka zasedanje, ali oseba, kadar zasedanje poteka na sedežu Zveze, ki jo izvoli skupščina sama. Predsedniku pomaga podpredsednik, ki ga izvoli skupščina.
9. člen
Regijske konference o radiokomunikacijah
138 Dnevni red regijskih konferenc o radiokomunikacijah lahko vsebuje le specifična vprašanja o radiokomunikacijah regionalnega značaja, vključno z navodili Odboru za radijsko regulativo in Uradu za radiokomunikacije v zvezi z njunimi dejavnostmi v zvezi z zadevno regijo, pod pogojem, da takšna navodila niso v nasprotju z interesi drugih regij. Takšna Konferenca lahko razpravlja le o
zadevah, ki so na njenem dnevnem redu. Določbe iz št. od 118 do 123 te Konvencije veljajo tudi za regijske konference o radiokomunikacijah, vendar le za Članice iz teh regij.
10. člen
Odbor za radijsko regulativo
139 1. Odbor sestavlja devet članov, ki jih izvoli Konferenca pooblaščenih predstavnikov.
140 2. Poleg nalog, ki so določene v 14. členu Ustave, obravnava Odbor tudi poročila direktorja Urada za radio-komunikacije o preiskavah škodljivega motenja, ki so bile opravljene na zahtevo ene ali več zainteresiranih uprav in v zvezi s tem oblikuje tudi ustrezno mnenje.
141 3. Dolžnost članov Odbora je, da kot svetovalci sodelujejo na Konferencah in skupščinah o radiokomunikacijah. Dolžnost predsednika in podpredsednika Odbora oziroma njunih imenovanih zastopnikov je, da se kot svetovalci udeležijo Konferenc pooblaščenih predstavnikov. V vseh teh primerih člani, ki imajo te dolžnosti, ne smejo sodelovati na teh Konferencah kot člani svojih državnih delegacij.
142 4. Zveza pokriva samo potne stroške, dnevnice in zavarovalne stroške, ki so jih imeli člani Odbora med izvajanjem svojih nalog za Zvezo.
143 5. Delovna ureditev Odbora je naslednja:
144 (1) Člani Odbora izmed sebe izvolijo predsednika in podpredsednika za obdobje enega leta. Po tem roku predsednika vsako leto nasledi podpredsednik, hkrati pa se izvoli novega podpredsednika. V odsotnosti predsednika in podpredsednika izvolijo člani za ta čas izmed sebe začasnega predsednika Odbora.
145 (2) Odbor se običajno sestane do štirikrat letno, navadno na sedežu Zveze, na seji morata sodelovati vsaj dve tretjini članov in svoje naloge lahko izvaja tudi s sodobnimi komunikacijskimi sredstvi.
146 (3) Odbor se mora potruditi, da svoje odločitve sprejema soglasno. Če mu to ne uspe, potem bo odločitev veljavna le, če zanjo glasujeta vsaj dve tretjini članov Odbora. Vsak član Odbora ima le en glas, glasovanje • preko pooblaščenca ni dovoljeno.
147 (4) Odbor lahko sprejema takšne notranje dogovore, kot se mu zdijo potrebni, v skladu z določbami Ustave, te Konvencije in Pravilnika o radiokomunikacijah. Takšni dogovori morajo biti objavljeni kot del Poslovnika Odbora.
11. člen
Študijske skupine za radiokomunikacije
148 1. Študijske skupine za radiokomunikacije ustanavlja skupščina za radiokomunikacije.
149 2. (1) Študijske skupine za radiokomunikacije preučujejo vprašanja in pripravljajo osnutke priporočil o zadevah, ki so jim bile naložene v skladu z določbami 7. člena te Konvencije. Te osnutke priporočil pošljejo v potrditev skupščini za radiokomunikacije oziroma med dvema takšnima skupščinama po pošti upravam v skladu s postopki,
ki jih je sprejela skupščina. Priporočila, sprejeta na prvi ali drugi način, imajo enako veljavnost.
150 (2) Preučevanje gornjih vprašanj se mora v skladu s št. 158 spodaj osredotočiti na:
151 a) uporabo radiofrekvenčnega spektra v zemeljskih in vesoljskih radiokomunikacijah in v krožnici geostacionarnega satelita;
152 b) značilnosti in delovanje radijskih sistemov;
153 c) delovanje radijskih postaj;
154 d) vidike radiokomunikacij v zadevah v zvezi z nezgodami in varnostjo;
155 (3) Na splošno te študije ne zajemajo ekonomskih vprašanj, vendar pa lahko upoštevajo ekonomske dejavnike, kadar vključujejo primerjavo tehničnih alternativ.
156 3. Študijske skupine za radiokomunikacije opravljajo tudi pripravljalne študije v zvezi s tehničnimi, operativnimi in postopkovnimi zadevami, ki jih morajo preučiti svetovne in regijske konference o radiokomunikacijah ter izdelati o njih elaborate v skladu z delovnim programom, ki je bil v zvezi s tem sprejet na skupščini za radiokomunikacije, oziroma po navodilih Sveta.
157 4. Vsaka študijska skupina mora pripraviti poročilo, za skupščino o radiokomunikacijah, v katerem navaja napredek pri delu, priporočila, sprejeta v skladu, s posvetovalnim postopkom iz št. 149 zgoraj, in osnutek vseh novih ali spremenjenih priporočil, ki jih bo obravnavala skupščina.
158 5. Upoštevajoč št. 79 Ustave, naloge, navedene' v št. od 151 do 154 zgoraj ter v št. 193 v tej Konvenciji, ki se nanašajo na Sektor za standardizacijo telekomunikacij, nenehno preverjata Sektor za radiokomunikacije in Sektor za standardizacijo telekomunikacij, zato da bi dosegli skupen dogovor o spremembah pri razdeljevanju preučevanih zadev. Oba Sektorja morata tesno sodelovati in sprejemati postopke za vodenje preverjanja ter za iskanje pravočasnih in učinkovitih dogovorov. Če dogovor ni dosežen, se lahko zadeve preko Sveta pošljejo v -obravnavo na Konferenco pooblaščenih predstavnikov.
159 6. Študijske skupine za radiokomunikacije morajo med svojim preučevanjem posvetiti pozornost preučevanju vprašanj in oblikovanju priporočil, ki so neposredno povezana z vzpostavitvijo, razvojem in izboljšanjem telekomunikacij v državah v razvoju, tako na regionalni kot na mednarodni ravni. Pri opravljanju svojega dela morajo upoštevati delo, ki ga izvajajo državne, regionalne in druge mednarodne organizacije, ki se ukvarjajo z radiokomunikacijami, in z njimi sodelovati, pri tem pa se morajo zavedati potrebe Zveze, da obdrži svoj vodilni položaj na področju telekomunikacij.
160 7. Zaradi lažjega pregleda delovanja v Sektorju za radiokomunikacije je treba sprejeti ukrepe za spodbujanje sodelovanja in koordinacije z drugimi organizacijami, ki se ukvarjajo z radiokomunikacijami ter s Sektorjem za standardizacijo telekomunikacij in s Sektorjem za razvoj telekomunikacij. Skupščina za radiokomunikacije mora določiti posamične dolžnosti, pogoje sodelovanja in pravila za izvajanje teh ukrepov.
12. člen
Urad za radiokomunikacije
161 1. Direktor Urada za radiokomunikacije organizira in koordinira delo Sektorja za radiokomunikacije. Naloge Urada so dodatno določene tudi v določilih Pravilnika o radiokomunikacijah.
162 2. Direktor mora še posebej:
163 (1) v zvezi s Konferencami o radiokomunikacijah:
164 a) koordinirati pripravljalna dela študijskih skupin in Urada, sporočati Članicam rezultate teh pripravljalnih del, zbirati njihove pripombe in konsolidirano poročilo poslati Konferenci, ki lahko vključi predloge regulativne narave;
165 b) z vso pravico, vendar le kot svetovalec, sodelovati pri posvetovanjih skupščine za radiokomunikacije ter študijskih skupin za radiokomunikacije. Direktor mora izvesti vse potrebne priprave za Konference o radiokomunikacijah ter za srečanja Sektorja za radiokomunikacije ob posvetovanju z Generalnim sekretariatom v skladu s št. 94 te Konvencije, po potrebi pa tudi z drugimi Sektorji Zveze, pri izvajanju teh priprav pa mora spoštovati napotke (direktive) Sveta;
166 c) zagotoviti pomoč državam v razvoju pri njihovih pripravah na Konference o radiokomunikacijah.
167 (2) v zvezi z Odborom za radijsko regulativo:
168 a) pripraviti in predložiti v potrditev Odboru' za radijsko regulativo osnutek Poslovnika; med drugim morajo biti vanj vključene tudi obračunske metode in podatki, potrebni za uporabo določb iz Pravilnika o radiokomunikacijah;
169 b) vsem Članicam Zveze razdeliti Poslovnik Odbora ter zbrati pripombe, ki jih pošiljajo njihove vlade;
170 c) obdelati informacije, ki jih dobi od vlad, z uporabo ustreznih določb Pravilnika o radiokomunikacijah in regionalnih dogovorov, in jih po potrebi pripraviti tako, da so primerne za objavo;
171 d) uporabljati Poslovnik, ki ga potrdi Odbor, pripraviti in objaviti ugotovitve, ki temeljijo na tem Poslovniku, ter Odboru posredovati katerikoli pregled ugotovitev, ki ga zahteva neka vlada in ki jih ni mogoče rešiti z uporabo Poslovnika;
172 e) v skladu z ustreznimi določbami Pravilnika o . radiokomunikacijah izvajati urejeno zapisovanje in registracijo dodeljevanja frekvenc, in kjer je to potrebno, s tem povezanih orbitalnih karakteristik, ter posodabljati Glavni mednarodni register frekvenc; pregledovati vpise v omenjeni register zaradi dodajanja ali ukinjanja, če je to potrebno, tistih frekvenc, ki ne odražajo dejanske uporabe frekvenc, in to v dogovoru z zadevno upravo;
173 f) pomagati pri razreševanju primerov škodljivega motenja, če to zahteva ena ali več prizadetih vlad, ter po potrebi opraviti preiskave in pripraviti poročilo, ki ga bo preučil Odbor in vanj vključiti priporočila zadevnim upravam;
174 g) nastopati kot Izvršilni sekretar uprave;
175 (3) koordinirati delo študijskih skupin za radiokomunikacije in odgovarjati za organizacijo tega dela;
176 (4) ter izvajati naslednje zadeve:
177 a) izvajati študije za svetovanje Članicam glede uporabe največjega možnega števila radijskih kanalov v tistih delih spektra, kjer bi se lahko pojavile škodljivo motenje, ter glede enakopravne, učinkovite in gospodarne uporabe krožnic geostacionarnih satelitov, upoštevaje pri tem potrebe Članic, ki zahtevajo pomoč, specifične potrebe držav v razvoju, prav tako pa tudi poseben geografski položaj določenih držav;
178 b) s Članicami si izmenjevati podatke v strojno berljivih ali drugih oblikah, pripravljati in stalno posodabljati. vse dokumente in podatkovne zbirke (baze) v Sektorju za radiokomunikacije ter z Generalnim sekretarjem po potrebi urediti vse za njihovo objavo v delovnih jezikih Zveze v skladu s št. 172 Ustave;
179 c) vzdrževati take bistvene zapise, kot so zahtevani;
180 d) svetovni konferenci o radiokomunikacijah pošiljati poročilo o delovanju Sektorja za radiokomunikacije za obdobje od zadnje konference; če svetovna konferenca o radiokomunikacijah ni načrtovana, pošlje poročilo za dveletno obdobje po zadnji konferenci Svetu in Članicam Zveze;
181 e) pripraviti oceno proračuna na podlagi stroškov za potrebe Sektorja za radiokomunikacije in jo preko Generalnega sekretarja poslati v obravnavo Koordinacijskemu komiteju zaradi vključitve v proračun Zveze;
182 3. Direktor izbira tehnične in administrativne kadre Urada v okviru proračuna, kot ga je potrdil Svet. V dogovoru z direktorjem Generalni sekretar nato razporedi tehnično in administrativno osebje. Končno odločitev q sprejemu na delo ali odpustitvi ima v rokah Generalni sekretar.
183 4. V okviru Ustave in te Konvencije, mora direktor, če je to potrebno, zagotoviti tehnično podporo Sektorju za razvoj telekomunikacij.
6. DEL
Sektor za standardizacijo telekomunikacij
13. člen
Svetovna konferenca za standardizacijo telekomunikacij
184 1. V skladu s št. 104 Ustave se skliče svetovna konferenca za standardizacijo, da preuči specifične zadeve v zvezi s standardizacijo telekomunikacij.
185 2. Vprašanja, ki naj bi jih obravnavala svetovna konferenca za standardizacijo telekomunikacij, na katerih bodo sprejeta priporočila, so tista, ki jih je sprejela Konferenca pooblaščenih predstavnikov v skladu s svojimi postopki ali so jih poslale druge Konferenc ali Svet.
186 3. V skladu s št. 104 Ustave mora Konferenca:
187 a) obravnavati poročila študijskih skupin, ki so bila pripravljena v skladu s št. 194 te Konvencije, ter potrditi, spremeniti ali zavrniti osnutke priporočil, zapisanih v teh poročilih;
188 b) zavedajoč se, da je tre6a zahteve do sredstev Zveze zadržati čim manjše, potrditi delovni program, ki je nastal na podlagi pregleda obstoječih vprašanj in novih vprašanj, ter določiti prednost, nujnost, oceno finalnih obremenitev in časovne roke za dokončanje študij;
189 c) z ozirom na potrjeni delovni program, ki izhaja iz št. 188 zgoraj, odločati o potrebi po vzdrževanju, ukinitvi ali ustanovitvi študijskih skupin ter vsaki od njih določiti vprašanja, ki jih mora preučiti;
190 d) združiti, kolikor je to mogoče, vprašanja, ki so pomembna za države v razvoju, da bi tako olajšali njihovo sodelovanje pri teh študijah;
191 e) obravnavati in potrditi poročilo direktorja o dejavnostih Sektorja od zadnje konference dalje.
14. člen
Študijske skupine za standardizacijo telekomunikacij
192 1. (1) Študijske skupine za standardizacijo telekomunikacij preučujejo vprašanja in pripravljajo osnutke priporočil o zadevah, ki so bile prenesene nanje v skladu s 13. členom te Konvencije. Te osnutke morajo poslati v potrditev svetovni konferenci za standardizacijo telekomunikacij oziroma med dvema takšnima konferencama po pošti vladam v skladu s postopki, ki jih je sprejela Konferenca. Priporočila, ki so bila potrjena na prvi ali drugi način, so enako veljavna.
193 (2) Študijske skupine morajo v skladu s št. 195 spodaj preučiti tehnična, operativna in tarifna vprašanja in pripraviti o njih priporočila s stališča standardizacije telekomunikacij po vsem Svetu, vključno s priporočili o medsebojni povezavi radijskih sistemov v javnih telekomunikacijskih omrežjih ter o lastnostih, ki jih morajo imeti takšne medsebojne povezave. Tehnična in operativna vprašanja, ki so specifična za radiokomunikacije, navedena v št. od 151 do 154 te konvencije, so v okviru pristojnosti Sektorja za radiokomunikacije.
194 (3) Vsaka študijska skupina mora pripraviti poročilo za Konferenco o standardizaciji telekomunikacij, v katerem mora navesti potek dela, priporočila, sprejeta v skladu s posvetovalnim, postopkom iz št. 192 zgoraj, ter vse osnutke novih ali popravljenih priporočil, ki naj bi jih obravnavala Konferenca.
195 2. Sektor za standardizacijo telekomunikacij in Sektor za radiokomunikacije morata ves čas preverjati vse naloge, navedene pod št. 193 zgoraj ter od št. 151 do 154 te Konvencije ter ob upoštevanju določb iz št. 105 Ustave, ki so v zvezi s Sektorjem za radiokomunikacije, in o vseh spremembah razdeljevanja preučevanih zadev doseči skupen dogovor. Oba Sektorja morata tesno sodelovali in sprejemati postopke za izvajanje takšnih pregledov ter svoje dogovore sprejemati pravočasno in učinkovito. Če dogovora ne dosežeta, gre lahko zadeva preko Sveta na Konferenco pooblaščenih predstavnikov, ki nato odločajo o njej.
196 3. Med pripravljanjem študij morajo študijske skupine za standardizacijo telekomunikacij paziti na preučevanje vprašanj in na oblikovanje mnenj, ki so neposredno. povezana z ustanavljanjem, razvojem in izboljševanjem telekomunikacij v državah v razvoju, tako na regionalni kot na mednarodni ravni. Pri opravljanju svojega dela morajo spoštovati delo državnih, regijskih in drugih mednarodnih organizacij za standardizacijo ter sodelovati z njimi, pri tem pa se morajo zavedati potrebe Zveze, da ohrani svojo vodilno vlogo na področju svetovne standardizacije telekomunikacij.
197 4. Sprejeti je treba takšne ukrepe za spodbujanje sodelovanja in koordiniranja z drugimi organizacijami, ki se ukvarjajo s standardizacijo telekomunikacij, in s Sektorjema za radiokomunikacije in za razvoj telekomunikacij, s katerimi bi olajšali ocenjevanje dejavnosti v Sektorju za standardizacijo telekomunikacij.
15. člen
Urad za standardizacijo telekomunikacij
198 1. Direktor Urada za standardizacijo telekomunikacij organizira in koordinira delo Sektorja za standardizacijo telekomunikacij.
199 2. Direktor mora še posebej:
200 a) letno posodabljati delovni program, ki ga je potrdila svetovna konferenca za standardizacijo telekomunikacij, po posvetovanju s predsedniki študijskih skupin za standardizacijo telekomunikacij;
201 b) sodelovati po položaju, vendar v vlogi svetovalca, na posvetovanjih svetovnih konferenc za standardizacijo telekomunikacij in študijskih skupin za standardizacijo telekomunikacij. Po posvetovanju z Generalnim sekretariatom pripravi direktor vse potrebno za Konference in srečanja Sektorja za standardizacijo telekomunikacij v skladu s št. 94 te Konvencije, po potrebi pa se posvetuje še z drugimi Sektorji Zveze, upoštevaje navodila Sveta v zvezi s temi pripravami;
202 c) obdelati informacije, ki jih je prejel od uprav/ vlad v skladu z ustreznimi določbami mednarodnega pravilnika o telekomunikacijah ali sklepov svetovne konference o standardizaciji telekomunikacij, po potrebi pa jih pripraviti tudi v obliki, primerni za objavo;.
203 d) s Članicami izmenjati podatke v obliki, primerni za strojno obdelavo, in v drugih oblikah, pripraviti in po potrebi posodabljati vse dokumente in podatkovne zbirke (baze) Sektorja za standardizacijo telekomunikacij in Če je potrebno, z Generalnim sekretarjem pripraviti vse za njihovo objavo, v delovnih jezikih Zveze v skladu s št. 172 Ustave;
204 e) svetovni konferenci za standardizacijo telekomunikacij poslati poročilo o delovanju Sektorja od zadnje Konference dalje; Svetu in Članicam Zveze mora prav tako poslati podobno poročilo, ki pokriva obdobje dveh let od zadnje Konference, razen če vmes ni bila sklicana druga Konferenca;
205 f) pripraviti oceno proračuna na stroškovni podlagi za potrebe Sektorja za standardizacijo telekomunikacij ter ga poslati Generalnemu sekretarju za obravnavo v Koordinacijskem komiteju in za vključitev v proračun Zveze..
206 3. Direktor izbira tehnično in administrativno osebje Urada za standardizacijo telekomunikacij v okviru proračunskih sredstev, kot jih potrdi Svet. Tehnično in administrativno osebje v dogovoru z direktorjem namešča Generalni sekretar. Prav tako ima Generalni sekretar tudi odločilno besedo pri sprejemanju ali odpuščanju z dela.
207 4. Direktor po potrebi v okviru Ustave in Konvencije zagotavlja tudi potrebno tehnično podporo Sektorju za razvoj telekomunikacij.
7. DEL
Sektor za razvoj telekomunikacij
16. člen
Konference o razvoju telekomunikacij
208 1. V skladu s št. 118 Ustave imajo Konference o razvoju telekomunikacij naslednje naloge:
209 a) svetovne konference o razvoju telekomunikacij določajo delovne programe in usmeritve za določanje vprašanj in prednostnih nalog za razvoj telekomunikacij ter določajo smeri in vodila za delovne programe Sektorja za razvoj telekomunikacij. Po potrebi lahko ustanovijo tudi študijske skupine;
210 b) regijske konference o razvoju telekomunikacij lahko svetujejo Uradu za razvoj telekomunikacij v zvezi s specifičnimi telekomunikacijskimi zahtevami in značilnostmi določene regije, prav tako pa lahko pošljejo priporočila na svetovne konference o razvoju telekomunikacij;
211 c) Konference o razvoju telekomunikacij morajo določiti cilje in strategije za uravnotežen razvoj telekomunikacij, po vsem Svetu in po regijah, pri tem pa morajo še posebej upoštevati razširjanje in modernizacijo omrežij in služb v državah v razvoju in tudi sprostitev virov sredstev, potrebnih v ta namen. Konference so tudi pristojno mesto za preučevanje politike, organizacijskih, upravljalskih, regulativnih, tehničnih in finančnih vprašanj ter z njimi povezanih vidikov, vključno z določitvijo in uporabo novih virov financiranja;
212 d) svetovne in regijske konference o razvoju telekomunikacij morajo v okviru svojih pristojnosti obravnavati poročila, ki so jim bila izročena, in oceniti delovanje Sektorja; prav tako lahko obravnavajo tudi vidike razvoja telekomunikacij z zvezi z dejavnostmi drugih Sektorjev Zveze.
213 2. Direktor Urada za razvoj telekomunikacij mora pripraviti osnutek dnevnega reda Konferenc o razvoju telekomunikacij, ki ga nato Generalni sekretar izroči v odobritev Svetu v soglasju z večino Članic Zveze, če gre za svetovne konference, oziroma v soglasju z večino Članic Zveze iz določene regije, če gre za regijske konference, kot je to določeno v št. 47 te Konvencije.
17. člen
Študijske skupine za razvoj telekomunikacij
214 1. Studijske skupine za razvoj telekomunikacij se ukvarjajo s specifičnimi vprašanji s področja telekomunikacij, ki so splošnega pomena za države v razvoju, vključno z zadevami, ki so naštete v št. 211 zgoraj. Takšne študijske skupine so po številu omejene, ustanovljene le za omejeno obdobje, odvisne od dosegljivih sredstev, imajo specifičen obseg pooblastil o vprašanjih in zadevah, ki so prednostne za države v razvoju in morajo biti usmerjene v določeno nalogo.
215 2. Sektorji za radiokomunikacije, standardizacijo telekomunikacij in za razvoj telekmunikacij morajo, upoštevajoč št. 119 Ustave, nenehno nadzorovati zadeve, ki so v preučevanju, in doseči dogovor glede razporejanja dela, izogibanja podvajanju naporov in glede izboljšanja koordinacije. Sektorji morajo pravočasno in učinkovito uveljaviti postopke za takšen nadzor in doseči tak dogovor.
18. člen
Urad za razvoj telekomunikacij in Svetovalni odbor
216 1. Direktor Urada za razvoj telekomunikacij organizira in koordinira delo Sektorja za razvoj telekomunikacij.
217 2. Direktor mora še posebej:
218 a) po položaju, vendar le kot svetovalec, sodelovati na posvetovanjih Konferenc o razvoju telekomunikacij ter študijskih skupin za razvoj telekomunikacij. Direktor pripravi vse potrebno za Konference in srečanja Sektorja za razvoj telekomunikacij po posvetovanju z Generalnim sekretariatom v skladu s št. 94 te Konvencije, po potrebi tudi po posvetu z drugimi Sektorji Zveze, pri izvajanju teh priprav pa mora upoštevati navodila Sveta;
219 b) z uporabo ustreznih sklepov in odločitev Konference pooblaščenih predstavnikov in Konferenc o razvoju telekomunikacij obdelati informacije; ki jih je prejel od uprav/vlad, in jih po potrebi primerno pripraviti za objavo v tisku;
220 c) s Članicami izmenjati podatke v strojno berljivi obliki in v drugih oblikah, pripraviti in po potrebi obnavljati vse dokumente ali podatkovne zbirke (baze) Sektorja za razvoj telekomunikacij in jih z Generalnim sekretarjem ustrezno pripraviti za objavo v delovnih jezikih Zveze v skladu s št. 172 Ustave;
221 d) v sodelovanju z Generalnim sekretariatom in drugimi Sektorji Zveze zbrati in pripraviti za objavo tako tehnične kot administrativne informacije, ki bi bile lahko še posebej koristne za države v razvoju kot pomoč za izboljšanje njihovih telekomunikacijskih omrežij. Opozoriti jih je treba tudi na možnosti, ki jih ponujajo mednarodni programi pod pokroviteljstvom Združenih narodov;
222 e) svetovni konferenci o razvoju telekomunikacij poslati poročilo o dejavnostih Sektorja od zadnje Konference dalje; podobno poročilo za obdobje dveh let po zadnji Konferenci mora direktor poslati tudi Svetu in Članicam Zveze;
223 f) pripraviti oceno proračuna na stroškovni podlagi za potrebe Sektorja za razvoj telekomunikacij in jo poslati Generalnemu sekretarju za obravnavo v Koordinacijskem odboru ter za vključitev v proračun Zveze.
224 3. Direktor dela skupinsko z drugimi izvoljenimi funkcionarji, da se tako zagotavlja krepitev katalitične vloge Zveze pri spodbujanju razvoja telekomunikacij, in opravi vse potrebne priprave z direktorjem določenega urada za sklicevanje informativnih sestankov o dejavnostih zadevnega Sektorja.
225 4. Na zahtevo zainteresiranih Članic mora direktor ob pomoči direktorjev drugih uradov in, če je treba, s pomočjo Generalnega sekretarja preučiti in dajati nasvete v zvezi s telekomunikacijskimi težavami v njihovih državah; v primeru, ko gre za primerjavo tehničnih alternativ, je potrebno upoštevati tudi gospodarske dejavnike.
226 5. Direktor izbira tehnično in administrativno osebje Urada za razvoj telekomunikacij v okviru proračuna, ki ga je potrdil Svet. Generalni sekretar namešča osebje v dogovoru z direktorjem. Končne odločitve glede namestitve ali odpusta so v rokah Generalnega sekretarja.
227 6. Direktor po posvetu z Generalnim sekretarjem ustanovi Svetovalni odbor za razvoj telekomunikacij in imenuje njene člane. Odbor sestavljajo osebe, ki imajo širok in enakovreden presek interesov in izkušenj v razvoju telekomunikacij, in člani tega Odbora izmed sebe izvolijo predsednika. Odbor svetuje direktorju, ki se udeležuje njegovih sestankov, glede prednostnih nalog in strategije dejavnosti Zveze na področju razvoja telekomunikacij. Med drugim priporoča tudi korake za spodbujanje sodelovanja in koordinacije z drugimi organizacijami, ki se zanimajo za razvoj telekomunikacij.
8. DEL
Določbe, ki veljajo za vse tri Sektorje
19. člen
Sodelovanje nevladnih ustanov in organizacij v dejavnostih Zveze
228 1. Generalni sekretar in direktorji uradov spodbujajo večje sodelovanje naslednjih ustanov in organizacij v dejavnostih Zveze:
229 a) priznanih upravljalskih agencij, znanstvenih ali industrijskih organizacij ter finančnih, ali razvojnih institucij, ki jih potrdi zadevna Članica;
230 b) drugih ustanov, ki se ukvarjajo s telekomunikacijskimi zadevami in ki jih potrdi zadevna Članica;
231 c) regijskih in drugih mednarodnih organizacij za telekomunikacije, standardizacijo, finance ali razvoj.
232 2. Direktorji uprav vzdržujejo tesne delovne stike s tistimi ustanovami in organizacijami, ki so pooblaščene za sodelovanje v dejavnostih enega ali več Sektorjev Zveze.
233 3. Vsako prošnjo neke ustanove, navedene v št. 229 zgoraj, ki bi rada sodelovala pri delu Sektorja v skladu z določbami Ustave in te Konvencije, in ki jo je potrdila zadevna Članica, mora slednja posredovati Generalnemu sekretarju.
234 4. Vsako prošnjo neke ustanove, navedene v št. 233 zgoraj, ki jo vloži zadevna Članica, se obravnava v skladu s postopki, ki jih določi Svet. Svet nato preveri, ah je takšna prošnja v skladu z navedenimi postopki.
235 5. Vsako prošnjo neke ustanove ali organizacije, navedene v št. 231 zgoraj (razen tistih, ki so navedene v št. 260 in 261 te Konvencije), za sodelovanje pri delu Sektorja je treba poslati Generalnemu sekretarju in jo obravnavati v skladu s postopki, ki jih je določil Svet.
236 6. Vsako prošnjo neke organizacije, _navedene od št. 260 do 262 te Konvencije, za sodelovanje pri delu Sektorja je treba poslati Generalnemu sekretarju, organizacijo pa vključiti na spiske, navedene v št. 237 spodaj.
237 7. Generalni sekretar mora sestaviti in voditi spiske vseh ustanov in organizacij, navedenih v št. od 229 do 231 in od 260 do 262 te Konvencije, ki so pooblaščene za sodelovanje pri delu vsakega Sektorja, v določenih razmikih pa mora objaviti in razposlati te spiske vsem Članicam ter direktorju zadevnega Urada. Slednji mora takšne ustanove in organizacije obvestiti o dejavnosti v zvezi z njihovimi prošnjami.
238 8. Ustanove in organizacije, ki so na navedenih spiskih v št. 237 zgoraj, se imenujejo tudi "članice" Sektorjev Zveze; pogoji za njihovo sodelovanje v Sektorjih pa sp določeni v tem členu, v 33. členu ter v drugih ustreznih določbah te Konvencije. Zanje ne veljajo določbe 3. člena Ustave.
239 9. Priznana upravljalska agencija lahko deluje v imenu Članice, ki jo je priznala, pod pogojem, da Članica o tem obvesti direktorja zadevnega Urada.
240 10. Vsaka ustanova ali organizacija, ki je bila pooblaščena za sodelovanje pri delu Sektorja, ima pravico, da se temu sodelovanju odpove tako, da obvesti Generalnega sekretarja. Po potrebi lahko takšno sodelovanje odpove tudi zadevna Članica. Takšna odpoved začne veljati po dokončanem enem letu od dneva, ko je Generalni sekretar prejel tovrstno obvestilo.
241 11. Generalni sekretar izbriše s spiska ustanov in organizacij vse tiste ustanove in organizacije, ki niso več pooblaščene za sodelovanje pri delu Sektorja, v skladu s kriteriji in postopki, ki jih določi Svet.
20. člen
Vodenje dela študijskih skupin
242 1. Skupščina za radiokomunikacije, svetovna konferenca za standardizacijo telekomunikacij in svetovna konferenca o razvoju telekomunikacij imenujejo predsednika in podpredsednika za vsako študijsko skupino. Pri imenovanju predsednika in podpredsednika je treba še posebej paziti na zahteve pristojnosti in enakopravne geografske porazdelitve kakor tudi na potrebo po učinkovitejšem podpiranju sodelovanja držav v razvoju.
243 2. Če tako zahteva delovna obremenitev katerekoli študijske skupine, lahko skupščina, ali konferenca, če meni, da je to potrebno, imenuje dodatne podpredsednike, vendar običajno ne več kot skupno dva.
244 3. Če predsednik študijske skupine v obdobju med dvema Skupščinama ali Konferencama zadevnega Sektorja ne more opravljati svojih nalog, imenovan pa je bil le en podpredsednik, slednji prevzame mesto predsednika. Če ima študijska skupina več kot enega podpredsednika, na svojem naslednjem sestanku izmed podpredsednikov izvoli novega predsednika, po potrebi pa izmed članov skupine tudi novega podpredsednika. Prav tako skupina izvoli novega podpredsednika, če eden od podpredsednikov v določenem obdobju ne more opravljati svojih nalog.
245 4. Študijske skupine opravljajo svoje delo kolikor je mogoče korespondenčno in pri tem uporabljajo sodobna komunikacijska sredstva.
246 5. Direktor vsakega sektorskega urada pripravi splošen načrt srečanj študijskih skupin na podlagi sklepov pristojne Konference ali Skupščine, po posvetu z Generalnim sekretarjem in po koordinaciji, ki jo zahtevata Ustava in Konvencija.
247 6. Studijske skupine lahko same pridobivajo pri Članicah sprejem priporočil, ki so jih pripravile med dvema konferencama. Postopke, uporabljene za pridobitev takšnih sprejemov, morajo pred tem potrditi pristojne Skupščine ali Konference. Tako sprejeta priporočila imajo enak status kot tista, ki so bila sprejeta na Konferenci sami.
248 7. Po potrebi se lahko ustanovijo združene delovne skupine za preučevanje vprašanj, ki zahtevajo sodelovanje strokovnjakov iz več študijskih skupin.
249 8. Direktor zadevnega Urada mora poslati končna poročila študijskih skupin vladam, organizacijam in ustanovam, ki sodelujejo v Sektorju. V poročilu mora biti spisek priporočil, ki so bila sprejeta v skladu s št. 247 zgoraj. Ta poročila morajo biti poslana, kolikor hitro je mogoče, v vsakem primeru pa tako, da jih naslovniki prejmejo vsaj mesec dni pred datumom pričetka naslednjega zasedanja zadevne Konference.
21. člen
Priporočila ene konference drugi
250 1. Vsaka Konferenca lahko drugi Konferenci Zveze pošlje priporočila s področja, ki je v njeni pristojnosti.
251 2. Takšna priporočila je treba pravočasno poslati Generalnemu sekretarju, da jih lahko zbere, uskladi in posreduje naprej, kot je to določeno v št. 320 te Konvencije.
22. člen
Odnosi med Sektorji in z mednarodnimi organizacijami
252 1. Direktorji uradov se lahko po ustreznih posvetovanjih in uskladitvah, ki jih zahtevajo Ustava, Konvencija in odločitve pristojnih skupščin ali konferenc, dogovorijo, da bodo organizirali skupne sestanke študijskih skupin dveh ali treh Sektorjev za pripravo osnutkov priporočil o vprašanjih skupnega pomena. Ta priporočila nato dostavijo pristojnim konferencam ali skupščinam določenih Sektorjev.
253 2. Konferenc ali zasedanj Sektorjev se lahko kot svetovalci udeležijo Generalni sekretar, namestnik generalnega sekretarja, direktorji Uradov drugih Sektorjev ali njihovi zastopniki, ter člani Odbora za radijsko regulativo. Po potrebi lahko povabijo kot svetovalce tudi predstavnike Generalnega sekretariata ali drugih Sektorjev, ki menijo, da njihova prisotnost drugače ni potrebna.
254 3. Če je Sektor povabljen k sodelovanju na zasedanju neke mednarodne organizacije, je njegov direktor pooblaščen, da pripravi vse potrebno za sodelovanje v vlogi svetovalca in da pri tem upošteva določbe iz št. 107 te Konvencije.
Splošne določbe o Konferencah
23. člen
Povabilo in sodelovanje na Konferencah pooblaščenih
predstavnikov, če obstaja vlada gostiteljica
255 1. Točen kraj in datum Konference se določita v skladu z določbami 1. člena te Konvencije in po posvetu z vlado gostiteljico.
256 2. (1) Eno leto pred dnevom pričetka Konference mora vlada gostiteljica poslati vabilo vladi vsake Članice Zveze.
257 (2) Ta vabila se lahko pošlje ali neposredno ali preko Generalnega sekretarja ali preko druge vlade.
258 3. Generalni sekretar povabi naslednje organizacije naj pošljejo svoje opazovalce:
259 a) Združene narode;
260 b) regijske telekomunikacijske organizacije, navedene v 43. členu Ustave;
261 c) medvladne organizacije, ki upravljajo satelitske sisteme;
262 d) specializirane agencije Združenih narodov in Mednarodno agencijo za atomsko energijo.
263 4. (1) Odgovori Članic morajo priti v roke vlade gostiteljice vsaj mesec dni pred dnevom pričetka Konference, v njih pa. morajo biti po možnosti navedeni vsi podatki o sestavi delegacije.
264 (2) Te odgovore se lahko pošlje neposredno vladi gostiteljici ali preko Generalnega sekretarja ali preko druge vlade.
265 (3) Generalni sekretar mora dobiti odgovore organizacij in agencij, navedenih od št. 259 do 262 zgoraj, vsaj mesec dni pred pričetkom Konference.
266 5. Generalni sekretariat in vsi trije Uradi Zveze se Konference udeležujejo v vlogi svetovalcev.
267 6. Udeležba na Konferencah pooblaščenih predstavnikov je dovoljena:
268 a) delegacijam;
269 b) opazovalcem iz organizacij in agencij, ki so bili povabljeni v skladu s št. od 259 do 262 zgoraj.
24. člen
Povabila in sodelovanje na Konferencah o
radiokomunikacijah, če obstaja vlada gostiteljica
270 1. Točen kraj in datum Konference se določita v skladu z določbami 3. člena te Konvencije po posvetovanju z vlado gostiteljico.
271 2. (1) Za konference o radiokomunikacijah veljajo določbe iz št. od 256 do 265 te Konvencije.
272 (2) Članice Zveze morajo obvestiti priznane upravljalske agencije o prejetih vabilih k sodelovanju na konferenci o radiokomunikacijah.
273 3. (1) Vlada gostiteljica lahko v dogovoru s Svetom ali na njegov predlog obvesti tudi druge mednarodne organizacije poleg tistih, navedenih v št. od 259 do 262 te Konvencije, ki se morda zanimajo, da bi na konferenco poslale opazovalce v vlogi svetovalcev.
274 (2) Zainteresirane mednarodne organizacije, navedene v št. 273 zgoraj, morajo vladi gostiteljici poslati prošnjo za sodelovanje v roku dveh mesecev po prejemu obvestila.
275 (3) Vlada gostiteljica zbere vse prošnje, konferenca pa sama odloči, ali bodo zainteresirane organizacije lahko sodelovale.
276 4. Na Konferencah o radiokomunikacijah lahko sodelujejo:
277 a) delegacije;
278 b) opazovalci organizacij in agencij, navedenih v št. od 259 do 262 te Konvencije;
279 c) opazovalci mednarodnih organizacij, sprejeti v skladu s št. od 273 do 275 zgoraj;
280 d) opazovalci, ki zastopajo priznane upravljalske agencije, ki so pooblaščene v skladu z 19. členom te Konvencije, da lahko sodelujejo v študijskih skupinah za radiokomunikacije, in ki so jih kot take pooblastile zadevne Članice;
281 e) v vlogi svetovalcev tudi voljeni funkcionarji, če konferenca obravnava zadeve, ki so v okviru njihovih pristojnosti, in člani Odbora za radijsko regulativo;
282 f) opazovalci Članic Zveze, ki sodelujejo brez pravice glasovanja na regijski konferenci o radiokomunikacijah neke regije, ki ni tista, kateri pripadajo omenjene Članice.
25. člen
Povabilo in sodelovanje na radiokomunikacijskih
Skupščinah ter na Konferencah za standardizacijo in za
razvoj telekomunikacij, če obstaja vlada gostiteljica
283 1. Točen kraj in datum vsake Skupščine ali Konference se določita v skladu z določbami 3. člena te Konvencije po posvetu z vlado gostiteljico.
284 2. Generalni sekretar mora po posvetu z direktor jem zadevnega Urada eno leto pred datumom pričetka skupščine ali konference poslati vabila:
285 a) vladi vsake Članice Zveze;
286 b) ustanovam ali organizacijam, ki so v skladu z 19. členom te Konvencije pooblaščene, da sodelujejo pri dejavnostih zadevnega Sektorja;
287 c) regijskim telekomunikacijskim organizacijam, ki so navedene v 43. členu Ustave;
288 d) medvladnim organizacijam, ki upravljajo satelitske sisteme;
289 e) drugim regijskim organizacijam ali drugim mednarodnim organizacijam, ki se ukvarjajo z zadevami, ki so v interesu Skupščine ali Konference.
290 3. Generalni sekretar mora poslati vabilo tudi naslednjim organizacijam ali agencijam, naj pošljejo svoje opazovalce:
291 a) Združenim narodom;
292 b) specializiranim agencijam Združenih narodov ter Mednarodni agenciji za atomsko energijo.
293 4. Generalni sekretar mora prejeti odgovore vsaj mesec dni pred datumom pričetka skupščine ali konference. Po možnosti naj bodo v odgovorih navedeni vsi podatki o sestavi delegacije ali predstavništva.
294 5. Generalni sekretariat in voljeni funkcionarji Zveze se Skupščine ali Konference udeležujejo kot svetovalci.
295 6. Na Skupščini ali Konferenci lahko sodelujejo:
296 a) delegacije;
297 b) opazovalci organizacij ali agencij, ki so bili povabljeni v skladu s št. od 287 do 289 in od 291 do 292 zgoraj;
298 c) predstavniki ustanov ali organizacij, navedenih v št. 286 zgoraj.
26. člen
Postopek za sklic ali preklic svetovnih konferenc ali
radiokomunikacijskih skupščin na zahtevo Članic Zveze
ali na predlog Sveta
299 1. V naslednjih določbah so določeni postopki za sklic druge svetovne konference o standardizaciji, telekomunikacij v presledku med dvema Konferencama pooblaščenih predstavnikov, ter za določitev točnega kraja in datuma ali postopki za preklic druge svetovne konference o radiokomunikacijah ali druge skupščine za radio-komunikacije.
300 2. (1) Vsaka Članica Zveze, ki bi rada gostila drugo svetovno konferenco o standardizaciji telekomunikacij, mora o tem obvestiti Generalnega sekretarja in navesti predlagani kraj in čas Konference.
301 (2) Po prejemu podobnih prošenj od vsaj ene četrtine Članic mora Generalni sekretar o tem nemudoma obvestiti vse Članice preko najustreznejših telekomunikacijskih sredstev in jih prositi, naj v šestih tednih odgovorijo, ali se strinjajo s predlogom.
302 (3) Če se večina Članic, določena v skladu s št. 47 te Konvencije, v celoti strinja s predlogom, se pravi, da sprejemajo tako predlagani kraj kot čas, mora Generalni sekretar o tem nemudoma preko najustreznejših telekomunikacijskih sredstev obvestiti vse Članice.
303 (4) Če je sprejet predlog, da Konferenca poteka drugje, izven sedeža Zveze, bo Generalni sekretar v soglasju z zadevno vlado ukrenil vse potrebno za sklic Konference.
304 (5) Če večina Članic po določilih v št. 47 te Konvencije ni sprejela predloga v celoti (kraj in čas), mora Generalni sekretar vse Članice obvestiti o prejetih odgovorih in jih zaprositi, naj v šestih tednih po prejemu obvestila podajo dokončen odgovor o točki ali točkah nestrinjanja.
305 (6) Te točke bodo veljale kot sprejete, ko jih bo potrdila večina Članic Zveze v skladu s št. 47 te Konvencije.
306 3. (1) Vsaka Članica Zveze, ki želi preklic druge svetovne konference o radiokomunikacijah ali druge skupščine o radiokomunikacijah, mora o tem obvestiti Generalnega sekretarja. Po prejemu podobne zahteve od vsaj ene četrtine Članic mora Generalni sekretar preko najustreznejših telekomunikacijskih sredstev o tem takoj obvestiti vse Članice in jih zaprositi, naj v šestih tednih sporočijo, ali se s tem predlogom strinjajo.
307 (2) Če se večina Članic, določena v skladu s št. 47 te Konvencije, strinja s predlogom, mora Generalni sekretar o tem preko najustreznejših telekomunikacijskih sredstev takoj obvestiti vse Članice, skupščina oziroma konferenca pa bosta nato preklicani.
308 4. Postopki, navedeni v št. od 301 do 307 zgoraj, z izjemo št. 306, se uporabljajo tudi za predloge za sklic druge svetovne konference o standardizaciji telekomunikacij ali za preklic druge svetovne radiokomunikacijske konference ali druge radiokomunikacijske skupščine, ki jih je dal Svet.
309 5. Vsaka Članica Zveze, ki bi rada sklicala svetovno konferenco o mednarodnih telekomunikacijah, mora to predlagati Konferenci pooblaščenih predstavnikov; dnevni red, točen kraj in čas takšne konference se določijo v skladu z določbami 3. člena te Konvencije.
27. člen
Postopek za sklic regijskih konferenc na zahtevo Članic
Zveze ali na predlog Sveta
310 V primeru regijske konference veljajo postopki, opisani v št. 300 do 305 te Konvencije samo za Članice zadevne regije. Če se Konferenca skliče na pobudo Članic te regije, potem zadostuje, da Generalni sekretar prejme enake prošnje od četrtine članic iz tiste regije. Postopki, opisani v št. 301 do 305 te Konvencije veljajo tudi v. primeru, če je pobudo za sklic takšne Konference dal Svet.
28. člen
Določbe za zasedanje Konference, če ni vlade gostiteljice
311 V primeru, da je treba pripraviti konferenco brez vlade gostiteljice, veljajo določbe iz 23., 24. in 25. člena te Konvencije. Generalni sekretar ukrene vse potrebno za sklic in organizacijo Konference na sedežu Zveze po dogovoru z vlado Švicarske konfederacije.
29. člen
Sprememba kraja ali datuma konference
312 1. Določbe 26. in 27. člena te Konvencije za sklic konference veljajo analogno tudi v primerih, ko Članice Zveze zahtevajo ali Svet predlaga spremembo točnega kraja in/ali datuma Konference. Vendar pa se te spremembe v skladu s št. 47 te Konvencije opravijo le v primeru, kadar se zanje izreče večina Članic.
313 2. Članica, ki predlaga spremembo določenega kraja in točnega datuma Konference, je dolžna za svoj predlog pridobiti podporo potrebnega števila drugih Članic.
314 3. V takšnem primeru mora Generalni sekretar v sporočilu, navedenem v št. 301 te Konvencije, navesti možne finančne posledice spreminjanja kraja in datuma, kot so na primer že nastali izdatki za pripravo konference v kraju, ki je bil prvotno izbran.
30. člen
Roki in pogoji za predložitev predlogov in poročil
315 1. Določbe tega člena veljajo za Konferenco pooblaščenih predstavnikov, svetovne in regijske konference o radiokomunikacijah ter za svetovne konference o mednarodnih telekomunikacijah.
316 2. Takoj potem, ko so vabila razposlana, mora Generalni sekretar zaprositi Članice, naj mu vsaj štiri mesece pred pričetkom Konference pošljejo svoje predloge za delo Konference.
317 3. Vsi predlogi, katerih sprejem bi pomenil dopolnitev besedila Ustave ali te Konvencije ali revizijo Izvršilnega pravilnika, morajo biti ob robu označeni s številkami, ki pojasnjujejo, kateri deli besedila zahtevajo takšne dopolnitve ali revizije. Vzroki za predloge morajo biti podani v vsakem primeru, v najkrajši možni obliki.
318 4. Vsak predlog Članice Zveze označi Generalni sekretar tako, da je določljiv njegov izvor, in sicer z oznako, ki jo je Zveza določila tej Članici. Če predlog pošlje več Članic skupaj, se ga, kolikor je mogoče, označi z oznako vsake Članice.
319 5. Generalni sekretar takoj po prejemu razpošlje. predloge vsem Članicam.
320 6. Generalni sekretar zbere-in koordinira predloge, ki jih prejme od Članic, in jih takoj po prejemu, v vsakem primeru pa najmanj dva meseca pred pričetkom Konference, razpošlje Članicam. Voljeni funkcionarji in uslužbenci Zveze, prav tako pa tudi opazovalci in predstavniki, ki se morda udeležijo Konference v skladu z ustreznimi določbami te Konvencije, nimajo pravice pošiljati predlogov.
321 7. Generalni sekretar zbira tudi poročila, ki jih prejme od Članic, Sveta in Sektorjev Zveze, ter priporočila konferenc, ki jih nato pošlje Članicam skupaj z morebitnimi poročili Generalnega sekretarja vsaj štiri mesece pred pričetkom konference.
322 8. Predloge, ki prispejo po rokih, navedenih v št. 316 zgoraj, pošlje Generalni sekretar Članicam takoj, ko je to mogoče.
323 9. Določbe tega člena se uporablja brez škode za določbe o dopolnitvah iz 55. člena Ustave in 42. člena te Konvencije.
31. člen
Poverilnice za konference
324 1. Delegacija, ki jo pošlje Članica Zveze na Konferenco pooblaščenih predstavnikov, na radiokomunikacijsko konferenco ali na svetovno konferenco o mednarodnih telekomunikacijah, mora biti ustrezno pooblaščena v skladu s št. od 325 do 331 spodaj.
325 2. (1) Delegacije na Konferencah pooblaščenih predstavnikov so pooblaščene z dokumenti, ki jih podpiše šef države, šef vlade ali minister za zunanje zadeve.
326 (2) Delegacije za druge Konference, navedene v št. 324 zgoraj, so pooblaščene z dokumenti, ki jih podpiše šef države, šef vlade, minister za zunanje zadeve ali minister, ki je odgovoren za področje, obravnavano na Konferenci.
327 (3) Delegacijo lahko začasno pooblasti šef diplomatske misije Članice pri vladi gostiteljici, kadar gre za potrditev pred podpisom sklepnega dokumenta s strani enega od organov, navedenih v št. 325 ali 326 zgoraj. Če je konferenca v Švicarski konfederaciji, lahko delegacijo začasno pooblasti šef stalne delegacije zadevne Članice v Uradu Združenih narodov v Ženevi.
328 3. Poverilnice se sprejmejo, če jih podpiše eden od pristojnih organov iz št. od 325 do 327 zgoraj in če izpolnjujejo enega od naslednjih pogojev:
329 – če prenašajo vsa pooblastila na delegacijo;
330 – če pooblaščajo delegacijo, da brez omejitev zastopa svojo vlado;
331 – če dajejo delegaciji oziroma -določenim članom pravico, da podpiše sklepni dokument.
332 4. (1) Delegacija, za katero je bilo do plenarnega zasedanja ugotovljeno, da so njene poverilnice veljavne, ima, pravico, da glasuje v imenu zadevne Članice v skladu z določbami št. 169 in 210 Ustave in da podpiše sklepni dokument.
333 (2) Delegacija, za katero je bilo do plenarnega zasedanja ugotovljeno, da njene poverilnice nišo v redu, nima pravice do glasovanja in do podpisovanja sklepnega dokumenta, dokler se položaj ne uredi.
334 5. Poverilnice je treba oddati Sekretariatu konference čimprej je mogoče. Komiteju, navedenemu v št. 361 te Konvencije, se poveri njihova overitev, o svojih ugotovitvah pa mora poročati plenarnemu zasedanju v času, ki ga določi zasedanje. Po odločitvi plenarnega zasedanja dobi vsaka delegacija pravico sodelovati na konferenci in pravico do glasovanja v imenu zadevne Članice.
335 6. Praviloma se morajo Članice Zveze potruditi, da pošljejo na Konference Zveze lastne delegacije. V primeru pa, ko zaradi izjemnih vzrokov Članica ne more poslati svoje delegacije, lahko delegaciji druge Članice da pooblastilo, da v njenem imenu glasuje in podpisuje. Ta pooblastila morajo biti prenesena z dokumentom, ki ga podpiše eden od organov oblasti, naveden v št. 325 ali 326. zgoraj.
336 7. Delegacija, ki ima pravico glasovanja, lahko drugi delegaciji, ki ima pravico glasovanja, poveri mandat, da lahko glasuje zanjo na enem ali več zasedanjih, ki se jih ne more udeležiti. V takšnem primeru mora popreje pisno obvestiti predsednika konference.
337 8. Delegacija ne sme izvesti več kot eno glasovanje preko zastopnika.
338 9. Poverilnice in prenosi pooblastil, ki so poslani s telegramom, se ne sprejmejo. Kljub temu pa so po telegramu sprejemljivi odgovori, ki na zahtevo predsednika ali Sekretariata Konference pojasnjujejo poverilnice.
339 10. Članica ali pooblaščena ustanova ali organizacija, ki namerava poslati delegacijo ali zastopnike na Konferenco o standardizaciji telekomunikacij, Konferenco o razvoju telekomunikacij ali na radiokomunikacijsko skupščino, mora o tem obvestiti direktorja Urada zadevnega Sektorja ter navesti imena in funkcije članov delegacije oziroma zastopnikov.
32. člen
Poslovniki konferenc in drugih zasedanj
340 Poslovnik se uporablja brez škode za določbe o dopolnitvah iz 55. člena Ustave in 42. člena te Konvencije.
1. Razpored sedežev
341 Na zasedanjih Konferenc se delegacije razporedijo po abecednem vrstnem redu francoskih nazivov za prisotne Članice.
2. Slovesno odprtje konference
342 1. (1) Pred slovesnim odprtjem Konference je srečanje vodij delegacij, med katerim pripravijo dnevni red za prvo plenarno zasedanje in predloge za organizacijo', za predsednike in podpredsednike konference in njenih komitejev, pri tem pa morajo upoštevati načela kroženja, geografske razporeditve, potrebne pristojnosti in določbe iz št. 346 spodaj.
343 (2) Predsednika srečanja vodij delegacij se imenuje v skladu z določbami št. 344 in 345 spodaj.
344 2. (1) Konferenco odpre oseba, ki jo imenuje vlada gostiteljica.
345 (2) Če ni vlade gostiteljice, odpre konferenco najstarejši vodja delegacije.
346 3. (1) Predsednik Konference mora biti izvoljen na prvem plenarnem zasedanju; običajno je to oseba, ki jo imenuje vlada gostiteljica.
347 (2) Če ni vlade gostiteljice, se predsednika izbere ob upoštevanju predlogov vodij delegacij na zasedanju, opisanem v št. 342 zgoraj.
348 4. Na prvem plenarnem zasedanju je treba:
349 a) izvoliti podpredsednike konference;
350 b) ustanoviti komiteje konference in izvoliti njihove predsednike in podpredsednike;
351 c) v skladu s št. 97 te Konvencije določiti Sekretariat Konference'; po potrebi je mogoče sekretariat okrepiti z uslužbenci, ki jih priskrbi administracija vlade gostiteljice.
3. Pooblastila predsednika konference
352 1. Poleg drugih pravic, ki mu jih daje ta Poslovnik, predsednik odpira in končuje plenarna zasedanja, usmerja posvetovanja, zagotavlja izvajanje Poslovnika, vabi govornike na oder, daje vprašanja na glasovanje in razglaša sprejete sklepe..
353 2. Na splošno usmerja vse delo Konference in zagotavlja red na plenarnih zasedanjih. Razsoja o predlogih dnevnega reda ali o točkah dnevnega reda, še posebej pa ima pravico, da predlaga, naj se razprava o kakšni zadevi preloži ali konča ali pa naj se zasedanje začasno prekine ali preloži. Če se mu zdi potrebno, lahko tudi preloži sklic plenarnega zasedanja.
354 3. Dolžnost predsednika je tudi, da zaščiti pravico vsake delegacije, da lahko popolnoma in svobodno pove svoje mnenje o obravnavani zadevi.
355 4. Zagotavljati mora omejitev razprav samo na obravnavano zadevo in lahko vsakega razpravljalca, ki se od tega odmakne, prekine in ga zaprosi, naj svoje pripombe omeji samo na obravnavano zadevo.
4. Ustanovitev komitejev
356 1. Plenarno zasedanje lahko ustanovi komiteje, ki naj obravnavajo zadeve, o katerih se razpravlja na konferenci. Ti komiteji lahko kasneje ustanovijo podkomiteje. Komiteji in podkomiteji lahko ustanovijo delovne skupine.
357 2. Podkomiteji in delovne komisije se ustanovijo po potrebi.
358 3. V skladu z določbami iz št. 356 in 357 zgoraj se ustanovi naslednje komiteje:
4.1 Usmerjalni komite
359 a) Ta komite običajno sestavljajo predsednik konference ali zasedanja, ki postane tudi predsednik komiteja, podpredsednik konference ter predsedniki in podpredsedniki komitejev;
360 b) Usmerjalni komite koordinira vse zadeve, ki so povezane s tekočim izvajanjem dela, ter načrtuje dnevni red in število zasedanj, pri tem pa se skuša izogniti prekrivanju, če je to le mogoče, glede na omejeno število članov nekaterih delegacij.
4.2. Komite za poverilnice
361 Konferenca pooblaščenih predstavnikov, Konferenca o radiokomunikacijah ali svetovna konferenca o mednarodnih telekomunikacijah določijo komite za poverilnice, ki je pooblaščen za overjanje poverilnic delegacij za navedene Konference. Komite nato v času, ki ga določi plenarno zasedanje, slednjemu poroča o svojih ugotovitvah.
4.3. Uredniški komite
362 a) Besedila, ki jih pripravijo različni komiteji in ki jih, kolikor je mogoče, dokončno oblikujejo, pri tem pa pazijo na v njih izražena mnenja, se pošljejo uredniškemu odboru, ki je zadolžen, da jih dokončno oblikuje, ne da bi spreminjal njihov smisel, in da jih kombinira s tistimi deli prejšnjega besedila, ki niso bili spremenjeni.
363 b) Uredniški komite mora besedila poslati plenarnemu zasedanju, ki jih nato potrdi ali pa jih vrne ustreznemu komiteju v nadaljnjo obdelavo.
4.4. Proračunski nadzorni komite
364 a) Plenarno zasedanje na začetku vsake Konference imenuje Proračunski nadzorni komite, ki določi organizacijo in ugodnosti, ki so na voljo delegatom, in ki pregleda in potrdi račune za stroške, ki so nastali med Konferenco. Poleg članov delegacij, ki želijo sodelovati v njem, so v komite vključeni tudi predstavniki General nega sekretarja, direktorja zadevnega Urada, in če obstaja, tudi predstavniki vlade gostiteljice.
365 b) Preden je proračun za konferenco, ki ga je odobril Svet, izčrpan do konca, mora Proračunski nadzorni komite v sodelovanju s Sekretariatom konference podati vmesno poročilo o stroških plenarnega zasedanja. Plenarno zasedanje nato preuči to poročilo in oceni, ali doseženi napredek opravičuje podaljšanje Konference po datumu, ko bo odobreni proračun izčrpan.
366 c) Po koncu vsake konference mora Proračunski nadzorni komite podati plenarnemu zasedanju poročilo, v katerem mora čimbolj natančno navesti vse stroške Konference, prav tako pa tudi oceno stroškov, ki bi jih sprožilo izvajanje sklepov, ki jih je sprejela Konferenca.
367 d) Potem ko plenarno zasedanje pregleda in potrdi omenjeno poročilo, ga je treba, skupaj s pripombami plenarnega zasedanja, poslati Generalnemu sekretarju, ki ga predloži Svetu na njegovem naslednjem rednem zasedanju.
5. Sestava komitejev
5.1. Konference pooblaščenih predstavnikov
368 Komiteje se sestavi iz delegatov Članic ter opazovalcev, navedenih v št. 269 te Konvencije, ki so za to zaprosili ali ki so bili določeni na plenarnem zasedanju.
5.2. Konference o radiokomunikacijah in svetovne konference o mednarodnih telekomunikacijah
369 Komiteje se sestavi iz delegatov Članic in opazoval cev ter predstavnikov, navedenih v št. 278, 279 in 280 te Konvencije, ki so za to zaprosili ali so bili določeni na plenarnem zasedanju.
5.3. Radiokomunikacijske skupščine, Konference o standardizaciji telekomunikacij in Konference o razvoju telekomunikacij
370 Poleg delegatov Članic in opazovalcev, navedenih v št. od 259 do 262 te Konvencije, lahko na radiokomunikacijskih skupščinah ter v komitejih konferenc za standardizacijo telekomunikacij in za razvoj telekomunikacij sodelujejo tudi predstavniki katerekoli ustanove ali organizacije, vključene v ustreznem spisku, navedenem v št. 237 te Konvencije.
6. Predsedniki in podpredsedniki podkomitejev
371 Predsednik vsakega komiteja lahko svojemu komiteju predlaga izbor predsednikov in podpredsednikov podkomitejev, ki so jih morda ustanovili.
7. Sklicevanje sestankov
372 Plenarna zasedanja ter sestanki komitejev, podkomitejev in delovnih skupin morajo biti pravočasno najavljeni na kraju zasedanja konference.
8. Predlogi, poslani pred odprtjem konference
373 Predlogi, ki so bili poslani pred odprtjem konference, morajo biti na plenarnem zasedanju oddani ustreznim komitejem, ustanovljenim v skladu s 4. delom tega Poslovnika. Kljub temu pa plenarno zasedanje odloči o nadaljnjem ravnanju s predlogom.
9. Predlogi ali dopolnila, predstavljeni med konferenco
374 1. Predloge ali dopolnila, ki so predloženi po začetku konference, je treba oddati predsedniku konference, predsedniku ustreznega komiteja ali Sekretariatu konference, da jih objavijo in razdelijo kot konferenčne dokumente.
375 2. Noben predlog ali dopolnilo ne smeta biti oddana, če ju ni podpisal vodja zadevne delegacije oziroma njegov namestnik.
376 3. Predsednik konference, komiteja, podkomiteja ali delovne skupine lahko kadarkoli poda predloge, ki bi morda pospešili razprave.
377 4. Vsak predlog ali dopolnilo morata natančno in določno označiti besedilo, ki ga je treba obravnavati.
378 5. (1) Predsednik konference ali predsednik ustreznega komiteja, podkomiteja ali delovne skupine mora o vsakem primeru odločiti, ali bo predlog ali dopolnilo, predložen med zasedanjem, podan ustno ali pa objavljen in razdeljen vpisni obliki v skladu s št. 374 zgoraj.
379 (2) Na splošno velja, da morajo biti vsi pomembni predlogi, o katerih je treba glasovati, pravočasno razdeljeni v vseh delovnih jezikih Konference, tako da jih je mogoče pred razpravo preučiti.
380 (3) Poleg tega lahko predsednik konference po prejemu predlogov ali dopolnil, navedenih v št. 374 zgoraj, le-te glede na zadevo pošlje ustreznemu komiteju ali plenarnemu zasedanju.
381 6. Vsaka pooblaščena oseba lahko na plenarnem zasedanju prebere ali zahteva branje kateregakoli predloga ali dopolnila, ki ga je izročila med konferenco, in. ima pravico, da pojasni svoje razloge za to.
10. Pogoji za razpravo, odločitev ali glasovanje o kateremkoli predlogu ali dopolnilu
382 1. O nobenem predlogu ali dopolnilu ni mogoče razpravljati, če ga ne podpira vsaj še ena delegacija, ko pride na vrsto za obravnavo.
383 2. Vsak predlog ali dopolnilo, ki sta ustrezno podprta, je treba dati v obravnavo in nato v odločanje, po potrebi tudi z glasovanjem.
11. Prezrti ali prestavljeni predlogi ali dopolnila
384 Če je, predlog ali dopolnilo prezrto ali. če je njegova obravnava preložena, mora delegacija, ki ga podpira, poskrbeti, da ga bodo obravnavali kasneje.
12. Pravila za razprave na plenarnem zasedanju 12.1 Sklepčnost
385 Za veljavno glasovanje med plenarnim zasedanjem mora biti na zasedanju prisotna ali pa zastopana več kot polovica delegacij, pooblaščenih za konferenco in s pravico glasovanja.
72.2. Potek razprav
386 (1) Osebe, ki želijo govoriti, morajo pred tem dobiti dovoljenje predsednika. Po splošnem pravilu mora vsakdo najprej pojasniti, v kakšni funkciji nastopa.
387 (2) Vsak govornik mora govoriti počasi in razločno, ločevati besede in po potrebi narediti premor, tako da ga lahko vsakdo razume.
72. J. Spreminjevalni predlogi dnevnega reda in točke_ dnevnega reda
388 (1) Med razpravami lahko vsaka delegacija, kadar se ji zdi primerno, poda spreminjevalni predlog dnevnega reda ali poudari točko dnevnega reda, kar mora predsednik v skladu s tem Poslovnikom takoj urediti. Katerakoli delegacija se lahko pritoži na predsednikovo odločitev, ki pa ostane veljavna, razen če proti njej ni večina prisotnih in glasujočih delegacij.
389 (2) Delegacija, ki da spreminjevalni predlog dnevnega reda, med svojim govorom ne sme razpravljati o bistvu takrat obravnavane zadeve.
12.4. Prednostni red spreminjevalnih predlogov in točk dnevnega reda
390 Spreminjevalni predlogi in točke dnevnega reda, navedeni v št. 388 te Konvencije, se obravnavajo po naslednjem vrstnem redu:
391 a) Katerakoli točka dnevnega reda v zvezi z izvajanjem tega Poslovnika, vključno z glasovalnimi postopki;
392 b) Prekinitev zasedanja;
393 c) Odlog zasedanja;
394 d) Preložitev razprave o obravnavani zadevi;
e) Končanje razprave o obravnavani zadevi;
396 f) Vsi drugi oddani spreminjevalni predlogi dnevnega reda ali točk dnevnega reda, za katere predsedujoči določi relativni vrstni red obravnave.
12.5. Predlogi za prekinitev ali odlog zasedanja
397 Med razpravo o določenem vprašanju lahko delegacija predlaga, da se zasedanje prekine ali odloži, in navede vzroke za svoj predlog. Če je predlog podprt, dobita besedo samo za to zadevo dva govornika, ki nasprotujeta prekinitvi ali odlogu, nato pa se da predlog na glasovanje.
12.6. Predlog za preložitev razprave
398 Med razpravo o kateremkoli vprašanju lahko delegacija predlaga, da se razprava preloži za' določen čas. Po takem predlogu se razprava omeji na samo tri govornike, ne računajoč na osebo, ki je podala predlog, na enega za predlog in dva proti njemu, potem pa se da predlog na glasovanje.
12.7. Predlog za končanje razprave
399 Delegacija lahko kadarkoli predlaga, da se raz prave o določeni točki končajo. V takem primeru dobita besedo največ dva govornika, ki nasprotujeta predlogu, nato se da predlog na glasovanje. Če je predlog sprejet, predsednik takoj zahteva glasovanje o točki v razpravi.
12.8 Omejevanje govorov
400 (1) Na plenarnem zasedanju se lahko po potrebi določi, koliko govorov lahko ima ena delegacija o določeni zadevi in kako dolgi smejo biti. 401. (2) Kljub temu lahko predsednik zaradi proceduralnih zadev omeji dovoljeni čas razprav na največ pet minut.
402 (3) Če govornik preseže dovoljeni čas, predsednik o tem obvesti zasedanje in od govornika zahteva, naj na kratko konča razpravo.
12.9. Zapiranje spiska govornikov
403 (1) Med razpravo lahko predsednik odredi, da se prebere spisek govornikov, ki bi želeli nastopiti. Spisku lahko doda še imena drugih delegacij, ki želijo nastopiti, nato pa lahko v soglasju z zasedanjem odloči, da je spisek zaprt. Kljub temu lahko predsednik, izjemoma in če se mu zdi to potrebno, odloči, da je možna replika na katerokoli predhodno izjavo tudi po tem, ko je spisek govornikov zaprt.
404 (2) Ko je spisek govornikov izčrpan, predsednik razglasi, da je razprava o zadevi končana.
12.10. Vprašanja o pristojnosti 405. Katerokoli vprašanje o pristojnosti, ki se morda pojavi, je treba urediti pred glasovanjem o bistvu obravnavane zadeve.
12.11 Umik in ponovna vročitev predloga
406 Avtor lahko predlog umakne, preden je dan na glasovanje. Avtor dopolnila ali katerakoli druga delegacija lahko katerikoli predlog, dopolnjen ali ne, ki je bil umaknjen iz razprave, ponovno odda v razpravo.
13. Pravica do glasovanja
407 1. Delegacija Članice Zveze, ki jo je ta Članica pravilno pooblastila za sodelovanje pri delu konference, ima v skladu s 3. členom Ustave pravico do enega glasu na vseh zasedanjih konference.
408 2. Delegacija Članice Zveze izvaja pravico glasovanja pod pogoji, opisanimi v 31. členu te Konvencije.
409 3. Če Članice na radiokomunikacijski skupščini, svetovni konferenci o standardizaciji telekomunikacij ali na konferenci o razvoju telekomunikacij ne zastopa njen upravni organ, imajo predstavniki priznanih upravljalskih agencij zadevne Članice kot celota in ne glede na njihovo število pravico do enega glasu v skladu z določbami št. 239 te Konvencije. Za te konference veljajo določbe od št. 335 do 338 te Konvencije, ki se nanašajo na prenos pooblastil.
14. Glasovanje
14.1. Določitev večine
410 (1) Večino sestavlja več kot polovica prisotnih in glasujočih delegacij.
411 (2) Pri izračunavanju večine se ne upošteva vzdržanih delegacij.
412 (3) V primeru neodločenega rezultata velja, da je predlog ali dopolnilo zavrnjen.
413 (4) Po tem Poslovniku velja, da je "prisotna in glasujoča delegacija" tista delegacija, ki glasuje za predlog ali proti njemu.
14.2. Nesodelovanje pri glasovanju
414 Delegacije, ki so prisotne, vendar ne sodelujejo pri določenem glasovanju ali so izrecno izjavile, da ne želijo sodelovati, se ne štejejo kot odsotne pri določanju sklepčnosti iz št. 385 te Konvencije niti kot vzdržane pri izvajanju določb št. 416 spodaj.
14.3 Posebna večina
415 V primerih, ko se sprejemajo nove Članice Zveze, velja večina, ki je opisana v 2. členu Ustave.
14.4. Več kot petdeset odstotkov vzdržanih
416 Če število vzdržanih presega polovico oddanih glasov (za, proti, vzdržanih), se odločanje o obravnavani zadevi prenese na poznejše zasedanje, med katerim pa se vzdržani glasovi ne upoštevajo.
14.5. Glasovalni postopki
417 (1) Glasovalni postopki so naslednji:
418 a) običajno z dvigom rok, razen če ni bilo zahtevano poimensko glasovanje pod b) ali tajno glasovanje pod c);
419 b) s klicanjem imen (poimenskim glasovanjem) po abecednem redu francoskih nazivov za Članice, ki so prisotne in glasujejo:
420 1. če to zahtevata pred pričetkom glasovanja vsaj dve prisotni delegaciji s pravico glasovanja in če ni bilo zahtevano tajno glasovanje pod c), ali
421 2. če postopek pod a) ne da jasne večine;
422 c) s tajnim glasovanjem, če to zahteva pred pričetkom glasovanja vsaj pet prisotnih delegacij s pravico glasovanja.
423 (2) Pred pričetkom glasovanja mora predsednik upoštevati vsako zahtevo o načinu glasovanja, nato pa uradno najavi, kateri glasovalni postopek bo uporabljen in o kateri zadevi se bo glasovalo. Nato objavi začetek glasovanja, po končanem glasovanju pa razglasi rezultate.
424 (3) V primeru tajnega glasovanja mora sekretariat takoj ukreniti potrebno zagotovitev tajnosti glasovanja.
425 (4) Glasovanje se lahko izvede tudi z elektronskim sistemom, če je na voljo ustrezen sistem in če se konferenca s tem strinja.
14.6. Prepoved prekinitve glasovanja po pričetku
426 Ko se glasovanje začne, ga ne sme prekiniti nobena delegacija, razen če hoče opozoriti na točko, povezano z načinom izvajanja glasovanja. Ta točka ne more vsebovati nobenega predloga, ki bi povzročil spremembo glasovanja, ki poteka; ali spremembo bistva zadeve, o kateri se glasuje. Glasovanje se začne z obvestilom predsednika, da se je glasovanje pričelo, konča pa se s predsednikovim poročilom o izidu glasovanja.
14.7. Utemeljitev glasovanja
427 Po opravljenem glasovanju lahko predsednik do voli katerikoli delegaciji, ki to želi, da utemelji svoje glasovanje.
14-8. Glasovanje o delih predloga.
428 (1) Če to zahteva avtor predloga ali če, se to zasedanju zdi primerno ali če tako predlaga predsednik z odobritvijo avtorja, se lahko predlog razdeli na dele, o vsakem delu pa se nato glasuje posebej. Za dele predloga, ki so bili sprejeti, se potem glasuje kot za celoto.
429 (2) Če so zavrnjeni vsi deli predloga, velja, da je zavrnjen tudi predlog kot celota.
14.9. Vrstni red glasovanja o konkurenčnih predlogih 430 (1).Kadar sta dva ali več predlogov za eno samo zadevo, se dajo na glasovanje po vrsti, kot so bili predlagani, razen če zasedanje ne odloči drugače.
431 (2) Po vsakem glasovanju se zasedanje odloči, ali je treba glasovati tudi o naslednjem predlogu.
14.10. Dopolnila
432 (1) Za dopolnilo velja vsak oblikovalni predlog, ki zajema samo izbris iz, dodatek k ali spremembo enega dela originalnega predloga.
433 (2) Vsako dopolnilo k predlogu, ki ga sprejme tudi delegacija, ki je predlog podala, se takoj vnese v izvirni predlog.
434 (3) Kot dopolnilo pa ni sprejet noben oblikovalni predlog, za katerega zasedanje meni, da ni v skladu z originalnim predlogom.
14.11. Glasovanje o dopolnilih
435 (1) Kadar je podano dopolnilo k predlogu, je treba najprej glasovati o dopolnilu.
436 (2) Kadar sta predloženi dve ali več dopolnil k predlogu, se najprej glasuje o dopolnilu, ki je najdlje od originalnega besedila; če to dopolnilo ne dobi podpore večine, se nadalje glasuje o tistem od predlaganih dopolnil, ki je najdlje od predloga; isti postopek se ponavlja, dokler določeno dopolnilo ne dobi potrebne večine. Če nobeno dopolnilo ne dobi potrebne večine, se da na glasovanje predlog brez dopolnil.
437 (3) Če je sprejeto eno ali več dopolnil, se da na glasovanje tako dopolnjen predlog.
14.12. Ponovitev glasovanja
438 (1) O predlogu, delu predloga ali dopolnila, ki je že bil izglasovan v enem od komitejev, podkomitejev ali delovnih skupin konference ali zasedanja, se ne more več glasovati v okviru istega komiteja, podkomiteja ali de lovne skupine. To je treba upoštevati ne glede na izbrani postopek glasovanja.
439 (2) O predlogu, delu predloga ali o dopolnilu se na plenarnem zasedanju ne bo ponovno glasovalo, razen:
440 a) če tega ne zahteva večina Članic, ki imajo pravico glasovanja, in
441 b) če ni bila podana zahteva za ponovitev glasovanja vsaj en dan po že izvedenem glasovanju.
15. Pravilnik za razprave in glasovalne postopke v komitejih in podkomitejih
442 1. Predsedniki vseh komitejev in podkomitejev imajo podobna pooblastila, kot jih predsedniku konference dajejo določbe 3. točke tega Poslovnika.
443 2. Določbe iz 12. točke tega Poslovnika za vodenje razprav na plenarnem zasedanju veljajo tudi za razprave v komitejih in podkomitejih, razen v zadevah v zvezi s sklepčnostjo.
444 3. Določbe iz 14. točke tega Poslovnika veljajo tudi za glasovanja v komitejih in podkomitejih.
16. Pridržki
445 1. Če se druge delegacije ne strinjajo s stališči neke delegacije, velja splošno pravilo, da se mora takšna delegacija čimbolj uskladiti z mnenjem večine.
446 2. Če pa se neki delegaciji zdi, da je katerikoli sklep takšen, da bi njeno vlado oviral pri tem, da se strinja, da jo obvezujejo dopolnila Ustave in te Konvencije ali popravki Izvršilnega pravilnika, lahko delegacija sprejme pridržke, bodisi dokončne ali začasne, v zvezi s takšnim sklepom; vsak tak pridržek lahko izrazi delegacija v imenu Članice, ki ne sodeluje na Konferenci in ki je tej delegaciji dala pooblastila zastopnika za podpis sklepnega dokumenta v skladu z določbami 31. člena te Konvencije.
17. Zapisniki plenarnih zasedanj
447 1. Zapisnike plenarnih zasedanj vodi Sekretariat konference, ki zagotavlja, da bodo poslani delegacijam, kolikor hitro je mogoče, v nobenem primeru pa ne kasneje kot v petih delovnih dneh po vsakem zasedanju.
448 2. Ko so zapisniki razposlani, lahko delegacije sekretariatu pošljejo pisne popravke, ki se jim zdijo upravičeni; to morajo storiti v najkrajšem možnem času. To pa jih ne ovira, da ne bi na zasedanju, na katerem potrjujejo zapisnik, ustno podali svojih dopolnil.
449 3. (1) Na splošno vsebujejo zapisniki samo predloge in sklepe, skupaj z najpomembnejšimi argumenti zanje in so predstavljeni čimbolj zgoščeno.
450 (2) Kljub temu ima vsaka delegacija pravico zahtevati, da se v zapisnik vnese tudi njena izjava med razpravo, bodisi povzeta ali v celoti. V tem primeru mora delegacija to najaviti že na začetku svoje izjave, da bi tako olajšala delo poročevalcem, sama pa mora besedilo izročiti Sekretariatu Konference v dveh urah po koncu zasedanja.
451 4. Pravica iz št. 450 zgoraj, v zvezi z vnašanjem izjav v zapisnik, mora biti biti v vseh primerih preudarno uporabljena.
18. Povzetki zapisnikov in poročila komitejev in pod-. komitejev
452 1. (1) Sekretariat konference pripravlja povzetke zapisnikov razprav na zasedanjih komitejev in podkomite-jev za vsako zasedanje posebej, nato pa poskrbi, da so razdeljeni med delegacije najkasneje v petih dneh po vsakem končanem zasedanju. V zapisnikih so navedene bistvene točke razprav in različnih mnenj, ki jih je bilo treba zapisati, vključno z vsakokratnimi predlogi ali sklepi, ki so rezultat celotne razprave.
453 (2) Ne glede na to pa ima vsaka delegacija pravico, da se sklicuje na št. 450 zgoraj.
454 (3) Pravica, ki izhaja iz št. 453 zgoraj, mora biti v vseh primerih preudarno uporabljena.
455 2. Komiteji in podkomiteji lahko pripravijo kakršnakoli vmesna poročila, ki se jim zdijo potrebna, in lahko po končanem delu, če to zahtevajo okoliščine, podajo končno poročilo, v katerem natančno rekapituli-rajo vse predloge in sklepe iz študij, ki so jim bile zaupane.
19. Potrditev zapisnikov, povzetkov zapisnikov in poročil
456- 1. (1) Praviloma mora predsednik na začetku vsakega plenarnega zasedanja oziroma zasedanja komiteja ali podkomiteja vprašati, ali obstajajo morebitne pripombe na zapisnik prejšnjega zasedanja oziroma v primeru komitejev in podkomitejev na povzetek zapisnika prejšnjega zasedanja Ti dokumenti veljajo kot potrjeni, če Sekretariatu niso bila izročena nobena dopolnila in če ni bilo ustnih pripomb nanje. V nasprotnem primeru je treba ustrezna dopolnila vnesti v zapisnik oziroma v povzetek zapisnika.
457 (2) Ustrezni komite ali podkomite mora odobriti vsako vmesno ali končno poročilo.
458 2.(1) Predsednik mora pregledati in potrditi zapisnik zadnjega plenarnega zasedanja.
459 (2) Povzetke zapisnikov zadnjih zasedanj vsakega komiteja ali podkomiteja pregleda in potrdi predsednik komiteja ali podkomiteja.
20. Oštevilčenje
460 1. Številke poglavij, členov in odstavkov besedil, ki se bodo še popravljala, se ohranijo do prvega branja na plenarnem zasedanju. Dodani odlomki imajo začasno številke prejšnjega odstavka v izvirnem besedilu in dodane črke "A", "B" itd.
461 2. Končno oštevilčenje poglavij, členov in odstavkov je običajno zaupano Uredniškemu komiteju potem, ko so bili sprejeti na prvem branju, vendar pa se lahko na plenarnem zasedanju z odlokom to prenese na Generalnega sekretarja.
21. Končna odobritev
462 Besedila končnih dokumentov Konference pooblaščenih predstavnikov, radiokomunikacijske konference ali svetovne konference o mednarodnih telekomunikacijah veljajo za dokončne, ko dobijo odobritev na drugem branju na Plenarnem zasedanju.
22. Podpis
463 Besedila končnih dokumentov, ki so odobrena na konferencah, navedenih pod št. 462 zgoraj, se dajo v podpis delegatom, ki imajo pooblastila, določena v 31. členu te Konvencije, po abecednem redu imen Članic v francoskem jeziku.
23. Odnosi s tiskom in javnostjo
464 1. Uradne izjave za tisk o delu Konference se dajejo samo s pooblastilom predsednika konference.
465 2. Tisk in javnost sta lahko do neke ustrezne mere prisotna na Konferenci v skladu s smernicami, potrjenimi na sestanku vodij delegacij, navedenem v št. 342 zgoraj, ter po praktičnih načrtih, ki jih pripravi Generalni sekretar. Prisotnost tiska in javnosti ne sme na noben način motiti normalnega poteka zasedanja.
466 3. Druga zasedanja zveze niso odprta za tisk in javnost, razen če na določenem zasedanju ni odločeno drugače.
24. Frankirni privilegiji
467 Med Konferenco imajo člani delegacij, predstavniki Članic Sveta, člani Odbora za radijsko regulativo, višji funkcionarji Generalnega sekretariata in Sektorjev Zveze, ki se udeležujejo konference, ter osebje sekretariata Zveze, ki je bilo poslano na konferenco, pravico do poštnih, telegramskih, telefonskih in teleksnih frankirnih privilegijev do obsega, kot ga je pripravila vlada gostiteljica v sporazumu z drugimi vladami in ustreznimi priznanimi upravljalskimi agencijami.
Druge določbe
33. člen
468 1. (1) Lestvica, po kateri si vsaka Članica določi svoj prispevni razred v skladu z ustreznimi določbami 28. člena Ustave, je naslednja:.
razred 40 enot
razred 35 enot
razred 30 enot
razred 28 enot
razred 25 enot
razred 23 enot
razred 20 enot
razred 18 enot
razred 15 enot
razred 13 enot
razred 10 enot
razred 8 enot
razred 5 enot
razred 4 enot
razred 3 enot
razred 2 enot
razred 1 1/2 enote
razred 1 enote
razred 1/2 enote
razred 1/4 enote
razred 1/8 enote*
razred 1/16 enote*
(* za najmanj razvite države, kot so navedene na spisku Združenih narodov, in za druge Članice, ki jih določi Svet)
469 (2) Dodatno k prispevnim razredom, navedenim pod št; 468 zgoraj, lahko vsaka Članica izbere število prispevnih enot nad 40.
.470 (3) Generalni sekretar posreduje odločitev vsake Članice o prispevnem razredu vsem Članicam Zveze.
471 (4) Članice lahko, kadarkoli želijo, povišajo svoj prispevni razred.
472 2. (1) Vsaka nova Članica mora v letu svojega pristopa plačati prispevek, ki se računa od prvega dne v mesecu pristopa.
473 (2) Če se Članica odpove Ustavi in tej Konvenciji, mora plačati prispevek do zadnjega dne v mesecu, v katerem odpoved začne veljati.
474 3. Dolžni znesek se obrestuje po 3% (tri odstotni) letni obrestni meri od začetka vsakega finančnega leta Zveze v prvi polovici leta in po 6% (šest odstotni) letni obrestni meri od začetka sedmega meseca.
475 4. Naslednje določbe se nanašajo na prispevke organizacij, ki so navedene pod št. 259 in 262, in ustanov, ki so pooblaščene za sodelovanje v dejavnostih Zveze v skladu z določbami 19. člena te Konvencije.
476 5. Organizacije, navedene pod št. 259 in 262 te Konvencije, in druge organizacije mednarodnega značaja, ki sodelujejo na Konferenci pooblaščenih predstavnikov, v Sektorju Zveze ali na svetovni konferenci o mednarodnih telekomunikacijah, morajo deliti kritje stroškov konference ali Sektorja v skladu s št. 479 in 481 spodaj, kot je primerno, razen če jih Svet na podlagi recipročnosti ne oprosti.
477 6. Katerakoli ustanova ali organizacija, ki je na seznamih, navedenih pod št. 237 te Konvencije, mora prispevati za kritje stroškov Sektorja v skladu s št. 479 in 480 spodaj.
478 7. Katerakoli ustanova ali organizacija, ki se pojavi na seznamih, navedenih pod št. 237 te Konvencije in sodeluje na Konferenci o radiokomunikacijah, na svetovni konferenci o mednarodnih telekomunikacijah ali na konferenci ali skupščini Sektorja, čeprav ni Članica, mora prispevati sredstva za kritje stroškov konference ali skupščine v skladu s št. 479 in 481 spodaj.
479 8. Prispevki, ki so navedeni pod št. 476, 477 in 478, morajo temeljiti na svobodni izbiri prispevnega razreda iz lestvice, navedene pod št. 468 zgoraj, z izjemo razredov 1/4, 1/8 in 1/16 enote, ki so rezervirani za Članice Zveze (zadnja izjema se ne nanaša na Sektor za razvoj telekomunikacij); Generalnega sekretarja je potrebno obvestiti o izbiri razreda; katerakoli ustanova ali organizacija lahko, kadarkoli to želita, izbereta višji prispevni razred.
480 9. Znesek prispevka po enoti za plačilo izdatkov vsakega Sektorja je določen z 1/5 prispevne enote Članic Zveze. Ti prispevki se štejejo kot dohodek Zveze. Obrestujejo se v skladu z določbami pod št. 474 zgoraj.
481 10. Znesek prispevka po enoti za plačilo izdatkov konference ali skupščine se določi z delitvijo celotnega zneska proračuna zadevne Konference ali skupščine s celotnim številom enot, ki jih prispevajo Članice kot svoj delež za izdatke Zveze. Obrestujejo se od šestdesetega dne po dnevu odpošiljatve obračunov, po obrestni meri, ki je določena pod št. 474 zgoraj.
482 11. Znižanje števila prispevnih enot je možno samo v skladu z načeli, ki jih določajo ustrezne določbe 28. člena Ustave.
483 12. V primeru odpovedi sodelovanja v delu Sektorja ali prenehanja takšnega sodelovanja (glej št. 240 te Konvencije) se mora prispevek plačati do zadnjega dne v mesecu, v katerem taka odpoved ali prenehanje stopi v veljavo.
484 13. Prodajno ceno publikacij določi Generalni sekretar, pri čemer mora računati, da mora prodaja publikacij kriti tudi stroške reprodukcije in distribucije.
485 14. Zveza mora imeti rezervni račun za zagotovitev obratnega kapitala za pokrivanje nujnih izdatkov in za
zagotavljanje dovolj velike količine gotovine, da se v čim večji meri lahko izogne nepotrebnim najemanjem posojil. Svet na osnovi pričakovanih potreb vsako leto določi znesek rezervnega računa. Na koncu vsakega dvoletnega proračunskega obdobja se vsi proračunski presežki, ki niso bili porabljeni ali niso pod hipoteko, usmerijo na rezervni račun. Druge podrobnosti o tem računu so opisane v Finančnem pravilniku.
486 15. (1) Generalni sekretar lahko v dogovoru s koordinacijskih komitejem sprejme gotovinske ali drugačne prostovoljne prispevke, pod pogojem, da so okoliščine, povezane s prostovoljnimi prispevki, v skladu z nameni in programi Zveze in s programi, ki jih osvoji konferenca ter s Finančnim pravilnikom, ki mora vsebovati posebne določbe za prejem in uporabo takšnih prostovoljnih prispevkov.
487 (2) O takšnih prostovoljnih prispevkih mora Generalni sekretar obvestiti Svet v poročilu o finančnem poslovanju in za vsak primer navesti izvor, namen uporabe in svojo dejavnost v zvezi z vsakim prostovoljnim prispevkom.
34. člen
Finančna odgovornost Konferenc
488 1. Konference Zveze morajo pred sprejemom predlogov ali sprejemanjem odločitev s finančnimi posledicami upoštevati vse določbe o proračunu Zveze in zagotoviti, da izdatki ne presegajo dobroimetja, ki ga Svet lahko odobri.
489 2. Nobena odločitev Konference, ki ima za posledico neposredno ali posredno povečanje izdatkov, ki presegajo dobroimetje, ki ga lahko odobri Svet, ne more postati veljavna.
35. člen
490 1. (1) Na Konferencah in zasedanjih Zveze se lahko poleg jezikov, navedenih v ustreznih določbah 29. člena Ustave, uporabljajo še drugi jeziki:
491 a) če je Generalnemu sekretarju ali direktorju določenega urada izročena prošnja za uporabo enega ali več jezikov, ustno ali pisno, pod pogojem, da Članice, ki vložijo prošnjo, krijejo stroške, ki s tem nastanejo.
492 b) če si katerakoli delegacija na svoje stroške preskrbi ustni prevod iz svojega jezika v katerikoli drug jezik, naveden v ustrezni določbi 29. člena Ustave.
493 (2) V primeru, ki je naveden pod št. 491 zgoraj, lahko Generalni sekretar ali direktor zadevnega Urada ugodi prošnji, če zadevne Članice potrdijo, da bodo Zvezi plačale tako nastale stroške.
494 (3) V primeru, ki je naveden pod št. 492 zgoraj, lahko zadevna delegacija na svoje stroške preskrbi ustno prevajanje v svoj jezik iz enega od jezikov, ki so navedeni v ustrezni določbi 29. člena Ustave.
495 2. Katerikoli dokument, naveden v ustrezni določbi 29. člena Ustave, je lahko objavljen tudi v drugih jezikih od tistih, določenih v 29. členu Ustave, če Članica, ki zahteva takšno publikacijo, prevzame kritje stroškov prevoda in tiskanja.
Različne določbe o upravljanju telekomunikacijskih storitev
36. člen
Stroški in brezplačne storitve
496 Določbe, ki se nanašajo na zaračunavanje telekomunikacijskih storitev in različni primeri odobravanja brezplačnih storitev so pojasnjene v Izvršilnem pravilniku.
37. člen
Polaganje obračunov in likvidacija računov
497 1. Obračunavanje mednarodnih računov se šteje za tekoče transakcije in se izvaja v skladu z ustaljenimi mednarodnimi obvezami Članic, katerih vlade so sklenile poseben dogovor o tem. Kjer ni takšnih sporazumov in če ni posebnih dogovorov v smislu navedb v 42. členu Ustave, se obračunavanje računov izvaja v skladu z Izvršilnim pravilnikom.
498 2. Uprave Članic in priznane upravljalske agencije, ki opravljajo mednarodne telekomunikacijske storitve, se dogovorijo o znesku dolgovanj in dobroimetij.
499 3. Kontni izvleček z navedbo dolgovanj in dobroimetij, navedenih pod št. 498 zgoraj, se izdela v skladu z določbami Izvršilnega pravilnika, razen če niso bili sklenjeni posebni sporazumi med zadevnimi strankami.
38. člen
Denarna enota
500 Če ni posebnih sporazumov med Članicami, se za določanje obračunskih stopenj za mednarodne telekomunikacijske storitve in za odpiranje mednarodnih računov uporabljata naslednji denarni enoti:
– ali denarna enota Mednarodnega denarnega sklada,
– ali zlati frank,
določeni v Izvršilnem pravilniku. Določbe o uporabi so navedene v 1. dodatku Mednarodnega telekomunikacijskega pravilnika.
39. člen
Medsebojne komunikacije
501 1. Postaje, ki opravljajo mobilne storitve v radiokomunikacijah, so dolžne v mejah svoje normalne zasedenosti recipročno izmenjevati radiokomunikacije ne glede na radijski sistem, ki ga uporabljajo.
502 2. Kljub temu pa določbe pod št. 501 ne smejo, da ne bi ovirale napredka znanosti, preprečevati uporabe radijskih sistemov, ki niso sposobni omogočajo komuniciranja z drugimi sistemi, vendar pod pogojem, da to ni mogoče zaradi specifične narave takega sistema in ne zato, ker bi želeli tak sistem uporabiti namenoma za oviranje medsebojnih komunikacij.
503 3. Kljub določbam pod št. 501 zgoraj pa se lahko neki postaji dovoli opravljanje omejenih mednarodnih telekomunikacijskih storitev, določenih z namenom takšnih storitev ali z drugimi okoliščinami, ki so neodvisne od uporabljenega sistema.
40. člen
Tajni jezik
504 1. Vladni telegrami in službeni telegrami so lahko v vseh gradivih napisani v tajnem jeziku.
505 2. Zasebni telegrami v tajnem jeziku so dovoljeni med vsemi Članicami z izjemo tistih, ki vnaprej obvestijo Generalnega sekretarja, da ne dopuščajo takšnega jezika za to kategorijo korespondence.
506 3. Članice, ki ne dovoljujejo zasebnih telegramov
v tajnem jeziku, če izvirajo iz njihovih ozemelj ali so tja namenjeni, morajo take telegrame dovoliti v tranzitu, razen v primeru ukinitve storitve, predvidene v 35. členu Ustave.
Arbitraža in dopolnilo
41. člen
Arbitraža: postopek
(glej 56. člen Ustave)
507 1. Stranka, ki zahteva arbitražo, sproži arbitražni postopek s tem, da drugi stranki v sporu posreduje obvestilo o predložitvi spora v arbitražo.
508 2. Stranki se sporazumeta p tem, ali se arbitraža zaupa posameznikom, upravnim organom ali vladam. Če se stranki en mesec po obvestilu o predložitvi spora ne moreta sporazumeti o tej točki, se arbitraža poveri vladam.
509 3. Če se arbitraža poveri posameznikom, arbitri ne smejo biti niti državljani držav, ki so v sporu, niti v njih ne smejo imeti stalnega bivališča, niti ne smejo biti zaposleni v njihovih službah.
510 4. Če se arbitraža poveri vladam ali njihovim upravnim organom, jih je treba izbrati izmed Članic, ki niso vpletene v spor, so pa podpisnice sporazuma, katerega uporaba je povzročila spor.
511 5. V roku treh mesecev po prejemu obvestila o predložitvi spora arbitraži mora vsaka stranka v sporu določiti arbitra.
512 6. Če so v spor vpletene več kot tri stranke, določi arbitra vsaka od dveh skupin strank, ki skupno nastopajo v sporu, v skladu s postopkom, navedenim pod št. 510 in 511 zgoraj.
513 7. Dva na ta način imenovana arbitra izbereta tretjega arbitra, ki mora, če sta druga dva arbitra posameznika in ne vladi, izpolnjevati pogoje, ki so navedeni pod št. 509 zgoraj in ne sme biti iste narodnosti kot katerikoli od obeh drugih arbitrov. Če se arbitra ne moreta sporazumeti o izbiri tretjega arbitra, vsak imenuje tretjega, ki ne sme imeti nobene zveze s sporom. Generalni sekretar potem izžreba tretjega arbitra.
514 8. Stranki v sporu se lahko dogovorita, da spor rešuje en sam arbiter, ki ga imenujeta sporazumno; alternativno pa lahko imenujeta vsaka svojega arbitra in prosita Generalnega sekretarja, da z žrebom določi, katera od obeh na tak način imenovanih oseb bo prevzela funkcijo enega samega arbitra.
515 9. Arbiter ali arbitri svobodno odločajo o kraju postopka in pravilih postopka, ki jih uporabijo za arbitražo.
516 10. Razsodba enega samega arbitra je dokončna in obvezujoča za stranke v sporu. Če je arbitraža poverjena več kot enemu arbitru, je končna in obvezujoča razsodba, izglasovana z večino arbitrov.
517 11. Vsaka stranka nosi stroške, ki si jih je sama nakopala med preiskavo in arbitražo. Stroški arbitraže, ki niso vezani na same stranke, se delijo enako med vse stranke v sporu.
518 12. Zveza preskrbi vse informacije, vezane na spor, ki bi jih arbiter ali arbitri utegnili potrebovati. Če stranke v sporu soglašajo, se razsodba arbitra ali arbitrov sporoči Generalnemu sekretarju za bodoče reference.
42. člen
Določbe za dopolnjevanje te Konvencije
519 1. Vsaka Članica Zveze lahko predlaga kakršnokoli dopolnilo tej Konvenciji. Generalni sekretar mora prejeti vsak tak predlog najmanj osem mesecev pred datumom, določenim za Konferenco pooblaščenih predstavnikov, da lahko o njem pravočasno obvesti vse Članice in jim omogoči razpravo. Generalni sekretar mora vsak tak predlog čim prej poslati Članicam Zveze, vendar ne kasneje kot šest mesecev pred navedenim datumom.
520 2. Kljub temu lahko Članica Zveze ali njena delegacija na Konferenci pooblaščenih predstavnikov kadarkoli predloži kakršnokoli spremembo dopolnila, ki je bilo predloženo v skladu s št. 519 zgoraj.
521 3. Za sklepčnost pri obravnavanju kateregakoli predloga za dopolnitev ali spreminjanje te Konvencije na kateremkoli Plenarnem zasedanju Konference pooblaščenih predstavnikov je zahtevana več kot polovica vseh delegacij, akreditiranih na Konferenci pooblaščenih predstavnikov.
522 4. Katerakoli predlagana sprememba predlaganega dopolnila kakor tudi predlog v celoti, spremenjen ali ne, se na plenarnem zasedanju sprejme, če ga potrdi več kot polovica delegacij, akreditiranih na Konferenci pooblaščenih predstavnikov, ki imajo pravico glasovati.
523 5. Razen če v prejšnjih odstavkih tega člena ni drugače določeno, se uporabljajo splošne določbe v zvezi s konferencami ter Poslovniki konferenc in drugih sestankov, ki jih vključuje ta Konvencija.
524 6. Vsa dopolnila k tej Konvenciji, sprejeta na Konferenci pooblaščenih predstavnikov, začnejo kot celota in v obliki enega samega dopolnilnega dokumenta veljati na dan, ki ga določi Konferenca in pri tistih Članicah, ki pred navedenim datumom oddajo svoje dokumente o ratifikaciji, sprejetju ali potrditvi, oziroma pristopu tako h Konvenciji kot k dopolnilnemu dokumentu. Ratifikacija, sprejetje ali potrditev oziroma pristop k samo enemu delu dokumenta o dopolnitvi ni možen.
525 7. Ne glede na št. 524 zgoraj pa lahko Konferenca pooblaščenih predstavnikov sklene, da je potrebno dopolnilo k tej Konvenciji za pravilno izvajanje dopolnila k Ustavi. V tem primeru dopolnilo k tej Konvenciji ne more začeti veljati pred začetkom veljavnosti dopolnila k Ustavi.
526 8. Generalni sekretar obvesti vse Članice o oddaji vsakega dokumenta o ratifikaciji, sprejetju, potrditvi ali pristopu.
527 9. Z začetkom veljavnosti vsakega takega dopolnilnega dokumenta začnejo v skladu z 52. in 53. členom Ustave za Konvencijo veljati ratifikacije, sprejetja, potrditve ali pristopi taki, kot so dopolnjeni.
528 10. Po začetku veljavnosti kateregakoli takega dopolnilnega dokumenta ga Generalni sekretar registrira pri Sekretariatu Združenih narodov v skladu z določbami 102. člena Listine Združenih narodov. Prav tako veljajo za vsak dopolnilni dokument tudi določbe iz št. 241 Ustave.
Definicije določenih izrazov, uporabljenih v tej
Konvenciji in Izvršilnem pravilniku
Mednarodne telekomunikacijske zveze
Izrazi, navedeni v tem dodatku, imajo v zgoraj omenjenih dokumentih Zveze naslednji pomen:
1001 Izvedenec – ekspert: Oseba, ki jo pošlje bodisi:
a) vlada ali administracija njene države, ali
b) ustanova ali organizacija pooblaščena v skladu z 19. členom te Konvencije, ali
c) neka mednarodna organizacija
zato, da bo sodelovala pri tistih nalogah Zveze, ki sodijo v njeno poklicno pristojnost (angl. "expert").
1002 Opazovalec: Oseba, poslana iz:
– Združenih narodov, specializirane agencije Združenih narodov, Mednarodne agencije za atomsko energijo, regijske telekomunikacijske organizacije, ali med vladne organizacije, ki upravlja s satelitskimi sistemi, da bi v vlogi svetovalca sodelovala na Konferenci pooblaščenih predstavnikov oziroma na sektorski konferenci ali zasedanju;
– mednarodne organizacije, da bi kot svetovalec sodelovala na sektorski konferenci ali zasedanju, ali
– vlade države Članice Zveze, da bi sodelovala na regijski konferenci, vendar brez pravice glasovanja, v skladu z ustreznimi določbami te Konvencije (angl. "ob server").
1003 Mobilna storitev: Radiokomunikacijska storitev med mobilno in zemeljsko postajo ali med mobilnimi postajami (angl. "mobile service").
1004 Znanstvena ali industrijska organizacija: Katerakoli organizacija razen vladne ustanove ali agencije, ki se ukvarja s preučevanjem telekomunikacijskih problemov ali z oblikovanjem ali proizvodnjo opreme, namenjeno za telekomunikacijske storitve (angl. "scientific or industrial organization").
1005 Radiokomunikacije: Telekomuniciranje z uporabo radijskih valov.
Opomba 1: Radijski valovi so elektromagnetni valovi s frekvencami, poljubno nižjimi od 3.000 GHz, ki se širijo po zračnem prostoru brez umetnih vodnikov.
Opomba 2: Za potrebe določb iz št. 149 do 154 te Konvencije, zajema izraz "radiokomunikacije" tudi tele-komunikacije, ki uporabljajo elektromagnetne valove s frekvencami nad 3.000 GHz, ki se širijo po zračnem prostoru brez umetnih vodnikov (angl. "radiocommunication").
1006 Službene telekomunikacije:. Telekomunikacije, ki so v zvezi z javnimi mednarodnimi telekomunikacijami in se izmenjujejo med:
– upravnimi organi,
– priznanimi upravljalskimi agencijami, in
– predsednikom Sveta, Generalnim sekretarjem, namestnikom generalnega sekretarja, direktorji uprav, člani Odbora za radijsko regulativo in med ostalimi predstavniki ali pooblaščenimi funkcionarji Zveze, vključno s tistimi, ki so službeno zaposleni izven sedeža Zveze (angl. "service telecommunication").
o obveznem reševanju sporov v zvezi z Ustavo
Mednarodne telekomunikacijske zveze, Konvencijo
Mednarodne telekomunikacijske zveze in Izvršilnima
Ob podpisu Ustave Mednarodne telekomunikacijske zveze in Konvencije Mednarodne telekomunikacijske zveze (Ženeva, 1992), smo spodaj podpisani pooblaščeni predstavniki podpisali tudi Izbirni protokol o obveznem reševanju sporov.
Članice Zveze, pogodbenice tega Izbirnega protokola, v želji, da bi se za rešitev kakršnihkoli sporov, ki jih zadevajo in izvirajo iz razlage ali uporabe Ustave, Konvencije in Izvršilnih pravilnikov, navedenih v 4. členu Ustave, zatekale k obvezni arbitraži, soglašajo z naslednjimi določbami:
1. člen
Če ni soglasno izbrana nobena od metod reševanja, navedenih v 56. členu Ustave, se spori v zvezi z razlago ali uporabo Ustave, Konvencije ali Izvršilnega pravilnika, navedenih v 4. členu Ustave, na zahtevo ene od strank v sporu rešujejo z obvezno arbitražo. Postopek, ki ga je treba uporabiti, je opisan v 41. členu Konvencije, 5. odstavek (št. 511), ki ga je treba razlagati, kot sledi:
"5. V roku treh mesecev od prejema obvestila o predaji spora v arbitražo mora vsaka od obeh strank imenovati arbitra. Če katera od strank v določenem roku ne imenuje arbitra, to imenovanje na zahtevo druge stranke opravi Generalni sekretar, ki postopa v skladu s št. 509 in 510 Konvencije."
2. člen
Ta Protokol se da v podpis Članicam hkrati s podpisom Ustave in Konvencije. Ratificirati, sprejeti ali odobriti ga morajo Članice podpisnice v skladu z Ustavnimi pravili. K njemu lahko pristopijo katerekoli Članice, podpisnice Ustave in Konvencije, in katerekoli države,. ki postanejo Članice Zveze. Listino o ratifikaciji, sprejemu in odobritvi ali pristopu je treba vročiti generalnemu sekretarju.
3. člen
Ta Protokol začne veljati za pogodbenice, ki so ratificirale, sprejele ali odobrile Ustavo in Konvencijo ali pristopile k njima, istega dne kot Ustava in Konvencija, pod pogojem, da sta bila vsaj dva dokumenta o ratifikaciji, sprejemu, odobritvi ali pristopu vročena na ta datum. V nasprotnem primeru prične veljati na trideseti dan po vročitvi drugega dokumenta o ratifikaciji, sprejemu, odobritvi ali pristopu.
4. člen
Ta Protokol lahko pogodbenice dopolnijo na Konferenci pooblaščenih predstavnikov Zveze.
5. člen
Vsaka Članica, pogodbenica Protokola, ga lahko odpove z obvestilom, naslovljenim na Generalnega sekretarja, in ta odpoved začne veljati ob izteku obdobja enega leta od datuma prejema obvestila.
6. člen
Generalni sekretar mora obvestiti vse Članice o:
a) podpisih, priloženih Protokolu in vročitvi vsakega dokumenta o ratifikaciji, sprejemu, odobritvi ah pristopu;
b) o datumu, ko začne veljati Protokol;
c) o datumu, ko začne veljati kakršnokoli dopolnilo;
d) o datumu učinkovanja katerekoli odpovedi.
V POTRDITEV NAVEDENEGA so podpisani pooblaščeni predstavniki podpisali ta Protokol v arabskem, kitajskem, angleškem, francoskem, ruskem in španskem jeziku, v enem samem izvodu, v katerem prevlada, če gre za kakršnokoli odstopanje, francoski tekst, in ki ostane vložen v arhivih Mednarodne telekomunikacijske zveze, ki pošlje kopijo vsaki državi podpisnici.
Sklenjeno v Ženevi, 22. decembra 1992.
3. člen
Za izvajanje Ustave Mednarodne telekomunikacijske zveze, Konvencije Mednarodne telekomunikacijske zveze in Izbirnega protokola o obveznem reševanju sporov v zvezi z Ustavo Mednarodne telekomunikacijske zveze, Konvencijo Mednarodne telekomunikacijske zveze in Izvršilnima pravilnikoma skrbi ministrstvo, pristojno za promet in zveze.
4. člen
Ta zakon začne veljati petnajsti dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 326-08/94-4/1
Ljubljana, dne 27. septembra 1994
Državnega zbora
Republike Slovenije
Jožef Školč l. r.

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