Uradni list

Številka 2
Uradni list RS, št. 2/1995 z dne 13. 1. 1995
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 2/1995 z dne 13. 1. 1995


6. Uredba o ratifikaciji Programa sodelovanja v kulturi, izobraževanju in znanosti ter izmenjav za obdobje od 1995 do 1997 med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Ljudske republike Kitajske, stran 9.

Na podlagi tretjega odstavka 63. člena Zakona o zunanjih zadevah (Uradni list RS, št. 1/91-I) izdaja Vlada Republike Slovenije
1. člen
Ratificira se Program sodelovanja v kulturi, izobraževanju in znanosti ter izmenjav za obdobje 1995 do 1997 med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Ljudske republike Kitajske, sklenjen 13. septembra 1994 v Ljubljani.
2. člen
Program se v izvirniku v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku glasi:*
Vlada Republike Slovenije in Vlada Ljudske republike Kitajske (v nadaljnjem besedilu: podpisnici) sta v želji po razvijanju in izmenjavi prijateljskih stikov med državama in v skladu s Sporazumom o sodelovanju v izobraževanju, kulturi in znanosti med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Ljudske republike Kitajske, podpisanim 13. septembra 1993 v Ljubljani, sklenili sporazum o kulturnih izmenjavah v skladu s Programom sodelovanja za obdobje od 1995 do 1997.
(1) Podpisnici bosta spodbujali in podpirali umetniške skupine, posamezne umetnike in opazovalce, da bodo na podlagi vabila sodelovali na mednarodnih kulturnih in umetniških prireditvah v drugi državi.
(2) Podpisnici bosta med veljavnostjo tega programa izmenjali umetniško skupino, ki ne bo štela več kot 20 oseb in bo obiskala drugo državo za 14 dni. O vsebini predstave bo odločala podpisnica, ki pošilja skupino.
(3) Podpisnici bosta med veljavnostjo tega programa izmenjali razstave:
leta 1995:
– kitajska razstava zmajev
leta 1996:
– slovenska slikarska razstava
– razstava kitajske umetniške fotografije
leta 1997:
– razstava slovenske umetnosti in obrti
Vsako od omenjenih razstav bosta štirinajst dni spremljali do dve osebi. Ta čas bo namenjen tudi ogledu in študiju.
(4) Podpisnici bosta med veljavnostjo tega programa izmenjali skupino do štirih strokovnjakov s področja umetniških raziskav z namenom obiska na akademski ravni za obdobje 14 dni.
(5) Podpisnici bosta podpirali neposredno sodelovanje med ustanovami za kulturno dediščino obeh držav.
(6) Ministrstvo za kulturo Republike Slovenije in Uprava za tisk in založništvo Ljudske republike Kitajske bosta podpirala neposredno sodelovanje med založniškimi organizacijami pri izdajanju in distribuciji zelo dobrih književnih in strokovnih del ter otroške književnosti. V ta namen bosta podpisnici med veljavnostjo tega programa izmenjali skupino do štirih ljudi s tega področja za 10 dni.
(7) Podpisnici bosta podpirali neposredno sodelovanje med kulturnimi organizacijami obeh držav in se dogovorili o področjih skupnega interesa ter določili število oseb, vključenih v medsebojne izmenjave.
(8) Podpisnici bosta podpirali sodelovanje, ki se razvija v književnosti, dramski umetnosti, upodabljajoči umetnosti, glasbi, filmu in ljudski umetnosti.
(9) Podpisnici bosta podpirali sodelovanje in strokovne stike med avtorskimi agencijami obeh držav.
(10) Podpisnici bosta podpirali sodelovanje med organizacijami poklicnih umetnikov in ustvarjalnimi skupinami obeh držav.
(11) Podpisnici bosta podpirali neposredne stike med izvajalskimi umetniškimi skupinami obeh držav in spodbujali umetnike in umetniške skupine, da se bodo ukvarjali z dejavnostmi kulturne izmenjave na komercialni podlagi.
(12) Podpisnici bosta podpirali prosto izmenjavo podatkov, knjig in revij med zainteresiranimi strankami v skladu z razpoložljivimi finančnimi sredstvi z namenom boljšega razumevanja kulture druge države.
(13) Podpisnici bosta podpirali in razvijali komercialno in nekomercialno sodelovanje v filmu in druga drugo vabili k sodelovanju na filmskih festivalih.
(14) Podpisnici bosta v okviru veljavnosti tega programa zagotovili medsebojno izmenjavo 24 mesecev štipendij letno za:
– podiplomski študij in specializacije,
– gostujoče znanstvenike in
– dodiplomsko izobraževanje jezika.
(15) Podpisnici bosta zagotovili ustrezne pogoje študentom druge države za študij jezika na lastne stroške.
(16) Podpisnici bosta med veljavnostjo tega programa izmenjali delegacijo pedagoških strokovnjakov za ogled in študij izobraževalnega sistema druge države. O datumih in številu ljudi se bosta posebej dogovorili.
(17) Podpisnici se bosta medsebojno obveščali o pomembnih prireditvah na visokošolskih ustanovah in pomagali strokovnjakom in znanstvenikom, da se bodo udeležili teh prireditev.
(18) Podpisnici bosta spodbujali in podpirali akademske izmenjave in sodelovanje med visokošolskimi ustanovami. Vsebino, obliko in pogoje sodelovanja bosta določili sami na podlagi razprav v skladu s povpraševanjem in možnostmi obeh podpisnic.
(19) Podpisnici bosta proučili možnost izmenjave lektorjev za slovenski in kitajski jezik.
(20) Podpisnici bosta spodbujali in podpirali izmenjave in sodelovanje med Slovensko akademijo znanosti in umetnosti in Kitajsko akademijo znanosti ter Kitajsko akademijo za družbene vede, vsaka na svojem področju.
Znanstveno in tehnološko sodelovanje med obema državama bo določal Mešani odbor za znanstveno in tehnološko sodelovanje.
(21) Podpisnici bosta podpirali neposredno sodelovanje med radijem in televizijo obeh držav.
(22) Podpisnici bosta podpirali nadaljnje sodelovanje med Slovensko tiskovno agencijo in tiskovno agencijo Xinhua.
(23) Podpisnici bosta podpirali sodelovanje med arhivskimi organizacijami obeh držav z izmenjavo informacij, publikacij in kopij arhivskih podatkov. Vsi načini sodelovanja se bodo odvijali v skladu z zakoni druge države.
(24) Podpisnici bosta podpirali sodelovanje v športu. O podrobnostih izmenjav se bodo v medsebojnih razgovorih odločile športne organizacije obeh držav.
(25) Podpisnici bosta podpirali neposredno sodelovanje v kulturi med nevladnimi organizacijami in združenji obeh držav.
(26) Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve Republike Slovenije v sodelovanju z Ministrstvom za kulturo Republike Slovenije in Ministrstvom za šolstvo in šport Republike Slovenije in Ministrstvo za kulturo Ljudske republike Kitajske bosta odgovorni za usklajevanje in nadzor nad izvajanjem tega programa. Zato se bodo predstavniki obeh strani izmenično sestajali v Republiki Sloveniji in v Ljudski republiki Kitajski z namenom, da ocenijo veljavni program in pripravijo naslednjega.
(27) Ta program ne more izključiti možnosti drugih projektov, sklenjenih po diplomatski poti.
Vse spremembe tega programa, ki jih predlaga ena ali druga stran, se pošljejo in določijo s pogajanji po diplomatski poti.
(28) Splošne določbe za medsebojno izmenjavo delegacij in skupin:
1) Podpisnica pošiljateljica mora vsaj štiri mesece vnaprej obvestiti podpisnico sprejemnico o predlaganih obiskih.
2) Podpisnica sprejemnica mora najkasneje v šestih tednih pred dogovorjenim prihodom obvestiti podpisnico pošiljateljico o svojem soglasju.
3) Podpisnica pošiljateljica mora vsaj 20 dni prej obvestiti podpisnico sprejemnico o točnem datumu prihoda v namembni kraj ter o načinu prevoza.
(29) Splošne določbe za medsebojno izmenjavo razstav:
1) Podpisnica pošiljateljica mora vsaj štiri mesece pred slovesnim odprtjem dostaviti podpisnici sprejemnici vse potrebno gradivo za ureditev razstave (načrt, naslovi del, seznam predmetov, prostor, gradivo za kataloge razstav, reklamno gradivo).
2) Podpisnica pošiljateljica bo podpisnici sprejemnici dostavila razstavne predmete vsaj 14 dni pred slovesnim odprtjem.
3) Podpisnica sprejemnica jamči za varnost razstavnih predmetov, dokler so na njenem ozemlju. Če se razstavni predmet izgubi, poškoduje ali uniči, mora podpisnica sprejemnica dati vse informacije in dokumente, ki se na to nanašajo, na lastne stroške ter ponuditi pomoč pri vložitvi zahtevka pri zavarovalnici.
4) Podpisnica sprejemnica ne sme nikoli restavrirati poškodovanega razstavnega predmeta brez dovoljenja podpisnice pošiljateljice.
(30) Splošne določbe za medsebojno izmenjavo študentov:
1) Podpisnica pošiljateljica mora najkasneje do 1. aprila dostaviti podpisnici sprejemnici vse ustrezno gradivo in podpisnica sprejemnica mora podpisnico pošiljateljico obvestiti o dokončnem aranžmaju vsaj do 1. julija tekočega leta.
2) Kandidati za podiplomski študij in gostujoče znanstvenike (14. točka) bi morali obvladati jezik podpisnice sprejemnice ali jezik, ki ga bodo uporabljali po dogovoru s svojim mentorjem.
Podpisnica sprejemnica bo zagotovila pomoč tistim, katerih znanje jezika države sprejemnice ni zadovoljivo.
Čas študija ne vključuje učenje jezika.
(31) Finančne določbe za medsebojno izmenjavo obiskov delegacij, skupin in posameznikov:
1) Podpisnica pošiljateljica krije mednarodne potne stroške v obe smeri in stroške dodatne prtljage delegacij, skupin in posameznikov do glavnega mesta podpisnice sprejemnice.
2) Podpisnica sprejemnica krije stroške za hrano in stanovanje, tolmača, stroške prevoza v državi in razvedrila v obsegu, kot ga predvideva program, kot tudi stroške žepnine in brezplačne zdravniške oskrbe, vključno s potrebnimi zdravili za tiste člane delegacij, skupin in posameznike, ki zbolijo za akutnimi boleznimi ali poškodbami.
3) V izjemnih okoliščinah bo podpisnica sprejemnica krila stroške letališke takse za goste.
(32) Finančne določbe za medsebojno izmenjavo skupin umetniških izvajalcev:
1) Podpisnica pošiljateljica krije stroške mednarodnega prevoza v obe smeri za izvajalce, njihovo lastnino, kostume in glasbila do glavnega mesta podpisnice sprejemnice delegacij in skupin.
2) Podpisnica sprejemnica krije stroške za hrano in stanovanje (zagotovi obroke, pijačo in okrepčila med predstavo), tolmača, notranji prevoz (če dejavnosti potekajo v mestu, je treba zagotoviti posebno vozilo) v zvezi z obiskom kot tudi stroške reklame za predstavo, stroške zdravstvene oskrbe, ki vključuje zdravila za tiste, ki zbolijo za akutno boleznijo ali se poškodujejo, ter žepnino za člane skupin.
3) V izjemnih okoliščinah bo podpisnica sprejemnica krila stroške letališke takse za goste.
(33) Finančne določbe za medsebojno izmenjavo razstav:
1) Podpisnica pošiljateljica krije stroške prevoza razstavnih predmetov v obe smeri in njihovo zavarovanje do glavnega mesta podpisnice sprejemnice.
2) Podpisnica sprejemnica krije stroške vseh prevozov v svoji državi in stroške organizacije, reklame in tehničnih pristojbin, kakor tudi zavarovanje ali vladno jamstvo v času razstave v državi sprejemnici.
3) Za vse osebje, ki spremlja razstavo, veljajo določbe iz 31. točke tega programa.
(34) Finančne določbe za medsebojno izmenjavo podiplomskih študentov, gostujočih znanstvenikov in študentov jezika (14. točka):
1) Podpisnica pošiljateljica krije stroške mednarodnega prevoza v obe smeri in stroške dodatne prtljage za svoje študente do glavnega mesta države sprejema.
2) Podpisnica sprejemnica krije stroške prevoza v obe smeri od svojega glavnega mesta do kraja udeležbe na univerzitetnih seminarjih ter stroške šolnine, nastanitve in potrebne zdravstvene oskrbe in zdravil, poskrbi za obroke v študentski menzi in preskrbi študentom štipendijo, s katero bodo krili življenjske stroške v skladu z veljavnimi standardi oziroma prakso.
3) Podpisnici bosta gostujočim znanstvenikom, ki imajo naziv izrednega profesorja, zagotovili enoposteljne sobe.
(35) Ta program začne veljati, ko Vlada Republike Slovenije obvesti Vlado Ljudske republike Kitajske, da so v Republiki Sloveniji izpolnjeni vsi pogoji za uveljavitev tega programa.
Ta program pokriva obdobje od začetka leta 1995 do konca leta 1997.
(36) Sestavljeno v dveh izvodih v Ljubljani dne 13. septembra 1994, v slovenskem, kitajskem in angleškem jeziku, pri čemer so vsa tri besedila enako verodostojna.
V primeru razlik v tolmačenju velja angleško besedilo.
Za Vlado Republike
Jože Osterman l. r.
The Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Government of the People’s Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as “the Parties”), actuated by the desire to develop and exchange friendly relations between the two countries, and in accordance with the Agreement on Cooperation in Education, Culture and Science between the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Government of the People’s Republic of China signed on September 13, 1993 in Ljubljana, have reached the following agreement for cultural exchange under the Programme of Cooperation from 1995 to 1997.
(1) The Parties shall encourage and support groups of artists, individual artists and observers to participate on the basis of an invitation in the international cultural and artistic events held in the other country.
(2) The Parties shall exchange within the term of validity of this Programme a group of artists consisting of not more than 20 people to visit the other country for a period of 14 days. The content of the performance shall be decided by the Sending Party.
(3) The Parties shall exchange the following exhibitions within the term of validity of this Programme:
In 1995:
– China Kites Exhibition
In 1996:
– Slovenia Painting Exhibition
– China Art Photography Exhibition
In 1997:
– Slovenia Arts and Crafts Exhibition
Up to two people will accompany each of the above mentioned exhibitions for a period of 14 days, which will also be taken as observing and studying time.
(4) The Parties shall exchange within the validity of this Programme a group of up to four experts in the area of art research with the purpose of an academic visit for a period of 14 days.
(5) The Parties shall support direct cooperation established between the departments of cultural heritage of the two countries.
(6) The Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia and the Press & Publication Administration of the People’s Republic of China shall support direct cooperation between the publishing organizations in publishing and distributing outstanding literary and specialized works as well as children’s literature. The Parties shall for this reason exchange, within the validity of this Programme, a group of up to four people in the specific field for a period of 10 days.
(7) The Parties shall support direct cooperation between the cultural organizations of the two countries and shall agree upon areas of mutual interest and specify the number of participants in mutual exchanges.
(8) The Parties shall support cooperation developed in literature, drama, plastic arts, music, film and folk art.
(9) The Parties shall support cooperation and professional contacts between copyright organizations of the two countries.
(10) The Parties shall support cooperation between organizations of professional artists and creative teams of the two countries.
(11) The Parties shall support direct contacts between the performing art companies of the two countries and encourage the artists and groups of artists to engage in the cultural exchange activities on a commercial basis.
(12) The Parties shall support free exchanges of data, books and magazines between the parties concerned within the scope of financial means available for a deeper understanding of the other’s culture.
(13) The Parties shall support and develop commercial and non-commercial cooperation in the area of film and invite each other to participate in film festivals.
(14) The Parties shall, within the validity of this Programme, provide the mutual exchange of the 24 month scholarships per year for:
– postgraduate studies and specializations,
– visiting sholars and
– undergraduate studies of language.
(15) The Parties should provide suitable conditions to the students of the other country to study language at their own expenses.
(16) The Parties shall exchange, within the validity of this Programme, a delegation of educational experts to observe and study educational system in the other country. The dates and the number of people shall be discussed separately.
(17) The Parties shall inform each other of important events in the institutions of higher education and provide assistance for experts and scholars to participate in these events.
(18) The Parties shall encourage and support academic exchanges and cooperation between institutions of higher education. The content, forms and conditions of cooperation shall be decided by the Parties through discussions in accordance with the demands and possibilities of both Parties.
(19) The Parties shall examine the possibility of exchanging university teachers of Slovene and Chinese language.
(20) The Parties shall encourage and support the exchanges and cooperation among the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts and the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in its respective area.
Scientific and technological cooperation between the two countries shall be defined by the Scientific and Technological Cooperation Mixed Committee.
(21) The Parties shall support direct cooperation between broadcasting and television organizations of the two countries.
(22) The Parties shall support further cooperation between the Slovenian Communications Agency and the Xinhua News Agency.
(23) The Parties shall support cooperation between organizations of archives of the two countries through the exchange of information, publications and replicas of archival data. All methods of cooperation will be implemented under the laws of the other country.
(24) The Parties shall support cooperation in sports. Details of exchanges will be decided through contacts between sport organizations of the two countries.
(25) The Parties shall support direct cooperation in culture between non-governmental organizations and associations of the two countries.
(26) The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia in cooperation with the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia and the Ministrsty of Education and Sport of the Republic of Slovenia and the Ministry of Culture of the People’s Republic of China shall be responsible for the coordination and supervision of the implementation of this Programme. To this end, the representatives of both Parties shall meet in the Republic of Slovenia and in the People’s Republic of China alternately to evaluate the current Programme and make preparations for the next one.
(27) This Programme cannot rule out any possibility of other projects concluded through diplomatic channels.
Any amendment to this Programme proposed by either side will be forwarded and negotiated through diplomatic channels.
(28) General Provisions for the mutual exchange of delegations and groups:
1) The Sending Party should notify the Receiving Party at least four months in advance about the proposed visits.
2) The Receiving Party should notify the Sending Party of its agreement and dates of visits at least six weeks in advance.
3) The Sending Party should notify the Receiving Party at least twenty days in advance of exact date of arrival, destination and means of transporation.
(29) General Provisions for the mutual exchange of exhibitions:
1) The Sending Party shall provide the Receiving Party and least four months before the opening ceremony with every necessary materials (the plan, caption, list of items, space, materials for catalogue of exhibition, publicity materials) for the arrangement of the exhibition.
2) The Sending Party shall deliver the exhibits to the Receiving Party at least fourteen days before the opening ceremony.
3) The Receiving Party shall guarantee the security of the exhibits during their stay on its teritory. If the exhibit is lost, damaged or destroyed, the Receiving Party should supply all relevant information and documents at their own costs and provide assistance in filing a claim to the insurance company.
4) The Receiving Party shall never restore the damaged exhibit without permission of the Sending Party.
(30) The General Provisions for the mutual exchange of students:
1) The Sending Party should provide, not later than April 1, the Receiving Party with relevant materials and the Receiving Party should notify the Sending Party of final arrangements not later than July 1 of that year.
2) The candidates for postgraduate studies and visiting scholars (Item 14) should be proficient of the language of the Receiving Party or the language that they will use in agreement with their mentor.
The Receiving Party should provide the assistance to those whose knowledge of language of the Receiving Party is not sufficient.
The study of language shall not be included in the time of studies.
(31) The Financial Provisions for the mutual exchange of visits by delegations, groups and invidivuals:
1) The Sending Party shall bear the two-way international travel expenses and the costs of excess luggage of the delegations, groups and individuals to the capital of the Receiving Party.
2) The Receiving Party shall bear the expenses for board and lodging, interpreter, internal transportation, entertainment within the limits of the itinerary, as well as the expenses for pocket money and free medical care, including medicines needed for members of delegations, groups and individuals, being attacked by acute disease or injuries.
3) Under exceptional circumstances, the Receiving Party shall bear the expenses for the airport fee for visitors.
(32) The Financial Provisions for the mutual exchange of performing art groups:
1) The Sending Party shall bear the expenses for the two-way international travel, property, costumes and musical instruments to the capital of the Receiving Party of the delegations and groups.
2) The Receiving Party shall bear the expenses for board and lodging (arrange meals, provide drinks and refreshments during performance), interpreter, internal transportation (special vehicle should be provided if the activities are held within the city) related to the visits, as well as the expenses for publicity for the performance, medical care, including medicines needed for those attacked by acute diseases or injuries, and pocket money for the groups.
3) Under exceptional circumstances, the Receiving Party shall bear the expenses of the airport fee for visitors.
(33) The Financial Provisions for the mutual exchange of exhibitions:
1) The Sending Party shall bear the expenses for the two-way transportation and insurance of the exhibits to the capital of the Receiving Party.
2) The Reciving Party shall bear the expenses of any internal transportation and cover the expenses for organization, publicity and the technical fee as well as the insurance or the government guarantee during the time of exhibition in the Receiving Country.
3) Every staff member accompanying the exhibition will be treated according to the Item (31) of this Programme.
(34) The Financial Provisions for the mutual exchange of postgraduate students, visiting scholars and language students (Item 14):
1) The Sending Party shall bear the expenses for the two-way international travel and excess luggage of its students to the capital of the Receiving Country.
2) The Receiving Party shall bear the expenses for the two-way travel from its capital to the location of the university participation in courses as well as expenses for tuition, lodging and necessary medical care and medicines, arrange meals in the cafeteria and offer students holding scholarships to cover their living expenses in accordance with the current standards and practice respectively.
3) The Parties shall provide single room facilities for visiting scholars of the rank of associated professors.
(35) This Programme shall enter into force when the Government of the Republic of Slovenia notifies the Government of the People’s Republic of China that its internal legal requirements for entry into force of the said Programme have been fulfilled.
This Programme shall cover the period from the beginning of 1995 till the end of 1997.
(36) Done in duplicate in Ljubljana on September 13, 1994 in the Slovene, Chinese and English languages, the three texts being equally authentic.
In case of the differences in interpretation, the English text shall prevail.
For the Government
of the Republic of
Jože Osterman, (s)
For the Government
of the People’s Republic
of China
Liu Haimin, (s)
3. člen
Ta uredba začne veljati naslednji dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 680-02/93-15/6-8
Ljubljana, dne 15. decembra 1994
Vlada Republike Slovenije
dr. Janez Drnovšek l. r.
* Besedilo programa v kitajskem jeziku je na vpogled v Službi za mednarodnopravne zadeve Ministrstva za zunanje zadeve Republike Slovenije.

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