Na podlagi druge alinee prvega odstavka 107. člena in prvega odstavka 91. člena Ustave Republike Slovenije izdajam
Razglašam Zakon o ratifikaciji Sporazuma med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Kraljevine Danske o mednarodnem cestnem prevozu potnikov in blaga s protokolom, ki ga je sprejel Državni zbor Republike Slovenije na seji dne 23. marca 1995.
Št. 012-01/95-26
Ljubljana, dne 31. marca 1995
Republike Slovenije
Milan Kučan l. r.
1. člen
Ratificira se Sporazum med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Kraljevine Danske o mednarodnem cestnem prevozu potnikov in blaga s protokolom, podpisan 10. junija 1994 v Kopenhagnu.
2. člen
Sporazum se v izvirniku v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku glasi:
Vlada Republike Slovenije in Vlada Kraljevine Danske sta se v želji, da bi pospešili cestni prevoz potnikov in blaga med državama,
z namenom, da bi olajšali cestni prevoz potnikov in blaga med državama ter na ozemljih obeh držav,
pri čemer se zavedata pomembnosti evropskih procesov liberalizacije, ki prispevajo k neoviranemu pretoku blga in storitev,
obojestransko prepričani, da bi izgradnja ustreznih cestnih povezav in mejnih prehodov veliko prispevala k pospešitvi razvoja cestnega prometa,
upoštevata osnovno stališče do pomembnosti varnosti okolja in cestnega prometa ter zmanjšanja škode, ki jo okolju povzroča promet,
sklenili naslednje:
1. člen
Režim dovoljenj
1. Za ves motorni potniški promet med državama, ki je na podlagi najema ali plačila, kot tudi ves tranzitni promet preko njunih ozemelj, razen tistega, ki je določen s 3. členom, so potrebna ustrezna dovoljenja.
2. “Motorno potniško vozilo” je vozilo na motorni pogon z več kot devetimi sedeži, vključno s sedežem voznika in je registrirano v državah pogodbenicah.
2. člen
Redni promet
1. Redni promet med dvema državama ali tranzitni promet preko njunih ozemelj morajo odobriti pristojni organi obeh pogodbenic.
2. “Redni promet” je potniški promet določene gostote vzdolž prometnih poti, kjer potniki na predhodno določenih postajah lahko vstopijo ali izstopijo.
3. Vsak pristojni organ bo izdal dovoljenje za tisti del prometne poti, ki poteka po njegovem ozemlju.
4. Pristojni organi bodo skupaj določili pogoje za pridobitev dovoljenja, kot so trajanje potovanja, pogostost prevoznih dejavnosti, vozni redi in veljavne tarifne stopnje, kot tudi vse ostale podrobnosti, potrebne za nemoten in učinkovit redni promet.
5. Vloga za dovoljenje mora biti naslovljena na pristojni organ države, kjer je vozilo registrirano, ta pa jo lahko odobri ali zavrne.
Če zoper vlogo ni ugovorov, bo pristojni organ to sporočil pristojnemu organu druge pogodbenice.
6. Vlogi morajo biti priloženi dokumenti s potrebnimi podrobnostmi (predlagani vozni red vožnje, tarife in prometna pot, čas, ko naj bi potekal promet med letom, in datum, s katerim naj bi se pričel). Pristojni organi imajo pravico zahtevati tiste podrobnosti, za katere menijo, da so potrebne.
3. člen
Občasni promet
1. Za občasni potniški promet ni potrebno dovoljenje. Potniški promet je občasen, kadar se iste osebe prevažajo z istim potniškim vozilom bodisi:
a) na krožnem potovanju, ki se prične in se konča v državi, v kateri je vozilo registrirano, pri čemer novi potniki ne morejo vstopiti in potniki v vozilu ne morejo med potovanjem izstopiti (zaprta vrata), ali
b) pri potovanju, ki se prične v državi, v kateri je bilo vozilo registrirano, in se konča na cilju, ki je na ozemlju sopogodbenice, pod pogojem, da se vozilo vrne prazno v državo, v kateri je bilo registrirano, razen če ima drugačna pooblastila, ali
c) pri občasnem tranzitnem potovanju, ali
d) ob zamenjavi pokvarjenega motornega vozila z drugim vozilom.
2. V primerih iz 1 a) – c) odstavka zgoraj mora imeti voznik v vozilu seznam potnikov in dokumente za vožnjo.
4. člen
Izredni prevozi, za katere so potrebna dovoljenja
Za vse druge izredne prevoze, izvzete iz 3. člena tega sporazuma, je potrebno dovoljenje. Vloga za dovoljenje mora biti predložena pristojnim organom pogodbenice, na ozemlju katere ima prevoznik sedež podjetja, ti organi pa jih potem, ko dodajo svoje pripombe, pošljejo pristojnim organom druge pogodbenice.
5. člen
Pridobitev dovolilnic
1. Prevozniki ene pogodbenice, ki imajo v skladu z državno zakonodajo pravico do opravljanja mednarodnega prometa blaga s komercialnimi motornimi vozili, lahko z izjemo tistih iz 6. člena tega sporazuma opravljajo takšen promet med ozemljema pogodbenic in v tranzitu preko teh ozemelj z dovoljenjem za mednarodni promet, ki ga izdata pogodbenici v skladu s postopki in kontingentom dovolilnic, ki jih določi mešana komisija, omenjena v 14. členu.
2. “Komercialno motorno vozilo” je vozilo na motorni pogon, ki se normalno uporablja za prevoz blaga po cesti. V tem sporazumu je “komercialno motorno vozilo” tudi priklopnik ali polpriklopnik, priključen na kakršno koli komercialno vozilo, lahko pa tudi kombinacija vozil.
6. člen
Dovoljenje ni potrebno za prevoz naslednjega blaga:
a) stvari in opreme za sejme in razstave;
b) gledaliških kulis in gledaliških rekvizitov;
c) glasbenih instrumentov in opreme za radijske ali televizijske prenose ali za snemanje filmov;
d) dirkalnih konjev, vozil in druge športne opreme za športne prireditve;
e) poškodovanih vozil;
f) gospodinjske opreme pri selitvah;
g) mrličev;
h) prevoz blaga z motornimi vozili, katerih dovoljena bruto teža s tovorom, vključno s prikolicami ne presega 6 ton, ali kadar koristni tovor, vključno s prikolicami ne presega 3,5 tone;
i) prevoze človekoljubne pomoči ali prevoze v zvezi z naravnimi katastrofami;
j) druge prevoze v skladu s priporočili Evropske komisije za motorni promet (ECMT).
7. člen
Kabotaža in promet v tretjih državah
1) Prevoznik s sedežem na ozemlju ene pogodbenice ne sme prevažati potnikov ali blaga med dvema točkama na ozemlju druge pogodbenice brez posebnega dovoljenja te pogodbenice.
2) Prometne dejavnosti prevoznika ene od pogodbenic iz ozemlja druge pogodbenice v katerokoli tretjo državo in obratno so brez posebnega dovoljenja te pogodbenice prepovedane.
8. člen
Teža in dimenzije vozil
1) Pogodbenici se glede teže in dimenzije vozil obvezujeta, da vozilom, registriranim na ozemlju druge pogodbenice, ne bosta vsiljevali pogojev, strožjih od tistih, ki veljajo za vozila, registrirana na njunih ozemljih.
2) Prevozniki ene ali druge pogodbenice morajo pri vstopu na ozemlje druge pogodbenice upoštevati zakone in predpise za težo in dimnezije, ki veljajo na njenem ozemlju.
3) Če teža ali dimenzije vozila, uporabljenega za prevoz, presegajo največjo dovoljeno težo in/ali dimenzije na ozemlju pogodbenice, po katerem naj bi prevoz potekal, mora prevoznik predhodno dobiti posebno pooblastilo ustreznih organov tiste pogodbenice. V takšnem primeru običajno dovoljenje ni potrebno.
9. člen
Davščine in dajatve
1) Motorna potniška in komercialna vozila, ki so registrirana na ozemlju ene pogodbenice in so začasno uvožena na ozemlje druge pogodbenice, bodo oproščena vseh davkov, dajatev in drugih stroškov, predpisanih za promet ali posest vozil na tem ozemlju.
2) Izjeme iz tega člena pa ne veljajo za davke na dodano vrednost, niti cestnino in cestne takse (uporabniške dajatve), niti carinske dajatve in davke na porabo goriva za motorna vozila, razen za gorivo, ki je ob vstopu vozila v državo v normalnih bencinskih rezervoarjih.
10. člen
Carinska določila
Rezervni deli, potrebni za popravilo že uvoženih vozil, bodo uvoženi začasno po režimu začasnega uvoza brez plačila uvoznih dajatev in drugih davkov in bodo brez uvoznih prepovedi ter omejitev. Zamenjani rezervni deli bodo carinjeni, ponovno izvoženi ali uničeni pod carinskim nadzorom.
11. člen
Državna zakonodaja
V vseh zadevah, ki jih ne urejajo določila tega sporazuma ali določila mednarodnih konvencij, ki sta jih podpisali tudi pogodbenici, bodo prevozniki in vozniki vozil prve pogodbenice morali upoštevati pravna določila in predpise druge pogodbenice, kadar vozijo po njenem ozemlju.
12. člen
Kršitve sporazuma
1. Če prevoznik ene pogodbenice krši določila tega sporazuma, ko je na ozemlju druge pogodbenice, imajo njeni pristojni organi, v skladu z zakonitimi ukrepi, ki veljajo na njenem ozemlju, pravico obvestiti drugo pogodbenico o okoliščinah takšne kršitve.
2. V primeru kršitve iz 1. odstavka tega člena ima pristojni organ pogodbenice, na ozemlju katere je prišlo do takšne kršitve, pravico zahtevati od pristojnega organa druge pogodbenice, da:
a) opozori kršitelja pred nadaljnjimi kršitvami, ki bi lahko pripeljale do prepovedi vstopa njegovih vozil na ozemlje pogodbenice, na katerem je prekršek nastal, za toliko časa, kot bo to določil pristojni organ prizadete pogodbenice, ali
b) obsveti prevoznika, da je vstop njegovih vozil na njeno ozemlje začasno ali dokončno prepovedan.
3. Pristojni organ ene pogodbenice bo ob prejemu takšnega obvestila pristojnega organa druge pogodbenice le-tega upošteval in čim prej obvestil drugo pogodbenico o sprejetih ukrepih.
13. člen
Pristojni organi
1. Pogodbenici se bosta medsebojno obvestili o pristojnih organih, ki imajo pooblastila za ukrepanje v zadevah v zvezi z izpolnjevanjem tega sporazuma.
2. Pristojni organi pogodbenic bodo imeli stalne stike zaradi vprašanj, ki bi se pojavila pri uveljavljanju tega sporazuma.
14. člen
Mešana komisija
Predstavniki pristojnih organov se po potrebi lahko sestanejo kot mešana komisija zaradi določanja postopkov in kontingentov dovolilnic, urejanja drugih prometnih dejavnosti in reševanja problemov, ki utegnejo nastati pri izpolnjevanju tega sporazuma.
15. člen
Pričetek in čas veljavnosti
1. Ta sporazum bo začel veljati trideseti dan potem, ko sta se pogodbenici obvestili, da so bile izpolnjene zakonske obveznosti.
2. Sporazum bo veljal dve leti od datuma pričetka njegove veljavnosti, njegova veljavnost pa se bo nato tiho podaljševala iz leta v leto, razen če bi ga tri mesece pred iztekom koledarskega leta ena od pogodbenic odpovedala.
Sestavljeno v Kopenhagnu dne 10. junija 1994 v izvirnikih v slovenskem, danskem in angleškem jeziku, vse verzije so enako avtentične. V primeru nesporazuma se uporablja angleška verzija.
Za Vlado
Republike Slovenije
Igor Umek, dipl. oec. l. r.
Za Vlado
Kraljevine Danske
Jan Trøjborg l. r.
k Sporazumu med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Kraljevine Danske o mednarodnem cestnem prevozu potnikov in blaga
Organi, pristojni za uresničevanje sporazuma, so:
za slovensko stran:
a) kar zadeva 2., 4., 7., 12. in 14. člen
Ministrstvo za promet in zveze
Prešernova 23
61000 Ljubljana
Tel. (38) 61 156 256
Faks. (38) 61 157 328
b) kar zadeva 8. člen
Slovenska cestna podjetja
Linhartova 17
61000 Ljubljana
Tel. (38) 61 320 148
Faks. (38) 61 327 368
za dansko stran:
a) kar zadeva 2., 4., 7. in 12. člen
Direktoratet for Vejtransport
Borgergade 20
DK-1300 Copenhagen K
Tel. (45) 33 147 444
Faks. (45) 33 323 534
b) kar zadeva 14. člen
Ministry of Transport
Frederiksholms Kanal 27
DK-1220 Copenhagen K
Tel. (45) 33 923 355
Faks. (45) 33 123 893
c) kar zadeva 8. člen
Ministry of Justice
Road Safety Division
Købmagergade 48
DK-1015 Copenhagen K
Tel. (45) 33 143 615
Faks. (45) 33 932 292
V Kopenhagnu, dne 10. junija 1994
Za Vlado
Republike Slovenije
Igor Umek, dipl. oec., l. r.
Za Vlado
Kraljevine Danske
Jan Trøjborg l. r.
The Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark desirous of promoting the transport of passengers and goods by motor vehicles between the two states,
with the intention of alleviating the flow of transport of passengers and goods between the states and on the territory of both states,
recognising the importance of the European liberalization processes, which contribute to the free flow of goods and services,
deriving from the fact that both sides believe that the construciton of suitable road links and border crossings will contribute to a great extent to the accelerated development of road traffic,
considering the basic standpoint of the protection of the environment and road and traffic safety, and the importance of reducing damage to the environment from transport,
have agreed as follows:
Article 1
Licensing régime
1. All passenger transport operations for hire or reward by passenger motor vehicles, between the two countries, and in transit through their territories, except those specified in Article 3, are subject to the licensing régime
2. “Passenger motor vehicle” means any power driven vehicle having more than nine seats, including the driver’s seat, and registered in either Contracting Party.
Article 2
Regular services
1. Regular services between the two countries or in transit through their teritories shall be approved jointly by the competent authorities of the Contracting Parties.
2. “Regular service” means service which provides for transport of passengers of specified frequency along routes, whereby passengers may be taken up and set down at predetermined stopping points.
3. Each competent authority shall issue the licence for that portion of the intinerary which is performed in each territory.
4. The competent authorities shall jointly determine the conditions of issue of the licence, namely its duration, the frequency of the transport operations, the timetables and the scale of tariffs to be applied, as well as any other detail necessary for the smooth and efficient operation of the regular service.
5. The application for a licence shall be addressed to the competent authority of the country of registration of the vehicle, which has the right to accept it or not.
In case the application does not raise objection, this competent authority shall communicate it to the competent authority of the other Contracting Party.
6. The application shall be furnished with documents containing the necessary details (proposed timetables, tariffs and route, period during which the service is to be operated during the year and the date of which it is intended to begin the service). The competent authorities may require such details as they deem appropriate.
Article 3
Occasional services
1. The occasional transport of passengers is not subject to licensing. A transport service is considered occasional when the same persons are transported by the same passenger motor vehicle either:
a) on a round trip beginning and intended to end in the country of registration of the vehicle in the respect that new passengers may not embark and passengers in the bus may not disembark en route (closed doors), or
b) on a journey starting at a place in the country of registration of the vehicle and ending at a destination in the territory of the other Contracting Party, provided that, save where otherwise authorized, the vehicle returns empty to the country of registration, or
c) on a transit service of occasional character, or
d) in case of the substitution of a motor vehicle, which has broken down, with another vehicle.
2. In cases under paragraph 1 a)-c) the driver must have a list of passengers and driving documents.
Article 4
Non-regular services subject to licensing
Any other non-regular service, not covered by the previous Article 3, is subject to licensing. Applications for licences shall be submitted to the competent authorities of the Contracting Party in whose territory the operator is established, who transmit these applications to the competent authorities of the other Contracting Party with their remarks.
Article 5
Licensing régime
1. Hauliers of one Contracting Party, who in accordance with their national legislation have the right to perform international transport of goods by use of commercial motor vehicles, may perform such transport, except those specified in Article 6, between the territories of the two Contracting Parties and in transit across these territories, with a licence for international transport issued by the Contracting Parties in accordance with the procedures and the contingent of licences and the procedures established by the Joint Commissions mentioned in Article 14.
2. “Commercial motor vehicle” means any power driven vehicle which is normally used for transport of goods by road. For the purposes of this agreement the term “commercial motor vehicle” also applies to any trailer or semitrailer, coupled to any commercial vehicle, as well as any combination of vehicles.
Article 6
No licence shall be required for the carriage of:
a) goods and equipment intended for fairs and exhibitions;
b) theatrical scenery and accessories;
c) musical instruments and equipment for sound or television broadcasts or for making films;
d) racehorses, vehicles and other sports equipment intended for sporting events;
e) damaged vehicles;
f) household removal goods;
g) corpses;
h) transport of goods in motor vehicles whose permitted gross laden weight, including trailers, does not exceed 6 tonnes, or when the permitted payload, including trailers does not exceed 3,5 tonnes;
i) transports concerning humanitarian aid or natural disasters;
j) other transports in accordance with the ECMT recommendation.
Article 7
Cabotage and third country traffic
1. An operator domiciled in the territory of a Contracting Party shall not undertake the transport of passengers or goods between two points in the territory of the other Contracting Party, unless a special licence is granted by the other Contracting Party.
2. The undertaking of a transport operation by an operator of one of the two Contracting Parties from the territory of the other to any third country and vice-versa is prohibited, unless a special licence is granted by the other Contracting Party.
Article 8
Weight and dimensions of the vehicles
1. As regards the weight and dimensions of the vehicles, each Contracting Party undertakes not to impose on vehicles registered in the territory of the other Contracting Party conditions which are more restrictive than those imposed on vehicles registered within its own territory.
2. Operators of either of the Contracting Parties shall be bound to comply with the laws and regulations of the other Contracting Party, as regards the weight and the dimensions of vehicles on entering the territory of that Party.
3. In case the weight and/or dimensions of the vehicle used for transport exceed the maximum weight and/or dimensions permitted in the territory of the Contracting Party, where the transport operation is to take place, the operator has to obtain previously a special authorization from the competent authority of that Contracting Party, in which case a normal licence is not necessary.
Article 9
Taxes and charges
1. Passenger and commercial motor vehicles which are registered in the territory of one of the Contracting Parties, and temporarily imported into the territory of the other Contracting Party, shall be exempted from all taxes, fees and other charges levied on the circulation or possession of vehicles in that territory.
2. The exemptions under this Article shall not apply to value added taxes nor to road tolls and taxes (user charges) nor to customs and excise duties on fuel consumption of the motor vehicles, except the fuel being in the normal fuel-tanks of the entering motor vehicles.
Article 10
Customs arrangements
Spare parts required for the repair of a vehicle already imported shall be admitted temporarily under a temporary importation title without payment of import duties and other taxes, and free of import prohibitions and restrictions. Replaced parts shall be cleared, re-exported or destroyed under customs control and supervision.
Article 11
National legislation
For all matters, which are not regulated by the provisions of this Agreement or those of international conventions to which the two countries are parties, operators and drivers of vehicles of one Contracting Party are bound to respect the legal provisions and regulations of the other Contracting Party, when they are driving in the territory of the latter.
Article 12
Infringements of the Agreement
1. If an operator of one Contracting Party, when in the territory of the other, infringes any provision of this Argeement, the competent authority of the Contracting Party in whose territory the infringement was committed, may, without prejudice to any lawful sanction applicable in its own territory, inform the other Contracting Party of the circumstances of the infringement.
2. In case of any infringement referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article, the competent authority of the Contracting Party in whose territory the infringement occurred, may request the competent authority of the Contracting Party:
a) to issue a warning to the operator concerned with a notification that any subsequent infringement may lead to a refusal of entry of his vehicles in the territory of the Contracting Party where the infringement occurred, for such a period as may be specified by the competent authority of this Contracting Party, or
b) to notify the operator that the entry of his vehicles in the territory of the other Contracting Party has been prohibited temporarily or definitely.
3. The competent authority, receiving any such request from the competent authority of the other Contracting Party shall comply therewith and shall as soon as possible inform the other competent authority of the action taken.
Article 13
Competent authorities
1. Each Contracting Party shall notify the other Contracting Party of the competent authorities authorized to deal with matters in relation to the application of the present Agreement.
2. The competent authorities of the Contracting Parties shall keep in constant contact with each other, regarding any question arising from the application of this Agreement.
Article 14
Joint Commission
The representatives of the competent authorities may meet, whenever it is necessary, in a Joint Commission for the purpose of establishing procedures and contingents of licences, regulating other transport activities and settling problems which may arise from the implementation of the present Agreement.
Article 15
Entry into force, validity
1. This Agreement shall enter into force on the 30th day after the Contracting Parties have notified each other that the required constitutional formalities have been fulfilled.
2. The Agreement will remain in force for two years from the date of its entry into force and its validity will thereafter be tacitly extended from year to year, unless denounced by one of the Contracting Parties three months before the end of any calendar year.
Done in Copenhagen on the 10th day of June in 1994 in original in the Slovenian, Danish and the English language, all copies being equally authentic. In case of any dispute the English version shall prevail.
For the Government of the
Republic of Slovenia
Igor Umek, (s)
For the Government of the
Kingdom of Denmark
Jan Trøjborg, (s)
to the Agreement between the Republic of Slovenia and the Kingdom of Denmark on international Transport of Passengers and Goods by Road
For the purpose of this Agreement the competent authorities are:
For the Slovenian side
a) according to Article 2, 4, 7, 12 and 14:
Ministrstvo za promet in zveze
Presernova 23
61000 Ljubljana
Tel: (386) 61 125 62 56
Fax: (386) 61 125 73 28
b) according to Article 8:
Slovenska Cestna Podjetja
Linhartova 17
61000 Ljubljana
Tel: (386) 61 32 01 48
Fax: (386) 61 32 73 68
for the Danish side
a) according to articles 2, 4, 7, 8 and 12:
Road Safety and Transport Agency
Borgergade 20,
DK-1300 Copenhagen K.
Tel: (45) 33147444
Fax: (45) 33323534
b) according to Article 14:
Ministry of Transport
Nytorv 11
1450 Copenhagen K.
Tel: (45) 33923355
Fax: (45) 33915682
Done in Copenhagen on the 10th day of June 1994.
For the Government of
the Republic of Slovenia
Igor Umek, (s)
For the Government of
the Kingdom of Denmark
Jan Trøjborg, (s)
3. člen
Za izvajanje sporazuma skrbi ministrstvo, pristojno za promet in zveze.
4. člen
Ta zakon začne veljati naslednji dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 326-07/95-9/1
Ljubljana, dne 23. marca 1995
Državnega zbora
Republike Slovenije
Jožef Školč l. r.