Uradni list

Številka 59
Uradni list RS, št. 59/1995 z dne 19. 10. 1995
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 59/1995 z dne 19. 10. 1995


67. Zakon o ratifikaciji Sporazuma o gospodarskem sodelovanju med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Republike Argentine (BARGS), stran 879.

Na podlagi druge alinee prvega odstavka 107. člena in prvega odstavka 91. člena Ustave Republike Slovenije izdajam
Razglašam Zakon o ratifikaciji Sporazuma o gospodarskem sodelovanju med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Republike Argentine, ki ga je sprejel Državni zbor Republike Slovenije na seji dne 29. septembra 1995.
Št. 012-01/95-88
Ljubljana, dne 7. oktobra 1995
Republike Slovenije
Milan Kučan l. r.
1. člen
Ratificira se Sporazum o gospodarskem sodelovanju med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Republike Argentine, podpisan 13. junija 1995 v Buenos Airesu.
2. člen
Sporazum se v izvirniku v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku glasi:
Vlada Republike Slovenije in Vlada Republike Argentine (v nadaljevanju pogodbenici)
sta se v želji, da bi razvijali in povečali gospodarsko sodelovanje med državama v srednje in dolgoročnem obdobju po načelih enakosti in vzajemne koristi,
v prepričanju, da je ta sporazum primerna in zdrava podlaga za gospodarsko sodelovanje med državama,
dogovorili, kot sledi:
1. člen
Pogodbenici bosta pospeševali razvoj trgovinskega sodelovanja in druge načine gospodarskega sodelovanja med državama v skladu z določili tega sporazuma.
2. člen
Po načelih Splošnega sporazuma o carinah in trgovini (GATT) pogodbenici druga drugi priznata status države z največjimi ugodnostmi za katerokoli zadevo v zvezi s carino, trgovino in drugimi načini gospodarskega sodelovanja med državama.
Vendar pa določila ne veljajo za:
a) ugodnosti ali oprostitve, ki jih je ali jih morda bo priznala ena od pogodbenic sosednjim državam zato, da bi pospeševala obmejno trgovino,
b) ugodnosti ali oprostitve, ki jih je ali jih morda bo priznala ena od pogodbenic in izhajajo iz njene udeležbe v svobodnem trgovinskem območju, carinski zvezi, skupnem trgu ali kateremkoli drugem načinu regionalnega gospodarskega povezovanja,
c) ugodnosti ali oprostitve, ki jih priznava Republika Argentina po dvostranskih sporazumih, sklenjenih z Italijo 10. decembra 1987, in s Španijo 3. junija 1988.
3. člen
Trgovinsko sodelovanje med pogodbenicama poteka po zakonodaji, ki velja v eni in drugi državi.
Izvoz in uvoz blaga kot tudi storitev, dogovorjenih s tem sporazumom, se opravljata s pogodbami ali sporazumi med javnimi in zasebnimi podjetji, organizacijami in ustanovami obeh držav.
4. člen
Posli, ki potekajo po tem sporazumu, se plačujejo v katerikoli konvertibilni valuti, razen če se za določen posel vpletene stranke ne dogovorijo drugače v skladu z veljavno zakonodajo v eni in drugi državi.
5. člen
Pogodbenici si bosta čim bolj prizadevali za zagotovitev stabilnih razmer za razvoj trgovine in drugih načinov gospodarskega sodelovanja med obema državama, še zlasti za sodelovanje na gospodarskem, industrijskem, fitosanitarnem, tehničnem in znanstvenem področju.
Za učinkovito uresničevanje tega sporazuma lahko pogodbenici skleneta posebne protokole in pripravita podrobne programe sodelovanja.
6. člen
Pogodbenici bosta v skladu s svojima zakonodajama pospeševali organiziranje sejmov in razstav in pri tem druga drugi čim bolj pomagali.
Pogodbenici bosta v skladu s svojo zakonodajo in predpisi oprostili izdelke in drugo blago za sejme in razstave, organizirane po tem sporazumu, plačila carinskih in drugih davčnih dajatev, ki se zaračunavajo za uvozne in izvozne posle.
7. člen
Ob morebitnem dumpinškem trgovanju bosta pogodbenici nemudoma storili vse potrebno v skladu s Sporazumom o uresničevanju VI. člena Splošnega sporazuma o carinah in trgovini 1994 in drugo ustrezno zakonodajo.
8. člen
Da bi razvijali gospodarsko sodelovanje, bosta pogodbenici pospeševali izmenjavo informacij, zlasti o zakonodaji v eni in drugi državi in o gospodarskih programih, kot tudi vseh drugih informacij vzajemnega interesa.
9. člen
Pogodbenici se sporazumeta, da bosta ustanovili slovensko-argentinsko mešano komisijo za gospodarsko sodelovanje, ki bo nadzorovala uresničevanje tega sporazuma in dajala predloge in priporočila pogodbenicama, katerih cilj je širjenje trgovine in krepitev sodelovanja med državama.
Pogodbenici bosta pospešili vzpostavitev podjetniškega odbora, ki se lahko sestaja z mešano komisijo in ji predlaga svoje sklepe in priporočila.
Mešana komisija se bo sestajala, ko bo to po mnenju pogodbenic potrebno, izmenično v Republiki Sloveniji in Republiki Argentini.
10. člen
Morebitni spori, ki lahko nastanejo med pogodbenicama v zvezi s tolmačenjem ali uporabo sporazuma, se rešijo po diplomatski poti z neposrednimi pogajanji.
11. člen
Vsaka pogodbenica pisno po diplomatski poti obvesti drugo, da so bile dokončane notranje formalnosti, potrebne za začetek veljavnosti tega sporazuma. Ta sporazum začne veljati na dan kasnejšega od obvestil.
12. člen
Sporazum velja dve leti in se samodejno obnavlja za eno leto, razen če ga ena od pogodbenic pisno ne odpove po diplomatski poti najmanj šest mesecev pred datumom izteka.
Projekti, sklenjeni po tem sporazumu, veljajo in se izvajajo po določilih sporazuma, dokler se v celoti ne dokončajo.
Sestavljeno v Buenos Airesu dne 13. junija 1995 v dveh izvirnikih v slovenskem, španskem in angleškem jeziku, pri čemer so vsa besedila enako veljavna.
Za Vlado
Republike Slovenije
Tone Rop l. r.
Za Vlado
Republike Argentine
Jorge Campbell l. r.
The Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Government of the Argentine Republic (hereinafter referred to as the Contracting Parties).
Wishing to develop and increase economic cooperation in the medium and long term between both countries, based on the principles of equality and mutual benefit;
Convinced that this Agreement constitutes an appropriate and sound basis for the economic cooperation between the two countries;
Have agreed as follows:
Article 1
The Contracting Parties shall promote the development of trade cooperation and other ways of economic cooperation between the two countries in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement.
Article 2
Unider the principles of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), the Contracting Parties shall grant each other the treatment of most favoured nation with respect to any matter related to customs, trade and other ways of economic cooperation between both countries.
However, this provisions shall not apply to:
a) the advantages or exemptions granted or which may be granted by one of the Contracting Parties to other neighbouring countries in order to facilitate border trade;
b) the advantages or exemptions granted or which may be granted by one of the Contracting Parties deriving from its participation in a free-trade area, customs union, common market, or any other way of regional economic integration;
c) the advantages or exemptions granted by the Republic of Argentina under the bilateral agreements concluded with Italy on December 10, 1987 and with Spain on June 3, 1988.
Article 3
Trade-economic cooperation between the Contracting Parties shall be carried out according to the legislation in force in each country.
Exports and imports of goods as well as of services agreed upon within the frame of this Agreement shall be carried out by means of contracts or agreements between public and private enterprises, organizations and institutions of their respective countries.
Article 4
Payments of transactions carried out within the frame of this Agreement shall be made in free convertible currency, unless otherwise agreed upon by the parties involved in a special transaction, according to the legislation in force in each country.
Article 5
The Contracting Parties shall, as far as posible, endeavour to ensure steady conditions to develop trade and other ways of economic cooperation between both countries, aiming particularly at the cooperation in the economic, industrial, fito-sanitary, technical and scientific field.
In order to achieve the effective execution of this Agreement, the Contracting Parties may conclude special protocols and prepare detailed cooperation programs.
Article 6
The Contracting Parties shall, within the frame of their respective legislations, promote the organization of fairs and exhibitions and render each other all poosible assistance in this respect.
The Contracting Parties shall, according to their respective legislations and regulations, exempt promotional supplies and other commodities for fairs and exhibitions organized within the frame of this Agreement from the payment of customs duties and other tax burden charged on import and export transactions.
Article 7
In the case of dumping commerce the Contracting Parties will conduct all necessary measures without any delay in accordance with the Agreement on Implementation of Article VI of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994 and other respective legislation.
Article 8
In order to develop economic cooperation, the Contracting Parties shall promote the exchange of information, specially in relation to their respective legislations and economic programs as weel as any other information of mutual interest.
Article 9
The Contracting Parties agree to set up an Argentine–Slovenian Joint Commission for Economic Cooperation to supervise the execution of this Agreement, and to submit proposals and recommendations to the Contracting Parties aiming at enlarging trade and strengthening the cooperation between the two countries.
The Contracting Parties shall promote the setting up of an entrepreneurial Committee which may meet together with the Joint Commissions and submit to the latter its conclusions and recommendations.
The Joint Commission shall meet when both Contracting Parties deem it necessary, alternatively, in the Republic of Argentina and the Republic of Slovenia.
Article 10
Any dispute which may arise between the Contracting Parties concerning the interpretation or application of this Agreement shall be settled through the diplomatic channels by direct negotiations.
Article 11
Each Contracting Parties shall notify the other in writing through diplomatic channels of the completion of the internal formalities required for the entry into force of this Agreement. This Agreement shall enter into force on the date of the latter of the two notifications.
Article 12
This Agreement shall be valid for two years and shall be automatically renewed for periods of one year, unless one Party denounces it in writing, through diplomatic channels, at least sixth months prior to its date of expiration.
The projects concluded under this Agreement shall be valid and executed according to the provisions of the Agreement until the full compliance.
Done at Buenos Aires on June 13, 1995, in two originals, in the Slovene, Spanish and English languages, all texts beeing equally valid.
For the Government of the
Republic of Slovenia
Tone Rop, (s)
For the Government of the
Argentine Republic
Jorge Campbel, (s)
3. člen
Za izvajanje sporazuma skrbi Ministrstvo za ekonomske odnose in razvoj.
4. člen
Ta zakon začne veljati naslednji dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 310-08/95-19/1
Ljubljana, dne 29. septembra 1995
Državnega zbora
Republike Slovenije
Jožef Školč l. r.

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