Na podlagi tretjega odstavka 63. člena Zakona o zunanjih zadevah (Uradni list RS, št. 1/91-I) izdaja Vlada Republike Slovenije
1. člen
Ratificira se Program sodelovanja v kulturi, izobraževanju in znanosti med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Države Izrael za leta 1994–1996, podpisan 10. maja 1994 v Jeruzalemu.
2. člen
Program se v izvirniku v angleškem jeziku in prevodu v slovenskem jeziku glasi:
of Cultural, Educational and Scientific Cooperation between the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Government of the State of Israel for the Years 1994–1996
The Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Government of the State of Israel (referred to hereinafter as “the parties”), guided by the desire to strengthen friendly relations and promote exchanges in the areas of culture, education, and science, have decided to sign this program for the years 1994–1996, agreeing upon the following:
I. Education
1. In the area of education, the parties shall assist both the Ministry of Education and Sport of the Republic of Slovenia and the Ministry of Education, Culture, and Sport of the State of Israel in promoting further contacts between the two countries.
To this end, the program shall seek to:
a) Identify priority areas for cooperation in the area of education, which shall be specified through diplomatic channels;
b) Devise specific measures to encourage direct contacts, the exchange of information, and the exchange of specialists in the field of education;
c) Examine the possibilities for mutual recognition of certificates, diplomas of higher education, academic degrees and titles.
2. The Israeli party wishes to inform the Slovenian party of the willingness of the International Center for University Teaching of Jewish Civilization to cooperate with Slovenian universities, and it expresses its hope that Slovenia will participate in the annual workshop organized by the center.
3. The parties shall encourage the study of the Hebrew and Slovene languages.
4. The parties shall exchange two-member delegations who will get acquainted with the pre-primary, primary, secondary, and higher education systems of the other country, as well as adult education in the other country.
The length of the visits will be worked out through diplomatic channels, but they will not exceed seven days.
The visits will focus on the following educational areas:
a) Teaching of foreign languages;
b) Vocational education and training;
c) Education for gifted children;
d) Methods of individualization in primary schools;
e) Education for disabled and handicapped children;
f) Baccalaurea (matriculation);
g) Promotion of school links and exchanges.
5. The parties recognize the importance of a fair presentation of the history and geography of the two countries in school textbooks. To this end, the parties shall exchange, at the request of the other party, a list of curricula.
6. The NCJW (National Council of Jewish Women) Research Institute for Innovation in Education at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (School of Education) proposes that the two countries cooperate in the following areas:
Preschool programs
1. HATAF: Home Activity for Toddlers and Their Families
2. HIPPY: Home Instruction Program for Preschool Youngsters
Programs for elementary and secondary schools
1. YACHAD: The Children Tutoring Children Project
2. Development of a science tutorial program for young children
3. The Rules of the Game: Understanding and Implementing Democratic Procedures
4. MANOF: Residential Educational Youth Centers
II. Scholarships
7. Each year, the Israeli party will offer one specialization scholarship of nine months, open to postgraduate students who wish to undertake studies at an Israeli university or school of fine arts, or the Rubin Academy of Music.
8. Each year, the Slovenian party will offer one nine-month scholarship, open to Israeli candidates for postgraduate studies and specializations.
9. Each party will offer two scholarships for summer courses, per year.
10. The parties shall encourage direct contacts between their respective universities. The Slovenian party expresses its wish that cooperation be established between:
– the Academy of Fine Arts in Ljubljana (Department of Design) and the corresponding department at Tel Aviv University
– the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences and an appropriate Israeli faculty (14-day exchange of two full professors from the aforementioned fields).
III. Science
11. General guidelines for cooperation between the two countries in science and technology result from the Statement of Intent and Protocol on the Visit of the Slovenian Scientific Delegation to Israel, signed in Israel on 16 June 1993. These guidelines are as follows:
a) The parties shall support the numerous existing direct contacts between Slovenian and Israeli scientific and research institutions, and encourage the establishment of new direct contacts.
b) The cooperation shall take the following forms: the exchange of information and documentation; the exchange of students, young researchers, scientists, experts, and university teachers and lecturers; the organization of joint scientific courses, seminars, conferences, and workshops; the carrying out of joint research programs and projects; and the joint use of equipment and materials.
c) The parties shall promote cooperation in fields of mutual interest, both in the natural and social sciences, and particularly research in the following areas: environment, biotechnology, biocybernetics, robotics, electronics, electrooptics, information technology, etc.
d) The parties shall support initiatives for the establishment of direct cooperation between the following institutions:
– the University of Ljubljana and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
– the Chemical Institute and the Jozef Stefan Intitute and the Weizmann Institute of Science
– the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, and the Israeli Academy of Sciences and Humanities.
e) The respective government ministries responsible for science and technology shall coordinate the activities and shall set up a Joint Committee. Each party shall appoint two members to the Joint Committee, to be agreed upon by both ministries.
12. The Joint Committee will meet in Ljubljana as soon as possible to discuss the cooperation between the two countries. The basis for this discussion will be the project proposals submitted by the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Republic of Slovenia, and other proposals that will be submitted by the two parties.
The parties are willing to allocate funds to promote cooperative projects in the area of science and technology.
IV. Culture and arts
13. The parties shall support the cooperation that exists in the preservation of cultural heritage. The parties shall also support activities aimed at the preservation of localities of mutual interest.
14. The Israeli party informs the Slovenian party of the following major festivals that will be taking place in Israel:
– The Israel Festival in Jerusalem
– The Zimriya World Assembly of Choirs
– The Suzanne Dellal International Dance Competition
– The Israel Folk Dance Festival (Carmiel)
– The International Folklore Festival (Haifa)
– The Arthur Rubinstein Music Competition
– The Inter Theatronetto Festival for One-Person Shows
– The International Harp Contest
– The Jerusalem International Puppet Theater
The Slovenian party informs the Israeli party of the following major festivals that will be taking place in Slovenia:
– The 21st Youth Choirs Festival, Celje, 1995
– The IDRIART Festival
– The International Summer Festival, Ljubljana
– The Old Music Festival, Radovljica
The details shall be agreed upon by the relevant bodies in both countries.
15. The parties shall encourage exchanges of experts in the fields of theater, music, dance, the visual arts, museums, and film, as well as exchanges of festival directors. Seven days will be allotted each year for this purpose.
The Slovenian party proposes direct cooperation between:
– the Ljubljana Puppet Theater and the following Israeli theaters: the Jerusalem Center for the Performing Arts / Jerusalem Israel Festival; the School of Theater, Jerusalem, and the Ha’karon Theater Society;
16. The parties shall promote the participation of each other’s artistic groups in their respective major festivals.
17. The Israeli Composers League is interested in cooperating with the Slovenian Composers League.
18. The Israeli party informs the Slovenian party that it plans to send the Amber Trio Jerusalem to perform in Slovenia.
19. The Israeli party informs the Slovenian party that the Jerusalem Symphony Orchestra plans to perform in Ljubljana on 31 July and 1 August 1994.
20. The parties express their wish to hold “culture weeks” in other country, on a reciprocal basis.
21. The parties welcome the participation of the Slovenian party in the events marking the 3000th anniversary of Jerusalem, which are to be held in 1996.
V. Literature, libraries, and archives
22. The parties shall encourage the translation of the other country’s literature into their respective languages.
23. The parties shall encourage visits to the other country by writers from their rerspective countries.
24. The Israeli party extends an invitation to participate in the International Book Fair in Jerusalem in 1995.
25. The Israeli party invites the Slovenian party to participate in the international writers conference and in the international poets conference, which will take place in Jerusalem in 1995.
26. The Slovenian party invites the Israeli party to participate in the international PEN meeting that is to be held in Bled.
27. The parties shall encourage mutual exchanges of translators, for a predetermined period, in order to allow them to become acquainted with residents of the other country, for the purpose of improving their professional proficiency.
28. The parties shall encourage direct cooperation between archives and libraries in the two countries, including national, public, and research libraries.
In this context, the Israeli party wishes to bring to the attention of the Slovenian party the cooperation between the International Institute for Archival Studies in Maribor and the Engineering and Maintenance Division of Tel Aviv University.
29. The parties shall facilitate the exchange of experts in the field of archives, including the areas of conservation and restoration, for a period of fifteen days during the period of this program. The authorized institution in Slovenia shall be the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia.
30. The Israeli party accepts the invitation to participate in the meeting of the assembly of the International Institute for Archival Studies, to be held at Radenci.
VI. Museums and exhibitions
31. The parties shall encourage direct contacts between museums and institutions in the two countries, including exchanges of specialists.
32. The Slovenian party proposes to establish direct cooperation between the National Museum of Slovenia and Israeli museums, in the form of exchanges of specialists and reciprocal exchanges of exhibitions.
33. The Israel Railway Museum in Haifa is interested in cooperation with the Slovenian Railway Museum.
34. The Slovenian party expresses its wish to hold the Architecture of Jerusalem in the 80’s exhibition at the DESSA Gallery and an exhibition of the works of Zvi Goldstein at Moderna Galerija.
VII. Cinema
35. The parties shall encourage the participation of films and film-makers in international film festivals.
36. The Israeli party notifies the Slovenian party of the following film festivals that will be held in Israel:
– The Jerusalem Film Festival (spring)
– The Haifa Film Festival (autumn)
– The Student’s International Film Festival in Tel Aviv (every two years)
The parties shall assist in sending films through diplomatic channels.
37. The parties shall encourage the holding of “film weeks” on a reciprocal basis. Each party shall invite a film director to participate in the film week. Technical details will be worked out through direct cooperation between the relevant authorities in the two countries.
38. The Israeli party informs the Slovenian party of its desire to hold an “Israeli Film Week” in Ljubljana in January 1995.
VIII. Youth
39. The parties shall encourage the exhange of Slovenian and Israeli youth, with a view to exchanging delegations of young people from various fields.
40. The parties express their interest in implementing the exchange of youth between Israel and Slovenia through the Public Council for Exchange of Youth and Young Adults in Israel and the Office of the Republic of Slovenia for Youth at the Ministry of Education and Sport.
IX. Sports and physical education
41. The parties shall encourage cooperation between youth organizations, schools, and institutions of cultural and social activities.
42. The parties shall encourage cooperation in the areas of sports, school sports, and physical education, and shall pursue direct contacts and closer cooperation between the sports authorities in the two countries. The content and the details of this cooperation shall be worked out directly by the aforementioned authorities.
X. General and financial provisions
43. With regard to the exchange of persons for short visits (up to thirty days), the receiving party shall provide accommodations and an allowance based on the per diem allowance specified in the current regulations.
44. With regard to the exchange of students, the sending party shall submit the names and applications of candidates for scholarships by 30 March each year. The receiving party shall let the other party know whether the proposed candidates have been accepted by 1 July. Decisions regarding the acceptance of summer course candidates must be communicated before 1 June.
45. The parties shall send application forms to scholarship candidates.
46. Each scholarship file shall include the candidate’s curriculum vitae, copies of diplomas or degree certificates, medical documents, proof of knowledge of the required languages, and a study or research plan (indicating the institutions and experts that the candidate would like to visit), as well as any other useful information. All information shall be provided in English.
47. The persons coming to Slovenia shall speak Slovene, English, or French, or shall reach an agreement with the receiving institution with regard to the language to be used.
Those coming to Israel shall speak either Hebrew or English.
48. The Israeli party shall grant Slovenian scholarship holders a monthly allowance of approximately $500 U.S. (in Israeli shekels), an exemption from university tuition, and health insurance (which does not include dental care and treatment for chronic diseases).
49. The Slovenian party shall grant Israeli scholarship holders a monthly allowance of $300 U.S. and an additional $100 U.S. (in Slovenian tolars) upon arrival, an exemption from university tuition, and basic health insurance.
50. Information as to the exact date of arrival and the means of transport shall be communicated to the receiving party no later than three weeks in advance.
51. Proposals regarding the exchange of experts shall be made by the sending party at least four months prior to the commencement of the program. The receiving party shall notify the sending party of its approval of a proposal at least six weeks prior to the expert’s arrival. Any stay of a leading visiting professor for the spring term shall be announced by 1 October of the preceding year.
52. If professors or experts are invited to visit the other country, the host party shall make the proposal and supply all necessary information, and the sending party shall give its approval.
53. The Israeli party shall provide visiting Slovenian experts with a per diem allowance of $100 U.S., in Israeli shekels.
54. The Slovenian party shall provide visiting Israeli experts in the field of education with financial means to cover the subsistence expenses (accommodation costs plus a daily allowance in accordance with the regulations in force). In addition, they will receive an honorarium not exceeding DM 500 (in Slovenian tolars).
55. The financial provisions for the exchange of scientists will be decided upon by the Joint Committee for Scientific Cooperation.
56. The following conditions will apply to the exchange of exhibitions:
a) The sending party shall pay the costs of transporting the exhibition to its first location in the receiving country, and the costs of transporting the exhibition back from its last location.
b) The receiving party shall pay the costs of transporting the exhibition to other locations within its territory, as well as the costs of setting up the exhibition, publicity, and catalogues.
c) The sending party shall cover the insurance costs for the exhibition for the periods of transportation and display.
d) If the objects sent by the sending party suffer any damage, the receiving party will provide the sending party with all relevant documentation so that the latter can pursue its claim for compensation with the relevant insurance company.
e) The costs arising from the gathering of the information shall be paid by the receiving party.
f) The receiving party shall provide the security necessary to ensure the safety of the exhibition.
g) The subsistence costs of the courier accompanying the exhibition shall be borne by the receiving party.
h) The sending party shall transmit all the necessary material for the catalogue at least three months before the opening of the exhibition. The exhibits shall be sent fifteen days prior to the opening of the exhibition, unless agreed otherwise by the parties.
57. All other matters that may arise in the course of the implementation of this program shall be settled through diplomatic channels.
58. This program does not preclude the realization of other exchanges in the areas of culture, education, and science, provided that they are agreed upon through diplomatic channels.
The present program will take effect following the receipt of notification through diplomatic channels that the conditions required for its taking effect by the legislation of the respective countries have been fulfilled.
The parties agree that the program shall be applicable ad interim as of the day of the signing.
Signed in Jerusalem on 10 May 1994 in two original copies in English, both being equally authentic.
For the Government of
the Republic of Slovenia
Tanja Orel-Šturm, (s)
For the Government of
the State of Israel
Uri Barner, (s)
sodelovanja v kulturi, izobraževanju in znanosti med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Države Izrael za leta 1994–1996
Vlada Republike Slovenije in Vlada Države Izrael, v nadaljevanju pogodbenici, sta v želji, da bi okrepili prijateljske odnose in pospešili izmenjavo v kulturi, izobraževanju in znanosti, sklenili, da podpišeta ta program za leta 1994–1996 ter se dogovorili o naslednjem:
I. Izobraževanje
1. V izobraževanju pogodbenici pomagata tako Ministrstvu za šolstvo in šport Republike Slovenije kot tudi Ministrstvu za šolstvo, kulturo in šport Države Izrael pri pospeševanju nadaljnjih stikov med državama.
V ta namen program poskuša:
a) opredeliti prednostna področja sodelovanja v izboljševanju, kar bo podrobno določeno po diplomatski poti;
b) načrtovati posebne ukrepe, da bi spodbudili neposredne stike, izmenjavo informacij ter izmenjavo strokovnjakov v izobraževanju;
c) proučiti možnosti za medsebojno priznavanje spričeval, visokošolskih diplom, akademskih stopenj in naslovov.
2. Izraelska stran želi obvestiti slovensko stran o pripravljenosti Mednarodnega centra za poučevanje židovske civilizacije na univerzah, da sodeluje s slovenskimi univerzami in izraža upanje, da bo Slovenija sodelovala v letni delavnici, ki jo organizira Center.
3. Pogodbenici spodbujata študij hebrejskega in slovenskega jezika.
4. Pogodbenici izmenjujeta dvočlanske delegacije, ki se bodo seznanile s sistemi predšolskega, osnovnošolskega, srednješolskega in visokošolskega izobraževanja druge države ter z izobraževanjem odraslih v drugi državi.
O trajanju obiskov se bosta dogovorili po diplomatski poti, vendar ti ne bodo daljši od sedem dni.
Obiski se bodo osredotočili na:
a) poučevanje tujih jezikov;
b) poklicno izobraževanje in usposabljanje;
c) izobraževanje za nadarjene otroke;
d) metode individualizacije v osnovnih šolah;
e) izobraževanje za invalidne in prizadete otroke;
f) maturo (vpis na univerzo);
g) pospeševanje šolskih vezi in izmenjav.
5. Pogodbenici priznavata pomen nepristranske predstavitve zgodovine in geografije obeh držav v šolskih učbenikih. V ta namen pogodbenici na prošnjo druge pogodbenice izmenjata seznam učnih načrtov.
6. Raziskovalni inštitut Narodnega sveta židovskih žena (National Council of Jewish Women) za uvajanje novosti v izobraževanju na Hebrejski univerzi v Jeruzalemu (Šola izobraževanja) predlaga, da državi sodelujeta na teh področjih:
Predšolski programi
1. Domača dejavnost za malčke in njihove družine
2. Program domačega pouka za predšolske otroke
Programi za osnovne in srednje šole
1. YACHAD: projekt Otroci učijo otroke
2. Razvoj programa poučevanja znanosti za majhne otroke
3. Pravila igre: Razumevanje in izvajanje demokratičnih postopkov
4. Rezidenčni izobraževalni mladinski centri
II. Štipendije
7. Vsako leto bo izraelska stran ponudila eno devetmesečno štipendijo za specializacijo za podiplomske študente, ki želijo študirati na izraelski univerzi, umetniški šoli ali Rubinovi akademiji za glasbo.
8. Vsako leto bo slovenska stran ponudila eno devetmesečno štipendijo za izraelske kandidate za podiplomski študij in specializacijo.
9. Vsaka pogodbenica bo letno ponudila dve štipendiji za poletne tečaje.
10. Pogodbenici spodbujata neposredne stike svojih univerz z univerzami druge pogodbenice. Slovenska stran izraža željo, da bi se vzpostavilo sodelovanje med:
– Akademijo za likovno umetnost v Ljubljani (Oddelek za oblikovanje) in ustreznim oddelkom na Univerzi Tel Aviv
– Fakulteto za strojništvo in Fakulteto za elektrotehniko in računalništvo in ustrezno izraelsko fakulteto (14-dnevna izmenjava dveh rednih profesorjev s prej omenjenih področij).
III. Znanost
11. Splošne smernice za sodelovanje med državama v znanosti in tehnologiji izhajajo iz Izjave o nameri in Protokolu o obisku slovenske znanstvene delegacije v Izraelu, podpisanih v Izraelu 16. junija 1993. Te smernice so:
a) Pogodbenici podpirata številne obstoječe neposredne stike med slovenskimi in izraelskimi znanstvenimi in raziskovalnimi ustanovami in spodbujata vzpostavitev novih neposrednih stikov.
b) Sodelovanje ima te oblike: izmenjava informacij in dokumentacije, izmenjava študentov, mladih raziskovalcev, znanstvenikov, strokovnjakov ter univerzitetnih učiteljev in predavateljev, organizacija skupnih raziskovalnih programov in projektov in skupna uporaba opreme in gradiva.
c) Pogodbenici pospešujeta sodelovanje na področjih, ki so v interesu obeh, tako v naravoslovnih kot tudi družboslovnih znanostih in še posebej raziskovanje na teh področjih: okolje, biotehnologija, biokibernetika, robotika, elektronika, elektrooptika, informacijska tehnologija itd.
d) Pogodbenici podpirata pobude za vzpostavitev neposrednega sodelovanja med temi ustanovami:
– Univerzo v Ljubljani in Hebrejsko univerzo Jeruzalem
– Kemijskim institutom in Institutom Jožef Stefan ter Weizmannovim institutom za znanost
– Slovensko akademijo znanosti in umetnosti in Izraelsko akademijo znanosti in humanističnih ved
e) Ministrstvi, odgovorni za znanost in tehnologijo pogodbenic, usklajujeta dejavnosti in sestavita Skupni odbor. Vsaka pogodbenica imenuje v Skupni odbor dva člana po dogovoru obeh ministrstev.
12. Skupni odbor se bo sestal v Ljubljani takoj, ko bo mogoče, da bi razpravljal o sodelovanju med državama. Podlaga za to razpravo bodo predlogi projektov, ki jih je predložilo Ministrstvo za znanost in tehnologijo Republike Slovenije, in drugi predlogi, ki jih bosta predložili pogodbenici.
Pogodbenici sta pripravljeni dodeljevati sredstva za pospeševanje projektov sodelovanja v znanosti in tehnologiji.
IV. Kultura in umetnost
13. Pogodbenici podpirata sodelovanje pri varovanju kulturne dediščine. Pogodbenici podpirata tudi dejavnosti, katerih namen je varovanje krajev in objektov skupnega interesa.
14. Izraelska stran obvešča slovensko stran o teh večjih festivalih, ki bodo v Izraelu:
– Izraelski festival v Jeruzalemu
– Svetovno zborovanje pevskih zborov Zimriya
– Mednarodno plesno tekmovanje Suzanne Dellal
– Festival izraelskega narodnega plesa (Carmiel)
– Mednarodni folklorni festival (Haifa)
– Glasbeno tekmovanje Arthur Rubinstein
– Festival Inter Theatronetto za predstave z enim izvajalcem
– Mednarodno tekmovanje harf
– Jeruzalemsko mednarodno lutkovno gledališče.
Slovenska stran obvešča izraelsko stran o naslednjih večjih festivalih, ki bodo v Sloveniji:
– 21. Festival mladinskih pevskih zborov, Celje, 1995
– Festival IDRIART
– Mednarodni poletni festival, Ljubljana
– Festival stare glasbe, Radovljica.
O podrobnostih se dogovorijo pristojna telesa v obeh državah.
15. Pogodbenici spodbujata izmenjavo strokovnjakov za gledališče, glasbo, ples, vizualne umetnosti, muzeje in film ter izmenjavo direktorjev festivalov. Temu bo vsako leto namenjenih sedem dni.
Slovenska stran predlaga neposredno sodelovanje med:
– Ljubljanskim lutkovnim gledališčem in izraelskimi gledališči: Jeruzalemskim centrom za poustvarjalne umetnosti / Jeruzalemski izraelski festival, Gledališko šolo Jeruzalem in Gledališkim združenjem Ha’karon.
16. Pogodbenici pospešujeta sodelovanje umetniških skupin druge strani na svojih večjih festivalih.
17. Izraelsko društvo skladateljev se zanima za sodelovanje s Slovenskim društvom skladateljev.
18. Izraelska stran obvešča slovensko stran, da namerava poslati Amber Trio Jerusalem na nastope v Sloveniji.
19. Izraelska stran obvešča slovensko stran, da namerava Jeruzalemski simfonični orkester 31. julija in 1. avgusta 1994 nastopati v Ljubljani.
20. Pogodbenici izražata željo, da bi na vzajemni podlagi organizirali “kulturne tedne” v drugi državi.
21. Pogodbenici z veseljem sprejemata sodelovanje Slovenije na prireditvah, ki bodo leta 1996 ob 3000-letnici Jeruzalema.
V. Književnost, knjižnice in arhivi
22. Pogodbenici spodbujata prevode književnih del druge države v svoja jezika.
23. Pogodbenici spodbujata obiske pisateljev svojih držav v drugi državi.
24. Izraelska stran vabi k sodelovanju na Mednarodnem knjižnem sejmu v Jeruzalemu leta 1995.
25. Izraelska stran vabi slovensko stran k sodelovanju na mednarodni konferenci pisateljev in mednarodni konferenci pesnikov, ki bosta leta 1995 v Jeruzalemu.
26. Slovenska stran vabi izraelsko stran k sodelovanju na mednarodnem srečanju PEN, ki bo na Bledu.
27. Pogodbenici spodbujata medsebojno izmenjavo prevajalcev za vnaprej določeno obdobje, da se bodo seznanili s prebivalci druge države in na ta način izpopolnili svoje strokovno znanje.
28. Pogodbenici spodbujata neposredno sodelovanje med arhivi in knjižnicami v obeh državah, vključno z narodnimi, javnimi in strokovnimi knjižnicami.
V tej zvezi želi izraelska stran opozoriti slovensko stran na sodelovanje med Mednarodnim institutom za arhivistiko v Mariboru in Oddelkom za tehnologijo in vzdrževanje Univerze v Tel Avivu.
29. Pogodbenici omogočata lažjo izmenjavo strokovnjakov s področja arhivistike, vključno s konzervatorstvom in restavriranjem, za petnajst dni med veljavnostjo tega programa. Pooblaščena ustanova v Sloveniji je Arhiv Republike Slovenije.
30. Izraelska stran sprejme vabilo za sodelovanje na srečanju skupščine Mednarodnega inštituta za arhivistiko, ki bo v Radencih.
VI. Muzeji in razstave
31. Pogodbenici spodbujata neposredne stike med muzeji in ustanovami obeh držav, vključno z izmenjavo strokovnjakov.
32. Slovenska stran predlaga vzpostavitev neposrednega sodelovanja med Slovenskim narodnim muzejem in izraelskimi muzeji v obliki izmenjav strokovnjakov in medsebojnih izmenjav razstav.
33. Izraelski železniški muzej v Haifi se zanima za sodelovanje s Slovenskim železniškim muzejem.
34. Slovenska stran želi, da bi bila razstava Arhitektura Jeruzalema v osemdesetih letih v galeriji Dessa, razstava del Zvi Goldsteina pa v Moderni galeriji.
VII. Film
35. Pogodbenici spodbujata sodelovanje filmov in filmskih ustavarjalcev na mednarodnih filmskih festivalih.
36. Izraelska stran obvesti slovensko stran o filmskih festivalih v Izraelu:
– Jeruzalemski filmski festival (pomlad)
– Haifski filmski festival (jesen)
– Mednarodni študentski filmski festival v Tel Avivu (vsaki dve leti).
Pogodbenici si pomagata pri pošiljanju filmov po diplomatski poti.
37. Pogodbenici spodbujata organizacijo tednov filma na podlagi vzajemnosti. Vsaka pogodbenica povabi filmskega režiserja, da sodeluje na tednu filma. Tehnične podrobnosti bodo določene pri neposrednem sodelovanju med pristojnimi organi obeh držav.
38. Izraelska stran obvesti slovensko stran o svoji želji, da organizira “teden izraelskega filma” januarja 1995 v Ljubljani.
VIII. Mladina
39. Pogodbenici spodbujata izmenjavo slovenske in izraelske mladine z namenom, da bi se izmenjavale delegacije mladih z različnih področij.
40. Pogodbenici izražata zanimanje za uresničevanje izmenjave mladih med Izraelom in Slovenijo preko Javnega sveta za izmenjavo mladine in mlajših odraslih v Izraelu in Uradom Republike Slovenije za mladino v Ministrstvu za šolstvo in šport.
IX. Šport in telesna vzgoja
41. Pogodbenici spodbujata sodelovanje med mladinskimi organizacijami, šolami in ustanovami za kulturne in družabne dejavnosti.
42. Pogodbenici spodbujata sodelovanje v športu, šolskem športu in telesni vzgoji ter negujeta neposredne stike in tesnejše sodelovanje med športnimi organi obeh držav. Vsebino in podrobnosti tega sodelovanja neposredno določijo prej omenjeni organi.
X. Splošne in finančne določbe
43. Pri izmenjavi oseb za krajša obdobja (do 30 dni) pogodbenica sprejemnica zagotovi nastanitev in denar za kritje stroškov bivanja na podlagi dnevnice, določene v takrat veljavnih predpisih.
44. Pri izmenjavi študentov pogodbenica pošiljateljica pošlje imena in prošnje kandidatov za štipendije do 30. marca vsako leto. Pogodbenica sprejemnica do 1. julija obvesti drugo pogodbenico, ali so bili predlagani kandidati sprejeti. Odločitve o sprejemu kandidatov za poletne tečaje je prav tako treba sporočiti pred 1. junijem.
45. Pogodbenici pošljeta prijavnice kandidatov za štipendije.
46. Vsak spis o štipendiji mora vključevati kandidatov življenjepis, kopije spričeval ali diplom, zdravniško dokumentacijo, dokazilo o znanju zahtevanih jezikov, študijski ali raziskovalni načrt (v katerem so navedene ustanove in strokovnjaki, ki bi jih kandidat želel obiskati) ter druge koristne informacije. Vse informacije morajo biti v angleščini.
47. Osebe, ki bodo prišle v Slovenijo, morajo govoriti slovensko, angleško ali francosko ali pa se z ustanovo sprejemnico dogovorijo glede jezika, ki se bo uporabljal.
Tiste osebe, ki bodo prišle v Izrael, morajo govoriti hebrejsko ali angleško.
48. Izraelska stran slovenskim štipendistom mesečno dodeli denar za kritje stroškov bivanja v višini približno 500 USD (v izraelskih šekelih), brezplačno šolanje na univerzah in zdravstveno zavarovanje (z izjemo zobozdravstvenega varstva in zdravljenja kroničnih bolezni).
49. Slovenska stran izraelskim štipendistom mesečno dodeli denar za kritje stroškov bivanja v višini 300 USD in dodatnih 100 USD (v slovenskih tolarjih) ob prihodu, oprostitev šolnine na univerzi in osnovno zdravstveno zavarovanje.
50. Obvestilo o točnem datumu prihoda in načinu prevoza je treba pogodbenici sporočiti vsaj tri tedne vnaprej.
51. Pogodbenica pošiljateljica da predloge za izmenjavo strokovnjakov vsaj štiri mesece pred pričetkom programa. Pogodbenica sprejemnica obvesti pogodbenico pošiljateljico o svojem soglasju glede predloga vsaj šest tednov pred prihodom strokovnjaka. Vsako bivanje vodilnega gostujočega profesorja za spomladanski semester je treba najaviti do 1. oktobra prejšnjega leta.
52. Če so profesorji ali strokovnjaki povabljeni na obisk v drugo državo, pogodbenica gostiteljica da predlog in preskrbi vse potrebne podatke, pogodbenica pošiljateljica pa da svoje soglasje.
53. Izraelska stran slovenskim strokovnjakom dodeli dnevnico v višini 100 USD v izraelskih šekelih.
54. Slovenska stran gostujočim izraelskim strokovnjakom s področja izobraževanja zagotovi finančna sredstva za kritje stroškov bivanja (stroški nastanitve in dnevnica v skladu z veljavnimi predpisi). Poleg tega bodo prejeli honorar, ki ne presega 500 DEM (v slovenskih tolarjih).
55. O finančnih določbah za izmenjavo znanstvenikov bo odločal Skupni odbor za znanstveno sodelovanje.
56. Za izmenjavo razstav bodo veljali ti pogoji:
a) Pogodbenica pošiljateljica plača stroške prevoza razstave do prvega kraja v državi sprejemnici in stroške prevoza nazaj iz zadnjega kraja razstave.
b) Pogodbenica sprejemnica plača stroške prevoza razstave do drugih krajev na svojem ozemlju ter stroške postavitve razstave, stroške za reklamo in kataloge.
c) Pogodbenica pošiljateljica krije stroške zavarovanja med prevozom in razstavo.
d) Če se predmeti, ki jih je poslala pogodbenica pošiljateljica, poškodujejo, pogodbenica sprejemnica priskrbi pogodbenici pošiljateljici vso potrebno dokumentacijo ter ji s tem omogoči, da uveljavlja odškodninski zahtevek pri pristojni zavarovalnici.
e) Stroške zbiranja informacij plača pogodbenica sprejemnica.
f) Pogodbenica sprejemnica zagotovi potrebne varnostne ukrepe za varnost razstave.
g) Stroške bivanja spremljevalca razstave krije pogodbenica sprejemnica.
h) Pogodbenica pošiljateljica pošlje vse potrebno gradivo za kataloge vsaj tri mesece pred odprtjem razstave. Eksponati se pošljejo 15 dni pred odprtjem razstave, razen če se pogodbenici ne dogovorita drugače.
57. Vse druge zadeve, ki se lahko pojavijo med izvajanjem tega programa, se rešujejo po diplomatski poti.
58. Ta program ne preprečuje realizacije drugih izmenjav v kulturi, izobraževanju in znanosti pod pogojem, da so dogovorjene po diplomatski poti.
Ta program začne veljati po prejemu uradnega obvestila po diplomatski poti, da so izpolnjeni pogoji za njegovo uveljavitev, predvideni z zakonodajo obeh držav.
Pogodbenici se strinjata, da se program začasno uporablja od dneva podpisa.
Podpisano 10. maja 1994 v Jeruzalemu v dveh izvirnikih v angleščini, ki sta enako verodostojna.
Za Vlado
Republike Slovenije
Tanja Orel-Šturm l. r.
Za Vlado
Države Izrael
Uri Barner l. r.
3. člen
Za izvajanje programa skrbijo Ministrstvo za kulturo, Ministrstvo za šolstvo in šport, Ministrstvo za znanost in tehnologijo in Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve.
4. člen
Ta uredba začne veljati naslednji dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 680-02/93-12/4-8
Ljubljana, dne 3. avgusta 1995
Vlada Republike Slovenije
Janko Deželak l. r.