Na podlagi tretjega odstavka 63. člena Zakona o zunanjih zadevah (Uradni list RS, št. 1/91-I) izdaja Vlada Republike Slovenije
1. člen
Ratificira se Statut Mednarodnega centra za študij varstva in restavriranja kulturnih dobrin (ICCROM), ki ga je sprejela generalna skupščina centra na svojem drugem zasedanju 24. aprila 1963, dopolnila na sedmem zasedanju 12. aprila 1973 in spremenila na osemnajstem zasedanju 21. oktobra 1993.
2. člen
Besedilo statuta se v angleškem izvirniku in slovenskem prevodu glasi:
As revised by the XVIIIth session of the General Assembly, on 21 October 1993.
Article 1
Purpose and functions
The “International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property”, hereinafter called “ICCROM”, shall contribute to the worldwide conservation and restoration of cultural property by initiating, developing, promoting and facilitating conditions for such conservation and restoration. ICCROM shall exercise, in particular, the following functions:
(a) collect, study and circulate information concerned with scientific, technical and ethical issues relating to the conservation and restoration of cultural property;
(b) co-ordinate, stimulate or institute research in this domain by means, in particular, of assignments entrusted to bodies or experts, international meetings, publications and the exchange of specialists;
(c) give advice and make recommendations on general or specific questions relating to the conservation and restoration of cultural property;
(d) promote, develop and provide training relating to the conservations and restoration of cultural property and raise the standards and practice of conservation and restoration work;
(e) encourage initiatives that create a better understanding of the conservation and restoration of cultural property.
Article 2
1. ICCROM is an international organization composed of Member States.
2. A state that is a Member State of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (hereinafter referred to as “UNESCO”) may become a Member State of ICCROM by depositing a formal declaration of accession with the Director-General of UNESCO. Any such state that has become a Member State of ICCROM and subsequently ceases to be a Member State of UNESCO shall retain its membership of ICCROM.
3. A state that is not a Member State of UNESCO may forward an application for membership to the Director-General of ICCROM. Following consideration of the application by the Council, such a state may be admitted to membership of ICCROM by the General Assembly. Admission to membership shall require a decision taken by a two-thirds majority of the Member States of ICCROM present and voting. The Director-General of UNESCO shall be notified of the admission of a Member State of ICCROM pursuant to this paragraph.
4. Membership acquired pursuant to paragraph 1 of this Article shall take effect thirty days following receipt by the Director-General of UNESCO of the formal declaration of accession. Membership acquired prusuant to paragraph 2 of this Article shall take effect on the date on which the General Assembly decides to admit the Member State concerned.
5. Each Member State shall contribute to the budget of ICCROM at a rate fixed by the General Assembly.
Article 3
Associate Membership
1. Organizations and institutions concerned with the conservation and the restoration of cultural property may become associated with ICCROM.
2. The Council may, by a decision taken by a two-thirds majority of its members having the right to vote, present and voting, admit as Associate Members:
(a) specialized international non-governmental organizations; and
(b) public or private institutions of a scientific or cultural nature.
Such organizations and institutions shall be actively concerned with the conservation and restoration of cultural property and shall have demonstrated their willingness to collaborate with ICCROM in the achievement of its objectives.
3. Applications for associate membership shall be forwarded to the Director-General of ICCROM.
4. Associate Members shall contribute to the budget of ICCROM at a rate fixed by the Council.
Article 4
ICCROM shall comprise: a General Assembly, a Council and a Secretariat.
Article 5
The General Assembly
1. Composition and participation
(a) The General Assembly shall be composed of the delegates of Member States. Each Member State shall be represented by one delegate.
(b) Delegates should be chosen from amongst the best qualified experts concerned with the conservation and restoration of cultural property and, preferably, from amongst those associated with institutions specialized in this field.
(c) Associate Members of ICCROM, UNESCO, the Istituto Centrale del Restauro and non-voting members of the Council referred to in Article 6.1(j) shall have the right to participate in session of the General Assembly in an observer capacity. They may submit proposals, but shall not have the right to vote.
2. Functions
The functions of the General Assembly shall be to:
(a) determine the general policies of ICCROM;
(b) consider and approve the programme of activities and budget of ICCROM from the following biennium, on the basis of proposals submitted to it by the Council;
(c) admit new Member States in accordance with Article 2.3;
(d) elect the members of the Council;
(e) on the proposal of the Council, appoint the Director-General in accordance with Article 7(d);
(f) consider and approve reports on the activities of the Council and the ICCROM Secretariat;
(g) fix the contributions of Member States;
(h) adopt the Financial Regulations of ICCROM;
(j) decide on the application of the sanctions provided for in Article 10.
3. Procedure
The General Assembly shall:
(a) meet in ordinary session every two years;
(b) meet in extraordinary session if it decides to do so itself, if at least one-third of the Member States so request, or if so decided by the Council;
(c) meet in Rome, Italy, unless the General Assembly or the Council decides otherwise;
(d) adopt its own Rules of Procedure;
(e) at the beginning of each session, elect a President and other officers;
(f) establish such committees as may be necessary fot it to carry out its functions.
4. Voting
Subject to Article 10, each Member State shall have one vote in the General Assembly. Decisions shall be taken by simple majority of the Member States present and voting unless otherwise provided in these Statutes or in the Rules of Procedure of the General Assembly.
Article 6
The Council
1. Composition
(a) The Council shall consist of members elected by the General Assembly, a representative of the Director-General of UNESCO, a representative of the Italian Government, a representative of the Istituto Centrale del Restauro and non-voting members referred to in sub-paragraph (j) below.
(b) There shall be twelve elected members plus one elected member for every five Member States after the first 30. The total number of elected members shall not, however, exceed twenty-five.
(c) The members elected by the General Assembly shall be chosen from amongst the best qualified experts concerned with the conservation and restoration of cultural property, taking into consideration the desirability of achieving equitable representation of the major cultural regions of the world and an appropriate coverage of the different fields of specialization relevant to the work of ICCROM. The General Assembly shall also take into account the capacity of such persons to fulfil the administrative and executive functions of the Council.
(d) Members of the Council who are elected by the General Assembly shall serve for a term of office of four years. However, at the first ordinary session of the General Assembly at which the present provision is in force, half the members elected by the General Assembly shall serve for a term of office of four years and half shall serve for a term of office of two years. If at that session the number of members to be elected is uneven, one half of the members plus one shall be elected for a term of office of four years.
(e) Elected members of the Council shall serve from the closure of the session of the General Assembly at which they were elected until the closure of the session held in the year in which their term of office expires.
(f) Members of the Council shall be eligible for re-election.
(g) In the event of the death, permanent incapacity or resignation of an elected member of the Council, the seat thus falling vacant shall be filled for the remainder of the term of office, by the candidate who, at the last election held by the General Assembly, without being elected, received the highest number of votes. If this candidate is not available to serve, the seat shall be filled by the candidate with the next highest number of votes and so on until exhaustion of the candidates at the said election. If the seat cannot be filled by a candidate who sought membership at the previous election, the seat shall remain vacant until an election is held at the next session of the General Aseembly.
(h) Members of the Council elected by the General Assembly are elected in their personal capacity. They shall perform their function in the interests of ICCROM and not as representatives of States.
(j) Non-voting members of the Council shall be a representative of the International Council of Museums and a representative of the International Council on Monuments and Sites.
(k) Non-voting members of the Council may participate in the discussions of the Council.
2. Functions
The functions of the Council shall be to:
(a) carry out, under the authority of the General Assembly, the programme of activities and budget adopted by the latter; in accordance with the decisions and directives of the General Assembly and having regard to circumstances arising between two ordinary sessions, take all necessary measures on behalf of the General Assembly to ensure the effective and rational execution of the approved programme of activities by the Director-General;
(b) formulate policies and submit them, as appropriate, to the General Assembly for approval;
(c) draw up, on the basis of proposals made by the Director-General, a draft programme of activities and budget for submission to the General Assembly;
(d) consider applications for admission to membership of ICCROM in accordance with Article 2.3;
(e) admit Associate Members and determine the conditions of their association with ICCROM;
(f) make recommendations to the General Assembly on the appointment of the Director-General and on the latter’s terms and conditions of appointment, and, as appropriate, extend the Director-General’s appointment in accordance with Article 7(d);
(g) appoint the Director-General in the circumstances envisaged in Article 7(e);
(h) approve the structure of the Secretariat proposed by the Director-General;
(j) approve the Staff Regulations;
(k) make recommendations to the General Assembly on the adoption of Financial Regulations;
(l) appoint the External Auditor;
(m) supervise the financial operations of ICCROM;
(n) prepare a report on its activities for consideration by the General Assembly at its ordinary sessions;
(o) exercise such other functions as may be assigned to it by the General Assembly.
3. Procedure
The Council shall:
(a) meet:
(i) immediately after an ordinary session of the General Assembly;
(ii) immediately before the following ordinary session of the General Assembly; and
(iii) once in the interval between its sessions referred to in (i) and (ii) above;
(b) meet in Rome, Italy, unless the General Assembly or the Council itself decides otherwise;
(c) adopt its own Rules of Procedure;
(d) at the beginning of the first session following an ordinary session of the General Assembly, elect a Chairperson and other officers who shall hold office until the closure of the following ordinary session of the General Assembly;
(e) establish such committees as may be necessary for it to carry out its functions.
4. Voting
Each elected member of the Council, the representative of the Director-General of UNESCO, the representative of the Italian Government and the representative of the Istituto Centrale del Restauro shall have one vote. Decisions shall be taken by a simple majority of such members present and voting, unless otherwise provided in these Statutes or in the Rules of Procedure of the Council.
Article 7
The Secretariat
(a) The Secretariat of ICCROM shall consist of the Director-General and such staff as may be required.
(b) The responsibilities of the Director-General and the staff shall be international in character. In the discharge of their duties they shall neither seek nor receive instructions from any government or authority external to ICCROM. They shall refrain from any action which might prejudice their positions as international officials. Each Member State undertakes to respect the international character of the responsibilities of the Director-General and the staff, and not seek to influence them in the discharge of their duties.
(c) The staff shall be appointed in accordance with Staff Regulations approved by the Council. All members of the staff shall be responsible to the Director-General.
(d) The Director-General shall be nominated by the Council and, except as provided in sub-paragraph (e) below, shall be appointed by the General Assembly. The General Assembly, on the recommendation of the Council, shall fix the duration of the appointment and approve the terms and conditions under which the Director-General shall serve. The Director-General’s appointment by the General Assembly may be extended by the Council not more than twice and for a term of up to two years on each occasion, provided, however, that the duration of the Director-General’s appointment and any extension thereof by the Council shall, in no case, exceed a total of six years. The Director-General shall be eligible for re-appointment by the General Assembly.
(e) If the office of Director-General falls vacant in the interval between two sessions of the General Assembly, a new Director-General may be appointed by the Council for a period ending on the day of the closure of the next ordinary session of the General Assembly. The Council shall also determine the terms and conditions of appointment of the Director-General to be contained in a contract signed by the Chairperson of the Council and the new Director-General.
(f) The Director-General shall formulate proposals for appropriate action by the General Assembly and the Council, and shall prepare, for submission to the Council, a draft programme of activities and budget. In accordance with the decisions of the General Assembly and the Council, the Director-General shall be responsible for the effective and rational execution of the approved programme of activities. He/she shall prepare and communicate to Member States, periodic reports on ICCROM’s activities.
Article 8
Financial procedures
(a) The budget of ICCROM shall be drawn up on a biennial basis. The draft budget for the forthcoming biennium shall be communicated to Member States, along with the programme of activities, at least 60 days prior to the General Assembly at which they are to be considered.
(b) The financial period of ICCROM shall be the two calendar years following the ordinary session of the General Assembly unless the General Assembly decides otherwise.
(c) The contributions of Member States and Associate Members for a financial period shall be paid in two equal annual instalments, one of which shall be due at the beginning of the first calendar year and the other at the beginning of the second calendar year.
(d) The Director-General may accept voluntary contributions, gifts, bequests and subventions directly from Governments, public and private institutions, associations and private persons, subject to the conditions specified in the Financial Regulations.
(e) The budget shall be administered by the Secretariat in accordance with the Financial Regulations, under the supervision of the Council.
Article 9
Legal status
ICCROM shall enjoy, on the territory of each Member State, the legal capacity necessary for the attainment of its aims and the exercise of its functions.
Article 10
(a) A Member State shall lose its right to vote in the General Assembly and its right to propose candidates for membership of the Council when the total amount of its contributions to ICCROM that have fallen due and that have not been paid, irrespective of the calendar year or years to which the contributions relate, exceeds the amount of the contributions payable by that Member State for the current calendar year and the immediatley preceding calendar year. A Member State shall be deemed to have renounced its membership if it has omitted to pay its contributions that have fallen due during four consecutive calendar years. The General Assembly may nevertheless permit a Member State to exercise the aforementioned rights or to retain its membership if it is satisfied that failure to pay is due to special circumstances beyond the Member State’s control.
(b) An Associate Member shall be deemed to have renounced its associate membership when the total amount of its contributions to ICCROM that have fallen due and that have not been paid, irrespective of the calendar year or years to which te contributions relate, exceeds the amount of the contributions payable by that Associate Member for the current calendar year and the preceding calendar year.
Article 11
Withdrawal from Membership and Associate Membership
(a) Any Member State may withdraw from ICCROM by notice addressed to the Director-General of ICCROM at any time after the expiry of a period of two years from the date of its accession or admission by the General Assembly. Such withdrawal shall take effect on 31 December of the year following that during which the notice was given. No such withdrawal shall affect the financial obligations owed to ICCROM on the date the withdrawal takes effect. The Director-General of ICCROM shall inform the Director-General of UNESCO of the date on which the withdrawal of a Member State takes effect.
(b) Any Associate Member may withdraw from ICCROM by notice addressed to the Director-General of ICCROM at any time after the expiry of a period of two years from the date on which it was admitted by the Council. Such notice shall take effect on 31 December of the year following that during which the notice was given. No such withdrawal shall affect the financial obligations owed to ICCROM on the date the withdrawal takes effect.
Article 12
Amendment of Statutes
(a) Amendments to the present Statutes may be proposed by a Member State or by the Council. They shall be adopted by the General Assembly by a decision taken by a two-thirds majority of the Member States present and voting, provided that the said two-thirds majority is more than one half of the Member States of ICCROM.
(b) The Director-General of ICCROM shall communicate proposed amendments to all Member States and to the Director-General of UNESCO at least 180 days prior to the session of the General Assembly on whose agenda they are to be placed.
(c) If, following the communication of a proposed amendment, a Member State or the Council wishes to introduce an amendment to the said proposed amendment, it may do so provided that it is communicated to all Member States and to the Director-General of UNESCO at least 90 days prior to the session of the General Assembly on whose agenda the original proposed amendment is to be placed.
Article 13
Entry into force
These Statutes shall enter into force immediately after the closure of the XVIIIth session of the General Assembly of ICCROM.
Article 14
ICCROM may be dissolved by a decision of the General Assembly. The General Assembly may so resolve only if a six months written notice setting out the grounds for the proposed dissolution has been sent to all Member States. Any resolution to dissolve ICCROM shall require a two-thirds majority of the Member States present and voting, provided that the said two-thirds majority is more than one half of the member States of ICCROM.
Article 15
Authoritative texts
The English and French texts of these Statutes shall be equally authoritative.
kot ga je spremenila generalna skupščina na XVIII. zasedanju 21. oktobra 1993.
1. člen
Namen in naloge
“Mednarodni center za študij varstva in restavriranja kulturnih dobrin”, v nadaljnjem besedilu ICCROM, v svetovnem obsegu prispeva h konzerviranju in restavriranju kulturnih dobrin tako, da predlaga, razvija, pospešuje in olajšuje pogoje za to konzerviranje in restavriranje. ICCROM opravlja še posebej naslednje naloge:
a) zbira, poučuje in širi informacije, ki se nanašajo na znanstvene, tehnične in etične probleme v zvezi s konzerviranjem in restavriranjem kulturnih dobrin;
b) usklajuje, spodbuja ali snuje raziskave na tem področju, predvsem tako, da naloge poverja organom ali strokovnjakom, prireja mednarodna srečanja, izdaja publikacije in izmenjuje specialiste;
c) svetuje in oblikuje priporočila glede splošnih ali posebnih vprašanj, povezanih s konzerviranjem in restavriranjem kulturnih dobrin;
d) pospešuje, razvija in nudi usposabljanje na področju konzerviranja in restavriranja kulturnih dobrin ter dviga raven standardov in izvajanja konzervatorskih in restavratorskih del;
e) spodbuja iniciative, ki prispevajo k boljšemu razumevanju pomena konzerviranja in restavriranja kulturnih dobrin.
2. člen
1. ICCROM je mednarodna organizacija, ki jo sestavljajo države članice.
2. Država, ki je članica Organizacije Združenih narodov za izobraževanje, znanost in kulturo (v nadaljnjem besedilu UNESCO), lahko postane država članica ICCROM s tem, da pri generalnem direktorju UNESCA deponira formalno izjavo o pristopu. Vsaka država, ki je postala država članica ICCROM, zadrži svoje članstvo v ICCROM tudi, če kasneje preneha biti članica UNESCA.
3. Država, ki ni članica UNESCA, lahko pošlje vlogo za članstvo generalnemu direktorju ICCROM. Vlogo obravnava svet in generalna skupščina lahko tako državo sprejme v članstvo ICCROM. Sklep o sprejemu v članstvo se sprejema z dvotretjinsko večino glasov prisotnih članic ICCROM. V skladu s tem odstavkom se obvesti generalnega direktorja UNESCA o sprejemu države članice v ICCROM.
4. Članstvo, pridobljeno v skladu s 1. točko tega člena, začne veljati trideset dni po tem, ko generalni direktor UNESCA prejme formalno izjavo o pristopu. Članstvo na osnovi 2. točke tega člena začne veljati na dan, ko generalna skupščina odloči o sprejemu take države.
5. Vsaka država članica prispeva v proračun ICCROM delež, ki ga določi generalna skupščina.
3. člen
Pridruženo članstvo
1. Organizacije in institucije, ki se ukvarjajo s konzerviranjem in restavriranjem kulturnih dobrin, lahko postanejo pridružene članice ICCROM.
2. Svet lahko na podlagi sklepa, sprejetega z dvotretjinsko večino glasov prisotnih članic, sprejme za pridružene članice:
a) specializirane mednarodne nevladne organizacije in
b) javne ali zasebne institucije znanstvene ali kulturne narave.
Te organizacije in institucije se morajo aktivno ukvarjati s konzerviranjem in restavriranjem kulturnih dobrin in morajo dokazati svojo pripravljenost, da bodo sodelovale z ICCROM pri doseganju njegovih ciljev.
3. Vloge za pridruženo članstvo se pošljejo generalnemu direktorju ICCROM.
4. Pridružene članice prispevajo v proračun ICCROM delež, ki ga določi svet.
4. člen
ICCROM sestavljajo: generalna skupščina, svet in sekretariat.
5. člen
Generalna skupščina
1. Sestava in sodelovanje
a) Generalno skupščino sestavljajo delegati držav članic. Vsako državo članico predstavlja en delegat.
b) Delegati morajo biti izbrani izmed najbolj kvalificiranih strokovnjakov, ki se ukvarjajo s konzerviranjem in restavriranjem kulturnih dobrin, pri čemer imajo prednost tisti, ki so povezani z institucijami, specializiranimi za to področje.
c) Pridružene članice ICCROM, UNESCO, Instituto Centrale del Restauro in članice, ki nimajo volilne pravice v svetu po točki j), 6. 1. člena, imajo pravico sodelovati na zasedanjih generalne skupščine kot opazovalke. Te članice lahko dajejo predloge, vendar nimajo pravice glasovanja.
2. Naloge
Generalna skupščina ima naslednje naloge:
a) določa splošno politiko ICCROM;
b) obravnava in sprejema program aktivnosti in proračun ICCROM za naslednje dveletno obdobje na podlagi predlogov, ki ji jih predloži svet;
c) sprejema nove države članice v skladu s 3. točko, 2. člena;
d) voli člane sveta;
e) imenuje generalnega direktorja, ki ga predlaga svet v skladu s točko d), 7. člena;
f) obravnava in odobrava poročila o dejavnosti sveta in sekretariata ICCROM;
g) določa prispevke držav članic;
h) sprejema finančni pravilnik ICCROM;
j) odloča o predlogih glede sankcij, ki so predvidene v 10. členu.
3. Postopek
Generalna skupščina:
a) zaseda na rednih sejah vsaki dve leti;
b) zaseda na izrednih sejah, če sama tako odloči ali na zahtevo ene tretjine držav članic ali na podlagi sklepa sveta;
c) zaseda v Rimu v Italiji, razen če generalna skupščina ali svet drugače odločita;
d) sprejema svoj poslovnik;
e) na začetku vsakega zasedanja izvoli predsednika in druge funkcionarje;
f) ustanovi komiteje, ki so potrebni za izvajanje njenih nalog.
4. Glasovanje
Ob upoštevanju 10. člena ima vsaka država članica generalne skupščine en glas. Sklepi se sprejemajo z navadno večino glasov prisotnih držav članic, razen če ni v tem Statutu ali v poslovniku generalne skupščine drugače določeno.
6. člen
1. Sestava
a) Svet sestavljajo člani/ice, ki jih izvoli generalna skupščina, predstavnik/ica generalnega/e direktorja/ice, UNESCA, predstavnik/ica italijanske vlade, predstavnik/ica Instituta Centrale del Restauro in člani/ice, ki nimajo glasovalne pravice iz točke j) tega člena.
b) V svetu je 12 izvoljenih članov/ic in še po en/a izvoljen/a član/ica na vsakih pet držav članic nad prvimi tridesetimi. Vendar pa skupno število izvoljenih članov/ic ne sme presegati 25.
c) Člani/ce, ki jih izvoli generalna skupščina, so izbrani/e izmed najbolj kvalificiranih strokovnjakov/inj, ki se ukvarjajo s konzervacijo in restavriranjem kulturnih dobrin, pri čemer skuša doseči enakovredno zastopstvo glavnih kulturnih regij sveta in ustrezno pokritost različnih področij, za katera je specializiran ICCROM. Generalna skupščina prav tako upošteva sposobnost teh oseb za izpolnjevanje upravnih in izvršilnih funkcij sveta.
d) Člani/ce sveta, ki jih izvoli generalna skupščina, opravljajo svojo funkcijo štiri leta. Vendar pa bo generalna skupščina na prvem zasedanju, na katerem bodo stopila v veljavo ta pravila, izvolila polovico članov/ic sveta za dobo štirih let, polovico pa za dve leti. Če bi bilo na tem zasedanju število članov/ic neparno, potem bi skupščina izvolila polovico članov/ic plus enega/eno za dobo štirih let.
e) Izvoljeni/ne člani/ce sveta bodo opravljali/le svojo funkcijo od zaključka zasedanja generalne skupščine, ki jih je izvolila, do zaključka zasedanja v letu, ko jim preneha mandat.
f) Člani/ce sveta imajo pravico biti ponovno izvoljeni/ne.
g) V primeru smrti, stalne nesposobnosti ali odstopa izvoljenega/ne člana/ice sveta tako izpraznjeni sedež do konca mandata zasede kandidat/ka, ki je na zadnjih volitvah generalne skupščine dosegel/la naslednje najvišje število glasov. Če ta kandidat/ka ne more izvrševati svoje funkcije, potem sedež zasede kandidat/ka z naslednjim najvišjim številom glasov in tako naprej, dokler ni izčrpano število kandidatov/tk omenjenih volitev. Če sedeža ni mogoče zapolniti s kandidatom/tko, ki je kandidiral/la za članstvo v svetu na zadnjih volitvah, potem ostane sedež prazen do volitev na naslednjem zasedanju generalne skupščine.
h) Člani/ce sveta, ki jih izvoli generalna skupščina, delujejo v svojem imenu. Svojo funkcijo izvajajo v interesu ICCROM in ne kot predstavniki/ce držav.
j) Člana/nici sveta, ki nimata pravice glasovanja, sta predstavnik/ica Mednarodnega sveta muzejev (International Council of Museums - ICOM) in predstavnik/ica Mednarodnega sveta za spomenike in spomeniška območja (International Council on Monuments and Sites - ICOMOS).
k) Člana/nici, ki nimata pravice glasovanja, lahko sodelujeta v razpravah sveta.
2. Funkcije
Svet ima naslednje naloge:
a) izvaja pod nadzorstvom generalne skupščine program aktivnosti in proračun, ki ga je sprejela generalna skupščina; v skladu s sklepi in smernicami generalne skupščine in ob upoštevanju nastalih okoliščin med dvema rednima zasedanjema, sprejme vse potrebne ukrepe v imenu generalne skupščine, da zagotovi, da generalni direktor/ica učinkovito in racionalno izvaja sprejeti program aktivnosti;
b) oblikuje politiko in jo po potrebi predloži generalni skupščini v potrditev;
c) oblikuje na podlagi predlogov generalnega/ne direktorja/ice osnutek programa aktivnosti in proračun, ki ga predloži v potrditev generalni skupščini;
d) razpravlja o vlogah za včlanitev v ICCROM v skladu s 3. točko, 2. člena;
e) sprejema pridružene članice in določa pogoje za njihovo pridružitev ICCROM;
f) pripravlja priporočila generalni skupščini glede imenovanja generalnega/ne direktorja/ice in v zvezi s tem določila in pogoje za imenovanje in če je potrebno, podaljša imenovanje generalnega/ne direktorja/ice v skladu s točko d, 7. člena;
g) imenuje generalnega/no direktorja/ico v okoliščinah, ki jih predvideva točka e, 7. člena;
h) potrjuje sestavo sekretariata, ki jo predlaga generalni/na direktor/ica;
j) sprejema pravilnik o zaposlenih;
k) pripravlja priporočila generalni skupščini o sprejetju finančnega pravilnika;
l) imenuje zunanjega finančnega kontrolorja;
m) nadzoruje finančno poslovanje ICCROM;
n) pripravlja poročilo o svojih aktivnostih, o katerem razpravlja generalna skupščina na svojem rednem zasedanju;
o) izvaja druge naloge, ki mu jih lahko naloži generalna skupščina.
3. Postopek
a) se sestaja:
i) neposredno po rednem zasedanju generalne skupščine;
ii) neposredno pred naslednjim rednim zasedanjem generalne skupščine in
iii) enkrat med zgoraj omenjenima dvema zasedanjima;
b) sestaja se v Rimu v Italiji, razen če generalna skupščina ali svet sam ne odloči drugače;
c) sprejema svoj poslovnik;
d) v začetku prvega zasedanja po rednem zasedanju generalne skupščine izvoli predsednika/co in druge uradne osebe, ki bodo opravljale svoje funkcije do naslednjega rednega zasedanja generalne skupščine;
e) ustanovi take komiteje, ki so potrebni za izvajanje njegovih nalog.
4. Glasovanje
Vsak/a izvoljen/a član/ica sveta, predstavnik/ica generalnega/ne direktorja/ice UNESCA, predstavnik/ica italijanske vlade in predstavnik/ica Instituta Centrale del Restauro ima en glas. Sklepi se sprejemajo na podlagi navadne večine glasov prisotnih članov/nic, ki so glasovali/le, razen če v tem statutu in v poslovniku sveta ni drugače določeno.
7. člen
a) Sekretariat ICCROM sestavljata generalni/a direktor/ica in potrebno osebje.
b) Odgovornost generalne/ne direktorja/ice in osebja je mednarodne narave. Pri izvajanju svojih dolžnosti ne bodo iskali navodil ali jih sprejemali od katerekoli vlade ali oblasti zunaj ICCROM. Vzdržati se morajo vsake dejavnosti, ki bi lahko prejudicirala njihov položaj mednarodnih uradnikov. Vsaka država članica sprejema obveznost, da bo spoštovala mednarodno naravo odgovornosti generalnega/ne direktorja/ice in osebja ter da ne bo poskušala vplivati nanje pri izvajanju njihovih dolžnosti.
c) Osebje je imenovano v skladu s pravilnikom o zaposlenih, ki ga odobri svet. Vsi/e člani/ce osebja so odgovorni/ne generalnemu/ni direktorju/ici.
d) Generalnega/no direktorja/ico imenuje svet, razen v primeru, ki je zajet v točki e) tega člena, ko ga/jo imenuje generalna skupščina. Na priporočilo sveta generalna skupščina določi trajanje mandata ter sprejme določila o položaju in pogojih delovanja generalnega/ne direktorja/ice. Ko generalna skupščina imenuje generalnega/no direktorja/ico, lahko svet podaljša njegov/njen mandat največ dvakrat, vsakič po dve leti, vendar pa pod pogojem, da trajanje njegovega/njenega mandata in podaljšanja ne presega skupno šest let. Generalna skupščina lahko ponovno imenuje generalnega/no direktorja/ico.
e) V primeru, da se mesto generalnega/ne direktorja/ice izprazni med dvema zasedanjema generalne skupščine, ga/jo lahko svet imenuje za obdobje do dneva, ko se zaključi naslednje redno zasedanje generalne skupščine. Svet tudi sprejme določila o položaju in pogojih za imenovanje generalnega/ne direktorja/ice, ki so zapisani v pogodbi, ki jo podpišeta predsednik/ca sveta in novi/a generalni/na direktor/ica.
f) Generalni/a direktor/ica oblikuje predloge za ustrezno akcijo generalne skupščine in sveta in pripravi osnutek programa dejavnosti in proračuna ter ga predloži svetu. Generalni/a direktor/ica je na osnovi sklepov generalne skupščine in sveta odgovoren/na za učinkovito in racionalno izvajanje sprejetega programa aktivnosti. Za države članice pripravlja in jim posreduje občasna poročila o delovanju ICCROM.
8. člen
Finančno poslovanje
a) Proračun ICCROM se načrtuje za obdobje dveh let. Države članice morajo prejeti osnutek proračuna za naslednje dveletno obdobje in program aktivnosti najmanj 60 dni pred začetkom generalne skupščine, na kateri ju bodo obravnavali.
b) Finančno obdobje ICCROM obsega naslednji dve koledarski leti po rednem zasedanju generalne skupščine, razen če generalna skupščina odloči drugače.
c) Prispevek držav članic in pridruženih članic za finančno obdobje se plačajo v dveh enakih letnih obrokih, ki se plačata prvi v začetku prvega koledarskega leta in drugi v začetku drugega.
d) Generalni/na direktor/ica lahko sprejme neposredno od vlad, javnih in zasebnih institucij, združenj in zasebnikov prostovoljne prispevke, darila, volila in subvencije pod pogoji, ki jih določa finančni pravilnik.
e) Sekretariat upravlja s proračunom v skladu s finančnim pravilnikom in pod nadzorom sveta.
9. člen
Pravni položaj
ICCROM ima na ozemlju vsake države članice tako pravno sposobnost, ki je potrebna za doseganje ciljev in za izvajanje njegovih nalog.
10. člen
a) Država članica izgubi pravico glasovanja na generalni skupščini in pravico predlaganja kandidatov za člane sveta, ko vsota celotne višine prispevka ICCROM, ki jo dolguje in je ne plača, presega vsoto prispevkov tekočega in preteklega leta, ne glede na katero koledarsko leto ali leta se nanašajo ti prispevki. Za državo članico, ki ni plačala prispevka v štirih zaporednih letih, velja, da se je odpovedala svojemu članstvu. Generalna skupščina pa lahko odloči, da se ji kljub temu dovoli, da uživa prej omenjene pravice ali da zadrži svoje članstvo, če je prišlo do zaostanka v plačevanju zaradi posebnih okoliščin, ki jih država članica sama ne more nadzorovati.
b) Za pridruženo članico velja, da se je odpovedala svojega pridruženega članstva, ko celotna vsota njenih prispevkov ICCROM, ki jih dolguje in jih ne plača, presega vsoto prispevkov, ki bi jih morala plačati v tekočem in preteklem koledarskem letu.
11. člen
Izstop iz članstva in pridruženega članstva
a) Katera koli država članica lahko kadar koli izstopi iz ICCROM, vendar pa ne prej kot dve leti od dneva njenega pristopa ali sprejetja s strani generalne skupščine. O svojem izstopu obvesti generalnega/no direktorja/ico ICCROM z uradnim obvestilom. Ta izstop začne veljati 31. decembra leta, ki sledi tistemu, v katerem je bilo dano obvestilo. Izstop ne vpliva na finančne obveznosti članice, ki jih dolguje ICCROM na dan, ko začne izstop veljati. Generalni/na direktor/ica ICCROM obvesti generalnega/no direktorja/ico UNESCA o datumu, ko začne veljati izstop države članice.
b) Katera koli pridružena članica lahko izstopi iz ICCROM z uradnim obvestilom, ki ga naslovi na generalnega/no direktorja/ico ICCROM kadarkoli po izteku dveh let od dneva, ko jo je svet sprejel. Tako obvestilo začne veljati 31. decembra leta, ki sledi tistemu, v katerem je bilo poslano obvestilo. Noben tak izstop ne vpliva na finančne obveznosti, ki jih dolguje ICCROM na dan, ko začne veljati ta izstop.
12. člen
Dopolnila k statutu
a) Države članice ali svet lahko predlagajo dopolnila k temu statutu. Sprejema jih generalna skupščina s sklepom, za katerega glasuje dvotretjinska večina prisotnih držav članic, pod pogojem, da predstavlja ta dvotretjinska večina več kot polovico držav članic ICCROM.
b) Generalni/na direktor/ica ICCROM posreduje dopolnila vsem državam članicam in generalnemu/ni direktorju/ici UNESCA 180 dni pred tistim zasedanjem generalne skupščine, na katerem bodo vključeni v dnevni red.
c) Če država članica ali svet želi predložiti dopolnilo k predlaganemu dopolnilu, ko je bil že poslan, lahko to stori tako, da ga pošlje vsem državam članicam in generalnemu/ni direktorju/ici UNESCA 90 dni pred zasedanjem generalne skupščine, na katerem bo izvirno predlagano dopolnilo vključeno v dnevni red.
13. člen
Začetek veljavnosti
Ta statut začne veljati takoj po zaključku XVIII. zasedanja generalne skupščine ICCROM.
14. člen
ICCROM se lahko razpusti s sklepom generalne skupščine. Generalna skupščina lahko tako odloči le, če pošlje pisno obvestilo o razlogih za razpustitev vsem članicam šest mesecev pred obravnavo. Kakršna koli resolucija o razpustitvi ICCROM mora biti sprejeta z dvotretjinsko večino glasov prisotnih držav članic, pod pogojem, da predstavlja ta dvotretjinska večina več kot polovico držav članic ICCROM.
15. člen
Uradno besedilo
Angleško in francosko besedilo tega statuta sta enakovredna.
3. člen
Za izvajanje statuta skrbi Ministrstvo za kulturo – Uprava Republike Slovenije za kulturno dediščino.
4. člen
Ta uredba začne veljati naslednji dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 900-05/93-9/7-8
Ljubljana, dne 18. januarja 1996
Vlada Republike Slovenije
dr. Janez Drnovšek l. r.