Uradni list

Številka 17
Uradni list RS, št. 17/1996 z dne 29. 3. 1996
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 17/1996 z dne 29. 3. 1996


23. Uredba o ratifikaciji Programa sodelovanja v kulturi, izobraževanju in znanosti med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Češke republike za obdobje od 1995 do 1997, stran 86.

Na podlagi tretjega odstavka 63. člena Zakona o zunanjih zadevah (Uradni list RS, št. 1/91-I) izdaja Vlada Republike Slovenije
1. člen
Ratificira se Program sodelovanja v kulturi, izobraževanju in znanosti med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Češke republike za obdobje od 1995 do 1997, podpisan 22. septembra 1995 v Ljubljani.
2. člen
Program se v izvirniku v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku glasi:*
sodelovanja v kulturi, izobraževanju in znanosti med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Češke republike za obdobje od 1995 do 1997
Vlada Republike Slovenije in Vlada Češke republike (v nadaljevanju pogodbenici) sta v želji, da bi krepili in razvijali prijateljske odnose med državama ter v skladu s Sporazumom med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Češke Republike o sodelovanju v izobraževanju, kulturi in znanosti, podpisanem 12. maja 1994 v Pragi, sprejeli sporazum o izmenjavi v kulturi po tem programu sodelovanja v kulturi, izobraževanju in znanosti za obdobje 1995 do 1997.
Izobraževanje in znanost
1. člen
Pogodbenici bosta spodbujali medsebojno sodelovanje med univerzami, umetniškimi akademijami in raziskovalnimi inštituti v izobraževanju, znanosti in raziskovanju na podlagi neposrednih sporazumov med univerzami, umetniškimi akademijami in raziskovalnimi inštituti obeh držav.
2. člen
Pogodbenici letno ponudita dve štipendiji, vsako za največ 10 mesecev za podiplomsko usposabljanje na univerzah ali raziskovalnih inštitutih. Štipendija se lahko razdeli na več krajših obdobij, ki trajajo najmanj tri mesece.
3. člen
Pogodbenici izmenjujeta študente na univerzah za omejeno obdobje študija, ki skupno znaša 12 mesecev na leto. Štipendija se lahko razdeli na več krajših obdobij, ki trajajo najmanj štiri mesece.
4. člen
Pogodbenici izmenjujeta univerzitetne učitelje za študijske obiske in predavanja za skupno obdobje treh mesecev letno. Ti obiski trajajo največ en mesec.
Prost pretok znanstvenikov med državama za skupne raziskovalne projekte in druge skupne znanstvene dejavnosti se na prošnjo zagotovi za največ 12 dni.
5. člen
Slovenska stran vsako leto ponudi štiri štipendije za udeležbo na seminarju in v poletni šoli slovenskega jezika, književnosti in kulture, ki ju organizira Univerza v Ljubljani.
Češka stran vsako leto ponudi štiri štipendije za udeležbo v poletnih šolah čeških študij, ki jih organizirajo češke univerze.
6. člen
Pogodbenici še naprej podpirata učenje češkega jezika, književnosti in zgodovine v Republiki Sloveniji (na Univerzi v Ljubljani in Univerzi v Mariboru) ter učenje slovenskega jezika, književnosti in zgodovine v Češki Republiki (na Karlovi univerzi v Pragi in Masarykovi univerzi v Brnu). Učitelji se običajno imenujejo za obdobje od enega do treh let; imenovanja novih učiteljev se drugi strani sporočijo po diplomatski poti pred 30. aprilom koledarskega leta.
Pogodbenici glede na zanimanje druge strani proučita možnost za izmenjavo gostujočih profesorjev tudi na drugih področjih, ne le za učenje jezika.
7. člen
Pogodbenici za skupno obdobje 20 dni letno izmenjata strokovnjake s področja izobraževanja z namenom, da proučujejo teme s področja znanosti, izobraževanja, mladine, športa, izobraževanja odraslih ter razpravljajo o nadaljnjem sodelovanju.
8. člen
Pogodbenici spodbujata in pospešujeta:
– izmenjavo znanstvene in izobraževalne literature,
– sodelovanje nadarjenih dijakov in študentov na specializiranih in umetniških tekmovanjih in olimpijadah,
– sodelovanje strokovnjakov na mednarodnih kongresih, simpozijih in konferencah,
– medsebojno uporabo informacijskega sistema v izobraževanju, znanosti ter organizacijo skupnih seminarjev strokovnjakov s tega področja.
9. člen
Pogodbenici na prošnjo izmenjata ustrezne dokumente za proučitev možnosti medsebojnega priznanja spričeval, univerzitetnih diplom in univerzitetnih stopenj in bosta, če je potrebno, v ta namen sestavili poseben sporazum.
10. člen
Pogodbenici podpirata sodelovanje v izobraževanju odraslih. Poudarek je predvsem na izmenjavi izkušenj in gradiva, ki se nanašajo na izboljšanje usposobljenosti in učenja na daljavo.
Pogodbenici sodelujeta na mednarodnih prireditvah, ki se nanašajo na nadaljnje izobraževanje, in pri vključevanju v ustrezne programe Evropske unije.
11. člen
Pogodbenici izmenjujeta informacije o študiju vodenja, organizacije in učnih načrtov v osnovnem, srednjem in visokem izobraževanju.
Mladina, telesna vzgoja in šport
12. člen
Pogodbenici podpirata medsebojne stike v športu, izmenjavo športnih moštev, posameznih športnikov, trenerjev in strokovnjakov.
Izmenjave med nevladnimi športnimi organizacijami potekajo na podlagi neposrednih stikov in sodelovanja.
13. člen
Pogodbenici na prošnjo izmenjujeta specializirano literaturo o telesni vzgoji in športu.
14. člen
Pogodbenici spodbujata sodelovanje, katerega namen je izmenjava delegacij mladih ter mladinskih organizacij na vzajemni podlagi. Izmenjave potekajo med civilnimi združenji in mladinskimi organizacijami obeh držav, ki jih na slovenski strani usklajuje Ministrstvo za šolstvo in šport, na češki strani pa Ministrstvo za izobraževanje, mladino in šport.
15. člen
Pogodbenici spodbujata sodelovanje na različnih področjih kulture. V ta namen za informativne obiske, ki skupno trajajo deset tednov letno, izmenjujeta strokovnjake s področja kulture in umetnosti ter umetnike.
16. člen
Pogodbenici redno izmenjujeta informacije o večjih narodnih in mednarodnih kulturnih in umetniških prireditvah in na takšne prireditve vabita predstavnike druge strani.
Slovenska stran vabi predstavnika na:
– Mednarodni lutkovni festival v Ljubljani
– Mednarodni plesni festival v Ljubljani.
Češka stran vabi predstavnika na:
– Mednarodni festival dramskih gledališč - gledališče 95, 96, 97
– Mednarodna razstava odrskega designa - Praški kvadrienale 1995.
17. člen
Pogodbenici se dogovorita o organizaciji teh razstav:
V Republiki Sloveniji:
– razstava: Češki Art Deco
V Češki Republiki:
– razstava: Arhitekt Jože Plečnik – Arhitektura za novo demokracijo
Pogodbenici bosta v Pragi 1996 na podlagi “libreta”, ki ga je potrdil komisariat za razstavo pod enakimi pogoji predstavili slovenskega arhitekta Jožeta Plečnika. Vse podrobnosti bodo določene v tripartitni pogodbi, sklenjeni med ustreznima ministrstvoma za kulturo in upravo Praškega gradu, glavnim organizatorjem razstave.
Omenjeno razstavo bodo spremljale te prireditve:
– MULTIVIZIJA (multimedijska predstavitev Slovenije),
18. člen
Pogodbenici spodbujata neposredno sodelovanje med muzeji, galerijami, knjižnicami in inštituti za varstvo kulturne dediščine. Fondi in zbirke so na razpolago strokovnjakom in raziskovalcem druge države.
19. člen
Pogodbenici spodbujata sodelovanje v amaterski kulturi.
20. člen
Pogodbenici spodbujata sodelovanje med pisatelji in književnimi prevajalci ter njihovimi organizacijami in združenji.
21. člen
Pogodbenici spodbujata sodelovanje med založniškimi hišami obeh držav.
22. člen
Pogodbenici spodbujata neposredno sodelovanje med filmskimi studii in producenti, izmenjavo dokumentov in informacij, sodelovanje na mednarodnih filmskih festivalih, skupne filmske produkcije in druge oblike sodelovanja.
Pogodbenici proučita možnost organiziranja filmskih tednov.
Slovenska stran predlaga, da bi leta 1997 v Pragi organizirala retrospektivo slovenskega filma, ki bo posvečena predvsem filmom, ki jih je režiral František Čap.
Češka stran predlaga, da bi leta 1996 v Ljubljani organizirala retrospektivo češkega filma.
23. člen
Pogodbenici spodbujata neposredno sodelovanje med umetniškimi združenji in društvi ter sodelovanje na mednarodnih srečanjih, simpozijih in seminarjih.
24. člen
Pogodbenici spodbujata sodelovanje v kulturi v okviru evropskih mnogostranskih povezav.
25. člen
Pogodbenici omogočata lažje sodelovanje med arhivi na podlagi neposrednega sporazuma, ki se sklene med ustreznimi ustanovami obeh pogodbenic.
Splošne in finančne določbe
26. člen
Izmenjava študentov, podiplomskih študentov in strokovnjakov po 2., 3., in 5. členu:
Pošiljateljica svoja imenovanja z vsemi podatki, ki jih v vprašalnikih zahteva sprejemnica, predloži do 31. marca /2. in 3. člen/ in 30. aprila /5. člen/ vsakega koledarskega leta.
Sprejemnica o sprejemu obvesti pošiljateljico najkasneje do 1. julija /2. in 3. člen/ in 31. maja /5. člen/ vsakega koledarskega leta.
Pošiljateljica obvesti sprejemnico o prihodu kandidatov vsaj dva tedna vnaprej.
Prvi pogoj za sprejem kandidata za študij je znanje jezika države sprejemnice ali znanje tujega jezika, s katerim se strinja sprejemnica.
27. člen
Izmenjava oseb po 4., 7., 15., in 16. členu:
Pošiljateljica bo vsaj tri mesece pred načrtovanim prihodom obvestila sprejemnico o imenih, položajih, znanju jezika, programskih predlogih kandidatov, predlagani dolžini bivanja in ob predlogih po 4. in 7. členu o pisnem vabilu z univerze ali pisnem sprejemu imenovanih kandidatov.
Sprejemnica bo najkasneje en mesec po prejemu predloga obvestila pošiljateljico o sprejemu predlaganih kandidatov in o datumih sprejema.
Po potrjenem sprejemu pošiljateljica obvesti sprejemnico vsaj dva tedna pred odhodom osebe o točnem datumu, kraju prihoda in prevoznem sredstvu.
28. člen
Izmenjavo razstav, izpeljanih po 17. členu tega programa, urejajo ti finančni pogoji:
Pošiljateljica krije:
a/ stroške prevoza v prvi kraj razstave in stroške vrnitve iz zadnjega kraja razstave,
b/ stroške zavarovanja /”nail to nail” (med prevozom in razstavo)/.
Sprejemnica krije:
a/ stroške prevoza razstave na svojem ozemlju,
b/ stroške obveščanja javnosti in postavitve vključno z najemnino za razstavne dvorane,
c/ če se eksponat poškoduje, priskrbi sprejemnica pošiljateljici vse potrebne dokumente o poškodbi. Sprejemnica krije stroške ocenjene škode. Za vsako popravilo poškodovanega eksponata je potrebna vnaprejšnja privolitev pošiljateljice.
29. člen
Pošiljateljica krije stroške prevoza v kraj sprejema in nazaj za vse osebe, imenovane po tem programu.
30. člen
Sprejemnica plača udeležencem tega programa, kot je določeno v 4., 7., 15. in 16. členu:
– dnevnice vključno z žepnino glede na veljavne pravne in finančne predpise sprejemnice,
– nastanitev v hotelu,
– prevoze znotraj države v skladu s sprejetim študijskim načrtom.
31. člen
Sprejemnica zagotovi udeležencem, sprejetim po 2. in 3. členu tega programa:
– brezplačni študij,
– povrnitev stroškov prevoza v državi v skladu s sprejetim študijskim načrtom,
– štipendijo v skladu z veljavnimi pravnimi in finančnimi predpisi sprejemnice,
– nastanitev v univerzitetnih študentskih domovih pod istimi pogoji, kot jih imajo študentje države sprejemnice,
– obroke v študentskih menzah pod istimi pogoji, kot jih imajo študentje države sprejemnice.
32. člen
Sprejemnica bo zagotovila udeležencem na jezikovnih tečajih, sprejetim po 5. členu tega programa:
– brezplačen vpis, brezplačne ekskurzije, brezplačno hrano in prenočišče ter žepnino v skladu s finančnimi zmožnostmi organizatorja.
33. člen
Sprejemnica zagotovi učiteljem jezikov obeh držav, sprejetim po 6. členu, plačo univerzitetnega učitelja v skladu z njenimi notranjimi finančnimi predpisi za 12 mesecev glede na usposobljenost in dolžino učiteljeve delovne dobe ter brezplačno nastanitev.
Učitelji se imenujejo za eno leto, o obnovitvi njihove pogodbe pa se pogaja po diplomatski poti pred 1. aprilom vsakega leta.
34. člen
Sprejemnica bo krila stroške nujne zdravniške oskrbe ob nenadni bolezni ali poškodbi osebe, sprejete v okviru tega programa.
Končne določbe
35. člen
Ta program ne preprečuje izvajanja drugih dejavnosti, o katerih sta se pogodbenici dogovorili po diplomatski poti. O predlogih za možne spremembe in dopolnitve programa se bosta pogodbenici pogajali po diplomatski poti.
Ta program začne veljati na dan izmenjave not, ki potrjujeta notranjo odobritev dokumenta v državah pogodbenic.
Ta program pokriva obdobje od datuma začetka veljavnosti do 31. decembra 1997.
Sestavljeno v Ljubljani dne 22. septembra 1995 v dveh izvodih v slovenskem, češkem in angleškem jeziku, pri čemer so vsa tri besedila enako verodostojna.
Ob razlikah pri razlagi velja angleško besedilo.
Za Vlado
Republike Slovenije
dr. Slavko Gaber l. r.
Za Vlado
Češke republike
Ivan Pilip l. r.
of Cultural, Educational and Scientific Cooperation between the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Government of the Czech Republic for the years 1995–1997
The Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Government of the Czech Republic (hereinafter referred to as “the Contracting Parties”), actuated by the desire to strengthen and develop friendly relations between the two contries, and in accordance with the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Government of the Czech Republic signed on May 12, 1994 in Prague, have reached the following agreement for cultural exchange under this Programme of Cultural, Educational and Scientific Cooperation for the years 1995 to 1997.
Education and Science
Article 1
The Contracting Parties will promote mutual cooperation between universities, academies of the arts and research institutes in the field of education, science and research on the basis of direct agreements between universities, academies of the arts and research institutes of both countries.
Article 2
The Contracting Parties shall offer annually two scholarships for 10 months each as a maximum for postgraduate training at universities or research institutes. The scholarsip may be divided into several shorter periods for 3 months as a maximum.
Article 3
The Contracting Parties shall exchange university students for a limited period of study for a total of 12 months annually. The scholarship may be devided into several shorter periods for a minimum of 4 months.
Article 4
The Contracting Parties shall exchange university teachers for study visits and lecturing for a total of 3 months annually. The visits shall have maximum duration of one month.
The free flow of scientists between the two countries for the purpose of joint research projects and other joint scientific activities is ensured upon request for a maximum period of 12 days.
Article 5
The Slovene Party shall offer 4 scholarships each year for attending the seminar and summer school of Slovene language, literature and culture organized by the University of Ljubljana.
The Czech Party shall offer 4 scholarships each year for attending summer schools of Czech studies organized by Czech universities.
Article 6
The Contracting Parties shall continue to support the teaching of the Czech language, literature and history in the Republic of Slovenia (at the University of Ljubljana and the University of Maribor) and the teaching of the Slovene language, literature and history in the Czech Republic (at Charles University in Prague and Masaryk University in Brno). Teachers shall normally be appointed for a period of one to three years, nominations of new teachers will be notified to the other Party through diplomatic channels before April 30 of the calendar year.
The Contracting Parties shall consider the possibilty of exchanging visiting professors not only from the field of language teaching, depending on the interest of the other Party.
Article 7
The Contracting Parties shall exchange annually experts from the field of education for a total of 20 days to study the issues of science, education, youth, sport, adult education and to discuss further cooperation.
Article 8
The Contracting Parties shall encourage and facilitate:
– exchange of scientific and educational literature,
– participation of gifted pupils and students in specialized and artistic competitions and olympiads,
– participation of experts in international congresses, symposia and conferences,
– mutual utilization of information system in education, science and organization of joint seminars of experts involved in that area.
Article 9
The Contracting Parties shall exchange on request the relevant documents for the purpose of examining the possibility of mutual recognition of certificates, university diplomas and university degrees, and if necessary, they will make a special agreement to this effect.
Article 10
The Contracting Parties shall support the cooperation in the field of adult education. Primarily the stress will be laid on the exchange of experiences and materials concerning the upgrading of qualification and distance learning.
The Contracting Parties shall cooperate in international events concerning further education and in the process of integration into the corresponding programmes of European Union.
Article 11
The Contracting Parties shall exchange information regarding the study of menagement, organization and curricula issues in the field of primary, secondary and higher education.
Youth, Physical Education and Sport
Article 12
The Contracting Parties shall support mutual contacts in sport, exchange of sport teams, individual sportsmen, coaches and experts.
The exchanges between non-governmental sport organizations will be carried out on the basis of direct contacts and cooperation.
Article 13
The Contracting Parties shall exchange on request specialized literature from the arrea of physical education and sport.
Article 14
The Contracting Parties shall encourage the cooperation aimed at the exchange of young people delegations and youth organizations on reciprocal basis. The exchanges shall be carried out between civic associations and youth organizations of both countries coordinated on the Slovene side by the Ministry of Education and Sport and on the Czech side by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport.
Article 15
The Contracting Parties shall encourage cooperation in various fields of culture. For this purpose, they shall exchange experts in culture and art as well as artists for informative stays for a total period of ten weeks annually.
Article 16
The Contracting Parties shall regularly exchange information on major national and international cultural and artistic events and shall invite a representative of the other Party to such events.
The Slovene Party shall invite one representative to:
– International Puppet Festival in Ljubljana
– International Dance Festival in Ljubljana.
The Czech Party shall invite one representative to:
– International Festival of Dramatic Theatres – Theatre 95, 96, 97
– International Stage Design Exhibition – Prague Quadriennale 1995.
Article 17
The Contracting Parties agree upon the organization of the following exhibition:
In the Republic of Slovenia:
– exhibition: Czech Art Deco
In the Czech Republic:
– exhibition: Architect Jože Plečnik – Architecture for a New Democracy
The Contracting Parties shal on equal terms present the Slovene architect Jože Plečnik in Prague in 1996 on the basis of a “libretto” approved by the Exibition Commissariat. All details shall be defined in a three-partite contract concluded between the respective ministries of culture and the Prague Castle Administration, the main organizer of exhibition.
The above mentioned exhibition will be accompanied by the following events:
– MULTIVISION (multimedia presentation of Slovenia)
Article 18
The Contracting Parties shall encourage direct cooperation between museums, galleries, libraries and institutes for preservation of cultural heritage. The funds and collections shall be made available to experts and reseachers of the other country.
Article 19
The Contracting Parties shall encourage cooperation in the field of amateur culture.
Article 20
The Contracting Parties shall encourage cooperation between writers and literary translators and their organizations and associations.
Article 21
The Contracting Parties shall encourage cooperation between publishing houses of both countries.
Article 22
The Contracting Parties shall encourage direct cooperation between film studios and producers, exchange of documents and information, participation in international festivals, joint film productions and other forms of cooperation.
The Contracting Parties shall study the possibility of organizing film weeks.
The Slovene Party proposes to organize a retrospective of Slovene films in Prague in 1967, mostly devoted to films directed by František Čap.
The Czech Party proposes to organize a Czech film retrospective in Ljubljana in 1996.
Article 23
The Contracting Parties shall encourage direct cooperation between artistic associations and societies and participation in international meetings, symposia and seminars.
Article 24
The Contracting Parties shall encourage cooperation in the field within the framework of European multilateral areas.
Article 25
The Contracting Parties shall facilitate mutual cooperation of archives on the basis of a direct agreement which will be concluded between respective institutions of both Contracting Parties.
General and Financial Provisions
Article 26
Exchange of students, post graduates and experts according to Article 2, 3 and 5:
The sending Party shall submit its nomination with all the necessary data requested in the questionnaires of the receiving Party not later than March 31 /Articles 2 and 3/ and April 30 /Article 5/ of each calendar year.
The Receiving Party shall inform about the acceptance not later than July 1 /Article 2 and 3/ and May 31 /Article 5/ of each calendar year.
The sending Party shall inform the receiving Party about the arrival of candidates at least two weeks in advance.
The knowledge of the language of the receiving country or the kowledge of one of the foreign languages agreed by the receiving Party is a precondition for accepting the candidate for study.
Article 27
Exchanges of persons according to Articles 4, 7, 15 and 16:
The sending Party will inform the receiving Party about the names, positions, language proficiency, programme proposals of the candidates, proposed length of stay and in case of proposals under Articles 4 and 7 about the letter of invitation from a university or a letter of acceptance of the nominated candidates at least 3 months before the scheduled arrival.
The receiving Party will inform about the acceptance of proposed candidates and the dates of acceptance not later than one month after receiving the proposal.
After the acceptance is confirmed the sending Party shall inform not later than 2 weeks before the departure of person about the exact date, place of arrival and the means of transportation.
Article 28
Exchange of exhibitions implemented under the Article 17 of this Programme will be regulated by the following financial conditions:
The sending Party shall cover:
a/ the costs of transportation to the first place of exhibition and costs back from the last place of exhibition,
b/ the insurance costs /nail to nail/.
The receiving Party shall cover:
a/ the costs of transportation of the exhibition within its territory,
b/ the costs of publicity and provision for installation including the rent of the exhibition halls,
c/ in case of damage done to the exhibit, the receiving Party shall provide the sending Party with all necessary documents concerning the damage. The receiving Party covers the costs of the damage estimate. Any restoration of the damaged exhibit requires a prior consent of the sending Party.
Article 29
The sending Party shall cover transportation costs to the place of acceptance and back to all persons nominated by this Programme.
Article 30
The receiving Party shall pay to the partcipants of this Programme as specified in Articles 4, 7, 15 and 16:
– daily alowance including pocket money according to valid legal and financial regulations of the receiving Party,
– hotel accomodation,
– inland transportation in accordance with the agreed study plan.
Article 31
The receiving Party shall provide the participants accepted under the Articles 2 and 3 of this Programme with:
– free study,
– reimbursement of the inland transportation costs in accordance with the agreed study plan,
– a scholarship according to valid legal and financial regulations of the receiving Party,
– accomodation in the university dormitories under the same conditions as for the students of the host country,
– meals at students canteens under the same conditions as for students of the host country.
Article 32
The receiving Party will provide the participants of language courses accepted under the Article 5 of this Programme with:
– free entry fee, free board and lodging and pocket money according to the financial possibilities of the organizer.
Article 33
The receiving Party shall provide the teachers of respective languages accepted under the Article 6 with a salary of a university teacher according to its internal financial regulations for 12 months with respect to the qualification and length of service of the teacher and free accomodation.
Teachers are appointed for one year and the renewal of their contracts is subject to the negotiations through diplomatic channels before April 1 of each year.
Article 34
The receiving Party will cover the expenses of the necessary medical care in case of sudden illness or injury of the persons accepted witih the framework of this Programme.
Final Provisions
Article 35
The Programme does not preclude the implementation of other activities agreed upon by the Contracting Parties through diplomatic channels. Suggestions for possible amendments to the Programme will be negotiated by the Contracting Parties through diplomatic channels.
This Programme shall enter into force on the day of the exchange of notes confirming the internal approval of the document in the countries of the Contracting Parties.
This Programme shall cover the period from the date of entering into force until December 31, 1997.
Done at Ljubljana on 22. 9. 1995 in duplicate in the Slovene, Czech and English languages, all three texts being equally authentic.
In case of differences in interpretation, the English text shall prevai.
For the Government
of the Republic of Slovenia
Slavko Gaber, (s)
For the Government
of the Czech Republic
Ivan Pilip, (s)
3. člen
Za izvajanje programa skrbijo Ministrstvo za šolstvo in šport, Ministrstvo za kulturo, Ministrstvo za znanost in tehnologijo in Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve.
4. člen
Ta uredba začne veljati naslednji dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 680-02/93-5/8-8
Ljubljana, dne 7. marca 1996
Vlada Republike Slovenije
dr. Janez Drnovšek l. r.
*Besedilo programa v češkem jeziku je na vpogled v Službi za mednarodnopravne zadeve Ministrstva za zunanje zadeve Republike Slovenije.

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