Uradni list

Številka 62
Uradni list RS, št. 62/1996 z dne 8. 11. 1996
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 62/1996 z dne 8. 11. 1996


63. Zakon o ratifikaciji Sporazuma med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Visokim komisarjem Združenih narodov za begunce (MVKB), stran 350.

Na podlagi druge alinee prvega odstavka 107. člena in prvega odstavka 91. člena Ustave Republike Slovenije izdajam
Razglašam Zakon o ratifikaciji Sporazuma med Vlado Republike Slovenije in visokim komisarjem Združenih narodov za begunce (MVKB), ki ga je sprejel Državni zbor Republike Slovenije na seji dne 1. oktobra 1996.
Št. 001-22-94/96
Ljubljana, dne 9. oktobra 1996
Republike Slovenije
Milan Kučan l. r.
1. člen
Ratificira se Sporazum med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Visokim komisarjem Združenih narodov za begunce, ki je bil podpisan v Ljubljani 4. oktobra 1995.
2. člen
Besedilo sporazuma se v izvirniku v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku glasi:
GLEDE NA TO, da je bil z Resolucijo 319 (IV) Generalne skupščine Združenih narodov z dne 3. decembra 1949 ustanovljen Visoki komisariat Združenih narodov za begunce,
GLEDE NA TO, da statut Visokega komisariata Združenih narodov za begunce, ki ga je sprejela Generalna skupščina Združenih narodov z resolucijo 428 (V) z dne 14. decembra 1950 inter alia določa, da Visoki komisar, ki deluje po pooblastilu Generalne skupščine, prevzame nalogo, da pod pokroviteljstvom Združenih narodov zagotavlja mednarodno varstvo beguncev, za katere je varstvo predvideno po statutu, in išče trajne rešitve problema beguncev, tako da pomaga vladam in ob soglasju prizadetih vlad tudi zasebnim organizacijam z namenom omogočiti lažje prostovoljno vračanje teh beguncev v domovino ali njihovo asimilacijo v novih državnih skupnostih,
GLEDE NA TO, da je Visoki komisariat Združenih narodov za begunce pomožni organ, ki ga je ustanovila Generalna skupščina v skladu z 22. členom Ustanovne listine Združenih narodov, sestavni del Združenih narodov, katerega status, privilegije in imunitete ureja Konvencija Združenih narodov o privilegijih in imunitetah, ki jo je sprejela Generalna skupščina 13. februarja 1946,
GLEDE NA TO, da Vlada Republike Slovenije in Visoki komisariat Združenih narodov za begunce želita vzpostaviti določila in pogoje, po katerih je Visoki komisariat v okviru svojih pooblastil in zadolžitev zastopan v državi,
STA TOREJ Vlada Republike Slovenije in Visoki komisariat Združenih narodov za begunce v duhu prijateljskega sodelovanja sklenila ta sporazum.
Za namene tega sporazuma veljajo te definicije:
a) “UNHCR” pomeni Visoki komisariat Združenih narodov za begunce,
b) “Visoki komisar” pomeni Visokega komisarja Združenih narodov za begunce ali uradnike, na katere je Visoki komisar prenesel pooblastila, da delujejo v njegovem imenu,
c) “vlada” pomeni Vlado Republike Slovenije,
d) “država gostiteljica” ali “država” pomeni Republiko Slovenijo,
e) “pogodbenici” pomenita UNHCR in vlado,
f) “konvencija” pomeni Konvencijo o privilegijih in imunitetah Združenih narodov, ki jo je Generalna skupščina Združenih narodov sprejela 13. februarja 1946,
g) “urad UNHCR” pomeni vse pisarne in prostore ter objekte in naprave, ki jih UNHCR zaseda ali vzdržuje v državi,
h) “predstavnik UNHCR” pomeni uradnika UNHCR, ki je odgovoren za urad UNHCR v državi,
i) “uradniki UNHCR” pomenijo vse člane osebja UNHCR, zaposlene v skladu s predpisi in pravili za osebje Združenih narodov, z izjemo oseb, ki so najete v kraju samem in so plačani po urah, kot to določa resolucija Generalne skupščine 76 (I),
j) “strokovnjaki na misiji” pomenijo posameznike, ki niso uradniki UNHCR ali osebe, ki opravljajo storitve v imenu UNHCR in prevzamejo naloge za UNHCR,
k) “osebe, ki opravljajo storitve v imenu UNHCR”, pomenijo fizične in pravne osebe in njihove uslužbence, ki niso državljani države gostiteljice, ki pa jih je UNHCR obdržal za izvajanje ali pomoč pri izvajanju svojih programov,
l) “osebje UNHCR” pomeni uradnike UNHCR, strokovnjake na misiji in osebe, ki opravljajo storitve v imenu UNHCR.
Ta sporazum vključuje temeljne pogoje, pod katerimi UNHCR v skladu s svojimi pooblastili in zadolžitvami sodeluje z vlado, odpre urad v državi in opravlja naloge mednarodnega varstva ter človekoljubne pomoči v korist beguncev in drugih oseb, za katere skrbi v državi gostiteljici.
1. Sodelovanje med vlado in UNHCR na področju mednarodnega varstva in človekoljubne pomoči beguncem in drugim osebam, za katere skrbi UNHCR, poteka na podlagi statuta UNHCR, drugih ustreznih sklepov in resolucij v zvezi z UNHCR, ki so jih sprejeli organi Združenih narodov in 35. člena Konvencije o statusu beguncev iz leta 1951 ter 2. člena Protokola o statusu beguncev iz leta 1967.
2. Urad UNHCR se posvetuje in sodeluje z vlado o pripravi in pregledu projektov za begunce.
3. Za vse projekte, ki jih financira UNHCR in izvaja vlada, se določila in pogoji, vključno z zavezo vlade in Visokega komisarja glede zagotavljanja sredstev, potrebščin, opreme in storitev ter drugo pomočjo za begunce, določijo v sporazumih o projektih, ki jih podpišeta vlada in UNHCR.
4. Vlada vedno omogoča osebju UNHCR neoviran dostop do beguncev in drugih oseb, za katere skrbi UNHCR, ter do krajev, kjer se izvajajo projekti UNHCR z namenom, da spremlja vse faze njihovega izvajanja.
1. Vlada pozdravlja odločitev UNHCR, da ustanovi in vzdržuje urad ali urade v državi za zagotavljanje mednarodnega varstva in človekoljubne pomoči za begunce in druge osebe, za katere skrbi UNHCR.
2. UNHCR lahko s privoljenjem vlade določi, da urad UNHCR v državi deluje kot regionalni/področni urad, vlado pa pisno obvesti o številu in rangu uradnikov, ki so mu dodeljeni.
3. Urad UNHCR bo opravljal naloge, ki jih določi Visoki komisar v zvezi z njegovimi pooblastili in odgovornostmi za begunce in druge osebe, za katere skrbi, vključno z vzpostavitvijo in vzdrževanjem odnosov med UNHCR in drugimi vladnimi ali nevladnimi organizacijami, ki delujejo v državi.
1. UNHCR lahko določi take uradnike in drugo osebje za urad v državi, kot se mu zdi potrebno za opravljanje nalog mednarodnega varstva in človekoljubne pomoči.
2. Vlada se obvesti o vrsti uradnikov in drugega osebja, določenega za urad UNHCR v državi.
3. UNHCR lahko imenuje uradnike, ki bodo obiskali državo z namenom, da svetujejo ustreznim uradnikom vlade ali drugim, ki delajo z begunci, in da z njimi sodelujejo glede: a) pregledovanja, priprave, spremljanja in vrednotenja programov mednarodnega varstva in človekoljubne pomoči; b) pošiljanja, sprejemanja, razdeljevanja ali uporabe potrebščin, opreme in drugega materiala, ki ga dobavlja UNHCR; c) iskanja trajnih rešitev za probleme beguncev in d) vseh drugih zadev v zvezi z uporabo tega sporazuma.
1. Vlada v dogovoru z UNHCR obravnava kakršne koli ukrepe, ki bi bili potrebni za oprostitev uradnikov UNHCR, strokovnjakov na misiji in oseb, ki opravljajo storitve v imenu UNHCR, v zvezi s predpisi ali drugimi pravnimi določbami, ki bi lahko ovirale dejavnosti in projekte, ki se izvajajo po tem sporazumu; vlada jim odobri tudi druge ugodnosti in olajšave, potrebne za hitro in učinkovito izvajanje človekoljubnih programov UNHCR za begunce v državi. Taki ukrepi lahko po potrebi vključujejo ugodnosti na področju prevoza in zvez.
2. Vlada v soglasju z UNHCR pomaga uradnikom UNHCR pri iskanju ustreznih prostorov za urad.
3. Stroške za prostore kot tudi stroške lokalnih storitev in opreme za urad UNHCR krije UNHCR. Vlada lahko sporazumno postopoma zagotavlja kritje stroškov za take prostore in opremo, ko bodo za to ustvarjene možnosti.
4. Vlada zagotavlja, da je urad UNHCR vedno preskrbljen s potrebnimi javnimi storitvami in da se te javne storitve vedno opravljajo po primernih pogojih.
5. Vlada po potrebi sprejme ukrepe za zagotavljanje varnosti in zaščite prostorov urada UNHCR in njegovega osebja.
1. Vlada za UNHCR, njegovo premoženje, denarna in druga sredstva ter za njegove uradnike in strokovnjake na misiji uporablja ustrezne določbe Konvencije Združenih narodov o privilegijih in imunitetah, katere pogodbenica je vlada postala dne 25. junija 1991. Vlada se tudi strinja, da UNHCR in njegovemu osebju priznava take dodatne privilegije in imunitete, kot so morda potrebni za učinkovito opravljanje nalog mednarodnega varstva in človekoljubne pomoči UNHCR.
2. Brez škode za 1. odstavek tega člena vlada še zlasti podeli UNHCR privilegije, imunitete, pravice in ugodnosti, določene v VIII. do XV. členu tega sporazuma.
1. UNHCR, njegovo premoženje, denarna in druga sredstva, ne glede na to kje so in kdo jih ima, so izvzeti iz kakršne koli oblike sodnega postopka, razen če se je UNHCR v določenem primeru izrecno odpovedal svoji imuniteti; pri tem se razume, da taka odpoved ne velja za ukrepe izvršbe.
2. Prostori urada UNHCR so nedotakljivi. Premoženje, denarna in druga sredstva UNHCR, ne glede na to kje so in kdo jih ima, so izvzeta iz preiskave, rekvizicije, zaplembe, razlastitve ali kake druge oblike ukrepanja na podlagi izvršilnih, upravnih, sodnih ali zakonodajnih postopkov.
3. Arhivi UNHCR in na splošno vsi dokumenti, ki mu pripadajo ali jih ima, so nedotakljivi.
4. Denarna in druga sredstva, prihodek in drugo premoženje UNHCR so oproščeni:
a) vseh oblik neposrednega obdavčenja pod pogojem, da UNHCR ne bo zahteval oprostitve stroškov za komunalne storitve;
b) carin in prepovedi ter omejitev za predmete, ki jih UNHCR uvaža ali izvaža za svojo uradno rabo, pod pogojem, da se s takimi oprostitvami uvoženi predmeti ne bodo prodajali v državi razen pod pogoji, dogovorjenimi z vlado;
c) carin in prepovedi ter omejitev v zvezi z uvozom in izvozom njegovih publikacij.
5. Ves material, ki ga uvozijo ali izvozijo UNHCR, državni ali mednarodni organi, ki jih je pravilno akreditiral UNHCR, da delujejo v njegovem imenu v zvezi s človekoljubno pomočjo za begunce, so oproščeni vsake carine in prepovedi ter omejitev.
V tem primeru pa UNHCR zagotavlja, da akreditirani državni ali mednarodni organi, ki delujejo v njegovem imenu, izpolnjujejo vse zahteve carinskih postopkov, kot je določeno v ustreznih predpisih Republike Slovenije.
6. UNHCR je oproščen vsakega finančnega nadzora, predpisov ali moratorijev in lahko prosto:
a) pridobiva od pooblaščenih trgovinskih agencij, ima in uporablja zamenljive valute, ima devizne račune ter preko pooblaščenih ustanov pridobiva, ima in uporablja denarna sredstva, vrednostne papirje in zlato;
b) vnaša iz katere koli druge države denarna sredstva, vrednostne papirje, tuje valute in zlato v državo gostiteljico, jih uporablja v državi gostiteljici ali jih prenaša v druge države.
7. UNHCR uživa najugodnejši zakoniti menjalni tečaj.
1. UNHCR uživa za svoje uradne komunikacije obravnavo, ki ni manj ugodna kot tista, ki jo vlada ponudi drugi vladi, vključno z njenimi diplomatskimi predstavništvi ali drugimi medvladnimi, mednarodnimi organizacijami glede prioritet, tarif in stroškov za pošto, telegrame, telefoto, telefone, telegraf, teleks in druge komunikacije kot tudi tarife za informacije za tisk in radio.
2. Vlada zagotavlja nedotakljivost uradnih komunikacij in korespondence UNHCR in jih ne cenzurira. Taka nedotakljivost se brez omejitev glede na prej našteto nanaša tudi na publikacije, fotografije, diapozitive, filme in zvočne posnetke.
3. UNHCR ima pravico uporabljati kode in odpošiljati in prejemati korespondenco in drugo gradivo po kurirju ali v zapečatenih torbah, za katere veljajo enaki privilegiji in imunitete kot za diplomatske kurirje in diplomatsko pošto.
4. UNHCR ima pravico, da upravlja radijsko in drugo telekomunikacijsko opremo na frekvencah, registriranih za ZN, kot tudi na frekvencah, ki mu jih dodeli vlada, in to med svojimi uradi v državi in zunaj nje in še zlasti s sedežem UNHCR v Ženevi.
1. Predstavnik UNHCR, namestnik predstavnika in drugi višji uradniki, po dogovoru med UNHCR in vlado, uživajo med svojim bivanjem v državi, zase, za svoje zakonce in vzdrževane sorodnike, privilegije in imunitete, oprostitve in ugodnosti, ki se običajno podeljujejo diplomatskim odposlancem. V ta namen Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve vključi njihova imena v diplomatsko listo.
2. Uradniki UNHCR med bivanjem v državi uživajo te ugodnosti, privilegije in imunitete:
a) imuniteto pred sodnim postopkom glede ustnih in pisnih izjav, ki so jih dali, in vseh dejanj, ki so jih storili po uradni dolžnosti; ta imuniteta velja tudi po izteku njihove zaposlitve pri UNHCR;
b) imuniteto pred pregledom in odvzemom njihove uradne prtljage;
c) imuniteto pred obveznostmi služenja vojaškega roka ali kakršno koli drugo obvezno službo;
d) oprostitev imigracijskih omejitev in prijave tujcev zase, za svoje zakonce, svoje vzdrževane sorodnike in druge člane svojih gospodinjstev;
e) oprostitev davkov na plače in vse druge honorarje, ki jim jih izplača UNHCR;
f) oprostitev kakršne koli oblike obdavčitve dohodka, ki izhaja iz virov zunaj države;
g) takojšnje urejanje in brezplačno izdajanje viz, licenc ali dovoljenj, če je potrebno, in prosto gibanje znotraj države, v državo ali iz države, če je to potrebno za izvajanje mednarodnega varstva in programov človekoljubne pomoči UNHCR;
h) svobodo, da imajo v državi tujo valuto, devizne račune in premičnine in pravico, da ob izteku zaposlitve pri UNHCR odnesejo s seboj iz države gostiteljice denar, za katerega lahko dokažejo, da ga upravičeno imajo;
i) enako varstvo in ugodnosti za vrnitev v domovino zase, za svoje zakonce in vzdrževane sorodnike in druge člane svojih gospodinjstev, kot se podeljujejo diplomatskim odposlancem med mednarodno krizo;
j) pravico, da uvozijo za osebno uporabo brez plačila carine in drugih dajatev, prepovedi in omejitev pri uvozu:
(i) svoje pohištvo in osebno premoženje v eni ali več ločenih pošiljkah in da kasneje uvozijo potrebne dodatne predmete, vključno z motornimi vozili v skladu s predpisi, ki v tej državi veljajo za diplomatske predstavnike, akreditirane v državi in/ali za člane mednarodnih organizacij, ki bivajo v državi;
(ii) razumne količine določenih predmetov za osebno uporabo ali potrošnjo, ki niso namenjeni za darila ali prodajo.
3. Uradniki UNHCR, ki so državljani države gostiteljice ali imajo v njej stalno bivališče, uživajo le privilegije in imunitete, predvidene v konvenciji.
1. Osebje, ki se zaposli v kraju samem in je plačano po urni postavki za opravljanje storitev za UNHCR, uživa imuniteto pred sodnim postopkom glede ustnih in pisnih izjav, ki jih je dalo, in vseh dejanj, ki jih je storilo po svoji uradni dolžnosti.
2. Določila in pogoji zaposlovanja za osebje, ki se zaposli v kraju samem, so v skladu z ustreznimi resolucijami, predpisi in pravili Združenih narodov.
1. Strokovnjaki, ki opravljajo nalogo za UNHCR, uživajo take olajšave, privilegije in imunitete, kot so potrebne za neodvisno opravljanje njihovih nalog. Še zlasti uživajo:
a) imuniteto pred osebno aretacijo ali priporom;
b) imuniteto pred kakršnim koli sodnim postopkom glede ustnih in pisnih izjav, ki so jih dali, in vseh dejanj, ki so jih storili pri opravljanju svoje naloge; ta imuniteta velja tudi potem, ko ne opravljajo več nalog za UNHCR;
c) nedotakljivost vseh listin in dokumentov;
d) pravico, da za namene njihovega uradnega komuniciranja uporabljajo kode ter da prejemajo dokumente ali korespondenco po kurirju ali v zapečatenih torbah;
e) enake ugodnosti glede valutnih in deviznih omejitev, kot so podeljene predstavnikom tujih vlad na začasnih uradnih misijah;
f) enake imunitete in olajšave vključno z imuniteto pred pregledom in odvzemom njihove osebne prtljage, kot so podeljene diplomatskim odposlancem.
1. Razen če se pogodbenici drugače ne dogovorita, vlada podeli vsem osebam, ki opravljajo storitve v imenu UNHCR in niso lokalno zaposleni državljani države gostiteljice, privilegije in imunitete, navedene v V. členu, odstavek 18 konvencije. Poleg tega se jim zagotovijo:
a) hitro urejanje in brezplačno izdajanje viz, licenc ali dovoljenj, potrebnih za učinkovito opravljanje njihovih nalog;
b) prosto gibanje znotraj države, v državo ali iz države, če je to potrebno za izvajanje programov človekoljubne pomoči UNHCR.
1. UNHCR obvesti vlado o imenih uradnikov UNHCR, strokovnjakov na misiji in drugih oseb, ki opravljajo storitve v imenu UNHCR, in o spremembah statusa takih posameznikov.
2. Uradniki UNHCR, strokovnjaki na misiji in druge osebe, ki opravljajo storitve v imenu UNHCR, dobijo posebno identifikacijsko izkaznico, ki potrjuje njihov status po tem sporazumu.
Privilegiji in imunitete se podeljujejo osebju UNHCR v interesu Združenih narodov in UNHCR in ne v osebno korist zadevnih posameznikov. Generalni sekretar Združenih narodov se lahko odreče imuniteti za katerega koli člana osebja UNHCR v vsakem primeru, ko bi po njegovem mnenju imuniteta ovirala pot pravice in se ji lahko odreče brez škode za interese Združenih narodov in UNHCR.
Vsak spor med UNHCR in vlado, ki izhaja iz tega sporazuma ali je z njim v zvezi, se rešuje na miren način s pogajanji ali na kak drug sporazumen način; če to ne uspe, se tak spor na zahtevo ene ali druge pogodbenice predloži v arbitražo. Vsaka pogodbenica imenuje enega arbitra in dva tako imenovana arbitra imenujeta tretjega, ki bo predsedujoči. Če ena ali druga pogodbenica ni imenovala arbitra v tridesetih dneh od zahtevka za arbitražo ali če v petnajstih dneh od imenovanja dveh arbitrov tretji še ni imenovan, lahko ena ali druga pogodbenica zaprosi predsednika Meddržavnega sodišča, da imenuje arbitra. O vseh odločitvah arbitrov morata glasovati vsaj dva od njih. Arbitražni postopek določijo arbitri, stroške arbitraže pa krijeta pogodbenici po oceni arbitrov. Arbitražna razsodba vključuje navedbo razlogov, na katerih temelji, in jo pogodbenici sprejmeta kot končno razsodbo spora.
1. Ta sporazum začne veljati z dnem, ko vlada obvesti UNHCR o izpolnitvi notranjih postopkov za začetek njegove veljavnosti.
2. Ta sporazum se razlaga v luči njegovega osnovnega namena, to je, da se UNHCR omogoči popolno in učinkovito opravljanje njegovih mednarodnih pooblastil in zadolžitev za begunce in da se dosežejo humanitarni cilji v državi.
3. Vsako pomembno zadevo, za katero ni nobene posebne določbe v tem sporazumu, rešujeta pogodbenici tako, da se držita ustreznih resolucij in sklepov pristojnih organov Združenih narodov. Vsaka pogodbenica v celoti in dobronamerno prouči vsak predlog, ki ga da druga pogodbenica v skladu s tem odstavkom.
4. Na zahtevo vlade ali UNHCR lahko pride do posvetovanj z namenom, da se spremeni in dopolni ta sporazum. Za spremembe in dopolnila je potreben skupen pisni sporazum.
5. Ta sporazum preneha veljati šest mesecev po tem, ko ena od pogodbenic pisno obvesti drugo o svoji odločitvi, da odpove ta sporazum, razen kadar gre za normalno prenehanje dejavnosti UNHCR v državi in odtujitve njegovega premoženja v državi.
V POTRDITEV TEGA sta podpisnika, pravilno imenovana predstavnika vlade oziroma Visokega komisarja Združenih narodov za begunce v imenu pogodbenic podpisala ta sporazum.
Sestavljeno v Ljubljani dne 4. oktobra 1995 v dveh izvodih v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku. Za namene razlage in ob sporu je merodajno angleško besedilo.
Za Vlado
Republike Slovenije
Borut Mahnič l. r.
Vodja službe
Ministrstvo za zunanje
Za Visoki komisariat
Združenih narodov za begunce
Dario Carminati l. r.
Vodja geografskega
WHEREAS the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees was established by the United Nations General Assembly Resolution 319 (IV) of 3 December 1949,
WHEREAS the Statute of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in its resolution 428 (V) of 14 December 1950, provides, inter alia, that the High Commissioner, acting under the authority of the General Assembly, shall assume the function of providing international protection, under the auspices of the United Nations, to refugees who fall within the scope of the Statute and of seeking permanent solutions for the problem of refugees by assisting governments and, subject to the approval of the governments concerned, private organizations to facilitate the voluntary repatriation of such refugees, or their assimilation within new national communities,
WHEREAS the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for refugees, a subsidiary organ established by the General Assembly pursuant to Article 22 of the Charter of the United Nations whose status, privileges and immunities are governed by the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations, adopted by the General Assembly on 13 February 1946,
WHEREAS the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees wish to establish the terms and conditions under which the Office, within its mandate, shall be represented in the country,
NOW THEREFORE, the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, in a spirit of friendly co-operation, have entered into this Agreement.
For the purpose of this Agreement the following definitions shall apply:
(a) “UNHCR” means the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees,
(b) “High Commissioner” means the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees or the officials to whom the High Commissioner has delegated authority to act on his behalf,
(c) “Government” means the Government of the Republic of Slovenia
(d) “Host Country” or “Country” means the Republic of Slovenia,
(e) “Parties” means UNHCR and the Government,
(f) “Convention” means the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on 13 February 1946,
(g) “UNHCR Office” means all the offices and premises , installations and facilities occupied or maintained in the country,
(h) “UNHCR Representative” means the UNHCR official in charge of the UNHCR office in the country,
(i) “UNHCR officials” means all members of the staff of UNHCR employed under the Staff Regulations and Rules of the United Nations, with the exception of persons who are recruited locally and assigned to hourly rates as provided in General Assembly resolution 76 (I),
(j) “Experts on mission” means individuals, other than UNHCR officials or persons performing services on behalf of UNHCR, undertaking missions for UNHCR,
(k) “Persons performing services on behalf of UNHCR” means natural or juridical persons and their employees, other than nationals of the host country, retained by UNHCR to execute or assist in the carrying out of its programmes,
(l) “UNHCR personnel” means UNHCR officials, experts on mission and persons performing services on behalf of UNHCR.
This Agreement embodies the basic conditions under which UNHCR shall, within its mandate, co-operate with the Government, open office in the country, and carry out its international protection and humanitarian assistance functions in favour of refugees and other persons of its concern in the host country.
1. Co-operation between the Government and UNHCR in the field of international protection of and humanitarian assistance to refugees and other persons of concern to UNHCR shall be carried out on the basis of the Statute of UNHCR, of other relevant decisions and resolutions relating to UNHCR adopted by United Nations organs and of article 35 of the Convention relating to the Status of Refugees of 1951 and article 2 of the Protocol relating to the Status of Refugees of 1967.
2. The UNHCR office shall maintain consultations and co-operation with the Government with respect to the preparation and review of projects for refugees.
3. For any UNHCR-funded projects to be implemented by the Government, the terms and conditions including the commitment of the Government and the High Commissioner with respect to the furnishing of funds, supplies, equipment and services or other assistance for refugees shall be set forth in project agreements to be signed by the Government and UNHCR.
4. The Government shall at all times grant UNHCR personnel unimpeded access to refugees and other persons of concern to UNHCR and to the sites of UNHCR projects in order to monitor all phases of their implementation.
1. The Government welcomes that UNHCR establish and maintain an office or offices in the country for providing international protection and humanitarian assistance to refugees and other persons of concern to UNHCR.
2. UNHCR may designate, with the consent of the Government, the UNHCR office in the country to serve as a Regional/Area office and the Government shall be notified in writing of the number and level of the officials assigned to it.
3. The UNHCR office will exercise functions as assigned by the High Commissioner, in relation to his mandate for refugees and other persons of his concern, including the establishment and maintenance of relations between UNHCR and other governmental or non-governmental organizations functioning in the country.
1. UNHCR may assign to the office in the country such officials or other personnel as UNHCR deems necessary for carrying out its international protection and humanitarian assistance functions.
2. The Government shall be informed of the category of the officials and other personnel to be assigned to the UNHCR office in the country.
3. UNHCR may designate officials to visit the country for purposes of consulting and co-operating with the corresponding officials of the Government or other parties involved in refugee work in connection with: (a) the review, preparation, monitoring and evaluation of international protection and humanitarian assistance programmes; (b) the shipment, receipt, distribution or use of the supplies, equipment, and other materials, furnished by UNHCR; (c) seeking permanent solutions for the problem of refugees; and (d) any other matters relating to the application of this Agreement.
1. The Government, in agreement with UNHCR, shall take any measure which may be necessary to exempt UNHCR officials, experts on mission and persons performing services on behalf of UNHCR from regulations or other legal provisions which may interfere with operations and projects carried out under this Agreement, and shall grant them such other facilities as may be necessary for the speedy and efficient execution of UNHCR humanitarian programmes for refugees in the country. Such measures may include, as appropriate, facilities of communication and transportation.
2. The Government, in agreement with UNHCR, shall assist the UNHCR officials in finding appropriate office premises.
3. The office premises as well as the cost of local services and facilities for the UNHCR office will be covered by UNHCR. The Government may agree to assume gradually the cost for such premises and facilities when the possibilities to this effect will be created.
4. The Government shall ensure that the UNHCR office is at all times supplied with the necessary public services, and that such public services are supplied on equitable terms.
5. The Government shall take the necessary measures, when required, to ensure the security and protection of the premises of the UNHCR office and its personnel.
1. The Government shall apply to UNHCR, its property, funds and assets, and to its officials and experts on mission the relevant provisions of the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations to which the Government became a party on 25 June 1991. The Government also agrees to grant to UNHCR and its personnel such additional privileges and immunities as may be necessary for the effective exercise of the international protection and humanitarian assistance functions of UNHCR.
2. Without prejudice to paragraph 1 of this Article, the Government shall in particular extend to UNHCR the privileges, immunities, rights and facilities provided in articles VIII to XV of this Agreement.
1. UNHCR, its property, funds, and assets, wherever located and by whomsoever held, shall be immune from every form of legal process, except insofar as in any particular case it has expressly waived its immunity; it being understood that his waiver shall not extend to any measure of execution.
2. The premises of UNHCR office shall be inviolable. The property, funds and assets of UNHCR, wherever situated and by whomsoever held, shall be immune from search, requisition, confiscation, expropriation and any other form of interference, whether by executive, administrative, judicial or legislative action.
3. The archives of UNHCR, and in general all documents belonging to or held by it, shall be inviolable.
4. The funds, income and other property of UNHCR shall be exempt from:
(a) Any form of direct taxation, provided that UNHCR will not claim exemption from charges for public utility services;
(b) Customs duties and prohibitions and restrictions on articles imported or exported by UNHCR for its official use, provided that articles imported under such exemption will not be sold in the country except under conditions agreed upon with the Government;
(c) Customs duties and prohibitions and restrictions in respect of the import and export of its publications.
5. Any materials imported or exported by UNHCR, by national or international bodies duly accredited by UNHCR to act on its behalf in connection with humanitarian assistance for refugees, shall be exempt from all customs duties and prohibitions and restrictions.
In such cases UNHCR shall ensure that the accredited national or international bodies, acting on its behalf, meet any customs procedures, requirements, as specified in the relevant regulations of the Republic of Slovenia.
6. UNHCR shall not be subject to any financial controls, regulations or moratoria and may freely:
(a) Acquire from authorized commercial agencies, hold and use negotiable currencies, maintain foreign-currency accounts, and acquire through authorized institutions, hold and use funds, securities and gold,
(b) Bring funds, securities, foreign currencies and gold into the host country from any other country, use them within the host country or transfer them to other countries,
7. UNHCR shall enjoy the most favourable legal rate of exchange.
1. UNHCR shall enjoy, in respect of its official communications, treatment not less favourable than that accorded by the Government to any other Government including its diplomatic missions or to other intergovernmental, international organizations in matter of priorities, tariffs and charges on mail, cablegrams, telephotos, telephone, telegraph, telex and other communications, as well as rates for information to the press and radio.
2. The Government shall secure the inviolability of the official communications and correspondence of UNHCR and shall not apply any censorship to its communications and correspondence. Such inviolability, without limitation by reason of the enumeration, shall extend to publications, photographs, slides, films and sound recordings.
3. UNHCR shall have the right to sue codes and to despatch and receive correspondence and other materials by courier or in sealed bags which shall have the same privileges and immunities as diplomatic couriers and bags.
4. UNHCR shall have the right to operate radio and other telecommunications equipment, on UN registered frequencies, and those allocated by the Government, between its offices, within and outside the country, and in particular with UNHCR Headquarters in Geneva.
1. The UNHCR Representative, Deputy Representative and other senior officials, as may be agreed between UNHCR and the Government, shall enjoy, while in the country, in respect of themselves, their spouses and dependent relatives the privileges and immunities, exemptions and facilities normally accorded to diplomatic envoys. For this purpose the Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall include their names in the Diplomatic list.
2. UNHCR officials, while in the country, shall enjoy the following facilities, privileges and immunities:
(a) Immunity from legal process in respect of words spoken or written and all acts performed by them in their official capacity, such immunity to continue even after termination of employment with UNHCR;
(b) Immunity from inspection and seizure of their official baggage;
(c) Immunity from any military service obligations or any other obligatory service;
(d) Exemption, with respect to themselves, their spouses, their relatives dependent on them and other members of their households from immigration restriction and alien registration;
(e) Exemption from taxation in respect of the salaries and all other remuneration paid to them by UNHCR;
(f) Exemption from any form of taxation of income derived by them from sources outside the country;
(g) Prompt clearance and issuance, without cost, of visas, licenses or permits, if required and free movement within, to or from the country to the extent necessary for the carrying out of UNHCR international protection and humanitarian assistance programmes;
(h) Freedom to hold or maintain within the country, foreign exchange, foreign currency accounts and movable property and the right upon termination of employment with UNHCR to take out of the host country their funds for the lawful possession of which they can show good cause;
(i) The same protection and repatriation facilities with respect to themselves, their spouses and relatives dependent on them and other members of their households as are accorded in time of international crisis to diplomatic envoys;
(j) The right to import for personal use, free of duty and other levies, prohibitions and restrictions on imports;
(i) their furniture and personal effects in one or more separate shipments and thereafter to import necessary additions to the same, including motor vehicles, according to the regulations applicable in the country to diplomatic representatives accredited in the country and/or resident members of international organizations;
(ii) reasonable quantities of certain articles for personal use or consumption and not for gift or sale.
3. UNHCR officials who are nationals of or permanent residents in the host country shall enjoy only those privileges and immunities provided for in the Convention.
1. Persons recruited locally and assigned to hourly rates to perform services for UNHCR shall enjoy immunity from legal process in respect of words spoken or written and any act performed by them in their official capacity.
2. The terms and conditions of employment for locally recruited personnel shall be in accordance with the relevant United Nations resolutions, Regulations and Rules.
1. Experts performing mission for UNHCR shall be accorded such facilities, privileges and immunities as are necessary for the independent exercise of their functions. In particular they shall be accorded:
(a) Immunity from personal arrest or detention;
(b) Immunity from legal process of every kind in respect of words spoken or written and acts done by them in the course of the performance of their mission. This immunity shall continue to be accorded notwithstanding that they are no longer employed on missions for UNHCR;
(c) Inviolability for all papers and documents;
(d) For he purpose of their official communications, the right to use codes and to receive papers or correspondence by courier or in sealed bags;
(e) The same facilities in respect of currency or exchange restrictions as are accorded to representatives of foreign governments on temporary official missions;
(f) The same immunities and facilities including immunity from inspection and seizure in respect of their personal baggage as are accorded to diplomatic envoys.
1. Except as the Parties may otherwise agree, the Government shall grant to all persons performing services on behalf of UNHCR, other than nationals of the host country employed locally, the privileges and immunities specified in Article V, Section 18, of the Convention. In addition, they shall be granted:
(a) Prompt clearance and issuance, without cost, of visas, licences or permits necessary for the effective exercise of their functions;
(b) Free movement within, to or from the country, to the extent necessary for the implementation of the UNHCR humanitarian programmes.
1. UNHCR shall notify the Government of the names of UNHCR officials, experts on mission and other persons performing services on behalf of UNHCR, and of changes in the status of such individuals.
2. UNHCR officials, experts on mission and other persons performing services on behalf of UNHCR shall be provided with a special identity card certifying their status under this Agreement.
Privileges and immunities are granted to UNHCR personnel in the interests of the United Nations and UNHCR and not for the personal benefit of the individuals concerned. The Secretary-General of the United Nations may waive the immunity of any of UNHCR personnel in any case where, in his opinion, the immunity would impede the course of justice and it can be waived without prejudice to the interests of the United Nations and UNHCR.
Any dispute between UNHCR and the Government arising out of or relating to this Agreement shall be settled amicably by negotiation or other agreed mode of settlement, failing which such dispute shall be submitted to arbitration at the request of either Party. Each Party shall appoint one arbitrator, and the two arbitrators so appointed shall appoint a third, who shall be the chairman. If within fifteen days of the appointment of two arbitrators the third arbitrator has not been appointed, either Party may request the President of the International Court of Justice to appoint an arbitrator. All decisions of the arbitrators shall be fixed by the arbitrators, and the expenses of the arbitration shall be borne by the Parties as assessed by the arbitrators. The arbitral award shall contain a statement of the reasons on which it is based and shall be accepted by the Parties as the final adjudication of the dispute.
1. This Agreement shall enter into force on the date on which the Government shall have informed UNHCR of the completion of its internal procedures required for its entry into force.
2. This Agreement shall be interpreted in light of its primary purpose, which is to enable UNHCR to carry out its international mandate for refugees fully and efficiently and to attain its humanitarian objectives in the country.
3. Any relevant matter for which no provision is made in this Agreement shall be settled by the Parties in keeping with the relevant resolutions and decisions of the appropriate organs of the United Nations. Each Party shall give full and sympathetic consideration to any proposal advances by the other Party under this paragraph.
4. Consultations with a view to amending this Agreement may be held at the request of the Government of UNHCR. Amendments shall be made by joint written agreement.
5. This Agreement shall cease to be in force six months after either of the contracting Parties gives notice in writing to the other of its decision to terminate the Agreement, except as regards the normal cessation of the activities of UNHCR in the country and the disposal of its property in the country.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned, being duly appointed representatives of the Government and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, respectively, have on behalf of the Parties signed this Agreement.
Done at Ljubljana this 4th day of October 1995 in two originals in the English and Slovene languages. For purposes of interpretation and in case of conflict, the English text shall prevail.
For the Government of the
Republic of Slovenia
Borut Mahnič (s)
Head of Department
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
For the Office of the
United Nations
High Commissioner for Refugees
Dario Carminati (s)
Head of Geographical Area
3. člen
Za izvajanje sporazuma skrbi Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve.
4. člen
Ta zakon začne veljati naslednji dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 213-04/95-14/1
Ljubljana, dne 1. oktobra 1996
Državnega zbora
Republike Slovenije
Jožef Školč l. r.

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