Uradni list

Številka 13
Uradni list RS, št. 13/1997 z dne 7. 3. 1997
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 13/1997 z dne 7. 3. 1997


4. Zakon o ratifikaciji Tretjega protokola k Splošnemu sporazumu o privilegijih in imunitetah Sveta Evrope s statutom Sklada Sveta Evrope za socialni razvoj (MTPPI), stran 2.

Na podlagi druge alinee prvega odstavka 107. člena in prvega odstavka 91. člena Ustave Republike Slovenije izdajam
Razglašam Zakon o ratifikaciji Tretjega protokola k Splošnemu sporazumu o privilegijih in imunitetah Sveta Evrope s statutom Sklada Evrope za socialni razvoj (MTPPI), ki ga je sprejel Državni zbor Republike Slovenije na seji dne 19. februarja 1997.
Št. 001-22-21/97
Ljubljana, dne 27. februarja 1997
Republike Slovenije
Milan Kučan l. r.
1. člen
Ratificira se Tretji protokol k Splošnemu sporazumu o privilegijih in imunitetah Sveta Evrope, ki je bil sestavljen 6. marca 1959 v Strasbourgu, s statutom Sklada Sveta Evrope za socialni razvoj, ki je bil sprejet 8. junija 1993.
2. člen
Besedili protokola in statuta v angleškem izvirniku in slovenskem prevodu se glasita:
The Governments signatory hereto, being Members of the Council of Europe, signatories of the General Agreement on Privileges and Immunities of the Council of Europe or Parties to the said Agreement and, at the same time, Members of the Council of Europe Resettlement Fund for National Refugees and Over-population;
Having regard to the provisions of Articles I and IX (g) of the Articles of Agreement of the aforesaid Fund;
Having regard to Article 40 of the Statute of the Council of Europe;
Desirous of defining the legal regime of the property, assets and operations of the Resettlement Fund, and the legal status of its organs and officials;
Considering that it is necessary to facilitate the realisation of the statutory purposes of the Fund by the most generous possible reduction in direct or indirect taxation affecting the operations of the Fund and borne ultimately by the beneficiaries of loans granted by the Fund;
Desirous of supplementing, in respect of the Resettlement Fund, the provisions of the General Agreement on Privileges and Immunities of the Council of Europe,
Have agreed as follows:
Article 1
The Articles of Agreement of the Council of Europe Resettlement Fund, as approved by the Committee of Ministers in Resolution (56) 9, or as amended by the aforesaid Committee, or by the Governing Body acting within the limits laid down in Article IX (h) of the said Articles of Agreement, shall be an integral part of the present Protocol.
The Council of Europe Resettlement Fund shall possess juridical personality and, in particular, the capacity:
(i) to contract;
(ii) to acquire and dispose of immovable and movable property;
(iii) to institute legal proceedings;
(iv) to carry out any transaction related to its statutory purposes.
The operations, acts and contracts of the Resettlement Fund shall be governed by this Protocol, by the Articles of Agreement of the Fund and by regulations issued in pursuance of the said Articles of Agreement. In addition, a national law may be applied in a particular case, provided that the Fund expressly agrees thereto and that such law does not derogate from this Protocol nor from the said Articles of Agreement.
Article 2
Any competent court of a Member of the Fund or of a State in whose territory the Fund has contracted or guaranteed a loan may hear suits in which the Fund is a defendant.
(i) No action shall be brought in such courts, either against the Fund by a Member or persons acting for or deriving claims from a Member, or by the Fund against a Member or the persons aforesaid;
(ii) Differences arising out of any loan or guarantee contract concluded by the Fund with a Member or with any other borrower approved by that Member shall be settled by arbitration in accordance with procedure laid down in the said contract. Differences arising out of any loan or guarantee contract signed by the Fund shall be settled by arbitration procedure under arrangements specified in the Loan Regulations drawn up in pursuance of Article X, Section I (d), of the Articles of Agreement of the Fund.
Article 3
The property and assets of the Fund, wheresoever located and by whomsoever held, shall be immune from all forms of seizure, attachment or execution before the delivery against the Fund of an enforceable judgement which can no longer be disputed by common remedies at law.
Enforcement of awards by execution, where such awards result from arbitration in accordance with the third paragraph of Article 2 shall, in the territory of Members of the Fund, take place through the legal channels prescribed in each such Member State and after endorsement with the executory formula customary in the State in whose territory the award is to be executed; for the purpose of such endorsement, no check shall be required other than verification that the award is authentic, that it conforms to the rules concerning competence and procedure set forth in the Loan Regulations of the Fund and that it does not conflict with a final judgement passed in the country concerned. Each signatory shall, on deposit of its instrument of ratification, notify the other signatories through the Secretary-General of the Council of Europe what authority is competent under its laws to discharge this formality.
Article 4
The property and assets of the Fund, wheresoever located and by whomsoever held, shall be immune from search, requisition, confiscation, expropriation or any other form of distraint by executive or legislative action.
The buildings and premises used for the operations of the Fund, and also its archives, shall be inviolable.
Article 5
To the extent necessary to the achievement of its statutory purposes the Fund may:
(a) hold currency of any kind and operate accounts in any currency;
(b) freely transfer its funds through banking channels from one country to another or within any country and convert any currency held by it into any other currency.
In exercising its rights under this Article, the Fund shall pay due regard to any representations made to it by the Government of any Member.
Article 6
The property and assets of the fund shall be free from restrictions, regulations, controls and moratoria of any nature.
Article 7
The Resettlement Fund and its assets, income and other property shall be exempt from all direct taxes.
The Resettlement Fund shall be exempt from all taxes in the territory of Members of the Fund in respect of transactions and operations relating to loans contracted by the Fund with a view to applying their proceeds, in accordance with its purpose, to the needs of refugees and surplus population or relating to loans granted or guaranteed by the Fund in accordance with its statutory provisions.
The Fund shall not be granted exemption from any rates, taxes or dues which are merely charges for public utility services.
Member Governments shall, whenever possible, make appropriate arrangements for:
(a) exemption from taxes on income derived from interest on bonds issued or loans contracted by the Fund;
(b) the remission or return of excise duties and taxes which form part of the price to be paid for movable or immovable property or of the payment for services rendered, when the Fund, for official purposes, is making substantial purchases or procuring services the total cost of which includes such excise duties and taxes.
No tax of any kind shall be levied on any security or bond issued or guaranteed by the Fund (or any dividend or interest thereon) by whomsoever held:
(a) which discriminates against such security or bond solely because it is issued or guaranteed by the Fund; or
(b) if the sole legal basis for such tax is the place or currency in which the security or bond is issued, guranteed, made payable or paid, or the location of the headquarters or any office or place of business maintained by the Fund.
Article 8
The Fund shall be exempt from all customs duties, prohibitions and restrictions on imports and exports in respect of articles required for its official use, unless such prohibition or restrictions have been imposed for reasons of ordre public, safety or health. Articles imported under exemption will not be disposed of in any way in the country into which they are imported, except under conditions approved by the Government of that country.
Article 9
The organs referred to in Article VIII of the Articles of Agreement of the Fund shall enjoy in the territory of each Member State, for their official communications, treatment at least as favourable as that accorded by that Member to diplomatic missions of any other Government. No censorship shall be applied to the official correspondence and other official communications of the organs of the Fund.
Article 10
Members of the Governing Body, the Administrative Council and the Auditing Board shall be immune from legal process in respect of words spoken or written and all acts performed by them in their official capacity and within the limit of their authority. They shall continue to enjoy such immunity after their terms of office have expired. In addition, they shall be accorded the same immunities from immigration restrictions and alien registration requirements and the same exchange and travel facilities as are accorded by Members to representatives of other Governments of the Fund having comparable rank. Sums paid to them in respect of expenses necessarily incurred in the discharge of their duties shall be exempt from taxation.
Article 11
The privileges and immunities are accorded to the individuals mentioned in Article 10 not for their own personal benefit, but in order to safeguard the independent exercise of their functions. Consequently, a Member not only has the right, but is in duty bound, to waive the immunity of its representatives in any case where, in the opinion of the Member, immunity would impede the course of justice, and where it can be waived without prejudice to the purpose for which it is accorded.
Article 12
(a) The provisions of Articles 10 and 11 may not be invoked by a representative against the authorities of the State of which he is or has been the representative.
(b) Articles 10, 11 and 12 (a) shall apply equally to deputy representatives, advisers, technical experts and secretaries of delegations.
Article 13
The Governor and officials of the Fund shall be accorded the privileges and immunities specified in Article 18 of the General Agreement on Privileges and Immunities of the Council of Europe.
The Governor will specify the categories of officials to which the provisions of the aforesaid Article shall apply.
The communications specified in Article 17 of the General Agreement on Privileges and Immunities of the Council of Europe shall be made by the Secretary-General of the Council in respect of the Governor and also of the officials referred to in the preceding paragraph.
The Secretary-General, after consulting the Governor, shall have the right and the duty to waive the immunity of any official in any case where he considers that immunity would impede the course of justice and can be waived without prejudice to the satisfactory operation of the Fund. In the case of the Governor, the Governing Body of the Fund shall have the right to waive immunity.
Article 14
The Governments of Member States of the Fund undertake to seek such constitutional authority as may be necessary to fulfil the statutory obligations assumed by those States vis-à-vis the Resettlement Fund. They undertake likewise to seek such authority in good time in order to be able to fulfil any undertakings into which they may have entered as borrower or guarantor, in accordance with Article VI, Section 3, of the Articles of Agreement of the Resettlement Fund.
Article 15
The Fund may conclude with any Member State special agreements on the detailed application of the provisions of the present Protocol, supplementing the said provisions or derogating from those of Article 13 above. It may likewise conclude agreements with any State which is not a member of the Fund, modifying the application of the provisions of the present Protocol so far as that State is concerned.
Article 16
The present Protocol shall be ratified and the instruments of ratifications deposited with the Secretary-General of the Council of Europe. It shall enter into force as soon as three signatories representing at least one-third of the Fund’s holdings have deposited their instruments of ratification. For the other Members of the Fund it shall enter into force on the date when their respective instruments of ratification are deposited.
Nevertheless, pending the entry into force of this Protocol in accordance with the foregoing paragraph, the signatories agree, in order not to delay the satisfactory operation of the Fund, to apply the Protocol provisionally from 1st September 1958, or, at latest, from the date of signature, to the extent compatible with their constitutional rules.
Article 17
Any Government which becomes a Member of the Resettlement Fund after the signature of the present Protocol may accede thereto by depositing an instrument of accession with the Secretary-General of the Council of Europe. Such accession shall become effective on the date of deposit if this takes place after the Protocol has entered into force, and upon the date of such entry into force if the accession takes place prior to that date.
Any Government which has deposited an instrument of accession before the entry into force of the Protocol shall immediately apply the latter provisionally, to the extent compatible with its constitutional rules.
In witness whereof the undersigned plenipotentiaries have signed the present protocol.
Done at Strasbourg, this 6th day of March 1959, in English and in French, both texts being equally authentic, in a single copy which shall remain in the archives of the Council of Europe. The Secretary-General shall transmit certified copies to each of the signatories of States acceding.
Article I
Establishment of the Fund
A Council of Europe Social Development Fund (hereinafter called “the Fund”) shall be established.
The Fund shall be attached to the Council of Europe and administered under its supreme authority.
Article II
a. The primary purpose of the Fund is to help in solving the social problems with which European countries are or may be faced as a result of the presence of refugees, displaced persons or migrants consequent upon movements of refugees or other forced movements of populations and as a result of the presence of victims of natural or ecological disasters.
The investment projects to which the Fund contributes may be intended either to help such people in the country in which they find themselves or to enable them to return to their countries of origin when the conditions for return are met or, where applicable, to settle in another host country. These projects must be approved by a Member of the Fund.
b. The Fund may also contribute to the realisation of investment projects approved by a Member of the Fund which enable jobs to be created in disadvantaged regions, people in low income groups to be housed or social infrastructure to be created.
Article III
Membership of the Fund
a. Any Member State of the Council of Europe may become a Member of the Fund by addressing a declaration to the Secretary General. This declaration shall contain acceptance of the present Articles of Agreement by the Government of the State concerned and the subscription by that Government of the number of participating certificates fixed in agreement with the Governing Board, in pursuance of Article IX, Section 3. paragraph 1. litt. a. of the Articles of Agreement.
b. A European State which is not a member of the Council of Europe may:
i. either be admitted as a Member of the Fund upon such special conditions as the Fund shall lay down in each case, in accordance with the provisions of Article IX, Section 3. paragraph 1. litt b. A State in respect of which such a decision on admission has been made shall be able to become a Member of the Fund by depositing with the Secretary General of the Council of Europe an instrument stating that it accepts the present Articles of Agreement, subscribes the number of participating certificates fixed in agreement with the Governing Board, has taken the measures necessary to enable it to meet all the obligations resulting from the Articles of Agreement and has met all the admission conditions laid down by the Governing Board;
ii. or conclude with the Fund an association agreement upon such special conditions as the Fund may lay down in each case.
c. Upon the conditions laid down by the Governing Board, international institutions with a European focus may also become Members of the Fund or conclude an association agreement.
d. Any State becoming a Member of the Fund shall confirm, in its declaration or its instrument of acceptance of the Articles of Agreement, its intention:
i. to accede at the earliest opportunity to the Third Protocol to the General Agreement on Privileges and Immunities of the Council of Europe;
ii. pending such accession, to apply the legal arrangements resulting from the Protocol to the property, assets and operations of the fund and to grant to the organs and staff of the Fund the legal status resulting from the Protocol.
Article IV
Obligations of Members
Section 1 – Participating certificates
The Fund shall issue for subscription by its Members participating certificates, expressed in terms of European Currency Units (ECU). Each certificate shall have the same nominal value of ECU 1,000. Members shall pay their subscriptions in ECU.
Section 2 – Apportionment and paying up of participating certificates
a. The table appended to the present Articles of Agreement lays down the percentage apportionment of the participating certificates offered for subscription by each Member of the Fund.
b. The number of participating certificates to be held by new Members of the Fund shall be fixed in agreement with the Governing Board of the Fund, in accordance with Article IX, Section 3. paragraph 1. litt. a. and b. of the present Articles of Agreement.
c. The minimum percentage of subscribed participating certificates to be paid up, and the dates of the relevant payments, shall be fixed by the Governing Board.
d. When the Fund’s capital is increased, the Governing Board shall determine, upon uniform conditions for all Members, the percentage to be paid up and the corresponding payment dates.
Section 3 – Limitation of liability
No Member shall be liable to third parties for any obligation of the Fund.
Article V
Borrowing operations and contributions
For usses consistent with its purpose, the Fund may make borrowings. It may also carry out any other financial transactions useful for the achievement of its purpose under conditions laid down by the Administrative Council.
The Fund in empowered to receive contributions offered for specific purposes which come within its stated aims.
Article VI
The Fund’s liquid assets, capital and reserves may be invested upon conditions to be fixed by the Administrative Council in accordance with the principles of sound financial management.
Article VII
The Fund’s means of action
Section 1 – Loans
Loans made by the Fund shall be in one of the following forms:
a. loans to Members of the Fund;
b. loans guaranteed by a Member of the Fund granted to any legal person approved by that Member;
c. loans granted to any legal person approved by a Member of the Fund, when the Administrative Council is satisfied that the loan requested is covered by adequate guarantees.
Section 2 – Guarantees
Upon conditions to be fixed by the Administrative Council in each case, the Fund may grant its guarantee to financial instittuions approved by a Member for loans to further the realisation of the purposes set out in Article II.
Section 3 – Trust account
The Fund may open and manage trust accounts for receiving voluntary contributions from its Members, from the Fund and from the Council of Europe.
Section 4 – Interest rebate
Loans may be accompanied by a full or partial interest rebate.
A proportion of the profits realised by the Fund and voluntary contributions by Members shall be used to subsidise the interest rate on certain loans upon conditions decided by the Administrative Council.
Section 5 – Conditions for granting loans – Information to be provided
The Administrative Council shall lay down the general conditions for granting loans and shall determine what information a borrower shall be required to furnish in support of its application.
Section 6 – Default
The Fund’s transactions in favour of a Member or of a legal person as referred to in Section 1. above shall be suspended if the borrower, or failing the latter, the guarantor defaults on payments due in respect of loans or guarantees granted to it by the Fund.
Article VIII
Organisation, administration and supervision of the Fund
The organisation, administration and supervision of the Fund shall be divided between the following:
– the Governing Board,
– the Administrative Council,
– the Governor,
– the Auditing Board,
as provided in the following Articles.
Article IX
Governing Board
Section 1
The Governing Board shall consist of a Chairman and one representative appointed by each Member. Each Member may appoint a substitute. The Secretary General of the Council of Europe may participate in or be represented at the meetings.
Section 2
The Governing Board is the supreme organ of the Fund; it shall be vested with all powers in respect of the Fund, save the right to change its purposes as stipulated in Article II of the Articles of Agreement.
Section 3
1. The Governing Board shall
a. determine the conditions upon which Council of Europe Member States become Members of the Fund;
b. authorise European States not members of the Council of Europe and international institutions with a European focus to become Members of the Fund and to lay down the conditions for such authorisation and the number of participating certificates to be subscribed by such members;
c. adjust the apportionment of the capital among Members as shown in the table appended to the present Articles of Agreement;
d. increase or reduce the authorised capital and fix the proportion of the subscribed shares to be paid up and the dates by which payment must be made;
e. ensure compliance with the aims stated in the Articles of Agreement;
approve the Fund’s annual report, accounts and other financial statement;
provide general guidelines concerning the institution’s activity;
f. suspend or terminate the Fund’s operations and, in the event of liquidation, to distribute its assets;
g. suspend a Member;
h. amend these Articles of Agreement, without, however, making any change in their stated aims;
i. interpret these Articles of Agreement and determine any appeals against decisions concerning the interpretation or application of the Articles of Agreement;
j. authorise the conclusion of general agreements on co-operation with other international organisations;
k. elect the Chairman of the Governing Board and the Chairman of the Administrative Council;
l. appoint the Governor and, as necessary, on a proposal by the Governor, one or more Vice-Governors, one of whom shall replace the Governor in the latter’s absence, and to remove them from their posts and accept their resignation;
m. appoint the members of the Auditing Board;
n. appoint the external auditor and lay down his terms of reference;
o. draw up its Rules of Procedure;
p. exercise such other powers as are expressly assigned to the Governing Board in these Articles of Agreement.
2. The Governing Board shall make its decisions regarding litt. d. and f. on a proposal by the Administrative Council, and on litt. c., m. and n., after hearing the latter. The Administrative Council shall give its opinion on all other decisions with financial consequences.
3. All powers other than those set forth in Section 3 paragraph 1 above shall be delegated to the Administrative Council.
The powers delegated to the Administrative Council in these Articles of Agreement may be reassumed only in exceptional circumstances and for a specified period.
4. The Governing Board shall meet once a year. It may, if necessary, hold additional meetings.
5. The Governing Board may when necessary invite representatives of international organisations or any other interested person to participate in its proceedings without the right to vote.
Section 4
a. Decisions taken by the Governing Board at its meetings shall be valid only if two-thirds of its Members’ representatives are present.
Decisions shall be taken by voting. Only votes in favour and against shall count for the purpose of calculating majorities.
b. Decisions may also be taken in writing between meetings.
c. Each Member of the Fund shall have one vote for each participating certificate held by it.
d. Any Member which has failed to pay on time the part of the capital falling due may not, for as long as such non-payment persists, exercise the voting rights corresponding to the sum due and not paid up.
e. Decisions shall be reached by a majority of the Members voting in favour or against and holding two-thirds of the votes cast.
f. A majority of three-quarters of the Members voting in favour or against and holding three quarters of the votes cast, shall be required for:
– the decision provided for in Section 3. paragraph 3. of this Article;
– adjustments to the apportionment table appended to these Articles of Agreement not resulting from the admission of new Members which are made pursuant to Section 3. paragraph 1. litt. c.
g. The decisions referred to in Section 3. paragraph 1. litt. f. and h. shall be taken by an unanimous vote of the Members casting a vote.
Section 5
a. The Governing Board shall be chaired by a Chairman elected by it for a three-year term.
The outgoing Chairman may be re-elected for a further three-year term. Each Member of the Fund is entitled to present a candidate.
The Chairman shall be responsible for political relations with officials of the States, the Council of Europe and other international institutions, in close cooperation with the Governor.
The Chairman shall keep the Committee of Ministers and the Parliamentary Assembly regularly informed of the Fund’s activities; he shall, inter alia, forward the Governor’s report to the Committee of Ministers and maintain all other necessary contacts with the Council of Europe.
Article X
Administrative Council
Section 1
The Administrative Council is vested with all the powers delegated to it by the Governing Board in pursuance of Article IX.
Section 2
a. The Administrative Council shall consist of a Chairman appointed by the Governing Board for a three-year term, renewable for a second three-year term, and one representative appointed by each Member. Each Member may appoint a substitute. The Secretary General of the Council of Europe may participate in or be represented at the meetings.
b. The Administrative Council shall be convened by its Chairman or at the request of five of its members at least four times a year.
c. The Administrative Council may, when necessary, invite representatives of international organisations or any other interested person to participate in its proceedings without the right to vote.
Section 3
a. Decisions of the Administrative Council at its meetings shall be valid only if two-thirds of its Members’ representatives are present.
b. Each Member shall have one vote for each participating certificate held by it.
Decisions shall be taken by a majority vote. Only votes in favour or against shall count for the purpose of calculating the majority or majorities.
c. Decisions may also be taken in writing between meetings.
d. Any Member which has failed to pay on time the part of the capital falling due may not, for as long as such non-payment persists, exercise the voting rights corresponding to the sum due and not paid up.
e. However, the Administrative Council shall adopt the following decisions by a majority of its members voting in favour or against and by a majority of votes cast:
i) decisions relating to investment projects which have not obtained in the Executive Committee the majority required under Section 5. litt. e. of this Article;
ii) proposals and opinions addressed to the Governing Board in accordance with Article IX, Section 3. paragraph 1 litt. c., d., f., m. and n.;
iii) adoption or amendment of the Rules of Procedure of the Administrative Council;
iv) election of members of the Executive Committee.
f. Furthermore, the Administrative Council shall take by a majority of Members voting in favour or against and holding two-thirds of the votes cast decisions relating to investment projects which have not received the opinion as to admissibility referred to in Article XIII, litt. c. of the Articles of Agreement.
Section 4
The Administrative Council may at any time appoint committees from among its members and delegate to such committees powers to be specified in each case.
Section 5
a. The Administrative Council shall set up an Executive Committee; this committee shall consist of nine of its members, elected for a two-year renewable term. When appointing those members, the Administrative Council shall bear in mint the fact that all the Fund’s Members should have the possibility of sitting on the executive Committee, while also taking into consideration the participating certificates held and the importance of ensuring a balanced geographical distribution.
The Executive Committee shall, inter alia:
i. conduct an intial examination of applications for loans and guarantees;
ii. monitor the implementation of the investment projects financed by the Fund and take any appropriate decisions in this connection;
iii. monitor the Fund’s financial activities, in particular its financial transactions, and take all the necessary measures in this connection;
iv. give its opinion on any other question put to it by the Administrative Council;
v. assist in the preparation of the Administrative Council’s meetings in respect of the above-mentioned items.
b. The Executive Committee shall report on its decisions, work and proposals at each meeting of the Administrative Council.
c. Any Member not represented on the Executive Committee may, on request, take part in the discussion of agenda items of particular interest to it.
d. The Executive Committee shall meet as frequently as necessary, but at least eight times a year.
e. Within the guidelines and limits laid down by the Administrative Council, the Executive Committee shall take its decisions by a majority of seven of its members. If this majority is not attained, the item under discussion shall be referred back to the Administrative Council.
Article XI
Section 1 – Functions of the Governor
a. The Governor shall be the legal representative of the Fund. He shall be the head of the Fund’s operation services and shall conduct day-to-day business on the instructions of the Administrative Council. In accordance with Article V and VII, he shall not contract any financial obligations without the authorisation of the Administrative Council. Under the general supervision of the Administrative Council, the shall be responsible for the organisation of the operational services and for the appointment and dismissal of the staff of the Fund, within the framework of the regulations adopted by the Administrative Council.
b. He shall be assisted by one or more Vice-Governors and replaced by one of them if necessary.
c. In the performance of their duties the Governor and staff must devote themselves fully to the service of the Fund, to the exclusion of any other activity. Each Member shall respect the international character of the task of the Governor and staff of the Fund and refrain from any attempt to influence these persons.
d. The Council of Europe Staff Regulations shall be applicable to the staff of the Fund in any matter not covered by a specific decision of the Administrative Council.
Section 2 – Reports to the Administrative Council
The Governor shall give his opinion to the Administrative Council of the technical and financial aspects of investment projects submitted to the Fund.
The Governor shall submit to the Administrative Council regular reports on the position of the Fund and on proposed transactions and shall supply it with any information it may request.
The Governor shall draw up a full annual report on all operations effected during the year. This report shall be accompanied by the balance sheet of the Fund and the operational accounts, together with the Auditing Board’s report on these documents.
Section 3 – Appointment and salary of the Governor
The Governor and Vice-Governors shall each be appointed for a renewable term of five years. The amount of their salary shall be fixed by the Administrative Council.
Article XII
Auditing Board
The Auditing Board shall consist of three members appointed pursuant to Article IX, Section 3. litt m. for their competence in economic and financial matters. They shall act completely independently.
The Auditing Board shall inspect the Fund’s accounts and verify that the operational accounts and balance sheet are in order.
In its annual report, the Auditing Board shall certify that the balance sheet and operational accounts accord with the books, that they give an accurate and true picture of the state of the Fund’s affairs as at the end of each financial period and that the Fund is being managed according to the principles of sound financial management.
The Board shall receive copies of any documents useful to it in its work, such as the reports of the external and internal auditors. At the request of the organs of the Fund, the Board shall perform any other task pertaining to the supervision of the Fund’s financial activity.
Article XIII
Council of Europe
a. With a view to ensuring relations with the Council of Europe, the Committee of Ministers and Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe shall be regularly informed of the Fund’s activities. The Governing Board shall state a position on the recommendations and opinions of the Committee of Ministers and Parliamentary Assembly transmitted to it.
b. The Secretary General of the Council of Europe shall participate in, or may be represented at, meetings of the Governing Board and Administrative Council, without the right to vote.
He shall carry out any duty entrusted to him in pursuance of the present Articles of Agreement or of the Third Protocol to the General Agreement on Privileges and Immunities of the Council of Europe. In this connection he shall place the requisite staff at the disposal of the Fund.
He may perform any other duty entrusted to him by the Organs of the Fund in accordance with the provisions of the Partial Agreement on the Social Development Fund.
c. Applications for loans or guarantees shall be submitted to the Administrative Council after receipt of the Secretary General’s opinion as to admissibility based on the project’s conformity with the political and social aims of the Council of Europe.
Article XIV
The principal office of the Fund shall be at Strasbourg, France. The headquarters of the operational services shall be in Paris and may be changed only by a decision of the Governing Board and an identically worded decision of the Administrative Council.
Article XV
Suspension of operations and liquidation of the Fund
Section 1 – Withdrawal of Members
Any Member may withdraw from the Fund on conditions laid down by the Governing Board on giving notice of six months prior to the end of the current calendar year.
Section 2 – Suspension of operations
Should the Governing Board decide upon the suspension of activities, the Fund shall cease all loan and guarantee operations.
Section 3 – Liquidation of the Fund
Should the Governing Board decide upon the termination of operations, the Fund shall forthwith cease all activities except those incidental to the settlement of its obligations and the realisation, conservation and preservation of its assets.
After all liabilities of the Fund, including satisfaction of rights upon distribution which may previously have been granted by the Fund upon accepting contributions under Article V, have been discharged or provided for, the Members of the Fund shall adopt a plan for the distribution of assets which shall be based on the following principles:
a. No member of the Fund against which the Fund has an unsatisfied claim shall be eligible to participate in the distribution under the plan until it has regularised its position;
b. Priority shall be given to using the Fund’s net assets to reimburse to Members the sums paid by them in pursuance of Article IV, in proportion to the number of certificates paid up.
Any excess of the Fund’s net assets over the aggregate total of such distributed shares shall be allotted to all Members of the Fund in proportion to the number of participating certificates held by each;
c. Should there be net liabilities, they shall be distributed among the Members of the Fund in proportion to the number of participating certificates held by each. Each Member will be required to pay its share to the Fund, less the certificates paid up and up to a maximum of the certificates subscribed.
Article XVI
Interpretation of the present Articles of Agreement
Any decision of the Administrative Council involving the interpretation of the present Articles of Agreement may be referred to the Governing Board at the request of any Member. Until such time as the Governing Board has made a ruling, the Fund may, to the extent it deems it necessary, act on the basis of the decision of the Administrative Council.
Article XVII
The Secretary General of the Council of Europe shall notify the Members of the Fund and the Governor of:
a. the deposit of any declaration of instrument of acceptance of these Articles of Agreement;
b. any document amending these Articles of Agreement.
The Secretary General of the Council of Europe shall forward a certified copy of these Articles of Agreement to each Member State of the Council of Europe and to every other Member of the Fund.
MEMBER STATES                          %
BELGIUM                            3.34%
CYPRUS                             0.40%
DENMARK                            1.82%
FINLAND                            1.42%
FRANCE                            18.62%
GERMANY                           18.62%
GREECE                             3.34%
HOLY-SEE                           0.01%
ICELAND                            0.21%
ITALY                             18.62%
LIECHTENSTEIN                      0.10%
LUXEMBOURG                         0.21%
MALTA                              0.21%
NETHERLANDS                        4.04%
NORWAY                             1.42%
PORTUGAL                           2.83%
SAN-MARINO                         0.10%
SPAIN                             12.14%
SWEDEN                             2.83%
SWITZERLAND                        1.82%
TURKEY                             7.90%
TOTAL                            100.00%
Vlade podpisnice tega Protokola, članice Sveta Evrope, podpisnice Splošnega sporazuma o privilegijih in imunitetah Sveta Evrope ali pogodbenice omenjenega Sporazuma in hkrati članice Sklada Sveta Evrope za reintegracijo beguncev in prenaseljenost so se
glede na določbe točke (g) I. in IX. člena Statuta prej omenjenega Sklada,
glede na 40. člen Statuta Sveta Evrope,
v želji, da bi določili pravni režim lastnine, premoženja in delovanja Sklada za reintegracijo ter pravni status njegovih organov in funkcionarjev;
ob upoštevanju, da je treba omogočati uresničevanje statutarnih namenov Sklada s kar največjim možnim omejevanjem neposrednih in posrednih dajatev, ki zadevajo delovanje Sklada, ki končno bremenijo uporabnike posojil, ki jih odobri Sklad;
v želji, da bi dopolnili določbe Splošnega sporazuma o privilegijih in imunitetah Sveta Evrope glede Sklada za reintegracijo,
I. D E L
1. člen
Statut Sklada Sveta Evrope za reintegracijo, kot ga je odobril Odbor ministrov v Resoluciji (56) 9 ali kot ga je spremenil in dopolnil Odbor ministrov ali Upravno telo, ki deluje v mejah, postavljenih s točko (h) IX. člena Statuta, je sestavni del tega Protokola.
Sklad Sveta Evrope za reintegracijo je pravna oseba in ima predvsem sposobnost:
(i) sklepanja pogodb,
(ii) pridobivanja in razpolaganja z nepremičnim in premičnim premoženjem,
(iii) sprožitve pravnih postopkov;
(iv) opravljanja vseh transakcij v zvezi z njegovimi statutarnimi nameni.
Delovanje, ukrepi in pogodbe Sklada za reintegracijo urejajo ta Protokol, statut Sklada in predpisi, izdani v skladu z njim. Poleg tega je v posebnem primeru možno uporabiti notranje pravo pod pogojem, da se Sklad s tem izrecno strinja in da uporaba tega prava ni v nasprotju s tem Protokolom niti s Statutom.
2. člen
Vsako pristojno sodišče članice Sklada ali države, na katere ozemlju je Sklad sklenil pogodbo o posojilu ali jamstvu za posojilo, lahko obravnava tožbe, v katerih je Sklad tožena stranka.
(i) pri teh sodiščih ne morejo vložiti tožbe niti članice ali osebe, ki delujejo v njenem imenu ali uveljavljajo zahtevke članice proti Skladu, niti Sklad proti članici ali prej omenjenim osebam;
(ii) se nesoglasja, ki izhajajo iz katere koli pogodbe o posojilu ali jamstvu, ki jo je sklenil Sklad s članico ali drugim posojilojemalcem z odobritvijo te članice, rešujejo z arbitražo v skladu s postopkom, določenim v omenjeni pogodbi. Nesoglasja, ki izhajajo iz katere koli pogodbe o posojilu ali jamstvu, ki jo je podpisal Sklad, se rešujejo z arbitražnim postopkom v skladu z aranžmaji, določenimi v Pravilniku o posojilih, sestavljenem v skladu s točko (d) prvega oddelka X. člena Statuta Sklada.
3. člen
Lastnina in premoženje Sklada, kjer koli sta in kdor koli z njima razpolaga, sta izvzeta iz vseh oblik zasega, pridržanja ali izvršbe, preden se izda proti Skladu izvršljiva sodba, ki je ni več možno spodbijati z običajnimi pravnimi sredstvi.
Izvršba odločb, kadar so te izdane na podlagi arbitraže v skladu s tretjim odstavkom 2. člena, se na ozemlju članic Sklada izvrši po pravni poti, predpisani v vsaki državi članici in po potrditvi klavzule o izvršljivosti, ki je običajna v tisti državi, na območju katere je odločbo treba izvršiti. Za omenjeno potrditev se ne zahteva nobeno drugo preverjanje, razen potrditve, da je odločba verodostojna, da je v skladu s pravili o pristojnosti in postopkom, ki je določen v Pravilniku o posojilih Sklada in ni v nasprotju s končno sodbo, ki je bila izrečena v ustrezni državi. Vsaka podpisnica ob deponiranju svoje ratifikacijske listine prek generalnega sekretarja Sveta Evrope obvesti druge podpisnice, kateri organ oblasti je po njenih zakonih pristojen za opravljanje te formalnosti.
4. člen
Lastnina in premoženje Sklada, kjer koli sta in kdor koli z njima razpolaga, sta izvzeta od preiskave, odvzema, zaplembe, razlastitve ali kakršne koli druge oblike odvzema z izvršilnim ali zakonskim postopkom.
Poslopja in prostori, ki jih za svoje delovanje uporablja Sklad, in prav tako njegovi arhivi so nedotakljivi.
5. člen
Da bi uresničil svoje s statutom določene namene, Sklad lahko:
(a) ima kakršno koli valuto in razpolaga z računi v kateri koli valuti;
(b) svobodno nakazuje svoja sredstva po bančnih zvezah iz ene države v drugo ali znotraj katere koli države in menja katero koli valuto, ki jo ima, v vsako drugo valuto.
Pri izpolnjevanju svojih pravic iz tega člena Sklad posveča primerno pozornost vsem stališčem, ki jih izrazi vlada katere koli članice.
6. člen
Lastnina in premoženje Sklada sta oproščeni omejitev, predpisov, nadzorov in moratorijev vseh vrst.
7. člen
Sklad za reintegracijo in njegovo premoženje, dohodek in druga lastnina so oproščeni vseh neposrednih davkov.
Sklad za reintegracijo je na ozemlju članic Sklada oproščen vseh davkov na transakcije in delovanje v zvezi s posojili, za katera je Sklad sklenil pogodbe z namenom, da dohodek iz teh pogodb porabi v skladu s svojimi nameni za begunce in presežek prebivalstva ali v zvezi s posojili, ki jih je Sklad odobril ali zanje jamči v skladu z določbami Statuta.
Sklad ni oproščen plačila pristojbin, davkov ali obveznosti, ki so stroški za storitve javnih služb.
Vlade članice, kadar je le mogoče, sprejmejo ustrezne ukrepe za:
(a) oprostitev plačila davkov na dohodek, ki izvirajo iz obresti na obveznice, ki jih je izdal Sklad, ali na posojila, za katera se je dogovoril;
(b) oprostitev ali povračilo plačila trošarin in davkov, ki so del cene premičnin in nepremičnin ali plačila za opravljene storitve, kadar Sklad za službene namene opravlja znatne nakupe ali uporablja storitve, katerih skupna cena vključuje take posredne dajatve in davke.
Na vrednostne papirje ali obveznice, ki jih izda ali zanje jamči Sklad (ali na donose ali obresti, ki iz njih izhajajo), ne glede na to kdo z njimi razpolaga, ne sme biti odmerjen noben davek kakršne koli vrste:
(a) ki diskriminira take vrednostne papirje ali obveznice samo zaradi tega, ker jih je izdal ali zanje jamči Sklad, ali
(b) če je edina zakonita podlaga za tak davek kraj ali valuta, v kateri so izdani, zajamčeni, izplačljivi ali plačani vrednostni papirji ali obveznice ali kraj sedeža ali katerega koli urada ali sedeža opravljanja poslov, ki jih vzdržuje Sklad.
8. člen
Sklad je oproščen vseh carinskih dajatev, prepovedi in omejitev uvoza in izvoza za predmete, ki jih potrebuje za uradno uporabo, razen če so bile takšne prepovedi ali omejitve uvedene zaradi javnega reda, varnosti ali zdravja. S predmeti, uvoženimi s tako oprostitvijo, se ne sme razpolagati v državi, v katero so bili uvoženi, razen pod pogoji, ki jih odobri vlada te države.
9. člen
Organi, omenjeni v VIII. členu Statuta Sklada, uživajo na ozemlju vsake države članice za njihove uradne stike vsaj tako ugodno obravnavanje, kot ga ta članica izkazuje diplomatskim predstavništvom katere koli druge vlade. Uradne korespondence in drugih uradnih komunikacij organov Sklada ni dopustno cenzurirati.
10. člen
Člani Upravnega telesa, Administrativnega sveta in Nadzornega odbora so deležni imunitete pred sodnimi postopki glede ustnih in pisnih stališč in vseh dejanj, ki jih storijo pri opravljanju svojih uradnih pristojnosti in v mejah svojih pooblastil. Tako imuniteto uživajo tudi potem, ko jim poteče mandat. Poleg tega jim je podeljena enaka imuniteta glede vselitvenih omejitev in zahtev registriranja tujcev ter enake menjalne in potovalne ugodnosti, kot jih podeljujejo članice predstavnikom drugih vlad članic Sklada primerljivega ranga. Izplačila za kritje nujnih stroškov, ki nastanejo pri opravljanju njihovih dolžnosti, so oproščena davkov.
11. člen
Privilegiji in imunitete so podeljeni posameznikom, ki so omenjeni v 10. členu z namenom, da bi zagotovili neodvisno opravljanje njihovih funkcij, ne pa zaradi njihovih osebnih koristi. Zato članica nima samo pravice, ampak tudi dolžnost, da se odreče imuniteti svojih predstavnikov v vsakem primeru, ko bi po mnenju članice imuniteta ovirala uresničevanje načela zakonitosti in kadar se ji lahko odreče brez škode za namen, zaradi katerega je bila podeljena.
12. člen
(a) Predstavnik se ne more sklicevati na določbe 10. in 11. člena proti organom oblasti države, katere predstavnik je ali je bil.
(b) 10., 11. in točka (a) 12. člena se uporabljajo za namestnike predstavnikov, svetovalce, tehnične strokovnjake in sekretarje delegacij.
13. člen
Guverner in uradniki Sklada imajo privilegije in imunitete iz 18. člena Splošnega sporazuma o privilegijih in imunitetah Sveta Evrope.
Guverner določi kategorije uradnikov, za katere veljajo določbe prej omenjenega člena.
Komuniciranje, predvideno v 17. členu Splošnega sporazuma o privilegijih in imunitetah Sveta Evrope, opravljajo generalni sekretar Sveta za guvernerja in tudi uradniki, ki so omenjeni v prejšnjem odstavku.
Generalni sekretar ima po posvetovanju z guvernerjem pravico in dolžnost odreči se imuniteti vsakega uradnika v vsakem primeru, v katerem meni, da bi imuniteta lahko ovirala uresničevanje načela zakonitosti in če se ji lahko odreče brez škode za zadovoljivo delovanje Sklada. Imuniteti guvernerja pa se lahko odreče Upravno telo Sklada.
V. D E L
14. člen
Vlade držav članic Sklada se obvezujejo, da bodo določile ustavni organ, potreben za izpolnitev statutarnih obveznosti, ki so jih te države prevzele do Sklada za reintegracijo. Prav tako se zavezujejo, da bodo v primernem času oblikovale ta organ oblasti, da bi lahko izpolnile vse obveze, ki so jih prevzele kot dolžniki ali poroki v skladu s tretjim oddelkom VI. člena statuta Sklada za reintegracijo.
15. člen
Sklad lahko z vsako državo članico sklene posebne sporazume o podrobni uporabi določb tega protokola, ki dopolnjujejo omenjene določbe ali odstopajo od določb 13. člena. Prav tako lahko sklene sporazume z vsako državo, ki ni članica Sklada, tako da prilagodi uporabo določb tega protokola, kar zadeva to državo.
16. člen
Ta protokol se ratificira. Ratifikacijske listine se deponirajo pri generalnem sekretarju Sveta Evrope. Veljati začne, ko tri podpisnice, ki imajo najmanj tretjino delnic Sklada, deponirajo ratifikacijske listine. Za druge članice Sklada začne veljati z dnem, ko deponirajo svoje ratifikacijske listine.
Vendar podpisnice soglašajo, da ne bi odlašale z učinkovitim delovanjem Sklada, da bodo, dokler ta Protokol ne začne veljati, v skladu z zgornjim odstavkom začasno uporabljale Protokol od 1. septembra 1958 ali najkasneje od dneva podpisa v obsegu, ki je združljiv z njihovimi ustavnimi predpisi.
17. člen
Katera koli vlada, ki postane članica Sklada za reintegracijo po podpisu tega Protokola, lahko k njemu pristopi, tako da deponira listino o pristopu pri generalnem sekretarju Sveta Evrope. Takšen pristop začne veljati z dnem deponiranja, če je opravljen po tem, ko je Protokol začel veljati, in na dan začetka njegove veljavnosti, če pride do pristopa pred tem datumom.
Katera koli vlada, ki je deponirala listino o pristopu pred začetkom veljavnosti Protokola, ga nemudoma začne začasno uporabljati v obsegu, ki je združljiv z njenimi ustavnimi predpisi.
Da bi to potrdili, so spodaj podpisani pooblaščenci podpisali ta Protokol.
Sestavljeno v Strasbourgu dne 6. marca 1959 v angleščini in francoščini, pri čemer sta besedili enako verodostojni, v enem samem izvodu, ki ostane deponiran v arhivih Sveta Evrope. Generalni sekretar pošlje overjene kopije vsem podpisnicam ali državam, ki pristopijo k Protokolu.
I. člen
Ustanovitev sklada
Ustanavlja se Sklad Sveta Evrope za socialni razvoj (v nadaljevanju Sklad).
Sklad je povezan s Svetom Evrope, ki ga upravlja kot vrhovna oblast.
II. člen
a) Glavni namen tega Sklada je pomagati pri reševanju socialnih vprašanj, s katerimi se srečujejo ali se bodo srečevale evropske države zaradi prisotnosti beguncev, razseljenih oseb ali migrantov kot posledice gibanja beguncev ali drugih prisilnih premikov prebivalcev ter kot rezultat prisotnosti žrtev naravnih ali ekoloških katastrof.
Investicijski projekti, v katere prispeva Sklad, so lahko namenjeni bodisi za pomoč takšnim ljudem v državi, v kateri se znajdejo, ali pa zato, da tem ljudem omogočijo vrnitev v njihove države izvora, kadar so izpolnjeni pogoji za vrnitev, ali pa, kadar je možno, nastanitev v drugi državi gostiteljici. Te projekte mora odobriti članica Sklada.
b) Sklad lahko prispeva k uresničitvi investicijskih projektov, ki jih odobri članica Sklada in omogočajo ustvarjanje delovnih mest na nerazvitih območjih, stanovanja za ljudi z nizkimi dohodki ali pa ustvarjanje socialne infrastrukture.
III. člen
Članstvo v Skladu
a) Vsaka država članica Sveta Evrope lahko postane članica Sklada tako, da pošlje izjavo generalnemu sekretarju. S to izjavo vlada zainteresirane države potrjuje, da sprejema ta Statut ter vpisuje število potrdil o deležu, kot je to določeno v dogovoru z Upravnim telesom ter skladno s točko a) prvega odstavka tretjega oddelka IX. člena Statuta.
b) Evropska država, ki ni članica Sveta Evrope, lahko:
i) postane članica Sklada pod posebnimi pogoji, ki jih Sklad predpiše v vsakem posameznem primeru v skladu s točko b) prvega odstavka tretjega oddelka IX. člena Statuta. Država, za katero se sprejme takšen sklep o sprejemu, lahko postane članica Sklada, ko pri generalnem sekretarju Sveta Evrope deponira instrument, ki dokazuje, da sprejema ta Statut, vpiše število potrdil o deležu, kot je to določeno v dogovoru z Upravnim telesom, da je ukrenila vse potrebno za izpolnitev vseh obveznosti iz tega Statuta ter da je izpolnila vse pogoje za sprejem, ki jih predpiše Upravno telo;
ii) ali pa s Skladom sklene sporazum o pridružitvi pod posebnimi pogoji, ki jih Sklad lahko določi za vsak posamezen primer.
c) Pod pogoji, ki jih določi Upravno telo, lahko tudi mednarodne institucije z evropsko naravnanostjo postanejo članice Sklada ali pa sklenejo sporazum o pridružitvi.
d) Vsaka država, ki postane članica Sklada, mora v svoji deklaraciji ali pa v instrumentu o sprejemu Statuta potrditi svoj namen, da:
i) takoj, ko bo mogoče, pristopi k Tretjemu protokolu k Splošnemu sporazumu o privilegijih in imunitetah Sveta Evrope;
ii) do takšnega pristopa uporablja pravne aranžmaje, ki izhajajo iz Protokola o lastnini, premoženju in postopkih Sklada, ter zagotavlja organom in osebju Sklada pravni status v skladu s Protokolom.
IV. člen
Obveznosti članic
1. oddelek - Potrdila o deležu
Sklad za svoje članice izda potrdila o deležih, izraženih v evropski valuti ECU. Vsako potrdilo ima enako nominalno vrednost 1000 ekujev. Članice svoje deleže plačajo v ekujih.
2. oddelek - Razdelitev in izplačilo deležev
a) Tabela, priložena temu statutu, določa odstotek za razdelitev deležev, ki se ponudijo vsaki članici Sklada za vpis.
b) Število deležev, ki so na razpolago vsaki novi članici Sklada, se določi v dogovoru z Upravnim telesom, v skladu s točko a) in b) prvega odstavka tretjega oddelka IX. člena tega Statuta.
c) Najmanjši odstotek deležev, ki jih je treba plačati, kot tudi datume ustreznih plačil določi Upravno telo.
d) Kadar se kapital Sklada poveča, Upravno telo določi pod enakimi pogoji za vse članice odstotek, ki ga je treba plačati, ter ustrezne datume plačil.
3. oddelek - Omejitev odgovornosti
Nobena članica ni odgovorna tretji stranki za kakršne koli obveznosti Sklada.
V. člen
Najemanje posojil in prispevki
Sklad lahko najema posojila za uporabo, ki je v skladu z njegovim namenom. Lahko tudi opravi katero koli finančno transakcijo, koristno za doseganje njegovega namena pod pogoji, ki jih določi Administrativni svet.
Sklad je pooblaščen za sprejemanje prispevkov, ki so namenjeni za posebne namene v skladu z določenimi cilji.
VI. člen
Likvidna sredstva Sklada, njegov kapital in rezerve je mogoče investirati pod pogoji, ki jih določi Administrativni svet v skladu z načeli zdravega finančnega poslovanja.
VII. člen
Sredstva za delovanje Sklada
1. oddelek - Posojila
Posojila, ki jih Sklad daje, so v eni od naslednjih oblik:
a) posojila članicam Sklada,
b) posojila, za katera jamči članica Sklada in so dodeljena kateri koli pravni osebi z odobritvijo te članice,
c) posojila, ki so odobrena kateri koli pravni osebi z odobritvijo članice Sklada, kadar se Administrativni svet strinja, da je zahtevano posojilo krito z ustreznimi jamstvi.
2. oddelek - Poroštva
Pod pogoji, ki jih za vsak primer posebej določi Administrativni svet, lahko Sklad podeli svoje poroštvo finančnim institucijam, ki jih odobri članica, za posojila, ki omogočajo uresničitev namenov, določenih v II. členu.
3. oddelek - Fiduciarni račun
Sklad lahko odpre račune in jih upravlja za sprejemanje prostovoljnih prispevkov svojih članic, Sklada ali Sveta Evrope.
4. oddelek - Odpust obresti
Posojila lahko spremlja popoln ali delni odpust obresti.
Del dobička, ki ga ustvari Sklad, kot tudi prostovoljni prispevki članic se uporabijo za subvencioniranje obrestne mere za določena posojila pod pogoji, ki jih določi Administrativni svet.
5. oddelek - Pogoji za dodelitev posojil - Informacije, ki jih je treba predložiti
Upravno telo predpiše splošne pogoje za dodelitev posojil ter določi, kakšne podatke mora posojilojemalec dostaviti za podkrepitev svoje vloge.
6. oddelek - Dolžniška zamuda
Transakcije Sklada v korist članice ali pravne osebe, predvidene v 1. oddelku, se začasno ustavijo, če posojilojemalec ali porok ne plača obveznosti, ki izhajajo iz posojil ali jamstev, ki mu jih podeli Sklad.
VIII. člen
Organizacija, upravljanje in nadzor sklada
Organizacija, upravljanje in nadzor Sklada se razdelijo med:
– Upravno telo,
– Administrativni svet,
– guvernerja,
– Nadzorni odbor,
kot je predvideno v naslednjih členih.
IX. člen
Upravno telo
1. oddelek
Upravno telo sestavljajo predsednik ter po en predstavnik, ki ga imenuje vsaka članica. Vsaka članica lahko imenuje namestnika. Generalni sekretar Sveta Evrope lahko sodeluje ali pa ima na sestankih svojega predstavnika.
2. oddelek
Upravno telo je vrhovni organ Sklada; ima vsa pooblastila v Skladu, razen pravice, da spreminja namene Sklada, določene v II. členu Statuta.
3. oddelek
1. Upravno telo
a) določi pogoje, pod katerimi postanejo države članice Sveta Evrope članice Sklada;
b) pooblasti evropske države, ki niso članice Sveta Evrope, ter mednarodne institucije z evropsko naravnanostjo, da postanejo članice Sklada in določi pogoje za takšno pooblastilo kot tudi število potrdil o deležih, ki jih morajo vpisati te članice;
c) določi razdelitev kapitala med članice, kot je prikazano na tabeli, priloženi temu Statutu;
d) poveča ali zmanjša odobreni kapital in določi znesek vpisanega deleža, ki ga je treba plačati, in datume, do katerih mora biti plačilo opravljeno;
e) zagotavlja skladnost s cilji, določenimi v Statutu;
potrdi letno poročilo Sklada, račune in druga finančna poročila;
predpiše splošne smernice za delovanje institucije;
f) začasno ustavi ali sklene delovanje Sklada ter v primeru likvidacije razdeli premoženje Sklada;
g) suspendira članico;
h) dopolni ta Statut, ne da bi spremenila cilje, ki so v njem zastavljeni;
i) razlaga ta Statut in odloča o vsaki pritožbi glede odločitev v zvezi z razlago ali uporabo Statuta;
j) odobri sklepanje splošnih pogodb o sodelovanju z drugimi mednarodnimi organizacijami;
k) voli predsednika Upravnega telesa ter predsednika Administrativnega sveta;
l) imenuje guvernerja in, če je potrebno, na guvernerjev predlog enega ali več viceguvernerjev, od katerih eden nadomešča guvernerja v njegovi odsotnosti, jih odstavlja z njihovih položajev in sprejema njihov odstop;
m) imenuje člane Nadzornega odbora;
n) imenuje zunanjega revizorja in določi njegove pristojnosti;
o) sestavi svoj poslovnik;
p) izvaja druga pooblastila, ki so v tem Statutu izrecno zaupana Upravnemu telesu.
2. Upravno telo sprejema odločitve iz točk d) in f) na predlog Administrativnega sveta in po posvetu z njim odločitve iz točk c), m) in n). Administrativni svet daje svoje mnenje o vseh drugih sklepih s finančnimi posledicami.
3. Vsa druga pooblastila razen tistih, navedenih v prvem odstavku tretjega oddelka, ima Administrativni svet.
Pooblastila, ki jih ima Administrativni svet po tem Statutu, je mogoče ponovno prevzeti le v izjemnih okoliščinah in za določeno obdobje.
4. Upravno telo se sestaja enkrat letno. Po potrebi lahko skliče dodatne sestanke.
5. Upravno telo lahko po potrebi povabi druge predstavnike mednarodnih organizacij in vsako drugo zainteresirano osebo, da sodelujejo pri njenem delu brez pravice do glasovanja.
4. oddelek
a) Odločitve, ki jih Upravno telo sprejme na svojih sestankih, so veljavne le, če sta prisotni dve tretjini njegovih članic.
Odločitve se sprejemajo z glasovanjem. Za izračun večine veljajo le glasovi za in proti.
b) Odločitve se lahko sprejemajo tudi v pisni obliki v obdobju med sestanki.
c) Vsaka članica Sklada ima en glas za vsako svoje potrdilo o deležu.
d) Članica, ki ni pravočasno plačala zapadlega dela kapitala, ne sme do izpolnitve svoje obveznosti uporabljati pravic do glasovanja, ki ustrezajo zapadlemu neplačanemu znesku.
e) Odločitve se sprejmejo z večino glasov članic za ali proti, ki imajo dve tretjini izraženih glasov.
f) Tričetrtinska večina članic, ki glasujejo za ali proti in imajo tri četrtine oddanih glasov, je potrebna za:
– odločitve, predvidene v tretjem odstavku tretjega oddelka tega člena;
– spremembe tabele o razdelitvi, priložene temu Statutu, ki niso posledica sprejema novih članic in se izvajajo v skladu s točko c) prvega odstavka tretjega oddelka.
g) Odločitve, predvidene v točkah f) in h) tretjega oddelka, sprejmejo soglasno vse članice, ki glasujejo.
5. oddelek
a) Upravnemu telesu predseduje predsednik, ki ga Upravno telo izvoli za tri leta.
Predsednik, ki mu mandat poteče, je lahko ponovno izvoljen za naslednja tri leta. Vsaka članica Sklada ima pravico, da predlaga kandidata.
Predsednik je v tesnem sodelovanju z guvernerjem odgovoren za politične odnose s predstavniki držav, Sveta Evrope in drugih mednarodnih institucij.
Predsednik redno obvešča Odbor ministrov in Parlamentarno skupščino o dejavnostih Sklada: med drugim tudi pošlje guvernerjevo poročilo Odboru ministrov in ima vse druge potrebne stike s Svetom Evrope.
X. člen
Administrativni svet
1. oddelek
Administrativni svet ima vsa pooblastila, ki mu jih zaupa Upravno telo v skladu z IX. členom.
2. oddelek
a) Administrativni svet sestavljajo predsednik, ki ga imenuje Upravno telo za tri leta in se lahko obnovi za naslednje triletno obdobje, ter po en predstavnik, ki ga imenuje vsaka članica. Vsaka članica lahko imenuje namestnika. Generalni sekretar Sveta Evrope lahko sodeluje na sestankih ali pa nanje pošlje svojega predstavnika.
b) Administrativni svet skliče njegov predsednik ali pa se sestane na zahtevo petih članic najmanj štirikrat letno.
c) Administrativni svet lahko po potrebi povabi predstavnike mednarodnih organizacij in vse druge zainteresirane osebe, da sodelujejo pri njegovem delu brez pravice do glasovanja.
3. oddelek
a) Odločitve, ki jih Administrativni svet sprejme na svojih sestankih, so veljavne le, če sta prisotni dve tretjini predstavnikov njegovih članic.
b) Vsaka članica Sklada ima en glas za vsako svoje potrdilo o deležu.
Odločitve se sprejemajo z večino glasov. Za izračun večine veljajo le glasovi za in proti.
c) Odločitve se lahko sprejemajo tudi v pisni obliki v obdobju med sestanki.
d) Članica, ki ni pravočasno plačala zapadlega dela kapitala, ne sme do izpolnitve svoje obveznosti uporabljati pravic do glasovanja, ki ustrezajo zapadlemu neplačanemu znesku.
e) Vendar pa Administrativni svet sprejema naslednje odločitve z večino glasov članic, ki glasujejo za ali proti in imajo večino oddanih glasov za:
i) odločitve, ki se nanašajo na investicijske projekte, ki v Izvršilnem odboru niso dobili večine, kot se zahteva v točki e) petega oddelka tega člena;
ii) predloge in mnenja, naslovljena na Upravno telo v skladu s točkami c), d), f), m) in n) tretjega oddelka IX. člena;
iii) sprejem ali dopolnitev poslovnika Administrativnega sveta;
iv) izvolitev članov Izvršilnega odbora.
f) Administrativni svet z večino glasov članic, ki glasujejo za ali proti in imajo dve tretjini oddanih glasov, sprejema odločitve, ki se nanašajo na investicijske projekte, ki niso sprejemljivi s pogoji točke c) XIII. člena Statuta.
4. oddelek
Administrativni svet lahko kadar koli imenuje odbore izmed svojih članic ter takšnim odborom zaupa pooblastila, ki jih za vsak primer posebej določi.
5. oddelek
a) Upravni odbor ustanovi Izvršilni odbor; ta odbor sestavlja devet njegovih članic, ki so izvoljene za dve leti z možnostjo ponovne izvolitve. Pri imenovanju teh članic mora Administrativni svet upoštevati, naj bi imele vse članice Sklada možnost za sodelovanje v Izvršilnem odboru kot tudi upoštevati potrdila o vpisanih deležih ter pomembnost zagotavljanja enakomerne geografske porazdelitve.
Izvršilni odbor med drugim:
i) opravi prvi pregled vlog za posojila in poroštva;
ii) spremlja izvajanje investicijskih projektov, ki jih financira Sklad, ter se s tem v zvezi ustrezno odloča;
iii) spremlja finančne dejavnosti Sklada, predvsem njegove finančne transakcije, ter v zvezi s tem ustrezno ukrepa;
iv) daje svoje mnenje o vseh drugih vprašanjih, ki mu jih zastavi Administrativni svet;
v) pomaga pri pripravi sestankov Upravnega odbora v zvezi z zgoraj navedenimi točkami.
b) Izvršilni odbor poroča o svojih odločitvah, delu in predlogih na vsakem sestanku Administrativnega sveta.
c) Vsaka članica, ki nima predstavnika v Izvršilnem odboru, lahko na zahtevo sodeluje v razpravi o tistih točkah dnevnega reda, ki jo posebej zanimajo.
d) Izvršilni odbor se sestaja po potrebi, vendar najmanj osemkrat letno.
e) V okviru smernic in omejitev, ki jih določi Administrativni svet, sprejema Izvršilni odbor svoje odločitve z večino sedmih glasov svojih članov. Če ta večina ni dosežena, se to vprašanje vrne v obravnavanje Administrativnemu svetu.
XI. člen
1. oddelek - Guvernerjeve naloge
a) Guverner je zakoniti zastopnik Sklada. Vodi operativne posle Sklada in upravlja tekoče zadeve po navodilih Administrativnega sveta. V skladu s V. in VII. členom ne sklepa pogodb o finančnih obveznostih brez posebnega pooblastila Administrativnega sveta. Pod splošnim nadzorom Administrativnega sveta je odgovoren za organizacijo operativnih poslov ter za imenovanje in odpust osebja Sklada v skladu s predpisi, ki jih je sprejel Administrativni svet.
b) Pomagata mu en ali dva viceguvernerja, po potrebi pa ga lahko eden od njiju tudi nadomešča.
c) Pri izpolnjevanju svojih obveznosti se morajo guverner in drugo osebje popolnoma posvetiti službi v Skladu ter pri tem izključiti vse druge dejavnosti. Vsaka članica spoštuje mednarodno naravo naloge guvernerja in osebja Sklada ter se vzdrži vsakršnega poskusa, da bi nanje vplivala.
d) Za osebje Sklada velja pravilnik za zaposlene Sveta Evrope, in sicer za vse zadeve, za katere Administrativni svet ni predvidel posebnih odločitev.
2. oddelek - Poročila Administrativnemu svetu
Guverner pošlje Administrativnemu svetu svoje mnenje o tehničnih in finančnih vidikih investicijskih projektov, predloženih Skladu.
Guverner predloži Administrativnemu svetu redna poročila o stanju Sklada ter o predlaganih transakcijah ter mu pošlje vse podatke, ki jih slednji zahteva.
Guverner sestavi celovito letno poročilo o vseh dejavnostih, ki so bile opravljene med letom. To poročilo spremljata bilanca Sklada in zaključni račun tekočega poslovanja skupaj s poročilom Nadzornega odbora o teh dokumentih.
3. oddelek - Imenovanje in plača guvernerja
Guverner in viceguvernerja so imenovani za pet let in so lahko ob koncu svojega mandata ponovno izvoljeni. Njihovo plačo določi Administrativni svet.
XII. člen
Nadzorni odbor
Nadzorni odbor sestavljajo trije člani, imenovani v skladu s točkami m) tretjega oddelka IX. člena, na podlagi njihovih sposobnosti v gospodarskih in finančnih zadevah. Delujejo popolnoma neodvisno.
Nadzorni odbor pregleduje račune Sklada ter preverja pravilnost računov tekočega poslovanja in bilance.
Nadzorni odbor v svojem letnem poročilu potrdi, da se zaključni računi tekočega poslovanja in bilanca ujemajo s knjigovodstvom ter dajejo pravo in pošteno sliko stanja zadev Sklada ob koncu vsakega finančnega obdobja kot tudi to, da poteka upravljanje Sklada v skladu z načeli zdravega finančnega poslovanja.
Odbor prejema kopije vseh dokumentov, koristnih za njegovo delo, kot na primer poročila o zunanjih in notranjih revizorjih. Na zahtevo organov Sklada izvaja Nadzorni odbor vse druge naloge, ki se nanašajo na nadzor finančnega poslovanja Sklada.
XIII. člen
Svet Evrope
a) Za zagotovitev odnosov s Svetom Evrope je treba Odbor ministrov in Parlamentarno skupščino Sveta Evrope redno obveščati o dejavnostih Sklada. Upravno telo oblikuje stališče do prejetih priporočil in mnenj Odbora ministrov in Parlamentarne skupščine.
b) Generalni sekretar Sveta Evrope se udeleži ali ima svojega predstavnika na sestankih Upravnega telesa in Administrativnega sveta brez pravice glasovanja.
Generalni sekretar izpolni vsako obveznost, ki mu je zaupana v skladu s tem Statutom ali s Tretjim protokolom k Splošnemu sporazumu o privilegijih in imunitetah Sveta Evrope. V ta namen mora Skladu zagotoviti vse potrebno osebje.
Generalni sekretar lahko opravlja vsako drugo nalogo, ki mu jo zaupajo organi Sklada v skladu z določbami Delnega sporazuma Sklada za socialni razvoj.
c) Vloge za posojila ali poroštva se dostavijo Administrativnemu svetu po sprejemu mnenja generalnega sekretarja o sprejemljivosti na podlagi usklajenosti projekta s političnimi in socialnimi cilji Sveta Evrope.
XIV. člen
Glavni urad Sklada je v Strasbourgu v Franciji. Sedež operativnih služb je v Parizu in se lahko spremeni le s sklepom Upravnega telesa in z enako oblikovanim sklepom Administrativnega sveta.
XV. člen
Začasna ustavitev delovanja in likvidacija Sklada
1. oddelek - Izstop članic
Vsaka članica lahko izstopi iz Sklada pod pogoji, ki jih postavi Upravno telo, kar mora članica sporočiti šest mesecev pred koncem tekočega koledarskega leta.
2. oddelek - Začasna ustavitev delovanja
Če se Upravno telo odloči za začasno ustavitev delovanja, Sklad opusti vse dejavnosti v zvezi s posojili in poroštvi.
3. oddelek - Likvidacija Sklada
Če bi se Upravno telo odločilo prenehati s svojim delovanjem, Sklad takoj opusti vse dejavnosti, razen tistih, ki spadajo k poravnavi njegovih obveznosti in realizaciji, ohranitvi in zavarovanju njegovega premoženja.
Ko so poravnane ali urejene vse obveznosti Sklada, vključno z zadovoljitvijo pravic porazdelitve, ki jih je Sklad predhodno odobril na podlagi sprejetih prispevkov v skladu s V. členom, sprejmejo članice načrt za razdelitev premoženja, ki temelji na naslednjih načelih:
a) Nobena članica Sklada, do katere ima Sklad neporavnane terjatve, nima pravice sodelovati pri razdelitvi po načrtu, dokler ne uredi svojega položaja.
b) Neto sredstva Sklada se prednostno uporabijo za poplačilo tistih zneskov, ki so jih članice vplačale v skladu s IV. členom, in sicer v sorazmerju s številom potrdil o vplačilu.
Vsak presežek neto sredstev Sklada nad skupnim zneskom tako razdeljenih deležev se razporedi vsem članicam Sklada v sorazmerju s številom potrdil o deležu, ki jih ima posamezna članica.
c) V primeru pasivne neto obveznosti se ta porazdeli med članice Sklada sorazmerno s številom potrdil o deležu, ki jih ima posamezna članica. Vsaka članica mora vplačati svoj delež Skladu, pri tem pa se odštejejo že vplačani zneski in se plača do najvišjega zneska vpisanih potrdil.
XVI. člen
Razlaga tega Statuta
Vsaka odločitev Administrativnega sveta, ki zadeva razlago tega Statuta, se lahko na zahtevo katere koli članice predloži Upravnemu telesu. Do takrat, ko Upravno telo sprejme odločitev, se lahko Sklad v obsegu, za katerega meni, da je potreben, ravna po odločitvi Administrativnega sveta.
XVII. člen
Generalni sekretar Sveta Evrope obvesti vse članice Sklada in guvernerja o:
a) deponiranju vsake deklaracije ali instrumenta o sprejemu tega Statuta;
b) vsakem dokumentu, ki dopolnjuje ta Statut.
Generalni sekretar Sveta Evrope pošlje overjeno kopijo tega statuta vsaki državi članici Sveta Evrope ter vsaki državi članici Sklada.
DRŽAVE ČLANICE                         %
BELGIJA                            3,34%
CIPER                              0,40%
DANSKA                             1,82%
FINSKA                             1,42%
FRANCIJA                          18,62%
NEMČIJA                           18,62%
GRČIJA                             3,34%
SVETI SEDEŽ                        0,01%
ISLANDIJA                          0,21%
ITALIJA                           18,62%
LIECHTENSTEIN                      0,10%
LUKSEMBURG                         0,21%
MALTA                              0,21%
NIZOZEMSKA                         4,04%
NORVEŠKA                           1,42%
PORTUGALSKA                        2,83%
SAN MARINO                         0,10%
ŠPANIJA                           12,14%
ŠVEDSKA                            2,83%
ŠVICA                              1,82%
TURČIJA                            7,90%
SKUPAJ                           100,00%
3. člen
Za izvajanje tega protokola in statuta skrbi Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve v sodelovanju za Ministrstvom za finance.
4. člen
Ta zakon začne veljati naslednji dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije - Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 007-02/96-13/1
Ljubljana, dne 19. februarja 1997
Državnega zbora
Republike Slovenije
Janez Podobnik, dr. med. l. r.

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