Na podlagi druge alinee prvega odstavka 107. člena in prvega odstavka 91. člena Ustave Republike Slovenije izdajam
Razglašam Zakon o ratifikaciji Sporazuma med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Slovaške republike o zračnem prometu (BSKZP).
Št. 001-22-16/97
Ljubljana, 27. februarja 1997
Republike Slovenije
Milan Kučan l. r.
1. člen
Ratificira se Sporazum med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Slovaške republike o zračnem prometu, podpisan v Ljubljani 6. decembra 1995.
2. člen
Sporazum se v izvirniku v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku glasi:*
Vlada Republike Slovenije in Vlada Slovaške republike (v nadaljevanju imenovani pogodbenici) sta se
kot pogodbenici Konvencije o mednarodnem civilnem letalstvu, odprte za podpis v Chicagu 7. decembra 1944, in
v želji, da skleneta sporazum z namenom vzpostaviti in opravljati zračni promet med svojima ozemljema in zunaj svojih ozemelj,
dogovorili o:
1. člen
Izrazi v tem sporazumu imajo naslednji pomen, razen če iz sobesedila ne izhaja drugače:
a) ”konvencija” pomeni Konvencijo o mednarodnem civilnem letalstvu, ki je bila odprta za podpis v Chicagu 7. decembra 1944, ter vključuje vsako prilogo, sprejeto na podlagi 90. člena konvencije, in vsako spremembo prilog ali konvencije v skladu z njenim 90. in 94. členom, če te priloge in spremembe veljajo za obe pogodbenici ali sta jih ratificirali;
b) ”pristojna organa” pomeni za Republiko Slovenijo Ministrstvo za promet in zveze, Upravo Republike Slovenije za zračno plovbo, in za Slovaško republiko Ministrstvo za promet, pošto in telekomunikacije, Oddelek za civilno letalstvo, ali v obeh primerih katero koli osebo ali organ, pristojen za naloge, ki jih zdaj opravljata omenjena organa;
c) ”določeni prevoznik” pomeni vsakega prevoznika, ki ga je ena pogodbenica na podlagi 3. člena tega sporazuma s pisnim obvestilom drugi pogodbenici določila kot prevoznika za opravljanje mednarodnega zračnega prometa na progah, ki so določene v skladu z drugim odstavkom 2. člena tega sporazuma;
d) izrazi “ozemlje”, “zračni promet”, “mednarodni zračni promet”, “prevoznik” in “pristanek v nekomercialne namene” imajo v tem sporazumu pomen, kot ga določata 2. in 96. člen konvencije;
e) ”zmogljivost” v zvezi z “dogovorjenim prometom” pomeni zmogljivost letal, ki se uporabljajo v tem prometu, pomnoženo s frekvenco letov, ki jo ta letala v določenem času opravijo na progi ali na delu proge;
f) ”dogovorjeni promet” pomeni redni zračni promet na progah, določenih v prilogi tega sporazuma za ločen ali kombiniran prevoz potnikov, tovora in pošte;
g) ”določena proga” pomeni progo, določeno v Pregledu prog v prilogi tega sporazuma;
h) ”priloga” pomeni prilogo k temu sporazumu oziroma spremenjeno v skladu z določili 18. člena tega sporazuma. Priloga je sestavni del sporazuma in vsako sklicevanje na sporazum zajema tudi prilogo;
i) ”tarifa” pomeni ceno, ki se zaračunava za prevoz potnikov, prtljage ali tovora, in pogoje, pod katerimi ta cena velja, vključno s ceno ter pogoji za druge storitve, ki jih prevoznik opravi v povezavi z letalskim prevozom, in agencijsko provizijo, ki se plačuje za prodajo vozovnic. Izvzeti so plačilo in pogoji za prevoz pošte.
2. člen
(Podelitev pravic)
1. Vsaka pogodbenica daje drugi pogodbenici pri opravljanju mednarodnega zračnega prometa, ki ga na določenih progah opravljajo njeni določeni prevozniki, tele pravice:
a) pravico do preleta njenega ozemlja brez pristanka,
b) pravico, da pristanejo na njenem ozemlju v nekomercialne namene,
c) pravico, da na njenem ozemlju pristanejo v krajih, navedenih na določenih progah v Pregledu prog v prilogi, in tam na komercialni podlagi vkrcajo in izkrcajo potnike, prtljago, tovor in pošto.
2. Nobeno določilo prvega odstavka tega člena ne daje določenemu prevozniku ene pogodbenice pravice, da za plačilo ali najemnino na ozemlju druge pogodbenice vkrca potnike, prtljago, tovor in pošto, če so namenjeni v drug kraj na ozemlju te pogodbenice (kabotaža).
3. Poleg prevoznikov, določenih v skladu s 3. členom tega sporazuma, imajo tudi drugi prevozniki obeh pogodbenic pravice, navedene v točkah a) in b) prvega odstavka tega člena.
4. Pravice pete svobode se dajejo le na podlagi posebnih sporazumov med pristojnima organoma pogodbenic.
3. člen
(Določitev prevoznika in dovoljenje za opravljanje prometa)
1. Vsaka pogodbenica ima pravico, da za opravljanje dogovorjenega prometa določi enega ali več prevoznikov. Taka določitev se opravi z izmenjavo pisnih obvestil med pristojnima organoma pogodbenic.
2. Pristojni organ, ki prejme tako obvestilo, mora v skladu z določili tretjega in četrtega odstavka tega člena določenemu prevozniku druge pogodbenice brez odlašanja izdati potrebno dovoljenje za opravljanje prometa skladno z zakoni in predpisi te pogodbenice.
3. Pristojni organ pogodbenice lahko od prevoznika, ki ga je določila druga pogodbenica, zahteva, naj dokaže, da je sposoben izpolnjevati pogoje, določene v zakonih in predpisih, ki jih ta organ v skladu z določili konvencije običajno uporablja pri opravljanju mednarodnega zračnega prometa.
4. Vsaka pogodbenica ima pravico zavrniti določitev prevoznika in izdajo dovoljenja iz drugega odstavka tega člena ali določenemu prevozniku za izvrševanje pravic iz 2. člena tega sporazuma naložiti take pogoje, kot se ji zdijo primerni, če nima dokaza, da imajo druga pogodbenica ali njeni državljani v rokah pretežni lastniški delež in dejanski nadzor nad tem prevoznikom.
5. Ko določeni prevoznik prejme dovoljenje za opravljanje prometa iz drugega odstavka tega člena, lahko kadar koli začne opravljati dogovorjeni promet, če veljajo tarife, določene na podlagi 12. člena tega sporazuma, in če so v skladu s 14. členom tega sporazuma odobreni redi letenja.
6. Vsaka pogodbenica ima pravico, da s pisnim obvestilom drugi pogodbenici in v skladu z določili zgornjega prvega in drugega odstavka zamenja določenega prevoznika z drugim prevoznikom. Novodoločeni prevoznik ima enake pravice in dolžnosti, kot jih je imel prevoznik, ki je bil zamenjan.
4. člen
(Preklic dovoljenja za opravljanje prometa ali začasna razveljavitev pravic)
1. Pristojni organ ene pogodbenice ima pravico, da določenemu prevozniku druge pogodbenice prekliče dovoljenje za opravljanje prometa, začasno ustavi izvrševanje pravic iz 2. člena tega sporazuma ali da mu glede izvrševanja teh pravic naloži pogoje, ki se mu zdijo potrebni, če:
a) določeni prevoznik ne dokaže, da sta njegovo pretežno lastništvo in dejanski nadzor v rokah pogodbenice, ki ga je določila, ali njenih državljanov; ali
b) določeni prevoznik ne spoštuje zakonov ali predpisov pogodbenice, ki te pravice daje, ali jih krši; ali
c) določeni prevoznik ne opravlja dogovorjenega prometa v skladu s pogoji, ki jih določa ta sporazum.
2. Razen če so takojšen preklic, začasna razveljavitev pravic ali določitev pogojev iz prvega odstavka tega člena nujni, da bi se preprečile nadaljnje kršitve zakonov in predpisov, se bo ta pravica uporabila šele po posvetovanju z drugo pogodbenico v skladu z 18. členom tega sporazuma.
5. člen
(Uporaba zakonov in predpisov)
1. Zakoni in predpisi ene pogodbenice, s katerimi se urejajo prihod, muditev ali odhod letal v mednarodnem zračnem prometu z njenega ozemlja ali s katerimi se urejata upravljanje in plovba teh letal, dokler so na njenem ozemlju, se uporabljajo tudi za letala prevoznika, ki ga določi druga pogodbenica. Spoštovati jih je treba ob prihodu in odhodu ter dokler so letala na ozemlju te pogodbenice.
2. Zakone in predpise ene pogodbenice, ki urejajo prihod, muditev, tranzit in odhod z njenega ozemlja potnikov, posadk, prtljage, tovora in pošte na letalih, vključno s predpisi, ki urejajo prihod, carinski postopek, priseljevanje in izseljevanje, potne liste, carino, valuto in sanitarne ukrepe, mora spoštovati tudi prevoznik druge pogodbenice ob prihodu, odhodu in dokler je na ozemlju te pogodbenice.
3. Na zahtevo ene pogodbenice druga pogodbenica dovoli prevoznikom, ki izvršujejo pravice v zračnem prometu v obeh državah, da sprejmejo ukrepe, ki zagotavljajo, da se prevažajo le potniki, ki imajo potne listine, potrebne za vstop ali tranzit čez državo, ki je to zahtevala. Če pripeljani potnik ne izpolnjuje zakonov in predpisov za vstop v državo druge pogodbenice, ga mora prevoznik na svoje stroške odpeljati nazaj.
4. Vsaka pogodbenica mora preveriti osebo, ki je bila vrnjena iz kraja, kjer se je izkrcala, potem ko je bilo ugotovljeno, da ne izpolnjuje pogojev za vstop, če se je ta oseba pred vkrcanjem na letalo zadrževala na njenem ozemlju, pa pri tem ni šlo za direktni tranzit.
6. člen
(Varnost zračne plovbe)
1. Pogodbenici v skladu s svojimi pravicami in obveznostmi po mednarodnem pravu ponovno potrjujeta, da je medsebojna dolžnost zagotavljati varnost civilne zračne plovbe pred dejanji nezakonitega vmešavanja sestavni del tega sporazuma.
2. Ne da bi pogodbenici omejevali svoje splošne pravice in obveznosti po mednarodnem pravu, ravnata še posebno v skladu s Konvencijo o kaznivih dejanjih in nekih drugih dejanjih, storjenih na letalih, podpisano v Tokiu 14. septembra 1963, Konvencijo o zatiranju nezakonite ugrabitve zrakoplovov, podpisano v Haagu 16. decembra 1970, Konvencijo o zatiranju nezakonitih dejanj zoper varnost civilnega zrakoplovstva, podpisano v Montrealu 23. septembra 1971, in njenim dopolnilnim Protokolom o zatiranju nezakonitih nasilnih dejanj na letališčih za mednarodno civilno zrakoplovstvo, podpisanim v Montrealu 24. februarja 1988, ko ga bosta obe pogodbenici ratificirali, ter z vsemi drugimi mednarodnimi dokumenti na tem področju, ki jih bosta pogodbenici v prihodnosti ratificirali.
3. Pogodbenici na zahtevo druga drugi dajeta vso možno pomoč, da bi preprečili nezakonite ugrabitve letal in druga nezakonita dejanja proti varnosti letal, njihovih potnikov in posadk, letališč in letalskih navigacijskih naprav ter vsako drugo grožnjo varnosti zračne plovbe.
4. Pogodbenici v medsebojnih odnosih ravnata v skladu z določili Mednarodne organizacije civilnega letalstva o varnosti zračne plovbe in tehničnimi zahtevami, opredeljenimi v prilogah Konvencije o mednarodnem civilnem letalstvu, v tisti meri, v kateri ta določila in zahteve veljajo za pogodbenici. Pogodbenici zahtevata od letalskih družb, ki so vpisane v njunih registrih ali opravljajo pretežni del svojih dejavnosti ali imajo sedež na njunih ozemljih, in od letaliških podjetij na svojih ozemljih, da delujejo v skladu s takimi varnostnimi predpisi in tehničnimi zahtevami.
5. Pogodbenici soglašata, da se lahko od njunih letalskih družb zahteva spoštovanje letalskih varnostnih predpisov, navedenih v četrtem odstavku tega člena, ki jih zahteva druga pogodbenica za vstop, odhod oziroma dokler so letala na ozemlju te druge pogodbenice.
6. Vsaka pogodbenica zagotavlja, da se na njenem ozemlju učinkovito izvajajo primerni ukrepi za zavarovanje letal, za pregled potnikov, posadke, ročne prtljage, prtljage, tovora in zalog na letalu pred in med vkrcavanjem ali natovarjanjem. Vsaka pogodbenica z naklonjenostjo obravnava vsako zahtevo druge pogodbenice za uvedbo razumnih dodatnih varnostnih ukrepov zaradi določene grožnje.
7. Ob nezakoniti ugrabitvi ali grožnji ugrabitve civilnega letala ali drugih nezakonitih dejanjih proti varnosti takega letala, njegovih potnikov in posadk, letališč ali letalskih navigacijskih naprav pogodbenici pomagata druga drugi, s tem da poskrbita za komunikacije in druge ustrezne ukrepe, da bi se čim hitreje in varneje končal tak incident ali grožnja.
8. Kadar ima pogodbenica utemeljen razlog za sum, da druga pogodbenica ne spoštuje določil o varnosti zračne plovbe, navedenih v tem členu, lahko pristojni organ te pogodbenice zahteva takojšnje posvetovanje s pristojnim organom druge pogodbenice.
9. Če v enem mesecu po dnevu take zahteve ni dosežen zadovoljiv sporazum, se lahko prevozniku ali prevoznikom druge pogodbenice zadrži, prekliče oziroma omeji dovoljenje za opravljanje prometa ali pa se mu v zvezi z njim določijo pogoji. V nujnih primerih lahko vsaka pogodbenica sprejme začasne ukrepe pred potekom enega meseca.
7. člen
(Priznavanje spričeval in dovoljenj)
1. Spričevala o plovnosti, spričevala o sposobnosti in dovoljenja, ki jih ena pogodbenica izda ali potrdi, prizna, dokler so veljavna, tudi druga pogodbenica pod pogojem, da so bili izdani ali potrjeni v skladu z enakimi ali višjimi standardi, kot jih določa konvencija.
2. Vsaka pogodbenica pa si pridržuje pravico, da za lete nad svojim ozemljem ne prizna veljavnosti spričeval o sposobnosti in dovoljenj, ki jih je druga pogodbenica ali katera koli druga država izdala njenim državljanom.
8. člen
(Oprostitev carinskih dajatev in drugih dajatev)
1. Vsaka pogodbenica v največji meri, ki jo dopušča notranja zakonodaja, in na podlagi vzajemnosti oprošča določenega prevoznika ali prevoznike druge pogodbenice uvoznih omejitev, carin, posrednih davkov, inšpekcijskih taks in drugih nacionalnih dajatev in taks za letala, gorivo, mazivo, potrošne tehnične zaloge, rezervne dele, vključno z motorji, običajno opremo letala, zaloge na letalu (vključno s hrano, pijačo, tobakom in drugimi predmeti, ki so med letom v omejenih količinah namenjeni prodaji potnikom) in druge predmete, namenjene za uporabo ali porabljene izključno za delovanje ali popravilo letal tega prevoznika. Oproščeni so tudi zaloga tiskanih vozovnic, letalski tovorni listi in vsi tiskani predmeti, ki imajo natisnjen znak družbe, ter običajno propagandno gradivo, ki ga prevoznik brezplačno deli.
2. Oprostitve iz tega člena veljajo za predmete, naštete v prvem odstavku tega člena, ki:
a) jih na ozemlje ene pogodbenice pripelje določeni prevoznik druge pogodbenice ali pa so tja pripeljani v njegovem imenu;
b) so ostali v letalu določenega prevoznika ene pogodbenice ob prihodu ali ob odhodu z ozemlja druge pogodbenice; in
c) so na ozemlju ene pogodbenice natovorjeni v letalo določenega prevoznika druge pogodbenice ter so namenjeni uporabi v dogovorjenem prometu,
ne glede na to ali se ti predmeti v celoti porabijo ali potrošijo na ozemlju pogodbenice, ki daje te oprostitve, pod pogojem, da ti predmeti niso odtujeni na ozemlju te pogodbenice.
Predmeti, o katerih je govor v točkah a), b) in c), so lahko pod carinskim varstvom ali nadzorom.
3. Običajna oprema v letalu, rezervni deli kakor tudi predmeti in zaloge, ki so običajno v letalu določenega prevoznika ene od pogodbenic, se lahko raztovarjajo na ozemlju druge pogodbenice samo s soglasjem carinskih oblasti tega ozemlja. V takem primeru so lahko pod carinskim nadzorom omenjenih oblasti, dokler niso ponovno izvoženi ali drugače porabljeni v skladu s carinskimi predpisi.
9. člen
(Takse za uporabo letališč in letalskih naprav)
1. Takse, ki se na ozemlju ene pogodbenice zaračunavajo določenim prevoznikom druge pogodbenice za uporabo letališč in drugih letalskih naprav, ne bodo višje od tistih, ki se zaračunavajo za letala domačega prevoznika, udeleženega v podobnem mednarodnem zračnem prometu.
2. Nobena pogodbenica ne bo svojim ali katerim koli drugim prevoznikom dajala v primerjavi s prevoznikom druge pogodbenice, udeleženim v podobnem mednarodnem zračnem prometu, prednosti pri uporabi letališč, zračnih poti, storitev kontrole letenja in drugih podobnih naprav, ki so pod njenim nadzorom.
10. člen
(Direktni tranzit)
Za potnike v direktnem tranzitu čez ozemlje ene pogodbenice, ki ne zapustijo za to določenega območja na letališču, veljata le zelo enostaven carinski nadzor in nadzor nad priseljevanjem. Prtljaga in tovor v direktnem tranzitu sta oproščena carinskih in drugih podobnih dajatev.
11. člen
(Transfer denarja)
1. Vsaka pogodbenica daje določenemu prevozniku druge pogodbenice pravico, da v skladu z njenimi veljavnimi predpisi na zahtevo zamenja in v svojo državo nakaže presežek prihodkov nad lokalnimi izdatki. Zamenjava in nakazilo sta dovoljena brez omejitev po tržnem deviznem tečaju za tekoča plačila, ki velja ob vložitvi zahteve. Oproščena sta plačil kakršnih koli taks, razen običajnih plačil, ki jih zaračunavajo banke za takšne transakcije. Če so plačila med pogodbenicama urejena s posebnim sporazumom, se uporablja ta posebni sporazum.
2. Pogodbenici bosta v skladu s svojimi veljavnimi predpisi olajšali transfer denarja v državo druge pogodbenice. Transferji se izvedejo brez odlašanja.
12. člen
(Odobritev tarif)
1. Tarife in z njimi povezane agencijske provizije, ki se zaračunavajo za prevoz potnikov in blaga na progah, ki so določene v skladu z drugim odstavkom 2. člena tega sporazuma, morata odobriti pristojna organa pogodbenic. Tarife morajo upoštevati operativne stroške, razumen dobiček, obstoječe stanje konkurence in trga kakor tudi interese uporabnikov prometa.
2. Vsako tarifo je treba predložiti v odobritev pristojnemu organu pogodbenice najmanj trideset (30) dni pred predvidenim dnem njene uveljavitve. V posebnih primerih in če se pristojni organ s tem strinja, se lahko ta rok skrajša. Tarifa se lahko odobri izrecno. Če nobeden od pristojnih organov pogodbenic ne sporoči svojega nestrinjanja s tarifami v tridesetih (30) dneh, potem ko so bile predložene, se šteje, da so odobrene. Če je rok za predložitev skrajšan, lahko pristojna organa privolita, da je rok za sporočitev nestrinjanja ustrezno krajši.
3. O tarifah iz drugega odstavka tega člena se dogovorijo, če je mogoče, zainteresirani določeni prevozniki obeh pogodbenic, potem ko jih obravnavajo, če je to potrebno, na njihovi vladi, in, če se jim zdi primerno, po posvetovanju z drugimi prevozniki. Tak dogovor se lahko sklene s pomočjo mednarodnih postopkov za določanje tarif ali Mednarodnega združenja letalskih prevoznikov.
4. Tarifa, določena v skladu z določili tega člena, velja, dokler ni določena nova tarifa. Vendar pa nobena tarifa ne bo podaljšana za dlje kot dvanajst (12) mesecev od datuma, ko bi sicer prenehala veljati.
5. Če se o tarifi ni mogoče dogovoriti v skladu s tretjim odstavkom tega člena ali če je bilo v roku iz drugega odstavka tega člena sporočeno nestrinjanje s tarifo, si pristojna organa pogodbenic prizadevata, da se o tarifi medsebojno sporazumeta. Tako posvetovanje se začne v tridesetih dneh, potem ko postane očitno, da se določeni prevozniki o tarifi ne morejo dogovoriti, ali potem ko pristojni organ ene pogodbenice sporoči pristojnemu organu druge pogodbenice, da se ne strinja s tarifo.
6. Če pristojna organa pogodbenic tarife ne moreta določiti v skladu s petim odstavkom tega člena, se spor rešuje v skladu z določili 19. člena tega sporazuma.
13. člen
1. Zmogljivost, ki jo v dogovorjenem prometu zagotavljajo določeni prevozniki, odobrita pristojna organa obeh pogodbenic, pri čemer upoštevata načelo pravične in enake možnosti za določene prevoznike obeh pogodbenic.
2. Pri opravljanju dogovorjenega prometa določeni prevozniki pogodbenic upoštevajo interese prevoznikov, ki jih je določila druga pogodbenica, da neupravičeno ne ogrožajo prometa, ki ga slednji opravljajo na vsej progi ali na njenem delu.
3. Dogovorjeni promet, ki ga opravljajo določeni prevozniki pogodbenic, mora biti v tesni povezavi z javnimi zahtevami po prevozu na določenih progah. Njegov glavni namen je ob primernem faktorju zasedenosti zagotavljati zmogljivost, ustrezno tekočim in razumno predvidenim potrebam po prevozu potnikov in/ali blaga ter pošte med ozemljema pogodbenic.
14. člen
(Vozni red)
1. Določeni prevoznik pogodbenice najmanj petinštirideset (45) dni vnaprej predloži pristojnemu organu druge pogodbenice v odobritev vozni red predvidenega prometa. Navesti mora frekvenco, tipe letal, čas, razporeditev in število sedežev, ki bodo javnosti na razpolago, in čas veljavnosti voznega reda. Enak postopek velja za vsako njegovo spremembo.
2. Za dodatne lete, ki jih želi določeni prevoznik ene pogodbenice opraviti v dogovorjenem prometu zunaj odobrenega voznega reda, mora od pristojnega organa druge pogodbenice pridobiti predhodno dovoljenje. Tako zahtevo je treba vložiti vsaj dva delovna dneva pred takimi leti.
15. člen
(Komercialne dejavnosti)
1. Vsaka pogodbenica po načelu vzajemnosti daje določenemu prevozniku druge pogodbenice pravico, da ima na njenem ozemlju podružnice in administrativno, trgovsko ter tehnično osebje, ki ga potrebuje.
2. Za ustanavljanje podružnic in zaposlovanje osebja, o katerem je govor v prvem odstavku, veljajo zakoni in predpisi prizadete pogodbenice, kot so zakoni in predpisi, ki urejajo vstop in bivanje tujcev na njenem ozemlju. Osebje, ki je v skladu s prvim odstavkom zaposleno v podružnicah, ne potrebuje delovnega dovoljenja.
3. Pogodbenici dajeta prevoznikom, ki jih je določila druga pogodbenica, pravico, da svoje prevozne storitve prodajajo na svojih dokumentih neposredno v lastnih prodajnih uradih ali pa po agentih, ki jih imajo na ozemlju druge pogodbenice, in sicer komur koli in v kateri koli valuti v skladu z veljavnimi deviznimi predpisi.
16. člen
(Izmenjava prometnih informacij in statistik)
Pristojna organa pogodbenic si na zahtevo dajeta take občasne ali druge statistične podatke o določenem prevozniku, ki jih je razumno zahtevati, da se pregleda zmogljivost, ki jo zagotavlja določeni prevoznik na določenih progah. Ti podatki vsebujejo vse potrebne informacije, da se ugotovijo obseg prometa ter njegov izvor in namembni kraj.
17. člen
1. Zaradi tesnejšega sodelovanja imata pristojna organa pogodbenic občasne stike, ki so lahko v obliki razgovora ali dopisovanja, da se zagotovi sodelovanje na vseh področjih, ki vplivajo na izpolnjevanje tega sporazuma in njegovih prilog.
2. Katera koli pogodbenica lahko kadar koli zahteva posvetovanje o izvajanju, razlagi uporabi ali spremembi tega sporazuma. Če se pogodbenici ne dogovorita drugače, se taka posvetovanja začnejo v šestdesetih dneh, potem ko druga pogodbenica prejme zahtevo.
18. člen
1. Če ena od pogodbenic meni, da bi bilo zaželeno spremeniti katero koli določilo tega sporazuma, začnejo te spremembe, če se pogodbenici sporazumeta, veljati, ko so potrjene z izmenjavo pisnih obvestil.
2. O spremembah priloge tega sporazuma se lahko pisno neposredno dogovorita pristojna organa pogodbenic.
3. Če za pogodbenici začne veljati splošna večstranska konvencija o zračnem prometu, bo ta sporazum spremenjen, tako da bo ustrezal njenim določilom.
19. člen
(Reševanje sporov)
1. Spore o razlagi ali uporabi tega sporazuma ali pregleda prog rešujeta pristojna organa pogodbenic z neposrednimi pogajanji. Če se pristojnima organoma ne uspe sporazumeti, se spor rešuje po diplomatski poti.
2. Če se spor ne reši v skladu z zgornjim prvim odstavkom, se na zahtevo katere koli pogodbenice predloži razsodišču.
3. Tako razsodišče se ad hoc ustanovi takole: vsaka pogodbenica imenuje enega člana, ta dva pa se sporazumeta o državljanu tretje države, ki ga pogodbenici imenujeta za predsednika. Vsak član mora biti imenovan v dveh mesecih, predsednik pa v treh od datuma, ko ena pogodbenica obvesti drugo o svoji odločitvi, da spor predloži v obravnavo razsodišču.
4. Če roki iz zgornjega tretjega odstavka tega člena niso spoštovani in če ni drugačnega dogovora, lahko katera koli pogodbenica prosi predsednika sveta Mednarodne organizacije civilnega letalstva (ICAO), da opravi potrebna imenovanja. Če je predsednik državljan ene izmed pogodbenic ali če mu sicer kaj preprečuje, da bi opravil to nalogo, opravi potrebna imenovanja podpredsednik, ki ga nadomešča.
5. Razsodišče sprejema svoje odločitve z večino glasov. Njegove odločitve so za pogodbenici zavezujoče.
6. Vsaka pogodbenica krije stroške svojega člana in svoje udeležbe v arbitražnem postopku. Stroške za predsednika in druge stroške krijeta pogodbenici v enakih deležih. V vseh drugih pogledih razsodišče samo določi postopek.
20. člen
(Registracija pri ICAO)
Ta sporazum in njegove spremembe v skladu s 18. členom tega sporazuma se registrirajo pri Mednarodni organizaciji civilnega letalstva (ICAO).
21. člen
1. Ta sporazum je sklenjen za nedoločen čas.
2. Vsaka pogodbenica lahko kadar koli pisno obvesti drugo pogodbenico o svoji odločitvi, da odstopa od tega sporazuma. Izvod takega sporočila je treba hkrati poslati Mednarodni organizaciji civilnega letalstva. V primeru takšnega obvestila sporazum preneha veljati ob koncu veljavnosti reda letenja, ki velja dvanajst mesecev, potem ko druga pogodbenica prejme obvestilo o odpovedi, razen če ni pred potekom tega roka obvestilo sporazumno umaknjeno. Če druga pogodbenica ne potrdi prejema obvestila o odpovedi, se šteje, da ga je prejela štirinajst dni po dnevu, ko ga je prejela Mednarodna organizacija civilnega letalstva.
22. člen
Ta sporazum začne veljati, ko pogodbenici druga drugo z izmenjavo diplomatskih not obvestita, da so izpolnjene njune ustavne zahteve.
Ko ta sporazum začne veljati, v odnosih med Republiko Slovenijo in Slovaško republiko nadomesti Sporazum med Federativno ljudsko republiko Jugoslavijo in Češkoslovaško republiko o zračnem prometu, ki je bil podpisan 28. februarja 1956 v Beogradu.
Sestavljeno v Ljubljani dne 6. decembra 1995 v dveh izvodih v slovenskem, slovaškem in angleškem jeziku, pri čemer so vsa besedila enako verodostojna. Ob neskladju pri razlagi ali uporabi tega sporazuma je odločilno besedilo v angleškem jeziku.
Za Vlado
Republike Slovenije
Igor Umek l. r.
Za Vlado
Slovaške republike
Alexander Rezeš l. r.
(Pregled prog)
Sporazuma med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Slovaške republike o zračnem prometu
1. del
Prevozniki, ki jih določi pristojni organ Republike Slovenije, imajo pravico opravljati zračni promet na naslednjih določenih progah:
kraji v kraji na vmesni naslednji
Sloveniji Slovaškem kraji kraji
vsa mednarodna vsa mednarodna – –
letališča letališča
2. del
Prevozniki, ki jih določi pristojni organ Slovaške republike, imajo pravico opravljati zračni promet na naslednjih določenih progah:
kraji na kraji v vmesni naslednji
Slovaškem Sloveniji kraji kraji
vsa mednarodna vsa mednarodna – –
letališča letališča
Naslednji in vmesni kraji bodo določeni kasneje s sporazumom med pristojnima organoma pogodbenic.
The Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Government of the Slovak Republic (hereinafter referred to as the “Contracting Parties”),
Being Parties to the Convention on International Civil Aviation opened for signature at Chicago on the seventh day of December 1944, and
Desiring to conclude an Agreement for the purpose of the establishment and operation of air services between their respective territories and beyond,
Have agreed as follows:
Article 1
For the purpose of this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires:
a) the term “the Convention” means the Convention on International Civil Aviation opened for signature at Chicago on the seventh day of December 1944, and includes any annex adopted under Article 90 of that Convention and any amendment of the Annexes or Convention under Articles 90 and 94 thereof so fas as these Annexes and amendments have entered into force or have been ratified by both Contracting Parties;
b) the term “aeronautical authorities” means, in the case of the Republic of Slovenia, Ministry of Transport and Communications, Civil Aviation Authority and in the case of the Slovak Republic the Ministry of Transport, Posts and Telecommunications, Department of Civil Aviation, or, in both cases, any other person or body authorized to perform the functions incumbent upon the said authorities;
c) the term “designated airline” means each airline that one Contracting Party has designated in writing to the other Contracting Party in accordance with Article 3 of this Agreement as being an airline which is to operate international air services on the routes specified in conformity with Article 2 paragraph (2) of this Agreement;
d) the terms “territory”, “air service”, “international air service”, “airline” and “stop for non-traffic purposes” shall, for the purpose of this Agreement have the meaning laid down in Articles 2 and 96 of the Convention;
e) the term “capacity” in relation to “agreed services” means the capacity of the aircraft used on such services, multiplied by the frequency operated by such aircraft over a given period and route or section of a route;
f) the term “agreed services” means scheduled air services on the routes specified in the Annex to this Agreement for the transport of passengers, cargo and mail separately or in combination;
g) the term “specified route” means a route specified in a Route Schedule in the Annex to this Agreement;
h) the term “Annex” means the Annex to this Agreement or as amended in accordance with the provisions of Article 18 of this Agreement. The Annex forms an integral part of this Agreement and all references to the Agreement shall include the Annex;
i) the term “tariff” means the price to be charged for the carriage of passengers, baggage or cargo and the conditions under which this price apply, including price and conditions for other services performed by the carrier in connection with air transportation and agency commission to be paid on the sales of tickets, but excluding remuneration and conditions for the carriage of mail.
Article 2
Grant of Rights
(1) Each Contracting Party grants to the other Contracting Party the following rights for the conduct of international air services by designated airlines over the specified routes:
a) to fly without landing across its territory,
b) to land in its territory for non-traffic purposes; and
c) to land in its territory at the points named on the specified routes in the Route Schedule in the Annex for embarking and disembarking of passengers, baggage, cargo and mail on a commercial basis.
(2) Nothing in paragraph (1) of this Article shall be deemed to confer on the designated airline of one Contracting Party the right of embarking, in the territory of the other Contracting party, passengers, baggage, cargo and mail carried for remuneration or hire and destined for another point in the territory of that Contracting Party (cabotage).
(3) The airlines of each Contracting Party, other than those designated under Article 3 of this Agreement, shall also enjoy the rights specified in paragraph (1), subparagraph a) and b) of this Article.
(4) Fifth freedom traffic rights shall only be granted on the basis of special agreements between the aeronautical authorities of both Contracting Parties.
Article 3
Designation of Airline and Operating Authorization
(1) Each Contracting Party shall have the right to designate one or several airlines for the purpose of operating the agreed services. Such designation shall be effected by virtue of written notification between the aeronautical authorities of both Contracting Parties.
(2) The aeronautical authorities which have received the notification of designation shall, subject to the provisions of paragraphs (3) and (4) of this Article, grant without delay to the designated airline of the other Contracting Party the necessary operating authorization, which is consistent with the laws and regulations of the receiving Contracting Party.
(3) The aeronautical authorities of one Contracting Party may require the airline designated by the other Contracting Party to prove that it is qualified to fulfill the conditions prescribed under the laws and regulations normally applied to the operation of international air services by the said authorities in conformity with the provisions of the Convention.
(4) Each Contracting Party shall have the right to refuse to accept the designation of an airline and to refuse to grant the operating authorization referred to in paragraph (2) of this Article, or to impose such conditions as it may deem necessary for the exercise of the rights specified in Article 2 of this Agreement, whenever the Contracting Party has no proof that a preponderant part of the ownership and effective control of that airline are vested in the other Contracting Party or in its nationals.
(5) Having received the operating authorization, provided for under paragraph (2) of this Article, the designated airline may at any time start to operate the agreed services, provided that tariffs established in accordance with the provisions of Article 12 of this Agreement are in force and timetables are approved under Article 14 of this Agreement.
(6) Either Contracting Party shall have the right to replace by written communication to the other Contracting Party and subject to the provisions of paragraphs (1) to (3) above, the airline it has designated by another airline. The newly designated airline shall have the same rights and be subject to the same obligations as the airline which it replaces.
Article 4
Revocation of Operating Authorization or Suspension of Rights
(1) The aeronautical authorities of each Contracting Party shall have the right to revoke an operating authorization or to suspend the exercise of the rights specified in Article 2 of this Agreement by the designated airline of the other Contracting Party or to impose such conditions as it may deem necessary on the exercise of such rights, if:
a) the designated airline cannot prove that preponderant part of its ownership and effective control are vested in the Contracting Party designating the airline or in its nationals; or
b) the designated airline fails to comply with or has infringed the laws or regulations of the Contracting Party granting these rights; or
c) the designated airline fails to operate the agreed services in accordance with the conditions prescribed under this Agreement.
(2) Such right shall be exercised only after consultation with the other Contracting Party, in accordance with Article 18 of this Agreement, unless immediate revocation, suspension or imposition of the conditions provided for under paragraph (1) of this Article is essential to prevent further infringements of laws and regulations.
Article 5
Application of Laws and Regulations
(1) The laws and regulations of one Contracting Party relating to the admission to, remaining in, or departure from its territory of aircraft engaged in international air navigation, or to the operation and navigation of such aircraft while within its territory, shall be applied to the aircraft of the airline designated by the other Contracting Party and shall be complied with by such aircraft upon entrance into, departure from and while within the territory of the first Contracting Party.
(2) The laws and regulations of one Contracting Party relating to the admission to, stay in, transit through and departure from its territory of passengers, crew, baggage, cargo and mail on aircraft, including regulations relating to entry, clearance, immigration, and emigration, passports, customs, currency and sanitary measures, shall be complied with by the airline of the other Contracting Party upon entrance into or departure from and while within the territory of the first Contracting Party.
(3) Upon the request of either Contracting Party, the other Contracting Party shall permit the airlines which exercise air traffic rights in both countries to take measures to ensure that only passengers with the travel documents required for entry into or transit through the requesting State are carried. In case a carried passenger fails to comply with laws and regulations for enter into the country of other Contracting Party an airline is obliged to transport him back on costs of this airline.
(4) Either Contracting Party shall accept examination of a person being returned from his point of disembarkation after having been found inadmissible if this person previously stayed in its territory before embarkation, other that in direct transit.
Article 6
Aviation Security
(1) Consistent with their rights and obligations under international law, the Contracting Parties reaffirm that their obligation to each other to protect the security of civil aviation against acts of unlawful interference forms an integral part of this Agreement.
(2) Without limiting the generality of their rights and obligations under international law, the Contracting Parties shall in particular act in conformity with the provisions of the Convention on Offences and Certain Other Acts Committed on Board Aircraft, signed at Tokyo on 14 September 1963, the Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Seizure of Aircraft, signed at the Hague on 16 December 1970 and the Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Civil Aviation, signed at Montreal on 23 September 1971, the Protocol for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts of Violence at Airports Serving International Civil Aviation, signed at Montreal on 24 February 1988 when it becomes ratified by both Contracting Parties and all other international instruments in the same field which may be ratified in the future by the Contracting Parties.
(3) The Contracting Parties shall provide upon request all necessary assistence to each other to prevent acts of unlawful seizure of civil aircraft and other unlawful acts against the safety of such aircraft, their passengers and crew, airports and air navigation facilities, and any other threat to the security of civil aviation.
(4) The Contracting Parties shall, in their mutual relations, act in conformity with the aviation security provisions and technical requirements established by the International Civil Aviation Organization and designated as annexes to the Convention to the extent that such security provisions and technical requirements are applicable to the Contracting Parties; they shall require that operators of aircraft of their registry or operators of aircraft who have their principal place of bussines or permanent residence in their territory and the operators of airports in their territory act in conformity with such aviation security provisions and technical requirements.
(5) Each Contracting Party agrees that such operators of aircraft may be required to observe the aviation security provisions referred to in paragraph (4) above required by the other Contracting Party for entry into, departure from, or while within the territory of that other Contracting Party.
(6) Each Contracting Party shall ensure that adequate measures are effectively applied within its territory to protect the aircraft and to inspect passengers, crew, carry-on items, baggage, cargo and aircraft stores prior to and during boarding or loading. Each Contracting Party shall also give sympathetic consideration to any request from the other Contracting Party for reasonable special security measures to meet a particular threat.
(7) When an incident or threat of an incident of unlawful seizure of civil aircraft or other unlawful acts against the safety of such aircraft, their passengers and crew, airports or air navigation facilities occur, the Contracting Parties shall assist each other by facilitating communications and other appropriate measures intended to terminate rapidly and safely such incident or threat thereof.
(8) When a Contracting Party has reasonable grounds to believe that the other Contracting Party has departed from the aviation security provisions of this Article, the aeronautical authorities of that Contracting Party may request immediate consultations with the aeronautical authorities of the other Contracting Party.
(9) Failure to reach a satisfactory agreement within one month of the date of such request shall constitute grounds for withholding, revoking, limiting or imposing conditions on the operating authorization of an airline or airlines of the other Contracting Party. If required by an emergency, either Countracting Party may take interim action prior to the expiry of this month.
Article 7
Recognition of Certificates and Licences
(1) Certificate of airworthiness, certificates of competency and licences issued or rendered valid by one of the Contracting Parties shall, during the period of their validity, be recognized as valid by the other Contracting Party, provided that the requirements under which such certificates or licences were issued or rendered valid are equal to or above the minimum standards which may be established pursuant to the Convention.
(2) Each Contracting Party reserves the right, however, to refuse to recognize as valid, for the purpose of flights over its own territory, certificate of competency and licences granted to or rendered valid for its own nationals by the other Contracting Party or by any other State.
Article 8
Exemption from Customs Duties and other Charges
(1) Each Contracting Party shall, to the fullest extent possible under its national law and on a basis of reciprocity, exempt the designated airline or airlines of the other Contracting Party from import restrictions, customs duties, excise taxes, inspection fees and other national duties and charges on aircraft, fuel, lubricants, consumable technical supplies, spare parts including engines, regular aircraft equipment, aircraft stores (including food, beverages, tobacco and other products destined for sale to passengers in limited quantities during the flight) and other items intended for use or used solely in connection with the operation or servicing of aircraft of that airline as well as printed ticket stock, airway bills, any printed material which bears the insignia of the company printed thereon and usual publicity material distributed without charge by that airline.
(2) The exemptions granted by this Article shall apply to the items refferd to in paragraph (1) of this Article:
a) introduced into the territory of one Contracting Party by a designated airline of the other Contracting Party, or on behalf of a designated airline;
b) retained on board the aircraft of a designated airline of one Contracting Party arriving in or leaving the territory of the other Contracting Party; and
c) taken on board the aircraft of a designated airline of one Contracting Party in the territory of the other Contracting Party, with intention to use them in agreed services;
whether or not such items are used or consumed wholly within the territory of the Contracting Party granting the exemption, provided such items are not alienated in the territory of said Contracting Party.
Materials referred to in subparagraphs a), b), and c) above may be required to be kept under customs supervision or control.
(3) The normal board equipment, spare parts, as well as the materials and supplies normally retained on board the aircraft of a designated airline of either Contracting Party, may be unloaded in the territory of the other Contracting Party only with the approval of the Customs authorities of that territory. In such case, they may be placed under the supervision of the said authorities up to such time as they are re-exported or otherwise disposed of in accordance with Customs regulations.
Article 9
User Charges for Airports and Aviation Facilities
(1) The charges levied in the territory of either Contracting Party for the use of airports and other aviation facilities by the aircraft of each designated airline of the other Contracting Party shall not be higher than those levied on aircraft of a national airline engaged in similar international air services.
(2) In the use of airports, airways, air traffic services and associated facilities under its control, neither Contracting Party shall give preference to its own or any other airline over an airline of the other Contracting Party engaged in similar international air services.
Article 10
Direct Transit
Passengers in direct transit across the territory of a Contracting Party, not leaving the area of the airport reserved for such purpose, shall be subject to no more than a very simplified customs and immigration control. Baggage and freight in direct transit shall be exempt from customs duties and other similar charges.
Article 11
Transfer of Funds
(1) Each Contracting Party shall grant to the designated airline of the other Contracting Party the right to convert and remit to its country on demand local revenues in excess of sums locally disbursed, in accordance with its regulations in force. Conversion and remittance shall be permitted without restrictions at the foreign exchange market rates for current payments prevailing at the time of submission of the request for transfer, and shall not be subject to any charges except normal service charges collected by banks for such transaction. If payments between the Contracting Parties are regulated by a special agreement, this special agreement shall apply.
(2) Each Contracting Party shall facilitate the transfer of such funds into the country of the other Contracting Party in accordance with its regulations in force; these transfers shall be executed without delay.
Article 12
Approval of Tariffs
(1) The tariffs and relevant agency commissions to be charged for carriage of passengers and cargo on the routes specified in accordance with Article 2 paragraph (2) of this Agreement shall be subject to approval by the aeronautical authorities of the Contracting Parties. The tariffs should take into account the cost of operation, a reasonable profit, the prevailing conditions of competition and of the market as well as the interests of transport users.
(2) Any tariffs shall be submitted for approval to the aeronautical authorities of the Contracting Parties at least thirty (30) days prior to the envisaged date of their introduction. This period may be reduced in special cases if the aeronautical authorities agree. Approval may be given expressly. However, if neither of the aeronautical authorities of the Contracting Parties has expressed disapproval of the proposed tariffs within thirty (30) days from the submission, these tariffs shall be considered approved. In the event of the period for submission being reduced, the aeronautical authorities may agree that the period within which any disapproval must be notified shall also be reduced accordingly.
(3) The tariffs referred to in paragraph (2) of this Article shall, if possible, be agreed by the designated airlines concerned of both Contracting Parties, after discussion if necessary with their respective government and consultation, if applicable, with other airlines. Such agreement may be reached by the use of the appropriate international rate fixing mechanism, or association IATA.
(4) A tariff established in accordance with the provisions of this Article shall remain in force until a new tariff has been established. However the tariff shall not be prolonged for more than twelve (12) months after the date on which it otherwise would have expired.
(5) If a tariff cannot be agreed in accordance with paragraph (3) of this Article, or if during the period applicable in accordance with paragraph (2) of this Article a notice of disapproval has been given, the aeronautical authorities of the Contracting Parties shall endeavour to determine the tariff by agreement between themselves. Such negotiations shall begin within thirty (30) days from the date when it becomes obvious that the designated airlines cannot agree upon a tariff or the aeronautical authorities of one Contracting Party have notified to the aeronautical authorities of the other Contracting Party their disapproval of a tariff.
(6) If the aeronautical authorities of the Contracting Parties cannot determine a tariff in accordance with paragraph (5) of this Article the dispute shall be settled in accordance with the provisions of Article 19 of this Agreement.
Article 13
(1) The capacity to be provided on the agreed services by the designated airlines shall be approved by the aeronautical authorities of both Contracting Parties on the basis of the principle of fair and equal opportunity for the designated airlines of both Contracting Parties.
(2) In operating the agreed services the designated airlines of each Contracting Party shall take into account the interests of the designated airlines of the other Contracting Party so as not to affect unduly the services which the latter provide on the whole or part of the same route.
(3) The agreed services provided by the designated airlines of the Contracting Parties shall bear a close relationship to the requirements of the public for transportation on the specified routes and shall have as their primary objective the provision, at a resonable load factor, of capacity adequate to carry the current and reasonably anticipated requirements for the carriage of passengers and/or cargo, including mail, between the territory of the two Contracting Parties.
Article 14
(1) A designated airline of one Contracting Party shall file to the aeronautical authorities of the other Contracting Party for approval at least forty-five (45) days in advance the timetable of its intended services, specifying the frequency, type of aircraft, times, configuration and number of seats to be made available to the public and period of timetable validity. The same procedure shall apply to any modification of the timetable.
(2) For supplementary flights which the designated airline of one Contracting Party wishes to operate on the agreed services outside the approved timetable it has to request prior permission from the aeronautical authorities of the other Contracting Party. Such request shall usually be submitted at least two (2) working days before operating such flights.
Article 15
Commercial Activities
(1) Each Contracting Party shall, on reciprocal basis, grant to any designated airline of the other Contracting Party the right to maintain in its territory such offices and administrative, commercial and technical personnel as are needed by the designated airline.
(2) The establishment of the offices and the employment of the personnel reffered to in paragraph (1) above shall be subject to the laws and regulations of the Contracting Party concerned, such as the laws and regulations relating to the admission of foreigners and their stay in the territory of the Contracting Party concerned. The personnel employed in the offices according to paragraph (1) above shall not, however, require a work permit.
(3) Each Contracting Party grants to any airline designated by the other Contracting Party the right to sell its transport services on its own transport documents directly in its own sales offices and through its agents in the territory of the other Contracting Party to any customer in any currency in accordance with the foreign exchange regulations in force.
Article 16
Communication of Operating Information and Statistics
The aeronautical authorities of either Contracting Party shall furnish to the aeronautical authorities of the other Contracting Party at their request such periodic or other statistical data of each designated airline as may be reasonably required for the purpose of reviewing the capacity provided by any designated airline of the first Contracting Party on the specified routes. Such data shall include all information required to determine the amount of traffic carried and the origins and destinations of such traffic.
Article 17
(1) In the spirit of close co-operation the aeronautical authorities of both Contracting Parties shall have occasional communication, which may be throught discussion or by correspondence, to ensure close collaboration in all matters affecting the fulfillment of the present Agreement and its Annexes.
(2) Either Contracting Party may at any time request consultations on any implementation, interpretation, application or amendment related to this Agreement. Such consultation shall begin within a period of sixty (60) days from the date the other Contracting Party receives the request, unless otherwise agreed by the Contracting Parties.
Article 18
(1) If either of the Contracting Parties considers it desirable to modify any provision of this Agreement such modifications, if agreed between the Contracting Parties, shall come into force when confirmed by an exchange of written notices.
(2) Modifications to the Annex of this Agreement may be agreed in writing directly between the aeronautical authorities of the Contracting Parties.
(3) If a general multilateral convention on air transport enters into force in relation to both Contracting Parties, this Agreement shall be modified so as to conform with the provisions of such multilateral convention.
Artical 19
Settlement of Disputes
(1) Any dispute relating to the interpretation or application of this Agreement or of the Route Schedule shall be settled by direct negotiations between the aeronautical authorities of the Contracting Parties. If the aeronautical authorities fail to reach an agreement, the dispute shall be settled through diplomatic channels.
(2) If the dispute cannot be settled in accordance with paragraph (1) above, it shall be submitted to an arbitral tribunal at the request of either Contracting Party.
(3) Such arbitral tribunal shall be constituted ad hoc as follows: each Contracting Party shall appoint one member, and these two members shall agree upon a national of a third State as their chairman to be appointed by the Contracting Parties. Such member shall be appointed within two months, and such chairman within three months, of the date on which either Contracting Party has informed the other Contracting Party of its intention to submit the disagreement to an arbitral tribunal.
(4) It the periods specified in paragraph (3) above have not been observed, either Contracting Party may, in the absence of any other relevant arrangement, invite the President of the Council of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) to make the necessary appointments. If the President is a national of either Contracting Party or if he is otherwise prevented from discharging this function, the Vice-president deputizing for him should make the necessary appointments.
(5) The arbitral tribunal shall reach its decisions by a majority of votes. Such decisions shall be binding on the Contracting Parties.
(6) Each Contracting Party shall bear the cost of its own member as well as of its representation in the arbitral proceedings; the cost of the chairman and any other costs shall be borne in equal parts by the Contracting Parties. In all other respect, the arbitral tribunal shall determine its own procedure.
Article 20
Registration with ICAO
This Agreement and any modification to it according to the Article 18 of this Agreement shall be registered with the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).
Article 21
(1) The validity of this Agreement is for an unlimited period.
(2) Each Contracting Party may at any time give notice in writing to the other Contracting Party of its decision to terminate this Agreement. A copy of the notice shall be sent simultaneously to the International Civil Aviation Organization. If such notice is given, this Agreement shall terminate at the end of timetable period during which twelve (12) months after the date of receipt of the notice have elapsed, unless the notice is withdrawn by mutual agreement before the expiry of this period. If the other Contracting Party fails to acknowledge receipt, notice shall be deemed as having been received fourteen (14) days after the date of receipt by the International Civil Aviation Organization of its copy.
Article 22
Entry into Force
This Agreement shall enter into force as soon as the Contracting Parties have notified one another by exchange of notes of the completion of their respective constitutional formalities.
Upon entry into force this Agreement shall replace the Air Transport Agreement Between the Federative Popular Republic of Yugoslavia and the Czechoslovak Republic from 28 day of February 1956 signed at Belgrade, regarding the relations between the Republic of Slovenia and the Slovak Republic.
Done at Ljubljana this 6 day of December 1995 in duplicate, in the Slovenian, Slovak and English languages, each text being equally authentic. In case of any divergence of interpretation or application of this Agreement the English text shall prevail.
Igor Umek, (s)
For the Government of
the Republic of Slovenia
Alexander Rezeš, (s)
For the Government of
the Slovak Republic
to the Air Transport Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Government of the Slovak Republic
Route Schedule
Section I
The airilnes designated by aeronautical authorities of the Republic of Slovenia are entitled to operate air services on these specified routes:
Points in Points in Intermediate Points
Slovenia Slovakia Points Beyond
All All
international international – –
airports airports
Section II
The airlines designated by aeronautical authorities of the Slovak Republic are entitled to operate air services on these specified routes:
Points in Points in Intermediate Points
Slovakia Slovenia Points Beyond
All All
international international – –
airports airports
Points beyond and intermediate points shall be specified later by agreement of aeronautical authorities of both Contracting Parties.
3. člen
Za izvajanje sporazuma skrbi Ministrstvo za promet in zveze.
4. člen
Ta zakon začne veljati naslednji dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 326-06/96-19/1
Ljubljana, dne 19. februarja 1997
Državnega zbora
Republike Slovenije
Janez Podobnik, dr. med. l. r.
* Besedilo sporazuma v slovaškem jeziku je na vpogled v Službi za mednarodnopravne zadeve Ministrstva za zunanje zadeve Republike Slovenije.