Uradni list

Številka 47
Uradni list RS, št. 47/1998 z dne 29. 6. 1998
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 47/1998 z dne 29. 6. 1998


31. Zakon o ratifikaciji Konvencije o sodelovanju pri varstvu in trajnostni uporabi reke Donave (Konvencija o varstvu reke Donave) (MVTURD), stran 205.

Na podlagi druge alinee prvega odstavka 107. člena in prvega odstavka 91. člena Ustave Republike Slovenije izdajam
Razglašam Zakon o ratifikaciji Konvencije o sodelovanju pri varstvu in trajnostni uporabi reke Donave (Konvencija o varstvu reke Donave) (MVTURD), ki ga je sprejel Državni zbor Republike Slovenije na seji 22. maja 1998.
Št. 001-22-52/98
Ljubljana, dne 1. junija 1998
Republike Slovenije
Milan Kučan l. r.
1. člen
Ratificira se Konvencija o sodelovanju pri varstvu in trajnostni uporabi reke Donave (Konvencija o varstvu reke Donave), sprejeta 29. junija 1994 v Sofiji.
2. člen
Konvencija se v izvirniku v angleškem jeziku in v prevodu v slovenskem jeziku glasi:
(Danube River Protection Convention)
The Contracting Parties,
Determined by the strong intention to intensify their water management cooperation in the field of water protection and water use;
Concerned over the occurrence and threats of adverse effects, in the short or long term, of changes in conditions of watercourses within the Danube River Basin on the environment, economies and well-being of the Danubian States;
Emphasizing the urgent need for strengthened domestic and international measures to prevent, control and reduce significant adverse transboundary impact from the release of hazardous substances and of nutrients into the aquatic environment within the Danube Basin with due attention also given to the Black Sea;
Commending the measures already taken on the domestic initiative of Danubian Countries and on the bilateral and multilateral level of their cooperation as well as the efforts already undertaken within the CSCE-process, by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe and by the European Community to promote the cooperation, on bilateral and multilateral levels, for the prevention and control of transboundary pollution, sustainable water management, rational use and conservation of water resources;
Referring in particular to the Convention on the protection and use of transboundary watercourses and international lakes of 17 March 1992 as well as the existing bi- and multilateral cooperation among Danubian States, which will be continued and duly taken into account by the cooperation of all Danubian States, as well as pointing to the Convention on the protection of the Black Sea against pollution of 21 April 1992;
Striving at a lasting improvement and protection of Danube River and of the waters within its catchment area in particular in the transboundary context and at sustainable water management taking duly into account the interests of the Danubian States in the field of water use and at the same time contributing to the protection of the marine environment of the Black Sea;
Have agreed as follows:
Article 1
For the purposes of this Convention:
(a) “Danubian States“ mean sovereign States sharing a considerable part of the hydrological catchment area of the Danube River. As considerable part there is assumed a share exceeding 2000 km2 of the total hydrological catchment area.
(b) “Catchment area“ of the Danube River means the hydrological river basin as far as it is shared by the Contracting Parties.
(c) “Transboundary impact“ means any significant adverse effect on the riverine environment resulting from a change in the conditions of waters caused by human activity and stretching out beyond an area under the jurisdiction of a Contracting Party. Such changes may affect life and property, safety of facilities and the aquatic ecosystems concerned.
(d) “Hazardous substances“ means substances which have toxic, cancerogenic, mutagenic, teratogenic or bioaccumulative effects, in particular those being persistent and having significant adverse impact on living organisms.
(e) “Substances hazardous to water“ means substances the hazard potential of which to water resources is extraordinarily high so that their handling requires special preventive and protective measures;
(f) “Point and non-point sources of water pollution“ means the sources of pollutants and nutrients the input of which to waters is caused either by locally determined discharges (point source) or by diffuse effects being wide spread over the catchment areas (non-point sources) ;
(g) “Water balance“ means the relationship characterising the natural water household of an entire river basin as to its components (precipitation, evaporation, surface and underground run-off) . In addition a component of current man-made effects originating from water use and influencing water quantity is included.
(h) “Connecting data“ means summarised data derived from upstream water balances as far as being relevant as an input necessary for the elaboration of downstream water balances and of a general water balance for the Danube River. To this extent connecting data cover the components of the water balance for all significant transboundary waters within the catchment area of the Danube River. Connecting data refer to cross sections of transboundary waters where they mark, cross or are located on boundaries between the Contracting Parties.
(i) “International Commission“ means the organisation established by Article 18 of this Convention.
Article 2
Objectives and Principles of Cooperation
(1) The Contracting Parties shall strive at achieving the goals of a sustainable and equitable water management, including the conservation, improvement and the rational use of surface waters and ground water in the catchment area as far as possible. Moreover the Contracting Parties shall make all efforts to control the hazards originating from accidents involving substances hazardous to water, floods and ice-hazards of the Danube River. Moreover they shall endeavour to contribute to reducing the pollution loads of the Black Sea from sources in the catchment area.
(2) The Contracting Parties pursuant to the provisions of this Convention shall cooperate on fundamental water management issues and take all appropriate legal, administrative and technical measures, to at least maintain and improve the current environmental and water quality conditions of the Danube River and of the waters in its catchment area and to prevent and reduce as far as possible adverse impacts and changes occurring or likely to be caused.
(3) To this end the Contracting Parties, taking into account the urgency of water pollution abatement measures and of rational, sustainable water use, shall set priorities as appropriate and shall strengthen, harmonise and coordinate measures taken and planned to be taken at the domestic and international level throughout the Danube Basin aiming at sustainable development and environmental protection of the Danube River. This objective in particular is directed to ensure the sustainable use of water resources for municipal, industrial and agricultural purposes as well as the conservation and restauration of ecosystems and to cover also other requirements ocurring as to public health.
(4) The Polluter pays principle and the Precautionary principle constitute a basis for all measures aiming at the protection of the Danube River and of the waters within its catchment area.
(5) Water management cooperation shall be oriented on sustainable water management, that means on the criteria of a stable, environmentally sound development, which are at the same time directed to:
– maintain the overall quality of life;
– maintain continuing access to natural resources;
– avoid lasting environmental damage and protect ecosystems;
– exercise preventive approach.
(6) The application of this Convention by no means shall cause any significant direct or indirect increase of impacts to the riverine environment.
(7) Each Contracting Party has the right to adopt and implement measures being more stringent than those resulting from the provisions of this Convention.
Article 3
(1) This Convention applies to the catchment area of the Danube River as defined under Article 1, paragraph (b) .
(2) Subject to this Convention in particular shall be the following planned activities and ongoing measures as far as they cause or are likely to cause transboundary impacts:
(a) the discharge of waste waters, the input of nutrients and hazardous substances both from point and non-point sources as well as heat discharge;
(b) planned activities and measures in the field of water construction works, in particular regulation as well as run-off and storage level control of water courses, flood control and ice-hazards abatement, as well as the effect of facilities situated in or aside the watercourse on its hydraulic regime;
(c) other planned activities and measures for the purposes of water use, such as water power utilization, water transfer and withdrawal;
(d) the operation of the existing hydrotechnical constructions e.g. reservoirs, water power plants; measures to prevent environmental impact including: deterioration in the hydrological conditions, erosion, abrasion, inundation and sediment flow; measures to protect the ecosystems;
(e) the handling of substances hazardous to water and the precautionary prevention of accidents.
(3) This Convention is applicable to issues of fishery and inland navigation as far as problem of water protection against pollution caused by these activities are concerned.
Article 4
Forms of Cooperation
The forms of cooperation under this Convention as a rule are the following:
(a) consultations and joint activities in the framework of the International Commission pursuant to the provisions of this Convention;
(b) exchange of information on bi- and multilateral agreements, legal regulations and on measures in the field of water management; exchange of legal documents and directives and of other publications; other forms for the exchange of information and experiences.
Article 5
Prevention, Control and Reduction of Transboundary Impact
(1) The Contracting Parties shall develop, adopt and implement relevant legal, administrative and technical measures as well as provide for the domestic preconditions and basis required in order to ensure efficient water quality protection and sustainable water use and thereby also to prevent, control and reduce transboundary impact.
(2) To this end the Contracting Parties shall separately or jointly take in particular the measures indicated below:
(a) record conditions of natural water resources within the Danube River catchment area applying agreed quantity and quality parameters including the methodology concerned;
(b) adopt legal provisions providing for requirements including time limits to be met by waste water discharges;
(c) adopt legal provisions for the handling of substances hazardous to water;
(d) adopt legal provisions for reducing inputs of nutrients or hazardous substances from non-point sources, especially for the application of nutrients as well as of plant protection agents and pesticides in agriculture;
(e) with the aim of harmonising these regulations at a high level of protection as well as for the harmonised implementation of corresponding measures the Contracting Parties shall take into account results and proposals put forward by the International Commission;
(f) the Contracting Parties shall cooperate and take appropriate measures to avoid the transboundary impacts of wastes and hazardous substances in particular originating from transport.
Article 6
Specific Water Resources Protection Measures
The Contracting Parties shall take appropriate measures aiming at the prevention or reduction of transboundary impacts and at a sustainable and equitable use of water resources as well as at the conservation of ecological resources, especially:
(a) enumerate groundwater resources subject to a long-term protection as well as protection zones valuable for existing or future drinking water supply purposes;
(b) prevent the pollution of ground-water resources, especially those in a long-term perspective reserved for drinking water supply, in particular caused by nitrates, plant protection agents and pesticides as well as other hazardous substances;
(c) minimise by preventive and control measures the risks of accidental pollution;
(d) take into account possible influences on the water quality resulting from planned activities and ongoing measures pursuant to Article 3 paragraph 2;
(e) evaluate the importance of different biotope elements for the riverine ecology and propose measures for improving the aquatic and litoral ecological conditions.
Article 7
Emission Limitation; Water Quality Objectives and Criteria
(1) The Contracting Parties taking into account the proposals from the International Commission shall set emission limits applicable to individual industrial sectors or industries in terms of pollution loads and concentrations and based in the best possible way on low- and non-waste technologies at source. Where hazardous substances are discharged, the emission limits shall be based on the best available techniques for the abatement at source and/or for waste water purification. For municipal waste water, emission limits shall be based on the application of at least biological or an equivalent level of treatment.
(2) Supplementary provisions for preventing or reducing the release of hazardous substances and nutrients shall be developed by the Contracting Parties for non-point sources, in particular where the main sources are originating from agriculture, taking into account the best environmental practice.
(3) For the purpose of paragraphs 1 and 2 Annex II to this Convention contains a list of industrial sectors and industries as well as an additional list of hazardous substances and groups of substances, the discharge of which from point and non-point sources shall be prevented or considerably reduced. The updating of Annex II lies with the International Commission.
(4) The Contracting Parties in addition shall, where appropriate, define water quality objectives and apply water quality criteria for the purpose of preventing, controlling and reducing transboundary impact. General guidance for this is given in Annex III, which shall be applied and specified by the Contracting Parties both, at the domestic level and jointly, where appropriate.
(5) Aiming at an efficient limitation of the emissions in areas under their jurisdiction the Contracting Parties shall ensure necessary preconditions and implementation.
They shall ensure that:
(a) the domestic regulations for emission and their level of standards are harmonised step by step with the emission limitation pursuant to this Convention;
(b) waste water discharges without exception are based on a permit imposed by the competent authorities in advance and for a limited period of validity;
(c) regulations and permits for prevention and control measures in case of new or modernised industrial facilities, in particular where hazardous substances are involved, are oriented on the best available techniques and are implemented with high priority;
(d) more stringent provisions than the standards – in individual cases even prohibition – are imposed, where the character of the receiving water and of its ecosystem so requires in connection with paragraph 4;
(e) competent authorities surveille, that activities likely to cause transboundary impacts are carried out in compliance with the permits and provisions imposed;
(f) environmental impact assessment in line with supranational and international regulations or other procedures for evaluation and assessment of environmental effects are applied;
(g) when planning, licensing and implementing activities and measures as referred to in Article 3, paragraph 2 and in Article 16, paragraph 2 the competent authorities take into account risks of accidents involving substances hazardous to water by imposing preventive measures and by ordering rules of conduct for post accident response measures.
Article 8
Emission Inventories, Action Programmes and Progress Reviews
(1) The Contracting Parties shall undertake periodically inventories of the relevant point and non-point sources of pollution within the catchment area of Danube River including the prevention and abatement measures already taken for the respective discharges as well as on the actual efficiency of these measures, taking duly into account Article 5, paragraph 2, subpara a.
(2) Based on that the Contracting Parties shall in stages establish a list of further prevention and abatement measures to be taken step by step as far as this is necessary for reaching the objectives of this Convention.
(3) The inventory of emissions and the list of measures to be taken form the basis for developing joint action programmes to be developed by the Contracting Parties taking into account priorities set in terms of urgency and efficiency. These action programmes in particular shall be aimed at the reduction of pollution loads and concentrations both from industrial and municipal point sources as well as from non-point sources. They shall inter alia contain the prevention and abatement measures including the timing and cost estimates.
(4) In addition the Contracting Parties shall monitor the progress made in the implementation of the joint action programmes by establishing periodical progress reviews. These reviews shall contain both, the protection measures implemented and the progress made as to the riverine conditions in the light of the actual assessment.
Article 9
Monitoring Programmes
On the basis of their domestic activities, the Contracting Parties shall cooperate in the field of monitoring and assessment.
(1) For this aim, they shall
– harmonise or make comparable their monitoring and assessment methods as applied on their domestic levels, in particular in the field of river quality, emission control, flood forecast and water balance, with a view to achieving comparable results to be introduced into the joint monitoring and assessment activities;
– develop concerted or joint monitoring systems applying stationary or mobile measurement devices, communication and data processing facilities;
– elaborate and implement joint programmes for monitoring the riverine conditions in the Danube catchment area concerning both water quality and quantity, sediments and riverine ecosystems, as a basis for the assessment of transboundary impacts such as transboundary pollution and changes of the riverine regimes as well as of water balances, floods and ice-hazards;
– develop joint or harmonised methods for monitoring and assessment of waste water discharges including processing, evaluation and documentation of data taking into account the branch-specific approach of emission limitation (Annex II, Part 1) ;
– elaborate inventories on relevant point sources including the pollutants discharged (emission inventories) and estimate the water pollution from non-point sources taking into account Annex II, Part 2; review these documents according to the actual state.
(2) In particular they shall agree upon monitoring points, river quality characteristics and pollution parameters regularly to be evaluated for the Danube River with a sufficient frequency taking into account the ecological and hydrological character of the watercourse concerned as well as typical emissions of pollutants discharged within the respective catchment area.
(3) The Contracting Parties shall establish, on the basis of a harmonised methodology, domestic water balances, as well as the general water balance of the Danube River Basin. As an input for this purpose the Contracting Parties to the extent necessary shall provide connecting data which are sufficiently comparable through the application of the harmonised methodology. On the same data base water balances can also be compiled for the main tributaries of Danube River.
(4) They shall periodically assess the quality conditions of Danube River and the progress made by their measures taken aiming at the prevention, control and reduction of transboundary impacts. The results will be presented to the public by appropriate publications.
Article 10
Obligations of Reporting
The Contracting Parties shall report to the International Commission on basic issues required for the Commission to comply with its tasks. These reports shall in particular involve:
(a) reports and documents being foreseen in this Convention or requested by the Commission;
(b) information on the existence, conclusion, amendment or withdrawal of bilateral and multilateral agreements and treaties regulating the protection and water management of the Danube River and of waters within its catchment area or being relevant for questions concerned;
(c) information on their respective laws, ordinances and other general regulations, regulating the protection and water management of the Danube River and of waters within its catchment area or being relevant for questions concerned;
(d) communication, at the latest within an agreed delay after the International Commission has taken its decision, on the way, the timeframe and the financial expenses for implementing action-oriented decisions at the domestic level, such as recommendations, programmes and measures;
(e) designation of competent institutions to be adressed for cooperation in the framework of this Convention by the International Commission or by other Contracting Parties;
(f) communication on planned activities, which for reason of their character are likely to cause transboundary impacts.
Article 11
(1) Having had a prior exchange of information the Contracting Parties involved shall at the request of one or several Contracting Parties concerned enter into consultations on planned activities as referred to in Article 3, paragraph 2, which are likely to cause transboundary impacts, as far as this exchange of information and these consultations are not yet covered by bilateral or other international cooperation. The consultations are carried out as a rule in the framework of the International Commission, with the aim to achieve a solution.
(2) Prior to a decision on planned activities the competent authorities – with the exception of pending danger – shall wait for the results of the consultations except the case, that they are not finalised one year after their commencement at the latest.
Article 12
Exchange of Information
(1) As determined by the International Commission the Contracting Parties shall exchange reasonably available data, inter alia, on:
(a) the general conditions of the riverine environment within the catchment area of the Danube River;
(b) experience gained in the application and operation of best available; techniques and results of research and development;
(c) emission and monitoring data;
(d) measures taken and planned to be taken to prevent, control and reduce transboundary impact;
(e) regulations for waste water discharges;
(f) accidents involving substances hazardous to water.
(2) In order to harmonise emission limits, the Contracting Parties shall undertake the exchange of information on their regulations.
(3) If a Contracting Party is requested by any other Contracting Party to provide data or information that is not available, the former shall endeavour to comply with the request but may condition its compliance upon the payment, by the requesting Party, of reasonable charges for collecting and, where appropriate, processing such data or information.
(4) For the purposes of the implementation of this Convention, the Contracting Parties shall facilitate the exchange of best available techniques, particularly through the promotion of: the commercial exchange of available techniques, direct industrial contacts and cooperation, including joint ventures; the exchange of information and experience; and the provision of technical assistance. The Contracting Parties shall also undertake joint training programmes and the organisation of relevant seminars and meetings.
(5) The provisions of this Convention shall not affect the rights or the obligations of Contracting Parties in accordance with their domestic laws, regulations, administrative provisions or accepted legal practices and applicable international regulations to protect information related to personal data, intellectual property including industrial and commercial secrecy, or national security.
(6) If a Party nevertheless decides to supply such protected information to another Party, the Party receiving such protected information shall respect the confidentiality of the information received and the conditions under which it is supplied, and shall only use that information for the purposes for which it was supplied.
Article 13
Protection of Information Supplied
Insofar as pursuant to this Convention industrial and commercial secrets or other confidential pieces of information are transmitted in conformity with domestic laws, the receiving Contracting Parties shall observe the secrecy of this information by not using it for any other purposes than those stipulated in this Convention, publishing it, or making it available to third parties. In case any one Contracting Party feels unable to comply with this obligation regarding confidential information that has been transmitted to it, it shall inform the transmitting Contracting Party about it without any delay and retransmit the transmitted information. Personal data shall be transmitted to Contracting Parties in conformity with the domestic law of the transmitting Contracting Party. The receiver shall use personal data only for the purpose indicated and under the conditions specified by the transmitting side.
Article 14
Information to the Public
(1) The Contracting Parties shall ensure that their competent authorities are required to make available information concerning the state or the quality of riverine environment in the Danube Basin to any natural or legal person, with payment of reasonable charges, in response to any reasonable request, without that person having to prove an interest, as soon as possible.
(2) The information referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article, which is held by public authorities, may be given in written, visual, oral, or data-based form.
(3) The provisions of this Article shall not affect the right of Contracting Parties, in accordance with their domestic legal systems and applicable international regulations, to provide for a request for such information to be refused where it affects:
(a) the confidentiality of the proceedings of public authorities, international relations and national defence;
(b) public security;
(c) matters which are or have been “sub judice“ or under enquiry including disciplinary enquiries, or which are the subject of preliminary proceedings;
(d) commercial and industrial confidentiality as well as intellectual property;
(e) the confidentiality of personal data and/or files;
(f) material supplied by a third party without that party being under a legal obligation to do so;
(g) material, the disclosure of which would make it more likely that the environment to which such material related would be damaged.
(4) A public authority shall respond to a person requesting information as soon as possible. The reasons for a refusal to provide the information requested must be given in writing.
Article 15
Research and Development
(1) To further the aims of this Convention, the Contracting Parties shall establish complementary or joint programmes of scientific or technical research and, in accordance with a procedure to be regulated by the International Commission, transmit to the Commission:
(a) the results of such complementary, joint or other relevant research, the access to which is open for public authorities;
(b) relevant parts of other programmes of scientific and technical research.
(2) In so doing, the Contracting Parties shall have regard to the work carried out or supported, in these fields, by the appropriate international organisations and agencies.
Article 16
Communication, Warning and Alarm Systems, Emergency Plans
(1) The Contracting Parties shall provide for coordinated or joint communication, warning and alarm systems in the basin-wide context to the extent this is necessary to supplement the systems established and operated at a bilateral level. They shall consult on ways and means of harmonising domestic communication, warning and alarm systems and emergency plans.
(2) The Contracting Parties shall in the framework of the International Commission inform each other about competent authorities or points of contact designated for this purpose in case of emergency events such as accidental pollution, other critical water conditions, floods and ice-hazards. Accordingly the competent authorities shall cooperate to establish joint emergency plans, where necessary, supplementary to existing plans on the bilateral level.
(3) If a competent authority identifies a sudden increase of hazardous substances in the Danube River or in waters within its catchment area or receives note of a disaster or of an accident likely to cause serious impact on the water quality of Danube River and to affect downstream Danubian States this authority shall immediately inform the contact points designated and the International Commission according to the way of procedure introduced by the Commission.
(4) In order to control and reduce the risks originating from floods including ice-hazards, the competent authorities shall immediately inform the downstream Danubian States likely to be affected and the International Commission on the occurrence and run-off of floods as well as on forecasts of ice-hazards.
Article 17
Mutual Assistance
(1) In the interest of enhanced cooperation and to facilitate compliance with obligations of this Convention, in particular where a critical situation of riverine conditions should arise, Contracting Parties shall provide mutual assistance upon the request of other Contracting Parties.
(2) The International Commission shall elaborate procedures for mutual assistance addressing, inter alia, the following issues:
(a) The direction, control, coordination and supervision of assistance;
(b) Local facilities and services to be rendered by the Contracting Party requesting assistance, including, where necessary, the facilitation of border-crossing formalities;
(c) Arrangements for compensating the assisting Contracting Party and/or its personnel, as well as for transit through territories of third Contracting Parties, where necessary;
(d) Methods of reimbursing assistance services.
Article 18
Establishment, Tasks and Competences
(1) With a view to implementing the objectives and provisions of this Convention the International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River, referred to in this Convention as International Commission, shall be established. The Contracting Parties shall cooperate in the framework of the International Commission. For implementing the obligations of the Contracting Parties pursuant to Articles 1 to 18 the International Commission elaborates proposals and recommendations adressed to the Contracting Parties.
(2) The structure and the procedures of the International Commission as well as its competences are stipulated in detail in Annex IV to this Convention constituting the Statute of the Commission.
(3) In addition to affairs explicitly entrusted to the International Commission is competent to deal with all other affairs the Commission is entrusted with by mandate from the Contracting Parties in the framework of Article 3 of this Convention.
(4) The implementation of decisions taken by the International Commission is supported through the obligations of the Contracting Parties for reporting to the Commission pursuant to Article 10 as well as through the provisions of this Convention concerning the domestic basis and implementation of the multilateral cooperation.
(5) The International Commission reviews experience acquired implementing this Convention and as appropriate submits proposals to the Contracting Parties concerning amendments or additions to this Convention or prepares the basis for elaborating further regulations on the protection and water management of the Danube River and of waters within its catchment area.
(6) The International Commission decides on the cooperation with international and national Organizations or with other bodies, which are engaged or interested in the protection and water management of the Danube River and of waters within its catchment area or in general questions of water protection and water management. This cooperation is directed to enhancing coordination and to avoiding duplication.
Article 19
Transition Concerning the Bucharest-Declaration
Works as performed by the Contracting Parties in the framework of the Declaration on the cooperation of the Danubian Countries on problems of the Danubian water management, in particular for the protection of the Danube River against pollution, signed on 13 of December 1985 (Bucharest-Declaration) , by the working groups on water quality, flood information and forecast and water balance, are transferred to the framework of this Convention.
Article 20
Validity of the Annexes
Subject to Article 23, the Annexes I to V form integral parts of this Convention.
Article 21
Existing and Supplementary Agreements
The Contracting Parties on the basis of equality and reciprocity shall adapt existing bilateral or multilateral agreements or other arrangements, where necessary to eliminate contradictions with basic principles of this Convention, and shall enter into supplementary agreements or other arrangements where appropriate.
Article 22
Conference of the Parties
(1) The Contracting Parties shall meet upon recommendation by the International Commission.
(2) At such meetings the Contracting Parties shall in particular review policy issues concerning the implementation of this Convention upon the report of the International Commission and shall adopt appropriate recommendations or decisions.
(3) The Contracting Party whose head of delegation acts as President of the International Commission shall also play the part of the Chairperson of such meetings.
(4) The Conference of the Parties is competent to pass recommendations or decisions provided that after regular invitation the delegations from at least three quarters of all Contracting Parties are present. Unless otherwise provided in this Convention, the Conference of the Parties shall make every effort to reach agreement by consensus. Should consensus not be attainable, the Chairperson shall declare that all efforts at reaching agreement by consensus have been exhausted. After such an announcement a recommendation or decision shall be adopted by a four fifths majority of the Contracting Parties present and voting.
(5) The decision shall become binding on the first day of the eleventh month following the date of its adoption for all Contracting Parties that voted for it and have not within that period notified the Executive Secretary in writing that they are unable to accept the decision. However, such notification may be withdrawn at any time; the withdrawal shall become effective upon receipt by the Executive Secretary. Such a decision shall become binding on any other Contracting Party which has notified the Executive Secretary in writing that it is able to accept the decision from the moment of the receipt of that notification or on the first day of the eleventh month following the date of the adoption of the decision, whichever is later.
(6) If, however, the recommendation or decision would have financial implications, the recommendation or decision shall be adopted only by consensus.
Article 23
Amendments to the Convention
The Convention shall be amended as follows:
(1) Any Contracting Party may propose an amendment to this Convention. The text of the proposed amendment together with the proposal to convene a Conference of the Parties shall be communicated to the Contracting Parties by the Depositary in writing.
(2) If at least three quarters of the Contracting Parties support the proposal to convene a Conference of the Parties the Depositary shall convene the Conference of the Parties within six months at the seat of the International Commission.
(3) The adoption of an amendment at the Conference of the Contracting Parties requires consensus.
(4) The adopted amendment shall be submitted by the Depositary Government to the Contracting Parties for ratification, acceptance or approval. Ratification, acceptance or approval of the amendment shall be notified to the Depositary Government in writing.
(5) The amendment shall enter into force for those Contracting Parties which have ratified, accepted or approved it on the thirtieth day after receipt by the Depositary Government of notification of its ratification, acceptance or approval by at least four fifths of the Contracting Parties. Thereafter the amendment shall enter into force for any other Contracting Party on the thirtieth day after that Contracting Party has deposited its instrument of ratification, acceptance or approval of the amendment.
(6) The Annexes I, II and III may be amended by the International Commission in accordance with Article 5 of its Statute.
Article 24
Settlement of Disputes
(1) If a dispute arises between two or more Contracting Parties about the interpretation or application of this Convention, they shall seek a solution by negotiation or by any other means of dispute settlement acceptable to the parties to the dispute, if appropriate with assistance by the International Commission.
(2) (a) If the parties to the dispute are not able to settle the dispute in accordance with paragraph 1 of this Article within a reasonable time but not more than twelve months after the International Commission has been notified about the dispute by a party to the dispute, the dispute shall be submitted for compulsory decision to one of the following means of peaceful settlement:
– the International Court of Justice;
– arbitration in accordance with Annex V to this Convention.
(b) When ratifying, accepting, approving or acceding to this Convention or at any time thereafter a Contracting Party may declare in writing to the Depositary that, for a dispute not resolved in accordance with paragraph 1 of this Article, it accepts one or both means of dispute settlement referred to in subpara (a) of this paragraph.
(c) If the parties to the dispute have accepted both means of dispute settlement referred to in subpara (a) of this paragraph the dispute shall be submitted to the International Court of Justice, unless the parties agree otherwise.
(d) If the parties to the dispute have not accepted the same means of dispute settlement referred to in subpara (a) of this paragraph, the dispute shall be submitted to the arbitration.
(e) A Contracting Party which has not made a declaration in accordance with subpara (b) of this paragraph or whose declaration is no longer in force is considered to have accepted the arbitration.
Article 25
This Convention shall be open for signature by the Danubian States fully entitled to the rights and privileges of membership in the United Nations according to the UN Charter as well as by the European Community and any other regional economic integration organisation, to which such States as their members have transferred competence over matters governed by this Convention at Sofia on 29 June 1994.
Article 26
Ratification, Acceptance or Approval
This Convention shall be subject to ratification, acceptance or approval. The instruments of ratification, acceptance or approval shall be deposited with the Government of Romania which shall act as the Depositary of this Convention.
Article 27
Entry into Force
This Convention shall enter into force on the ninetieth day following the date of deposit of the ninetieth instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession. For each State or regional economic integration organisation ratifying, accepting, approving or acceding to this Convention after the deposit of the ninetieth instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession, this Convention shall enter into force on the ninetieth day after deposit by such State or regional economic integration organisation of its instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession.
Article 28
Accession, Participation
(1) A State or regional economic integration organisation as referred to in Article 25 of this Convention, which has not signed this Convention may accede to this Convention. The instrument of accession shall be deposited with the Depositary.
(2) Contracting Parties may unanimously invite any other State or regional economic integration organisation to accede to this Convention or to participate in it with a consultative status.
Article 29
At any time after five years from the date on which this Convention has come into force with respect to a Party, that Party may withdraw from this Convention by written notification to the Depositary. Any such withdrawal shall take effect one year after the date of the receipt of the notification by the Depositary.
Article 30
Functions of the Depositary
The Depositary Government shall perform the functions of Depositary of this Convention, in particular, the Depositary shall inform the Contracting Parties:
(a) of the deposit of instruments of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession, of withdrawal or of any other information, declarations and instruments as are provided for in this Convention;
(b) of the date of the entry into force of this Convention.
Article 31
Authentic Texts, Depositary
The original of this Convention, of which the English and German texts shall be equally authentic, shall be deposited with the Government of Romania which shall send certified copies thereof to the Contracting Parties.
In witness whereof the undersigned, being duly authorised by their respective Governments, have signed the Convention on Cooperation for the Protection a Sustainable Use of the Danube River (Danube River Protection Convention) .
Done at Sofia on the 29th day of June 1994.
1. The use of the best available techniques shall emphasize the use of non-waste technology, if available.
2. The term “best available techniques“ means the latest stage of development (state of the art) of processes, of facilities or of methods of operation which indicate the practical suitability of a particular measure for limiting discharges, emissions and waste. In determining whether a set of processes, facilities and methods of operation constitute the best available techniques in general or individual cases, special consideration shall be given to:
(a) comparable processes, facilities or methods of operation which have recently been successfully tried out;
(b) technological advances and changes in scientific knowledge and understanding;
(c) the economic feasibility of such techniques;
(d) time limits for installation in both new and existing plants;
(e) the nature and volume of the discharges and emissions concerned.
3. It therefore follows that what is “best available techniques“ for a particular process will change with time in the light of technological advances,economic and social factors, as well as changes in scientific knowledge and understanding.
4. If the reduction of discharges and emissions resulting from the use of best available techniques does not lead to environmentally acceptable results, additional measures have to be applied.
5. The term “Techniques“ includes both the technology used and the way the installation is designed, built, maintained, operated and dismantled.
1. Best environmental practice means the application of the most appropriate combination of sectoral environmental control strategies and measures.
2. In determining what combination of measures constitute best environmental practice, in general or individual cases, particular consideration should be given to:
– the precautionary principle;
– the environmental hazard of the product and its production, use and ultimate disposal (principle of responsibility) ;
– the substitution by less polluting activities or substances and saving resources including energy (principle of minimising) ;
– the scale of use;
– the potential environmental benefit or penalty of substitute materials or activities;
– advances and changes in scientific knowledge and understanding;
– time limits for implementation;
– social and economic implication.
3. It therefore follows that best environmental practice for a particular source of impacts will change with time in the light of technological advances, economic and social factors, as well as changes in scientific knowledge and understanding.
4. If the reduction of impacts resulting from the use of best environmental practice does not lead to environmentally acceptable results, additional measures have to be applied and best environmental practice redefined.
1. In the heat generation, energy, and mining sectors:
(a) Treatment of flue gases and exhaust air, slags, condensates from combustion plants;
(b) Cooling systems;
(c) Coal preparation, ore preparation;
(d) Upgrading of coal and recovery of coal by-products, briquetting;
(e) Manufacture of woody lignite, activated carbon, soot.
2. In the stone and earth industry, the building materials, glass and ceramics sectors:
(a) Manufacture of fibrous cement and fibrous cement products;
(b) Manufacture and processing of glass, glass fibres, mineral fibres;
(c) Manufacture of ceramic products.
3. In the metals sector:
(a) Metal working and processing: electroplating shops, pickling plants, anodic oxidation plants, burnishing plants, hot galvanising plants, hardening shops, printed circuit board manufacture, battery manufacture, enamelling works, mechanical workshops, slide polishing shops;
(b) Manufacture of iron and steel, including foundries;
(c) Manufacture of non-ferrous metals, including foundries;
(d) Manufacture of ferro-alloys.
4. In the inorganic chemistry sector:
(a) Manufacture of basic chemicals;
(b) Manufacture of mineral acids, bases, salts;
(c) Manufacture of alkalis, alkali lyes and chlorine using alkali chloride electrolysis;
(d) Manufacture of mineral fertilizers (excluding potash fertilizers), phosphoric acid salts, phosphates for feedstuffs;
(e) Manufacture of sodium carbonate;
(f) Manufacture of corundum;
(g) Manufacture of inorganic pigments, mineral pigments;
(h) Manufacture of semi-conductors, rectifiers, photoelectric cells;
(i) Manufacture of explosives, including pyrotechnics;
(j) Manufacture of highly disperse oxides;
(k) Manufacture of barium compounds.
5. In the organic chemistry sector:
(a) Manufacture of basic chemicals;
(b) Manufacture of dyes, pigments, paints;
(c) Manufacture and processing of man-made fibres;
(d) Manufacture and processing of plastics, rubber, caoutcouc;
(e) Manufacture of organic halogen compounds;
(f) Manufacture of organic explosives, solid fuels;
(g) Manufacture of auxiliaries for leather, papermaking and textile production;
(h) Manufacture of pharmaceuticals;
(i) Manufacture of biocides;
(j) Manufacture of raw materials for washing and cleaning agents;
(k) Manufacture of cosmetics;
(l) Manufacture of gelatins, hide glue, adhesives.
6. In the mineral oil and synthetic oils sectors:
(a) Mineral-oil processing, manufacture and refining of mineral oil products, manufacture of hydrocarbons;
(b) Recovery of oil from oil-in-water mixtures, demulsification plants, recovery and treatment of waste oil;
(c) Manufacture of synthetic oils.
7. In the printing plant, reproshop, surface treatment and plastic-sheet manufacturing sectors, as well as other forms of processing resins and plastics:
(a) Manufacture of printed and graphic products, reproshops;
(b) Printing laboratories and film laboratories;
(c) Manufacture of foils, vision and sound carriers;
(d) Manufacture of coated and impregnated materials.
8. In the wood, pulp and paper sectors:
(a) Manufacture of pulp, paper and cardboard;
(b) Manufacture and coating of wood fibre board.
9. In the textile, leather and fur sectors:
(a) Textile manufacture, textile finishing;
(b) Leather manufacture, leather finishing, leather substitute manufacture, fur finishing;
(c) Dry cleaning, laundries, polishing cloth washings, woolen material washings.
10. Other sectors:
(a) Recycling, treatment, storage, loading, unloading and depositing of waste and residual materials; storage, loading, unloading and transfer of chemicals;
(b) Medical and scientific research and development, hospitals, doctors’ practices, radiology institutes, laboratories, testing rooms;
(c) Industrial cleaning businesses, cleaning of industrial containers;
(d) Vehicle workshops, vehicle washing facilities;
(e) Water treatment;
(f) Painting and varnishing businesses;
(g) Manufacture and processing of plant and animal extracts;
(h) Manufacture and processing of microorganisms and viruses with in-vitro recombined nucleic acids;
(i) Industrial sectors applying radioactive substances (nuclear industry) .
A. Priority groups of substances
(a) heavy metals and their compounds;
(b) organohalogen compounds;
(c) organic compounds of phosphorus and tin;
(d) plant protection agents, pesticides (fungicides, herbicides, insecticides, algicides) and chemicals used for the preservation of wood, cellulose, paper, hides and textiles etc.;
(e) oils and hydrocarbons of petroleum origin;
(f) other organic compounds especially harmful to the aquatic environment;
(g) inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus compounds;
(h) radioactive substances, including wastes.
B. Single hazardous substances
As there are considerable differences as to the hazardous character of the substances contained in certain groups it is necessary also to emphasize some single substances, which in practice can play a priority role.
Substances                       CAS-number
1. Mercury                       7439976
2. Cadmium                       7440439
3. Copper                        7440508
4. Zinc                          n.a.
5. Lead                          7439921
6. Arsenic                       7440382
7. Chromium                      n.a.
8. Nickel                        7440020
9. Boron                         n.a.
10. Cobalt                       n.a.
11. Selenium                     7782492
12. Silver                       n.a.
13. Drins                        – –
14. HCH                          608731
15. DDT                          50293
16. Pentachlorophenol            87865
17. Hexachlorobenzene            118741
18. Hexachlorobutadiene          87683
19. Carbontetrachloride          56235
20. Chloroform                   67663
21. Trifluralin                  1582098
22. Endosulfan                   115297
23. Simazine                     122349
24. Atrazine                     1912249
25. Tributyltin-compounds        – –
26. Triphenyltin-compounds       – –
27. Azinphos-ethyl               2642719
28. Azinphos-methyl              86500
29. Fenitrothion                 122145
30. Fenthion                     55389
31. Malathion                    121755
32. Parathion                    56382
33. Parathion-methyl             298000
34. Dichlorvos                   62737
35. Trichloroethylene            79016
36. Tetrachloroethylene          127184
37. Trichlorbenzene              – –
38. Dichloroethane 1,2           107062
39. Trichloroethane              71556
40. Dioxins                      n.a.
Water quality objectives and criteria developed for specific reaches of the Danube River and for surface waters within its catchment area shall:
(a) Take into account the option of maintaining and, where necessary, improving the existing water quality;
(b) Aim at the reduction of average pollution loads and concentrations (in particular hazardous substances) to a certain degree within a certain period of time;
(c) Take into account specific water quality requirements (raw water for drinking-water purposes, irrigation, etc.) ;
(d) Take into account specific requirements regarding sensitive and specially protected waters and their environment, e.g. lakes, zones for the protection of bank-filtered water and wetlands;
(e) Be based on the application of biological classification methods and chemical indices for the medium- and long-term review of water quality maintenance and improvement;
(f) Take into account the degree to which objectives are reached and additional protective measures may be required in individual cases.
* Water quality objectives and criteria as a rule are individually developed and in particular adjusted to the prevailing conditions as to the ecosystems, the water resources and their utilization. Therefore in the framework of this Convention only general guidelines are addressed to the Contracting Parties.
Structures and procedures of the International Commission supplementary to Article 18 shall be established as follows:
Article 1
(1) The International Commission consists of delegations nominated by the Contracting Parties. Each Contracting Party nominates five delegates at the utmost including the head of delegation and his deputy.
(2) In addition each delegation may take the number of experts necessary for dealing with special questions, whose names are communicated to the Secretariat of the International Commission.
Article 2
(1) The Chair of the International Commission is held by the Contracting Parties in turn by alphabetical order (in English) for one year. The delegation looking after the Chair nominates one of its members to become President of the International Commission.
(2) The President as a rule does not take the floor on behalf of his delegation within the meetings of the International Commission.
(3) Further details concerning the Presidency are determined by the International Commission and included in its Rules of Procedure.
Article 3
(1) The International Commission convenes at least once a year on invitation of the President at a place to be determined by him an ordinary meeting.
(2) Extraordinary meetings are to be convened by the President on the request of at least three delegations.
(3) Consultations of the heads of delegation may be held intermediately to the meetings of the Commission.
(4) The President proposes the agenda items. They include reports by the Standing Working Group and its expert groups. Each delegation has the right to propose those agenda items which it likes to see dealt with. The order of sequence for the agenda items is determined in the International Commission by majority vote.
Article 4
Taking decisions
(1) Each delegation has one vote.
(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (1) of this Article, the European Community, within the areas of its competence, is entitled to a number of votes equal to the number of its Member States which are Contracting Parties to this Convention. This organization shall not exercise its right to vote in cases where its Member States exercise theirs and conversely.
(3) The International Commission constitutes a quorum with the presence of the delegations of at least two thirds of the Contracting Parties.
(4) Written procedures may take place under conditions to be determined by the Rules of Procedure of the International Commission.
Article 5
Adopting decisions
(1) Decisions and recommendations shall be adopted by consensus of the delegations to the International Commission. Should consensus not be attainable, the President of the Commission shall declare, that all efforts at reaching agreement by consensus have been exhausted. Unless otherwise provided in the Convention, the Commission shall in this case adopt decisions or recommendations by a four-fifths majority vote of the delegations present and voting.
(2) The decision shall become binding on the first day of the eleventh month following the date of its adoption for all Contracting Parties that voted for it and have not within that period notified the Executive Secretary in writing that they are unable to accept the decision. However, such notification may be withdrawn at any time; the withdrawal shall become effective upon receipt by the Executive Secretary. Such a decision shall become binding on any other Contracting Party which has notified the Executive Secretary in writing that it is able to accept the decision from the moment of the receipt of that notification or on the first day of the eleventh month following the date of the adoption of the decision, whichever is later.
Article 6
Expert bodies
(1) The International Commission establishes a Standing Working Group. For certain fields of work and for specific problems there are introduced standing or ad hoc Expert Groups.
(2) The Standing Working Group and the Expert Groups consist of delegates and experts nominated by the delegations to the Commission.
(3) The Standing Working Group is attended by delegates from all Contracting Parties. The International Commission nominates its Chairman and determines the utmost number of delegates. The Commission also determines the number of experts participating in the Expert Groups.
Article 7
(1) A Permanent Secretariat is hereby established.
(2) The Permanent Secretariat shall have its headquarters in Vienna.
(3) The International Commission shall appoint an Executive Secretary and make provisions for the appointment of such other personal as may be necessary. The Commission shall determine the duties of the Executive Secretary’s post and the terms and conditions upon which it is to be held.
(4) The Executive Secretary shall perform the functions that are necessary for the administration of this Convention and for the work of the International Commission as well as the other tasks entrusted to the Executive. Secretary by the Commission in accordance with its Rules of Procedure and its Financial Regulations.
Article 8
Entrusting Special Experts
In the framework of its assessments, the evaluation of results gained and for the analysis of special questions the International Commission may entrust particularly qualified persons, scientific institutions or other facilities.
Article 9
The International Commission submits to the Contracting Parties an annual report on its activities as well as further reports as required, which in particular also include the results of monitoring and assessment.
Article 10
Legal capacity and representation
(1) The International Commission shall have such legal capacity as may be necessary for the exercise of its functions and the fulfilment of its purposes in accordance with the law applicable at the headquarters of its Secretariat.
(2) The International Commission shall be represented by its President. This representation shall be determined further by the Rules of Procedure.
Article 11
(1) The International Commission shall adopt its Financial Rules.
(2) The Commission shall adopt an annual or biennial budget of proposed expenditures and consider budget estimates for the fiscal period following thereafter.
(3) The total amount of the budget, including any supplementary budget adopted by the Commission shall be contributed by the Contracting Parties other than the European Community, in equal parts, unless unanimously decided otherwise by the Commission.
(4) The European Community shall contribute no more than 2.5% of the administrative costs to the budget.
(5) Each Contracting Party shall pay the expenses related to the participation in the Commission of its representatives, experts and advisers.
(6) Each Contracting Party carries the costs of the current monitoring and assessment activities, carried out in their territory.
Article 12
Rules of Procedure
The International Commission establishes its Rules of Procedure.
Article 13
Working Languages
The official languages of the International Commission are English and German.
(1) The procedure of the arbitration referred to in Article 24 of this Convention shall be in accordance with paragraphs 2 to 10 as follows.
(2) (a) In the event of a dispute being submitted to arbitration pursuant to Article 24 paragraph 2 of this Convention an arbitral tribunal shall be constituted at the request addressed by one party to the dispute to the other party. The request for arbitration shall state the subject matter of the application including in particular the articles of this Convention, the interpretation or application of which is in dispute.
(b) The applicant party shall inform the International Commission, that it has requested the setting up of an arbitral tribunal, stating the name of the other party to the dispute and the articles of this convention the interpretation or application of which, in its opinion, is in dispute. The claimant as well as the defendant party can consist of a plurality of Contracting Parties. The International Commission shall forward the information thus received to all Contracting Parties to this Convention.
(3) The arbitral tribunal shall consist of three members: both the claimant party or parties and the other party or parties to the dispute shall appoint an arbitrator within two months; the two arbitrators so appointed shall designate by common agreement within two months the third arbitrator who shall be the chairman of the tribunal. The latter shall not be a national of one of the parties to the dispute, nor have his usual place of residence in the territory of one of these parties, nor have employed by any of them, nor have dealt with the case in any other capacity.
(4) (a) If one of the parties to the dispute does not appoint an arbitrator within two months of receipt of the request, the other party may inform the President of the International Court of Justice who shall designate the chairman of the arbitral tribunal within a further two months’ period. Upon designation, the chairman of the arbitral tribunal shall request the party which has not appointed an arbitrator to do so within two months. After such period, if the arbitrator has not been approved, the chairman of the arbitral tribunal shall inform the President of the International Court of Justice who shall make this appointment within a further two months’ period.
(b) If the chairman of the arbitral tribunal has not been designated within two months of the appointment of the second arbitrator, the President of the International Court of Justice shall, at the request of either party, designate him within a further two months’ period.
(5) (a) The arbitral tribunal shall decide according to the rules of international law and, in particular, those of this Convention.
(b) Any arbitral tribunal constituted under the provisions of this Annex shall draw up its own rules of procedure.
(c) In the event of a dispute as to whether the arbitral tribunal has jurisdiction, the matter shall be decided by the decision of the arbitral tribunal.
(6) (a) The decisions of the arbitral tribunal, both on procedure and on substance, shall be taken by majority vote of its members.
(b) The arbitral tribunal may use all appropriate means in order to establish the facts. It may at the request of one of the parties prescribe essential interim measures of protection.
(c) If two or more arbitral tribunals constituted under the provisions of this Annex are seized of requests with identical or similar subjects, they may inform themselves of the procedures for establishing the facts and take them into account as far as possible.
(d) The parties to the dispute shall provide all facilities necessary for the effective conduct of the proceedings.
(e) The absence of a party to the dispute shall not constitute an impediment to the proceedings.
(7) Unless the arbitral tribunal determines otherwise because of the particular circumstances of the case, the expenses of the tribunal, including the remuneration of its members, shall be borne by the parties to the dispute in equal shares. The tribunal shall keep a record of all its expenses, and shall furnish a final statement thereof to the parties.
(8) The arbitral tribunal shall render its award within five months of the date on which it is established, unless it finds it necessary to extend the time limit for a period which should not exceed five months.
(9) Any Contracting Party that has an interest of a legal nature in the subject matter of the dispute which may be affected by the decision in the case, may intervene in the proceedings with the consent of the tribunal. The award of the arbitral tribunal shall become binding on the intervening Party in the same way as for the parties to the dispute.
(10) (a) The award of the arbitral tribunal shall be accompanied by a statement of reasons. It shall be final and binding upon the parties to the dispute. The award will be transmitted by the arbitral tribunal to the parties to the dispute and to the International Commission. The Commission will forward the information received to all parties to this Convention.
(b) Any dispute which may arise between the parties concerning the interpretation or execution of the award may be submitted by either party to the arbitral tribunal which made the award or, if the latter cannot be seized thereof, to another arbitral tribunal constituted for this purpose in the same manner as the first.
(Konvencija o varstvu reke Donave)
Pogodbenice, ki
so odločene, da okrepijo svoje vodnogospodarsko sodelovanje na področju varstva in uporabe vodnih virov,
so zaskrbljene zaradi pojavov in nevarnosti kratkoročno in dolgoročno škodljivih vplivov sprememb razmer vodotokov v porečju reke Donave za okolje, gospodarstvo in blaginjo podonavskih držav,
poudarjajo, da je nujno treba zaostriti domače in mednarodne ukrepe za preprečevanje, nadzor in zmanjšanje škodljivega čezmejnega vpliva izpusta nevarnih snovi in hranil v vodno okolje v porečju reke Donave ob hkratnem upoštevanju Črnega morja,
pozdravljajo ukrepe, ki so jih podonavske države že sprejele na domačo pobudo in na ravni dvostranskega in mnogostranskega sodelovanja, kot tudi dosedanja prizadevanja Ekonomske komisije Združenih narodov za Evropo in Evropske skupnosti v okviru dejavnosti Konference o varnosti in sodelovanju v Evropi (KVSE), za spodbujanje dvostranskega in mnogostranskega sodelovanja pri preprečevanju in nadzoru čezmejnega onesnaževanja, trajnostnega gospodarjenja z vodami, premišljeni uporabi in ohranjanju vodnih virov,
se sklicujejo predvsem na Konvencijo o varstvu in uporabi čezmejnih vodotokov in mednarodnih jezer z dne 17. marca 1992 ter na obstoječe dvostransko in mnogostransko sodelovanje med podonavskimi državami, ki se bo nadaljevalo tudi v prihodnje in bo primerno upoštevano v okviru sodelovanja vseh podonavskih držav, kot tudi na Konvencijo o varstvu Črnega morja pred onesnaževanjem z dne 21. aprila 1992,
si prizadevajo za trajno izboljšanje in varstvo reke Donave in voda v njenem porečju, predvsem v čezmejni povezavi in s trajnostnim gospodarjenjem z vodami ob upoštevanju interesov podonavskih držav na področju uporabe voda in ob hkratnem prispevanju k varstvu morskega okolja Črnega morja,
so se sporazumele o naslednjem:
1. člen
Opredelitev pojmov
Za namene te konvencije
(a) “podonavske države“ pomeni suverene države, ki si delijo precejšnji del hidrološkega prispevnega področja reke Donave. Za precejšnji del se šteje delež, ki presega 2000 km2 skupnega hidrološkega prispevnega področja,
(b) “prispevno področje“ reke Donave pomeni hidrološko prispevno področje reke, ki si ga delijo pogodbenice,
(c) “čezmejni vpliv“ pomeni vsak znatno škodljiv vpliv na rečno okolje, ki je posledica spremembe življenjskih razmer v vodah zaradi človekove dejavnosti in seže čez meje ozemlja pod jurisdikcijo posamezne pogodbenice. Take spremembe lahko vplivajo na življenje in premoženje, varnost objektov in vodne ekosisteme,
(d) “nevarne snovi“ pomeni snovi s strupenim, kancerogenim, mutagenim, teratogenim ali bioakumulativnim učinkom, predvsem snovi, ki so trdovratne in znatno škodljivo vplivajo na žive organizme,
(e) “snovi, nevarne za vodo“ pomeni snovi, ki so za vodne vire izredno nevarne, tako da ravnanje z njimi zahteva posebne preventivne in varovalne ukrepe,
(f) “točkovni in razpršeni viri vodnega onesnaženja“ pomeni vire onesnaževalcev in hranil, katerih vnos v vodo je posledica bodisi točkovnega odvajanja (točkovni vir) bodisi vpliv razpršenega vnosa po večjem delu porečja (razpršeni viri),
(g) “vodna bilanca“ pomeni razmerje, značilno za naravni vodni režim celotnega porečja glede na njegove lastnosti (padavine, izhlapevanje, površinski in podzemni odtok). Izraz poleg tega vključuje tudi vplive človeškega dejavnika, ki izhajajo iz rabe vode in vpliva na njeno količino,
(h) “povezovalni podatki“ pomeni povzetek podatkov, izpeljanih iz vodne bilance v zgornjem toku, če so primerni za obdelavo vodne bilance v spodnjem toku in splošne vodne bilance reke Donave. Povezovalni podatki v tem obsegu zajemajo sestavine vodne bilance za vse večje čezmejne vodotoke v porečju reke Donave. Povezovalni podatki se nanašajo na preseke čezmejnih vodotokov tam, kjer zaznamujejo, prečkajo ali ležijo na mejah med pogodbenicami,
(i) “Mednarodna komisija“ je organizacija, ustanovljena z 18. členom te konvencije.
2. člen
Cilji in načela sodelovanja
(1) Pogodbenice si prizadevajo, da bi, kolikor je to mogoče, dosegle cilje trajnostnega in pravičnega gospodarjenja z vodami, vključno z ohranitvijo, izboljšanjem in smotrno rabo površinskih voda in podtalnice v porečju. Poleg tega si po svojih najboljših močeh prizadevajo nadzorovati nevarnosti nesreč s snovmi, nevarnimi za vodo, nevarnosti poplav in ledu na reki Donavi. Države pogodbenice si tudi prizadevajo prispevati k zmanjševanju bremen onesnaževanja Črnega morja iz virov v porečju.
(2) Pogodbenice v skladu z določbami te konvencije sodelujejo pri reševanju temeljnih vprašanj gospodarjenja z vodami in sprejemajo vse ustrezne zakonske, upravne in tehnične ukrepe, da vsaj vzdržujejo in izboljšujejo tekoče okoljske razmere in kakovost vode reke Donave in vodotokov v njenem porečju in da, kolikor je to mogoče, preprečujejo in zmanjšujejo škodljive vplive in spremembe, ki nastajajo ali lahko do njih pride.
(3) V ta namen pogodbenice ob upoštevanju nujnosti ukrepov za zmanjšanje onesnaževanja voda in za premišljeno, trajnostno uporabo vode določajo ustrezne prednostne naloge in zaostrujejo, prilagajajo in med seboj usklajujejo že sprejete ukrepe in take ki jih je trba sprejeti na domači in mednarodni ravni vzdolž celotnega Podonavja s ciljem trajnostnega razvoja varstva okolja reke Donave. Ta cilj je usmerjen predvsem k zagotavljanju trajnostne rabe vodnih virov v komunalne, industrijske in kmetijske namene kot tudi k ohranjanju in obnovi ekosistemov ter izpolnjevanju drugih obstoječih zahtev, npr. zdravje prebivalstva.
(4) Načelo onesnaževalec plača in načelo preventivnega pristopa sta podlaga za vse ukrepe, usmerjene k varstvu reke Donave in vodotokov v njenem porečju.
(5) Sodelovanje na področju gospodarjenja z vodami je usmerjeno k trajnostnemu gospodarjenju z vodami in sloni na merilih stabilnega, okolju prijaznega razvoja, ki so hkrati usmerjena k:
– ohranjanju celovite kakovosti življenja,
– ohranjanju trajnega dostopa do naravnih virov,
– izogibanju trajnim poškodbam okolja in varovanju ekosistemov,
– izvajanju preventivnega pristopa.
(6) Uporaba te konvencije nikakor ne sme povzročiti neposrednega ali posrednega povečevanja vplivov na rečno okolje.
(7) Vsaka pogodbenica ima pravico sprejeti in izvajati ukrepe, ki so strožji od ukrepov, izhajajočih iz določb te konvencije.
3. člen
(1) Ta konvencija se uporablja za porečje reke Donave, kot je opredeljeno v (b) odstavku 1. člena.
(2) Konvencija obsega predvsem naslednje načrtovane dejavnosti in tekoče ukrepe, če povzročajo ali utegnejo povzročiti čezmejne vplive:
(a) odvajanje odpadnih voda, t.j. vnosa hranil in nevarnih snovi iz točkovnih in razpršenih virov, kot tudi odvajanje toplote,
(b) načrtovane dejavnosti in ukrepi na področju gradnje hidrotehničnih objektov, predvsem dejavnosti regulacije, nadzora pretoka in gladin akumulacij vodotokov, nadzora poplav in zmanjševanja nevarnosti zaradi ledu kot tudi gradnja objektov v vodotoku ali na njegovih brežinah,
(c) druge načrtovane dejavnosti in ukrepi za uporabo vode, npr. uporaba vodne energije, preusmeritev in regulacija vode,
(d) obratovanje obstoječih hidrotehničnih objektov, npr. vodnih zbiralnikov, hidroelektrarn, ukrepi za preprečevanje vplivov na okolje, kot so poslabšanje hidroloških razmer, erozija, abrazija, poplave in transport plavin, ukrepi za zaščito ekosistemov,
(e) ravnanje s snovmi, nevarnimi za vodo, in ukrepi za preprečevanje nesreč.
(3) Ta konvencija se uporablja tudi za vprašanja ribištva in rečne plovbe, povezana z varstvom voda pred onesnaževanjem, ki ga povzročata ti dve dejavnosti.
4. člen
Oblike sodelovanja
Oblike sodelovanja po tej konvenciji so praviloma naslednje:
(a) posvetovanja in skupne dejavnosti v okviru Mednarodne komisije v skladu z določbami te konvencije,
(b) izmenjava informacij o dvostranskih in mnogostranskih sporazumih, pravnih predpisih in ukrepih s področja vodnega gospodarstva, izmenjava pravnih dokumentov in direktiv ter drugih publikacij, druge oblike izmenjave informacij in izkušenj.
5. člen
Preprečevanje, nadzor in zmanjšanje čezmejnega vpliva
(1) Pogodbenice razvijajo, sprejemajo in izvajajo ustrezne zakonske, upravne in tehnične ukrepe ter skrbijo za domače temeljne pogoje in podlage, potrebne za zagotavljanje učinkovite zaščite kakovosti voda in trajnostne rabe voda, s tem pa tudi za preprečevanje, nadzor in zmanjšanje čezmejnih vplivov.
(2) V ta namen pogodbenice vsaka zase in skupaj sprejemajo predvsem naslednje ukrepe:
(a) vodijo evidenco stanja naravnih vodnih virov v povodju reke Donave, pri čemer uporabljajo dogovorjene količinske in kakovostne parametre in metodologijo,
(b) sprejemajo zakonske določbe, ki vključujejo tudi zahteve glede rokov, ki jih je treba izpolnjevati pri odvajanju odpadnih voda,
(c) sprejemajo zakonske določbe o ravnanju s snovmi, nevarnimi za vodo,
(d) sprejemajo zakonske določbe o zmanjševanju vnosa hranil ali nevarnih snovi iz razpršenih virov, predvsem glede uporabe hranil kot tudi sredstev za zaščito rastlin in pesticidov v kmetijstvu,
(e) upoštevajo rezultate in predloge Mednarodne komisije s ciljem uskladitve teh predpisov na visoki varstveni ravni ter usklajenega izvajanja ustreznih ukrepov,
(f) pogodbenice sodelujejo in sprejemajo ustrezne ukrepe za preprečevanje čezmejnih vplivov odpadnih in nevarnih snovi, predvsem tistih, ki izvirajo iz prevoza.
6. člen
Posebni ukrepi za varstvo vodnih virov
Pogodbenice sprejemajo ustrezne ukrepe za preprečevanje ali zmanjševanje čezmejnih vplivov in za trajnostno in pravično uporabo vodnih virov kot tudi za ohranitev ekoloških virov in predvsem:
(a) določajo trajno zaščitene vire podtalnice in varovana območja, dragocena za potrebe obstoječih in prihodnjih virov preskrbe s pitno vodo,
(b) preprečujejo onesnaževanje virov podtalnice, zlasti tistih, ki so dolgoročno predvideni za preskrbo s pitno vodo, predvsem onesnaževanje z nitrati, sredstvi za zaščito rastlin, pesticidi in drugimi nevarnimi snovmi,
(c) do najmanjše mere zmanjšujejo tveganja onesnaževanja zaradi nesreč s preventivnimi in nadzornimi ukrepi,
(d) upoštevajo možne vplive na kakovost vode, ki so posledica načrtovanih dejavnosti in tekočih ukrepov v skladu z drugim odstavkom 3. člena,
(e) vrednotijo pomen različnih elementov biotopov za rečno ekologijo in predlagajo ukrepe za izboljšanje vodnih in obrežnih ekoloških razmer.
7. člen
Omejevanje izpustov, cilji in merila za kakovost vode
(1) Pogodbenice ob upoštevanju predlogov Mednarodne komisije določajo omejitve izpustov za posamezne gospodarske sektorje ali industrije, izražene kot obremenitve in koncentracije onesnaženja in temelječe, kolikor je to mogoče, na tehnologijah z nizko stopnjo ali brez odpadnih snovi pri viru. Pri odvajanju nevarnih snovi morajo omejitve izpustov temeljiti na najboljših razpoložljivih tehnologijah za znižanje emisije pri viru oziroma za čiščenje odplak. Pri komunalnih odpadnih vodah morajo omejitve emisij temeljiti na uporabi vsaj biološke ali enakovredne ravni čiščenja.
(2) Pogodbenice ob upoštevanju najboljše okoljevarstvene prakse pripravijo dopolnilne določbe za preprečevanje ali zmanjševanje vnosa nevarnih snovi in hranil iz razpršenih virov, predvsem tam, kjer glavni viri onesnaževanja izvirajo iz kmetijstva.
(3) Za namene prvega in drugega odstavka Priloga II k tej konvenciji vsebuje seznam gospodarskih sektorjev in industrij kot tudi dodatni seznam nevarnih snovi in skupin snovi, katerih odvod iz točkovnih ali vnos iz razpršenih virov se mora preprečiti ali občutno zmanjšati. Za sprotno dopolnjevanje Priloge II je odgovorna Mednarodna komisija.
(4) Pogodbenice, kjer je to ustrezno, določajo cilje kakovosti vode in uporabljajo kakovostna merila za preprečevanje, nadzor in zmanjšanje čezmejnega vpliva. Splošne smernice za to so navedene v Prilogi III, ki jo pogodbenice uporabljajo in navajajo tako na domači ravni kot skupaj, če je to ustrezno.
(5) Pogodbenice zagotavljajo potrebne temeljne pogoje in izvajanje s ciljem učinkovitega omejevanja emisij na območjih pod svojo jurisdikcijo.
(a) da bodo domači predpisi za omejevanje emisij in njihovi standardi, ki jih morajo dosegati, postopno usklajeni z omejitvami emisij po tej konvenciji,
(b) da odvajanje odpadnih voda brez izjeme temelji na dovoljenju, ki ga pristojni organi zahtevajo vnaprej in z omejenim rokom veljavnosti,
(c) da so predpisi in dovoljenja za izvajanje preventivnih in nadzornih ukrepov pri novih ali posodobljenih industrijskih objektih, zlasti tam, kjer se pojavljajo nevarne snovi, usmerjeni k najboljšim razpoložljivim tehnologijam in se izvajajo prednostno,
(d) da se uvedejo strožji predpisi od standardnih, v nekaterih primerih celo prepoved, če samočistilna sposobnost vode prejemnice in njenega ekosistema to zahteva v skladu s četrtim odstavkom,
(e) da pristojni organi nadzorujejo, ali se dejavnosti, ki lahko povzročijo čezmejne vplive, izvajajo v skladu z zahtevanimi dovoljenji in določbami,
(f) da se izvaja presoja vplivov na okolje v skladu z nadnacionalnimi in mednarodnimi predpisi ter drugimi postopki za vrednotenje in presojo vplivov na okolje,
(g) da pristojni organi pri načrtovanju, izdajanju dovoljenj in izvajanju dejavnosti ter ukrepov, navedenih v drugem odstavku 3. člena in drugem odstavku 16. člena, upoštevajo možnost nesreč s snovmi, nevarnimi za vodo in predpisujejo preventivne ukrepe ter pravila ravnanja za ukrepe po nesreči.
8. člen
Evidentiranje emisijskih virov, akcijski programi in pregled opravljenih nalog
(1) Pogodbenice občasno evidentirajo ustrezne točkovne in razpršene vire onesnaževanja v porečju reke Donave, vključno z že sprejetimi preventivnimi ukrepi in ukrepi zmanjševanja emisij iz posameznih izpustov, in evidentirajo tudi dejansko učinkovitost teh ukrepov v skladu z določbami pododstavka a) drugega odstavka 5. člena.
(2) Pogodbenice na podlagi teh evidenc postopno izdelajo seznam nadaljnjih preventivnih ukrepov in ukrepov zmanjševanja emisij , ki jih je treba sprejeti postopno, če je to potrebno za doseganje ciljev te konvencije.
(3) Evidentiranje emisijskih virov onesnaževanja in seznam potrebnih ukrepov sta podlaga za izdelavo skupnih akcijskih programov, ki jih pogodbenice pripravljajo ob upoštevanju prednostnih nalog glede na nujnost in učinkovitost. Cilj teh akcijskih programov je predvsem zmanjšanje obremenitev in koncentracij onesnaževanja tako iz industrijskih in komunalnih točkovnih kot razpršenih virov. Akcijski programi med drugim vključujejo tudi preventivne ukrepe in ukrepe zmanjševanja emisij s terminskimi načrti in predračuni stroškov.
(4) Poleg tega pogodbenice spremljajo napredovanje pri izvajanju skupnih akcijskih programov in pripravljajo redna poročila o izvajanju akcijskega programa. Ta poročila vključujejo tako izvajanje zaščitnih ukrepov kot doseženi napredek okoljskih razmer v vodotoku na podlagi dejanske presoje.
9. člen
Programi monitoringa
Pogodbenice na podlagi svojih domačih dejavnosti sodelujejo pri monitoringu in vrednotenju podatkov:
(1) V ta namen
– usklajujejo ali druga drugi prilagajajo metodologije monitoringa in vrednotenje, kot jih uporabljajo na domačih ravneh, predvsem na področju kakovosti voda, nadzora emisij, napovedi poplav in vodne bilance, da bi dosegle primerljive rezultate, ki bi jih uvedle v skupne dejavnosti monitoringa in vrednotenja,
– razvijajo usklajene ali skupne sisteme monitoringa z uporabo stacionarnih ali prenosnih merilnih naprav, komunikacijskih naprav in naprav za obdelavo podatkov,
– razvijajo in izvajajo skupne programe za spremljanje vodnih razmer v porečju reke Donave tako glede kakovosti kot količine vode, plavin in obrežnih ekosistemov, kot podlago za presojo čezmejnih vplivov, kot so čezmejno onesnaževanje, spremembe rečnih režimov in vodne bilance, poplave in nevarnosti zaradi ledu,
– razvijajo skupne ali usklajene metodologije za monitoring in vrednotenje odtokov odpadnih voda vključno z obdelavo, ocenjevanjem in dokumentiranjem podatkov ob upoštevanju pristopa omejevanja emisij, specifičnega za gospodarski sektor (1. del Priloge II),
– evidentirajo ustrezne točkovne vire, vključno evidencami odvodnje snovi, ki onesnažujejo (evidence emisij), in ocenjujejo onesnaženost vode iz razpršenih virov ob upoštevanju 2. dela Priloge II, te dokumente usklajujejo glede na dejansko stanje.
(2) Predvsem se sporazumejo o točkah monitoringa, značilnostih kakovosti reke in parametrih onesnaževanja, ki naj se v porečju reke Donave redno in dovolj pogosto ocenjujejo ob upoštevanju ekološke in hidrološke narave vodnega toka, pa tudi značilnih emisij snovi, ki onesnažujejo na določenem delu porečja.
(3) Vsaka pogodbenica na podlagi usklajene metodologije pripravi nacionalno vodno bilanco kot tudi splošno vodno bilanco porečja reke Donave. V ta namen zagotovijo potrebne povezovalne podatke, ki so z uporabo usklajene metodologije dovolj primerljivi. Na isti podatkovni podlagi se lahko pripravijo tudi vodne bilance glavnih pritokov reke Donave.
(4) Pogodbenice občasno presojajo pogoje za kakovost reke Donave in napredovanje sprejetih ukrepov s ciljem preprečevati, nadzorovati in zmanjševati čezmejne vplive. Rezultati bodo predstavljeni javnosti v ustreznih publikacijah.
10. člen
Obveznosti poročanja
Pogodbenice Mednarodni komisiji poročajo o temeljnih vprašanjih, s katerimi mora biti seznanjena, da bi lahko izpolnjevala svoje naloge. Ta poročila vključujejo predvsem:
(a) poročila in dokumente, predvidene v tej konvenciji, ali ki jih zahteva Komisija,
(b) informacije o obstoju, sklenitvi, dopolnitvi ali preklicu dvostranskih in mnogostranskih sporazumov in pogodb, ki urejajo varstvo in gospodarjenje z reko Donavo in vodami na območju njenega porečja, ali informacije, pomembne za tovrstna vprašanja,
(c) podatke o njihovih zakonih, uredbah in drugih splošnih predpisih, ki urejajo varstvo in gospodarjenje z reko Donavo in vodami na območju njenega porečja, ali podatke, ki so pomembni za tovrstna vprašanja,
(d) sporočila najkasneje v dogovorjenem času, potem ko je Mednarodna komisija sorejela svoj sklep o načinu, časovnem okviru in finančnih izdatkih za izvajanje akcijskih odločitev na nacionalni ravni, kot so priporočila, programi in ukrepi,
(e) imenovanje pristojnih ustanov, na katere se lahko obrne Mednarodna komisija ali druga pogodbenica zaradi sodelovanja v okviru te konvencije,
(f) sporočila o načrtovanih dejavnostih, ki zaradi svoje narave lahko povzročijo čezmejne vplive.
11. člen
(1) Po predhodni izmenjavi informacij se pogodbenice na katere se to nanaša na zahtevo ene ali več prizadetih pogodbenic začnejo posvetovati o načrtovanih dejavnostih iz drugega odstavka 3. člena, ki lahko povzročijo čezmejne vplive, če omenjena izmenjava informacij in posvetovanja niso že zajeta v dvostranskem ali drugem mednarodnem sodelovanju. Posvetovanja se morajo praviloma izvesti v okviru Mednarodne komisije in z namenom doseči rešitev.
(2) Pred sklepanjem o načrtovanih dejavnostih pristojni organi, če ne gre za pretečo nevarnost, počakajo na rezultate posvetovanj, razen če niso končana vsaj eno leto po začetku posvetovanj.
12. člen
Izmenjava informacij
(1) V skladu z odločitvijo Mednarodne komisije pogodbenice izmenjujejo razpoložljive podatke, med drugim o:
(a) splošnih razmerah vodnega okolja na prispevnem področju reke Donave,
(b) doseženih izkušnjah pri uporabi in delovanju najboljših razpoložljivih tehnologij ter rezultatov raziskav in razvoja,
(c) podatkih glede emisij in monitoringa,
(d) sprejetih in načrtovanih ukrepih za preprečevanje, nadzor in zmanjšanje čezmejnih vplivov,
(e) predpisih o odvajanju odpadne vode,
(f) nesrečah z vodi nevarnimi snovmi.
(2) Da bi uskladile omejitve emisij izpustov, se pogodbenice zavežejo, da bodo izmenjavale informacije o svojih predpisih.
(3) Če pogodbenico druga pogodbenica zaprosi za podatke ali informacije, ki niso na voljo, si prva prizadeva ugoditi prošnji, pri čemer pogodbenici prosilki postavi pogoj, da plača razumne izdatke za zbiranje oziroma za morebitno obdelavo takih podatkov ali informacij.
(4) Za namene izvajanja te konvencije pogodbenice omogočajo izmenjavo najboljših razpoložljivih tehnologij, predvsem s spodbujanjem: komercialne izmenjave razpoložljivih tehnologij, neposrednih gospodarskih stikov in sodelovanja, vključno s skupnim vlaganjem, izmenjave informacij in izkušenj in zagotavljanje tehnične pomoči. Pogodbenice se prav tako zavezujejo, da bodo pripravljale skupne izobraževalne programe in organizirale ustrezne seminarje in srečanja.
(5) Določbe te konvencije ne vplivajo na pravice ali obveznosti pogodbenic po njihovi domači zakonodaji, predpisih, upravne določbe ali sprejeti pravni praksi ter veljavnih mednarodnih predpisih o varstvu podatkov, povezanih z osebnimi podatki, intelektualno lastnino, vključno s tajnostjo industrijskih ali poslovnih podatkov ali državno varnostjo.
(6) Če se pogodbenica vendarle odloči, da bo drugi pogodbenici priskrbela tako varovane podatke, mora pogodbenica, ki prejema take varovane podatke, spoštovati zaupnost prejetih podatkov kot tudi pogoje, pod katerimi se podatki dajejo, in jih uporabiti le za namene, za katere so ji bili dani.
13. člen
Varstvo prejetih podatkov
Če se po tej konvenciji industrijski in poslovni ali drugi zaupni podatki sporočajo v skladu z domačimi zakoni, pogodbenice prejemnice teh podatkov upoštevajo njihovo tajnost in jih uporabljajo le za tiste namene, ki so določeni v tej konvenciji, in jih ne objavljajo ali dajejo na voljo tretjim. Če katera od pogodbenic meni, da ni sposobna izpolniti te obveznosti glede zaupnihi podatkov, ki jih je prejela, o tem nemudoma obvesti pogodbenico pošiljateljico in prejete podatke vrne. Osebni podatki se pošljejo pogodbenicam v skladu z domačo zakonodajo pogodbenice pošiljateljice. Prejemnica osebne podatke uporablja le za dogovorjen namen in pod pogoji, ki jih določi pošiljateljica.
14. člen
Obveščanje javnosti
(1) Pogodbenice zagotavljajo, da njihovi pristojni organi na razumno zahtevo dajejo fizičnim ali pravnim osebam, čim prej je to mogoče, na voljo informacije o stanju ali kakovosti vodnega okolja v porečju Donave za plačilo razumnih stroškov, in ne da bi te osebe morale dokazovati svoj interes.
(2) Informacije iz prvega odstavka tega člena, ki jih imajo javni organi, se lahko dajejo v pisni, vizualni, ustni ali podatkovni obliki.
(3) Določbe tega člena ne posegajo v pravico pogodbenic, da v skladu s svojo domačo zakonodajo in ustreznimi mednarodnimi predpisi odklonijo zahtevo po taki informaciji, če ta prizadene:
(a) zaupnost postopkov javnih organov, mednarodne odnose in narodno obrambo,
(b) javno varnost,
(c) zadeve, ki so ali so bile “sub judice“ ali v preiskavi, vključno z disciplinskimi preiskavami, ali na katere se predhodni postopki nanašajo,
(d) zaupne poslovne in industrijske podatke kot tudi intelektualno lastnino,
(e) zaupnost osebnih podatkov oziroma kartotek,
(f) gradivo, ki ga priskrbi tretji, ne da bi bil pravno zavezan to storiti,
(g) gradivo, katerega razkritje bi prispevalo k večji verjetnosti, da bi bilo okolje, na katero se to gradivo nanaša, prizadeto.
(4) Javni organ mora osebi, ki zahteva informacijo, čim prej odgovoriti. Razlogi za zavrnitev informacije morajo biti dani v pisni obliki.
15. člen
Raziskave in razvoj
(1) Da bi pospešile dosego ciljev te konvencije, pogodbenice pripravijo dopolnilne ali skupne programe znanstvenega ali tehničnega raziskovanja in v skladu s postopkom, ki ga bo določila Mednarodna komisija, komisiji pošiljajo:
(a) rezultate takih dopolnilnih, skupnih ali drugih pomembnih raziskav, do katerih imajo dostop javni organi,
(b) ustrezne dele drugih znanstvenih in tehničnih raziskav.
(2) Tako imajo pogodbenice vpogled v delo, ki ga na teh področjih opravljajo ali podpirajo ustrezne mednarodne organizacije in agencije.
16. člen
Obveščanje, sistemi za opozarjanje in alarmiranje k pripravljenosti, načrti za ravnanje v izrednih razmerah
(1) Pogodbenice skrbijo za usklajeno ali skupno obveščanje ter za sisteme za opozarjanje in alarmiranje k pripravljenosti na področju celotnega porečja v tolikšni meri, kot je to potrebno za dopolnitev obstoječih sistemov, ki delujejo na dvostranski ravni. Posvetujejo se o načinih in sredstvih za usklajevanje domačega obveščanja, sistemov za opozarjanje in alarmiranje k pripravljenosti ter načrtov za ravnanje v izrednih razmerah.
(2) Pogodbenice v okviru Mednarodne komisije druga drugo obveščajo o pristojnih organih ali kontaktnih mestih, določenih ob izrednih dogodkih, kot so nesreče zaradi onesnaženja, druge kritične vodne razmere, poplave in nevarnosti zaradi ledenih plošč. V skladu s tem pristojni organi sodelujejo pri pripravi skupnih načrtov za ravnanje v izrednih razmerah in, kjer je to potrebno, na dvostranski ravni dopolnjujejo obstoječe načrte.
(3) Če pristojni organ ugotovi nenadno povečanje nevarnih snovi v reki Donavi ali v vodah na njenem prispevnem področju ali prejme obvestilo o katastrofi ali nesreči, ki lahko resno vpliva na kakovost vode reke Donave in prizadene nizvodni tok v podonavskih državah, mora o tem nemudoma obvestiti določena kontaktna mesta in Mednarodno komisijo v skladu s postopkom, ki ga uvede Komisija.
(4) Da bi pristojni organi lahko nadzorovali in zmanjšali tveganja poplav, vključno z nevarnostmi, ki jih povzroča led, morajo nizvodne podonavske države, ki bi bile lahko prizadete, in Mednarodno komisijo nemudoma obvestiti o nastalem pojavu in napredovanju poplav kot tudi o napovedih predvidenih nevarnosti zaradi ledu.
17. člen
Medsebojna pomoč
(1) Pogodbenice si zaradi trdnejšega sodelovanja in lažjega izpolnjevanja obveznosti po tej konvenciji, predvsem ob kriznih razmerah v rečnem režimu in okolju, medsebojno pomagajo, ko ena od njih zaprosi za pomoč.
(2) Mednarodna komisija izdela postopke za vzajemno pomoč, ki se med drugim nanašajo na naslednja vprašanja:
(a) usmerjanje, nadzor, usklajevanje in spremljanje pomoči,
(b) lokalne ugodnosti in storitve, ki jih zagotovi pogodbenica, ki prosi za pomoč, vključno s poenostavitvijo formalnosti ob prehodu meje,
(c) ureditev nadomestila za pogodbenico oziroma njeno osebje, ki daje pomoč, in nadomestila za morebitni tranzit čez ozemlja tretjih pogodbenic,
(d) načini vračanja stroškov za opravljene storitve pomoči.
18. člen
Ustanovitev, naloge in pristojnosti
(1) Ustanovi se Mednarodna komisija za varstvo reke Donave, v tej konvenciji imenovana Mednarodna komisija, z namenom izvajanja ciljev in določb te konvencije. Pogodbenice sodelujejo v okviru Mednarodne komisije. Mednarodna komisija izdeluje predloge in priporočila, ki jih pošilja pogodbenicam, da bi te v skladu s 1. do 18. členom lahko izpolnjevale svoje obveznosti.
(2) Sestava in postopki Mednarodne komisije kot tudi njene pristojnosti so podrobno določeni v Prilogi IV k tej kovenciji, ki je statut Komisije.
(3) Poleg zadev, ki so ji izrecno zaupane, je Mednarodna komisija pristojna, da obravnava vse druge zadeve, ki so ji zaupane z mandatom pogodbenic v okviru 3. člena te konvencije.
(4) Izvajanje sklepov, ki jih sprejme Mednarodna komisija, je zagotovljeno z obveznostmi pogodbenic, da v skladu z 10. členom Komisiji poročajo kot tudi z določbami te konvencije glede notranjih podlag in izvajanja večstranskega sodelovanja.
(5) Mednarodna komisija presoja izkušnje, pridobljene z izvajanjem te konvencije, in po potrebi pogodbenicam daje predloge glede sprememb ali dodatkov k tej konvenciji oziroma pripravlja podlago za izdelavo nadaljnjih predpisov o varstvu in upravljanju reke Donave in voda v njenem porečju.
(6) Mednarodna komisija odloča o sodelovanju z mednarodnimi in nacionalnimi organizacijami ali drugimi organi, ki se ukvarjajo z varstvom in upravljanjem reke Donave in voda v njenem porečju, ali jih to zanima ali jih zanimajo splošna vprašanja varstva in upravljanja voda. Cilj tega sodelovanja je povečati usklajenost in preprečevati podvajanje.
19. člen
Prehod glede na bukareško deklaracijo
Dela, ki so jih pogodbenice opravile v okviru Deklaracije o sodelovanju donavskih držav pri vprašanjih gospodarjenja z vodami reke Donave, predvsem pri varstvu reke Donave pred onesnaževanjem, ki so jih delovne skupine za kakovost vode, obveščanje o poplavah in njihovem napredovanju in vodno bilanco podpisale 13. decembra 1985 (Bukareška deklaracija), se prenesejo v to konvencijo.
20. člen
Veljavnost prilog
Priloge od I do V so pod pogoji določb 23. člena sestavni del te konvencije.
21. člen
Obstoječi in dopolnilni sporazumi
Pogodbenice po načelu enakopravnosti in vzajemnosti tam, kjer je potrebno odpraviti protislovja, prilagodijo obstoječe dvostranske in mnogostranske sporazume ali druge dogovore temeljnim načelom te konvencije in sklenejo dopolnilne sporazume ali druge dogovore.
22. člen
Konferenca pogodbenic
(1) Pogodbenice se sestajajo na priporočilo Mednarodne komisije.
(2) Na teh sestankih na podlagi poročila Mednarodne komisije pogodbenice predvsem proučujejo politična vprašanja, ki se nanašajo na izvajanje te konvencije, in sprejemajo ustrezna priporočila ali odločitve.
(3) Pogodbenica, katere vodja delegacije deluje kot predsednik Mednarodne komisije, predseduje takim sestankom.
(4) Konferenca pogodbenic je pristojna za sprejemanje priporočil ali odločitev pod pogojem, da so po uradnem sklicu na sestanku navzoče vsaj tri četrtine vseh pogodbenic. Če v tej konvenciji ni drugače določeno, si konferenca pogodbenic prizadeva doseči sporazum s konsenzom. Če konsenza ni mogoče doseči, predsedujoči razglasi, da so vsa prizadevanja, da bi dosegli konsenz, izčrpana. Po tej razglasitvi se priporočilo ali odločitev sprejme s štiripetinsko večino pogodbenic, ki so navzoče in glasujejo.
(5) Odločitev postane zavezujoča prvi dan enajstega meseca po datumu sprejema, in sicer za vse pogodbenice, ki so zanjo glasovale in v tem času niso izvršilnega sekretarja pisno obvestile, da te odločitve ne morejo sprejeti. Vendar se to uradno obvestilo lahko kadar koli umakne, umik začne veljati, ko ga prejme izvršilni sekretar. Za vse druge pogodbenice, ki so izvršilnega sekretarja pisno obvestile, da odločitev lahko sprejmejo, postane odločitev zavezujoča od trenutka dalje, ko je bilo uradno obvestilo prejeto, oziroma prvi dan enajstega meseca po datumu sprejema odločitve, kar je pozneje.
(6) Če pa bi priporočilo ali odločitev imela finančne posledice, se lahko sprejme le s konsenzom.
23. člen
Spremembe konvencije
Konvencija se dopolnjuje, kot sledi:
(1) Vsaka pogodbenica sme predlagati spremembo te konvencije. Besedilo predlagane spremembe skupaj s predlogom sklica konference pogodbenic pošlje depozitar pogodbenicam v pisni obliki.
(2) Če vsaj tri četrtine pogodbenic podpira predlog za sklic konference pogodbenic, depozitar skliče konferenco pogodbenic v šestih mesecih na sedežu Mednarodne komisije.
(3) Sprememba se na konferenci pogodbenic lahko sprejme le s konsenzom.
(4) Vlada, ki je depozitar predloži sprejeto spremembo pogodbenicam v ratifikacijo, sprejetje ali odobritev. Ratifikacija, sprejetje ali odobritev spremembe se vladi, ki je depozitar, sporočijo v pisni obliki.
(5) Za pogodbenice, ki so spremembo ratificirale, sprejele ali odobrile, ta začne veljati trideseti dan, potem ko je vlada, ki je depozitar, prejela uradno obvestiloo njeni ratificiji, sprejetju ali odobritvi vsaj v štirih petinah pogodbenic. Za vse druge pogodbenice sprememba začne veljati trideseti dan, potem ko so deponirale svojo listino o ratifikaciji, sprejetju ali odobritvi spremembe.
(6) Mednarodna komisija lahko spremeni Priloge I, II in III v skladu s 5. členom svojega statuta.
24. člen
Reševanje sporov
(1) Če med dvema ali več pogodbenicami nastane spor zaradi razlage ali uporabe te konvencije, si ga prizadevajo rešiti s pogajanjem ali na drug, za stranki v sporu sprejemljiv način, in če je ustrezno, tudi s pomočjo Mednarodne komisije.
(2) (a) Če stranki v sporu spora v skladu s prvim odstavkom tega člena ne moreta rešiti v razumnem času, ki pa ni daljši kot dvanajst mesecev, potem ko je stranka v sporu Mednarodno komisijo obvestila o sporu, se spor predloži v obvezno odločanje po enem od načinov za mirno reševanje:
– Meddržavnemu sodišču,
– arbitraži v skladu s Prilogo V k tej konvenciji.
(b) Pogodbenica ob ratifikaciji, sprejetju, odobritvi ali pristopu k tej konvenciji ali kadar koli pozneje depozitarju pošlje pisno izjavo, da za spor, ki ni bil rešen v skladu s prvim odstavkom tega člena, sprejema enega ali oba načina za reševanje sporov, navedena v pododstavku (a) tega odstavka.
(c) Če stranki v sporu sprejmeta oba načina za reševanje sporov, navedena v pododstavku (a) tega odstavka, se spor pošlje v reševanje Meddržavnemu sodišču, razen če se stranke ne dogovorijo drugače.
(d) Če stranke v sporu ne sprejmejo istega načina za reševanje sporov, navedenega v pododstavku (a) tega odstavka, se spor pošlje v reševanje arbitraži.
(e) Pogodbenica, ki ni poslala izjave v skladu s pododstavkom (b) tega odstavka ali katere izjava ni več veljavna, se šteje, da je sprejela arbitražo.
25. člen
Ta konvencija je na voljo za podpis donavskim državam, ki so polno upravičene do pravic in privilegijev članstva v Združenih narodih v skladu z Ustanovno listino ZN, kot tudi Evropski skupnosti in kateri koli drugi regionalni organizaciji za gospodarsko povezovanje, na katero so države kot njene članice prenesle pristojnost za zadeve, ki jih ureja ta konvencija, v Sofiji 29. junija 1994.
26. člen
Ratifikacija, sprejetje ali odobritev
Ta konvencija se ratificira, sprejme ali odobri. Listine o ratifikaciji, sprejetju ali odobritvi se deponirajo pri vladi Romunije, ki deluje kot depozitar te konvencije.
27. člen
Začetek veljavnosti
Ta konvencija začne veljati devetdeseti dan po datumu deponiranja devete listine o ratifikaciji, sprejetju, odobritvi ali pristopu. Za vsako državo ali regionalno organizacijo za gospodarsko povezovanje, ki ratificira, sprejme, odobri to konvencijo ali pristopi k njej po deponiranju devete listine o ratifikaciji, sprejetju, odobritvi ali pristopu, ta konvencija začne veljati devetdeseti dan po datumu, ko je deponirala svojo listino o ratifikaciji, sprejetju, odobritvi ali pristopu.
28. člen
Pristop, sodelovanje
(1) Država ali regionalna organizacija za gospodarsko povezovanje iz 25. člena te konvencije, ki ni podpisala te konvencije, lahko k njej pristopi. Listina o pristopu se deponira pri depozitarju.
(2) Države pogodbenice lahko soglasno povabijo katero koli drugo državo ali regionalno organizacijo za gospodarsko povezovanje, da pristopi k tej konvenciji ali pri njej sodeluje s posvetovalnim statusom.
29. člen
Kadar koli po petih letih od dne, ko je ta konvencija za določeno pogodbenico začela veljati, jo lahko ta pogodbenica s pisnim uradnim obvestilom, poslanim depozitarju, odpove. Odpoved začne veljati eno leto po tem, ko je depozitar prejel uradno obvestilo.
30. člen
Naloge depozitarja
Vlada, ki je depozitar, izvaja naloge depozitarja te konvencije, predvsem depozitar obvešča pogodbenice o:
(a) deponiranih listinah o ratifikaciji, sprejetju, odobritvi ali pristopu, o odpovedi ali o drugih informacijah, izjavah in listinah, predvidenih v tej konvenciji,
(b) datumu začetka veljavnosti te konvencije.
31. člen
Verodostojna besedila, depozitar
Izvirnik te konvencije, katerega angleško in nemško besedilo sta verodostojni, se deponira pri vladi Romunije, ki pošlje overjene izvode besedil pogodbenicam.
V potrditev tega so podpisani, ki so jih pravilno pooblastile njihove vlade, podpisali Konvencijo o sodelovanju pri varstvu in trajnostni uporabi reke Donave (Konvencijo o varstvu reke Donave).
Sestavljeno v Sofiji 29. junija 1994.
1. DEL
1. Uporaba najboljših razpoložljivih tehnologij poudarja čiste tehnologije, če so na voljo.
2. Izraz “najboljše razpoložljive tehnologije“ pomeni najnovejšo razvojno stopnjo najsodobnejših delovnih postopkov, naprav ali delovnih metod, ki kažejo praktično primernost posameznega ukrepa za omejevanje odtokov emisij iz izpustov in odlaganja odpadkov. Pri ugotavljanju, ali delovni postopki, naprave in delovne metode v splošnem ali v posameznih primerih pomenijo najboljše razpoložljive tehnologije, je treba posebno pozornost posvečati:
(a) primerljivim delovnim postopkom, napravam ali delovnim metodam, ki so bili v zadnjem času uspešno preizkušeni,
(b) tehnološkemu napredku in spremembam pri znanstvenih spoznanjih in razumevanju,
(c) gospodarski izvedljivosti takih tehnologij,
(d) časovnim omejitvam za postavitev naprav tako v novih kot obstoječih obratih,
(e) vrsti in količini posameznih odtokov in emisij iz izpustov.
3. Iz tega izhaja, da se “najboljše razpoložljive tehnologije“ za posamezni postopek spreminjajo s časom glede na tehnološki napredek, gospodarske in družbene dejavnike kot tudi glede na spremembe pri znanstvenih spoznanjih in razumevanju.
4. Če zmanjšanje količine odtokov in emisij iz izpustov zaradi uporabe najboljših razpoložljivih tehnologij ne daje okolju sprejemljivih rezultatov, se morajo izvajati dodatni ukrepi.
5. Izraz “tehnologije“ vključuje tako uporabljeno tehnologijo kot način, po katerem so naprave zasnovane, zgrajene, vzdrževane, upravljane in odstranjene.
2. DEL
1. Najboljša okoljska praksa pomeni uporabo najprimernejše kombinacije strategij in ukrepov nadzora varstva okolja po sektorjih.
2. Pri določanju, katera kombinacija ukrepov je najboljša okoljska praksa, je treba zlasti pozorno pretehtati:
– načelo preventive,
– tveganost proizvoda in njegove proizvodnje, uporabe in končnega odlaganja za okolje (načelo odgovornosti),
– nadomestitev s čistejšimi dejavnostmi ali snovmi, ki manj onesnažujejo in varčevanje z viri, vključno z energijo (načelo zmanjšanja na najmanjšo možno mero),
– obseg uporabe,
– možno korist ali škodo, ki jo nadomestni material ali dejavnosti pomenijo za okolje,
– napredek in spremembe v znanstvenih spoznanjih in razumevanju,
– časovne omejitve pri izvajanju,
– družbene in gospodarske posledice.
3. Iz tega izhaja, da se najboljša okoljska praksa za posamezne vire vplivov spreminja s časom glede na tehnološki napredek, gospodarske in družbene dejavnike kot tudi glede na spremembe v znanstvenih spoznanjih in razumevanju.
4. Če zmanjšanje vplivov kot posledica najboljše okoljske prakse ne vodi k rezulatom, ki so za okolje sprejemljivi, je treba izvajati dodatne ukrepe in na novo opredeliti najboljšo okoljsko prakso.
1. DEL
1. V sektorju proizvodnje toplote, energetike in rudarstva:
(a) ravnanje z dimniškimi in izpušnimi plini, žlindrami, kondenzati iz obratov za sežiganje,
(b) hladilni sistemi,
(c) obdelava premoga in rud,
(d) oplemenitenje premoga in pridobivanje stranskih proizvodov premoga, briketiranje,
(e) proizvodnja lesnega lignita, aktivnega oglja
2. V industriji kamna in gline, gradbenega materiala, stekla in keramike:
(a) prozvodnja vlaknastega cementa in izdelkov iz vlaknastega cementa,
(b) proizvodnja in predelava stekla, steklenih vlaken, mineralnih vlaken,
(c) proizvodnja keramičnih proizvodov
3. V kovinski industriji:
(a) Obdelava in predelava kovin: elektrogalvanske delavnice, lužilnice, obrati za anodno oksidacijo, polirnice, obrati za vročo galvanizacijo, kalilnice jekla, obrati za proizvodnjo tiskanih vezij, izdelava baterij, emajliranje, mehanične delavnice, polirnice drsnih utorov,
(b) proizvodnja železa in jekla, vključno z livarstvom,
(c) proizvodnja barvnih kovin, vključno z livarstvom,
(d) proizvodnja železovih zlitin.
4. V sektorju anorganske kemije:
(a) proizvodnja osnovnih kemikalij,
(b) proizvodnja mineralnih kislin, baz, soli,
(c) proizvodnja alkalij, lugov in klora s pomočjo elektrolize alkalijevega klorida,
(d) proizvodnja mineralnih gnojil (razen kalijevih gnojil), soli fosforne kisline, fosfatov za krmo,
(e) proizvodnja natrijevega karbonata,
(f) proizvodnja korunda,
(g) proizvodnja anorganskih pigmentov, mineralnih pigmentov,
(h) proizvodnja polprevodnikov, usmernikov, fotoelektričnih celic,
(i) proizvodnja eksplozivov, vključno s pirotehniko,
(j) proizvodnja visoko disperznih oksidov,
(k) proizvodnja barijevih spojin.
5. V sektorju organske kemije:
(a) proizvodnja osnovnih kemikalij,
(b) proizvodnja barvil, pigmentov, barv,
(c) proizvodnja in predelava umetnih vlaken,
(d) proizvodnja in predelava plastike, gume, kavčuka,
(e) proizvodnja organskih halogenih spojin,
(f) proizvodnja organskih eksplozivov, trdnih goriv,
(g) proizvodnja dodatkov v industriji usnja, papirja in tekstila,
(h) proizvodnja farmacevtskih izdelkov,
(i) proizvodnja biocidov,
(j) proizvodnja surovin za pralne praške in čistila,
(k) proizvodnja kozmetike,
(l) proizvodnja želatin, kožnih in drugih lepil.
6. V sektorju mineralnih in sintetičnih olj:
(a) predelava mineralnih olj, proizvodnja in rafiniranje izdelkov iz mineralnih olj, proizvodnja ogljikovodikov,
(b) pridobivanje olja iz mešanic olja in vode, obrati za izločanje snovi iz emulzij, pridobivanje in obdelava odpadnega olja,
(c) proizvodnja sintetičnih olj.
7. V sektorjih tiskarn, kopirnic, obratov za površinsko obdelavo in izdelavo plastičnih oblog kot tudi drugih oblik predelave smol in plastičnega materiala:
(a) proizvodnja tiskanih in grafičnih izdelkov, kopirnice,
(b) fotografski in filmski laboratoriji,
(c) proizvodnja folij, nosilcev slike in zvoka,
(d) proizvodnja premazanega in impregniranega materiala.
8. V lesnem in celuloznem sektorju:
(a) proizvodnja celuloze, papirja in lepenke,
(b) proizvodnja in površinska obdelava iveric.
9. V tekstilnem, usnjarskem in krznarskem sektorju:
(a) proizvodnja in apretura tkanin,
(b) proizvodnja in apretura usnja, proizvodnja umetnega usnja, apretura krzna,
(c) kemično čiščenje, pralnice, pranje loščenega blaga, pranje volnenenega materiala.
10. Drugi sektorji:
(a) recikliranje, obdelava, skladiščenje, natovarjanje, raztovarjanje in odlaganje odpadkov ter odpadnih snovi, skladiščenje, natovarjanje, raztovarjanje in prenos kemikalij,
(b) medicinske in znanstvene raziskave in razvoj, bolnišnice, ambulante, radiološki inštituti, laboratoriji, testirnice,
(c) industrijski čistilni obrati, čiščenje industrijskih zabojnikov,
(d) avtomehanične delavnice, avtopralnice,
(e) čiščenje vode,
(f) barvanje in lakiranje,
(g) proizvodnja in predelava rastlinskih in živalskih izvlečkov,
(h) proizvodnja in predelava mikroorganizmov in virusov z in vitro spojenimi nukleinskimi kislinami,
(i) industrijski sektorji, ki uporabljajo radioaktivne snovi (jedrska industrija).
2. DEL
A. Prednostne skupine snovi
(a) težke kovine in njihove spojine,
(b) spojine organskih halogenov,
(c) organske spojine fosforja in kositra,
(d) sredstva za zaščito rastlin, pesticidi (fungicidi, herbicidi, insekticidi, algicidi) in kemikalije, ki se uporabljajo za zaščito lesa, celuloze, papirja, kož in tekstila itd.,
(e) olja in ogljikovodiki naftnega izvora,
(f) druge organske spojine, ki so posebej nevarne za vodno okolje,
(g) anorganske dušikove in fosforne spojine,
(h) radioaktivne snovi, vključno z odpadki.
B. Posamezne nevarne snovi
Glede na precejšnje razlike v stopnji nevarnosti snovi, ki jih vsebujejo določene skupine snovi, je treba opozoriti na nekatere posamezne snovi, ki lahko imajo v praksi lahko odločilni pomen.
Snovi                            številka CAS
                                 (oznaka kemične strukture)
1. Živo srebro                   7439976
2. Kadmij                        7440439
3. Baker                         7440508
4. Cink                          n.r.*
5. Svinec                        7439921
6. Arzen                         7440382
7. Krom                          n.r.
8. Nikelj                        7440020
9. Bor                           n.r
10. Kobalt                       n.r.
11. Selen                        7782492
12. Srebro                       n.r.
13. Drin                         – –
14. HCH                          608731
15. DDT                          50293
16. Pentaklorofenol              87865
17. Heksaklorobenzen             118741
18. Heksaklorobutadien           87683
19. Ogljikov tetraklorid         56235
20. Kloroform                    67663
21. Trifluralin                  1582098
22. Endosulfan                   115297
23. Simazin                      122349
24. Atrazin                      1912249
25. Tributilijeve spojine        – –
26. Trifenilijeve spojine        – –
27. Acinfos-etil                 2642719
28. Acinfos-metil                86500
29. Fenitrotion                  122145
30. Fention                      55389
31. Malation                     121755
32. Paration                     56382
33. Paration-metil               298000
34. Diklorvos                    62737
35. Trikloretilen                79016
36. Tetrakloretilen              127184
37. Triklorbenzen                – –
38. Dikloretan 1, 2              107062
39. Trikloretan                  71556
40. Dioksini                     n.r
* n.r. – ne razpolagamo
Cilji in merila kakovosti vode, izdelani za specifične odseke reke Donave in za površinske vode v njenem prispevnem področju, so:
(a) upoštevati možnost vzdrževanja in, kjer je to potrebno, izboljšanja kakovosti vode,
(b) prizadevati si za zmanjšanje povprečne obremenitve in koncentracij onesnaženja (predvsem z nevarnimi snovmi) do določene stopnje v določenem obdobju,
(c) upoštevati posebne zahteve glede kakovosti vode (naravna voda za pitje, namakanje itd.),
(d) upoštevati posebne zahteve glede občutljivih in posebej zavarovanih voda in njihovega okolja, npr. jezer, območij za varstvo obrežnega filtriranja vode in močvirij,
(e) opirati se na uporabo metodologij biološkega razvrščanja in kemičnih kazalcev pri srednje- in dolgoročnih pregledih vzdrževanja in izboljševanja kakovosti vode,
(f) upoštevati doseženo raven približevanja ciljem, v posameznih primerih pa zahtevati dodatne zaščitne ukrepe.
1 Cilji in merila za kakovost vode se praviloma oblikujejo posamezno in se predvsem prilagajajo prevladujočim razmeram glede na ekosisteme, vodne vire in njihovo rabo. Zato se pogodbenicam po tej konvenciji dajejo le splošne smernice.
Organiziranost in postopki Mednarodne komisije, ki dopolnjujejo 18. člen, so:
1. člen
(1) Mednarodno komisijo sestavljajo delegacije, ki jih imenujejo pogodbenice. Vsaka pogodbenica imenuje največ pet delegatov, vključno z vodjo delegacije in njegovim namestnikom.
(2) Poleg tega lahko vsaka delegacija najame določeno število izvedencev, ki jih potrebuje pri obravnavi posebnih vprašanj, njihova imena pa sporoči sekretariatu Mednarodne komisije.
2. člen
(1) Mednarodni komisiji predseduje vsaka pogodbenica izmenično eno leto po abecednem redu (v angleščini). Delegacija, ki prevzema predsedstvo, imenuje enega svojih članov za predsednika Mednarodne komisije.
(2) Na sestankih Mednarodne komisije predsednik praviloma ne zastopa svoje delegacije.
(3) Druge podrobnosti glede predsedstva določi Mednarodna komisija v svojem poslovniku.
3. člen
(1) Mednarodna komisija se na povabilo predsednika vsaj enkrat letno sestane na rednem sestanku. Kraj sestanka določi predsednik.
(2) Predsednik mora sklicati izredne sestanke na zahtevo vsaj treh delegacij.
(3) V obdobju med sestanki komisije se lahko vodje delegacij med seboj posvetujejo.
(4) Predsednik predlaga točke dnevnega reda. Med zadevami na dnevnem redu so poročila stalne delovne skupine in njenih izvedenskih skupin. Vsaka delegacija ima pravico predlagati, da se na dnevni red uvrstijo zadeve, katerih obravnavo želi. Vrstni red zadev na dnevnem redu Mednarodne komisije se določi z večinskim glasovanjem.
4. člen
(1) Vsaka delegacija ima en glas.
(2) Ne glede na določbe prvega odstavka tega člena je Evropska skupnost v okviru svojih pooblastil upravičena do števila glasov, ki je enako številu njenih držav članic, ki so pogodbenice te konvencije. Ta organizacija pa ne uveljavlja svoje glasovalne pravice v primerih, ko jo uveljavljajo njene države članice in obratno.
(3) Mednarodna komisija je sklepčna, če sta navzoči vsaj dve tretjini pogodbenic.
(4) Pisni postopki so možni pod pogoji, določenimi s poslovnikom Mednarodne komisije.
5. člen
Sprejemanje sklepov
(1) Sklepi in priporočila se sprejemajo s konsenzom delegacij v Mednarodni komisiji. Če konsenza ni mogoče doseči, predsednik komisije izjavi, da so bila vsa prizadevanja za dosego konsenza izčrpana. Če v konvenciji ni drugače določeno, komisija v tem primeru sprejme sklepe ali priporočila s štiripetinsko večino glasov delegacij, ki so navzoče in glasujejo.
(2) Sklep postane zavezujoč prvi dan enajstega meseca po datumu, ko je bil sprejet, za vse pogodbenice, ki so zanj glasovale in izvršilnemu sekretarju v tem času niso pisno sporočile, da sklepa ne morejo sprejeti. Vendar se to uradno obvestilo lahko umakne kadar koli, umik začne veljati, ko ga prejme izvršilni sekretar. Sklep postane zavezujoč za vsako drugo pogodbenico, ki je izvršilnemu sekretarju pisno sporočila, da ga lahko sprejme, od trenutka prejema tega uradnega obvestila dalje ali prvi dan enajstega meseca po datumu, ko je bil sklep sprejet, kar je pozneje.
6. člen
Strokovni organi
(1) Mednarodna komisija ustanovi stalno delovno skupino. Za določena delovna področja in posebno problematiko se uvedejo stalne ali ad hoc strokovne skupine.
(2) Stalno delovno skupino in strokovne skupine sestavljajo delegati in izvedenci, ki jih imenujejo delegacije v komisiji.
(3) V stalni delovni skupini so delegati iz vseh pogodbenic. Mednarodna komisija imenuje svojega predsednika in določi največje število delegatov. Komisija tudi določi število izvedencev, ki sodelujejo v strokovnih skupinah.
7. člen
(1) Ustanovi se stalni sekretariat.
(2) Stalni sekretariat ima svoj sedež na Dunaju.
(3) Mednarodna komisija imenuje izvršilnega sekretarja in pripravlja pravila o imenovanju drugega morda potrebnega osebja. Komisija določa naloge izvršilnega sekretarja in pogoje za opravljanje te funkcije.
(4) Izvršilni sekretar opravlja naloge, potrebne za izvajanje te konvencije in za delo Mednarodne komisije, kot tudi druge naloge, ki mu jih komisija zaupa v skladu s svojim poslovnikom in finančnimi predpisi.
8. člen
Poverjanje nalog posebnim izvedencem
Mednarodna komisija se lahko v okviru svojih presoj pridobljenih rezultatov in zaradi analize posebnih vprašanj obrne na posebne izvedence, znanstvene ali druge ustanove.
9. člen
Mednarodna komisija pogodbenicam predloži letno poročilo o svojih dejavnostih kot tudi druga zahtevana poročila, v katerih so predvsem zajeti rezultati monitoringa in vrednotenja.
10. člen
Pravna sposobnost in zastopanje
(1) Mednarodna komisija ima tako pravno sposobnost, kot jo utegne potrebovati za opravljanje svojih nalog in izpolnjevanje svojih ciljev v skladu z zakonodajo, ki se uporablja na sedežu njenega sekretariata.
(2) Mednarodno komisijo zastopa njen predsednik. To zastopstvo je podrobneje opredeljeno v poslovniku.
11. člen
(1) Mednarodna komisija sprejme svoj finančni pravilnik.
(2) Komisija sprejme letni ali dvoletni proračun predlaganih izdatkov in prouči proračun za naslednje proračunsko leto.
(3) Celotni znesek proračuna, vključno z vsakim dodatnim proračunom, ki ga sprejme komisija, v enakih delih prispevajo pogodbenice, ki niso članice Evropske skupnosti, razen če komisija soglasno ne odloči drugače.
(4) Evropska skupnost prispeva k proračunu le 2,5 odstotka upravnih stroškov.
(5) Vsaka pogodbenica plača izdatke, povezane s sodelovanjem svojih predstavnikov, izvedencev in svetovalcev v komisiji.
(6) Vsaka pogodbenica krije stroške tekočih dejavnosti monitoringa in vrednotenja, ki se opravljajo na njenem ozemlju.
12. člen
Mednarodna komisija sestavi svoj poslovnik.
13. člen
Delovna jezika
Uradna jezika Mednarodne komisije sta angleški in nemški jezik.
(1) Postopek arbitraže iz 24. člena te konvencije mora biti v skladu z drugim do desetim odstavkom kot sledi:
(2) (a) Če nastane spor, ki je predložen arbitraži v skladu z drugim odstavkom 24. člena te konvencije, se na zahtevo ene stranke v sporu proti drugi ustanovi arbitražno sodišče. V zahtevku za arbitražo so navedeni predmet spora in predvsem členi te konvencije, katerih razlaga ali uporaba je sporna.
(b) Stranka vlagateljica zahtevka obvesti Mednarodno komisijo, da je zahtevala ustanovitev arbitražnega sodišča, pri čemer navede ime druge stranke v sporu in člene te konvencije, katerih razlaga ali uporaba je po njenem mnenju sporna. Tožnico kot tudi toženo stranko lahko sestavlja več pogodbenic. Mednarodna komisija pošlje tako prejeto uradno obvestilo vsem pogodbenicam te konvencije.
(3) Arbitražno sodišče sestavljajo trije člani: tako stranka tožnica ali stranke tožnice kot druga stranka ali stranke v sporu v dveh mesecih imenuje(jo) arbitra, oba na ta način imenovana arbitra sporazumno v dveh mesecih imenujeta tretjega arbitra, ki je predsednik arbitražnega sodišča. Slednji ne sme biti državljan katere koli od strank v sporu, ne sme imeti stalnega bivališča na ozemlju katere od teh strank, ne sme biti zaposlen pri kateri od njih ali se v kakšni drugi funkciji ukvarjati s tem primerom.
(4) (a) Če ena od strank v sporu v dveh mesecih po prejemu zahtevka ne imenuje arbitra, lahko druga stranka obvesti predsednika Meddržavnega sodišča, ki v naslednjih dveh mesecih imenuje predsednika arbitražnega sodišča. Po imenovanju predsednik arbitražnega sodišča od stranke, ki ni imenovala arbitra, zahteva, da to stori v dveh mesecih. Če arbiter tudi po izteku tega obdobja ni imenovan, predsednik arbitražnega sodišča obvesti predsednika Meddržavnega sodišča, ki v naslednjih dveh mesecih sam opravi to imenovanje.
(b) Če predsednik arbitražnega sodišča ni imenovan v dveh mesecih po imenovanju drugega arbitra, ga predsednik Meddržavnega sodišča na zahtevo ene od obeh strank določi v nadaljnjih dveh mesecih.
(5) (a) Arbitražno sodišče odloča po pravilih mednarodnega prava in zlasti te konvencije.
(b) Vsako arbitražno sodišče, ustanovljeno po določbah te priloge, sestavi svoj poslovnik.
(c) Če nastane spor zaradi tega, ali je arbitražno sodišče pristojno, o zadevi razsodi arbitražno sodišče.
(6) (a) Sklepi arbitražnega sodišča tako o postopku kot o vsebini se sprejemajo z večino glasov njegovih članov.
(b) Za ugotavljanje dejstev lahko arbitražno sodišče lahko uporabi vsa ustrezna sredstva. Na zahtevo ene od strank lahko arbitražno sodišče odredi bistvene začasne zaščitne ukrepe.
(c) Če dve ali več arbitražnih sodišč, ustanovljenih po določbah te priloge, prejmejo zahtevke docela iste ali podobne vsebine, se lahko obvestijo o postopkih za ugotavljanje dejstev in jih, kolikor je mogoče, upoštevajo.
(d) Stranke v sporu zagotavljajo vse potrebno za učinkovito vodenje postopkov.
(e) Odsotnost stranke v sporu ni zadržek v postopku.
(7) Če arbitražno sodišče zaradi posebnih okoliščin primera ne določi drugače, stroške sodišča, vključno s honorarji njegovih članov, krijejo stranke v sporu v enakih deležih. Sodišče vodi evidenco vseh svojih izdatkov in strankam pošlje njihov končni obračun.
(8) Arbitražno sodišče izreče razsodbo v petih mesecih po datumu svoje ustanovitve, razen če meni, da je treba rok podaljšati, vendar ne za dlje kot pet mesecev.
(9) Pogodbenica, ki ima v sporni zadevi pravni interes, ki ga sklep utegne prizadeti, lahko s soglasjem sodišča poseže v postopke. Razsodba arbitražnega sodišča je za stranko, ki je posegla v postopek, enako zavezujoča kot za stranke v sporu.
(10) (a) Razsodba arbitražnega sodišča mora biti utemeljena z razlogi. Je dokončna in zavezujoča za stranke v sporu. Arbitražno sodišče pošlje razsodbo strankam v sporu in Mednarodni komisiji. Komisija pošlje prejeto informacijo vsem pogodbenicam te konvencije.
(b) Spor, do katerega utegne priti med pogodbenicami zaradi razlage ali izvršbe razsodbe, lahko ena od strank pošlje v reševanje arbitražnemu sodišču, ki je razsodbo izreklo, ali če ga slednje ne more sprejeti v reševanje, drugemu arbitražnemu sodišču, ustanovljenemu v ta namen na enak način kot prvo.
3. člen
Za izvajanje konvencije skrbi Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor.
4. člen
Ta zakon začne veljati naslednji dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije - Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 802-01/98-6/1
Ljubljana, dne 22. maja 1998
Državnega zbora
Republike Slovenije
Janez Podobnik, dr. med. l. r.

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