Uradni list

Številka 59
Uradni list RS, št. 59/1998 z dne 21. 8. 1998
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 59/1998 z dne 21. 8. 1998


34. Uredba o ratifikaciji Četrte spremembe Statuta Mednarodnega denarnega sklada – Dodatka M, stran 241.

Na podlagi tretjega odstavka 63. člena Zakona o zunanjih zadevah (Uradni list RS, št. 1/91-I) izdaja Vlada Republike Slovenije
1. člen
Ratificira se Četrta sprememba Statuta Mednarodnega denarnega sklada – Dodatek M, ki jo je sklad sprejel 23. septembra 1997.
2. člen
Sprememba se v izvirniku v angleškem jeziku in v prevodu v slovenskem jeziku glasi:
The Governments on whose behalf the present Agreement is signed agree as follows:
1. The text of Article XV, Section 1 shall be amended to read as follows:
(a) To meet the need, as and when it arises, for a supplement to existing reserve assets, the Fund is authorized to allocate special drawing rights in accordance with the provisions of Article XVIII to members that are participants in the Special Drawing Rights Department.
(b) In addition, the Fund shall allocate special drawing rights to members that are participants in the Special Drawing Rights Department in accordance with the provision of Schedule M.
2. A new Schedule M shall be added to the Articles, to read as follows:
Special One-Time Allocation of Special Drawing Rights
1. Subject to 4 below, each member that, as of September 19, 1997, is a participant in the Special Drawing Rights Department shall, on the 30th day following the effective date of the fourth amendment of this Agreement, receive an allocation of special drawing rights in an amount that will result in its net cumulative allocation of special drawing rights being equal to 29.315788813 percent of its quota as of September 19, 1997, provided that, for participants whose quotas have not been adjusted as proposed in Resolution No. 45-2 of the Board of Governors, calculations shall be made on the basis of the quotas proposed in that resolution.
2. (a) Subject to 4 below, each country that becomes a participant in the Special Drawing Rights Department after September 19, 1997 but within three months of the date of its membership in the Fund shall receive an allocation of special drawing rights in an amount calculated in accordance with (b) and (c) below on the 30th day following the later of (i) the date on which the new member becomes a participant in the Special Drawing Rights Department, or (ii) the effective date of the fourth amendment of this Agreement.
(b) For the purposes of (a) above, each participant shall receive an amount of special drawing rights that will result in such participant’s net cumulative allocation being equal to 29.315788813 percent of its quota as of the date on which the member becomes a participant in the Special Drawing Rights Department, as adjusted:
(i) first, by multiplying 29.315788813 percent by the ratio of the total of quotas, as calculated under 1 above, of the participants described in (c) below to the total of quotas of such participants as of the date on which the member became a participant in the Special Drawing Rights Department, and
(ii) second, by multiplying the product of (i) above by the ratio of the total of the sum of the net cumulative allocations of special drawing rights received under Article XVIII of the participants described in (c) below as of the date on which the member became a participant in the Special Drawing Rights Department and the allocations received by such participants under 1 above to the total of the sum of the net cumulative allocations of special drawing rights received under Article XVIII of such participants as of September 19, 1997 and the allocations received by such participants under 1 above.
(c) For the purposes of the adjustments to be made under (b) above, the participants in the Special Drawing Rights Department shall be members that are participants as of September 19, 1997 and (i) continue to be participants in the Special Drawing Rights Department as of the date on which the member became a participant in the Special Drawing Rights Department, and (ii) have received all allocations made by the Fund after September 19, 1997.
3. (a) Subject to 4 below, if the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia/Montenegro) succeeds to the membership in the Fund and the participation in the Special Drawing Rights Department of the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in accordance with the terms and conditions of Executive Board Decision No. 10237-(92/150), adopted December 14, 1992, it shall receive an allocation of special drawing rights in an amount calculated in accordance with (b) below on the 30th day following the later of: (i) the date on which the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia/Montenegro) succeeds to membership in the Fund and participation in the Special Drawing Rights Department in accordance with the terms and conditions of Executive Board Decision No. 10237-(92/150), or (ii) the effective date of the fourth amendment of this Agreement.
(b) For the purposes of (a) above, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia/Montenegro) shall receive an amount of special drawing rights that will result in its net cumulative allocation being equal to 29.315788813 percent of the quota proposed to it under paragraph 3(c) of Executive Board Decision No. 10237-(92/150), as adjusted in accordance with 2(b)(ii) and (c) above as of the date on which the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia/Montenegro) qualifies for an allocation under (a) above.
4. The Fund shall not allocate special drawing rights under this Schedule to those participants that have notified the Fund in writing prior to the date of the allocation of their desire not to receive the allocation.
5. (a) If, at the time an allocation is made to a participant under 1, 2 or 3 above, the participant has overdue obligations to the Fund, the special drawing rights so allocated shall be deposited and held in an escrow account within the Special Drawing Rights Department and shall be released to the participant upon discharge of all its overdue obligations to the Fund.
(b) Special drawing rights being held in an escrow account shall not be available for any use and shall not be included in any calculations of allocations or holdings of special drawing rights for the purposes of the Articles, except for calculations under this Schedule. If special drawing rights allocated to a participant are held in an escrow account when the participant terminates its participation in the Special Drawing Rights Department or when it is decided to liquidate the Special Drawing Rights Department, such special drawing rights shall be cancelled.
(c) For purposes of this paragraph, overdue obligations to the Fund consist of overdue repurchases and charges in the General Resources Account, overdue principal and interest on loans in the Special Disbursement Account, overdue charges and assessments in the Special Drawing Rights Department, and overdue liabilities to the Fund as trustee.
(d) Except for the provisions of this paragraph, the principle of separation between the General Department and the Special Drawing Rights Department and the unconditional character of special drawing rights as reserve assets shall be maintained.
Vlade, v imenu katerih je podpisan ta Statut, so se sporazumele o naslednjem:
1. Besedilo 1. razdelka XV. člena se spremeni, tako da se glasi:
(a) Da bi bil kos potrebi, če in ko nastane, po dopolnitvi obstoječih rezervnih sredstev, je Sklad pooblaščen, da članicam, ki so udeleženke Oddelka za posebne pravice črpanja, odobri posebne pravice črpanja v skladu z določili XVIII. člena.
(b) Poleg tega Sklad članicam, ki so udeleženke Oddelka za posebne pravice črpanja, odobri posebne pravice črpanja v skladu z določili Dodatka M.
2. Statutu se doda nov Dodatek M, ki se glasi:
Posebna enkratna odobritev posebnih pravic črpanja
1. V smislu četrtega odstavka spodaj prejme vsaka članica, ki je na dan 19. septembra 1997 udeleženka Oddelka za posebne pravice črpanja, 30. dan, ki sledi datumu začetka veljavnosti četrte spremembe tega Statuta, odobritev posebnih pravic črpanja v tolikšnem obsegu, da bo vplival na njeno neto kumulativno odobritev posebnih pravic črpanja v višini 29,315788813 odstotkov njene kvote na dan 19. septembra 1997, pod pogojem, da bodo za članice, katerih kvote niso bile usklajene, kot je bilo predlagano v Resoluciji št. 45-2 Sveta guvernerjev, narejeni izračuni na osnovi kvot, predlaganih v tej resoluciji.
2. (a) V smislu četrtega odstavka spodaj prejme vsaka država, ki postane udeleženka Oddelka za posebne pravice črpanja po 19. septembru 1997, a v treh mesecih po dnevu njene včlanitve v Sklad, odobritev posebnih pravic črpanja v obsegu, izračunanem v skladu z (b) in (c) spodaj, in sicer na 30. dan, ki sledi (i) datumu, ko nova članica postane udeleženka Oddelka za posebne pravice črpanja, ali (ii) datumu začetka veljavnosti četrte spremembe tega Statuta.
(b) Za namene (a) zgoraj prejme vsaka članica tolikšen obseg posebnih pravic črpanja, da bo vplival na njeno neto kumulativno odobritev v višini 29,315788813 odstotkov njene kvote na dan, ko članica postane udeleženka Oddelka za posebne pravice črpanja, usklajen na sledeča načina:
(i) prvič tako, da se 29,315788813 odstotkov pomnoži z razmerjem med skupnim zneskom kvot udeleženk, opisanih v (c) spodaj, izračunanim na način iz prvega odstavka zgoraj, in med skupnim zneskom kvot teh udeleženk na dan, ko članica postane udeleženka Oddelka za posebne pravice črpanja, ter
(ii) drugič tako, da se zmnožek, dobljen pod (i) zgoraj, pomnoži z razmerjem med skupnim seštevkom neto kumulativnih odobritev posebnih pravic črpanja, prejetih v skladu z XVIII. členom, udeleženk, opisanih v (c) spodaj, na dan, ko je članica postala udeleženka Oddelka za posebne pravice črpanja, in odobritev, ki so jih prejele te udeleženke iz prvega odstavka zgoraj, ter med skupnim seštevkom neto kumulativnih odobritev posebnih pravic črpanja, prejetih v skladu z XVIII. členom, teh udeleženk na dan 19. septembra 1997 in odobritev, ki so jih prejele te udeleženke, kot je določeno v prvem odstavku zgoraj.
(c) Za namene uskladitev, ki jih je potrebno napraviti v smislu (b) zgoraj, se kot udeleženke Oddelka za posebne pravice črpanja smatrajo članice, ki so udeleženke na dan 19. septembra 1997 in ki (i) so še vedno udeleženke Oddelka za posebne pravice črpanja na dan, ko je članica postala udeleženka Oddelka za posebne pravice črpanja, ter (ii) so prejele vse odobritve, ki jih je izvršil Sklad po 19. septembru 1997.
3. (a) V smislu četrtega odstavka spodaj, če Zvezna republika Jugoslavija (Srbija/Črna gora) v skladu s pogoji Odločbe št. 10237-(92/150), ki jo je Izvršni odbor sprejel 14. decembra 1992, nasledi članstvo v Skladu ter udeležbo v Oddelku za posebne pravice črpanja, ki ju je imela bivša Socialistična federativna republika Jugoslavija, bo prejela odobritev posebnih pravic črpanja v obsegu, izračunanem v skladu z (b) spodaj, in sicer 30. dan (i) po datumu, ko Zvezna republika Jugoslavija (Srbija/Črna gora) v skladu s pogoji Odločbe št. 10237-(92/150) Izvršnega odbora nasledi članstvo v Skladu in udeležbo v Oddelku za posebne pravice črpanja, ali (ii) po datumu začetka veljave četrte spremembe tega Statuta.
(b) Za namene (a) zgoraj prejme Zvezna republika Jugoslavija (Srbija/Črna gora) tolikšen obseg posebnih pravic črpanja, da bo vplival na njeno neto kumulativno odobritev v višini 29,315788813 odstotkov kvote, predlagane zanjo v 3 (c) odstavku Odločbe št. 10237-(92/150) Izvršnega odbora, usklajen v skladu z 2(b)(ii) in (c) zgoraj na dan, ko je Zvezna republika Jugoslavija (Srbija/Črna gora) upravičena do odobritve iz (a) zgoraj.
4. Sklad ne odobri posebnih pravic črpanja iz tega Dodatka tistim udeleženkam, ki so ga pred datumom odobritve pisno obvestile, da odobritve ne želijo prejeti.
5. (a) Če ima v trenutku, ko je udeleženki iz prvega, drugega ali tretjega odstavka zgoraj dana odobritev, ta udeleženka zapadle neplačane obveznosti do Sklada, se tako odobrene posebne pravice črpanja deponirajo in hranijo na računu s sredstvi v upravljanju znotraj Oddelka za posebne pravice črpanja ter so udeleženki izdane po plačilu vseh njenih zapadlih neplačanih obveznosti do Sklada.
b) Posebnih pravic črpanja, hranjenih na računu s sredstvi v upravljanju, ni mogoče uporabiti za noben namen, prav tako se jih ne vključuje v noben izračun odobritev ali imetja posebnih pravic črpanja za namene Statuta, razen za izračune v pričujočem Dodatku. Če se posebne pravice črpanja, ki so bile udeleženki odobrene, hranijo na računu s sredstvi v upravljanju v trenutku, ko udeleženka prekine svojo udeležbo v Oddelku za posebne pravice črpanja, ali v trenutku, ko je odločeno, da se Oddelek za posebne pravice črpanja ukine, se takšne posebne pravice črpanja stornirajo.
(c) Za namene tega odstavka so zapadle neplačane obveznosti do Sklada zapadli neplačani ponovni odkupi in stroški na splošnem računu, zapadle neplačane glavnice in obresti posojil na računu posebnega črpanja, neplačani zapadli stroški in pristojbine v Oddelku za posebne pravice črpanja ter zapadle neplačane obveznosti do Sklada kot upravljalca premoženja.
(d) Razen za določbe tega odstavka se ohranjata načelo delitve med Splošnim oddelkom in Oddelkom za posebne pravice črpanja ter brezpogojni značaj posebnih pravic črpanja kot rezervnih sredstev.
3. člen
Za izvajanje spremembe statuta skrbi Ministrstvo za finance.
4. člen
Ta uredba začne veljati naslednji dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št.: 432-02/98-2 (T1)
Ljubljana, dne 13. avgusta 1998
Vlada Republike Slovenije
dr. Janez Drnovšek l. r.

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