Na podlagi tretjega odstavka 63. člena Zakona o zunanjih zadevah (Uradni list RS, št, 1/91-I) izdaja vlada Republike Slovenije
1. člen
Ratificira se Memorandum o soglasju med Ministrstvom za obrambo Italijanske republike in Ministrstvom za obrambo Republike Slovenije o zagotavljanju logistične podpore slovenskim silam, ki sodelujejo v Posebni mednarodni enoti v Bosni in Hercegovini, podpisan v Ljubljani dne 27. 10. 1998 in v Rimu dne 9. 11. 1998.
2. člen
Memorandum se v izvirniku v angleškem jeziku in v prevodu v slovenskem jeziku glasi:
The Ministry of Defense of the Italian Republic and the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Slovenia, hereinafter referred to as “the Parties”,
taking note of:
– The Resolution 1088 adopted by the Security Council of the United Nations on 12th December 1996, tasking NATO to continue the mission in the former Yugoslavia;
– SACEUR’s OPLAN 10407 (final draft) “JOINT FORGE” concerning the continuation of the peace stabilization mission in Bosnia-Herzegovina;
– the decision of the Slovenian Republic to take part in the establishment of the NATO Multinational Specialized Unit due for employment in Bosnia-Herzegovina;
– the need to define the scope and the procedures for the Italian logistic support on behalf of the Slovenian forces,
Article 1
1-1. MULTINATIONAL SPECIALIZED UNIT (MSU): an Italian-led Multinational Specialized Unit, operating under COMSFOR’s operational command in the Area of Operations of the former Yugoslavia in accordance with the provisions of OPLAN 10407 “JOINT FORGE”.
1-2. HOST NATION (HN): the Nation (ITALY in this case) which receives, temporarily hosts and supports the External Force on the national territory and in the Area of Operations, for the purposes as specified in the OPLAN 10407 “JOINT FORGE”.
1-3. EXTERNAL FORCE (EF): the force (SLOVENIA in this case) of military with accompanying supplies and equipment participating in the MSU to be provided with logistic support.
1-4. HOST NATION SUPPORT (HNS): civil and military assistance rendered by ITALY to the EF on the Italian territory and in the Area of Operations in the former Yugoslavia for the purposes of the MSU.
1-5. TECHNICAL ARRANGEMENT (TA): the arrangement between the Carabinieri Headquarters and the General Staff of the Slovenian Armed Forces defining the scope and the procedures for the logistic support to be provided by the Host Nation.
1-6. CONTRIBUTING NATION/SENDING NATION (SN): the Slovenian Nation that provides the EF for the purposes as specified in the OPLAN 10407 “JOINT FORGE”.
Article 2
2-1. This MOU identifies the scope and the procedures for the Host Nation Logistic Support on behalf of the EF operating in the framework of the NATO MSU in Bosnia, both on the Italian territory and in the Area of Operations in the former Yugoslavia.
2-2. Though not specifically set forth in this MOU, legal aspects associated with the staging of SN personnel on the Italian territory shall be governed in accordance with Italian and international regulations and legislation.
2-3. The HNS shall commence with the entry of the initial components of the EF into the territory of the Italian Republic and/or Bosnian territory and shall continue until the last component of the EF departs the above-mentioned territory.
Article 3
3-1. Responsibilities of the Host Nation
The Host Nation shall:
a. authorize the entry and transit of the EF in ITALY for its deployment to the Area of Operations;
b. take all the necessary measures to facilitate the entry, reception, staging, training, movement, deployment, redeployment and supply of the EF;
c. provide the required logistic support and services (food, fuel, vehicles, labor, hospitalization, links, etc.) as agreed by the Parties in the relevant TA;
d. authorize the EF personnel to carry individual arms and ammunition on the Italian territory, during transit/training and within military facilities, in accordance with the security measures established by the Carabinieri authorities;
e. authorize the transportation of weapons and munitions for administrative/logistic purposes only, in coordination with the Carabinieri Headquarters;
f. provide the EF with the required intelligence data through the MSU Carabinieri Headquarters;
g. arrange for the provision of goods and services from commercial sources on behalf of the EF, upon specific request and on a reimbursement basis, if compatible with actual availability. However the SN may negotiate contracts for goods and services from commercial sources with HN’s assistance, if required;
h. ensure, for the EF personnel in the Area of Operations, medical treatment, specialist visits and medical evacuation by military vehicles to medical facilities established at battalion/regiment level at no cost and to the same standard as provided to the Italian armed forces members. Same criteria shall apply for evacuation outside the Area of Operations, hospitalization and specialist visits, tests and medical treatment at a military or civilian hospital on the Italian territory. Otherwise medical assistance will be provided on a reimbursement basis.
3-2. Responsibilities of the Sending Nation and the External Force
a. The Sending Nation shall:
(1) abide by the laws of the Host Nation and respect the culture, traditions and customs of the local population both in Italy and in the Area of Operations;
(2) have primary responsibility for providing its own EF with logistic support and equipment. Nevertheless, it may utilize goods and services made available by the Host Nation or obtain them through the Host Nation in accordance with the arrangements set forth in the TA;
(3) reimburse the Host Nation for the costs of all goods and services ceded by Italy, save those items provided for use. Items for use will be carefully utilized and returned to the Host Nation in as good a condition as received, reasonable wear and tear excepted. Costs for the use of HN vehicles will be reimbursed by mileage in accordance with the arrangements set forth in the TA.
b. The External Force will:
(1) upon its entry into the Italian territory comply with Customs and Border Police procedures set forth in the TA;
(2) conduct operations in accordance with agreed plans and procedures;
(3) abide by the Host Nation laws and police regulations concerning the movement and storage of explosives and hazardous material as well as the regulations concerning the protection of the environment and cultural property;
(4) comply with the Italian criminal and civil legislation as well as public order regulations;
(5) in case of death of one or more members of the EF, ask for competent judicial authorization before arranging for the removal of the body;
(6) provide qualified personnel to coordinate all logistic activities (transportation, communications, messing, medical assistance, postal service, currency exchange, etc.);
(7) at military areas/installations provide personnel to assist the Italian personnel in controlling the access to the areas/installations and in carrying out the remaining duty services as agreed by the Parties;
(8) use the infrastructure/facilities granted for use by the Host Nation in accordance with arrangements to be agreed upon in the TA. Any change and/or improvement to such infrastructure facilities shall be subject to authorization by the Host Nation;
(9) agree not to cede to third parties the goods/services provided for use by the Host Nation unless authorized by the Host Nation itself.
c. In the Area of Operations the EF shall abide by the laws of the Host Nations, any NATO agreements and directives entered into and shall follow the directions of the MSU Commander to which the EF is subordinate for employment.
Article 4
4-1. The Sending Nations shall reimburse the Host Nation (Carabinieri Headquarters) for all mutually accepted costs incurred by said HQs in supporting the EF. Detailed invoice/claims procedures shall be specified in the TA by mutual agreement. Payments to the Host Nation shall be paid in Italian Lire within 60 days acceptance of the invoice.
4-2. The EF may procure all necessary goods and services from commercial sources. In this case, costs shall be paid directly to the suppliers of goods and services under the contractual arrangements, in any case prior to leaving the Host Nation/Country’s territory. For the negotiation of contracts, the EF may be assisted by the Host Nation.
4-3. Costs chargeable to the EF for any good and service from civil/military sources shall be based on the actual cost of each service or good without any element of profit on the part of the Host Nation. Any transport expense borne by the Host Nation shall be reimbursed by the SN as a proportion of the actual use and in compliance with the costs arrangements between the Parties.
4-4. The expenses for any infrastructure work needed for the preparation of the staging area for the forces, unless they are borne by NATO or reimbursed by NATO to the Host Nation, will be borne by the Host Nation as well through payment of a daily rent as specified in the TA. The EF shall not refund the expenses required to set up the tent camp.
4-5. All expenses for personal services (meals at mess facilities, private telephone calls, etc.) will be directly borne by the individual.
Article 5
Any damage caused to the property of either party and to third parties shall be handled in accordance with the Host Nation legislation and regulations applicable to the Italian armed forces. Any dispute shall be settled through diplomatic channels.
Article 6
The parties shall take all lawful steps to properly store, handle and safeguard all classified material held, used, generated, supplied or exchanged under this MOU in order to avoid the accidental disclosure of classified information.
Article 7
7-1. This MOU shall come into force on the day when the Slovenian side informs the Italian side that all its procedures required for the entry into force of the Memorandum have been fulfilled. The present MOU shall apply provisionally as from the day of its signature. It shall remain valid until either Party requests to terminate it giving a 2 months notice in writing.
7-2. Thereafter this MOU shall continue to be in effect until all outstanding bills and claims have been settled.
Article 8
8-1. The contents of this MOU may be reviewed, renegotiated or amended at any time by mutual agreement upon request of either Party.
8-2. Any difference regarding the interpretation and implementation of this MOU will be resolved by consultation between the Parties without referring to arbitration by international organizations.
Article 9
This MOU is written in three original copies in English language.
Article 10
In witness whereof, the undersigned, duly authorized by their respective Authorities, have signed this MOU.
Ljubljana on 27. 10. 1998 and in Rome on 09. 11. 1998.
For the Ministry of Defence
of the Italian Republic
Il Capo del IV Reparto
Magg. Gen. Valter Sini, (s)
For the Ministry of Defence
of the Republic of Slovenia
Bogdan Koprivnikar, (s)
Ministrstvo za obrambo Italijanske republike in Ministrstvo za obrambo Republike Slovenije, v nadaljevanju “pogodbenici”, sta se
glede na:
– Resolucijo št. 1088 Varnostnega sveta Združenih narodov z dne 12. decembra 1996, s katero je bilo Natu naloženo nadaljevati misijo v nekdanji Jugoslaviji;
– SACEUR-jev OPLAN 10407 (zadnji osnutek) “JOINT FORGE” (KOVAČNICA MIRU) o nadaljevanju misije za utrjevanje miru v Bosni in Hercegovini;
– sklep Republike Slovenije, da sodeluje pri oblikovanju Posebne mednarodne enote Nata, predvidene za delovanje v Bosni in Hercegovini;
– potrebo po opredelitvi obsega in postopkov za italijansko logistično podporo slovenskim silam,
1. člen
1-1 POSEBNA MEDNARODNA ENOTA (PME): Posebna mednarodna enota pod italijanskim vodstvom, ki deluje pod operativnim poveljstvom COMSFOR-ja na območju delovanja v nekdanji Jugoslaviji v skladu z določbami OPLAN-a 10407 “JOINT FORGE”.
1-2 DRŽAVA GOSTITELJICA (DG): država (v tem primeru ITALIJA), ki sprejema, začasno gosti in podpira zunanjo silo na državnem ozemlju in na območju delovanja za namene, navedene v OPLAN-u 10407 “JOINT FORGE”.
1-3 ZUNANJA SILA (ZS): vojaška sila (v tem primeru SLOVENIJA), ki s svojimi sredstvi in zalogami enote sodeluje v PME in se ji zagotovi logistična podpora.
1-4 PODPORA DRŽAVE GOSTITELJICE (PDG): civilna in vojaška pomoč, ki ju ITALIJA zagotavlja ZS na italijanskem ozemlju in na območju delovanja v nekdanji Jugoslaviji za namene PME.
1-5 TEHNIČNI DOGOVOR (TD): dogovor med Glavnim poveljstvom karabinjerjev in Generalštabom Slovenske vojske, ki opredeljuje obseg in postopke za logistično podporo, ki jo zagotavlja država gostiteljica.
1-6 DRŽAVA POŠILJATELJICA (DP): slovenska država, ki prispeva ZS za namene, navedene v OPLAN-u 10407 “JOINT FORGE”.
2. člen
2-1 Ta MOS določa obseg in postopke za logistično podporo države gostiteljice ZS, ki deluje v okviru Natove PME v Bosni, na italijanskem ozemlju in na območju delovanja v nekdanji Jugoslaviji.
2-2 Pravni vidiki, povezani s prisotnostjo osebja DP na italijanskem ozemlju, se urejajo v skladu z italijanskimi in mednarodnimi predpisi in zakonodajo, čeprav to ni posebej določeno v tem MOS.
2-3 PDG se začne izvajati z vstopom prvih enot ZS na ozemlje Italijanske republike in/ali bosansko ozemlje ter traja, dokler zadnja enota ZS ne zapusti zgoraj omenjenega ozemlja.
3. člen
3-1 Obveznosti države gostiteljice
Država gostiteljica:
a. dovoli ZS vstop v ITALIJO in tranzit čez ITALIJO za njeno razporeditev na območju delovanja;
b. sprejme vse potrebne ukrepe, s katerimi omogoči vstop, sprejem, nastanitev, usposabljanje, gibanje, razporejanje, umik in oskrbo ZS;
c. zagotovi zahtevano logistično podporo in storitve (hrana, gorivo, vozila, delo, bolnišnično oskrbo, zveze itd.) kot sta se pogodbenici sporazumeli v TD;
d. dovoli osebju ZS nošenje osebnega orožja in streliva na italijanskem ozemlju med tranzitom/usposabljanjem in v vojaških objektih v skladu z varnostnimi ukrepi Glavnega poveljstva karabinjerjev;
e. dovoli prevoz orožja in streliva samo za upravne logistične namene, ki se uskladi z Glavnim poveljstvom karabinjerjev;
f. zagotovi ZS zahtevane obveščevalne podatke prek Glavnega poveljstva karabinjerjev PME;
g. uredi ZS zagotavljanje blaga in storitev iz komercialnih virov na posamezno zahtevo in na podlagi povračila, če je to v skladu z dejansko razpoložljivostjo. Vendar pa lahko DP sklene pogodbe za blago in storitve iz komercialnih virov s pomočjo DG, če je potrebna;
h. osebju ZS na območju delovanja zagotovi zdravstveno oskrbo, specialistične preglede in medicinsko evakuacijo z vojaškimi vozili do zdravstvenih zmogljivosti na ravni bataljona/polka, ki so brezplačni in na enaki ravni, kot se zagotavljajo članom italijanskih oboroženih sil. Ista merila se uporabljajo za evakuacijo zunaj območja delovanja, bolnišnično oskrbo, specialistične preglede, preiskave in zdravstveno oskrbo v vojaških ali civilnih bolnišnicah na italijanskem ozemlju. Drugače pa se medicinska pomoč zagotovi na podlagi povračila.
3-2 Obveznosti države pošiljateljice in zunanje sile
a. Država pošiljateljica:
(1) upošteva zakone države gostiteljice in spoštuje kulturo, tradicijo in običaje lokalnega prebivalstva v Italiji in na območju delovanja;
(2) je predvsem odgovorna za zagotavljanje logistične podpore in sredstev svoji ZS. Ne glede na to uporablja blago in storitve, ki jih da na razpolago država gostiteljica, ali jih pridobi prek države gostiteljice v skladu z dogovori iz TD;
(3) povrne državi gostiteljici stroške za blago in storitve, ki jih odstopi Italija, razen tistih, zagotovljenih za uporabo. Tisti, zagotovljeni za uporabo, se uporabljajo skrbno in vrnejo državi gostiteljici v enakem stanju, izključujoč običajno obrabo. Stroški za uporabo vozil DG se povrnejo v skladu z dogovori iz TD.
b. Zunanja sila:
(1) ob vstopu na italijansko ozemlje upošteva carinske postopke in postopke mejne policije iz TD;
(2) izvaja operacije v skladu z dogovorjenimi načrti in postopki;
(3) upošteva zakone in policijske predpise države gostiteljice o premeščanju in shranjevanju razstreliv in nevarnih snovi ter predpise o varstvu okolja in kulturnih dobrin;
(4) spoštuje italijansko kazensko in civilno zakonodajo ter predpise o javnem redu;
(5) če umre eden ali več članov ZS, zaprosi za ustrezno sodno dovoljenje, preden začne urejati vse potrebno za prevoz trupla;
(6) zagotovi usposobljeno osebje za usklajevanje vseh logističnih dejavnosti (prevoz, zveze, oskrba s hrano, zdravniška pomoč, poštne storitve, menjava valut itd.);
(7) v vojaških območjih/objektih zagotovi osebje, ki pomaga italijanskemu osebju pri nadzorovanju dostopa na območja/objekte in pri opravljanju drugih nalog, kot sta se sporazumeli pogodbenici;
(8) uporablja infrastrukturo/zmogljivosti, ki jih da v uporabo država gostiteljica v skladu z dogovori iz TD. Vsako spremembo in/ali izboljšavo take infrastrukture/zmogljivosti odobri država gostiteljica;
(9) se strinja, da brez dovoljenja države gostiteljice tretjim stranem ne odstopi blaga/storitev, ki jih za uporabo zagotovi država gostiteljica.
c. Na območju delovanja ZS upošteva zakone držav gostiteljic ter vse sklenjene Natove sporazume in smernice ter navodila poveljnika PME, ki mu je ZS podrejena.
4. člen
4-1 Država pošiljateljica povrne državi gostiteljici (Glavnemu poveljstvu karabinjerjev) vse vzajemno sprejete stroške, ki jih je imelo Glavno poveljstvo s podporo ZS. Podrobni postopki za izdajo računov/zahtevkov se sporazumno določijo v TD. Plačila državi gostiteljici se opravijo v italijanskih lirah v 60 dneh po prejemu računa.
4-2 ZS lahko nabavi vse potrebno blago in storitve pri komercialnih virih. V tem primeru se stroški plačajo neposredno dobaviteljem blaga in storitev po pogodbenih določbah, vsekakor pa preden zapusti državo gostiteljico/ozemlje države. Pri sklepanju pogodb lahko država gostiteljica pomaga ZS.
4-3 Stroški, ki se zaračunajo ZS za kakršno koli blago in storitev iz civilnih/vojaških virov, temeljijo na dejanskih stroških posamezne storitve ali blaga, pri čemer država gostiteljica nima dobička. DP povrne vse stroške prevoza, ki jih ima država gostiteljica glede na dejansko uporabo in v skladu z dogovori med pogodbenicama o stroških.
4-4 Stroške za vsa infrastrukturna dela, potrebna za pripravo namestitvenega območja za sile, bodo, če jih ne krije Nato ali jih Nato ne povrne državi gostiteljici, tudi krije država gostiteljica prek plačila dnevne najemnine, kot je to določeno v TD. ZS ne povrne stroškov za postavitev šotorišča.
4-5 Vse stroške za osebne storitve (obroki v menzah, zasebni telefonski klici itd.) neposredno krije posameznik.
5. člen
Škoda, povzročena na lastnini katere koli pogodbenice in tretjim stranem, se obravnava v skladu z zakoni in predpisi države gostiteljice, ki se uporabljajo za italijanske oborožene sile. Vsi spori se rešujejo po diplomatski poti.
6. člen
Pogodbenici uporabita vse zakonske ukrepe, da bosta pravilno hranili, ravnali in varovali vse zaupno gradivo, ki se hrani, uporablja, izdela, priskrbi ali izmenja po tem MOS, da bi se izognili naključnemu razkritju zaupnih podatkov.
7. člen
7-1 Ta MOS začne veljati z dnem, ko slovenska stran obvesti italijansko stran, da so izpolnjeni vsi postopki, potrebni za začetek veljavnosti tega memoranduma. Ta MOS se začasno uporablja od dne podpisa. Velja, dokler ga ena od pogodbenic pisno ne odpove dva meseca vnaprej.
7-2 Ta MOS velja, dokler niso poravnani vsi neplačani računi in zahtevki.
8. člen
8-1 Vsebina tega MOS se lahko na prošnjo ene od pogodbenic kadarkoli pregleda, se o njej ponovno pogaja ali kadarkoli sporazumno spremeni.
8-2 Vse razlike v razlagi in pri izvajanju tega MOS se razrešijo s posvetovanjem med pogodbenicama brez arbitraže mednarodnih organizacij.
9. člen
Ta MOS je sestavljen v treh izvirnikih v angleškem jeziku.
10. člen
V potrditev tega sta podpisana, ki sta ju za to pravilno pooblastili njuni oblasti, podpisala ta MOS.
Ljubljana, 27. 10. 1998 in Rim, 09. 11. 1998.
Za Ministrstvo za obrambo
Italijanske republike
vodja IV. oddelka
mag. gen. Valter Sini l.r.
Za Ministrstvo za obrambo
Republike Slovenije
Bogdan Koprivnikar l. r.
3. člen
Za izvajanje memoranduma skrbi Ministrstvo za obrambo Republike Slovenije.
4. člen
Ta uredba začne veljati naslednji dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 800-10/98-3(T1)
Ljubljana, dne 4. februarja 1999
Vlada Republike Slovenije
dr. Janez Drnovšek l. r.