Na podlagi druge alinee prvega odstavka 107. člena in prvega odstavka 91. člena Ustave Republike Slovenije izdajam
Razglašam Zakon o ratifikaciji Sporazuma med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Japonske o ureditvi nealociranih obveznosti iz dolgov nekdanje Socialistične federativne republike Jugoslavije do Japonske (BJPNO), ki ga je sprejel Državni zbor Republike Slovenije na seji 23. junija 1999.
Št. 001-22-98/99
Ljubljana, 1. julija 1999
Republike Slovenije
Milan Kučan l. r.
1. člen
Ratificira se Sporazum med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Japonske o ureditvi nealociranih obveznosti iz dolgov nekdanje Socialistične federativne republike Jugoslavije do Japonske, sklenjen z izmenjavo not v Ljubljani dne 11. aprila 1997.
2. člen
Sporazum se v izvirniku v angleškem jeziku ter v prevodu v slovenskem jeziku glasi:
Ljubljana, April 11, 1997
I have the honour to refer to the recent negotiations between the representatives of the Government of Japan and of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia that were held with due consideration for a series of the consultations between the representatives of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and of the Governments of the creditor countries concerned, and refer to the Note Verbale of the Embassy of Japan (No. J.B.S. 3/94) dated February 14, 1994 and the Note Verbale of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia (No.679/94-3001) dated February 21, 1994, which are respectively concerning the treaties and other international agreements concluded and effective between Japan and the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (hereinafter referred to as “the former Yugoslavia“), considering the independence of the Republic of Slovenia, as one of the successor states of the former Yugoslavia.
I have further the honour to confirm the following understanding reached in the course of the said negotiations:
1. (1) A debt relief measure will be taken by the Export-Import Bank of Japan (hereinafter referred to as “the Bank“) in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations of Japan.
(2) The debts to be deferred (hereinafter referred to as “the Deferred Debts“) consist of the sixteen point three nine per cent (16.39%) of the principal and rescheduling interest having fallen due on or before December 31, 1995, which were owed by the then National Bank of Yugoslavia and previously rescheduled pursuant to the arrangements made by the Notes exchanged between the Government of Japan and the Federal Executive Council of the Assembly of the former Yugoslavia on March 20, 1985, December 5, 1985, March 20, 1987, September 11, 1987 and March 1, 1989 concerning the debt relief measures taken by the Bank (hereinafter referred to as “the Previous Notes“). The breakdown of the Deferred Debts is shown in List 1 attached hereto.
(3) The total amount of the Deferred Debts will be four hundred fifty-four million two hundred forty-eight thousand six hundred and thirty-three yen (Ą 454,248,633).
(4) Modifications may be made to the total amount referred to in sub-paragraph (3) above and to List 1 by agreement between the authorities concerned of the Government of Japan and of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia after the final verification to be made by the authorities concerned of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Bank.
(5) The terms and conditions of the debt relief measure mentioned in sub-paragraph (1) above will be stipulated in an agreement to be concluded between the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Bank, which will contain, inter alia, the following principles:
(a) Each of the debts referred to in sub-paragraph (2) above will be paid in six (6) equal semi-annual installments beginning on the thirtieth day following the entry into force of the above-mentioned agreement.
(b) The rate of interest on the Deferred Debts, applied from January 1, 1996, will be five point seven five per cent (5.75%) per annum for the debts shown in paragraph 1 and 2 of List 1, five point six two five per cent (5.625%) per annum for the debts shown in paragraph 3 and 4 of List 1 and five point five per cent (5.5%) per annum for the debts shown in paragraph 5 of List 1 respectively.
(6) The agreement referred to in sub-paragraph (5) above will also stipulate the terms and conditions of the payments provided for in paragraphs 2 and 3 below.
2. The Government of the Republic of Slovenia will pay to the Bank, on the thirtieth day following the entry into force of the agreement referred to in sub-paragraph (5) of paragraph 1 above, the late interest on the Deferred Debts, having accrued between the each original due date mentioned in List 1 and December 31, 1995, both dates inclusive. Such late interest will be calculated in accordance with the provisions of the relevant rescheduling agreements mentioned in List 1.
3. (1) The Government of the Republic of Slovenia will pay to the Bank, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Previous Notes concerned, the sixteen point three nine per cent (16.39%) of the principal and rescheduling interest, having fallen or falling due after January 1, 1996 which were owed by the then National Bank of Yugoslavia and previously rescheduled pursuant to the arrangements made by the Previous Notes concerned. The breakdown of these debts is shown in List 2 attached hereto.
(2) Modifications may be made to List 2 by agreement between the authorities concerned of the Government of Japan and of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia after the final verification to be made by the authorities concerned of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Bank.
4. The interest paid will be exempted from all taxes and duties of the Republic of Slovenia.
5. The Government of the Republic of Slovenia will pay bank charges incidental to the settlement of the debts concerned.
6. If the representatives of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the representatives of the Governments of the creditor countries concerned reach a new conclusion in connection with the debts covered by the present arrangements, especially with regard to the percentage of the portion of the former Yugoslav debts for which the Government of the Republic of Slovenia is responsible, consultations will be held between the Government of Japan and the Government of the Republic of Slovenia, in order to discuss the matter of continuation or modification of the present arrangements. Any modification of the present arrangements shall be subject to the mutual agreement of the Government of Japan and the Government of the Republic of Slovenia.
I have further the honour to propose that this Note and Your Excellency’s Note in reply confirming on behalf of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia the foregoing arrangements shall be regarded as constituting an agreement between the two Governments, which will become effective on the date of receipt by the Government of Japan of the written notification form the Government of the Republic of Slovenia of the completion of necessary domestic procedures for entry into force of such agreement.
I avail myself of this opportunity to extend to Your Excellency the assurance of my highest consideration.
Yushu Takashima (s)
Ambassador Extraordinary
and Plenipotentiary of Japan
to the Republic of Slovenia
His Excellency
Mr. Ivo Vajgl
State Secretary
Ministry for Foreign Affairs
of the Republic of Slovenia
Ljubljana, April 11, 1997
I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of Your Excellency’s Note of today’s date, which reads as follows:
I have the honour to refer to the recent negotiations between the representatives of the Government of Japan and of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia that were held with due consideration for a series of the consultations between the representatives of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and of the Governments of the creditor countries concerned, and refer to the Note Verbale of the Embassy of Japan (No. J.B.S. 3/94) dated February 14, 1994 and the Note Verbale of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia (No.679/94-3001) dated February 21, 1994, which are respectively concerning the treaties and other international agreements concluded and effective between Japan and the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (hereinafter referred to as “the former Yugoslavia“), considering the independence of the Republic of Slovenia, as one of the successor states of the former Yugoslavia.
I have further the honour to confirm the following understanding reached in the course of the said negotiations:
1. (1) A debt relief measure will be taken by the Export-Import Bank of Japan (hereinafter referred to as “the Bank“) in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations of Japan.
(2) The debts to be deferred (hereinafter referred to as “the Deferred Debts“) consist of the sixteen point three nine per cent(16.39%) of the principal and rescheduling interest having fallen due on or before December 31, 1995, which were owed by the then National Bank of Yugoslavia and previously rescheduled pursuant to the arrangements made by the Notes exchanged between the Government of Japan and the Federal Executive Council of the Assembly of the former Yugoslavia on March 20, 1985, December 5, 1985, March 20, 1987, September 11, 1987 and March 1, 1989 concerning the debt relief measures taken by the Bank (hereinafter referred to as “the Previous Notes“). The breakdown of the Deferred Debts is shown in List 1 attached hereto.
(3) The total amount of the Deferred Debts will be four hundred fifty-four million two hundred forty-eight thousand six hundred and thirty-three yen (Ą 454,248,633).
(4) Modifications may be made to the total amount referred to in sub-paragraph (3) above and to List 1 by agreement between the authorities concerned of the Government of Japan and of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia after the final verification to be made by the authorities concerned of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Bank.
(5) The terms and conditions of the debt relief measure mentioned in sub-paragraph (1) above will be stipulated in an agreement to be concluded between the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Bank, which will contain, inter alia, the following principles:
(a) Each of the debts referred to in sub-paragraph (2) above will be paid in six (6) equal semi-annual installments beginning on the thirtieth day following the entry into force of the above - mentioned agreement.
(b) The rates of interest on the Deferred Debts, applied from January 1, 1996, will be five point seven five per cent (5.75%) per annum for the debts shown in paragraph 1 and 2 of List 1, five point six two five per cent (5.625%) per annum for the debts shown in paragraph 3 and 4 of List 1 and five point five per cent (5.5%) per annum for the debts shown in paragraph 5 of List 1 respectively.
(6) The agreement referred to in sub-paragraph (5) above will also stipulate the terms and conditions of the payments provided for in paragraphs 2 and 3 below.
2. The Government of the Republic of Slovenia will pay to the Bank, on the thirtieth day following to entry into force of the agreement referred to in sub-paragraph (5) of paragraph 1 above, the late interest on the Deferred Debts, having accrued between the each original due date mentioned in List 1 and December 31, 1995, both dates inclusive. Such late interest will be calculated in accordance with the provisions of the relevant rescheduling agreements mentioned in List 1.
3. (1) The Government of the Republic of Slovenia will pay to the Bank, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Previous Notes concerned, the sixteen point three nine per cent (16,39%) of the principal and rescheduling interest, having fallen or falling due after January 1, 1996 which were owed by the then National Bank of Yugoslavia and previously rescheduled pursuant to the arrangements made by the Previous Notes concerned. The breakdown of these debts is shown in List 2 attached hereto.
(2) Modifications may be made to List 2 by agreement between the authorities concerned of the Government of Japan and of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia after the final verification to be made by the authorities concerned of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Bank.
4. The interest paid will be exempted from all taxes and duties of the Republic of Slovenia.
5. The Government of the Republic of Slovenia will pay bank charges incidental to the settlement of the debts concerned.
6. If the representatives of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the representatives of the Governments of the creditor countries concerned reach a new conclusion in connection with the debts covered by the present arrangements, especially with regard to the percentage of the portion of the former Yugoslav debts for which the Government of the Republic of Slovenia is responsible, consultations will be held between the Government of Japan and the Government of the Republic of Slovenia in order to discuss the matter of continuation or modification of the present arrangements. Any modification of the present arrangements shall be subject to the mutual arrangement of the Government of Japan and the Government of the Republic of Slovenia.
I have further the honour to propose that this Note and Your Excellency’s Note in reply confirming on behalf of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia the foregoing arrangements shall be regarded as constituting an agreement between the two Governments, which will become effective on the date of receipt by the Government of Japan of the written notification form the Government of the Republic of Slovenia of the completion of necessary domestic procedures for entry into force of such agreement.
I avail myself of this opportunity to extend to Your Excellency the assurance of my highest consideration.“
I have further the honour to confirm on behalf of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia the foregoing arrangements and to agree that Your Excellency’s Note and this Note shall be regarded as constituting an agreement between the two Governments, which will become effective on the date of receipt by the Government of Japan of the written notification from the Government of the Republic of Slovenia of the completion of necessary domestic procedures for entry into force of such agreement.
I avail myself of this opportunity to extend to Your Excellency the assurance of my highest consideration.
Ivo Vajgl (s)
State Secretary
Ministry for Foreign Affairs
of the Republic of Slovenia
His Excellency
Mr. Yushu Takashima
Ambassador Extraordinary
and Plenipotentiary of Japan
to the Republic of Slovenia
Ljubljana, dne 11. aprila 1997
čast imam sklicevati se na nedavna pogajanja med predstavniki Vlade Japonske in Vlade Republike Slovenije, ki so potekala, upoštevajoč niz posvetovanj med predstavniki Vlade Republike Slovenije in vlad zadevnih držav upnic, in se sklicujem na verbalno noto Veleposlaništva Japonske (št. J.B.S. 3/94) z dne 14. februarja 1994 in verbalno noto Ministrstva za zunanje zadeve Republike Slovenije (št. 679/94-3001) z dne 21. februarja 1994 glede pogodb in drugih mednarodnih sporazumov, ki so bili sklenjeni in v veljavi med Japonsko in Socialistično federativno republiko Jugoslavijo (v nadaljnjem besedilu “nekdanja Jugoslavija“), ob upoštevanju samostojnosti Republike Slovenije kot ene izmed držav naslednic nekdanje Jugoslavije.
Nadalje imam čast potrditi naslednje soglasje, ki smo ga dosegli v omenjenih pogajanjih:
1. (1) Ukrepe za razbremenitev zadolženosti bo izvajala Izvozno-uvozna banka Japonske (v nadaljnjem besedilu “Banka“) v skladu z ustreznimi zakoni in predpisi Japonske.
(2) Dolgovi, ki bodo odloženi (v nadaljnjem besedilu “odloženi dolgovi“) in jih je dolgovala takratna Narodna banka Jugoslavije ter so bili prej reprogramirani v skladu z dogovori, sklenjenimi z izmenjavo not med Vlado Japonske in Zveznim izvršnim svetom Skupščine nekdanje Jugoslavije dne 20. marca 1985, 5. decembra 1985, 20. marca 1987, 11. septembra 1987 in 1. marca 1989, nanašajočih se na ukrepe Banke za razbremenitev dolgov (v nadaljevanju “prejšnje note“), sestavljajo šestnajst celih devetintrideset odstotka (16,39%) glavnice in reprogramiranih obresti z zapadlostjo pred ali na dan 31. decembra 1995. Dolgovi so razčlenjeni v priloženem Seznamu 1.
(3) Skupni znesek odloženih dolgov je štiristo štiriinpetdeset milijonov dvesto oseminštirideset tisoč šeststo triintrideset jenov (JPY 454.248.633).
(4) Skupni znesek iz pododstavka (3) zgoraj in Seznam 1 se lahko spremenita v skladu s sporazumom med pristojnimi organi Vlade Japonske in Vlade Republike Slovenije po dokončni verifikaciji pristojnih organov Vlade Republike Slovenije in Banke.
(5) Pogoji in določila ukrepov za razbremenitev zadolženosti iz pododstavka (1) zgoraj bodo določeni s sporazumom med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Banko, ki bo med drugim vseboval naslednja načela:
(a) Vsak od dolgov, na katere se sklicuje pododstavek (2) zgoraj, bo poravnan v šestih (6) enakih polletnih obrokih z začetkom plačevanja na trideseti dan po začetku veljavnosti zgoraj omenjenega sporazuma.
(b) Obrestna mera na odložene dolgove, ki se uporablja od 1. januarja 1996, bo pet celih petinsedemdeset odstotka (5,75%) letno za vse dolgove iz prvega in drugega odstavka Seznama 1, pet celih šeststo petindvajset odstotka (5,625%) letno za dolgove iz tretjega in četrtega odstavka Seznama 1 in pet celih pet odstotka (5,5%) letno za dolgove iz petega odstavka Seznama 1.
(6) Sporazum iz pododstavka (5) zgoraj bo vseboval tudi določila in pogoje plačil, predvidenih v drugem in tretjem odstavku spodaj.
2. Vlada Republike Slovenije bo plačala Banki trideseti dan po začetku veljavnosti sporazuma, omenjenega v pododstavku (5) prvega odstavka zgoraj, zamudne obresti na odložene dolgove, ki so se natekle med vsakim od prvotnih datumov zapadlosti, omenjenih na Seznamu 1, in 31. decembrom 1995, vključno z obema datumoma. Zamudne obresti se bodo izračunale v skladu z določbami ustreznih sporazumov o reprogramiranju dolgov s Seznama 1.
3. (1) Vlada Republike Slovenije bo plačala Banki v skladu z ustreznimi določbami prejšnjih not šestnajst celih devetintrideset odstotka (16,39%) glavnice in reprogramiranih obresti, zapadlih ali ki bodo zapadle po 1. januarju 1996, ki jih je dolgovala takratna Narodna banka Jugoslavije in so bile reprogramirane v skladu z dogovori iz prejšnjih not. Dolgovi so razčlenjeni v priloženem Seznamu 2.
(2) Seznam 2 se lahko spremeni s sporazumom med pristojnimi organi Vlade Japonske in Vlade Republike Slovenije po dokončni verifikaciji pristojnih organov Vlade Republike Slovenije in Banke.
4. Plačane obresti bodo oproščene vseh davkov in dajatev Republike Slovenije.
5. Vse bančne stroške za poravnavo teh dolgov bo plačala Vlada Republike Slovenije.
6. Če bodo predstavniki Vlade Republike Slovenije in predstavniki vlad zadevnih držav upnic sprejeli novo odločitev v zvezi z dolgovi, ki jih zajemajo sedanji dogovori, posebno glede odstotka deleža nekdanjih jugoslovanskih dolgov, za katere je odgovorna Vlada Republike Slovenije, se bosta Vlada Japonske in Vlada Republike Slovenije posvetovali o nadaljevanju ali spremembi sedanjih dogovorov. Vsaka sprememba sedanjih dogovorov bo dosežena sporazumno med Vlado Japonske in Vlado Republike Slovenije.
Poleg tega imam čast predlagati, da ta nota in nota odgovor Vaše Ekscelence, ki v imenu Vlade Republike Slovenije potrjuje zgornje dogovore, sestavljata sporazum med vladama, ki bo začel veljati z datumom, ko bo Vlada Japonske prejela pisno uradno obvestilo Vlade Republike Slovenije o dokončanju notranjih postopkov, potrebnih za začetek veljavnosti tega sporazuma.
Izkoriščam to priložnost in izražam Vaši Ekscelenci svoje najgloblje spoštovanje.
Yushu Takashima l. r.
izredni in pooblaščeni
veleposlanik Japonske
v Republiki Sloveniji
Njegova Ekscelenca
g. Ivo Vajgl
državni sekretar
Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve
Republike Slovenije
Ljubljana, 11. 4. 1997
čast imam potrditi prejem note Vaše Ekscelence z današnjim datumom, ki se glasi:
čast imam sklicevati se na nedavna pogajanja med predstavniki Vlade Japonske in Vlade Republike Slovenije, ki so potekala, upoštevajoč niz posvetovanj med predstavniki Vlade Republike Slovenije in vlad zadevnih držav upnic, in se sklicujem na verbalno noto Veleposlaništva Japonske (št. J.B.S. 3/94) z dne 14. februarja 1994 in verbalno noto Ministrstva za zunanje zadeve Republike Slovenije (št. 679/94-3001) z dne 21. februarja 1994 glede pogodb in drugih mednarodnih sporazumov, ki so bili sklenjeni in v veljavi med Japonsko in Socialistično federativno republiko Jugoslavijo (v nadaljnjem besedilu “nekdanja Jugoslavija“), ob upoštevanju samostojnosti Republike Slovenije kot ene izmed držav naslednic nekdanje Jugoslavije.
Nadalje imam čast potrditi naslednje soglasje, ki smo ga dosegli v omenjenih pogajanjih:
1. (1) Ukrepe za razbremenitev zadolženosti bo izvajala Izvozno-uvozna banka Japonske (v nadaljnjem besedilu “Banka“) v skladu z ustreznimi zakoni in predpisi Japonske.
(2) Dolgovi, ki bodo odloženi (v nadaljnjem besedilu “odloženi dolgovi“) in jih je dolgovala takratna Narodna banka Jugoslavije ter so bili prej reprogramirani v skladu z dogovori, sklenjenimi z izmenjavo not med Vlado Japonske in Zveznim izvršnim svetom Skupščine nekdanje Jugoslavije dne 20. marca 1985, 5. decembra 1985, 20. marca 1987, 11. septembra 1987 in 1. marca 1989, nanašajočih se na ukrepe Banke za razbremenitev dolgov (v nadaljevanju “prejšnje note“), sestavljajo šestnajst celih devetintrideset odstotka (16,39%) glavnice in reprogramiranih obresti z zapadlostjo pred ali na dan 31. decembra 1995. Dolgovi so razčlenjeni v priloženem Seznamu 1.
(3) Skupni znesek odloženih dolgov je štiristo štiriinpetdeset milijonov dvesto oseminštirideset tisoč šeststo triintrideset jenov (JPY 454.248.633).
(4) Skupni znesek iz pododstavka (3) zgoraj in Seznam 1 se lahko spremenita v skladu s sporazumom med pristojnimi organi Vlade Japonske in Vlade Republike Slovenije po dokončni verifikaciji pristojnih organov Vlade Republike Slovenije in Banke.
(5) Pogoji in določila ukrepov za razbremenitev zadolženosti iz pododstavka (1) zgoraj bodo določeni s sporazumom med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Banko, ki bo med drugim vseboval naslednja načela:
(a) Vsak od dolgov, na katere se sklicuje pododstavek (2) zgoraj, bo poravnan v šestih (6) enakih polletnih obrokih z začetkom plačevanja na trideseti dan po začetku veljavnosti zgoraj omenjenega sporazuma.
(b) Obrestna mera na odložene dolgove, ki se uporablja od 1. januarja 1996, bo pet celih petinsedemdeset odstotka (5,75%) letno za vse dolgove iz prvega in drugega odstavka Seznama 1, pet celih šeststo petindvajset odstotka (5,625%) letno za dolgove iz tretjega in četrtega odstavka Seznama 1 in pet celih pet odstotka (5,5%) letno za dolgove iz petega odstavka Seznama 1.
(6) Sporazum iz pododstavka (5) zgoraj bo vseboval tudi določila in pogoje plačil, predvidenih v drugem in tretjem odstavku spodaj.
2. Vlada Republike Slovenije bo plačala Banki trideseti dan po začetku veljavnosti sporazuma, omenjenega v pododstavku (5) prvega odstavka zgoraj, zamudne obresti na odložene dolgove, ki so se natekle med vsakim od prvotnih datumov zapadlosti, omenjenih na Seznamu 1, in 31. decembrom 1995, vključno z obema datumoma. Zamudne obresti se bodo izračunale v skladu z določbami ustreznih sporazumov o reprogramiranju dolgov s Seznama 1.
3. (1) Vlada Republike Slovenije bo plačala Banki v skladu z ustreznimi določbami prejšnjih not šestnajst celih devetintrideset odstotka (16,39%) glavnice in reprogramiranih obresti, zapadlih ali ki bodo zapadle po 1. januarju 1996, ki jih je dolgovala takratna Narodna banka Jugoslavije in so bile reprogramirane v skladu z dogovori iz prejšnjih not. Dolgovi so razčlenjeni v priloženem Seznamu 2.
(2) Seznam 2 se lahko spremeni s sporazumom med pristojnimi organi Vlade Japonske in Vlade Republike Slovenije po dokončni verifikaciji pristojnih organov Vlade Republike Slovenije in Banke.
4. Plačane obresti bodo oproščene vseh davkov in dajatev Republike Slovenije.
5. Vse bančne stroške za poravnavo teh dolgov bo plačala Vlada Republike Slovenije.
6. Če bodo predstavniki Vlade Republike Slovenije in predstavniki vlad zadevnih držav upnic sprejeli novo odločitev v zvezi z dolgovi, ki jih zajemajo sedanji dogovori, posebno glede odstotka deleža nekdanjih jugoslovanskih dolgov, za katere je odgovorna Vlada Republike Slovenije, se bosta Vlada Japonske in Vlada Republike Slovenije posvetovali o nadaljevanju ali spremembi sedanjih dogovorov. Vsaka sprememba sedanjih dogovorov bo dosežena sporazumno med Vlado Japonske in Vlado Republike Slovenije.
Poleg tega imam čast predlagati, da ta nota in nota odgovor Vaše Ekscelence, ki v imenu Vlade Republike Slovenije potrjuje zgornje dogovore, sestavljata sporazum med vladama, ki bo začel veljati z datumom, ko bo Vlada Japonske prejela pisno uradno obvestilo Vlade Republike Slovenije o dokončanju notranjih postopkov, potrebnih za začetek veljavnosti tega sporazuma.
Izkoriščam to priložnost in izražam Vaši Ekscelenci svoje najgloblje spoštovanje.“
V imenu Vlade Republike Slovenije imam čast tudi potrditi zgornje dogovore in izraziti soglasje, da nota Vaše Ekscelence in ta nota sestavljata sporazum med vladama, ki bo začel veljati z datumom, ko bo Vlada Japonske prejela pisno uradno obvestilo Vlade Republike Slovenije o dokončanju notranjih postopkov, potrebnih za začetek veljavnosti tega sporazuma.
Izkoriščam to priložnost in izražam Vaši Ekscelenci svoje najgloblje spoštovanje.
Ivo Vajgl l. r.
državni sekretar
Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve
Republike Slovenije
Njegova Ekscelenca
g. Yushu Takashima
izredni in pooblaščeni
veleposlanik Japonske
v Republiki Sloveniji
3. člen
Za izvajanje sporazuma skrbi Ministrstvo za finance Republike Slovenije.
4. člen
Ta zakon začne veljati naslednji dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije - Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 450-07/99-19/1
Ljubljana, dne 23. junija 1999
Državnega zbora
Republike Slovenije
Janez Podobnik dr. med. l. r.