Uradni list

Številka 58
Uradni list RS, št. 58/1999 z dne 20. 7. 1999
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 58/1999 z dne 20. 7. 1999


64. Uredba o ratifikaciji Programa sodelovanja v izobraževanju, znanosti in kulturi med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Slovaške republike za obdobje od 1999 do 2002, stran 851.

Na podlagi tretjega odstavka 63. člena Zakona o zunanjih zadevah (Uradni list RS, št. 1/91-I) izdaja Vlada Republike Slovenije
1. člen
Ratificira se Program sodelovanja v izobraževanju, znanosti in kulturi med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Slovaške republike za obdobje od 1999 do 2002, podpisan dne 9. februarja 1999 v Ljubljani.
2. člen
Besedilo sporazuma se v izvirniku v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku glasi*:
Vlada Republike Slovenije in Vlada Slovaške republike (v nadaljevanju “pogodbenici“) sta se
v želji, da bi razvijali sodelovanje med državama v izobraževanju, znanosti in kulturi,
ob zavedanju pomembnosti tega sodelovanja za medsebojno razumevanje in
na podlagi Sporazuma med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Slovaške republike o sodelovanju v znanosti, izobraževanju in kulturi podpisanega dne 14. decembra 1994 v Bratislavi, ter določb helsinške Sklepne listine Konference o varnosti in sodelovanju v Evropi, Pariške listine za novo Evropo in Dunajske deklaracije Sveta Evrope
dogovorili o naslednjem:
1. člen
Pogodbenici podpirata širitev in poglabljanje sodelovanja med znanstveniki, raziskovalnimi inštituti in drugimi znanstvenimi organizacijami obeh držav.
2. člen
Pogodbenici podpirata razvoj neposrednega sodelovanja v znanosti in tehnologiji med ministrstvi, univerzami, organizacijami in raziskovalnimi inštituti obeh držav na podlagi enakosti in vzajemne koristi v skladu z obstoječo zakonodajo in predpisi pogodbenic.
Oblike sodelovanja bodo predvsem naslednje:
1) skupni raziskovalni in razvojni projekti o temah skupnega interesa;
2) izmenjava znanstvenikov, raziskovalcev in strokovnjakov;
3) izmenjava znanstvenih in tehnoloških informacij ter dokumentacije v zvezi s skupnimi projekti;
4) sodelovanje na znanstvenih in tehnoloških konferencah, seminarjih, tečajih, delavnicah, razstavah;
5) druge oblike znanstvenega in tehnološkega sodelovanja, o katerih se dogovorita pogodbenici.
3. člen
Pogodbenici podpirata neposredno sodelovanje med Slovensko akademijo znanosti in umetnosti in Slovaško akademijo znanosti.
Pogodbenici letno zagotovita dva študijska obiska po 14 (štirinajst) dni za uveljavljene znanstvenike.
4. člen
Pogodbenici letno ponudita štipendije v skupnem trajanju 16 (šestnajst) mesecev za dodiplomsko ali podiplomsko specializacijo posameznikov na univerzah ali raziskovalnih inštitucijah. Štipendija se lahko razdeli na več krajših obdobij, ki trajajo najmanj po tri mesece.
5. člen
Slovenska stran vsako leto ponudi 2 (dve) štipendiji za udeležbo na Seminarju slovenskega jezika, književnosti in kulture in 2 (dve) štipendiji za poletno šolo slovenskega jezika v Ljubljani.
Slovaška stran vsako leto ponudi 4 (štiri) štipendije za udeležbo na poletnih šolah slovaškega jezika, književnosti in kulture (Studia Academica Slovaca), ki jih organizira Univerza Komenskega v Bratislavi.
6. člen
Pogodbenici še naprej podpirata poučevanje slovenskega jezika, književnosti in zgodovine v Slovaški republiki (na Univerzi Komenskega v Bratislavi in Univerzi Mateja Bela v Banski Bistrici) ter poučevanje slovaškega jezika, književnosti in zgodovine v Republiki Sloveniji (na Univerzi v Ljubljani in Univerzi v Mariboru).
7. člen
Pogodbenici spodbujata neposredno sodelovanje med visokošolskimi ustanovami obeh držav, še posebej med Univerzo v Ljubljani in Univerzo Komenskega v Bratislavi.
V ta namen podpirata sodelovanje med Akademijo za gledališče, radio, film in televizijo v Ljubljani in Akademijo za gledališko umetnost v Bratislavi v obliki izmenjave profesorjev, študentov in vzajemne udeležbe na mednarodnih festivalih gledaliških šol.
Slovenska stran prouči možnosti sodelovanja med Akademijo za gledališče, radio, film in televizijo v Ljubljani in Akademijo umetnosti v Banski Bistrici.
8. člen
Pogodbenici v osnovnem in srednjem šolstvu spodbujata in pospešujeta:
– izmenjavo znanstvene in didaktične literature,
– sodelovanje nadarjenih dijakov in študentov na specializiranih in umetniških tekmovanjih ter olimpijadah,
– sodelovanje strokovnjakov na mednarodnih kongresih, simpozijih in konferencah,
– medsebojno izmenjavo in uporabo informacijskih sistemov v izobraževanju in znanosti ter organizacijo skupnih seminarjev strokovnjakov s teh področij.
V ta namen podpirata sodelovanje med srednjimi šolami obeh držav, še posebej sodelovanje med Gimnazijo šolskega centra Velenje in Zasebno gimnazijo na Žitavski ulici v Bratislavi.
9. člen
Pogodbenici na prošnjo izmenjata ustrezne dokumente za medsebojno priznanje šolskih spričeval in univerzitetnih diplom ter se, če je potrebno, pogajata za pripravo ustreznega medvladnega sporazuma.
10. člen
Pogodbenici podpirata sodelovanje v izobraževanju odraslih. Poseben poudarek bo predvsem na izmenjavi izkušenj in gradiv, ki se nanašajo na izboljšanje usposobljenosti in učenja na daljavo.
Pogodbenici sodelujeta na mednarodnih prireditvah, ki se nanašajo na dodatno izobraževanje, in pri vključevanju v ustrezne programe Evropske unije.
11. člen
Pogodbenici izmenjujeta informacije o temeljnih dokumentih poučevanja in študijskih načrtih ter organizaciji izobraževalnega procesa v osnovnem, srednjem in visokem šolstvu.
12. člen
Pogodbenici podpirata medsebojne stike v športu, izmenjavo športnih moštev, posameznih športnikov, trenerjev in strokovnjakov.
Izmenjave med nevladnimi športnimi organizacijami potekajo na podlagi neposrednih stikov in sodelovanja.
13. člen
Pogodbenici izmenjujeta specializirano gradivo o telesni vzgoji in športu.
14. člen
Pogodbenici pospešujeta sodelovanje, katerega namen je izmenjava delegacij mladih ter mladinskih organizacij na vzajemni podlagi.
Pogodbenici izmenjata 2 (dva) strokovnjaka, ki skrbita za mladino bodisi na osrednji ali lokalni ravni, da bi vzpostavili stike ter proučili možnosti za pospeševanje izmenjave mladih.
15. člen
Pogodbenici spodbujata sodelovanje na različnih področjih kulture. V ta namen pogodbenici izmenjujeta strokovnjake z različnih področij kulture in umetnosti ter umetnike.
16. člen
Pogodbenici podpirata sodelovanje med gledališči, gledališkimi združenji, opernimi in baletnimi hišami v obliki:
– medsebojne izmenjave vabil na gledališke, operne in baletne festivale,
– izmenjave informacij o premierah,
– izmenjavo dramskih besedil in
– izmenjave video posnetkov gledaliških predstav.
17. člen
Pogodbenici se redno obveščata o večjih narodnih in mednarodnih kulturnih prireditvah in na takšne prireditve vabita predstavnike druge pogodbenice. Med veljavnostjo tega programa pogodbenici povabita komorni orkester.
18. člen
Pogodbenici se dogovorita o organizaciji teh razstav:
V Republiki Sloveniji:
a) Slovaška arhitektura devetdesetih let,
b) Slovaška grafika in oblikovanje.
V Slovaški republiki:
a) Slovenska ilustracija in ustvarjanje otroških knjig,
b) Tekstilna krpanka Cvetke Hojnik.
19. člen
Pogodbenici pospešujeta neposredno sodelovanje med muzeji (Slovaškim narodnim muzejem, ki je tudi narodni muzejski center), galerijami (Slovaško narodno galerijo, ki je tudi metodološki center galerij), knjižnicami (Univerzitetno knjižnico v Bratislavi, ki je tudi Narodni knjižnični center) in drugimi inštitucijami za varstvo kulturne dediščine. Fondi in zbirke so na razpolago za študij in raziskovanje strokovnjakom in raziskovalcem druge pogodbenice.
Pogodbenici podpirata izmenjave razstav, katerih izbor bo oblikovan v skladu z aktualnimi željami pogodbenic.
20. člen
Pogodbenici spodbujata izmenjavo izkušenj v zvezi z notranjimi predpisi in ukrepi za varstvo kulturnih dobrin, še posebej pri preprečevanju nezakonitega izvoza v skladu s Konvencijo Unesca o ukrepih za prepoved in preprečevanje nedovoljenega uvoza in izvoza kulturnih dobrin ter prenosa lastninske pravice na njih, ki je bila sprejeta na šestnajstem zasedanju generalne konference Unesca 14. novembra 1970 v Parizu.
21. člen
Pogodbenici pospešujeta sodelovanje med pisatelji in književnimi prevajalci ter njihovimi organizacijami in združenji.
22. člen
Pogodbenici spodbujata sodelovanje med založbami obeh držav.
23. člen
Pogodbenici pospešujeta neposredno sodelovanje med filmskimi studiji in producenti, izmenjavo dokumentov in informacij s področja filma, sodelovanje na mednarodnih filmskih festivalih, skupne filmske produkcije in druge oblike sodelovanja.
Pogodbenici proučita možnost organiziranja filmskih tednov.
24. člen
Pogodbenici spodbujata neposredno sodelovanje med umetniškimi združenji in društvi ter njihovo udeležbo na mednarodnih srečanjih, simpozijih in seminarjih.
25. člen
Pogodbenici spodbujata sodelovanje na vseh področjih neprofesionalnih umetniških dejavnosti.
26. člen
Pogodbenici spodbujata sodelovanje v izobraževanju in kulturi v okviru evropskih multilateralnih organizacij.
27. člen
Pogodbenici omogočata lažje sodelovanje med arhivi na podlagi neposrednega sporazuma, ki se sklene med pristojnimi inštitucijami pogodbenic.
28. člen
Pogodbenici priznata avtorske pravice avtorjem, ki so državljani druge pogodbenice, vključno s pravicami njihovih pravnih naslednikov, ne glede na kraj prve objave njihovih del.
Pogodbenici zagotovita varstvo teh pravic pod enakimi pogoji, kot jih določa njuna notranja zakonodaja za njune državljane in inštitucije.
29. člen
Varstvo intelektualne lastnine, ki izhaja iz sodelovanja, upošteva veljavna načela, ki zagotavljajo ustrezno in učinkovito varstvo, in sodelujoče organizacije postanejo solastniki intelektualne lastnine. Znanstveni in tehnični podatki, ki niso zaščiteni, so lastnina držav pogodbenic in so tajni. Po predhodnem skupnem soglasju lahko sodelujoča organizacija daje take informacije tretji strani v pisni obliki, razen če ni dogovorjeno drugače. Če so s soglasjem pogodbenic k sodelovanju povabljeni strokovnjaki iz tretjih držav, krijejo stroške takega sodelovanja udeleženci tretje strani, razen če ni dogovorjeno drugače.
30. člen
Pogodbenici bosta spodbujali neposredno sodelovanje med javnimi radijskimi in televizijskimi hišami.
31. člen
Izmenjava štipendistov po 3. in 4. členu:
– Po izbiri kandidatov stran, ki pošilja, do 31. marca vsakega koledarskega leta predloži zahteve za študij v skladu z merili strani, ki sprejema.
– Stran, ki sprejema, potrdi izbrane kandidate do 31. julija vsakega koledarskega leta.
– Pogodbenici se obvestita o prihodu kandidatov vsaj dva tedna pred njihovim prihodom.
– Pogoj za sprejem kandidatov za študij je znanje jezika strani, ki sprejema, ali znanje tujega jezika, s katerim se stran, ki sprejema, strinja.
32. člen
Dejavnosti učiteljev predavateljev na strani, ki sprejema, v skladu s 6. členom so urejene z notranjepravnimi določbami te države (predvsem določbe o delovnih razmerjih, zdravstvenem zavarovanju, zavarovanju za primer bolezni in pokojninskem zavarovanju).
Honorar predavateljev je prav tako urejen z notranjimi pravili strani, ki sprejema.
Stran, ki sprejema, priskrbi predavateljem brezplačno nastanitev.
33. člen
Pri štipendijah in izmenjavah obiskov, ki jih predvideva ta program, bosta obe strani ravnali v skladu z notranjimi predpisi in poravnali stroške v skladu z mednarodno prakso pri tovrstnih izmenjavah. Temeljno splošno načelo je, da stran, ki pošilja, poravna mednarodne potne stroške, država, ki sprejema, pa stroške bivanja.
34. člen
Pogodbenici bosta zdravstveno oskrbo oseb druge pogodbenice urejali v skladu s 5.in 6. členom Sporazuma med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Slovaške republike o sodelovanju na področju zdravstva, ki je bil podpisan 11. novembra 1993 v Bratislavi.
35. člen
Izmenjava razstav po 18. členu tega programa poteka v skladu z naslednjimi finančnimi določbami:
– Stran, ki pošilja, krije:
a) stroške prevoza v prvi kraj razstave in stroške vrnitve iz zadnjega kraja razstave,
b) vse stroške zavarovanja razstave v skladu s klavzulo “od žeblja do žeblja“ (“nail to nail“).
– Stran, ki sprejema, krije:
a) stroške prevoza razstavnih predmetov po državi,
b) stroške predstavitve in organizacije razstave, vključno z najemom prostorov,
c) v primeru poškodbe razstavnih predmetov mora stran, ki sprejema, strani, ki pošilja, poslati potrebno dokumentacijo o škodi. Stroške ocenjene škode bo krila stran, ki sprejema. Popravilo se nikakor ne sme izvesti brez vnaprejšnje privolitve strani, ki pošilja.
36. člen
Ta program ne preprečuje izvajanja drugih dejavnosti, o katerih bi se pogodbenici sporazumeli po diplomatski poti.
Ta program začne veljati na dan izmenjave diplomatskih not, ki potrjujeta, da je bil dokument odobren v skladu z notranjimi predpisi, ki veljajo v pogodbenicah, začasno pa se uporablja od dneva podpisa.
Ta program velja do 31. decembra 2002.
Sestavljeno v Ljubljani dne 9. februarja 1999 v dveh izvirnikih v slovenskem, slovaškem in angleškem jeziku, pri čemer so vsa besedila enako verodostojna.
Pri razlikah v razlagi prevlada angleško besedilo.
Za Vlado
Republike Slovenije
Boris Frlec l. r.
Za Vlado
Slovaške republike
Eduard Kukan l. r.
The Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Government of the Slovak Republic (hereinafter referred to as “the Contracting Parties“)
led by the desire to develop cooperation between the two Countries in the fields of education, science and culture,
being aware of the importance of such cooperation for mutual understanding; and
on the basis of the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Government of the Slovak Republic on Cooperation in the Fields of Science, Education and Culture signed on 14 of December 1994 in Bratislava, and the provisions of the Helsinki Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, Paris Charter for a New Europe and Vienna Declaration of the Council of Europe
have agreed upon the following:
Article 1
The Contracting Parties shall support the enlargement and deepening of cooperation between scientists, research institutions and other scientific organisations of both countries.
Article 2
The Contracting Parties shall promote development of direct cooperation in the fields of science and technology between ministries, universities, organisations and research institutions of both countries on the basis of equality and mutual benefit in compliance with the existing legislation and regulations of Contracting Parties.
The cooperation shall have the following forms, in particular:
1) joint research and development projects on subjects in common interest;
2) exchange of scientists, researchers and experts;
3) exchange of scientific and technological information and documentation relating to joint projects;
4) participation in scientific and technological conferences, seminars, courses, workshops, exhibitions;
5) other forms of scientific and technological cooperation, agreed upon by the Contracting Parties.
Article 3
The Contracting Parties shall support direct cooperation between Slovene Academy of Sciences and Arts and Slovak Academy of Sciences.
The Contracting Parties shall annually provide two study stays with duration of 14 (fourteen) days each for senior scientists.
Article 4
The Contracting Parties shall annually offer scholarships in the total duration of 16 (sixteen) months for undergraduate or post-graduate individual specialisation at universities or research institutions. Scholarship may be divided into several shorter periods in the minimum duration of three months.
Article 5
The Slovene side shall annually offer 2 (two) scholarships for participation in the Seminar of the Slovene Language, Literature and Culture and 2 (two) scholarships for a Summer School of the Slovene Language in Ljubljana.
The Slovak side shall annually offer 4 (four) scholarships for participation in Summer Schools of the Slovak Language, Literature and Culture (Studia Academica Slovaca) organised by the Comenius University, in Bratislava.
Article 6
The Contracting Parties shall continue to support the teaching of the Slovene language, literature and history in the Slovak Republic (at the Comenius University in Bratislava and the Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica) and the teaching of the Slovak language, literature and history in the Republic of Slovenia (at the University of Ljubljana and the University of Maribor).
Article 7
The Contracting Parties shall encourage direct cooperation between institutions of higher education of both countries, particularly between the University of Ljubljana and the Comenius University in Bratislava.
To this end they shall support cooperation between the Academy for Theatre, Radio, Film and Television in Ljubljana and the Academy for Performing Arts in Bratislava in the form of exchange of professors, students and of the reciprocal participation in international festivals of theatre schools.
The Slovene Party shall examine possibilities of cooperation between the Academy for Theatre, Radio, Film and Television in Ljubljana and the Academy of Arts in Banská Bystrica.
Article 8
The Contracting Parties shall encourage and promote in areas of primary and secondary education:
– the exchange of scientific and didactic literature,
– the participation of talented pupils and students in specialised and art competitions and olympiads,
– participation of experts in international congresses, symposia and conferences,
– reciprocal exchange and use of information systems in education and science and organisation of joint seminars of experts in these fields.
To this end they shall support cooperation between the secondary schools in both countries, particularly cooperation between the Secondary School of the Velenje School Centre and the Private Secondary School in Žitavska street in Bratislava.
Article 9
Upon request the Contracting Parties shall exchange relevant documents for the mutual recognition of school certificates and university diplomas and shall, if necessary, hold negotiations to prepare an appropriate inter-governmental agreement.
Article 10
The Contracting Parties shall support cooperation in the field of adult education. Special emphasis will be put on exchange of experience and materials concerning improvement of qualifications and distance learning.
The Contracting Parties shall cooperate at international events concerning advanced education and in joining relevant Programmes of the European Union.
Article 11
The Contracting Parties shall exchange information about basic teaching documents and study plans and the organisation of the educational process at the level of primary, secondary and university education.
Article 12
The Contracting Parties shall support mutual contacts in sports, the exchange of sport teams, individual sportsmen, coaches and experts.
The exchanges between non-governmental sport organisations shall take place on the basis of direct contacts and cooperation.
Article 13
The Contracting Parties shall exchange specialised materials from the field of physical education and sports.
Article 14
The Contracting Parties shall foster cooperation aimed at the exchange of delegations of young people and youth organisations on the reciprocal basis.
The Contracting Parties shall exchange 2 (two) experts on youth care at either central or local level to establish contacts and to study the possibilities for enhancing of youth exchanges.
Article 15
The Contracting Parties shall encourage cooperation in various spheres of culture. To this end the Contracting Parties shall exchange experts from various fields of culture and arts, and artists.
Article 16
The Contracting Parties shall support cooperation between theatres, theatre associations, operas and ballets in the form of:
– mutual exchange of invitations to theatre, opera and ballet festivals;
– exchange of information of premieres,
– exchange of drama texts and
– exchange of videotapes of theatre performances.
Article 17
The Contracting Parties shall regularly exchange information on major national and international cultural events and invite representatives of the other Contracting Party to such events. The Contracting Parties shall invite one Chamber Orchestra during the validity of this Programme.
Article 18
The Contracting Parties shall agree upon the organisation of the following exhibitions:
In the Republic of Slovenia:
a) the Slovak architecture of the 1990s,
b)the Slovak graphics and design.
In the Slovak Republic:
a) the Slovene children book illustration and creation,
b) Artistic Patchwork of Cvetka Hojnik.
Article 19
The Contracting Parties shall foster direct cooperation between museums (the Slovak National Museum which is also the National Museum Centre), galleries (the Slovak National Gallery which is also the Methodological Centre of Galleries), libraries (University Library in Bratislava which is also the National Library Centre) and other institutions for cultural heritage protection. The funds and collections shall be available to experts and researchers of the other Contracting Party for study and research.
The Contracting Parties shall support exchanges of exhibitions and their selection will be shaped according to the topical requirements of both Contracting Parties.
Article 20
The Contracting Parties shall encourage exchange of experience relating to national provisions and measures for the protection of cultural property, particularly in preventing illicit export in compliance with the UNESCO Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property, adopted at the Sixteenth Session of the General Conference of UNESCO, in Paris on 14 November 1970.
Article 21
The Contracting Parties shall foster cooperation between writers and literary translators and their organisations and associations.
Article 22
The Contracting Parties shall encourage cooperations between publishing houses of the two countries.
Article 23
The Contracting Parties shall foster direct cooperation between film studios and film producers, the exchange of documents and information in the field of cinema, participation in international film festivals, joint film productions and other forms of cooperation.
The Contracting Parties shall examine the possibility of the organisation of film weeks.
Article 24
The Contracting Parties shall encourage direct cooperation between artistic associations and societies and their participation in international meetings, symposia and seminars.
Article 25
The Contracting Parties shall promote cooperation in all fields of non-professional artistic activities.
Article 26
The Contracting Parties shall encourage cooperation in the fields of education and culture within the framework of the European multilateral organisations.
Article 27
The Contracting Parties shall facilitate cooperation between the archives on the basis of direct agreement to be concluded between competent institutions of the two Contracting Parties.
Article 28
The Contracting Parties shall recognise copy-rights of authors who are nationals of the other Contracting Party including the rights of their legal successors regardless of the place of the first publication of their works.
The Contracting Parties shall provide the protection of these rights under the same conditions as stipulated by their respective internal legislation for their nationals and institutions.
Article 29
Protection of intellectual property resulting from cooperation shall observe valid principles which guarantee appropriate and effective protection and the cooperating organizations shall become joint owners of intellectual property. Non-proprietary scientific and technical information shall be the property of the states of the Contracting Parties and they shall be kept secret. Upon a prior mutual consent the cooperating organisation may give such information to a third party in writing unless agreed otherwise. In case of experts from third countries being invited to cooperation upon a consent by the Contracting parties, the costs of such cooperation shall be borne by the participants of third parties unless agreed otherwise.
Article 30
The Contracting Parties shall encourage direct cooperation between the public Radio and Television broadcasters.
Article 31
The exchange of scholarship holders pursuant to Article 3 and 4:
– Following the selection of candidates, the Sending Party shall submit requirements for study according to the criteria of the Receiving Party by 31 March of each calendar year.
– The Receiving Party shall confirm approved candidates by 31 July of each calendar year.
– The Contracting Parties shall inform each other on the arrival of candidates at least two weeks before their arrival.
– The condition for accepting candidates for studies is the knowledge of the language of the Receiving Party or the knowledge of a foreign language approved by the Receiving Party.
Article 32
Activities of teachers-lecturers in the Receiving Party according to Article 6 are subject to national legal provisions of that country (mainly to provisions on work-related relations, health, illness and pension insurance).
Remuneration of lecturers is also subject to internal regulations of the Receiving Party.
The Receiving Party shall provide the lecturers with accommodation free of charge.
Article 33
With reference to scholarships and exchanges of visits, provided for by this Programme, both sides will act in accordance with the internal provisions and cover the costs in accordance with international practice relating to such exchanges. The basic general principle is that the Sending Party covers the international travel expenses, and the host country covers subsistence expenses.
Article 34
The Contracting Parties agree to regulate health care of persons of the other Contracting Party in accordance with Articles 5 and 6 of the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Government of the Slovak Republic on Cooperation in the Field of Health signed on 11 November 1993 in Bratislava.
Article 35
The exchange of exhibitions pursuant to Article 18 of this Programme shall take place in accordance with the following financial provisions:
– The Sending Party shall cover:
a) transport costs to the first place of the exhibition and return transport costs from the last place of the exhibition,
b) all insurance costs of the exhibition according to the clause “nail to nail“.
– The Receiving Party shall cover:
a) transport costs of the exhibits within the state,
b) promotion costs and costs of the organisation of the exhibition, including renting of the premises,
c) in case of damage of the exhibits the Receiving Party is obliged to send to the Sending Party necessary documentation concerning the damage. Costs relating to the estimated damage shall be covered by the Receiving Party. No repairs can be effected without a prior consent of the Sending Party.
Article 36
This Programme does not preclude the implementation of other activities which would be agreed upon by the two Contracting Parties through diplomatic channels.
This Programme shall enter into effect on the day of the exchange of diplomatic notes confirming the approval of the document, according to national regulations in force in both Contracting Parties, and shall be applicable ad interim as of the day of signing.
This Programme shall be valid until 31 December 2002.
Done in Ljubljana on the 9 day of February 1999 in two original copies in the Slovene, Slovak and English languages, all texts being equally authentic.
In case of differences in interpretation, the English text shall prevail.
For the Government of the
Republic of Slovenia
Boris Frlec (s)
For the Government of the
Slovak Republic
Eduard Kukan (s)
3. člen
Za izvajanje tega programa skrbijo Ministrstvo za kulturo, Ministrstvo za šolstvo in šport ter Ministrstvo za znanost in tehnologijo.
4. člen
Ta uredba začne veljati naslednji dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 681-03/98-2 (T1)
Ljubljana, dne 8. julija 1999
Vlada Republike Slovenije
dr. Janez Drnovšek l. r.
* Besedilo izvirnika v slovaškem jeziku je na vpogled v Sektorju za mednarodne pravne zadeve Ministrstva za zunanje zadeve.

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