Uradni list

Številka 80
Uradni list RS, št. 80/1999 z dne 1. 10. 1999
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 80/1999 z dne 1. 10. 1999


69. Uredba o ratifikaciji Memoranduma o soglasju (MOS) med Ministrstvom za obrambo Republike Slovenije, ki ga zastopa minister za obrambo, in Ministrstvom za obrambo Združenega kraljestva Velike Britanije in Severne Irske, ki ga zastopa državni sekretar za obrambo, o sodelovanju na področju obrambnega materiala, stran 950.

Na podlagi tretjega odstavka 63. člena Zakona o zunanjih zadevah (Uradni list RS, št. 1/91-I) izdaja Vlada Republike Slovenije
1. člen
Ratificira se Memorandum o soglasju (MOS) med Ministrstvom za obrambo Republike Slovenije, ki ga zastopa minister za obrambo, in Ministrstvom za obrambo Združenega kraljestva Velike Britanije in Severne Irske, ki ga zastopa državni sekretar za obrambo, o sodelovanju na področju obrambnega materiala, podpisan dne 12. oktobra 1998 v Ljubljani.
2. člen
Memorandum se v izvirniku v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku glasi:
1. Uvod
2. Cilji in obseg
3. Upravljalska organizacija
4. Zagotavljanje kakovosti
5. Varnost in obiski
6. Zahtevki in obveznosti
7. Uporaba in razkrivanje informacij
8. Finančne zadeve
9. Spori
10. Prekinitev, spreminjanje in trajanje
11. Podpis
1.1 Ministrstvo za obrambo Republike Slovenije, ki ga zastopa minister za obrambo, in Ministrstvo za obrambo Združenega kraljestva Velike Britanije in Severne Irske, ki ga zastopa državni sekretar za obrambo, v nadaljevanju “pogodbenici”,
ki ugotavljata, da bi bila krepitev odnosov v njuno vzajemno korist,
ki želita okrepiti svoje obrambne sposobnosti s sodelovanjem pri vojaški tehniki in razvijanju vojaške opreme,
ki želita sodelovati glede vojaških tehničnih potreb in
ki želita sodelovati na področju logistične podpore in tehničnih informacij,
sta se dogovorili za naslednje:
a. da bosta skušali olajšati dobavo obrambne opreme in storitev kateri koli od pogodbenic;
b. da bosta pospeševali sodelovanje in krepili skupni razvoj in dobavo vojaške opreme za zadovoljevanje skupnih ali podobnih potreb;
c. da bosta določili skupne dejavnosti za uresničevanje načel standardizacije in interoperabilnosti v korist pogodbenic, in
d. da bosta zagotavljali medsebojno podporo s spodbujanjem in olajševanjem izmenjave vojaških tehničnih in z opremo povezanih informacij, tehničnih sredstev inosebja.
2.1 Pogodbenici bosta skušali olajšati ustrezno in učinkovito dobavo vojaške opreme in storitev med svojima državama, če bodo to omogočali mednarodni in državni zakoni in predpisi.
2.2 Kadar bo primerno, bosta pogodbenici skupaj predvideli zagotovitev informacij o bližnjih priložnostih za posredovanje ponudb in o predlaganih pogodbah v časovnem roku, ki bo zainteresiranim družbam omogočal, da dobijo izvode tenderske dokumentacije, potrebne za izdelavo in predložitev njihovih ponudb. Tako zagotovljene informacije so namenjene glavnim dobaviteljem in proizvajalcem podsklopov, podsistemov in komponent. V Združenem kraljestvu so te običajno vsebovane v biltenu MO o pogodbah. V Sloveniji so te vsebovane v uradnem glasilu Republike Slovenije.
2.3 Pogodbenici načrtujeta, da bodo za ponudbe in pogodbe veljali običajna pravila in postopki o nabavah pogodbenice, ki je kupec; da bo ponudbam zagotovljena celovita in nepristranska obravnava ne glede na državo, iz katere dobavitelj izvira; in da bo, kadar ponudba kake družbe v drugi državi ne bo sprejeta, če ta družba meni, da je bila njena ponudba zavrnjena brez utemeljenega vzroka, pogodbenica, ki je kupec, na zahtevo obvestila drugo pogodbenico o razlogih za tako odločitev.
2.4 Dejavnosti sodelovanja po tem MOS lahko obsegajo kateri koli vidik sodelovanja na področju vojaške tehnike, ki je v obojestranskem interesu, vključno med drugim:
a. določitev in periodičen pregled posebnih potreb glede skupne opreme oboroženih sil obeh pogodbenic in obsega, v katerem se je mogoče razvijanja projektov v zvezi z vojaško opremo lotevati skupaj;
b. ugotavljanje možnosti sodelovanja pri nakupu opreme za zadovoljitev skupnih potreb oboroženih sil obeh pogodbenic, vključno z logistično podporo za opremo, ki je nabavljena skupaj, če je skupna pogodbenicama;
c. vzajemno pomoč pri tehničnem ocenjevanju, preskušanju karakteristik in delovanja, pri razvoju operativnih in vzdrževalnih konceptov, pri sklepanju pogodbenih dogovorov z glavnimi dobavitelji in pri organizaciji podpore za opremo v uporabi med njeno življenjsko dobo;
d. organizacijo dvostranskih konferenc in simpozijev o tekočih ali prihodnjih programih v zvezi z opremo;
e. izmenjavo informacij in zagotovitev storitev za zagotavljanje kakovosti.
2.5 Ta MOS opredeljuje splošna načela sodelovanja pri posebnih projektih. Ko je določena neka posebna oblika sodelovanja, bo sklenjen izvedbeni dogovor v skladu s tem MOS, v katerem bodo opredeljeni smotri naloge; agencija, ki jo to najbolj zadeva, in organi, povezani s projektom; pravice iz intelektualne lastnine in stopnja zaupnosti tehničnih podatkov; delitev stroškov in drugi morebitni finančni dogovori; dogovori in postopki glede revizij; pogodbeni dogovori; odgovornost; pogostnost in vrste poročil, ki jih je treba predložiti; in druge določbe, ki bi bile lahko potrebne.
3.1 Za pomoč pri teh dogovorih bosta pogodbenici ustanovili mešani odbor, ki bo nadzoroval napredek, narejen po tem sporazumu. Mešani odbor se sestaja vsako leto izmenoma v Združenem kraljestvu in Sloveniji. Pogodbenica gostiteljica je predsedujoča in preskrbi administrativno pomoč. Pogodbenici imata vsaka po en glas in sprejemata odločitve soglasno.
3.2 Predsedujoči mešanega odbora s strani Združenega kraljestva bo območni direktor trženja 4., člane pa imenuje Ministrstvo za obrambo Združenega kraljestva. Predsedujoči mešanega odbora s slovenske strani bo predstojnik notranje organizacijske enote Ministrstva za obrambo Republike Slovenije, ki je pristojna za oborožitev, člane pa imenuje Ministrstvo za obrambo Republike Slovenije.
4.1 Vsako MO obvesti drugo MO, ali njegovi mednarodni proizvajalci/dobavitelji izpolnjujejo standarde za nadzorovanje kakovosti, za katere so bili preverjeni in potrjeni pri vojaški opremi ali s tem povezanimi storitvami, ki jih sprejema njihova lastna država. Po dodelitvi pogodb bo vsako MO na zahtevo in ob upoštevanju razpoložljivih virov zagotovilo drugemu MO enako storitev za zagotavljanje kakovosti, kot se uporablja za nakupe, opravljene znotraj njegove države, v skladu z Dodatkom A.
5.1 Kadar je pri programih, izdelanih na podlagi tega MOS, potrebno izmenjati zaupne informacije, se dogovori glede izmenjave in varovanja takih informacij določijo za vsak primer posebej in podrobno opredelijo v pripadajočem izvedbenem dogovoru.
5.2 Vse gostujoče osebje mora spoštovati varnostne predpise države gostiteljice. Vsakršne informacije, razkrite ali dane na razpolago obiskovalcem, se obravnavajo v skladu z določbami odstavka 5.1.
5.3 Prošnje za obisk osebja iz ene države v kakem objektu druge države se usklajujejo po običajnih poteh in bodo v skladu z ustaljenim postopkom države gostiteljice za obiske. Na prošnjah za obiske je treba navesti naslov tega MOS.
6.1 Brez škode za kakršne koli posebne dogovore v katerem koli izvedbenem dogovoru k temu MOS, se vsaka pogodbenica odreka vsakršnemu zahtevku do druge pogodbenice ali do katerega koli vojaka, uslužbenca ali zastopnika druge pogodbenice za poškodbo (vključno poškodbo, katere posledica je smrt), ki jo utrpi njeno vojaško osebje, uslužbenci ali zastopniki, ali za škodo na imetju v njeni lasti ali izgubo le-tega, če je bila taka poškodba, smrt, škoda ali izguba povzročena z dejanji ali opustitvami druge pogodbenice ali katerega koli vojaka, uslužbenca ali zastopnika te druge pogodbenice med opravljanjem uradnih dolžnosti v zvezi s tem MOS.
6.2 Vsaka pogodbenica bo obravnavala in poravnala na svoje stroške odškodninske zahtevke katere koli tretje osebe, ki izhajajo iz njenih lastnih dejanj ali opustitev oziroma dejanj ali opustitev njenih vojakov, uslužbencev ali zastopnikov, katerih posledica je poškodba, smrt, izguba ali škoda, povzročena pri opravljanju uradnih dolžnosti v zvezi s tem MOS.
7.1 Ker priznava poslovno vrednost informacij, bo pogodbenica, ki prejme kakršne koli informacije, kar vključuje dokumente, tehnologijo ali tehniko, bodisi da zanje velja ali ne velja zaščita avtorskih pravic, patentnih pravic, registriranih ali neregistriranih modelov, ali podobna zaščita, zagotovila, da se nobene informacije, preskrbljene na podlagi tega MOS, ne bodo uporabljale ali razkrivale za kakršen koli drug namen razen tistega, za katerega so bile zagotovljene, brez pristanka pogodbenice, od katere izvirajo, in da bo takim informacijam dodeljena popolna pravna zaščita, ki je na razpolago. V odsotnosti posebnih navodil glede uporabe, bo pogodbenica prejemnica zavarovala informacije na podlagi tega, da so bile preskrbljene le v informativne namene in jih ni mogoče razkrivati zunaj vladnih krogov prejemnice.
7.2 Če lastnik informacij, zagotovljenih po tem MOS, utrpi izgubo ali škodo zaradi nepooblaščenega razkritja ali uporabe informacij bodisi s strani pogodbenice ali kake tretje osebe, kateri je pogodbenica prejemnica razkrila informacije, bo pogodbenica prejemnica povrnila odškodnino lastniku informacij za nepooblaščeno razkritje ali uporabo. Pri določanju odgovornosti za povračilo odškodnine se predpostavlja, da je informacije pogodbenici prejemnici preskrbel neposredno lastnik in da je nepooblaščeno uporabo zagrešila pogodbenica prejemnica.
7.3 Odškodnina, ki jo plača pogodbenica prejemnica v skladu z razdelkom 7.2, ne preprečuje lastniku informacij, da uveljavlja svoje zakonske pravice do osebe ali oseb, ki so brez pooblastila razkrile ali zlorabile informacije, vendar pa se vsakršna odškodnina, pridobljena z uveljavljanjem teh pravic, uporabi za pobotanje morebitnega plačila, ki ga je z enakim namenom že opravila pogodbenica prejemnica.
7.4 Pogodbenica prejemnica ne bo posredovala, prodajala ali razkrivala osebi z državljanstvom države, ki ni pogodbenica v tem MOS, oziroma nobeni mednarodni organizaciji informacij, dokumentov, tehnologije ali tehnike, bodisi da je zaupna ali ne, ki je preskrbljena po tem MOS, prav tako pa ne bo javno razkrivala takih informacij, bodisi da so zaupne ali ne, brez predhodnega pisnega dovoljenja pogodbenice, od katere te izvirajo.
7.5 Vsaka pogodbenica bo sprejela vse zakonite ukrepe, ki so na razpolago, da bi informacije, prejete ali izdelane zaupno po tem MOS, obvarovala pred razkritjem v skladu s kakršnim koli zakonodajnim ukrepom, razen če druga pogodbenica ne pristane na tako razkritje. Če postane verjetno, da bo informacije morda treba razkriti na podlagi takega ukrepa, je treba o tem takoj obvestiti drugo pogodbenico.
7.6 Da bi pomagala pri zagotavljanju željene zaščite, bo vsaka pogodbenica označila informacije, ki jih zaupno preskrbi drugi, z legendo, kjer bodo označeni država izvora, stopnja zaupnosti, pogoji glede objave in dejstvo, da je informacija zagotovljena zaupno.
7.7 Odgovornosti glede zaupnosti, ki se v tem razdelku zahtevajo od pogodbenice, ki je prejemnica, ne veljajo za informacije, ki:
a. so ali pridejo zakonito v posest pogodbenice, ki je prejemnica, brez ustreznih omejitev, ali
b. so ali pridejo v domeno javnosti brez kršenja tega MOS in so dane na razpolago za neomejeno uporabo.
7.8 Posebni dogovori o zaščiti intelektualne lastnine v zvezi s projekti in programi, ki potekajo po tem MOS, se vključijo v ustrezne izvedbene dogovore, predvidene v skladu z razdelkom 2.5.
8.1 Ta MOS ne nalaga nobeni pogodbenici nikakršnih finančnih obveznosti, razen da je vsaka pogodbenica odgovorna za svoje stroške, ki jih utrpi pri izvajanju tega MOS. O posebnih dogovorih glede delitve stroškov v zvezi s programi sodelovanja bo sporazum sklenjen kot del vsakršnega izvedbenega dogovora, ki bi bil oblikovan v skladu s tem MOS.
9.1 Morebitne spore glede razlage in uporabe tega MOS rešujeta pogodbenici s posvetovanji in ne bodo poslani v reševanje nobenemu državnemu ali mednarodnemu razsodišču ali kaki tretji osebi.
10.1 Ta MOS začne veljati, ko slovenska stran obvesti britansko, da so na slovenski strani izpolnjeni vsi pogoji za njegovo uveljavitev, in velja deset let od tega datuma. Mogoče ga je podaljšati za podobna obdobja ali za obdobja, ki so v določenem trenutku zaželena, ali pa ga je mogoče prekiniti s skupnim pisnim pristankom obeh pogodbenic.
10.2 Če želi katera koli pogodbenica prekiniti svojo udeležbo v teh dogovorih, mora 90 dni pred datumom, ko začne veljati prekinitev, pisno obvestiti drugo pogodbenico.
10.3 Ne glede na določbe razdelka 10.2 pa odpoved tega MOS ne vpliva na morebitne pogodbe, ki spadajo v okvir tega MOS, in te veljajo naprej do ustrezne izpolnitve z izvedbo.
10.4 Pravice in odgovornosti pogodbenic glede varnosti in obiskov (razdelek 5); uporabe in razkrivanja informacij (razdelek 7); sporov (razdelek 9) in prekinitve, spreminjanja in trajanja, umika in podpisa (razdelek 10) ostanejo veljavne ne glede na morebiten umik, prekinitev ali pretek tega MOS.
10.5 Ta MOS je mogoče spremeniti s skupnim pisnim pristankom obeh pogodbenic.
Zgornje besedilo so dogovori, sklenjeni med Vlado Republike Slovenije, ki jo zastopa obrambni minister, in Vlado Združenega kraljestva Velike Britanije in Severne Irske, ki jo zastopa državni sekretar za obrambo, o tam omenjenih zadevah.
Podpisano v dveh izvodih v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku, od katerih je vsako besedilo enako veljavno.
Za Ministrstvo za obrambo
Republike Slovenije
Za Ministrstvo za obrambo
Združenega kraljestva
Velike Britanije in
Severne Irske
1. Uvod
2. Obseg
3. Referenčni dokumenti
4. Določanje nalog v zvezi z nadzorom ZK-V
5. Obveščanje
6. O tveganju
7. Smernice za predlagatelja
8. Smernice za pooblaščenca
9. Dokončanje ZK-V
1. Obrazec ZahtZK
2. Ocena tveganja
3. Načrtovanje
4. Potrdilo o dokončanju ZK-V
Definicije iz tega dodatka veljajo poleg tistih, ki so navedene v ISO 8402 (Obvladovanja kakovosti in zagotavljanje kakovosti – besednjak).
Organ države nakupovalke, ki zahteva ZK-V od države dobaviteljice; ta organ je lahko vodja projekta/programa ali oddelek za zagotavljanje kakovosti pri vladi, kjer je služba za nabave kupec; ali pa zastopnik za zagotavljanje kakovosti pri dobavitelju, ki sklene pogodbo s podizvajalcem za pogodbo, za katero velja ZK-V.
Ustrezen državni organ države, ki skrbi za ZK-V v svoji državi.
Zagotavljanje kakovosti s strani vlade (ZK-V)
Postopek, s katerim ustrezni državni organi vzpostavljajo zaupanje, da so izpolnjene pogodbene zahteve glede kakovosti.
Osrednji državni organ za ZK-V
Organ v udeleženi državi, ki je odgovoren za operativno izvedbo ZK-V, namreč tistih dolžnosti, ki jih prevzame zastopnik za zagotavljanje kakovosti.
Zastopnik za zagotavljanje kakovosti (ZastZK)
Zastopnik, ki ga imenuje in pooblasti državni organ, da izvaja ZK-V.
Zahtevek za zagotavljanje kakovosti s strani vlade (ZahtZK)
Formalni zahtevek predlagatelja, naslovljen na pooblaščenca, da opravi ZK-V.
Verjetnost pojavljanja neželenega dogodka in njegovega vpliva.
Na tveganju temelječe dejavnosti, ki naj bi jih opravljal ZastZK v zvezi z ZahtZK.
1. Uvod
1.1 Splošno
1.1.1 Določbe tega dodatka veljajo za zagotavljanje kakovosti s strani vlade (ZK-V) za vojaška tehnična sredstva in storitve, ki se dobavljajo za oborožene sile udeleženih strank in jih dobavi agencija ali dobavitelj.
1.1.2 Organ države nakupovalke, ki vloži prošnjo (predlagatelj), da zahtevek za ZK-V, da bi dobil potrditev, da je organ, ki je dobavitelj (pooblaščenec), sposoben izvajati ZK-V v skladu s postopki, vsebovanimi v tem dodatku.
2. Obseg
2.1 Ta dokument zagotavlja napotke za pooblaščanje in sprejemanje v zvezi z ZK-V na podlagi dogovorov iz MOS in določa elemente načrtovanja in izvajanja dejavnosti nadzora. Opisuje odgovornosti predlagateljev za ugotavljanje tveganj v zvezi s kakovostjo in podrobno opisovanje pripadajočih nalog, ki bodo vključene v zahtevek za zagotavljanje kakovosti s strani vlade (ustrezen obrazec ZahtZK je prikazan v Prilogi 1 k temu dodatku).
3. Referenčni dokumenti
3.1 V nadaljevanju so navedeni dokumenti, ki se nanašajo na ta dodatek:
– ISO-8402:  “Obvladovanje kakovosti in zagotavljanje kakovosti – 
– AQAP-100:  “Splošna navodila NATO za zagotavljanje kakovosti”
– AQAP-110:  “Zahteve NATO za zagotavljanje kakovosti pri 
              projektiranju, razvoju in  proizvodnji”
– AQAP-119:  “Navodila NATO za AQAP 110, 112 in 130”
– AQAP-120:  “Zahteve NATO za zagotavljanje kakovosti pri proizvodnji”
– AQAP-130:  “Zahteve NATO za zagotavljanje kakovosti inšpekciji”
– AQAP-150:  “Zahteve NATO za zagotavljanje kakovosti pri razvoju 
              programske   opreme”
4 Določanje nalog v zvezi z nadzorom ZK-V
4.1 Predlagatelj formalno določi naloge za pooblaščenca na podlagi rezultatov analize tveganja. Formalno sprejetje, dopolnjevanje in izpolnitev “nalog” je treba evidentirati. Pooblaščenec naj naredi načrt uporabe ukrepov za ZK-V, da prepriča predlagatelja o izpolnjevanju zahtev glede naloženih nalog, in naj zagotovi vzpostavitev in vodenje evidence, ki kažeta dejavnosti na področju ZK-V.
4.2 Bistveno je, da je med ciklusom dobave, kakor hitro je mogoče, vzpostavljena učinkovita komunikacija med predlagateljem in pooblaščencem. Kadar zahtevanih ukrepov ZK-V ni mogoče izvesti, mora pooblaščenec formalno obvestiti predlagatelja in hkrati navesti razloge za zavrnitev zahtevka.
4.3 Opis nalog je treba dopolnjevati hkrati s spreminjanjem pogodbenih zahtev in formalno obveščati pooblaščenca. Če je zaradi nujnosti pooblaščenec zaprošen, da se ravna po ustnih navodilih, mora predlagatelj vseeno zahtevek poslati pisno/po telefaksu prek osrednjega državnega organa za ZK-V (glej adresi pod 7.2.4), ki pooblaščenca ustrezno obvesti.
5. Obveščanje
5.1 S predlagateljem se je treba posvetovati, ali kak dogodek po ocenah pomembno vpliva na kakovost izdelka. Pooblaščenec preskrbi izvode potrebnih poročil o poteku ZK-V, treba pa ga je obveščati o pripadajoči korespondenci med predlagateljem in dobaviteljem.
6. O tveganju
6.1 Splošno
6.1.1 ZK-V se v državi dobaviteljici zahteva le, kadar kakovosti ob prejemu ni mogoče zadovoljivo preveriti in kadar so ugotovljena področja tveganja v zvezi s proizvodom ali dobaviteljem. Predlagatelj mora ugotoviti, ali bi ZK-V odpravilo ali zmanjšalo ugotovljeno tveganje in v kakšnem obsegu. ZK-V na izvoru se ne zahteva za postavke z majhnim tveganjem, preproste, komercialne postavke ali postavke majhne vrednosti.
6.1.2 Oceno tveganja je treba opraviti v skladu s postopki ustrezne države.
6.1.3 Napotki glede ocene tveganja so navedeni v Prilogi 2.
7. Smernice za predlagatelja
7.1 Priprava
7.1.1 Splošno Če je po oceni tveganja potrebno ZK-V pri izvoru, se mora predlagatelj prepričati, da so bili izpolnjeni vsi navedeni temeljni pogoji:
– preveriti, da pogodba in pripadajoči dokumenti predvidevajo izvedbo ZK-V, vključno s pravico ZastZK do dostopa v prostore dobaviteljev in ustreznih podizvajalcev. Ti dokumenti naj bodo na razpolago pooblaščencu v jeziku, za katerega se dogovorita vpleteni stranki;
– preveriti, da je bila zahteva o ustreznem sistemu kakovosti, kot je opisan v AQAP-100, vnesena v pogodbo;
– preveriti, da so bile potrebne določbe o stroških za material, porabljen pri ZK-V, ali o drugih večjih stroških vnesene v pogodbo ali druge ustrezne dogovore;
– preveriti, da so bili dogovori o dovoljenjih za odstopanja in izvzetjih vneseni v pogodbo;
– preveriti, da je bila določba o zagotavljanju kakovosti vnesena v pogodbo.
Opomba: Primer ustrezne določbe je: “Za vse zahteve iz te pogodbe velja ZK-V, ki zadovoljuje ..................... ali pooblaščenega zastopnika, ki vas bo obvestil o ukrepu ZK-V, ki naj bi bil izveden.” Vsakršen korektivni ukrep, ki izhaja iz zgoraj navedenega, je treba izvesti pred formalnim zahtevkom za ZK-V.
7.2 Pooblastitev
7.2.1 Po opravljenem predhodnem delu predlagatelj izpolni zahtevek za zagotavljanje kakovosti s strani vlade (ZahtZK) in ga pošlje skupaj s potrebno pogodbeno dokumentacijo pooblaščencu.
7.2.2 Predlagatelj mora pravočasno preskrbeti pooblaščencu vse potrebne informacije, da omogoči pooblaščencu načrtovanje, pripravo in izvedbo predvidenega ZK-V. Naloge morajo temeljiti na oceni in ovrednotenju tveganja in jih morata skupaj določiti predlagatelj in pooblaščenec. Podrobnim navodilom se je treba izogibati, razen če so značilna za določen postopek in potrebna za zagotovitev kakovosti.
7.2.3 Dovoljenja za odstopanja in izvzetja Dokument z navedbo nalog (ZahtZK) mora vsebovati jasna in podrobna navodila za pooblaščenca glede obdelave prošenj za dovoljenja za odstopanja in izvzetja.
7.2.4 Zahtevke za ZK-V Združenega kraljestva in pripadajočo korespondenco je treba poslati na:
Assistant Directorate Procurement Management Policy
(Quality Assurance)
Floor 2
Walnut (10)
MOD Abbey Wood
PO Box 702
BS12 7DU
Tel.: 0117-9131774
Faks: 0117-9131924
7.2.5 Zahtevke Združenega kraljestva za ZK-V in pripadajočo korespondenco je treba poslati na:
Ministrstvo za obrambo Republike Slovenije
Uprava za logistiko
Oddelek za standardizacijo
Odsek za kakovost
Kardeljeva ploščad 24
1000 Ljubljana
Tel.: (+386) 61 171 2333
Fax: (+386) 61 171 2521
8. Smernice za pooblaščenca
8.1 Splošno
8.1.1 Informacije o kakovosti v fazi pred pogodbo Obvestilo o sprejetju/zavrnitvi ZahtZK je obrazec ZahtZK, ki ga podpiše pooblaščenec in je vrnjen predlagatelju. Po sprejetju ZahtZK pooblaščenec pregleda “naloge” in preskrbi predlagatelju predlagani načrt nadzora s podrobnostmi o ukrepih, načrtovanih v odgovor na zadolžitve. Ker se med ukrepanjem za ZK-V tveganja odpravljajo ali zmanjšujejo na minimum oziroma ker se pojavljajo nova, je treba obveščati predlagatelja, tako da je mogoče temu ustrezno spremeniti “naloge”.
8.1.2 Zastopnik za zagotavljanje kakovosti (ZastZK) Osrednji državni organ za ZK-V bo preskrbel ZastZK pooblastila in sredstva, potrebna za izpolnitev zahtevka. Za to imenovani ZastZK naj bi bil praviloma seznanjen z ustreznimi industrijskimi postopki in tehnikami in imel potrebno znanje in izkušnje.
8.1.3 Proučitev ZahtZK in pogodba Za ustrezno načrtovanje izvedbe vloženega ZahtZK je bistveno, da je imenovani ZastZK seznanjen z zahtevami v pogodbi in pripadajoči dokumentaciji. Ob prejemu je treba ZahtZK temeljito proučiti zaradi določitve potrebnih ukrepov nadzora. ZastZK naj dokumentira rezultate pregleda ZahtZK in vključi vse pomembne dejavnike v zvezi s kakovostjo in izvedbo ZK-V. Morebitne nerazrešene zadeve, neskladnosti ali odstopanja, ki so ugotovljena, je treba sporočiti predlagatelju.
8.2 Načrtovanje ZK-V (glej Prilogo 3)
8.2.1 Splošno Namen načrtovanja je določiti najučinkovitejše in ekonomične načine izvajanja ZK-V. Izvedbo ZK-V je treba sporočiti po sprejemu ZahtZK in pri tem upoštevati dobaviteljeve predlagane ali ustaljene aranžmaje glede zagotavljanja kakovosti. Na ukrepe ZK-V lahko vpliva tudi dejstvo, da lahko za podobne proizvode zahtevajo ZK-V različni predlagatelji. Zato lahko načrtovanje vključuje skupinski nadzor. Med izvajanjem pogodbe naj bo ZastZK pozoren na spremembe pogojev, ki bi lahko negativno vplivali na spremembe. Na vse potrebne spremembe je treba opozoriti predlagatelja zaradi možne spremembe zastavljenih nalog v ZahtZK. Če bi pooblaščenec v katerem koli trenutku med trajanjem pogodbe ugotovil, da ne more nadaljevati z ZK-V zaradi neustreznosti dobaviteljevega sistema kakovosti ali proizvoda, mora takoj formalno obvestiti predlagatelja.
8.3. Pooblaščanje za ZK-V pri podizvajalskih pogodbah
8.3.1 ZK-V pri podizvajalcih morajo urediti ZastZK glavnih dobaviteljev po posvetu s predlagateljem. Te dejavnosti lahko pokrivajo ZK-V v državi predlagateljici, državi pooblaščenca ali kaki tretji državi.
8.4 Korektivni in preventivni ukrepi
8.4.1 Kadar predlagatelj obvesti pooblaščenca o kakem neustreznem proizvodu, odkritem ob dostavi ali po njej, se mora pooblaščenec po ustrezni zadolžitvi takoj dogovoriti z dobaviteljem za izvedbo preiskave glede vzroka za neustreznost, da bi določil:
a. pogodbeni status kakega podobnega proizvoda;
b. ustrezne korektivne ukrepe;
c. potrebne ukrepe za preprečitev ponovnega pojavljanja.
8.4.2 Kadar je kak neustrezen proizvod vrnjen dobavitelju v pregled in zahteva predlagatelj udeležbo ZastZK, bo morda treba spremeniti dogovorjene zadolžitve.
8.4.3 Kadar se ZK-V zahteva v zvezi reklamacijami v garancijskem roku, je treba tak ukrep jasno in podrobno opisati v dokumentaciji z zadolžitvami.
8.5 Dovoljenja za odstopanja in izvzetja
8.5.1 Prošnje za dovoljenja za odstopanja ali izvzetja, o katerih sprejema odločitev predlagatelj, je treba poslati predlagatelju prek ZastZK, ki lahko doda svoje pripombe ali priporočila, kot se zahteva v dogovorjenih zadolžitvah.
8.5.2 Evidenco postopkov ZastZK v zvezi s prošnjami za dovoljenja za odstopanja ali izvzetja mora voditi ZastZK zaradi morebitnih kasnejših ukrepov in jo mora na zahtevo dati na razpolago predlagatelju.
8.6 Zaračunavanje stroškov
8.6.1 ZK-V v skladu s tem MOS se izvaja na podlagi povračila stroškov.
8.6.2 Pred izvedbo vsakršnega ZK-V pooblaščenec oceni stroške zahtevanih del in pridobi od predlagatelja soglasje za te stroške pred začetkom del.
8.6.3 Druga možnost, s katero se prihrani čas za pridobitev soglasja je, da se ZK-V v skladu s tem MOS izvede na podlagi povračila 2% vrednosti naročila.
9. Dokončanje ZK-V
9.1 ZK-V je končano, ko ZastZK izpolni vse naloge iz ZahtZK ali ko predlagatelj obvesti pooblaščenca, da je zahteva za ZK-V prenehala.
9.2 ZastZK mora obvestiti predlagatelja o zadovoljivo izpolnjenem ZK-V z vrnitvijo obrazca, prikazanega v Prilogi 4.
9.3 Če se ne zahteva drugače, je treba evidenco o kakovosti v zvezi z ZahtZK hraniti sedem let po končanem ZK-V.


Tveganje je lahko: znanstveno tveganje, tehnološko tveganje,
tveganje pri tehničnem načrtovanju, tveganje pri dobavi,
poslovno tveganje, komercialno tveganje, politično tveganje,
tveganje v mednarodnem okviru.
Naslednji dve področji tveganja se zdita vredni obravnave in
sta podrobno obdelani kot primera:

Tveganje glede proizvoda in tveganje glede dobavitelja

Pri teh dveh področjih je treba upoštevati različne "dodatne
vidike". Glede na pogodbo je lahko pomemben eden ali več od
teh dodatnih vidikov, zato so lahko pri teh različnih vidikih
pomembna tale vprašanja:

Tveganje glede proizvoda

Znanstveno tveganje (umestna vprašanja: Bo stvar dejansko
delovala? Ali so znanstvena načela preverjena? Je treba
preverjena znanstvena načela prenesti na neko velikost/obseg,
kjer izkušnje še ne obstajajo? So predvideni tehnični podatki
v mejah fizičnih možnosti?).

Tehnološko tveganje (umestna vprašanja: Ali trenutno stanje
tehnologije dopušča začetek projekta ob ustrezni ravni
tveganja? Je tehnologija zrela, dokazana in na mestu za
premostitev praznine na področju modernizacije?).

Tveganje pri tehničnem načrtovanju (umestna vprašanja: Kakšna
tveganja so prisotna v procesu tehničnega načrtovanja,
potrebnem za konstruiranje, razvoj in proizvodnjo ter
preskušanje? Bodo potrebne zmogljivosti v smislu proizvodnih
obratov, delovne sile, spretnosti, orodij na razpolago za
izvedbo potrebnih dejavnosti? Ali so oblikovani postopki in
ustrezni pripomočki glede upravljanja konfiguracije? Ali
obstajajo elementi, ki jih ni mogoče v celoti opredeliti v
pogodbenih/tehničnih specifikacijah? Kakšna so razhajanja med
preskusi za prevzem po pogodbi in delovanjem v predlaganih
obratovalnih razmerah?).

Tveganja glede dobavitelja

Tveganje pri dobavi (umestna vprašanja: V kolikšni meri je
pogodba odvisna od dobave proizvoda, ki je pomanjkljiva in
lahko pri njej pride do omejitev ali prekinitev? Ali obstaja
verjetnost, da bodo na razpolago rezervne možnosti za dobavo?
Ali je mogoče uporabiti nadomestne materiale in kakšne
pogodbene kazni bi povzročila njihova zamenjava?).

Poslovno tveganje (umestna vprašanja: Do kakšnih tveganj lahko
pride zaradi obratovalnih razmer, sistema vodenja in odločanja
pri dobavitelju? Kakšna je finančna, pravna in upravljalska
stabilnost družbe? Kakšna so tveganja pri pogodbah s podizvajalci?).


Upoštevanje načrtovanja kakovosti pri dobavitelju. Pri
pripravi programa nadzora ZK-V je treba upoštevati načrtovanje
kakovosti pri dobavitelju, da bi bilo mogoče ZK-V dokončati v
ustrezni fazi pogodbenih del.

Dosežki dobavitelja glede kakovosti. Poznavanje rezultatov
dobavitelja pri prejšnjih pogodbah na področju obrambe je
koristno za boljše načrtovanje ZK-V. Razpoložljive podatke
prouči ZastZK in jih je treba poslati predlagatelju pri
določanju načrta nadzora.

Informacije pred dodelitvijo pogodbe. ZastZK mora, če dobi
tako nalogo, pred dodelitvijo pogodbe proučiti in analizirati
informacije o ustreznosti dobaviteljevih zmogljivosti in
njegovi zmožnosti, da izpolni pogodbene določbe o kakovosti.
Posebno pozornost je treba posvetiti področjem, kjer so bile
med pregledom ugotovljene pomanjkljivosti in kjer je
dobavitelj izrazil svojo namero, da bo pri morebitni dodelitvi
pogodbe popravil ali izboljšal svoje zmogljivosti in

Informacije po dodelitvi pogodbe. Če je po dodelitvi pogodbe
ugotovljeno, da dobavitelj ne razume jasno pogodbenih zahtev
glede kakovosti, bo morda potrebna po dodelitvi pogodbe
konferenca za razjasnitev pogodbenih zahtev in rešitev
nesporazumov. Če predlagatelj take dejavnosti za ZK-V ni
vključil v začetni zadolžitvi, je treba naloge dopolniti.

Zahteve glede specializiranih inšpekcij. Včasih so v pogodbi
določeni preskusi (kot na primer balistični preskusi
izstrelkov). Za to je lahko potrebna posebna oprema ali
naprave za preskušanje, ki običajno niso na razpolago v
obratih dobavitelja. Kadar mu je to naloženo, mora ZastZK tako
preverjanje teh dejavnosti upoštevati v programu ZK-V.

Ukrepi ZastZK. Ko so po mnenju ZastZK vsa ugotovljena tveganja
odpravljena ali zmanjšana, je treba predlagatelju predlagati
zmanjšanje ali prenehanje nadzora.

1. Introduction
2. Objectives and scope
3. Management Organisation
4. Quality assurance
5. Security and visits
6. Claims and liabilities
7. Use and disclosure of information
8. Financial matters
9. Disputes
10. Termination, amendment and duration
11. Signature
1.1 The Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Slovenia as represented by the Minister of Defence and the Ministry of Defence of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland as represented by the Secretary of State for Defence hereinafter jointly referred to as “the Participants”,
recognising it would be to their mutual advantage to strengthen relations;
wishing to strengthen their defence capabilities through defence materiel collaboration and co-operation in the development and supply of defence equipment;
wishing to co-operate in defence materiel requirements; and
wishing to co-operate in the fields of logistic support and technical information;
have reached the following understandings:
a. to seek to facilitate the supply of defence equipment and services to either of the Participants;
b. to promote co-operation and foster joint development and procurement of defence equipment to meet common or similar requirements;
c. to identify joint activities which would serve the principles of standardisation and interoperability to the benefit of the Participants; and
d. to provide mutual support by encouraging and facilitating the exchange of defence technical and equipment related information, materiel and personnel.
2.1 The Participants will seek to facilitate the fair and efficient supply of defence equipment and services between their two countries as far as international and national laws and regulations permit.
2.2 The Participants will jointly determine, where appropriate, to provide information about forthcoming bid opportunities and proposed contracts in a timescale that will enable interested companies to obtain copies of the tender documents necessary for the preparation and submission of their bids. The information so provided will be intended both for prime contractors and manufacturers of sub-assemblies, sub-systems and components. In the case of the United Kingdom this will normally be contained in the MOD Contracts Bulletin. In the case of Slovenia this will be contained in the Official Bulletin of the Republic of Slovenia.
2.3 The Participants intend that bids and contracts will be subject to the normal procurement rules and procedures of the purchasing Participant; that bids will be given full and impartial consideration regardless of the country of origin of the supplier; and that where a bid from a company in the other country is not accepted then, if that company feels that its bid was rejected without reasonable cause, the purchasing Participant will, on request, inform the other Participant of the reasons for the decision.
2.4 The scope of co-operative activities under this MOU may include any aspect of defence materiel co-operation of mutual interest, including but not limited to:
a. the determination and periodic review of the specific common equipment requirements of the Armed Forces of both Participants and the extent to which development of defence equipment projects may be undertaken jointly;
b. identification of possible collaboration in the purchase of equipment to meet common requirements of the Armed Forces of each Participant including logistics support of equipment procured jointly if common to both Participants;
c. mutual assistance in technical evaluations, test and trials, in developing operational and maintenance concepts, in reaching contractual understandings with prime contractors and organising life cycle support for equipment in-service;
d. organisation of bilateral conferences and symposia on current or future equipment programmes;
e. the exchange of information and the provision of quality assurance services.
2.5 This MOU defines the general principles of co-operation on specific projects. When a specific form of co-operation is identified an Implementing Arrangement will be concluded pursuant to this MOU which will define task objectives; agency of primary interest and project authorities; intellectual property rights and the degree of classification of technical data; cost share and any other financial arrangements; audit arrangements and procedures; contractual arrangements; liability; the frequency and types of reports to be submitted; and other provisions that may be required.
3.1 To assist these arrangements, the participants will establish a Joint Committee to review progress arising under this MOU. The Joint Committee will meet on an annual basis alternately in the United Kingdom and Slovenia. The host Participant will act as chairman and provide the secretarial support. Both Participants will have one vote each and decisions will be taken unanimously.
3.2 The Chairman of the United Kingdom side of the Joint Committee will be the Regional Marketing Director 4 and the members will be nominated by the United Kingdom Ministry of Defence. The Chairman of the Slovene side of the Joint Committee will be the Director of Armament Department and the members will be nominated by the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Slovenia.
4.1 Each MOD will inform the other MOD whether their international manufacturers/suppliers conform to the quality control standards to which such suppliers are cleared for defence equipment or related services adopted by their own nation. Following the letting of contracts, each MOD will, on request and subject to available resources, provide a Quality Assurance service to the other MOD equivalent to that applied to purchases made within their own nation, in accordance with Annex A.
5.1 Where programmes, developed under this MOU necessitate the exchange of classified information, arrangements for the exchange and safeguarding of such information will be determined on a case by case basis and detailed in an associated Implementing Arrangement.
5.2 All visiting personnel will comply with the security regulations of the host country. Any information disclosed or made available to visitors will be treated in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 5.1.
5.3 Requests for visits by personnel of one country to a facility of the other country will be co-ordinated through normal channels, and will conform to the established visits procedure of the host country. Requests for visits will bear the name of this MOU.
6.1 Without prejudice to any specific arrangements in any Implementing Arrangement to this MOU, each Participant waives any claim it may have against the other Participant or any serviceman, servant or agent of the other Participant for injury (including injury resulting in death) suffered by its service personnel, servants or agents or for damage to or loss of property owned by it if such injury, death, damage or loss was caused by the acts or omissions of the other Participant or any such serviceman, servant or agent of that other Participant in the performance of official duties in connection with this MOU.
6.2 Each Participant will deal with and settle, at its own cost, any third party claims arising from its own acts or omissions or those of its servicemen, servants or agents which result in injury, death, loss or damage done in the performance of official duties in connection with this MOU.
7.1 Recognising the commercial value of information, the recipient Participant of any information which includes documents, technology or materiel, whether or not the subject of copyright, patent, registered or unregistered designs or like protection, will ensure that any information supplied under this MOU is not used or disclosed for any purpose other than that for which it was provided, without the consent of the originating Participant, and that such information is afforded the full measure of legal protection available. In the absence of specific instructions for use the recipient Participant will protect the information on the basis that it has been supplied for information purposes only and may not be disclosed outside the recipient’s Government circles.
7.2 If the owner of the information supplied under this MOU suffers loss or damage through the unauthorised disclosure or use of the information either by the recipient Participant or by a third party to whom the recipient Participant has disclosed the information, then the recipient Participant will compensate the owner of the information for the unauthorised disclosure or use. In determining the liability for compensation, it will be assumed that the information was supplied directly by the owner to the recipient Participant and the unauthorised use was made by the recipient Participant.
7.3 The payment by the recipient Participant of compensation under sub-section 7.2 will not prevent the owner of the information from exercising his legal rights against the person or persons who have, without authority, disclosed or misused the information, but any compensation recovered by exercising these rights will be used to offset any payment already made by the recipient Participant for the same purpose.
7.4 The recipient Participant will not pass, sell or disclose to a person holding the nationality of any nation which is not a Participant of this MOU, or to any international organisation, any information, documents, technology or materiel, whether classified or not, supplied under this MOU, nor will he publicly disclose any such information, whether classified or not, without the prior written permission of the originating Participant.
7.5 Each Participant will take all lawful steps available to keep information received or generated in confidence under this MOU free from disclosure under any legislative provision, unless the other Participant consents to such disclosure. If it becomes probable that information may have to be disclosed under such provision, immediate notification will be given to the other Participant.
7.6 To assist in providing the desired protection, each Participant will mark information provided to the other in confidence with a legend indicating the country of origin, the security classification, the conditions of release and the fact that the information is provided in confidence.
7.7 The responsibilities of confidentiality on a recipient Participant required by this section will not apply to information which:
a. is, or becomes, rightfully into the possession of the recipient Participant without relevant restrictions; or
b. is in, or enters, the public domain without breach of this MOU and is made available for unrestricted use.
7.8 Specific arrangements for the protection of intellectual property associated with projects and programmes pursued under this MOU will be included in the relevant Implementing Arrangements raised in accordance with Section 2.5.
8.1 This MOU will not impose any financial responsibilities on either Participant except that each Participant will be responsible for its own costs incurred in implementing this MOU. Specific cost sharing arrangements relating to co-operation or collaborative programmes will be negotiated as part of any specific Implementing Arrangement which may be developed under this MOU.
9.1 Any disputes regarding the interpretation or application of this MOU will be resolved by consultation between the Participants concerned and will not be referred to any national or international tribunal or any other third party for settlement.
10.1 This MOU becomes effective when the Slovene side informs the UK side that all the conditions for its becoming effective have been met by the Slovene side and will remain in effect for a period of ten years from that date. It may be extended for similar periods, or for such periods as are considered desirable at the time, or terminated through joint written consent of the Participants.
10.2 In the event that either Participant wishes to discontinue its participation in these arrangements, it will give notice in writing to the other Participant 90 days before the effective termination date.
10.3 Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 10.2, the termination of the MOU will not affect any contracts coming within the scope of this MOU and they will continue until due discharge by performance.
10.4 The rights and responsibilities of the Participants regarding Security and Visits (Section 5); Use and Disclosure of Information (Section 7); Disputes (Section 9); and Termination, Withdrawal and Signature (Section 10) will continue in effect irrespective of any withdrawal, termination or expiry of this MOU.
10.5 This MOU may be amended with the joint written consent of both Participants.
The foregoing represents the understandings reached between the Government of the Republic of Slovenia as represented by the Minister of the Defence and Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland as represented by the Secretary of State for Defence upon matters referred to therein.
Signed in duplicate in the Slovene and English languages each text being equally valid.
For the Ministry of Defence
of the Republic of Slovenia
For the Minstry of Defence
of the United Kingdom
of Great Britain and
Northern Ireland
1. Introduction
2. Scope
3. References
4. Tasking of GQA Surveillance
5. Communication
6. Risk Considerations
7. Guidelines for Delegator
8. Guidelines Delegatee
9. GQA completion
1. RGQA Format
2. Risk Evaluation
3. Planning
4. Certification of Completion of GQA
The definitions in this Annex apply in addition to those given in ISO 8402 (Quality Management and QA Vocabulary).
The authority of a purchasing country requesting GQA from the supplying country; this authority may be the Project/Program Manager or QA-department of the Government where the procurement department is a purchaser; or the QAR with the contractor who places a sub-contract in aid of a contract that will be subjected to GQA.
The appropriate national authority of a country providing GQA in his own country.
Government Quality Assurance (GQA)
The process by which the appropriate national authorities establish confidence that contractual requirements relating to quality are met.
National GQA Focal Point
The authority in a Participant country who is responsible for the operational implementation of GQA; i.e. that duties undertaken by the QAR.
Quality Assurance Representative (QAR)
The representative designated and authorised by the National Authority to perform GQA.
Request for Government Quality Assurance (RGQA)
The formal request of the Delegator to the Delegatee to perform GQA.
The product of the probability of an occurrence of an unwanted event and its impact.
The Risk based activities, which should be performed by the QAR with respect to the RGQA.
1. Introduction
1.1 General
1.1.1 The provisions of this Annex are applicable to the Government Quality Assurance (GQA) of Defence materiel and services which are procured for the Armed Forces of the Participants, which are to be supplied by an agency or contractor.
1.1.2 The requesting authority of the purchasing nation (Delegator) will initiate a GQA request in order to seek confirmation that the supplying authority (Delegatee) is able to perform GQA in accordance with procedures embodied in this Annex.
2. Scope
2.1 This document provides guidance for the delegation and acceptance of GQA under the arrangements of the MOU, and identifies the elements involved in planning and implementing surveillance activities. It describes the Delegators responsibilities to identify quality Risks and to detail related “Tasks” for inclusion in the Request for Government Quality Assurance (a suitable RGQA form is shown at Appendix 1 to this Annex).
3. References
3.1 Documents relevant to this Annex are listed below:
ISO-8402   “Quality Management and QA – Vocabulary”
AQAP-100   “General Guidance on NATO Quality Assurance”
AQAP-110   “NATO Quality Assurance Requirements for Design, 
            Development and Production”
AQAP-119   “NATO guide to AQAPs 110,112 and 130”
AQAP-120   “NATO Quality Assurance Requirements for Production”
AQAP-130   “NATO Quality Assurance Requirements for Inspection”
AQAP-150   “NATO Quality Assurance Requirements for Software 
4. Tasking of GQA Surveillance
4.1 The Delegator will formally “Task” the Delegatee based on the results of Risk analysis. Formal acceptance, amendment and completion of the “Task” must be recorded. The Delegatee should plan for apply GQA actions to assure the Delegator that the Tasking requirements have been met and ensure records reflecting the GQA activity are established and maintained.
4.2 It is essential that effective communication is established between the Delegator and Delegatee as early as possible in the procurement cycle. When the requested GQA actions cannot be accomplished, the Delegatee should formally notify the Delegator, together with recorded reasons for non-acceptance.
4.3 The Task description must be updated as the contract requirements change, and the Delegatee formally advised. If due to urgency the Delegatee is requested to follow verbal instructions, the Delegator will still process the request in writing/fax through the National GQA Focal Point (see addresses at 7.2.4) who will advise the Delegatee accordingly.
5. Communications
5.1 The Delegator should be consulted when any arising is judged to have a significant affect on the quality of the product. The Delegatee will provide copies of any GQA progress reports required, and should be informed of relevant correspondence between the Delegator and the contractor.
6. Risk Considerations
6.1 General
6.1.1 GQA in the supplying country will be requested only when quality cannot be satisfactorily verified upon receipt, and where areas of Risk associated with the product or the contractor have been identified. The Delegator should establish whether GQA would eliminate or reduce the identified Risk, and to what extent. GQA at source, of low Risk, simple, commercial or low value items, shall not be Tasked.
6.1.2 Risk evaluation is to be conducted in accordance with National Practices.
6.1.3 Guidances on Risk Evaluation is provided at Appendix 2.
7. Guidelines for Delegator
7.1 Preparation.
7.1.1 General Following Risk assessment, if GQA at source is required the Delegator should then ascertain that all the following prerequisites have been met:
– determine that the contract and related documents provide for the conduct of GQA including the QAR’s right of access at the contractors and relevant sub-contractors premises. These documents should be available to the Delegatee in a language agreed by the concerned parties;
– determine the appropriate Quality System requirement, as described in AQAP-100, has been incorporated in the contract;
– determine that necessary stipulations for expenses for material expended in GQA or for other heavy costs have been included in the contract or in other appropriate agreements;
– determine that arrangements for deviation permits and waivers have been incorporated in the contract;
– determine that a quality assurance clause has been incorporated in the contract.
Note: An example of a suitable clause is: “All requirements of this contract are subject to GQA to the satisfaction of .............. or authorised representative, who will notify you of the GQA activity to be performed”. Any corrective action arising from the above should be carried out before formally requesting GQA.
7.2 Delegation
7.2.1 Having completed all preliminary work, the Delegator is to complete the Request for Government Quality Assurance (RGQA) and forward it together with the necessary contractual documents to the Delegatee.
7.2.2 The Delegator is responsible for providing the Delegatee with all the necessary information in time to permit the Delegatee to plan, prepare and perform the defined GQA. Tasks are to be based on Risk assessment and evaluation and are to be mutually determined between the Delegator and Delegatee. Detailed instructions are to be avoided unless they are process specific and necessary to assure quality.
7.2.3 Deviation permits and waivers The Tasking document (RGQA) should contain clear and detailed instructions to the Delegatee for the handling of applications for deviation permits and waivers.
7.2.4 Requests for UK GQA, and associated correspondence, will be sent to:
Assistant Directorate Procurement Management Policy (Quality Assurance)
Floor 2
Walnut (10)
MOD Abbey Wood
PO Box 702
BS12 7DU
Tel: 0117-9131774
Fax: 0117-9131924
7.2.5 UK requests for GQA and associated correspondence, will be sent to:
Ministrstvo za obrambo
Uprava za logistiko
Oddelek za standardizacijo
Kardeljeva ploscad 24
1000 Ljubljana
Tel: 61 171 2333
Fax: 61 171 2521
8. Guidelines for Delegatee
8.1 General
8.1.1 Pre-contract quality information. Notification of acceptance/rejection of the RGQA is indicated by the return of the RGQA form, signed by the Delegatee, to the Delegator. After acceptance of the RGQA, the Delegatee will review the “Tasks”, and provide the Delegator with a proposed surveillance plan detailing the planned response to the Tasked activities. As Risks are eliminated and minimised during GQA activity, or new Risks appear, the Delegator should be advised so that if necessary, a “Task” amendment can be issued accordingly.
8.1.2 Quality Assurance Representative (QAR) The National GQA Focal Point will arrange for a QAR with the authority and resources necessary to satisfy the request. The QAR assigned to this should normally be familiar with the industrial practices and techniques involved, and have the necessary competence and experience.
8.1.3 Review of RGQA and contract To properly plan for the performance of the requested RGQA it is essential that the assigned QAR has knowledge of the requirements of the contract and related documents. The RGQA should thoroughly reviewed upon receipt to establish the necessary surveillance actions. The QAR should document the results of the RGQA review and should include all significant factors pertaining to quality and the performance of GQA. Any unresolved matters, non-conformance or discrepancies noted should be communicated to the Delegator.
8.2 Planning GQA (see Appendix 3)
8.2.1 General The purpose of planning is to decide how GQA can most effectively and economically be performed. GQA implementation should be initiated after acceptance of the RGQA, and should take into account the contractor’s proposed or established QA arrangements. GQA activity may also be influenced by the fact that similar products are being subjected to GQA requests by difference Delegators. Planning can therefore include a group surveillance activity. During the course of the contract performance, the QAR should remain alert to changes of conditions which could have an adverse effect on the changes. Any changes necessary should be brought to the attention of the Delegator for possible amendment of the RGQA Tasking arrangement. Should the Delegatee find at any time during the course of the contract that he cannot proceed with GQA because of non-conformance in the contractor’s quality system or product, the Delegator should immediately be formally advised.
8.3 Delegation of GQA for subcontracts.
8.3.1 GQA at subcontractors must be arranged by the main contractors QAR in consultation with the Delegator. These activities may cover GQA in the delegating country, the country of the Delegatee, or in a third country.
8.4 Corrective and preventive action.
8.4.1 When the Delegator notifies the Delegatee of non-conforming product found on or subsequent to delivery, the Delegatee should, when Tasked, immediately arrange with the contractor to conduct an investigation into the cause of the non-conformity, to determine:
a. the status of similar product contract;
b. the appropriate corrective action;
c. the action necessary to prevent recurrence.
8.4.2 When a non-conforming product is returned to the contractor for investigation, and the Delegator requires QAR involvement the Tasking arrangements may require amendment.
8.4.3 Where GQA is required in connection with warranty claims, this action must be clearly detailed in the Tasking document.
8.5 Deviation Permits and Waivers.
8.5.1 Applications for deviation permits or waivers which are subject to decisions by the Delegator, should be forwarded to the Delegator via the QAR who may add his comments or recommendations is required by the Tasking arrangement.
8.5.2 Records of all QAR actions pertaining to applications for deviation permits or waivers should be maintained by the QAR for any subsequent action, and should be made available to the Delegator on request.
8.6 Charges
8.6.1 GQA in accordance with this MOU will be performed on a repayment basis.
8.6.2 Before any GQA is performed, the Delegatee will cost the work requested and obtain the Delegator’s consent to these costs before starting work.
8.6.3 Alternatively, to save time for consent, GQA in accordance with this MOU will be performed on a repayment basis of 2% of the order value.
9. GQA Completion
9.1 GQA is considered complete when the QAR has completed all of the Tasks in the RGQA, or when the Delegatee is notified by the Delegator that the requirements for GQA has been terminated.
9.2 The QAR should notify the Delegator of the satisfactory completion of the GQA by returning the form shown at Appendix 4.
9.3 Unless otherwise required, the quality records relating to RGQA should be kept for seven years after GQA completion.

Risk may be: Scientific Risk, Technological Risk, Engineering
Risk Supply Risk, Business Risk, Commercial Risk, Political
Risk, International Risk

The following two areas of Risk are considered worthy of
consideration and are detailed as examples:

Product Risk and Contractor Risk

In these two areas, difference "sub-aspects" should be
considered. Depending on the contract, one or more of these
sub-aspects may be important, and the following questions may
be relevant to these various aspects:

Product Risks
scientific Risk (relevant questions: Will it actually work?
Are the scientific principles proven? Do proven scientific
principles need to be extrapolated to a size/extent not
previously experienced? Is the specification within the bounds
of physical possibility?);
technological Risk (relevant questions: Does the current state
of technology allow the project to be undertaken within a
satisfactory level of Risk? Is the technology mature, proven
and in place to bridge the innovation gap?);
engineering Risk (relevant questions: What are the Risks
involved in the engineering processes required to design,
develop, manufacture and test? Will the necessary resources in
terms of plant, labour, skills, tooling be available to carry
out the required activities? Have procedures and facilities
been established with respect of configuration management? Are
three elements which cannot be completely defined in the
contract/technical specification? What discrepancies are there
between the contract acceptance test and the proposed service
operational environment?)

Contractor Risks
supply Risk (relevant questions: To what degree is the
contract dependent on the supply of product which is scarce
and/or may be subject to limitation or disruption? Are
fallback supply routes likely to be available? Can alternative
materiel be used and what penalties would arise from their
business Risk (relevant questions: What Risks may arise from
the contractor's operating situation, management system and
decision making? What is the financial, legal and management
stability of the company? What are sub-contract Risks?).


Paralleling contractor quality planning. The preparation of
the GQA surveillance programme should take account of the
contractor's quality planning, in order that GQA can be
completed at the correct stage of contract activity.

Contractor Quality History. Knowledge of the performance of a
contractor on previous defence contracts is advantageous to
refine GQA planning. Available date should be reviewed by the
QAR and provided to the Delegator when determining the
surveillance plan.

Pre-contract award information. When Tasked the QAR should
review and analyse and pre-award results pertaining to the
adequacy of the contractor's facilities and potential
capability to comply with the quality provisions of the
contract. Special attention should be given to those areas
reported deficient during the survey and where the contractor
had indicated his intention to correct or improve his
facilities or capabilities in the event of award.

Post-contract-award information. When it is determined after
contract award that the contractor does not have a clear
understanding of the quality requirements of the contract, a
post-award conference may be required to clarify contract
requirements and resolve misunderstandings. If this GQA
activity has not been included by the Delegator in the initial
Task, then a Task amendment will be required.

Specialised inspection requirements. Occasionally tests (such
as ballistic testing of ammunition) are contractually
specified. This may necessitate the use of specialised test
equipment or facilities nor normally available at a
contractor's plant. The QAR, when Tasked, should make
allowance for the verification of these activities in t he GQA

QAR action. When, in the view of the QAR, all identified Risks
have been eliminated or reduced, then a proposal should be
made to the Delegator to either reduce or discontinue

3. člen
Za izvajanje memoranduma skrbi Ministrstvo za obrambo Republike Slovenije.
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Ta uredba začne veljati naslednji dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 800-11/98-2 (T1)
Ljubljana, dne 16. septembra 1999
Vlada Republike Slovenije
Marjan Podobnik, l. r.

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