Na podlagi druge alinee prvega odstavka 107. člena in prvega odstavka 91. člena Ustave Republike Slovenije izdajam
Razglašam Zakon o ratifikaciji Pogodbe Svetovne organizacije za intelektualno lastnino o avtorski pravici (MSOILAP), ki ga je sprejel Državni zbor Republike Slovenije na seji 22. septembra 1999.
Št. 001-22-142/99
Ljubljana, dne 30. septembra 1999
Republike Slovenije
Milan Kučan l. r.
1. člen
Ratificira se Pogodba Svetovne organizacije za intelektualno lastnino o avtorski pravici, sprejeta v Ženevi 20. decembra 1996.
2. člen
Pogodba se v izvirniku v angleškem in prevodu v slovenskem jeziku glasi:
adopted by the Diplomatic Conference on December 20, 1996
The Contracting Parties
Desiring to develop and maintain the protection of the rights of authors in their literary and artistic works in a manner as effective and uniform as possible,
Recognizing the need to introduce new international rules and clarify the interpretation of certain existing rules in order to provide adequate solutions to the questions raised by new economic, social, cultural and technological developments,
Recognizing the profound impact of the development and convergence of information and communication technologies on the creation and use of literary and artistic works,
Emphasizing the outstanding significance of copyright protection as an incentive for literary and artistic creation,
Recognizing the need to maintain a balance between the rights of authors and the larger public interest, particularly education, research and access to information, as reflected in the Berne Convention,
Have agreed as follows:
Article 1
Relation to the Berne Convention
(1) This Treaty is a special agreement within the meaning of Article 20 of the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works, as regards Contracting Parties that are countries of the Union established by that Convention. This Treaty shall not have any connection with treaties other than the Berne Convention, nor shall it prejudice any rights and obligations under any other treaties.
(2) Nothing in this Treaty shall derogate from existing obligations that Contracting Parties have to each other under the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works.
(3) Hereinafter, “Berne Convention” shall refer to the Paris Act of July 24, 1971 of the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works.
(4) Contracting Parties shall comply with Articles 1 to 21 and the Appendix of the Berne Convention.
Article 2
Scope of Copyright Protection
Copyright protection extends to expressions and not to ideas, procedures, methods of operation or mathematical concepts as such.
Article 3
Application of Articles 2 to 6 of the Berne Convention
Contracting Parties shall apply mutatis mutandis the provisions of Articles 2 to 6 of the Berne Convention in respect of the protection provided for in this Treaty.
Article 4
Computer Programs
Computer programs are protected as literary works within the meaning of Article 2 of the Berne Convention. Such protection applies to computer programs, whatever may be the mode or form of their expression.
Article 5
Compilations of Data (Databases)
Compilations of data or other material, in any form, which by reason of the selection or arrangement of their contents constitute intellectual creations, are protected as such. This protection does not extend to the data or the material itself and is without prejudice to any copyright subsisting in the data or material contained in the compilation.
Article 6
Right of Distribution
(1) Authors of literary and artistic works shall enjoy the exclusive right of authorizing the making available to the public of the original and copies of their works through sale or other transfer of ownership.
(2) Nothing in this Treaty shall affect the freedom of Contracting Parties to determine the conditions, if any, under which the exhaustion of the right in paragraph (1) applies after the first sale or other transfer of ownership of the original or a copy of the work with the authorization of the author.
Article 7
Right of Rental
(1) Authors of
(i) computer programs;
(ii) cinematographic works; and
(iii) works embodied in phonograms, as determined in the national law of Contracting Parties,
shall enjoy the exclusive right of authorizing commercial rental to the public of the originals or copies of their works.
(2) Paragraph (1) shall not apply
(i) in the case of computer programs, where the program itself is not the essential object of the rental; and
(ii) in the case of cinematographic works, unless such commercial rental has led to widespread copying of such works materially impairing the exclusive right of reproduction.
(3) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (1), a Contracting Party that, on April 15, 1994, had and continues to have in force a system of equitable remuneration of authors for the rental of copies of their works embodied in phonograms may maintain that system provided that the commercial rental of works embodied in phonograms is not giving rise to the material impairment of the exclusive right of reproduction of authors.
Article 8
Right of Communication to the Public
Without prejudice to the provisions of Articles 11(1)(ii), 11bis(1)(i) and (ii), 11ter(1)(ii), 14(1)(ii) and 14bis(1) of the Berne Convention, authors of literary and artistic works shall enjoy the exclusive right of authorizing any communication to the public of their works, by wire or wireless means, including the making available to the public of their works in such a way that members of the public may access these works from a place and at a time individually chosen by them.
Article 9
Duration of the Protection of Photographic Works
In respect of photographic works, the Contracting Parties shall not apply the provisions of Article 7(4) of the Berne Convention.
Article 10
Limitations and Exceptions
(1) Contracting Parties may, in their national legislation, provide for limitations of or exceptions to the rights granted to authors of literary and artistic works under this Treaty in certain special cases that do not conflict with a normal exploitation of the work and do not unreasonably prejudice the legitimate interests of the author.
(2) Contracting Parties shall, when applying the Berne Convention, confine any limitations of or exceptions to rights provided for therein to certain special cases that do not conflict with a normal exploitation of the work and do not unreasonably prejudice the legitimate interests of the author.
Article 11
Obligations concerning Technological Measures
Contracting Parties shall provide adequate legal protection and effective legal remedies against the circumvention of effective technological measures that are used by authors in connection with the exercise of their rights under this Treaty or the Berne Convention and that restrict acts, in respect of their works, which are not authorized by the authors concerned or permitted by law.
Article 12
Obligations concerning Rights Management Information
(1) Contracting Parties shall provide adequate and effective legal remedies against any person knowingly performing any of the following acts knowing, or with respect to civil remedies having reasonable grounds to know, that it will induce, enable, facilitate or conceal an infringement of any right covered by this Treaty or the Berne Convention:
(i) to remove or alter any electronic rights management information without authority;
(ii) to distribute, import for distribution, broadcast or communicate to the public, without authority, works or copies of works knowing that electronic rights management information has been removed or altered without authority.
(2) As used in this Article, “rights management information” means information which identifies the work, the author of the work, the owner of any right in the work, or information about the terms and conditions of use of the work, and any numbers or codes that represent such information, when any of these items of information is attached to a copy of a work or appears in connection with the communication of a work to the public.
Article 13
Application in Time
Contracting Parties shall apply the provisions of Article 18 of the Berne Convention to all protection provided for in this Treaty.
Article 14
Provisions on Enforcement of Rights
(1) Contracting Parties undertake to adopt, in accordance with their legal systems, the measures necessary to ensure the application of this Treaty.
(2) Contracting Parties shall ensure that enforcement procedures are available under their law so as to permit effective action against any act of infringement of rights covered by this Treaty, including expeditious remedies to prevent infringements and remedies which constitute a deterrent to further infringements.
Article 15
(1) (a) The Contracting Parties shall have an Assembly.
(b) Each Contracting Party shall be represented by one delegate who may be assisted by alternate delegates, advisors and experts.
(c) The expenses of each delegation shall be borne by the Contracting Party that has appointed the delegation. The Assembly may ask the World Intellectual Property Organization (hereinafter referred to as “WIPO”) to grant financial assistance to facilitate the participation of delegations of Contracting Parties that are regarded as developing countries in conformity with the established practice of the General Assembly of the United Nations or that are countries in transition to a market economy.
(2) (a) The Assembly shall deal with matters concerning the maintenance and development of this Treaty and the application and operation of this Treaty.
(b) The Assembly shall perform the function allocated to it under Article 17(2) in respect of the admission of certain intergovernmental organizations to become party to this Treaty.
(c) The Assembly shall decide the convocation of any diplomatic conference for the revision of this Treaty and give the necessary instructions to the Director General of WIPO for the preparation of such diplomatic conference.
(3) (a) Each Contracting Party that is a State shall have one vote and shall vote only in its own name.
(b) Any Contracting Party that is an intergovernmental organization may participate in the vote, in place of its Member States, with a number of votes equal to the number of its Member States which are party to this Treaty. No such intergovernmental organization shall participate in the vote if any one of its Member States exercises its right to vote and vice versa.
(4) The Assembly shall meet in ordinary session once every two years upon convocation by the Director General of WIPO.
(5) The Assembly shall establish its own rules of procedure, including the convocation of extraordinary sessions, the requirements of a quorum and, subject to the provisions of this Treaty, the required majority for various kinds of decisions.
Article 16
International Bureau
The International Bureau of WIPO shall perform the administrative tasks concerning the Treaty.
Article 17
Eligibility for Becoming Party to the Treaty
(1) Any Member State of WIPO may become party to this Treaty.
(2) The Assembly may decide to admit any intergovernmental organization to become party to this Treaty which declares that it is competent in respect of, and has its own legislation binding on all its Member States on, matters covered by this Treaty and that it has been duly authorized, in accordance with its internal procedures, to become party to this Treaty.
(3) The European Community, having made the declaration referred to in the preceding paragraph in the Diplomatic Conference that has adopted this Treaty, may become party to this Treaty.
Article 18
Rights and Obligations under the Treaty
Subject to any specific provisions to the contrary in this Treaty, each Contracting Party shall enjoy all of the rights and assume all of the obligations under this Treaty.
Article 19
Signature of the Treaty
This Treaty shall be open for signature until December 31, 1997, by any Member State of WIPO and by the European Community.
Article 20
Entry into Force of the Treaty
This Treaty shall enter into force three months after 30 instruments of ratification or accession by States have been deposited with the Director General of WIPO.
Article 21
Effective Date of Becoming Party to the Treaty
This Treaty shall bind
(i) the 30 States referred to in Article 20, from the date on which this Treaty has entered into force;
(ii) each other State from the expiration of three months from the date on which the State has deposited its instrument with the Director General of WIPO;
(iii) the European Community, from the expiration of three months after the deposit of its instrument of ratification or accession if such instrument has been deposited after the entry into force of this Treaty according to Article 20, or, three months after the entry into force of this Treaty if such instrument has been deposited before the entry into force of this Treaty;
(iv) any other intergovernmental organization that is admitted to become party to this Treaty, from the expiration of three months after the deposit of its instrument of accession.
Article 22
No Reservations to the Treaty
No reservation to this Treaty shall be admitted.
Article 23
Denunciation of the Treaty
This Treaty may be denounced by any Contracting Party by notification addressed to the Director General of WIPO. Any denunciation shall take effect one year from the date on which the Director General of WIPO received the notification.
Article 24
Languages of the Treaty
(1) This Treaty is signed in a single original in English, Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian and Spanish languages, the versions in all these languages being equally authentic.
(2) An official text in any language other than those referred to in paragraph (1) shall be established by the Director General of WIPO on the request of an interested party, after consultation with all the interested parties. For the purposes of this paragraph, “interested party” means any Member State of WIPO whose official language, or one of whose official languages, is involved and the European Community, and any other intergovernmental organization that may become party to this Treaty, if one of its official languages is involved.
Article 25
The Director General of WIPO is the depositary of this Treaty.
sprejeta na diplomatski konferenci 20. decembra 1996
želijo čim učinkoviteje in enotneje razvijati in ohranjati varstvo pravic avtorjev na njihovih književnih in umetniških delih,
priznavajo potrebo po uvedbi novih mednarodnih pravil in pojasnitvi razlage določenih obstoječih pravil zaradi ustrezne rešitve vprašanj, ki se postavljajo v zvezi z novim gospodarskim, družbenim, kulturnim in tehnološkim razvojem,
priznavajo velik vpliv razvoja in zbliževanja informacijskih ter komunikacijskih tehnologij na ustvarjanje in uporabo književnih in umetniških del,
poudarjajo izreden pomen varstva avtorske pravice kot spodbude za književno in umetniško ustvarjanje,
priznavajo potrebo po ohranitvi ravnotežja med pravicami avtorjev in širšim javnim interesom predvsem na področju izobraževanja, raziskovanja in dostopa do informacij, kot se to kaže v Bernski konvenciji,
zato so sklenile, kot sledi:
1. člen
Razmerje do Bernske konvencije
(1) Za pogodbenice, ki so države Unije, ustanovljene z Bernsko konvencijo za varstvo književnih in umetniških del, pomeni ta pogodba poseben sporazum v smislu 20. člena te konvencije. Pogodba nima nobene povezave z drugimi pogodbami razen z Bernsko konvencijo ter ne vpliva na pravice in obveznosti iz katere koli druge pogodbe.
(2) Nič v tej pogodbi ne ukinja obstoječih obveznosti, ki jih imajo pogodbenice druga do druge po Bernski konvenciji za varstvo književnih in umetniških del.
(3) V nadaljevanju se “Bernska konvencija” nanaša na Pariški akt Bernske konvencije za varstvo književnih in umetniških del z dne 24. julija 1971.
(4) Pogodbenice upoštevajo 1. do 21. člen Bernske konvencije in njeno prilogo.
2. člen
Obseg varstva avtorske pravice
Varstvo avtorske pravice obsega izraze, ne pa idej, postopkov, metod dela ali matematičnih pojmov kot takšnih.
3. člen
Uporaba 2. do 6. člena Bernske konvencije
Pogodbenice smiselno uporabljajo določbe 2. do 6. člena Bernske konvencije glede varstva, predvidenega s to pogodbo,
4. člen
Računalniški programi
Računalniški programi so varovani kot književna dela v smislu 2. člena Bernske konvencije. To varstvo se uporablja za računalniške programe ne glede na način ali obliko, v kateri so izraženi.
5. člen
Zbirke podatkov (baze podatkov)
Zbirke podatkov ali drugega gradiva v kakršni koli obliki, ki po izbiri ali razporeditvi vsebine pomenijo intelektualne stvaritve, so varovane kot takšne. To varstvo ne obsega samih podatkov ali samega gradiva in ne posega v katero koli avtorsko pravico na podatkih ali gradivu, vsebovanem v zbirki.
6. člen
Pravica do distribuiranja
(1) Avtorji književnih in umetniških del uživajo izključno pravico dovoljevati, da izvirnik in primerki njihovih del postanejo dostopni javnosti s prodajo ali drugačnim prenosom lastninske pravice.
(2) Nič v tej pogodbi ne vpliva na svobodo pogodbenic, da določijo morebitne pogoje, pod katerimi se šteje, da je po prvi prodaji ali drugačnem prenosu lastninske pravice izvirnika ali primerka dela z dovoljenjem avtorja pravica iz prvega odstavka izčrpana.
7. člen
Pravica do dajanja v najem
(1) Avtorji
(i) računalniških programov,
(ii) kinematografskih del in
(iii) del, vsebovanih na fonogramih, kot to določa domače pravo pogodbenic,
uživajo izključno pravico dovoljevati, da se izvirniki ali primerki njihovih del dajejo v komercialni najem javnosti.
(2) Prvi odstavek se ne uporablja
(i) za računalniške programe, če sam program ni bistven predmet najema, in
(ii) za kinematografska dela, razen če je posledica takšnega dajanja v komercialni najem obsežno kopiranje teh del, ki bistveno prizadene izključno pravico do reproduciranja.
(3) Ne glede na določbe prvega odstavka lahko pogodbenica, ki je imela na dan 15. aprila 1994 v veljavi sistem pravičnega nadomestila avtorjem za dajanje primerkov njihovih del, vsebovanih na fonogramih, v najem in ga še vedno ima, obdrži ta sistem pod pogojem, da komercialno dajanje del, vsebovanih na fonogramih, v najem bistveno ne prizadene izključne pravice avtorjev do reproduciranja.
8. člen
Pravica do javne priobčitve
Brez vpliva na določbe točke (ii) prvega odstavka 11. člena, točk (i) in (ii) prvega odstavka 11. bis člena, točke (ii) prvega odstavka 11. ter člena, točke (ii) prvega odstavka 14. člena in prvega odstavka 14. bis člena Bernske konvencije avtorji književnih in umetniških del uživajo izključno pravico dovoljevati vsako javno priobčitev svojih del po žici ali brezžično, vključno s tem, da postanejo njihova dela dostopna javnosti na način, ki omogoča posameznikom dostop do njih s kraja in v času, ki ju sami izberejo.
9. člen
Trajanje varstva fotografskih del
Glede fotografskih del pogodbenice ne uporabljajo določb četrtega odstavka 7. člena Bernske konvencije.
10. člen
Omejitve in izjeme
(1) Pogodbenice lahko v svoji domači zakonodaji predvidijo omejitve ali izjeme glede pravic, ki jih avtorjem književnih in umetniških del daje ta pogodba, v nekaterih posebnih primerih, ki niso v nasprotju z običajno uporabo dela in pretirano ne posegajo v zakonite interese avtorja.
(2) Pogodbenice morajo pri uporabi Bernske konvencije skrčiti vse omejitve ali izjeme od pravic, ki so določene v njej, na nekatere posebne primere, ki niso v nasprotju z običajno uporabo dela in pretirano ne posegajo v zakonite interese avtorja.
11. člen
Obveznosti glede tehničnih ukrepov
Pogodbenice zagotovijo ustrezno pravno varstvo in učinkovita pravna sredstva zoper izognitev dejanskim tehničnim ukrepom, ki jih uporabljajo avtorji v zvezi z uresničevanjem svojih pravic po tej pogodbi ali Bernski konvenciji in ki omejujejo dejanja v zvezi z njihovimi deli, ki jih niso dovolili ali ki po zakonu niso dovoljena.
12. člen
Obveznosti v zvezi s podatki za upravljanje pravic
(1) Pogodbenice zagotovijo ustrezna in učinkovita pravna sredstva zoper vse osebe, ki zavestno storijo katero koli od naslednjih dejanj in vedo ali bi v primeru civilnopravnih sredstev iz utemeljenih razlogov lahko vedele, da bo to povzročilo, omogočilo, olajšalo ali prikrilo kršitev katere koli pravice, urejene s to pogodbo ali z Bernsko konvencijo:
(i) odstranitev ali sprememba katerega koli elektronskega podatka za upravljanje pravic brez dovoljenja;
(ii) distribuiranje, uvoz zaradi distribuiranja, radiodifuzno oddajanje ali javna priobčitev del ali primerkov del brez dovoljenja, vedoč, da so bili elektronski podatki za upravljanje pravic odstranjeni ali spremenjeni brez dovoljenja.
(2) Pojem “podatki za upravljanje pravic”, kot je uporabljen v tem členu, pomeni podatke, ki identificirajo delo, avtorja dela, imetnika katere koli pravice na delu, ali podatke o pogojih uporabe dela oziroma katere koli številke ali kode, ki pomenijo takšne podatke, če je kateri izmed njih dodan primerku dela ali se pojavlja v zvezi z njegovo javno priobčitvijo.
13. člen
Časovna uporaba
Za vse oblike varstva, predvidenega s to pogodbo, pogodbenice uporabljajo določbe 18. člena Bernske konvencije.
14. člen
Določbe o uveljavljanju pravic
(1) Pogodbenice se zavežejo, da bodo v skladu s svojimi pravnimi sistemi sprejele potrebne ukrepe za zagotovitev uporabe te pogodbe.
(2) Pogodbenice zagotovijo, da so po njihovem pravu na razpolago postopki za uveljavitev pravic, ki omogočajo učinkovito ukrepanje zoper vsako dejanje kršitve pravic, zajetih v tej pogodbi, vključno s hitrimi sredstvi za preprečitev kršitev in sredstvi, ki odvračajo od nadaljnjih kršitev.
15. člen
(1) (a) Pogodbenice imajo skupščino.
(b) Vsako pogodbenico predstavlja en delegat, ki mu lahko pomagajo namestniki, svetovalci in strokovnjaki.
(c) Stroške vsake delegacije krije pogodbenica, ki jo je imenovala. Skupščina lahko zaprosi Svetovno organizacijo za intelektualno lastnino (v nadaljevanju “WIPO”) za finančno pomoč, da bi olajšala sodelovanje delegacij tistih pogodbenic, ki glede na ustaljeno prakso Generalne skupščine Združenih narodov veljajo za države v razvoju ali so države v prehodu k tržnemu gospodarstvu.
(2) (a) Skupščina obravnava zadeve v zvezi z ohranjanjem in razvojem te pogodbe ter z njeno uporabo in delovanjem.
(b) Skupščina opravlja nalogo, ki ji je dodeljena po drugem odstavku 17. člena v zvezi z dopustitvijo pristopa določenih medvladnih organizacij k tej pogodbi.
(c) Skupščina določa sklic diplomatske konference za revizijo te pogodbe in daje generalnemu direktorju WIPO potrebna navodila za njeno pripravo.
(3) (a) Vsaka pogodbenica, ki je država, ima en glas in lahko glasuje le v svojem imenu.
(b) Pogodbenica, ki je medvladna organizacija, lahko sodeluje pri glasovanju namesto svojih držav članic z enakim številom glasov, kot je število držav članic, ki so stranke te pogodbe. Nobena medvladna organizacija ne more sodelovati pri glasovanju, če katera koli od njenih držav članic uresniči svojo pravico do glasovanja, in obratno.
(4) Skupščina se sestaja na rednem zasedanju vsaki dve leti, sklicuje pa jo generalni direktor WIPO.
(5) Skupščina določi svoj poslovnik, vključno s sklicevanjem izrednih zasedanj, pogoji za sklepčnost in ob upoštevanju določb te pogodbe zahtevano večino za sprejem različnih vrst odločitev.
16. člen
Mednarodni urad
Mednarodni urad WIPO opravlja upravne naloge v zvezi s to pogodbo.
17. člen
Sposobnost postati stranka te pogodbe
(1) Vsaka država članica WIPO lahko postane stranka te pogodbe.
(2) Skupščina lahko odloči, da dovoli pristop kateri koli medvladni organizaciji, ki izjavi, da ima glede zadev, ki jih ureja ta pogodba, pristojnosti ter svojo lastno zakonodajo, obvezujočo za vse njene države članice, in da je upravičena po svojih notranjih postopkih, da postane stranka te pogodbe.
(3) Evropska skupnost, ki je na diplomatski konferenci, na kateri je bila sprejeta ta pogodba, dala izjavo iz prejšnjega odstavka, lahko postane stranka te pogodbe.
18. člen
Pravice in obveznosti po pogodbi
Razen če ni v tej pogodbi izrecno določeno drugače, vsaka pogodbenica uživa vse pravice in prevzame vse obveznosti po tej pogodbi.
19. člen
Podpis pogodbe
Ta pogodba je do 31. decembra 1997 na voljo za podpis vsaki državi članici WIPO in Evropski skupnosti.
20. člen
Začetek veljavnosti pogodbe
Ta pogodba začne veljati tri mesece po tem, ko je pri generalnem direktorju WIPO 30 držav deponiralo svoje listine o ratifikaciji ali pristopu.
21. člen
Začetek učinkovanja pogodbe za stranke pogodbe
Ta pogodba obvezuje
(i) 30 držav, omenjenih v 20. členu, od dneva, ko je ta pogodba začela veljati;
(ii) vsako drugo državo po poteku treh mesecev od dneva, ko je država deponirala svojo listino pri generalnem direktorju WIPO;
(iii) Evropsko skupnost po poteku treh mesecev od deponiranja njene listine o ratifikaciji ali pristopu, če je bila takšna listina deponirana po začetku veljavnosti te pogodbe v skladu z 20. členom, oziroma po poteku treh mesecev od začetka veljavnosti te pogodbe, če je bila takšna listina deponirana pred začetkom veljavnosti te pogodbe;
(iv) vsako drugo medvladno organizacijo, ki postane stranka te pogodbe, po poteku treh mesecev od deponiranja njene listine o pristopu.
22. člen
Nedopustnost pridržkov
K tej pogodbi niso dopustni pridržki.
23. člen
Odpoved pogodbe
Vsaka pogodbenica lahko odpove to pogodbo z uradnim obvestilom, naslovljenim na generalnega direktorja WIPO. Odpoved začne učinkovati eno leto po dnevu, ko generalni direktor WIPO prejme uradno obvestilo.
24. člen
Pogodbeni jeziki
(1) Ta pogodba je podpisana v enem izvirniku v angleškem, arabskem, francoskem, kitajskem, ruskem in španskem jeziku, pri čemer so besedila v vseh teh jezikih enako verodostojna.
(2) Uradno besedilo v jeziku, ki ni eden od navedenih v prvem odstavku, določi generalni direktor WIPO na zahtevo zainteresirane stranke in po posvetovanju z vsemi zainteresiranimi strankami. Za namene tega odstavka pomeni “zainteresirana stranka” vsako državo članico WIPO, za katere uradni jezik ali enega od uradnih jezikov gre, in Evropsko skupnost ter katero koli drugo medvladno organizacijo, ki lahko postane stranka te pogodbe, če gre za enega od njenih uradnih jezikov.
25. člen
Depozitar te pogodbe je generalni direktor WIPO.
3. člen
Za izvajanje pogodbe skrbi Ministrstvo za znanost in tehnologijo, Urad Republike Slovenije za intelektualno lastnino.
4. člen
Ta zakon začne veljati naslednji dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 120-01/99-5/1
Ljubljana, dne 22. septembra 1999
Državnega zbora
Republike Slovenije
Janez Podobnik, dr. med. l. r.