Na podlagi tretjega odstavka 63. člena Zakona o zunanjih zadevah (Uradni list RS, št. 1/91-I) izdaja Vlada Republike Slovenije
1. člen
Ratificira se Memorandum o soglasju o sodelovanju v izobraževanju, znanosti in kulturi med Ministrstvom za zunanje zadeve, Ministrstvom za šolstvo in šport, Ministrstvom za znanost in tehnologijo in Ministrstvom za kulturo Republike Slovenije in Ministrstvom za izobraževanje, znanost in kulturo Finske, podpisan dne 26. marca 1999 v Ljubljani.
2. člen
Memorandum se v izvirniku v angleškem jeziku in v prevodu v slovenskem jeziku glasi:
on co-operation in the fields of education, science and culture between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Education and Sport, the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia and the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture of Finland
Ljubljana, 26 March 1999
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Education and Sport, the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia and
the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture of the Republic of Finland (hereinafter referred to as the Parties),
desirous to develop cooperation between the two countries in the fields of education, science and culture,
convinced that such cooperation will contribute to better mutual understanding and enhancement of relations at different levels,
resolved to respect the principles of the Helsinki Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, the Paris Charter for a New Europe and the Declarations of the First and the Second Summit of the Council of Europe,
have agreed as follows:
1. The Parties noted with satisfaction the development of their cooperation within the multilateral framework such as UNESCO, the Council of Europe and the European Union.
2. The Parties agreed to further direct cooperation between the universities and other relevant educational institutions in their respective countries, as well as between institutions which deal with scientific research and technological development. They also agreed to encourage joint research projects, in accordance, where appropriate, with agreements concluded directly between the institutions concerned.
3. The Parties will support the practice of extending invitations to visiting lecturers from the other country to deliver lectures or to participate in scientific seminars and conferences. All details concerning such invitations will be specified directly between the institutions concerned.
4. The Parties will exchange information on university studies and degrees in order to facilitate the appropriate evaluation of studies and degrees taken in the other country and the definition of the equivalence of degrees in compliance with the Council of Europe and UNESCO Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European region and in compliance with other international instruments.
5. The Finnish Party informed the Slovene Party about the polytechnics system (AMK, ammattikorkeakoulu) in Finland. The polytechnics constitute a non-university sector within higher education in Finland. The Parties expressed their wish to promote direct relations between the relevant institutions in both countries.
6. The Finnish Party informed the Slovene Party of a graduate school (doctoral) system introduced in 1995 in order to improve Finnish researcher training. The system comprises about 100 graduate schools coordinated by the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture and administered by the universities.
7. The Finnish Party informed the Slovene Party about recent developments in the implementation of the strategy on information society policy called “The National Strategy on Education, Training and Research” in Finland. The Parties noted that this area offers possibilities for cooperation.
8. Both Parties expressed their satisfaction with already established direct co-operation between the Faculty of Arts of the University of Ljubljana and the corresponding Finnish universities in the fields of linguistics and comparative linguistics as well as between the Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television and the corresponding Finnish institution of higher education.
9. During the period of validity of this Memorandum of Understanding the Parties will exchange one (1) delegation in the field of education. The terms of cooperation will be specified through direct consultations between the institutions concerned.
10. Upon request the Parties will exchange information and documentation on the structure, content and organization of education.
Summer Language Courses
11. The Parties will, in accordance with the availability of their funds and mutual interest, support and encourage teaching and learning of the language of the other Party.
12. The Slovene Party will annually inform the Finnish Party of the summer courses organized by the University of Ljubljana.
13. The Finnish Party informed the Slovene Party of the summer courses in Finland for foreign students and researchers of Finnish language and culture administered by UKAN (Finnish Studies at Universities abroad).
14. The Parties will encourage cooperation in science and research between universities, academies of science and other relevant institutions.
15. Cooperation can take the following forms:
a) joint research projects,
b) exchange of scientists, experts and professors,
c) joint participation in EU research programmes and other relevant international research programmes,
d) exchange of information on science and technology policy issues.
All relevant details will be specified directly between the institutions concerned.
16. A brief description of scholarship programmes and financial provisions, which both Parties offer to each other, is given in Annex 1.
17. The Parties will encourage direct contacts between their institutions in the fields of arts and culture.
18. The Parties will inform each other about festivals and other important cultural events in their respective countries.
The Slovene Party will invite Finnish artists to:
– International Graphic Biennial, Ljubljana, 1999;
– the annual International Pen Meeting, Bled;
– Vilenica, the annual International Writers Meeting.
The Finnish Party informed the Slovene Party about the organization »Finland Festivals« and about 60 festivals held annually under the auspices of this organization. Information on Finland Festivals is also available through the Internet address http: // /english/index.html.
19. The Parties will, in accordance with their respective legislations, cooperate in preventing the illicit trafficking of cultural property.
20. The Parties will encourage cooperation in the preservation of cultural heritage and in restoration of cultural and historical monuments.
21. The Parties discussed the possibilities of exchanging exhibitions. The arrangements shall be agreed upon on a case by case basis by the institutions concerned.
The Slovene Party will offer the guest exhibition “Love is in the air” in the year 2000, organized by the Slovene Ethnographic Museum.
The Finnish Party wishes to organize in Slovenia the exhibition »Innovative Design from Finland« by the Museum of Art and Design (Taideteollisuusmuseo).
The Finnish Party informed the Slovene Party of the »Kalevala« exhibition organized by the Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs and the Gallén-Kallela Museum.
22. The Parties will encourage the participation of Finnish and Slovene writers, playwrights and intellectuals in the literary events organised in the partner state (book fair in Ljubljana, meetings etc.)
The Parties will encourage direct contacts between writers’ associations of both countries.
23. The Parties will promote literature of each other’s country and encourage translation of their literary works.
The Finnish Party has informed the Slovene Party about the grants for translators of Finnish literature into foreign languages offered by the Finnish Literature Information Centre (Suomen kirjallisuuden tiedotuskeskus).
24. The Finnish Party informed the Slovene Party of the strategy on information society policy “Towards a Culture-Oriented Information Society”.
25. The Finnish Party informed the Slovene Party that Finland is a member of the exchange programme on working possibilities for young European artists, PEJA. The Parties welcome plans to exchange artists within the framework of Artists in Residence programmes.
26. The Finnish Party has informed the Slovene Party of the 150th anniversary of the Finnish National Epic Kalevala (The New Kalevala) in 1999.
The Finnish Party noted with appreciation the translation of Kalevala into the Slovene language by Mrs Jelka Ovaska Novak and Bogdan Novak in 1997.
Archives, Libraries, Museums
27. The Parties will encourage cooperation between the Slovene and Finnish archives, libraries and museums. The forms and the extent of cooperation will be decided directly by the institutions concerned.
28. The Parties will encourage direct cooperation between the National Museum of Slovenia in Ljubljana and the National Museum of Finland in Helsinki.
Film and Theatre
29. The Parties will encourage cooperation between professional ensembles, actors, singers, directors and other performers in the field of theatre.
30. The Parties agreed to exchange information and documentation on important current events in the field of film festivals and film archives.
31. The Parties will encourage organization of film weeks. The details will be directly agreed upon by the competent authorities of both countries.
Mass Media
32. The Parties welcomed direct cooperation between their radio and television organizations and other media. The form and substance of cooperation shall be agreed upon directly between the organizations concerned.
33. The Parties will encourage direct contacts in the field of music. The exchange will be based on direct agreements between the organizations and artists concerned.
34. The Slovene Party informed the Finish Party of the 300th Anniversary of the Slovene Philharmonic Orchestra of Ljubljana in 2001.
35. The Parties will encourage exchanges of young people as well as reciprocal exchanges of information and experience through direct cooperation between the relevant institutions in the two countries. They will exchange documentary material regarding youth policy of their countries.
36. The Parties will encourage the development of the relations and exchanges between sport organizations and other institutions in the field of physical education and sports. Such activities as well as financial conditions will be directly agreed between the institutions concerned.
37. The Parties will encourage various forms of cooperation initiated by civil society of the two countries.
To that end, the Parties note with satisfation that a Finnish-Slovene friendship society was founded in Finland in February 1999.
38. The present Memorandum of Understanding will remain in force until a new one is concluded.
The present Memorandum of Understanding will be applied temporarily from the day of its signing and will enter into force when the Slovene Party notifies the Finnish Party that the conditions required for its entry into force have been fulfilled.
Done and signed in Ljubljana on 26 March 1999, in two original copies in the English language, both texts being equally authentic.
For the Slovene Party
Tanja Orel Šturm (s)
For the Finnish Party
Margareta Mickwitz (s)
Annex 1
The following general provisions were agreed upon:
(a) The activities and exchanges envisaged in this Memorandum of Understanding will be carried out within the limits of the financial means, which the two Parties have at disposal.
(b) The activities and exchanges envisaged in this Memorandum of Understanding will not exclude other initiatives or visits which might be proposed and agreed upon in advance by both Parties.
(c) The organization of music, dance and theatre performances should in principle be based on a direct agreement covering financial and other terms between the organizations and artists involved in such events. State subsidies should be considered as supplementary.
1. Slovene scholarships, postgraduate studies and specialisation
1.1 The Slovene Party will inform the Finnish Party about the possibilities to obtain scholarships for post-graduate studies and specialization in Slovenia. Scholarship holders will have to have a sufficient command of the Slovene language or of the language agreed upon by the mentor in order to realise the intended study.
1.2 The scholarship holders within this Memorandum of Understanding will be selected by the Sending Party.
1.3 The Sending Party will forward the names of the candidates for scholarships by 1 April of the year in which the candidate proposes to start his or her course of studies. The Receiving Party will inform the Sending Party by 1 July of each year whether the proposed candidates and their study programmes have been accepted.
1.4 The Receiving Party has to be informed about the exact date of arrival at least three (3) weeks in advance.
1.5 Each candidate’s application has to be accompanied by information about the reasons for the choice of study programme, by a detailed curriculum vitae and, where relevant, by a list of publications. Where possible, both Parties will provide application forms to be completed by candidates for scholarships.
2. Finnish scholarships
The Finnish Party has informed the Slovene Party about the Finnish Centre for International Mobility, CIMO (Kansainvalisen henkilovaihdon keskus). The main task of CIMO is to promote international mobility of students, trainees and young researchers.
CIMO’s scholarship programmes aim to internationalize teaching and research by forging links between institutions of higher education in Finland and abroad. In order to promote cooperation in this area CIMO runs a special scholarship programme for young researchers (not older than 35). The staff of the Finnish receiving university department applies to CIMO for a grant.
Annex 2
Arrangements will be discussed and agreed upon on a case-by-case basis and in general the following provisions will apply:
1.1 Responsibilities of the Sending Party:
– Detailed proposals for exhibitions, including all technical data, should be submitted preferably not later than twelve (12) months prior to the planned opening of the exhibition;
– International transport to its first destination in the receiving country and the international transport from its last location to the country of origin or to another country;
– Insurance from door to door, nail to nail, transport included;
– The material for the issue of a catalogue in the language of the receiving country, English or German (texts, photos, transparencies etc.), will be submitted six (6) months prior to the opening of the exhibition;
– Travel expenses for 1 (one) commissioner accompanying the exhibition to supervise the mounting and/or dismantling as well as packing and/or unpacking of the exhibits.
1.2 Responsibilities of the Receiving Party:
– Providing appropriate exhibition premises with the necessary security infrastructure (climatic conditions, guards, etc.);
– Providing the necessary staff for loading and unloading, packing and unpacking, mounting and dismantling of the exhibition;
– Printing of the catalogue and if necessary, posters and invitations;
– Organizing general publicity as well as the opening ceremony for the exhibition;
– Accommodation expenses for an expert accompanying the exhibition and supervising the mounting and/or dismantling; the duration of any such visit will be agreed in advance;
– Providing the country of origin with copies of all material published in connection with the exhibition (catalogue, posters, invitations, reviews etc.)
In case of damage, the Receiving Party will not proceed with the restoration of the works without the prior approval of the Sending Party, and will supply all relevant documentation and assistance to enable the sending organisation to pursue any claim for compensation from the relevant insurance company.
1.3 Other conditions
All other conditions shall be agreed upon on a case by case basis.
o sodelovanju v izobraževanju, znanosti in kulturi med Ministrstvom za zunanje zadeve, Ministrstvom za šolstvo in šport, Ministrstvom za znanost in tehnologijo in Ministrstvom za kulturo Republike Slovenije in Ministrstvom za izobraževanje, znanost in kulturo Finske
Ljubljana, 26. marec 1999
Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve, Ministrstvo za šolstvo in šport, Ministrstvo za znanost in tehnologijo in Ministrstvo za kulturo Republike Slovenije in
Ministrstvo za izobraževanje, znanost in kulturo Republike Finske (v nadaljevanju: pogodbeniki) so se
v želji, da bi razvijala sodelovanje med državama v izobraževanju, znanosti in kulturi,
prepričana, da bo takšno sodelovanje prispevalo k boljšemu medsebojnemu razumevanju in h krepitvi odnosov na različnih stopnjah,
odločena, da bodo spoštovala načela Helsinške sklepne listine Konference o varnosti in sodelovanju v Evropi, Pariške listine o novi Evropi in Deklaracij prvega in drugega vrha Sveta Evrope,
dogovorila, kot sledi:
1. Pogodbeniki so z zadovoljstvom ugotovili, da se razvija njihovo sodelovanje v okviru večstranskih institucij, kot so Unesco, Svet Evrope in Evropska unija.
2. Pogodbeniki so se dogovorili, da bodo podpirali neposredno sodelovanje med univerzami in drugimi ustreznimi izobraževalnimi institucijami v obeh državah ter med institucijami, ki se ukvarjajo z znanstvenimi raziskavami in tehnološkim razvojem. Dogovorili so se tudi, da bodo spodbujali skupne raziskovalne projekte v skladu, kadar je to ustrezno, s sporazumi, sklenjenimi neposredno med ustreznimi institucijami.
3. Pogodbeniki bodo podpirali pošiljanje vabil gostujočim predavateljem iz druge države, ki bi predavali ali sodelovali na znanstvenih seminarjih in konferencah. O vseh podrobnostih v zvezi s takšnimi vabili se bodo neposredno dogovorile ustrezne institucije.
4. Pogodbeniki bodo izmenjali podatke o univerzitetnih študijih in nazivih, da bi tako olajšali ustrezno ocenjevanje študijev in nazivov, končanih in pridobljenih v drugi državi, in enačenje nazivov v skladu s Svetom Evrope in konvencijo Unesca o priznavanju potrdil o visokošolski izobrazbi v Evropi in v skladu z drugimi mednarodnimi listinami.
5. Finska stran je slovensko stran obvestila o sistemu politehniških šol (AMK, ammattikorkeakoulu) na Finskem. Politehniške šole so na Finskem zunaj sistema visokega šolstva. Pogodbeniki so izrazili željo, da bi krepili neposredne stike med ustreznimi institucijami v obeh državah.
6. Finska stran je slovensko stran obvestila o sistemu visokih šol za podiplomski (doktorski) študij, ki je bil vpeljan leta 1995, da bi izboljšali usposabljanje raziskovalcev na Finskem. Sistem vključuje okoli 100 visokih šol za podiplomski študij, ki jih usklajuje Ministrstvo za izobraževanje, znanost in kulturo, upravljajo pa jih univerze.
7. Finska stran je obvestila slovensko stran o novejšem razvoju pri uresničevanju strategije o politiki informacijske družbe na Finskem, ki se imenuje Nacionalna strategija o izobraževanju, usposabljanju in raziskovanju. Pogodbeniki so menili, da to področje daje možnosti za sodelovanje.
8. Pogodbeniki so izrazili zadovoljstvo z vzpostavljenim neposrednim sodelovanjem med Filozofsko fakulteto Univerze v Ljubljani in ustreznimi finskimi univerzami za jezikoslovje in primerjalno jezikoslovje ter med Akademijo za gledališče, radio, film in televizijo in ustrezno finsko ustanovo v visokem šolstvu.
9. Med veljavnostjo tega memoranduma o soglasju pogodbeniki izmenjajo eno (1) delegacijo s področja izobraževanja. Pogoji sodelovanja bodo določeni po neposrednemu posvetovanju med ustreznimi institucijami.
10. Pogodbeniki bodo na prošnjo izmenjali podatke in dokumentacijo, povezano s strukturo, vsebino in organizacijo izobraževanja.
Poletni jezikovni tečaji
11. Pogodbeniki bodo v skladu s svojimi zmožnostmi in medsebojnim interesom podpirali in spodbujali poučevanje in učenje jezika druge pogodbenice.
12. Slovenska stran bo letno obveščala finsko stran o poletnih tečajih, ki jih organizira Univerza v Ljubljani.
13. Finska stran je obvestila slovensko stran o poletnih tečajih na Finskem za tuje študente in raziskovalce finskega jezika in kulture, ki jih upravlja UKAN (Finski študiji na univerzah v tujini).
14. Pogodbeniki bodo spodbujali sodelovanje v znanosti in raziskovanju med univerzami, akademijami znanosti ter drugimi ustreznimi institucijami.
15. Sodelovanje lahko poteka v teh oblikah:
a) skupni raziskovalni projekti,
b) izmenjava znanstvenikov, strokovnjakov in profesorjev,
c) skupna udeležba pri raziskovalnih programih EU in pri drugih ustreznih mednarodnih raziskovalnih programih,
d) izmenjava informacij o znanstveni in tehnološki politiki.
Vse podrobnosti s tem v zvezi bodo neposredno določile ustrezne institucije.
16. V Prilogi 1 je kratek opis štipendijskih programov in finančnih določb, ki jih bodo pogodbeniki ponudili drugi drugim.
17. Pogodbeniki bodo spodbujali neposredne stike med svojimi institucijami v umetnosti in kulturi.
18. Pogodbeniki se bodo obveščali o festivalih in drugih pomembnih kulturnih prireditvah v svojih državah.
Slovenska stran bo povabila finske umetnike na:
– Mednarodni grafični bienale, Ljubljana, 1999;
– letno mednarodno pisateljsko srečanje Pen, Bled;
– letno mednarodno srečanje pisateljev, Vilenica.
Finska stran je slovensko stran obvestila o organizaciji Finland Festivals in o približno 60 festivalih, ki letno potekajo pod pokroviteljstvom te organizacije. Informacije o organizaciji Finland Festivals so na voljo tudi na internetu na spletni strani:
19. Pogodbeniki bodo v skladu s svojima zakonodajama sodelovali pri preprečevanju nezakonitega trgovanja s kulturnimi dobrinami.
20. Pogodbeniki bodo spodbujali sodelovanje pri ohranjanju kulturne dediščine in obnavljanju kulturnih in zgodovinskih spomenikov.
21. Pogodbeniki so razpravljali o možnosti za izmenjavo razstav. Ustrezne institucije se o organizaciji dogovorijo za vsak primer posebej.
Slovenska stran bo leta 2000 ponudila gostujočo razstavo »Ljubezen je v zraku«, ki jo organizira Slovenski etnografski muzej.
Finska stran želi v Sloveniji prirediti razstavo ‘Inovativno oblikovanje iz Finske Muzeja za umetnost in oblikovanje’ (Taideteollisuusmuseo).
Finska stran je slovensko stran obvestila o razstavi ‘Kalevala’, ki jo organizirata finsko ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve in muzej Gallén-Kallela.
22. Pogodbeniki bodo spodbujali udeležbo finskih in slovenskih pisateljev, dramatikov in intelektualcev na književnih prireditvah, organiziranih v partnerski državi (knjižni sejem v Ljubljani, srečanja itd).
Pogodbeniki bodo spodbujali neposredne stike med društvi pisateljev obeh državah.
23. Pogodbeniki bodo spodbujali književnost druge države in pospeševali prevajanje književnih del.
Finska stran je slovensko stran obvestila o štipendijah za prevajalce finske književnosti v tuje jezike, ki jih daje Finski informacijski center za književnost (Suomen kirjallisuuden tiedostuskeskus).
24. Finska stran je slovensko stran obvestila o strategiji o politiki informacijske družbe »Pot h kulturno usmerjeni informacijski družbi«.
25. Finska stran je slovensko stran obvestila, da je Finska članica programa izmenjav o delovnih možnostih za mlade evropske umetnike (PEJA). Pogodbeniki pozdravljajo načrte za izmenjavo umetnikov v okviru programov »Umetniki, vključeni v izobraževalni sistem«.
26. Finska stran je obvestila slovensko stran o 150. obletnici finskega narodnega epa Kalevala (Nova Kalevala) leta 1999.
Finska stran je izrazila zadovoljstvo ob prevodu Kalevale v slovenski jezik Jelke Ovaska Novak in Bogdana Novaka leta 1997.
Arhivi, knjižnice, muzeji
27. Pogodbeniki bodo spodbujali sodelovanje med slovenskimi in finskimi arhivi, knjižnicami in muzeji. O obliki in obsegu sodelovanja se bodo neposredno dogovorile ustrezne institucije.
28. Pogodbeniki bodo spodbujali neposredno sodelovanje med Narodnim muzejem Slovenije v Ljubljani in Narodnim muzejem Finske v Helsinkih.
Film in gledališče
29. Pogodbeniki bodo spodbujali sodelovanje med profesionalnimi ansambli, igralci, pevci, režiserji in drugimi izvajalci s področja gledališkega ustvarjanja.
30. Pogodbeniki so se dogovorili, da bodo izmenjevali informacije in dokumentacijo o pomembnih prireditvah, povezanih s filmskimi festivali in filmskimi arhivi.
31. Pogodbeniki bodo spodbujali organiziranje tednov filma. O podrobnostih se bodo neposredno dogovorili pristojni organi obeh držav.
Javna občila
32. Pogodbeniki so soglašali z neposrednim sodelovanjem med svojimi radijskimi in televizijskimi organizacijami ter drugimi občili. O obliki in vsebini sodelovanja se neposredno dogovorijo ustrezne organizacije.
33. Pogodbeniki bodo spodbujali neposredne stike v glasbi. Izmenjava bo temeljila na neposrednih dogovorih med ustreznimi organizacijami in umetniki.
34. Slovenska stran je obvestila finsko stran o 300. obletnici orkestra Slovenske filharmonije leta 2001.
35. Pogodbeniki bodo spodbujali izmenjave mladih ter medsebojne izmenjave informacij in izkušenj z neposrednim sodelovanjem med ustreznimi institucijami v obeh državah. Izmenjevali si bodo dokumentarno gradivo o mladinski politiki iz svojih držav.
36. Pogodbeniki bodo spodbujali razvoj odnosov in izmenjave med športnimi organizacijami in drugimi institucijami, ki se ukvarjajo s telesno vzgojo in športom. O takšnih dejavnostih in finančnih pogojih se bodo neposredno dogovorile ustrezne institucije.
37. Pogodbeniki bodo spodbujali različne oblike sodelovanja, ki jih bo ustanovila civilna družba obeh držav.
S tem v zvezi pogodbeniki z zadovoljstvom ugotavljajo, da je bilo februarja leta 1999 na Finskem ustanovljeno Društvo finsko-slovenskega prijateljstva.
38. Ta memorandum o soglasju bo veljal, dokler ne bo sklenjen nov.
Ta memorandum o soglasju se bo začasno uporabljal od dne podpisa in bo začel veljati, ko bo slovenska stran obvestila finsko stran, da so izpolnjeni pogoji, potrebni za njegovo veljavnost.
Sestavljeno in podpisano v Ljubljani 26. marca 1999 v dveh izvirnikih v angleškem jeziku, pri čemer sta obe besedili enako verodostojni.
Za slovensko stran
Tanja Orel Šturm l. r.
Za finsko stran
Margareta Mickwitz l. r.
Priloga 1
Dogovorjeno je bilo, da se sprejmejo te splošne določbe:
(a) dejavnosti in izmenjave, predvidene v tem memorandumu o soglasju, se bodo izvajale v mejah finančnih sredstev, ki so na voljo pogodbenicama;
(b) dejavnosti in izmenjave, predvidene v tem memorandumu o soglasju, ne bodo izključevale drugih pobud ali obiskov, ki jih pogodbenici lahko predlagata in se o njih dogovorita vnaprej;
(c) organizacija glasbenih, plesnih in gledaliških predstav naj bi načeloma temeljila na neposrednem sporazumu, ki pokriva finančne in druge pogoje med organizacijami in umetniki, ki sodelujejo pri takih prireditvah. Državne podpore naj se štejejo kot dodatek.
1 Slovenske štipendije, podiplomski študij in specializacija
1.1 Slovenska stran bo finsko stran obvestila o možnostih za pridobitev štipendij za podiplomski študij in specializacijo v Sloveniji. Štipendisti bodo morali dovolj dobro obvladati slovenski jezik ali jezik, za katerega se bodo dogovorili z mentorjem, da bodo lahko končali zastavljeni študij.
1.2 Štipendiste bo v skladu s tem memorandumom o soglasju izbrala pogodbenica pošiljateljica.
1.3 Pogodbenica pošiljateljica bo poslala imena kandidatov za štipendije do 1. aprila tistega leta, v katerem kandidat predlaga začetek svojega študija. Pogodbenica sprejemnica bo pogodbenico pošiljateljico do 1. julija vsakega leta obvestila, ali so bili sprejeti predlagani kandidati in njihovi študijski programi.
1.4 O točnem datumu prihoda je treba pogodbenico sprejemnico obvestiti najkasneje tri (3) tedne vnaprej.
1.5 Prošnji vsakega kandidata se priložijo podrobni podatki o vzrokih za izbiro študijskega programa, podroben življenjepis, in kadar to pride v poštev, seznam publikacij. Če bo možno, bosta pogodbenici zagotovili obrazce za prošnje, ki jih morajo izpolniti kandidati za štipendije.
2. Finske štipendije
Finska stran je obvestila slovensko stran o Finskem centru za mednarodno mobilnost, CIMO (Kansainvalisen hennkilovaidhon keskus). Glavna naloga CIMO je pospeševanje mednarodne mobilnosti študentov, pripravnikov in mladih raziskovalcev.
Cilj CIMO-vih programov štipendij je širjenje poučevanja in raziskovanja v mednarodnem merilu z ustvarjanjem vezi med institucijami visokega šolstva na Finskem in v tujini. Da bi pospeševali sodelovanje na tem področju, ima CIMO poseben program štipendij za mlade raziskovalce (ki niso starejši od 35 let). Osebje finskega univerzitetnega oddelka, ki sprejema, zaprosi CIMO za štipendijo.
Priloga 2
Pogodbeniki bodo razpravljali o dogovorih in se sporazumeli za vsak primer posebej, na splošno pa bodo veljale te določbe:
1.1 Odgovornosti države pošiljateljice:
– podrobni predlogi za razstave, vključno z vsemi tehničnimi podatki, naj se po možnosti predložijo najkasneje dvanajst (12) mesecev pred načrtovanim odprtjem razstave;
– mednarodni prevoz do prvega kraja v državi sprejemnici in mednarodni prevoz iz zadnjega kraja do države izvora ali do druge države;
– zavarovanje od žeblja do žeblja, vključno s prevozom;
– gradivo za pripravo kataloga v jeziku države sprejemnice, v angleščini ali nemščini (besedila, fotografije, prosojnice itd.) se pošlje šest (6) mesecev pred odprtjem razstave;
– potni stroški za 1 (enega) pooblaščenca, ki spremlja razstavo, da nadzoruje pripravljanje in/ali odstranjevanje razstave ter pakiranje in/ali razpakiranje razstavnih predmetov.
1.2 Odgovornosti države sprejemnice:
– zagotovitev ustreznih razstavnih prostorov s potrebno varnostno infrastrukturo (klimatske naprave, varnostniki itd.);
– zagotovitev potrebnega osebja za natovarjanje in raztovarjanje, pakiranje in razpakiranje, pripravljanje in odstranjevanje razstave;
– tiskanje kataloga ter po potrebi plakatov in vabil;
– organiziranje splošnega obveščanja javnosti ter slovesnosti ob odprtju razstave;
– stroški nastanitve za strokovnjaka, ki spremlja razstavo in nadzoruje njeno pripravljanje in/ali odstranjevanje; o trajanju vsakega takega obiska bo dogovorjeno vnaprej;
– oskrba države izvora s kopijami vsega gradiva, objavljenega v zvezi z razstavo (katalog, plakati, vabila, kritike itd.).
Če pride do škode, država sprejemnica ne bo restavrirala del brez predhodne odobritve države pošiljateljice. Priskrbela bo vso ustrezno dokumentacijo in pomoč, s katero bo omogočila organizaciji pošiljateljici uveljavitev odškodninskega zahtevka pri ustrezni zavarovalnici.
1.3 Drugi pogoji
O vseh drugih pogojih se državi dogovorita za vsak primer posebej.
3. člen
Za izvajanje tega memoranduma skrbijo Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve, Ministrstvo za kulturo, Ministrstvo za šolstvo in šport ter Ministrstvo za znanost in tehnologijo.
4. člen
Ta uredba začne veljati naslednji dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 681-17/00-2 (T1)
Ljubljana, dne 30. septembra 1999
Vlada Republike Slovenije
Marjan Podobnik l. r.