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Priloga št. 1 Visokošolski zavod PRILOGA K DIPLOMI Priloga k diplomi se izdaja na podlagi 32. člena zakona o visokem šolstvu (Uradni list RS, št. 67/93, 22/94 - odločba US, 39/95 - odločba US, 18/98 - odločba US, 35/98 - odločba US in 99/99) in ob upoštevanju Konvencije o priznavanju visokošolskih kvalifikacij v evropski regiji (Uradni list RS - Mednarodne pogodbe, št. 14/99) ter priporočil Evropske komisije, Sveta Evrope in Unesco/Cepesa. Sestavljena je iz osmih poglavij in vsebuje: 1. informacijo o diplomantu, 2. informacijo o visokošolski izobrazbi, 3. informacijo o stopnji izobrazbe, 4. informacijo o študiju in uspešnosti diplomanta, 5. informacijo o možnostih za nadaljevanje študija in zaposlovanja, 6. dodatne informacije, 7. podpis pooblaščene osebe in pečat, 8. informacijo o visokošolskem sistemu v Republiki Sloveniji. V prilogo k diplomi se ne vpisujejo vrednostne sodbe, izjave o ekvivalentnosti ali predlogi za priznavanje visokošolske izobrazbe v drugih državah. 1. Informacija o diplomantu 1.1. Ime: 1.2. Priimek: 1.3. Datum in kraj rojstva: 1.4. Vpisna številka študenta na visokošolskem zavodu: 2. Informacija o visokošolski izobrazbi 2.1. Ime listine in strokovni oziroma znanstveni naslov: 2.2. Študijsko področje, študijski program, smer: 2.3. Ime visokošolskega zavoda, ki je diplomo podelil: 2.4. Pravni status visokošolskega zavoda: 2.5. Učni jezik: 3. Informacija o stopnji izobrazbe 3.1. Stopnja izobrazbe: 3.2. Trajanje študija: 3.3. Vpisni pogoji: 4. Informacija o študiju in uspešnosti diplomanta 4.1. Način študija: 4.2. Glavne sestavine programa in študentove obveznosti: 4.3. Podatki o študijskem programu: 4.4. Uspeh študenta pri študiju in diplomi: 4.5. Ocenjevalna lestvica: 4.6. Povprečna ocena: 5. Informacija o možnostih za nadaljevanje študija in zaposlovanja 5.1. Možnost za nadaljevanje študija: 5.2. Možnosti za opravljanje poklica: 6. Dodatne informacije 6.1. Dodatne informacije: 6.2. Viri nadaljnjih informacij: 7. Podpis pooblaščene osebe in pečat 7.1. Datum: 7.2. Podpis: 7.3. Uradni položaj: 7.4. Pečat: 8. Informacija o visokošolskem sistemu v Republiki Sloveniji Visoko šolstvo v Republiki Sloveniji ureja zakon o visokem šolstvu. Veljati je začel 1. 1. 1994, dopolnitve pa 24. 12. 1999. Študij je dodiplomski in podiplomski. Dodiplomski študijski programi so univerzitetni in visokošolski strokovni. Fakultete in akademije lahko izvajajo obe vrsti programov, visoke strokovne šole pa le visokošolske strokovne. Podiplomski študijski programi so: programi za pridobitev specializacije, programi za pridobitev magisterija in programi za pridobitev doktorata znanosti. Po dodiplomskih programih se pridobi diploma in tako imenovani prvi strokovni naslov; po podiplomskih si je mogoče pridobiti drugo diplomo in drugi strokovni naslov specialist ali znanstvena naslova magister znanosti oziroma umetnosti in doktor znanosti. Strokovni in znanstveni naslovi so določeni v skladu z zakonom o strokovnih in znanstvenih naslovih (Uradni list RS, št. 47/98). V tujini pridobljeni strokovni in znanstveni naslov velja, če je diploma, s katero se izkazuje pridobitev naslova, priznana v Republiki Sloveniji. V univerzitetni študijski program se lahko vpiše, kdor je opravil maturo (zaključni izpit pred 1. 6. 1995), po letu 2001/2002 pa tudi poklicno maturo in dodatni izpit. Programi trajajo štiri do šest let in se praviloma končajo z diplomskim izpitom (zagovorom diplomske naloge). V diplomo, ki jo dobi študent po uspešno končanem študiju, se vpiše strokovni naslov z navedbo stroke. Diploma po končanem univerzitetnem študiju omogoča zaposlitev ali nadaljevanje podiplomskega študija. V visokošolski strokovni študijski program se lahko vpiše, kdor je opravil maturo, poklicno maturo ali zaključni izpit po štiriletnem srednješolskem ali enakovrednem programu. Programi trajajo praviloma tri leta, izjemoma štiri. Končajo se z zagovorom diplomske naloge. V diplomo, ki jo dobi študent po uspešno končanem študiju, se vpiše strokovni naslov z navedbo stroke. Diploma po končanem strokovnem študiju omogoča zaposlitev ali nadaljevanje študija po specialističnih študijskih programih, lahko pa tudi v magistrskih. Prehod med strokovnim in univerzitetnim študijem je pod določenimi pogoji mogoč v obe smeri. V specialistični študijski program se lahko vpiše, kdor ima diplomo iz univerzitetnega ali visokošolskega strokovnega študija. Programi trajajo eno do dve leti. Po uspešno končanem študiju se pridobi strokovni naslov specialist oziroma specialistka z navedbo stroke. V magistrski študijski program se lahko vpiše, kdor ima diplomo iz univerzitetnega študija, lahko pa tudi, kdor je končal visokošolski strokovni študij. Programi trajajo dve leti in se končajo z zagovorom magistrske naloge. Po uspešno opravljenem zagovoru se pridobi znanstveni naslov magister znanosti oziroma magistrica znanosti ali magister umetnosti oziroma magistrica umetnosti. V doktorski študij se lahko vpiše, kdor ima diplomo univerzitetnega študija ali kdor ima opravljen magisterij. Doktorski študij po univerzitetni diplomi traja štiri leta, po magisteriju pa dve leti. Diplomanti si pridobijo znanstveni naslov doktor oziroma doktorica znanosti. Prehodnost med magistrskim in doktorskim študijem je mogoča. Študenti, ki so se vpisali najprej v dveletni magistrski študij, lahko nadaljujejo študij še nadaljnji dve leti in si pridobijo doktorat. Študenti, ki so se vpisali v štiriletni doktorski študij, lahko po dveh letih končajo študij z magisterijem. Kreditni sistem študija (ECTS) se uvaja postopoma: pri podiplomskem študiju se je uveljavil na večini fakultet, tako da mora študent za dokončanje magistrskega študija zbrati 120 kreditnih točk (KT), za doktorski študij pa 240. Za dodiplomski študij je kreditni sistem za zdaj vpeljan le na posameznih visokošolskih zavodih.
Navodila za izpolnjevanje: 1. Informacija o diplomantu: Vpišite ime in priimek diplomanta, datum in kraj njegovega rojstva, kot so vpisani v evidenci po 81. členu zakona o visokem šolstvu, ter vpisno številko študenta. 2. Informacija o visokošolski izobrazbi 2.1. Vpišite ime podeljene listine in strokovni oziroma znanstveni naslov ter njegovo okrajšavo, objavljen v seznamu strokovnih in znanstvenih naslovov ter njihovih okrajšav (Uradni list RS, 22/99). 2.2. Vpišite študijsko področje, uradno ime študijskega programa, če je program razčlenjen na smeri, naštejte tudi te; pripišite, kdaj je bil študijski program sprejet (dopolnjen, spremenjen) in kdaj je Svet za visoko šolstvo k njemu dal mnenje oziroma soglasje. 2.3. Vpišite uradno ime visokošolskega zavoda, ki je diplomo podelil, njegovo skrajšano ime in sedež. 2.4. Vpišite status visokošolskega zavoda: državni, zasebni z državno koncesijo, zasebni. 2.5. Vpišite učne jezike, v katerih se izvaja študij. 3. Informacija o stopnji izobrazbe 3.1. Vpišite stopnjo izobrazbe (npr. visokošolska dodiplomska: visoka strokovna ali univerzitetna izobrazba; podiplomska: specializacija, magisterij, doktorat znanosti). 3.2. Vpišite uradno trajanje študija v letih (in tednih) ter absolventski staž. 3.3. Vpišite pogoje za vpis, merila za izbiro kandidatov ob omejenem vpisu in vpisne pogoje po merilih za prehode. 4. Informacija o študiju in uspešnosti študenta 4.1. Vpišite, kako je bil študij organiziran: kot redni, izredni ali na daljavo. 4.2. Opišite glavne sestavine programa in jih kreditno ovrednotite (v urah ali deležih pojasnite, koliko časa je namenjenega kateri od pomembnih sestavin programa npr. predavanjem, vajam, seminarjem, praktičnemu izobraževanju) in študentove obveznosti (izpiti, seminarske naloge, praksa, diplomski izpit ipd.). 4.3. in 4.4. Podrobneje predstavite študijski program (predmetnik, število ur pri posameznem predmetu, kreditno ovrednotenje ipd.), podatke o študentovem uspehu pri izpitih in drugih obveznostih iz programa, pa tudi morebitne druge študentove dosežke (pomembnejše seminarske naloge, nastopi, izdelki, diplomske naloge, nagrade, priznanja ipd.). Negativnih ocen ne vpisujte. 4.5. Vpišite, kako se študentove obveznosti ocenjujejo, predstavite ocenjevalno lestvico in pojasnite, kaj posamezna ocena pomeni. 4.6. Vpišite študentovo povprečno oceno, zračunano kot srednjo vrednost ocen pri vseh opravljenih obveznostih, ki se ocenjujejo z ocenami od 1 do 10. Pri računanju ne upoštevajte negativnih ocen in ocene diplomskega dela oziroma diplomskega izpita. To oceno vpišite posebej. Povprečne ocene se lahko prikazujejo tudi po posameznih sestavinah programa (predavanja, vaje ipd.). 5. Informacija o možnostih za nadaljevanje študija in zaposlovanja 5.1. Navedite, v katerih (tipih) študijskih programih diplomant lahko nadaljuje študij. 5.2. Naštejte značilne zaposlitve, ki jih je mogoče opravljati s pridobljeno diplomo. 6. Dodatne informacije 6.1. Dodajte kakršnokoli informacijo o študijskem programu, ki je v prejšnjih poglavjih še niste vpisali, je pa pomembna za oceno programa. 6.2. Vpišite naslove univerze, fakultete, oddelka ipd., kjer je mogoče dobiti dodatne informacije, njihove telefonske številke, naslove elektronske pošte, spletnih strani ipd. ter naslov centra Naric. 7. Podpis pooblaščene osebe in pečat: 7.1. Vpišite datum, ko je bila priloga k diplomi izdana. 7.2. Vpišite ime in priimek osebe, pooblaščene za podpis priloge. 7.3. Vpišite uradni položaj osebe, pooblaščene za podpis priloge. 7.4. S pečatom ali žigom potrdite pristnost dokumenta.
Priloga št. 2 Higher education institution THE DIPLOMA SUPPLEMENT The Diploma Supplement has been issued on the basis of Article 32 of the Higher Education Act (Uradni list RS, št. 67/93, 22/94 - Constitutional Court Decision, 39/95 - Constitutional Court Decision, 18/98 - Constitutional Court Decision, 35/98 - Constitutional Court Decision, and 99/99), taking into account the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications Concerning Higher Education in the European Region (Uradni list RS - International Treaties 14/99) and the recommendations of the European Commission, Council of Europe and Unesco/Cepes. It consists of eight sections and contains the following information: 1. Information identifying the holder of the qualification 2. Information identifying the qualification 3. Information on the level of the qualification 4. Information on the contents and results gained 5. Information on the function of the qualification 6. Additional information 7. Certification of the supplement 8. Information on the higher education system in the Republic of Slovenia The information contained within the supplement should not contain any value judgements, equivalence statements or suggestions about recognition in other countries. 1 Information identifying the holder of the qualification 1.1 Given name(s): 1.2 Family name(s): 1.3 Date and place of birth: 1.4 Student identification number: 2 Information identifying the qualification 2.1 Name of qualification and title conferred (in original language): 2.2 Main field(s) of study for the qualification, study programme and option: 2.3 Name of awarding institution (in original language): 2.4 Legal status of institution: 2.5 Language(s) of instruction: 3 Information on the level of the qualification 3.1 Level of qualification: 3.2 Official length of programme: 3.3 Access requirement(s): 4 Information on the contents and results gained 4.1 Mode of study: 4.2 Main programme components and requirements: 4.3 Programme details: 4.4 Grades obtained at end-of-term examinations and diploma examination: 4.5 Grading scheme: 4.6 Grade point average: 5 Information on the function of the qualification 5.1 Access to further study: 5.2 Professional status: 6 Additional information 6.1 Additional information: 6.2 Further information sources: 7 Certification of the supplement 7.1 Date: 7.2 Signature: 7.3 Capacity: 7.4 Official stamp or seal: 8 Information on the higher education system in the Republic of Slovenia In the Republic of Slovenia, higher education is regulated by the Higher Education Act. The original act entered into force on 1 Jan. 1994 and its amendments on 24 Dec. 1999. Studies are divided into undergraduate and post-graduate studies. Undergraduate studies consist of university and professional type of programmes. Faculties and academies offer both types of programmes, while professional colleges provide only professional courses of study. At the postgraduate level programmes lead to the following degrees: specializacija, magisterij and doktorat znanosti. After the completion of undergraduate studies, graduates obtain a diploma and the first degree title. After the completion of post-graduate studies, graduates obtain the second degree and the second degree title. Depending on the type of the programme, the title is either a professional title of a specialist or the academic title of either magister znanosti/umetnosti or doktor znanosti. Professional and academic titles are conferred in compliance with the Professional and Academic Titles Act (Uradni list RS, št. 47/98). In Slovenia, foreign professional and academic titles are recognised provided that the degree granting the title is recognised. The admission requirement for undergraduate programmes of the university type is a matura examination (a final examination before 1 June 1995). After 2001/2002, a vocational matura examination (poklicna matura) and an additional examination will be an alternative requirement also granting admission to this type of programmes. Programmes last four to six years and, as a rule, end with the diploma examination (defence of a diploma thesis). The diploma conferred after a successful completion of studies specifies the professional title naming the field of study. A university diploma enables graduates to start work or continue their studies at the post-graduate level. The admission requirement for undergraduate programmes of the professional type is either a matura, vocational matura or final examination after the completion of a four-year secondary education programme or its equivalent. Professional higher education programmes last in principle three, exceptionally four years. They end with the defence of a diploma thesis. The diploma conferred after a successful completion of studies specifies the professional title naming the field of study. Graduates can either enter the labour market or continue their studies in programmes leading to specializacija or even magisterij. Transfers between professional and university type of programmes are possible in both directions provided that certain conditions are met. The admission requirement for post-graduate programmes leading to specializacija is a degree obtained after the university or professional type of higher education programme. These programmes last one year. Having completed the studies, graduates obtain the professional title of a specialist or specialistka (female holders) naming the field of study. The admission requirement for post-graduate programmes leading to magisterij is a degree obtained after the university or professional type of undergraduate programmes. These programmes last two years and end with the defence of a master's thesis (magistrska naloga). Having graduated by passing the defence, graduates obtain the academic title of a magister znanosti or magistrica znanosti (female holders) and magister umetnosti or magistrica umetnosti (female holders), respectively. The admission requirement for post-graduate programmes leading to a doktorat znanosti is either a degree obtained upon the completion of the university type of undergraduate studies or a magisterij degree. Doctoral studies after a university degree last four, after a magisterij degree two years. Graduates obtain the academic title of doktor or doktorica znanosti (female holders). Transfers between magisterij and doctoral studies are possible. Students that first enrolled in a two-year magisterij programme may continue their studies for two additional years and obtain a doktorat znanosti. Students that first enrolled in a four-year doctoral course of study may complete their studies after two years with a magisterij degree. The credit transfer system (ECTS) is being gradually implemented. Most faculties have introduced it at the post-graduate level. Students must receive 120 credit points to complete their studies at the magisterij level and 240 credit points to obtain a doktorat znanosti. At the undergraduate level, however, the system has been implemented only by a certain number of faculties.
Explanatory notes: 1 Information identifying the holder of the qualification: Provide the given and family name of the holder, date and place of birth as entered in the register in compliance with Article 81 of the Higher Education Act, and his/her enrolment number. 2 Information identifying the qualification 2.1 Give the name of the document, the full professional or academic title conferred, and its abbreviation given in the list of professional and academic titles (Uradni list RS, št. 22/99). 2.2 Indicate the field of study, the official title of the study programme and, if the programme is divided into options, also the latter. Provide the information on when the programme was institutionally approved (amended) and when the opinion of the Council for Higher education was issued. 2.3 Provide the official name of the awarding higher education institution, its abbreviated name and registered office. 2.4 Indicate the legal status of the institution: state, private with a state concession, private. 2.5 Indicate the language(s) of instruction. 3 Information on the level of the qualification 3.1 Give the level of the qualification (e.g. undergraduate professional type, undergraduate university type or one of the post-graduate degrees: specializacija, magisterij, doktorat znanosti). 3.2 Indicate the official length of the programme in years (and weeks) and the period of study for the preparation of the degree. 3.3 Give the access requirements, selection criteria in case of limited enrolment, and transfer requirements. 4 Information on the contents and results gained 4.1 Indicate the mode of study: full-time, part-time or distance studies. 4.2 Describe the main components of the programme and allocate credits to them (express them in hours or indicate the proportion of time allocated to individual programme components, e.g. lectures, exercises, seminars, practical work) and provide information on the requirements to be met by students (examinations, seminar papers, practical training, diploma examination, and similar). 4.3 and 4.4 Provide details on the study programme (list of subjects, number of units per individual subjects, credit allocation, etc.), on student's achievements at examinations and other assessed programme components as well as any other accomplishments (important seminar papers, presentations, projects, diploma theses, awards, etc.). Failing grades should not be indicated. 4.5 Explain the assessment method, provide information on the grading scale, and explain the meaning of individual grades. 4.6 Provide the student's grade point average, calculated as the mean value of grades awarded for all required programme components, assessed with grades from 1 to 10. Failing grades and the grade for the diploma thesis and diploma examination should not be considered in the calculation. The latter grade should be given separately. Grade point average can also be provided for individual programme components (lectures, exercise and similar). 5 Information on the function of the qualification 5.1 Indicate the (types of) study programmes that the qualification gives access to. 5.2 List typical jobs that the qualification gives access to. 6 Additional information 6.1 Provide any other information on the study programme that has not been given in other sections but is important for the evaluation of the programme. 6.2 Provide the address of the university, faculty, and department offering further information, their telephone numbers, e-mail addresses and web pages, and the NARIC address. 7 Certification of the supplement 7.1 Indicate the date of issue of the Diploma Supplement. 7.2 Provide the name and family name of the official authorised to sign the Diploma Supplement. 7.3 Indicate the official post of the certifying individual. 7.5 Attach the official stamp or seal that provides authentication of the document.