Na podlagi tretjega odstavka 63. člena Zakona o zunanjih zadevah (Uradni list RS, št. 1/91-I) izdaja Vlada Republike Slovenije
1. člen
Ratificira se Finančni sporazum med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Organizacijo severnoatlantskega pakta o sodelovanju Republike Slovenije v KFOR, sklenjen z izmenjavo pisem z dne 26. avgusta 1999 in 29. novembra 1999.
2. člen
Sporazum se v izvirniku v angleškem jeziku in v prevodu v slovenskem jeziku glasi:
SG(99)1178.slovenpa 26 August 1999
Dear Ambassador,
I have the honour to refer to your acceptance that your country participates in the KFOR.
The financial responsibilities for the participation of your country in the KFOR will lie as follows.
The Government of the Republic of Slovenia shall be responsible for the transportation of the personnel of the Slovenian contingent, their weapons and equipment, without cost to NATO, from the designated point of departure to their station in the theatre area of operations and return, in accordance with the mutually established rotation schedule.
The Government of the Republic of Slovenia shall be responsible for the provision of food, lodging, utilities (gas, electricity, water), petroleum, oil, lubricants and medical care to the Slovenian personnel in the theatre area of operations as well as basic support, without cost to NATO. Similarly, NATO shall neither provide nor maintain the equipment to be utilized by the Slovenian contingent in the performance of its mission.
The Government of the Republic of Slovenia shall remain responsible for the payment to the personnel of the Slovenian contingent, without cost to NATO, of the salaries, special pay, benefits, per diem reimbursements, allowances, and other payments which would normally be paid such personnel when stationed in the theatre of operations.
The Government of the Republic of Slovenia shall provide the personnel of the Slovenian contingent, without cost to NATO, the weapons and other equipment required to perform their mission.
NATO shall provide no payments or reimbursements to the Government of the Republic of Slovenia for the provisions of forces to KFOR.
National representation at any NATO Headquarters will be at the expense of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia.
NATO nations and other troop contributing nations have agreed among themselves to waive all claims against each other and other non-NATO contributing nations for damage to property owned and used by, and injury to personnel belonging to, their contingents in the KFOR. Troop contributing nations and other constituent elements of the KFOR shall be responsible for claims for damages arising out of their acts and omissions and made by third parties from the nation in which the damage in question occurred. All third party claims shall be processed in accordance with the procedures to be promulgated by COMKFOR and submitted for settlement by the nation responsible for the damage. By accepting this financial agreement, the Government of the Republic of Slovenia obligates itself to accept the similar commitment.
Any financial issues not covered in the present letter remain the responsibility of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and will not entail any responsibility of NATO.
I have the honour to propose that this letter and your reply confirming the agreement of your Government to the terms thereof, shall constitute an Agreement which shall enter into force on the date of your reply.
Yours sincerely,
Javier Solana, (s)
His Excellency
Mr A. Gerzina
Chargé d’Affaires
Mission of the Republic of Slovenia
No.: 26/99 Brussels, 29 November 1999
Dear Lord Robertson,
I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of 26 August 1999 which reads as follows:
»I have the honour to refer to your acceptance that your country participates in the KFOR.
The financial responsibilities for the participation of your country in the KFOR will lie as follows.
The Government of the Republic of Slovenia shall be responsible for the transportation of the personnel of the Slovenian contingent, their weapons and equipment, without cost to NATO, from the designated point of departure to their station in the theatre area of operations and return, in accordance with the mutually established rotation schedule.
The Government of the Republic of Slovenia shall be responsible for the provision of food, lodging, utilities (gas, electricity, water), petroleum, oil, lubricants and medical care to the Slovenian personnel in the theatre area of operations as well as basic support, without cost to NATO. Similarly, NATO shall neither provide nor maintain the equipment to be utilized by the Slovenian contingent in the performance of its mission.
The Government of the Republic of Slovenia shall remain responsible for the payment to the personnel of the Slovenian contingent, without cost to NATO, of the salaries, special pay, benefits, per diem reimbursements, allowances, and other payments which would normally be paid such personnel when stationed in the theatre of operations.
The Government of the Republic of Slovenia shall provide the personnel of the Slovenian contingent, without cost to NATO, the weapons and other equipment required to perform their mission.
NATO shall provide no payments or reimbursements to the Government of the Republic of Slovenia for the provisions of forces to KFOR.
National representation at any NATO Headquarters will be at the expense of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia.
NATO nations and other troop contributing nations have agreed among themselves to waive all claims against each other and other non-NATO contributing nations for damage to property owned and used by, and injury to personnel belonging to, their contingents in the KFOR. Troop contributing nations and other constituent elements of the KFOR shall be responsible for claims for damages arising out of their acts and omissions and made by third parties from the nation in which the damage in question occurred. All third party claims shall be processed in accordance with the procedures to be promulgated by COMKFOR and submitted for settlement by the nation responsible for the damage. By accepting this financial agreement, the Government of the Republic of Slovenia obligates itself to accept the similar commitment.
Any financial issues not covered in the present letter remain the responsibility of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and will not entail any responsibility of NATO.
I have the honour to propose that this letter and your reply confirming the agreement of your Government to the terms thereof, shall constitute an Agreement which shall enter into force on the date of your reply.«
I have the honour to confirm on behalf of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia that the above cited agreement is acceptable for the Republic of Slovenia with the exception of the last paragraph relating to its entering into force. In accordance with the Law on Foreign Affairs the agreement in the Republic of Slovenia will enter into force when all internal legal procedures, required for its entry into force, are fulfilled, however it will be applied from the date of this letter.
Please accept, Lord Robertson, the expression of my highest consideration.
Yours sincerely,
Matjaž Šinkovec, (s)
Head of the Mission
The Rt. Hon. Lord Robertson of Port Ellen, PC
Secretary General
North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Generalni sekretar
Boulevard Léopold III
B-1110 Bruxelles
SG/99/1178.slovenpa 26. avgust 1999
Spoštovani gospod veleposlanik,
Čast imam sklicevati se na strinjanje vaše države, da sodeluje v KFOR-ju.
Finančne odgovornosti za sodelovanje vaše države v KFOR-ju bodo naslednje:
Vlada Republike Slovenije je odgovorna za prevoz osebja slovenskega kontingenta, njihovega orožja in opreme od kraja odhoda do njihove postaje na območje operacij in njihovo vrnitev, brez stroškov za Nato, v skladu s medsebojno dogovorjenim programom kroženja.
Vlada Republike Slovenije je odgovorna za prehrano, namestitev, javne storitve (plin, elektrika, voda), nafto, gorivo, maziva in zdravstveno oskrbo za slovensko osebje na območju operacij kot tudi osnovno podporo brez stroškov za Nato. Nato ne zagotavlja niti ne vzdržuje opreme, ki jo bo uporabljal slovenski kontingent pri izvajanju svoje misije.
Vlada Republike Slovenije je odgovorna za plačilo plače, posebnih plačil, dodatnih ugodnosti, dnevnic, dodatkov in drugih plačil osebju slovenskega kontingenta, ki se običajno izplača takemu osebju, kadar je na območju operacij.
Vlada Republike Slovenije zagotovi osebju slovenskega kontingenta orožje in drugo opremo, ki je potrebna za izvajanje njihove misije brez stroškov za Nato.
Nato ne zagotovi nobenih plačil ali nadomestil Vladi Republike Slovenije za zagotavljanje sil za KFOR.
Stroške predstavništva države na katerem koli Natovem poveljstvu bo krila Vlada Republike Slovenije.
Države članice Nata in druge države, ki prispevajo čete, so se dogovorile, da se bodo odpovedale medsebojnim zahtevkom in zahtevkom do drugih držav nečlanic Nata, ki prispevajo čete, za povzročeno škodo na premoženju, ki je v lasti njihovih kontingentov v KFOR-ju ali ga ti uporabljajo in za poškodbe osebja, ki pripada njihovim kontingentom v KFOR-ju. Države, ki prispevajo čete in drugi elementi v sestavu KFOR-ja, so odgovorni za odškodninske zahtevke tretjih strani iz države, v kateri je bila ta škoda povzročena in je nastala zaradi njihovih dejanj in opustitev. Vsi zahtevki tretjih strani se obravnavajo v skladu s postopki, ki jih predpisuje COMKFOR, v reševanje pa jih predloži država, ki je odgovorna za škodo. S sprejetjem tega finančnega dogovora se Vlada Republike Slovenije zaveže, da bo prevzela podobno obvezo.
Vse finančne zadeve, ki jih to pismo ne zajema, ostajajo odgovornost Vlade Republike Slovenije in ne bodo imele za posledico nobene finančne odgovornosti Nata.
Čast imam predlagati, da to pismo in vaš odgovor, ki potrjuje, da vaša Vlada soglaša s temi pogoji, sestavljata sporazum, ki začne veljati na dan vašega odgovora.
S spoštovanjem,
Javier Solana, l. r.
Njegova Ekscelenca
gospod A. Geržina
Odpravnik poslov
Misija Republike Slovenije pri Natu
Št.: 26/99 Bruselj, 29. november 1999
Spoštovani Lord Robertson,
čast imam potrditi prejem vašega pisma z dne 26. avgusta 1999, ki glasi:
»Čast imam sklicevati se na strinjanje vaše države, da sodeluje v KFOR-ju.
Finančne odgovornosti za sodelovanje vaše države v KFOR-ju bodo naslednje:
Vlada Republike Slovenije je odgovorna za prevoz osebja slovenskega kontingenta, njihovega orožja in opreme od kraja odhoda do njihove postaje na območje operacij in njihovo vrnitev, brez stroškov za Nato, v skladu s medsebojno dogovorjenim programom kroženja.
Vlada Republike Slovenije je odgovorna za prehrano, namestitev, javne storitve (plin, elektrika, voda), nafto, gorivo, maziva in zdravstveno oskrbo za slovensko osebje na območju operacij kot tudi osnovno podporo brez stroškov za Nato. Nato ne zagotavlja niti ne vzdržuje opreme, ki jo bo uporabljal slovenski kontingent pri izvajanju svoje misije.
Vlada Republike Slovenije je odgovorna za plačilo plače, posebnih plačil, dodatnih ugodnosti, dnevnic, dodatkov in drugih plačil osebju slovenskega kontingenta, ki se običajno izplača takemu osebju, kadar je na območju operacij.
Vlada Republike Slovenije zagotovi osebju slovenskega kontingenta orožje in drugo opremo, ki je potrebna za izvajanje njihove misije brez stroškov za Nato.
Nato ne zagotovi nobenih plačil ali nadomestil Vladi Republike Slovenije za zagotavljanje sil za KFOR.
Stroške predstavništva države na katerem koli Natovem poveljstvu bo krila Vlada Republike Slovenije.
Države članice Nata in druge države, ki prispevajo čete, so se dogovorile, da se bodo odpovedale medsebojnim zahtevkom in zahtevkom do drugih držav nečlanic Nata, ki prispevajo čete, za povzročeno škodo na premoženju, ki je v lasti njihovih kontingentov v KFOR-ju ali ga ti uporabljajo in za poškodbe osebja, ki pripada njihovim kontingentom v KFOR-ju. Države, ki prispevajo čete in drugi elementi v sestavu KFOR-ja, so odgovorni za odškodninske zahtevke tretjih strani iz države, v kateri je bila ta škoda povzročena in je nastala zaradi njihovih dejanj in opustitev. Vsi zahtevki tretjih strani se obravnavajo v skladu s postopki, ki jih predpisuje COMKFOR, v reševanje pa jih predloži država, ki je odgovorna za škodo. S sprejetjem tega finančnega dogovora se Vlada Republike Slovenije zaveže, da bo prevzela podobno obvezo.
Vse finančne zadeve, ki jih to pismo ne zajema, ostajajo odgovornost Vlade Republike Slovenije in ne bodo imele za posledico nobene finančne odgovornosti Nata.
Čast imam predlagati, da to pismo in vaš odgovor, ki potrjuje, da vaša Vlada soglaša s temi pogoji, sestavljata sporazum, ki začne veljati na dan vašega odgovora.«
V imenu Vlade Republike Slovenije imam čast potrditi, da je za Republiko Slovenijo zgoraj navedeni sporazum sprejemljiv, razen zadnjega odstavka glede začetka veljavnosti. V skladu z Zakonom o zunanjih zadevah Republike Slovenije sporazum začne veljati, ko so izpolnjeni vsi notranjepravni postopki, potrebni za začetek veljavnosti tega sporazuma; uporablja pa se od dne tega pisma.
Sprejmite prosim, Lord Robertson, izraze mojega odličnega spoštovanja.
S spoštovanjem,
Matjaž Šinkovec l. r.
vodja misije
Lord Robertson
Generalni sekretar
Organizacija Severnoatlantskega pakta
3. člen
Za izvajanje sporazuma skrbi Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve v sodelovanju z Ministrstvom za obrambo.
4. člen
Ta uredba začne veljati naslednji dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 900-95/97-84 (T1)
Ljubljana, dne 3. februarja 2000
Vlada Republike Slovenije
dr. Janez Drnovšek l. r.