Na podlagi druge alinee prvega odstavka 107. člena in prvega odstavka 91. člena Ustave Republike Slovenije izdajam
Razglašam Zakon o ratifikaciji Sporazuma med Republiko Slovenijo in Republiko Albanijo o vzajemnem spodbujanju in zaščiti vlaganj (BALSZV), ki ga je sprejel Državni zbor Republike Slovenije na seji 15. februarja 2000.
Št. 001-22-11/00
Ljubljana, dne 23. februarja 2000
Republike Slovenije
Milan Kučan l. r.
1. člen
Ratificira se Sporazum med Republiko Slovenijo in Republiko Albanijo o vzajemnem spodbujanju in zaščiti vlaganj, podpisan na Bledu 23. oktobra 1997.
2. člen
Sporazum se v izvirniku v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku glasi:*
Republika Slovenija in Republika Albanija (v nadaljevanju pogodbenici);
ki želita na dolgoročni podlagi okrepiti svoje gospodarsko sodelovanje v korist obeh držav;
ki nameravata ustvariti in ohranjati ugodne razmere za vlaganja vlagateljev ene pogodbenice na ozemlju druge pogodbenice;
ki se zavedata, da bosta pospeševanje in zaščita vlaganj na podlagi tega sporazuma spodbudila pobudo na tem področju;
sta se dogovorili naslednje:
1. člen
Za namene tega sporazumu:
1. “vlaganje“ pomeni vse vrste sredstev, ki jih vloži vlagatelj ene pogodbenice v skladu z zakoni in predpisi druge pogodbenice in ki obsegajo predvsem, vendar ne izključno:
a) premičnine in nepremičnine ter druge stvarne pravice, kot so služnostne pravice, hipoteke, pravice do zaplembe, zastave in podobne pravice;
b) delnice in druge vrednostne papirje ter vse druge oblike udeležbe v kakem podjetju;
c) posojila, denarne zahtevke ali zahtevke za izvedbo pogodbenih del z ekonomsko vrednostjo, ki jih spremlja vlaganje;
d) avtorske pravice, pravice industrijske lastnine (kot so patenti, uporabni modeli, vzorci ali modeli, blagovne ali storitvene znamke, firma, oznake o poreklu), znanje in izkušnje in goodwill;
e) vsakršno z zakonom ali po pogodbi dodeljeno pravico in po zakonu dodeljena dovoljenja vključno s koncesijami za iskanje, pridobivanje, gojenje ali izkoriščanje naravnih bogastev.
Kakršna koli sprememba oblike vlaganja odobrena v skladu z zakoni in predpisi pogodbenice, na ozemlju katere je bilo vlaganje opravljeno, ne vpliva na naravo vlaganja.
2. “Dohodek“ pomeni prihodke od vlaganja in med drugim obsega še posebej dobiček, obresti, prihodke od kapitala, dividende, avtorske in druge honorarje ter druge prihodke.
3. “Vlagatelj“ v zvezi s pogodbenicama pomeni:
za Republiko Slovenijo:
a) izraz “fizična oseba“, ki pomeni fizične osebe, ki so državljani te pogodbenice;
b) izraz “pravna oseba“, ki pomeni pravne subjekte skupaj s podjetji, korporacijami, poslovnimi združenji in drugimi organizacijami, ki so ustanovljeni ali drugače ustrezno organizirani v skladu z zakonodajo te pogodbenice in imajo svoj sedež na njenem ozemlju, kjer opravljajo svoje gospodarske dejavnosti;
za Republiko Albanijo:
a) izraz “fizična oseba“, ki pomeni vsako fizično osebo, ki je državljan te pogodbenice v skladu z njeno zakonodajo;
b) izraz “pravna oseba“, ki pomeni kateri koli subjekt, registriran ali ustanovljen v skladu z njeno zakonodajo kot pravna oseba in je po tej zakonodaji kot tak priznan ter ima stalni sedež na ozemlju te pogodbnice.
4. Izraz “ozemlje“ pomeni v zvezi s katero koli pogodbnico ozemlje, ki je pod njeno suverenostjo, kot tudi teritorialno vode, epikontinentalni pas in področja pod morsko površino, na katerem pogodbenica v skladu z mednarodnim pravom izvaja suverene pravice ali jurisdikcijo.
2. člen
1. Vsaka pogodbenica na svojem ozemlju spodbuja vlaganja vlagateljev druge pogodbenice in dopušča taka vlaganja v skladu s svojimi zakoni in predpisi.
2. Dohodek od vlaganj in prihodek, ki izhaja iz odobrenega reinvestiranja, uživata enako zaščito kot osnovna vlaganja.
3. Vlaganja vlagateljev ene izmed pogodbenic se na ozemlju druge pogodbenice ves čas pravično in nepristransko obravnavajo in uživajo popolno zaščito in varnost.
3. člen
1. Vsaka pogodbenica na svojem ozemlju zaščiti vlaganja, ki jih v skladu z njenimi zakoni in predpisi opravijo vlagatelji druge pogodbenice, in ne sprejema neupravičenih ali diskriminacijskih ukrepov, s katerimi bi škodovala upravljanju, vzdrževanju, uporabi, uživanju, širitvi, prodaji in morebitni likvidaciji takih vlaganj.
2. Vsaka pogodbenica na svojem ozemlju zagotavlja pravično in nepristransko obravnavo vlaganj vlagateljev druge pogodbenice. Ta obravnava ne bo manj ugodna od obravnave, ki jo pogodbenica za vlaganja na svojem ozemlju zagotavlja svojim vlagateljem ali vlagateljem iz kake tretje države, če je slednja obravnava ugodnejša.
3. Obravnava po načelu države z največjimi ugodnostmi pa ne velja za privilegije, ki jih katera koli pogodbenica dodeli vlagateljem kake tretje države zaradi svojega članstva ali pridruženega članstva v kakem območju proste trgovine, carinski uniji, skupnem trgu ali organizaciji za regionalno gospodarsko sodelovanje ali pridružitve kaki obstoječi ali prihodnji konvenciji o izogibanju dvojnemu obdavčevanju ali konvenciji o drugih davčnih zadevah.
4. člen
1. Vlaganj vlagateljev ene pogodbenice na ozemlju druge pogodbenice ni mogoče razlastiti, nacionalizirati ali v zvezi z njimi sprejemati drugih ukrepov, ki bi imeli enak učinek kot razlastitev ali nacionalizacija, razen če to ni v javno korist in proti takojšnji, primerni in učinkoviti odškodnini ter v skladu z ustreznimi zakonskimi postopki na nediskriminacijski podlagi. Taka odškodnina bo izračunana na podlagi tržne vrednosti razlaščenega vlaganja tik pred dnevom dejanske ali nameravane razlastitve, nacionalizacije ali podobnega ukrepa, oziroma preden je nameravana razlastitev postala splošno znana, karkoli je prej.
Odškodnina bo plačana brez nepotrebnega odlašanja in bo vključevala veljavne bančne obresti do dneva plačila. Biti mora dejansko vnovčljiva in prosto prenosljiva.
V primeru razlastitve, nacionalizacije ali podobnega ukrepa je potrebno na ustrezen način predvideti določitev in plačilo te odškodnine.
2. Vlagatelji vsake pogodbenice so v zvezi z določili tega člena na ozemlju druge pogodbenice deležni obravnave po načelu države z največjimi ugodnostmi.
5. člen
Vlagateljem vsake pogodbenice, ki pri svojih vlaganjih na ozemlju druge pogodbenice utrpijo izgube zaradi vojne, oboroženih spopadov, revolucije, izrednega stanja v državi, upora, vstaje ali nemirov pri svojih vlaganjih, bo v zvezi s povračilom, nadomestilom, odškodnino ali drugo obliko poravnave zagotovljena obravnava, ki bo vsaj tako ugodna kot obravnava, ki jo druga pogodbenica priznava svojim vlagateljem ali vlagateljem kake tretje države. Če je le mogoče, morajo biti plačila na tej podlagi prosto prenosljiva in izplačana brez neupravičene zamude.
6. člen
1. Vsaka pogodbenica, na čigar ozemlju so bila opravljena vlaganja s strani vlagateljev druge pogodbenice, zagotavlja vlagateljem druge pogodbenice v prosto zamenljivi valuti prost prenos sredstev v zvezi z njihovimi vlaganji in še zlasti, ne pa izključno:
a) kapital in dodatne zneske za vzdrževanje ali povečanje vlaganja;
b) dobiček, obresti, dividende in druge tekoče prihodke;
c) sredstva za odplačilo pravilno dogovorjenih in dokumentiranih posojil v zvezi z določenim vlaganjem;
d) avtorske in druge honorarje;
e) dohodke od celotne ali delne prodaje ali likvidacije vlaganja;
f) osebne dohodke tujih državljanov, zaposlenih pri tujem vlagatelju v skladu z zakoni in predpisi posamezne pogodbenice.
2. Prenosi v prosto zamenljivi valuti morajo biti opravljeni brez neupravičene zamude po tržnem menjalnem tečaju, ki prevladuje na dan izvršitve prenosa, v skladu s postopki, ki jih določi pogodbenica, na katere ozemlju je bilo vlaganje opravljeno.
7. člen
1. Če pogodbenica ali kaka njena agencija opravi plačilo svojemu vlagatelju na podlagi garancije ali zavarovanja, za katero se je v zvezi z določenim vlaganjem pogodbeno obvezala, bo druga pogodbenica priznala veljavnost prenosa vsakršne pravice ali upravičenja, ki pripada temu vlagatelju, v korist prve pogodbenice ali njene agencije.
Pogodbenica ali kaka njena agencija, na katero se prenesejo pravice kakega vlagatelja, ima enake pravice kot vlagatelj v obsegu, v katerem te pravice uveljavlja. Pri tem pa zanjo veljajo obveznosti vlagatelja v zvezi s tako zavarovanim vlaganjem.
2. Pri prenosu pravice, opredeljene v prvem odstavku zgoraj, vlagatelj ne uveljavlja svojih terjatev, razen če ga za to ne pooblasti pogodbenica ali kaka njena agencija.
8. člen
Določbe tega sporazuma veljajo za vlaganja vlagateljev ene pogodbenice na ozemlju druge pogodbenice po 1. januarju 1992, ko je Republika Albanija sprejela prvi zakon o tujih vlaganjih.
9. člen
1. Spori med pogodbenicama v zvezi z razlago ali uporabo tega sporazuma, se po možnosti rešujejo po diplomatski poti.
2. Spor, ki ga na ta način ni mogoče rešiti v šestih mesecih, se na zahtevo katere koli pogodbenice predloži arbiražnemu sodišču v skladu z določbami tega člena.
3. Arbitražno sodišče se ustanovi za vsak posamezen primer na sledeč način. V dveh mesecih po prejemu zahtevka za arbitražo imenuje vsaka pogodbenica enega člana sodišča. Ta dva člana potem izbereta državljana kake tretje države, ki je imenovan za predsednika sodišča (v nadaljevanju “predsednik“), ko ga potrdita pogodbenici. Predsednika je treba imenovati v treh mesecih od datuma imenovanja drugih dveh članov.
4. Če v obdobjih iz tretjega odstavka tega člena potrebna imenovanja niso opravljena, je mogoče za imenovanje zaprositi predsednika Meddržavnega sodišča. Če je ta slučajno državljan ene od pogodbenic ali zaradi kakih drugih razlogov ne more opravljati omenjene funkcije, je treba za imenovanje zaprositi podpredsednika. In če je tudi ta slučajno državljan ene od pogodbenic ali zaradi kakih drugih razlogov ne more opravljati omenjene funkcije, je treba zaprositi naslednjega po funkciji najvišjega člana Meddržavnega sodišča, ki ni državaljan nobene od pogodbenic, da opravi imenovanja.
5. Arbitražno sodišče odloča z večino glasov. Njegove odločitve so obvezujoče. Vsaka pogodbenica krije stroške za svojega razsodnika in svojega zastopstva v arbitražnem postopku. Stroške za predsednika in druge stroške pa si pogodbenici enakomerno porazdelita. Arbitražno sodišče določi svoj postopek.
10. člen
1. Vsak spor, ki bi nastal med vlagateljem iz ene pogodbenice in drugo pogodbenico zaradi vlaganja na ozemlju te pogodbenice, stranki, vpleteni v spor, rešujeta s pogajanji.
2. Če spora med vlagateljem iz ene pogodbenice in drugo pogodbenico ni mogoče rešiti na ta način v šestih mesecih od začetka pogajanj, ima vlagatelj pravico, da zadevo predloži bodisi:
a) pristojnemu sodišču pogodbenice, na ozemlju katere je bilo vlaganje opravljeno; ali
b) Mednarodnemu centru za reševanje investicijskih sporov (ICSID) ob upoštevanju ustreznih določb Konvencije o reševanju investicijskih sporov med državami in državljani drugih držav, odprte za podpisovanje v Washingtonu D.C. 18. marca 1965, če sta pogodbenici podpisnici te konvencije; ali
c) mednarodnemu arbitražneemu sodišču, ustanovljenemu posebej za to priložnost na podlagi pravilnika o arbitraži Komisije Združenih narodov za mednarodno trgovinsko pravo (UNCITRAL). Stranki, vpleteni v spor, se lahko pisno dogovorita o spremembi tega pravilnika. Odločbe arbitražnega sodišča so za stranki, vpleteni v spor, dokončne in obvezujoče.
11. člen
Če bi zakonske določbe katere koli pogodbenice ali sedanje ali morebitne prihodnje medsebojne obveznosti pogodbenic po mednarodnem pravu poleg tega sporazuma vsebovale kak splošen ali poseben predpis, ki bi vlaganjem vlagateljev iz druge države pogodbenice zagotavljal ugodnejšo obravnavo, kot jo zagotavlja ta sporazum, tak predpis v obsegu, v katerem je ugodnejši, prevlada nad tem sporazumom.
12. člen
Predstavniki pogodbenic se po potrebi posvetujejo o vsaki zadevi, ki vpliva na uresničevanje tega sporazuma. Ta posvetovanja bodo opravljena na predlog ene od pogodbenic v kraju in času, o katerih se bosta pogodbenici dogovorili po diplomatski poti.
13. člen
1. Vsaka pogodbenica drugo po diplomatski poti obvesti o opravljenih postopkih, ki so po njeni zakonodaji potrebni za začetek veljavnosti tega sporazuma. Ta sporazum začne veljati z datumom drugega uradnega obvestila.
2. Ta sporazum velja za obdobje deset let. Po tem obdobju velja še naprej, razen če katera od pogodbenic eno leto pred pretekom začetega ali kakega kasnejšega obdobja druge uradno ne obvesti o svoji nameri, da sporazum odpove.
3. Za vlaganja pred prenehanjem veljavnosti tega sporazuma veljajo njegove določbe še deset let po datumu prenehanja njegove veljavnosti.
V potrditev tega sta spodaj podpisana, ki so ju za to pravilno pooblastile njune oblasti, podpisala ta sporazum.
Sestavljeno v dveh izvirnikih na Bledu dne 23. oktobra 1997, v slovenskem, albanskem in angleškem jeziku. Vsa besedila so enako verodostojna. Ob morebitni različni razlagi je odločilno angleško besedilo.
Republiko Slovenijo
Marjan Senjur l. r.
Republiko Albanijo
Shaqir Vukaj l. r.
The Republic of Slovenia and the Republic of Albania (hereinafter referred to as the Contracting Parties);
DESIRING to intensify their economic cooperation to the mutual benefit of both countries on a long-term basis;
INTENDING to create and maintain favourable conditions for investments by investors of either Contracting Party in the territory of the other Contracting Party;
RECOGNIZING that the encouragement and protection of investments on the basis of the present Agreement will stimulate the initiative in this field;
Article 1
For the purposes of this Agreement:
1. “Investment“ shall mean every kind of asset invested by an investor of one Contracting Party, provided that they have been made in accordance with the laws and regulations of the other Contracting Party, and shall include in particular though not exclusively:
a) movable and immovable property and any other rights in rem, such as servitudes, mortgages, liens, pledges and similar rights;
b) shares, stocks and other securities and any other form of interests in a company;
c) loans, claims to money or to any performance under contract having an economic value and accompanied by an investment;
d) copyrights, industrial property rights (such as patents, utility models, industrial designs or models, trade or service marks, trade names, indications of origin), know-how and goodwill;
e) any right conferred by law or under contract and any licenses and permits pursuant to law, including the concessions to search for, extract, cultivate or exploit natural resources.
Any change in the form of an investment, admitted in accordance with laws and regulations of the Contracting Party on whose territory the investment was made, does not affect its character as an investment.
2. “Returns“ shall mean the amounts yielded by an investment and in particular, though not exclusively, includes profit, interest, capital gains, dividends, royalties, fees and other income.
3. “Investor“ shall comprise with regard to either Contracting Party:
In respect of the Republic of Slovenia:
a) the term “natural person“ which shall mean natural persons having the nationality of the Contracting Party;
b) the term “legal person“ which shall mean legal entities, including companies, corporations, business associations and other organizations, which are constituted or otherwise duly organized under the law of that Contracting Party and have their seat, together with economic activities, in the territory of that Contracting Party;
In respect of the Republic of Albania:
a) the term “natural person“ which shall mean any natural person having the nationality of that Contracting Party in accordance with its laws;
b) the term “legal person“ which shall mean any entity incorporated or constituted in accordance with, and recognized as a legal person by its laws, having permanent residence in the territory of that Contracting Party.
4. “Territory“ shall mean in respect of either Contracting Party the territory under its sovereignty as well as the territorial waters, the continental shelf and submarine areas over which that Contracting Party exercises, in conformity with international law, sovereign rights or jurisdiction.
Article 2
1. Each Contracting Party shall promote on its territory investments by investors of the other Contracting Party and admit such investments in accordance with its laws and regulations.
2. Returns from the investments and, in cases of approved reinvestment, the income ensuing therefrom shall enjoy the same protection as the major investments.
3. Investments of investors of either Contracting Party shall at all times be accorded fair and equitable treatment and shall enjoy full protection and security in the territory of the other Contracting Party.
Article 3
1. Each Contracting Party shall protect within its territory investments made in accordance with its laws and regulations by investors of the other Contracting Party and shall not impair by unreasonable or discriminatory measures the management, maintenance, use, enjoyment, extension, sale and should it so happen, liquidation of such investments.
2. Each Contracting Party shall ensure within its territory fair and equitable treatment of the investments of the investors of the other Contracting Party. This treatment shall not be less favourable than that granted by each Contracting Party to investments made within its territory by its own investors, or made within its territory by investors of any third State, if this latter treatment is more favourable.
3. The treatment of the most favoured nation shall not apply to privileges which either Contracting Party accords to investors of a third State because of its membership in or association with a free trade area, customs union, common market or organization for regional economic cooperation or to an existing or future convention on the avoidance of double taxation or a convention on other fiscal matters.
Article 4
1. Investments by investors of either Contracting Party shall not be expropriated, nationalized or subjected to any other measure the effects of which would be tantamount to expropriation or nationalization in the territory of the other Contracting Party, except for the public benefit and against prompt, adequate and effective compensation, and always under due process of law and without discrimination. Such compensation shall be equivalent to the market value of the expropriated investment immediately before the date on which the actual or threatened expropriation, nationalization or comparable measure has been taken or become publicly known, whichever is earlier.
The compensation shall be paid without undue delay, and shall carry the current bank interest until the time of payment. It shall by effectively realizable and freely transferable.
Provision shall have been made in an appropriate manner at or prior to the time of expropriation, nationalization or comparable measure for the determination and payment of such compensation.
2. Investors of either Contracting Party shall enjoy most favoured nation treatment in the territory of the other Contracting Party in respect of the matters provided for in this Article.
Article 5
Investors of either Contracting Party who suffer losses of their investments on the territory of the other Contracting Party due to war or other armed conflict, revolution, a state of national emergency, revolt, insurrection or riot, shall be accorded with respect to restitution, indemnification, compensation or other settlement, no less favourable treatment than that which the latter Contracting Party accords to its own investors or to investors of any third State. Resulting payments shall whenever possible be freely transferable without undue delay.
Article 6
1. Each Contracting Party in whose territory investments have been made by investors of the other Contracting Party shall grant those investments a free transfer of payments in freely convertible currency relating to these investments, particularly but not exclusively:
a) capital and additional amounts to maintain or increase the investment;
b) profits, interest, dividends and other current income;
c) funds in repayment of loans regularly contracted and documented and directly related to a specific investment;
d) royalties and other fees;
e) the proceeds from a total or partial sale or liquidation of the whole or any part of an investment;
f) personal earnings of foreign citizens employed by the foreign investor, according to the laws and regulations of each Contracting Party.
2. Transfers in freely convertible currency shall be effected without undue delay at the prevailing market rate of exchange for commercial transactions on the date of the transfer, in accordance with the procedures established by the Contracting Party in whose territory the investment was made.
Article 7
1. If a Contracting Party or any agency thereof makes a payment to any of its investors under a guarantee or insurance it has contracted in respect of an investment, the other Contracting Party shall recognize the validity of the subrogation in favour of the former Contracting Party or agency thereof to any right or title held by the investor.
The Contracting Party or any agency thereof which is subrogated in the rights of an investor shall be entitled to the same rights as those of the investor and to the extent that they exercise such rights. They shall do so subject to the obligations of the investor pertaining to such insured investment.
2. In the case of subrogation as defined in paragraph 1 above, the investor shall not pursue a claim unless authorized to do so by the Contracting Party or any agency thereof.
Article 8
The provisions of this Agreement shall apply to investments made by investors of one Contracting Party in the territory of the other Contracting Party after January 1, 1992, when the Republic of Albania adopted the first law on foreign investment.
Article 9
1. Disputes between the Contracting Parties concerning the interpretation or application of this Agreement shall, if possible, be settled through diplomatic channels.
2. If a dispute cannot be thus settled within six months, it shall upon the request of either Contracting Party, be submitted to an Arbitral Tribunal in accordance with the provisions of this Article.
3. The Arbitral Tribunal shall be constituted for each individual case in the following way. Within two months of the receipt of the request for arbitration, each Contracting Party shall appoint one member of the Tribunal. These two members shall than select a national of a third State who on approval of the two Contracting Parties shall be appointed Chairman of the Tribunal (hereinafter referred to as the “Chairman“). The Chairman shall be appointed within three months from the date of appointment of the other two members.
4. If within the periods specified in paragraph 3 of this Article the necessary appointments have not been made, a request may be made to the President of the International Court of Justice to make the appointments. If he happens to be a national of either Contracting Party, or if he is otherwise prevented from discharging the said function, the Vice-President shall be invited to make the appointments. If the Vice-President also happens to be a national of either Contracting Party or is prevented from discharging the said function, the member of the International Court of Justice next in seniority who is not a national of either Contracting Party shall be invited to make the appointments.
5. The Arbitral Tribunal shall reach its decision by a majority of votes. Such decision shall be binding. Each Contracting Party shall bear the costs of its own arbitrator and its representation in the arbitral proceedings; the costs of the Chairman and the remaining costs shall be borne in equal parts by both Contracting Parties. The Arbitral Tribunal shall determine its own procedure.
Article 10
1. Any dispute which may arise between an investor of one Contracting Party and the other Contracting Party in connection with an investment on the territory of that other Contracting Party shall be subject to negotiations between the parties in dispute.
2. If any dispute between an investor of one Contracting Party and the other Contracting Party can not be thus settled within a period of six months from the beginning of such negotiations, the investor shall be entitled to submit the case either to:
a) the competent court of the Contracting Party in the territory of which the investment has been made; or
b) the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) having regard to the applicable provisions of the Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and Nationals of other States opened for signature at Washington D.C. on 18 March 1965, in the event both Contracting Parties are parties to this Convention; or
c) an arbitrator or international ad hoc arbitral tribunal established under the Arbitration Rules of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL). The parties to the dispute may agree in writing to modify these Rules. The arbitral awards shall be final and binding on both Parties to the dispute.
Article 11
If the provisions of law of either Contracting Party or obligations under international law existing at present or established thereafter between the Contracting Parties in addition to the present Agreement contain a regulation, whether general or specific, entitling investments by investors of the other Contracting Party to a treatment more favourable than that provided for by the present Agreement, such a regulation shall, to the extent that it is more favourable, prevail over the present Agreement.
Article 12
Representatives of the Contracting Parties shall, whenever necessary, hold consultations on any matter affecting the implementation of this Agreement. These consultations shall be held on the proposal of one of the Contracting Parties at a place and at a time agreed upon through diplomatic channels.
Article 13
1. Each of the Contracting Parties shall notify the other through diplomatic channels of the completion of the procedures required by its law for bringing this Agreement into force. This Agreement shall enter into force on the date of the second notification.
2. This Agreement shall remain in force for a period of ten years and shall continue in force thereafter unless, one year before the expiry of the initial or any subsequent periods, either Contracting Party notifies the other in writing of its intention to terminate the Agreement.
3. In respect of investments made prior to the termination of this Agreement, the provisions of this Agreement shall continue to be effective for a period of ten years from the date of termination.
In witness whereof the undersigned, duly authorized by their respective Authorities, have signed this Agreement.
Done in duplicate at Bled, this 23rd day of October, 1997, in Slovenian, Albanian and English languages, all texts being equally authentic. In case of any divergence of interpretation, the English text shall prevail.
For the
Republic of Slovenia
Marjan Senjur, (s)
For the
Republic of Albania
Shaqir Vukaj, (s)
3. člen
Za izvajanje sporazuma skrbi Ministrstvo za ekonomske odnose in razvoj.
4. člen
Ta zakon začne veljati naslednji dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije - Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 410-01/99-21/1
Ljubljana, dne 15. februarja 2000
Državnega zbora
Republike Slovenije
Janez Podobnik, dr. med. l. r.
* Besedilo sporazuma v albanskem jeziku je na vpogled v Sektorju za mednarodne pravne zadeve Ministrstva za zunanje zadeve Republike Slovenije.