Uradni list

Številka 30
Uradni list RS, št. 30/2000 z dne 6. 4. 2000
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 30/2000 z dne 6. 4. 2000


40. Uredba o ratifikaciji Pariškega memoranduma o soglasju glede nadzora, ki ga opravlja inšpekcija za varnost plovbe, stran 225.

Na podlagi tretjega odstavka 63. člena Zakona o zunanjih zadevah (Uradni list RS, št. 1/91-I) izdaja Vlada Republike Slovenije
1. člen
Ratificira se Pariški memorandum o soglasju glede nadzora, ki ga opravlja inšpekcija za varnost plovbe, podpisan v Parizu 26. januarja 1982, v besedilu z dne 14. decembra 1999.
2. člen
Memorandum se v angleškem jeziku in v prevodu v slovenskem jeziku glasi:
The Maritime Authorities of
Germany (Federal Republic of)
Russian Federation
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
hereinafter referred to as ‘the Authorities’
Recalling the Final Declaration adopted on 2 December 1980 by the Regional European Conference on Maritime Safety which underlined the need to increase maritime safety and the protection of the marine environment and the importance of improving living and working conditions on board ship;
Noting with appreciation the progress achieved in these fields by the International Maritime Organization and the International Labour Organization;
Noting also the contribution of the European Union towards meeting the above mentioned objectives;
Mindful that the principal responsibility for the effective application of standards laid down in international instruments rests upon the authorities of the State whose flag a ship is entitled to fly;
Recognizing nevertheless that effective action by port States is required to prevent the operation of substandard ships;
Recognizing also the need to avoid distorting competition between ports;
Convinced of the necessity, for these purposes, of an improved and harmonized system of port State control and of strengthening co-operation and the exchange of information;
have reached the following understanding:
Section 1 Commitments
1.1 Each Authority will give effect to the provisions of the present Memorandum and the Annexes thereto, which constitute an integral part of the Memorandum.
1.2 Each Authority will maintain an effective system of port State control with a view to ensuring that, without discrimination as to flag, foreign merchant ships calling at a port of its State, or anchored off such a port, comply with the standards laid down in the relevant instruments as defined in section 2. Each Authority may also carry out controls on ships at off-shore installations.
1.3 Each Authority will achieve an annual total of inspections corresponding to 25% of the estimated number of individual foreign merchant ships, hereinafter referred to as ‘ships’, which entered the ports of its State during a recent representative period of 12 months.
1.4 Each Authority will consult, cooperate and exchange information with the other Authorities in order to further the aims of the Memorandum.
Section 2 Relevant instruments
2.1 For the purposes of the Memorandum ‘relevant instruments’ are the following instruments:
.1 the International Convention on Load Lines, 1966 (LOAD LINES 66);
.2 the Protocol of 1988 relating to the International Convention on Load Lines, 1966 (LL PROT 88);
.3 the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 (SOLAS 74);
.4 the Protocol of 1978 relating to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 (SOLAS PROT 78);
.5 the Protocol of 1988 relating to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 (SOLAS PROT 88);
.6 the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973, as modified by the Protocol of 1978 relating thereto (MARPOL 73/78);
.7 the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978 (STCW 78);
.8 the Convention on the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972 (COLREG 72);
.9 the International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of Ships, 1969 (TONNAGE 69);
.10 the Merchant Shipping (Minimum Standards) Convention, 1976 (ILO Convention No. 147) (ILO 147).
2.2 With respect to ILO 147 each Authority will apply the procedures referred to in section 7 of Annex 1 for the application of ILO publication “Inspection of Labour Conditions on board Ship: Guide-lines for procedure”.
2.3 Each Authority will apply those relevant instruments which are in force and to which its State is a Party. In the case of amendments to a relevant instrument each Authority will apply those amendments which are in force and which its State has accepted. An instrument so amended will then be deemed to be the ‘relevant instrument’ for that Authority.
2.4 In applying a relevant instrument, the Authorities will ensure that no more favourable treatment is given to ships of non-Parties or to ships below convention size. The Authorities will thereby apply the procedures specified in section 3 of Annex 1.
Section 3 Inspection Procedures, Rectification and Detention
3.1 In fulfilling their commitments the Authorities will carry out inspections, which will consist of a visit on board a ship in order to check the certificates and documents as referred to in section 2 of Annex 1. Furthermore the Authorities will satisfy themselves that the crew and the overall condition of the ship, including the engine room and accommodation and including hygienic conditions, meets generally accepted international rules and standards.
In the absence of valid certificates or documents or if there are clear grounds for believing that the condition of a ship or of its equipment, or its crew does not substantially meet the requirements of a relevant instrument, a more detailed inspection will be carried out, as referred to in section 5 of Annex 1, or, as appropriate, an expanded inspection will be carried out as referred to in section 8 of Annex 1. Examples of clear grounds are given in section 4 of Annex 1.
The Authorities will include control on compliance with on board operational requirements in their inspections.
3.2 Nothing in these procedures will be construed as restricting the powers of the Authorities to take measures within its jurisdiction in respect of any matter to which the relevant instruments relate.
3.3 In selecting ships for inspection, the Authorities will give priority to the ships referred to in section 1 of Annex 1.
3.4 The Authorities will seek to avoid inspecting ships which have been inspected by any of the other Authorities within the previous six months, unless they have clear grounds for inspection. The frequency of inspection does not apply to the ships referred to in 3.3 in which case the Authorities will seek satisfaction whenever they will deem this appropriate.
3.5 Inspections will be carried out by properly qualified persons authorized for that purpose by the Authority concerned and acting under its responsibility, having regard in particular to Annex 6.
When the required professional expertise cannot be provided by the Authority, the port State control officer of that Authority may be assisted by any person with the required expertise. Port State control officers and the persons assisting them will have no commercial interest, either in the port of inspection or in the ships inspected, nor will port State control officers be employed by or undertake work on behalf of non-governmental organizations which issue statutory and classification certificates or which carry out the surveys necessary for the issue of those certificates to ships.
Each port State control officer will carry a personal document in the form of an identity card issued by his Authority in accordance with the national legislation, indicating that the port State control officer is authorized to carry out inspections.
3.6.1 Each Authority will endeavour to secure the rectification of all deficiencies detected. On the condition that all possible efforts have been made to rectify all deficiencies, other than those referred to in 3.7.1, the ship may be allowed to proceed to a port where any such deficiencies can be rectified.
3.6.2 In exceptional circumstances where, as a result of the initial control and a more detailed inspection, the overall condition of a ship and its equipment, also taking the crew and its living and working conditions into account, is found to be sub-standard, the Authority may suspend an inspection.
The suspension of the inspection may continue until the responsible parties have taken the steps necessary to ensure that the ship complies with the requirements of the relevant instruments.
Prior to suspending an inspection, the Authority must have recorded detainable deficiencies in the areas set out in 9.3.3 and 9.3.4 of Annex 1, as appropriate.
In cases where the ship is detained and an inspection is suspended, the Authority will as soon as possible notify the responsible parties. The notification will include information about the detention. Furthermore it will state that the inspection is suspended until the Authority has been informed that the ship complies with all relevant requirements.
3.7.1 In the case of deficiencies which are clearly hazardous to safety, health or the environment, the Authority will, except as provided in 3.8, ensure that the hazard is removed before the ship is allowed to proceed to sea. For this purpose appropriate action will be taken, which may include detention or a formal prohibition of a ship to continue an operation due to established deficiencies which, individually or together, would render the continued operation hazardous.
3.7.2 In the case of a detention, the Authority will immediately notify the flag State Administration* ) in writing ,which includes the report of inspection specified in Annex 3. Like wise, the recognized organization which has issued the relevant certificates on behalf of the flag State Administration will be notified, where appropriate. The parties above will also be notified in writing of the release of detention.
3.7.3 Where the ground for a detention is the result of accidental damage suffered on the ship’s voyage to a port, no detention order will be issued, provided that:
.1 due account has been given to the requirements contained in Regulation I/11(c) of SOLAS 74 regarding notification to the flag State Administration, the nominated surveyor or the recognized organization responsible for issuing the relevant certificate;
.2 prior to entering a port, the master or shipowner has submitted to the port State control authority details on the circumstances of the accident and the damage suffered and information about the required notification of the flag State Administration;
.3 appropriate remedial action, to the satisfaction of the Authority, is being taken by the ship, and
.4 the Authority has ensured, having been notified of the completion of the remedial action, that deficiencies which were clearly hazardous to safety, health or the environment have been rectified.
3.7.4 The following procedure is applicable in the absence of ISM certificates:
.1 Where the inspection reveals that the copy of the Document of Compliance or the Safety Management Certificate issued in accordance with the International Safety Management Code for the Safe Operation of Ships and for Pollution Prevention (ISM Code) are missing on board a vessel to which the ISM Code is applicable at the date of the inspection, the Authority will ensure that the vessel is detained.
.2 Notwithstanding the absence of the documentation referred to in, if the inspection finds no other deficiencies warranting detention the Authority may lift the detention order in order to avoid port congestion. Whenever such a decision is taken, the Authority will immediately inform all other Authorities thereof.
3. The Authorities will take the measures necessary to ensure that all ships authorised to leave a port of their State under the circumstances referred to in will be refused access to any port within the States, the Authorities of which are signatories to the Memorandum, except in the situations referred to in 3.9.3, until the owner or operator of the vessel has demonstrated, to the satisfaction of the Authority in whose State detention was ordered, that the ship has valid certificates issued in accordance with the ISM Code.
3.8 Where deficiencies which caused a detention as referred to in 3.7.1 cannot be remedied in the port of inspection, the Authority may allow the ship concerned to proceed to the nearest appropriate repair yard available, as chosen by the master and the Authority, provided that the conditions determined by the competent authority of the flag State and agreed by the Authority are complied with. Such conditions, which may include discharging of cargo and/or temporary repairs, will ensure that the ship can proceed without risk to the safety and health of the passengers or crew, or risk to other ships, or without being an unreasonable threat of harm to the marine environment.
In such circumstances the Authority will notify the competent authority of the region State where the next port of call of the ship is situated, the parties mentioned in 3.7.2 and any other authority as appropriate. Notification to Authorities will be made in accordance with Annex 2. The Authority receiving such notification will inform the notifying Authority of action taken.
3.9.1 The Authorities will take measures to ensure that:
.1 ships referred to in 3.7.1 or 3.8 which proceed to sea without complying with the conditions by the Authority in the port of inspection; or
.2 ships referred to in 3.8 which refuse to comply with the applicable requirements of the relevant instruments by not calling into the indicated repair yard;
will be refused access to any port within the States, the Authorities of which are signatories to the Memorandum, until the owner or operator has provided evidence to the satisfaction of the Authority where the ship was found defective, that the ship fully complies with all applicable requirements of the relevant instruments.
3.9.2 In the circumstances referred to in, the Authority where the ship was found defective will immediately alert all other Authorities.
In the circumstances referred to in, the Authority in whose State the repair yard lies will immediately alert all other Authorities.
Before denying entry, the Authority may request consultations with the flag State Administration of the ship concerned.
3.9.3 Notwithstanding the provisions of 3.9.1, access to a specific port may be permitted by the relevant authority of that port State in the event of force majeure or overriding safety considerations, or to reduce or minimize the risk of pollution or to have deficiencies rectified, provided that adequate measures to the satisfaction of the competent authority of such State have been implemented by the owner, the operator or the master of the ship to ensure safe entry.
3.10 The provisions of 3.7.2 and 3.8 are without prejudice to the requirements of relevant instruments or procedures established by international organizations concerning notification and reporting procedures related to port State control.
3.11 The Authorities will ensure that, on the conclusion of an inspection, the master of the ship is provided with a document, in the form specified in Annex 3, giving the results of the inspection and details of any action taken.
3.12 Should any inspection referred to in 3.1 confirm or reveal deficiencies in relation to the requirements of a relevant instrument warranting the detention of a ship, all costs relating to the inspections in any normal accounting period will be covered by the shipowner or the operator or by his representative in the port State.
All costs relating to inspections carried out by the Authority under the provisions of 3.9.1 will be charged to the owner or the operator of the ship.
The detention will not be lifted until full payment has been made or a sufficient guarantee has been given for the reimbursement of the costs.
3.13 The owner or the operator of a ship or his representative in the State concerned will have a right of appeal against a detention decision taken by the Authority of that State. An appeal will not cause the detention to be suspended. The Authority will properly inform the master of a ship of the right of appeal.
3.14 Each Authority will, as a minimum, publish quarterly information concerning ships detained during the previous 3-month period and which have been detained more than once during the past 24 months. The information published will include the following:
.1 name of the ship;
.2 name of the shipowner or the operator of the ship;
.3 IMO number;
.4 flag State;
.5 classification society, where relevant, and, if applicable, any other Party which has issued certificates to such ship in accordance with the relevant instruments;
.6 reason for detention;
.7 port and date of detention.
3.15 When exercising control under the Memorandum, the Authorities will make all possible efforts to avoid unduly detaining or delaying a ship. Nothing in the Memorandum affects rights created by provisions of relevant instruments relating to compensation for undue detention or delay. In any instance of alleged undue detention or delay the burden of proof lies with the owner or operator of the ship.
Section 4 Provision of information
Each Authority will report on its inspections under the Memorandum and their results, in accordance with the procedures specified in Annex 4.
Section 5 Operational violations
The Authorities will upon the request of another Authority, endeavour to secure evidence relating to suspected violations of the requirements on operational matters of Rule 10 of COLREG 72 and MARPOL 73/78. In case of suspected violations involving the discharge of harmful substances, an Authority will, upon the request of another Authority, visit in port the ship suspected of such a violation in order to obtain information and where appropriate to take a sample of any alleged pollutant. Procedures for investigations into contravention of discharge provisions are listed in Annex 1A.
Section 6 Organization
6.1 A Committee will be established, composed of a representative of each of the Authorities and of the Commission of the European Communities. An observer from each of the International Maritime Organization and the International Labour Organization will be invited to participate in the work of the Committee.
6.2 The Committee will meet once a year and at such other times as it may decide.
6.3 The Committee will:
.1 carry out the specific tasks assigned to it under the Memorandum;
.2 promote by all means necessary, including seminars for port State control officers, the harmonization of procedures and practices relating to the inspection, rectification, detention and the application of 2.4;
.3 develop and review guidelines and procedures for carrying out inspections under the Memorandum;
.4 develop and review procedures for the exchange of information;
.5 keep under review other matters relating to the operation and the effectiveness of the Memorandum.
6.4 A secretariat provided by the Netherlands’ Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management will be set up and will have its office in The Hague.
6.5 The secretariat, acting under the guidance of the Committee and within the limits of the resources made available to it, will:
.1 prepare meetings, circulate papers and provide such assistance as may be required to enable the Committee to carry out its functions;
.2 facilitate the exchange of information, carry out the procedures outlined in Annex 4 and prepare reports as may be necessary for the purposes of the Memorandum;
.3 carry out such other work as may be necessary to ensure the effective operation of the Memorandum.
Section 7 Amendments
7.1 Any Authority may propose amendments to the Memorandum.
7.2 In the case of proposed amendments to sections of the Memorandum the following procedure will apply:
.1 the proposed amendment will be submitted through the secretariat for consideration by the Committee;
.2 amendments will be adopted by a two-thirds majority of the representatives of the Authorities present and voting in the Committee. If so adopted an amendment will be communicated by the secretariat to the Authorities for acceptance;
.3 an amendment will be deemed to have been accepted either at the end of a period of six months after adoption by the representatives of the Authorities in the Committee or at the end of any different period determined unanimously by the representatives of the Authorities in the Committee at the time of adoption, unless within the relevant period an objection is communicated to the secretariat by an Authority;
.4 an amendment will take effect 60 days after it has been accepted or at the end of any different period determined unanimously by the representatives of the Authorities in the Committee.
7.3 In the case of proposed amendments to Annexes of the Memorandum the following procedure will apply:
.1 the proposed amendment will be submitted through the secretariat for consideration by the Authorities;
.2 the amendment will be deemed to have been accepted at the end of a period of three months from the date on which it has been communicated by the secretariat unless an Authority requests in writing that the amendment should be considered by the Committee. In the latter case the procedure specified in 7.2 will apply;
.3 the amendment will take effect 60 days after it has been accepted or at the end of any different period determined unanimously by the Authorities.
Section 8
8.1 The Memorandum is without prejudice to rights and obligations under any international Agreement.
8.2 A Maritime Authority of a European coastal State and a coastal State of the North Atlantic basin from North America to Europe, which complies with the criteria specified in Annex 5, may adhere to the Memorandum with the consent of all Authorities participating in the Memorandum.
8.3 When the Memorandum takes effect, it will supersede the ‘Memorandum of Understanding between Certain Maritime Authorities on the Maintenance of Standards on Merchant Ships’, signed at The Hague on 2 March 1978.
8.4 The Memorandum will take effect on 1 July 1982.
8.5 The English and French versions of the text of the Memorandum are equally authentic.
Signed at Paris in the English and French languages, this twenty-sixth day of January one thousand nine hundred and eighty-two.
Annex 1
Section 1 Priority inspections
Section 2 Examination of certificates and documents
Section 3 No more favourable treatment
3.1 Ships of non-Parties
3.2 Ships below convention size
Section 4 Examples of “clear grounds” for a more detailed or expanded inspection
Section 5 More detailed inspection
5.1 General
5.2 Procedures for inspection of ship structural and equipment requirements
5.3 Crude oil washing
5.4 Unloading, stripping and prewash operations under Annex II to MARPOL 73/78
5.5 Procedures for control of operational requirements
Section 6 Manning
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Manning control
6.3 Control under the provisions of STCW 78
Section 7 Merchant Shipping (Minimum Standards) Convention, 1976 (ILO 147).
Section 8 Expanded inspection of certain ships
8.1 General provision for expanded inspection
8.2 Passenger ships in regular services
8.3 Categories of ships subject to expanded inspection
8.4 Non-mandatory procedures for expanded inspection of certain categories of ships
Section 9 Rectification and detention
9.1 Principles governing rectification of deficiencies or detention of a ship
9.2 Detention related to minimum manning standards and certification
9.3 Procedures for the detention of ships of all sizes
Section 1 Priority inspections
1.1 Regardless of the value of the target factor, as referred to in Section 1.2, the following ships shall be considered as an overriding priority for inspection :
.1 Ships which have been reported by pilots or port authorities as having
deficiencies which may prejudice their safe navigation;
.2 Ships carrying dangerous or polluting goods, which have failed to report all relevant information concerning the ship’s particulars, the ship’s movements and concerning the dangerous or polluting goods being carried to the competent authority of the port and coastal State;
.3 Ships which have been the subject of a report or notification by another Authority;
.4 Ships which have been the subject of a report or complaint by the master, a crew member, or any person or organization with a legitimate interest in the safe operation of the ship, shipboard living and working conditions or the prevention of pollution, unless the Authority concerned deems the report or complaint to be manifestly unfounded; the identity of the person lodging the report or complaint must not be revealed to the master or the shipowner of the ship concerned;
.5 Ships which have been:
– involved in a collision, grounding or stranding on their way to the port,
– accused of an alleged violation of the provisions on discharge of harmful substances or effluents,
– manoeuvred in an erratic or unsafe manner whereby routing measures, adopted by the IMO, or safe navigation practices and procedures have not been followed, or
– otherwise operated in such a manner as to pose a danger to persons, property or the environment;
.6 Ships which have been suspended from their class for safety reasons in the course of the preceding 6 months.
1.2 In determining the order of priority for the inspection of ships, the Authority shall take into account the order indicated by the target factor displayed on the Sirenac information system. The following elements are relevant for the targeting factor:
.1 Ships visiting a port of a State, the Authority of which is a signatory to the Memorandum, for the first time or after an absence of 12 months or more. In the absence of appropriate data for this purpose, the Authorities will rely upon the available Sirenac data and inspect those ships which have not been registered in the Sirenac following the entry into force of that database on 1 January 1993;
.2 Ships not inspected by any Authority within the previous 6 months;
.3 Ships whose statutory certificates on the ship’s construction and equipment, issued in accordance with the Conventions, and the classification certificates, have been issued by an organization which is not recognized by the Authority;
.4 Ships flying the flag of a State appearing in the three-year rolling average table of above-average detentions and delays published in the annual report of the MOU
.5 Ships which have been permitted by the Authority to leave a port of its State on certain conditions:
a) deficiency to be rectified before departure
b) deficiency to be rectified at the next port
c) deficiencies to be rectified within 14 days
d) deficiencies for which other conditions have been specified
e) if ship related action has been taken and all deficiencies have been rectified;
.6 Ships for which deficiencies have been recorded during a previous inspection, according to the number of deficiencies;
.7 Ships which have been detained in a previous port;
.8 Ships flying the flag of a non-Party to a relevant instrument;
.9 Ships flying the flag of a country with a deficiency ratio above average;
.10 Ships with class deficiency ratio above average;
.11 Ships which are in a category for which expanded inspection has been decided pursuant to section 8 of this Annex;
.12 Other ships above 13 years old.
Section 2 Examination of certificates and documents
At the initial inspection the port State control officer will, as a minimum and to the extent applicable, examine the following documents:
.1 International Tonnage Certificate (1969);
.2 Passenger Ship Safety Certificate;
.3 Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate;
.4 Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate;
.5 Cargo Ship Radio Telegraphy Certificate;
.6 Cargo Ship Radio Telephony Certificate;
.7 Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certificate;
.8 Exemption Certificate and any list of cargoes (as per SOLAS II-2/53.1.3);
.9 Cargo Ship Safety Certificate;
.10 Document of Compliance (SOLAS 74, Regulation II-2/54)
.11 Dangerous goods special list or manifest, or detailed stowage plan;
.12 International Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of Liquefied Gases in Bulk, or the Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of Liquefied Gases in Bulk, whichever is appropriate;
.13 International Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk, or the Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk, whichever is appropriate;
.14 International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate;
.15 International Pollution Prevention Certificate for the Carriage of Noxious Liquid Substances in Bulk;
.16 International Load Line Certificate (1966);
.17 International Load Line Exemption Certificate;
.18 Oil Record Book, parts I and II;
.19 Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan
.20 Cargo Record Book;
.21 Minimum Safe Manning Document;
.22 Certificates of Competency;
.23 Medical certificates (see ILO Convention No. 73);
.24 Stability information;
.25 Copy of Document of Compliance and Safety Management Certificate issued in accordance with the International Management Code for the Safe Operation of Ships and for Pollution Prevention (IMO Resolutions A.741(18) and A.788(19));
.26 Certificates as to the ship’s hull strength and machinery installations issued by the classification society in question (only to be required if the ship maintains its class with a classification society);
.27 Survey Report Files (in case of bulk carriers or oil tankers);
.28 For ro-ro passenger ships, information on the A/A-max ratio;
.29 Document of authorization for the carriage of grain;
.30 Special Purpose Ship Safety Certificate;
.31 High Speed Craft Safety Certificate and Permit to Operate High Speed Craft;
.32 Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit Safety Certificate;
.33 For oil tankers, the record of oil discharge monitoring and control system for the last ballast voyage;
.34 The muster list, fire control plan, and for passenger ships, a damage control plan, a decision-support system for the master (printed emergency plan);
.35 Ship’s log book with respect to the records of tests and drills and the log for records of inspection and maintenance of lifesaving appliances and arrangements;
.36 Reports of previous port State control inspections;
.37 Cargo Securing Manual;
.38 For passenger ships, List of operational limitations;
.39 For passenger ships, a Plan for co-operation with SAR Services;
.40 Bulk Carrier Booklet;
.41 Loading/Unloading Plan for bulk carriers;
.42 Garbage Management Plan;
.43 Garbage Record Book.
Section 3 No more favourable treatment
3.1 Ships of non-Parties
Ships entitled to fly the flag of a State which is not a Party to a relevant instrument and thus not provided with certificates representing prima facie evidence of satisfactory conditions on board, or manned with crew members who do not hold valid STCW certificates, will receive a more detailed or, as appropriate, expanded inspection. In making such an inspection the port State control officer will follow the same procedures as provided for ships to which the relevant instruments are applicable.
If the ship or the crew has some alternative form of certification, the port State control officer, in making this inspection, may take the form and content of this documentation into account. The conditions of such a ship and its equipment and the certification of the crew and the flag State’s minimum manning standard must be compatible with the aims of the provisions of the relevant instruments; otherwise the ship must be subject to such restrictions as are necessary to obtain a comparable level of safety and protection of the marine environment.
3.2 Ships below convention size.
3.2.1 To the extent a relevant instrument is not applicable to a ship below convention size, the port State control officer’s task will be to assess whether the ship is of an acceptable standard in regard to safety, health or the environment. In making that assessment, the port State control officer will take due account of such factors as the length and nature of the intended voyage or service, the size and type of the ship, the equipment provided and the nature of the cargo.
3.2.2 In the exercise of his functions the port State control officer will be guided by any certificates and other documents issued by or on behalf of the flag State Administration. The port State control officer will, in the light of such certificates and documents and in his general impression of the ship, use his professional judgement in deciding whether and in what respects the ship will be further inspected. When carrying out a further inspection the port State control officer will, to the extent necessary, pay attention to the items listed in 3.2.3 of this Annex. The list is not considered exhaustive but is intended to give an exemplification of relevant items.
3.2.3 Items of general importance Items related to the conditions of assignment of load lines:
.1 weather tight (or watertight as the case may be) integrity of exposed decks;
.2 hatches and closing appliances;
.3 weather tight closures to openings in superstructures;
.4 freeing arrangements;
.5 side outlets;
.6 ventilators and air pipes;
.7 stability information. Other items related to the safety of life at sea:
.1 life saving appliances;
.2 fire fighting appliances;
.3 general structural conditions (i.e. hull, deck, hatch covers, etc.);
.4 main machinery and electrical installations;
.5 navigational equipment including radio installations. Items related to the prevention of pollution from ships:
.1 means for the control of discharge of oil and oily mixtures e.g. oily water separating or filtering equipment or other equivalent means (tank(s) for retaining oil, oily mixtures, oil residues);
.2 means for the disposal of oil, oily mixtures or oil residues;
.3 presence of oil in the engine room bilges;
.4 means for the collection, storage and disposal of garbage.
3.2.4 In the case of deficiencies which are considered hazardous to safety, health or the environment the port State control officer will take such action, which may include detention as may be necessary, having regard to the factors mentioned in 3.2.1 of this Annex, to ensure that the deficiency is rectified or that the ship, if allowed to proceed to another port, does not present a clear hazard to safety, health or the environment.
Section 4 Examples of “clear grounds” for a more detailed or expanded inspection
4.1 In applying 3.1 of the Memorandum,”clear grounds” which warrant a more detailed or expanded inspection include the following:
.1 the ship has been identified as a priority case for inspection, under section 1.1 and section 1.2.3, 1.2.4, 1.2.5b, 1.2.5.c, 1.2.8 and 1.2.11 of this Annex;
.2 during examination of the certificates and documents referred to in section 2 of this Annex, inaccuracies have been revealed or the documents have not been properly kept or updated;
.3 indications that the relevant crew members are unable to communicate appropriately with each other, or with other persons on board, or that the ship is unable to communicate with the shore-based authorities either in a common language or in the language of those authorities;
.4 evidence of cargo and other operations not being conducted safely or in accordance with IMO guidelines;
.5 failure of the master of an oil tanker to produce the record of the oil discharge monitoring and control system for the last ballast voyage;
.6 absence of an up-to-date muster list, or crew members not aware of their duties in the event of fire or an order to abandon the ship;
.7 the emission of false distress alerts not followed by proper cancellation procedures;
.8 the absence of principal equipment or arrangements required by the conventions;
.9 evidence from the port State control officer’s general impressions and observations that serious hull or structural deterioration or deficiencies exist that may place at risk the structural, watertight or weather tight integrity of the ship;
.10 excessively unsanitary conditions on board the ship.
.11 information or evidence that the master or crew is not familiar with essential shipboard operations relating to the safety of ships or the prevention of pollution, or that such operations have not been carried out.
Section 5 More detailed inspection
5.1 General
5.1.1 In the absence of valid certificates or documents or after the establishment of clear grounds, the port State control officer will:
.1 conduct a more detailed inspection in the area(s) where clear grounds were established;
.2 carry out a more detailed inspection in other areas at random; and
.3 include further checking of compliance with on-board operational requirements.
5.1.2 In the exercise of a more detailed inspection the port State control officer will take into account:
.1 the provisions of this section;
.2 the provisions of the International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code;
.3 the provisions of sections 6 and 7 of this Annex, as appropriate.
Where there are clear grounds for a more detailed inspection of a ship belonging to the categories listed in section 8 of this Annex, the port State control officer will ensure that an expanded inspection is carried out.
5.2 Procedures for inspection of ship structural and equipment requirements
5.2.1 The port State control officer’s impression of hull maintenance and the general state on deck, the condition of such items as ladder ways, guard-rails, pipe coverings and areas of corrosion or pitting will influence the port State control officer’s decision as to whether it is necessary to make the fullest possible examination of the structure with the ship afloat. Significant areas of damage or corrosion, or pitting of plating and associated stiffening in decks and hull affecting seaworthiness or strength to take local loads, may justify detention. It may be necessary for the underwater portion of the ship to be checked. In reaching a decision, the port State control officer will have regard to the seaworthiness and not the age of the ship, making an allowance for fair wear and tear over the minimum acceptable scantlings. Damage not affecting seaworthiness will not constitute grounds for judging that a ship should be detained, nor will damage that has been temporarily but effectively repaired for a voyage to a port for permanent repairs. However, in this assessment of the effect of damage, the port State control officer will have regard to the location of crew accommodation and whether the damage substantially affects its habitability.
5.2.2 The port State control officer will pay particular attention to the structural integrity and seaworthiness of bulk carriers and oil tankers (IMO Resolution A.744(18)).
5.2.3 The port State control officer’s assessment of the safety of the structure of those ships will be based on the Survey Report File carried on board. This file should contain reports of structural surveys, condition evaluation reports (translated into English and endorsed by the flag State Administration), thickness measurement reports and a survey planning document.
5.2.4 If the Survey Report File necessitates a more detailed inspection of the structure of the ship or if no such report is carried, special attention will be given by the port State control officer, as appropriate, to hull structure, piping systems in way of cargo tanks or holds, pump-rooms, cofferdams, pipe tunnels, void spaces within the cargo area, and ballast tanks.
5.2.5 For bulk carriers, port State control officers will inspect holds’ main structure for any obviously unauthorized repairs. Where applicable, for bulk carriers the port State control officer will verify that the bulk carrier booklet has been endorsed, that any restrictions imposed on the carriage of solid bulk cargoes have been recorded in the booklet, that the bulk carrier loading triangle is permanently marked and that water level alarms in cargo holds are fitted.
Machinery spaces
5.2.6 The port State control officer will assess the condition of the machinery and of the electrical installations such that they are capable of providing sufficient continuous power for propulsion and for auxiliary services.
5.2.7 During inspection of the machinery spaces, the port State control officer will form an impression of the standard of maintenance. Frayed or disconnected quick-closing valve wires, disconnected or inoperative extended control rods or machinery trip mechanisms, missing valve hand wheels, evidence of chronic steam, water and oil leaks, dirty tank tops and bilges or extensive corrosion of machinery foundations are pointers to an unsatisfactory organization of the systems’ maintenance. A large number of temporary repairs, including pipe clips or cement boxes, will indicate reluctance to make permanent repairs.
5.2.8 While it is not possible to determine the condition of the machinery without performance trials, general deficiencies, such as leaking pump glands, dirty water gauge glasses, inoperable pressure gauges, rusted relief valves, inoperative or disconnected safety or control devices, evidence of repeated operation of diesel engine scavenge belt or crankcase relief valves, malfunctioning or inoperative automatic equipment and alarm systems, and leaking boiler casings or uptakes, would warrant inspection of the engine room log book and investigation into the record of machinery failures and accidents and a request for running tests of machinery.
5.2.9 If one electrical generator is out of commission, the port State control officer will investigate whether power is available to maintain essential and emergency services and should conduct tests.
5.2.10 If evidence of neglect becomes evident, the port State control officer will extend the scope of an investigation to include, for example, tests on the main and auxiliary steering gear arrangements, overspeed trips, circuit breakers, etc.
5.2.11 It must be stressed that while detection of one or more of the above deficiencies would afford guidance to a substandard condition, the actual combination is a matter for professional judgement in each case.
Conditions of assignment of load lines
5.2.12 It may be that the port State control officer has concluded that a hull inspection is unnecessary but, if dissatisfied on the basis of observations on deck, with items such as defective hatch closing arrangements, corroded air pipes and vent coamings, the port State control officer will examine closely the conditions of assignment of load lines, paying particular attention to closing appliances, means of freeing water from the deck and arrangements concerned with the protection of the crew.
Life-saving appliances
5.2.13 The effectiveness of life-saving appliances depends heavily on good maintenance by the crew and their use in regular drills. The lapse of time since the last survey for a Safety Equipment Certificate can be a significant factor in the degree of deterioration of equipment if it has not been subject to regular inspection by the crew. Apart from failure to carry equipment required by a convention or obvious defects such as holed lifeboats, the port State control officer will look for signs of disuse of, or obstructions to, survival craft launching equipment which may include paint accumulation, seizing of pivot points, absence of greasing, condition of blocks and falls and improper lashing or stowing of deck cargo.
5.2.14 Should such signs be evident, the port State control officer will be justified in making a detailed inspection of all life-saving appliances. Such an examination might include the lowering of survival craft, a check on the servicing of life rafts and any fitted marine evacuation system a check of means of recovery of survivors, the number and condition of life jackets and lifebuoys and ensuring that the pyrotechnics are still within their period of validity. It would not normally be as detailed as that for a renewal of the Safety Equipment Certificate and would concentrate on essentials for safe abandonment of the ship, but in an extreme case could progress to a full Safety Equipment Certificate inspection. The provision and functioning of effective overside lighting, means of alerting the crew and passengers and provision of illuminated routes to assembly points and embarkation positions will be given importance in the inspection.
Fire safety
5.2.15 The poor condition of fire and wash deck lines and hydrants and the possible absence of fire hoses and extinguishers in accommodation spaces might be a guide to a need for a close inspection of all fire safety equipment. In addition to compliance with convention requirements, the port State control officer will look for evidence of a higher than normal fire risk; this might be brought about by a poor standard of cleanliness in the machinery space, which together with significant deficiencies of fixed or portable fire-extinguishing equipment could lead to a judgement of the ship being substandard.
5.2.16 The port State control officer will examine the fire control plan on board in order to obtain a general picture of the fire safety measures provided in the ship and consider their compliance with convention requirements for the year of build. Queries on the method of structural protection will be addressed to the flag State Administration and the port State control officer will generally confine the inspection to the effectiveness of the arrangements provided.
5.2.17 The spread of fire could be accelerated if fire doors are not readily operable. The port State control officer will inspect for the operability and securing arrangements of those doors in the main zone bulkheads and stairway enclosures and in boundaries of high fire risk spaces, such as main machinery rooms and galleys, giving particular attention to those retained in the open position. Attention will also be given to main vertical zones which may have been compromised through new construction. An additional hazard in the event of fire is the spread of smoke through ventilation systems. Spot checks might be made on dampers and smoke flaps to ascertain the standard of operability. The port State control officer will also ensure that ventilation fans can be stopped from the master controls and that means are available for closing main inlets and outlets of ventilation systems.
5.2.18 Attention will be given to the effectiveness of escape routes by ensuring that vital doors are not maintained locked and that alleyways and stairways are not obstructed.
Regulations for preventing collisions at sea
5.2.19 A vital aspect of ensuring safety of life at sea is full compliance with the collision regulations. Based on observations on deck, the port State control officer will consider the need for close inspection of lanterns and their screening and means of making sound and distress signals.
Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate
5.2.20 The general condition of the ship may lead the port State control officer to consider matters other than those concerned with safety equipment and assignment of load lines, but nevertheless associated with the safety of the vessel, such as the effectiveness of items associated with the Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate, which can include pumping arrangements, means for shutting off air and oil supplies in the event of fire, alarm systems and emergency power supplies.
Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certificates
5.2.21 The validity of the Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certificates and associated Record of Equipment (Form R) may be accepted as proof of the provision and effectiveness of its associated equipment, but the port State control officer will ensure that appropriate certificated personnel are carried for its operation and for listening periods. Requirements for maintenance of radio equipment are contained in Regulation IV/15 of SOLAS 74. The radio log or radio records will be examined. Where considered necessary, operational checks may be carried out.
Equipment in excess of convention or flag State requirements
5.2.22 Equipment on board which is expected to be relied on in situations affecting safety or pollution prevention must be in operating condition. If such equipment is inoperative and is in excess of the equipment required by an appropriate convention and/or the flag State, it should be repaired, removed or, if removal is not practicable, clearly marked as inoperative and secured.
5.3 Crude oil washing
5.3.1 Inspection of crude oil washing operations
The port State control officer will ensure that crude oil washing is performed by all crude carriers either required to have a crude oil washing system or where the owner or operator chooses to install a crude oil washing system in order to comply with Regulation 13 of Annex I to MARPOL 73/78. In addition, compliance will be ensured with the operational requirements set out in the revised Specifications for the Design, Operation and Control of Crude Oil Washing Systems (IMO Resolution A.446(XI) , as amended by IMO Resolution A.497(XII)). This can best be done in the ports where the cargo is unloaded.
5.3.2 Procedures for in-port inspection of crude oil washing procedures
Inspections The port State control officer will make the appropriate arrangements so as to ensure compliance with requirements governing the crude oil washing of oil tankers. This is not, however, to be construed as relieving terminal operators and ship owners of their obligations to ensure that the operation is undertaken in accordance with the regulations. The inspection may cover the entire operation of crude oil washing or only certain aspects of it. It is thus in the interest of all concerned that the ship’s records with regard to the crude oil washing operations are maintained at all times so that a port State control officer may verify those operations undertaken prior to the inspection.
Ship’s personnel The person in charge and the other nominated persons who have responsibility in respect of the crude oil washing operation must be identified. They must, if required, be able to show that their qualifications meet the requirements, as appropriate, of 5.2 and 5.3 of the revised Specifications for the Design, Operation and Control of Crude Oil Washing Systems (IMO Resolution A.446(XI), as amended by IMO Resolution A.497(XII)). The verification may be accomplished by reference to the individual’s discharge papers, testimonials issued by the ship’s operator or by certificates issued by a training centre approved by an Administration. The numbers of such personnel must be at least as stated in the COW Operations and Equipment Manual.
Documentation The following documents must be available for inspection:
.1 The IOPP Certificate and the Record of Construction and Equipment, to determine:
.1 whether the ship is fitted with a crude oil washing system as required in Regulation 13(6) or (8) of Annex I to MARPOL 73/78;
.2 whether the crude oil washing system is according to and complying with the requirements of Regulation 13(B) of Annex I to MARPOL 73/78;
.3 the validity and date of the COW Operations and Equipment Manual; and
.4 the validity of the Certificate.
.2 The approved COW Operations and Equipment Manual;
.3 The Oil Record Book; and
.4 The Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate to confirm that the inert gas system conforms to regulations contained in Chapter II-2 of SOLAS 74, as amended.
Inert gas system Inert gas system regulations require that instrumentation shall be fitted for continuously indicating and permanently recording at all times when inert gas is being supplied, the pressure and the oxygen content of the gas in the inert gas supply main. Reference to the permanent recorder must indicate if the system had been operating before and during the cargo discharge in a satisfactory manner. If conditions specified in the COW Operations and Equipment Manual are not being met then the washing must be stopped until satisfactory conditions are restored. As a further precautionary measure, the oxygen level in each tank to be washed is to be determined at the tank. The metres used must be calibrated and inspected to ensure that they are in good working order. Readings from tanks already washed in port prior to inspection must be available for checking. Spot checks on readings may be instituted.
Electrostatic generation It will be confirmed either from the cargo log or by questioning the person in charge that presence of water in the crude oil is being minimized as required by 6.7 of the revised Specifications (IMO Resolution A.446(XI) , as amended by IMO Resolution A.497(XII)).
Communication It will be established that effective means of communication exist between the person in charge and the other persons concerned with the crude oil washing operation.
Leakage on deck Port State control officers will ensure that the crude oil washing piping system has been operationally tested for leakage before cargo discharge and that the test has been noted in the ship’s Oil Record Book.
Exclusion of oil from engine-room It will be ascertained that the method of excluding cargo oil from the machinery space is being maintained by inspecting the isolating arrangements of the tank washing heater (if fitted) or of any part of the tank washing system which enters the machinery space.
Suitability of the crude oil In judging the suitability of the oil for crude oil washing, the guidance and criteria contained in section 9 of the COW Operations and Equipment Manual must be taken into account.
Checklist It will be determined from the ship’s records that the pre-crude oil wash operational checklist was carried out and all instruments functioned correctly. Spot checks on certain items may be instituted.
Wash programmes Where the tanker is engaged in a multiple port discharge, the Oil Record Book must indicate if tanks were crude oil washed at previous discharge ports or at sea. It will be determined that all tanks which will, or may, be used to contain ballast on the forthcoming voyage will be crude oil washed before the ship departs from the port. There is no obligation to wash any tank other than ballast tanks at a discharge port except that each of these other tanks must be washed at least in accordance with 6.1 of the revised Specifications (IMO Resolution A.446(XI) , as amended by IMO Resolution A.497(XII)). The Oil Record Book will be inspected to check that this is being complied with. All crude oil washing must be completed before a ship leaves its final port of discharge. If tanks are not being washed in one of the preferred orders given in the COW Operations and Equipment Manual, the port State control officer will determine that the reason for this, and the proposed order of tank washing, are acceptable. For each tank being washed it will be ensured that the operation is in accordance with the COW Operations and Equipment Manual in that:
.1 the deck mounted machines and the submerged machines are operating either by reference to indicators, the sound patterns or other approved methods;
.2 the deck mounted machines, where applicable, are programmed as stated;
.3 the duration of the wash is as required; and
.4 the number of tank washing machines being used simultaneously does not exceed that specified.
Stripping of tanks The minimum trim conditions and the parameters of the stripping operations are to be stated in the COW Operations and Equipment Manual. All tanks which have been crude oil washed are to be stripped. The adequacy of the stripping is to be checked by hand dipping at least in the after most hand dipping location in each tank or by such other means provided and described in the COW Operations and Equipment Manual. It will be ascertained that the adequacy of stripping has been checked or will be checked before the ship leaves its final port of discharge.
Ballasting Tanks that were crude oil washed at sea will be recorded in the Oil Record Book. These tanks must be left empty between discharge ports for inspection at the next discharge port. Where these tanks are the designated departure ballast tanks they may be required to be ballasted at a very early stage of the discharge. This is for operational reasons and also because they must be ballasted during cargo discharge if hydrocarbon emission is to be contained on the ship. If these tanks are to be inspected when empty, then this must be done shortly after the tanker berths. If a port State control officer arrives after the tanks have begun accepting ballast, then the sounding of the tank bottom would not be available. However, an examination of the surface of the ballast water is then possible. The thickness of the oil film should not be greater than that specified in 4.2.10(b) of the revised Specifications (IMO Resolution A.446(XI), as amended by IMO Resolution A.497(XII)). The tanks that are designated ballast tanks will be listed in the COW Operations and Equipment Manual. It is, however, left to the discretion of the master or responsible officer to decide which tanks may be used for ballast on the forthcoming voyage. It will be determined from the Oil Record Book that all such tanks have been washed before the tanker leaves its last discharge port. It must be noted that where a tanker back-loads a cargo of crude oil at an intermediate port into tanks designated for ballast, then it will not be required to wash those tanks at that particular port but at a subsequent port. It will be determined from the Oil Record Book that additional ballast water has not been put into tanks which had not been crude oil washed during previous voyages. It will be verified that the departure ballast tanks are stripped as completely as possible. Where departure ballast is filled through cargo lines and pumps these must be stripped either into another cargo tank, or ashore by the special small diameter line provided for this purpose. The methods to avoid vapour emission where locally required will be provided in the COW Operations and Equipment Manual and they must be adhered to. The port State control officer will ensure that this is being complied with. The typical procedures for ballasting listed in the COW Operations and Equipment Manual must be observed. The port State control officer will ensure this is being complied with. When departure ballast is to be shifted, the discharge into the sea must be in compliance with Regulation 9 of Annex I to MARPOL 73/78. The Oil Record Book will be inspected to ensure that the ship is complying with this.
5.4 Unloading, stripping and prewash operations under Annex II to MARPOL 73/78
5.4.1 Procedures for inspection of unloading, stripping and prewashing operations (mainly in unloading ports)
Introduction The port State control officer or the surveyor authorized by the port State Administration exercising control in accordance with Regulation 8 of Annex II to MARPOL 73/78 must be thoroughly acquainted with Annex II to MARPOL 73/78 and the custom of the port as of relevance to cargo handling, tank washing, cleaning berths, prohibition of lighters alongside, etc.
Documentation The documentation required for the inspection referred to in this appendix consists of:
.1 CoF or NLS Certificate;
.2 cargo plan and shipping document;
.3 Procedures and Arrangements (P and A) Manual; and
.4 Cargo Record Book.
Information by ship’s staff Of relevance to the port State control officer or the surveyor authorized by the port State Administration is the following:
.1 the intended loading and unloading programme of the ship;
.2 whether unloading and stripping operations can be effected in accordance with the P and A Manual and if not the reason why it cannot be done;
.3 the constraints, if any, under which the efficient stripping system operates (i.e. back pressure, ambient air temperature, malfunctioning, etc.);
.4 whether the ship proceeds to, remains inside, or leaves a Special Area; and
.5 whether the ship requests an exemption from the prewashing and the discharge of residues in the unloading port. When tank washing is required without the use of water the port State control officer or the surveyor authorized by the port State Administration is to be informed about the tank washing procedure and disposal of residues. When the Cargo Record Book is not up to date, any information on prewash and residue disposal operations outstanding must be supplied.
Information from terminal staff Terminal staff must supply information on limitations imposed upon the ship in respect of back pressure and/or reception facilities.
Control On boarding and introduction to the master or responsible ship officer’s, the port State control officer or the surveyor authorized by the port State Administration will examine the necessary documentation. The documentation may be used to establish the following:
.1 noxious liquid substances to be unloaded, their categories and stowage (cargo plan, P and A Manual);
.2 details (possibilities and limitations) of efficient stripping system, if fitted (P and A Manual);
.3 tanks which require prewashing with disposal of tank washings to reception facilities (shipping document and cargo temperature);
.4 tanks which require prewashing with disposal of tank washings either to reception facilities or into the sea (P and A Manual, shipping document and cargo temperature);
.5 prewash operations and/or residue disposal operations outstanding (Cargo Record Book); and
.6 tanks which may not be washed with water due to the nature of substances involved (P and A Manual). In respect of the prewash operations referred to in of this Annex, the following information is of relevance (P and A Manual):
.1 pressure required for tank washing machines;
.2 duration of one cycle of the tank washing machine and quantity of water used;
.3 washing programmes for the substances involved;
.4 required temperature of washing water; and
.5 special procedures. The port State control officer or the surveyor authorized by the port State Administration, in accordance with Regulation 8 of Annex II to MARPOL 73/78, will ascertain that unloading, stripping and/or prewash operations are carried out in conformance with the information obtained in accordance with of this Annex (Documentation). If this cannot be achieved, alternative measures will be taken to ensure that the ship does not proceed to sea with more than the quantities of residue specified in Regulation 5A to Annex II to MARPOL 73/78, as applicable. If the residue quantities cannot be reduced by alternative measures the port State control officer or the surveyor authorized by the port State Administration will inform his Administration. Care must be taken to ensure that cargo hoses and piping systems of the terminal are not drained back to the ship. If a ship is exempted from certain pumping efficiency requirements under Regulation 5A of Annex II to MARPOL 73/78 or requests an exemption from certain stripping or prewashing procedures under Regulation 8 of Annex II to MARPOL 73/78 the conditions for such exemption set out in the said regulations will be observed. These concern:
.1 Regulation 5A(6). The ship is constructed before 1 July 1986 and is exempted from the requirement for reducing its residue quantities to specified limits (i.e. category B substances 0.3 m3 or 1 m3 and category C substances 0.9 m3 or 3 m3). Whenever a cargo tank is to be washed or ballasted, a prewash is required with disposal of prewash slops to shore reception facilities. The CoF or NLS Certificate must have been endorsed to the effect that the ship is solely engaged in restricted voyages;
.2 Regulation 5A(7). The ship is never required to ballast its cargo tanks and tank washing is only required for repair or drydocking. The CoF or NLS Certificate must indicate the particulars of the exemption. Each cargo tank must be certified for the carriage of only one named substance;
.3 Regulations 8(2)(b)(i), 8(5)(b)(i), 8(6)(c)(i) and 8(7)(c)(i). Cargo tanks will not be washed or ballasted prior to the next loading;
.4 Regulations 8(2)(b)(ii), 8(5)(b)(ii), 8(6)(c)(ii) and 8(7)(c)(ii). Cargo tanks will be washed and prewash slops will be discharged to reception facilities in another port. It must be confirmed in writing that an adequate reception facility is available at that port for such purpose; and
.5 Regulations 8(2)(b)(iii), 8(5)(b)(iii), 8(6)(c)(iii) and 8(7)(c)(iii). The cargo residues can be removed by ventilation. The port State control officer or the surveyor authorized by the port State Administration must endorse the Cargo Record Book under section J whenever an exemption referred to under, and of this Annex has been granted, or whenever a tank having unloaded category A substances has been prewashed in accordance with the P and A Manual. Alternatively, for category A substances, Regulation 8(3) of Annex II to MARPOL 73/78, residual concentration must be measured by the procedures which each port State authorizes. In this case the port State control officer or the surveyor authorized by the port State Administration must endorse in the Cargo Record Book under section K whenever the required residual concentration has been achieved. In addition to of this Annex, the port State control officer or the surveyor authorized by the port State Administration must endorse the Cargo Record Book whenever the unloading, stripping or prewash of category B, C and D substances, in accordance with the P and A Manual, has actually been witnessed. The port State control officer or the surveyor authorized by the port State Administration must be aware that certain “oil like” noxious liquid substances may be carried on product carriers. Such substances must be indicated on the IOPP Certificate. For the control of ships carrying such substances, the Control Procedures under Annex I to MARPOL 73/78 apply. The port State control officer or the surveyor authorized by the port State Administration exercising control in accordance with Regulation 8 of Annex II to MARPOL 73/78 must be thoroughly acquainted with Annex I to MARPOL 73/78.
5.5 Procedures for control of operational requirements
5.5.1 In the exercise of a more detailed inspection, the port State control officer will not include any operational tests or impose physical demands which, in the judgement of the master, could jeopardize the safety of the ship, crew, passengers, control officers or cargo.
5.5.2 When carrying out operational control, the port State control officer will ensure, as far as possible, no interference with normal shipboard operations, such as loading and unloading of cargo and ballasting, which is carried out under the responsibility of the master, nor will the port State control officer require demonstration of operational aspects which would unnecessarily delay the ship.
5.5.3 Having assessed the extent to which operational requirements are complied with, the port State control officer then has to exercise professional judgement to determine whether the operational proficiency of the crew as a whole is of a sufficient level to allow the ship to sail without danger to the ship or persons on board, or presenting an unreasonable threat of harm to the marine environment.
Muster list
5.5.4 The port State control officer may determine if the crew members are aware of their duties indicated in the muster list.
5.5.5 The port State control officer may ensure that muster lists are exhibited in conspicuous places throughout the ship, including the navigational bridge, the engine room and the crew accommodation spaces. When determining if the muster list is in accordance with the regulations, the port State control officer may verify whether:
.1 the muster list shows the duties assigned to the different members of the crew;
.2 the muster list specifies which officers are assigned to ensure that life-saving and fire appliances are maintained in good condition and are ready for immediate use;
.3 the muster list specifies the substitutes for key persons who may become disabled, taking into account that different emergencies may call for different actions;
.4 the muster list shows the duties assigned to crew members in relation to passengers in case of emergency;
.5 the format of the muster list used on passenger ships is approved and that the list includes translation into the working language, if it is not the official language.
5.5.6 To determine whether the muster list is up to date, the port State control officer may require an up-to-date crew list, if available, to verify this. Other possible means, e.g. Safe Manning Document, may be used for this purpose.
5.5.7 The port State control officer may determine whether the duties assigned to crew members manning the survival craft (lifeboats or life rafts) are in accordance with the regulations and verify that a deck officer or certificated person is placed in charge of each survival craft to be used. However, the flag State Administration, having due regard to the nature of the voyage, the number of persons on board and the characteristics of the ship, may permit persons practised in the handling and operation of life rafts to be placed in charge of life rafts in lieu of persons qualified as above. A second-in-command must have been nominated in the case of lifeboats.
5.5.8 The port State control officer may determine whether the crew members are familiar with the duties assigned to them in the muster list and are aware of the locations where they should perform their duties.
5.5.9 The port State control officer may determine if the key crew members are able to communicate with each other, and with passengers as appropriate, in such a way that the safe operation of the ship is not impaired, especially in emergency situations.
5.5.10 The port State control officer may ask the master which languages are used as the working languages and may verify whether the language has been recorded in the logbook.
5.5.11 The port State control officer may ensure that the key crew members are able to understand each other during the inspection or drills. The crew members assigned to assist passengers must be able to give the necessary information to the passengers in case of an emergency.
Search and Rescue Plan
5.5.11 bis For passenger ships trading on fixed routes, the port State control officer may verify that there is on board an approved plan for co-operation with appropriate search and rescue services in event of an emergency.
Emergency training and drills
5.5.12 The port State control officer will check the on board training and examine the dates and details of the muster as recorded in such logbook as may be prescribed by the Administration. The port State control officer witnessing a fire and abandon ship drill will ensure that the crew members are familiar with their duties and the proper use of the ship’s installations and equipment.
Fire drills
5.5.13 The port State control officer may witness a fire drill carried out by the crew assigned to these duties on the muster list. After consultation with the master of the vessel, one or more specific locations of the ship may be selected for a simulated fire. A crew member may be sent to the location(s) and activate a fire alarm system or use other means to give alarm.
5.5.14 At the location the port State control officer can describe the fire indication to the crew member and observe how the report of fire is relayed to the bridge or damage control centre. At this point most ships will sound the crew alarm to summon the fire-fighting parties to their stations. The port State control officer will observe the fire-fighting party arriving on the scene, breaking out their equipment and fighting the simulated fire. Team leaders must be capable of giving orders as appropriate to their crews and passing the word back to the bridge or damage control centre on the conditions. The fire-fighting crews will be observed for proper donning and the use of their equipment. The port State control officer will make sure that all the gear is complete. Merely mustering the crew with their gear is not acceptable. Crew response to personnel injuries can be checked by selecting a crew member as a simulated casualty. The port State control officer will observe how the word is passed and the response of stretcher and medical teams. Handling a stretcher properly through narrow passageways, doors and stairways is difficult and takes practice.
5.5.15 The drill must, as far as practicable, be conducted as if there were an actual emergency.
5.5.16 Those crew members assigned to other duties related to a fire drill, such as the manning of the emergency generators, the CO2 room, the sprinkler and emergency fire pumps, must also be involved in the drill. The port State control officer may ask these crew members to explain their duties and if possible to demonstrate their familiarity.
5.5.17 On passenger ships, special attention will be paid to the duties of those crew members assigned to the closing of manually operated doors and fire dampers. These closing devices must be operated by the responsible persons in the areas of the simulated fire(s) during the drill. Crew members not assigned to the fire-fighting teams are generally assigned to locations throughout the passenger accommodations to assist in passenger evacuation. These crew members will be asked to explain their duties and the meaning of the various emergency signals and asked to point out the two means of escape from the area, and where the passengers are to report. Crew members assigned to assist passengers must be able to communicate at least enough information to direct a passenger to the proper muster and embarkation stations.
Abandon ship drills
5.5.18 After consultation with the master, the port State control officer may require an abandon ship drill for one or more survival craft. The essence of this drill is that the survival craft are manned and operated by the crew members assigned to them on the muster list. If possible the port State control officer will include the rescue boat(s) in this drill. Chapter III of SOLAS 74 gives specific requirements on abandon ship training and drills, of which the following principles are particularly relevant.
5.5.19 The drill must, as far as practicable, be conducted as if there was an actual emergency.
5.5.20 The abandon ship drill must include:
.1 summoning of (passengers and) crew to the muster station(s) with the required alarm and ensuring that they are aware of the order to abandon ship as specified in the muster list;
.2 reporting to the stations and preparing for the duties described in the muster list;
.3 checking that (passengers and) crew are suitably dressed;
.4 checking that life jackets are correctly donned;
.5 lowering of at least one lifeboat after the necessary preparation for launching;
.6 starting and operating the lifeboat engine; and
.7 operation of the davits used for launching life rafts;
.8 a mock search and rescue of passengers trapped in their staterooms;
.9 instructions in the use of radio life saving appliances;
.10 testing of emergency lighting for mustering and abandonment; and
.11 if the ship is fitted with marine evacuation systems, exercising of the procedures required for the deployment of such systems up to the point of immediately preceding actual deployment.
5.5.21 If the lifeboat lowered during the drill is not the rescue boat, the rescue boat must be lowered as well, taking into account that it is boarded and launched in the shortest possible time. The port State control officer will ensure that crew members are familiar with the duties assigned to them during abandon ship operations and that the crew member in charge of the survival craft has complete knowledge of the operation and equipment of the survival craft.
5.5.22 Each survival craft must be stowed in a state of continuous readiness so that two crew members can carry out preparations for embarking and launching in less than 5 minutes.
5.5.23 On passenger ships, it is required that lifeboats and davit-launched life rafts are capable of being launched within a period of 30 minutes.
5.5.24 On cargo ships, it is required that lifeboats and davit launched life rafts are capable of being launched within a period of 10 minutes.
Damage control plan and Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan (SOPEP)
5.5.25 The port State control officer may determine if a damage control plan on a passenger ship is provided and whether the appropriate crew members are familiar with their duties and the proper use of the ship’s installations and equipment for damage control and pollution emergency purposes.
5.5.26 The port State control officer may determine if the officers of the ship are aware of the contents of the damage control booklet which must be available to them, or of the damage control plan.
5.5.27 The officers may be asked to explain the action to be taken in various damage conditions.
5.5.28 The officers may also be asked to explain about the boundaries of the watertight compartments, the openings therein with the means of closure and position of any controls thereof and the arrangements for the correction of any list due to flooding.
5.5.29 The officers must have a sound knowledge of the effect of trim and stability of their ship in the event of damage to and consequent flooding of a compartment and counter-measures to be taken.
5.5.30 The provisions referred to in 5.5.25 to 5.5.29 of this Annex apply accordingly to the damage control plan for cargo ships and to the SOPEP for all ships. Where applicable, for bulk carriers the port State control officer may determine the familiarity of officers with the cargo holds flooding scenarios and the instructions on evacuation preparedness.
Fire control plan
5.5.31 The port State control officer may determine if a fire control plan or booklet is provided and whether the crew members are familiar with the information given in the fire control plan or booklet.
5.5.32 The port State control officer may verify that fire control plans are permanently exhibited for the guidance of the ship’s officers. Alternatively, booklets containing the information of the fire control plan may be supplied to each officer, and one copy must at all times be available on board in an accessible position. Plans and booklets must be kept up to date, any alterations being recorded thereon as soon as possible.
5.5.33 The port State control officer may determine that the responsible officers, especially those who are assigned to related duties on the muster list, are aware of the information provided by the fire control plan or booklet and how to act in case of a fire.
5.5.34 The port State control officer may ensure that the officers in charge of the ship are familiar with the principal structural members which form part of the various fire sections and the means of access to the different compartments.
Decision support system for masters of passenger ships
5.5.34 bis For passenger ships the port State control officer may verify that a decision support system for emergency management is provided on the navigation bridge, consisting as a minimum of a printed emergency plan or plans.
Bridge operation
5.5.35 The port State control officer may determine if officers in charge of a navigational watch are familiar with bridge control and navigational equipment, changing the steering mode from automatic to manual and vice versa, and the ship’s manoeuvring characteristics.
5.5.36 The officer in charge of a navigational watch must have knowledge of the location and operation of all safety and navigational equipment. Moreover, this officer must be familiar with procedures which apply to the navigation of the ship in all circumstances and must be aware of all information available.
5.5.37 The port State control officer may also verify the familiarity of the officers on all the information available to them such as manoeuvring characteristics of the ship, life-saving signals, up-to-date nautical publications, checklists concerning bridge procedures, instructions, manuals, etc.
5.5.38 The port State control officer may verify the familiarity of the officers with procedures such as periodical tests and checks of equipment, preparations for arrival and departure, change over of steering modes, signalling, communications, manoeuvring, emergencies and log book entries. The Permit to Operate for High Speed Craft (POHSC) includes limitations of the maximum significant wave height (and wind force for hovercraft) within which the craft may operate. When carrying out inspections of HSC, PSCOs may verify by the logbook and the weather records whether these limitations have been respected. PSCOs may find that a voyage had to be completed when worse weather conditions than permitted were encountered, but a new voyage should not commence in such conditions. Procedures for obtaining up-to-date forecasts before every voyage should also be checked. Forecasts of significant wave heights should cover a relevant period. When the conditions are marginal the master should obtain updates from the port State weather services or ships in the vicinity. If procedures are found to be lacking, owners should be required to confirm their corrective action. PSCOs should question logbook entries which record conditions significantly below forecasts of conditions above operating limits. If further evidence is needed, hindcasts (i.e. reports of the actual weather over a given period) may be available from the port weather service but these should normally only be obtained when there is significant doubt. Where a HSC is found to have breached its weather limitations, action may include sending a warning letter to the owners with a copy to the flag State.
Cargo operation
5.5.39 The port State control officer may determine if ship’s personnel assigned specific duties related to the cargo and cargo equipment are familiar with those duties, any dangers posed by the cargo and with the measures to be taken in such a context.
5.5.39 bis The port State control officer may verify that the master has been provided with appropriate written information on the precautions for the proper stowage and safe carriage of cargo.
5.5.40 With respect to the carriage of solid bulk cargoes, the port State control officer will verify, as appropriate, that cargo loading is performed in accordance with a ship’s loading plan and unloading in accordance with a ship’s unloading plan agreed by the ship and the terminal, taking into account the information provided by the loading instrument, where fitted.
5.5.41 The port State control officer, when appropriate, may determine whether the responsible crew members are familiar with the relevant provisions of the Code of Safe Practice for Solid Bulk Cargoes, particularly those concerning moisture limits and trimming of the cargo, the Code of Safe Practice for Ships Carrying Timber Deck Cargoes and the Code of Safe Practice for Cargo Stowage and Securing.
5.5.42 Some solid materials transported in bulk can present a hazard during transport because of their chemical nature or physical properties. SOLAS regulation VI/2 and Section 2 of the Code of Safe Practice for Solid Bulk Cargoes give general precautions. Section 4 of the Code of Safe Practice for Solid Bulk Cargoes contains the obligation imposed on the shipper to provide all necessary information to ensure a safe transport of the cargo. The port State control officer may determine whether all relevant details, including all relevant certificates of tests, have been provided to the master from the shipper.
5.5.43 For some cargoes, such as cargoes which are subject to liquefaction, special precautions are given in section 7 of the Code of Safe Practice for Solid Bulk Cargoes. The port State control officer may determine whether all precautions are met with special attention for the stability of those vessels engaged in the transport of cargoes subject to liquefaction and solid hazardous waste in bulk.
5.5.44 Officers responsible for cargo handling and operation and key crew members of oil tankers, chemical tankers and liquefied gas carriers must be familiar with the cargo and cargo equipment and with the safety measures as stipulated in the relevant sections of the International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (IBC Code) and of the International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk (IGC Code).
5.5.45 For the carriage of grain in bulk, reference is made to part C of Chapter VI of SOLAS 74 and the International Code for the Safe Carriage of Grain in Bulk (IMO Resolution MSC.23(59)).
5.5.46 The port State control officer may determine whether the operations, cargo securing and loading manuals include all the relevant information for safe loading and unloading operations in port as well as in transit conditions.
Operation of the machinery
5.5.47 The port State control officer may determine if responsible ship’s personnel are familiar with their duties related to operating essential machinery, such as:
.1 emergency and stand-by sources of electrical power;
.2 auxiliary steering gear;
.3 bilge and fire pumps; and
.4 any other equipment essential in emergency situations.
5.5.48 The port State control officer may verify whether the responsible ship’s personnel are familiar with, inter alia:
.1 Emergency generator:
.1.1 actions which are necessary before the engine can be started;
.1.2 different possibilities to start the engine in combination with the source of starting energy; and
.1.3 procedures when the first attempts to start the engine fail.
.2 Stand-by generator engine:
.2.1 possibilities to start the stand-by engine, automatic or by hand;
.2.2 blackout procedures; and
.2.3 load-sharing system.
5.5.49 The port State control officer may verify whether the responsible ship’s personnel are familiar with, inter alia:
.1 which type of auxiliary steering gear system applies to the ship;
.2 how it is indicated which steering gear unit is in operation; and
.3 what action is needed to bring the auxiliary steering gear into operation.
5.5.50 The port State control officer may verify whether the responsible ship’s personnel are familiar with, inter alia:
.1 Bilge pumps:
.1.1 number and location of bilge pumps installed on board the ship (including emergency bilge pumps);
.1.2 starting procedures for all these bilge pumps;
.1.3 appropriate valves to operate; and
.1.4 most likely causes of failure of bilge pump operation and their possible remedies.
.2 Fire pumps:
.2.1 number and location of fire pumps installed on board the ship (including the emergency fire pump);
.2.2 starting procedures for all these pumps; and
.2.3 appropriate valves to operate.
5.5.51 The port State control officer may verify whether the responsible ship’s personnel are familiar with, inter alia:
.1 starting and maintenance of lifeboat engine and/or rescue boat engine;
.2 local control procedures for those systems which are normally controlled from the navigating bridge;
.3 use of the emergency and fully independent sources of electrical power of radio installations;
.4 maintenance procedures for batteries;
.5 emergency stops, fire detection system and alarm system operation of watertight and fire doors (stored energy systems); and
.6 change of control from automatic to manual for cooling water and lube oil systems for main and auxiliary engines.
Manuals, instructions, etc.
5.5.52 The port State control officer may determine if the appropriate crew members are able to understand the information given in manuals, instructions, etc., relevant to the safe condition and operation of the ship and its equipment and that they are aware of the requirements for maintenance, periodical testing, training, drills and recording of log book entries.
5.5.53 The following information must, inter alia, be provided on board and port State control officers may determine whether it is in a language or languages understood by the crew and whether crew members concerned are aware of the contents and are able to respond accordingly:
.1 instructions concerning the maintenance and operation of all the equipment and installations on board for the fighting and containment of fire must be kept under one cover, readily available in an accessible position;
.2 clear instructions to be followed in the event of an emergency must be provided for every person on board;
.3 decks shall be sequentially numbered. Mimic plans indicating positions on board and escape routes and illustrations and instructions in appropriate languages must be posted in passenger cabins and be conspicuously displayed at muster stations and other passenger spaces to inform passengers of their muster station, the essential action they must take in an emergency and the method of donning life jackets;
.4 posters and signs must be provided on or in the vicinity of survival craft and their launching controls and shall illustrate the purpose of controls and the procedures for operating the appliance and give relevant instructions or warnings;
.5 instructions for on-board maintenance of life-saving appliances;
.6 training manuals must be provided in each crew mess room and recreation room or in each crew cabin. The training manual, which may comprise several volumes, must contain instructions and information, in easily understood terms illustrated wherever possible, on the life-saving appliances provided in the ship and on the best method of survival;
.7 Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan in accordance with Regulation 26 of Annex I to MARPOL 73/78; and
.8 stability booklet, associated stability plans and stability information.
Oil and oily mixtures from machinery spaces
5.5.54 The port State control officer may determine if all operational requirements of Annex I to MARPOL 73/78 have been met, taking into account:
.1 the quantity of oil residues generated;
.2 the capacity of sludge and bilge water holding tank; and
.3 the capacity of the oily water separator.
5.5.55 An inspection of the Oil Record Book will be made. The port State control officer may determine if reception facilities have been used and note any alleged inadequacy of such facilities.
5.5.56 The port State control officer may determine whether the responsible officer is familiar with the handling of sludge and bilge water. The relevant items from the guidelines for systems for handling oily wastes in machinery spaces of ships may be used as guidance. Taking into account the above, the port State control officer may determine if the ullage of the sludge tank is sufficient for the expected generated sludge during the next intended voyage. The port State control officer may verify that, in respect of ships for which the flag State Administration has waived the requirements of Regulation 16(1) and (2) of Annex I to MARPOL 73/78, all oily bilge water is retained on board for subsequent discharge to a reception facility.
5.5.57 When reception facilities in other ports have not been used because of inadequacy, the port State control officer will advise the master to report the inadequacy of the reception facility to the ship’s flag State, in conformity with MEPC/Circ.215 of 25 April 1989.
Loading, unloading and cleaning procedures for cargo spaces of tankers
5.5.58 The port State control officer may determine if all operational requirements of Annexes I or II to MARPOL 73/78 have been met taking into account the type of tanker and the type of cargo carried, including the inspection of the Oil Record Book and/or Cargo Record Book. The port State control officer may determine if the reception facilities have been used and note any alleged inadequacy of such facilities.
5.5.59 For the control on loading, unloading and cleaning procedures for tankers carrying oil, reference is made to 5.3.1 and 5.3.2 of this Annex where procedures have been set out for the inspection of crude oil washing operations.
5.5.60 For the control on loading, unloading and cleaning procedures for tankers carrying noxious liquid substances, reference is made to 5.4.1 of this Annex where procedures have been set out for the inspection of unloading, stripping and prewash operations
5.5.61 When reception facilities in other ports have not been used because of inadequacy, the port State control officer will advise the master to report the inadequacy of the reception facility to the ship’s flag State, in conformity with MEPC/Circ.215 of 25 April 1989.
5.5.62 When a vessel is permitted to proceed to the next port with residues of noxious liquid substances on board in excess of those permitted to be discharged into the sea during the ship’s passage, it will be ascertained that the residues can be received by that port. At the same time that port will be informed if practicable.
Dangerous goods and harmful substances in packaged form
5.5.63 The port State control officer may determine if the required shipping documents for the carriage of dangerous goods and harmful substances carried in packaged form are provided on board and whether the dangerous goods and harmful substances are properly stowed and segregated and the crew members are familiar with the essential action to be taken in an emergency involving such packaged cargo.
5.5.64 Ship types and cargo spaces of ships built after 1 September 1984 intended for the carriage of dangerous goods must comply with the requirements of Regulation II-2/54 of SOLAS 74, in addition to the requirements of Regulation II-2/53 (for cargo ships) and the requirements of Regulations II-2/3 and II-2/39 (for passenger ships), unless such requirements have already been met by compliance with requirements elsewhere in the Convention. The only exemption permissible is when dangerous goods in limited quantities are carried.
5.5.65 Annex III to MARPOL 73/78 contains requirements for the carriage of harmful substances in packaged form which are identified in the International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG Code) as marine pollutants. Cargoes which are determined to be marine pollutants must be labelled and stowed in accordance with Annex III to MARPOL 73/78.
5.5.66 The port State control officer may determine whether a Document of Compliance is on board and whether the ship’s personnel are familiar with this document provided by the flag State Administration as evidence of compliance of construction and equipment with the requirements. Additional control may consist of:
.1 whether the dangerous goods have been secured in conformity with the cargo securing manual and stowed on board in conformity with the Document of Compliance, using the dangerous goods manifest or the stowage plan, required by Chapter VII of SOLAS 74. This manifest or stowage plan may be combined with the one required under Annex III to MARPOL 73/78;
.2 whether inadvertent pumping of leaking flammable or toxic liquids is not possible in case these substances are carried in under-deck cargo spaces; or
.3 determining whether the ship’s personnel are familiar with the relevant provisions of the Medical First Aid Guide and Emergency Procedures for Ships Carrying Dangerous Goods.
5.5.67 The port State control officer may determine if all operational requirements of Annex V to MARPOL 73/78 have been met. The port State control officer may determine if the reception facilities have been used and note any alleged inadequacy of such facilities.
5.5.68 “Guidelines for the implementation of Annex V to MARPOL 73/78” * ) were approved at the MEPC at its twenty-ninth session and have been published. One of the objectives of these guidelines is to assist vessel operators complying with the requirements set forth in Annex V and domestic laws.
5.5.69 The port State control officer may determine whether:
.1 ship’s personnel are aware of these Guidelines, in particular section 3 “Minimizing the amount of potential garbage” and section 4 “Shipboard garbage handling and storage procedures”;
.2 ship’s personnel are familiar with the disposal and discharge requirements of Annex V to MARPOL 73/78 inside and outside a special area and are aware of the areas determined as special areas under Annex V to MARPOL 73/78; and
.3 ship’s personnel is familiar with the procedures of the garbage management plan for collecting, storing, processing and disposing of garbage and with the keeping of the Garbage Record Book.
5.5.70 When reception facilities in other ports have not been used because of inadequacy, the port State control officer will advise the master to report the inadequacy of the reception facility to the ship’s flag State, in conformity with MEPC/Circ.215 of 25 April 1989.
Section 6 Manning
6.1 Introduction
The guiding principles for port State control of the manning of a foreign ship will be to establish conformity with:
.1 the flag State’s safe manning requirements. Where this is in doubt the flag State will be consulted; and
.2 the international provisions as laid down in SOLAS 74, STCW 78 and IMO Resolution A.481(XII).
.3 the provisions of ILO 147 which inter alia refer to the ILO Convention No. 53, Article 3 and 4.
6.2 Manning control
6.2.1 If a ship is manned in accordance with a safe manning document or equivalent document issued by the flag State, the port State control officer will accept that the ship is safely manned unless the document has clearly been issued without regard to the principles contained in the relevant instruments in which case the port State control officer will act according to the procedures defined in 6.2.3 of this Annex.
6.2.2 If the actual crew number or composition does not conform to the manning document, the port State will request the flag State for advice as to whether or not the ship should be allowed to sail with the actual number of crew and its composition. Such a request and response will be by expedient means and either Party may request this communication in writing. If the actual crew number or composition is not brought into accordance with the safe manning document or the flag State does not advise that the ship could sail, the ship may be considered for detention after the criteria set out in 9.2 of this Annex have been taken into proper account.
6.2.3 If the ship does not carry a safe manning document or equivalent, the port State will request the flag State to specify the required number of crew and its composition and to issue a document as quickly as possible.
In case the actual number or composition of the crew does not conform to the specifications received from the flag State the procedure as contained in 6.2.2 of this Annex applies.
If the flag State does not respond to the request this will be considered as clear grounds for a more detailed inspection to ensure that the number and composition of the crew is in accordance with the principles laid down in 6.1 of this Annex. The ship will only be allowed to proceed to sea if it is safe to do so, taking into account the criteria for detention indicated in 9.2 of this Annex. In any such case the minimum standards to be applied will be no more stringent than those applied to ships flying the flag of the port State.
6.3 Control under the provisions of STCW 78
6.3.1 Without prejudice to other rights and obligations on control by port State control officers concerning communication and information on board, control exercised by the port State control officer will be limited to the following:
.1 verification that all seafarers serving on board, who are required to be certificated, hold an appropriate certificate or a valid dispensation, or provide documentary proof that an application for an endorsement has been submitted to the flag State Administration;
.2 verification that the numbers and certificates of the seafarers serving on board are in conformity with the applicable safe manning requirements of the flag State Administration; and
.3 assessment of the ability of the seafarers of the ship to maintain watch keeping standards as required by the Convention if there are clear grounds for believing that such standards are not being maintained because any of the following have occurred:
.1 the ship has been involved in a collision, grounding or stranding, or
.2 there has been a discharge of substances from the ship when underway, at anchor or at berth which is illegal under any international convention, or
.3 the ship has been manoeuvred in an erratic or unsafe manner whereby routeing measures adopted by the IMO or safe navigation practices and procedures have not been followed, or
.4 the ship is otherwise being operated in such a manner as to pose a danger to persons, property or the environment.
6.3.2 In assessing the watch keeping standards the port State control officer may check that watch schedules clearly show rest periods, are posted and easily accessible and that all persons who are assigned duty as officer in charge of a watch or as a rating forming part of a watch are provided a minimum of 10 hours of rest in any 24 hour period of which at least 6 hours are consecutive and 70 hours in each seven day period. These periods do not need to be maintained in case of an emergency or drill or in other overriding operational conditions which, in any case, should be recorded.
Section 7 Merchant Shipping (Minimum Standards) Convention, 1976 (No. 147).
7.1 Inspections on board ships under ILO 147 will relate to:
.1 the Minimum Age Convention, 1973 (No. 138); or
the Minimum Age (Sea) Convention (Revised),1936 (No. 58); or
the Minimum Age (Sea) Convention, 1920 (No. 7);
.2 the Medical Examination (Seafarers) Convention, 1946 (No. 73);
.3 the Prevention of Accidents (Seafarers) Convention, 1970 (No. 134) (Articles 4 and 7);
.4 the Accommodation of Crews Convention (Revised), 1949 (No. 92);
.5 the Food and Catering (Ships’ Crews) Convention, 1946 (No. 68) (Article 5);
.6 the Officers’ Competency Certificates Convention, 1936 (No. 53) (Articles 3 and 4).
Inspection regarding certificates of competency is dealt with in section 6 of this Annex. In the exercise of control of the conventions listed in .1 to .5 above, the port State control officer will decide, on the basis of the clear grounds listed in section 4 of this Annex and his professional judgement, whether the ship will receive a more detailed inspection. All complaints regarding conditions on board will be investigated thoroughly and action taken as deemed necessary. He will also use his professional judgement to determine whether the conditions on board give rise to a hazard to the safety or health of the crew which necessitates the rectification of conditions and may, if necessary, detain the ship until appropriate corrective action is taken. Reporting procedures for detentions are provided in Annex 4.
7.2 The port State control officer, when carrying out an inspection as referred to in 7.1 of this Annex, will further take into account the considerations given in the ILO publication “Inspection of Labour Conditions on board Ship: Guide-lines for procedure”.
7.3 The conventions relevant in the framework of the provisions of 7.4 of this Annex are:
.1 the Seamen’s Articles of Agreement Convention, 1926 (no. 22);
.2 the Repatriation of Seamen Convention, 1926 (no. 23);
.3 the Shipowners’ Liability (Sick and Injured Seamen) Convention, 1936 (no.55); or
the Sickness Insurance (Sea) Convention, 1936 (no. 56); or
the Medical Care and Sickness Benefits Convention, 1969 (no. 130);
.4 the Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise Convention, 1948 (no. 87);
.5 the Right to Organise and Collective Bargaining Convention, 1949 (no. 98).
7.4 If the port State control officer receives a report, notification or complaint to the effect that the standards laid down in the conventions listed in 7.3 of this Annex are not met, the matter will be reported by the Authority, if possible with evidence, to the flag State Administration for further action, with a copy to the ILO.
7.5 Those parts of the ILO publication “Inspection of Labour Conditions on board Ship: Guide-lines for procedure” which deal with:
.1 control procedures for national flag ships;
.2 vocational training;
.3 officers’ certificates of competency;
.4 hours of work and manning;
are not considered as relevant provisions for the inspection of ships but as information to port State control officers only.
Section 8 Expanded inspection of certain ships
8.1 General provision for expanded inspection
The ships referred to in 8.3 of this Annex will be subject to an expanded inspection by any of the Authorities only once during a period of 12 months. However, these ships may be subject to the inspection provided for in 3.1 of the Memorandum.
8.2 Passenger ships in regular services
In the case of passenger ships operating on a regular schedule in or out of a port of a State, the Authority of which is a signatory to the Memorandum, an expanded inspection of each ship will be carried out by that Authority.
When a passenger ship operates such a schedule between ports of States, the Authorities of which are signatories to the Memorandum, the Authority of one of these States will undertake the expanded inspection.
8.3 Categories of ships subject to expanded inspection
8.3.1 Oil tankers, 5 years or less from the date of phasing out in accordance with Regulation 13G of Annex I to MARPOL 73/78, i.e.
.1 a crude oil tanker of 20,000 tonnes deadweight and above or a product carrier of 30,000 tonnes deadweight and above, not meeting the requirements of a new oil tanker as defined in Regulation 1 (26) of Annex I to MARPOL 73/78, will be subject to expanded inspection 20 years after its date of delivery as indicated on the Supplement, Form B, to the IOPP Certificate, or 25 years after that date, if the ship’s wing tanks or double-bottom spaces not used for the carriage of oil meet the requirements of Regulation 13G(4) of that Annex, unless it has been reconstructed to comply with Regulation 13F of the same Annex;
.2 an oil tanker as mentioned above meeting the requirements of a new oil tanker as defined in Regulation 1(26) of Annex I to MARPOL 73/78 will be subject to expanded inspection 25 years after its date of delivery as indicated on the Supplement, Form B, to the IOPP Certificate, unless it complies with or has been reconstructed to comply with Regulation 13F of that Annex;
8.3.2 Bulk carriers, older than 12 years of age, as determined on the basis of the date of construction indicated in the ship’s safety certificates;
8.3.3 Passenger ships;
8.3.4 Gas and chemical tankers older than 10 years of age, as determined on the basis of the date of construction indicated in the ship’s safety certificates.
8.4 Non-mandatory procedures for expanded inspection of certain categories of ships
8.4.1 To the extent applicable the following items may be considered as part of an expanded inspection. Port State control officers must be aware that it may jeopardize the safe execution of certain on-board operations, e.g. cargo operations, if tests having a direct effect thereon are required to be carried out during such operations.
8.4.2 Ships in general (categories as listed in 8.3 of this Annex):
.1 black-out and start of emergency generator;
.2 inspection of emergency lighting;
.3 operation of emergency fire pump with two fire hoses connected to the fire main line;
.4 operation of bilge pumps;
.5 closing of watertight doors;
.6 lowering of one seaside lifeboat to the water;
.7 test of remote emergency stop for e.g. boilers, ventilation and fuel pumps;
.8 testing of steering gear including auxiliary steering gear;
.9 inspection of emergency source of power to radio installations;
.10 inspection and, to the extent possible, test of engine room separator.
8.4.3 Oil tankers:
In addition to the items listed in 8.4.2 of this Annex, the following items may also be considered as part of the expanded inspection for oil tankers:
.1 fixed deck foam system;
.2 fire fighting equipment in general;
.3 inspection of fire dampers to engine room, pump room and accommodation;
.4 control of pressure of inert gas and oxygen content thereof;
.5 check of the Survey Report File (see IMO Resolution A.744(18)) to identify possible suspect areas requiring inspection.
8.4.4 Bulk carriers:
In addition to the items listed in 8.4.2 of this Annex, the following items may also be considered as part of the expanded inspection for bulk carriers:
.1 possible corrosion of deck machinery foundations;
.2 possible deformation and/or corrosion of hatch covers;
.3 possible cracks or local corrosion in transverse bulkheads;
.4 access to cargo holds;
.5 check of the Survey Report File (see IMO Resolution A.744(18)) to identify possible suspect areas requiring inspection.
8.4.5 Gas and chemical tankers:
In addition to the items listed in 8.4.2 of this Annex, the following items may also be considered as part of the expanded inspection for gas and chemical tankers:
.1 cargo tank monitoring and safety devices relating to temperature, pressure and ullage;
.2 oxygen analysing and explosimeter devices, including their calibration. Availability of chemical detection equipment (bellows) with an appropriate number of suitable gas detection tubes for the specific cargo being carried;
.3 cabin escape sets giving suitable respiratory and eye protection, for every person on board (if required by the products listed in the International Certificate of Fitness or Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk or Liquefied Gases in Bulk, as applicable);
.4 check that the product being carried is listed in the International Certificate of Fitness or the Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk or Liquefied Gases in Bulk, as applicable;
.5 the fixed fire fighting installations on deck whether they be foam or dry chemical or other, as required by the product carried.
8.4.6 Passenger ships:
In addition to the items listed in 8.4.2 of this Annex, the following items may also be considered as part of the expanded inspection for passenger ships:
.1 testing of fire detection and alarm system;
.2 testing of proper closing of fire doors;
.3 test of public address system;
.4 fire drill where, as a minimum, all sets of fireman’s outfits must be demonstrated and part of the catering crew take part;
.5 demonstration that key crew members are acquainted with the damage control plan.
If deemed appropriate the inspection may be continued while the ship is on passage to our from ports of States, the Authorities of which are signatories to the Memorandum, with the consent of the master or the operator. Port State control officers must not obstruct the operation of the ship, nor must they induce situations that, in the master’s judgement, could endanger the safety of the passengers, the crew and the ship.
Section 9 Rectification and detention
9.1 Principles governing rectification of deficiencies or detention of a ship
In taking a decision concerning the rectification of a deficiency or detention of a ship, the port State control officer will take into consideration the results of the detailed inspection carried out in accordance with section 3 of the Memorandum and the procedures mentioned in section 6 and in 9.3 of this Annex.
The port State control officer will exercise his professional judgement in determining whether to detain the ship until the deficiencies are corrected or to allow it to sail with certain deficiencies without unreasonable danger to the safety, health, or the environment, having regard to the particular circumstances of the intended voyage. As regards minimum manning standards and the provisions of ILO Convention No. 147, special procedures will be observed set out in sections 6 and 7 of this Annex.
9.2 Detention related to minimum manning standards and certification
Before detaining a ship for reasons of deficient manning standards and certification, the following will be considered, giving due regard to of this Annex:
.1 length and nature of the intended voyage or service;
.2 whether or not the deficiency poses a danger to ships, persons on board or the environment;
.3 whether or not appropriate rest periods of the crew can be observed;
.4 size and type of ship and equipment provided; and
.5 nature of cargo.
9.3 Procedures for the detention of ships of all sizes.
9.3.1 Introduction
These procedures will be used if deficiencies are found during the course of a ship inspection. They are intended for guidance of the port State control officer and are not to be considered as a checklist.
9.3.2 Main criteria
When exercising his professional judgement as to whether or not a ship should be detained the port State control officer will apply the following criteria:
.1 Timing: ships which are unsafe to proceed to sea will be detained upon the first inspection irrespective of the time the ship will stay in port;
.2 Criterion: the ship will be detained if the deficiencies on a ship are sufficiently serious to merit a port State control officer returning to the ship to satisfy himself that they have been rectified before the ship sails.
The need for the port State control officer to return to the ship classifies the seriousness of the deficiencies. However, it does not impose such an obligation for every case. It implies that the Authority will verify, preferably by a further visit, that the deficiencies have been rectified before departure.
9.3.3 Application of main criteria
When deciding whether the deficiencies found in a ship are sufficiently serious to merit detention the port State control officer will assess whether:
.1 the ship has relevant, valid documentation;
.2 the ship has the crew required in the Minimum Safe Manning Document.
During inspection the port State control officer will further assess whether the ship and/or crew is able to:
.3 navigate safely throughout the forthcoming voyage;
.4 safely handle, carry and monitor the condition of the cargo throughout the forthcoming voyage;
.5 operate the engine room safely throughout the forthcoming voyage;
.6 maintain proper propulsion and steering throughout the forthcoming voyage;
.7 fight fires effectively in any part of the ship if necessary during the forthcoming voyage;
.8 abandon ship speedily and safely and effect rescue if necessary during the forthcoming voyage;
.9 prevent pollution of the environment throughout the forthcoming voyage;
.10 maintain adequate stability throughout the forthcoming voyage;
.11 maintain adequate watertight integrity throughout the forthcoming voyage;
.12 communicate in distress situations if necessary during the forthcoming voyage;
.13 provide safe and healthy conditions on board throughout the forthcoming voyage;
If the result of any of these assessments is negative, taking into account all deficiencies found, the ship will be strongly considered for detention. A combination of deficiencies of a less serious nature may also warrant the detention of the ship.
9.3.4 Detainable deficiencies
To assist the port State control officer in the use of these procedures there follows a list of deficiencies, grouped under relevant Conventions and/or Codes, which are considered of such a serious nature that they may warrant the detention of the ship involved. This list is not considered exhaustive but is intended to give an exemplification of relevant items. However, the detainable deficiencies in the area of STCW 78, listed in of this Annex, are the only grounds for detention under this Convention. General
.1 the lack of valid certificates as required by the relevant instruments. However, ships flying the flag of States not a party to a Convention (relevant instrument) or not having implemented an other relevant instrument, are not entitled to carry the certificates provided for by the Convention or other relevant instrument. Therefore, absence of the required certificates will not by itself constitute reason to detain these ships, however, in applying the ‘no more favourable treatment’ clause, substantial compliance with the provisions must be required before the ship sails. Areas under SOLAS 74 (References are given in brackets)
.1 failure of proper operation of propulsion and other essential machinery, as well as electrical installations;
.2 insufficient cleanliness of engine room, excess amount of oily-water mixtures in bilges, insulation of piping including exhaust pipes in engine room contaminated by oil, improper operation of bilge pumping arrangements;
.3 failure of the proper operation of emergency generator, lighting, batteries and switches;
.4 failure of the proper operation of the main and auxiliary steering gear;
.5 absence, insufficient capacity or serious deterioration of personal lifesaving appliances, survival craft and launching arrangements;
.6 absence, non-compliance or substantial deterioration to the extent that it can not comply with its intended use of fire detection system, fire alarms, firefighting equipment, fixed fire extinguishing installation, ventilation valves, fire dampers, quick closing devices;
.7 absence, substantial deterioration or failure of proper operation of the cargo deck area fire protection on tankers;
.8 absence, non-compliance or serious deterioration of lights, shapes or sound signals;
.9 absence or failure of the proper operation of the radio equipment for distress and safety communication;
.10 absence or failure of the proper operation of navigation equipment, taking the provisions of Regulation V/12(o) of SOLAS 74 into account;
.11 absence of corrected navigational charts, and/or all other relevant nautical publications necessary for the intended voyage, taking into account that type-approved electronic chart display and information system (ECDIS) operating on official data may be used as a substitute for the charts;
.12 absence of non-sparking exhaust ventilation for cargo pump rooms (Regulation II-2/59.3.1 of SOLAS 74).
.13 Serious deficiency in the operational requirements listed in 5.5 of this Annex.
.14 Number, composition or certification of crew not corresponding with safe manning document. Areas under the IBC Code (References are given in brackets)
.1 transport of a substance not mentioned in the Certificate of Fitness or missing cargo information (16.2);
.2 missing or damaged high pressure safety devices (8.2.3);
.3 electrical installations not intrinsically safe or corresponding to code requirements (10.2.3);
.4 sources of ignition in hazardous locations referred to in 10.2 (11.3.15);
.5 contraventions of special requirements (15);
.6 exceeding of maximum allowable cargo quantity per tank (16.1);
.7 insufficient heat protection for sensitive products (16.6). Areas under the IGC Code (References are given in brackets)
.1 transport of a substance not mentioned in the Certificate of Fitness or missing cargo information (18.1);
.2 missing closing devices for accommodations or service spaces (3.2.6);
.3 bulkhead not gastight (3.3.2);
.4 defective air locks (3.6);
.5 missing or defective quick closing valves (5.6);
.6 missing or defective safety valves (8.2);
.7 electrical installations not intrinsically safe or not corresponding to code requirements (10.2.4);
.8 ventilators in cargo area not operable (12.1);
.9 pressure alarms for cargo tanks not operable (13.4.1);
.10 gas detection plant and/or toxic gas detection plant defective (13.6);
.11 transport of substances to be inhibited without valid inhibitor certificate (17/19). Areas under LOADLINES 66
.1 significant areas of damage or corrosion, or pitting of plating and associated stiffening in decks and hull effecting seaworthiness or strength to take local loads, unless proper temporary repairs for a voyage to a port for permanent repairs have been carried out;
.2 a recognized case of insufficient stability;
.3 absence of sufficient and reliable information, in an approved form, which by rapid and simple means, enables the master to arrange for the loading and ballasting of his ship in such a way that a safe margin of stability is maintained at all stages and at varying conditions of the voyage, and that the creation of any unacceptable stresses in the ship’s structure are avoided;
.4 absence, substantial deterioration or defective closing devices, hatch closing arrangements and water tight doors;
.5 overloading;
.6 absence of or impossibility to read draught mark. Areas under Annex I to MARPOL 73/78 (References are given in brackets)
.1 absence, serious deterioration or failure of proper operation of the oily-water filtering equipment, the oil discharge monitoring and control system or the 15 ppm alarm arrangements;
.2 remaining capacity of slop and/or sludge tank insufficient for the intended voyage;
.3 oil record book not available (20(5));
.4 unauthorized discharge bypass fitted; Areas under Annex II to MARPOL 73/78 (References are given in brackets)
.1 absence of the P&A Manual;
.2 cargo is not categorized (3(4));
.3 no cargo record book available (9(6));
.4 transport of oil-like substances without satisfying the requirements (14);
.5 unauthorized discharge by-pass fitted. Areas under STCW 78
.1 Failure of seafarers to hold a certificate, to have an appropriate certificate, to have a valid dispensation or to provide documentary proof that an application for an endorsement has been submitted to the flag State Administration;
.2 Failure to comply with the applicable safe manning requirements of the flag State Administration;
.3 Failure of navigational or engineering watch arrangements to conform to the requirements specified for the ship by the flag State Administration;
.4 Absence in a watch of a person qualified to operate equipment essential to safe navigation, safety radiocommunications or the prevention of marine pollution;
.5 Failure to provide proof of professional proficiency for the duties assigned to seafarers for the safety of the ship and the prevention of pollution;
.6 Inability to provide for the first watch at the commencement of a voyage and for subsequent relieving watches persons who are sufficiently rested and otherwise fit for duty. Areas under ILO Conventions
.1 insufficient food for voyage to next port;
.2 insufficient potable water for voyage to next port;
.3 excessively unsanitary conditions on board;
.4 no heating in accommodation of a ship operating in areas where temperatures may be excessively low;
.5 excessive garbage, blockage by equipment or cargo or otherwise unsafe conditions in passageways/accommodations. Areas which may not warrant a detention, but where e.g. cargo operations have to be suspended
.1 failure of the proper operation (or maintenance) of inert gas system, cargo related gear or machinery will be considered sufficient ground to stop cargo operation.
Annex 1A
Section 1 Procedures for discharge requirements under Annexes I and II to MARPOL 73/78
Section 2 Contravention of discharge provisions under Annex I to MARPOL 73/78
Section 3 Itemized list of possible evidence on alleged contravention of the discharge provisions of Annex I to MARPOL 73/78
3.1 Action on sighting oil pollution
3.2 Investigation on board
3.3 Investigation ashore
3.4 Information not covered by the foregoing
3.5 Conclusion
Section 4 Contravention of discharge provisions under Annex II to MARPOL 73/78
Section 5 Itemized list of possible evidence on alleged contravention of the discharge provisions of Annex II to MARPOL 73/78
5.1 Action on sighting pollution
5.2 Investigation on board
5.3 Investigation ashore
5.4 Information not covered by the foregoing
5.5 Conclusion
Section 1 Procedures for discharge requirements under Annexes I and II to MARPOL 73/78
1.1 Acting upon a report or notification of an alleged violation of the discharge requirements under Annexes I and II to MARPOL 73/78, the port State control officer will be guided by the procedures set out in sections 2 and 3 of this Annex with regard to investigations into alleged contravention of the discharge provisions of Annex I to MARPOL 73/78 and in sections 4 and 5 of this Annex with regard to investigations into alleged contravention of the discharge provisions of Annex II to MARPOL 73/78.
1.2 When exercising control on alleged violations of the discharge requirements under Annexes I and II to MARPOL 73/78, the port State control officer will give due regard to the provisions of 3.4.1 to 3.4.13 of IMO Resolution A.787(19), and to the instructions of the port State Administration based on these provisions.
1.3 In the event that his investigation reveals deficiencies which are clearly hazardous to safety, health or the environment, the port State control officer will apply the provisions of 3.7.1 of the Memorandum.
Section 2 Contravention of discharge provisions under Annex I to MARPOL 73/78
2.1 The provisions of sections 2 and 3 of this Annex are intended to identify information which is often needed by a flag State Administration for the prosecution of such possible violations.
2.2 It is recommended that in preparing a port State report on deficiencies, where contravention of the discharge requirements is involved, the authorities of the coastal or port State be guided by the itemized list of possible evidence as shown in section 3 of this Annex. It must be borne in mind in this connection that:
.1 the report aims to provide the optimal collation of obtainable data; however, even if all the information cannot be provided, as much information as possible must be submitted;
.2 it is important for all the information included in the report to be supported by facts which, when considered as a whole, would lead the port or coastal State to believe a contravention had occurred.
2.3 In addition to the port State report on deficiencies, a report must be completed by a port or coastal State, on the basis of the itemized list of possible evidence. It is important that these reports are supplemented by documents such as:
.1 a statement by the observer of the pollution. In addition to the information required in 3.1 of this Annex, the statement must include considerations which lead the observer to conclude that none of any other possible pollution sources is in fact the source;
.2 statements concerning the sampling procedures both of the slick and on board. These must include location of and time when samples were taken, identity of person(s) taking the samples and receipts identifying the persons having custody and receiving transfer of the samples;
.3 reports of analyses of samples taken of the slick and on board; the reports must include the results of the analyses, a description of the method employed, reference to or copies of scientific documentation attesting to the accuracy and validity of the method employed and names of persons performing the analyses and their experience;
.4 a statement by the port State control officer on board together with the port State control officer’s rank and organization;
.5 statements by persons being questioned;
.6 statements by witnesses;
.7 photographs of the oil slick;
.8 copies of relevant pages of Oil Record Books, log books, discharge recordings, etc.
All observations, photographs and documentation must be supported by a signed verification of their authenticity. All certifications, authentications or verifications shall be executed in accordance with the laws of the State which prepares them. All statements must be signed and dated by the person making the statement and, if possible, by a witness to the signing. The names of the persons signing statements must be printed in legible script above or below the signature.
2.4 The report referred to in 2.2 and 2.3 of this Annex must be sent to the flag State Administration. If the coastal State observing the pollution and the port State carrying out the investigation on board are not the same, the State carrying out the latter investigation must also send a copy of its findings to the State observing the pollution and requesting the investigation.
Section 3 Itemized list of possible evidence on alleged contravention of the discharge provisions of Annex I to MARPOL 73/78
3.1 Action on sighting oil pollution
3.1.1 Particulars of ship or ships suspected of contravention
.1 Name of ship
.2 Reasons for suspecting the ship
.3 Date and time (UTC) of observation or identification
.4 Position of ship
.5 Flag and port of registry
.6 Type (e.g. tanker, cargo ship, passenger ship, fishing vessel), size (estimated tonnage) and other descriptive data (e.g. superstructure colour and funnel mark)
.7 Draught condition (loaded or in ballast)
.8 Approximate course and speed
.9 Position of slick in relation to ship (e.g. astern, port, starboard)
.10 Part of the ship from which side discharge was seen emanating
.11 Whether discharge ceased when ship was observed or contacted by radio
3.1.2 Particulars of slick
.1 Date and time (UTC) of observation if different from of this Annex
.2 Position of oil slick in longitude and latitude if different from of this Annex
.3 Approximate distance in nautical miles from the nearest landmark
.4 Approximate overall dimension of oil slick (length, width and percentage thereof covered by oil)
.5 Physical description of oil slick (direction and form e.g. continuous, in patches or in windrows)
.6 Appearance of oil slick (indicate categories)
.1 Category A: Barely visible under most favourable light condition
.2 Category B: Visible as silvery sheen on water surface
.3 Category C: First trace of colour may be observed
.4 Category D: Bright band of colour
.5 Category E: Colours begin to turn dull
.6 Category F: Colours are much darker
.7 Sky conditions (bright sunshine, overcast, etc.), light fall and visibility (kilometres) at the time of observation
.8 Sea state
.9 Direction and speed of surface wind
.10 Direction and speed of current
3.1.3 Identification of the observer(s)
.1 Name of the observer
.2 Organization with which observer is affiliated (if any)
.3 Observer’s status within the organization
.4 Observation made from aircraft/ship/ shore/otherwise
.5 Name or identity of ship or aircraft from which the observation was made
.6 Specific location of ship, aircraft, place on shore or otherwise from which observation was made
.7 Activity engaged in by observer when observation was made, for example: patrol, voyage, flight (en route from .... to ....), etc.
3.1.4 Method of observation and documentation
.1 Visual
.2 Conventional photographs
.3 Remote sensing records and/or remote sensing photographs
.4 Samples taken from slick
.5 Any other form of observation (specify)
Note: A photograph of the discharge must preferably be in colour. Photographs can provide the following information: that a material on the sea surface is oil; that the quantity of oil discharged does constitute a violation of the Convention; that the oil is being, or has been discharged from a particular ship; and the identity of the ship.
Experience has shown that the aforementioned can be obtained with the following three photographs:
.1 details of the slick taken almost vertically down from an altitude of less than 300 metres with the sun behind the photographer;
.2 an overall view of the ship and “slick” showing oil emanating from a particular ship; and
.3 details of the ship for the purposes of identification.
3.1.5 Other information if radio contact can be established
.1 Master informed of pollution
.2 Explanation of master
.3 Ship’s last port of call
.4 Ship’s next port of call
.5 Name of ship’s master and owner
.6 Ship’s call sign
3.2 Investigation on board
3.2.1 Inspection of IOPP Certificate
.1 Name of ship
.2 Distinctive number or letters
.3 Port of registry
.4 Type of ship
.5 Date and place of issue
.6 Date and place of endorsement
Note: If the ship is not issued an IOPP Certificate, as much as possible of the requested information must be given.
3.2.2 Inspection of supplement to the IOPP Certificate
.1 Applicable paragraphs of sections 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 of the supplement to the IOPP Certificate (non-oil tankers)
.2 Applicable paragraphs of sections 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 of the supplement to the IOPP Certificate (oil tankers)
Note: If the ship does not have an IOPP Certificate, a description must be given of the equipment and arrangements on board, designed to prevent marine pollution.
3.2.3 Inspection of Oil Record Book
.1 Sufficient pages of the Oil Record Book - Part I must be copied to cover a period of 30 days prior to the reported incident
.2 Sufficient pages of the Oil Record Book - Part II (if on board) must be copied to cover a full loading/unloading/ballasting and tank cleaning cycle of the ship. A copy of the tank diagram must also be taken.
3.2.4 Inspection of log book
.1 Last port, date of departure, draught forward and aft
.2 Current port, date of arrival, draught forward and aft
.3 Ship’s position at or near the time the incident was reported
.4 Spot check if positions mentioned in the log book agree with positions noted in the Oil Record Book.
3.2.5 Inspection of other documentation on board
Other documentation relevant for evidence (if necessary make copies) such as:
.1 recent ullage sheets
.2 records of monitoring and control equipment
3.2.6 Inspection of ship
.1 Ship’s equipment in accordance with the supplement of the IOPP Certificate
.2 Samples taken. State location on board
.3 Traces of oil in vicinity of overboard discharge outlets
.4 Condition of engine-room and contents of bilges
.5 Condition of oily water separator, filtering equipment and alarm, stopping or monitoring arrangements
.6 Contents of sludge and/or holding tanks
.7 Sources of considerable leakage
On oil tankers the following additional evidence may be pertinent:
.8 Oil on surface of segregated or dedicated clean ballast
.9 Condition of pump-room bilges
.10 Condition of crude oil washing system
.11 Condition of inert gas system
.12 Condition of monitoring and control system
.13 Slop tank contents (estimate quantity of water and of oil)
3.2.7 Statements of persons concerned
If Part I of the Oil Record Book. has not been properly completed, information on the following questions may be pertinent:
.1 Was there a discharge (accidental or intentional) at the time indicated on the incident report?
.2 Is the bilge discharge controlled automatically?
.3 If so, at what time was this system last put into operation and at what time was this system last put on manual mode?
.4 If not, what were date and time of the last bilge discharge?
.5 What was the date of the last disposal of residue and how was disposal effected?
.6 Is it usual to effect discharge of bilge water directly to the sea, or to store bilge water first in a collecting tank? Identify the collecting tank
.7 Have oil fuel tanks recently been used as ballast tanks?
If Part II of the Oil Record Book has not been properly completed, information on the following questions may be pertinent:
.8 What was the cargo/ballast distribution in the ship on departure from the last port?
.9 What was the cargo/ballast distribution in the ship on arrival in the current port?
.10 When and where was the last loading effected?
.11 When and where was the last unloading effected?
.12 When and where was the last discharge of dirty ballast?
.13 When and where was the last cleaning of cargo tanks?
.14 When and where was the last crude oil washing operation and which tanks were washed?
.15 When and where was the last decanting of slop tanks?
.16 What is the ullage in the slop tanks and the corresponding height of interface?
.17 Which tanks contained the dirty ballast during the ballast voyage (if ship arrived in ballast)?
.18 Which tanks contained the clean ballast during the ballast voyage (if ship arrived in ballast)?
In addition the following information may be pertinent:
.19 Details of the present voyage of the ship (previous ports, next ports, trade)
.20 Contents of oil fuel and ballast tanks
.21 Previous and next bunkering, type of oil fuel
.22 Availability or non-availability of reception facilities for oily wastes during the present voyage
.23 Internal transfer of oil fuel during the present voyage
In the case of oil tankers the following additional information may be pertinent:
.24 The trade the ship is engaged in, such as short/long distance, crude or product or alternating crude/product, lightering service, oil/dry bulk
.25 Which tanks clean and dirty
.26 Repairs carried out or envisaged in cargo tanks
Miscellaneous information:
.27 Comments in respect of condition of ship’s equipment
.28 Comments in respect of pollution report
.29 Other comments
3.3 Investigation ashore
3.3.1 Analyses of oil samples
Indicate method and results of the samples’ analyses
3.3.2 Further information
Additional information on the ship, obtained from oil terminal staff, tank cleaning contractors or shore reception facilities may be pertinent.
Note: Any information under this heading is, if practicable, to be corroborated by documentation such as signed statements, invoices, receipts, etc.
3.4 Information not covered by the foregoing
3.5 Conclusion
3.5.1 Summing up of the investigator’s technical conclusions
3.5.2 Indication of applicable provisions of Annex I of MARPOL 73/78 which the ship is suspected of having contravened.
3.5.3 Did the results of the investigation warrant the filing of a deficiency report?
Section 4 Contravention of discharge provisions under Annex II to MARPOL 73/78
4.1 The provisions of sections 4 and 5 of this Annex are intended to identify information which will be needed by a flag State Administration for the prosecution of violations of the discharge provisions under Annex II to MARPOL 73/78.
4.2 It is recommended that in preparing a port State report on deficiencies, where contravention of the discharge requirements is involved, the authorities of a coastal or port State will be guided by the itemized list of possible evidence as shown in section 5 of this Annex. It must be borne in mind in this connection that:
.1 the report aims to provide the optimal collation of obtainable data; however, even if all the information cannot be provided, as much information as possible must be submitted; and
.2 it is important for all the information included in the report to be supported by facts which, when considered as a whole, would lead the port or coastal State to believe a contravention has occurred; and
.3 the discharge may have been oil, in which case annex 2 to appendix II of Annex I to MARPOL 73/78 Control Procedures applies.
4.3 In addition to the port State report on deficiencies, a report must be completed by a port or coastal State, on the basis of the itemized list of possible evidence. It is important that these reports are supplemented by documents such as:
.1 a statement by the observer of the pollution. In addition to the information required in 5.1 of this Annex, the statement must include considerations which have led the observer to conclude that none of any other possible pollution sources is in fact the source;
.2 statements concerning the sampling procedures both of the slick and on board. These include location of and time when samples were taken, identity of person(s) taking the samples and receipts identifying the persons having custody and receiving transfer of the samples;
.3 reports of analyses of samples taken of the slick and on board; the reports must include the results of the analyses, a description of the method employed, reference to or copies of scientific documentation attesting to the accuracy and validity of the method employed and names of persons performing the analyses and their experience;
.4 a statement by the port State control officer on board together with the port State control officer’s rank and organization;
.5 statements by persons being questioned;
.6 statements by witnesses;
.7 photographs of the slick; and
.8 copies of relevant pages of the Cargo Record Book, log books, discharge recordings, etc.
All observations, photographs and documentation must be supported by a signed verification of their authenticity. All certifications, authentications or verifications shall be executed in accordance with the laws of the State which prepares them. All statements must be signed and dated by the person making the statement and, if possible, by a witness to the signing. The names of the persons signing statements must be printed in legible script above or below the signature.
4.4 The report referred to in 4.2 and 4.3 of this Annex must be sent to the flag State Administration . If the coastal State observing the pollution and the port State carrying out the investigation on board are not the same, the State carrying out the latter investigation must also send a copy of its findings to the State observing the pollution and requesting the investigation.
Section 5 Itemized list of possible evidence on alleged contravention of the discharge provisions of Annex II to MARPOL 73/78
5.1 Action on sighting pollution
5.1.1 Particulars of ship or ships suspected of contravention
.1 Name of ship
.2 Reasons for suspecting the ship
.3 Date and time (UTC) of observation or identification
.4 Position of ship
.5 Flag and port of registry
.6 Type, size (estimated tonnage) and other descriptive data (e.g. superstructure, colour and funnel mark)
.7 Draught condition (loaded or in ballast)
.8 Approximate course and speed
.9 Position of slick in relating to ship (e.g. astern, port, starboard)
.10 Part of the ship from which discharge was seen emanating
.11 Whether discharge ceased when ship was observed or contacted by radio
5.1.2 Particulars of slick
.1 Date and time (UTC) of observation if different from of this Annex
.2 Position of slick in longitude and latitude if different from of this Annex
.3 Approximate distance in nautical miles from the nearest land
.4 Depth of water according to sea chart
.5 Approximate overall dimension of slick (length, width and percentage thereof covered)
.6 Physical description of slick (direction and form, e.g. continuous, in patches or in windrows)
.7 Colour of slick
.8 Sky conditions (bright sunshine, overcast, etc.), light fall and visibility (kms) at the time of observation
.9 Sea state
.10 Direction and speed of surface wind
.11 Direction and speed of current
5.1.3 Identification of the observer(s)
.1 Name of the observer
.2 Organization with which observer is affiliated (if any)
.3 Observer’s status within the organization
.4 Observation made from aircraft (ship) (shore) or otherwise
.5 Name or identity of ship or aircraft from which the observation was made
.6 Specific location of ship, aircraft, place on shore or otherwise from which observation was made
.7 Activity engaged in by observer when observation was made, for example: patrol, voyage, flight (en route from ... to ...), etc.
5.1.4 Method of observation and documentation
.1 Visual
.2 Conventional photographs
.3 Remote sensing records and/or remote sensing photographs
.4 Samples taken from slick
.5 Any other form of observation (specify)
Note: A photograph of the discharge must preferably be in colour. The best results may be obtained with the following three photographs:
.1 details of the slick taken almost vertically down from an altitude of less than 300 metres with the sun behind the photographer;
.2 an overall view of the ship and “slick” showing a substance emanating from the particular ship; and
.3 details of the ship for the purposes of identification.
5.1.5 Other information if radio contact can be established
.1 Master informed of pollution
.2 Explanation of master
.3 Ship’s last port of call
.4 Ship’s next port of call
.5 Name of ship’s master and owner
.6 Ship’s call sign
5.2 Investigation on board
5.2.1 Inspection of the certificate (CoF or NLS Certificate)
.1 Name of ship
.2 Distinctive number or letters
.3 Port of registry
.4 Type of ship
.5 Date and place of issue
.6 Date and place of endorsement
5.2.2 Inspection of P and A Manual
.1 List of Annex II substances the ship is permitted to carry
.2 Limitations as to tanks in which these substances may be carried
.3 Ship equipped with an efficient stripping system
.4 Residue quantities established at survey
5.2.3 Inspection of Cargo Record Book
Sufficient pages of the Cargo Record Book should be copied to cover a full loading/unloading/ballasting and tank cleaning cycle of the ship. A copy of the tank diagram should also be taken.
5.2.4 Inspection of log book
.1 Last port, date of departure, draught forward and aft
.2 Current port, date of arrival, draught forward and aft
.3 Ship’s position at or near the time the incident was reported
.4 Spot check if times entered in the Cargo Record Book in respect of discharges correspond with sufficient distance from the nearest land, the required ship’s speed and with sufficient water depth
5.2.5 Inspection of other documentation on board
Other documentation relevant for evidence (if necessary make copies) such as:
.1 cargo documents of cargo presently or recently carried, together with relevant information on required unloading temperature, viscosity and/or melting point
.2 records of temperature of substances during unloading
.3 records of monitoring equipment if fitted
5.2.6 Inspection of ship
.1 Ship’s equipment in accordance with the P and A Manual
.2 Samples taken; state location on board
.3 Sources of considerable leakage
.4 Cargo residues on surface of segregated or dedicated clean ballast
.5 Condition of pump room bilges
.6 Condition of monitoring system
.7 Slop tank contents (estimate quantity of water and residues)
5.2.7 Statements of persons concerned
If the Cargo Record Book has not been properly completed, information on the following questions may be pertinent:
.1 Was there a discharge (accidental or intentional) at the time indicated on the incident report?
.2 Which tanks are going to be loaded in the port?
.3 Which tanks needed cleaning at sea? Had the tanks been prewashed?
.4 When and where were these cleaned?
.5 Residues of which substances were involved?
.6 What was done with the tank washing slops?
.7 Was the slop tank, or cargo tank used as a slop tank, discharged at sea?
.8 When and where was the discharge effected?
.9 What are the contents of the slop tank or cargo tank used as slop tank?
.10 Which tanks contained the dirty ballast during the ballast voyage (if ship arrived in ballast)?
.11 Which tanks contained the clean ballast during the ballast voyage (if ship arrived in ballast)?
.12 Details of the present voyage of the ship (previous ports, next ports, trade)
.13 Difficulties experienced with discharge to shore reception facilities
.14 Difficulties experienced with efficient stripping operations
.15 Which tanks are clean or dirty on arrival?
.16 Repairs carried out or envisaged in cargo tanks
Miscellaneous information
.17 Comments in respect of condition of ship’s equipment
.18 Comments in respect of pollution report
.19 Other comments.
5.3 Investigation ashore
5.3.1 Analyses of samples
Indicate method and results of the samples’ analyses
5.3.2 Further information
Additional information on the ship, obtained from terminal staff, tank cleaning contractors or shore reception facilities may be pertinent
Note: Any information under this heading is, if practicable, to be corroborated by documentation such as signed statements, invoices, receipts, etc.
5.3.3 Information from previous unloading port terminal
.1 Confirmation that the ship unloaded, stripped or prewashed in accordance with its P and A Manual
.2 The nature of difficulties if any
.3 Restrictions by authorities under which the ship was permitted to sail
.4 Restrictions in respect of shore reception facilities
5.4 Information not covered by the foregoing
5.5 Conclusion
.1 Summing up of the investigator’s conclusions
.2 Indication of applicable provisions of Annex II to MARPOL 73/78 which the ship is suspected of having contravened
.3 Did the results of the investigation warrant the filing of a deficiency report?
Annex 2
1 In the case of deficiencies not fully rectified or only provisionally repaired, a message will be sent to the competent Authority of the region State where the next port of call of the ship is situated.
2 The exchange of messages, as in 1 above, will take effect through the use of the communication facilities incorporated in the information system as described in Annex 4 and/or by facsimile on the form contained in the Appendix to this Annex.
3 Each message as in 1 above, will contain the following information:
.1 date;
.2 from (country);
.3 port;
.4 to (country);
.5 port;
.6 a statement reading: deficiencies to be rectified;
.7 name of ship;
.8 IMO identification number (if available);
.9 type of ship;
.10 flag of ship;
.11 call sign;
.12 gross tonnage;
.13 year of build;
.14 issuing authority of relevant certificate(s);
.15 date of departure;
.16 estimated place and time of arrival;
.17 nature of deficiencies;
.18 action taken;
.19 suggested action;
.20 suggested action at next port of call;
.21 name and facsimile number of sender.
Annex 4
1 To assist Authorities in their selection of foreign flag ships to be inspected in their ports it is necessary to have at the disposal of Authorities up to date information on inspections of an individual foreign flag ship in one of the other regional ports within the preceding six months.
2 For that purpose the Authorities undertake to provide the ‘Centre Administratif des Affaires Maritimes’ (C.A.A.M.) in Saint Malo, preferably by means of computerized data transmission, with information on ships inspected in the national ports, basing themselves on the information set out in Annex 3 to the Memorandum. The insertion of information into the inspection files will preferably be realized by means of direct, computerized input on a daily basis.
3 For the purpose of exchanging rapid information, the information system will embrace a communication facility which allows for a direct, computerized exchange of messages between individual Authorities, including the notifications as referred to in Section 3.8 of the Memorandum and the exchange of information on operational violations as referred to in section 5 of the Memorandum.
4 The information as in 2 and 3 above will be handled in a standardized form and in accordance with standardized procedures as set out in the guide for users of the information system provided by the C.A.A.M.
5 The C.A.A.M. will organize the processing of information as in paragraph 2 above so as to ensure that inspection data are easily accessible both for purposes of consultation and updating in accordance with procedures as set out in the guide for users of the information system provided by the C.A.A.M.
6 If, in exceptional circumstances the information as in 2 and 3 above cannot be provided by computerized transmission, the information contained in the report of inspection referred to in Annex 3 shall be provided by telefax facilities as an alternative system of exchanging information.
7 Information for administrative purpose, such as statistical information, will be provided by the Secretariat under the guidance of the Committee. This will be based on data provided by the C.A.A.M.
8 The information system indicated in the foregoing paragraphs will be implemented as long as the Memorandum takes effect.
Studies to monitor and, where necessary, to improve the quality of the system will be carried out on a continuous basis.
9 With the consent of the Authority, the C.A.A.M. will, on behalf of that Authority, submit detention reports to the International Maritime Organization in accordance with Regulation I/19 of SOLAS 74, Article 11 of MARPOL 73/78, Article 21 of LOADLINES 66 and Article X of STCW 78.
10 With the consent of the Authority, the C.A.A.M. will, on behalf of that Authority, submit detention reports to the International Labour Organization in accordance with Article 4 of ILO 147.
Annex 5
Qualitative criteria.
A Maritime Authority of a State, meeting the geographical criterion specified in 8.2 of the Memorandum, may adhere as a full member, provided that all of the following qualitative criteria have been met:
1 such Maritime Authority will explicitly subscribe to the commitments under the Memorandum, with a view to contributing to the common endeavour to eliminate the operation of sub-standard ships;
2 such Maritime Authority will have ratified all relevant instruments in force, before adherence shall be accomplished;
3 such Maritime Authority will have sufficient capacity, logistically and substantially, to appropriately enforce compliance with international maritime standards regarding maritime safety, pollution prevention and living and working conditions on board with regard to ships entitled to fly its flag, which will include the employment of properly qualified inspectors acting under the responsibility of its Administration, to be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Committee referred to in 6.1 of the Memorandum;
4 such Maritime Authority will have sufficient capacity, logistically and substantially, to comply in full with all provisions and activities specified in the Memorandum in order to enhance its commitments, which will include the employment of properly qualified port State control officers acting under the responsibility of its Administration, to be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Committee referred to in 6.1 of the Memorandum;
5 a Maritime Authority, whose flag has appeared in the list of detentions exceeding the average detention percentage, as published in the annual report in any of three years immediately preceding its application for full membership, cannot be accepted as a full member of the Memorandum;
6 such Maritime Authority will, as of its effective date of membership, establish an on-line connection to the information system referred to in Annex 4;
7 such Maritime Authority will sign a financial agreement for paying its share in the operating cost of the Memorandum and will, as of its effective date, pay its financial contribution to the budget as approved by the Committee referred to in 6.1 of the Memorandum.
Assessment of compliance with the above conditions will only be valid for each individual case and will not create a precedent for any future cases, neither for the Authorities present under the Memorandum, nor for the potential new signatory.
Annex 6
1. In pursuance of the provisions of 3.5 of the Memorandum, the port State control officer must be properly qualified and authorized by the Authority to carry out port State control inspections.
2. A properly qualified port State control officer must have completed a minimum of one year’s service as a flag State surveyor dealing with surveys and certification in accordance with the relevant instruments and be in possession of:
.1 a certificate of competency as master, enabling that person to take command of a ship of 1600 tons gross tonnage or more (see STCW, Reg. II/2), or
.2 a certificate of competency as chief engineer, enabling that person to take up that task on board a ship whose main power plant has a power equal or superior to 3000 kW (see STCW, Reg. III/2), or
.3 have passed an examination as a naval architect, mechanical engineer or an engineer related to the maritime fields and worked in that capacity for at least 5 years.
The port State control officers mentioned under .1 and .2 above must have served for a period of not less than five years at sea as officer in the deck or engine department.
3. Alternatively, a port State control officer is deemed to be properly qualified if that person:
.1 holds a relevant university degree or an equivalent training, and
.2 has been trained and qualified at a school for ship safety inspectors, and
.3 has served at least 2 years as a flag State surveyor dealing with surveys and certification in accordance with the relevant instruments.
4. A properly qualified port State control officer must be able to communicate orally and in writing with seafarers in the language most commonly spoken at sea.
5. A properly qualified port State control officer must have appropriate knowledge of the provisions of the relevant instruments and of the relevant procedures on port State control.
6. Port State control officers not fulfilling the above criteria are also accepted if they are employed for port State control by the Authorities before 1 July 1996.
Pomorske oblasti
Nemčije (Zvezne republike)
Ruske federacije
Združenega kraljestva Velike Britanije in Severne Irske,
v nadaljnjem besedilu oblasti, so
sklicujoč se na Končno deklaracijo, sprejeto 2. decembra 1980 na Regionalni evropski konferenci o varnosti na morju, ki poudarja potrebo po povečanju varnosti na morju in varovanju morskega okolja ter pomen izboljšanja življenjskih in delovnih razmer na ladjah;
upoštevaje z zadovoljstvom napredek, ki sta ga na teh področjih dosegli Mednarodna pomorska organizacija in Mednarodna organizacija dela;
upoštevaje tudi prispevek Evropske unije pri doseganju zgoraj omenjenih ciljev;
zavedajoč se, da imajo glavno odgovornost za učinkovito uporabo standardov, določenih v mednarodnih listinah, organi države, pod katere zastavo lahko pluje ladja;
priznavajoč potrebo po učinkovitem ukrepanju pristaniških držav, da se prepreči plovba podstandardnih ladij;
priznavajoč tudi potrebo, da se izognejo izkrivljanju konkurence med pristanišči;
prepričane o potrebi, da se v te namene izoblikuje izboljšan in usklajen sistem nadzora, ki ga opravlja inšpekcija za varnost plovbe, ter se okrepita sodelovanje in izmenjava informacij;
dosegle naslednje soglasje:
Razdelek 1 Obveznosti
1.1 Vse oblasti bodo izvajale določbe tega memoranduma in njegovih prilog, ki so sestavni del memoranduma.
1.2 Vse oblasti bodo ohranjale učinkovit sistem nadzora, ki ga opravlja inšpekcija za varnost plovbe, da bi zagotovile, da ne glede na državno pripadnost tuje trgovske ladje, ki obiskujejo pristanišča njihove države ali so izplule iz njih, izpolnjujejo standarde iz ustreznih listin, kot je opredeljeno v razdelku 2. Vse oblasti lahko opravljajo kontrolne preglede na ladjah ob priobalnih infrastrukturnih objektih.
1.3 Vse oblasti bodo dosegle skupno letno število pregledov, ki ustreza 25 % ocenjenega števila posameznih tujih trgovskih ladij, v nadaljnjem besedilu ladje, ki so priplule v pristanišča njihove države v obdobju zadnjih 12 mesecev.
1.4 Vse oblasti se bodo posvetovale, sodelovale in izmenjavale podatke z drugimi oblastmi, da bi tako prispevale k ciljem memoranduma.
Razdelek 2 Ustrezne listine
2.1 Ustrezne listine v tem memorandumu so:
.1 Mednarodna konvencija o tovornih črtah, 1966 (LOAD LINES 66);
.2 Protokol iz leta 1988 k Mednarodni konvenciji o tovornih črtah, 1966 (LL PROT 88);
.3 Mednarodna konvencija o varstvu človeškega življenja na morju, 1974 (SOLAS 74);
.4 Protokol iz leta 1978 k Mednarodni konvenciji o varstvu človeškega življenja na morju, 1974 (SOLAS PROT 78);
.5 Protokol iz leta 1988 k Mednarodni konvenciji o varstvu človeškega življenja na morju, 1974 (SOLAS PROT 88);
.6 Mednarodna konvencija o preprečevanju onesnaževanja morja z ladij, 1973, spremenjena s Protokolom iz leta 1978, ki se nanaša nanjo (MARPOL 73/78);
.7 Mednarodna konvencija o standardih za usposabljanje, izdajanje spričeval in ladijsko stražarjenje pomorščakov, 1978 (STCW 78);
.8 Konvencija o mednarodnih pravilih za izogibanje trčenju na morju, 1972 (COLREG 72);
.9 Mednarodna konvencija o izmeritvi ladij, 1969 (TONNAGE 69);
.10 Konvencija o minimalnih normativih v trgovski mornarici, 1976 (Konvencija ILO št. 147) (ILO 147).
2.2 V zvezi z ILO 147 bodo vse oblasti uporabljale postopke iz razdelka 7 Priloge 1 za izvajanje publikacije ILO “Nadzor delovnih razmer na ladji: navodila za ravnanje“.
2.3 Vse oblasti bodo uporabljale tiste ustrezne listine, ki so v veljavi in katerih pogodbenica je njihova država. Pri spremembah ustreznih listin bodo vse oblasti uporabljale spremembe, ki so veljavne in jih je sprejela njihova država. Za tako spremenjeno listino se bo štelo, da je ustrezna za te oblasti.
2.4 Pri uporabi ustrezne listine bodo oblasti zagotovile, da ladje države, ki ni njihova pogodbenica, ali ladje, za katere določbe konvencij ne veljajo, ne bodo deležne ugodnejše obravnave. Oblasti bodo pri tem uporabile postopke, opredeljene v razdelku 3 Priloge 1.
Razdelek 3 Postopki pri inšpekcijskem pregledu, odprava pomanjkljivosti in zadržanje ladje
3.1 Pri izpolnjevanju svojih obveznosti bodo oblasti opravljale preglede, ki bodo zajemali obisk na ladji zaradi preverjanja spričeval in listin, navedenih v razdelku 2 Priloge 1. Poleg tega se bodo oblasti prepričale, da sta posadka in celotno stanje ladje, vključno s strojnico in bivalnimi prostori ter higienskimi razmerami, v skladu s splošno sprejetimi mednarodnimi predpisi in standardi. Če veljavnih spričeval ali listin ni ali če obstajajo tehtni razlogi za prepričanje, da stanje ladje ali njene opreme oz. njene posadke v večji meri ne izpolnjuje zahtev v ustrezni listini bo opravljen podrobnejši pregled, kot je navedeno v razdelku 5 Priloge 1, ali po potrebi razširjeni pregled, kot je navedeno v razdelku 8 Priloge 1. Primeri tehtnih razlogov so navedeni v razdelku 4 Priloge 1.
Oblasti bodo v svoje preglede vključile nadzor izpolnjevanja operativnih zahtev na ladji.
3.2 V teh postopkih se nič ne šteje kot omejevanje pravic oblasti, da v okviru svoje pristojnosti sprejemajo ukrepe o vsaki zadevi, na katero se nanašajo ustrezne listine.
3.3 Pri izbiri ladij za pregled bodo oblasti dale prednost ladjam, navedenim v razdelku 1 Priloge 1.
3.4 Oblasti se bodo skušale izogniti pregledu ladij, ki so jih v minulih šestih mesecih pregledale katere koli druge oblasti, razen če bodo imele tehten razlog za pregled. Pogostnost pregledov ne velja za ladje, navedene v razdelku 3.3, pri katerih bodo oblasti opravile pregled, kadar se jim bo to zdelo potrebno.
3.5 Preglede bodo opravljale primerno usposobljene osebe, ki jih bodo v ta namen pooblastile pristojne oblasti in bodo delale na njihovo odgovornost, zlasti ob upoštevanju Priloge 6.
Kadar oblasti zahtevanega strokovnega osebja ne morejo zagotoviti, lahko inšpektorju za varnost plovbe pomaga katera koli oseba s potrebnim strokovnim znanjem. Inšpektorji za varnost plovbe in osebe, ki jim pomagajo, ne smejo imeti nobenega komercialnega interesa v pristanišču, v katerem opravljajo pregled, ali na pregledanih ladjah, inšpektorjev za varnost plovbe pa ne smejo zaposlovati oziroma ti ne smejo prevzeti dela za nevladne organizacije, ki izdajajo z zakonom predpisana spričevala in klasifikacijska spričevala ali opravljajo preglede, potrebne za izdajanje teh spričeval ladjam.
Vsak inšpektor za varnost plovbe mora imeti pri sebi osebno listino v obliki izkaznice, ki so jo izdale njegove oblasti v skladu z notranjo zakonodajo, in ki navaja, da je inšpektor pooblaščen opravljati inšpekcijske preglede.
3.6.1 Vse oblasti si bodo prizadevale zagotoviti, da bodo odpravljene vse ugotovljene pomanjkljivosti. Če bo storjeno vse potrebno za odpravo vseh pomanjkljivosti, razen tistih, naštetih v 3.7.1, bo ladja smela nadaljevati pot do pristanišča, v katerem je mogoče odpraviti tovrstne pomanjkljivosti.
3.6.2 V izjemnih okoliščinah, ko je po prvem pregledu in podrobnejšem inšpekcijskem pregledu ugotovljeno, da je splošno stanje ladje in njene opreme, pri čemer se upoštevajo tudi posadka in njene življenjske in delovne razmere, pod predpisanimi standardi, lahko oblasti začasno prekinejo inšpekcijski pregled.
Začasna prekinitev inšpekcijskega pregleda lahko traja, dokler odgovorne strani ne sprejmejo potrebnih ukrepov, da bi zagotovile, da ladja izpolnjuje zahteve v ustreznih listinah.
Pred začasno prekinitvijo pregleda morajo oblasti ustrezno navesti pomanjkljivosti na področjih iz 9.3.3 in 9.3.4 Priloge 1, zaradi katerih se ladja lahko zadrži.
Kadar je ladja zadržana in je inšpekcijski pregled začasno prekinjen, morajo oblasti čim prej obvestiti odgovorne strani. Uradno obvestilo naj vključuje podatke o zadržanju ladje. Poleg tega naj navaja, da je inšpekcijski pregled začasno prekinjen, dokler oblasti niso obveščene, da ladja izpolnjuje ustrezne zahteve.
3.7.1 Pri pomanjkljivostih, ki očitno ogrožajo varnost, zdravje ali okolje, bodo oblasti, razen v primerih iz 3.8, zagotovile, da bo nevarnost odpravljena, preden bo ladja smela odpluti na morje. V ta namen bodo oblasti ustrezno ukrepale, kar lahko vključuje zadržanje ladje ali formalno prepoved ladji, da nadaljuje plovbo zaradi ugotovljenih pomanjkljivosti, ki bi vsaka zase ali skupaj povzročile, da bi bilo nadaljevanje plovbe nevarno.
3.7.2 Kadar je ladja zadržana, oblasti nemudoma pisno obvestijo upravo države, pod katere zastavo pluje ladja, kar vključuje poročilo o inšpekcijskem pregledu, navedeno v Prilogi 3. Kadar je primerno, bo obveščena tudi pooblaščena organizacija, ki je izdala ustrezna spričevala v imenu uprave države, pod katere zastavo pluje ladja. Omenjeni strani bosta prav tako pisno obveščeni o odpravi zadržanja.
3.7.3 Kadar je vzrok za zadržanje ladje posledica naključne poškodbe, ki jo je utrpela ladja na svojem potovanju do pristanišča, se nalog za zadržanje ne izda, če:
.1 so ustrezno upoštevane zahteve, vsebovane v Predpisu I/11(c) SOLAS 74 glede obvestila upravi države, pod katere zastavo pluje ladja, imenovanemu inšpektorju klasifikacijskega zavoda ali pooblaščeni organizaciji, odgovorni za izdajanje ustreznih spričeval;
.2 pred vstopom v pristanišče poveljnik ali ladjar predloži inšpekciji za varnost plovbe podrobne podatke o okoliščinah, v katerih se je pripetila nesreča, ter o pretrpeli škodi kot tudi podatke o zahtevanem uradnem obvestilu upravi države, pod katere zastavo pluje ladja;
.3 ladja sprejme ustrezen ukrep za odpravo pomanjkljivosti, s katerim zadovolji oblasti, in
.4 oblasti potrdijo, potem ko so bile uradno obveščene o odpravi pomanjkljivosti, da so bile odpravljene pomanjkljivosti, ki so očitno ogrožale varnost, zdravje ali okolje.
3.7.4 Če ni spričeval ISM, se uporablja ta postopek:
1. Kadar inšpekcijski pregled pokaže, da na ladji, za katero velja Kodeks ISM, med inšpekcijskim pregledom manjka izvod Listine o skladnosti ali Spričevala o varnem upravljanju ladje, izdanem v skladu z Mednarodnim kodeksom ravnanja za varno upravljanje ladij in za preprečevanje onesnaževanja (Kodeks ISM), oblasti poskrbijo za zadržanje ladje.
2. Ne glede na manjkajočo dokumentacijo, navedeno v, pa lahko oblasti, če se med inšpekcijskim pregledom ne ugotovijo nobene druge pomanjkljivosti, zaradi katerih bi bilo zadržanje ladje upravičeno, razveljavijo nalog o zadržanju ladje, da bi preprečile prezasedenost pristanišča. Kadar je sprejeta taka odločitev, morajo oblasti o tem nemudoma obvestiti vse druge oblasti.
3. Oblasti bodo sprejele potrebne ukrepe, s katerimi bodo zagotovile, da bodo vsem ladjam, ki imajo dovoljenje, da zapustijo pristanišče svoje države v okoliščinah, navedenih v, prepovedale vstop v katero koli pristanišče v državah, katerih oblasti so podpisnice tega memoranduma, razen v primerih, navedenih v 3.9.3, dokler lastnik ali ladjar ladje ne prepriča oblasti, v državi katerih je bilo ukazano zadržanje, da ima ladja veljavna spričevala, izdana v skladu s Kodeksom ISM.
3.8 Kadar pomanjkljivosti, zaradi katerih je bila ladja zadržana, po 3.7.1 ni mogoče odpraviti v pristanišču, v katerem je bil opravljen inšpekcijski pregled, lahko oblasti dovolijo ladji, da nadaljuje pot do najbližje primerne ladjedelnice, ki jo izberejo poveljnik in oblasti, če so izpolnjeni pogoji, ki jih predpiše pristojni organ države, pod katere zastavo pluje ladja, in s katerimi se oblasti strinjajo. Ti pogoji, ki lahko vključujejo raztovarjanje in/ali začasna popravila bodo zagotovili, da lahko ladja nadaljuje pot, ne da bi ogrožala varnost in zdravje potnikov ali posadke ali pomenila nevarnost za druge ladje ali nepotrebno grožnjo glede škode za morsko okolje.
V takih okoliščinah bodo oblasti obvestile pristojni organ območne države, v kateri je namembno pristanišče ladje, strani iz 3.7.2 in po potrebi tudi druge oblasti. Oblasti bodo uradno obveščene v skladu s Prilogo 2. Oblasti, ki bodo prejele tako obvestilo, bodo o sprejetih ukrepih obvestile oblasti, od katerih so prejele obvestilo.
3.9.1. Oblasti bodo sprejele ukrepe, s katerimi bodo zagotovile, da bo:
1. ladjam iz 3.7.1 ali 3.8, ki bodo odplule na morje, ne da bi izpolnjevale pogoje, ki so jih predpisale oblasti v pristanišču, v katerem je bil opravljen pregled, ali
2. ladjam iz 3.8, ki nočejo izpolniti veljavnih zahtev v ustreznih listinah, s tem ko ne obiščejo navedene ladjedelnice,
prepovedan vstop v katero koli pristanišče v državah, katerih oblasti so podpisnice tega memoranduma, dokler lastnik ali ladjar ne predloži dokazov, s katerimi prepriča oblasti, ki so ugotovile okvaro ladje, da ta v celoti izpolnjuje vse veljavne zahteve v ustreznih listinah.
3.9.2 V okoliščinah iz bodo oblasti, ki so ugotovile pomanjkljivost ladje, nemudoma obvestile preostale oblasti.
V okoliščinah iz bodo oblasti, v katerih državi je ladjedelnica, nemudoma obvestile preostale oblasti.
Preden oblasti prepovejo ladji vstop, lahko zaprosijo za posvetovanje z upravo države, pod katere zastavo pluje ta ladja.
3.9.3 Ne glede na določbe v 3.9.1 lahko ustrezni organ dovoli vstop ladje v določeno pristanišče te pristaniške države zaradi višje sile ali zelo pomembnih varnostnih razlogov ali zmanjšanja ali minimiziranja nevarnosti onesnaženja ali odprave pomanjkljivosti, če lastnik, ladjar ali poveljnik ladje izvede ustrezne ukrepe za zagotovitev varnega vstopa, ki zadovoljijo pristojni organ te države.
3.10 Določbe iz 3.7.2 in 3.8 ne vplivajo na zahteve v ustreznih listinah ali postopkih, ki jih določijo mednarodne organizacije v zvezi s postopki obveščanja in poročanja, ki se nanašajo na inšpekcijo za varnost plovbe.
3.11 Oblasti bodo zagotovile, da bo poveljnik ladje po opravljenem inšpekcijskem pregledu dobil listino v obliki, opredeljeni v Prilogi 3, ki bo navajal rezultate pregleda in podrobnosti o vseh sprejetih ukrepih.
3.12 Če bo pregled iz 3.1 potrdil ali odkril pomanjkljivosti v zvezi z zahtevami iz ustrezne listine, ki utemeljujejo zadržanje ladje, bo lastnik ladje ali ladjar ali njegov predstavnik v pristaniški državi kril vse stroške v zvezi s pregledi v predpisanem obdobju.
Vsi stroški v zvezi s pregledi, ki jih opravljajo oblasti v skladu z določbami 3.9.1, se bodo zaračunavali lastniku ali ladjarju.
Zadržanje ladje ne bo odpravljeno, dokler ne bo izvršeno celotno plačilo ali dano zadostno jamstvo za povračilo stroškov.
3.13 Lastnik ladje ali ladjar ali njegov predstavnik v določeni državi imata pravico do pritožbe proti odločitvi o zadržanju ladje, ki so jo sprejele oblasti te države. Pritožba ne povzroči odprave zadržanja ladje. Oblasti ustrezno obvestijo poveljnika ladje o pravici do pritožbe.
3.14 Vse oblasti bodo objavljale vsaj četrtletne podatke o zadržanih ladjah v predhodnem 3-mesečnem obdobju in o tistih, ki so bile zadržane več kot enkrat v preteklih 24 mesecih. Objavljeni podatki bodo vključevali:
.1 ime ladje;
.2 ime lastnika ladje ali ladjarja;
.3 številko IMO;
.4 državo ladijske zastave;
.5 klasifikacijski zavod, kadar je primerno in če je možno katero koli pogodbenico, ki je izdala spričevala takšni ladji v skladu z ustreznimi listinami;
.6 vzrok zadržanja;
.7 pristanišče in datum zadržanja.
3.15 Pri opravljanju nadzora v skladu z memorandumom se bodo oblasti po najboljših močeh trudile, da bi se izognile nepotrebnemu zadržanju ali zamudi ladje. V memorandumu nič ne vpliva na pravice, ki jih zagotavljajo določbe ustreznih listin in se nanašajo na nadomestila za neupravičeno zadržanje ali zamudo ladje. V vseh primerih domnevnega neupravičenega zadržanja ali zamude lastnik ladje ali ladjar priskrbi dokaze o tem.
Razdelek 4 Zagotavljanje informacij
Vse oblasti bodo o svojih pregledih po memorandumu in o njihovih rezultatih poročale v skladu s postopki, opredeljenimi v Prilogi 4.
Razdelek 5 Operativne kršitve
Oblasti si bodo na zahtevo druge oblasti prizadevale, da bi zagotovile dokaze za potrditev suma kršitev zahtev glede operativnih zadev v 10. pravilu COLREG 72 in MARPOL 73/78. Ob sumu kršitev, pri katerih gre za izpuščanje škodljivih snovi, bodo oblasti na zahtevo drugih oblasti v pristanišču obiskale ladjo, osumljeno take kršitve, da dobi informacije in po potrebi odvzame vzorec domnevne onesnažujoče snovi. Postopki za preverjanje kršitev določb o izpustu so našteti v Prilogi 1A.
Razdelek 6 Organizacija
6.1 Ustanovljen bo odbor, sestavljen iz po enega predstavnika vsake oblasti in Komisije Evropskih skupnosti. Opazovalca iz Mednarodne pomorske organizacije in Mednarodne organizacije dela bosta povabljena k sodelovanju pri delu odbora.
6.2 Odbor se bo sestajal enkrat letno in tudi kadar se za to odloči.
6.3 Odbor bo:
.1 opravljal posebne naloge, ki so mu dodeljene po tem memorandumu;
.2 pospeševal na vse potrebne načine, vključno s seminarji za inšpektorje za varnost plovbe, usklajevanje postopkov in prakse glede inšpekcijskih pregledov, odpravljanje pomanjkljivosti, zadržanje ladij in uporabo 2.4;
.3 pripravljal in dopolnjeval smernice in postopke za izvajanje inšpekcijskih pregledov po tem memorandumu;
.4 pripravljal in dopolnjeval postopke za izmenjavo informacij;
.5 nadzoroval druge zadeve, ki se nanašajo na izvajanje in učinkovitost tega memoranduma.
6.4 Ustanovljen bo sekretariat, ki ga bo zagotovilo nizozemsko Ministrstvo za promet, javna dela in vodno gospodarstvo, in bo imel svoj urad v Haagu.
6.5 Sekretariat, ki bo deloval pod vodstvom odbora in v okviru razpoložljivih sredstev, bo:
.1 pripravljal sestanke, razpošiljal gradivo in zagotavljal potrebno pomoč za opravljanje nalog odbora;
.2 olajševal izmenjavo informacij, izvajal postopke, navedene v Prilogi 4, in pripravljal poročila, potrebna za namene memoranduma;
.3 opravljal druga dela, potrebna za zagotavljanje učinkovitega izvajajanja memoranduma.
Razdelek 7 Spremembe
7.1 Vse oblasti lahko predlagajo spremembe memoranduma.
7.2 Pri spremembah, predlaganih k razdelkom memoranduma, se bo uporabljal naslednji postopek:
.1 predlagano spremembo bo sekretariat predložil odboru v obravnavo;
.2 spremembe se bodo sprejemale z dvotretjinsko večino predstavnikov oblasti, ki so prisotni in glasujejo v odboru. Tako sprejeto spremembo bo sekretariat poslal oblastem v sprejetje;
.3 sprememba se bo štela za sprejeto ob koncu šestmesečnega obdobja, ko jo bodo sprejeli predstavniki oblasti v odboru, ali ob koncu katerega koli drugega obdobja, ki ga soglasno določijo ob sprejemu predstavniki oblasti v odboru, razen če v tem obdobju katera izmed oblasti ne sporoči sekretariatu kakega pridržka;
.4 sprememba začne veljati 60 dni po sprejetju ali ob koncu katerega koli drugega obdobja, ki ga soglasno določijo predstavniki oblasti v odboru.
7.3 Pri spremembah, predlaganih k prilogam memoranduma, se bo uporabljal naslednji postopek:
.1 predlagano spremembo bo sekretariat predložil oblastem v obravnavo;
.2 sprememba se bo štela za sprejeto ob koncu trimesečnega obdobja od dneva, ko jo je poslal sekretariat, razen če katera od oblasti pisno zahteva, da jo preuči odbor. V tem primeru se bo uporabil postopek, določen v 7.2;
.3 sprememba začne veljati 60 dni po tem, ko je bila sprejeta, ali ob koncu katerega koli drugega obdobja, ki ga oblasti določijo soglasno.
Razdelek 8
8.1 Memorandum ne vpliva na pravice in obveznosti iz katere koli mednarodne pogodbe.
8.2 Pomorske oblasti evropskih obalnih držav in obalnih držav severnoatlantskega bazena od Severne Amerike do Evrope, ki izpolnjujejo merila, opredeljena v Prilogi 5, lahko s soglasjem vseh oblasti, ki sodelujejo pri memorandumu, pristopijo k njemu.
8.3 Ko začne memorandum veljati, nadomesti “Memorandum o soglasju med določenimi pomorskimi oblastmi o ohranjanju standardov na trgovskih ladjah“, podpisan v Haagu 2. marca 1978.
8.4 Memorandum začne veljati 1. julija 1982.
8.5 Angleška in francoska različica besedila memoranduma sta enako verodostojni.
Podpisano v Parizu v angleškem in francoskem jeziku šestindvajsetega januarja tisoč devetsto dvainosemdeset.
Priloga 1
Razdelek 1 Prednostni inšpekcijski pregledi
Razdelek 2 Pregled spričeval in listin
Razdelek 3 Izključitev ugodnejše obravnave
3.1 Ladje držav, ki niso pogodbenice
3.2 Ladje, za katere določbe konvencij ne veljajo
Razdelek 4 “Utemeljeni razlogi“ za podrobnejši ali razširjeni pregled
Razdelek 5 Podrobnejši inšpekcijski pregled
5.1 Splošno
5.2 Postopki za inšpekcijski pregled zgradbe in opreme ladje
5.3 Pranje tankov s surovo nafto
5.4 Raztovarjanje, izcejanje in predpranje v skladu s Prilogo II k MARPOL 73/78
5.5 Postopki za nadzor operativnih zahtev
Razdelek 6 Posadka
6.1 Uvod
6.2 Nadzor nad posadko
6.3 Nadzor v skladu z določbami STCW 78
Razdelek 7 Konvencija o minimalnih normativih v trgovski mornarici, 1976 (ILO 147)
Razdelek 8 Razširjeni pregled nekaterih ladij
8.1 Splošne določbe za razširjeni pregled
8.2 Potniške ladje na rednih progah
8.3 Kategorije ladij, pri katerih se opravlja razširjeni pregled
8.4 Neobvezni postopki za razširjeni pregled nekaterih kategorij ladij
Razdelek 9 Odprava pomanjkljivosti in zadržanje ladje
9.1 Načela, ki urejajo odpravo pomanjkljivosti ali zadržanje ladje
9.2 Zadržanje ladje zaradi normativov o minimalnem številu članov posadke in spričeval
9.3 Postopki za zadržanje ladij vseh velikosti
Razdelek 1 Prednostni inšpekcijski pregledi
1.1 Ne glede na vrednost ciljnega faktorja, kot je navedeno v razdelku 1.2, je treba navedene ladje prednostno pregledati:
1. ladje, za katere so piloti ali pristaniške oblasti poročali, da imajo pomanjkljivosti, ki lahko škodujejo njihovi varni plovbi;
2. ladje, ki prevažajo nevarno blago ali onesnažujoče snovi in niso sporočile pristojnemu organu pristaniške in obalne države vseh pomembnih informacij (podatkov) o nevarnih ali onesnažujočih snoveh na ladji;
3. ladje, o katerih so poročale ali poslale uradno obvestilo druge oblasti;
4. ladje, o katerih je poročal ali vložil pritožbo poveljnik ladje, član posadke ali katera koli druga oseba ali organizacija, ki ima upravičen interes za varno delovanje ladje, življenjske in delovne razmere na ladji ali za preprečevanje onesnaževanja, razen če oblasti menijo, da je poročilo ali pritožba očitno neutemeljena; identiteta osebe, ki vloži poročilo ali pritožbo, se ne sme razkriti poveljniku ali lastniku ladje;
5. ladje, ki so:
– bile udeležene pri trčenju ali so nasedle na poti v pristanišče,
– bile obtožene domnevne kršitve določb o izpuščanju škodljivih snovi ali iztokov;
– z njimi manevrirali napačno ali ne varno, pri čemer niso upoštevali ukrepov med plovbo, ki jih je sprejela IMO, ali varne navigacijske prakse in postopkov, ali
– so jih sicer upravljali na način, ki je nevaren za osebe, imetje ali okolje;
6. ladje, ki so bile v preteklih 6 mesecih iz varnostnih razlogov začasno izključene iz svojega razreda.
1.2 Pri določevanju prednostnega vrstnega reda inšpekcijskega pregleda ladij morajo oblasti upoštevati vrstni red, prikazan s ciljnim dejavnikom, navedenim v informacijskem sistemu Sirenac. Za ciljni dejavnik so pomembni ti elementi:
1. ladje, ki obiskujejo pristanišče države, katere oblasti so podpisnice memoranduma, prvič ali po 12 mesecih ali več. Če ni ustreznih podatkov o tem, se oblasti oprejo na razpoložljive podatke Sirenaca in pregledajo tiste ladje, ki niso vpisane vanj po uveljavitvi te baze podatkov 1. januarja 1993;
2. ladje, ki jih ni pregledala nobena oblast v preteklih 6 mesecih;
3. ladje, katerih z zakonom določena spričevala o konstrukciji in opremi, izdana v skladu s konvencijami in klasifikacijskimi spričevali, je izdala organizacija, ki je oblasti ne priznavajo;
4. ladje, ki plujejo pod zastavo države, ki se pojavlja v triletni preglednici zadržanj ladij z nadpovprečnimi zadržanji in zakasnitvami, objavljenimi v letnem poročilu memoranduma (MOU);
5. ladje, ki so jim oblasti dovolile izpluti iz pristanišča njihove države pod določenimi pogoji:
a) pomanjkljivosti je treba odpraviti pred odhodom,
b) pomanjkljivosti je treba odpraviti v naslednjem pristanišču,
c) pomanjkljivosti je treba odpraviti v 14 dneh,
d) pomanjkljivosti, za katere so bili navedeni drugi pogoji,
e) če so bili sprejeti ustrezni ukrepi v zvezi z ladjo in so bile odpravljene vse pomanjkljivosti;
6. ladje, pri katerih so bile ugotovljene pomanjkljivosti pri prejšnjem inšpekcijskem pregledu, glede na število pomanjkljivosti;
7. ladje, ki so bile zadržane v prejšnjem pristanišču;
8. ladje, ki plujejo pod zastavo države, ki ni članica ustrezne listine:
9. ladje, ki plujejo pod zastavo države z nadpovprečno pogostnostjo pomanjkljivosti;
10. ladje z nadpovprečnimi pomanjkljivostmi v svojem razredu;
11. ladje, ki so v kategoriji, za katero je bil določen razširjeni inšpekcijski pregled, v skladu z razdelkom 8 te priloge;
12. druge ladje, starejše od 13 let.
Razdelek 2 Pregled spričeval in listin
Med prvim pregledom mora inšpektor za varnost plovbe pregledati vsaj navedene listine v potrebnem obsegu:
.1 mednarodno izmeritveno spričevalo (1969);
.2 spričevalo o varnosti potniške ladje;
.3 spričevalo o varni konstrukciji ladje;
.4 spričevalo o varnostni opremi tovorne ladje;
.5 spričevalo o varnosti radijske telegrafske naprave na tovorni ladji;
.6 spričevalo o varnosti radijske telefonske naprave na tovorni ladji;
.7 spričevalo o varnosti radijske postaje na tovorni ladji;
.8 spričevalo o oprostitvi in kateri koli seznam tovora (v skladu s SOLAS II-2/53.1.3);
.9 spričevalo o varnosti tovorne ladje;
.10 listina o skladnosti (SOLAS 74, Predpis II-2/54);
.11 poseben seznam nevarnega blaga ali seznam natovorjenega nevarnega blaga ali podroben tovorni načrt;
.12 mednarodno spričevalo o sposobnosti za prevoz kapljivo tekočih plinov ali spričevalo o sposobnosti za prevoz nepakiranih utekočinjenih plinov, kar je ustrezno;
.13 mednarodno spričevalo o primernosti za prevoz nepakiranih nevarnih kemikalij ali spričevalo o sposobnosti za prevoz nepakiranih nevarnih kemikalij v razsutem stanju, kar je ustrezno;
.14 mednarodno spričevalo o preprečevanju onesnaženja z oljem;
.15 mednarodno spričevalo o preprečevanju onesnaževanja pri prevozu nepakiranih škodljivih tekočih snovi;
.16 mednarodno spričevalo o tovorni črti (1966);
.17 mednarodno spričevalo o izvzetju tovornih črt;
.18 knjigo o oljih, I. in II. del;
.19 načrt nujnih ukrepov v primeru onesnaženja ladje z nafto;
.20 knjigo tovora;
.21 listina o minimalnem številu članov posadke, ki so potrebni za varno plovbo;
.22 pooblastila o nazivih;
.23 zdravniška spričevala (glej Konvencijo ILO št. 73);
.24 knjigo o stabilnosti;
.25 kopijo Listine o skladnosti in spričevalo o varnem upravljanju, izdano v skladu z Mednarodnim kodeksom ravnanja za varno upravljanje ladij in preprečevanje onesnaževanja (Resoluciji IMO A.741 (18) in A.788(19));
.26 spričevala o trdnosti ladje in strojnih naprav, ki jih izda klasifikacijski zavod (in ki se zahtevajo samo tedaj, kadar ladja ohrani svoj razred v klasifikacijskem zavodu);
.27 dokumentacija o opravljenih meritvah (za ladje za razsuti tovor ali tankerje);
.28 za ro-ro potniške ladje, podatke o največjem razmerju faktorjev pregrajevanja A/A;
.29 potrdilo o nakladanju sipkega tovora;
.30 varnostno spričevalo ladje za posebne namene;
.31 varnostno spričevalo hitrega plovila in dovoljenje za upravljanje tega plovila;
.32 spričevalo o varnosti tehničnega plovnega objekta;
.33 podatki o nadzoru izpusta nafte in nadzornem sistemu za zadnjo balastno vožnjo;
.34 seznam razporeditve ob alarmu, protipožarni načrt, pri potniških ladjah pa načrt ukrepov ob poškodbah ladje, računalniško podprt informacijski sistem za pomoč poveljniku pri odločanju (tiskani načrt nujnih ukrepov);
.35 ladijski dnevnik v zvezi s poročili o preskusih in vajah in dnevnik za zapisnike o pregledu in vzdrževanju naprav in programov za reševanje;
.36 poročila o predhodnih pregledih, ki jih je opravila inšpekcija za varnost plovbe.
.37 Priročnik za zavarovanje tovora;
.38 za tovorne ladje Seznam operativnih omejitev;
.39 za potniške ladje Načrt sodelovanja s službami iskanja in reševanja (SAR);
.40 Knjiga ladij, ki prevažajo razsuti tovor;
.41 Načrt natovarjanja/raztovarjanja ladij, ki prevažajo razsuti tovor
.42 Načrt ravnanja z odpadki
.43 Dnevnik o ravnanju z odpadki.
Razdelek 3 Izključitev ugodnejše obravnave
3.1 Ladje držav, ki niso pogodbenice
Na ladjah, ki lahko plujejo pod zastavo države, ki ni pogodbenica ustrezne listine in zato nimajo spričeval, ki pomenijo prima facie dokazilo o zadovoljivih razmerah na ladji, ali katerih posadka nima veljavnih spričeval STCW, je treba opraviti podrobnejši, ali kadar je primerno, razširjeni pregled. Pri opravljanju takega pregleda bo inšpektor za varnost plovbe ravnal po enakih postopkih, kot so predvideni za ladje, za katere veljajo ustrezni listine.
Če ima ladja ali posadka kako drugo obliko spričeval, lahko inšpektor za varnost plovbe pri tem pregledu upošteva obliko in vsebino teh listin. Razmere na taki ladji, njena oprema ter spričevala o usposobljenosti posadke in standard o najmanjšem potrebnem številu članov posadke države, pod katere zastavo pluje ladja, morajo ustrezati določbam v ustrezni listini, v naprotnem primeru je treba zoper ladjo uvesti omejitve, ki so potrebne za doseganje primerljive ravni varnosti in zaščite morskega okolja.
3.2 Ladje, za katere določbe konvencij ne veljajo
3.2.1 Če se ustrezna listina ne more uporabiti za ladjo, za katero določbe konvencij ne veljajo, je naloga inšpektorja za varnost plovbe, da presodi, ali je ladja v sprejemljivem stanju glede varnosti, zdravja ali okolja. Pri tej presoji naj inšpektor upošteva takšne dejavnike, kot so dolžina in vrsta predvidene plovbe ali storitve, velikost in vrsta ladje, njena opremljenost in vrsta tovora.
3.2.2 Pri opravljanju svojih nalog mora inšpektor za varnost plovbe upoštevati vsa spričevala in druge listine, ki jih je izdala uprava države, pod katere zastavo pluje ladja, ali so bili izdani v njenem imenu. Inšpektor za varnost plovbe bo glede na taka spričevala in listine ter glede na svoj splošni vtis o ladji uporabil svojo strokovno presojo za odločitev o tem, ali in v katerih pogledih bo ladjo podrobneje pregledal. Med opravljanjem podrobnejšega pregleda mora biti inšpektor v potrebni meri pozoren na postavke, naštete v 3.2.3 te priloge. Seznam naj ne velja za izčrpen seznam, temveč naj se uporablja le kot vzorec ustreznih postavk.
3.2.3 Točke splošnega pomena Točke, ki se nanašajo na pogoje o dodelitvi tovornih črt:
.1 proti vremenu odporna (ali neprepustna za vodo, odvisno od primera) neoporečnost vseh izpostavljenih krovov;
.2 skladiščne odprtine in zapiralne naprave;
.3 proti vremenu odporni pokrovi odprtin na nadgradnjah;
.4 naprave za reševanje;
.5 stranske odprtine;
.6 ventilatorji in zračniki;
.7 podatki o stabilnosti. Druge točke v zvezi z varnostjo življenja na morju:
.1 reševalne naprave;
.2 oprema za gašenje požarov;
.3 splošni pogoji gradnje (tj. trup, krov, pokrovi skladiščnih odprtin itd.);
.4 glavna strojna oprema in električna napeljava;
.5 navigacijska oprema, vključno z radijskimi napravami. Točke v zvezi s preprečevanjem onesnaževanja z ladij:
.1 naprave za nadzor izpuščanja olj in oljnih zmesi, npr. oprema za ločevanje ali filtriranje vode, onesnažene z olji, ali druga enakovredna sredstva (rezervoarji za shranjevanje olj, oljnih zmesi, ostankov olj);
.2 sredstva za odstranjevanje nafte, naftnih mešanic ali ostankov nafte;
.3 prisotnost nafte v kalužah strojnice.
.4 naprave za zbiranje, shranjevanje in odstranjevanje odpadkov.
3.2.4 Pri pomanjkljivostih, za katere velja, da ogrožajo varnost, zdravje ali okolje, mora inšpektor za varnost plovbe ob upoštevanju dejavnikov iz odstavka 3.2.1 v tej prilogi po potrebi sprejeti take ukrepe, vključno z zadržanjem ladje, s katerimi zagotovi, da se pomanjkljivost odpravi ali da ladja, če sme nadaljevati plovbo do drugega pristanišča, ne pomeni očitnega tveganja za varnost, zdravje ali okolje.
Razdelek 4 “Utemeljeni razlogi“ za podrobnejši ali razširjeni pregled
4.1 Pri uporabi odstavka 3.1 memoranduma “utemeljeni razlogi“, ki upravičujejo podrobnejši ali razširjeni pregled, vključujejo:
1. ugotovljeno je bilo, da je na ladji treba opraviti prednostni inšpekcijski pregled glede na razdelek 1.1 ter razdelke 1.2.3, 1.2.4, 1.2.5b, 1.2.5c, 1.2.8 ter 1.2.11 te priloge;
2. pri pregledu spričeval in listin iz razdelka 2 te priloge so bile ugotovljene netočnosti ali pa listine niso bile pravilno shranjene ali dopolnjene;
3. znake, da se pomembni člani posadke niso sposobni ustrezno sporazumevati med seboj ali z drugimi osebami na ladji ali da se ladja ne more sporazumevati z organi na kopnem v skupnem jeziku ali v jeziku teh organov;
4. dokaze o tem, da se postopki s tovorom in drugi postopki ne izvajajo varno ali v skladu s smernicami IMO;
5. nezmožnost poveljnika tankerja, da bi dal poročilo o sistemu za spremljanje in nadzor izpusta olj za zadnjo vožnjo z balastom;
6. odsotnost dopolnjenega seznama razporeditve ob alarmu ali če člani posadke ne poznajo svojih nalog ob požaru ali nalogu za zapustitev ladje;
7. oddajanje lažnih alarmov za nevarnost, ki jim ne sledijo ustrezni postopki preklica;
8. odsotnost glavne opreme ali naprav, ki se zahtevajo v konvencijah;
9. dokaze iz splošnih vtisov in opažanj inšpektorja za varnost plovbe, da obstaja večja okvara trupa ali konstrukcije ladje ali pomanjkljivosti, ki lahko ogrozijo zgradbo ladje, njeno neprepustnost za vodo ali odpornost proti vremenskim vplivom;
10. zelo nehigienske razmere na ladji;
11. informacije ali dokaze, da poveljnik ladje ali posadka ne pozna osnovnih postopkov na ladji glede varnosti ladij ali preprečevanja onesnaževanja ali da se taki postopki ne izvajajo.
Razdelek 5 Podrobnejši inšpekcijski pregled
5.1 Splošno
5.1.1 Če ni veljavnih spričeval ali listin ali po ugotovitvi utemeljenih razlogov bo inšpektor za varnost plovbe:
.1 opravil podrobnejši pregled na področjih, na katerih so bili ugotovljeni utemeljeni razlogi;
.2 opravil podrobnejši pregled na drugih naključno izbranih področjih in
.3 vključil nadaljnje preverjanje izpolnjevanja operativnih zahtev na ladji.
5.1.2 Pri opravljanju podrobnejšega pregleda bo inšpektor za varnost plovbe upošteval:
.1 določbe tega razdelka;
.2 določbe v Mednarodnem pomorskem kodeksu o nevarnem blagu;
.3 določbe v razdelkih 6 in 7 te priloge, kar je primerno.
Kadar obstajajo utemeljeni razlogi za podrobnejši pregled ladje, ki spada v kategorije, naštete v razdelku 8 te priloge, bo inšpektor za varnost plovbe poskrbel za razširjeni pregled.
5.2 Postopki za inšpekcijski pregled konstrukcije in opreme ladje
5.2.1 Vtis inšpektorja za varnost plovbe o vzdrževanju ladijskega trupa ter o splošnem stanju na ladji, o stanju predmetov, kot so lestve, varovalne ograje, pokrovi cevi in območja korozije ali luknjičavost, vplivajo na njegovo odločitev o tem, ali je treba opraviti kar se da popoln pregled konstrukcije plavajoče ladje. Velika območja poškodb ali korozije ali luknjičavost pločevine in s tem povezana togost krovov in ladijskega trupa, ki vpliva na plovnost ladje ali čvrstost za prevzem lokalnih tovorov, lahko upravičijo zadržanje. Pregleda se lahko tudi podvodni del ladje. Pri sprejemanju odločitve bo inšpektor za varnost plovbe upošteval plovnost, ne pa starost ladje, pri čemer bo dopustil normalno obrabo v najmanjših sprejemljivih debelinah. Poškodbe, ki ne vplivajo na plovnost, niso razlog za presojo o tem, ali bi bilo treba ladjo zadržati, kot tudi ne poškodbe, ki so bile začasno, a uspešno odpravljene za plovbo do pristanišča, v katerem jih bodo trajno popravili. Pri presoji vpliva poškodbe bo inšpektor upošteval mesto bivalnih prostorov za posadko in dejstvo, ali poškodba v večji meri vpliva na njihovo primernost.
5.2.2 Inšpektor za varnost plovbe bo posvetil posebno pozornost neoporečnosti konstrukcije ter plovnosti ladij za razsuti tovor in tankerjev (Resolucija IMO A.744(18)).
5.2.3 Presoja inšpektorja za varnost plovbe o varnosti konstrukcije teh ladij temelji na poročilih kontrolorjev o nadzoru, opravljenem na ladji. Ta dokumentacija mora vsebovati poročila o pregledih konstrukcije, poročila o oceni stanja (prevedena v angleščino in ki jih je potrdila uprava države, pod katere zastavo pluje ladja), poročila o meritvah debeline in listina o načrtovanju pregledov.
5.2.4 Če je treba zaradi dokumentacije o meritvah natančneje pregledati konstrukcijo ladje ali če takega poročila ni na ladji, bo inšpektor za varnost plovbe, če je potrebno, še posebej pozoren na konstrukcijo ladijskega trupa, sisteme cevi na poti v tovorne tanke ali prostore za tovor, prostore s črpalkami, pregrade, cevne jaške, neizkoriščene prostore v tovornem prostoru in balastne tanke.
5.2.5 Pri ladjah, ki prevažajo razsuti tovor, bodo inšpektorji za varnost plovbe pregledali glavno konstrukcijo tovornih prostorov, da bi odkrili vsa očitno nedovoljena popravila.
Kadar je primerno, bo inšpektor za varnost plovbe za ladje, ki prevažajo razsuti tovor, preveril, ali je bila knjiga za prevoz razsutega tovora potrjena, ali so bile zapisane v njej vse omejitve glede prevoza trdnih tovorov v razsutem stanju, ali je trikotnik ladje, ki prevaža razsuti tovor, stalno označen, in ali so nameščeni alarmi, ki opozarjajo na višino vode v tovornih prostorih.
5.2.6 Inšpektor za varnost plovbe bo ocenil stanje strojne opreme in električnih napeljav, ki lahko dajo dovolj neprekinjene energije za pogon in pomožne storitve.
5.2.7 Med pregledom strojnic dobi inšpektor za varnost plovbe vtis o stanju vzdrževanja. Obrabljene ali potrgane žice ventilov za hitro zapiranje, pretrgano ali nedelujoče daljinsko kontrolno upravljanje ali strojne naprave za potovanje, manjkajoča ročna kolesca ventilov, znaki dolgotrajnega uhajanja pare, vode in olja, umazani pokrovi tankov in kaluž ali večja korozija temeljev strojne opreme kažejo na nezadovoljivo organizacijo vzdrževanja sistemov. Veliko začasnih popravil, vključno s cevnimi spojkami ali zaboji za cement, kažejo odpor do trajnih popravil.
5.2.8 Čeprav ni mogoče ugotoviti stanja strojne opreme brez preskusov zmogljivosti, pa splošne pomanjkljivosti, kot so prepuščanje tesnil črpalk, umazana stekla merilnikov višine vode, pokvarjeni merilniki tlaka, zarjaveli varnostni ventili, nedelujoče ali izklopljene varnostne ali kontrolne naprave, znaki ponovljenega delovanja jermena za izpiranje diesel motorja ali varnostnih ventilov okrova motorne gredi, nepravilno delovanje ali okvara avtomatske opreme in alarmnih sistemov in puščajoča ohišja ali dovodne cevi grelcev za kotlovno vodo opozorijo na pregled strojnega dnevnika in podrobnejši pregled zapisnika o okvarah strojev in nezgodah ter na zahtevo po preskusih delovanja strojev.
5.2.9 Če en električni generator ne dela, mora inšpektor za varnost plovbe ugotoviti, ali je na voljo električno napajanje za zagotavljanje nujno potrebnih storitev in dežurnih služb, in opraviti preskuse.
5.2.10 Če so znaki zanemarjenosti očitni, mora inšpektor za varnost plovbe razširiti obseg pregleda in vključiti na primer preskuse glavnih in pomožnih krmilnih naprav, regulatorjev pobega, prekinjal električnega toka itd.
5.2.11 Poudariti je treba, da odkritje ene ali več gornjih pomanjkljivosti nakazuje stanje, ki ne ustreza standardom. Stvar strokovne presoje v vsakem posameznem primeru pa je dejanska kombinacija pomanjkljivosti.
Pogoji za dodelitev tovornih črt
5.2.12 Inšpektor za varnost plovbe lahko sklene, da pregled ladijskega trupa ni potreben, vendar pa bo zaradi nezadovoljstva na podlagi opažanj na ladji zaradi stvari, kot so pokvarjene zapiralne naprave na skladiščnih odprtinah, zarjaveli zračniki in odprtine oddušnikov, podrobno proučil pogoje za dodelitev tovornih črt, pri čemer bo posvetil posebno pozornost zapiralnim napravam, napravam za izpuščanje vode s krova in napravam, ki se uporabljajo za zaščito posadke.
Reševalne naprave
5.2.13 Učinkovitost reševalnih naprav je zelo odvisna od tega, ali jih posadka dobro vzdržuje, in od njihove uporabe med rednimi vajami. Pomemben dejavnik pri stopnji obrabe opreme je lahko pretečeni čas od zadnjega inšpekcijskega pregleda za spričevalo o varnostni opremi, če člani posadke opreme redno ne pregledujejo. Poleg tega, da na ladji ni opreme, ki se zahteva s konvencijo, ali da so očitne take pomanjkljivosti, kot so preluknjani rešilni čolni, pa inšpektor za varnost plovbe išče znake neuporabe ali ovir za uporabo opreme za spuščanje reševalnih čolnov, ki lahko vključujejo kopičenje barve, zaskok zglobov, pomanjkljivo podmazovanje, stanje škripčevja in jeklenih vrvi ter neprimerno privezovanje ali skladiščenje krovnega tovora.
5.2.14 Če so taki znaki vidni, je inšpektor za varnost plovbe upravičen, da opravi podroben pregled vseh reševalnih naprav. Tak pregled lahko zajema spuščanje rešilnih čolnov, pregled oskrbe rešilnih čolnov in katerega koli nameščenega sistema za evakuacijo na morju, pregled naprav za dviganje preživelih (na ladjo), število in stanje rešilnih jopičev in rešilnih pasov in ugotovitev, da pirotehničnim sredstvom še ni potekel čas veljavnosti. Običajno tak pregled ni tako podroben, kot je pregled za podaljšanje spričevala o varnostni opremi in se osredotoča na bistvene elemente za varno zapustitev ladje, v skrajnem primeru pa se lahko konča tudi s popolnim pregledom, kot se zahteva za spričevalo o varnostni opremi. Pri pregledu so pomembni tudi obstoj in delovanje učinkovite razsvetljave na bokih ladje, naprave za alarmiranje posadke in potnikov in zagotovitev osvetljenih poti do zbirnih mest in mest za vkrcavanje.
Požarna varnost
5.2.15 Slabo stanje požarnih cevi in cevi za pranje palube ter hidrantov in morebitna odsotnost gasilnih cevi in aparatov za gašenje požarov v bivalnih prostorih lahko usmeri inšpektorja k podrobnemu pregledu celotne požarne varnostne opreme. Poleg izpolnjevanja zahtev iz konvencije pa inšpektor za varnost plovbe išče znake večjega tveganja od običajnega; to je lahko posledica slabega stanja čistoče v strojnici, ki bi lahko skupaj z večjimi pomanjkljivostmi pri stacionarni ali prenosni opremi za gašenje požarov privedlo do presoje, da ladja ne ustreza standardom.
5.2.16 Inšpektor za varnost plovbe bo pregledal požarni načrt na ladji, da bi si ustvaril splošno sliko o varnostnih ukrepih v zvezi z gašenjem požarov na ladji, in proučil njihovo usklajenost z zahtevami iz konvencije za leto gradnje. Vprašanja o načinu zaščite konstrukcije je treba nasloviti na upravo države, pod katere zastavo pluje ladja, inšpektor za varnost plovbe pa navadno omeji svoj pregled na delovanje razpoložljivih naprav.
5.2.17 Požar se lahko hitreje širi, če požarna vrata ne delujejo pravilno. Inšpektor za varnost plovbe bo v zvezi z delovanjem in napravami za zapiranje pregledal vrata v glavnih pregradnih stenah in zaprtih delih stopnišč ter znotraj požarno zelo ogroženih prostorov, kot so glavne strojnice in kuhinje, pri čemer bo posvetil posebno pozornost tistim, ki ostajajo odprta. Pozornost bo posvetil tudi glavnim navpičnim predelom, ki so bili morda ogroženi zaradi graditve. Dodatna nevarnost ob požaru je širjenje dima skozi prezračevalne sisteme. Na kraju samem se lahko pregledajo dušilniki ognja in dimne lopute, da se ugotovi njihovo delovanje. Inšpektor za varnost plovbe se bo prav tako prepričal, ali je možno izklopiti ventilatorje z glavnimi krmilnimi napravami in ali so na voljo sredstva za zapiranje glavnih vhodnih in izhodnih odprtin prezračevalnih sistemov.
5.2.18 Pozornost je treba posvetiti prehodnosti poti reševanja, tako da se zagotovi, da pomembna vrata niso zaklenjena in da so prehodi in stopnišča prehodni.
Predpisi za preprečevanje trčenj na morju
5.2.19 Zelo pomemben vidik za zagotavljanje varnosti življenja na morju je izpolnjevanje vseh predpisov glede trčenj. Na podlagi opažanj na ladji inšpektor za varnost plovbe pretehta potrebo po podrobnem pregledu svetilk in njihovih zaslonk ter sredstev za oddajanje zvočnih in opozorilnih signalov za nevarnost.
Spričevalo o varni konstrukciji ladje
5.2.20 Splošno stanje ladje lahko privede inšpektorja do tega, da upošteva druge stvari, poleg tistih, ki se nanašajo na varnostno opremo in dodelitev tovornih črt, ki pa so kljub temu povezane z varnostjo ladje, kot so učinkovito delovanje predmetov, povezanih s spričevalom o varni konstrukciji ladje, ki lahko vključujejo črpalne naprave, naprave za prekinitev dovoda zraka in olj v primeru požara, alarmne naprave in električno napajanje v izrednih razmerah.
Spričevala o varnosti radijskih postaj na tovorni ladji
5.2.21 Veljavnost spričeval o varnosti radijskih postaj na tovorni ladji in pripadajoči zapisnik o opremi (obrazec R) se lahko sprejmeta kot dokaz o razpoložljivosti in učinkovitosti pripadajoče opreme, vendar pa se mora inšpektor za varnost plovbe prepričati o tem, ali je za njeno delovanje in čase poslušanja na ladji ustrezno usposobljeno osebje. Zahteve za vzdrževanje radijske opreme so v Predpisu IV/15 SOLAS 74. Pregleda se radijski dnevnik ali radijski zapisi. Po potrebi se lahko preveri tudi delovanje.
Presežna oprema glede na zahteve konvencije ali države, pod katere zastavo pluje ladja
5.2.22 Oprema na ladji, za katero se pričakuje, da se bo uporabljala v okoliščinah, ki vplivajo na varnost ali preprečujejo onesnaževanje, mora pravilno delovati. Če ta oprema ne deluje in je presežek poleg opreme, ki se zahteva v ustrezni konvenciji in/ali državi, pod katere zastavo pluje ladja, jo je treba popraviti, odstraniti ali, če odstranitev ni možna, jasno označiti, da ne deluje in jo zavarovati.
5.3 Pranje tankov s surovo nafto
5.3.1 Pregled postopkov pranja tankov s surovo nafto
Inšpektor za varnost plovbe se prepriča, da se tanki perejo s surovo nafto na vseh ladjah za prevoz surove nafte, za katere se zahteva, da imajo sistem za pranje s surovo nafto, ali za katere se lastnik ali ladjar odloči, da bo nanje namestil sistem za pranje s surovo nafto, da bi izpolnil zahteve v Predpisu 13 Priloge I k MARPOL 73/78. Poleg tega pa je izpolnjevanje zahtev zagotovljeno tudi z operativnimi zahtevami, določenimi v spremenjenih Specifikacijah o zasnovi, delovanju in nadzoru sistemov za pranje tankov s surovo nafto (Resolucija IMO A.446(XI), spremenjena z Resolucijo IMO A.497 (XII)). To je najbolje opraviti v pristaniščih, v katerih se raztovarja tovor.
5.3.2 Postopki za inšpekcijski pregled postopkov za pranje s surovo nafto v pristanišču
Inšpekcijski pregledi Inšpektor za varnost plovbe bo ukrenil vse potrebno, da zagotovi izpolnjevanje zahtev v zvezi s pranjem tankov s surovo nafto na tankerjih. Tega pa ne gre razlagati kot razbremenitev obveznosti upravljavcev terminalov in ladjarjev, ki morajo poskrbeti za izvajanje postopka v skladu s predpisi. Inšpekcijski pregled lahko vključuje celoten postopek pranja tankov s surovo nafto ali samo nekatere njegove vidike. V interesu vseh pa je, da se vedno ohranjajo ladijski zapisi o postopkih pranja tankov s surovo nafto, tako da lahko inšpektor preveri opravljene postopke pred pregledom.
Ladijsko osebje Znane morajo biti odgovorna oseba in vse druge osebe, odgovorne za pranje tankov s surovo nafto. Na zahtevo, morajo pokazati, da so njihovo znanje in izkušnje v skladu z zahtevami, kadar je to primerno, iz 5.2 in 5.3 spremenjenih Specifikacij o zasnovi, delovanju in nadzoru sistemov za pranje tankov s surovo nafto (Resolucija IMO A.446(XI), spremenjena z Resolucijo IMO A.497(XII)). Preverjanje je mogoče dokončati s pregledom listin o izpolnjevanju nalog posameznika, priporočil, ki jih je izdal ladjar, ali spričeval, ki jih je izdal učni center, ki ga je potrdila uprava. Število teh oseb mora biti vsaj tolikšno, kot je navedeno v Priročniku o postopkih in opremi za pranje tankov s surovo nafto (COW).
Listine Pri inšpekcijskem pregledu morajo biti na voljo te listine:
.1 mednarodno spričevalo o preprečevanju onesnaževanja morja (IOPP) ter zapisnik o gradnji in opremi, da bi ugotovili:
.1 ali je ladja opremljena s sistemom za pranje tankov s surovo nafto, kot se zahteva v Predpisu 13 (6) ali (8) Priloge I k MARPOL 73/78;
.2 ali je sistem za pranje tankov s surovo nafto v skladu z zahtevami Predpisa 13 (B) Priloge I k MARPOL 73/78 in izpolnjuje te zahteve;
.3 čas veljavnosti in datum Priročnika o postopkih in opremi COW in
.4 veljavnost spričevala.
.2 odobreni Priročnik o postopkih in opremi COW;
.3 knjiga o oljih in
.4 spričevalo o varnostni opremi tovorne ladje, ki potrjuje, da sistem inertnega plina ustreza predpisom, vsebovanim v poglavju II-2 SOLAS 74, kot je bilo spremenjeno.
Sistem inertnega plina Predpisi o sistemu inertnega plina zahtevajo, da so vgrajeni inštrumenti za stalen prikaz in zapis tlaka in vsebnosti kisika v glavnem dovodu inertnega plina, kadar se ta dovaja. Odčitavanje stalnega zapisovalnika mora pokazati, ali je sistem zadovoljivo deloval že pred razkladanjem tovora in med njim. Če niso izpolnjeni pogoji, navedeni v Priročniku o postopkih in opremi COW, je treba prekiniti pranje, dokler niso spet izpolnjeni zadovoljivi pogoji. Kot naslednji previdnostni ukrep je treba ugotoviti koncentracijo kisika v vsakem tanku, ki ga je treba oprati. Uporabljeni merilniki morajo biti umerjeni in pregledani za zagotovitev njihovega dobrega delovanja. Za preverjanje morajo biti na voljo odčitki stanja tankov, ki so jih v pristanišču že oprali pred pregledom. Uvede se lahko naključno preverjanje odčitkov.
Nastanek statične elektrike Iz knjige tovora ali iz zastavljenih vprašanj odgovorni osebi se potrdi, da je prisotnost vode v surovi nafti zmanjšana na najmanjšo možno mero, kot se zahteva v razdelku 6.7 spremenjenih specifikacij (Resolucija IMO A.446(XI), spremenjena z Resolucijo IMO A.497 (XII)).
Sporazumevanje Ugotoviti je treba, ali obstajajo učinkoviti načini za sporazumevanje med odgovorno osebo in drugimi osebami, ki se ukvarjajo s pranjem tankov s surovo nafto.
Iztekanje na krovu Inšpektorji za varnost plovbe se prepričajo, ali je bilo preskušeno delovanje sistema cevi za pranje tankov s surovo nafto glede iztekanja pred razkladanjem tovora in ali so bili rezultati preskusa vpisani v knjigo o oljih.
Izločitev olja iz strojnice S pregledom izolacijskih naprav grelca za pranje tanka (če je ta nameščen) ali katerega koli dela sistema za pranje tanka, ki vstopa v strojnico, je treba ugotoviti, ali se ohranja postopek izločitve tovornega olja iz strojnice
Ustreznost surove nafte Pri presoji ustreznosti nafte za pranje tankov s surovo nafto je treba upoštevati navodila in merila, vsebovana v razdelku 9 Priročnika o postopkih in opremi COW.
Kontrolni seznam Iz ladijskih zapisov se ugotovi, ali je bil izveden operativni kontrolni seznam predpranja s surovo nafto in ali so vsi inštrumenti pravilno delovali. Uvesti je mogoče naključne preglede nekaterih postavk.
Programi pranja Kadar tanker raztovarjajo v različnih pristaniščih, je treba v knjigi o oljih navesti, ali so tanke oprali s surovo nafto v prejšnjih pristaniščih ali na morju. Ugotovi se, ali bodo vsi tanki, ki se bodo ali se utegnejo uporabljati na naslednjem potovanju za prevoz balasta, oprani s surovo nafto, preden ladja izpluje iz pristanišča. Obvezno je samo pranje tankov z balastom v pristanišču za raztovarjanje, s to izjemo, da je treba vsakega od teh drugih tankov oprati vsaj v skladu s 6.1 v spremenjenih Specifikacijah ((Resolucija IMO A.446(XI), spremenjena z Resolucijo IMO A.497 (XII)). Pregleda se knjiga o oljih, da bi ugotovili, ali so izpolnjene te zahteve. Celotno pranje s surovo nafto je treba končati, preden ladja zapusti zadnje pristanišče za raztovarjanje. Če se tanki ne perejo v skladu z enim od prednostnih vrstnih redov, prikazanih v Priročniku o postopkih in opremi COW, inšpektor za varnost plovbe ugotovi, ali so razlogi za to in za predlagani vrstni red pranja tankov sprejemljivi. Za vsak tank, ki se pere, se zagotovi, da je postopek v skladu s Priročnikom o postopkih in opremi COW, pri čemer:
.1 stroji za pranje na krovu in stroji v tankih delujejo bodisi v povezavi z indikatorji, zvočnimi vzorci ali drugimi odobrenimi postopki;
.2 so stroji za pranje na krovu, kadar se uporabljajo, programirani tako, kot je navedeno;
.3 dolžina pranja je takšna, kot se zahteva, in
.4 število strojev za pranje tankov, ki se uporabljajo hkrati, ne presega navedenega števila.
Izcejanje tankov Minimalne pogoje uravnoteženja in parametre postopkov za izcejanje tankov je treba navesti v Priročniku o postopkih in opremi COW. Vse tanke, oprane s surovo nafto, je treba izcediti. Ustreznost izcejanja je treba preveriti tako, da sežemo z roko v najbolj oddaljeni del vsakega tanka, kamor je mogoče seči z roko ali z drugimi sredstvi, ki so na voljo in so opisana v Priročniku o postopkih in opremi COW. Ugotovi se, ali je bila ali bo preverjena ustreznost izcejanja, preden ladja zapusti svoje končno pristanišče za raztovarjanje.
Obtežitev ladje Tanke, oprane s surovo nafto na morju, je treba vpisati v knjigo o oljih. Te tanke je treba pustiti prazne med pristanišči za raztovarjanje tovora za inšpekcijski pregled v naslednjem pristanišču. Če so ti tanki balastni tanki za potovanje, se lahko zahteva, da se napolnijo z balastom v zelo zgodnji fazi raztovarjanja. To je zaradi operativnih razlogov in tudi zato, ker mora biti v njih balast med raztovarjanjem tovora, če bodo na ladji prisotni ogljikovodiki. Če je treba te tanke pregledati, ko so prazni, je treba to storiti kmalu zatem, ko tanker pristane. Če pride inšpektor po tem, ko so tanke začeli polniti z balastom, sondiranje dna ni možno. Vendar pa je tedaj možen pregled površine balastne vode. Debelina oljne plasti ne sme biti večja od navedene v 4.2.10(b) v spremenjenih Specifikacijah (Resolucija IMO A.446 (XI), spremenjena z Resolucijo IMO A.497 (XII)). Tanki, ki so namembni balastni tanki, bodo navedeni v Priročniku o postopkih in opremi COW. Vendar pa je prepuščeno presoji poveljnika ali odgovornega častnika, da se odloči, kateri tanki se lahko uporabijo za balast na naslednjem potovanju. Iz knjige o oljih bo razvidno, da so bili vsi taki tanki oprani, preden je tanker izplul iz svojega zadnjega pristanišča za raztovarjanje. Omeniti je treba, da se tam, kjer bo tanker v vmesnem pristanišču ponovno natovarjal surovo nafto v tanke, namenjene balastu, ne zahteva, da se ti tanki operejo v tem, marveč v naslednjem pristanišču. Iz knjige o oljih bo razvidno, da v tanke, ki niso bili oprani s surovo nafto na prejšnjih potovanjih, ni bila dana dodatna balastna voda. Preveriti je treba, da se namembni balastni tanki za potovanje čim bolj temeljito izpraznijo. Če se odpremni balast polni po ceveh in črpalkah za tovor, jih je treba izcediti v drug tovorni tank ali na obali s posebno za to namenjeno cevjo majhnega premera. Postopki, da se izognemo izhlapevanju, če se zahtevajo lokalno, bodo določeni v Priročniku o postopkih in opremi COW in jih je treba spoštovati. Inšpektor za varnost plovbe se prepriča o njihovem izpolnjevanju. Upoštevati je treba tipične postopke za polnjenje z balastom, naštete v Priročniku o postopkih in opremi COW. Inšpektor za varnost plovbe se prepriča o njihovem izpolnjevanju. Kadar je treba odpremni balast premakniti, mora izpust v morje potekati v skladu s predpisom 9 Priloge I k MARPOL 73/78. Pregledati je treba knjigo o oljih, da bi ugotovili, ali ladja izpolnjuje te zahteve.
5.4 Raztovarjanje, izcejanje in predpranje v skladu s Prilogo II k MARPOL 73/78
5.4.1 Postopki za inšpekcijski pregled raztovarjanja, izcejanja in predpranja (predvsem v pristaniščih za raztovarjanje)
Uvod Inšpektor za varnost plovbe ali kontrolor, ki ga pooblasti uprava države pristanišča, ki opravlja nadzor v skladu s predpisom 8 Priloge II k MARPOL 73/78, mora v celoti poznati Prilogo II k MARPOL 73/78 ter ustaljeno prakso v pristanišču, pomembno za postopke s tovorom, pranje tankov, čiščenje kabin, prepoved maon ob boku ladje itd.
Dokumentacija Potrebna dokumentacija za inšpekcijski pregled, naveden v tem dodatku, obsega:
.1 spričevalo CoF ali NLS;
.2 načrt tovora in odpremno listino;
.3 priročnik o postopkih in programih (P in A) in
.4 knjigo tovora.
Podatki, ki jih zagotovi ladijsko osebje Za inšpektorja za varnost plovbe ali kontrolorja, ki ga pooblasti uprava države pristanišča, je pomembno:
.1 program načrtovanega natovarjanja in raztovarjanja ladje;
.2 ali se postopki raztovarjanja in izcejanja lahko izvajajo v skladu s Priročnikom P in A in če ne, zakaj ne;
.3 omejitve, če obstajajo, pri katerih deluje učinkovit sistem izcejanja (tj. protitlak, temperatura okoliškega zraka, slabo delovanje itd.);
.4 ali ladja nadaljuje pot do posebnega območja, ostane v njem ali ga zapusti in
.5 ali ladja zaprosi za oprostitev predpranja in izpraznitve ostankov v pristanišču za raztovarjanje. Kadar se zahteva pranje tanka, ne da bi se pri tem uporabila voda, je treba opozoriti inšpektorja za varnost plovbe ali kontrolorja, ki ga pooblasti uprava države pristanišča, o postopku pranja tanka in odstranjevanja ostankov. Kadar knjiga tovora ni dopolnjena, je treba priskrbeti vse podatke o predpranju in še o neopravljenih postopkih odstranjevanja ostankov.
Podatki, ki jih zagotovi osebje na terminalih Osebje na terminalu mora dati podatke o omejitvah, ki jih ima ladja v zvezi s protitlakom in/ali sprejemnimi napravami.
Nadzor Pri vkrcanju in predstavitvi poveljniku ali odgovornemu častniku na ladji inšpektor za varnost plovbe ali kontrolor, ki ga pooblasti uprava države pristanišča, pregleda potrebne listine. Listine je mogoče uporabiti za ugotavljanje:
.1 škodljivih tekočih snovi, ki jih je treba raztovoriti, njihovih zvrsti in zlaganja (načrt tovora, Priročnik P in A);
.2 podatkov (možnosti in omejitve) o učinkovitem sistemu izcejanja, če je na voljo (Priročnik P in A);
.3 tankov, pri katerih je potrebno predpranje z odstranitvijo njihovih odplak v sprejemne naprave (odpremna listina in temperatura tovora);
.4 tankov, pri katerih je potrebno predpranje z odstranitvijo njihovih odplak v sprejemne naprave ali v morje (Priročnik P in A, odpremna listina in temperatura tovora);
.5 postopkov predpranja in/ali še neopravljenih postopkov odstranjevanja ostankov (knjiga tovora) in
.6 tankov, ki se ne smejo prati z vodo zaradi lastnosti vsebovanih snovi (Priročnik P in A). Za postopke predpranja, na katere se nanaša v tej prilogi, so pomembni naslednji podatki (Priročnik P in A):
.1 pritisk, potreben za stroje za pranje tankov;
.2 trajanje enega ciklusa stroja za pranje tankov in uporabljena količina vode;
.3 programi pranja za vsebovane snovi;
.4 potrebna temperatura vode za pranje in
.5 posebni postopki. Inšpektor za varnost plovbe ali kontrolor, ki ga pooblasti uprava države pristanišča v skladu s predpisom 8 Priloge II k MARPOL 73/78, ugotovi, ali se raztovarjanje, izcejanje in/ali postopki predpranja opravljajo v skladu s podatki, pridobljenimi po v tej prilogi (Dokumentacija). Če tega ni mogoče doseči, bodo sprejeti ustrezni ukrepi, da se zagotovi, da ladja ne nadaljuje poti z večjimi količinami ostankov od določenih v predpisu 5A Priloge II k MARPOL 73/78, kar je primerno. Če količin ostankov ni mogoče zmanjšati z nadomestnimi ukrepi, inšpektor za varnost plovbe ali kontrolor, ki ga pooblasti uprava države pristanišča, o tem obvesti svojo upravo. Paziti je treba na to, da se zagotovi, da vsebina cevi za tovor in sistemov cevi terminala ne teče nazaj na ladjo. Če je ladja oproščena določenih zahtev v zvezi z učinkovitim črpanjem v skladu s predpisom 5A Priloge II k MARPOL 73/78, ali če zaprosi za oprostitev od določenih postopkov izcejanja ali predpranja v skladu s predpisom 8 Priloge II k MARPOL 73/78, je treba upoštevati pogoje za takšno oprostitev, določene v omenjenih predpisih. Ti se nanašajo na:
.1 predpis 5A(6). Ladja je zgrajena pred 1. julijem 1986 in je oproščena zahteve po zmanjšanju količin svojih ostankov na predpisane meje (tj. snovi kategorije B 0,3 m3 ali 1 m3 in snovi kategorije C 0,9 m3 ali 3 m3). Kadar je treba tank za tovor oprati ali ga obtežiti z balastom, je potrebno predpranje z odstranitvijo odplak, nastalih pri predpranju, v sprejemne naprave na kopnem. Spričevalo CoF ali NLS mora biti overjeno, da se ladja uporablja zgolj za omejena potovanja;
.2 predpis 5A(7). Od ladje se nikoli ne zahteva, da z balastom obteži svoje tanke za tovor, pranje tankov pa se zahteva le pri popravilu ali v suhem doku. Spričevalo CoF ali NLS mora navajati podrobne podatke o izvzetju. Tovorni tank mora imeti potrdilo za prevoz samo ene imenovane snovi;
.3 predpisi 8(2)(b)(i), 8(5)(b)(i), 8(6)(c)(i), in 8(7)(c)(i). Tanki za tovor se ne perejo ali obtežijo z balastom pred naslednjim natovarjanjem;
.4 predpisi 8(2)(b)(ii), 8(5)(b)(ii), 8(6)(c)(ii), in 8(7)(c)(ii). Tanki za tovor se morajo oprati, odplake predpranja pa se izpraznijo v sprejemne naprave v drugem pristanišču. Pisno je treba potrditi, da je v tem pristanišču v ta namen na voljo primerna sprejemna naprava in
.5 predpisi 8(2)(b)(iii), 8(5)(b)(iii), 8(6)(c)(iii) in 8(7)(c)(iii). Ostanki tovora se lahko odstranijo s prezračevanjem. Inšpektor za varnost plovbe ali kontrolor, ki ga pooblasti uprava države pristanišča, mora potrditi knjigo tovora v skladu z razdelkom J vsakič, ko je bila odobrena oprostitev, navedena v, in te priloge, ali kadar koli je bilo opravljeno predpranje tanka, iz katerega so iztovorili snovi kategorije A v skladu s Priročnikom P in A. Namesto tega je treba pri snoveh kategorije A, predpis 8(3) Priloge II k MARPOL 73/78, izmeriti koncentracijo ostankov s postopki, ki jih odobri vsaka pristaniška država. V tem primeru mora inšpektor za varnost plovbe ali kontrolor, ki ga pooblasti uprava države pristanišča, to potrditi v knjigi tovora v razdelku K vsakič, ko je bila dosežena zahtevana koncentracija ostankov. Poleg v tej prilogi mora inšpektor za varnost plovbe ali kontrolor, ki ga pooblasti uprava države pristanišča, potrditi knjigo tovora vsakič, ko je priča raztovarjanja, izcejanja in/ali postopkov predpranja snovi iz kategorije B, C in D v skladu s Priročnikom P in A. Inšpektor za varnost plovbe ali kontrolor, ki ga pooblasti uprava države pristanišča, se mora zavedati, da lahko ladje za prevoz naftnih derivatov prevažajo tudi nekatere škodljive “oljem podobne“ tekoče snovi. Take snovi je treba navesti v IOPP spričevalu. Za nadzor ladij, ki prevažajo take snovi, veljajo Nadzorni postopki v Prilogi I k MARPOL 73/78. Inšpektor za varnost plovbe ali kontrolor, ki ga pooblasti uprava države pristanišča in opravlja nadzor v skladu s predpisom 8 Priloge II k MARPOL 73/78, mora v celoti poznati Prilogo I k MARPOL 73/78.
5.5 Postopki za nadzor operativnih zahtev
5.5.1 Pri opravljanju podrobnejšega pregleda inšpektor za varnost plovbe ne bo izvajal nobenih preskusov delovanja ali postavil fizičnih zahtev, ki bi lahko po presoji poveljnika ogrozile varnost ladje, posadke, potnikov, inšpektorjev ali tovora.
5.5.2 Pri opravljanju nadzora delovanja bo inšpektor za varnost plovbe, če je možno, poskrbel za to, da ne bo motil normalnih postopkov na ladji, kot so nakladanje in razkladanje tovora in balastiranje, za kar je odgovoren poveljnik, in da ne bo zahteval prikaza vidikov delovanja, ki bi po nepotrebnem povzročili zamudo ladje.
5.5.3 Po oceni obsega, v katerem so izpolnjene operativne zahteve, mora inšpektor za varnost plovbe uporabiti strokovno presojo, da ugotovi, ali je operativna sposobnost celotne posadke dovolj velika, da lahko ladja pluje brez nevarnosti za ladjo ali osebe na njej, ali pomeni nepotrebno grožnjo za morsko okolje.
Seznam razporeditve ob alarmu
5.5.4 Inšpektor za varnost plovbe lahko ugotovi, ali člani posadke poznajo svoje delovne dolžnosti, naštete v seznamu.
5.5.5 Inšpektor za varnost plovbe lahko poskrbi, da so seznami razporeditve ob alarmu izobešeni na vidnih mestih po vsej ladji, vključno z navigacijskim mostom, strojnico in prostori za namestitev posadke. Pri ugotovitvi, ali je seznam v skladu s predpisi, lahko inšpektor za varnost plovbe preveri, ali:
.1 seznam razporeditve ob alarmu navaja dolžnosti različnih članov posadke;
.2 seznam podrobno navaja, kateri častniki so določeni za to, da zagotovijo, da se reševalne naprave in naprave za gašenje požarov vzdržujejo v dobrem stanju in so pripravljene za takojšnjo uporabo;
.3 seznam razporeditve ob alarmu navaja namestnike za ključne osebe, ki lahko postanejo nezmožne za delo, pri čemer upošteva, da lahko različne izredne razmere zahtevajo različne ukrepe;
.4 seznam razporeditve ob alarmu navaja dolžnosti članov posadke v zvezi s potniki v izrednih razmerah;
.5 je oblika seznama razporeditve ob alarmu, ki se uporablja na potniških ladjah, odobrena in da seznam vključuje prevod v delovni jezik, če ta ni uradni jezik.
5.5.6 Da bi ugotovil, ali je seznam razporeditve ob alarmu dopolnjen, lahko inšpektor za varnost plovbe zahteva dopolnjen seznam posadke, če je ta na voljo, da to preveri. V ta namen se lahko uporabijo še druga sredstva, npr. Listina o minimalnem številu članov posadke, ki so potrebni za varno plovbo.
5.5.7 Inšpektor za varnost plovbe lahko ugotovi, ali so dolžnosti, naložene članom posadke, ki upravljajo reševalno plovilo (rešilne čolne ali rešilne splave), v skladu s predpisi, in preveri, ali je častnik krova ali usposobljena oseba odgovorna za vsako reševalno plovilo, ki se bo uporabljalo. Vendar pa lahko uprava države, pod katere zastavo pluje ladja, ob upoštevanju vrste potovanja, števila oseb na ladji in lastnosti ladje dovoli, da se osebe, izurjene za delo z rešilnimi splavi in njihovo upravljanje, imenujejo za odgovorne osebe za rešilne splave namesto zgoraj navedenih usposobljenih oseb. Za rešilne čolne je treba imenovati namestnika teh oseb.
5.5.8 Inšpektor za varnost plovbe lahko ugotovi, ali so člani posadke seznanjeni z dolžnostmi, iz seznama razporeditve ob alarmu, in ali poznajo mesta, na katerih naj bi opravljali svoje dolžnosti.
5.5.9 Inšpektor za varnost plovbe lahko ugotovi, ali se ključni člani posadke lahko sporazumevajo med seboj oziroma s potniki, da zaradi tega ni moteno varno delovanje ladje, zlasti v izrednih razmerah.
5.5.10 Inšpektor za varnost plovbe lahko vpraša poveljnika, kateri jeziki se uporabljajo kot delovni jeziki in lahko preveri, ali je bil jezik vpisan v ladijski dnevnik.
5.5.11 Inšpektor za varnost plovbe lahko ugotovi, ali so ključni člani posadke zmožni razumeti drug drugega med inšpekcijskim pregledom ali urjenjem. Člani posadke, katerih dolžnost je pomagati potnikom, morajo biti sposobni dati potnikom potrebne informacije v izrednih razmerah.
Načrt iskanja in reševanja
5.5.11 bis Pri potniških ladjah, ki plujejo na rednih progah, lahko inšpektor za varnost plovbe preveri, ali je na ladji odobren načrt za sodelovanje z ustreznimi službami iskanja in reševanja v izrednih razmerah.
Usposabljanje za izredne razmere in vaje
5.5.12 Pristaniški inšpektor bo preveril usposabljanje na ladji in pregledal datume in podrobne podatke iz seznama razporeditve ob alarmu, kot so zapisani v ladijskem dnevniku, ki ga lahko predpiše Uprava..Inšpektor za varnost plovbe, ki je priča požarni vaji in vaji za zapustitev ladje, mora potrditi, da so člani posadke seznanjeni s svojimi dolžnostmi in pravilno uporabo naprav in opreme na ladji.
Požarne vaje
5.5.13 Inšpektor za varnost plovbe lahko prisostvuje požarni vaji, ki jo izvaja posadka, ki so ji te dolžnosti dodeljene v seznamu razporeditve ob alarmu. Po posvetu s poveljnikom ladje se lahko izbere en ali več določenih krajev na ladji za simulirani požar. Član posadke se lahko pošlje na kraj(-e), kjer sproži požarni alarmni sistem ali uporabi drug način za sproženje alarma.
5.5.14 Na kraju samem lahko inšpektor za varnost plovbe opiše požarna navodila članu posadke in opazuje, kako se poročilo o požaru prenese na most ali center za obvladovanje škode. Takrat bo večina ladij sprožilo alarm za posadko, da se osebe za gašenje požara zberejo na svojih mestih. Inšpektor za varnost plovbe bo opazoval prihod oseb za gašenje na kraj požara, pripravo opreme in gašenje simuliranega požara. Vodje ekip morajo biti sposobni dajati ukaze svojim možem, tako kot je potrebno, ter prenašati obvestila o razmerah nazaj na most ali center za obvladovanje škode. Člane gasilskih ekip bo opazoval pri oblačenju in uporabi opreme. Inšpektor za varnost plovbe se bo prepričal, ali je vsa njihova oprema popolna. Zgolj kontrola posadke z njeno opremo ni sprejemljiva. Odziv posadke na poškodbe osebja je mogoče preveriti z izbiro člana posadke za simulirano nezgodo. Inšpektor za varnost plovbe opazuje, kako se prenašata sporočilo ter odziv nosilničarjev in medicinskih ekip. Pravilno ravnanje z nosili po ozkih prehodih, med vrati in po stopniščih je težavno in zahteva izkušnje.
5.5.15 Če je možno, je treba vajo opraviti, kot da bi šlo za resnične izredne razmere.
5.5.16 Tisti člani posadke, ki so jim dodeljene druge dolžnosti v zvezi s požarno vajo, kot so uporaba generatorjev v sili, prostora za CO2, škropilnikov in požarnih črpalk v sili, morajo prav tako sodelovati pri vaji. Inšpektor za varnost plovbe lahko prosi te člane posadke, da pojasnijo svoje naloge in da pokažejo svoje znanje, če je to mogoče.
5.5.17 Na potniških ladjah je treba posvetiti posebno pozornost dolžnostim tistih članov posadke, katerih naloga je zapiranje vrat, ki se zapirajo ročno, in dušilnikov požara. S temi napravami za zapiranje morajo ravnati odgovorne osebe v območjih simuliranih požarov med vajo. Člani posadke, ki niso dodeljeni v protipožarne enote, so navadno dodeljeni na določena mesta v prostorih za potnike, da pomagajo pri evakuaciji potnikov. Ti člani posadke naj pojasnijo svoje dolžnosti in pomen različnih znakov za nevarnost in pokažejo oba načina pobega iz območja ter kraj, kjer se morajo zbrati potniki. Člani posadke, določeni za pomoč potnikom, morajo biti sposobni sporočiti vsaj tiste podatke, s katerimi usmerijo potnike na ustrezna zbirna mesta in vkrcevalne postaje.
Vaje za zapustitev ladje
5.5.18 Po posvetu s poveljnikom ladje lahko inšpektor za varnost plovbe zahteva vajo za zapustitev ladje za enega ali več reševalnih plovil. Bistvo te vaje je, da imajo reševalna plovila posadko in jih upravljajo tisti člani posadke, ki so jim dodeljeni po seznamu razporeditve ob alarmu. Če je to mogoče, bo inšpektor za varnost plovbe v to vajo vključil rešilne čolne. III. poglavje SOLAS 74 navaja posebne zahteve glede urjenja in vaj za zapustitev ladje, od katerih so posebej pomembna naslednja načela.
5.5.19 Če je možno, je treba vajo izvesti, kot da bi šlo za resnične izredne razmere.
5.5.20 Vaja za zapustitev ladje mora obsegati:
.1 sklic (potnikov in) posadke na zbirno(a) mesto(a) z zahtevanim alarmom in zagotovitev, da poznajo ukaz za izpraznitev ladje, kot je opisano v seznamu razporeditve ob alarmu;
.2 obveščanje postaj in pripravo za naloge, opisane v seznamu razporeditve ob alarmu;
.3 preverjanje, ali so (potniki in) posadka primerno oblečeni;
.4 preverjanje, ali so rešilni jopiči pravilno oblečeni;
.5 spuščanje vsaj enega rešilnega čolna v vodo po potrebni pripravi za splavitev;
.6 zagon in upravljanje motorja rešilnega čolna in
.7 upravljanje soh, ki se uporabljajo za splavitev rešilnih splavov.
.8 simulacijo iskanja in reševanja potnikov, ujetih v bivalnih prostorih;
.9 navodila za uporabo radijskih naprav za reševanje;
.10 preskus delovanja zasilne razsvetljave na zbirnih mestih in mestih za zapustitev ladje ter
.11 če so na ladji nameščeni sistemi za evakuacijo na morju, izvajanje postopkov, potrebnih za aktiviranje teh sistemov, vse do takrat, ko bi bilo treba sisteme v resnici sprožiti.
5.5.21 Če rešilni čoln, spuščen v vodo med vajo, ni čoln za reševanje, je treba spustiti tudi čoln za reševanje ob upoštevanju, da so potniki vkrcani in da je čoln spuščen v vodo v najkrajšem možnem času. Inšpektor za varnost plovbe mora poskrbeti za to, da so člani posadke seznanjeni z dolžnostmi, ki so jim dodeljene med postopki za izpraznitev ladje in da član posadke, ki je odgovoren za reševalno plovilo, v celoti pozna delovanje in opremo tega plovila.
5.5.22 Reševalno plovilo mora biti shranjeno v stanju stalne pripravljenosti, tako da lahko dva člana posadke opravita priprave za vkrcanje in splavitev v manj kot 5 minutah.
5.5.23 Na potniških ladjah se zahteva, da se rešilni čolni in rešilni splavi, ki se spuščajo v vodo na sohah, lahko splavijo v 30 minutah.
5.5.24 Na tovornih ladjah se zahteva, da se rešilni čolni in rešilni splavi, ki se spuščajo v vodo na sohah, lahko splavijo v 10 minutah.
Načrt za obvladovanje škode in načrt za izredne razmere na ladji zaradi onesnaženja z olji (SOPEP)
5.5.25 Inšpektor za varnost plovbe lahko ugotovi, ali je na potniški ladji na voljo načrt za obvladovanje škode in ali so ustrezni člani posadke seznanjeni s svojimi dolžnostmi in pravilno uporabo ladijskih naprav ter opreme za obvladovanje škode in izredne razmere zaradi onesnaženja.
5.5.26 Inšpektor za varnost plovbe lahko ugotovi, ali so častniki na ladji seznanjeni z vsebino brošure o obvladovanju škode, ki jim mora biti na voljo, ali z načrtom za obvladovanje škode.
5.5.27 Častnike je mogoče prositi, da razložijo ukrepe, ki jih je treba sprejeti v različnih škodnih okoliščinah.
5.5.28 Častnike je mogoče prositi tudi, da dajo pojasnilo o mejah, oddelkov, ki ne prepuščajo vode, odprtin v njih, skupaj s sredstvi za zapiranje, in položajih vseh njihovih kontrolnih naprav ter programih za popravke vseh seznamov zaradi vdora vode.
5.5.29 Častniki morajo dobro poznati učinek prevesa in stabilnosti svoje ladje ob škodi in posledični poplavljenosti oddelka ter protiukrepe, ki jih je treba sprejeti.
5.5.30 Določbe, na katere se nanašajo razdelki 5.5.25 do 5.5.29 v tej prilogi, veljajo tudi za načrt za obvladovanje škode za tovorne ladje ter za SOPEP za vse ladje. Kadar je primerno, lahko inšpektor za varnost plovbe na ladjah, ki prevažajo razsuti tovor, ugotovi, ali častniki poznajo načrte, če pride do poplave v prostorih za tovor, in navodila glede pripravljenosti za evakuacijo.
Protipožarni načrt
5.5.31 Inšpektor za varnost plovbe lahko ugotovi, ali je na voljo protipožarni načrt ali knjižica, in ali so člani posadke seznanjeni s podatki, prikazanimi v protipožarnem načrtu ali knjižici.
5.5.32 Inšpektor za varnost plovbe lahko preveri, ali so protipožarni načrti ves čas izobešeni kot navodila ladijskim častnikom. Namesto tega lahko vsak častnik prejme knjižico s podatki iz protipožarnega načrta, en izvod pa mora vedno biti na dostopnem mestu na ladji. Načrte in knjižice je treba sproti dopolnjevati in čim prej zapisati vse spremembe.
5.5.33 Inšpektor za varnost plovbe lahko ugotovi, ali so odgovorni častniki, zlasti tisti, ki so določeni za opravljanje podobnih dolžnosti v seznamu razporeditve ob alarmu, seznanjeni s podatki, navedenimi v protipožarnem načrtu ali knjižici in o tem, kako ravnati ob požaru.
5.5.34 Inšpektor za varnost plovbe lahko ugotovi, ali častniki, odgovorni za ladjo, vedo, kdo so glavni člani različnih protipožarnih ekip in na kakšne načine je možen dostop do različnih oddelkov.
Računalniško podprt informacijski sistem za pomoč pri odločanju poveljnikov potniških ladij
5.5.34 bis Pri potniških ladjah lahko inšpektor za varnost plovbe preveri, ali je na poveljniškem mostu na voljo računalniško podprt informacijski sistem za pomoč pri odločanju glede ravnanja v izrednih razmerah, ki sestoji vsaj iz natisnjenega načrta ali načrtov nujnih ukrepov.
Operacije na poveljniškem mostu
5.5.35 Inšpektor za varnost plovbe lahko ugotovi, ali so častniki, odgovorni za navigacijsko stražo, seznanjeni z opremo za nadzor na poveljniškem mostu in navigacijsko opremo, s spremembo načina krmiljenja od avtomatskega do ročnega in obratno, ter z manevrskimi lastnostmi ladje.
5.5.36 Častnik, odgovoren za navigacijsko stražo, mora poznati kraj in delovanje celotne varnostne in navigacijske opreme. Poleg tega mora biti ta častnik seznanjen s postopki, ki veljajo za plovbo ladje v vseh razmerah, in mora poznati vse razpoložljive podatke.
5.5.37 Inšpektor za varnost plovbe lahko tudi preveri, ali častniki poznajo vse podatke, ki so jim na voljo, kot so manevrske lastnosti ladje, signali za nevarnost, sodobne pomorske publikacije, kontrolni spiski v zvezi s postopki na poveljniškem mostu, navodila, priročniki itd.
5.5.38 Inšpektor za varnost plovbe lahko tudi preveri, ali častniki poznajo vse postopke, kot so občasni preskusi in preverjanja opreme, priprave na prihod in odhod ladje, sprememba načinov krmarjenja, signalizacija, sporazumevanje, manevriranje, izredne razmere in vpisi v ladijski dnevnik. Dovoljenje za upravljanje hitrega plovila vsebuje omejitve glede največje višine vala (in hitrosti vetra za plovila na zračni blazini) do katere lahko plovilo pluje. Med pregledom hitrega plovila lahko inšpektor pregleda dnevnik in vremenske podatke, da se prepriča če so bile omejitve upoštevane. Inšpektorji lahko ugotovijo, da se je potovanje moralo izvršiti do konca, kljub slabšim vremenskim pogojem kot je to dovoljeno, vendar se novo potovanje v takih razmerah ne sme začeti. Preveriti je potrebno tudi postopke za pridobivanje vremenskih napovedi pred vsakim potovanjem. Napovedi za višino valov morajo veljati za primeren čas potovanja. Če so pogoji na meji dovoljenega, mora poveljnik pridobiti nove podatke od meteoroloških služb države pristanišča ali od ladij v bližini. Če so postopki pomanjkljivi morajo lastniki potrditi sprejete ukrepe za odpravo pomanjkljivosti. Inšpektorji morajo preveriti zapiske v dnevniku, ki beležijo vremenske pogoje znatno pod napovedanimi vremenskimi stanji, ki presegajo omejitve plovila. Če so potrebni dodatni dokazi, se lahko od obalne meteorološke službe pridobi vremensko poročilo (t.j. vremensko stanje v točno določenem obdobju), vendar le če obstaja tehten dvom. Ko se ugotovi, da je hitro plovilo kršilo svoje vremenske omejitve, se lahko pošlje opozorilno pismo lastnikom ter en izvod državi pripadnosti.
Ravnanje s tovorom
5.5.39 Inšpektor za varnost plovbe lahko ugotovi, ali je ladijsko osebje, ki so mu dodeljene posebne naloge s tovorom in tovorno opremo, seznanjeno s temi nalogami, z vsemi nevarnostmi povezanimi s tovorom, ter z ukrepi, ki jih je treba sprejeti v tej zvezi.
5.5.39 bis Inšpektor za varnost plovbe lahko preveri, ali ima poveljnik ladje ustrezne pisne informacije o varnostnih ukrepih za pravilno nakladanje in varen prevoz tovora.
5.5.40 V zvezi s prevozom trdnih tovorov v razsutem stanju inšpektor za varnost plovbe preveri, če je potrebno, ali se nakladanje tovora opravlja v skladu z ladijskim načrtom nakladanja in razkladanje v skladu z ladijskim načrtom razkladanja, ki sta ju določila predstavnika ladje in terminala upoštevaje podatke, ki jih je dal nakladalno-razkladalni računalnik, če je nameščen.
5.5.41 Kadar je potrebno, lahko inšpektor za varnost plovbe ugotovi, ali odgovorni člani posadke poznajo ustrezne določbe Kodeksa o varnih postopkih za trdne tovore v razsutem stanju, zlasti tiste, ki se nanašajo na meje vlažnosti in uravnoteženje tovora, Kodeksa o varnih postopkih za ladje, ki prevažajo na krovu tovore lesa, ter Kodeksa o varnih postopkih za natovarjanje in pritrditev tovora.
5.5.42 Nekatere trdne snovi, ki se prevažajo v razsutem stanju, lahko pomenijo nevarnost med prevozom zaradi svojih kemijskih ali fizikalnih lastnosti. Predpis VI/2 SOLAS in Razdelek 2 Kodeksa o varnih postopkih za trdne tovore v razsutem stanju navajata splošne varnostne ukrepe. Razdelek 4 Kodeksa o varnih postopkih za trdne tovore v razsutem stanju obvezuje špediterja, da priskrbi vse potrebne podatke za zagotovitev varnega prevoza tovora. Inšpektor za varnost plovbe lahko ugotovi, ali je špediter dal poveljniku ladje na voljo vse pomembne podatke, vključno z vsemi ustreznimi potrdili o preskusih.
5.5.43 Za nekatere tovore, kot so tovori, ki se lahko utekočinijo, veljajo posebni varnostni ukrepi, navedeni v Razdelku 7 Kodeksa o varnih postopkih za trdne tovore v razsutem stanju. Inšpektor za varnost plovbe lahko ugotovi ali so izpolnjeni vsi varnostni ukrepi, posebno pozornost pa nameni stabilnosti tistih ladij, ki sodelujejo pri prevozu tovorov, ki se lahko utekočinijo, ter nevarnih trdnih odpadkov v razsutem stanju.
5.5.44 Osebe, odgovorne za ravnanje in delo s tovorom, in ključni člani posadk tankerjev, ladij za prevoz kemikalij in ladij za prevoz utekočinjenih plinov, morajo biti seznanjeni s tovorom in tovorno opremo ter z varnostnimi ukrepi, določenimi v ustreznih razdelkih Mednarodnega kodeksa o gradnji in opremi ladij, za prevoz nevarnih kemikalij v razsutem stanju (Kodeks IBC), ter Mednarodnega kodeksa o gradnji in opremi ladij, za prevoz kapljivo tekočih plinov (Kodeks IGC).
5.5.45 Za prevoz žita v razsutem stanju se je treba ravnati po delu C VI. poglavja SOLAS 74 ter Mednarodnem kodeksu za varen prevoz žita v razsutem stanju (Resolucija IMO MSC.23(59)).
5.5.46 Inšpektor za varnost plovbe lahko ugotovi, ali operativni priročniki o postopkih, zavarovanju tovora in o natovarjanju vsebujejo vse pomembne podatke za varne postopke nakladanja in razkladanja v pristanišču kot tudi med prevozom.
Delovanje strojne opreme
5.5.47 Inšpektor za varnost plovbe lahko ugotovi, ali odgovorne osebe na ladji poznajo svoje dolžnosti v zvezi z delovanjem nujno potrebne strojne opreme, kot:
.1 viri napajanja z električno energijo v izrednih razmerah in pomožni viri napajanja;
.2 pomožne krmilne naprave;
.3 kalužne in požarne črpalke ter
.4 katera koli druga oprema, ki je nujno potrebna v izrednih razmerah.
5.5.48 Inšpektor za varnost plovbe lahko preveri, ali odgovorne osebe na ladji poznajo med drugim:
.1 generator v sili:
.1.1 ukrepe, ki so potrebni, preden je mogoče zagnati motor;
.1.2 različne možnosti za zagon motorja skupaj z virom zagonske energije in
.1.3 postopke, ko prvi poskusi zagona motorja spodletijo.
.2 Motor pomožnega generatorja:
.2.1 možnosti avtomatskega ali ročnega zagona pomožnega motorja;
.2.2 postopke ob prekinitvi energije in
.2.3 sistem porazdelitve obremenitve.
5.5.49 Inšpektor za varnost plovbe lahko preveri, ali odgovorne osebe na ladji vedo med drugim:
.1 katera vrsta sistema pomožne krmilne naprave se uporablja na ladji;
.2 kako je označeno, katera krmilna enota deluje in
.3 kateri ukrep je potreben, da začne pomožna krmilna naprava delovati.
5.5.50 Inšpektor za varnost plovbe lahko preveri, ali odgovorne osebe na ladji poznajo med drugim:
.1 Kalužne črpalke:
.1.1 število in kraj, kjer so nameščene kalužne črpalke na ladji (vključno s pomožnimi kalužnimi črpalkami);
.1.2 postopke zagona vseh teh kalužnih črpalk;
.1.3 ustrezne ventile za njihovo delovanje in
.1.4 najpogostejše vzroke za odpoved delovanja kalužnih črpalk in možne ukrepe za njihovo odpravo.
.2 Požarne črpalke:
.2.1 število in kraj, kjer so nameščene požarne črpalke na ladji (vključno s pomožno požarno črpalko);
.2.2 postopke zagona vseh teh črpalk in
.2.3 ustrezne ventile za njihovo upravljanje.
5.5.51 Inšpektor za varnost plovbe lahko preveri ali odgovorne osebe na ladji poznajo med drugim:
.1 zagon in vzdrževanje motorja rešilnega čolna in/ali motorja čolna za reševanje;
.2 lokalne postopke nadzora tistih sistemov, ki se navadno nadzorujejo z navigacijskega mostu;
.3 uporabo zasilnih in povsem neodvisnih virov električne energije za radijske naprave;
.4 postopke za vzdrževanje električnih akumulatorjev;
.5 ustavitve v sili, delovanje sistema za odkrivanje požara in alarmnega sistema proti vodi in ognju odpornih vrat (sistemi za shranjevanje energije) in
.6 menjavo načina upravljanja z avtomatskega na ročnega za sisteme vode za hlajenje motorja in mazivnega olja za glavne in pomožne motorje.
Priročniki, navodila itd.
5.5.52 Inšpektor za varnost plovbe lahko ugotovi, ali so ustrezni člani posadke sposobni razumeti podatke, navedene v priročnikih, navodilih itd. v zvezi z varnostjo in delovanjem ladje in njene opreme, in ali poznajo zahteve za vzdrževanje, občasne preskuse, usposabljanje, vaje in vpise v ladijski dnevnik.
5.5.53 Na ladji morajo biti med drugim zagotovljeni naslednji podatki, inšpektorji za varnost plovbe pa lahko ugotovijo, ali so podatki v jeziku ali jezikih, ki ga/jih posadka razume, in ali člani posadke poznajo njihovo vsebino, ter ali se lahko ustrezno odzovejo nanjo:
.1 navodila za vzdrževanje in delovanje celotne opreme in naprav za gašenje ter omejevanje požara na ladji je treba hraniti na enem mestu, tako da so hitro in zlahka dostopni;
.2 vsaka oseba na ladji mora dobiti jasna navodila, po katerih se mora ravnati v izrednih razmerah;
.3 krovi morajo biti oštevilčeni zaporedno. Načrti, ki kažejo položaje na krovu in poti reševanja, ter ponazoritve in navodila v ustreznih jezikih morajo biti izobešena v potniških kabinah ter prikazana na vidnem mestu v zbirnih postajah in drugih prostorih za potnike, da obvestijo potnike o njihovem zbirnem mestu, o nujnih ukrepih, ki jih morajo upoštevati v izrednih razmerah in o tem, kako se nadenejo rešilni jopiči;
.4 napise in znake je treba namestiti na reševalno plovilo ali v bližino tega plovila in naprav za spuščanje plovila v vodo; Ponazorijo naj vlogo krmilnih naprav ter postopke za njihovo vodenje in dajo ustrezna navodila ali opozorila;
.5 navodila za vzdrževanje reševalnih naprav na ladji;
.6 priročniki za usposabljanje morajo biti na voljo v vsakem dnevnem prostoru posadke ter v prostoru za rekreacijo ali v vsaki kabini za posadko. Priročnik za usposabljanje, ki lahko zajema več zvezkov, mora vsebovati navodila in informacije v enostavnem jeziku s ponazoritvami, kadar je to mogoče, o reševalnih napravah na ladji in najboljšem načinu preživetja;
.7 Načrt za izredne razmere pri onesnaženju ladje z olji v skladu s predpisom 26 Priloge I k MARPOL 73/78 in
.8 knjižico o stabilnosti, s tem povezane načrte stabilnosti in podatke o stabilnosti.
Olja in oljne zmesi iz strojnic
5.5.54 Inšpektor za varnost plovbe lahko ugotovi, ali so bile izpolnjene vse operativne zahteve v Prilogi I k MARPOL 73/78, ob upoštevanju:
.1 količine proizvedenih oljnih ostankov;
.2 zmogljivosti zlivnih in kalužnih tankov ter
.3 zmogljivosti ločevalnika oljne vode.
5.5.55 Opravljen bo pregled knjige o oljih. Inšpektor za varnost plovbe lahko ugotovi, ali so bile uporabljene sprejemne naprave in zapiše katero koli domnevno neustreznost teh naprav.
5.5.56 Inšpektor za varnost plovbe lahko ugotovi, ali je odgovorni častnik seznanjen z ravnanjem z zlivno in kalužno vodo. Kot vodilo lahko uporabi ustrezne postavke iz navodil za sisteme ravnanja z odpadnimi olji v strojnicah ladij. Ob upoštevanju tega lahko inšpektor ugotovi, ali prazen prostor v zlivnem tanku še zadošča za usedline, ki naj bi nastale med naslednjim predvidenim potovanjem. Inšpektor za varnost plovbe lahko preveri, ali se je pri ladjah, pri katerih uprava države, pod katere zastavo pluje ladja, ne vztraja pri zahtevah iz predpisa 16(1) in (2) Priloge I k MARPOL 73/78, vsa zaoljena kalužna voda zadržala na ladji za kasnejši izpust v sprejemno napravo.
5.5.57 Kadar niso bile uporabljene sprejemne naprave v drugih pristaniščih zaradi neustreznosti, inšpektor za varnost plovbe svetuje poveljniku ladje, da poroča o neustreznosti sprejemne naprave državi, pod katere zastavo pluje ladja v skladu z MEPC/Circ.215 z dne 25. aprila 1989.
Postopki natovarjanja, raztovarjanja in čiščenja prostorov za tovor v tankerjih
5.5.58 Inšpektor za varnost plovbe lahko ugotovi, ali so bile izpolnjene vse operativne zahteve v Prilogah I ali II k MARPOL 73/78, ob upoštevanju vrst tankerja in vrste prevažanega tovora, vključno s pregledom knjige o oljih in/ali knjige tovora. Inšpektor lahko ugotovi, ali so bile uporabljene sprejemne naprave in zapiše katero koli domnevno neustreznost teh naprav.
5.5.59 Pri nadzoru postopkov natovarjanja, raztovarjanja in čiščenja tankerjev za prevoz olj je treba upoštevati 5.3.1 in 5.3.2 te priloge, kjer so opisani postopki za pregled postopkov pranja s surovo nafto.
5.5.60 Pri nadzoru postopkov natovarjanja, raztovarjanja in čiščenja tankerjev, ki prevažajo škodljive tekoče snovi, je treba upoštevati 5.4.1 te priloge, kjer so opisani postopki za inšpekcijski pregled postopkov raztovarjanja, izcejanja in predpranja.
5.5.61 Kadar niso bile uporabljene sprejemne naprave v drugih pristaniščih zaradi neustreznosti, inšpektor za varnost plovbe svetuje poveljniku ladje, da poroča o neustreznosti sprejemne naprave državi pod katere zastavo pluje ladja v skladu z MEPC/Circ.215 z dne 25. aprila 1989.
5.5.62 Kadar sme ladja nadaljevati pot do naslednjega pristanišča z ostanki škodljivih tekočih snovi na krovu, ki presegajo količino, katere izpust v morje je bil dovoljen med potovanjem ladje, se ugotovi, ali to pristanišče lahko sprejme ostanke. Če je to mogoče, se obvesti tudi pristanišče.
Pakirano nevarno blago in pakirane škodljive snovi
5.5.63 Inšpektor za varnost plovbe lahko ugotovi, ali so na ladji potrebne listine za prevoz nevarnega blaga in škodljivih snovi, ki se prevažajo v pakirani obliki, in ali so nevarno blago in škodljive snovi pravilno naloženi in ločeni ter ali člani posadke poznajo nujno potrebne ukrepe, ki jih je treba sprejeti v izrednih razmerah v zvezi s takim pakiranim tovorom.
5.5.64 Vrste ladij in tovorni prostori ladij, zgrajenih po 1. septembru 1984, namenjenih za prevoz nevarnega blaga, morajo izpolnjevati zahteve v predpisu II-2/54 SOLAS 74, poleg zahtev v predpisu II-2/53 (za tovorne ladje) in zahtev v predpisih II-2/3 in II-2/39 (za potniške ladje), razen če so bile takšne zahteve že izpolnjene zaradi uskladitve z zahtevami drugje v konvenciji. Edina dopustna izjema je možna pri prevozu nevarnih snovi v omejenih količinah.
5.5.65 Priloga III k MARPOL 73/78 vsebuje zahteve za prevoz pakiranih škodljivih snovi, ki so opredeljene v Mednarodnem pomorskem kodeksu o nevarnem blagu (Kodeks IMDG) kot snovi, ki onesnažujejo morja. Tovori, opredeljeni kot take snovi, morajo biti označeni in naloženi v skladu s Prilogo III k MARPOL 73/78.
5.5.66 Inšpektor za varnost plovbe lahko ugotovi, ali je na ladji Listina o skladnosti in ali osebje na ladji pozna to listino, ki jo je priskrbela uprava države, pod katere zastavo pluje ladja, kot dokaz o izpolnjevanju zahtev v zvezi z gradnjo in opremo. Dodatno lahko preveri:
.1 ali je bilo nevarno blago zavarovano v skladu s priročnikom o zavarovanju tovora in naloženo na ladjo v skladu z Listino o skladnosti, z uporabo seznama nevarnega blaga ali načrta za natovarjanje, ki se zahteva v VII. poglavju SOLAS 74. Ta seznam ali načrt za natovarjanje je mogoče združiti z načrtom, ki se zahteva v Prilogi III k MARPOL 73/78;
.2 ali ni možno malomarno črpanje iztekajočih vnetljivih ali strupenih tekočin, če se te snovi prevažajo v tovornih prostorih pod krovom, ali
.3 ugotovi, ali je ladijsko osebje seznanjeno z ustreznimi določbami v Medicinskem priročniku za prvo pomoč in s Postopki v izrednih razmerah za ladje, ki prevažajo nevarno blago.
5.5.67 Inšpektor za varnost plovbe lahko ugotovi, ali so bile izpolnjene vse operativne zahteve v Prilogi V k MARPOL 73/78. Ugotovi lahko, ali so bile uporabljene sprejemne naprave in zapiše vsako domnevno neustreznost teh naprav.
5.5.68 “Smernice za izvajanje Priloge V k MARPOL 73/78“ so bile potrjene v MEPC na njegovem devetindvajsetem zasedanju in so bile objavljene. Eden od ciljev teh smernic je pomagati ladjarjem, da izpolnijo zahteve, objavljene v Prilogi V in v notranjem pravu.
5.5.69 Inšpektor za varnost plovbe lahko ugotovi, ali:

.1 ladijsko osebje pozna te smernice, zlasti razdelek 3 “Zmanjševanje količine morebitnih odpadkov“ in razdelek 4 “Ravnanje z ladijskimi odpadki in postopki shranjevanja“, in
.2 ali je ladijsko osebje seznanjeno z zahtevami o odstranjevanju in izpustu v Prilogi V k MARPOL 73/78 znotraj in zunaj posebnega območja in ali pozna območja, določena kot posebna območja po Prilogi V k MARPOL 73/78.
.3 je ladijsko osebje seznanjeno s postopki za zbiranje, shranjevanje, predelavo in odstranjevanje odpadkov v načrtu ravnanja z odpadki ter z vodenjem dnevnika o ravnanju z odpadki.
5.5.70 Kadar niso bile uporabljene sprejemne naprave v drugih pristaniščih zaradi neustreznosti, inšpektor za varnost plovbe svetuje poveljniku ladje, da poroča o neustreznosti sprejemne naprave državi, pod katere zastavo pluje ladja, v skladu z MEPC/Circ.215 z dne 25. aprila 1989.
Razdelek 6 Posadka
6.1 Uvod
Vodilna načela za nadzor nad posadko na tuji ladji, ki ga opravlja inšpekcija za varnost plovbe, naj bi bila ugotavljanje skladnosti:
.1 z zahtevami države, pod katere zastavo pluje ladja, glede varnega števila članov posadke. Ob dvomu se je treba posvetovati z državo ladijske zastave, ter
.2 z mednarodnimi določbami, predpisanimi v SOLAS 74, STCW 78 in Resoluciji IMO A.481 (XII);
.3 z določbami ILO 147, ki se med drugim nanašajo na 3. in 4. člen Konvencije ILO št. 53.
6.2 Nadzor nad posadko
6.2.1 Če je stanje posadke na ladji v skladu z listino o minimalnem številu članov posadke ali drugo enakovredno listino, ki jo je izdala država, pod katere zastavo pluje ladja, inšpektor za varnost plovbe potrdi, da je število članov posadke na ladji zadovoljivo, razen če je bila listina očitno izdana brez upoštevanja načel iz ustreznih listin. V tem primeru bo inšpektor ravnal v skladu s postopki, določenimi v 6.2.3 te priloge.
6.2.2 Če dejansko število članov posadke ali njena sestava ni v skladu z listino o minimalnem številu članov posadke, mora država, v kateri je pristanišče, zaprositi državo ladijske zastave za obvestilo ali sme ladja pluti z dejanskim številom članov posadke in njeno sestavo ali ne. Tako prošnjo in odgovor je treba poslati na primeren način; vsaka stran lahko zahteva pisno obvestilo. Če dejansko število članov posadke ali njena sestava ni v skladu z listino o minimalnem številu članov posadke, ali če država, pod katere zastavo pluje ladja, ne sporoči, da sme ladja izpluti, se lahko ob primernem upoštevanju meril, določenih v 9.2 te priloge, razmisli o njenem zadržanju.
6.2.3 Če ladja nima listine o minimalnem številu članov posadke ali enakovredne listine, bo država, v kateri je pristanišče, zahtevala od države ladijske zastave navedbo potrebnega števila članov posadke in njene sestave ter čimprejšnjo izdajo listine.
Če dejansko število članov posadke ali njena sestava ne ustreza navedbam, ki jih pošlje država, pod katere zastavo pluje ladja, se uporabi postopek iz 6.2.2 te priloge.
Če država ladijske zastave ne odgovori na zahtevo, se to šteje kot utemeljen razlog za podrobnejši inšpekcijski pregled, ki naj ugotovi, ali sta število članov posadke in njena sestava v skladu z načeli, predpisanimi v 6.1 te priloge. Ladji se sme dati dovoljenje, da nadaljuje plovbo le, če je to varno, upoštevaje pri tem merila za zadržanje iz 9.2 te priloge. V vsakem takem primeru naj uporabljeni minimalni standardi ne bodo strožji od tistih, ki se uporabljajo za ladje, ki plujejo pod zastavo države, v kateri je pristanišče.
6.3 Nadzor v skladu z določbami STCW 78
6.3.1 Brez vpliva na druge pravice in obveznosti glede nadzora inšpektorjev za varnost plovbe v zvezi s sporazumevanjem in informacijami na ladji, se bo nadzor, ki ga opravlja inšpektor za varnost plovbe, omejil na naslednje:
1. preverjanje, ali imajo vsi pomorščaki, zaposleni na ladji, za katere se zahteva spričevalo o usposobljenosti, ustrezno spričevalo ali veljavno oprostitev oziroma pisna dokazila o tem, da je bila vloga za overitev spričevala predložena upravi države, pod katere zastavo pluje ladja;
.2 preverjanje, ali so številke in spričevala teh pomorščakov, zaposlenih na ladji, v skladu z veljavnimi zahtevami uprave države pod katere zastavo pluje ladja, glede minimalnega števila članov posadke in
.3 oceno sposobnosti pomorščakov na ladji, da vzdržujejo standarde ladijskega stražarjenja, ki se zahtevajo v konvenciji, če so utemeljeni razlogi za prepričanje, da se ti standardi ne vzdržujejo, ker se je zgodilo nekaj od naslednjega:
.1 ladja je bila udeležena pri trčenju ali je nasedla ali
.2 so bile iz ladje izpuščene snovi, ko je ladja plula, bila zasidrana ali privezana, kar prepovedujejo vse mednarodne konvencije, ali
.3 so z ladjo manevrirali napačno ali ne varno, pri čemer niso upoštevali ukrepov med plovbo, ki jih je sprejela IMO, ali varne navigacijske prakse in postopkov, ali
.4 se ladja sicer upravlja na način, ki je nevaren za osebe, imetje ali okolje.
6.3.2 Pri ocenjevanju standardov ladijskega stražarjenja lahko inšpektor za varnost plovbe preveri, ali razporedi straže jasno kažejo odmore, ali so objavljeni in zlahka dostopni, ter ali imajo vse osebe, ki opravljajo dolžnost častnikov za stražo ali članov posadke v sestavi krovne straže, na voljo najmanj 10 ur počitka (kadar koli) v 24-ih urah, od tega najmanj 6 ur zaporedoma, ter 70 ur v vsakem sedemdnevnem obdobju. Teh obdobij ni treba upoštevati v nujnih primerih ali pri vajah ali v drugih zelo pomembnih razmerah, kar pa jih je vsekakor treba zapisati.
Razdelek 7 Konvencija o minimalnih normativih v trgovski mornarici, 1976 (št. 147)
7.1 Inšpekcijski pregledi na ladjah po ILO 147 temeljijo na:
.1 Konvenciji o minimalni starosti za sklenitev delovnega razmerja, 1973 (št. 138), ali
Konvenciji o minimalni starosti za sprejem otrok na pomorska dela (revidirana), 1936 (št. 58), ali
Konvenciji o minimalni starosti za sprejem otrok na pomorska dela, 1920 (št. 7);
.2 Konvenciji o zdravniškem pregledu pomorščakov, 1946 (št. 73);
.3 Konvenciji o preprečevanju nesreč pomorščakov, 1970 (št. 134) (4. in 7. člen);
.4 Konvenciji o nastanitvi posadke na ladji (revidirana), 1949 (št. 92);
.5 Konvenciji o prehrani in oskrbi ladijske posadke, 1946 (št. 68) (5. člen);
.6 Konvenciji o minimalni strokovni usposobljenosti poveljnikov in oficirjev trgovske mornarice, 1936 (št. 53) (3. in 4. člen).
Inšpekcijski pregled spričeval o usposobljenosti obravnava razdelek 6 te priloge. Pri izvajanju nadzora usklajenosti s konvencijami, naštetimi v .1 do .5 zgoraj, se bo inšpektor za varnost plovbe na podlagi utemeljenih razlogov, naštetih v razdelku 4 te priloge, in svoje strokovne presoje odločil, ali je treba ladjo podrobneje pregledati. Vse pritožbe glede razmer na ladji je treba temeljito proučiti in ustrezno ukrepati. Inšpektor bo tudi strokovno presodil, ali razmere na ladji pomenijo tveganje za varnost ali zdravje posadke in jih je treba izboljšati. V tem primeru lahko po potrebi zadrži ladjo, dokler niso opravljene ustrezne izboljšave. Poročilo o postopkih zadržanja ladje je prikazano v Prilogi 4.
7.2 Inšpektor za varnost plovbe bo med pregledom, navedenim v 7.1 te priloge, nadalje upošteval priporočila iz publikacije ILO “Inspection of Labour Conditions on board Ship: Guide-lines for procedure“ (Pregled delovnih razmer na ladji: Navodila za ravnanje).
7.3 Konvencije, ki se uporabljajo kot podlaga za določbe v 7.4 te priloge, so:
.1 Konvencija o pogodbi o zaposlitvi mornarjev, 1926 (št. 22);
.2 Konvencija o repatriaciji mornarjev, 1926 (št. 23);
.3 Konvencija o odgovornosti ladjarjev v primerih bolezni, poškodbe ali smrti pomorščakov, 1936 (št. 55), ali
Konvencija o zdravstvenem zavarovanju pomorščakov, 1936 (št. 56), ali
Konvencija o zdravstvenem varstvu in bolniškem dopustu, 1969 (št. 130);
.4 Konvencija o sindikalnih svoboščinah in varstvu sindikalnih pravic, 1948 (št. 87);
.5 Konvencija o uporabi načel o pravicah organiziranja in kolektivnega dogovarjanja, 1949 (št. 98).
7.4 Če dobi inšpektor za varnost plovbe poročilo, uradno obvestilo ali pritožbo o tem, da normativi, predpisani v konvencijah, naštetih v 7.3 te priloge, niso izpolnjeni, bodo oblasti o zadevi poročale, po možnosti z dokazili, upravi države, pod katere zastavo pluje ladja, ki nadalje ukrepa, kopijo pa poslale ILO.
7.5 Tisti deli publikacije ILO “Pregled delovnih razmer na ladji: Navodila za ravnanje“, ki se nanašajo na:
.1 nadzorne postopke za ladje pod državno zastavo;
.2 poklicno usposabljanje;
.3 spričevala o usposobljenosti častnikov;
.4 delovne ure in posadko,
se ne štejejo kot določbe, ki bi bile pomembne za inšpekcijski pregled ladij, marveč le kot informacija za inšpektorje za varnost plovbe.
Razdelek 8 Razširjeni pregled nekaterih ladij
8.1 Splošne določbe za razširjeni pregled
Na ladjah, omenjenih v 8.3 te priloge, bo katera koli oblast opravila razširjeni pregled samo enkrat v obdobju 12 mesecev. Vendar pa se te ladje lahko inšpekcijsko pregledajo, kot je predvideno v 3.1 tega memoranduma.
8.2 Potniške ladje na rednih progah
Na vseh potniških ladjah, ki plujejo na rednih progah v pristanišče ali iz pristanišča države, katere oblasti so podpisnice memoranduma, bodo te oblasti opravile razširjeni pregled.
Kadar potniška ladja pluje po takem voznem redu med pristanišči držav, katerih oblasti so podpisnice memoranduma, bodo oblasti ene od teh držav opravile razširjeni pregled.
8.3 Kategorije ladij, na katerih se opravlja razširjeni pregled
8.3.1 Tankerji, 5 let ali manj od datuma umaknitve v skladu s Predpisom 13G Priloge 1 k MARPOL 73/78, tj.:
.1 tankerje za surovo nafto z nosilnostjo 20 000 ton in več ali ladje za prevoz njenih derivatov z nosilnostjo 30 000 ton in več, ki ne izpolnjujejo zahtev novega tankerja, opredeljenih v Predpisu 1 (26) Priloge I k MARPOL 73/78, je treba obširneje pregledati 20 let po datumu prevzema, kot je navedeno v Dodatku k spričevalu IOPP, obrazec B, ali 25 let po tem datumu, če tanki na ladijskem boku ali prostori z dvojnim dnom, ki se ne uporabljajo za prevoz olj, izpolnjujejo zahteve v Predpisu 13G(4) te priloge, razen če je bil tanker obnovljen tako, da izpolnjuje Predpis 13F iste priloge;
.2 zgoraj navedene tankerje, ki izpolnjujejo zahteve novega tankerja, opredeljene v Predpisu 1(26) Priloge I k MARPOL 73/78, je treba podrobneje pregledati 25 let po datumu prevzema, kot je navedeno v Dodatku k spričevalu IOPP, obrazec B, razen če izpolnjujejo zahteve ali so bili obnovljeni po Predpisu 13F te priloge;
8.3.2 ladje za prevoz razsutega tovora, starejše od 12 let, ki so bile določene na podlagi datuma gradnje, navedenega v varnostnih spričevalih;
8.3.3 potniške ladje;
8.3.4 ladje za prevoz plinov in ladje za prevoz kemikalij, starejše od 10 let, ki so bile določene na podlagi datuma gradnje, navedenega v varnostnih spričevalih;
8.4 Neobvezni postopki za razširjeni pregled nekaterih kategorij ladij
8.4.1 Naslednje postavke lahko v primernem obsegu veljajo za del razširjenega pregleda. Inšpektorji za varnost plovbe se morajo zavedati, da lahko to ogrozi varno izvajanje nekaterih postopkov na ladji, npr. postopkov s tovorom, če se zahtevajo preskusi med takimi postopki, ki neposredno vplivajo nanje.
8.4.2 Vse ladje (kategorije, naštete v 8.3 te priloge):
.1 prekinitev energije in zagon generatorja v sili;
.2 pregled zasilne razsvetljave;
.3 delovanje zasilne požarne črpalke z dvema požarnima cevema, povezanima z glavnim požarnim vodom;
.4 delovanje kalužnih črpalk;
.5 zapiranje vodotesnih vrat;
.6 spuščanje enega rešilnega čolna v vodo;
.7 preskus daljinske zavore v sili, npr. za kotle, prezračevalne naprave in črpalke za gorivo;
.8 preskušanje krmilnih naprav, vključno s pomožnimi krmilnimi napravami;
.9 pregled zasilnega vira električne energije za radijske naprave;
.10 pregled in v primernem obsegu preskus ločevalnika v strojnici.
8.4.3 Tankerji:
Poleg postavk, naštetih v 8.4.2 te priloge, lahko upoštevamo navedene postavke kot del razširjenega inšpekcijskega pregleda tankerjev:
.1 stalen sistem za gašenje s peno na ladji;
.2 gasilska oprema na splošno;
.3 pregled dušilnikov ognja v strojnici, črpalni postaji in bivalnih prostorih;
.4 nadzor pritiska inertnega plina in njegova vsebnost kisika;
.5 pregled poročil kontrolorjev (glej Resolucijo IMO A.744(18)) za ugotavljanje morebitnih sumljivih področij, ki zahtevajo inšpekcijski pregled.
8.4.4 Ladje za prevoz razsutega tovora:
Poleg postavk, naštetih v 8.4.2 te priloge, lahko upoštevamo navedene postavke kot del razširjenega inšpekcijskega pregleda ladij za prevoz razsutega tovora:
.1 morebitno korozijo temeljev krovnih strojev;
.2 morebitno deformacijo in/ali korozijo pokrovov skladiščnih odprtin;
.3 morebitne razpoke ali korozijo na mestu prečnih pregrad;
.4 dostop do prostorov za tovor;
.5 pregled poročil kontrolorjev (glej Resolucijo IMO A.744(18)) za ugotavljanje morebitnih sumljivih področij, ki zahtevajo inšpekcijski pregled.
8.4.5 Ladje za prevoz plinov in ladje za prevoz kemikalij:
Poleg postavk, naštetih v 8.4.2 te priloge, lahko upoštevamo navedene postavke kot del razširjenega inšpekcijskega pregleda ladij za prevoz plina in ladij za prevoz kemikalij:
.1 nadzor tovornega tanka in varnostnih naprav v zvezi s temperaturo, tlakom in kalom;
.2 naprave za analizo kisika in merjenje eksplozivnosti, vključno z njihovim umerjanjem. Razpoložljivost naprav za ugotavljanje prisotnosti kemikalij (mehi) z ustreznim številom primernih cevi za odkrivanje plina pri prevozu določenega tovora;
.3 oprema za primerno zaščito dihal in oči za vse osebe na ladji (če to zahtevajo izdelki, našteti v Mednarodnem spričevalu o sposobnosti ali v Spričevalu o sposobnosti za prevoz nepakiranih nevarnih kemikalij ali kapljivo tekočih plinov, kar je primerno;
.4 preverjanje, ali je izdelek, ki se prevaža, naveden v Mednarodnem spričevalu o sposobnosti ali v Spričevalu o sposobnosti za prevoz nepakiranih nevarnih kemikalij ali kapljivo tekočih plinov, kar je primerno;
.5 stalne naprave za gašenje požarov na ladji, bodisi da gre za peno ali suhe kemikalije ali drugo, odvisno od izdelka, ki se prevaža.
8.4.6 Potniške ladje:
Poleg točk, naštetih v 8.4.2 te priloge, lahko upoštevamo navedene postavke kot del razširjenega pregleda potniških ladij:
.1 preskušanje protipožarnega in alarmnega sistema;
.2 preskušanje pravilnega zapiranja požarnih vrat;
.3 preskus sistema za obveščanje potnikov;
.4 protipožarne vaje, pri katerih je treba prikazati najmanj vse komplete gasilske opreme in pri katerih sodeluje del strežnega osebja;
.5 prikaz, da so ključni člani posadke seznanjeni z načrtom ukrepov ob poškodbah ladje.
Če je potrebno, se lahko pregled nadaljuje s soglasjem poveljnika ladje, medtem ko je ladja na poti v pristanišča ali iz pristanišč držav, katerih oblasti so podpisale memorandum. Inšpektorji za varnost plovbe ne smejo ovirati delovanja ladje, niti ne smejo povzročiti okoliščin, ki bi po oceni poveljnika lahko ogrozile varnost potnikov, posadke in ladje.
Razdelek 9 Odprava pomanjkljivosti in zadržanje ladje
9.1 Načela, ki urejajo odpravo pomanjkljivosti ali zadržanje ladje
Pri sprejemanju odločitve glede odprave pomanjkljivosti ali zadržanja ladje bo inšpektor za varnost plovbe upošteval rezultate podrobnega pregleda, opravljenega v skladu z razdelkom 3 memoranduma, in postopke, omenjene v razdelku 6 in 9.3 te priloge.
Inšpektor bo po svoji strokovni presoji odločil, ali bo ladjo zadržal, dokler pomanjkljivosti ne bodo odpravljene, ali ji dovolil, da nadaljuje plovbo z nekaterimi pomanjkljivostmi, ki ne pomenijo nepotrebnega ogrožanja varnosti, zdravja ali okolja, upoštevaje pri tem posebne okoliščine načrtovanega potovanja. Pri normativih o minimalnem številu članov posadke in določbah Konvencije ILO št. 147 bo upošteval posebne postopke, predpisane v razdelkih 6 in 7 te priloge.
9.2 Zadržanje ladje zaradi normativov o minimalnem številu članov posadke in spričeval
Preden se ladja zadrži zaradi pomanjkljivih normativov o minimalnem številu članov posadke in spričeval, je treba ob upoštevanju v tej prilogi pretehtati:
.1 dolžino in vrsto načrtovane plovbe ali storitve,
.2 ali pomanjkljivost ogroža ladje, osebe na njih ali okolje,
.3 ali se da zagotoviti primeren čas za počitek posadke ali ne,
.4 velikost in vrsto ladje ter njeno opremljenost in
.5 vrsto tovora.
9.3 Postopki za zadržanje ladij vseh velikosti
9.3.1 Uvod
Ti postopki naj se uporabijo, če se med inšpekcijskim pregledom ladje ugotovijo pomanjkljivosti. Uporabijo naj se kot napotek inšpektorju za varnost plovbe in ne kot spisek za preverjanje.
9.3.2 Glavna merila
Pri strokovni presoji o tem, ali naj ladjo zadrži ali ne, bo inšpektor za varnost plovbe uporabil ta merila:
.1 Določitev časa: ladje, ki niso varne za nadaljevanje plovbe, se zadržijo po prvem inšpekcijskem pregledu, ne glede na to, koliko časa bodo ostale v pristanišču;
.2 Merilo: ladja se zadrži, če so pomanjkljivosti na njej dovolj resne, da se mora inšpektor za varnost plovbe zaradi njih vrniti na ladjo, da se prepriča, ali so bile odpravljene, preden ladja odpluje.
Potreba, da se inšpektor za varnost plovbe vrne nazaj na ladjo, je opredeljena z resnostjo pomanjkljivosti. To ne pomeni take obveznosti v vsakem primeru. Pomeni pa, da bodo oblasti po možnosti s ponovnim obiskom preverile, ali so bile pomanjkljivosti odpravljene pred odhodom.
9.3.3 Uporaba glavnih meril
Kadar se inšpektor za varnost plovbe odloča, ali so pomanjkljivosti, ki jih je odkril na ladji, dovolj resne, da je zaradi njih potrebno zadržanje ladje, naj ugotovi, ali:
. 1 ima ladja ustrezne veljavne listine;
. 2 ima ladja posadko, kot se zahteva v listini o minimalnem številu članov posadke, ki so potrebni za varno plovbo.
Med pregledom bo inšpektor za varnost plovbe ocenil tudi, ali je ladja in/ali posadka sposobna:
. 3 varno pluti;
. 4 varno ravnati s tovorom in ga prevažati ter nadzorovati stanje tovora med plovbo;
. 5 varno upravljati strojnico med plovbo;
. 6 ohranjati primerno pogonsko moč in krmiljenje med plovbo;
. 7 učinkovito gasiti požare v katerem koli delu ladje med plovbo;
. 8 hitro in varno zapustiti ladjo in izvesti reševanje med plovbo;
. 9 preprečevati onesnaževanje okolja med plovbo;
.10 ohranjati primerno stabilnost med plovbo;
.11 ohranjati primerno neprepustnost za vodo med plovbo;
.12 se sporazumevati v izrednih razmerah med plovbo;
.13 zagotavljati varne in zdrave razmere na ladji med plovbo.
Če je ob upoštevanju vseh ugotovljenih pomanjkljivosti, rezultat katere koli ocene negativen, je treba resno razmisliti o zadržanju ladje. Tudi kombinacija manj resnih pomanjkljivosti lahko upraviči zadržanje ladje.
9.3.4 Pomanjkljivosti, zaradi katerih se ladja zadrži
V pomoč inšpektorju za varnost plovbe pri uporabi teh postopkov je v nadaljevanju naveden seznam pomanjkljivosti, ki veljajo za tako resne, da lahko upravičijo zadržanje ladje, razvrščenih v skupine po ustreznih konvencijah in/ali kodeksih. Seznam ni dokončen, temveč se naj uporablja le kot ponazoritev ustreznih točk. Vendar pa so pomanjkljivosti, zaradi katerih je treba ladjo zadržati, v področju STCW 78, naštete v te priloge, edini razlog za zadržanje ladje po tej konvenciji. Splošno
.1 odsotnost veljavnih spričeval, kot jih zahtevajo ustrezne listine. Vendar pa ladje, ki plujejo pod zastavo držav, ki niso članice konvencije (ustrezne listine ) ali niso uvedle druge ustrezne listine, nimajo pravice imeti spričeval, zahtevanih v konvenciji ali drugi ustrezni listini. Zato odsotnost zahtevanih spričeval sama po sebi ni razlog za zadržanje teh ladij, seveda pa je treba ob upoštevanju klavzule “izključitev ugodnejše obravnave“ zahtevati, da ladja v glavnem izpolnjuje določbe, preden odpluje. Področja po SOLAS 74 (viri so navedeni v oklepajih)
.1 nepravilno delovanje pogonskih in drugih pomembnih strojev ter električne napeljave;
.2 nezadostna snažnost strojnice, prevelika količina mešanic zaoljene vode v kalužah, izolacija cevi, vključno z izpušnimi cevmi v strojnici, onesnaženi z olji, nepravilno delovanje kalužnih črpalk;
.3 nepravilno delovanje generatorja v sili, zasilne razsvetljave, akumulatorjev in stikal;
.4 nepravilno delovanje glavnih in pomožnih krmilnih sistemov;
.5 odsotnost, nezadostna zmogljivost ali resno poslabšanje stanja osebnih naprav za reševanje, reševalnih plovil in naprav za spuščanje čolnov;
.6 odsotnost, neustreznost ali znatno poslabšanje stanja naprav v sistemih za odkrivanje požarov, požarnih alarmov, opreme za gašenje požarov, stalnih naprav za gašenje požarov, prezračevalnih ventilov, dušilnikov ognja, naprav za hitro zapiranje, tako da te ne ustrezajo več svojemu namenu;
.7 odsotnost, znatno poslabšanje ali pomanjkljivo delovanje krovne protipožarne zaščite na tankerjih;
.8 odsotnost, neustreznost ali resno poslabšanje stanja luči, signalnih teles ali zvočnih signalov;
.9 odsotnost ali nepravilno delovanje radijske opreme za komunikacije v sili in komunikacije za zagotavljanje varnosti;
.10 odsotnost ali nepravilno delovanje navigacijske opreme ob upoštevanju določb Predpisa V/12 (o) SOLAS 74;
.11 nedopolnjenost navigacijskih kart in/ali drugih ustreznih pomorskih publikacij, potrebnih za načrtovano potovanje, ob upoštevanju, da se kot nadomestilo za klasične karte lahko uporabljajo tipsko odobreni prikazovalniki elektronske karte in informacijski sistem (ECDIS), ki deluje na podlagi uradnih podatkov;
.12 odsotnost neiskreče izpušne ventilacije v prostorih za prečrpavanje tovora (Predpis II-2/59.3.1 SOLAS 74);
.13 resna pomanjkljivost pri zahtevah za delovanje, naštetih v 5.5 te priloge;
.14 število, sestava ali izdajanje spričeval posadki, ki niso v skladu z listino o minimalnem številu članov posadke, ki so potrebni za varno plovbo. Področja po Kodeksu IBC (viri so navedeni v oklepajih)
.1 prevoz snovi, ki ni navedena v Spričevalu o sposobnosti, ali manjkajoči podatki o tovoru (16.2);
.2 manjkajoče ali poškodovane visokotlačne varnostne naprave (8.2.3);
.3 električna napeljava, ki ni sama po sebi varna ali v skladu z zahtevami v kodeksu (10.2.3);
.4 viri vžiga na nevarnih mestih, navedenih v 10.2 (11.3.15);
.5 kršitve posebnih zahtev (15);
.6 prekoračitev največje dovoljene količine tovora v posameznem tanku (16.1);
.7 nezadostna toplotna zaščita občutljivih izdelkov (16.6). Področja po Kodeksu IGC (viri so navedeni v oklepajih)
.1 prevoz snovi, ki ni navedena v Spričevalu o sposobnosti, ali manjkajoči podatki o tovoru (18.1);
.2 manjkajoče zapiralne naprave za bivalne ali delovne prostore (3.2.6);
.3 pregrade niso neprepustne za plin (3.3.2);
.4 pokvarjene zračne zapore (3.6);
.5 manjkajoči ali pokvarjeni ventili za hitro zapiranje (5.6);
.6 manjkajoči ali pokvarjeni varnostni ventili (8.2);
.7 električna napeljava, ki sama po sebi ni varna ali v skladu z zahtevami v kodeksu (10.2.4);
.8 nedelujoči ventilatorji v tovornih prostorih (12.1);
.9 nedelujoči tlačni alarmi v tovornih tankih (13.4.1);
.10 pokvarjena naprava za odkrivanje plina in/ali strupenega plina (13.6);
.11 prevoz snovi, ki jih je treba inhibirati, brez veljavnega spričevala o uporabi zaviralnih snovi (17/19). Področja po LOADLINES 66
.1 velike poškodovane, korodirane ali luknjičaste površine pločevine in pripadajočih ojačitev na krovih in trupu, ki vplivajo na plovnost ladje ali odpornost za lokalne obremenitve, razen če so bila opravljena primerna začasna popravila za plovbo do pristanišča, v katerem bo opravljeno trajno popravilo;
.2 ugotovljena nezadostna stabilnost;
.3 odsotnost zadostnih in zanesljivih podatkov v predpisani obliki, ki hitro in preprosto omogočajo poveljniku, da organizira natovarjanje in balastiranje ladje tako, da se ohrani varna meja stabilnosti v vseh fazah in v različnih razmerah potovanja ter prepreči nastanek vseh nesprejemljivih obremenitev ladijske konstrukcije;
.4 odsotnost, znatno poslabšanje ali okvara zapiralnih naprav, naprav za zapiranje tovornih odprtin in za vodo neprepustnih vrat;
.5 prenatovorjenost;
.6 neobstoječe ali nečitljive oznake ugreza. Področja po MARPOL 73/78, Priloga I (viri so navedeni v oklepajih)
.1 neobstoj, resno poslabšanje ali nepravilno delovanje opreme za filtriranje zaoljene vode, sistema za spremljanje in nadzor izpusta olj ali alarmnih naprav 15 ppm;
.2 preostala prostornina prelivnega in/ali zlivnega tanka premajhna za načrtovano potovanje;
.3 manjkajoča knjiga o oljih (20(5));
.4 nedovoljena premostitev izliva. Področja po MARPOL 73/78, Priloga II (viri so navedeni v oklepajih)
.1 odsotnost priročnika P&A;
.2 tovor ni kategoriziran (3(4));
.3 manjkajoča knjiga tovora (9(6));
.4 prevoz oljem podobnih snovi brez izpolnitve zahtev (14);
.5 nedovoljena premostitev izliva. Področja po STCW 78
.1 pomorščaki nimajo spričevala, ustreznega spričevala, ali veljavne oprostitve ali ne zagotovijo pisnega dokazila o tem, da je bila vloga za overovitev spričevala predložena upravi države, pod katere zastavo pluje ladja;
.2 neizpolnjevanje veljavnih zahtev uprave države, pod katere zastavo pluje ladja, glede minimalnega števila članov posadke;
.3 neizpolnjevanje zahtev v zvezi z navodili o navigacijskem ali strojnem stražarjenju, ki jih je za ladjo določila uprava države, pod katere zastavo pluje ladja;
.4 odsotnost osebe med stražarjenjem, usposobljene za ravnanje z opremo, ki je nujno potrebna za varno plovbo, radijske komunikacije za zagotavljanje varnosti ali preprečevanje onesnaževanja morja;
.5 nezmožnost ponuditi dokazilo o strokovni usposobljenosti za opravljanje dolžnosti, poverjenih pomorščakom, glede varnosti ladje in preprečevanja onesnaževanja.
.6 nesposobnost zagotoviti prvo nočno stražo na začetku potovanja in poskrbeti za kasnejšo razrešitev oseb na straži, ki so dovolj spočite in sposobne za opravljanje svoje službe. Področja po konvencijah ILO
.1 premalo hrane za plovbo do naslednjega pristanišča;
.2 premalo pitne vode za plovbo do naslednjega pristanišča;
.3 zelo nehigienske razmere na ladji;
.4 neobstoječe ogrevanje bivalnih prostorov na ladji, ki pluje v predelih, kjer utegnejo biti temperature zelo nizke;
.5 preveč odpadkov v prehodih/bivalnih prostorih, z opremo ali s tovorom zatrpani prehodi/bivalni prostori ali drugače ne dovolj varne razmere v njih.
9.3. 4.10 Področja, ki morda ne upravičujejo zadržanja ladje, na katerih pa je treba na primer začasno ustaviti postopke s tovorom
. 1 nepravilno delovanje (ali vzdrževanje) sistema inertnega plina, opreme ali strojev, povezanih s tovorom, se šteje za zadosten razlog za ustavitev postopkov s tovorom.
Priloga 1A
Razdelek 1 Postopki glede zahtev o izpustu po Prilogah I in II k MARPOL 73/78
Razdelek 2 Kršitev določb o izpustu po Prilogi I k MARPOL 73/78
Razdelek 3 Razčlenjeni spisek morebitnih dokazov o domnevni kršitvi določb o izpustu iz Priloge I k MARPOL 73/78
3.1 Ukrepi, če se opazi onesnaženje z oljem
3.2 Podrobnejši pregled na ladji
3.3. Podrobnejši pregled na kopnem
3.4 Podatki, ki jih naštete točke ne vključujejo
3.5 Zaključek
Razdelek 4 Kršitev določb o izpustu po Prilogi II k MARPOL 73/78
Razdelek 5 Razčlenjeni spisek morebitnih dokazov o domnevni kršitvi določb o izpustu iz Priloge II k MARPOL 73/78
5.1 Ukrepi, če se opazi onesnaženje
5.2 Podrobnejši pregled na ladji
5.3. Podrobnejši pregled na kopnem
5.4 Podatki, ki jih naštete točke ne vključujejo
5.5 Zaključek
Razdelek 1 Postopki glede zahtev o izpustu po Prilogah I in II k MARPOL 73/78
1.1 Pri ravnanju po prejemu poročila ali uradnega obvestila o domnevni kršitvi zahtev o izpustu iz Prilog I in II k MARPOL 73/78 se bo inšpektor za varnost plovbe ravnal po postopkih, predpisanih v razdelkih 2 in 3 te priloge glede na podrobnejše preglede o domnevni kršitvi zahtev o izpustu v Prilogi I k MARPOL 73/78, ter v razdelkih 4 in 5 te priloge glede na podrobnejše preglede o domnevni kršitvi zahtev o izpustu iz Priloge II k MARPOL 73/78.
1.2 Pri opravljanju nadzora nad domnevnimi kršitvami zahtev o izpustu iz Prilog I in II k MARPOL 73/78 bo inšpektor za varnost plovbe posvetil potrebno pozornost določbam v 3.4.1 do 3.4.13 Resolucije IMO A.787(19) ter navodilom uprave države pristanišča, ki so zasnovana na teh določbah.
1.3 Če podrobnejši pregled pokaže pomanjkljivosti, ki nedvoumno ogrožajo varnost, zdravje ali okolje, uporabi inšpektor za varnost plovbe določbe iz 3.7.1 tega memoranduma.
Razdelek 2 Kršitev določb o izpustu po Prilogi I k MARPOL 73/78
2.1 Določbe v razdelkih 2 in 3 te priloge so namenjene opisu podatkov, ki jih pogosto potrebuje uprava države, pod katere zastavo pluje ladja, za kazenski pregon takih morebitnih kršitev.
2.2 Priporoča se, da oblasti obalne države ali države pristanišča pri pripravi poročila države pristanišča o ugotovljenih pomanjkljivostih, kadar gre za kršitev zahtev o izpustu, upoštevajo razčlenjeni spisek morebitnih dokazov, prikazan v razdelku 3 te priloge. V tej zvezi je treba vedeti, da:
.1 je namen poročila zagotoviti čim boljšo primerjavo razpoložljivih podatkov; vendar pa je treba predložiti čim več informacij, tudi če ni mogoče zagotoviti vseh;
.2 pomembno je, da vse informacije, zajete v poročilu, temeljijo na dejstvih, ki, kadar jih upoštevamo kot celoto, prepričajo državo pristanišča ali obalno državo, da je bil storjen prekršek.
2.3 Poleg poročila države pristanišča o ugotovljenih pomanjkljivostih mora poročilo izpolniti država pristanišča ali obalna država na podlagi razčlenjenega spiska morebitnih dokazov. Pomembno je, da so tem poročilom priloženi ti dokumenti:
.1 izjava osebe, ki je opazila onesnaženje. Poleg podatkov, ki se zahtevajo v 3.1 te priloge, mora izjava vključevati tudi ocene, na podlagi katerih je opazovalec ugotovil, da vir onesnaženja v resnici ni noben drug možen vir;
.2 izjave v zvezi s postopki vzorčenja madeža na vodi in na ladji. Vključevati morajo kraj in čas odvzema vzorcev, identiteto oseb, ki odvzemajo vzorce, ter potrdila, ki določajo osebe, ki hranijo in pošiljajo vzorce;
.3 poročila o analizah vzorcev, odvzetih iz madeža na vodi in na ladji; poročila morajo vključevati izsledke analiz, opis uporabljene metode, navedbo ali kopije strokovne dokumentacije, ki potrjuje točnost in veljavnost uporabljene metode, ter imena oseb, ki opravljajo analize in njihove izkušnje;
.4 izjavo inšpektorja za varnost plovbe na ladji skupaj z njegovim položajem in organizacijo;
.5 izjave vprašanih oseb;
.6 izjave prič;
.7 fotografije oljnega madeža;
.8 fotokopije ustreznih strani iz knjige o oljih, ladijskih dnevnikov, zapisov o izpustu itd.
Pri vseh opažanjih, fotografijah in dokumentaciji je treba potrditi njihovo verodostojnost s podpisom. Vse potrditve, overovitve ali preglede je treba opraviti v skladu z zakoni države, ki jih pripravlja. Vse izjave mora podpisati in datirati oseba, ki da izjavo, ter po možnosti priča podpisa. Imena oseb, ki podpisujejo izjave, morajo biti čitljivo natisnjena nad podpisom ali pod njim.

2.4 Poročilo, omenjeno v 2.2 in 2.3 te priloge, je treba poslati upravi države, pod katere zastavo pluje ladja. Če obalna država, ki opazi onesnaženje, in država pristanišča, ki opravlja podrobnejši pregled na ladji, nista isti državi, mora država, ki ga opravlja, poslati en izvod svojih ugotovitev tudi državi, ki opazi onesnaženje in zahteva podrobnejši pregled.
Razdelek 3 Razčlenjeni spisek morebitnih dokazov o domnevni kršitvi določb o izpustu iz Priloge I k MARPOL 73/78
3.1 Ukrepi, če se opazi onesnaženje z oljem
3.1.1 Podatki o ladji ali ladjah, pri katerih obstaja sum kršitve
.1 Ime ladje
.2 Razlogi, zaradi katerih je ladja osumljena kršitve
.3 Kraj in čas (UTC – usklajeni svetovni čas) opazovanja ali opisa
.4 Položaj ladje
.5 Zastava in pristanišče vpisa
.6 Vrsta ladje (npr. tanker, tovorna ladja, potniška ladja, ribiška ladja), velikost (ocenjena nosilnost) in drugi opisni podatki (npr. nadgradnja, barva in oznaka na dimniku)
.7 Stanje ugreza (natovorjene ladje ali ladje z balastom)
.8 Približna smer in hitrost
.9 Položaj madeža glede na ladjo (npr. na krmi, na levem boku, na desnem boku)
.10 Del ladje, iz katerega so opazili izpust
.11 Ali je izpust prenehal, ko so ladjo opazovali ali vzpostavili zvezo z njo po radiu
3.1.2 Podatki o madežu
.1 Datum in čas (UTC) opazovanja, če se razlikujeta od v tej prilogi
.2 Položaj oljnega madeža, izražen z zemljepisno dolžino in širino, če se razlikuje od v tej prilogi
.3 Približna razdalja v morskih miljah od najbližjega znamenja na kopnem
.4 Približna celotna velikost oljnega madeža (dolžina, širina in odstotek madeža, prekritega z oljem)
.5 Fizični opis oljnega madeža (smer in oblika, npr. neprekinjen, v lisah ali v vrstah)
.6 Videz oljnega madeža (navedi vrste)
– Vrsta A: komaj viden v najugodnejših svetlobnih razmerah
– Vrsta B: viden kot srebrn sij na vodni gladini
– Vrsta C: opazi se lahko prva sled barve
– Vrsta D: svetel trak barve
– Vrsta E: barve začenjajo temneti
– Vrsta F: barve so mnogo temnejše
.7 Razmere na nebu (jasna sončna svetloba, oblačno vreme itd.), mrak in vidljivost (kilometri) med opazovanjem
.8 Stanje morske gladine
.9 Smer in hitrost površinskega vetra
.10 Smer in hitrost toka
3.1.3 Podatki o opazovalcu
.1 Ime opazovalca
.2 Organizacija, ki ji pripada opazovalec (če sploh kateri)
.3 Položaj opazovalca v organizaciji
.4 Opazovanje z zrakoplova/ladje/obale/od drugod
.5 Ime ali identiteta ladje ali zrakoplova, s katerega je potekalo opazovanje
.6 Točno določen kraj, kjer je ladja, zrakoplov, kraj na obali ali drugje, od koder je potekalo opazovanje
.7 Dejavnost opazovalca med opazovanjem, na primer patrulja, potovanje, let (na poti od ..... do ......) itd.
3.1.4 Način opazovanja in dokumentacija
.1 Vizualno
.2 Običajne fotografije
.3 Poročila daljinskih senzorskih čitalnikov in/ali fotografije daljinske senzorske kamere
.4 Vzorci, odvzeti iz madeža
.5 Katera koli druga oblika opazovanja (navedi)
Opomba: Fotografija o izpustu naj bo po možnosti barvna. Fotografije lahko dajo te informacije: da je snov na morski gladini olje; da količina izpuščenega olja ne pomeni kršitve konvencije; da olje izteka ali je izteklo z določene ladje ter o identiteti ladje.
Izkušnje so pokazale, da lahko dosežemo omenjene zahteve s temi tremi fotografijami:
.1 podrobnosti o madežu, posnetem skoraj navpično navzdol z višine manj kot 300 metrov s soncem za osebo, ki je naredila posnetek;
.2 fotografija celotne ladje in “madeža“, ki kaže olje, ki izteka s te ladje, in
.3 podatki o ladji za prepoznavanje.
3.1.5 Drugi podatki, če je mogoče vzpostaviti radijsko zvezo
.1 Poveljnik ladje obveščen o onesnaženju
.2 Pojasnilo poveljnika ladje
.3 Zadnje pristanišče postanka ladje
.4 Naslednje pristanišče postanka ladje
.5 Ime poveljnika in lastnika ladje
.6 Klicni znak ladje
3.2 Podrobnejši pregled na ladji
3.2.1 Pregled spričevala IOPP
.1 Ime ladje
.2 Razločevalna številka ali črke
.3 Pristanišče vpisa
.4 Vrsta ladje
.5 Datum in kraj izdaje
.6 Datum in kraj overitve
Opomba: Če se ladji ne izda spričevalo IOPP, je treba navesti čim več zahtevanih podatkov.
3.2.2 Pregled dodatka k spričevalu IOPP
.1 Ustrezni odstavki v razdelkih 2, 3, 4, 5 in 6 v dodatku k spričevalu IOPP (ladje, ki ne prevažajo olj)
.2 Ustrezni odstavki v razdelkih 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 in 10 v dodatku k spričevalu IOPP (tankerji)
Opomba: Če ladja nima spričevala IOPP, je treba opisati opremo in naprave na ladji, namenjene za preprečevanje onesnaževanja morja.
3.2.3 Pregled knjige o oljih
.1 Preslikati je treba zadostno število strani I. dela knjige o oljih, da zajame obdobje 30 dni pred prijavo nezgode
.2 Preslikati je treba zadostno število strani II. dela knjige o oljih (če je na ladji), da zajame celotno natovarjanje/raztovarjanje/balastiranje in pranje tankov na ladji. Preslikati je treba tudi diagram tanka.
3.2.4 Pregled ladijskega dnevnika
.1 Zadnje pristanišče, datum odhoda, ugrez ladje na premcu in krmi
.2 Pristanišče, kjer je ladja, datum prihoda, ugrez ladje na premcu in krmi
.3 Položaj ladje v času ali približno ob času poročanja o nezgodi
.4 Pregled na kraju samem, če položaji, navedeni v ladijskem dnevniku, ustrezajo položajem, opisanim v knjigi o oljih.
3.2.5 Pregled drugih dokumentov na ladji
Drugi dokumenti, ki so pomembni kot dokazno gradivo (po potrebi je treba narediti kopije), so:
.1 najnovejše listine o izgubi teže tovora
.2 poročila o opremi za opazovanje in nadzor
3.2.6 Pregled ladje
.1 Ladijska oprema v skladu z dodatkom k spričevalu IOPP
.2 Odvzeti vzorci. Navedba njihovega položaja na ladji
.3 Sledi olja v bližini bočnih izlivnih odprtin
.4 Stanje strojnice in vsebina kaluž
.5 Stanje ločevalnika zaoljene vode, opreme za filtriranje ter alarmnih naprav, naprav za ustavitev ali nadzor
.6 Vsebina zlivnih in/ali kalužnih tankov
.7 Viri velikega iztekanja
Na tankerjih utegne biti pomembno še to dodatno dokazno gradivo:
.8 Olje na površini ločenega ali namenskega čistega balasta
.9 Stanje kaluž v strojnici
.10 Stanje sistema pranja tankov s surovo nafto
.11 Stanje sistema inertnega plina
.12 Stanje sistema za opazovanje in nadzor
.13 Vsebina zlivnega tanka (ocena količine vode in olja)
3.2.7 Izjave odgovornih oseb
Če I. del knjige o oljih ni bil pravilno izpolnjen, utegnejo biti pomembni podatki o teh vprašanjih:
.1 Ali je prišlo do izpusta (naključnega ali namernega) v času, navedenem v prijavi o nezgodi?
.2 Ali se izčrpavanje iz kaluž samodejno nadzoruje?
.3 Če je tako, kdaj je ta sistem nazadnje deloval in kdaj je bil nazadnje nastavljen na ročni način delovanja?
.4 Če ni tako, kdaj (datum in čas) je bilo zadnje izčrpavanje iz kaluž?
.5 Datum zadnjega odlaganja ostanka in kako je odlaganje potekalo?
.6 Ali se voda iz kaluž običajno izpušča naravnost v morje ali se najprej shrani v zbirnem tanku? Določitev zbirnega tanka.
.7 Ali so tanke za tekoče gorivo pred kratim uporabljali kot balastne tanke?
Če II. del knjige o oljih ni bil pravilno izpolnjen, utegnejo biti pomembne informacije o teh vprašanjih:
.8 Kakšna je bila razporeditev tovora/balasta na ladji ob odhodu iz zadnjega pristanišča?
.9 Kakšna je bila razporeditev tovora/balasta na ladji ob prihodu v pristanišče?
.10 Kdaj in kje je bilo zadnje natovarjanje?
.11 Kdaj in kje je bilo zadnje raztovarjanje?
.12 Kdaj in kje je bila zadnja izpraznitev umazanega balasta?
.13 Kdaj in kje je bilo zadnje pranje tovornih tankov?
.14 Kdaj in kje je bil zadnji postopek pranja tankov s surovo nafto in kateri tanki so bili oprani?
.15 Kdaj in kje je bilo nazadnje ločeno olje od vode v zlivnih tankih?
.16 Kakšen je kalo v zlivnih tankih in ustrezna višina mejne ploskve?
.17 V katerih tankih je bil umazani balast med vožnjo z balastom (če je ladja priplula z balastom)?
.18 V katerih tankih je bil čisti balast med vožnjo (če je ladja priplula z balastom)?
Poleg tega utegnejo biti pomembni še ti podatki:
.19 Podatki o trenutnem potovanju ladje (prejšnja pristanišča, naslednja pristanišča, vrsta plovbe)
.20 Vsebina tankov za tekoče gorivo in balastnih tankov
.21 Predhodno in naslednje polnjenje goriva, vrsta tekočega goriva
.22 Razpoložljivost ali nerazpoložljivost naprav za sprejem oljnih odpadkov med trenutnim potovanjem
.23 Notranje prečrpavanje goriva med trenutnim potovanjem.
Pri tankerjih utegnejo biti pomembni ti dodatni podatki:
.24 Vrsta plovbe, ki jo opravlja ladja, kot je na kratke/dolge razdalje, surova nafta ali naftni derivati ali izmenično surova nafta/naftni derivati, nakladanje goriv z maon, olja/razsuti tovor
.25 Kateri tanki so čisti in kateri umazani
.26 Popravila, ki se izvajajo, ali so predvidena v tovornih tankih
Drugi podatki:
.27 Pripombe o stanju ladijske opreme
.28 Pripombe k poročilu o onesnaženju
.29 Druge pripombe
3.3 Podrobnejši pregled na kopnem
3.3.1 Analize vzorcev olja
Navedba metode in izsledkov analiz vzorcev
3.3.2 Dodatni podatki
Koristni so lahko dodatni podatki o ladji, ki jih da osebje v terminalu za tekoče tovore, pogodbeni izvajalci za pranje tankov ali sprejemne naprave na kopnem.
Opomba: Vse podatke v tem poglavju je treba po možnosti potrditi z listinami, kot so podpisane izjave, računi, potrdila itd.
3.4 Podatki, ki jih naštete točke ne vključujejo
3.5 Zaključek
3.5.1 Povzetek strokovnih ugotovitev inšpektorja.
3.5.2 Navedba ustreznih določb iz Priloge I k MARPOL 73/78, za katere obstaja sum, da jih je ladja kršila.
3.5.3 Ali so izsledki podrobnejšega pregleda upravičili vložitev poročila o ugotovljenih pomanjkljivostih?
Razdelek 4 Kršitev določb o izpustu po Prilogi II k MARPOL 73/78
4.1 Določbe v razdelkih 4 in 5 te priloge so namenjene opisu podatkov, ki jih bo potrebovala uprava države, pod katere zastavo pluje ladja, za pregon kršitev določb o izpustu iz Priloge II k MARPOL 73/78.
4.2 Priporoča se, da oblasti obalne države ali države pristanišča pri pripravi poročila države pristanišča o ugotovljenih pomanjkljivostih, kadar gre za kršitev zahtev o izpustu, upoštevajo razčlenjeni spisek morebitnih dokazov, prikazan v razdelku 5 te priloge. V tej zvezi je treba vedeti, da:
.1 je namen poročila zagotoviti čim boljšo primerjavo razpoložljivih podatkov; vendar pa treba predložiti čim več informacij tudi tedaj, kadar ni mogoče zagotoviti vseh, in
2. pomembno je, da vse informacije, zajete v poročilu, temeljijo na dejstvih, ki, kadar jih upoštevamo kot celoto, prepričajo državo pristanišča ali obalno državo, da je bil storjen prekršek, in
.3 je bil izpust morda olje, v tem primeru se uporablja Priloga 2 k Dodatku II Priloge I k MARPOL 73/78 Nadzorni postopki.
4.3 Poleg poročila države pristanišča o ugotovljenih pomanjkljivostih mora poročilo izpolniti država pristanišča ali obalna država na podlagi razčlenjenega spiska morebitnih dokazov. Pomembno je, da so tem poročilom priloženi ti dokumenti:
.1 izjava osebe, ki je opazila onesnaženje. Poleg podatkov, ki se zahtevajo v 5.1 te priloge, mora izjava vključevati tudi ocene, na podlagi katerih je opazovalec ugotovil, da vir onesnaženja v resnici ni noben drug možen vir;
.2 izjave v zvezi s postopki vzorčenja madeža na vodi in na ladji. Vključevati morajo kraj in čas odvzema vzorcev, identiteto oseb, ki odvzemajo vzorce, ter potrdila, ki določajo osebe, ki hranijo in pošiljajo vzorce;
.3 poročila o analizah vzorcev, odvzetih iz madeža na vodi in na ladji; poročila morajo vključevati izsledke analiz, opis uporabljene metode, navedbo ali kopije strokovne dokumentacije, ki potrjuje točnost in veljavnost uporabljene metode, ter imena oseb, ki opravljajo analize in njihove izkušnje;
.4 izjavo inšpektorja za varnost plovbe na ladji skupaj z njegovim položajem in organizacijo;
.5 izjave vprašanih oseb;
.6 izjave prič;
.7 fotografije oljnega madeža;
.8 fotokopije ustreznih strani iz knjige o oljih, ladijskih dnevnikov, zapisov o izpustu itd.
Pri vseh opažanjih, fotografijah in dokumentaciji je treba potrditi njihovo verodostojnost s podpisom. Vse potrditve, overovitve ali preglede je treba opraviti v skladu z zakoni države, ki jih pripravlja. Vse izjave mora podpisati in datirati oseba, ki da izjavo, ter po možnosti priča podpisa. Imena oseb, ki podpisujejo izjave, morajo biti čitljivo natisnjena nad podpisom ali pod njim.
4.4 Poročilo, omenjeno v 4.2 in 4.3 te priloge, je treba poslati upravi države, pod katere zastavo pluje ladja. Če obalna država, ki opazi onesnaženje, in država pristanišča, ki opravlja podrobnejši pregled na ladji, nista isti državi, mora država, ki ga opravlja, poslati en izvod svojih ugotovitev tudi državi, ki opazi onesnaženje in zahteva podrobnejši pregled.
Razdelek 5 Razčlenjeni spisek morebitnih dokazov o domnevni kršitvi določb o izpustu iz Priloge II k MARPOL 73/78
5.1 Ukrepi, če se opazi onesnaženje
5.1.1 Podatki o ladji ali ladjah, pri katerih obstaja sum kršitve
.1 Ime ladje
.2 Razlogi, zaradi katerih je ladja osumljena kršitve
.3 Kraj in čas (UTC) opazovanja ali opisa
.4 Položaj ladje
.5 Zastava in pristanišče vpisa
.6 Vrsta ladje (npr. tanker, tovorna ladja, potniška ladja, ribiška ladja), velikost (ocenjena nosilnost) in drugi opisni podatki (npr. nadgradnja, barva in oznaka na dimniku)
.7 Stanje ugreza (natovorjene ladje ali ladje z balastom)
.8 Približna smer in hitrost
.9 Položaj madeža glede na ladjo (npr. na krmi, na levem boku, na desnem boku)
.10 Del ladje, iz katerega so opazili izpust
.11 Ali je izpust prenehal, ko so ladjo opazovali ali vzpostavili zvezo z njo po radiu
5.1.2 Podatki o madežu
.1 Datum in čas (UTC) opazovanja, če se razlikujeta od v tej prilogi
.2 Položaj madeža, izražen z zemljepisno dolžino in širino, če se razlikuje od v tej prilogi
.3 Približna razdalja v morskih miljah od najbližjega kopnega
.4 Globina vode glede na pomorsko karto
.5 Približna celotna velikost madeža (dolžina, širina in odstotek, ki ga pokriva madež)
.6 Fizični opis madeža (smer in oblika, npr. neprekinjen, v lisah ali vrstah)
.7 Barva madeža
.8 Razmere na nebu (jasna sončna svetloba, oblačno vreme itd.), mrak in vidljivost (km) med opazovanjem
.9 Stanje morske gladine
.10 Smer in hitrost površinskega vetra
.11 Smer in hitrost toka
5.1.3 Podatki o opazovalcu
.1 Ime opazovalca
.2 Organizacija, ki ji pripada opazovalec (če sploh kateri)
.3 Položaj opazovalca v organizaciji
.4 Opazovanje z zrakoplova/ladje/obale/od drugod
.5 Ime ali identiteta ladje ali zrakoplova, s katerega je potekalo opazovanje
.6 Točno določen kraj, kjer je ladja, zrakoplov, kraj na obali ali drugje, od koder je potekalo opazovanje
.7 Dejavnost opazovalca med opazovanjem, na primer patrulja, potovanje, let (na poti od ..... do ......) itd.
5.1.4 Način opazovanja in dokumentacija
.1 Vizualno
.2 Običajne fotografije
.3 Poročila daljinskih senzorskih čitalnikov in/ali fotografije daljinske senzorske kamere
.4 Vzorci, odvzeti iz madeža
.5 Katera koli druga oblika opazovanja (navedi)
Opomba: Fotografija o izpustu naj bo po možnosti barvna. Najboljše rezultate lahko dobimo s temi tremi fotografijami:
.1 podrobnosti o madežu, ki je posnet skoraj navpično navzdol z višine manj kot 300 metrov s soncem za osebo, ki je naredila posnetek;
.2 fotografija celotne ladje in “madeža“, ki kaže olje, ki izteka s te ladje, in
.3 podatki o ladji za prepoznavanje
5.1.5 Drugi podatki, če je mogoče vzpostaviti radijsko zvezo
.1 Poveljnik ladje obveščen o onesnaženju
.2 Pojasnilo poveljnika ladje
.3 Zadnje pristanišče postanka ladje
.4 Naslednje pristanišče postanka ladje
.5 Ime poveljnika in lastnika ladje
.6 Klicni znak ladje
5.2 Podrobnejši pregled na ladji
5.2.1 Pregled spričevala (spričevala CoF ali NLS)
.1 Ime ladje
.2 Razločevalna številka ali črke
.3 Pristanišče vpisa
.4 Vrsta ladje
.5 Datum in kraj izdaje
.6 Datum in kraj overitve
5.2.2 Pregled Priročnika P in A
.1 Seznam snovi v Prilogi II, ki jih sme ladja prevažati
.2 Omejitve v zvezi s tanki, v katerih se smejo prevažati te snovi
.3 Ladja, opremljena z učinkovitim sistemom izcejanja
.4 Količine ostankov, ugotovljene pri pregledu
5.2.3 Pregled knjige tovora
Preslikati je treba zadostno število strani v knjigi tovora, da zajame celotno natovarjanje/raztovarjanje/balastiranje in pranje tankov na ladji. Preslikati je treba tudi diagram tanka.
5.2.4 Pregled ladijskega dnevnika
.1 Zadnje pristanišče, datum odhoda, ugrez ladje na premcu in krmi
.2 Pristanišče, kjer je ladja, datum prihoda, ugrez ladje na premcu in krmi
.3 Položaj ladje v času ali približno ob poročanju o nezgodi
.4 Pregled na kraju samem, da se ugotovi, ali časi, navedeni v knjigi tovora, glede izpustov ustrezajo zadostni razdalji od najbližjega kopnega, zahtevani hitrosti ladje in ustrezni globini vode
5.2.5 Pregled drugih dokumentov na ladji
Drugi dokumenti, ki so pomembni kot dokazno gradivo (po potrebi je treba narediti kopije), so:
.1 tovorne listine o sedanjem ali prejšnjem tovoru skupaj z ustreznimi podatki o zahtevani temperaturi raztovarjanja, viskoznosti in/ali tališču
.2 zapisi o temperaturi snovi med raztovarjanjem
.3 poročila o opremi za nadzor, če je ta nameščena
5.2.6 Pregled ladje
.1 Ladijska oprema v skladu s priročnikom P in A
.2 Odvzeti vzorci; navedba njihovega položaja na ladji
.3 Viri velikega iztekanja
.4 Ostanki tovora na površini ločenega ali namenskega čistega balasta
.5 Stanje kaluž v črpalni postaji
.6 Stanje sistema za opazovanje
.7 Vsebina zlivnega tanka (ocena količine vode in ostankov)
5.2.7 Izjave odgovornih oseb
Če knjiga tovora ni bila pravilno izpolnjena, utegnejo biti pomembni podatki o teh vprašanjih:
.1 Ali je prišlo do izpusta (naključnega ali namernega) v času, navedenem v prijavi o nezgodi?
.2 Katere tanke bodo natovorili v pristanišču?
.3 Katere tanke je bilo treba oprati na morju? Ali so bili tanki prej oprani?
.4 Kdaj in kje so bili oprani?
.5 Za ostanke katerih snovi je šlo?
.6 Kaj so naredili z odplakami od pranja tankov?
.7 Ali so zlivni tank ali tank za tovor, uporabljen kot zlivni tank, izpraznili v morje?
.8 Kdaj in kje je potekal izpust?
.9 Kakšna je vsebina zlivnega ali tovornega tanka, ki se uporablja kot zlivni tank?
.10 V katerih tankih je bil umazani balast med vožnjo z balastom (če je ladja priplula z balastom)?
.11 V katerih tankih je bil čisti balast med vožnjo z balastom (če je ladja priplula z balastom)?
.12 Podatki o trenutnem potovanju ladje (prejšnja pristanišča, naslednja pristanišča, vrsta plovbe)
.13 Težave pri raztovarjanju v sprejemne zmogljivosti na kopnem
.14 Težave pri učinkovitem izcejanju tankov
.15 Kateri tanki so čisti oz. umazani ob prihodu?
.16 Popravila, ki se izvajajo, ali so predvidena v tovornih tankih
Drugi podatki
.17 Pripombe k stanju ladijske opreme
.18 Pripombe k poročilu o onesnaženju
.19 Druge pripombe.
5.3 Podrobnejši pregled na kopnem
5.3.1 Analize vzorcev
Navedba metode in izsledkov analiz vzorcev
5.3.2 Dodatni podatki
Koristni so lahko dodatni podatki o ladji, ki jih da osebje v terminalu za tekoče tovore, pogodbeni izvajalci za pranje tankov ali sprejemne naprave na kopnem.
Opomba: Vse podatke v tem poglavju je treba po možnosti potrditi z listinami, kot so podpisane izjave, računi, potrdila itd.

5.3.3 Podatki od predhodnega pristaniškega terminala za raztovarjanje
.1 Potrditev, da je ladja raztovorjena, izcejena ali predhodno oprana v skladu s priročnikom P in A
.2 Vrsta težav, če so
.3 Omejitve organov, po katerih je ladja dobila dovoljenje za plovbo
.4 Omejitve glede sprejemnih naprav na kopnem
5.4 Podatki, ki jih naštete točke ne vključujejo
5.5 Zaključek
.1 Povzetek ugotovitev inšpektorja
.2 Navedba ustreznih določb iz Priloge II k MARPOL 73/78, za katere obstaja sum, da jih je ladja kršila
.3 Ali so izsledki podrobnejšega pregleda upravičili vložitev poročila o ugotovljenih pomanjkljivostih?
Priloga 2
1 Če pomanjkljivosti niso v celoti odpravljene ali so le začasno popravljene, je treba poslati sporočilo pristojnim oblastem regionalne države, v kateri je naslednje pristanišče postanka ladje.
2 Izmenjava sporočil iz prvega odstavka bo potekala z uporabo komunikacijskih naprav, vključenih v informacijski sistem, kot je opisano v Prilogi 4, in/ali po telefaksu na obrazcu, ki ga vsebuje dodatek k tej prilogi.
3 V vsakem sporočilu po prvem odstavku je treba navesti te podatke:
.1 datum;
.2 iz (država);
.3 pristanišče;
.4 v (država);
.5 pristanišče;
.6 izjava, ki se glasi: pomanjkljivosti, ki jih je treba odpraviti;
.7 ime ladje;
.8 identifikacijska številka IMO (če je na voljo);
.9 vrsta ladje;
.10 pripadnost ladje;
.11 klicni znak;
.12 bruto nosilnost;
.13 leto gradnje;
.14 organ, ki izdaja ustrezna spričevala;
.15 datum odhoda;
.16 predvideni kraj in čas prihoda;
.17 vrsta pomanjkljivosti;
.18 sprejeti ukrep;
.19 predlagani ukrep;
.20 predlagani ukrep v naslednjem pristanišču postanka;
.21 ime in številka telefaksa pošiljatelja.
Priloga 4
1 Da bi oblasti lažje izbirale ladje, ki plujejo pod tujimi zastavami, za inšpekcijski pregled v svojih pristaniščih, morajo imeti na voljo tekoče podatke o pregledih posameznih ladij, ki plujejo pod tujo zastavo, v enem od preostalih regionalnih pristanišč v preteklih šestih mesecih.
2 V ta namen se oblasti obvezujejo, da bodo po možnosti z računalniškim prenosom podatkov oskrbovale “Centre Administratif des Affaires Maritimes“ (C.A.A.M.) (Upravni center za pomorske zadeve) v Saint Maloju, s podatki o ladjah, pregledanih v domačih pristaniščih, in se pri tem opirale na podatke, predpisane v Prilogi 3 k memorandumu. Podatki o inšpekcijskih pregledih naj se po možnosti vnašajo v dokumentacijo z vsakodnevim neposrednim računalniškim vnosom.
3 Za izmenjavo hitrih informacij naj informacijski sistem vključuje komunikacijsko zvezo, ki omogoča neposredno računalniško izmenjavo sporočil med posameznimi oblastmi, vključno z uradnimi obvestili, na katera se nanaša razdelek 3.8 tega memoranduma, ter izmenjavo informacij o kršitvah postopkov, na katere se nanaša razdelek 5 memoranduma.
4 Informacije iz drugega in tretjega odstavka se pošljejo v predpisani obliki in v skladu s predpisanimi postopki, opredeljenimi v navodilih za uporabnike informacijskega sistema, ki jih je pripravil C.A.A.M.
5 C.A.A.M. bo poskrbel za obdelavo podatkov po drugem odstavku, tako da bodo podatki o inšpekcijskih pregledih zlahka dostopni za vpogled kot tudi za sprotno dopolnjevanje v skladu s postopki, opredeljenimi v navodilih za uporabnike informacijskega sistema, ki jih je pripravil C.A.A.M.
6 Če v izjemnih okoliščinah podatkov iz (točk) 2 in 3 zgoraj ni mogoče oskrbeti z računalniškim prenosom, je treba podatke, vsebovane v poročilu o inšpekcijskem pregledu, navedenem v Prilogi 3, priskrbeti s telefaks zvezami kot nadomestnim sistemom za izmenjavo informacij.
7 Podatke za upravne namene, kot so statistični podatki, bo dajal sekretariat po navodilih odbora. Ta pa se bo opiral na podatke, ki jih bo dajal C.A.A.M.
8 Informacijski sistem, prikazan v prejšnjih odstavkih, se bo uporabljal, dokler velja memorandum.
Raziskave za spremljanje in nadzor ter po potrebi izboljšanje kakovosti sistema bodo potekale ves čas.
9 S soglasjem oblasti bo C.A.A.M. v imenu teh oblasti poslal poročila o zadržanju ladje Mednarodni pomorski organizaciji v skladu s Predpisom I/19 SOLAS 74, 11. členom MARPOL 73/78, 21. členom LOADLINES 66 in X. členom STCW 78.
10 S soglasjem oblasti bo C.A.A.M. v imenu teh oblasti poslal poročila o zadržanju ladje Mednarodni organizaciji dela v skladu s 4. členom ILO 147.
Priloga 5
Kakovostna merila
Pomorske oblasti države, ki izpolnjujejo geografsko merilo, opredeljeno v 8.2 memoranduma, lahko pristopijo kot polnopravne članice, če izpolnijo ta merila kakovosti:
1 take pomorske oblasti se zavežejo prevzeti obveznosti iz memoranduma, da bi prispevale k skupnim prizadevanjem za odpravljanje uporabe podstandardnih ladij;
2 take pomorske oblasti bodo pred pristopom ratificirale vse ustrezne veljavne listine;
3 take pomorske oblasti bodo imele dovolj logističnih in materialnih sredstev, da bodo lahko primerno uveljavljale izpolnjevanje mednarodnih pomorskih normativov v zvezi z varnostjo na morju, preprečevanjem onesnaževanja ter življenjskimi in delovnimi razmerami na ladjah, ki smejo pluti pod njihovo zastavo, kar bo vključevalo zaposlovanje ustrezno usposobljenih inšpektorjev, ki bodo delovali pod pristojnostjo svoje uprave; z vsem tem mora biti zadovoljen odbor, naveden v 6.1 memoranduma;
4 take pomorske oblasti bodo imele dovolj logističnih in materialnih sredstev, da bodo lahko v celoti izpolnjevale vse določbe in dejavnosti, opredeljene v memorandumu, in tako izboljšale izpolnjevanje svojih obveznosti, kar bo vključevalo zaposlovanje ustrezno usposobljenih inšpektorjev za varnost plovbe, ki bodo delovali pod pristojnostjo svoje uprave; z vsem tem mora biti zadovoljen odbor, naveden v 6.1 memoranduma;
5 pomorske oblasti, katerih zastava se je pojavila na seznamu zadržanih ladij večkrat, kot je povprečen odstotek zadržanja ladij, ki je objavljen v letnem poročilu za katero koli od zadnjih treh let pred vložitvijo prošnje za polnopravno članstvo, ne more biti sprejeta kot polnopravna članica memoranduma;
6 take pomorske oblasti bodo od dneva včlanitve dalje vzpostavile neposredno računalniško povezavo z informacijskim sistemom iz Priloge 4;
7 take pomorske oblasti bodo podpisale finančni sporazum o plačevanju svojega deleža za operativne stroške memoranduma in bodo od dneva, ko ta začne veljati, plačevale svoj finančni prispevek v proračun, ki ga odobri odbor, naveden v 6.1 memoranduma.
Ocena o izpolnjevanju zgornjih pogojev velja le za vsak posamezen primer in ne pomeni precedensa za naslednje primere niti za oblasti, ki jih zavezuje memorandum, niti za morebitne nove podpisnice.
Priloga 6
1. V skladu z določbami v 3.5 memoranduma mora biti inšpektor za varnost plovbe primerno usposobljen in ga morajo za opravljanje inšpekcijskih pregledov pooblastiti oblasti.
2. Primerno usposobljen inšpektor za varnost plovbe je moral vsaj eno leto službovati kot ladijski inšpektor in opravljati preglede ter izdajati spričevala v skladu z ustreznimi listinami; imeti pa mora tudi:
.1 spričevalo o usposobljenosti za poveljnika ladje, s katerim lahko poveljuje ladjam z najmanj 1600 tonami bruto nosilnosti ali več (glej STCW, Pravilo II/2), ali
.2 spričevalo o usposobljenosti za upravitelja stroja, s katerim lahko prevzame to delovno nalogo na krovu ladje, katere glavni pogonski sistem ima moč 3000 kW ali več (glej STCW, Pravilo III/2), ali
.3 je opravil izpit za ladjedelskega inženirja, strojnega inženirja ali inženirja na področju pomorskega prometa in delal na tem mestu najmanj 5 let.
Inšpektorji za varnost plovbe, omenjeni v .1 in .2, morajo imeti najmanj pet let delovnih izkušenj na morju kot častniki krova ali častniki stroja.
3. Sicer pa je inšpektor za varnost plovbe primerno usposobljen, če:
.1 ima ustrezno visokošolsko diplomo ali drugo primerno izobrazbo in
.2 se je izobraževal in usposabljal v šoli za inšpektorje za varnost plovbe ter
.3 je služboval najmanj 2 leti kot ladijski inšpektor in je opravljal preglede ter izdajal spričevala v skladu z ustreznimi listinami.
4. Primerno usposobljen inšpektor za varnost plovbe se mora biti zmožen ustno in pisno sporazumevati s pomorščaki v jeziku, ki se najpogosteje govori na morju.
5. Primerno usposobljen inšpektor za varnost plovbe mora dovolj dobro poznati določbe v ustreznih listinah ter ustrezne postopke v zvezi z inšpekcijo za varnost plovbe.
6. Inšpektorji za varnost plovbe, ki ne izpolnjujejo navedenih meril, so prav tako sprejemljivi, če jih oblasti zaposlijo za inšpekcijske preglede pred 1. julijem 1996.
3. člen
Za izvajanje memoranduma skrbi Ministrstvo za promet in zveze.
4. člen
Ta uredba začne veljati naslednji dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 906-14/00-1
Ljubljana, dne 23. marca 2000
Vlada Republike Slovenije
dr. Janez Drnovšek l. r.

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