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Številka 44
Uradni list RS, št. 44/2000 z dne 26. 5. 2000
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 44/2000 z dne 26. 5. 2000


62. Zakon o ratifikaciji Sporazuma o pomorskem trgovinskem prometu med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Islamske republike Iran (BIRPTP), stran 416.

Na podlagi druge alinee prvega odstavka 107. člena in prvega odstavka 91. člena Ustave Republike Slovenije izdajam
Razglašam Zakon o ratifikaciji Sporazuma o pomorskem trgovinskem prometu med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Islamske republike Iran (BIRPTP), ki ga je sprejel Državni zbor Republike Slovenije na seji 10. maja 2000.
Št. 001-22-84/00
Ljubljana, dne 18. maja 2000
Republike Slovenije
Milan Kučan l. r.
1. člen
Ratificira se Sporazum o pomorskem trgovinskem prometu med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Islamske republike Iran, podpisan v Teheranu 11. maja 1999.
2. člen
Sporazum se v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku glasi:*
Vlada Republike Slovenije in Vlada Islamske republike Iran, v nadaljnjem besedilu “pogodbenici“, sta se v želji,
da bi zagotovili usklajen razvoj pomorskega trgovinskega prometa med državama in
da bi vzpostavili sodelovanje na področju pomorskega trgovinskega prometa,
sporazumeli o sklenitvi tega sporazuma, kot sledi:
1. člen
V tem sporazumu naslednji izrazi pomenijo:
1. “ladja pogodbenice“: katero koli trgovsko ladjo, ki je v skladu z zakonodajo pogodbenice vpisana v ladijski vpisnik in pluje pod njeno zastavo, razen:
a) vojnih ladij,
b) drugih ladij, ki so v službi oboroženih sil,
c) raziskovalnih ladij (hidrografskih, oceanografskih in znanstvenih),
d) ribiških ladij,
e) ladij, ki opravljajo naloge, ki niso v zvezi s trgovino (javne ladje, sanitetne ladje itd.).
2. “član posadke“: katero koli osebo na ladji pogodbenice, ki ima ustrezen pomorski osebni dokument in je pravilno vpisana v seznam posadke;
3. “pristojni pomorski organ“:
za Republiko Slovenijo:
A) Ministrstvo za promet in zveze, Sektor za pomorstvo za splošne pomorske zadeve in
Uprava Republike Slovenije za pomorstvo za plovbne zadeve in zadeve v zvezi z varnostjo na morju,
B) Luka Koper, d.d., za pristaniške storitve;
za Islamsko republiko Iran: Organizacija za pristanišča in ladjarstvo.
2. člen
Ta sporazum se uporablja na ozemlju Republike Slovenije in na ozemlju Islamske republike Iran.
3. člen
Sodelovanje med Republiko Slovenijo in Islamsko republiko Iran na področju pomorskega trgovinskega prometa temelji na načelih enakih pravic, spoštovanju državne suverenosti, medsebojnih koristih in interesih.
4. člen
V skladu s 3. členom tega sporazuma pogodbenici sodelujeta in druga drugi pomagata pri vzpostavljanju stikov med pristojnimi in zainteresiranimi organizacijami in organi, odgovornimi za pomorski trgovinski promet v svojih državah.
5. člen
1. Pogodbenici sodelujeta in druga drugi pomagata pri razvoju pomorskega trgovinskega prometa med državama in v ta namen:
a) spodbujata slovenske in iranske ladijske družbe k sodelovanju pri prevozu blaga med pristanišči pogodbenic ter sodelujeta pri odpravljanju morebitnih ovir, ki bi lahko preprečevale razvoj tega prevoza;
b) si prizadevata za uporabo načela prostega pretoka storitev v pomorskih trgovinskih prevozih med pristanišči pogodbenic ali med njunimi pristanišči in pristanišči tretjih držav.
2. Določbe prvega odstavka tega člena ne posegajo v pravice ladij, ki plujejo pod zastavo tretjih držav, da sodelujejo pri pomorskih trgovinskih prevozih med pristanišči obeh pogodbenic ali da jih zakupi ali jih upravlja ladijska družba ene od pogodbenic za pomorski trgovinski promet med pristanišči obeh pogodbenic.
6. člen
1. Vsaka pogodbenica obravnava ladje druge pogodbenice, njihove posadke, potnike in blago ladij kot svoje ladje, ki se uporabljajo v mednarodnem pomorskem trgovinskem prometu, v zvezi:
a) s prostim dostopom v svoje teritorialne vode in v pristanišča, ki so odprta za mednarodni promet;
b) s postankom ladij v pristaniščih in uporabo pristaniških naprav;
c) z vkrcevanjem in izkrcavanjem potnikov;
d) z uporabo storitev za pomorski trgovinski promet kot tudi z njim povezanih trgovinskih dejavnosti.
2. Določbe prvega odstavka tega člena se ne uporabljajo za:
a) dejavnosti, ki jih v skladu z notranjo zakonodajo vsake pogodbenice lahko opravljajo le njena lastna podjetja in organizacije;
b) predpise v zvezi z vstopom in bivanjem tujcev na ozemlju ene ali druge pogodbenice;
c) pravila, ki urejajo obvezno pilotažo;
d) pristanišča, ki niso odprta za mednarodni promet.
7. člen
Pogodbenici v okviru svoje zakonodaje in pristaniških predpisov sprejmeta vse potrebne ukrepe za olajšanje in spodbujanje pomorskega trgovinskega prometa, da bi se v svojih pristaniščih izognili nepotrebnim zamudam ladij, ki plujejo pod zastavo druge pogodbenice, kot tudi da bi čim bolj pospešili in poenostavili veljavne upravne, carinske in sanitarne postopke v svojih pristaniščih.
8. člen
1. Potrdila o državni pripadnosti in izmeritvena spričevala ter druga ladijska spričevala, ki jih priznavajo pristojni organi ene od pogodbenic, in dokumente, izdane v skladu z zahtevami mednarodnih konvencij, priznajo pristojni organi druge pogodbenice.
2. Ladje vsake pogodbenice, ki imajo izmeritvena spričevala, veljavna v skladu s prvim odstavkom tega člena, so oproščene dodatne meritve v pristanišču druge pogodbenice.
3. Pristaniške pristojbine in prispevki se izračunajo na podlagi izmeritvenih spričeval ladij, kot je določeno v prvem odstavku tega člena.
9. člen
Pogodbenici priznata osebne dokumente članov posadke, ki so jih izdale in jih priznajo njuni pristojni organi. Ta osebna dokumenta sta:
– za člane posadke ladij Republike Slovenije: pomorska knjižica,
– za člane posadke ladij Islamske republike Iran: pomorski osebni dokument.
10. člen
Pogodbenici uporabljata določbe Konvencije MOD št. 108.
11. člen
Vsaka pogodbenica, kadar je potrebno, v okviru svojih možnosti daje potrebno zdravniško pomoč članom posadk ladij druge pogodbenice v skladu s svojo notranjo zakonodajo in predpisi.
12. člen
1. Če ladja ene od pogodbenic nasede, jo vrže na obalo ali se ji zgodi kakšna druga nesreča v teritorialnem morju ali v pristanišču druge pogodbenice, je ladji in njenemu tovoru zagotovljeno enako varstvo kot domačim ladjam te države in njihovemu tovoru.
Posadki in potnikom na ladji pogodbenice iz prvega odstavka tega člena so kadar koli zagotovljene enaka podpora, pomoč in zaščita, ki so zagotovljene državljanom pogodbenice, v teritorialnem morju ali v pristanišču katere se je zgodila škoda, stroški v zvezi s tem pa se zberejo v skladu s sporazumi, sklenjenimi med pogodbenicama.
Določbe tega člena ne preprečujejo pravic do vložitve zahtevkov v zvezi s pomočjo in podporo, dano na podlagi pogodbe ladji, ki je utrpela škodo, njeni posadki, potnikom, tovoru in imetju na ladji.
2. Za ladjo, ki je utrpela škodo, njeno imetje in tovor na njej v celoti ali za kateri koli njun del, ki je bil rešen, ne veljajo carinske dajatve, davki in drugi prispevki, razen če sta imetje in/ali tovor namenjena uporabi in potrošnji na ozemlju pogodbenice, kjer se je zgodila nesreča.
3. Določbe drugega odstavka tega člena ne posegajo v zakone in predpise, ki veljajo na ozemlju pogodbenic v zvezi z začasnim skladiščenjem blaga.
13. člen
1. Pristojni organi pogodbenice ne posegajo v civilne spore, nastale na morju ali v njenih pristaniščih, med lastnikom ladje, kapitanom, častniki in drugimi člani posadke v zvezi z njihovimi osebnimi dohodki, osebno lastnino posadke in na splošno z delom na ladji, ki pluje pod zastavo druge pogodbenice.
2. Pristojni organi pogodbenice nimajo kazenske pristojnosti v zvezi s kaznivim dejanjem, storjenim na ladji druge pogodbenice, ki je v pristanišču v njeni državi, razen:
a) na prošnjo ali s pristankom diplomatskega ali konzularnega predstavnika druge pogodbenice, pod katere zastavo pluje ladja;
b) če kaznivo dejanje ali njegove posledice motijo javni red na obali ali v pristanišču ali vplivajo na javno varnost;
c) v vseh primerih nezakonite trgovine z narkotiki, psihotropnimi ali radioaktivnimi snovmi.
3. Določbe tega člena ne posegajo v pravice pristojnih organov pogodbenic do izvajanja njihovih lokalnih zakonov in predpisov v zvezi z zdravjem ljudi, carinskim nadzorom, zaščito morskega okolja, varnostjo ladij, pristanišč, človekovega življenja in blaga ter vstopom tujcev na njuno ozemlje.
14. člen
1. Zaradi tesnega sodelovanja se pogodbenici občasno medsebojno posvetujeta, da bi:
a) obravnavali in izboljšali možnosti za izvajanje tega sporazuma;
b) predlagali in uskladili morebitne spremembe in dopolnitve tega sporazuma.
2. V skladu s prvim odstavkom tega člena pogodbenici po diplomatski poti predlagata, da se opravijo posvetovanja med pristojnimi pomorskimi organi pogodbenic, taka posvetovanja pa se začnejo najkasneje 60 (šestdeset) dni po dnevu prejema takega predloga.
15. člen
1. Ta sporazum začne veljati na dan prejema zadnjega uradnega obvestila, s katerim se pogodbenici medsebojno po diplomatski poti obvestita o izpolnitvi notranjepravnih zahtev za njegovo izvajanje.
2. Ta sporazum je sklenjen za nedoločen čas. Vsaka pogodbenica ga lahko pisno odpove s šestmesečnim odpovednim rokom, vendar ne prej kot tri leta po dnevu, ko je začel veljati.
3. Ta sporazum se lahko spreminja in dopolnjuje na podlagi vzajemnega soglasja pogodbenic. Vse spremembe in dopolnila začnejo veljati po ratifikaciji v skladu s postopkom, ki je opredeljen v 1. točki tega člena.
Sklenjeno v Teheranu dne 11. maja 1999, ki ustreza 21/2/1378, v dveh izvirnikih v slovenskem, perzijskem in angleškem jeziku, pri čemer so vsa besedila enako verodostojna. Pri razlikah v razlagi je odločilno angleško besedilo.
Za Vlado
Republike Slovenije
mag. Anton Bergauer, l. r.
Za Vlado
Islamske republike Iran
Mohamoud Hojjati, l. r.
The Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran, hereinafter referred to as “Contracting Parties“, desiring
to secure harmonised development of the maritime commercial transport between the two countries, and
to activate the co-operation in the field of maritime commercial transport,
have agreed to conclude the present agreement as follows:
Article 1
For the purposes of the present agreement the following terms shall mean:
1. “Vessel of a Contracting Party“: any merchant vessel entered into the ship register according to the legislation of the Contracting Party and sailing under its flag, excluding:
a) war ships;
b) other vessels performing services in the armed forces;
c) research vessels (hidrographic, oceanographic and scientific);
d) fishing vessels;
e) vessels, performing functions of nonmerchant character (governmental yachts, hospital ships, etc.).
2. “Member of the Crew“: any person on board the vessel of the Contracting Party which is having an appropriate seafarer’s identity document and duly entered into the crew list
3.“ Competent maritime authority“:
For the Republic of Slovenia:
A) Ministry of Transport and Communications, Maritime division for general maritime matters and Maritime directorate of the Republic of Slovenia for navigational and maritime safety matters
B) Luka Koper d.d., for port services
For the Islamic Republic of Iran: Ports and Shipping Organisation
Article 2
The present Agreement shall be applied in the territory of the Republic of Slovenia and in the territory of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Article 3
The co-operation between the Republic of Slovenia and the Islamic Republic of Iran in the field of maritime commercial transport shall be based on the principles of equal rights, respect for the national sovereignty, mutual advantages and interests.
Article 4
In accordance with the article 3 of the present agreement the Contracting Parties shall co-operate and assist each other in establishing contacts between competent and interested organisations and authorities which are responsible for the maritime commercial transport in its own state.
Article 5
1. The Contracting Parties shall co-operate and assist each other in the development of maritime commercial transport between their states and to this purpose they shall:
a) encourage Slovenian and Iranian shipping companies to participate in the transportation of goods between ports of the Contracting Parties and cooperate in the elimination of eventual obstacles that might hinder the development of this transportation;
b) endeavour to the application of the principle of free movement of services to maritime commercial transports which are carried out between ports of the Contracting Parties or between their ports and those of third states.
2. The provisions of paragraph 1 of this Article are without any prejudice to the rights of the vessels sailing under the flag of third countries to take part in the maritime commercial transports between the ports of the two Contracting Parties or are chartered or managed by a shipping company of one of the Contracting Parties for maritime commercial transport between ports of both Contracting Parties.
Article 6
1. Each Contracting Party shall treat other Contracting Party’s vessels, their crews, passengers and goods on board as its national vessels used in international maritime commercial transportation, with respect to:
a) free access into its territorial waters and ports open for international traffic
b) staying of the vessels in the ports and using of port facilities;
c) embarkation and disembarkation of passengers;
d) using services to maritime commercial transport as well as related commercial operations.
2. The provisions of paragraph 1 of this Article shall not apply to:
a) activities which are, according to the national legislation of each Contracting Party, reserved for its own enterprises and organisations;
b) the regulations regarding the admission and stay of foreigners in the territory of either of the Contracting Parties;
c) the rules governing the compulsory pilotage;
d) ports not open for international shipping.
Article 7
The Contracting Parties shall, within the framework of their legislations and port regulations, take all necessary measures for facilitating and encouraging the maritime commercial transportation to avoid the unnecessary delay in their ports of the vessels sailing under the flag of the other Contracting Party as well as to speed up and simplify as far as possible the administrative, customs and sanitary formalities in force in their ports.
Article 8
1. The certificates of the nationality and tonnage as well as any other ship certificates recognised by the competent authorities of one of the Contracting Parties and documents issued in accordance with the requirements of the international conventions, shall be recognised by the relevant authorities of the other Contracting Party.
2. The vessels of each Contracting Party provided with tonnage certificates, and valid in accordance with paragraph 1 of the present Article shall be relieved of further measuring in the port of the other Contracting Party.
3. The calculation of the port dues and charges shall be effected on the basis of the tonnage certificates of the vessels as specified in paragraph 1 of the present Article.
Article 9
The Contracting Parties shall recognise the identity documents of the crew members, issued and recognised by their competent national authorities. The said identity documents are:
– for the crew members of the vessels of the Republic of Slovenia: Seamen’s book,
– for the crew members of the vessels of the Islamic Republic of Iran: Seafarer’s identity document.
Article 10
The Contracting Parties shall apply the provisions of the ILO Convention No.108.
Article 11
Each Contracting Party shall, when is required, render to the extent of its possibilities the necessary medical aids to the members of the crew of the vessels of the other Contracting Party, in accordance with its national legislations and regulations.
Article 12
1. If the vessel of one of the Contracting Party runs aground, is cast ashore or suffers any other accident in the territorial sea, or in the port of the other Contracting Party, the said vessel and its cargo, shall be given the same protection as given to the national vessels of the latter State and their cargo.
The crew and the passengers on board the vessel of the Contracting Party, referred to in first paragraph of this Article, shall be granted, at any time, the same assistance, help and protection as granted to the nationals of the Contracting Party in which territorial sea or in the port the damage has occurred and the related expenses shall be collected in accordance with the agreements made between the Contracting Parties.
The provisions of this Article shall not prevent to the rights of making claims related to help and assistance rendered under the contract to a vessel that has undergone damage, its crew, passengers, cargo and property on board the vessel.
2. The vessel that has undergone damage, its property and cargo on board in whole or any part of them which salvaged shall not be subject to customs duties, taxes and other charges unless the said property and/or cargo are intended for use and consumption in the territory of the Contracting Party where the accident has occurred.
3. The provisions of paragraph 2 of this Article are without prejudice to the laws and regulations in force in the territories of the Contracting Parties concerning the temporary storage of goods.
Article 13
1. The competent authorities of the Contracting Party shall not interfere in civil disputes arisen at sea or in its ports between the shipowner, the master, the officers and the other members of the crew concerning their salaries, crew’s effects and in general, the work on board the vessel, sailing under the flag of other Contracting Party.
2. The competent authorities of the Contracting Party shall not execute criminal jurisdiction regarding a crime, committed on board the vessel of other Contracting Party, staying at port in their country, except:
a) at request or with the consent of the diplomatic agent or the consular official of the other Contracting Party under the flag of which the vessel is sailing;
b) when the crime or its consequences disturb the public order on the coast or in the port, or affect the public security;
c) in all cases at the unlawful trade with narcotics, psychotropic or radioactive substances.
3. The provisions of this Article are without prejudice to the rights of the competent authorities of the Contracting Parties to implement their local laws and regulations related to public health, customs control, protection of the marine environment, security of vessels, ports, human life and goods, and the admission of foreigners in their territories.
Article 14
1. Aiming close co-operation, the Contracting Parties shall from time to time consult each other in order to:
a) discuss and improve the conditions for the implementation of this Agreement;
b) propose and co-ordinate eventual amendments and additions to this Agreement.
2. In conformity with paragraph 1 of this Article, the Contracting Parties shall propose, through diplomatic channels, to hold the consultations between the competent maritime authorities of the Contracting Parties and such consultation shall begin not later than 60 (sixty) days as from the date of relevant proposal was received.
Article 15
1. This Agreement comes into force on the date of the receipt of the latter of the notifications with which the Contracting Parties notify each other through diplomatic channels that the internal legal requirements for its implementation have been met.
2. This Agreement is concluded for an indefinite period of time. Each of the Contracting Parties may give the written notice of termination of this Agreement with a six-month period, however, at earliest in three years form the date of its validity.
3. This Agreement can be modified and amended on the basis of the mutual consent of the Contracting Parties. Any amendments shall enter into force after ratification in accordance with the procedure specified in sub-Article (1.) of this Article.
Done in Tehran, on this 11 day of May 1999 corresponding to 21/2/1378 in two original copies, each in Slovene, Persian and English languages, all texts being equally authentic. In the case of different interpretation of the texts, the English text shall prevail.
For the Government
of the Republic of
Anton Bergauer (s)
For the Government
of the Islamic Republic
of Iran
Mohamoud Hojjati (s)
3. člen
Za izvajanje sporazuma skrbi Ministrstvo za promet in zveze.
4. člen
Ta zakon začne veljati naslednji dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 326-04/00-10/1
Ljubljana, dne 10. maja 2000
Državnega zbora
Republike Slovenije
Janez Podobnik, dr. med. l. r.
* Besedilo v perzijskem jeziku je na vpogled v Sektorju za mednarodne pravne zadeve Ministrstva za zunanje zadeve Republike Slovenije.

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