Na podlagi druge alinee prvega odstavka 107. člena in prvega odstavka 91. člena ustave Republike Slovenije izdajam
Razglašam Zakon o ratifikaciji Protokola iz leta 1992 o spremembi Mednarodne konvencije o ustanovitvi Mednarodnega sklada za povrnitev škode, nastale zaradi onesnaženja z nafto, 1971 (MKMS71), ki ga je sprejel Državni zbor Republike Slovenije na seji 31. maja 2000.
Št. 001-22-102/00
Ljubljana, 8. junija 2000
Republike Slovenije
Milan Kučan l. r.
1. člen
Ratificira se Protokol iz leta 1992 o spremembi Mednarodne konvencije o ustanovitvi Mednarodnega sklada za povrnitev škode, nastale zaradi onesnaženja z nafto, 1971, sestavljen v Londonu 27. novembra 1992.
2. člen
Protokol se v izvirniku v angleškem jeziku in v prevodu v slovenskem jeziku glasi:
HAVING CONSIDERED the International Convention on the Establishment of an International Fund for Compensation for Oil Pollution Damage, 1971, and the 1984 Protocol thereto,
HAVING NOTED that the 1984 Protocol to that Convention, which provides for improved scope and enhanced compensation, has not entered into force,
AFFIRMING the importance of maintaining the viability of the international oil pollution liability and compensation system,
AWARE OF the need to ensure the entry into force of the content of the 1984 Protocol as soon as possible,
RECOGNIZING the advantage for the States Parties of arranging for the amended Convention to coexist with and be supplementary to the original Convention for a transitional period,
CONVINCED that the economic consequences of pollution damage resulting from the carriage of oil in bulk at sea by ships should continue to be shared by the shipping industry and by the oil cargo interests,
BEARING IN MIND the adoption of the Protocol of 1992 to amend the International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage, 1969,
Article 1
The Convention which the provisions of this Protocol amend is the International Convention on the Establishment of an International Fund for Compensation for Oil Pollution Damage, 1971, hereinafter referred to as the “1971 Fund Convention”. For States Parties to the Protocol of 1976 to the 1971 Fund Convention, such reference shall be deemed to include the 1971 Fund Convention as amended by that Protocol.
Article 2
Article 1 of the 1971 Fund Convention is amended as follows:
1. Paragraph 1 is replaced by the following text:
1. “1992 Liability Convention” means the International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage, 1992.
2. After paragraph 1 a new paragraph is inserted as follows:
1 bis. “1971 Fund Convention” means the International Convention on the Establishment of an International Fund for Compensation for Oil Pollution Damage, 1971. For States Parties to the Protocol of 1976 to that Convention, the term shall be deemed to include the 1971 Fund Convention as amended by that Protocol.
3. Paragraph 2 is replaced by the following text:
2. “Ship”, “Person”, “Owner”, “Oil”, “Pollution Damage”, Preventive Measures”, “Incident”, and “Organization” have the same meaning as in Article I of the 1992 Liability Convention.
4. Paragraph 4 is replaced by the following text:
4. “Unit of account” has the same meaning as in Article V, paragraph 9, of the 1992 Liability Convention.
5. Paragraph 5 is replaced by the following text:
5. “Ship’s tonnage” has the same meaning as in Article V, paragraph 10, of the 1992 Liability Convention.
6. Paragraph 7 is replaced by the following text:
7. “Guarantor” means any person providing insurance or other financial security to cover an owner’s liability in pursuance of Article VII, paragraph 1, of the 1992 Liability Convention.
Article 3
Article 2 of the 1971 Fund Convention is amended as follows:
Paragraph 1 is replaced by the following text:
1. An International Fund for compensation for pollution damage, to be named “The International Oil Pollution Compensation Fund 1992” and hereinafter referred to as “the Fund”, is hereby established with the following aims:
(a) to provide compensation for pollution damage to the extent that the protection afforded by the 1992 Liability Convention is inadequate;
(b) to give effect to the related purposes set out in this Convention.
Article 4
Article 3 of the 1971 Fund Convention is replaced by the following text:
This Convention shall apply exclusively:
(a) to pollution damage caused:
(i) in the territory, including the territorial sea, of a Contracting State, and
(ii) in the exclusive economic zone of a Contracting State, established in accordance with international law, or, if a Contracting State has not established such a zone, in an area beyond and adjacent to the territorial sea of that State determined by that State in accordance with international law and extending not more than 200 nautical miles from the baselines from which the breadth of its territorial sea is measured;
(b) to preventive measures, wherever taken, to prevent or minimize such damage.
Article 5
The heading to Articles 4 to 9 of the 1971 Fund Convention is amended by deleting the words “and indemnification”.
Article 6
Article 4 of the 1971 Fund Convention is amended as follows:
1. In paragraph 1 the five references to “the Liability Convention” are replaced by references to “the 1992 Liability Convention”.
2. Paragraph 3 is replaced by the following text:
3. If the Fund proves that the pollution damage resulted wholly or partially either from an act or omission done with the intent to cause damage by the person who suffered the damage or from the negligence of that person, the Fund may be exonerated wholly or partially from its obligation to pay compensation to such person. The Fund shall in any event be exonerated to the extent that the shipowner may have been exonerated under Article III, paragraph 3, of the 1992 Liability Convention. However, there shall be no such exoneration of the Fund with regard to preventive measures.
3. Paragraph 4 is replaced by the following text:
4. (a) Except as otherwise provided in subparagraphs (b) and (c) of this paragraph, the aggregate amount of compensation payable by the Fund under this Article shall in respect of any one incident be limited, so that the total sum of that amount and the amount of compensation actually paid under the 1992 Liability Convention for pollution damage within the scope of application of this Convention as defined in Article 3 shall to exceed 135 million units of account.
(b) Except as otherwise provided in subparagraph (c), the aggregate amount of compensation payable by the Fund under this Article for pollution damage resulting from a natural phenomenon of an exceptional inevitable and irresistible character shall not exceed 135 million units of account.
(c) The maximum amount of compensation referred to in subparagraphs (a) and (b) shall be 200 million units of account with respect to any incident occurring during any period when there are three Parties to this Convention in respect of which the combined relevant quantity of contributing oil received by persons in the territories of such Parties, during the preceding calendar year, equalled or exceeded 600 million tons.
(d) Interest accrued on a fund constituted in accordance with Article V, paragraph 3, of the 1992 Liability Convention, if any, shall not be taken into account for the computation of the maximum compensation payable by the Fund under this Article.
(e) The amounts mentioned in this Article shall be converted into national currency on the basis of the value of that currency by reference to the Special Drawing Right on the date of the decision of the Assembly of the Fund as to the first date of payment of compensation.
4. Paragraph 5 is replaced by the following text:
5. Where the amount of established claims against the Fund exceeds the aggregate amount of compensation payable under paragraph 4, the amount available shall be distributed in such a manner that the proportion between any established claim and the amount of compensation actually recovered by the claimant under this Convention shall be the same for all claimants.
5. Paragraph 6 is replaced by the following text:
6. The Assembly of the Fund may decide that, in exceptional cases, compensation in accordance with this Convention can be paid even if the owner of the ship has not constituted a fund in accordance with Article V, paragraph 3, of the 1992 Liability Convention. In such case paragraph 4(e) of this Article applies accordingly.
Article 7
Article 5 of the 1971 Fund Convention is deleted.
Article 8
Article 6 of the 1971 Fund Convention is amended as follows:
1. In paragraph 1 the paragraph number and the words “or indemnification under Article 5” are deleted.
2. Paragraph 2 is deleted.
Article 9
Article 7 of the 1971 Fund Convention is amended as follows:
1. In paragraphs 1, 3, 4 and 6 the seven references to “the Liability Convention” are replaced by references to “the 1992 Liability Convention”.
2. In paragraph 1 the words “or indemnification under Article 5” are deleted.
3. In the first sentence of paragraph 3 the words “or indemnification” and “or 5” are deleted.
4. In the second sentence of paragraph 3 the words “or under Article 5, paragraph 1,” are deleted.
Article 10
In Article 8 of the 1971 Fund Convention the reference to “the Liability Convention” is replaced by a reference to “the 1992 Liability Convention”.
Article 11
Article 9 of the 1971 Fund Convention is amended as follows:
1. Paragraph 1 is replaced by the following text:
1. The Fund shall, in respect of any amount of compensation for pollution damage paid by the Fund in accordance with Article 4, paragraph 1, of this Convention, acquire by subrogation the rights that the person so compensated may enjoy under the 1992 Liability Convention against the owner or his guarantor.
2. In paragraph 2 the words “or indemnification” are deleted.
Article 12
Article 10 of the 1971 Fund Convention is amended as follows:
The opening phrase of paragraph 1 is replaced by the following text:
Annual contributions to the Fund shall be made in respect of each Contracting State by any person who, in the calendar year referred to in Article 12, paragraph 2(a) of (b), has received in total quantities exceeding 150,000 tons:
Article 13
Article 11 of the 1971 Fund Convention is deleted.
Article 14
Article 12 of the 1971 Fund Convention is amended as follows:
1. In the opening phrase of paragraph 1 the words “for each person referred to in Article 10” are deleted.
2. In paragraph 1(i), subparagraphs (b) and (c), the words “or 5” are deleted and the words “15 million francs” are replaced by the words “four million units of account”.
3. Subparagraph 1(ii)(b) is deleted.
4. In paragraph 1(ii), subparagraph (c) becomes (b) and subparagraph (d) becomes (c).
5. The opening phrase in paragraph 2 is replaced by the following text:
The Assembly shall decide the total amount of contributions to be levied. On the basis of that decision, the Director shall, in respect of each Contracting State, calculate for each person referred to in Article 10 the amount of his annual contribution:
6. Paragraph 4 is replaced by the following text:
4. The annual contribution shall be due on the date to be laid down in the Internal Regulations of the Fund. The Assembly may decide on a different date of payment.
7. Paragraph 5 is replaced by the following text:
5. The Assembly may decide, under conditions to be laid down in the Financial Regulations of the fund, to make transfers between funds received in accordance with Article 12.2(a) and funds received in accordance with Article 12.2(b).
8. Paragraph 6 is deleted.
Article 15
Article 13 of the 1971 Fund Convention is amended as follows:
1. Paragraph 1 is replaced by the following text:
1. The amount of any contribution due under Article 12 and which is in arrears shall bear interest at a rate which shall be determined in accordance with the Internal Regulations of the Fund, provided that different rates may be fixed for different circumstances.
2. In paragraph 3 the words “Articles 10 and 11” are replaced by the words “Articles 10 and 12” and the words “for a period exceeding three months” are deleted.
Article 16
A new paragraph 4 is added to Article 15 of the 1971 Fund Convention:
4. Where a Contracting State does not fulfil its obligations to submit to the Director the communication referred to in paragraph 2 and this results in a financial loss for the Fund, that Contracting State shall be liable to compensate the Fund for such loss. The Assembly shall, on the recommendation of the Director, decide whether such compensation shall be payable by that Contracting State.
Article 17
Article 16 of the 1971 Fund Convention is replaced by the following text:
The Fund shall have an Assembly and a Secretariat headed by a Director.
Article 18
Article 18 of the 1971 Fund Convention is amended as follows:
1. In the opening sentence of the article the words”, subject to the provisions of Article 26,” are deleted.
2. Paragraph 8 is deleted.
3. Paragraph 9 is replaced by the following text:
9. to establish any temporary or permanent subsidiary body it may consider to be necessary, to define its terms of reference and to give it the authority needed to perform the functions entrusted to it; when appointing the members of such body, the Assembly shall endeavour to secure an equitable geographical distribution of members and to ensure that the Contracting States, in respect of which the largest quantities of contributing oil are being received, are appropriately represented; the Rules of Procedure of the Assembly may be applied, mutatis mutandis, for the work of such subsidiary body;
4. In paragraph 10 the words “, the Executive Committee,” are deleted.
5. In paragraph 11 the words “, the Executive Committee” are deleted.
6. Paragraph 12 is deleted.
Article 19
Article 19 of the 1971 Fund Convention is amended as follows:
1. Paragraph 1 is replaced by the following text:
1. Regular sessions of the Assembly shall take place once every calendar year upon convocation by the Director.
2. In paragraph 2 the words “of the Executive Committee or” are deleted.
Article 20
Articles 21 to 27 of the 1971 Fund Convention and the heading to these articles are deleted.
Article 21
Article 29 of the 1971 Fund Convention is amended as follows:
1. Paragraph 1 is replaced by the following text:
1. The Director shall be the chief administrative officer of the Fund. Subject to the instructions given to him by the Assembly, he shall perform those functions which are assigned to him by this Convention, the Internal Regulations of the Fund and the Assembly.
2. In paragraph 2(e) the words “or the Executive Committee” are deleted.
3. In paragraph 2(f) the words “or to the Executive Committee, as the case may be,” are deleted.
4. Paragraph 2(g) is replaced by the following text:
(g) prepare, in consultation with the Chairman of the Assembly, and publish a report of the activities of the Fund during the previous calendar year;
5. In paragraph 2(h) the words “, the Executive Committee” are deleted.
Article 22
In Article 31, paragraph 1, of the 1971 Fund Convention, the words “on the Executive Committee and” are deleted.
Article 23
Article 32 of the 1971 Fund Convention is amended as follows:
1. In the opening phrase the words “and the Executive Committee” are deleted.
2. In subparagraph (b) the words “and the Executive Committee” are deleted.
Article 24
Article 33 of the 1971 Fund Convention is amended as follows:
1. Paragraph 1 is deleted.
2. In paragraph 2 the paragraph number is deleted.
3. Subparagraph (c) is replaced by the following text:
(c) the establishment of subsidiary bodies, under Article 18, paragraph 9, and matters relating to such establishment.
Article 25
Article 35 of the 1971 Fund Convention is replaced by the following text:
Claims for compensation under Article 4 arising from incidents occurring after the date of entry into force of this Convention may not be brought against the Fund earlier than the one hundred and twentieth day after that date.
Article 26
After Article 36 of the 1971 Fund Convention four new articles are inserted as follows:
Article 36 bis
The following transitional provisions shall apply in the period, hereinafter referred to as the transitional period, commencing with the date of entry into force of this Convention and ending with the date on which the denunciations provided for in Article 31 of the 1992 Protocol to amend the 1971 Fund Convention take effect:
(a) In the application of paragraph 1(a) of Article 2 of this Convention, the reference to the 1992 Liability Convention shall include reference to the International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage, 1969, either in its original version or as amended by the Protocol thereto of 1976 (referred to in this Article as “the 1969 Liability Convention”), and also the 1971 Fund Convention.
(b) Where an incident has caused pollution damage within the scope of this Convention, the Fund shall pay compensation to any person suffering pollution damage only if, and to the extent that, such person has been unable to obtain full and adequate compensation for the damage under the terms of the 1969 Liability Convention, the 1971 Fund Convention and the 1992 Liability Convention, provided that, in respect of pollution damage within the scope of this Convention in respect of a Party to this Convention but not a Party to the 1971 Fund Convention, the Fund shall pay compensation to any person suffering pollution damage only if, and to the extent that, such person would have been unable to obtain full and adequate compensation had that State been party to each of the above-mentioned Conventions.
(c) In the application of Article 4 of this Convention, the amount to be taken into account in determining the aggregate amount of compensation payable by the Fund shall also include the amount of compensation actually paid under the 1969 Liability Convention, if any, and the amount of compensation actually paid or deemed to have been paid under the 1971 Fund Convention.
(d) Paragraph 1 of Article 9 of this Convention shall also apply to the rights enjoyed under the 1969 Liability Convention.
Article 36 ter
1. Subject to paragraph 4 of this Article, the aggregate amount of the annual contributions payable in respect of contributing oil received in a single Contracting State during a calendar year shall not exceed 27.5% of the total amount of annual contributions pursuant to the 1992 Protocol to amend the 1971 Fund Convention, in respect of that calendar year.
2. If the application of the provisions in paragraphs 2 and 3 of Article 12 would result in the aggregate amount of the contributions payable by contributors in a single Contracting State in respect of a given calendar year exceeding 27.5% of the total annual contributions, the contributions payable by all contributors in that State shall be reduced pro rata so that their aggregate contributions equal 27.5% of the total annual contributions to the Fund in respect of that year.
3. If the contributions payable by persons in a given Contracting State shall be reduced pursuant to paragraph 2 of this Article, the contributions payable by persons in all other Contracting States shall be increased pro rata so as to ensure that the total amount of contributions payable by all persons liable to contribute to the Fund in respect of the calendar year in question will reach the total amount of contributions decided by the Assembly.
4. The provisions in paragraphs 1 to 3 of this Article shall operate until the total quantity of contributing oil received in all Contracting States in a calendar year has reached 750 million tons or until a period of 5 years after the date of entry into force of the said 1992 Protocol has elapsed, whichever occurs earlier.
Article 36 quater
Notwithstanding the provisions of this Convention, the following provisions shall apply to the administration of the Fund during the period in which both the 1971 Fund Convention and this Convention are in force:
(a) The Secretariat of the Fund, established by the 1971 Fund Convention (hereinafter referred to as “the 1971 Fund”), headed by the Director, may also function as the Secretariat and the Director of the Fund.
(b) If, in accordance with subparagraph (a), the Secretariat and the Director of the 1971 Fund also perform the function of Secretariat and Director of the Fund, the Fund shall be represented, in cases of conflict of interests between the 1971 Fund and the Fund, by the Chairman of the Assembly of the Fund.
(c) The Director and the staff and experts appointed by him, performing their duties under this Convention and the 1971 Fund Convention, shall not be regarded as contravening the provisions of Article 30 of this Convention in so far as they discharge their duties in accordance with this Article.
(d) The Assembly of the Fund shall endeavour not to take decisions which are incompatible with decisions taken by the Assembly of the 1971 Fund. If differences of opinion with respect to common administrative issues arise, the Assembly of the Fund shall try to reach a consensus with the Assembly of the 1971 Fund, in a spirit of mutual co-operation and with the common aims of both organizations in mind.
(e) The Fund may succeed to the rights, obligations and assets of the 1971 Fund if the Assembly of the 1971 Fund so decides, in accordance with Article 44, paragraph 2, of the 1971 Fund Convention.
(f) The Fund shall reimburse to the 1971 Fund all costs and expenses arising from administrative services performed by the 1971 Fund on behalf of the Fund.
Article 36 quinquies
Final clauses
The final clauses of this Convention shall be Articles 28 to 39 of the Protocol of 1992 to amend the 1971 Fund Convention. References in this Convention to Contracting States shall be taken to mean references to the Contracting States of that Protocol.
Article 27
1. The 1971 Fund Convention and this Protocol shall, as between the Parties to this Protocol, be read and interpreted together as one single instrument.
2. Articles 1 to 36 quinquies of the 1971 Fund Convention as amended by this Protocol shall be known as the International Convention on the Establishment of an International Fund for Compensation for Oil Pollution Damage, 1992 (1992 Fund Convention).
Article 28
Signature, ratification, acceptance, approval and accession
1. This Protocol shall be open for signature at London from 15 January 1993 to 14 January 1994 by any State which has signed the 1992 Liability Convention.
2. Subject to paragraph 4, this Protocol shall be ratified, accepted or approved by States which have signed it.
3. Subject to paragraph 4, this Protocol is open for accession by States which did not sign it.
4. This Protocol may be ratified, accepted, approved or acceded to only by States which have ratified, accepted, approved or acceded to the 1992 Liability Convention.
5. Ratification, acceptance, approval or accession shall be effected by the deposit of a formal instrument to that effect with the Secretary-General of the Organization.
6. A State which is a Party to this Protocol but is not a Party to the 1971 Fund Convention shall be bound by the provisions of the 1971 Fund Convention as amended by this Protocol in relation to other Parties hereto, but shall not be bound by the provisions of the 1971 Fund Convention in relation to Parties thereto.
7. Any instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession deposited after the entry into force of an amendment to the 1971 Fund Convention as amended by this Protocol shall be deemed to apply to the Convention so amended, as modified by such amendment.
Article 29
Information on contributing oil
1. Before this Protocol comes into force for a State, that State shall, when depositing an instrument referred to in Article 28, paragraph 5, and annually thereafter at a date to be determined by the Secretary-General of the Organization, communicate to him the name and address of any person who in respect of that State would be liable to contribute to the Fund pursuant to Article 10 of the 1971 Fund Convention as amended by this Protocol as well as data on the relevant quantities of contributing oil received by any such person in the territory of that State during the preceding calendar year.
2. During the transitional period, the Director shall, for Parties, communicate annually to the Secretary-General of the Organization data on quantities of contributing oil received by persons liable to contribute to the Fund pursuant to Article 10 of the 1971 Fund Convention as amended by this Protocol.
Article 30
Entry into force
1. This Protocol shall enter into force twelve months following the date on which the following requirements are fulfilled:
(a) at least eight States have deposited instruments of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession with the Secretary-General of the Organization; and
(b) the Secretary-General of the Organization has received information in accordance with Article 29 that those persons who would be liable to contribute pursuant to Article 10 of the 1971 Fund Convention as amended by this Protocol have received during the preceding calendar year a total quantity of at least 450 million tons of contributing oil.
2. However, this Protocol shall not enter into force before the 1992 Liability Convention has entered into force.
3. For each State which ratifies, accepts, approves or accedes to this Protocol after the conditions in paragraph 1 for entry into force have been met, the Protocol shall enter into force twelve months following the date of the deposit by such State of the appropriate instrument.
4. Any State may, at the time of the deposit of its instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession in respect of this Protocol declare that such instrument shall not take effect for the purpose of this Article until the end of the six-month period in Article 31.
5. Any State which has made a declaration in accordance with the preceding paragraph may withdraw it at any time by means of a notification addressed to the Secretary-General of the Organization. Any such withdrawal shall take effect on the date the notification is received, and any State making such a withdrawal shall be deemed to have deposited its instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession in respect of this Protocol on that date.
6. Any State which has made a declaration under Article 13, paragraph 2, of the Protocol of 1992 to amend the 1969 Liability Convention shall be deemed to have also made a declaration under paragraph 4 of this Article. Withdrawal of a declaration under the said Article 13, paragraph 2, shall be deemed to constitute withdrawal also under paragraph 5 of this Article.
Article 31
Denunciation of the 1969 and 1971 Conventions
Subject to Article 30, within six months following the date on which the following requirements are fulfilled:
(a) at least eight States have become Parties to this Protocol or have deposited instruments of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession with the Secretary-General of the Organization, whether or not subject to Article 30, paragraph 4, and
(b) the Secretary-General of the Organization has received information in accordance with Article 29 that those persons who are or would be liable to contribute pursuant to Article 10 of the 1971 Fund Convention as amended by this Protocol have received during the preceding calendar year a total quantity of at least 750 million tons of contributing oil;
each Party to this Protocol and each State which has deposited an instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession, whether or not subject to Article 30, paragraph 4, shall, if Party thereto, denounce the 1971 Fund Convention and the 1969 Liability Convention with effect twelve months after the expiry of the above-mentioned six-month period.
Article 32
Revision and amendment
1. A conference for the purpose of revising or amending the 1992 Fund Convention may be convened by the Organization.
2. The Organization shall convene a Conference of Contracting States for the purpose of revising or amending the 1992 Fund Convention at the request of not less than one third of all Contracting States.
Article 33
Amendment of compensation limits
1. Upon the request of at least one quarter of the Contracting States, any proposal to amend the limits of amounts of compensation laid down in Article 4, paragraph 4, of the 1971 Fund Convention as amended by this Protocol shall be circulated by the Secretary-General to all Members of the Organization and to all Contracting States.
2. Any amendment proposed and circulated as above shall be submitted to the Legal Committee of the Organization for consideration at a date at least six months after the date of its circulation.
3. All Contracting States to the 1971 Fund Convention as amended by this Protocol, whether or not Members of the Organization, shall be entitled to participate in the proceedings of the Legal Committee for the consideration and adoption of amendments.
4. Amendments shall be adopted by a two-thirds majority of the Contracting States present and voting in the Legal Committee, expanded as provided for in paragraph 3, on condition that at least one half of the Contracting States shall be present at the time of voting.
5. When acting on a proposal to amend the limits, the Legal Committee shall take into account the experience of incidents and in particular the amount of damage resulting therefrom and changes in the monetary values. It shall also take into account the relationship between the limits in Article 4, paragraph 4, of the 1971 Fund Convention as amended by this Protocol and those in Article V, paragraph 1, of the International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage, 1992.
6. (a) No amendment of the limits under this Article may be considered before 15 January 1998 nor less than five years from the date of entry into force of a previous amendment under this Article. No amendment under this Article shall be considered before this Protocol has entered into force.
(b) No limit may be increased so as to exceed an amount which corresponds to the limit laid down in the 1971 Fund Convention as amended by this Protocol increased by six per cent per year calculated on a compound basis from 15 January 1993.
(c) No limit may be increased so as to exceed an amount which corresponds to the limit laid down in the 1971 Fund Convention as amended by this Protocol multiplied by three.
7. Any amendment adopted in accordance with paragraph 4 shall be notified by the Organization to all Contracting States. The amendment shall be deemed to have been accepted at the end of a period of eighteen months after the date of notification unless within that period not less than one quarter of the States that were Contracting States at the time of the adoption of the amendment by the Legal Committee have communicated to the Organization that they do not accept the amendment in which case the amendment is rejected and shall have no effect.
8. An amendment deemed to have been accepted in accordance with paragraph 7 shall enter into force eighteen months after its acceptance.
9. All Contracting States shall be bound by the amendment, unless they denounce this Protocol in accordance with Article 34, paragraphs 1 and 2, at least six months before the amendment enters into force. Such denunciation shall take effect when the amendment enters into force.
10. When an amendment has been adopted by the Legal Committee but the eighteen-month period for its acceptance has not yet expired, a State which becomes a Contracting State during that period shall be bound by the amendment if it enters into force. A State which becomes a Contracting State after that period shall be bound by an amendment which has been accepted in accordance with paragraph 7. In the cases referred to in this paragraph, a State becomes bound by an amendment when that amendment enters into force, or when this Protocol enters into force for that State, if later.
Article 34
1. This Protocol may be denounced by any Party at any time after the date on which it enters into force for that Party.
2. Denunciation shall be effected by the deposit of an instrument with the Secretary-General of the Organization.
3. A denunciation shall take effect twelve months, or such longer period as may be specified in the instrument of denunciation, after its deposit with the Secretary-General of the Organization.
4. Denunciation of the 1992 Liability Convention shall be deemed to be a denunciation of this Protocol. Such denunciation shall take effect on the date on which denunciation of the Protocol of 1992 to amend the 1969 Liability Convention takes effect according to Article 16 of that Protocol.
5. Any Contracting State to this Protocol which has not denounced the 1971 Fund Convention and the 1969 Liability Convention as required by Article 31 shall be deemed to have denounced this Protocol with effect twelve months after the expiry of the six-month period mentioned in that Article. As from the date on which the denunciations provided for in Article 31 take effect, any Party to this Protocol which deposits an instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession to the 1969 Liability Convention shall be deemed to have denounced this Protocol with effect from the date on which such instrument takes effect.
6. As between the Parties to this Protocol, denunciation by any of them of the 1971 Fund Convention in accordance with Article 41 thereof shall not be construed in any way as a denunciation of the 1971 Fund Convention as amended by this Protocol.
7. Notwithstanding a denunciation of this Protocol by a Party pursuant to this Article, any provisions of this Protocol relating to the obligations to make contributions under Article 10 of the 1971 Fund Convention as amended by this Protocol with respect to an incident referred to in Article 12, paragraph 2(b), of that amended Convention and occurring before the denunciation takes effect shall continue to apply.
Article 35
Extraordinary sessions of the Assembly
1. Any Contracting State may, within ninety days after the deposit of an instrument of denunciation the result of which it considers will significantly increase the level of contributions for the remaining Contracting States, request the Director to convene an extraordinary session of the Assembly. The Director shall convene the Assembly to meet not later than sixty days after receipt of the request.
2. The Director may convene, on his own initiative, an extraordinary session of the Assembly to meet within sixty days after the deposit of any instrument of denunciation, if he considers that such denunciation will result in a significant increase in the level of contributions of the remaining Contracting States.
3. If the Assembly at an extraordinary session convened in accordance with paragraph 1 or 2 decides that the denunciation will result in a significant increase in the level of contributions for the remaining Contracting States, any such State may, not later than one hundred and twenty days before the date on which the denunciation takes effect, denounce this Protocol with effect from the same date.
Article 36
1. This Protocol shall cease to be in force on the date when the number of Contracting States falls below three.
2. States which are bound by this Protocol on the day before the date it ceases to be in force shall enable the Fund to exercise its functions as described under Article 37 of this Protocol and shall, for that purpose only, remain bound by this Protocol.
Article 37
Winding up of the Fund
1. If this Protocol ceases to be in force, the Fund shall nevertheless:
(a) meet its obligations in respect of any incident occurring before the Protocol ceased to be in force;
(b) be entitled to exercise its rights to contributions to the extent that these contributions are necessary to meet the obligations under subparagraph (a), including expenses for the administration of the Fund necessary for this purpose.
2. The Assembly shall take all appropriate measures to complete the winding up of the Fund including the distribution in an equitable manner of any remaining assets among those persons who have contributed to the Fund.
3. For the purposes of this Article the Fund shall remain a legal personal.
Article 38
1. This Protocol and any amendments accepted under Article 33 shall be deposited with the Secretary-General of the Organization.
2. The Secretary-General of the Organization shall:
(a) inform all States which have signed or acceded to this Protocol of:
(i) each new signature or deposit of an instrument together with the date thereof;
(ii) each declaration and notification under Article 30 including declarations and withdrawals deemed to have been made in accordance with that Article;
(iii) the date of entry into force of this Protocol;
(iv) the date by which denunciations provided for in Article 31 are required to be made;
(v) any proposal to amend limits of amounts of compensation which has been made in accordance with Article 33, paragraph 1;
(vi) any amendment which has been adopted in accordance with Article 33, paragraph 4;
(vii) any amendment deemed to have been accepted under Article 33, paragraph 7, together with the date on which that amendment shall enter into force in accordance with paragraphs 8 and 9 of that Article;
(viii) the deposit of an instrument of denunciation of this Protocol together with the date of the deposit and the date on which it takes effect;
(ix) any denunciation deemed to have been made under Article 34, paragraph 5;
(x) any communication called for by any Article in this Protocol;
(b) transmit certified true copies of this Protocol to all Signatory States and to all States which accede to the Protocol.
3. As soon as this Protocol enters into force, the text shall be transmitted by the Secretary-General of the Organization to the Secretariat of the United Nations for registration and publication in accordance with Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations.
Article 39
This Protocol is established in a single original in the Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish languages, each text being equally authentic.
DONE AT LONDON this twenty-seventh day of November one thousand nine hundred and ninety-two.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned being duly authorized for that purpose have signed this Protocol.
OB UPOŠTEVANJU Mednarodne konvencije o ustanovitvi Mednarodnega sklada za povrnitev škode nastale zaradi onesnaženja z nafto, 1971, in protokola k njej iz leta 1984,
KER UGOTAVLJAJO, da protokol 1984 k tej konvenciji, ki predvideva povečan obseg in povečanje nadomestil, ni začel veljati,
KER POTRJUJEJO, da je pomembno ohraniti uresničevanje mednarodne odgovornosti za onesnaženje z olji in sistema nadomestil,
KER SE ZAVEDAJO, da je treba čim prej zagotoviti, da bodo začela veljati določila protokola 1984,
OB SPOZNANJU, da bi bilo za države pogodbenice koristno, da bi v prehodnem obdobju obstajala dopolnjena konvencija, ki bi hkrati dopolnjevala izvirno konvencijo,
KER SO PREPRIČANE, da bi morali gospodarske posledice škode zaradi onesnaženja, ki nastane pri prevozu olj kot razsutega tovora z ladjami, še naprej deliti pomorsko gospodarstvo in interesi tovora,
KER SE ZAVEDAJO, da je sprejet protokol 1992 o spremembi Mednarodne konvencije o civilni odgovornosti za škodo, povzročeno z onesnaženjem z nafto, 1969,
SPORAZUMELE o naslednjem:
1. člen
Konvencija, katere določbe so spremenjene s tem protokolom, je Mednarodna konvencija o ustanovitvi Mednarodnega sklada za povrnitev škode, nastale zaradi onesnaženja z nafto, 1971, v nadaljnjem besedilu “Konvencija o skladu 1971”. Za države pogodbenice protokola 1976 h Konvenciji o skladu 1971 se šteje, da ta navedba vključuje Konvencijo o skladu 1971, spremenjeno s tem protokolom.
2. člen
I. člen Konvencije o skladu 1971 se spremeni, kot sledi:
1. Prvi odstavek se zamenja z naslednjim besedilom:
1. “Konvencija o odgovornosti”pomeni Mednarodno konvencijo o civilni odgovornosti za škodo, povzročeno z onesnaženjem z olji, 1992.
2. Za prvim odstavkom se doda nov odstavek:
1. bis “Konvencija o skladu 1971” pomeni Mednarodno konvencijo o ustanovitvi Mednarodnega sklada za povrnitev škode, nastale zaradi onesnaženja z nafto, 1971. Za države pogodbenice protokola 1976 k tej konvenciji se šteje, da ta izraz vključuje Konvencijo o skladu 1971, spremenjeno s tem protokolom.
3. Drugi odstavek se zamenja z naslednjim besedilom:
2. “Ladja”, “oseba”, “lastnik”, “olje”, “škoda zaradi onesnaženja”, “preventivni ukrepi”, “dogodek” in “organizacija” imajo enak pomen kot v I. členu Konvencije o odgovornosti 1992.
4. Četrti odstavek se zamenja z naslednjim besedilom:
4. “Računska enota” ima enak pomen kot v devetem odstavku V. člena Konvencije o odgovornosti 1992.
5. Peti odstavek se zamenja z naslednjim besedilom:
5. “Ladijska tonaža” ima enak pomen kot v desetem odstavku V. člena Konvencije o odgovornosti 1992.
6. Sedmi odstavek se zamenja z naslednjim besedilom:
7. “Porok” pomeni osebo, ki zagotovi zavarovanje ali drugo finančno jamstvo za kritje lastnikove odgovornosti na podlagi prvega odstavka VII. člena Konvencije o odgovornosti 1992.
3. člen
2. člen Konvencije o skladu 1971 se spremeni, kot sledi:
Prvi odstavek se zamenja z naslednjim besedilom:
1. Ustanovi se Mednarodni sklad za nadomestilo škode zaradi onesnaženja, ki se poimenuje “Mednarodni sklad za povrnitev škode, nastale zaradi onesnaženja z olji 1992”, v nadaljevanju “Sklad”, za:
a) zagotovitev povrnitve škode zaradi onesnaženja, ko zaščita, ki jo zagotavlja Konvencija o odgovornosti 1992, ne zadošča;
b) uresničevanje s tem povezanih ciljev, navedenih v tej konvenciji.
4. člen
3. člen Konvencije o skladu 1971 se zamenja z naslednjim besedilom:
Ta konvencija velja izključno za:
a) škodo zaradi onesnaženja, povzročeno:
i) na ozemlju države pogodbenice, vključno s teritorialnim morjem in
ii) v izključni ekonomski coni države pogodbenice, določeni v skladu z mednarodnim pravom, ali če država pogodbenica ni določila take cone, na sosednjem območju zunaj teritorialnega morja te države, ki ga je določila ta država v skladu z mednarodnim pravom in ne sega več kot 200 morskih milj od temeljne črte, od katere je izmerjena širina njenega teritorialnega morja;
b) preventivne ukrepe, kadar so sprejeti, da bi se preprečila ali čim bolj zmanjšala taka škoda.
5. člen
Naslov pred 4. do 9. členom v Konvenciji o skladu 1971 se spremeni tako, da se izpustijo besede “in finančna odgovornost”.
6. člen
4. člen Konvencije o skladu 1971 se spremeni, kot sledi:
1. V prvem odstavku se vseh pet sklicevanj na “Konvencijo o odgovornosti” zamenja s sklicevanji na “Konvencijo o odgovornosti 1992”.
2. Tretji odstavek se zamenja z naslednjim besedilom:
3. Če Sklad dokaže, da je škoda zaradi onesnaženja v celoti ali delno posledica storitve ali opustitve osebe, ki je utrpela škodo, storjeno z namenom, da se povzroči taka škoda, ali iz malomarnosti te osebe, je lahko Sklad v celoti ali delno oproščen svoje obveznosti, da povrne škodo taki osebi. Sklad je v vsakem primeru oproščen v taki meri, kot bi bil po tretjem odstavku III. člena Konvencije o odgovornosti 1992 oproščen lastnik ladje. Ni pa nobene take oprostitve Sklada za preventivne ukrepe.
3. Četrti odstavek se zamenja z naslednjim besedilom:
4. a) Če ni drugače določeno v pododstavkih b) in c) tega odstavka, se skupni znesek, ki ga povrne Sklad po tem členu v zvezi s katerim koli dogodkom, omeji, tako da ta skupni znesek in znesek, ki se dejansko povrne po Konvenciji o odgovornosti 1992 za škodo zaradi onesnaženja v obsegu uporabe te konvencije, kot je opredeljeno v 3. členu, ne presega 135 milijonov računskih enot.
b) Če ni drugače določeno v pododstavku c), skupni znesek, ki ga povrne Sklad po tem členu za škodo zaradi onesnaženja, ki je posledica naravnega pojava izredne, neizogibne in neustavljive narave, ne presega 135 milijonov računskih enot.
c) Najvišji znesek, naveden v pododstavkih a) in b), je 200 milijonov računskih enot za kateri koli dogodek, ki se zgodi v katerem koli obdobju, če so prisotne tri pogodbenice te konvencije, za katere je skupna ustrezna količina olj, za katera se plačuje prispevek, ki so jo prejele osebe na ozemlju teh pogodbenic v prejšnjem koledarskem letu, znašala ali presegala 600 milijonov ton.
d) Morebitne obresti na skladu, ustanovljenem skladno s tretjim odstavkom V. člena Konvencije o odgovornosti 1992, se ne upoštevajo pri izračunu največjega zneska, ki ga povrne Sklad po tem členu.
e) Zneski, navedeni v tem členu, se preračunajo v državno valuto glede na vrednost te valute do posebne pravice črpanja na dan odločitve skupščine Sklada glede na prvi datum povrnitve.
4. Peti odstavek se zamenja z naslednjim besedilom:
5. Kadar znesek postavljenih zahtevkov do Sklada presega skupni znesek, ki se povrne po četrtem odstavku, se razpoložljiva vsota razdeli tako, da je razmerje med postavljenim zahtevkom in zneskom, ki se dejansko povrne vlagatelju zahtevka po tej konvenciji, enako za vse vlagatelje zahtevkov.
5. Šesti odstavek se zamenja z naslednjim besedilom:
6. Skupščina Sklada lahko odloči, da se v izjemnih primerih znesek v skladu s to konvencijo povrne tudi, če lastnik ladje ni ustanovil sklada po tretjem odstavku V. člena Konvencije o odgovornosti 1992. V takem primeru se ustrezno uporablja pododstavek e) četrtega odstavka tega člena.
7. člen
5. člen Konvencije o skladu 1971 se črta.
8. člen
6. člen Konvencije o skladu 1971 se spremeni, kot sledi:
1. V prvem odstavku se črtajo številka odstavka in besede “ali finančna odgovornost po 5. členu”.
2. Drugi odstavek se črta.
9. člen
7. člen Konvencije o skladu 1971 se spremeni, kot sledi:
1. V prvem, tretjem, četrtem in šestem odstavku se vseh sedem sklicevanj na “Konvencijo o odgovornosti” zamenja s sklicevanji na “Konvencijo o odgovornosti 1992”.
2. V prvem odstavku se črtajo besede “ali za prevzem finančne odgovornosti na podlagi 5. člena”.
3. V prvem stavku tretjega odstavka se črtajo besede “ali finančno odgovornost” in “in 5.”.
4. V drugem stavku tretjega odstavka se črtajo besede “ali prvega odstavka 5. člena”.
10. člen
V 8. členu Konvencije o skladu 1971 se sklicevanje na “Konvencijo o odgovornosti” zamenja s sklicevanjem na “Konvencijo o odgovornosti 1992”.
11. člen
9. člen Konvencije o skladu 1971 se spremeni, kot sledi:
1. Prvi odstavek se zamenja z naslednjim besedilom:
1. Glede katerega koli zneska za škodo zaradi onesnaženja, ki ga povrne Sklad po prvem odstavku 4. člena te konvencije, s prenosom odškodninske pravice, pridobi Sklad take pravice, kot bi jih lahko uživala oškodovana oseba, po Konvenciji o odgovornosti 1992 do lastnika ali njegovega poroka.
2. V drugem odstavku se brišejo besede “ali finančno nadomestilo”.
12. člen
10. člen Konvencije o skladu 1971 se spremeni, kot sledi:
Uvodni stavek prvega odstavka se zamenja z naslednjim besedilom:
Za vsako državo pogodbenico glede letnih prispevkov Skladu velja, da jih mora plačevati, kdor je med koledarskim letom, omenjenim v pododstavkih a) in b) drugega odstavka 12. člena, prejel skupaj več kot 150.000 ton:
13. člen
11. člen Konvencije o skladu 1971 se črta.
14. člen
12. člen Konvencije o skladu 1971 se spremeni, kot sledi:
1. V uvodnem stavku prvega odstavka se črtajo besede “za vsako osebo, ki je omenjena v 10. členu te konvencije”.
2. V pododstavkih b) in c) točke i) prvega odstavka se brišejo besede “ali 5.”, besede “15 milijonov frankov” pa se zamenjajo z besedami “štirje milijoni računskih enot”.
3. Pododstavek b) točke ii) prvega odstavka se črta.
4. Pododstavek c) točke ii) prvega odstavka postane pododstavek b) in pododstavek d) postane pododstavek c).
5. Uvodni stavek drugega odstavka se zamenja z naslednjim besedilom:
Skupščina določi skupni znesek prispevkov, ki se morajo vplačati. Na podlagi te odločitve direktor izračuna za vsako osebo države pogodbenice, omenjeno v 10. členu, znesek njenega letnega prispevka:
6. Četrti odstavek se zamenja z naslednjim besedilom:
4. Letni prispevek zapade v plačilo na dan, ki ga je treba določiti z notranjimi predpisi Sklada. Skupščina lahko določi drug datum plačila.
7. Peti odstavek se zamenja z naslednjim besedilom:
5. Skupščina se lahko odloči po pogojih, ki jih je treba določiti v notranjih predpisih Sklada, da opravi prenose med skladi, prejetimi po pododstavku a) drugega odstavka 12. člena in skladi, prejetimi po pododstavku b) drugega odstavka 12. člena.
8. Šesti odstavek se črta.
15. člen
13. člen Konvencije o skladu 1971 se spremeni, kot sledi:
1. Prvi odstavek se zamenja z naslednjim besedilom:
1. Za vsak prepozno plačani znesek prispevka, ki ga je treba poravnati po 12. členu, se plačajo obresti po obrestni meri, ki se določi po notranjih predpisih Sklada, pri čemer se lahko za različne okoliščine določijo različne obrestne mere.
2. V tretjem odstavku se besede “10. in 11. člen” zamenjajo z besedami “10. in 12. člena” in črtajo besede “več kot tri mesece”.
16. člen
15. členu Konvencije o skladu 1971 se doda nov četrti odstavek:
4. Če država pogodbenica ne izpolni svojih obveznosti in direktorju ne pošlje sporočila, navedenega v drugem odstavku, in je posledica tega finančna izguba za Sklad, mu jo je država pogodbenica dolžna nadomestiti. Skupščina se na priporočilo direktorja odloči, ali mora ta država pogodbenica plačati nadomestilo.
17. člen
16. člen Konvencije o skladu 1971 se zamenja z naslednjim besedilom:
Sklad ima skupščino in sekretariat, ki ga vodi direktor.
18. člen
18. člen Konvencije o skladu 1971 se spremeni, kot sledi:
1. V uvodnem stavku se črtajo besede “s pridržkom določb 26. člena te konvencije”.
2. Osmi odstavek se črta.
3. Deveti odstavek se zamenja z naslednjim besedilom:
9. da ustanovi začasni ali pomožni organ, za katerega meni, da je potreben, da opredeli njegove pristojnosti in podeli pooblastila, potrebna za izvajanje nalog, ki so mu zaupane; pri imenovanju članov takega organa si skupščina prizadeva zagotoviti njihovo pravično geografsko zastopanost in za ustrezno zastopanost držav pogodbenic, ki so prejele največje količine olj, za katera se plačuje prispevek; poslovnik skupščine se lahko ustrezno uporabi za delo takega pomožnega organa;
4. V desetem odstavku se črtajo besede “, izvršilnega odbora”.
5. V enajstem odstavku se črtajo besede “, izvršilnemu odboru”.
4. Dvanajsti odstavek se črta.
19. člen
19. člen Konvencije o skladu 1971 se spremeni, kot sledi:
1. Redne seje skupščine, ki jih skliče direktor, potekajo enkrat letno.
2. V drugem odstavku se črtajo besede “izvršilnega odbora ali”.
20. člen
Črtajo se 21. do 27. člen Konvencije o skladu 1971 in naslov pred njimi.
21. člen
29. člen Konvencije o skladu 1971 se spremeni, kot sledi:
1. Prvi odstavek se zamenja z naslednjim besedilom:
1. Direktor je najvišji funkcionar Sklada. Po navodilih, ki jih dobi od skupščine, opravlja tiste naloge, ki mu jih določajo ta konvencija, notranji predpisi Sklada in skupščina.
2. V pododstavku e) drugega odstavka se črtajo besede “ali izvršilnega odbora”.
3. V pododstavku f) drugega odstavka se črtajo besede “ali izvršilnemu odboru, kot pač terja primer”.
4. Pododstavek g) drugega odstavka se zamenja z naslednjim besedilom:
g) da po posvetu s predsednikom skupščine pripravi in objavi poročilo o dejavnostih Sklada v prejšnjem letu;
5. V pododstavku h) drugega odstavka se črtajo besede “, izvršilnega odbora”.
22. člen
V prvem odstavku 31. člena Konvencije o skladu 1971 se črtajo besede “v izvršilnem odboru in”.
23. člen
32. člen Konvencije o skladu 1971 se spremeni, kot sledi:
1. V uvodnem stavku se črtajo besede “in v izvršilnem odboru”.
2. V pododstavku b) se črtajo besede “in izvršilni odbor”.
24. člen
33. člen Konvencije o skladu 1971 se spremeni, kot sledi:
1. Prvi odstavek se črta.
2. V drugem odstavku se črta številka odstavka.
3. Pododstavek c) se zamenja z naslednjim besedilom:
c) ustanovitev pomožnih organov po devetem odstavku 18. člena in zadeve v zvezi s tako ustanovitvijo.
25. člen
35. člen Konvencije o skladu 1971 se zamenja z naslednjim besedilom:
Zahtevkov Skladu za povrnitev po 4. členu za dogodke po dnevu začetka veljavnosti te konvencije ni mogoče vložiti prej kot sto dvajset dni po tem dnevu.
26. člen
Za 36. členom Konvencije o skladu 1971 se vstavijo štirje novi členi:
36. bis člen
Naslednje prehodne določbe veljajo v obdobju, imenovanem prehodno obdobje, ki se začne z datumom začetka veljavnosti te konvencije in konča na dan, ko začne veljati odpoved po 31. členu protokola 1992, ki spreminja Konvencijo o skladu 1971:
a) Pri uporabi točke a) prvega odstavka 2. člena te konvencije sklicevanje na Konvencijo o odgovornosti 1992 vključuje sklicevanje na Mednarodno konvencijo o civilni odgovornosti za škodo, povzročeno z onesnaženjem z nafto, 1969, v njeni izvirni različici ali spremenjeni s protokolom 1976 (v tem členu “Konvencija o odgovornosti 1969”) kot tudi Konvencijo o skladu 1971.
b) Če je dogodek povzročil škodo zaradi onesnaženja po tej konvenciji, povrne Sklad nadomestilo osebi, ki je utrpela škodo zaradi onesnaženja, le tedaj, kadar ta oseba ni mogla dobiti celotnega in primernega nadomestila za škodo po določbah Konvencije o odgovornosti 1969, Konvencije o skladu 1971 in Konvencije o odgovornosti 1992, s tem da Sklad v zvezi s škodo zaradi onesnaženja po tej konvenciji za pogodbenico le-te, ki ni pogodbenica Konvencije o skladu 1971, povrne nadomestilo vsem osebam, ki so utrpele škodo zaradi onesnaženja, le tedaj, kadar oseba ne bi mogla dobiti celotnega in primernega nadomestila, če bi bila ta država pogodbenica omenjenih konvencij.
c) Pri uporabi 4. člena te konvencije vsebuje znesek, ki se upošteva pri določanju skupnega zneska nadomestila, ki ga povrne Sklad, tudi morebitni znesek dejansko povrnjenega nadomestila po Konvenciji o odgovornosti 1969 in znesek dejansko povrnjenega nadomestila ali nadomestila, ki naj bi bilo povrnjeno, po Konvenciji o skladu 1971.
d) Prvi odstavek 9. člena te konvencije velja tudi za pravice, ki izhajajo iz Konvencije o odgovornosti 1969.
36. ter člen
1. Po določbah četrtega odstavka tega člena skupni znesek letnih prispevkov, ki se vplačajo za olja, od katerih se plačuje prispevek, prejeta v posamezni državi pogodbenici med koledarskim letom, ne sme preseči 27,5 % skupnega zneska letnih prispevkov za to koledarsko leto po protokolu 1992, ki spreminja Konvencijo o skladu 1971.
2. Če bi zaradi uporabe določb drugega in tretjega odstavka 12. člena skupni znesek prispevkov, ki jih vplačajo zavezanci v posamezni državi pogodbenici, presegel 27,5 % celotnega zneska v koledarskem letu, se prispevki, ki jih vplačajo vsi zavezanci v tej državi, sorazmerno zmanjšajo, tako da znašajo njihovi skupni prispevki v sklad 27,5 % celotnih letnih prispevkov za to leto.
3. Če se prispevki, ki jih vplačajo osebe v državi pogodbenici, zmanjšajo po drugem odstavku tega člena, se prispevki, ki jih vplačajo osebe v drugih državah pogodbenicah, sorazmerno povečajo tako, da bo celotni znesek prispevkov, ki jih vplačajo vsi zavezanci v Sklad v tem koledarskem letu, dosegel znesek, ki ga je določila skupščina.
4. Določbe prvega in tretjega odstavka tega člena se uporabljajo, dokler celotna količina olj, od katerih se plačuje prispevek, prejeta v vseh državah pogodbenicah v koledarskem letu, ne doseže 750 milijonov ton, ali dokler se ne izteče petletno obdobje po dnevu začetka veljavnosti protokola 1992.
36. quater člen
Ne glede na določbe te konvencije se za upravljanje Sklada v obdobju, ko veljata Konvencija o skladu 1971 in ta konvencija, uporabljajo naslednje določbe:
a) Sekretariat Sklada, ustanovljenega s Konvencijo o skladu 1971 (v nadaljnjem “Sklad 1971”), ki ga vodi direktor, lahko deluje tudi kot sekretariat in direktor Sklada.
b) Če v skladu s pododstavkom a) sekretariat in direktor Sklada 1971 opravljata tudi naloge sekretariata in direktorja Sklada, ob nasprotju interesov med Skladom 1971 in Skladom zastopa Sklad predsednik skupščine Sklada.
c) Direktor in osebje ter strokovnjaki, ki jih je imenoval, ki opravljajo svoje naloge po tej konvenciji in Konvenciji o skladu 1971, se ne štejejo kot kršilci določb 30. člena te konvencije, če opravljajo svoje naloge v skladu s tem členom.
d) Skupščina Sklada si bo prizadevala, da ne bo sprejemala odločitev, nezdružljivih z odločitvami, ki jih sprejme skupščina Sklada 1971. Pri razlikah v mnenjih o skupnih upravnih zadevah bo skupščina Sklada skušala doseči soglasje s skupščino Sklada 1971 v duhu medsebojnega sodelovanja in z upoštevanjem skupnih ciljev obeh organizacij.
e) Sklad lahko nasledi pravice, obveznosti in sredstva Sklada 1971, če se tako odloči skupščina Sklada 1971 na podlagi drugega odstavka 44. člena Konvencije o skladu 1971.
f) Sklad povrne Skladu 1971 vse stroške in izdatke, ki izhajajo iz upravnih storitev, ki jih opravi Sklad 1971 za Sklad.
36. quinquies člen
Končne določbe
Končne določbe te konvencije so v 28. do 39. členu protokola 1992, ki spreminja Konvencijo o skladu 1971. Sklicevanje v tej konvenciji na države pogodbenice se razume kot sklicevanje na države pogodbenice tega protokola.
27. člen
1. Konvencija o skladu 1971 in ta protokol se za pogodbenice tega protokola štejeta kot ena listina.
2. 1. do 36. quinquies člen Konvencije o skladu 1971, spremenjeni s tem protokolom, veljajo kot Mednarodna konvencija o ustanovitvi Mednarodnega sklada za povrnitev škode, nastale zaradi onesnaženja z olji, 1992 (Konvencija o skladu 1992).
28. člen
Podpis, ratifikacija, sprejetje, odobritev in pristop
1. Ta protokol je na voljo za podpis v Londonu od 15. januarja 1993 do 14. januarja 1994 vsem državam, ki so podpisale Konvencijo o odgovornosti 1992.
2. S pridržkom četrtega odstavka lahko ta protokol ratificirajo, sprejmejo ali odobrijo države, ki so ga podpisale.
3. S pridržkom četrtega odstavka je ta protokol na voljo za pristop državam, ki ga niso podpisale.
4. Ta protokol lahko ratificirajo, sprejmejo, odobrijo ali pristopijo k njemu le države, ki so ratificirale, sprejele ali odobrile Konvencijo o odgovornosti 1992 ali pristopile k njej.
5. Uradna listina o ratifikaciji, sprejetju, odobritvi ali pristopu se deponira pri generalnem sekretarju organizacije.
6. Državo, ki je pogodbenica tega protokola, ni pa pogodbenica Konvencije o skladu 1971 zavezujejo do drugih držav pogodbenic določbe Konvencije o skladu 1971, spremenjene s tem protokolom, ne zavezujejo pa je določbe Konvencije o skladu 1971 do njenih držav pogodbenic.
7. Listina o ratifikaciji, sprejetju, odobritvi ali pristopu, deponirana po začetku veljavnosti spremembe Konvencije o skladu 1971, spremenjene s tem protokolom, velja za spremenjeno konvencijo, dopolnjeno s to spremembo.
29. člen
Podatki o oljih, od katerih se plačuje prispevek
1. Preden začne za državo veljati ta protokol, ta država ob deponiranju listine, navedene v petem odstavku 28. člena, in potem vsako leto na datum, ki ga določi generalni sekretar organizacije, sporoči ime in naslov vsake osebe, ki bo zavezana, da za to državo prispeva v Sklad na podlagi 10. člena Konvencije o skladu 1971, spremenjene s tem protokolom, kot tudi podatke o ustreznih količinah olj, od katerih se plačuje prispevek, ki jih je prejela taka oseba na ozemlju te države v predhodnem koledarskem letu.
2. V prehodnem obdobju direktor letno sporoča generalnemu sekretarju organizacije podatke o količinah olj, od katerih se plačuje prispevek, ki so jih prejeli zavezanci za prispevek v Sklad na podlagi 10. člena Konvencije o skladu, spremenjene s tem protokolom.
30. člen
Začetek veljavnosti
1. Ta protokol začne veljati dvanajst mesecev po dnevu, ko so izpolnjene naslednje zahteve:
a) da je vsaj osem držav deponiralo listine o ratifikaciji, sprejemu, odobritvi ali pristopu pri generalnem sekretarju organizacije in
b) da je generalni sekretar organizacije prejel podatke v skladu z 29. členom, da so zavezanci, ki bi prispevali v Sklad na podlagi 10. člena Konvencije o skladu 1971, spremenjene s tem protokolom, prejeli v preteklem koledarskem letu celotno količino najmanj 450 milijonov ton olj, od katerih se plačuje prispevek.
2. Ta protokol ne začne veljati, dokler ne začne veljati Konvencija o odgovornosti 1992.
3. Za državo, ki ratificira, sprejme, odobri ta protokol ali pristopi k njemu po tem, ko so bili izpolnjeni pogoji za začetek veljavnosti po prvem odstavku, začne protokol veljati dvanajst mesecev po dnevu deponiranja ustrezne listine.
4. Ko deponira listino o ratifikaciji, sprejetju, odobritvi tega protokola ali pristopi k njemu, lahko država izjavi, da ta listina ne velja za ta člen do konca šestmesečnega obdobja po 31. členu.
5. Država, ki je dala izjavo po prejšnjem odstavku, jo lahko kadar koli prekliče z uradnim obvestilom generalnemu sekretarju organizacije. Tak preklic začne veljati na dan prejema uradnega obvestila, za državo, ki jo prekliče, pa se šteje, da je deponirala listino o ratifikaciji, sprejetju, odobritvi tega protokola ali pristopu k njemu na ta dan.
6. Država, ki da izjavo po drugem odstavku 13. člena protokola 1992, ki spreminja Konvencijo o odgovornosti 1969, se šteje, da je dala tudi izjavo po četrtem odstavku tega člena. Preklic izjave po drugem odstavku 13. člena velja tudi kot preklic po petem odstavku tega člena.
31. člen
Odpoved Konvencije 1969 in Konvencije 1971
Ob upoštevanju 30. člena v šestih mesecih po dnevu, ko so izpolnjene naslednje zahteve:
a) da je najmanj osem držav postalo pogodbenic tega protokola ali deponiralo listine o ratifikaciji, sprejetju, odobritvi ali pristopu pri generalnem sekretarju organizacije ne glede na četrti odstavek 30. člena in
b) da je generalni sekretar organizacije prejel podatke v skladu z 29. členom, da so zavezanci, ki prispevajo ali bi prispevali v Sklad po določbah 10. člena Konvencije o skladu 1971, spremenjene s tem protokolom, v prejšnjem koledarskem letu prejele celotno količino najmanj 750 ton olj, od katerih se plačuje prispevek;
vsaka pogodbenica tega protokola in vsaka država, ki je deponirala listino o ratifikaciji, sprejetju, odobritvi ali pristopu, ne glede na četrti odstavek 30. člena, odpove Konvencijo o skladu 1971 in Konvencijo o odgovornosti 1969, če je njuna pogodbenica, kar začne veljati dvanajst mesecev po izteku omenjenega šestmesečnega obdobja.
32. člen
Dopolnitev in sprememba
1. Organizacija lahko skliče konferenco zaradi dopolnitve ali spremembe Konvencije o skladu 1992.
2. Organizacija skliče konferenco pogodbenic tega protokola zaradi dopolnitve ali spremembe Konvencije o skladu 1992 na zahtevo najmanj tretjine držav pogodbenic.
33. člen
Spremembe omejitev nadomestil
1. Na zahtevo najmanj četrtine držav pogodbenic generalni sekretar vsak predlog za spremembo omejitev nadomestil, navedenih v četrtem odstavku 4. člena Konvencije o skladu 1971, spremenjene s tem protokolom, razpošlje vsem članicam organizacije in vsem državam pogodbenicam.
2. Sprememba, ki je predlagana in poslana kot navedeno, se predloži v proučitev pravnemu odboru organizacije najpozneje šest mesecev po dnevu, ko je bila razposlana.
3. Vse države pogodbenice Konvencije o skladu 1971, spremenjene s tem protokolom, imajo ne glede na to, ali so članice organizacije, pravico sodelovati pri delu pravnega odbora pri proučitvi in sprejemu sprememb.
4. Spremembe se sprejmejo z dvetretjinsko večino držav pogodbenic, ki so navzoče in glasujejo v pravnem odboru, razširjenem, kot je določeno v tretjem odstavku, pod pogojem, da je pri glasovanju navzoča najmanj polovica držav pogodbenic.
5. Pravni odbor pri obravnavanju predloga za spremembo omejitev upošteva izkušnje pri dogodkih, še zlasti znesek za škodo, ki pri tem nastane, in spremembe vrednosti denarja. Upošteva tudi razmerje med omejitvami v četrtem odstavku 4. člena Konvencije o skladu 1971, spremenjene s tem protokolom, in tistimi v prvem odstavku V. člena Mednarodne konvencije o civilni odgovornosti za škodo, nastalo zaradi onesnaženja z olji, 1992.
6. a) Nobene spremembe omejitev po tem členu ni mogoče obravnavati pred 15. januarjem 1998 oziroma ne prej kot pet let od dne, ko je začela veljati prejšnja sprememba po tem členu. Nobena sprememba po tem členu se ne obravnava, dokler ne začne veljati ta protokol.
b) Omejitev ni mogoče povečati tako, da bi presegle znesek, ki ustreza omejitvi, določeni v Konvenciji o skladu 1971, spremenjeni s tem protokolom, povečani za šest odstotkov letno, izračunano na skupni osnovi s 15. januarja 1993.
c) Omejitev ni mogoče povečati tako, da bi presegle znesek, ki ustreza omejitvi, določeni v Konvenciji o skladu 1971, spremenjeni s tem protokolom, pomnoženo s tri.
7. Organizacija uradno obvesti vse države pogodbenice o vsaki spremembi, sprejeti v skladu s četrtim odstavkom. Sprememba se šteje za sprejeto ob koncu osemnajstmesečnega obdobja po dnevu uradnega obvestila, razen če v tem obdobju najmanj četrtina držav, ki so bile države pogodbenice v času, ko je pravni odbor sprejel spremembo, sporoči organizaciji, da spremembe ne sprejema; v tem primeru je sprememba zavrnjena in nima nobenega učinka.
8. Sprememba, ki se šteje za sprejeto po sedmem odstavku, začne veljati osemnajst mesecev po sprejetju.
9. Sprememba zavezuje vse države pogodbenice, razen če odpovejo protokol v skladu s prvim in drugim odstavkom 34. člena najmanj šest mesecev, preden začne veljati sprememba. Taka odpoved začne veljati, ko začne veljati sprememba.
10. Če je pravni odbor sprejel spremembo, vendar se še ni izteklo osemnajstmesečno obdobje za njeno sprejetje, državo, ki postane pogodbenica v tem obdobju, zavezuje sprememba, če začne veljati. Državo, ki postane pogodbenica po tem obdobju, zavezuje sprememba, sprejeta po sedmem odstavku. V primerih, navedenih v tem odstavku, sprememba zavezuje državo, ko začne veljati ali ko začne veljati ta protokol za to državo, če je to pozneje.
34. člen
1. Pogodbenica lahko odpove ta protokol kadar koli po dnevu, ko je ta zanjo začel veljati.
2. Odpoved se opravi z deponiranjem listine pri generalnem sekretarju organizacije.
3. Odpoved začne veljati dvanajst mesecev po tem oziroma po toliko daljšem obdobju, kot je lahko navedeno v listini o odpovedi, po njenem deponiranju pri generalnem sekretarju organizacije.
4. Odpoved Konvencije o odgovornosti 1992 se šteje kot odpoved tega protokola. Taka odpoved začne veljati na dan, ko začne v skladu s 16. členom tega protokola veljati odpoved Protokola 1992, ki spreminja Konvencijo o odgovornosti 1969.
5. Za državo pogodbenico tega protokola, ki ni odpovedala Konvencije o skladu 1971 in Konvencije o odgovornosti 1969, kot zahteva 31. člen, se šteje, da začne odpoved tega protokola veljati dvanajst mesecev po izteku šestmesečnega obdobja, omenjenega v 31. členu. Ko začne veljati odpoved, določena v 31. členu, velja za vsako pogodbenico tega protokola, ki deponira listino o ratifikaciji, sprejetju, odobritvi Konvencije o odgovornosti 1969 ali pristopu k njej, da je odpovedala ta protokol z dnem, ko začne veljati ta listina.
6. Če pogodbenica tega protokola odpove Konvencijo o skladu 1971 po 41. členu, se to nikakor ne razlaga kot odpoved Konvencije o skladu 1971, spremenjene s tem protokolom.
7. Ne glede na to, ali pogodbenica odpove ta protokol po tem členu, še naprej veljajo določbe tega protokola glede obveznosti za vplačilo prispevkov po 10. členu Konvencije o skladu 1971, spremenjene s tem protokolom, v zvezi z dogodkom, omenjenim v pododstavku b) drugega odstavka 12. člena te spremenjene konvencije, če se je zgodil, preden je začela veljati odpoved.
35. člen
Izredne seje skupščine
1. Država pogodbenica lahko v devetdesetih dneh po tem, ko je bila deponirana listina o odpovedi, za katero meni, da bo povzročila precejšnje zvišanje stopnje prispevkov za preostale države pogodbenice, zahteva od direktorja, da skliče izredno sejo skupščine. Direktor skliče skupščino, ki se sestane najpozneje šestdeset dni po prejemu zahteve.
2. Direktor lahko na lastno pobudo skliče izredno sejo skupščine, ki se sestane v šestdesetih dneh po deponiranju listine o odpovedi, če meni, da bo taka odpoved povzročila znatno zvišanje stopnje prispevkov za preostale države pogodbenice.
3. Če skupščina na izredni seji, ki je sklicana v skladu s prvim ali drugim odstavkom, ugotovi, da bo odpoved povzročila precejšnje zvišanje stopnje prispevkov za preostale države, lahko katera koli od njih najpozneje sto dvajset dni pred dnem, ko začne odpoved veljati, z istim dnem odpove ta protokol.
36. člen
Prenehanje veljavnosti
1. Ta protokol preneha veljati na dan, ko je število držav pogodbenic manjše od tri.
2. Države, ki jih zavezuje ta protokol, na dan pred dnem, ko ta preneha veljati, omogočijo Skladu, da opravi svoje naloge iz 37. člena tega protokola in jih ta protokol zavezuje samo še za to.
37. člen
Razpustitev Sklada
1. Če ta protokol preneha veljati, Sklad kljub temu:
a) ima obveznost, da izpolni svoje dolžnosti v zvezi z dogodki, ki se zgodijo, preden protokol preneha veljati;
b) uveljavi svoje pravice do prispevkov, ki so potrebni za izpolnitev obveznosti po pododstavku a), vključno s stroški upravljanja Sklada, potrebnimi v ta namen.
2. Skupščina ustrezno ukrepa, da dokončno razpusti Sklad, pri čemer pravično razdeli morebitna preostala sredstva med osebe, ki so prispevale v Sklad.
3. Za namene tega člena ostane Sklad pravna oseba.
38. člen
1. Ta protokol in vse spremembe, sprejete po 33. členu, se deponirajo pri generalnem sekretarju organizacije.
2. Generalni sekretar organizacije:
a) obvesti vse države, ki so podpisale ta protokol ali pristopile k njemu, o:
i) vsakem novem podpisu ali deponiranju listine skupaj z datumom;
ii) vsaki izjavi in uradnem obvestilu po 30. členu, vključno z izjavami in preklici, za katere velja, da so bili opravljeni po tem členu;
iii) datumu začetka veljavnosti tega protokola;
iv) datumu, ko je treba predložiti odpoved, predvideno po 31. členu;
v) vsakem predlogu za spremembo omejitev nadomestil v skladu s prvim odstavkom 33. člena;
vi) vsaki spremembi, sprejeti v skladu s četrtim odstavkom 33. člena;
vii) vsaki spremembi, za katero se šteje, da je bila sprejeta po sedmem odstavku 33. člena, skupaj z datumom, ko je ta sprememba začela veljati v skladu z osmim in devetim odstavkom tega člena;
viii) deponiranju listine o odpovedi tega protokola skupaj z datumom deponiranja in datumom, ko začne veljati;
ix) o vsaki odpovedi, ki se šteje za opravljeno po petem odstavku 34. člena;
x) o vsakem sporočilu, potrebnem po katerem koli členu tega protokola;
b) pošlje overjene kopije te konvencije vsem državam podpisnicam in vsem državam, ki so pristopile k temu protokolu.
3. Takoj ko začne ta protokol veljati, generalni sekretar organizacije pošlje besedilo v sekretariat Združenih narodov za registracijo in objavo v skladu s 102. členom Ustanovne listine Združenih narodov.
39. člen
Ta protokol je sestavljen v enem izvirniku v angleškem, arabskem, francoskem, kitajskem, ruskem in španskem jeziku, pri čemer so vsa besedila enako verodostojna.
SESTAVLJENO V LONDONU sedemindvajsetega novembra tisoč devetsto dvaindevetdeset.
V POTRDITEV TEGA so podpisani, ki so bili za to pooblaščeni, podpisali ta protokol.
3. člen
Vlada Republike Slovenije skladno z 31. členom tega protokola odpove Mednarodno konvencijo o ustanovitvi Mednarodnega sklada za povrnitev škode, nastale zaradi onesnaženja z nafto, 1971 (Uradni list SFRJ – Mednarodne pogodbe, št. 3/77), ki je bila sestavljena v Bruslju 18. decembra 1971 in jo je Republika Slovenija nasledila po nekdanji SFRJ (akt o notifikaciji nasledstva, Uradni list RS, št. 54/92 – Mednarodne pogodbe št. 15/92).
4. člen
Za izvajanje protokola skrbi Ministrstvo za promet in zveze.
5. člen
Ta zakon začne veljati naslednji dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 412-01/00-24/1
Ljubljana, dne 31. maja 2000
Državnega zbora
Republike Slovenije
Janez Podobnik, dr. med. l. r.