Na podlagi druge alinee prvega odstavka 107. člena in prvega odstavka 91. člena Ustave Republike Slovenije izdajam
Razglašam Zakon o ratifikaciji Memoranduma o soglasju med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Italijanske republike o sodelovanju pri akcijah iskanja in reševanja v severnem Jadranskem morju (BITSIM), ki ga je sprejel Državni zbor Republike Slovenije na seji 14. septembra 2000.
Št. 001-22-181/00
Ljubljana, dne 22. septembra 2000
Republike Slovenije
Milan Kučan l. r.
1. člen
Ratificira se Memorandum o soglasju med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Italijanske republike o sodelovanju pri akcijah iskanja in reševanja v severnem Jadranskem morju, podpisan v Anconi 19. maja 2000.
2. člen
Memorandum se v izvirniku v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku glasi:*
* Besedilo memoranduma v italijanskem jeziku je na vpogled v Sektorju za mednarodne pravne zadeve Ministrstva za zunanje zadeve.
3. člen
Za izvajanje memoranduma skrbi Ministrstvo za promet in zveze.
4. člen
Ta zakon začne veljati naslednji dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 326-04/00-12/1
Ljubljana, dne 14. septembra 2000
Državnega zbora
Republike Slovenije
Janez Podobnik, dr. med. l. r.
Vlada Republike Slovenije in Vlada Italijanske republike (v nadaljevanju pogodbenici) sta se
v želji izboljšati prijateljske odnose med državama na podlagi enakosti in skupne koristi,
ob upoštevanju posebne potrebe po izboljšanju varnosti plovbe v Severnem Jadranskem morju in ukrepanju v izrednih razmerah na morju v skladu z določbami Mednarodne konvencije o iskanju in reševanju na morju, 1979,
ob upoštevanju odstavkov 2.1.4, 3.1.1, 3.1.5 in 3.1.8 Priloge k Mednarodni konvenciji o iskanju in reševanju na morju, 1979,
dogovorili naslednje:
1. člen
V tem memorandumu o soglasju:
1. Izraz “nevarnost“ pomeni okoliščine, ko obstaja dovolj velika gotovost, da je ladja ali drugo plovilo ali oseba ogrožena zaradi resne in neposredne nevarnosti, in je potrebna takojšnja pomoč.
2. Izraz “pristojni organ“ pomeni v Italijanski republiki Ministrstvo za promet in plovbo in v Republiki Sloveniji Ministrstvo za promet in zveze.
3. Izraz “območje iskanja in reševanja“ označuje območje določenega obsega, v katerem so na voljo službe za iskanje in reševanje.
4. Izraz “Koordinacijski center za reševanje na morju“ (Maritime Rescue Coordination Center – MRCC) označuje enoto, ki je odgovorna za pospeševanje učinkovite organizacije služb za iskanje in reševanje ter za usklajevanje vodenja akcij iskanja in reševanja na območju iskanja in reševanja.
5. Izraz “Podcenter za iskanje in reševanje na morju“ (Maritime Search and Rescue Subcentre) označuje podrejeno enoto MRCC, ki se ustanovi za pomoč MRCC na določenem območju znotraj območja iskanja in reševanja.
6. Izraz “reševalna enota“ pomeni katero koli pomorsko ali zračno enoto, posebej namenjeno za iskanje in reševanje na morju, za katere delovanje je odgovorna katera koli pogodbenica Mednarodne konvencije o iskanju in reševanju na morju, 1979.
2. člen
Ta memorandum o soglasju ureja medsebojne pravice in obveznosti pristojnih organov Republike Slovenije in Italijanske republike v zvezi z iskanjem in reševanjem na morju.
3. člen
Ta memorandum o soglasju ne vpliva na sedanje ali prihodnje obveznosti vsake pogodbenice v zvezi s Konvencijo Združenih narodov o mednarodnem pravu morja, 1982, ali na območju pristojnosti vsake pogodbenice.
4. člen
V tridesetih dneh po podpisu tega memoranduma o soglasju vsaka pogodbenica sporoči drugi pogodbenici kraj, kjer so koordinacijski center za reševanje in njegovi podcentri, stanje njihovih operativnih zmogljivosti, imena odgovornih oseb in način vzpostavljanja stikov med odgovornimi osebami.
Pri spremembi podatkov iz prvega odstavka tega člena se pogodbenici o teh spremembah obvestita takoj, ko je mogoče.
5. člen
Pogodbenici se sporazumeta, da pristojni koordinacijski center za reševanje Republike Slovenije usklajuje akcije iskanja in reševanja ter pomoč ladjam v nevarnosti na območju pristojnosti Republike Slovenije in da usklajevanje akcij iskanja in reševanja ter pomoč ladjam v nevarnosti na območju pristojnosti Italijanske republike izvaja pristojni center Italijanske republike.
Pogodbenici pooblaščata vsaka svojo pristojno osebo, ki vodi koordinacijski center za reševanje, da se v zvezi z iskanjem in reševanjem na morju po potrebi neposredno poveže s pristojno osebo, ki vodi drugi koordinacijski center.
Pogodbenici se sporazumeta in pooblaščata pristojna koordinacijska centra za reševanje, da se pri zagotavljanju usklajevanja akcij iskanja in reševanja, ki potekajo v teritorialnem morju posamezne države, neposredno dogovarjata, če je zaradi okoliščin to potrebno, da bi lahko uspešno pomagali osebam v nevarnosti.
6. člen
Črta, ki loči območji iskanja in reševanja, je meja med Republiko Slovenijo in Italijansko republiko, kot je določeno v Prilogi III Sporazuma med Socialistično Federativno Republiko Jugoslavijo in Italijansko republiko, podpisanega v Osimu 10. novembra 1975.
7. člen
Pogodbenici naložita vsaka svojemu koordinacijskemu centru za reševanje, da neposredno obvesti koordinacijski center za reševanje druge pogodbenice o možnosti, da bodo med akcijami iskanja in reševanja reševalne enote ene pogodbenice prečkale državno mejo druge pogodbenice.
Če okoliščine v določenem primeru zahtevajo, da reševalne enote ene pogodbenice prečkajo državno mejo druge pogodbenice, mora koordinacijski center za reševanje, odgovoren za usklajevanje akcije iskanja in reševanja, zaprositi koordinacijski center za reševanje druge pogodbenice za izdajo dovoljenja za prečkanje državne meje. V prošnji za dovoljenje za prečkanje državne meje mora koordinacijski center za reševanje navesti število in dati osnovni opis reševalnih enot, ki bodo predvidoma prečkale državno mejo.
Vsaka pogodbenica pooblasti svoj koordinacijski center za reševanje za izdajo dovoljenj reševalnim enotam druge pogodbenice za prečkanje državne meje za iskanje in reševanje na morju.
8. člen
Da bi koordinacijski organ vsake pogodbenice lažje ugotavljal identiteto reševalnih enot, je radijski pozivni znak takšnih enot sestavljen na naslednji način:
1. Reševalna letala:
za Italijo
RESCUE IM (A, B, C...), pri čemer črka I pomeni Italijo, črka M pomorski (Maritime) in črke v oklepaju številko naloge;
za Slovenijo
RESCUE SIM (A, B, C...), pri čemer črki SI pomenita Slovenijo, črka M pomorski (Maritime) in črke v oklepaju številko naloge.
2. Reševalna plovila:
za Italijo
RIBA (01, 02...) za reševalna plovila, ki jih uporablja M.R.S.C. Bari;
RIAN (01, 02...) za reševalna plovila, ki jih uporablja M.R.S.C. Ancona;
RIRA (01, 02...) za reševalna plovila, ki jih uporablja M.R.S.C. Ravenna;
RIVE (01, 02...) za reševalna plovila, ki jih uporablja M.R.S.C. Benetke;
RITS (01, 02...) za reševalna plovila, ki jih uporablja M.R.S.C. Trst;
RIMR (01, 02...) za reševalna plovila, ki jih uporablja I.M.R.C.C. Rim, Comando Generale delle Capitanerie di Porto – Guardia Costiera.
Številke v oklepajih označujejo številko naloge.
za Slovenijo
RSIKP (01,02...) za reševalna plovila, ki jih uporablja M.R.S.C. Koper.
Številke v oklepajih označujejo številko naloge.
Omenjeni pozivni znak določi koordinacijski organ za iskanje in reševanje posamezne države.
9. člen
Pogodbenici sta po svojih močeh pripravljeni pomagati druga drugi pri iskanju in reševanju na morju.
Vsaka pogodbenica pooblasti svoj koordinacijski center za reševanje, da neposredno zaprosi za pomoč koordinacijski center za reševanje druge pogodbenice.
Vsaka pogodbenica pooblasti svoj Koordinacijski center za reševanje na morju, da na zahtevo in v okviru svojih zmožnosti pošlje svoje reševalne enote v pomoč drugemu Koordinacijskemu centru za reševanje na morju.
10. člen
Ker se morska območja iskanja in reševanja ne pokrivajo z zračnimi območji iskanja in reševanja, se pogodbenici dogovorita, da se bosta pri določanju območij iskanja in reševanja zaradi zagotavljanja učinkovitosti akcij iskanja in reševanja po potrebi medsebojno posvetovali.
11. člen
Pogodbenici se sporazumeta, da se vodji koordinacijskih centrov za reševanje na morju iz obeh držav zaradi boljšega medsebojnega sodelovanja sestajata najmanj enkrat letno.
Pogodbenici se sporazumeta, da bosta načrtovali in izvajali skupne vaje za akcije v izrednih razmerah na morju.
12. člen
Med skupnimi akcijami iskanja in reševanja se pri ukrepanju v izrednih razmerah med skupnimi vajami in na rednih in izrednih sestankih kot jezik sporazumevanja uporablja angleščina.
13. člen
Ta memorandum o soglasju začne veljati na dan, ko pogodbenici po diplomatski poti prejmeta zadnje od obeh obvestil, da je vsaka izpolnila pogoje iz svoje zakonodaje za začetek veljavnosti tega memoranduma.
Ta memorandum o soglasju se sklene za nedoločen čas.
14. člen
Ta memorandum o soglasju se lahko spremeni ali dopolni na zahtevo katere koli pogodbenice. Spremembe tega memoranduma začnejo veljati mesec dni po datumu, ko sta pogodbenici sprejeli te spremembe in o tem ustrezno obvestili drugo pogodbenico po diplomatski poti.
15. člen
Ta memorandum o soglasju lahko katera koli pogodbenica kadar koli pisno odpove po diplomatski poti.
Ta memorandum o soglasju preneha veljati šest mesecev po datumu prejema obvestila o odpovedi druge pogodbenice.
V potrditev tega sta spodaj podpisana predstavnika podpisala ta memorandum o soglasju.
Sklenjeno v Anconi dne 19. maja 2000 v dveh izvirnikih v slovenskem, italijanskem in angleškem jeziku, pri čemer so vsa besedila enako verodostojna. Pri razlikah v besedilu je odločilno angleško besedilo.
Za Vlado
Republike Slovenije
dr. Dimitrij Rupel, l. r.
Za Vlado
Italijanske republike
Lamberto Dini, l. r.
The Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Government of the Italian Republic (hereinafter referred to as Contracting Parties),
Wishing to improve the friendly relationships between the two Countries, on the basis of equality and common benefit,
Considering the particular necessity of improving both safety of navigation in the North Adriatic Sea and response activities to any emergency situation at sea in accordance with the provisions of the International Convention on Maritime Search and Rescue, 1979,
Recalling of paragraphs 2.1.4., 3.1.1., 3.1.5. and 3.1.8. of the Annex to the International Convention on Maritime Search and Rescue, 1979,
have agreed as follows:
Article 1
In this Memorandum of Understanding:
1. The term “distress“ shall mean a situation wherein there is a reasonable certainty that a ship or other craft or a person is threatened by grave and imminent danger and requires immediate assistance.
2. The term “competent authority“ means in the Republic of Slovenia the Ministry of Transport and Communications and in the Italian Republic the Ministry of Transport and Navigation.
3. The term “Search and Rescue Region“ shall denote an area of defined dimensions within which search and rescue services are provided.
4. The term “Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre“ (MRCC) shall denote a unit responsible for promoting efficient organisation of search and rescue services and for coordinating the conduct of search and rescue operations within a search and rescue region.
5. The term “Maritime Search and Rescue Subcentre“ shall denote a unit subordinate to a MRCC established to complement the latter within a specified area within a search and rescue region.
6. The term “rescue unit“ means any sea or air unit specially assigned for the search and rescue at sea the activity of which is the responsibility of any one of the Contracting Parties, as referred to in the International Convention on Maritime Search and Rescue, 1979.
Article 2
This Memorandum of Understanding governs the mutual rights and obligations of the competent Authorities of the Republic of Slovenia and the Italian Republic in respect of search and rescue at sea.
Article 3
This Memorandum of Understanding shall not prejudice any present or future engagement taken by each Contracting Party, concerning the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 1982, or area of jurisdiction of each Contracting Party.
Article 4
Within a period of thirty days upon signing this Memorandum of Understanding each Contracting Party will notify the other Contracting Party as to the location of the rescue co-ordination centre and its sub-centres, on the condition of their operational capabilities, names of responsible persons and as to the method of establishing contacts between responsible persons.
The Contracting Parties will in the event of alteration of the data as referred to in Section 1 of this Article advise, as soon as possible, the other Contracting Party on the above alterations.
Article 5
The Contracting Parties agree that the competent rescue co-ordination centre of the Republic of Slovenia will co-ordinate search and rescue operations and assistance to ships in distress within the area of responsibility of the Republic of Slovenia, and that the co-ordination of search and rescue operations and assistance to ships in distress within the area of responsibility of the Italian Republic will be carried out by the competent centre in the Italian Republic.
The Contracting Parties authorise the competent persons in charge of the rescue co-ordination centre to contact directly the competent person in charge of the other rescue co-ordination centre, as appropriate, in respect of search and rescue at sea.
The Contracting Parties herewith agree and authorise the competent rescue co-ordination centres to make direct arrangements with a view to secure the co-ordination of those search and rescue operations which are carried out in the respective territorial waters, if this is needed by circumstances, in order to provide successful assistance to persons in distress.
Article 6
The line separating the Search and Rescue Regions is the border between the Republic of Slovenia and Italian Republic as defined in the Annex III of the Agreement between the Socialist Federative Republic of Jugoslavia and the Italian Republic, signed at Osimo on November 10th of 1975.
Article 7
The Contracting Parties will obligate respective rescue and co-ordination centres to notify directly the rescue co-ordination centre of the other Contracting Party that, in the course of search and rescue operations, rescue units of one Contracting Party need to cross the state border of the other Contracting Party.
Should the circumstances of the case impose the need for rescue units from one Contracting Party to cross the state border of the other Contracting Party, the rescue co-ordination centre in charge of co-ordinating the search and rescue operation shall request the rescue co-ordination centre of the other Contracting Party to grant permission for crossing the state border. In the request for permission to cross the state border limit the rescue co-ordination centre shall state the number and give the basic description of the rescue units envisaged to cross the state border.
Both Contracting Parties authorise their respective rescue co-ordination centres to issue permits to rescue units of the other Contracting Party for crossing the state border for the purpose of search and rescue at sea.
Article 8
To facilitate the identification of rescue units by the Coordinating Authority of each party, the radio call sign of such units will be composed as follows:
1. Rescue Aircrafts:
for Italy
RESCUE IM (A,B,C ….), where the letter I identifies Italy, the letter M means Maritime and the letters in brackets identify the mission number;
for Slovenia
RESCUE SIM (A,B,C …), where the letters SI identify Slovenia, the letter M means Maritime and the letters in brackets identify the mission number.
2. Rescue Vessels:
for Italy
RIBA (01,02..) for rescue vessels employed by M.R.S.C. Bari;
RIAN (01,02..) for rescue vessels employed by M.R.S.C. Ancona;
RIRA (01,02..) for rescue vessels employed by M.R.S.C. Ravenna;
RIVE (01,02..) for rescue vessels employed by M.R.S.C. Venezia;
RITS (01,02..) for rescue vessels employed by M.R.S.C. Trieste;
RIMR (01,02..) for rescue vessels employed by I.M.R.C.C. Roma, Comando Generale delle Capitanerie di Porto - Guardia Costiera.
The numbers in brackets identify the mission number.
for Slovenia
RSIKP (01,02..) for rescue vessels employed by M.R.S.C. Koper;
The numbers in brackets identify the mission number.
The mentioned call sign will be issued by each national SAR Coordinating Authority.
Article 9
The Contracting Parties are prepared, within their own power, to assist the other Contracting Party in the event of performing search and rescue at sea.
Each Contracting Party shall authorise its own rescue co-ordination centre to seek assistance directly from the rescue co-ordination centre of the other Contracting Party.
Each Contracting Party shall authorise its Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre to send, upon request and within the limits of its possibilities, its own rescue units to provide assistance to the other Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre.
Article 10
In defining the respective SAR regions the Contracting Parties agree that, taking into account the non-coincidence of the maritime SAR zone with the aeronautical SAR zones, consultations may take place, if and when necessary, to ensure the effectiveness of search and rescue operations.
Article 11
Both Contracting Parties agree that the persons in charge of the respective Maritime Rescue Co-ordination centres will meet at least once a year in order to improve their collaboration.
Both Contracting Parties agree to plan and to carry out common drills in practising emergency operations at sea.
Article 12
In the course of common search and rescue operations, response activities to any emergency situation, common drills and during ordinary and extraordinary meetings, English shall be used as language of communication.
Article 13
This Memorandum of Understanding shall come into force upon the date of receipt of the last of the two notifications received through diplomatic channels, stating that both Contracting Parties have fulfilled the conditions laid down by their respective legislation for the entry into force of this Memorandum of Understanding.
This Memorandum of Understanding has been concluded for an unlimited period of time.
Article 14
This Memorandum of Understanding can be altered or amended upon demand made by any Contracting Party. Amendments to this Memorandum of Understanding shall become effective one month following the date upon which both Contracting Parties have accepted the amendments and have accordingly notified the other Contracting Party through diplomatic channels.
Article 15
This Memorandum of Understanding may be denounced in writing through diplomatic channels at any time by any contracting Party.
This Memorandum of Understanding shall be terminated upon expire of a period of six months, as of the date of the receipt of the notice of denunciation by the other Contracting Party.
In witness thereof the undersigned Representatives have signed the present Memorandum of Understanding.
Done at Ancona on 19th May 2000 in two originals, each in Slovenian, Italian and English languages, all texts being equally authentic. In case of divergence on interpretation, the English text shall prevail.
For the Government of the
Republic of Slovenia
dr. Dimitrij Rupel (s)
For the Government of the
Italian Republic
Lamberto Dini (s)