Na podlagi tretjega odstavka 63. člena Zakona o zunanjih zadevah (Uradni list RS, št. 1/91-I) izdaja Vlada Republike Slovenije
1. člen
Ratificira se Sporazum med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Mednarodno finančno korporacijo o projektu podpore razvoju podjetij na Balkanu, podpisan v Sarajevu 30. maja 2001.
2. člen
Sporazum se v izvirniku v angleškem jeziku in v prevodu v slovenskem jeziku glasi:
Dated 30 May 2001
AGREEMENT, dated 30 May 2001 between the Government of the Republic of Slovenia (the “Government“) and International Finance Corporation (the “Corporation“) to provide for assistance to the Corporation in the administration of certain funds to be made available by the Government through the Ministry of the Economy (the “Ministry“), and other donors, in the form of a grant, to assist in financing the Balkans Enterprise Facility (the “Facility“) to be managed by the Corporation.
The Government acknowledges receipt of a copy of the Business Plan for the Facility dated January 26, 2000 prepared by the Corporation.
NOW THEREFORE, the parties hereto hereby agree as follows:
Article I
Section 1.01. For the purposes of this Agreement, the Government through the Ministry shall within 31 working days of the date of its entry into force make a deposit of United States Dollars two hundred thousand (US$200,000), into the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development “Account T“ (No. ABA 0210-8002-5) (the “Account“) at The Federal Reserve Bank of New York (“FRBNY“). When making the payment, the Ministry shall instruct FYRBNY, Foreign Department to advise the World Bank’s Treasury Operations Department by SWIFT (IBRDUS33), telex (MCI 248423) or facsimile (202-522 1564) as to the amount received, noting that it is in respect of TF No. 23357 – Balkans Enterprise Facility and providing the date of the receipt. In addition, the Ministry shall send by facsimile a copy of the Ministry’s payment order to the World Bank’s Trust Fund Administrator (202-522 3397). The Ministry may, subject to the funds available to it in the state budget and provisions of this Agreement, subsequently consider additional and future funding support for the Facility and deposit further funds in the Account, which will be governed in all respects by this Agreement. Other donors have contributed grant funds to the Account.
Section 1.02. The Ministry agrees that financial inputs will be “untied“ and that all or part of the funds received from the Ministry or other sources in the Account may be converted into other currencies to facilitate their disbursements.
Section 1.03. The Corporation shall have the right to commingle the funds in the Account with other funds and Facility assets; provided however that all such assets will be kept separate and apart from those of the Corporation.
Section 1.04. The Corporation shall withdraw from the Account such amounts as from time to time shall be needed to meet the establishment and operating costs of the Facility. The aforementioned establishment and operating costs shall include the Corporation’s internal administrative costs of accounting, internal auditing, human resource management, legal, budgeting, control and other administrative expenses calculated in accordance with normal Corporation practices. To help defray these internal administrative costs, it is agreed that the Corporation shall deduct three point five percent (3.5%) from the Ministry’s deposit referred to in Section 1.01.
Section 1.05. The Corporation may invest and reinvest the funds in the Account pending their application as provided hereunder. The income from such investment or reinvestment shall be retained in the Account for use for the Facility.
Section 1.06. Except as provided in Article IV, the Corporation shall be under no obligation to repay to the Ministry funds applied to meet the reasonable expenditures of the Facility disbursed in accordance with this Agreement, including the Corporation’s reasonable costs of administering the Facility.
Section 1.07. The Corporation shall exercise the same care in the discharge of its functions under this Agreement as it exercises with respect to the administration and management of its own affairs, shall manage the Facility according to the Business Plan and its annual updates approved by a board of donor representatives, and shall have no further liability to the Ministry.
Article II
Section 2.01. The Corporation shall maintain separate records and accounts in respect of the funds in the Account and the funds disbursed by the Corporation pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement, and the Corporation shall furnish quarterly to the Ministry a statement of account on such records and accounts.
Section 2.02. The Corporation shall be responsible for arranging an annual financial audit, at the expense of the Facility, and for promptly providing the Ministry with a copy of the results of that audit.
Article III
Section 3.01. The Ministry and the Corporation shall consult from time to time on all matters arising out of this Agreement. The Corporation will provide the Ministry quarterly reports on the activities of the Facility. Such reports shall account for the degree of achievement of the objectives of the Facility, in both qualitative and quantitative terms. The achievements shall be compared with planned results of the Facility according to its Business Plan and subsequent updates, and an analysis of various difficulties, bottlenecks and successes shall be made. The reports shall also comment on the Facility’s activities in respect of gender and environment issues. The achieved results contained in these reports shall constitute a basis for the decision for further funding of the Facility by the Ministry.
Article IV
Section 4.01. This Agreement shall become effective on the first day of the second month following the date of signature and, subject to the provisions of this Article, shall continue in effect until all of the funds in the Account have been disbursed therefrom as provided in this Agreement.
Section 4.02. If at any time it appears to either party that the purpose of this Agreement can no longer effectively or appropriately be carried out, this Agreement may be terminated at the initiative of such party by means of written notice to the other party, the termination taking effect ninety (90) days after such notice has been received by the other party. The Corporation will repay promptly any unspent and uncommitted funds, including any unspent and uncommitted income derived from investment of funds, to the Ministry - on a pro rata basis should this Agreement be terminated.
Section 4.03. Promptly after all disbursements have been made from the Account or after termination of the Agreement, the Corporation shall furnish to the Ministry a final report.
Article V
Section 5.01. This Agreement may be amended only by written agreement of the parties hereto.
Section 5.02. Any notice or request required or permitted to be given or made under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be given at each party’s address as follows:
For the Ministry:
Ministry of the Economy
Kotnikova 5
1000 Ljubljana
Fax: +386 1 478 3611
Tel: + 386 1 478 3521
For the Corporation:
International Finance Corporation
2121 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20433
United States of America
Attention: Director, Small and Medium Enterprise Department
Fax: (202) 974-4314
With copy to:
The Manager, Trust Funds Division (CPLTF)
Fax: (202) 974-4344.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto, acting through their duly authorized representatives, have caused this Agreement to be signed in their respective names.
DONE at Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, on 30 May 2001, in two originals in the English language.
By Renata Vitez, (s)
Authorized Representative
By Mariann Kurtz, (s)
Authorized Representative
z dne 30. maja 2001
SPORAZUM z dne 30. maja 2001 med Vlado Republike Slovenije (“vlada“) in Mednarodno finančno korporacijo (“korporacija“) o zagotovitvi pomoči korporaciji pri upravljanju določenih sredstev, ki jih bodo prek Ministrstva za gospodarstvo (“ministrstvo“) dali na voljo vlada in drugi donatorji v obliki donacije kot pomoč pri financiranju Projekta podpore razvoju podjetij na Balkanu (“projekt“), ki ga bo upravljala korporacija.
Vlada potrjuje prejem izvoda poslovnega načrta za projekt z dne 26. januarja 2000, ki ga je pripravila korporacija.
ZATO sta se pogodbenici tega sporazuma dogovorili, kot sledi:
I. člen
Odstavek 1.01. Za namene tega sporazuma vlada prek ministrstva v 31 delovnih dneh po datumu začetka njegove veljavnosti položi dvesto tisoč ameriških dolarjev (200.000 USD) na “Račun T“ Mednarodne banke za obnovo in razvoj (št. ABA 0210-8002-5) (“račun“) pri Centralni banki New York (“CBNY“). Ko nakazuje plačilo, ministrstvo da Oddelku za poslovanje v tujini CBNY nalog, da Oddelek za zakladne posle Svetovne banke s posredovanjem SWIFT (Družba za svetovno medbančno finančno telekomunikacijo) (IBRDUS33) po teleksu (MCI248423) ali faksu (202-522 1564) obvesti o znesku, ki ga je prejel, z navedbo, da je v zvezi s TF št. 23357 – Projekt podpore razvoju podjetij na Balkanu, in z navedbo datuma prejema. Poleg tega ministrstvo pošlje upravitelju skrbniškega sklada po faksu (202-522 3397) izvod plačilnega naloga ministrstva. Ministrstvo lahko ob upoštevanju sredstev, ki so mu v državnem proračunu na voljo, in določb tega sporazuma naknadno prouči možnost dodatne in prihodnje finančne pomoči za projekt ter na račun položi nadaljnja sredstva, ki se bodo v vseh pogledih urejala v skladu s tem sporazumom. Na račun prispevajo donatorska sredstva še drugi donatorji.
Odstavek 1.02. Ministrstvo soglaša, da bodo finančni vložki “nevezani“ in da se bodo vsa sredstva ali del sredstev, prejetih na račun s strani ministrstva ali iz drugih virov, lahko zamenjala v druge valute zaradi njihovega lažjega izplačevanja.
Odstavek 1.03. Korporacija ima pravico, da sredstva na računu pomeša z drugimi sredstvi in plasmaji v projekt, vendar pod pogojem, da se vsa ta sredstva vodijo ločeno in neodvisno od sredstev korporacije.
Odstavek 1.04. Korporacija dviguje z računa take vsote, ki so od časa do časa potrebne za kritje stroškov vzpostavitve in tekočega delovanja projekta. Omenjeni stroški za kritje vzpostavitve in tekočega delovanja projekta vključujejo notranje upravne stroške korporacije za računovodstvo, notranje revidiranje, upravljanje človeških virov, pravne stroške, računovodsko načrtovanje, nadzor in druge upravne stroške, izračunane v skladu z običajno prakso korporacije. Da bi se ti notranji upravni stroški lažje plačevali, je dogovorjeno, da bo korporacija odtegovala tri in pol odstotka (3,5%) od pologa ministrstva, navedenega v odstavku 1.01.
Odstavek 1.05. Korporacija lahko sredstva na računu do njihove uporabe, kot je določeno spodaj, vlaga ali ponovno vlaga. Dohodek od takih vlaganj ali ponovnih vlaganj se zadrži na računu za potrebe projekta.
Odstavek 1.06. Razen kot to določa IV. člen, korporacija ministrstvu ni zavezana vrniti sredstev, uporabljenih za kritje razumnih izdatkov, porabljenih v skladu s tem sporazumom, vključno z razumnimi stroški, ki jih ima korporacija z upravljanjem projekta.
Odstavek 1.07. Korporacija opravlja svoje naloge po tem sporazumu z enako skrbnostjo, kot jo izkazuje pri upravljanju in vodenju svojih lastnih zadev, upravlja projekt v skladu s poslovnim načrtom in njegovimi letnimi uskladitvami, ki jih odobri odbor predstavnikov donatorjev, in do ministrstva nima nobene druge pogodbene obveznosti.
II. člen
Odstavek 2.01. Korporacija vodi ločene evidence in obračune za sredstva na računu in za sredstva, ki jih izplačuje po določbah tega sporazuma, ter ministrstvu pošilja četrtletna poročila o teh evidencah in obračunih.
Odstavek 2.02. Korporacija je odgovorna, da poskrbi za letno revizijo finančnega poslovanja na stroške projekta in da ministrstvu nemudoma dostavi izvod izsledkov take revizije.
III. člen
Odstavek 3.01. Ministrstvo in korporacija se od časa do časa posvetujeta o vseh zadevah, ki izhajajo iz tega sporazuma. Korporacija pošilja ministrstvu četrtletna poročila o dejavnostih pri projektu. Taka poročila ugotavljajo stopnjo doseganja ciljev projekta tako po kakovosti kot obsegu. Dosežki se primerjajo z načrtovanimi rezultati projekta v skladu s poslovnim načrtom in njegovimi naknadnimi uskladitvami, opravi pa se tudi analiza različnih težav, ozkih grl in uspehov. Poročila omenijo tudi dejavnosti v zvezi s problematiko enakosti spolov in varstva okolja. Doseženi rezultati, ki jih vsebujejo ta sporočila, so podlaga za odločanje o nadaljnjem financiranju projekta s strani ministrstva.
IV. člen
Odstavek 4.01. Ta sporazum začne veljati prvi dan drugega meseca, ki sledi datumu podpisa, in ob upoštevanju določb tega člena velja, dokler ne bodo vsa sredstva na računu izplačana v skladu s tem sporazumom.
Odstavek 4.02. Če kadar koli ena ali druga pogodbenica meni, da cilja tega sporazuma ni več mogoče učinkovito ali ustrezno dosegati, se ta sporazum lahko na pobudo te pogodbenice odpove s pisnim obvestilom drugi pogodbenici, s tem da odpoved začne veljati devetdeset (90) dni po tem, ko je druga pogodbenica tako obvestilo prejela. Če se ta sporazum odpove, korporacija ministrstvu nemudoma vrne v pripadajočem deležu vsa neporabljena in neangažirana sredstva.
Odstavek 4.03. Nemudoma po vseh izplačilih z računa ali po prenehanju veljavnosti sporazuma korporacija pošlje ministrstvu končno poročilo.
V. člen
Odstavek 5.01. Ta sporazum se lahko spremeni samo s pisnim dogovorom pogodbenic sporazuma.
Odstavek 5.02. Vsa po tem sporazumu potrebna ali dovoljena obvestila ali zahtevki so pisni in se pošljejo na naslov vsake pogodbenice, kot sledi:
Za ministrstvo:
Ministrstvo za gospodarstvo
Kotnikova 5
1000 Ljubljana
Faks: +386 1 478 3611
Tel.: +386 1 478 3521
Za korporacijo:
International Finance Corporation
2121 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20433
United States of America
Za vodjo Oddelka za mala in srednja podjetja
Faks: (202) 974-4314
V vednost:
Direktor Oddelka za skrbniške sklade (CPLTF)
Faks: (202) 974-4344
V DOKAZ TEGA sta pogodbenici sporazuma, ki delujeta prek svojih pravilno pooblaščenih predstavnikov, poskrbeli, da je ta sporazum podpisan v njunem imenu.
SESTAVLJENO v Sarajevu, Bosna in Hercegovina, 30. maja 2001 v dveh izvirnikih v angleškem jeziku.
Renata Vitez l. r.
pooblaščeni predstavnik
Mariann Kurtz l. r.
pooblaščeni predstavnik
3. člen
Za izvajanje sporazuma skrbi Ministrstvo za gospodarstvo.
4. člen
Ta uredba začne veljati naslednji dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 911-07/2001-7
Ljubljana, dne 15. junija 2001
Vlada Republike Slovenije
dr. Janez Drnovšek l. r.