Na podlagi druge alinee prvega odstavka 107. člena in prvega odstavka 91. člena Ustave Republike Slovenije izdajam
Razglašam Zakon o ratifikaciji Sporazuma med Republiko Slovenijo in Evropskim policijskim uradom z Izjavo Predsedstva Evropske unije, Slovenije in Europola (MESEPU), ki ga je sprejel Državni zbor Republike Slovenije na seji 28. februarja 2002.
Št. 001-22-20/02
Ljubljana, 8. marca 2002
Republike Slovenije
Milan Kučan l. r.
1. člen
Ratificira se Sporazum med Republiko Slovenijo in Evropskim policijskim uradom z Izjavo Predsedstva Evropske unije, Slovenije in Europola, podpisan v Ljubljani 1. oktobra 2001.*
2. člen
Sporazum se v izvirniku v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku glasi:
Republika Slovenija, v nadaljevanju Slovenija, in Evropski policijski urad, v nadaljevanju Europol,
sta se
upoštevaje, da je v skupnem interesu Slovenije in Europola, da razvijata tesno in dinamično sodelovanje ob premagovanju sedanjih in prihodnjih izzivov mednarodnega kriminala,
upoštevaje, da je Svet Evropske unije 27. marca 2000(1) pooblastil Europol, da začne pogajanja o sporazumu o sodelovanju s Slovenijo in da je 28. maja 2001 ugotovil, da ni zadržkov za vključitev prenosa osebnih podatkov iz Europola v Slovenijo v ta sporazum,
1. člen
Opredelitev pojmov
V tem sporazumu:
a) “konvencija“ pomeni Konvencijo, temelječo na členu K.3 Pogodbe o Evropski uniji o ustanovitvi Evropskega policijskega urada (Konvencija o Europolu);
b) “osebni podatki“ pomenijo katero koli informacijo o identificirani fizični osebi ali fizični osebi, ki jo je moč identificirati; oseba, ki jo je moč identificirati, je oseba, ki jo je mogoče identificirati neposredno ali posredno, predvsem z identifikacijsko številko ali z enim ali več dejavnikov, značilnih za njeno telesno, fiziološko, mentalno, ekonomsko, kulturno ali socialno identiteto;
c) “obdelava osebnih podatkov (obdelava)“ pomeni operacijo ali niz operacij, ki se brez avtomatskih sredstev ali z njimi izvajajo z osebnimi podatki, kot so zbiranje, zapisovanje, organiziranje, shranjevanje, prilagajanje ali spreminjanje, iskanje in priklic, posvetovanje, uporaba, razkritje s prenosom, razširjanjem ali drugače omogočenim dostopom, uvrščanje ali kombiniranje, blokiranje, brisanje ali uničenje;
d) “informacija“ pomeni osebne in neosebne podatke.
2. člen
Namen sporazuma
Namen tega sporazuma je krepitev sodelovanja med državami članicami Evropske unije, delujočimi prek Europola, in Slovenijo v boju proti hujšim oblikam mednarodnega kriminala na področjih, navedenih v 3. členu tega sporazuma, predvsem z izmenjavo strateških in operativnih informacij.
3. člen
Področja kriminalitete, na katera se sporazum nanaša
1. Sodelovanje, kot ga vzpostavlja ta sporazum, se v skladu z interesom Europola in Slovenije za sodelovanje v določenem primeru nanaša na:
a) trgovino s prepovedanimi drogami,
b) trgovino z jedrskimi in radioaktivnimi snovmi,
c) nezakonito tihotapljenje priseljencev,
d) trgovino z ljudmi,
e) kriminal, povezan z motornimi vozili,
f) kazniva dejanja, ki so bila ali verjetno bodo storjena pri terorističnih dejavnostih zoper življenje in telo, osebno svobodo ali premoženje,
g) ponarejanje denarja in plačilnih sredstev
kot tudi na nezakonito pranje denarja, povezano z naštetimi oblikami kriminala ali njihovimi značilnimi pojavnimi oblikami ter z njimi povezanimi kaznivimi dejanji.
2. Z njimi povezana kazniva dejanja so kazniva dejanja, storjena z namenom pridobitve sredstev za izvrševanje kaznivih dejanj, navedenih v prvem odstavku, kazniva dejanja, storjena z namenom omogočanja ali izvrševanja takšnih dejanj, in kazniva dejanja, storjena z namenom zagotavljanja nekaznivosti takšnih dejanj.
3. Če se kakor koli spremeni Europolov mandat, lahko Europol z dnem začetka veljavnosti sprememb o njem obvesti Slovenijo in ji pisno predlaga uporabo tega sporazuma v zvezi z novim mandatom. Pri tem Europol obvesti Slovenijo o vseh pomembnih vprašanjih v zvezi s spremembo mandata. Sporazum se razširi glede na nov mandat z dnem, ko Europol prejme od Slovenije pisno obvestilo, da je sprejela njegov predlog. Predlog je zavezujoč za Europol samo tri mesece od njegove oddaje.
4. Oblike kriminalitete, omenjene v točkah od a) do e) in g) prvega odstavka, so opredeljene v prilogi 1 tega sporazuma. Če sprememba mandata iz tretjega odstavka vsebuje opredelitev nove oblike kriminala, se ta opredelitev uporablja tudi, če takšna oblika kriminalitete v skladu s tretjim odstavkom postane del tega sporazuma. Europol obvesti Slovenijo, če in kadar se opredelitev področja kriminalitete razširi, spremeni ali dopolni. Nova opredelitev velja za Slovenijo z dnem, ko Europol prejme pisno obvestilo Slovenije, da je sprejela to opredelitev.
4. člen
Področja sodelovanja
Sodelovanje lahko poleg izmenjave operativnih informacij obsega vse druge naloge Europola, ki so navedene v Konvenciji o Europolu, predvsem izmenjavo specialističnih znanj, strateških informacij, poročil o splošnem stanju, informacij o preiskovalnih postopkih, informacij o metodah za preprečevanja kriminala, sodelovanje pri usposabljanju kot tudi svetovanje in pomoč pri posameznih preiskavah.
5. člen
Nacionalna točka za zvezo
1. Slovenija določi Sektor za mednarodno policijsko sodelovanje pri Upravi kriminalistične policije Generalne policijske uprave v sestavi Ministrstva za notranje zadeve kot nacionalno točko za zvezo med Europolom in drugimi pristojnimi organi Slovenije.
2. Sestanki na visoki ravni za obravnavo vprašanj, ki se nanašajo na ta sporazum in na splošno sodelovanje med Europolom in slovenskimi organi odkrivanja in pregona, navedenimi v prvem odstavku 6. člena tega sporazuma, so najmanj enkrat letno.
3. Predstavnik Sektorja za mednarodno policijsko sodelovanje je lahko povabljen na sestanke vodij Europolovih nacionalnih enot.
6. člen
Pristojni organi
1. Slovenski organi odkrivanja in pregona, ki so po notranji zakonodaji odgovorni za preprečevanje in zatiranje kaznivih dejanj, navedenih v prvem odstavku 3. člena, so navedeni v prilogi 2 tega sporazuma. Slovenija bo obvestila Europol o vsaki spremembi tega seznama v treh mesecih po uveljavitvi teh sprememb in bo redno obveščala Europol o vseh drugih pristojnih organih, katerim so bili v skladu s tem sporazumom poslani podatki.
2. Slovenija prek Sektorja za mednarodno policijsko sodelovanje Europolu na njegovo prošnjo pošlje vse informacije o notranji organizaciji, nalogah in ukrepih za varstvo podatkov organov, navedenih v tem členu.
7. člen
Izmenjava informacij
1. Informacije med Europolom in Slovenijo se izmenjujejo samo za namene določb tega sporazuma in v skladu z njimi.
2. Izmenjava informacij po tem sporazumu načeloma poteka med Europolom in Sektorjem za mednarodno policijsko sodelovanje. Slovenija zagotovi, da je Sektor za mednarodno policijsko sodelovanje stalno dosegljiv in da obstaja neposredna povezava med njim in pristojnimi organi iz prvega odstavka 6. člena, vključno z državnimi organi za mednarodno policijsko sodelovanje. Kadar se zaradi nujnosti informacije izmenjajo z drugim pristojnim organom, omenjenim v prvem odstavku 6. člena, Europol takoj obvesti Sektor za mednarodno policijsko sodelovanje, če je informacije poslal sam.
3. Europol pošlje Sloveniji samo informacije, ki so bile zbrane, hranjene in sporočene v skladu z ustreznimi določbami konvencije in s predpisi o njenem izvajanju.
4. Slovenija pošlje Europolu samo informacije, ki so bile zbrane, hranjene in sporočene v skladu z njeno notranjo zakonodajo. V tem smislu Europol zavezuje četrti odstavek 4. člena Akta Sveta z dne 3. novembra 1998, ki določa pravila v zvezi s sprejetjem informacij pri Europolu.(2)
5. Posamezniki imajo v skladu z ustreznimi določbami Konvencije o Europolu ali slovenske notranje zakonodaje pravico dostopa do podatkov, ki se nanašajo nanje in so bili sporočeni po tem sporazumu ali da dajo take podatke preveriti. Ko se ta pravica uveljavlja, se je treba pred končno odločitvijo o prošnji posvetovati s stranjo, ki je sporočila podatke.
8. člen
Pošiljanje informacij Europolu
1. Slovenija takoj ko pošlje informacije ali pred tem obvesti Europol o namenu pošiljanja informacije in o morebitnih omejitvah glede njene uporabe, brisanja ali uničenja, vključno s splošnimi ali posebnimi omejitvami glede dostopa do nje. Če se potreba po takšnih omejitvah pokaže po pošiljanju, bo Slovenija o tem obvestila Europol pozneje.
2. Po prejemu Europol brez nepotrebnega odlašanja kadar koli v treh mesecih določi, ali in v kakšnem obsegu se poslani osebni podatki lahko vključijo v Europolove zbirke podatkov v skladu z namenom, za katerega jih je poslala Slovenija. Europol o odločitvi, da podatki ne bodo vključeni, takoj obvesti Slovenijo. Sporočeni osebni podatki se bodo izbrisali, uničili ali vrnili, če niso ali niso več potrebni za Europolove naloge ali če v šestih mesecih po prejemu ni bila sprejeta odločitev o njihovi vključitvi v Europolovo zbirko podatkov.
3. Europol zagotovi, da ima dostop do osebnih podatkov iz drugega odstavka do njihove vključitve v Europolovo zbirko podatkov samo uslužbenec Europola, pooblaščen za odločanje s tem, ali se podatki lahko vključijo v Europolovo zbirko podatkov ali ne.
Če Europol po oceni dostavljenih podatkov utemeljeno domneva, da so netočni ali zastareli, o tem obvesti Slovenijo. Slovenija preveri podatke in obvesti Europol o izidu tega preverjanja.
9. člen
Pošiljanje osebnih podatkov s strani Europola
1. Če se osebni podatki sporočijo na prošnjo Slovenije, se lahko uporabijo samo za namene, za katere so bili sporočeni. Če so osebni podatki sporočeni brez posebne prošnje, je v trenutku prenosa informacije ali pred tem treba navesti, zakaj se podatki sporočijo, in vse morebitne omejitve glede njihove uporabe, brisanja ali uničenja, vključno z morebitnimi splošnimi ali posebnimi omejitvami, ter splošne ali posebne omejitve glede dostopa do njih. Če se potreba po takšnih omejitvah pokaže po pošiljanju, bo Europol o tem Slovenijo obvestil pozneje.
2. Za vse osebne podatke, ki jih Europol sporoči Sloveniji, Slovenija upošteva te pogoje:
a) po prejemu brez nepotrebnega odlašanja kadar koli v treh mesecih ugotovi, ali in v kakšnem obsegu so podatki potrebni za namen, za katerega so bili poslani;
b) ne bo sporočala podatkov tretjim državam ali organom;
c) podatki se pošiljajo samo Sektorju za mednarodno policijsko sodelovanje, ne glede na drugi odstavek 7. člena;
d) prvi prejemnik lahko prenese podatke naprej le organom iz prvega odstavka 6. člena, in to pod enakimi pogoji, kot veljajo za prvi prenos;
e) namen sporočanja podatkov v posameznem primeru mora biti preprečevanje ali zatiranje kaznivih dejanj iz 3. člena;
f) če je podatke Europolu sporočila država članica Evropske unije, je možen njihov prenos samo s soglasjem države članice;
g) vsi pogoji za uporabo podatkov, ki jih navede Europol, se morajo upoštevati; če je podatke Europolu sporočila država članica Evropske unije in je postavila določene pogoje za uporabo teh podatkov, se morajo upoštevati tudi ti pogoji;
h) kadar se podatki pošiljajo na prošnjo, je treba obrazložiti razlog in namen prošnje;
i) podatki smejo biti uporabljeni samo za namen, za katerega so bili sporočeni, kar pa ne velja za sporočanje podatkov, potrebnih za poizvedbe Europola;
j) Slovenija popravi ali izbriše podatke, če se izkaže, da so nepravilni, netočni, zastareli ali ne bi bili smeli biti posredovani;
k) podatki se bodo izbrisali, če ne bodo več potrebni za namene, za katere so bili sporočeni.
3. Slovenija zagotovi, da so podatki, ki jih prejme od Europola, zaščiteni s tehničnimi in organizacijskimi ukrepi, ki zagotavljajo varnost podatkov na ravni, ki jo zahteva uresničevanje 25. člena Konvencije o Europolu.
4. Osebni podatki, ki razkrivajo rasno poreklo, politična, verska ali druga prepričanja ali zdravstveno stanje in spolno življenje, kot je navedeno v 6. členu Konvencije Sveta Evrope o zaščiti posameznikov glede na avtomatsko obdelavo osebnih podatkov z dne 28. januarja 1981, se pošljejo samo v nujnih primerih in poleg drugih podatkov.
5. Če ustrezna raven varstva podatkov ni več zagotovljena, osebni podatki ne bodo poslani.
6. Če Europol opazi, da so sporočeni podatki netočni, zastareli ali ne bi smeli biti sporočeni, o tem takoj obvesti Sektor za mednarodno policijsko sodelovanje. Europol od njega zahteva potrditev, da bodo podatki popravljeni ali zbrisani.
7. Europol vodi evidenco vseh sporočenih podatkov po tem členu in o razlogih za ta sporočanja.
8. Osebni podatki, ki jih je sporočil Europol, se ne smejo hraniti dlje kot skupno tri leta. Rok začne vsakokrat teči znova na dan dogodka, ki povzroči hrambo teh podatkov. Če zaradi uporabe tega odstavka skupen čas hrambe osebnih podatkov, ki jih je dal Europol, preseže tri leta, se potreba po nadaljnji hrambi preverja vsako leto.
10. člen
Ocena vira in informacije
1. Kadar Europol pošlje informacije na podlagi tega sporazuma, se vir informacij po možnosti označi po teh merilih:
a) kadar ni dvoma o verodostojnosti, zanesljivosti in pristojnosti vira ali če je informacijo dal vir, ki se je v preteklosti vedno izkazal za zanesljivega;
b) vir, katerega dosedanje informacije so se v večini primerov izkazale kot zanesljive;
c) vir, katerega dosedanje informacije so se v večini primerov izkazale kot nezanesljive;
d) zanesljivosti vira ni mogoče presoditi.
2. Kadar Europol pošlje informacije na podlagi tega sporazuma, se njihova zanesljivost po možnosti označi po teh merilih:
a) informacija, glede katere ni dvoma o njeni zanesljivosti;
b) informacija, ki jo pozna vir osebno, ne pozna pa je osebno uslužbenec, ki jo je dal naprej;
c) informacija, ki je vir osebno ne pozna, pač pa jo potrjuje že zapisana informacija;
d) informacija, ki je vir osebno ne pozna in je ni moč potrditi.
3. Kadar Slovenija pošlje informacije na podlagi tega sporazuma, v okviru možnosti označi zanesljivost vira in informacij po merilih iz prvega in drugega odstavka.
4. Če bo Europol ali Slovenija na podlagi informacij, ki jih že ima, ugotovil, da je treba oceno informacij, ki jih je dala druga stran, popraviti, bo to stran obvestil in z njo skušal doseči dogovor o spremembi ocene. Brez takšnega dogovora se ocena prejete informacije ne bo spremenila.
5. Če Europol od Slovenije prejme podatke ali informacije brez ocene, bo v okviru možnosti poskušal oceniti zanesljivost vira ali informacij na podlagi informacij, ki jih že ima.
6. Slovenija in Europol se lahko splošno sporazumeta o ocenjevanju določenih vrst podatkov in določenih virov, kar je opredeljeno v Memorandumu o soglasju med Europolom in Slovenijo. Takšne splošne sporazume mora odobriti Upravni odbor. Če so bili podatki poslani Europolu na podlagi takšnih sporazumov, se to ustrezno označi.
7. Če zanesljiva ocena ni mogoča ali če ni splošnega sporazuma, bo Europol informacijo ocenil, kot je določeno v točki d) prvega odstavka in točki d) drugega odstavka.
11. člen
Popravek in izbris podatkov, poslanih Europolu
1. Sektor za mednarodno policijsko sodelovanje obvesti Europol, kadar se informacije, prenesene Europolu, popravijo ali izbrišejo. Sektor za mednarodno policijsko sodelovanje v okviru možnosti obvesti Europol tudi, če utemeljeno domneva, da poslana informacija ni več točna ali je zastarela.
2. Kadar Sektor za mednarodno policijsko sodelovanje obvesti Europol, da je preneseno informacijo popravil ali izbrisal, Europol informacijo popravi ali izbriše v skladu z obvestilom. Europol se lahko odloči, da ne bo izbrisal informacije, če obstaja potreba po njeni dodatni obdelavi na podlagi obvestil, ki so obsežnejša od tistih, ki jih ima Slovenija. Europol obvesti Sektor za mednarodno policijsko sodelovanje, da bo tako informacijo hranil še naprej.
3. Če Europol utemeljeno domneva, da poslana informacija ni točna ali je zastarela, o tem obvesti Sektor za mednarodno policijsko sodelovanje. Sektor za mednarodno policijsko sodelovanje preveri podatke in obvesti Europol o izidu tega preverjanja. Če Europol v skladu s prvim odstavkom 20. člena in 22. členom konvencije popravi ali izbriše informacijo, o tem obvesti Sektor za mednarodno policijsko sodelovanje.
12. člen
Zaupnost Europolovih informacij
1. Za vse informacije, ki jih obdeluje Europol, razen informacij, ki so izrecno označene ali so nedvoumno prepoznavne kot javne, velja osnovna stopnja zaščite v Europolu in v državah članicah. Informacija, za katero velja samo osnovna stopnja zaščite, se ne označi z Europolovo stopnjo zaščite, ampak bo označena kot Europolova informacija.
2. Slovenija za vse informacije, ki jih pošlje Europol, v skladu s svojo notranjo zakonodajo in predpisi zagotovi osnovno stopnjo zaščite iz prvega odstavka, vključno z obveznostjo varovanja tajnosti in zaupnosti, tako da omeji dostop do informacij na pooblaščeno osebje, z zahtevami za varstvo osebnih podatkov in s splošnimi tehničnimi ter postopkovnimi ukrepi, ki zagotavljajo varnost informacij.
3. Za informacije, ki zahtevajo dodatno zaščito, velja Europolova stopnja zaščite, ki se posebej označi. Takšna stopnja zaščite se dodeli samo, če je to nujno in za potreben čas.
4. Europolove stopnje zaščite so označene z “Europolova stopnja 1 do 3“ in označujejo posebne zaščitne svežnje, ki se uporabljajo v Europolu. Svežnji ponujajo različne stopnje zaščite, ki je odvisna od vsebine informacije in možnih škodljivih posledic, ki bi jih za interese držav članic ali Europola utegnili imeti nepooblaščeni dostop, razširjanje ali uporaba informacije.
5. Slovenija se je seznanila z Europolovim Pravilnikom o zaupnosti in Varnostnim priročnikom ter se zavezuje, da bodo imele vse informacije, ki jih prejme od Europola z oznako “Europolova stopnja 1 do 3“, na njenem ozemlju stopnjo zaščite, ki je enakovredna tisti, ki je določena za te stopnje v Europolovem Pravilniku o zaupnosti in Varnostnem priročniku. Europol po potrebi obvesti Slovenijo o varnostnih ukrepih, povezanih z Europolovimi zaščitnimi stopnjami in zaščitnimi svežnji.
6. Slovenija zagotavlja, da so njene notranje določbe o varovanju informacij, ki so označene kot zaupne, ustrezna podlaga za zagotovitev stopnje zaščite informacij, prenesenih na podlagi tega sporazuma, ki je enaka tisti, ki jo določata Pravilnik o zaupnosti in Varnostni priročnik.
7. Sektor za mednarodno policijsko sodelovanje zagotovi, da bodo pooblastila za dostop do informacij, ki so označene kot zaupne, in njihovo varovanje spoštovali tudi drugi organi, katerim bodo v skladu s tem sporazumom preneseni podatki.
13. člen
Zaupnost informacij, poslanih Europolu
1. Sektor za mednarodno policijsko sodelovanje je glede informacij, poslanih Europolu, ne glede na drugi odstavek 7. člena odgovoren za izbiro ustrezne stopnje zaščite po 12. členu. Ko Sektor za mednarodno policijsko sodelovanje pošlje informacije Europolu, jih po potrebi označi z Europolovo stopnjo zaščite, kot je navedeno v četrtem odstavku 12. člena.
2. Pri izbiri stopnje zaščite Sektor za mednarodno policijsko sodelovanje upošteva razvrstitev informacij po slovenskih notranjih predpisih ter operativno prilagodljivost, potrebno za ustrezno delovanje Europola.
3. Če Europol na podlagi informacij, ki jih že ima, ugotovi, da je treba izbor stopnje zaščite spremeniti, bo o tem obvestil Sektor za mednarodno policijsko sodelovanje in se z njim skušal dogovoriti o ustrezni stopnji zaščite. Brez tega dogovora Europol ne bo določil ali spremenil stopnje zaščite.
4. Sektor za mednarodno policijsko sodelovanje lahko kadar koli zaprosi za spremembo izbrane stopnje zaščite, vključno z njenim morebitnim umikom. Europol mora spremeniti stopnjo zaščite v skladu z željami Sektorja za mednarodno policijsko sodelovanje. Takoj ko okoliščine to dovolijo, Sektor za mednarodno policijsko sodelovanje zaprosi za znižanje stopnje zaščite ali njeno odpravo.
5. Sektor za mednarodno policijsko sodelovanje lahko določi rok, do katerega bo veljala izbrana stopnja zaščite, in po poteku tega roka določi njene morebitne spremembe.
6. Če je bila informacija, katere stopnja zaščite se spreminja v skladu s tem členom, že poslana eni ali več članicam Evropske unije, jih Europol obvesti o tej spremembi.
14. člen
Oficirji za zvezo, ki zastopajo Slovenijo pri Europolu
1. Slovenija in Europol se strinjata, da bosta okrepila sodelovanje po tem sporazumu z namestitvijo enega ali več oficirjev za zvezo, ki zastopajo Slovenijo pri Europolu. Naloge, pravice in dolžnosti oficirjev za zvezo kot tudi podrobnosti o njihovi namestitvi pri Europolu in s tem povezanimi stroški, so določeni v prilogi 3, ki je del tega sporazuma.
2. Europol bo na svoje stroške in v svojih prostorih poskrbel za vse potrebno, kot sta službeni prostor in telekomunikacijska oprema za oficirja za zvezo. Telekomunikacijske stroške krije Slovenija.
3. Arhivi oficirja za zvezo so nedotakljivi za uslužbence Europola. Arhivi vključujejo vse evidence, korespondenco, dokumente, rokopise, računalniške zapise, fotografije, filme in zapise, ki pripadajo oficirju za zvezo ali so v njegovi posesti.
4. Slovenija zagotovi, da bodo imeli njeni oficirji za zvezo hiter in, če je to tehnično izvedljivo, neposreden dostop do nacionalnih zbirk podatkov, potrebnih za opravljanje njihovih nalog pri Europolu.
15. člen
Europolovi oficirji za zvezo v Sloveniji
1. Če bi bilo za nadaljnjo krepitev sodelovanja po tem sporazumu potrebno, se Slovenija in Europol sporazumeta, da se lahko en ali več Europolovih oficirjev za zvezo namesti v Sektorju za mednarodno policijsko sodelovanje ali pri drugem pristojnem organu, navedenem v 5. in 6. členu. O njihovi namestitvi v Sektorju za mednarodno policijsko sodelovanje se lahko Europol in Slovenija sporazumno dogovorita kadar koli. Naloge, pravice in dolžnosti Europolovih oficirjev za zvezo kot tudi podrobnosti o njihovi namestitvi v Sektorju za mednarodno policijsko sodelovanje in s tem povezanih stroških bodo določene v sporazumu o oficirjih za zvezo.
2. Sektor za mednarodno policijsko sodelovanje bo poskrbel za vse potrebno, kot sta službeni prostor in telekomunikacijska oprema oficirja za zvezo v prostorih Sektorja za mednarodno policijsko sodelovanje, in tudi kril stroške. Telekomunikacijske stroške krije Europol.
3. Premoženje in sredstva Europolovega oficirja za zvezo so izvzeta iz preiskave, zasega, zaplembe, odtujitvije in vsake druge oblike vmešavanja izvršilne, upravne, sodne ali zakonodajne narave ne glede na to, kje so ali kdo jih poseduje.
4. Slovenija dovoli oficirju za zvezo neovirano sporazumevanje za vse uradne namene in varuje to njegovo pravico. Oficir za zvezo ima pravico uporabljati šifre in oddajati ter sprejemati uradno korespondenco in druga uradna sporočila po kurirju ali v zapečatenih torbah, za katere veljajo isti privilegiji in imunitete kot za diplomatske kurirje in pošto.
5. Arhivi oficirja za zvezo so nedotakljivi. Vključujejo vse evidence, korespondenco, dokumente, rokopise, računalniške zapise, fotografije, filme in zapise, ki pripadajo oficirju za zvezo ali so v njegovi posesti.
6. Na ozemlju Slovenije bo Europolov oficir za zvezo užival iste privilegije in imunitete, kot jih Slovenija podeljuje članom osebja diplomatskih misij primerljivega ranga v Sloveniji.
16. člen
1. V skladu s svojim notranjim pravom je Slovenija odgovorna za vso škodo, povzročeno posamezniku, ki je posledica pravnih ali dejanskih napak v podatkih, izmenjanih z Europolom. Slovenija se ne bo zagovarjala s tem, da ji je Europol dal netočne podatke, da bi se izognila odgovornosti do oškodovanca po svoji notranji zakonodaji.
2. Če so pravne ali dejanske napake nastale kot posledica napačno danih podatkov ali zato, ker Europol ali katera od držav članic Evropske unije ali neka tretja država ali tretji organ ni izpolnil svojih obveznosti, mora Europol na zahtevo povrniti zneske, ki so bili plačani kot odškodnina po prvem odstavku, razen če je uporaba podatkov pomenila kršitev tega sporazuma.
3. V primerih, ko mora Europol državam članicam Evropske unije ali neki tretji državi ali organu plačati odškodnino oškodovancu in je škoda nastala zaradi tega, ker Slovenija ni izpolnila svojih obveznosti po tem sporazumu, mora Slovenija na zahtevo povrniti zneske, ki jih je Europol v obliki odškodnine izplačal državi članici, neki tretji državi ali tretjemu organu.
4. Slovenija in Europol drug od drugega ne zahtevata odškodnine za škodo po drugem in tretjem odstavku, če je bila odškodnina izplačana kot kazenska, zvišana ali kot druga nekompenzacijska odškodnina.
17. člen
Reševanje sporov
1. Vsak spor med Europolom in Slovenijo zaradi razlage ali uporabe tega sporazuma ali vsako vprašanje, ki vpliva na odnos med Europolom in Slovenijo in ni rešeno sporazumno, se na zahtevo ene od strank v sporu predloži razsodišču, sestavljenem iz treh razsodnikov, v dokončno rešitev. Vsaka stranka imenuje enega razsodnika. Tretjega razsodnika, ki je hkrati tudi predsednik razsodišča, izbereta prva dva razsodnika.
2. Če ena od strank ne imenuje razsodnika v dveh mesecih po zahtevi druge stranke, lahko druga stranka zaprosi predsednika Meddržavnega sodišča ali, če je ta odsoten, podpredsednika, da ga imenuje on.
3. Če se prva dva razsodnika ne bi sporazumela o tretjem v dveh mesecih po njunem imenovanju, lahko vsaka od strank zaprosi predsednika Meddržavnega sodišča ali, če je ta odsoten, podpredsednika, da ga imenuje on.
4. Če se stranki ne sporazumeta drugače, razsodišče določi svoj lastni postopek.
5. Razsodišče odloča z večino glasov. Če je število glasov enako, odloči predsednikov glas. Za stranki v sporu je odločitev dokončna.
6. Vsaka stranka si pridržuje pravico, da začasno preneha izpolnjevati svoje obveznosti po tem sporazumu, če se po prvem odstavku uporabi postopek, določen v tem členu, ali bi se ta postopek utegnil uporabiti ali v katerem koli drugem primeru, ko stranka meni, da so bile kršene obveznosti, ki jih ima po tem sporazumu druga stranka.
18. člen
Prenehanje veljavnosti
1. Vsaka pogodbenica lahko odpove ta sporazum s trimesečnim odpovednim rokom.
2. Če sporazum prenega veljati, se Europol in Slovenija dogovorita o nadaljnji uporabi in shranjevanju informacij, ki sta si jih že sporočili. Če dogovor ni dosežen, ima vsaka pogodbenica pravico zahtevati, da se informacije, ki jih je sporočila, izbrišejo.
19. člen
1. Europol in Slovenija lahko kadar koli soglasno spremenita sporazum v skladu s svojimi zakonskimi zahtevami.
2. Europol in Slovenija se o spremembah tega sporazuma posvetujeta na zahtevo enega od njiju.
20. člen
Začetek veljavnosti
Ta sporazum začne veljati z dnem, ko se pogodbenici po diplomatski poti uradno pisno obvestita, da so izpolnjeni njuni pravni pogoji.
Sestavljeno v Ljubljani dne 1. oktobra 2001 v dveh izvodih v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku, pri čemer sta obe besedili enako verodostojni.
Za Slovenijo
Dr. Rado Bohinc l. r.
Za Europol
Jürgen Storbeck l. r.
V prisotnosti predsedstva EU
Antoine Duquesne
minister za notranje zadeve Belgije
Glede na oblike kriminala, navedene v prvem odstavku 3. člena Sporazuma o sodelovanju med Republiko Slovenijo in Evropskim policijskim uradom, v tem sporazumu:
– “trgovina s prepovedanimi drogami“ pomeni kazniva dejanja, navedena v prvem odstavku 3. člena Konvencije Združenih narodov proti prepovedani trgovini z mamili in psihotropnimi substancami z dne 19. decembra 1988 in v določbah, ki spreminjajo ali nadomeščajo to konvencijo;
– “trgovina z jedrskimi in radioaktivnimi snovmi“ pomeni kazniva dejanja, navedena v prvem odstavku 7. člena Konvencije o fizičnem varovanju jedrskega materiala, podpisane na Dunaju in v New Yorku 3. marca 1980 in nanašajoče se na jedrske in/ali radioaktivne snovi, opredeljene v 197. členu Pogodbe o ustanovitvi Evropski skupnosti za atomsko energijo (Euratom) in v Euratomovi direktivi št. 80/836 z dne 15. julija 1980;
– “nezakonito tihotapljenje priseljencev“ pomeni dejavnosti, ki so za finančni dobiček namerno namenjene omogočanju vstopa na ozemlja držav članic Evropske unije ali Slovenije ter omogočanju bivanja ali zaposlitve na ozemlju teh držav proti pravilom in pogojem, ki veljajo v državah članicah ali Sloveniji;
– “trgovina z ljudmi“ pomeni izpostavljenost osebe dejanskemu in nezakonitemu vplivu drugih oseb z uporabo nasilja ali groženj ali z zlorabo položaja ali z goljufijo, še posebej z namenom izkoriščanja oseb za prostitucijo, drugih oblik spolnega izkoriščanja in napadov na mladoletne osebe ali z namenom trgovine z zapuščenimi otroki. Te oblike izkoriščanja vključujejo tudi proizvodnjo, prodajo ali razširjanje gradiva z otroško pornografijo;
– “kriminal, povezan z motornimi vozili“ pomeni tatvine ali odtujitve motornih in tovornih vozil, polpriklopnikov, tovora tovornih vozil ali polpriklopnikov, avtobusov, motorjev, bivalnih prikolic, kmetijskih vozil, delovnih vozil in delov teh vozil ter sprejemanje ali skrivanje takšnih predmetov;
– “ponarejanje denarja in plačilnih sredstev“ pomeni dejanja, opredeljena v 3. členu Ženevske konvencije o zatiranju ponarejanja denarja (2) z dne 20. aprila 1929, ki se nanaša na gotovino in druga plačilna sredstva;
– “pranje denarja“ pomeni kazniva dejanja, navedena v prvem do tretjem odstavku 6. člena Konvencije Sveta Evrope o pranju, odkrivanju, zasegu in zaplembi premoženjske koristi, pridobljene s kaznivim dejanjem, podpisane 8. novembra 1990 v Strasbourgu.
kot je omenjena v 6. členu Sporazuma med Republiko Slovenijo in Evropskim policijskim uradom
Organi odkrivanja in pregona v Sloveniji, ki so po notranjem pravu odgovorni za preprečevanje in zatiranje kaznivih dejanj, navedenih v prvem odstavku 3. člena Sporazuma med Slovenijo in Europolom, so:
Generalna policijska uprava
Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve
Štefanova 2
1000 Ljubljana
Ministrstvo za finance
Cankarjeva 5
1000 Ljubljana
Generalni carinski urad
Ministrstvo za finance
Šmartinska 55
1000 Ljubljana
kot je omenjena v 14. členu Sporazuma med Republiko Slovenijo in Evropskim policijskim uradom
Republika Slovenija, v nadaljevanju Slovenija, in Evropski policijski urad, v nadaljevanju Europol, sta se
glede na 14. člen sporazuma med njima,
upoštevaje, da je potrebno določiti podrobnosti o nalogah, pravicah in dolžnostih oficirjev za zvezo, nameščenih pri Europolu,
1. člen
Naloge oficirja za zvezo
Naloga oficirja za zvezo je, da podpira in usklajuje sodelovanje med Europolom in Slovenijo. Oficir za zvezo je še posebej odgovoren za podpiranje stikov med Europolom in Slovenijo in omogočanje izmenjave informacij.
2. člen
Status oficirja za zvezo
1. Oficir za zvezo je uradni predstavnik Slovenije v Europolu. Europol mu v okviru možnosti pomaga pri bivanju na Nizozemskem in če je potrebno, sodeluje z ustreznimi nizozemskimi organi pri zadevah, povezanih s privilegiji in imunitetami.
2. Oficir za zvezo predstavlja slovenske službe, odgovorne za preprečevanje in zatiranje kaznivih dejanj po tem sporazumu.
3. člen
Metode dela
1. Izmenjava informacij med Europolom in oficirjem za zvezo poteka samo po določbah tega sporazuma.
2. Oficir za zvezo se običajno neposredno sporazumeva z Europolom prek predstavnikov, ki jih v ta namen določi Europol. Nima neposrednega dostopa do Europolovih zbirk podatkov.
4. člen
1. Slovenija zagotavlja, da je oficir za zvezo izbran s preverjanjem na ustrezni državni ravni tako, da je sposoben obdelati informacije, ki jih je poslal Europol ali so poslane prek njega, in za katere velja posebna zahteva po tajnosti v skladu z 12. členom sporazuma.
2. Europol bo pomagal oficirju za zvezo zagotoviti ustrezna sredstva za izpolnitev vseh zahtev, povezanih z varstvom zaupnosti informacij, izmenjanih z Europolom.
5. člen
Upravne zadeve
1. Oficir za zvezo upošteva Europolova notranja pravila brez poseganja v notranje pravo svoje države. Pri opravljanju svojih dolžnosti se podreja svojemu notranjemu pravu o varstvu podatkov.
2. Oficir za zvezo obvešča Europol o svojem delovnem času in o podrobnostih glede stikov v nujnih primerih. Prav tako obvesti Europol o vsaki daljši odsotnosti s sedeža Europola.
6. člen
Odgovornost in spori
1. Slovenija je odgovorna za vsako škodo, ki jo povzroči oficir za zvezo na premoženju Europola. Slovenija bo vsako tako škodo takoj povrnila na podlagi Europolove utemeljene zahteve. Ob nesoglasju zaradi plačila se lahko uporabi 17. člen sporazuma.
2. Če pride do spora med Slovenijo in Europolom ali med oficirjem za zvezo in Europolom, ima direktor Europola pravico prepovedati oficirju za zvezo dostop do zgradbe Europola ali mu dovoliti dostop samo pod posebnimi pogoji ali s posebnimi omejitvami.
3. Če je spor med Europolom in oficirjem za zvezo resen, ima direktor Europola pravico od Slovenije zahtevati njegovo zamenjavo.
Svet Evropske unije je na svojem sestanku 27. in 28. septembra dosegel politično soglasje za pooblastitev direktorja Europola, da podpiše sporazum o sodelovanju med Slovenijo in Europolom;
vendar pa se ni bilo mogoče odločiti o formalni pooblastitvi za sklenitev tega sporazuma zaradi pridržka, ki ga je dal parlament ene od držav članic;
ta pridržek parlamenta ni mogel biti dvignjen pravočasno za slovesni podpis trenutnega sporazuma med Slovenijo in Europolom;
posledično podpis sporazuma in sporazum sam ne bosta imela formalne pravne veljave, dokler Svet formalno ne sprejme odločitve za pooblastitev direktorja Europola, da podpiše sporazum;
posledično tudi trenutni sporazum ne more biti izvrševan na noben način, dokler direktor Europola ne obvesti slovenskih organov, da je Svet soglasno odločil, v skladu z veljavnim predpisom, da je sporazum lahko sklenjen. Za datum sklenitve tega sporazuma se bo štel dan, ko je Svet sprejel zgoraj omenjeno odločitev.
Za Slovenijo
Dr. Rado Bohinc l. r.
Za predsedstvo EU
Antoine Duquesne l. r.
Za Europol
Jürgen Storbeck l. r.
(1) OJ 2000/C 106/01
(2) OJ 1999/C 26/03
The Republic of Slovenia, hereafter referred to as Slovenia, and the European Police Office, hereafter referred to as Europol,
considering the interest of both Slovenia and Europol in developing a close and dynamic co-operation to meet the present and future challenges posed by international crime;
considering that the Council of the European Union has given Europol the authorisation to enter into negotiations on a co-operation Agreement with Slovenia on 27 March 2000(1) and that the Council of the European Union has concluded on 28 May 2001 that there are no obstacles to include the transmission of personal data from Europol to Slovenia in the Agreement;
Have agreed as follows:
Article 1
For the purpose of this Agreement:
a) Convention means the Convention based on Article K.3 of the Treaty on European Union on the establishment of a European Police Office (Europol Convention);
b) personal data means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person: an identifiable person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identification number or to one or more factors specific to his physical, physiological, mental, economic, cultural or social identity;
c) processing of personal data (processing) means any operation or set of operations which is performed upon personal data, whether or not by automatic means, such as collection, recording, organisation, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, blocking, erasure or destruction;
d) information means personal and non-personal data.
Article 2
Purpose of the Agreement
The purpose of this Agreement is to enhance the co-operation of the Member States of the European Union, acting through Europol, and Slovenia in the combating of serious forms of international crime in the areas mentioned in Article 3 of this Agreement, in particular through the exchange of both strategic and operational information.
Article 3
Areas of criminality to which the Agreement applies
1. The co-operation as established in this Agreement shall, in line with Europol’s and Slovenia’s co-operation interest in the particular case, relate to:
a) unlawful drug trafficking;
b) trafficking in nuclear and radioactive substances;
c) illegal immigrant smuggling;
d) trade in human beings;
e) motor vehicle crime;
f) crimes committed or likely to be committed in the course of terrorist activities against life, limb, personal freedom or property;
g) forgery of money and means of payment;
as well as to illegal money laundering activities in connection with these forms of crime or specific manifestations thereof and related criminal offences.
2. Related criminal offences shall be the criminal offences committed in order to procure the means for perpetrating the criminal acts mentioned in paragraph 1, criminal offences committed in order to facilitate or carry out such acts, and criminal offences to ensure the impunity of such acts.
3. Where Europol’s mandate is changed in any way, Europol may, from the date when the change to Europol’s mandate enters into force, suggest the applicability of this Agreement in relation to the new mandate to Slovenia in writing. In so doing, Europol shall inform Slovenia of all relevant issues related to the change of the mandate. The Agreement shall extend to the new mandate as of the date on which Europol receives the written acceptance of the proposal by Slovenia. Europol shall only be bound by its proposal for a period of three months following the dispatch of the proposal.
4. The forms of criminality mentioned in paragraph 1 a) to e) and g) are defined in Annex 1 to this Agreement. Whenever a change to the mandate referred to in paragraph 3 entails the acceptance of a definition of another form of crime, such a definition shall also be applicable where this form of criminality becomes part of this Agreement in accordance with paragraph 3. Europol shall inform Slovenia if and when the definition of an area of criminality is amplified, amended or supplemented. The new definition shall be applicable for Slovenia as of the date on which Europol receives the written acceptance of the definition by Slovenia.
Article 4
Areas of co-operation
The co-operation may – in addition to the exchange of operational information – involve all other tasks of Europol mentioned in the Europol Convention, in particular the exchange of specialist knowledge, strategic intelligence, general situation reports, information on investigative procedures, information on crime prevention methods, participation in training activities as well as providing advice and support in individual investigations.
Article 5
National contact point
1. Slovenia designates the Sector for International Police Co-operation at the Criminal Police Directorate of the General Police Directorate within the Ministry of the Interior to act as the national contact point between Europol and other competent authorities of Slovenia.
2. High level meetings between Europol and the Slovenian law enforcement authorities as referred to in Article 6 (1) shall take place at least once a year and as necessary to discuss issues relating to this Agreement and the co-operation in general.
3. A representative of the Sector for International Police Co-operation may be invited to attend the meetings of the Heads of Europol National Units.
Article 6
Competent authorities
1. The law enforcement authorities in Slovenia responsible under national law for preventing and combating the criminal offences specified under Article 3 (1) are listed in Annex 2 to this Agreement. Slovenia will notify Europol of any changes to this list within three months after such changes come into effect, and will regularly inform Europol of any other competent authorities to whom data have been supplied in accordance with this Agreement.
2. Slovenia shall, through the Sector for International Police Co-operation, supply Europol, on its request, with all information concerning the internal organisation, tasks, and data protection arrangements of the authorities mentioned in this Article.
Article 7
Exchange of Information
1. Exchange of information between Europol and Slovenia shall only take place for the purpose of and in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement.
2. The exchange of information as specified in this Agreement shall in principle take place between Europol and the Sector for International Police Co-operation. Slovenia shall ensure that the Sector for International Police Co-operation is available around the clock and that there is a direct link between the Sector for International Police Co-operation and the competent authorities as mentioned in Article 6 (1), including the national bodies responsible for international police co-operation. Where in a particular case for reasons of urgency the information exchange takes place with another competent authority as mentioned in Article 6 (1), the Sector for International Police Co-operation shall be informed by Europol as soon as possible if that information was sent by Europol.
3. Europol shall only supply information to Slovenia which was collected, stored and transmitted in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Convention and its implementing regulations.
4. Slovenia shall only supply information to Europol that was collected, stored and transmitted in accordance with its national legislation. Within this context Europol shall be bound by Article 4, paragraph 4 of the Council Act of 3 November 1998 laying down rules concerning the receipt of information by Europol(2).
5. Individuals shall have the right to have access to data related to them transmitted under this Agreement, or to have such data checked, in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Europol Convention or the national legislation of Slovenia. In cases where this right is exercised, the transmitting party shall be consulted before a final decision on the request is taken.
Article 8
Supply of information to Europol
1. Slovenia shall notify Europol, at the moment of supply of information or before, of the purpose for which the information is supplied and of any restriction on its use, deletion or destruction, including possible access restrictions in general or specific terms. Where the need for such restrictions becomes apparent after the supply, Slovenia will inform Europol of such restrictions at a later stage.
2. After receipt, Europol shall determine without undue delay, whenever possible within three months of receipt, if and to what extent personal data which have been supplied may be included in Europol’s data files, in accordance with the purpose for which they were supplied by Slovenia. Europol shall notify Slovenia as soon as possible after it has been decided that data will not be included. Personal data which have been transmitted will be deleted, destroyed or returned, if such data are not, or no longer, necessary for Europol’s tasks or if no decision has been taken on their inclusion in a Europol data file within six months after receipt.
3. Europol shall be responsible for ensuring that the personal data as mentioned in paragraph 2, until they have been included in a Europol data file, may only be accessed by a Europol official duly authorised for the purpose of determining whether or not the data may be included in a Europol data file.
If Europol, after appraisal, has reason to assume that data supplied are not accurate or no longer up to date, it shall inform Slovenia thereof. Slovenia shall verify the data and inform Europol on the outcome of such verification.
Article 9
Supply of personal data by Europol
1. Where personal data are transmitted at the request of Slovenia, the personal data may only be used for the purposes following the request. Where personal data are transmitted without a specific request, at the moment of transmission of information or before, the purpose for which the data were transmitted shall be indicated, and any restriction on its use, deletion or destruction, including possible access restrictions in general or specific terms. Where the need for such restrictions becomes apparent after the supply, Europol will inform Slovenia of such restrictions at a later stage.
2. Slovenia shall comply with the following conditions for all transmissions of personal data by Europol to Slovenia:
a) after receipt, Slovenia shall determine without undue delay, whenever possible within three months of receipt, if and to what extent the data which have been supplied are necessary for the purpose for which they were supplied;
b) the data will not be communicated by Slovenia to third States or bodies;
c) the data shall only be supplied to the Sector for International Police Co-operation, without prejudice to Article 7 (2);
d) onward transmission of the data by the initial recipient shall be restricted to the authorities mentioned in Article 6 (1) and shall take place under the same conditions as those applying to the original transmission;
e) the supply must be necessary in individual cases for the purpose of preventing or combating the criminal offences outlined in Article 3;
f) if the data have been communicated to Europol by a Member State of the European Union, the data may only be transmitted with that Member State’s consent;
g) any conditions on the use of the data specified by Europol must be respected; if the data have been communicated to Europol by a Member State of the European Union, and that Member State has stipulated any conditions on the use of such data, these conditions must be respected;
h) when data are supplied on request, the request for the information must specify indications as to the purpose of and the reason for the request;
i) the data may be used only for the purpose for which they were communicated; this shall not apply to communication of data required for a Europol enquiry;
j) the data will be corrected and deleted by Slovenia if it emerges that they are incorrect, inaccurate, no longer up to date or should not have been transmitted;
k) the data will be deleted when they are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were transmitted.
3. Slovenia shall ensure that the data received from Europol are protected through technical and organisational measures assuring a level of data security which is equivalent to the level which follows from implementation of Article 25 of the Europol Convention.
4. Personal data revealing racial origin, political opinions or religious or other beliefs, or concerning health and sexual life as referred to in Article 6 of the Council of Europe Convention for the protection of individuals with regard to the automatic processing of personal data of 28 January 1981 shall only be supplied in absolutely necessary cases and in addition to other data.
5. No personal data will be supplied where an adequate level of data protection is no longer guaranteed.
6. Where Europol notes that the personal data transmitted are inaccurate, no longer up to date, or should not have been transmitted, it shall inform the Sector for International Police Co-operation thereof forthwith. Europol shall request the Sector for International Police Co-operation to confirm to Europol that the data will be corrected or deleted.
7. Europol shall keep a record of all communications of data under this Article and of the grounds for such communications.
8. Storage of personal data transmitted from Europol may not exceed a total of three years. Each time limit shall begin to run afresh on the date on which an event leading to the storage of that data occurs. If through the application of this paragraph the total storage period of personal data transmitted from Europol exceeds three years, the need for continued storage shall be reviewed annually.
Article 10
Assessment of the source and of the information
1. When information is supplied by Europol on the basis of this Agreement, the source of the information shall be indicated as far as possible on the basis of the following criteria:
A) Where there is no doubt of the authenticity, trustworthiness and competence of the source, or if the information is supplied by a source who, in the past, has proved to be reliable in all instances.
B) Source from whom information received has in most instances proved to be reliable.
C) Source from whom information received has in most instances proved to be unreliable.
D) The reliability of the source cannot be assessed.
2. When information is supplied by Europol on the basis of this Agreement, the reliability of the information shall be indicated as far as possible on the basis of the following criteria:
(1) Information whose accuracy is not in doubt.
(2) Information known personally to the source but not known personally to the official passing it on.
(3) Information not known personally to the source but corroborated by other information already recorded.
(4) Information which is not known personally to the source and cannot be corroborated.
3. Slovenia shall, when supplying information on the basis of this Agreement, indicate, as far as possible, the source of the information and its reliability on the basis of the criteria specified in paragraphs 1 and 2.
4. If Europol or Slovenia – on the basis of information already in its possession – comes to the conclusion that the assessment of information supplied by the other party needs correction, it will inform the other party and attempt to agree on an amendment to the assessment. Neither Europol nor Slovenia will change the assessment of information received without such agreement.
5. If Europol receives data or information from Slovenia without an assessment, Europol shall attempt as far as possible to assess the reliability of the source or the information on the basis of information already in its possession.
6. Slovenia and Europol may agree in general terms on the assessment of specified types of data and specified sources, which shall be laid down in a Memorandum of Understanding between Europol and Slovenia. Such general agreements have to be approved by the Management Board. If data have been supplied to Europol on the basis of such general agreements, this shall be noted with the data.
7. If no reliable assessment can be made, or no agreement in general terms exists, Europol will evaluate the information as at paragraph 1 (D) and 2 (4) above.
Article 11
Correction and deletion of data supplied to Europol
1. The Sector for International Police Co-operation shall inform Europol when information transmitted to Europol is corrected or deleted. The Sector for International Police Co-operation shall also inform Europol as far as possible when it has reason to assume that the information supplied is not accurate or no longer up to date.
2. When the Sector for International Police Co-operation informs Europol that it has corrected or deleted information transmitted to Europol, Europol shall correct or delete the information accordingly. Europol may decide not to delete the information if it, based on intelligence that is more extensive than that possessed by Slovenia, has further need to process that information. Europol shall inform the Sector for International Police Co-operation of the continued storage of such information.
3. If Europol has reason to assume that information supplied is not accurate or no longer up to date, it shall inform the Sector for International Police Co-operation. The Sector for International Police Co-operation shall verify the data and inform Europol on the outcome of such verification. In case information is corrected or deleted by Europol in conformity with Article 20 (1) and 22 of the Convention, Europol shall inform the Sector for International Police Co-operation of the correction or deletion.
Article 12
Confidentiality of Europol information
1. All information processed by or through Europol, except information which is expressly marked or is clearly recognisable as being public information, is subject to a basic level of security within the Europol organisation as well as in the Member States. Information which is only subject to the basic level of security does not require a specific marking of a Europol security level, but will be designated as Europol information.
2. Slovenia shall ensure the basic protection level mentioned in paragraph 1 for all information supplied by Europol, by a variety of measures in accordance with national legislation and regulations, including the obligation of discretion and confidentiality, limiting access to information to authorised personnel, data protection requirements as far as personal data is concerned and general technical and procedural measures to safeguard the security of the information.
3. Information requiring additional security measures is subject to a Europol security level, which is indicated by a specific marking. Information is assigned such a security level only where strictly necessary and for the time necessary.
4. The Europol security levels are numbered “Europol level 1 to 3“, and relate to a specific security package which is applied within the Europol organisation. The security packages offer different levels of protection, depending on the content of the information, and taking account of the detrimental effect unauthorised access, dissemination or use of the information might have on the interests of the Member States or Europol.
5. Slovenia has taken note of the Confidentiality Regulations and Security Manual for Europol, and commits itself to ensuring that all information supplied to it by Europol which is marked “Europol level 1 to 3” will receive within its territory a level of protection which is equivalent to that specified for these levels in the Confidentiality Regulations and Security Manual for Europol. Europol shall inform Slovenia, as far as necessary, of the protection measures associated with the Europol security levels and packages.
6. Slovenia guarantees that its national provisions on the protection of protectively marked information provide an adequate basis for ensuring a level of protection for information transmitted in accordance with this Agreement which is equivalent to that provided for in the Confidentiality Regulations and Security Manual.
7. The Sector for International Police Co-operation shall be responsible for ensuring that access authorisations to and protection of protectively marked information will also be complied with by other authorities to whom data may be transmitted in accordance with this Agreement.
Article 13
Confidentiality of information supplied to Europol
1. Without prejudice to Article 7 (2), the Sector for International Police Co-operation shall be responsible for the choice of the appropriate security level in accordance with Article 12 for information supplied to Europol. The Sector for International Police Co-operation shall, where necessary, mark the information with a Europol security level as mentioned in Article 12 (4), when supplying it to Europol.
2. In choosing the security level, the Sector for International Police Co-operation shall take account of the classification of the information under its national regulations, as well as the need for the operational flexibility required for an adequate functioning of Europol.
3. If Europol – on the basis of information already in its possession – comes to the conclusion that the choice of security level needs amendment, it will inform the Sector for International Police Co-operation and attempt to agree on an appropriate security level. Europol will not specify or change a security level without such agreement.
4. The Sector for International Police Co-operation may at any time request an amendment of the chosen security level, including a possible removal of such a level. Europol shall be obliged to amend the security level in accordance with the wishes of the Sector for international Police co- operation. The Sector for International Police Co-operation shall, as soon as circumstances allow this, ask for amendment of the security level to a lower one or its removal.
5. The Sector for International Police Co-operation may specify the time period for which the choice of security level will apply, and any possible amendments to the security level after such period.
6. Where information of which the security level is amended in accordance with this Article has already been supplied to one or more of the Member States of the European Union, Europol shall inform these recipients of the change of security level.
Article 14
Liaison officers representing Slovenia at Europol
1. Slovenia and Europol agree to enhance the co-operation as laid down in this Agreement through the stationing of (one or more) liaison officer(s) representing Slovenia at Europol. The liaison officers’ tasks, rights and obligations as well as details regarding their stationing with Europol and the costs involved are laid down in Annex 3 which is part of this Agreement.
2. Europol will arrange for all necessary facilities, such as office space and telecommunications equipment to be provided to such liaison officers within the premises of Europol, at the cost of Europol. The costs of telecommunication shall however be borne by Slovenia.
3. The archives of the liaison officer shall be inviolable from any interference by Europol officials. These archives shall include all records, correspondence, documents, manuscripts, computer records, photographs, films and recordings belonging to or held by the liaison officer.
4. Slovenia shall ensure that its liaison officers have speedy and, where technically feasible, direct access to the national databases necessary for them to fulfil their task while stationed at Europol.
Article 15
Europol Liaison Officers in Slovenia
1. If required for a further enhancement of the co-operation as laid down in this Agreement, Slovenia and Europol agree that (one or more) Europol liaison officer(s) can be stationed with the Sector for International Police Co-operation (or other competent authorities) indicated at Article 5 and 6. The stationing of (a) Europol liaison officer(s) with the Sector for International Police Co-operation may be agreed by mutual consent between Europol and Slovenia at any time. The Europol liaison officers’ tasks, rights and obligations as well as details regarding their stationing with the Sector for International Police Co-operation and the costs involved will be laid down in a liaison agreement.
2. The Sector for International Police Co-operation will arrange for all necessary facilities, such as office space and telecommunications equipment to be provided to such liaison officers within the premises of the Sector for International Police Co-operation, at the cost of the Sector for International Police Co-operation. The costs of telecommunication shall however be borne by Europol.
3. The property and assets of the Europol liaison officer, wherever located and by whomsoever held, shall be immune from search, requisition, confiscation, expropriation and any other form of interference whether by executive, administrative, judicial or legislative action.
4. Slovenia shall permit the liaison officer to communicate freely for all official purposes and protect his right to do so. The liaison officer shall have the right to use codes and to dispatch and receive official correspondence and other official communications by courier or in sealed bags, which shall be subject to the same privileges and immunities as diplomatic couriers and bags.
5. The archives of the liaison officer shall be inviolable. These archives shall include all records, correspondence, documents, manuscripts, computer records, photographs, films and recordings belonging to or held by the liaison officer.
6. Within the territory of Slovenia the Europol liaison officer will enjoy the same privileges and immunities as those accorded by Slovenia to members, having comparable rank, of staff of diplomatic missions established in Slovenia.
Article 16
1. Slovenia shall be liable, in accordance with its national law, for any damage caused to an individual as a result of legal or factual errors in data exchanged with Europol. Slovenia shall not plead that Europol had transmitted inaccurate data in order to avoid its liability under its national legislation vis-ŕ-vis an injured party.
2. If these legal or factual errors occurred as a result of data erroneously communicated or of failure on the part of Europol or one of the Member States of the European Union or another third state or third body to comply with their obligations, Europol shall be bound to repay, on request, the amounts paid as compensations under paragraph 1 above, unless the data were used in breach of this Agreement.
3. In cases where Europol is obliged to repay to Member States of the European Union or another third state or third body amounts awarded as compensation for damages to an injured party, and the damages are due to Slovenia’s failure to comply with its obligations under this Agreement, Slovenia shall be bound to repay, on request, the amounts which Europol paid to a Member State or to another third state or third body to make up for the amounts it paid in compensation.
4. Slovenia and Europol shall not require each other to pay compensation for damages under paragraphs 2 and 3 above to the extent that the compensation for damages was enforced as punitive, increased or other non-compensatory damages.
Article 17
Settlement of Disputes
1. Any dispute between Europol and Slovenia concerning the interpretation or application of this Agreement, or any question affecting the relationship between Europol and Slovenia, which is not settled amicably, shall be referred for final decision to a tribunal of three arbitrators, at the request of either party to the dispute. Each party shall appoint one arbitrator. The third, who shall be chairman of the tribunal, is to be chosen by the first two arbitrators.
2. If one of the parties fails to appoint an arbitrator within two months following a request from the other party to make such an appointment, the other party may request the President of the International Court of Justice or in his absence the Vice-President to make such an appointment.
3. Should the first two arbitrators fail to agree upon the third within two months following their appointment, either party may request the President of the International Court of Justice, or in his absence the Vice-President, to make such appointment.
4. Unless the parties agree otherwise, the tribunal shall determine its own procedure.
5. The tribunal shall reach its decision by a majority of votes. In case of equality of votes, the Chairman shall have a casting vote. The decision shall be final and binding on the parties to the dispute.
6. Each party reserves the right to suspend its obligations under this Agreement where the procedure laid down in this Article is applied or might be applied in accordance with paragraph 1, or in any other case where a party is of the opinion that the obligations incumbent on the other party under this Agreement have been breached.
Article 18
Termination of the Agreement
1. This Agreement may be terminated by each party with three months’ notice.
2. In case of termination, Europol and Slovenia shall reach agreement on the continued use and storage of the information that has already been communicated between them. If no agreement is reached, either of the two parties is entitled to require that the information which it has communicated be deleted.
Article 19
1. This Agreement may be amended by mutual consent between Europol and Slovenia at any time in accordance with their respective statutory requirements.
2. Europol and Slovenia shall enter into consultations with respect to the amendment of this Agreement at the request of either of them.
Article 20
Entry into force
This Agreement shall enter into force on the date on which the Parties have notified each other in writing through diplomatic channels that their legal requirements have been complied with.
Done at Ljubljana this first day of October two thousand and one, in duplicate in the Slovenian and English languages, each text being equally authentic.
For Slovenia
Dr. Rado Bohinc (s)
For Europol
Jürgen Storbeck (s)
In presence of the Presidency of the European Union
Antoine Duquesne
Minister of Interior of Belgium
With regard to the forms of crime listed in Article 3 (1) of the Co-operation Agreement between Slovenia and Europol, for the purposes of this Agreement:
– “unlawful drug trafficking“ means the criminal offences listed in Article 3 (1) of the United Nations Convention of 20 December 1988 against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances and in the provisions amending or replacing that Convention;
– “trafficking in nuclear and radioactive substances“ means the criminal offences listed in Article 7(1) of the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material, signed at Vienna and New York on 3 March 1980, and relating to the nuclear and/or radioactive materials defined in Article 197 of the Euratom Treaty and Directive 80/836 Euratom of 15 July 1980;
– “illegal immigrant smuggling“ means activities intended deliberately to facilitate, for financial gain, the entry into, residence or employment in the territory of the Member States of the European Union or Slovenia, contrary to the rules and conditions applicable in the Member States or Slovenia;
– “trade in human beings“ means subjection of a person to the real and illegal sway of other persons by using violence or menaces or by abuse of authority or intrigue, especially with a view to the exploitation of prostitution, forms of sexual exploitation and assault of minors or trade in abandoned children. These forms of exploitation also include the production, sale or distribution of child-pornography material;
– “motor vehicle crime“ means the theft or misappropriation of motor vehicles, lorries, semi-trailers, the loads of lorries or semi-trailers, buses, motorcycles, caravans and agricultural vehicles, works vehicles, and the spare parts for such vehicles, and the receiving and concealing of such objects;
– “forgery of money and means of payment” means the acts defined in Article 3 of the Geneva Convention of 20 April 1929 on the Suppression of Counterfeiting Currency (2), which applies to both cash and other means of payments;
– “illegal money-laundering activities“ means the criminal offences listed in Article 6 (1) to (3) of the Council of Europe Convention on Laundering, Search, Seizure and Confiscation of the Proceeds from Crime, signed at Strasbourg on 8 November 1990.
The law enforcement authorities in Slovenia responsible under national law for preventing and combating the criminal offences specified under Article 3 (1) of the Agreement between Slovenia and Europol are:
General Police Directorate
Ministry of the Interior
Štefanova 2
1000 Ljubljana
Ministry of Finance
Cankarjeva 5
1000 Ljubljana
General Customs Directorate
Ministry of Finance
Šmartinska 55
1000 Ljubljana
The Republic of Slovenia, hereafter referred to as Slovenia, and the European Police Office, hereafter referred to as Europol,
Having regard to Article 14 of the Agreement between them,
Considering that it is necessary to lay down the details concerning the tasks, rights and obligations of Liaison Officers of Slovenia stationed at Europol,
Have agreed as follows:
Article 1
Tasks of the Liaison Officer
It shall be the task of the Liaison Officer to support and co-ordinate the co-operation between Europol and Slovenia. In particular, the Liaison Officer shall be responsible for supporting contacts between Europol and Slovenia and facilitating the exchange of information.
Article 2
Status of the Liaison Officer
1. The Liaison Officer shall be regarded as a formal representative of Slovenia with respect to Europol. Europol shall facilitate the Liaison Officer’s stay within the Netherlands as far as this is within its possibilities; it shall in particular co-operate with the appropriate Dutch authorities in matters of privileges and immunities, as far as necessary.
2. The Liaison Officer shall be a representative of the services in Slovenia responsible for preventing and combating criminal offences within the meaning of this Agreement.
Article 3
Working methods
1. Any exchange of information between Europol and the Liaison Officer shall only take place in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement.
2. When exchanging information, the Liaison Officer shall normally communicate directly with Europol through representatives appointed for this purpose by Europol. He shall not have direct access to Europol data files.
Article 4
1. Slovenia shall ensure that the Liaison Officer is screened at the appropriate national level for the Liaison Officer to be able to handle information supplied by or through Europol which is subject to a particular requirement of confidentiality, in accordance with Article 12 of the Agreement.
2. Europol will assist the Liaison Officer in providing for adequate resources to fulfil any requirements relating to the protection of the confidentiality of information exchanged with Europol.
Article 5
Administrative issues
1. The Liaison Officer shall comply with Europol’s internal rules, without prejudice to his national law. In performing his duties, he shall be subject to his own national law on data protection.
2. The Liaison Officer shall keep Europol informed of his working hours and contact details in cases of emergency. He shall also inform Europol of any extended stay away from Europol’s Headquarters.
Article 6
Liability and cases of conflict
1. Slovenia shall be liable for any damages caused by the Liaison Officer to Europol’s property. Any such damages will be promptly repaid by Slovenia, on the basis of a duly substantiated request by Europol. In case of disagreement concerning a repayment, Article 17 of the Agreement may be followed.
2. In cases of conflict between Slovenia and Europol, or between the Liaison Officer and Europol, the Director of Europol will be entitled to prohibit access to the Europol building by the Liaison Officer, or to grant such access only under particular conditions or restrictions.
3. Where there is a serious conflict between Europol and the Liaison Officer, the Director of Europol is entitled to submit a request to the Slovenian authorities for his replacement.
The Council of the European Union, at its meeting of 27 and 28 September, reached political agreement to authorise the Director of Europol to sign the co-operation Agreement between Slovenia and Europol;
Nevertheless a formal authorisation to conclude this Agreement could not be decided upon as a consequence of a parliamentary reservation of one of the Member States;
This parliamentary reservation could not be lifted in time for the signature ceremony of the current Agreement between Slovenia and Europol;
Consequently the signature of the Agreement and the Agreement itself will not have formal legal value until the Council also formally adopts the decision to authorise the Director of Europol to sign the Agreement;
Consequently also the current Agreement can not be implemented in any way, until the Director of Europol informs the Slovenian authorities that the Council has unanimously decided, in accordance with the applicable regulation, that the Agreement may be concluded. The date of conclusion of this Agreement shall then be considered to be the day of the Council decision mentioned above.
For Slovenia
Dr. Rado Bohinc (s)
Minister of the Interior
For the EU Presidency
Antoine Duquesne (s)
Minister of Interior
For Europol
Jürgen Storbeck (s)
Director of Europol
(1) OJ 2000/C 106/01
(2) OJ 1999/C 26/03
3. člen
Za izvajanje sporazuma skrbi Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve.
4. člen
Ta zakon začne veljati naslednji dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 212-05/02-24/1
Ljubljana, dne 28. februarja 2002
Državnega zbora
Republike Slovenije
Borut Pahor l. r.
* Sporazum je bil podpisan v Ljubljani 1. oktobra 2001, vendar se šteje za sklenjenega 5. novembra 2001, ko je bil izpolnjen pogoj iz Izjave.