Na podlagi druge alinee prvega odstavka 107. člena in prvega odstavka 91. člena Ustave Republike Slovenije izdajam
Razglašam Zakon o ratifikaciji Sporazuma o mednarodnih občasnih avtobusnih prevozih potnikov (Sporazum INTERBUS) (MSMOAP), ki ga je sprejel Državni zbor Republike Slovenije na seji 14. maja 2002.
Št. 001-22-45/02
Ljubljana, 22. maja 2002
Republike Slovenije
Milan Kučan l. r.
1. člen
Ratificira se Sporazum o mednarodnih občasnih avtobusnih prevozih potnikov (Sporazum INTERBUS), podpisan 22. decembra 2000 v Bruslju.
2. člen
Sporazum se v izvirniku v angleškem jeziku in v slovenskem prevodu glasi:
HAVING REGARD to the desire to promote the development of international transport in Europe and especially to facilitate the organisation and operation thereof;
HAVING REGARD to the desire to facilitate tourism and cultural exchange between the Contracting Parties;
WHEREAS the Agreement on the international Carriage of Passengers by Road by means of Occasional Coach and Bus Services (ASOR), signed in Dublin on the 26 May 1982 does not provide for any scope for the accession of new Parties;
WHEREAS the experience and the liberalisation achieved by this latter Agreement should be maintained;
WHEREAS it is desirable to provide for harmonised liberalisation of certain international occasional services by coach and bus and the transit operations thereof;
WHEREAS it is desirable to provide for certain harmonised rules of procedure for non-liberalised international occasional services, that are thus still subject to authorisation;
WHEREAS it is necessary to provide for a high degree of harmonisation of the technical conditions applying to buses and coaches carrying out international occasional services between Contracting Parties in order to improve road safety and protection of the environment;
WHEREAS it is necessary that Contracting Parties should apply uniform measures concerning the work of the crews of buses and coaches engaged in international road transport;
WHEREAS it is desirable to provide for harmonisation of the conditions for access to the occupation of road passenger transport operator;
WHEREAS the principle of non-discrimination on grounds of nationality or the place of establishment of the transport operator, and of the origin or destination of the bus or coach, should be considered to be a basic condition applying to the provision of international transport services;
WHEREAS it is necessary to provide for uniform models for transport documents such as the control document for liberalised occasional services and also the authorisation and the application form for non-liberalised services in order to facilitate and simplify inspection procedures;
WHEREAS it is necessary to provide for certain harmonised measures on the enforcement of the Agreement, especially as far as control procedures, penalties and mutual assistance are concerned;
WHEREAS it is appropriate to establish certain procedures for the management of the Agreement in order to ensure proper enforcement and to permit some technical adaptation of the Annexes;
WHEREAS the Agreement should be open for accession to future Members of the European Conference of Ministers of Transport and to certain other European countries;
HAVE DECIDED to establish uniform rules for the international occasional carriage of passengers by coach and bus,
1. This Agreement shall apply:
(a) to the international carriage of passengers, of any nationality, by road by means of occasional services:
– between the territories of two Contracting Parties, or starting and finishing on the territory of the same Contracting Party and, should the need arise during such services, in transit through the territory of another Contracting Party or through the territory of a non-Contracting State;
– carried out by transport operators for hire or reward established in a Contracting Party in accordance with its law and holding a licence to undertake carriage by means of international occasional services by coach and bus;
– using buses and coaches registered in the Contracting Party where the transport operator is established.
(b) to unladen journeys of the buses and coaches concerned with these services.
2. None of the provisions of this Agreement may be interpreted as providing the possibility to operate national occasional services in the territory of a Contracting Party by operators established in another Contracting Party.
3. The use of buses and coaches designed to carry passengers for the transport of goods for commercial purposes shall be excluded from the scope of this Agreement.
4. This Agreement does not concern own-account occasional services.
Contracting Parties shall ensure that the principle of non-discrimination on the grounds of the nationality or the place of establishment of the transport operator, and of the origin or destination of the bus or coach, is applied, in particular with regard to fiscal provisions as established in Section VI as well as control and penalties as established in Section IX.
For the purposes of this Agreement, the following definitions shall apply:
1. “Buses and coaches“ are vehicles which, by virtue of their construction and their equipment, are suitable for carrying more than nine persons, including the driver, and are intended for that purpose.
2. “International occasional services“ are services between the territory of at least two Contracting Parties falling within neither the definition of regular services or special regular services nor the definition of a shuttle service. Such services may be operated with some degree of frequency without thereby ceasing to be occasional services.
3. “Regular Services“ are services which provide for the carriage of passengers according to a specified frequency and along specified routes, whereby passengers may be taken up or set down at predetermined stopping points. Regular services can be subject to the obligation to respect previously established timetables and tariffs.
4. “Special Regular Services“ are services, by whomsoever organised, which provide for the carriage of specified categories of passengers to the exclusion of other passengers, insofar as such services are operated under the conditions specified in point 3. Special regular services shall include:
– the carriage of workers between home and work;
– the carriage of school pupils and students to and from the educational institution.
The fact that a special regular service may be varied according to the needs of users shall not affect its classification as a regular service.
5. (1) “Shuttle services“ are services whereby, by means of repeated outward and return journeys, previously formed groups of passengers are carried from a single place of departure to a single destination. Each group, consisting of the passengers who made the outward journey, shall be carried back to the place of departure on a later journey by the same transport operator.
Place of departure and destination shall mean, respectively, the place where the journey begins and the place where the journey ends, together with, in each case, the surrounding localities within a radius of 50 km.
(2) In the course of shuttle services, no passenger may be taken up or set down during the journey.
(3) The first return journey and the last outward journey in a series of shuttles shall be made unladen.
(4) However, the classification of a transport operation as a shuttle service shall not be affected by the fact that, with the agreement of the competent authorities in the Contracting Party or Parties concerned:
– passengers, notwithstanding the provisions of subparagraph 1, make the return journey with another group or another transport operator;
– passengers, notwithstanding the provisions of subparagraph 2, are taken up or set down along the way;
– the first outward journey and the last return journey of the series of shuttles are, notwithstanding the provisions of subparagraph 3, made unladen.
6. “Contracting Parties“ are those signatories that have consented to be bound by this Agreement and for which this Agreement is in force.
This Agreement applies to those territories where the Treaty establishing the European Community is applied and under the conditions laid down in that Treaty and to BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA, BULGARIA, CROATIA, THE CZECH REPUBLIC, ESTONIA, HUNGARY, LATVIA, LITHUANIA, MOLDOVA, POLAND, ROMANIA, SLOVAKIA, SLOVENIA and TURKEY, as far as they have concluded this Agreement.
7. “Competent Authorities“ are those authorities designated by the Member States of the Community and by the other Contracting Parties to carry out the tasks set out in Sections V, VI, VII, VIII and IX of this Agreement.
8. “Transit“ means the part of a transport operation through the territory of a Contracting Party without passengers being picked up or set down.
1. Contracting Parties which have not yet done so shall apply provisions equivalent to those established by the European Community Directive referred to in Annex 1.
2. Concerning the condition on the appropriate financial standing referred to in Article 3, paragraph 3 of such Directive, Contracting Parties may apply a minimum available capital and reserves lower than the amount established in point (c) of the said paragraph (3), up to the date of 1 January 2003 or even to 1 January 2005 under condition in the latter case that a corresponding declaration be made at the time of the ratification of the Agreement, without prejudice to the provisions included in the Europe Agreement establishing an association between the European Communities and their Member States and certain Contracting Parties of the present Agreement.
The buses and coaches used to carry out the international occasional services covered by this Agreement shall comply with the technical standards laid down in Annex 2.
Liberalised occasional services
The following occasional services shall be exempted from authorisation on the territory of any Contracting Party other than that in which the transport operator is established:
1. Closed-door tours, that is to say services whereby the same bus or coach is used to carry the same group of passengers throughout the journey and to bring them back to the place of departure. The place of departure is in the territory of the Contracting Party in which the transport operator is established.
2. Services which make the outward journey laden and the return journey unladen. The place of departure is in the terrritory of the Contracting Party in which the transport operator is established.
3. Services during which the outward journey is made unladen and all the passengers are taken up in the same place, provided that one of the following conditions is met:
(a) passengers constitute groups, on the territory of a non-Contracting Party or of a Contracting Party other than that in which the transport operator is established or that where the passengers are taken up, that have been formed under contracts of carriage made before their arrival in the territory of the latter Contracting Party. Passengers are carried on the territory of the Contracting Party in which the transport operator is established;
(b) passengers have been previously brought, by the same transport operator in the circumstances provided for under point 2, into the territory of the Contracting Party where they are taken up again and carried into the territory of the Contracting Party in which the transport operator is established;
(c) passengers have been invited to travel into the territory of another Contracting Party, the cost of transport being borne by the person issuing the invitation. Such passengers must constitute a homogeneous group, which has not been formed solely with a view to undertaking that particular journey and which is brought into the territory of the Contracting Party in which the transport operator is established.
The following shall also be exempted from authorisation:
4. Transit operations through the territory of Contracting Parties in conjunction with occasional services that are exempted from authorisation.
5. Unladen buses and coaches to be used exclusively for the replacement of a bus or a coach damaged or broken down, while performing an international service covered by this Agreement.
For services provided by transport operators established within the European Community, the points of departure and/or destination of the services can be in any Member State of the European Community, independently of the Member State in which the bus or coach is registered or the Member State in which the transport operator is established.
Non-liberalised occasional services
1. Occasional services other than those referred to in Article 6 shall be subject to authorisation in accordance with Article 15.
2. For services provided by transport operators established within the European Community, the points of departure and/or destination of the services can be in any Member State of the European Community, independently of the Member State in which the bus or coach is registered or the Member State in which the transport operator is established.
The Contracting Parties to this Agreement which have not yet done so shall accede to the European Agreement concerning the work of Crews of Vehicles engaged in International Road Transport (AETR) of 1 July 1970, as subsequently amended, or shall apply Community Regulations 3820/85 and 3821/85 as in force at the entry into force of this Agreement.
1. Buses and coaches that are engaged in transport operations in accordance with this Agreement shall be exempted from all vehicle taxes and charges levied on the circulation or possession of vehicles as well as from all special taxes or charges levied on transport operations in the territory of the other Contracting Parties.
Buses and coaches shall not be exempted from payment of taxes and charges on motor fuel, Value Added Tax on transport services, road tolls and user charges levied on the use of infrastructure.
2. Contracting Parties shall ensure that tolls and any other form of user charges may not be imposed at the same time for the use of a single road section. However, Contracting Parties may also impose tolls on networks where user charges are levied, for the use of bridges, tunnels and mountain passes.
3. The fuel for buses and coaches, contained in the fuel tanks established by the manufacturer for this purpose, and in any case not more than 600 litres, as well as the lubricants contained in buses and coaches for the sole purpose of their operation, shall be exempted from import duties and any other taxes and payments imposed in other Contracting Parties.
4. The Joint Committee established in Article 23 will draft a list of the taxes concerning road transport of passengers by bus and coach levied in each Contracting Party. This list will indicate the taxes falling under the provisions of paragraph 1, first subparagraph, of this Article that can only be levied in the Contracting Party of registration of the vehicle. This list will also indicate the taxes falling under the provisions of paragraph 1, second subparagraph, of this Article that may be levied in Contracting Parties other than the Contracting Party of registration of the vehicle. Contracting Parties which replace any tax included in the lists referred to with another tax of the same or a different kind shall notify the Joint Committee in order to make the necessary amendments.
5. Spare parts and tools imported for the repair of a damaged bus or coach while performing an international road transport operation shall be exempted from customs duty and from all taxes and charges at the time of importation into the territory of the other Contracting Party under the conditions laid down in its provisions concerning temporary admission of such goods. The spare parts which are replaced should be re-exported or destroyed under the control of the competent customs authority of the other Contracting Party.
The provision of services referred to in Article 6 shall be carried out under cover of a control document issued by the competent authorities or by any duly authorised agency of the Contracting Party in which the transport operator is established.
1. The control document shall consist of detachable passenger waybills in duplicate in books of 25. The control document shall conform to the model shown in Annex 3 to this Agreement.
2. Each book and its component passenger waybills shall bear a number. The passenger waybills shall also be numbered consecutively, running from 1 to 25.
3. The wording on the cover of the book and that on the passenger waybills shall be printed in the official language or several official languages of the Contracting Party in which the transport operator is established.
1. The book referred to in Article 11 shall be made out in the name of the transport operator; it shall not be transferable.
2. The top copy of the passenger waybill shall be kept on the bus or coach throughout the journey to which it refers.
3. The transport operator shall be responsible for seeing that passenger waybills are duly and correctly completed.
1. The passenger waybill shall be completed in duplicate by the transport operator for each journey before the start of the journey.
2. For the purpose of providing the names of passengers, the transport operator may use a previously completed list on a separate sheet, which shall be annexed to the passenger waybill. The transport operator’s stamp or, where appropriate, the transport operator’s signature or that of the driver of the bus or coach shall be placed both on the list and on the passenger waybill.
3. For the services involving an outward unladen journey referred to in Article 6(3), the list of passengers may be completed as provided for in paragraph 2 at the time when the passengers are taken up.
The competent authorities of two or more Contracting Parties may agree that the list of passengers need not be drawn up. In that case, the number of passengers must be shown on the control document.
The Joint Committee established in Article 23 shall be informed of these agreements.
1. An authorisation for each occasional service which has not been liberalised under the provisions of Article 6 shall be issued, in mutual agreement by the competent authorities of the Contracting Parties where passengers are picked up or set down as well as by the competent authorities of the Contracting Parties, crossed in transit. When the point of departure or destination is situated in a Member State of the European Community, the transit through other Member States of this Community will not be subject to authorisation.
2. The authorisation shall conform to the model laid down in Annex 5.
Application for authorisation
1. The application for authorisation shall be submitted by the transport operator to the competent authorities of the Contracting Party on whose territory the point of departure is situated.
Applications shall conform to the model laid down in Annex 4.
2. Transport operators shall fill in the application form and attach evidence that the applicant is licensed to perform carriage by means of international occasional services by coach and bus referred to in Article 1(1)(a), second indent.
3. The competent authorities of the Contracting Party in whose territory the place of departure is situated shall examine the application for authorisation of the service concerned and, in the case of its approval, shall forward it to the competent authorities of the Contracting Party(ies) of destination as well as the competent authorities of the Contracting Parties in transit.
4. As a derogation from Article 15 paragraph 1, Contracting Parties whose territories are crossed in transit may decide that their agreement is no longer necessary for services envisaged in this Section. In this case, the Joint Committee established in Article 23 shall be informed of this decision.
5. The competent authorities of the Contracting Party(ies) whose agreement has been requested shall issue the authorisation within one month, without discrimination as to the nationality or place of establishment of the transport operator. If these authorities do not agree on the terms of the authorisation they shall inform the competent authorities of the Contracting Party(ies) concerned of the relevant reasons.
The competent authorities of two or more Contracting Parties may agree to simplify the authorisation procedure, the model of application for authorisation and the model of authorisation for the occasional services carried out between these Contracting Parties. The Joint Committee established in Article 23 shall be informed of these agreements.
The control documents referred to in Article 10 and the authorisations referred to in Article 15 shall be carried on the bus or coach and shall be presented at the request of any authorised inspecting officer.
The competent authorities in the Contracting Parties shall ensure that transport operators comply with the provisions of this Agreement.
A certified true copy of the licence to perform carriage by means of international occasional services by bus and coach referred to in Article 1(1)(a), second indent, shall be kept on the bus or coach and shall be presented at the request of any authorised inspecting officer.
The Joint Committee established in Article 23 shall be informed about the models of such a document issued by the competent authorities of the Contracting Parties.
The competent authorities of the Contracting Parties shall lay down a system of penalties for breaching this Agreement. The penalties thus provided for shall be effective, proportionate and dissuasive.
1. Where serious or repeated infringements of regulations concerning road transport, especially those concerning driving and resting time and road safety, have been committed by non-resident transport operators and might lead to withdrawal of the licence to practise as a road passenger transport operator, the competent authorities of the Contracting Party concerned shall provide the competent authorities of the Contracting Party in which such a transport operator is established with all of the information in their possession concerning those infringements and the penalties that they have imposed.
2. The competent authorities of the Contracting Party in whose territory the serious or repeated infringement of regulations concerning road transport, especially those concerning driving and resting time and road safety have occurred, may temporarily deny access for the transport operator concerned to the territory of this contracting party.
As far as the European Community is concerned, the competent authority of a Member State may only temporarily deny access to the territory of that Member State.
Competent authorities of the Contracting Party of establishment of the transport operator and the Joint Committee established in Article 23 shall be informed of such measures.
3. Where serious or repeated infringements of regulations concerning road transport, especially those concerning driving and resting time and road safety, have been committed by a transport operator, the competent authorities of the Contracting Parties where the transport operator is established shall take the appropriate measures to avoid repetition of those infringements; these measures may include the suspension or the withdrawal of the licence to practise as a road passenger transport operator. The Joint Committee established in Article 23 shall be informed of such measures.
4. Contracting Parties shall guarantee the right of the transport operator to appeal against the sanctions imposed.
1. In order to facilitate the management of this Agreement, a Joint Committee is hereby established. This Committee shall be made up of representatives of the Contracting Parties.
2. The Joint Committee shall meet for the first time within six months of the entry into force of this Agreement.
3. The Joint Committee shall establish its own rules of procedure.
4. The Joint Committee shall meet at the request of at least one Contracting Party.
5. The Joint Committee may adopt decisions only when two thirds of the Contracting Parties, including the European Community, are represented in the Joint Committee meetings.
6. In so far as the Joint Committee is required to take decisions, unanimity of the Contracting Parties represented shall be required. In the event that unanimity cannot be achieved, the competent authorities concerned shall, following a request by one or more of the Contracting Parties concerned, meet for consultation within a period of six weeks.
1. The Joint Committee shall ensure proper implementation of this Agreement. The Committee will be informed of any measure adopted or to be adopted in order to implement the provisions of this Agreement.
2. The Joint Committee shall in particular:
(a) on the basis of the information provided by the Contracting Parties, draw up a list of competent authorities of the Contracting Parties responsible for the tasks referred to in Sections V, VI VII, VIII and IX of this Agreement;
(b) amend or adapt the control documents and other models of documents established in the Annexes to this Agreement;
(c) amend or adapt the Annexes concerning the technical standards applying to buses and coaches, as well as Annex 1 regarding the conditions applying to road passenger transport operators referred to in Article 4, in order to incorporate future measures taken within the European Community;
(d) on the basis of the information provided by the Contracting parties, draw up a list, for information, of all customs duties, taxes and charges referred to in Article 9, paragraphs 4 and 5;
(e) amend or adapt the requirements concerning the social provisions referred to in Article 8 in order to incorporate future measures taken within the European Community;
(f) resolve any dispute which may arise over the implementation and interpretation of this Agreement;
(g) recommend further steps towards the liberalisation of those occasional services still subject to authorisation.
3. The Contracting Parties shall take the measures necessary to enforce any decisions adopted by the Joint Committee in accordance, where necessary, with their own internal procedures.
4. If an agreement cannot be reached to settle a dispute in accordance with paragraph 2, point (f) of this Article, the Contracting Parties concerned may submit the case to an arbitration panel. Each Contracting Party concerned shall appoint an arbitrator. The Joint Committee itself shall also appoint an arbitrator.
The arbitrators’ decisions shall be taken by majority vote.
Contracting Parties involved in the dispute shall take the steps required to implement the arbitrators’ decisions.
Bilateral Agreements
1. The provisions of this Agreement shall replace those relevant provisions of the agreements concluded between Contracting Parties. As far as the European Community is concerned, this provision applies to agreements concluded between any Member State and a Contracting Party.
2. Contracting Parties other than the European Community may agree not to apply Article 5 and Annex 2 of this Agreement and apply other technical standards to buses and coaches executing occasional services between these Contracting Parties including transit of their territories.
3. Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 6 of Annex 2, the provisions of this Agreement shall replace those relevant provisions of the agreements concluded between the Member States of the European Community and other Contracting Parties.
However, the provisions granting an exemption from authorisation contained in existing bilateral agreements between Member States of the European Community and other Contracting Parties for occasional services mentioned in Article 7 may be maintained and renewed. In that case, the Contracting Parties concerned will immediately inform the Joint Committee established in Article 23.
This Agreement shall be open for signature at Brussels from 14 April 2000 to 31 December 2000, at the General Secretariat of the Council of the European Union which shall act as the depository of the Agreement.
Ratification or Approval and Depository of the Agreement
This Agreement shall be approved or ratified by the signatories in accordance with their own procedures. The instruments of approval or ratification shall be deposited by Contracting Parties with the General Secretariat of the Council of the European Union, which shall notify all other signatories.
Entry into force
1. This Agreement shall enter into force for the Contracting Parties that have approved or ratified it, when four Contracting Parties including the European Community have approved or ratified it, on the first day of the third month following the date on which the fourth instrument of approval or ratification is deposited, or even on the first day of the sixth month, under condition in the latter case that a corresponding declaration be made at the time of the ratification of the Agreement.
2. This Agreement shall enter into force, for each Contracting Party that approves or ratifies it after the entry into force provided for in paragraph 1, on the first day of the third month following the date on which the Contracting Party concerned has deposited its instrument of approval or ratification.
Duration of the Agreement – evaluation of the functioning of the Agreement
1. This Agreement shall be concluded for a period of five years, dating from its entry into force.
2. The duration of this Agreement shall be automatically extended for successive periods of five years among those Contracting Parties who do not express their wish not to do so. In the latter case the Contracting Party concerned shall notify the Depository of its intention according to Article 31.
3. Before the end of each period of five years, the Joint Committee shall evaluate the functioning of this Agreement.
1. After its entry into force, this Agreement shall be open to accession by countries which are full members of the European Conference of Ministers of Transport (ECMT). In the event of the accession to this Agreement by countries that are members of the Agreement on the European Economic Area, this Agreement shall not apply among the Contracting Parties of the Agreement on the European Economic Area.
2. This Agreement shall also be open to accession by the Republic of San Marino, the Principality of Andorra and the Principality of Monaco.
3. For each State acceding to this Agreement after the entry into force provided for in Article 28, the Agreement shall enter into force on the first day of the third month after deposit by such State of its instrument of accession.
4. Each State acceding to this Agreement after the entry into force provided for in Article 28 may be granted a period of three years maximum for the adoption of provisions equivalent to the directive(s) referred to in Annex 1. The Joint Committee shall be informed of any such measures adopted.
Each Contracting Party may, for its part, denounce this Agreement with one year’s notice by simultaneous notification of the other Contracting Parties through the Depository of the Agreement. The Joint Committee shall also be informed of the reasons of the denunciation. However, the Agreement cannot be denounced during the first four years which follow its entry into force, as provided for under Article 28.
If the Agreement is denounced by one or more Contracting Parties, and the number of Contracting Parties falls below the number agreed for the original entry into force as provided for in Article 28, the Agreement shall remain in force unless the Joint Committee, comprising the remaining Contracting Parties, decides otherwise.
A Contracting Party that has acceded to the European Union shall cease to be treated as a Contracting Party from the date of such accession.
Annexes to this Agreement shall constitute an integral part thereof.
This Agreement, drawn up in the English, French and German languages, these texts being authentic, shall be deposited in the archives of the General Secretariat of the Council of the European Union, which shall transmit a certified true copy to each of the Contracting Parties.
Each Contracting Party shall ensure a proper translation of this Agreement in its official language or official languages. A copy of this translation shall be deposited in the archives of the General Secretariat of the Council of the European Union.
A copy of all translations of the Agreement and the Annexes will be sent by the Depository to all Contracting Parties.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned plenipotentiaries have signed this Agreement.
The conditions applying to road passenger transport
operators referred to in Article 4
The European Community Directive referred to in Article 4 is the
Council Directive 96/26/EC of 29 April 1996 on admission to the
occupation of road haulage operator and road passenger transport
operator and mutual recognition of diplomas, certificates and
other evidence of formal qualification intended to facilitate for
these operators the right to freedom of establishment in national
and international transport operations (Official Journal of the
European Communities L 124, 23. 5. 1996, p. 1) as last amended by
Council Directive 98/76/EC of 1 October 1998 (Official Journal of
the European Communities L 277, 14. 10. 1998 p.17).
Technical standards applying to buses and coaches
As from the date of entry into force for each Contracting Party
of the INTERBUS Agreement, buses and coaches carrying out
international occasional carriage of passengers shall comply with
the rules established in the following legal texts:
(a) Council Directive 96/96/EC of 20 December 1996 on the
approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to
roadworthiness tests for motor vehicles and their trailers
(Official Journal of the European Communities L 46, 17. 2. 1997,
(b) Council Directive 92/6/EEC of 10 February 1992 on the
installation and use of speed limitation devices for certain
categories of motor vehicles in the Community (Official Journal
of the European Communities L 57, 2. 3. 1992, p.27).
(c) Council Directive 96/53/EC of 25 July 1996 laying down for
certain road vehicles circulating within the Community the
maximum authorised dimensions in national and international
traffic and the maximum authorised weights in international
traffic (Official Journal of the European Communities L 235, 17.
9. 1996, p.59).
(d) Council Regulation (EEC) No 3821/85 of 20 December 1985 on
recording equipment in road transport (Official Journal of the
European Communities L 370 of 31. 12. 1985, p.8) as last amended
by Commission Regulation (EC) No 2135/98 of 24. 9. 1998 (Official
Journal of the European Communities L 274, 9. 10. 1998, p.1) or
equivalent rules established by AETR Agreement including its
As from the date of entry into force of the INTERBUS Agreement
for each Contracting Party, Contracting Parties other than the
European Community shall comply, for buses and coaches carrying
out international occasional carriage of passengers, with the
technical requirements of the following Community Directives or
equivalent UN-ECE Regulations on uniform provisions concerning
the type-approval for new vehicles and their equipment.
Item UN-ECE EC-Directive Date of
Regulation / last (original-latest) implementation
amendment within the EU
Exhaust 49/01 -88/77 01/10/1993
emission 49/02, approval A -91/542 step 1 01/10/1996
49/02, approval B -91/542 step 2
Smoke 24/03 72/306 02/08/1972
Noise 51/02 -70/157 01/10/1989
emission -84/424 01/10/1996
Brake 13/09 -71/320 01/10/1991
system -88/194 01/10/1994
Tyres 54 92/23 01/01/1993
Light 48/01 -76/756 01/01/1994
installation -91/663
The buses and coaches carrying out the following services:
(a) services from any Member State of the Community (except
Greece) to any Contracting Party of INTERBUS;
(b) services from any Contracting Party of INTERBUS to any
Member State of the Community (except Greece);
(c) services from any Contracting Party of INTERBUS to Greece in
transit through any other Member State of the Community carried
out by transport operators established in any Contracting Party
shall be subject to the following rules:
1. Buses and coaches first registered before 1. 1. 1980 cannot be
used for the occasional services covered by the INTERBUS
2. Buses and coaches first registered between 1. 1. 1980 and 31.
12. 1981 can be used only until 31. 12. 2000.
3. Buses and coaches first registered between 1. 1. 1982 and 31.
12. 1983 can be used only until 31. 12. 2001.
4. Buses and coaches first registered between 1. 1. 1984 and 31.
12. 1985 can be used only until 31. 12. 2002.
5. Buses and coaches first registered between 1. 1. 1986 and 31.
12. 1987 can be used only until 31. 12. 2003.
6. Buses and coaches first registered between 1. 1. 1988 and 31.
12. 1989 can be used only until 31. 12. 2004.
7. Only buses and coaches first registered as from 1. 1. 1990
(EURO 0) can be used from 1. 1. 2005.
8. Only buses and coaches first registered as from 1. 10. 1993
(EURO 1) can be used from 1. 1. 2007.
Buses and coaches carrying out the following services:
(a) services from Greece to Contracting Parties of INTERBUS;
(b) services from Contracting Parties of INTERBUS to Greece;
shall be subject to the following rules:
1. Buses and coaches first registered before 1. 1. 1980 cannot be
used for the occasional services covered by the INTERBUS
2. Buses and coaches first registered between 1. 1. 1980 and 31.
12. 1981 can be used only until 31. 12. 2000.
3. Buses and coaches first registered between 1. 1. 1982 and 31.
12. 1983 can be used only until 31. 12. 2001.
4. Buses and coaches first registered between 1. 1. 1984 and 31.
12. 1985 can be used only until 31. 12. 2003.
5. Buses and coaches first registered between 1. 1. 1986 and 31.
12. 1987 can be used only until 31. 12. 2005.
6. Buses and coaches first registered between 1. 1. 1988 and 31.
12. 1989 can be used only until 31. 12. 2007.
7. Only buses and coaches first registered as from 1. 1. 1990
(EURO 0) can be used from 1. 1. 2008.
8. Only buses and coaches first registered as from 1. 10. 1993
(EURO 1) can be used from 1. 1. 2010.
Community buses and coaches used in bilateral traffic between
Greece and other Member States of the Community in transit
through Contracting Parties of the INTERBUS Agreement are not
covered by present rules on technical standards, but are subject
to European Community rules.
1. The rules on technical standards included in bilateral
agreements or arrangements between Member States of the Community
and Contracting Parties of the INTERBUS Agreement, concerning
bilateral traffic and transit, which are stricter than the rules
established in this Agreement may be applied until 31 December
2. Member States of the Community and Contracting Parties of the
INTERBUS Agreement concerned shall inform the Joint Committee
established in Article 23 of the Agreement on the contents of
such bilateral agreements or arrangements.
1. A document proving the date of the vehicle's first
registration shall be kept on board and shall be presented at the
request of any authorised inspecting officer. For the purpose of
this Annex, the terms "date of vehicle's first registration"
shall refer to the first registration of the vehicle after its
manufacture. When this date of registration is not available, it
will be referred to as the date of construction.
2. Where the original bus engine has been replaced by a new
engine, the document referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article
shall be substituted by a document proving the compliance of the
new engine with the relevant type-approval rules mentioned in
Article 3.
1. Notwithstanding the provision referred to in paragraph (a) of
Article 1 of this Annex, Contracting Parties may establish random
inspections in order to control that the buses and coaches
concerned comply with the provisions of Directive 96/96/EC. For
the purpose of this Annex "random inspections" shall mean an
unscheduled and therefore unexpected inspection of a bus or coach
circulating on the territory of a Contracting Party carried out
by the authorities at the roadside.
2. In order to carry out the roadside inspection provided for in
this Annex, competent authorities of Contracting Parties shall
use the checklist included in Annex II a and II b. A copy of this
checklist drawn up by the authority which carried it out shall be
given to the driver of the bus or coach and presented on request
in order to simplify or avoid, where possible, subsequent
inspections within a short and unreasonable period.
3. If the vehicle examiner considers that the deficiency in the
maintenance of the bus or coach justifies further examination,
the bus or coach may be subjected to a roadworthiness test at an
approved testing centre in accordance with Article 2 of Directive
4. Without prejudice to other penalties which may be imposed, if
the consequence of the random inspection is that the bus or coach
does not comply with the provisions of Directive 96/96/EC and
therefore is considered to present a serious risk to its
occupants or other road users, the bus or coach may be banned
immediately from use on public roads.
5. Roadside checks shall be carried out without discrimination on
the grounds of nationality, residence or registration of buses
and coaches and drivers respectively.
1. Place of check ........ 2. Date ........ 3. Time ............
4. Vehicle nationality mark and registration number .............
5. Class of vehicle
__ Coach1
6. Name and address of transport operator carrying out transport
7. Nationality ..................................................
8. Driver .......................................................
9. Consignor, address, place of loading
10. Consignee, address, place of unloading ......................
11. Gross mass of unit ..........................................
12. Reason for failure:
- Braking system and components
- Steering linkages
- Lamps, lighting and signalling devices
- Wheels/hubs /tyres
- Exhaust system
- Smoke opacity (diesel)
- Gaseous emissions (petrol)
13. Miscellaneous/remarks
14. Authority/officer having carried out the inspection
15. Result of inspection
- pass
- passed with minor defects
- serious defects
- immediate prohibition
Signature of testing inspector/Authorisation
1 Motor vehicle with at least four wheels used for the carriage
of passengers, comprising more than eight seats in addition to
the driver's seat (categories M2, M3).
Technical standards of the roadside check
Buses and coaches as defined in Article 3 of this Agreement shall
be maintained in such a condition that they can be deemed as
roadworthy by the inspection authorities.
The items that shall be inspected will include those that are
considered to be important for the safe and clean operation of
the bus or coach. As well as simple functional checks (lighting,
signalling, tyre condition etc.), specific tests and/or
inspections shall be carried out on the vehicle's brakes and the
motor vehicle's emissions in the following manner:
1. Brakes
Every part of the braking system and its means of operation shall
be maintained in good and efficient working order and be properly
The bus or coach's brakes shall be capable of performing the
following three braking functions:
(a) For buses and coaches and their trailers and semi-trailers, a
service brake capable of slowing down the vehicle and of stopping
it safely, rapidly and efficiently, whatever its conditions of
loading and whatever the upward or downward gradient of the road
on which it is moving;
(b) For buses and coaches and their trailers and semi-trailers a
parking brake capable of holding the bus or coach stationary,
whatever its condition of loading, on a noticeable upward or
downward gradient, the operative surfaces of the brake being held
in the braking position by a device whose action is purely
(c) For buses and coaches, a secondary (emergency) brake capable
of slowing down and stopping the bus or coach, whatever its
condition of loading, within a reasonable distance, even in the
event of failure of the service brake.
Where the maintenance condition of the bus or coach is in doubt,
the inspection authorities may test the bus or coach's braking
performance in accordance with some or all of the provisions of
Directive 96/96/EC Annex II, item I.
2. Exhaust Emissions
2.1 Exhaust emission
2.1.1 Buses and coaches equipped with positive-ignition (petrol)
(a) Where the exhaust emissions are not controlled by an advanced
emission control system such as a three-way catalytic converter
which is lambda-probe controlled:
1. Visual inspection of the exhaust system in order to check that
there is no leakage.
2. If appropriate, visual inspection of the emission control
system in order to check that the required equipment has been
After a reasonable period of engine conditioning (taking account
of the bus or coach manufacturer's recommendations) the carbon
monoxide (CO) content of the exhaust gases is measured when the
engine is idling (no load).
The maximum permissible CO content in the exhaust gases is that
stated by the bus or coach manufacturer. Where this information
is not available or where Member States' competent authorities
decide not to use it as a reference value, the CO content must
not exceed the following:
- for buses and coaches registered or put into service for the
first time between the date from which Contracting Parties
required the buses and coaches to comply with Directive
70/220/EEC1 and 1 October 1986: CO - 4,5% vol.
- for buses and coaches registered or put into service for the
first time after 1 October 1986: CO - 3,5% vol.
(b) Where the exhaust emissions are controlled by an advanced
emission control system such as a three-way catalytic converter
which is lambda-probe controlled:
1. Visual inspection of the exhaust system in order to check that
there are no leakages and that all parts are complete.
2. Visual inspection of the emission control system in order to
check that the required equipment has been fitted.
3. Determination of the efficiency of the bus or coach's emission
control system by measuring the lambda value and the CO content
of the exhaust gases in accordance with Section 4 or with the
procedures proposed by the manufacturers and approved at the time
of type-approval. For each of the tests, the engine is
conditioned in accordance with the bus or coach manufacturer's
4. Exhaust pipe emissions - limit values
Measurement at engine idling speed:
The maximum permissible CO content in the exhaust gases is that
stated by the bus or coach manufacturer. Where this information
is not available, the maximum CO content must not exceed 0,5%
Measurement at high idle speed, engine speed to be at least 2 000
CO content: maximum 0,3% vol.
Lambda: 1 + / - 0,03 in accordance with the manufacturer's
2.1.2 Buses and coaches equipped with compression ignition
(diesel) engines.
Measurement of exhaust gas opacity with free acceleration (no
load from idling up to cut-off speed). The level of concentration
must not exceed the level recorded on the plate pursuant to
Directive 72/306/EEC2. Where this information is not available or
where Contracting Parties' competent authorities decide not to
use it as a reference, the limit values of the coefficient of
absorption are as follows:
Maximum coefficient of absorption for:
naturally aspirated diesel engines = 2,5 m-1,
turbo-charged diesel engines = 3,0 m-1
or equivalent values where use is made of equipment of a type
different from that used for EC type-approval.
2.1.3 Test equipment
Buses' and coaches' emissions are tested using equipment designed
to establish accurately whether the limit values prescribed or
indicated by the manufacturer have been complied with.
2.2 Where appropriate, a check on the correct functioning of the
On Board Diagnostic (OBD) emission monitoring system.
1 Council Directive 70/220/EEC of 20 March 1970 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to measures to be taken against air pollution by emissions from motor vehicles (OJ L 76, 9.3.1970, p.1) and corrigendum (OJ L 81, 11.4.1970, p. 15), as last amended by European Parliament and Council Directive 94/12/EC (OJ L 100, 19.4.1994, p. 42).
2 Council Directive 72/306/EEC of 2 August 1972 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the measures to be taken against the emission of pollutants from diesel engines for use in vehicles (OJ L 190, 20.8.1972, p.1), Directive as last amended by Commission Directive 89/491/EEC (OJ L 238, 15.8.1989, p. 43).
Pogodbenice so se
v želji pospešiti razvoj mednarodnega prometa v Evropi in zlasti olajšati organizacijo in opravljanje prevozov;
v želji pospešiti turistično in kulturno izmenjavo med pogodbenicami;
ker Sporazum o mednarodnem prevozu potnikov po cesti z občasnimi avtobusnimi prevozi (ASOR), podpisan 26. maja 1982 v Dublinu, v nobenem delu ne predvideva pristopa novih pogodbenic;
ker je treba ohraniti pridobljene izkušnje in liberalizacijo iz omenjenega sporazuma;
ker je zaželeno zagotoviti usklajeno liberalizacijo določenih mednarodnih občasnih avtobusnih prevozov in tranzita;
ker je zaželeno zagotoviti določne usklajene postopke za mednarodne občasne prevoze, za katere je še vedno potrebno posebno dovoljenje;
ker je treba zagotoviti visoko raven usklajenosti tehničnih zahtev za avtobuse, s katerimi se opravljajo mednarodni občasni prevozi med pogodbenicami, da bi izboljšali varnost cestnega prometa in varstvo okolja;
ker je nujno, da pogodbenice uporabljajo enotne ukrepe za delo posadk v avtobusih, s katerimi se opravljajo mednarodni cestni prevozi;
ker je zaželena uskladitev pogojev za opravljanje poklica cestnega prevoznika v potniškem prometu;
ker bi moralo biti načelo nediskriminacije glede državljanstva ali sedeža prevoznika ter porekla ali mesta prihoda avtobusa temeljni pogoj za opravljanje mednarodnih prevozov;
ker je treba zagotoviti enotne obrazce za prevozne listine, kot sta kontrolna listina za prevoze brez posebnega dovoljenja ter prošnja za dovoljenje za olajšanje in poenostavitev kontrolnih postopkov;
ker je treba predvideti določene usklajene ukrepe za uveljavitev tega sporazuma, zlasti glede kontrolnih postopkov, kazni in medsebojnega sodelovanja;
ker je treba vzpostaviti določene postopke za izvajanje sporazuma, da bi zagotovili pravilno izvajanje in omogočili potrebne tehnične spremembe prilog;
ker mora biti sporazum na voljo za pristop prihodnjih članic Evropske konference ministrov za promet in določenih drugih evropskih držav;
odločile uvesti enotna pravila za mednarodne občasne avtobusne prevoze potnikov
1. člen
Področje uporabe
1. Ta sporazum se uporablja:
a) za mednarodne občasne cestne prevoze potnikov s kakršnim koli državljanstvom:
– med ozemljema dveh pogodbenic ali z odhodom in prihodom na ozemlje iste pogodbenice, ali če je potrebno med takim prevozom, tranzitno čez ozemlje druge pogodbenice ali čez ozemlje države, ki ni pogodbenica;
– ki jih opravljajo prevozniki s sedežem v eni od pogodbenic v skladu z njeno zakonodajo in z licenco za opravljanje mednarodnih občasnih avtobusnih prevozov za najem ali plačilo;
– z avtobusi, registriranimi v pogodbenici, v kateri ima prevoznik sedež;
b) za vožnje s praznimi avtobusi v zvezi s temi prevozi.
2. Nobene določbe tega sporazuma ni mogoče razlagati kot možnost, da bi občasne notranje prevoze na ozemlju ene pogodbenice opravljali prevozniki s sedežem v drugi pogodbenici.
3. Ta sporazum izključuje uporabo avtobusov, namenjenih za prevoz potnikov, za prevoz blaga v komercialne namene.
4. Ta sporazum ne ureja občasnih prevozov za lastne potrebe.
2. člen
Države pogodbenice zagotovijo spoštovanje načela nediskriminacije glede državljanstva ali kraja sedeža prevoznika in porekla ali mesta prihoda avtobusa, zlasti v zvezi z določbami o davščinah iz VI. dela ter kontrolo in kaznimi iz IX. dela.
3. člen
Pomen izrazov
V tem sporazumu se uporabljajo ti izrazi:
1. “avtobusi“ so vozila, ki so konstruirana in opremljena za prevoz več kot devetih oseb, vključno z voznikom, in se uporabljajo v ta namen;
2. “mednarodni občasni prevoz“ je občasni prevoz med ozemljema vsaj dveh pogodbenic, ki ni opredeljen niti kot linijski prevoz ali posebni linijski prevoz niti kot prevoz z izmeničnimi vožnjami. Prevoz se lahko opravlja z določeno pogostostjo, ne da bi s tem prenehal biti občasni prevoz;
3. “linijski prevoz“ je prevoz, ki zagotavlja prevoz potnikov v določenih časovnih presledkih na določenih linijah, pri čemer potniki vstopajo in izstopajo na vnaprej določenih postajališčih. Linijski prevoz mora potekati po vnaprej določenem voznem redu in prevoznih tarifah;
4. “posebni linijski prevoz“ v organizaciji kogar koli je prevoz določene vrste potnikov in izključuje druge potnike, če je tak prevoz usklajen s pogoji iz 3. točke. Posebni linijski prevoz obsega:
– prevoz delavcev na delo in domov;
– prevoz učencev in študentov do izobraževalnih ustanov in nazaj.
Dejstvo, da se lahko posebni linijski prevoz spreminja glede na potrebe uporabnikov, ne vpliva na njegovo razvrstitev kot linijski prevoz;
5. 1) “prevoz z izmeničnimi vožnjami“ je prevoz predhodno sestavljenih skupin potnikov v določenih časovnih presledkih v obe smeri z enega samega mesta odhoda na eno samo mesto prihoda. Vsako skupino, ki jo sestavljajo potniki z že opravljenim potovanjem na cilj, prepelje nazaj na mesto odhoda v kasnejši vožnji isti prevoznik.
Mesto odhoda in mesto prihoda sta mesti, na katerih se potovanje začne in konča, pri čemer vključujeta tudi okolico s polmerom 50 km;
2) med prevozom z izmeničnimi vožnjami potniki ne smejo vstopati ali izstopati;
3) v nizu prevozov mora biti vozilo pri prvi povratni vožnji in zadnji vožnji tja prazno;
4) v soglasju s pristojnimi oblastmi v pogodbenici ali pogodbenicah, v katerih taki prevozi potekajo, pa na razvrstitev prevozov kot prevozov z izmeničnimi vožnjami ne vpliva:
– če ne glede na določbe prvega pododstavka potniki potujejo nazaj z drugo skupino ali drugim prevoznikom,
– če ne glede na določbe drugega pododstavka potniki med potjo vstopajo in izstopajo,
– če je ne glede na določbe tretjega pododstavka v nizu prevozov z izmeničnimi vožnjami vozilo na prvi vožnji tja in na zadnji povratni vožnji prazno;
6. “pogodbenice“ so tiste podpisnice, ki pristanejo, da jih zavezuje ta sporazum, in za katere velja ta sporazum.
Sporazum velja za ozemlja, na katerih velja Pogodba o ustanovitvi Evropske skupnosti, in pod pogoji iz te pogodbe tudi za BOLGARIJO, BOSNO IN HERCEGOVINO, ČEŠKO, ESTONIJO, HRVAŠKO, LATVIJO, LITVO, MADŽARSKO, MOLDOVO, POLJSKO, ROMUNIJO, SLOVAŠKO, SLOVENIJO in TURČIJO, če sklenejo ta sporazum;
7. “pristojni organi“ so tisti organi, ki jih imenujejo države članice Skupnosti in druge pogodbenice za opravljanje nalog iz V., VI., VII., VIII. in IX. dela tega sporazuma;
8. “tranzit“ je del prevozne poti čez ozemlje pogodbenice, med katerim potniki niti ne vstopajo niti ne izstopajo.
4. člen
1. Pogodbenice, ki tega še niso storile, uvedejo določbe, enakovredne določbam direktive Evropske skupnosti iz Priloge 1.
2. Glede pogoja o ustreznem finančnem stanju iz tretjega odstavka 3. člena te direktive imajo lahko pogodbenice do 1. januarja 2003 ali celo do 1. januarja 2005, če ob ratifikaciji sporazuma tako izjavijo, nižji minimalni razpoložljivi kapital in rezerve, kot je znesek iz točke c) omenjenega tretjega odstavka, kar pa ne vpliva na določbe Evropskega sporazuma o povezavi Evropskih skupnosti in njihovih držav članic z določenimi pogodbenicami tega sporazuma.
5. člen
Avtobusi, ki se uporabljajo za opravljanje mednarodnega občasnega prevoza po tem sporazumu, morajo biti skladni s tehničnimi standardi iz Priloge 2.
6. člen
Občasni prevoz brez dovolilnice
Na ozemlju pogodbenice, ki ni pogodbenica, v kateri ima prevoznik sedež, dovolilnica ni potrebna za te občasne prevoze:
1. krožno vožnjo “zaprtih vrat“, to je za prevoze, pri katerih se z istim avtobusom prevaža ista skupina potnikov na celotnem potovanju in se pripelje nazaj na mesto odhoda; mesto odhoda je v pogodbenici, v kateri ima prevoznik sedež;
2. prevoze, pri katerih je vozilo na potovanju tja polno, na potovanju nazaj pa prazno; mesto odhoda je na ozemlju pogodbenice, v kateri ima prevoznik sedež;
3. prevoze, pri katerih je vozilo na potovanju tja prazno in prevzame vse potnike na istem mestu, če je izpolnjen eden od teh pogojev:
a) potniki sestavljajo skupine na ozemlju nepogodbenice ali pogodbenice, ki ni tista, v kateri ima prevoznik sedež ali v kateri je bilo mesto odhoda, v skladu s pogodbo o prevozu, ki je bila sklenjena pred njihovim prihodom na ozemlje te druge pogodbenice; potniki se prepeljejo na ozemlje pogodbenice, v kateri ima prevoznik sedež;
b) potnike je isti prevoznik predhodno pripeljal na ozemlje pogodbenice v skladu z drugo točko, kjer jih spet prevzame in jih prepelje na ozemlje pogodbenice, v kateri ima prevoznik sedež;
c) potniki so bili povabljeni na pot na ozemlje druge pogodbenice, pri čemer stroške prevoza krije oseba, ki jih je povabila; taki potniki morajo sestavljati enovito skupino, ki ni nastala samo zaradi tega potovanja in se prepelje na ozemlje pogodbenice, v kateri ima prevoznik sedež.
Dovolilnica prav tako ni potrebna:
4. za tranzitne prevoze čez ozemlje pogodbenice v zvezi z občasnim prevozom brez dovolilnice;
5. za prazne avtobuse, ki se uporabljajo izključno za zamenjavo poškodovanega ali pokvarjenega avtobusa med opravljanjem mednarodnega prevoza iz tega sporazuma.
Za prevoze, ki jih opravljajo prevozniki s sedežem v Evropski skupnosti, sta lahko mesto odhoda in/ali mesto prihoda v kateri koli državi članici Evropske skupnosti ne glede na državo članico, v kateri je avtobus registriran, ali državo članico, v kateri ima prevoznik sedež.
7. člen
Občasni prevoz z dovolilnico
1. Za občasne prevoze, razen za prevoze iz 6. člena, je potrebna dovolilnica v skladu s 15. členom.
2. Za prevoze, ki jih opravljajo prevozniki s sedežem v Evropski skupnosti, sta lahko mesto odhoda in/ali mesto prihoda v kateri koli državi članici Evropske skupnosti ne glede na državo članico, v kateri je avtobus registriran, ali državo članico, v kateri ima prevoznik sedež.
8. člen
Pogodbenice tega sporazuma, ki tega še niso storile, pristopijo k Evropskemu sporazumu o delu posadk vozil, ki opravljajo mednarodne cestne prevoze (AETR), z dne 1. julija 1970 z vsemi spremembami ali uporabljajo Uredbi Skupnosti št. 3820/85 in 3821/85, kot veljata ob začetku veljavnosti tega sporazuma.
9. člen
1. Avtobusi, ki se uporabljajo za prevoze v skladu s tem sporazumom, so oproščeni plačevanja vseh davščin in dajatev za promet ali posest vozila kakor tudi vseh posebnih davščin in drugih dajatev za prevoze na ozemlju drugih pogodbenic.
Oprostitev ne velja za davke in prispevke za gorivo, davek na dodano vrednost za prevozne storitve, cestnine in druge dajatve za uporabo infrastrukture.
2. Pogodbenice zagotovijo, da se na istem odseku ne zaračunavajo hkrati cestnine in druge dajatve za uporabo cest. Pogodbenice pa lahko zaračunavajo cestnine hkrati z dajatvami za uporabo mostov, predorov in gorskih prelazov.
3. Gorivo za avtobuse v rezervoarjih, ki jih je vgradil proizvajalec v ta namen, in v nobenem primeru ne več kot 600 litrov, ter motorno olje, potrebno izključno za delovanje avtobusa, sta oproščeni uvoznih dajatev ter vseh drugih dajatev in plačil, ki se plačujejo v drugih pogodbenicah.
4. Skupni odbor iz 23. člena bo pripravil seznam dajatev v posamezni pogodbenici v zvezi s cestnimi avtobusnimi prevozi potnikov. V tem seznamu bodo navedene dajatve iz prvega pododstavka prvega odstavka tega člena, ki se lahko zaračunavajo samo v pogodbenici, v kateri je vozilo registrirano. V tem seznamu bodo navedene tudi dajatve iz drugega pododstavka prvega odstavka tega člena, ki jih lahko zaračunavajo druge pogodbenice, kot je pogodbenica, v kateri je vozilo registrirano. Pogodbenica, ki katero koli dajatev iz seznama nadomesti z drugo dajatvijo iste ali druge vrste, o tem obvesti skupni odbor, da ta ustrezno spremeni seznam.
5. Rezervni deli in orodje, ki se uvozijo za popravilo pokvarjenega avtobusa med opravljanjem mednarodnega cestnega prevoza, so pri uvozu na ozemlje druge pogodbenice v skladu s predpisi o začasnem uvozu takšnega blaga oproščeni carinskih dajatev in vseh davščin in drugih dajatev. Zamenjani rezervni deli se izvozijo ali uničijo pod nadzorom pristojnega carinskega organa druge pogodbenice.
10. člen
Prevozni iz 6. člena se opravljajo na podlagi kontrolne listine, ki jo izda pristojni organ v pogodbenici, v kateri ima prevoznik sedež, ali katera koli uradno pooblaščena agencija v tej pogodbenici.
11. člen
1. Kontrolna listina je potniška spremnica v dvojniku v knjižici s 25 spremnicami, ki se dajo iztrgati. Kontrolna listina mora biti skladna z vzorcem iz Priloge 3 k temu sporazumu.
2. Vsaka knjižica in potniške spremnice v njej so označene s serijsko številko. Potniške spremnice so označene tudi z zaporednimi številkami od 1 do 25.
3. Besedilo na platnicah knjižice in na potniških spremnicah je natisnjeno v uradnem jeziku ali uradnih jezikih pogodbenice, v kateri ima prevoznik sedež.
12. člen
1. Knjižica iz 11. člena se izda na ime prevoznika in ni prenosljiva.
2. Zgornji izvod potniške spremnice mora biti v avtobusu ves čas potovanja, na katero se nanaša.
3. Prevoznik je odgovoren za točno in pravilno izpolnjevanje potniške spremnice.
13. člen
1. Prevoznik izpolni potniško spremnico v dvojniku pred začetkom vsakega potovanja.
2. Imena potnikov lahko prevoznik zagotovi tudi tako, da vnaprej pripravljen seznam potnikov na posebnem listu pripne k potniški spremnici. Prevoznik žigosa seznam potnikov in potniško spremnico, ali če se tako zahteva, prevoznik ali voznik podpiše seznam potnikov in potniško spremnico.
3. Za vožnjo tja s praznim vozilom iz tretje točke 6. člena se lahko seznam potnikov izpolni v skladu z drugim odstavkom, ko potniki vstopijo.
14. člen
Pristojni organi dveh ali več pogodbenic se lahko dogovorijo, da seznam potnikov ni potreben. V tem primeru je treba v kontrolno listino vpisati število potnikov.
O takih dogovorih se obvesti skupni odbor iz 23. člena.
15. člen
1. Dovolilnico za vsak posamezen občasni prevoz, ki se v skladu s 6. členom ne more opraviti brez dovolilnice, po dogovoru izdajo pristojni organi pogodbenice, v kateri potniki vstopajo ali izstopajo, in pristojni organi pogodbenice, ki se prečka v tranzitu. Če je mesto odhoda ali prihoda v državi članici Evropske skupnosti, za tranzit čez druge države članice Skupnosti dovolilnica ni potrebna.
2. Dovolilnica mora biti skladna z vzorcem iz Priloge 5.
16. člen
Prošnja za dovolilnico
1. Prevoznik vloži prošnjo za dovolilnico pri pristojnem organu pogodbenice, na ozemlju katere je mesto odhoda.
Prošnja mora biti skladna z vzorcem iz Priloge 4.
2. Prevoznik izpolni obrazec prošnje in priloži dokazilo, da ima licenco za opravljanje mednarodnih občasnih avtobusnih prevozov iz druge alinee točke a) prvega odstavka 1. člena.
3. Pristojni organ pogodbenice, na ozemlju katere je mesto odhoda, pregleda prošnjo za dovolilnico za prevoz in jo, če je odobri, pošlje pristojnemu organu pogodbenice (pogodbenic), v kateri (katerih) je mesto prihoda, in pristojnim organom tranzitnih pogodbenic.
4. Kot odstopanje od prvega odstavka 15. člena se lahko pogodbenice, katerih ozemlja se prečkajo v tranzitu, odločijo, da za prevoze iz tega dela njihovo soglasje ni več potrebno. O svoji odločitvi obvestijo skupni odbor iz 23. člena.
5. Pristojni organi pogodbenice (pogodbenic), katere (katerih) soglasje se zaprosi, izdajo dovolilnico v enem mesecu brez diskriminacije glede na državljanstvo ali sedež prevoznika. Če ti organi ne soglašajo s pogoji za izdajo dovolilnice, svoje razloge sporočijo pristojnemu organu pogodbenice (pogodbenic).
17. člen
Pristojni organi dveh ali več pogodbenic se lahko dogovorijo za poenostavitev postopka izdaje dovolilnic, obrazca prošnje za dovolilnico in obrazca dovolilnice za občasne prevoze med temi pogodbenicami. O dogovoru obvestijo skupni odbor iz 23. člena.
18. člen
Kontrolne listine iz 10. člena in dovolilnice iz 15. člena morajo biti v avtobusu in jih je treba na zahtevo katerega koli pooblaščenega kontrolnega organa pokazati.
19. člen
Pristojni organi pogodbenic zagotovijo, da prevozniki upoštevajo določbe tega sporazuma.
20. člen
Potrjeni izvod licence za opravljanje mednarodnih občasnih avtobusnih prevozov iz druge alinee točke a) prvega odstavka 1. člena je treba hraniti v avtobusu in ga pokazati na zahtevo katerega koli pooblaščenega kontrolnega organa.
Skupni odbor iz 23. člena se obvesti o obrazcih listin, ki jih izdajajo pristojni organi pogodbenic.
21. člen
Pristojni organi pogodbenic predpišejo kazni za kršenje tega sporazuma. Tako določene kazni morajo biti učinkovite, sorazmerne in odvračajoče.
22. člen
1. Če je prevoznik, ki nima sedeža v določeni državi, resno ali ponovno kršil cestnoprometne predpise, posebej predpise o trajanju vožnje in počitku voznika ter o varnosti v cestnem prometu, zaradi česar mu je lahko odvzeta licenca za delo prevoznika v cestnem potniškem prometu, pristojni organi te pogodbenice sporočijo pristojnim organom pogodbenice, v kateri ima prevoznik sedež, vse informacije o kršitvah in naloženih kaznih.
2. Pristojni organi pogodbenice, na ozemlju katere je prevoznik resno ali ponovno kršil cestnoprometne predpise, posebej predpise o trajanju vožnje in počitku voznika ter o varnosti v cestnem prometu, lahko prevozniku začasno prepovejo opravljati prevoze na ozemlju te pogodbenice.
Za Evropsko skupnost velja, da lahko pristojni organ posamezne države članice prevozniku samo začasno prepove dostop na ozemlje te države članice.
O teh ukrepih se obvestijo pristojni organi pogodbenice, v kateri ima prevoznik sedež, in skupni odbor iz 23. člena.
3. Če je prevoznik resno ali ponovno kršil cestnoprometne predpise, posebej predpise o trajanju vožnje in počitku voznika ter o varnosti v cestnem prometu, pristojni organi pogodbenice, v kateri ima prevoznik sedež, sprejmejo ustrezne ukrepe za preprečitev ponovnih kršitev; taki ukrepi lahko vključujejo tudi začasni ali trajni odvzem licence za delo prevoznika v cestnem potniškem prometu. O teh ukrepih se obvesti skupni odbor iz 23. člena.
4. Pogodbenice prevozniku jamčijo pravico do pritožbe zoper naložene kazni.
23. člen
1. Za lažje izvajanje tega sporazuma se ustanovi skupni odbor. Skupni odbor sestavljajo predstavniki pogodbenic.
2. Skupni odbor se prvič sestane v šestih mesecih od začetka veljavnosti tega sporazuma.
3. Skupni odbor sprejme svoj poslovnik.
4. Skupni odbor se sestane na zahtevo vsaj ene pogodbenice.
5. Skupni odbor lahko sprejema sklepe le, če sta na sestanku skupnega odbora navzoči dve tretjini pogodbenic, vključno z Evropsko skupnostjo.
6. Sklepe skupnega odbora morajo soglasno sprejeti vsi navzoči predstavniki pogodbenic. Če soglasja ni mogoče doseči, se na zahtevo ene ali več pogodbenic v šestih tednih pristojni organi sestanejo na posvet.
24. člen
1. Skupni odbor zagotavlja pravilno izvajanje tega sporazuma. Odbor mora biti obveščen o vsakem ukrepu, ki se sprejme ali naj bi se sprejel za izvajanje določb tega sporazuma.
2. Skupni odbor predvsem:
a) na podlagi podatkov pogodbenic pripravi seznam pristojnih organov pogodbenic za izvajanje nalog iz V., VI., VII., VIII. in IX. dela tega sporazuma;
b) spreminja ali prilagaja kontrolne listine in druge obrazce dokumentov iz prilog k temu sporazumu;
c) spreminja ali prilagaja priloge, ki se nanašajo na tehnične standarde za avtobuse, in Prilogo 1 v zvezi s pogoji, ki veljajo za cestni prevoz potnikov iz 4. člena, zaradi vključitve ukrepov, ki bodo sprejeti v Evropski skupnosti;
d) na podlagi podatkov pogodbenic pripravi informativni seznam vseh carinskih dajatev, davščin in drugih dajatev iz četrtega in petega odstavka 9. člena;
e) spreminja ali prilagaja zahteve glede socialnih določb iz 8. člena zaradi vključitve ukrepov, ki bodo sprejeti v Evropski skupnosti;
f) rešuje vsa nesoglasja, ki nastanejo pri izvajanju in razlagi tega sporazuma;
g) predlaga nadaljnje ukrepe za liberalizacijo tistih občasnih prevozov, za katere je še potrebna dovolilnica.
3. Pogodbenice ukrenejo vse potrebno za uveljavitev sklepov skupnega odbora, če je potrebno, skladno s svojimi notranjepravnimi postopki.
4. Če spora ni mogoče rešiti v skladu s točko f) drugega odstavka tega člena, lahko pogodbenice v sporu zadevo predložijo razsodišču. Vsaka pogodbenica v sporu imenuje po enega razsodnika. Enega razsodnika imenuje tudi skupni odbor.
Razsodišče odloča z večino glasov svojih članov.
Pogodbenice v sporu morajo ukreniti vse potrebno za izvedbo sklepov razsodišča.
25. člen
Dvostranski sporazumi
1. Določbe tega sporazuma nadomestijo ustrezne določbe sporazumov, sklenjenih med pogodbenicami. V zvezi z Evropsko skupnostjo se ta določba uporablja za sporazume, sklenjene med katero koli državo članico in katero koli pogodbenico.
2. Pogodbenice, razen Evropske skupnosti, se lahko dogovorijo, da ne bodo uporabljale 5. člena in Priloge 2 tega sporazuma in da bodo uporabljale drugačne tehnične standarde za avtobuse, s katerimi se opravljajo občasni prevozi med temi pogodbenicami, vključno s tranzitom čez njihova ozemlja.
3. Ne glede na določbe 6. člena in Priloge 2 določbe tega sporazuma nadomeščajo ustrezne določbe sporazumov, sklenjenih med državami članicami Evropske skupnosti in drugimi pogodbenicami.
Lahko pa se ohranijo ali podaljšajo določbe iz obstoječih dvostranskih sporazumov med državami članicami Evropske skupnosti in drugimi pogodbenicami, ki dovoljujejo občasne prevoze iz 7. člena brez dovolilnice. O tem pogodbenice nemudoma obvestijo skupni odbor iz 23. člena.
26. člen
Ta sporazum je na voljo za podpis v Bruslju od 14. aprila 2000 do 31. decembra 2000 pri generalnem sekretariatu Sveta Evropske unije, ki je depozitar sporazuma.
27. člen
Ratifikacija ali potrditev in depozitar sporazuma
Ta sporazum podpisnice potrdijo ali ratificirajo v skladu s svojimi notranjepravnimi postopki. Listine o potrditvi ali ratifikaciji pogodbenice deponirajo pri generalnem sekretariatu Sveta Evropske unije, ki o tem obvesti vse druge podpisnice.
28. člen
Začetek veljavnosti
1. Sporazum začne veljati za pogodbenice, ki so ga potrdile ali ratificirale, ko ga potrdijo ali ratificirajo štiri pogodbenice, vključno z Evropsko skupnostjo, prvi dan tretjega meseca od datuma deponiranja četrte listine o potrditvi ali ratifikaciji ali celo prvi dan šestega meseca, in to le če je dana ustrezna izjava ob ratifikaciji sporazuma.
2. Ta sporazum začne veljati za vsako pogodbenico, ki ga potrdi ali ratificira po začetku veljavnosti iz prvega odstavka, prvi dan tretjega meseca od datuma, ko ta pogodbenica deponira svojo listino o potrditvi ali ratifikaciji.
29. člen
Veljavnost sporazuma – ocena izvajanja sporazuma
1. Ta sporazum se sklene za pet let od datuma začetka veljavnosti.
2. Veljavnost tega sporazuma se samodejno podaljšuje za naslednja obdobja petih let za tiste pogodbenice, ki ne izrazijo nasprotne želje. Pogodbenica, ki sporazuma ne želi podaljšati, o svoji nameri obvesti depozitarja v skladu z 31. členom.
3. Pred koncem vsakega obdobja petih let skupni odbor oceni izvajanje tega sporazuma.
30. člen
1. Po začetku veljavnosti je ta sporazum na voljo za pristop državam, ki so polnopravne članice Evropske konference ministrov za promet (ECMT). Če k temu sporazumu pristopijo države članice Sporazuma o evropskem gospodarskem prostoru, se ta sporazum ne uporablja med pogodbenicami Sporazuma o evropskem gospodarskem prostoru.
2. Sporazum je tudi na voljo za pristop Republiki San Marino, Kneževini Andori in Kneževini Monako.
3. Za vsako državo, ki pristopi k temu sporazumu po začetku veljavnosti iz 28. člena, začne ta sporazum veljati prvi dan tretjega meseca po deponiranju listine o pristopu te države.
4. Vsaki državi, ki pristopi k temu sporazumu po začetku veljavnosti iz 28. člena, se lahko dovoli največ tri leta za sprejetje predpisov, enakovrednih direktivi (direktivam) iz Priloge 1. O vsakem takšnem sprejetem ukrepu se obvesti skupni odbor.
31. člen
Vsaka pogodbenica lahko z enoletnim odpovednim rokom odpove ta sporazum s hkratnim obvestilom drugim pogodbenicam po depozitarju sporazuma. O razlogih za odpoved obvesti tudi skupni odbor. Sporazuma pa ni mogoče odpovedati v prvih štirih letih po začetku veljavnosti sporazuma iz 28. člena.
Če ta sporazum odpove ena ali več pogodbenic in se število pogodbenic zmanjša pod dogovorjeno število za začetek veljavnosti iz 28. člena, sporazum še naprej velja, razen če se skupni odbor, ki ga sestavljajo preostale pogodbenice, odloči drugače.
32. člen
Prenehanje članstva
Pogodbenica, ki pristopi k Evropski uniji, se z datumom pristopa preneha šteti za pogodbenico.
33. člen
Priloge k temu sporazumu so njegov sestavni del.
34. člen
Ta sporazum, katerega besedila v angleškem, francoskem in nemškem jeziku so enako verodostojna, se shrani v arhivu generalnega sekretariata Sveta Evropske unije, ki vsaki pogodbenici pošlje overjen izvod.
Vsaka pogodbenica zagotovi pravilen prevod tega sporazuma v svoj uradni jezik ali uradne jezike. Izvod tega prevoda se shrani v arhivu generalnega sekretariata Sveta Evropske unije.
Depozitar pošlje kopije vseh prevodov sporazuma in prilog vsem pogodbenicam.
V potrditev tega so podpisani pooblaščenci podpisali ta sporazum.
Pogoji za prevoznike v cestnem potniškem prometu iz
4. člena
Direktiva Evropske skupnosti iz 4. člena je:
Direktiva Sveta 96/26/ES z dne 29. aprila 1996 o dostopu do
poklica prevoznika v cestnem tovornem in cestnem potniškem
prometu ter o vzajemnem priznavanju diplom, potrdil in drugih
dokazil o formalni usposobljenosti zaradi lažjega uresničevanja
pravice teh prevoznikov do prostega ustanavljanja na področju
notranjih in mednarodnih prevozov (Uradni list Evropskih
skupnosti L 124, 23. 5. 1996, str. 1), kot je bila nazadnje
spremenjena z Direktivo Sveta 98/76/ES z dne 1. oktobra 1998
(Uradni list Evropskih skupnosti L 277, 14. 10. 1998, str. 17).
Tehnični standardi za avtobuse
1. člen
Od datuma, ko sporazum INTERBUS začne veljati za vsako
pogodbenico, morajo biti avtobusi, ki se uporabljajo za
mednarodne občasne prevoze potnikov, usklajeni s pravili iz teh
pravnih besedil:
a) Direktive Sveta 96/96/ES z dne 20. decembra 1996 o
približevanju zakonodaje držav članic o preverjanju tehnične
ustreznosti motornih vozil in njihovih priklopnikov (Uradni list
Evropskih skupnosti L 46, 17. 2. 1997, str. 1),
b) Direktive Sveta 92/6/EGS z dne 10. februarja 1992 o namestitvi
in uporabi priprav za omejevanje hitrosti za določene kategorije
motornih vozil v Skupnosti (Uradni list Evropskih skupnosti L 57,
2. 3. 1992, str. 27),
c) Direktive Sveta 96/53/EGS z dne 25. julija 1996 o določitvi
največjih dovoljenih dimenzij v notranjem in mednarodnem prometu
ter največje dovoljene mase v mednarodnem prometu za določena
cestna vozila, s katerimi se opravljajo prevozi v Skupnosti
(Uradni list Evropskih skupnosti L 235, 17. 9. 1996, str. 59),
d) Uredbe Sveta (EGS) št. 3821/85 z dne 20. decembra 1985 o
napravah za zapisovanje v cestnem prometu (Uradni list Evropskih
skupnosti L 370, 31. 12. 1985, str. 8), kot je bila nazadnje
spremenjena z Uredbo Komisije (ES) št. 2135/98 z dne 24. 9. 1998
(Uradni list Evropskih skupnosti L 274, 9. 10. 1998, str. 1), ali
enakovrednih pravil iz sporazuma AETR in njegovih protokolov.
2. člen
Od datuma, ko sporazum INTERBUS začne veljati za vsako
pogodbenico, morajo pogodbenice, razen Evropske skupnosti, za
avtobuse, s katerimi se opravlja mednarodni občasni prevoz
potnikov, upoštevati tehnične zahteve iz naslednjih direktiv
Skupnosti ali enakovrednih uredb Gospodarske komisije ZN za
Evropo (UN-ECE) o enotnih določbah glede homologacije novih vozil
in njihove opreme.
Vrsta Uredba Direktiva ES Datum
(zadnja sprememba) (izvirnik - zadnji) začetka
UN-ECE izvajanja v EU
Emisije 49/01 -88/77 1. 10. 1993
izpušnih 49/02, soglasje A -91/542 1. korak 1. 10. 1996
plinov 49/02, soglasje B -91/542 2. korak
Dim 24/03 72/306 2. 8. 1972
Emisije 51/02 -70/157 1. 10. 1989
hrupa -84/424 1. 10. 1996
Zavorni 13/09 -71/320 1. 10. 1991
sistem -88/194 1. 10. 1994
Pnevmatike 54 92/23 1. 1. 1993
Svetlobne in 48/01 -76/756 1. 1. 1994
svetlobnosignalne -91/663
naprave -97/28
3. člen
Za avtobuse, s katerimi se opravljajo ti prevozi:
a) prevozi iz katere koli države članice Skupnosti (razen Grčije)
v katero koli pogodbenico sporazuma INTERBUS;
b) prevozi iz katere koli pogodbenice sporazuma INTERBUS v katero
koli državo članico Skupnosti (razen Grčije);
c) prevozi iz katere koli pogodbenice sporazuma INTERBUS v Grčijo
tranzitno čez katero koli drugo državo članico Skupnosti, ki jih
opravlja prevoznik s sedežem v kateri koli pogodbenici sporazuma
veljajo ta pravila:
1. Avtobusi, ki so bili prvič registrirani pred 1. 1. 1980, se ne
smejo uporabljati za občasne prevoze iz sporazuma INTERBUS.
2. Avtobusi, ki so bili prvič registrirani med 1. 1. 1980 in 31.
12. 1981, se lahko uporabljajo samo do 31. 12. 2000.
3. Avtobusi, ki so bili prvič registrirani med 1. 1. 1982 in 31.
12. 1983, se lahko uporabljajo samo do 31. 12. 2001.
4. Avtobusi, ki so bili prvič registrirani med 1. 1. 1984 in 31.
12. 1985, se lahko uporabljajo samo do 31. 12. 2002.
5. Avtobusi, ki so bili prvič registrirani med 1. 1. 1986 in 31.
12. 1987, se lahko uporabljajo samo do 31. 12. 2003.
6. Avtobusi, ki so bili prvič registrirani med 1. 1. 1988 in 31.
12. 1989, se lahko uporabljajo samo do 31. 12. 2004.
7. Po 1. 1. 2005 se lahko uporabljajo samo avtobusi, ki so bili
prvič registrirani po 1. 1. 1990 (EURO 0).
8. Po 1. 1. 2007 se lahko uporabljajo samo avtobusi, ki so bili
prvič registrirani po 1. 10. 1993 (EURO 1).
4. člen
Za avtobuse, s katerimi se opravljajo ti prevozi:
a) prevozi iz Grčije v pogodbenice sporazuma INTERBUS;
b) prevozi iz pogodbenic sporazuma INTERBUS v Grčijo,
veljajo ta pravila:
1. Avtobusi, ki so bili prvič registrirani pred 1. 1. 1980, se ne
smejo uporabljati za občasne prevoze iz sporazuma INTERBUS.
2. Avtobusi, ki so bili prvič registrirani med 1. 1. 1980 in 31.
12. 1981, se lahko uporabljajo samo do 31. 12. 2000.
3. Avtobusi, ki so bili prvič registrirani med 1. 1. 1982 in 31.
12. 1983, se lahko uporabljajo samo do 31. 12. 2001.
4. Avtobusi, ki so bili prvič registrirani med 1. 1. 1984 in 31.
12. 1985, se lahko uporabljajo samo do 31. 12. 2003.
5. Avtobusi, ki so bili prvič registrirani med 1. 1. 1986 in 31.
12. 1987, se lahko uporabljajo samo do 31. 12. 2005.
6. Avtobusi, ki so bili prvič registrirani med 1. 1. 1988 in 31.
12. 1989, se lahko uporabljajo samo do 31. 12. 2007.
7. Po 1. 1. 2008 se lahko uporabljajo samo avtobusi, ki so bili
prvič registrirani po 1. 1. 1990 (EURO 0).
8. Po 1. 1. 2010 se lahko uporabljajo samo avtobusi, ki so bili
prvič registrirani po 1. 10. 1993 (EURO 1).
5. člen
Za avtobuse iz Skupnosti, ki se uporabljajo za dvostranski promet
med Grčijo in drugimi državami članicami Skupnosti tranzitno čez
pogodbenice sporazuma INTERBUS in jih ta pravila o tehničnih
standardih ne zajemajo, veljajo pravila Evropske skupnosti.
6. člen
1. Pravila o tehničnih standardih, vključena v dvostranske
sporazume ali dogovore med državami članicami Skupnosti in
pogodbenicami sporazuma INTERBUS o dvostranskem prometu in
tranzitu, ki so strožja od pravil iz tega sporazuma, se lahko
uporabljajo do 31. decembra 2006.
2. Države članice Skupnosti in pogodbenice sporazuma INTERBUS
obvestijo skupni odbor iz 23. člena sporazuma o vsebini takšnih
dvostranskih sporazumov ali dogovorov.
7. člen
1. Dokument, ki dokazuje datum prve registracije vozila, je treba
hraniti v vozilu in ga na zahtevo katerega koli pooblaščenega
kontrolnega organa pokazati. V tej prilogi se "datum prve
registracije vozila" nanaša na prvo registracijo po izdelavi
vozila. Če datum prve registracije ni znan, se upošteva datum
2. Če se prvotni motor avtobusa zamenja z novim motorjem, se
dokument iz prvega odstavka tega člena nadomesti z dokumentom, ki
dokazuje skladnost novega motorja s predpisi o homologaciji iz 3.
8. člen
1. Ne glede na določbe odstavka a) 1. člena te priloge lahko
pogodbenica uvede občasne kontrolne preglede zaradi preverjanja
avtobusov glede skladnosti z določbami Direktive 96/96/ES. V tej
prilogi "občasni kontrolni pregledi" pomenijo nenačrtovane in
zato nepričakovane preglede avtobusov, s katerimi se opravljajo
prevozi na ozemlju pogodbenice, in jih izvedejo organi na cesti.
2. Pri opravljanju kontrolnih pregledov na cesti iz te priloge
pristojni organi pogodbenic uporabljajo kontrolni seznam iz
Prilog II a in II b. Kopija tega kontrolnega seznama, ki ga
izpolni organ, ki je opravil pregled, se izroči vozniku avtobusa
in jo voznik na zahtevo pokaže zaradi poenostavitve nadaljnjih
pregledov oziroma da se ne bi neposredno po pregledu ali v
nerazumno kratkem času po pregledu pregled opravljal ponovno.
3. Če pregledovalec vozila meni, da pomanjkljivosti pri
vzdrževanju avtobusa opravičujejo dodatni pregled, lahko avtobus
napoti na pregled tehnične ustreznosti vozila v pooblaščeni
center za tehnične preglede v skladu z 2. členom Direktive
Skupnosti 96/96/ES.
4. Brez vpliva na druge kazni, ki se lahko izrečejo, če se pri
naključnem pregledu ugotovi, da avtobus ni v skladu z določbami
Direktive 96/96/ES, in se zato šteje, da pomeni resno nevarnost
za potnike ali druge udeležence v cestnem prometu, se lahko takoj
prepove nadaljnja vožnja avtobusa po javnih cestah.
5. Kontrolni pregledi na cesti se opravljajo brez diskriminacije
glede na državljanstvo, sedež ali registracijo avtobusa oziroma
1. Kraj pregleda .......... 2. Datum .......... 3. Ura ..........
4. Oznaka države in registrska številka vozila ..................
5. Vrsta vozila
__ avtobus1
6. Ime in naslov prevoznika, ki opravlja prevoz .................
7. Državljanstvo ................................................
8. Voznik .......................................................
9. Pošiljatelj, naslov, mesto vstopa ............................
10. Prejemnik, naslov, mesto izstopa ............................
11. Bruto masa vozila ...........................................
12. Razlog za tehnično neustreznost:
- zavorni sistem in sestavni deli
- sistem za upravljanje
- svetlobne in svetlobnosignalne naprave
- kolesa/osi/pnevmatike
- izpušni sistem
- vsebnost saj v dimu (dizel)
- plinaste emisije (bencin)
13. Razno/pripombe
14. Organ/pregledovalec
15. Rezultat kontrolnega pregleda
- vozilo je tehnično ustrezno
- vozilo je tehnično ustrezno z manjšimi pomanjkljivostmi
- vozilo ima hujše pomanjkljivosti
- takojšnja prepoved vožnje
Podpis pregledovalca/potrditev
1 Motorno vozilo z najmanj štirimi kolesi, ki se uporablja za
prevoz potnikov in ima poleg voznikovega sedeža več kot osem
sedežev (kategoriji M2, M3).
Tehnični standardi pri kontrolnem pregledu na cesti
Avtobuse, kot so opredeljeni v 3. členu tega sporazuma, je treba
vzdrževati v takem stanju, da jih lahko kontrolni organi ocenijo
za tehnično ustrezne.
Preverjajo se tisti deli vozila, ki se štejejo za pomembne za
varno in brezhibno delovanje avtobusa. Poleg enostavnih pregledov
delovanja (svetlobne in svetlobnosignalne naprave, stanje
pnevmatik itd.) se lahko opravijo tudi posebni testi in/ali
kontrolni pregledi zavornega sistema vozila ter emisij motornega
1 Zavore
Vsak del zavornega sistema mora biti dobro vzdrževan in pravilno
Zavorni sistem avtobusa mora biti tak, da omogoča tri zavorne
a) pri avtobusih ter njihovih priklopnikih in polpriklopnikih
mora delovna zavora zmanjšati hitrost vozila ter zanesljivo,
hitro in učinkovito ustaviti vozilo ne glede na obremenitev ter
vzpon ali nagib ceste, po kateri vozi;
b) pri avtobusih ter njihovih priklopnikih in polpriklopnikih
mora parkirna zavora omogočiti, da ostane avtobus v nepremičnem
položaju ne glede na obremenitev pri opaznem vzponu ali nagibu,
pri tem pa morajo ostati njegove zavorne površine v zavrtem
položaju s pomočjo ustrezne mehanične naprave;
c) pri avtobusih mora pomožna zavora po primerni zavorni poti
zmanjšati hitrost in ustaviti avtobus ne glede na obremenitev,
tudi če delovna zavora odpove.
Če kontrolni organ sumi, da vozilo ni ustrezno vzdrževano, lahko
preizkusi delovanje zavor avtobusa v skladu z nekaterimi ali
vsemi določbami prve točke Priloge II k Direktivi 96/96/ES.
2 Emisije izpušnih plinov
2.1 Emisije izpušnih plinov
2.1.1 Avtobusi z bencinskim motorjem na prisilni vžig
a) Če se emisije izpušnih plinov ne nadzirajo s sodobnim sistemom
za zmanjševanje emisij, kot je trismerni katalizator z lambda
1. Vidno preverjanje, če izpušni sistem pušča.
2. Po potrebi vidno preverjanje, če je nameščena zahtevana oprema
sistema za zmanjševanje emisij.
Po razumnem času za utekanje motorja (ob upoštevanju priporočil
proizvajalca avtobusa) se izmeri vsebnost ogljikovega monoksida
(CO) v izpušnih plinih, ko je motor v prostem teku (brez
Najvišja dovoljena vsebnost CO v izpušnih plinih je vsebnost, ki
jo je navedel proizvajalec avtobusa. Če ta podatek ni na voljo
ali če se pristojni organi držav članic odločijo, da te vrednosti
ne bodo uporabljali kot referenčno vrednost, vsebnost CO ne sme
presegati teh vrednosti:
- za avtobuse, prvič registrirane ali dane v uporabo po datumu,
od katerega je država članica zahtevala skladnost vozil z
Direktivo 70/220/EGS1, in do 1. oktobra 1986: CO - 4,5 vol.%;
- za avtobuse, prvič registrirane ali dane v uporabo po 1.
oktobru 1986: CO - 3,5 vol.%.
b) Če se emisije izpušnih plinov nadzirajo s sodobnim sistemom za
zmanjševanje emisij, kot je trismerni katalizator z lambda
1. Vidno preverjanje, če izpušni sistem pušča in če so vsi deli
2. Vidno preverjanje, če je nameščena zahtevana oprema sistema za
zmanjševanje emisij.
3. Ugotavljanje učinkovitosti sistema za zmanjševanje emisij
avtobusa z meritvami vrednosti lambda in vsebnosti CO v izpušnih
plinih v skladu s 4. členom ali s postopkom, ki ga je priporočil
proizvajalec in je bil odobren pri homologaciji. Za vsako
preizkušanje se motor uteče v skladu s priporočili proizvajalca
4. Emisije iz izpušne cevi - mejne vrednosti
Merjenje pri prostem teku motorja:
največja dovoljena vsebnost CO v izpušnih plinih je vsebnost, ki
jo je navedel proizvajalec avtobusa. Če ta podatek ni na voljo,
največja dovoljena vsebnost CO ne sme presegati 0,5 vol.%.
Merjenje pri visokih obratih motorja v prostem teku, hitrost
obratov je najmanj 2000 min-1:
vsebnost CO: največ 0,3 vol.%,
lambda: 1 + / - 0,03 v skladu z navodili proizvajalca.
2.1.2 Avtobusi z motorjem na kompresijski vžig (dizel)
Merjenje vsebnosti saj v izpušnih plinih v prostem teku (brez
obremenitve od prostega teka do najvišjih obratov). Koncentracija
ne sme biti večja od vrednosti, ki je na tablici proizvajalca v
skladu z Direktivo 72/306/EGS2. Če ta podatek ni na voljo ali če
se pristojni organi pogodbenic odločijo, da te vrednosti ne bodo
uporabljali kot referenčno vrednost, so lahko mejne vrednosti
absorpcijskega faktorja take:
Najvišja dovoljena vrednost absorpcijskega faktorja za:
klasični dizelski motor (sesalni motor) = 2,5 m-1,
dizelski motor s predpolnilnikom = 3,0 m-1
ali enakovredna vrednost, če se uporablja drugačna oprema kot pri
2.1.3 Testna oprema
Emisije iz avtobusov se preverjajo z opremo, ki je konstruirana
tako, da se lahko natančno ugotovi, ali so bile upoštevane
predpisane mejne vrednosti ali vrednosti, ki jih je navedel
2.2 Po potrebi se pravilnost delovanja preveri v laboratoriju (On
Board Diagnostic (OBD) emission monitoring system).
1 Direktiva Sveta 70/220/EGS z dne 20. marca 1970 o približevanju zakonodaje držav članic glede ukrepov proti onesnaževanju zraka z emisijami iz motornih vozil (OJ L 76, 9. 3. 1970, str. 1) in popravek (OJ L 81, 11. 4. 1970, str. 15), kot je bila nazadnje spremenjena z Direktivo Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta 94/12/ES (OJ L 100, 19. 4. 1994, str. 42).
2 Direktiva Sveta 72/306/EGS z dne 2. avgusta 1972 o približevanju zakonodaje držav članic glede ukrepov proti emisijam onesnažujočih snovi iz dizelskih motorjev, ki se uporabljajo v vozilih (OJ L 190, 20. 8. 1972, str. 1), kot je bila nazadnje spremenjena z Direktivo Komisije 89/491/EGS (OJ L 238, 15. 8. 1989, str. 43).
3. člen
Za izvajanje tega sporazuma skrbi Ministrstvo za promet.
4. člen
Ta zakon začne veljati naslednji dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
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