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Številka 35
Uradni list RS, št. 35/2003 z dne 11. 4. 2003
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 35/2003 z dne 11. 4. 2003


26. Zakon o ratifikaciji Sporazuma med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Republike Madžarske o sodelovanju pri skladiščenju obveznih rezerv nafte in njenih derivatov (BHUSRN), stran 648.

Na podlagi druge alinee prvega odstavka 107. člena in prvega odstavka 91. člena Ustave Republike Slovenije izdajam
Razglašam Zakon o ratifikaciji Sporazuma med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Republike Madžarske o sodelovanju pri skladiščenju obveznih rezerv nafte in njenih derivatov (BHUSRN), ki ga je sprejel Državni zbor Republike Slovenije na seji 27. marca 2003.
Št. 001-22-26/03
Ljubljana, dne 4. aprila 2003
Republike Slovenije
dr. Janez Drnovšek l. r.
1. člen
Ratificira se Sporazum med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Republike Madžarske o sodelovanju pri skladiščenju obveznih rezerv nafte in njenih derivatov, podpisan v Budimpešti 20. novembra 2002.
2. člen
Sporazum se v izvirniku v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku glasi:*
Vlada Republike Slovenije in Vlada Republike Madžarske (v nadaljevanju pogodbenici), katerih namen je:
– sprejeti vse potrebne ukrepe za zagotavljanje minimalnih rezerv nafte in njenih derivatov ob krizah pri preskrbi z nafto in njenimi derivati, ker se zavedata svoje posebne odgovornosti za zanesljivost energetske preskrbe,
– ustvariti usklajene razmere za zanesljivost dobav pri oblikovanju, skladiščenju, prevažanju in obnavljanju takih rezerv,
– zagotavljati boljšo izkoriščenost skladišč v svojih državah,
– spodbujati in olajšati sodelovanje v energetiki, ki bo temeljilo na obojestranskih koristih,
– s tem okrepiti svojo pomoč pri uresničevanju ciljev Evropske unije in povečati svoja prizadevanja za zagotavljanje neprekinjene in zanesljive preskrbe z energijo,
– upoštevati proces svojega vključevanja v Evropsko unijo in obveznost, da bosta svojo zakonodajo uskladili s pravnim redom Skupnosti,
– spoštovati določbe, zapisane v Direktivi Sveta Evropske gospodarske skupnosti št. 68/414/EGS z dne 20. decembra 1968, ki državam članicam EGS nalaga obveznost vzdrževati minimalne rezerve nafte in/ali naftnih derivatov, in v Direktivi Sveta št. 98/93/ES z dne 14. decembra 1998, s katero je bila spremenjena Direktiva št. 68/414/EGS,
sta sklenili ta sporazum:
1. člen
1. Pri uporabi tega sporazuma:
a) izraz “rezerve nafte in njenih derivatov” v skladu z Direktivo št. 68/414/EGS, ki je bila spremenjena z Direktivo št. 98/93/ES, pomeni:
1. nafto,
2. motorni bencin in letalsko gorivo (letalski bencin in reaktivno gorivo na osnovi bencina),
3. plinsko olje, dizel, kerozin in reaktivno gorivo na osnovi kerozina,
4. kurilna olja;
b) izraz “obvezne rezerve nafte in njenih derivatov” pomeni rezerve, opredeljene v Direktivi Evropske gospodarske skupnosti št. 68/414/EGS in njeni spremembi, tj. Direktivi št. 98/93/ES.
Določbe tega sporazuma se ne uporabljajo za polgotove sestavine za pripravo mešanic (ki se lahko predelujejo, da bi postale končni izdelki).
2. Določbe v tem sporazumu se uporabljajo za obvezne rezerve nafte in njenih derivatov, za katere bo agencija (v nadaljevanju “agencija”), ki skrbi za državne rezerve pogodbenice in ugotavlja stanje teh rezerv, z gospodarsko družbo, podjetjem ali pravno osebo druge pogodbenice (v nadaljevanju “podjetje”), ki je pod jurisdikcijo te pogodbenice in ima pravico, da znotraj državnih meja te pogodbenice upravlja rezerve, sklenila gospodarske pogodbe o skladiščenju obveznih rezerv.
3. Madžarska agencija, odgovorna za obvezne državne rezerve na Madžarskem, je Koolaj és Koolajtermék Készletezo Szoverség, medtem ko je slovenska agencija, odgovorna za obvezne državne rezerve v Sloveniji, Zavod Republike Slovenije za obvezne rezerve nafte in njenih derivatov.
4. Obvezne rezerve pogodbenice, ki oblikuje te rezerve, lahko vključujejo:
a) rezerve, ki so na ozemlju druge pogodbenice, s katerimi lahko agenciji razpolagata na podlagi lastništva, delnega lastništva ali drugega pravnega naslova;
b) druge količine, ki so na ozemlju druge pogodbenice, s katerimi lahko podjetja ali agencija druge pogodbenice razpolaga kot lastnica, delna lastnica ali na podlagi drugega pravnega naslova, in v zvezi s katerimi so se te osebe pisno zavezale (izjava o sprejetju obveznosti), da bodo te količine uskladiščile za agencijo, ki je obvezne rezerve oblikovala, vsaj za tri mesece v enem koledarskem letu.
2. člen
1. Pogodbenici na podlagi tega sporazuma v svoji državi druga drugi dovoljujeta skladiščenje obveznih rezerv ali njihovega dela v skladu z določbami, ki veljajo v Evropski uniji.
2. Pogodbenica, ki oblikuje obvezne rezerve, mesečno obvešča drugo pogodbenico o sklenitvah pogodb po tem sporazumu. Obvestilo mora vsebovati te podatke:
a) ime in naslov agencije, ki je naročila skladiščenje;
b) ime in naslov podjetja, ki rezerve uskladišči;
c) vrste uskladiščenega blaga (nafta, vrsta derivata) in obseg rezerv;
d) naslov lokacije (skladišče), kjer so rezerve dejansko shranjene.
3. Rezerve, shranjene po tem sporazumu na ozemlju druge pogodbenice, so v celoti last pogodbenice, ki jih je oblikovala, in so v celoti na voljo njej ali agenciji, ki skladno s predpisi izpolnjuje obveznost oblikovanja državnih rezerv te pogodbenice, kot je določeno v tretjem odstavku 1. člena tega sporazuma. Pogodbenici se zavezujeta, da bodo uskladiščene obvezne rezerve v celoti na voljo navedenima lastnikoma ali upravičencu, ki je dal izjavo o sprejetju obveznosti, in to tudi med krizo pri preskrbi z nafto in njenimi derivati. Pogodbenici si zagotavljata, da bosta imeli vsa pravna sredstva za upravljanje in nadzor omenjenih rezerv tudi v navedenih okoliščinah, vključno z izvajanjem pravice do razpolaganja z omenjenimi rezervami, tako da se bodo lahko te rezerve prosto in kadar koli prepeljale na ozemlje pogodbenice lastnice.
4. Ob krizi pri preskrbi z nafto in njenimi derivati lahko agencija, ki ima pravico razpolagati z rezervami, črpa katero koli količino teh rezerv ali vse rezerve, pogodbenica, ki je oblikovala te rezerve, pa o tem čim prej obvesti drugo pogodbenico.
5. Pogodbenici zagotavljata, da so te rezerve tudi sicer vedno na voljo in dostopne za nadzor in uporabo.
6. Pogodbenica ima pravico pregledovati rezerve, ki so uskladiščene na njenem ozemlju, o izsledkih ter ugotovitvah takih pregledov pa poroča drugi pogodbenici.
3. člen
1. Za izvajanje tega sporazuma si pogodbenici zagotovita ustrezna jamstva v skladu s svojo zakonodajo, da ima vsaka pogodbenica, v imenu katere so take rezerve oblikovane in/ali skladiščene v tujini po sporazumu o skladiščenju, pravico, da take rezerve nafte in njenih derivatov vključi v svoje obvezne rezerve skladno z ustreznimi določbami Evropske unije, če v tem primeru med državama obstoji medvladni sporazum.
2. Rezerve, uskladiščene po tem sporazumu na ozemlju druge pogodbenice, se ne štejejo za rezerve tiste pogodbenice, ki jih skladišči.
3. Pogodbenici si medsebojno zagotavljata,
a) da so rezerve, uskladiščene po tem sporazumu za drugo pogodbenico, oproščene obveznosti plačila carin, pristojbin, dajatev in predložitve jamstva za plačilo carine;
b) da se lahko prevozi obveznih rezerv nafte in njenih derivatov po tem sporazumu, pa naj bo to po ozemlju držav pogodbenic ali med njunima ozemljema, opravljajo samo v skladu s predpisi, ki veljajo za trošarinska skladišča, in če gre za trošarinska skladišča na območju carinskega skladišča, za carinska skladišča.
4. člen
1. Vse informacije v zvezi s skladiščenjem rezerv po tem sporazumu se prenašajo neposredno med pogodbenicama ali prek organa, ki ga pogodbenici posebej pooblastita za ta namen. Pooblaščeni organ Ministrstvo za gospodarske zadeve Republike Madžarske zastopa Vlado Republike Madžarske, medtem ko Vlado Republike Slovenije zastopa Ministrstvo za gospodarstvo Republike Slovenije.
2. Pogodbenici sodelujeta pri uporabi pravičnih in nediskriminacijskih pogojev, da zagotovita popolno izpolnjevanje omenjenih zahtev v zvezi s skladiščenjem rezerv, predvsem v zvezi z zagotavljanjem skladnosti z obveznostmi o pravočasnem obveščanju, določenimi v tem sporazumu.
3. Agenciji pogodbenic, odgovorni za skladiščenje obveznih rezerv, se najpozneje šest tednov po poteku vsakega koledarskega četrtletja obvestita o naslednjih podatkih, ki se po tem sporazumu skladiščijo na njunih ozemljih, o:
a) imenu in naslovu agencije, ki je naročila skladiščenje;
b) imenu in naslovu podjetja, ki rezerve uskladišči;
c) vrstah uskladiščenega blaga (nafta, vrsta derivata) in obsegu zalog;
d) trajanju sporazuma o skladiščenju;
e) naslovu lokacije (skladišče), kjer so rezerve dejansko shranjene.
4. Pogodbenica, ki je oblikovala rezerve, preveri točnost takih podatkov, in če se podatki ne ujemajo, obvesti drugo pogodbenico o vseh pritožbah ali pripombah.
5. Sporazum ne zahteva, da pogodbenica razkrije kakršne koli informacije, katerih razkritje po ustreznih sporazumih, zakonih in drugih predpisih, veljavnih v pogodbenicah, ni dovoljeno. Po tem sporazumu se ne smejo prenašati nobene informacije o izbranih razkritjih, razen podatkov za obvezno poročanje Evropski uniji, kot je določeno v 2. in 4. členu.
5. člen
1. Pogodbenici se na zahtevo druga druge posvetujeta o nadaljnjem sodelovanju pri uporabi tega sporazuma ali o kakršnih koli drugih vprašanjih, ki se lahko pojavijo v zvezi z lokacijo in/ali uporabo takih rezerv, in o vseh spornih vprašanjih, ki se lahko pojavijo. Ob krizi pri preskrbi z nafto in njenimi derivati se pogodbenici takoj medsebojno posvetujeta.
2. Vsi pravni spori, izhajajoči iz razlage in uporabe tega sporazuma ali nastali v zvezi z njegovo razlago in njegovo uporabo, se rešujejo s posvetovanji, če je to mogoče.
3. Če se spor ne more rešiti v treh mesecih od dneva pisne zahteve za reševanje, se ta na zahtevo ene ali druge pogodbenice predloži arbitražnemu sodišču ad hoc.
4. Arbitražno sodišče se ustanovi takole: v dveh mesecih po prejemu zahteve za arbitražo vsaka pogodbenica imenuje enega člana arbitražnega sodišča. Ta dva člana nato izbereta državljana tretje države, ki je, če ga pogodbenici potrdita, imenovan za predsednika sodišča. Predsednik je imenovan v dveh mesecih po imenovanju drugih dveh članov.
5. Če o imenovanjih ni doseženo soglasje v roku, določenem v tretjem odstavku tega člena, lahko pogodbenici povabita predsednika Meddržavnega sodišča, da v dveh mesecih opravi imenovanja. Če je predsednik državljan ene ali druge pogodbenice ali iz drugih razlogov ne more opraviti omenjene naloge, je povabljen podpredsednik, da opravi imenovanja. Če je tudi podpredsednik državljan ene ali druge pogodbenice ali iz drugih razlogov ne more opraviti omenjene naloge, je povabljen član Meddržavnega sodišča, ki je naslednji po položaju in ni državljan ene ali druge pogodbenice, da opravi imenovanja.
6. Arbitražno sodišče odloča z večino glasov in njegove odločitve so dokončne in zavezujoče. Vsaka pogodbenica krije stroške svojega člana sodišča in stroške svojega zastopanja v arbitražnih postopkih. Stroške predsednika in preostale stroške si pogodbenici delita v enakem deležu. Arbitražno sodišče samo odloča o svojih postopkih.
6. člen
1. Pogodbenici skleneta sporazum za nedoločen čas in velja, dokler ga katera od pogodbenic pisno ne odpove po diplomatski poti z najmanj dvanajstmesečnim (12) odpovednim rokom. Ob krizi pri preskrbi z nafto in njenimi derivati odpoved ni mogoča.
2. Ta sporazum začne veljati 30. (trideseti) dan po prejemu zadnjega diplomatskega obvestila pogodbenic, da so bili izpolnjeni njuni notranjepravni postopki, potrebni za začetek veljavnosti sporazuma.
Sestavljeno v Budimpešti dne 20. novembra 2002 v dveh izvirnikih v slovenskem, madžarskem in angleškem jeziku, pri čemer imajo vsa besedila enako vsebino in pomen. Pri različni razlagi je odločilna angleška različica.
V imenu Vlade Republike
Renata Vitez l. r.
V imenu Vlade Republike
Imre Réthy l. r.
The Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Government of the Republic of Hungary, (hereinafter referred to as the Contracting Parties) having the intention:
– keeping their specific responsibility for the security of energy supply in view, the two Governments take any and all actions required for ensuring the minimum crude oil and petroleum products stocks as needed in the event of a crude oil and petroleum product supply crisis,
– to create the harmonised conditions for supply security for establishing, storing, transporting and renewing such stocks,
– to secure the better utilisation of the storage facilities located in their countries,
– to promote and facilitate the co-operation in the field of energy based on mutual benefits,
– thus strengthening their support offered for implementing the objectives of the European Union and their efforts towards sustaining continuous and secure energy supply,
– bearing in mind the accession process of the Contracting Parties to European Union and the obligation to harmonise their legislation with the acquis communaitaire,
– taking into account the provisions laid down in the European Economic Community Council Directive 68/414/EEC of 20 December 1968 imposing an obligation on Member States of the EEC to maintain minimum stocks of crude oil and/or petroleum products and Council Directive 98/93/ec of 14 December 1998 amending Directive 68/414/EEC
have entered into the following Agreement:
Article 1.
1. In the application of this Agreement:
a) „stocks of crude oil and petroleum products“ will be deemed as the following, in accordance with the Directive 68/414/EEC as amended by the Directive 98/93/EC:
1. crude oil
2. motor spirit and aviation fuel (aviation spirit and jet fuel of the gasoline type)
3. gas oil, diesel, kerosine and jet fuel of the kerosine type
4. fuel oils.
b) compulsory stocks of crude oil and oil products will be the stocks defined in the European Economic Community Directive No. 68/414/EEC and its amendment, the 98/93/EC Directive.
Provisions of this Agreement shall not be applied on semi-finished blending components (that can be processed to become finished products).
2. The provisions set forth in this Agreement will be applied in respect of the compulsory stocks of crude oil and petroleum products, in respect of which the agency (hereinafter: the Agency) performing the national stockholding obligation of the Contracting Party, which establishes such stocks, will conclude commercial contracts for holding compulsory stocks with the other Contracting Party’s company, undertaking or legal entity (hereinafter Undertaking), which is under the jurisdiction of such Contracting Party and which is entitled to perform stockholding operations within the national boundaries of this Contracting Party.
3. The Hungarian Agency responsible for national compulsory stockpiling in Hungary is the Kőolaj és Kőolajtermék Készletező Szövetség, whereas the Slovenian Agency responsible for national compulsory stockpiling in Slovenia is the Zavod Republike Slovenije za obvezne rezerve nafte in njenih derivatov.
4. The following may be added to compulsory stocks of the Contracting Party establishing the compulsory stocks:
a) stocks held in the territory of the other Contracting Party, which the Agencies may dispose of based on ownership, part-ownership or other legal title,
b) Other quantities held in the territory of the other Contracting Party, for which Undertaking or the other Contracting Party’s Agency have the right of disposal as owners, part-owners or by other legal title and for which these entities have given a written commitment (declaration of acceptance of obligation) that they will hold those quantities as stocks for the Agency that established the compulsory stocks for a period of at least one quarter of one calendar year.
Article 2.
1. Pursuant to this Agreement Contracting Parties will allow mutual storage of compulsory stocks, or part of such stocks, in each other’s countries, in accordance with the provisions in effect in the European Union.
2. The Contracting Party that establishes the compulsory stocks shall monthly inform the other Contracting Party about the conclusion of any contract under the scope of this Agreement. Such information shall contain the following data:
a) name and address of the Agency who ordered the storage
b) name and address of the Undertaking, who stores the stock
c) types of the stored materials (crude oil, product category) and the volume of the stock
d) address of the location (tank farm), where the stock is physically located.
3. Stocks stored in the territory of the other Contracting Party under this Agreement shall fully form the property and fully be at the disposal of the Contracting Party, which has established such storage, or the Agency, which are statutorily involved into performing a national stockholding obligation of this Contracting Party, as specified under Article 1.3. herein. The Contracting Parties shall assume the obligation that the stored compulsory stocks shall fully be at the disposal of the said owners, or the beneficiary of the declaration of obligation even if there is any crises emerging in the crude oil or petroleum products supply. The Contracting Parties shall mutually ensure that they will have any and all legal means to control and supervise the said stocks even under the referred circumstances, including enforcing the right of disposal over the said stocks, so that such stocks can be freely and at any time be transported onto the territory of the owner Contracting Party.
4. In the event of crude oil and petroleum product supply crisis, the Agency having the right of disposal over the stock shall make any and all withdrawal from such stock, and the Contracting Party which has established such stock shall report after this event to the other Contracting Party as soon as possible.
5. Contracting Parties shall secure that such stocks be also at any other time available and accessible for control and use.
6. Contracting Parties will be entitled to inspect the stocks involved into such storage and held in their respective territories, and will report the results and findings of such inspection to the other Contracting Party.
Article 3.
1. For the purposes of implementing this Agreement, Contracting Parties will mutually secure appropriate guarantees under their legislation that either Contracting Party on whose behalf such stocks are established and/or held abroad under a storage agreement will be entitled to include such stocks of crude oil and petroleum products into its compulsory stocks in accordance with the relevant provisions of the European Union, provided that there is an inter-governmental agreement in place between the two countries in this case.
2. Stocks stored in the territory of the other Contracting Party under this Agreement shall not be accounted and regarded as stocks of the Contracting Party, which performs such storage operations.
3. Contracting parties mutually secure that
a) Stocks held under this Agreement for the purpose of the other Contracting Party will be free of any customs, duties, taxes and customs-guarantee payment obligation.
b) Movement of compulsory stocks of crude oil and petroleum products under this Agreement – either within the territory of the contracting countries or between the territory of the two countries – may solely be realised in accordance with the rules in force for tax warehouses and – in the case of tax warehouse inside the territory of customs warehouse – for customs warehouses.
Article 4.
1. Any and all information related to stockholding of products under this Agreement shall be transferred directly between the Contracting Parties, or through entity specifically authorised for such purpose. The entity to be authorised by the Ministry of Economic Affairs of the Republic of Hungary will represent the Government of the Republic of Hungary, whereas the Ministry of the Economy of the Republic of Slovenia will represent the Government of the Republic of Slovenia.
2. The Contracting Parties shall co-operate in applying equitable and non-discriminatory conditions in order to ensure full performance of the said stockholding requirements, with specific regard to secure compliance with data supply obligations at due time, which are specified in this Agreement.
3. The Agencies of the Contracting Parties responsible for compulsory stockholding shall, not later than six weeks following each calendar quarter elapsed mutually inform each other on the following data related to the stocks stored under this Agreement on their territories:
a) name and address of the Agency who ordered the storage
b) name and address of the Undertaking, who stores the stock
c) types of the stored materials (crude oil, product category) and the volume of the stock
d) the term of the storage agreement
e) address of the location (tank farm), where the stock is physically located.
4. The Contracting Party, which has established the stock will check the accuracy of such data, and, in case of any discrepancy, it will inform the other Contracting Party on any claim or comment.
5. The Agreement will not require either Contracting Party to disclose any information, which is not allowed pursuant to the relevant agreements, laws and other regulations in effect of either Contracting Party. No information of selected disclosure shall be transferred pursuant to this Agreement with the exception of data for statutory report to the European Union specified under Articles 2. and 4.
Article 5.
1. Contracting Parties will, at the request of either Party, conduct consultations on further development of the co-operation related to the application of this Agreement, or on any other issue that may emerge in connection with the location and/or utilisation of such stocks, and any disputed issue that may eventually occur. Contracting Parties shall promptly hold such consultations in case of crude oil and petroleum product supply crises.
2. Each legal dispute arising from or related to the interpretation and application of this Agreement in effect between the Contracting Parties shall be – as far as reasonably possible – be settled through consultations.
3. If a dispute can not be settled within three months from the date of written request for settlement, it shall be upon the request of either Contracting Party submitted to an ad hoc arbitral tribunal.
4. The arbitral tribunal shall be constituted as follows: within two months of the receipt of the request for arbitration each Contracting Party shall appoint one member to the arbitral tribunal. Those two members shall then select a national of a third country who, on approval of the Contracting Parties, shall be appointed Chairman of the tribunal. The Chairman shall be appointed within two months from the date of appointment of the other two members.
5. If the appointments are not agreed upon within the period stipulated in paragraph 3 of this Article, either Contracting Party may invite the President of the International Court of Justice to, within two months, make the appointments. In event that the President is national of either Contracting Party, or is otherwise prevent from performing the said function, the Vice-President shall be invited to make the appointments. If the Vice-President is a national of either Contracting Party or is prevent from performing the said function, the Member of the International Court of Justice next in seniority who is not a national of either Contracting Party shall be invited to make the appointments.
6. The arbitral tribunal shall reach its decision by a majority of votes and its decisions shall be final and binding. Each Contracting Party shall cover the costs of its own member of the tribunal and of its representation in the arbitral proceedings. The costs of the Chairman and remaining costs shall be borne in equal parts by the Contracting Parties. The arbitral tribunal decides on its own procedures.
Article 6.
1. This Agreement is concluded by the Contracting Parties for an indefinite period of time, and shall remain in force until either Contracting Party has notified its intention to terminate it through diplomatic channels in writing at least twelve (12) months prior its termination. No termination can be effectively exercised in case of a crude oil and petroleum product supply crisis.
2 This Agreement shall enter into force on the 30th (thirtieth) day after the receipt of the latter diplomatic notice of the Contracting Parties on the fulfilment of their internal legal procedures required to the entry into force of the Agreement.
Done in Budapest on the 20 day of November 2002 in two original copies, in Slovenian, Hungarian and English languages, with identical content and meaning. In case of different interpretation, the English version shall prevail.
On behalf of the Government of
the Republic of Slovenia:
Renata Vitez, (s)
On behalf of the Government of
the Republic of Hungary:
Imre Réthy, (s)
3. člen
Za izvajanje sporazuma skrbi Ministrstvo za gospodarstvo.
4. člen
Ta zakon začne veljati naslednji dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 320-04/03-4/1
Ljubljana, dne 27. marca 2003
Državnega zbora
Republike Slovenije
Borut Pahor l. r.
* Besedilo sporazuma v madžarskem jeziku je na vpogled v Sektorju za mednarodnopravne zadeve Ministrstva za zunanje zadeve.

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