Na podlagi petega odstavka 75. člena Zakona o zunanjih zadevah (Uradni list RS, št. 45/2001) izdaja Vlada Republike Slovenije
1. člen
Ratificira se Sklep št. 1/2003 Pridružitvenega sveta EU-Slovenija o spremembi Protokola 4 k Evropskemu sporazumu o opredelitvi pojma “izdelki s poreklom“ in načinih upravnega sodelovanja, sprejet v Bruslju 17. februarja 2003.
2. člen
Sklep se v izvirniku v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku glasi:1
S K L E P ŠT. 1/2003
z dne 17. februarja 2003
o spremembi Protokola 4 k Evropskemu sporazumu o opredelitvi pojma “izdelki s poreklom “ in načinih upravnega sodelovanja
ob upoštevanju Evropskega sporazuma o pridružitvi med Evropskimi skupnostmi ter njihovimi državami, ki delujejo v okviru Evropske unije, na eni strani in Republiko Slovenijo na drugi strani2, v nadaljevanju “sporazum“, podpisanega v Luksemburgu 10. junija 1996, in še posebej 38. člena njegovega protokola 4;
glede na to:
(1) da je bil protokol 4 k sporazumu o opredelitvi pojma “izdelki s poreklom“ in načinih upravnega sodelovanja, v nadaljevanju “protokol“, večkrat spremenjen. Združitev teh sprememb besedila protokola je zato potrebna zaradi jasnosti in pravne varnosti pri uporabi pravil o poreklu blaga;
(2) da so tehnične spremembe pravil za postopke predelave potrebne tudi zaradi upoštevanja sprememb Harmoniziranega sistema poimenovanja in šifrskih oznak blaga (“harmonizirani sistem“), ki začnejo veljati 1. januarja 2002;
(3) da je treba določene zahteve v postopkih predelave za material brez porekla za pridobitev statusa blaga s poreklom spremeniti, zato da bi se upoštevali pomanjkanje proizvodnje nekega materiala v pogodbenicah in posebni pogoji, pod katerimi je treba pridobiti nekatere izdelke (monolitsko integrirana vezja), kar pomeni omejene postopke predelave zunaj pogodbenic;
(4) da so nekatere tehnične spremembe potrebne, zato da se popravijo nepravilnosti v različnih jezikovnih različicah besedila in med njimi;
(5) da je zato primerno, da se za pravilno delovanje sporazuma in zaradi olajšanja dela uporabnikov in carinskih uprav vse take določbe vključijo v novo besedilo protokola;
(6) da je potrebno, da se skupne izjave o Kneževini Andori, Republiki San Marino in o pregledu sprememb pravil o poreklu, ki so posledica sprememb v Harmoniziranem sistemu ohranijo še naprej skupaj s protokolom.
1. člen
Protokol 4 k sporazumu o opredelitvi pojma “izdelki s poreklom“ in načinih upravnega sodelovanja se nadomesti s priloženim besedilom, skupaj z ustreznimi Skupnimi izjavami.
2. člen
Ta sklep začne veljati na dan njegovega sprejema.
Uporabljati se začne s 1. marcem 2003.
1. člen Opredelitev pojmov
2. člen Splošne zahteve
3. člen Kumulacija v Skupnosti
4. člen Kumulacija v Sloveniji
5. člen V celoti pridobljeni izdelki
6. člen Zadosti obdelani ali predelani izdelki
7. člen Nezadostni postopki obdelave ali predelave
8. člen Enota kvalifikacije
9. člen Dodatki, nadomestni deli in orodje
10. člen Garniture
11. člen Nevtralne sestavine
12. člen Načelo teritorialnosti
13. člen Neposredni prevoz
14. člen Razstave
15. člen Prepoved povračila ali izvzetja od carinskih dajatev
16. člen Splošne zahteve
17. člen Postopek za izdajo potrdila o prometu blaga EUR.1
18. člen Naknadno izdana potrdila o prometu blaga EUR.1
19. člen Izdaja dvojnika potrdila o prometu blaga EUR.1
20. člen Izdaja potrdil o prometu blaga EUR.1 na podlagi predhodno
izdanega ali danega dokazila o poreklu
20.a člen Ločeno knjigovodsko izkazovanje
21. člen Pogoji za izjavo na računu
22. člen Pooblaščeni izvoznik
23. člen Veljavnost dokazila o poreklu
24. člen Predložitev dokazila o poreklu
25. člen Uvoz po delih
26. člen Izjeme pri dokazilu o poreklu
27. člen Dokazilne listine
28. člen Shranjevanje dokazil o poreklu in dokazilnih listin
29. člen Razlike in oblikovne napake
30. člen Zneski, izraženi v evrih
31. člen Medsebojna pomoč
32. člen Preverjanje dokazil o poreklu
33. člen Reševanje sporov
34. člen Kazni
35. člen Proste cone
36. člen Uporaba protokola
37. člen Posebni pogoji
38. člen Spremembe protokola
Seznam prilog
Priloga I: Uvodne opombe k seznamu v prilogi II
Priloga II: Seznam obdelav ali predelav, ki jih je treba opraviti
na materialih brez porekla, da bi lahko izdelani izdelki
dobili status blaga s poreklom
Priloga III: Vzorci potrdil o prometu blaga EUR.1 in zahtev za potrdilo
o prometu blaga EUR.1
Priloga IV: Besedilo izjave na računu
Priloga V: Seznam izdelkov s poreklom iz Turčije, za katere ne veljajo
določbe 3. in 4. člena, navedenih v zaporedju poglavij in
tarifnih številk HS
Skupne izjave
Skupna izjava o Kneževini Andori
Skupna izjava o Republiki San Marino
Skupna izjava o pregledu sprememb pravil o poreklu, ki so posledica sprememb
v harmoniziranem sistemu
Opredelitev pojmov
V tem protokolu:
(a) “izdelava“ pomeni katero koli vrsto obdelave ali predelave, vključno s sestavljanjem ali posebnimi postopki;
(b) “material“ pomeni vsako sestavino, surovino, sestavni del ali del itd., ki se uporablja pri izdelavi izdelka;
(c) “izdelek“ pomeni izdelek, ki se izdeluje, čeprav je namenjen kasnejši uporabi pri drugem postopku izdelave;
(d) “blago“ pomeni materiale in izdelke;
(e) “carinska vrednost“ pomeni vrednost, določeno v skladu s Sporazumom iz leta 1994 o izvajanju VII. člena Splošnega sporazuma o carinah in trgovini (Sporazum WTO o carinski vrednosti);
(f) “cena franko tovarna“ pomeni ceno, ki se za izdelek franko tovarna v Skupnosti ali v Sloveniji plača proizvajalcu, pri katerem se opravi zadnja obdelava ali predelava, če cena vključuje vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov, zmanjšano za vse notranje dajatve, ki se ali se lahko povrnejo pri izvozu pridobljenega izdelka;
(g) “vrednost materialov“ pomeni carinsko vrednost pri uvozu uporabljenih materialov brez porekla ali če ta ni znana in se ne da ugotoviti, prvo preverljivo ceno, plačano za materiale v Skupnosti ali v Sloveniji;
(h) “vrednost materialov s poreklom“ pomeni vrednost takih materialov, kot so opredeljeni v točki (g) in se smiselno uporablja;
(i) “dodana vrednost“ pomeni ceno izdelka franko tovarna, zmanjšano za carinsko vrednost vsakega vključenega materiala s poreklom iz drugih držav, omenjenih v 3. in 4. členu, ali če carinska vrednost ni znana ali se ne da ugotoviti, prva dokazljiva cena, plačana za materiale v Skupnosti ali v Sloveniji;
(j) “poglavja“ in “tarifne številke“ pomenijo poglavja in tarifne številke (štirištevilčne kode), uporabljene v nomenklaturi, ki sestavlja Harmonizirani sistem poimenovanja in šifrskih oznak blaga, ki se v tem protokolu navaja kot harmonizirani sistem ali HS;
(k) “uvrščen“ se nanaša na uvrstitev izdelka ali materiala v določeno tarifno številko;
(l) “pošiljka“ pomeni izdelke, ki jih izvoznik pošilja enemu prejemniku bodisi hkrati ali so zajeti v enem samem prevoznem dokumentu, s katerim izvoznik dobavlja te izdelke prejemniku, ali če ni takega dokumenta, izdelke, ki so zajeti na enem računu;
(m) “ozemlje“ vključuje teritorialno morje.
Splošne zahteve
1. Pri izvajanju tega sporazuma se za izdelke s poreklom iz Skupnosti štejejo:
(a) izdelki, v celoti pridobljeni v Skupnosti v smislu 5. člena;
(b) izdelki, pridobljeni v Skupnosti, ki vsebujejo materiale, ki v njej niso bili v celoti pridobljeni, če so bili taki materiali zadosti obdelani ali predelani v Skupnosti v smislu 6. člena;
(c) blago s poreklom iz Evropskega gospodarskega prostora (European Economic Area – EEA) v smislu Protokola 4 Sporazuma o evropskem gospodarskem prostoru.
2. Pri izvajanju tega sporazuma se za izdelke s poreklom iz Slovenije štejejo:
(a) izdelki, v celoti pridobljeni v Sloveniji v smislu 5. člena;
(b) izdelki, pridobljeni v Sloveniji, ki vsebujejo materiale, ki v njej niso bili v celoti pridobljeni, če so bili taki materiali zadosti obdelani ali predelani v Sloveniji v smislu 6. člena.
Kumulacija v Skupnosti
1. Brez vpliva na določbe prvega odstavka 2. člena izdelki veljajo za izdelke s poreklom iz Skupnosti, če so bili tam pridobljeni in vključujejo materiale s poreklom iz Bolgarije, Švice (vključno z Liechtensteinom1), Češke republike, Estonije, Madžarske, Islandije, Litve, Latvije, Norveške, Poljske, Romunije, Slovenije,Slovaške republike, Turčije2 ali Skupnosti, v skladu z določbami protokola o pravilih o poreklu blaga, priloženega k sporazumom med Skupnostjo in vsako od teh držav, če obdelava ali predelava, opravljena v Skupnosti, presega postopke, omenjene v 7. členu. Ni treba, da bi bili taki materiali zadosti obdelani ali predelani.
2. Če obdelava ali predelava, ki se opravlja v Skupnosti, ne presega postopkov, omenjenih v 7. členu, se šteje, da ima pridobljeni izdelek poreklo iz Skupnosti samo, kadar je tam dodana vrednost višja od vrednosti uporabljenih materialov s poreklom iz katere koli države, omenjene v prvem odstavku. Če ni tako, se pridobljeni izdelek šteje za izdelek s poreklom iz države, ki je prispevala največjo vrednost uporabljenih materialov s poreklom pri izdelavi v Skupnosti.
3. Izdelki s poreklom iz ene od držav, omenjenih v prvem odstavku, ki niso obdelani ali predelani v Skupnosti, ohranijo svoje poreklo, če se izvozijo v eno od teh držav.
4. Kumulacija, predvidena v tem členu, se lahko uporablja samo za materiale in izdelke, ki so pridobili status blaga s poreklom z uporabo pravil o poreklu, ki so enaka kot pravila v tem protokolu.
Skupnost priskrbi Sloveniji prek Komisije Evropskih skupnosti podrobnosti o sporazumih in njihovih ustreznih pravilih o poreklu, ki se uporabljajo z drugimi državami, omenjenimi v prvem odstavku. Komisija Evropskih skupnosti objavi v Uradnem listu Evropskih skupnosti (serija C) datum, ko lahko države, navedene v prvem odstavku, ki so izpolnile ustrezne zahteve, uporabijo kumulacijo, predvideno v tem členu.
Kumulacija v Sloveniji
1. Brez vpliva na določbe drugega odstavka 2. člena izdelki veljajo za izdelke s poreklom iz Slovenije, če so bili tam pridobljeni in vključujejo materiale s poreklom iz Bolgarije, Švice (vključno z Liechtensteinom1), Češke republike, Estonije, Madžarske, Islandije, Litve, Latvije, Norveške, Poljske, Romunije, Slovenije, Slovaške republike,Turčije2 ali Skupnosti, v skladu z določbami protokola o pravilih o poreklu blaga, priloženega k sporazumom med Slovenijo in vsako od teh držav, če obdelava ali predelava, opravljena v Sloveniji presega postopke, omenjene v 7. členu. Ni treba, da bi bili taki materiali zadosti obdelani ali predelani.
2. Če obdelava ali predelava, ki se opravlja v Sloveniji, ne presega postopkov, omenjenih v 7. členu, se šteje, da ima pridobljeni izdelek poreklo iz Slovenije samo, kadar je tam dodana vrednost višja od vrednosti uporabljenih materialov s poreklom iz katere koli države, omenjene v prvem odstavku. Če ni tako, se pridobljeni izdelek šteje za izdelek s poreklom iz države, ki je prispevala največjo vrednost uporabljenih materialov s poreklom pri izdelavi v Sloveniji.
3. Izdelki s poreklom iz ene od držav, omenjenih v prvem odstavku, ki niso obdelani ali predelani v Sloveniji, ohranijo svoje poreklo, če se izvozijo v eno od teh držav.
4. Kumulacija, predvidena v tem členu, se lahko uporablja samo za materiale in izdelke, ki so pridobili status blaga s poreklom z uporabo pravil o poreklu, ki so enaka kot pravila v tem protokolu.
Slovenija priskrbi Skupnosti prek Komisije Evropskih skupnosti podrobnosti o sporazumih in njihovih ustreznih pravilih o poreklu, ki se uporabljajo z drugimi državami, omenjenimi v prvem odstavku. Komisija Evropskih skupnosti objavi v Uradnem listu Evropskih skupnosti (serija C) datum, ko lahko države, navedene v prvem odstavku, ki so izpolnile ustrezne zahteve, uporabijo kumulacijo, predvideno v tem členu.
V celoti pridobljeni izdelki
1. Šteje se, da so v celoti pridobljeni v Skupnosti ali v Sloveniji:
(a) mineralni izdelki, pridobljeni iz njene zemlje ali morskega dna;
(b) tam pridelani rastlinski izdelki;
(c) žive živali, tam skotene ali izvaljene in vzrejene;
(d) izdelki, pridobljeni iz živih, tam vzrejenih živali;
(e) izdelki, tam pridobljeni z lovom ali ribolovom;
(f) izdelki morskega ribolova in drugi izdelki iz morja, pridobljeni z njenimi plovili zunaj teritorialnega morja Skupnosti ali Slovenije;
(g) izdelki, izdelani na njenih predelovalnih ladjah izključno iz izdelkov, omenjenih v točki (f);
(h) tam zbrani rabljeni predmeti, primerni le za reciklažo surovin, vključno z rabljenimi gumami, primernimi le za protektiranje ali uporabo kot odpadek;
(i) odpadki in ostanki pri postopkih izdelave, ki tam potekajo;
(j) izdelki, pridobljeni iz morskega dna ali podzemlja zunaj njenega teritorialnega morja, če ima izključno pravico do obdelave morskega dna ali podzemlja;
(k) blago, tam izdelano izključno iz izdelkov, opredeljenih v točkah (a) do (j).
2. Izraza “njena plovila“ in “njene predelovalne ladje“ v točkah (f) in (g) prvega odstavka se uporabljata samo za plovila in predelovalne ladje:
(a) ki so registrirane ali so vpisane v seznam v državi članici Skupnosti ali v Sloveniji;
(b) ki plovejo pod zastavo države članice Skupnosti ali Slovenije;
(c) ki so najmanj 50 odstotkov v lasti državljanov države članice Skupnosti ali Slovenije ali družbe s sedežem v eni od teh držav in v kateri so direktor ali direktorji, predsednik upravnega odbora ali nadzornega sveta ter večina članov takih odborov državljani države članice Skupnosti ali Slovenije in še dodatno, če v osebnih ali kapitalskih družbah vsaj polovica kapitala pripada tem državam ali javnim organom ali državljanom omenjenih držav;
(d) katerih kapitan in častniki so državljani države članice Skupnosti ali Slovenije
(e) katerih najmanj 75 odstotkov članov posadke je državljanov države članice Skupnosti ali Slovenije.
Zadosti obdelani ali predelani izdelki
1. Za namene 2. člena se šteje, da so izdelki, ki niso v celoti pridobljeni, zadosti obdelani ali predelani, če so izpolnjeni pogoji, navedeni v seznamu priloge II.
Navedeni pogoji navajajo za vse izdelke, za katere velja sporazum, postopke obdelave ali predelave, ki morajo biti opravljeni na materialih brez porekla, uporabljenih pri izdelavi teh izdelkov, in se nanašajo samo na take materiale. Če se izdelek, ki je pridobil poreklo z izpolnitvijo pogojev iz seznama, uporablja pri izdelavi drugega izdelka, se torej pogoji, ki se uporabljajo za izdelek, v katerega je ta vključen, ne uporabljajo zanj in se ne upoštevajo materiali brez porekla, ki so se morda uporabili pri njegovi izdelavi.
2. Ne glede na prvi odstavek se materiali brez porekla, ki se v skladu s pogoji iz seznama za ta izdelek ne bi smeli uporabiti pri izdelavi tega izdelka, vseeno lahko uporabijo, če:
(a) njihova skupna vrednost ne presega 10 odstotkov cene izdelka franko tovarna,
(b) kateri koli odstotek, ki je naveden v seznamu kot zgornja vrednost materialov brez porekla, ni presežen na podlagi uporabe tega odstavka.
Ta odstavek se ne uporablja za izdelke, ki se uvrščajo v 50. do 63. poglavje harmoniziranega sistema.
3. Prvi in drugi odstavek se uporabljata pod pogoji, ki jih določa 7. člen.
Nezadostni postopki obdelave ali predelave
1. Brez vpliva na drugi odstavek se ti postopki štejejo za nezadostno obdelavo ali predelavo, da bi izdelek pridobil status izdelka s poreklom, ne glede na to, ali je zadoščeno zahtevam iz 6. člena:
(a) postopki za ohranitev blaga v dobrem stanju med prevozom in skladiščenjem;
(b) razstavljanje in sestavljanje pošiljk;
(c) pranje, čiščenje; odstranjevanje prahu, oksidov, olja, barve ali drugih snovi za prekrivanje;
(d) likanje tekstila;
(e) preprosti postopki barvanja in loščenja;
(f) luščenje, beljenje delno ali v celoti, loščenje ter glaziranje žit in riža;
(g) postopki barvanja sladkorja ali oblikovanje sladkornih kock;
(h) lupljenje, razkoščičevanje in luščenje sadja, oreščkov in zelenjave;
(i) ostrenje, preprosto brušenje ali preprosto rezanje;
(j) sejanje, prebiranje, sortiranje, razvrščanje v skupine, razvrščanje po stopnjah, usklajevanje (vključno s sestavljanjem garnitur izdelkov);
(k) preprosto pakiranje v steklenice, konzerve, čutare, vrečke, zaboje, škatle, pritrjevanje na kartone ali plošče in vsi drugi preprosti postopki pakiranja;
(l) pritrjevanje ali tiskanje oznak, nalepk, logotipov in drugih podobnih znakov za razlikovanje na izdelke ali njihovo embalažo;
(m) preprosto mešanje izdelkov, ne glede na to, ali so različnih vrst ali ne;
(n) enostavno sestavljanje delov izdelkov v popoln izdelek ali razstavljanje izdelkov na dele;
(o) kombinacija dveh ali več postopkov, opisanih v točkah a) do n);
(p) zakol živali.
2. Pri ugotavljanju, ali se predelava ali obdelava, opravljena na posameznem izdelku, šteje za nezadostno v smislu prvega odstavka, se skupno upoštevajo vsi postopki, opravljeni na tem izdelku v Skupnosti ali v Sloveniji.
Enota kvalifikacije
1. Enota kvalifikacije za uporabo določb tega protokola je določen izdelek, ki se šteje za osnovno enoto, kadar se določa uvrstitev blaga pri uporabi nomenklature harmoniziranega sistema.
Iz tega sledi:
(a) kadar se izdelek, ki ga sestavlja skupina predmetov ali je sestavljen iz izdelkov, uvršča po pogojih harmoniziranega sistema v eno tarifno številko, potem celota pomeni enoto kvalifikacije,
(b) kadar je pošiljka sestavljena iz določenega števila enakih izdelkov, ki se uvrščajo v enako tarifno številko harmoniziranega sistema, je treba pri uporabi določb tega protokola vsak izdelek obravnavati posebej.
2. Če je v skladu s petim temeljnim pravilom harmoniziranega sistema embalaža vključena v izdelek zaradi uvrščanja, mora biti vključena tudi pri določanju porekla.
Dodatki, nadomestni deli in orodje
Dodatki, nadomestni deli in orodje, poslani skupaj z delom opreme, stroja, naprave ali vozila, ki so del običajne opreme in so vključeni v njeno ceno ali pa niso posebej zaračunani, se štejejo za del te opreme, stroja, naprave ali vozila.
10. ČLEN
Garniture se v skladu s tretjim temeljnim pravilom harmoniziranega sistema štejejo za garniture s poreklom, kadar imajo poreklo vsi njihovi sestavni deli. Kljub temu pa se takrat, kadar je garnitura sestavljena iz izdelkov s poreklom in brez njega, šteje, da ima garnitura kot celota poreklo, če vrednost izdelkov brez porekla ne presega 15 odstotkov cene garniture franko tovarna.
11. ČLEN
Nevtralne sestavine
Da bi določili, ali ima izdelek poreklo, ni treba ugotavljati porekla za navedeno, kar bi lahko bilo uporabljeno pri njegovi izdelavi:
(a) energija in gorivo,
(b) naprave in oprema,
(c) stroji in orodje,
(d) blago, ki ni vključeno ali ni namenjeno za vključitev v končno sestavo izdelka.
12. ČLEN
Načelo teritorialnosti
1. Razen v primerih iz točke c) prvega odstavka 2. člena, iz 3. in 4. člena in tretjega odstavka tega člena morajo biti pogoji za pridobitev statusa blaga s poreklom, določeni v II. oddelku, brez prekinitve izpolnjeni v Skupnosti ali Sloveniji.
2. Razen v primerih iz 3. in 4. člena se blago s poreklom, izvoženo iz Skupnosti ali Slovenije v drugo državo, ob vrnitvi šteje za blago brez porekla, razen če se carinskim organom lahko zadovoljivo dokaže:
(a) da je blago, ki se vrača, isto blago, kot je bilo izvoženo,
(b) da na njem, medtem ko je bilo v tisti državi ali med izvozom, niso bili opravljeni nikakršni postopki, razen tistih, ki so potrebni, da se ohrani v dobrem stanju.
3. Na pridobitev statusa blaga s poreklom v skladu s pogoji, določenimi v II. oddelku, ne vpliva obdelava ali predelava, opravljena zunaj Skupnosti ali Slovenije na materialih, izvoženih iz Skupnosti ali Slovenije in tja ponovno uvoženih, če:
(a) so omenjeni materiali v celoti pridobljeni v Skupnosti ali Sloveniji ali so bili pred njihovim izvozom obdelani ali predelani bolj, kot zahtevajo postopki, omenjeni v 7. členu,
(b) se carinskim organom zadovoljivo dokaže, da:
(i) je bilo ponovno uvoženo blago pridobljeno z obdelavo ali predelavo izvoženih materialov,
(ii) skupna dodana vrednost, pridobljena zunaj Skupnosti ali Slovenije ob uporabi določb tega člena, ne presega 10 odstotkov cene franko tovarna končnega izdelka, za katerega se uveljavlja status blaga s poreklom.
4. Za namene tretjega odstavka se pogoji za pridobitev statusa blaga s poreklom, določeni v II. oddelku, ne uporabljajo za obdelavo ali predelavo, opravljeno zunaj Skupnosti ali Slovenije. Kadar pa se v seznamu v prilogi II za določitev statusa blaga s poreklom za končni izdelek uporablja pravilo, ki določa najvišjo vrednost vseh vključenih materialov brez porekla, skupna vrednost materialov brez porekla, vključenih na ozemlju določene pogodbenice, upoštevana skupaj s skupno dodano vrednostjo, pridobljeno zunaj Skupnosti ali Slovenije z uporabo določb tega člena, ne sme presegati navedenega odstotka.
5. Za namene uporabe določb tretjega in četrtega odstavka se šteje, da “skupna dodana vrednost“ pomeni vse stroške, nastale zunaj Skupnosti ali Slovenije, skupaj z vrednostjo tam vključenih materialov.
6. Določbe tretjega in četrtega odstavka se ne uporabljajo za izdelke, ki ne izpolnjujejo pogojev, določenih v seznamu priloge II, ali za izdelke, ki se lahko štejejo za zadosti obdelane ali predelane samo ob uporabi splošno dovoljenega odstopanja, določenega v drugem odstavku 6. člena.
7. Določbe tretjega in četrtega odstavka se ne uporabljajo za izdelke iz 50. do 63. poglavja harmoniziranega sistema.
8. Vsaka obdelava ali predelava, ki je zajeta z določbami tega člena, opravljena zunaj Skupnosti ali Slovenije, se opravi v skladu s postopki pasivnega oplemenitenja ali podobnimi postopki.
13. ČLEN
Neposredni prevoz
1. Preferencialno obravnavanje, predvideno s tem sporazumom, se uporablja samo za izdelke, ki izpolnjujejo zahteve tega protokola in se prevažajo neposredno med Skupnostjo in Slovenijo ali čez ozemlja drugih držav, omenjenih v 3. in 4. členu. Vendar se izdelki, ki sestavljajo eno samo nedeljeno pošiljko, lahko prevažajo čez druga ozemlja, če do tega pride, s pretovarjanjem ali začasnim skladiščenjem na teh ozemljih pod pogojem, da je blago v državi tranzita ali skladiščenja ostalo pod nadzorom carinskih organov in da na njem niso bili opravljeni drugi postopki razen raztovarjanja, ponovnega natovarjanja ali kakršni koli postopki za ohranitev blaga v dobrem stanju.
Izdelki s poreklom se lahko pošiljajo po cevovodih čez ozemlja, ki niso ozemlja Skupnosti ali Slovenije.
2. Kot dokazilo, da so izpolnjeni pogoji, določeni v prvem odstavku, je treba predložiti carinskim organom države uvoznice:
(a) en sam prevozni dokument, ki pokriva prevoz iz države izvoznice čez državo tranzita, ali
(b) potrdilo, ki ga izdajo carinski organi države tranzita, ki:
(i) vsebuje natančen opis izdelkov,
(ii) navaja datume raztovarjanja in ponovnega natovarjanja izdelkov,in, če je primerno, imena ladij ali drugih uporabljenih prevoznih sredstev,
(iii) potrjuje pogoje, pod katerimi so bili izdelki zadržani v državi tranzita, ali
(c) če teh ni, katere koli dokumente, ki to dokazujejo.
14. ČLEN
1. Za izdelke s poreklom, ki se pošiljajo na razstavo v drugo državo razen tistih, ki so omenjene v 3. in 4. členu, in so po razstavi prodani z namenom uvoza v Skupnost ali v Slovenijo, veljajo pri uvozu ugodnosti po določbah tega sporazuma, če se carinskim organom zadovoljivo dokaže, da:
(a) je izvoznik te izdelke poslal iz Skupnosti ali iz Slovenije v državo, v kateri je razstava in jih je tam razstavljal,
(b) je ta izvoznik izdelke prodal ali jih kako drugače dal na razpolago osebi v Skupnosti ali v Sloveniji,
(c) so bili izdelki med razstavo ali takoj zatem poslani v enakem stanju, kot so bili poslani na razstavo,
(d) izdelki od tedaj, ko so bili poslani na razstavo, niso bili uporabljeni za noben drug namen kot za predstavitev na razstavi.
2. Dokazilo o poreklu mora biti izdano ali sestavljeno v skladu z določbami V. oddelka in predloženo carinskim organom države uvoznice na običajen način. V njem morata biti navedena ime in naslov razstave. Po potrebi se lahko zahtevajo dodatna pisna dokazila o pogojih, pod katerimi so bili razstavljeni.
3. Prvi odstavek se uporablja za vse trgovinske, industrijske, kmetijske ali obrtne razstave, sejme ali podobne javne prireditve ali prikaze, ki niso organizirani za zasebne namene v trgovinah ali poslovnih prostorih zaradi prodaje tujih izdelkov in med katerimi izdelki ostanejo pod carinskim nadzorom.
15. ČLEN
Prepoved povračila ali izvzetja od carinskih dajatev
1. (a) Za materiale brez porekla, ki se uporabljajo pri izdelavi izdelkov s poreklom iz Skupnosti, Slovenije ali iz ene od drugih držav, omenjenih v 3. in 4. členu, za katere se izda ali sestavi dokazilo o poreklu v skladu z določbami V. oddelka, se v Skupnosti ali v Sloveniji ne more uveljavljati kakršno koli povračilo ali izvzetje od carinskih dajatev.
(b) Za izdelke, ki se uvrščajo v 3. poglavje, in tarifni številki 1604 in 1605 harmoniziranega sistema in imajo poreklo Skupnosti, kot je določeno v pododstavku c) prvega odstavka 2. člena, za katere se izda ali izdela dokazilo o poreklu v skladu z določbami V. oddelka, se v Skupnosti ne more uveljavljati kakršno koli povračilo ali izvzetje od carinskih dajatev.
2. Prepoved iz prvega odstavka se nanaša na kakršno koli delno ali celotno povračilo, odpustitev ali neplačilo carinskih dajatev ali dajatev z enakim učinkom, ki se lahko uporablja v Skupnosti ali v Sloveniji izrecno ali posledično, za materiale, uporabljene pri izdelavi, in za izdelke, za katere velja pododstavek b) prvega odstavka zgoraj, takrat, ko se izdelki, pridobljeni iz omenjenih materialov, izvozijo, in ne, če tam ostanejo za domačo porabo.
3. Izvoznik izdelkov, na katere se nanaša dokazilo o poreklu, mora biti na zahtevo carinskih organov pripravljen kadar koli predložiti vse ustrezne dokumente, ki dokazujejo, da za materiale brez porekla, uporabljene pri izdelavi teh izdelkov, ni bilo prejeto povračilo carine in da so bile vse carinske dajatve ali dajatve z enakim učinkom, ki se uporabljajo za take materiale, dejansko plačane.
4. Določbe prvega do tretjega odstavka se prav tako uporabljajo za embalažo v smislu drugega odstavka 8. člena, za dodatke, nadomestne dele in orodje v smislu 9. člena in za izdelke v garniturah v smislu 10. člena, če so taki predmeti brez porekla.
5. Določbe prvega do četrtega odstavka se uporabljajo samo za materiale, za katere velja sporazum. Nadalje ne preprečujejo uporabe sistema izvoznih nadomestil, ki se uporabljajo pri izvozu kmetijskih izdelkov v skladu z določbami sporazuma.
16. ČLEN
Splošne zahteve
1. Za izdelke s poreklom iz Skupnosti pri uvozu v Slovenijo ter za izdelke s poreklom iz Slovenije pri uvozu v Skupnost veljajo ugodnosti sporazuma ob predložitvi:
(a) potrdila o prometu blaga EUR.1, katerega vzorec je v prilogi III, ali
(b) v primerih, določenih v prvem odstavku 21. člena, izjave izvoznika, v nadaljevanju “izjava na računu“, na računu, obvestilu o odpremi ali drugem trgovinskem dokumentu, ki dovolj natančno opisuje te izdelke, da jih je mogoče prepoznati; besedilo izjave na računu je v prilogi IV.
2. Ne glede na prvi odstavek za izdelke s poreklom v smislu tega protokola v primerih, kot jih določa 26. člen, veljajo ugodnosti sporazuma, ne da bi bilo treba predložiti katere koli zgoraj navedene dokumente.
17. ČLEN
Postopek izdaje potrdila o prometu blaga EUR.1
1. Potrdilo o prometu blaga EUR.1 izdajo carinski organi države izvoznice na podlagi pisne zahteve izvoznika ali njegovega pooblaščenega zastopnika na izvoznikovo odgovornost.
2. V ta namen izpolni izvoznik ali njegov pooblaščeni zastopnik obrazca potrdila o prometu blaga EUR.1 in zahteve za potrdilo o prometu, katerih vzorca sta v Prilogi III. Obrazca se izpolnita v enem od jezikov, v katerih je sestavljen ta sporazum in v skladu z določbami notranjega prava države izvoznice. Če so napisani z roko, morajo biti izpolnjeni s črnilom in tiskanimi črkami. Izdelki morajo biti opisani v za to predvidenem polju brez praznih vmesnih vrstic. Če polje ni v celoti zapolnjeno, je treba pod zadnjo vrstico opisa potegniti vodoravno črto in prečrtati prazen prostor pod njo.
3. Izvoznik, ki vlaga zahtevo za izdajo potrdila o prometu blaga EUR.1, mora biti pripravljen, da na zahtevo carinskih organov države izvoznice, v kateri se izda potrdilo o prometu blaga EUR.1, kadar koli predloži vse ustrezne dokumente, ki dokazujejo status izdelkov s poreklom kot tudi izpolnitev drugih zahtev tega protokola.
4. Potrdilo o prometu blaga EUR.1 izdajo carinski organi države članice ali Slovenije, če se izdelki lahko štejejo za izdelke s poreklom iz Skupnosti, Slovenije ali iz ene od drugih držav, omenjenih v 3. in 4. členu, ter izpolnjujejo druge zahteve tega protokola.
5. Carinski organi, ki izdajo potrdila o prometu blaga EUR.1, ukrenejo vse potrebno za preverjanje porekla blaga in izpolnjevanje drugih zahtev tega protokola. V ta namen imajo pravico zahtevati katero koli dokazilo in opraviti kakršen koli pregled izvoznikovih poslovnih knjig ali kakršen koli drug pregled, ki se jim zdi potreben.Ti organi tudi zagotovijo, da so obrazci, navedeni v drugem odstavku, pravilno izpolnjeni. Zlasti morajo preveriti, ali je prostor, namenjen opisu izdelkov, izpolnjen tako, da izključuje vse možnosti pripisov z namenom goljufije.
6. Datum izdaje potrdila o prometu blaga EUR.1 mora biti naveden v polju 11 potrdila.
7. Potrdilo o prometu blaga EUR.1 izdajo carinski organi in ga dajo izvozniku na razpolago takoj, ko je dejanski izvoz opravljen ali zagotovljen.
18. ČLEN
Naknadno izdana potrdila o prometu blaga EUR.1
1. Ne glede na sedmi odstavek 17. člena se potrdilo o prometu blaga EUR.1 izjemoma lahko izda tudi po izvozu izdelkov, na katere se nanaša:
(a) če ni bilo izdano ob izvozu zaradi napak ali nenamernih opustitev ali posebnih okoliščin
(b) če se carinskim organom zadovoljivo dokaže, da je bilo potrdilo o prometu blaga EUR.1 izdano, vendar ob uvozu iz tehničnih razlogov ni bilo sprejeto.
2. Za izvajanje prvega odstavka mora izvoznik v zahtevi navesti kraj in datum izvoza izdelkov, na katere se nanaša potrdilo o prometu blaga EUR.1, in navesti razloge za svojo zahtevo.
3. Carinski organi lahko izdajo potrdilo o prometu blaga EUR.1 naknadno samo po opravljenem preverjanju, če se podatki v izvoznikovi zahtevi ujemajo s podatki v ustreznem spisu.
4. Potrdila o prometu blaga EUR.1, ki so izdana naknadno, morajo imeti enega od teh zaznamkov:
5. Zaznamek iz četrtega odstavka mora biti vpisan v polje Opombe potrdila o prometu blaga EUR.1.
19. ČLEN
Izdaja dvojnika potrdila o prometu blaga EUR.1
1. Če je bilo potrdilo o prometu blaga EUR.1 ukradeno, izgubljeno ali uničeno, lahko izvoznik carinske organe, ki so ga izdali, zaprosi za dvojnik, sestavljen na podlagi izvoznih dokumentov, ki jih imajo.
2. Tako izdani dvojnik mora imeti enega od teh zaznamkov:
3. Zaznamek iz drugega odstavka mora biti vpisan v polje Opombe dvojnika potrdila o prometu blaga EUR.1.
4. Dvojnik, na katerem mora biti datum izdaje prvotnega potrdila o prometu blaga EUR.1, začne veljati s tem datumom.
20. ČLEN
Izdaja potrdila o prometu blaga EUR.1 na podlagi predhodno izdanega ali danega dokazila o poreklu
Če so izdelki s poreklom dani pod nadzor carinskega urada v Skupnosti ali v Sloveniji, je mogoče zamenjati prvotno dokazilo o poreklu z enim ali več potrdili o poreklu blaga EUR.1 zaradi pošiljanja vseh ali nekaterih izdelkov drugam v Skupnosti ali Sloveniji. Nadomestno potrdilo ali nadomestna potrdila o prometu blaga EUR.1 izda carinski urad, pod nadzor katerega so bili dani izdelki.
Ločeno knjigovodsko izkazovanje
1. Če pri ločenem skladiščenju zalog izdelkov s poreklom in izdelkov brez porekla, ki so enaki ali med seboj zamenljivi, nastanejo precejšnje stroškovne ali materialne težave, lahko carinski organi na pisno zahtevo prizadetih strank za vodenje teh zalog dovolijo tako imenovano metodo “ločenega knjigovodskega izkazovanja“.
2. Ta metoda mora zagotoviti, da je število pridobljenih izdelkov v določenem dogovorjenem obdobju, ki se lahko štejejo za izdelke s poreklom, enako, kot bi ga dobili, če bi bile zaloge fizično ločene.
3. Carinski organi lahko tako dovoljenje izdajo pod katerimi koli pogoji, za katere menijo, da so ustrezni.
4. Ta metoda se vodi in uporablja na podlagi splošnih računovodskih načel, ki veljajo v državi, v kateri je bil izdelek narejen.
5. Uporabnik te poenostavitve lahko izda oziroma zaprosi za dokazilo o poreklu za tiste količine izdelkov, ki se lahko štejejo za izdelke s poreklom. Na zahtevo carinskih organov uporabnik da izjavo o tem, kako so bile količine vodene.
6. Carinski organi nadzorujejo uporabo dovoljenja in lahko dovoljenje kadar koli odvzamejo, če ga uporabnik kakor koli nepravilno uporablja ali ne izpolnjuje katerega od drugih pogojev, določenih v tem protokolu.
21. ČLEN
Pogoji za izjavo na računu
1. Izjavo na računu, omenjeno v pododstavku (b) prvega odstavka 16. člena, lahko da:
(a) pooblaščeni izvoznik v smislu 22. člena
(b) kateri koli izvoznik za vsako pošiljko, ki jo sestavlja en ali več paketov, ki vsebujejo izdelke s poreklom, katerih skupna vrednost ne presega 6.000 evrov.
2. Izjavo na računu je mogoče dati, če se izdelki, na katere se nanaša, lahko štejejo za izdelke s poreklom iz Skupnosti, Slovenije ali iz ene od drugih držav, omenjenih v 3. in 4. členu, in izpolnjujejo druge zahteve tega protokola.
3. Izvoznik, ki daje izjavo na računu, mora biti kadar koli pripravljen, da na zahtevo carinskih organov države izvoznice predloži vse ustrezne dokumente, ki dokazujejo status porekla blaga kot tudi izpolnitev drugih zahtev tega protokola.
4. Izjavo na računu, katere besedilo je v prilogi IV, mora izvoznik natipkati, odtisniti ali natisniti na račun, obvestilo o odpremi ali drug trgovinski dokument v eni od jezikovnih različic, ki so navedene v tej prilogi, v skladu z določbami notranjega prava države izvoznice. Če je napisana z roko, mora biti napisana s črnilom in s tiskanimi črkami.
5. Izjave na računu morajo imeti izvirni lastnoročni podpis izvoznika. Vendar se od pooblaščenega izvoznika v smislu 22. člena ne zahteva, da podpisuje take izjave, če se carinskim organom države izvoznice pisno zaveže, da sprejema polno odgovornost za vsako izjavo na računu, po kateri ga je mogoče prepoznati, kot da jo je lastnoročno podpisal.
6. Izvoznik lahko da izjavo na računu ob izvozu izdelkov, na katere se nanaša, ali po izvozu, če je predložena carinskim organom v državi uvoznici najkasneje v dveh letih po uvozu izdelkov, na katere se nanaša.
22. ČLEN
Pooblaščeni izvoznik
1. Carinski organi države izvoznice lahko pooblastijo katerega koli izvoznika, v nadaljevanju “pooblaščenega izvoznika“, ki pogosto pošilja izdelke po tem sporazumu, da daje izjave na računu ne glede na vrednost izdelkov, na katere se nanaša. Izvoznik, ki prosi za tako pooblastilo, mora predložiti zadovoljiva dokazila carinskim organom o statusu porekla teh izdelkov in izpolnjevanju drugih zahtev tega protokola.
2. Carinski organi lahko odobrijo status pooblaščenega izvoznika po pogojih, ki so po njihovem mnenju primerni.
3. Carinski organi dodelijo pooblaščenemu izvozniku številko carinskega pooblastila, ki mora biti na izjavi na računu.
4. Carinski organi spremljajo in nadzirajo, kako pooblaščeni izvoznik uporablja pooblastilo.
5. Carinski organi lahko kadar koli umaknejo pooblastilo. To morajo storiti, kadar pooblaščeni izvoznik ne predloži dokazil, navedenih v prvem odstavku, ne izpolnjuje več pogojev, navedenih v drugem odstavku, ali drugače nepravilno uporablja pooblastilo.
23. ČLEN
Veljavnost dokazila o poreklu
1. Dokazilo o poreklu velja štiri mesece od datuma izdaje v državi izvoznici in mora biti v tem roku predloženo carinskim organom države uvoznice.
2. Dokazila o poreklu, ki so carinskim organom države uvoznice predložena po poteku roka za predložitev, določenega v prvem odstavku, se lahko sprejmejo zaradi uporabe preferencialne obravnave, če jih zaradi izjemnih okoliščin ni bilo mogoče predložiti do določenega končnega datuma.
3. V drugih primerih predložitve z zamudo lahko carinski organi države uvoznice sprejmejo dokazila o poreklu, če so jim bili izdelki predloženi pred tem končnim datumom.
24. ČLEN
Predložitev dokazila o poreklu
Dokazila o poreklu se predložijo carinskim organom države uvoznice v skladu s postopki, ki se uporabljajo v tej državi. Omenjeni organi lahko zahtevajo prevod dokazila o poreklu ter lahko zahtevajo tudi, da uvozno deklaracijo spremlja izjava, s katero uvoznik potrjuje, da izdelki izpolnjujejo pogoje, potrebne za izvajanje tega sporazuma.
25. ČLEN
Uvoz po delih
Kadar se na zahtevo uvoznika in po pogojih, ki jih predpišejo carinski organi države uvoznice, razstavljeni ali nesestavljeni izdelki v smislu odstavka (a) drugega temeljnega pravila harmoniziranega sistema, ki spadajo v XVI. in XVII. oddelek ali v tarifni številki 7308 in 9406 harmoniziranega sistema, uvažajo po delih, se za te izdelke pri prvem delnem uvozu carinskim organom predloži eno samo dokazilo o poreklu.
26. ČLEN
Izjeme pri dokazilu o poreklu
1. Izdelki, ki jih posamezniki kot majhne pakete pošiljajo drugim posameznikom ali so del osebne prtljage potnikov, se priznavajo za izdelke s poreklom, ne da bi bilo treba predložiti dokazilo o poreklu, če se ti izdelki ne uvažajo v trgovinske namene in je bila dana izjava, da ustrezajo zahtevam tega protokola, in ni dvoma o resničnosti take izjave. Če se izdelki pošiljajo po pošti, se izjava lahko napiše na carinsko deklaracijo CN22/CN23 ali na list papirja, ki se priloži temu dokumentu.
2. Občasni uvoz, pri katerem gre le za izdelke za osebno uporabo prejemnikov ali potnikov ali njihovih družin, se ne šteje za uvoz v trgovinske namene, če je iz narave in količine izdelkov razvidno, da niso namenjeni za trgovanje.
3. Poleg tega, skupna vrednost teh izdelkov ne sme presegati 500 evrov pri majhnih paketih ali 1.200 evrov pri izdelkih, ki so del osebne prtljage potnikov.
27. ČLEN
Dokazilne listine
Listine, omenjene v tretjem odstavku 17. člena in tretjem odstavku 21. člena, ki se uporabljajo za dokazovanje, da se izdelki, na katere se nanaša potrdilo o prometu blaga EUR.1 ali izjava na računu, lahko štejejo za izdelke s poreklom iz Skupnosti, Slovenije ali iz ene od drugih držav, omenjenih v 3. in 4. členu, in izpolnjujejo druge zahteve tega protokola, so med drugim lahko tudi:
(a) neposredno dokazilo o postopkih, ki jih je opravil izvoznik ali dobavitelj za pridobitev tega blaga, kot je na primer vsebovano v njegovih poslovnih knjigah ali notranjem knjigovodstvu;
(b) dokumenti, ki dokazujejo status porekla uporabljenih materialov, izdani ali sestavljeni v Skupnosti ali v Sloveniji, kadar se uporabljajo v skladu z notranjim pravom;
(c) dokumenti, ki dokazujejo postopek obdelave ali predelave materialov v Skupnosti ali v Sloveniji, izdani ali sestavljeni v Skupnosti ali v Sloveniji, kadar se uporabljajo v skladu z notranjim pravom;
(d) potrdila o prometu blaga EUR.1 ali izjave na računih, ki dokazujejo status porekla uporabljenih materialov, izdana ali dana v Skupnosti ali v Sloveniji v skladu s tem protokolom ali v eni od drugih držav, omenjenih v 3. in 4. členu, v skladu s pravili o poreklu, ki so enaka kot pravila v tem protokolu.
28. ČLEN
Shranjevanje dokazil o poreklu in dokazilnih listin
1. Izvoznik, ki vlaga zahtevo za izdajo potrdila o prometu blaga EUR.1, mora vsaj tri leta hraniti dokumente, navedene v tretjem odstavku 17. člena.
2. Izvoznik, ki daje izjavo na računu, mora vsaj tri leta hraniti kopijo te izjave kot tudi dokumente, navedene v tretjem odstavku 21. člena.
3 Carinski organi države izvoznice, ki izdajajo potrdilo o prometu blaga EUR.1, morajo vsaj tri leta hraniti zahteve, navedene v drugem odstavku 17. člena.
4. Carinski organi države uvoznice morajo vsaj tri leta hraniti potrdila o prometu blaga EUR.1 in izjave na računih, ki so jim bili predloženi.
29. ČLEN
Razlike in oblikovne napake
1. Če so ugotovljene manjše razlike med navedbami na dokazilu o poreklu in tistimi na dokumentih, ki so bili predloženi carinskemu uradu zaradi izpolnjevanja uvoznih formalnosti za izdelke, to še ne pomeni ničnosti omenjenega dokazila, če se pravilno ugotovi, da ta dokument ustreza predloženim izdelkom.
2. Očitne oblikovne napake, kot so npr. tipkarske, na dokazilu o poreklu ne morejo biti razlog za zavrnitev, če te napake ne ustvarjajo dvomov o pravilnosti navedb v tem dokumentu.
30. ČLEN
Zneski, izraženi v evrih
1. Za uporabo določb iz točke (b) prvega odstavka 21. člena in tretjega odstavka 26. člena v primerih, ko se izda račun v drugi valuti kot evro, vsako leto vsaka od teh držav določi zneske v nacionalni valuti držav članic, Slovenije in drugih držav, omenjenih v 3. in 4. členu, ki ustrezajo zneskom, izraženim v evrih.
2. Za pošiljko se lahko uveljavljajo ugodnosti v skladu s točko (b) prvega odstavka 21. člena ali tretjim odstavkom 26. člena s sklicevanjem na valuto, v kateri je izdan račun, glede na znesek, ki ga je določila ta država.
3. Zneski, ki jih je treba uporabiti v kateri koli dani nacionalni valuti, so protivrednosti v tisti nacionalni valuti zneskov, izraženih v evrih, po tečaju na prvi delovni dan v oktobru. Zneski se sporočijo Komisiji Evropskih skupnosti do 15. oktobra in se uporabljajo od 1. januarja naslednjega leta.Komisija Evropskih skupnosti o ustreznih zneskih uradno obvesti vse te države.
4. Država lahko zaokroži znesek, ki ga dobi pri preračunavanju v evrih izraženega zneska v nacionalno valuto, navzgor ali navzdol. Zaokroženi znesek se od zneska, ki se dobi pri preračunu, ne sme razlikovati za več kot 5 odstotkov. Država lahko obdrži nespremenjeno protivrednost v nacionalni valuti zneska, izraženega v evrih, če je ob letni uskladitvi iz tretjega odstavka preračun tega zneska pred kakršno koli zaokrožitvijo večji za manj kot 15 odstotkov protivrednosti v nacionalni valuti. Protivrednost v nacionalni valuti se lahko zadrži nespremenjena, če bi preračun povzročil zmanjšanje te protivrednosti.
5. Pridružitveni odbor na zahtevo Skupnosti ali Slovenije pregleda v evrih izražene zneske. Pridružitveni odbor pri tem upošteva zaželeno ohranjanje realnih učinkov teh vrednostnih omejitev. V ta namen se lahko odloči za spremembo zneskov, izraženih v evrih.
31. ČLEN
Medsebojna pomoč
1. Carinski organi držav članic in Slovenije si prek Komisije Evropskih skupnosti medsebojno izmenjajo vzorčne odtise žigov, ki jih uporabljajo njihovi carinski uradi pri izdajanju potrdil o prometu blaga EUR.1, in naslove carinskih organov, odgovornih za preverjanje teh potrdil in izjav na računih.
2. Da bi zagotovili pravilno uporabo tega protokola, si Skupnost in Slovenija prek pristojnih carinskih uprav medsebojno pomagata pri preverjanju verodostojnosti potrdil o prometu blaga EUR.1 ali izjav na računih ter točnosti informacij, ki so tam navedene.
32. ČLEN
Preverjanje dokazil o poreklu
1. Dokazila o poreklu se naknadno preverjajo naključno ali kadar carinski organi države uvoznice upravičeno dvomijo o pristnosti teh dokumentov, statusu porekla teh izdelkov ali izpolnitvi drugih zahtev tega protokola.
2. Zaradi izvajanja določb prvega odstavka morajo carinski organi države uvoznice vrniti potrdilo o prometu blaga EUR.1 in račun, če je bil predložen, izjavo na računu ali kopijo teh listin carinskim organom države izvoznice, in če je ustrezno, navesti razloge za poizvedbo. V podporo zahtevi za preverjanje se pošlje vsak pridobljen dokument ali informacija, ki kaže, da so podatki na dokazilu o poreklu napačni.
3. Preverjanje opravljajo carinski organi države izvoznice. V ta namen imajo pravico zahtevati katero koli dokazilo in opraviti kakršen koli pregled izvoznikovih poslovnih knjig ali kateri koli drug pregled, za katerega menijo, da je potreben.
4. Če se carinski organi države uvoznice odločijo, da bodo začasno prenehali priznavati preferencialno obravnavo za te izdelke, medtem ko čakajo na izide preverjanja, morajo uvozniku ponuditi sprostitev izdelkov, ob vseh previdnostnih ukrepih, ki se jim zdijo potrebni.
5. Carinski organi, ki so zahtevali preverjanje, morajo biti o izidih takega preverjanja obveščeni čim prej. Izidi morajo jasno pokazati, ali so dokumenti verodostojni in ali se izdelki, na katere se nanašajo, lahko štejejo za izdelke s poreklom iz Skupnosti, Slovenije ali iz ene od drugih držav, ki so omenjene v 3. in 4. členu, ter izpolnjujejo druge zahteve tega protokola.
6. Če v primerih upravičenega dvoma ni odgovora v desetih mesecih od datuma zahteve za preverjanje, ali če odgovor ne vsebuje zadostne informacije za določitev verodostojnosti obravnavanega dokumenta ali pravega porekla izdelkov, carinski organi, ki so zahtevali preverjanje, razen v izjemnih okoliščinah, zavrnejo upravičenost za preferencialno obravnavo.
33. ČLEN
Reševanje sporov
Če pride do sporov v zvezi s postopki preverjanja iz 32. člena, ki jih ni mogoče rešiti med carinskimi organi, ki zahtevajo preverjanje, in carinskimi organi, odgovornimi za izvedbo tega preverjanja, ali če se pojavi vprašanje glede razlage tega protokola, jih je treba predložiti Pridružitvenemu odboru.
V vseh primerih se spori med uvoznikom in carinskimi organi države uvoznice rešujejo v skladu z zakonodajo te države.
34. ČLEN
Kaznovan bo vsakdo, ki sestavi ali povzroči, da se sestavi dokument, ki vsebuje nepravilne podatke, da bi pridobil preferencialno obravnavo za izdelke.
35. ČLEN
Proste cone
1. Skupnost in Slovenija ukreneta vse potrebno, da zagotovita, da se izdelki, s katerimi se trguje na podlagi dokazila o poreklu in za katere med prevozom uporabljata prosto cono na svojem ozemlju, ne zamenjajo z drugimi izdelki ter da na njih niso opravljeni drugi postopki razen, običajnih, ki so potrebni za preprečevanje njihovega poslabšanja.
2. Če se kot izjema od določb iz prvega odstavka izdelki s poreklom iz Skupnosti ali Slovenije, ki imajo dokazilo o poreklu, uvozijo v prosto cono in se na njih opravijo predelave ali obdelave, pristojni organi na izvoznikovo zahtevo izdajo novo potrdilo o prometu blaga EUR.1, če je opravljena obdelava ali predelava v skladu z določbami tega protokola.
36. ČLEN
Uporaba protokola
1. Izraz “Skupnost“, ki je uporabljen v 2. členu, ne zajema Ceute in Melille.
2. Za izdelke s poreklom iz Slovenije pri uvozu v Ceuto ali Melillo velja v vseh pogledih enak carinski režim, kot je tisti, ki se uporablja za izdelke s poreklom iz carinskega območja Skupnosti po Protokolu 2 Akta o pristopu Kraljevine Španije in Republike Portugalske k Evropskim skupnostim. Za uvoz izdelkov, ki so zajeti s tem sporazumom in so po poreklu iz Ceute in Melille, Slovenija odobri enak carinski režim, kot velja za izdelke, ki se uvozijo in so po poreklu iz Skupnosti.
3. Za uporabo drugega odstavka v zvezi z izdelki s poreklom iz Ceute in Melille se ta protokol smiselno uporablja ob upoštevanju posebnih pogojev, določenih v 37. členu.
37. ČLEN
Posebni pogoji
1. Če se izdelki prevažajo neposredno v skladu z določbami 13. člena, se štejejo za:
1) izdelke s poreklom iz Ceute in Melille:
(a) izdelki, v celoti pridobljeni v Ceuti in Melilli;
(b) izdelki, pridobljeni v Ceuti in Melilli, pri izdelavi katerih so bili uporabljeni izdelki, ki niso vključeni v točko a), če:
(i) so bili ti izdelki zadosti obdelani ali predelani v smislu 6. člena
ali če
(ii) gre za izdelke s poreklom iz Slovenije ali iz Skupnosti, če so bili obdelani ali predelani bolj, kot zahtevajo postopki, omenjeni v 7. členu.
2) izdelke s poreklom iz Slovenije:
(a) izdelki, v celoti pridobljeni v Sloveniji;
(b) izdelki, pridobljeni v Sloveniji, pri izdelavi katerih so bili uporabljeni izdelki, ki niso vključeni v točko a), če:
(i) so bili ti izdelki zadosti obdelani ali predelani v smislu 6. člena
ali če
(ii) gre za izdelke s poreklom iz Ceute in Melille ali iz Skupnosti, če so bili obdelani ali predelani bolj, kot zahtevajo postopki, omenjeni v 7. členu.
2. Ceuta in Melilla se štejeta za enotno ozemlje.
3. Izvoznik ali njegov pooblaščeni zastopnik vpišeta “Slovenija” in “Ceuta in Mellila “ v polje 2 potrdila o prometu blaga EUR.1 ali na izjave na računu. Poleg tega je, če gre za izdelke s poreklom iz Ceute in Melille, to treba označiti v polju 4 potrdila o prometu blaga EUR.1 ali na izjavah na računu.
4. Španski carinski organi so odgovorni za uporabo tega protokola v Ceuti in Melilli.
38. ČLEN
Spremembe protokola
Pridružitveni svet se lahko odloči, da spremeni določbe tega protokola.
D E C I S I O N No 1/2003
amending Protocol 4 to the Europe Agreement, concerning the definition of the concept of “originating products“ and methods of administrative cooperation
Having regard to the Europe Agreement establishing an association between the European Communities and their Member States, acting within the framework of the European Union, of the one part, and the Republic of Slovenia, of the other part1, hereinafter referred to as “the Agreement“, signed in Luxembourg on 10 June 1996, and in particular Article 38 of Protocol 4 thereof;
(1) Protocol 4 of the Agreement, concerning the definition of the concept of “originating products“ and methods of administrative cooperation, hereinafter referred to as “the Protocol“ has been amended several times. A consolidation of those amendments to the text of the Protocol therefore appears necessary for the sake of clarity and legal certainty of the rules of origin to be applied.
(2) Technical modifications of the processing rules are also required to take account of modifications to the Harmonised Commodity Description and Coding System (“Harmonised System“) which take effect from 1 January 2002.
(3) Certain processing requirements for non-originating materials to obtain originating status need to be amended to take account of the lack of production of a certain material within the contracting parties and of the specific conditions in which some products (“monolithic integrated circuits“) are to be obtained, implying limited processing operations outside the contracting parties.
(4) Some technical amendments are required in order to correct anomalies in and between the different language versions of the text.
(5) It is therefore appropriate, for the proper functioning of the Agreement and with a view to facilitate the work of users and customs administrations, to incorporate in a new text of the Protocol all the provisions in question.
(6) Joint Declarations concerning the Principality of Andorra, the Republic of San Marino and the review of the changes to the origin rules as a result of the amendments to the Harmonised System have to be maintained, together with the Protocol,
Article 1
Protocol 4 of the Agreement, concerning the definition of the concept of “originating products“ and methods of administrative cooperation, shall be replaced by the text attached hereto, together with the relevant Joint Declarations.
Article 2
This Decision shall enter into force on the day of its adoption.
It shall apply from 1 March 2003.
Article 1 Definitions
Article 2 General requirements
Article 3 Cumulation in the Community
Article 4 Cumulation in Slovenia
Article 5 Wholly obtained products
Article 6 Sufficiently worked or processed products
Article 7 Insufficient working or processing
Article 8 Unit of qualification
Article 9 Accessories, spare parts and tools
Article 10 Sets
Article 11 Neutral elements
Article 12 Principle of territoriality
Article 13 Direct transport
Article 14 Exhibitions
Article 15 Prohibition of drawback of, or exemption from, customs duties
Article 16 General requirements
Article 17 Procedure for the issue of a movement certificate EUR.1
Article 18 Movement certificates EUR.1 issued retrospectively
Article 19 Issue of a duplicate movement certificate EUR.1
Article 20 Issue of movement certificates EUR.1 on the basis of a proof of
origin issued or made out previously
Article 20a Accounting segregation
Article 21 Conditions for making out an invoice declaration
Article 22 Approved exporter
Article 23 Validity of proof of origin
Article 24 Submission of proof of origin
Article 25 Importation by instalments
Article 26 Exemptions from proof of origin
Article 27 Supporting documents
Article 28 Preservation of proof of origin and supporting documents
Article 29 Discrepancies and formal errors
Article 30 Amounts expressed in euro
Article 31 Mutual assistance
Article 32 Verification of proofs of origin
Article 33 Dispute settlement
Article 34 Penalties
Article 35 Free zones
Article 36 Application of the Protocol
Article 37 Special conditions
Article 38 Amendments to the Protocol
List of Annexes
Annex I: Introductory notes to the list in Annex II
Annex II: List of working or processing required to be carried out on
non-originating materials in order that the product manufactured
can obtain originating status
Annex III: Specimens of movement certificate EUR.1 and application for a
movement certificate EUR.1
Annex IV: Text of the invoice declaration
Annex V: List of products originating in Turkey to which the provisions of
Articles 3 and 4 do not apply, listed in order of HS Chapters and
Joint Declarations
Joint declaration concerning the Principality of Andorra
Joint declaration concerning the Republic of San Marino
Joint Declaration concerning the review of the changes to the origin rules as a
result of the amendments to the Harmonised System
For the purposes of this Protocol:
(a) “manufacture“ means any kind of working or processing including assembly or specific operations;
(b) “material“ means any ingredient, raw material, component or part, etc., used in the manufacture of the product;
(c) “product“ means the product being manufactured, even if it is intended for later use in another manufacturing operation;
(d) “goods“ means both materials and products;
(e) “customs value“ means the value as determined in accordance with the 1994 Agreement on implementation of Article VII of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (WTO Agreement on customs valuation);
(f) “ex-works price“ means the price paid for the product ex works to the manufacturer in the Community or in Slovenia in whose undertaking the last working or processing is carried out, provided the price includes the value of all the materials used, minus any internal taxes which are, or may be, repaid when the product obtained is exported;
(g) “value of materials“ means the customs value at the time of importation of the non-originating materials used, or, if this is not known and cannot be ascertained, the first ascertainable price paid for the materials in the Community or in Slovenia;
(h) “value of originating materials“ means the value of such materials as defined in (g) applied mutatis mutandis;
(i) “value added“ shall be taken to be the ex-works price minus the customs value of each of the materials incorporated which originate in the other countries referred to in Articles 3 and 4 or, where the customs value is not known or cannot be ascertained, the first ascertainable price paid for the materials in the Community or in Slovenia;
(j) “chapters“ and “headings“ mean the chapters and the headings (four-digit codes) used in the nomenclature which makes up the Harmonised Commodity Description and Coding System, referred to in this Protocol as “the Harmonised System“ or “HS“;
(k) “classified“ refers to the classification of a product or material under a particular heading;
(l) “consignment“ means products which are either sent simultaneously from one exporter to one consignee or covered by a single transport document covering their shipment from the exporter to the consignee or, in the absence of such a document, by a single invoice;
(m) “territories“ includes territorial waters.
General requirements
1. For the purpose of implementing this Agreement, the following products shall be considered as originating in the Community:
(a) products wholly obtained in the Community within the meaning of Article 5;
(b) products obtained in the Community incorporating materials which have not been wholly obtained there, provided that such materials have undergone sufficient working or processing in the Community within the meaning of Article 6;
(c) goods originating in the European Economic Area (EEA) within the meaning of Protocol 4 to the Agreement on the European Economic Area.
2. For the purpose of implementing this Agreement, the following products shall be considered as originating in Slovenia:
(a) products wholly obtained in Slovenia within the meaning of Article 5;
(b) products obtained in Slovenia incorporating materials which have not been wholly obtained there, provided that such materials have undergone sufficient working or processing in Slovenia within the meaning of Article 6.
Cumulation in the Community
1. Without prejudice to the provisions of Article 2 (1), products shall be considered as originating in the Community if such products are obtained there, incorporating materials originating in Bulgaria, Switzerland (including Liechtenstein) 1, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Iceland, Lithuania, Latvia, Norway, Poland, Romania, Slovenia, the Slovak Republic, Turkey 2 or in the Community in accordance with the provisions of the Protocol on rules of origin annexed to the Agreements between the Community and each of these countries, provided that the working or processing carried out in the Community goes beyond the operations referred to in Article 7. It shall not be necessary that such materials have undergone sufficient working or processing.
2. Where the working or processing carried out in the Community does not go beyond the operations referred to in Article 7, the product obtained shall be considered as originating in the Community only where the value added there is greater than the value of the materials used originating in any one of the other countries referred to in paragraph 1. If this is not so, the product obtained shall be considered as originating in the country which accounts for the highest value of originating materials used in the manufacture in the Community.
3. Products, originating in one of the countries referred to in paragraph 1, which do not undergo any working or processing in the Community, retain their origin if exported into one of these countries.
4. The cumulation provided for in this Article may only be applied to materials and products which have acquired originating status by the application of rules of origin identical to those given in this Protocol.
The Community shall provide Slovenia, through the Commission of the European Communities, with details of the Agreements and their corresponding rules of origin, which are applied with the other countries referred to in paragraph 1. The Commission of the European Communities shall publish in the Official Journal of the European Communities (C series) the date on which the cumulation, provided for in this Article may be applied by those countries listed in paragraph 1 which have fulfilled the necessary requirements.
Cumulation in Slovenia
1. Without prejudice to the provisions of Article 2(2), products shall be considered as originating in Slovenia if such products are obtained there, incorporating materials originating in Bulgaria, Switzerland (including Liechtenstein)1, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Iceland, Lithuania, Latvia, Norway, Poland, Romania, Slovenia, the Slovak Republic, Turkey 2 or in the Community in accordance with the provisions of the Protocol on rules of origin annexed to the Agreements between Slovenia and each of these countries, provided that the working or processing carried out in Slovenia goes beyond the operations referred to in Article 7. It shall not be necessary that such materials have undergone sufficient working or processing.
2. Where the working or processing carried out in Slovenia does not go beyond the operations referred to in Article 7, the product obtained shall be considered as originating in Slovenia only where the value added there is greater than the value of the materials used originating in any one of the other countries referred to in paragraph 1. If this is not so, the product obtained shall be considered as originating in the country which accounts for the highest value of originating materials used in the manufacture in Slovenia.
3. Products, originating in one of the countries referred to in paragraph 1, which do not undergo any working or processing in Slovenia, retain their origin if exported into one of these countries.
4. The cumulation provided for in this Article may only be applied to materials and products which have acquired originating status by the application of rules of origin identical to those given in this Protocol.
Slovenia shall provide the Community, through the Commission of the European Communities, with details of the Agreements and their corresponding rules of origin, which are applied with the other countries referred to in paragraph 1. The Commission of the European Communities shall publish in the Official Journal of the European Communities (C series) the date on which the cumulation provided for in this Article may be applied by those countries listed in paragraph 1 which have fulfilled the necessary requirements.
Wholly obtained products
1. The following shall be considered as wholly obtained in the Community or in Slovenia:
(a) mineral products extracted from their soil or from their seabed;
(b) vegetable products harvested there;
(c) live animals born and raised there;
(d) products from live animals raised there;
(e) products obtained by hunting or fishing conducted there;
(f) products of sea fishing and other products taken from the sea outside the territorial waters of the Community or of Slovenia by their vessels;
(g) products made aboard their factory ships exclusively from products referred to in (f);
(h) used articles collected there fit only for the recovery of raw materials, including used tyres fit only for retreading or for use as waste;
(i) waste and scrap resulting from manufacturing operations conducted there;
(j) products extracted from marine soil or subsoil outside their territorial waters provided that they have sole rights to work that soil or subsoil;
(k) goods produced there exclusively from the products specified in (a) to (j).
2. The terms “their vessels“ and “their factory ships“ in paragraph 1(f) and (g) shall apply only to vessels and factory ships:
(a) which are registered or recorded in a Member State of the Community or in Slovenia;
(b) which sail under the flag of a Member State of the Community or of Slovenia;
(c) which are owned to an extent of at least 50 per cent by nationals of a Member State of the Community or of Slovenia, or by a company with its head office in one of these States, of which the manager or managers, Chairman of the Board of Directors or the Supervisory Board, and the majority of the members of such boards are nationals of a Member State of the Community or of Slovenia and of which, in addition, in the case of partnerships or limited companies, at least half the capital belongs to those States or to public bodies or nationals of the said States;
(d) of which the master and officers are nationals of a Member State of the Community or of Slovenia;
(e) of which at least 75 per cent of the crew are nationals of a Member State of the Community or of Slovenia.
Sufficiently worked or processed products
1. For the purposes of Article 2, products which are not wholly obtained are considered to be sufficiently worked or processed when the conditions set out in the list in Annex II are fulfilled.
The conditions referred to above indicate, for all products covered by the Agreement, the working or processing which must be carried out on non-originating materials used in manufacturing and apply only in relation to such materials. It follows that if a product which has acquired originating status by fulfilling the conditions set out in the list is used in the manufacture of another product, the conditions applicable to the product in which it is incorporated do not apply to it, and no account shall be taken of the non-originating materials which may have been used in its manufacture.
2. Notwithstanding paragraph 1, non-originating materials which, according to the conditions set out in the list, should not be used in the manufacture of a product may nevertheless be used, provided that:
(a) their total value does not exceed 10 per cent of the ex-works price of the product;
(b) any of the percentages given in the list for the maximum value of non-originating materials are not exceeded through the application of this paragraph.
This paragraph shall not apply to products falling within Chapters 50 to 63 of the Harmonised System.
3. Paragraphs 1 and 2 shall apply subject to the provisions of Article 7.
Insufficient working or processing
1. Without prejudice to paragraph 2, the following operations shall be considered as insufficient working or processing to confer the status of originating products, whether or not the requirements of Article 6 are satisfied:
(a) preserving operations to ensure that the products remain in good condition during transport and storage;
(b) breaking-up and assembly of packages;
(c) washing, cleaning; removal of dust, oxide, oil, paint or other coverings;
(d) ironing or pressing of textiles;
(e) simple painting and polishing operations;
(f) husking, partial or total bleaching, polishing, and glazing of cereals and rice;
(g) operations to colour sugar or form sugar lumps;
(h) peeling, stoning and shelling, of fruits, nuts and vegetables;
(i) sharpening, simple grinding or simple cutting;
(j) sifting, screening, sorting, classifying, grading, matching; (including the making-up of sets of articles);
(k) simple placing in bottles, cans, flasks, bags, cases, boxes, fixing on cards or boards and all other simple packaging operations;
(l) affixing or printing marks, labels, logos and other like distinguishing signs on products or their packaging;
(m) simple mixing of products, whether or not of different kinds,
(n) simple assembly of parts of articles to constitute a complete article or disassembly of products into parts;
(o) a combination of two or more operations specified in (a) to (n);
(p) slaughter of animals.
2. All operations carried out either in the Community or in Slovenia on a given product shall be considered together when determining whether the working or processing undergone by that product is to be regarded as insufficient within the meaning of paragraph 1.
Unit of qualification
1. The unit of qualification for the application of the provisions of this Protocol shall be the particular product which is considered as the basic unit when determining classification using the nomenclature of the Harmonised System.
It follows that:
(a) when a product composed of a group or assembly of articles is classified under the terms of the Harmonised System in a single heading, the whole constitutes the unit of qualification;
(b) when a consignment consists of a number of identical products classified under the same heading of the Harmonised System, each product must be taken individually when applying the provisions of this Protocol.
2. Where, under General Rule 5 of the Harmonised System, packaging is included with the product for classification purposes, it shall be included for the purposes of determining origin.
Accessories, spare parts and tools
Accessories, spare parts and tools dispatched with a piece of equipment, machine, apparatus or vehicle, which are part of the normal equipment and included in the price thereof or which are not separately invoiced, shall be regarded as one with the piece of equipment, machine, apparatus or vehicle in question.
Sets, as defined in General Rule 3 of the Harmonised System, shall be regarded as originating when all component products are originating. Nevertheless, when a set is composed of originating and non-originating products, the set as a whole shall be regarded as originating, provided that the value of the non-originating products does not exceed 15 per cent of the ex-works price of the set.
Neutral elements
In order to determine whether a product originates, it shall not be necessary to determine the origin of the following which might be used in its manufacture:
(a) energy and fuel;
(b) plant and equipment;
(c) machines and tools;
(d) goods which do not enter and which are not intended to enter into the final composition of the product.
Principle of territoriality
1. Except as provided for in Article 2(1)(c), Articles 3 and 4 and paragraph 3 of this Article, the conditions for acquiring originating status set out in Title II must be fulfilled without interruption in the Community or in Slovenia.
2. Except as provided for in Articles 3 and 4, where originating goods exported from the Community or from Slovenia to another country return, they must be considered as non-originating, unless it can be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the customs authorities that:
(a) the returning goods are the same as those exported;
(b) they have not undergone any operation beyond that necessary to preserve them in good condition while in that country or while being exported.
3. The acquisition of originating status in accordance with the conditions set out in Title II shall not be affected by working or processing done outside the Community or Slovenia on materials exported from the Community or from Slovenia and subsequently re-imported there, provided:
(a) the said materials are wholly obtained in the Community or in Slovenia or have undergone working or processing beyond the operations referred to in Article 7 prior to being exported;
(b) it can be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the customs authorities that:
(i) the re-imported goods have been obtained by working or processing the exported materials;
(ii) the total added value acquired outside the Community or Slovenia by applying the provisions of this Article does not exceed 10 per cent of the ex-works price of the end product for which originating status is claimed.
4. For the purposes of paragraph 3, the conditions for acquiring originating status set out in Title II shall not apply to working or processing done outside the Community or Slovenia. But where, in the list in Annex II, a rule setting a maximum value for all the non-originating materials incorporated is applied in determining the originating status of the end product, the total value of the non-originating materials incorporated in the territory of the party concerned, taken together with the total added value acquired outside the Community or Slovenia by applying the provisions of this Article, shall not exceed the stated percentage.
5. For the purposes of applying the provisions of paragraphs 3 and 4, ‘total added value’ shall be taken to mean all costs arising outside the Community or Slovenia, including the value of the materials incorporated there.
6. The provisions of paragraphs 3 and 4 shall not apply to products which do not fulfil the conditions set out in the list in Annex II or which can be considered sufficiently worked or processed only if the general tolerance fixed in Article 6(2) is applied.
7. The provisions of paragraphs 3 and 4 shall not apply to products of Chapters 50 to 63 of the Harmonised System
8. Any working or processing of the kind covered by the provisions of this Article and done outside the Community or Slovenia shall be done under the outward processing arrangements, or similar arrangements.
Direct transport
1. The preferential treatment provided for under the Agreement applies only to products, satisfying the requirements of this Protocol, which are transported directly between the Community and Slovenia or through the territories of the other countries referred to in Articles 3 and 4. However, products constituting one single consignment may be transported through other territories with, should the occasion arise, trans-shipment or temporary warehousing in such territories, provided that they remain under the surveillance of the customs authorities in the country of transit or warehousing and do not undergo operations other than unloading, reloading or any operation designed to preserve them in good condition.
Originating products may be transported by pipeline across territory other than that of the Community or Slovenia.
2. Evidence that the conditions set out in paragraph 1 have been fulfilled shall be supplied to the customs authorities of the importing country by the production of:
(a) a single transport document covering the passage from the exporting country through the country of transit; or
(b) a certificate issued by the customs authorities of the country of transit:
(i) giving an exact description of the products;
(ii) stating the dates of unloading and reloading of the products and, where applicable, the names of the ships, or the other means of transport used;
(iii) certifying the conditions under which the products remained in the transit country; or
(c) failing these, any substantiating documents.
1. Originating products, sent for exhibition in a country other than those referred to in Articles 3 and 4 and sold after the exhibition for importation in the Community or in Slovenia shall benefit on importation from the provisions of the Agreement provided it is shown to the satisfaction of the customs authorities that:
(a) an exporter has consigned these products from the Community or from Slovenia to the country in which the exhibition is held and has exhibited them there;
(b) the products have been sold or otherwise disposed of by that exporter to a person in the Community or in Slovenia;
(c) the products have been consigned during the exhibition or immediately thereafter in the state in which they were sent for exhibition;
(d) the products have not, since they were consigned for exhibition, been used for any purpose other than demonstration at the exhibition.
2. A proof of origin must be issued or made out in accordance with the provisions of Title V and submitted to the customs authorities of the importing country in the normal manner. The name and address of the exhibition must be indicated thereon. Where necessary, additional documentary evidence of the conditions under which they have been exhibited may be required.
3. Paragraph 1 shall apply to any trade, industrial, agricultural or crafts exhibition, fair or similar public show or display which is not organised for private purposes in shops or business premises with a view to the sale of foreign products, and during which the products remain under customs control.
Prohibition of drawback of, or exemption from, customs duties
1. (a) Non-originating materials used in the manufacture of products originating in the Community, in Slovenia or in one of the other countries referred to in Articles 3 and 4 for which a proof of origin is issued or made out in accordance with the provisions of Title V shall not be subject in the Community or in Slovenia to drawback of, or exemption from, customs duties of whatever kind.
(b) Products falling within Chapter 3 and headings 1604 and 1605 of the Harmonised System and originating in the Community as provided for in Article 2(1)(c), for which a proof of origin is issued or made out in accordance with the provisions of Title V shall not be subject in the Community to drawback of, or exemption from, customs duties of whatever kind.
2. The prohibition in paragraph 1 shall apply to any arrangement for refund, remission or non-payment, partial or complete, of customs duties or charges having an equivalent effect, applicable in the Community or in Slovenia to materials used in the manufacture and to products covered by paragraph 1(b) above, where such refund, remission or non-payment applies, expressly or in effect, when products obtained from the said materials are exported and not when they are retained for home use there.
3. The exporter of products covered by a proof of origin shall be prepared to submit at any time, upon request from the customs authorities, all appropriate documents proving that no drawback has been obtained in respect of the non-originating materials used in the manufacture of the products concerned and that all customs duties or charges having equivalent effect applicable to such materials have actually been paid.
4. The provisions of paragraphs 1 to 3 shall also apply in respect of packaging within the meaning of Article 8(2), accessories, spare parts and tools within the meaning of Article 9 and products in a set within the meaning of Article 10 when such items are non-originating.
5. The provisions of paragraphs 1 to 4 shall apply only in respect of materials which are of the kind to which the Agreement applies. Furthermore, they shall not preclude the application of an export refund system for agricultural products, applicable upon export in accordance with the provisions of the Agreement.
General requirements
1. Products originating in the Community shall, on importation into Slovenia and products originating in Slovenia shall, on importation into the Community benefit from the Agreement upon submission of either:
(a) a movement certificate EUR.1, a specimen of which appears in Annex III; or
(b) in the cases specified in Article 21(1), a declaration, subsequently referred to as the “invoice declaration“, given by the exporter on an invoice, a delivery note or any other commercial document which describes the products concerned in sufficient detail to enable them to be identified; the text of the invoice declaration appears in Annex IV.
2. Notwithstanding paragraph 1, originating products within the meaning of this Protocol shall, in the cases specified in Article 26, benefit from the Agreement without it being necessary to submit any of the documents referred to above.
Procedure for the issue of a movement certificate EUR.1
1. A movement certificate EUR.1 shall be issued by the customs authorities of the exporting country on application having been made in writing by the exporter or, under the exporter’s responsibility, by his authorised representative.
2. For this purpose, the exporter or his authorised representative shall fill out both the movement certificate EUR.1 and the application form, specimens of which appear in Annex III. These forms shall be completed in one of the languages in which this Agreement is drawn up and in accordance with the provisions of the domestic law of the exporting country. If they are hand-written, they shall be completed in ink in printed characters. The description of the products must be given in the box reserved for this purpose without leaving any blank lines. Where the box is not completely filled, a horizontal line must be drawn below the last line of the description, the empty space being crossed through.
3. The exporter applying for the issue of a movement certificate EUR.1 shall be prepared to submit at any time, at the request of the customs authorities of the exporting country where the movement certificate EUR.1 is issued, all appropriate documents proving the originating status of the products concerned as well as the fulfilment of the other requirements of this Protocol.
4. A movement certificate EUR.1 shall be issued by the customs authorities of a Member State of the Community or of Slovenia if the products concerned can be considered as products originating in the Community, in Slovenia or in one of the other countries referred to in Articles 3 and 4 and fulfil the other requirements of this Protocol.
5. The customs authorities issuing movement certificates EUR.1 shall take any steps necessary to verify the originating status of the products and the fulfilment of the other requirements of this Protocol. For this purpose, they shall have the right to call for any evidence and to carry out any inspection of the exporter’s accounts or any other check considered appropriate. They shall also ensure that the forms referred to in paragraph 2 are duly completed. In particular, they shall check whether the space reserved for the description of the products has been completed in such a manner as to exclude all possibility of fraudulent additions.
6. The date of issue of the movement certificate EUR.1 shall be indicated in Box 11 of the certificate.
7. A movement certificate EUR.1 shall be issued by the customs authorities and made available to the exporter as soon as actual exportation has been effected or ensured.
Movement certificates EUR.1 issued retrospectively
1. Notwithstanding Article 17(7), a movement certificate EUR.1 may exceptionally be issued after exportation of the products to which it relates if:
(a) it was not issued at the time of exportation because of errors or involuntary omissions or special circumstances;
(b) it is demonstrated to the satisfaction of the customs authorities that a movement certificate EUR.1 was issued but was not accepted at importation for technical reasons.
2. For the implementation of paragraph 1, the exporter must indicate in his application the place and date of exportation of the products to which the movement certificate EUR.1 relates, and state the reasons for his request.
3. The customs authorities may issue a movement certificate EUR.1 retrospectively only after verifying that the information supplied in the exporter’s application agrees with that in the corresponding file.
4. Movement certificates EUR.1 issued retrospectively must be endorsed with one of the following phrases:
5. The endorsement referred to in paragraph 4 shall be inserted in the “Remarks“ box of the movement certificate EUR.1.
Issue of a duplicate movement certificate EUR.1
1. In the event of theft, loss or destruction of a movement certificate EUR.1, the exporter may apply to the customs authorities which issued it for a duplicate made out on the basis of the export documents in their possession.
2. The duplicate issued in this way must be endorsed with one of the following words:
3. The endorsement referred to in paragraph 2 shall be inserted in the “Remarks“ box of the duplicate movement certificate EUR.1.
4. The duplicate, which must bear the date of issue of the original movement certificate EUR.1, shall take effect as from that date.
Issue of movement certificates EUR.1 on the basis of a proof of origin issued or made out previously
When originating products are placed under the control of a customs office in the Community or in Slovenia, it shall be possible to replace the original proof of origin by one or more movement certificates EUR.1 for the purpose of sending all or some of these products elsewhere within the Community or Slovenia. The replacement movement certificate(s) EUR.1 shall be issued by the customs office under whose control the products are placed.
Accounting segregation
1. Where considerable cost or material difficulties arise in keeping separate stocks of originating and non-originating materials which are identical and interchangeable, the customs authorities may, at the written request of those concerned, authorise the so-called “accounting segregation“ method to be used for managing such stocks.
2. This method must be able to ensure that, for a specific reference-period, the number of products obtained which could be considered as “originating“ is the same as that which would have been obtained if there had been physical segregation of the stocks.
3. The customs authorities may grant such authorisation, subject to any conditions deemed appropriate.
4. This method is recorded and applied on the basis of the general accounting principles applicable in the country where the product was manufactured.
5. The beneficiary of this facilitation may issue or apply for proofs of origin, as the case may be, for the quantity of products which may be considered as originating. At the request of the customs authorities, the beneficiary shall provide a statement of how the quantities have been managed.
6. The customs authorities shall monitor the use made of the authorisation and may withdraw it at any time whenever the beneficiary makes improper use of the authorisation in any manner whatsoever or fails to fulfil any of the other conditions laid down in this Protocol.
Conditions for making out an invoice declaration
1. An invoice declaration as referred to in Article 16(1)(b) may be made out:
(a) by an approved exporter within the meaning of Article 22,
(b) by any exporter for any consignment consisting of one or more packages containing originating products whose total value does not exceed EUR 6,000.
2. An invoice declaration may be made out if the products concerned can be considered as products originating in the Community, in Slovenia or in one of the other countries referred to in Articles 3 and 4 and fulfil the other requirements of this Protocol.
3. The exporter making out an invoice declaration shall be prepared to submit at any time, at the request of the customs authorities of the exporting country, all appropriate documents proving the originating status of the products concerned as well as the fulfilment of the other requirements of this Protocol.
4. An invoice declaration shall be made out by the exporter by typing, stamping or printing on the invoice, the delivery note or another commercial document, the declaration, the text of which appears in Annex IV, using one of the linguistic versions set out in that Annex and in accordance with the provisions of the domestic law of the exporting country. If the declaration is hand-written, it shall be written in ink in printed characters.
5. Invoice declarations shall bear the original signature of the exporter in manuscript. However, an approved exporter within the meaning of Article 22 shall not be required to sign such declarations provided that he gives the customs authorities of the exporting country a written undertaking that he accepts full responsibility for any invoice declaration which identifies him as if it had been signed in manuscript by him.
6. An invoice declaration may be made out by the exporter when the products to which it relates are exported, or after exportation on condition that it is presented in the importing country no longer than two years after the importation of the products to which it relates.
Approved exporter
1. The customs authorities of the exporting country may authorise any exporter, hereinafter referred to as “approved exporter“, who makes frequent shipments of products under this Agreement to make out invoice declarations irrespective of the value of the products concerned. An exporter seeking such authorisation must offer to the satisfaction of the customs authorities all guarantees necessary to verify the originating status of the products as well as the fulfilment of the other requirements of this Protocol.
2. The customs authorities may grant the status of approved exporter subject to any conditions which they consider appropriate.
3. The customs authorities shall grant to the approved exporter a customs authorisation number which shall appear on the invoice declaration.
4. The customs authorities shall monitor the use of the authorisation by the approved exporter.
5. The customs authorities may withdraw the authorisation at any time. They shall do so where the approved exporter no longer offers the guarantees referred to in paragraph 1, no longer fulfils the conditions referred to in paragraph 2 or otherwise makes an incorrect use of the authorisation.
Validity of proof of origin
1. A proof of origin shall be valid for four months from the date of issue in the exporting country, and must be submitted within the said period to the customs authorities of the importing country.
2. Proofs of origin which are submitted to the customs authorities of the importing country after the final date for presentation specified in paragraph 1 may be accepted for the purpose of applying preferential treatment, where the failure to submit these documents by the final date set is due to exceptional circumstances.
3. In other cases of belated presentation, the customs authorities of the importing country may accept the proofs of origin where the products have been submitted before the said final date.
Submission of proof of origin
Proofs of origin shall be submitted to the customs authorities of the importing country in accordance with the procedures applicable in that country. The said authorities may require a translation of a proof of origin and may also require the import declaration to be accompanied by a statement from the importer to the effect that the products meet the conditions required for the implementation of the Agreement.
Importation by instalments
Where, at the request of the importer and on the conditions laid down by the customs authorities of the importing country, dismantled or non-assembled products within the meaning of General Rule 2(a) of the Harmonised System falling within Sections XVI and XVII or headings 7308 and 9406 of the Harmonised System are imported by instalments, a single proof of origin for such products shall be submitted to the customs authorities upon importation of the first instalment.
Exemptions from proof of origin
1. Products sent as small packages from private persons to private persons or forming part of travellers’ personal luggage shall be admitted as originating products without requiring the submission of a proof of origin, provided that such products are not imported by way of trade and have been declared as meeting the requirements of this Protocol and where there is no doubt as to the veracity of such a declaration. In the case of products sent by post, this declaration can be made on the customs declaration CN22/CN23 or on a sheet of paper annexed to that document.
2. Imports which are occasional and consist solely of products for the personal use of the recipients or travellers or their families shall not be considered as imports by way of trade if it is evident from the nature and quantity of the products that no commercial purpose is in view.
3. Furthermore, the total value of these products shall not exceed EUR 500 in the case of small packages or EUR 1,200 in the case of products forming part of travellers’ personal luggage.
Supporting documents
The documents referred to in Articles 17(3) and 21(3) used for the purpose of proving that products covered by a movement certificate EUR.1 or an invoice declaration can be considered as products originating in the Community, in Slovenia or in one of the other countries referred to in Articles 3 and 4 and fulfil the other requirements of this Protocol may consist inter alia of the following:
(a) direct evidence of the processes carried out by the exporter or supplier to obtain the goods concerned, contained for example in his accounts or internal book-keeping;
(b) documents proving the originating status of materials used, issued or made out in the Community or in Slovenia where these documents are used in accordance with domestic law;
(c) documents proving the working or processing of materials in the Community or in Slovenia, issued or made out in the Community or in Slovenia, where these documents are used in accordance with domestic law;
(d) movement certificates EUR.1 or invoice declarations proving the originating status of materials used, issued or made out in the Community or in Slovenia in accordance with this Protocol, or in one of the other countries referred to in Articles 3 and 4, in accordance with rules of origin which are identical to the rules in this Protocol.
Preservation of proof of origin and supporting documents
1. The exporter applying for the issue of a movement certificate EUR.1 shall keep for at least three years the documents referred to in Article 17(3).
2. The exporter making out an invoice declaration shall keep for at least three years a copy of this invoice declaration as well as the documents referred to in Article 21(3).
3. The customs authorities of the exporting country issuing a movement certificate EUR.1 shall keep for at least three years the application form referred to in Article 17(2).
4. The customs authorities of the importing country shall keep for at least three years the movement certificates EUR.1 and the invoice declarations submitted to them.
Discrepancies and formal errors
1. The discovery of slight discrepancies between the statements made in the proof of origin and those made in the documents submitted to the customs office for the purpose of carrying out the formalities for importing the products shall not ipso facto render the proof of origin null and void if it is duly established that this document does correspond to the products submitted.
2. Obvious formal errors such as typing errors on a proof of origin should not cause this document to be rejected if these errors are not such as to create doubts concerning the correctness of the statements made in this document.
Amounts expressed in euro
1. For the application of the provisions of Article 21(1)(b) and Article 26(3) in cases where products are invoiced in a currency other than euro, amounts in the national currencies of the Member States of the Community, of Slovenia and of the other countries referred to in Articles 3 and 4 equivalent to the amounts expressed in euro shall be fixed annually by each of the countries concerned.
2. A consignment shall benefit from the provisions of Article 21(1)(b) or Article 26(3) by reference to the currency in which the invoice is drawn up, according to the amount fixed by the country concerned.
3. The amounts to be used in any given national currency shall be the equivalent in that currency of the amounts expressed in euro as at the first working day of October. The amounts shall be communicated to the Commission of the European Communities by 15 October and shall apply from 1 January the following year. The Commission of the European Communities shall notify all countries concerned of the relevant amounts.
4. A country may round up or down the amount resulting from the conversion into its national currency of an amount expressed in euro. The rounded-off amount may not differ from the amount resulting from the conversion by more than 5 per cent. A country may retain unchanged its national currency equivalent of an amount expressed in euro if, at the time of the annual adjustment provided for in paragraph 3, the conversion of that amount, prior to any rounding-off, results in an increase of less than 15 per cent in the national currency equivalent. The national currency equivalent may be retained unchanged if the conversion would result in a decrease in that equivalent value.
5. The amounts expressed in euro shall be reviewed by the Association Committee at the request of the Community or of Slovenia. When carrying out this review, the Association Committee shall consider the desirability of preserving the effects of the limits concerned in real terms. For this purpose, it may decide to modify the amounts expressed in euro.
Mutual assistance
1. The customs authorities of the Member States of the Community and of Slovenia shall provide each other, through the Commission of the European Communities, with specimen impressions of stamps used in their customs offices for the issue of movement certificates EUR.1 and with the addresses of the customs authorities responsible for verifying those certificates and invoice declarations.
2. In order to ensure the proper application of this Protocol, the Community and Slovenia shall assist each other, through the competent customs administrations, in checking the authenticity of the movement certificates EUR.1 or the invoice declarations and the correctness of the information given in these documents.
Verification of proofs of origin
1. Subsequent verifications of proofs of origin shall be carried out at random or whenever the customs authorities of the importing country have reasonable doubts as to the authenticity of such documents, the originating status of the products concerned or the fulfilment of the other requirements of this Protocol.
2. For the purposes of implementing the provisions of paragraph 1, the customs authorities of the importing country shall return the movement certificate EUR.1 and the invoice, if it has been submitted, the invoice declaration, or a copy of these documents, to the customs authorities of the exporting country giving, where appropriate, the reasons for the enquiry. Any documents and information obtained suggesting that the information given on the proof of origin is incorrect shall be forwarded in support of the request for verification.
3. The verification shall be carried out by the customs authorities of the exporting country. For this purpose, they shall have the right to call for any evidence and to carry out any inspection of the exporter’s accounts or any other check considered appropriate.
4. If the customs authorities of the importing country decide to suspend the granting of preferential treatment to the products concerned while awaiting the results of the verification, release of the products shall be offered to the importer subject to any precautionary measures judged necessary.
5. The customs authorities requesting the verification shall be informed of the results of this verification as soon as possible. These results must indicate clearly whether the documents are authentic and whether the products concerned can be considered as products originating in the Community, in Slovenia or in one of the other countries referred to in Articles 3 and 4 and fulfil the other requirements of this Protocol.
6. If in cases of reasonable doubt there is no reply within ten months of the date of the verification request or if the reply does not contain sufficient information to determine the authenticity of the document in question or the real origin of the products, the requesting customs authorities shall, except in exceptional circumstances, refuse entitlement to the preferences.
Dispute settlement
Where disputes arise in relation to the verification procedures of Article 32 which cannot be settled between the customs authorities requesting a verification and the customs authorities responsible for carrying out this verification or where they raise a question as to the interpretation of this Protocol, they shall be submitted to the Association Committee.
In all cases the settlement of disputes between the importer and the customs authorities of the importing country shall be under the legislation of the said country.
Penalties shall be imposed on any person who draws up, or causes to be drawn up, a document which contains incorrect information for the purpose of obtaining a preferential treatment for products.
Free zones
1. The Community and Slovenia shall take all necessary steps to ensure that products traded under cover of a proof of origin which in the course of transport use a free zone situated in their territory, are not substituted by other goods and do not undergo handling other than normal operations designed to prevent their deterioration.
2. By means of an exemption to the provisions contained in paragraph 1, when products originating in the Community or in Slovenia are imported into a free zone under cover of a proof of origin and undergo treatment or processing, the authorities concerned shall issue a new movement certificate EUR.1 at the exporter’s request, if the treatment or processing undergone is in conformity with the provisions of this Protocol.
Application of the Protocol
1. The term “Community“ used in Article 2 does not cover Ceuta and Melilla.
2. Products originating in Slovenia, when imported into Ceuta or Melilla, shall enjoy in all respects the same customs regime as that which is applied to products originating in the customs territory of the Community under Protocol 2 of the Act of Accession of the Kingdom of Spain and the Portuguese Republic to the European Communities. Slovenia shall grant to imports of products covered by the Agreement and originating in Ceuta and Melilla the same customs regime as that which is granted to products imported from and originating in the Community.
3. For the purpose of the application of paragraph 2 concerning products originating in Ceuta and Melilla, this Protocol shall apply mutatis mutandis subject to the special conditions set out in Article 37.
Special conditions
1. Providing they have been transported directly in accordance with the provisions of Article 13, the following shall be considered as:
1) products originating in Ceuta and Melilla:
(a) products wholly obtained in Ceuta and Melilla;
(b) products obtained in Ceuta and Melilla in the manufacture of which products other than those referred to in (a) are used, provided that:
(i) the said products have undergone sufficient working or processing within the meaning of Article 6;
or that
(ii) those products are originating in Slovenia or in the Community, provided that they have been submitted to working or processing which goes beyond the operations referred to in Article 7.
2) products originating in Slovenia:
(a) products wholly obtained in Slovenia;
(b) products obtained in Slovenia, in the manufacture of which products other than those referred to in (a) are used, provided that:
(i) the said products have undergone sufficient working or processing within the meaning of Article 6;
or that
(ii) those products are originating in Ceuta and Melilla or in the Community, provided that they have been submitted to working or processing which goes beyond the operations referred to in Article 7.
2. Ceuta and Melilla shall be considered as a single territory.
3. The exporter or his authorised representative shall enter “Slovenia“ and “Ceuta and Melilla“ in Box 2 of movement certificates EUR.1 or on invoice declarations. In addition, in the case of products originating in Ceuta and Melilla, this shall be indicated in Box 4 of movement certificates EUR.1 or on invoice declarations.
4. The Spanish customs authorities shall be responsible for the application of this Protocol in Ceuta and Melilla.
Amendments to the Protocol
The Association Council may decide to amend the provisions of this Protocol.
3. člen
Za izvajanje sklepa skrbi Ministrstvo za finance.
4. člen
Ta uredba začne veljati naslednji dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 334-07/2000-16
Ljubljana, dne 8.maja 2003
EVA 2003-1811-0028
Vlada Republike Slovenije
mag. Anton Rop l. r.
1 Besedilo sklepa v španskem, danskem, nemškem, grškem, francoskem, italijanskem, nizozemskem, portugalskem, finskem in švedskem jeziku je na vpogled v Sektorju za mednarodnopravne zadeve Ministrstva za zunanje zadeve Republike Slovenije
2 UL L 51, 26.2.1999, str.3”