Uradni list

Številka 57
Uradni list RS, št. 57/2003 z dne 13. 6. 2003
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 57/2003 z dne 13. 6. 2003


34. Zakon o ratifikaciji Finančne pogodbe med Republiko Slovenijo in Evropsko investicijsko banko (MFPEIB), stran 893.

Na podlagi druge alinee prvega odstavka 107. člena in prvega odstavka 91. člena Ustave Republike Slovenije izdajam
Razglašam Zakon o ratifikaciji Finančne pogodbe med Republiko Slovenijo in Evropsko investicijsko banko (MFPEIB), ki ga je sprejel Državni zbor Republike Slovenije na seji 29. maja 2003.
Št. 001-22-47/03
Ljubljana, 9. junija 2003
dr. Janez Drnovšek l. r.
Republike Slovenije
1. člen
Ratificira se Finančna pogodba med Republiko Slovenijo in Evropsko investicijsko banko, sklenjena 17. julija 2002 v Luxembourgu.
2. člen
Finančna pogodba se v izvirniku v angleškem jeziku in v prevodu v slovenskem jeziku glasi:*
Ljubljana, 8.7. 2002
Luxembourg,17.7. 2002
The Republic of Slovenia, acting through the Ministry of Finance, represented by Mr. Anton Rop, Minister of Finance,
hereinafter called: “the Borrower”,
of the first part,
European Investment Bank having its Head Office at 100 boulevard Konrad Adenauer, Luxembourg-Kirchberg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, represented by Mr. Ewald Nowotny, Vice-President,
hereinafter called: “the Bank”
of the second part.
– The Council of the European Union invited the Bank to propose a substantial pre-accession support facility to the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, which have applied, to the European Union with a view to adhering to it.
– The Board of Governors of the Bank has taken note of this decision and authorised the granting of loans from its own resources to these countries.
– A Framework Agreement concerning the financial cooperation between the Bank and Slovenia (hereinafter the Framework Agreement) was signed by Slovenia on 1 December 1997 and by the Bank on 15 December 1997.
– The Borrower proposes to undertake a project (hereinafter called “the Project”) comprising the continuing and completion of the decommissioning of the former uranium mine at Zirovski Vrh, as more particularly described in the technical description set out in Schedule A hereto (hereinafter called the “Technical Description”).
– The total cost of the Project, as estimated by the Bank, is EUR 62.3 million (sixty two point three million euro) including contingencies and interest during construction and is to be financed as follows:
                                 EUR million equivalent
Own funds                                          42,3
In order to complete the financing
the Borrower has requested from the Bank
a loan in an amount equivalent to EUR              20,0
Total                                              62,3
– the Bank, being satisfied that the financing of the Project comes within the scope of its functions and having regard to the matters recited above, has decided to give effect to the Borrower’s request for a loan in an amount equivalent to EUR 20 million.
– The Parliament of the Republic of Slovenia adopted and ratified a law allowing the Borrower to enter into this Agreement and has authorised Mr. Anton Rop to sign this Finance Contract on its behalf (Annex I).
– References herein to Articles, Paragraphs, Sub-paragraphs, Recitals, Schedules and Annexes are references respectively to articles, paragraphs, sub-paragraphs of, and recitals, schedules and annexes to, this contract.
NOW THEREFORE it is hereby agreed as follows:
1.01 Amount of Credit
By this contract the Bank establishes in favour of the Borrower, and the Borrower accepts, a credit (hereinafter the “Credit”) in an amount equivalent to EUR 20 000 000 (twenty million euro), for the sole purpose of part financing certain components of the Project as indicated in Schedule A.
1.02 Disbursement Procedures
A. The Credit shall be disbursed, subject to the conditions of Paragraph 1.04, in up to 5 tranches (hereinafter called “Tranches” or, individually, a “Tranche”) which shall each be in an amount which is at least equivalent to EUR 4 million (four million euro), save for the last disbursement, and shall not exceed the equivalent of EUR 10 million (ten million euro).
B. Disbursement of each Tranche shall be subject to receipt by the Bank of a written request (a “Request”) from the Borrower, signed by a duly authorised officer, specifying:
(a) the amount of the Tranche in euro requested for disbursement under the Tranche;
(b) the currency in which the Borrower prefers the Tranche to be disbursed, being a currency referred to in Paragraph 1.03;
(c) whether the Tranche is to bear a fixed rate of interest (such a Tranche being referred to as “Fixed-Rate Tranche”) or a variable rate of interest (such a Tranche being referred to as “Variable-Rate Tranche”), provided, however, that disbursements under all Variable-Rate Tranches shall not be executed in more than three currencies in total;
(d) the interest rate, if any such rate was previously indicated by the Bank without commitment, as being applicable to the Tranche during its lifetime; and
(e) the preferred date for disbursement, it being understood that the Bank may disburse any Tranche up to four calendar months from the date of the relevant Request.
No Request may be made later than 15 September 2006. Subject to the proviso to Sub-paragraph 1.02C, each Request is irrevocable.
C. Between 10 and 15 days before the date of disbursement the Bank shall, if the Request conforms to Paragraph 1.02A and B, and subject to Paragraph 1.04 and 1.07, deliver to the Borrower a notice (hereinafter a “Disbursement Notice”) which shall:
(a) confirm the amount and currency to be disbursed under the Tranche as specified in the Request;
(b) specify the interest rate determined pursuant to Sub-paragraph 3.01 A or during the first Reference Period pursuant to Sub-paragraph 3.01B, as the case may be; and
(c) specify the date of disbursement of the Tranche.
Provided that if the interest rate specified in the Disbursement Notice exceeds the relevant rate previously indicated by the Bank and stated in the Request, or if any other element stated in the Disbursement Notice does not conform to the Request, the Borrower may within three days on which the Bank is open in Luxembourg following receipt of the Disbursement Notice revoke the Request by notice to the Bank and thereupon the Request and the Disbursement Notice shall be of no effect.
D. Disbursement of any Tranche shall be made to such Bank account in the name of the Borrower as the Borrower shall specify in a notification to the Bank, signed by a duly authorised officer of the Borrower, not less than eight days before the date of disbursement, provided that no more than one account may be specified for each Tranche.
1.03 Currency of Disbursement
Subject to availability, the Bank shall disburse each Tranche in the currency for which the Borrower has expressed a pref­erence. Each currency of disbursement shall be the euro, a currency of one of the Member States of the Bank not participating in the third stage of EMU or any other currency, which is widely traded on the principal foreign exchange markets.
For the calculation of the sums to be disbursed in currencies other than euro, the Bank shall apply the reference exchange rates computed and published by the European Central Bank in Frankfurt, or failing which the exchange rates prevailing on any other financial market chosen by the Bank, on such day within fifteen days before the date of disbursement as the Bank shall decide.
1.04 Conditions of Disbursement
A. The disbursement of the first Tranche pursuant to Paragraph 1.02 shall be subject to the fulfilment of the following conditions to the satisfaction of the Bank, namely that before the date of the Request:
(a) The Attorney General of to the Borrower shall have issued a favourable legal opinion in the English language substantially in the form attached hereto as Annex II on the due execution of this contract by the Borrower and on the relevant documentation in terms acceptable to the Bank;
(b) the Bank shall have received an English translation of the Law on Ratification adopted by the Parliament of the Republic of Slovenia allowing the Borrower to enter into this contract;
(c) all necessary exchange control consents, if any, shall have been obtained to permit the Borrower to receive disbursements hereunder, to repay the loan and to pay interest and all other amounts due hereunder; such consents must extend to the opening and maintenance of the account to which the Borrower directs the Bank to disburse the Credit;
(d) the Borrower shall have taken all action necessary to ensure that interest and all other payments due to the Bank hereunder are made without deduction or withholding of any tax, levies and other imposts of any nature whatsoever legally due in the Republic of Slovenia;
(e) the Borrower shall have furnished to the Bank evidence of the authority of the person or persons authorised to sign Requests and the authenticated specimen signature of such person or persons; and
(f) the Bank shall have received confirmation from the Borrower that the relevant authorities have delivered appropriate and necessary final planning and environmental approvals for the Project;
If a Request for the disbursement of the first Tranche is made before receipt by the Bank of evidence satisfactory to it, that such conditions have been fulfilled, such Request shall be deemed to have been received by the Bank on the date the conditions shall have been completed.
B. Disbursement of each subsequent Tranche shall be further subject to the Bank’s receipt, before the date of the relevant Request, of (i) confirmation from the Borrower that all environmental approvals for the Project are still valid and that no change in the environmental situation has occurred in relation to the report issued by the Initial EU-Consultant and (ii) documentary evidence satisfactory to it that the Borrower has expended or will expend, within six months from the date of the Request, on those components of the Project to be part-financed by the Bank as set out in Schedule A hereto, an amount at least equal to the amount of the disbursement requested hereunder. The Bank will disburse up to the extent of 100% of such expenditures (net of taxes and import duties) within the limits of the overall credit.
Any disbursement of a Tranche which finances expenditure in advance, shall be subject to receipt, within six months, of evidence satisfactory to the Bank that any amount disbursed under the relevant Tranche has been duly expended on the Project.
Each disbursement of a Tranche shall be subject to the Bank being satisfied at all times that sufficient other funds continue to be available to the Borrower so as to ensure the timely completion and implementation of the Project, in accordance with the Technical Description.
The disbursement of the last Tranche shall, furthermore, be subject to the Borrower’s nomination of an institutional entity, acceptable to the Bank, being responsible for the monitoring and maintenance of the Project site after the Project has been completed.
If any part of the evidence furnished by the Borrower is not satis­factory to the Bank, the Bank may disburse proportionately less than the amount requested.
C. For the calculation of the euro equivalent of sums expended pursuant to this Paragraph 1.04 the Bank shall apply the exchange rate referred to in Paragraph 1.03.
1.05 Deferment Commission
If disbursement of any Tranche is deferred at the request of the Borrower (with the consent of the Bank), the Borrower shall pay deferment commission on the undisbursed portion of the Tranche at an annual rate of 1%, calculated from the originally specified disbursement date to the actual disbursement date or, if the Tranche is not (wholly) disbursed, to the date of annulment or cancellation of that Tranche. The Bank must receive the request for deferral at least eight days before the original dis­bursement date. Such commission shall accrue from day to day and shall be payable on each date specified in Paragraph 5.03.
1.06 Annulment of Credit
If the cost of the Project should fall short of the figure stated in the Recitals, the Bank may, by notice to the Borrower, annul the Credit in proportion to the shortfall.
The Borrower may at any time, by notice to the Bank, in whole or in part annul any undisbursed portion of the Credit.
If the Borrower annuls any Tranche for which the relevant Request made by the Borrower has not been revoked pursuant to the proviso of Sub-paragraph 1.02C, it shall pay a commission calculated on the amount annulled at a flat rate equal to half the rate of interest specified in the relevant Disbursement Notice. Such com­mission shall be payable in addition to any commission payable under Paragraph 1.05.
The Bank may at any time after 15 September 2006, by notice to the Borrower, in whole or in part annul any undisbursed portion of the Credit, which is not then the subject of a Request.
1.07 Cancellation and Suspension of Credit
The Bank may, by notice to the Borrower, cancel the undisbursed portion of the Credit at any time and with immediate effect:
(a) Following the occurrence of any event mentioned in Sub-paragraph 10.01(A) or (B); or
(b) if exceptional circumstances shall arise which adversely af­fect the Bank’s access to national or international capital markets.
Alternatively, if the Bank is of the opinion that a situation described in case (a) or (b) has arisen and is temporary, it may by notice to the Borrower suspend the undisbursed portion of the Cred­it. In such case, the suspension shall continue until, following the issue of a further Request, the Bank is again in a position to issue a Disbursement Notice.
However, the Bank shall not be entitled to cancel or suspend, on grounds of case (b), any Tranche which has been the subject of a Disbursement Notice.
The Credit shall be considered as cancelled if the Bank demands repayment under Article 10.
If the Credit is cancelled other than by reason of the circumstances mentioned under case (b) above, the Borrower shall pay commission on the cancelled amount at an annual rate of 0.75% calculated from the date of the relevant Request to the date of cancellation.
Such commission shall be payable in addition to any commission payable under Paragraph 1.05.
1.08 Currency of Commissions
Commissions due from the Borrower to the Bank under this Article 1 shall be calculated and payable in euro.
The Loan
2.01 Amount of the Loan
The loan (hereinafter called the “Loan”) shall comprise the aggregate of the amounts in the currencies disbursed by the Bank, as notified by the Bank upon the occasion of the disbursement of each Tranche.
2.02 Currency of Repayments
Each repayment of a Tranche under Article 4 or, as the case may be, Article 10 shall be effected in the currency disbursed under that Tranche.
2.03 Currency of Interest and Other Charges
Interest and other charges payable on, or in respect of a Tranche under Articles 3, 4 or, where applicable, Article 10 shall be calculated and be payable in the currency in which such Tranche is repayable.
Any other payment shall be made in the currency specified by the Bank having regard to the currency of the expenditure to be reimbursed by means of that payment.
2.04 Notification by the Bank
After disbursement of each Tranche, the Bank shall deliver to the Borrower a summary statement showing the amount, currency, disbursement date, repayment schedule and interest rate of and for that Tranche.
3.01 Rate of Interest
A. The outstanding balance of any Fixed-Rate Tranche shall bear interest at the rate specified in the Disbursement Notice relative thereto, which rate shall be the interest rate applicable at the date of issue of the Disbursement Notice to loans denominated in the relevant currency and granted by the Bank to its borrowers on the same repayment terms and on the same terms for the payment of interest as the Tranche in question.
Interest on any Fixed-Rate Tranche shall be payable semi-annually in arrears on the dates specified in Paragraph 5.03 for Fixed-Rate-Tranches, commencing on the first such date following the date of disbursement of that Tranche.
B. The interest rate applicable to the amount outstanding under any Variable-Rate Tranche shall be the Interest Rate from time to time applicable to each Reference Period pursuant to the following definitions.
For the purpose hereof:
(a) the “Interest Rate”:
(i) shall be the interest rate determined by the Bank for each successive Reference Period in accordance with procedures from time to time laid down by its board of directors in relation to loans granted by it at variable interest rates and financed out of Relevant Resources, provided, however that it shall not exceed by more than 0.25% (25 basis points) the three-month interest rate offered in the principal interbank market of the relevant currency (for the US Dollar in the London interbank market and for the euro in the euro-zone interbank market), as chosen by the Bank;
(ii) shall be the flat Interbank Rate, if the date of disbursement of the Variable-Rate Tranche is not a date of commencement of a Reference Period and for the duration only of the first interest period; and
(iii) shall be notified as such by the Bank to the Borrower within ten days following the date of commencement of the Reference Period to which it applies;
(b) “Interbank Rate” means:
(i) in respect of any interest period of one month or more, the rate of interest for interbank deposits of a period being the number of whole months corresponding to the duration of such interest period; and
(ii) in respect of any interest period of less than a month, the rate of interest for interbank deposits for a period of one month,
offered in the principal interbank market of the relevant currency (for the US Dollar in the London interbank market and for the euro in the euro-zone interbank market), as chosen by the Bank;
(c) “Reference Period” means a period of three months, commencing on 15 March, 15 June, 15 September or 15 December of any year, save that the first Reference Period shall commence on the date of the disbursement of the Tranche in question; and
(d) “Relevant Resources” means borrowings and other resources denominated in the currencies referred to in Paragraph 1.03 and raised on such markets as the Bank may from time to time select for the purpose of funding loans made by it in such currencies and at variable interest rates.
Interest on any Variable Rate Tranche shall be payable quarterly in arrears on the dates specified in Paragraph 5.03 for Variable-Rate Tranches, commencing on the first such date following the date of disbursement of that Tranche.
3.02 Interest on Overdue Sums
Without prejudice to Article 10 and by way of exception to Paragraph 3.01, interest shall accrue from day to day on any overdue sum payable under the terms of this contract in any currency, from its due date to the date of its payment, at a rate equal to the higher of:
(a) the sum of: (i) 0.25% (25 basis points); and (ii) the rate from time to time applicable under Paragraph 3.01 to the Tranche to which such overdue sum is connected; and
(b) the sum of: (i) the rate of interest for interbank deposits for a period of one month offered in the principal interbank market of the relevant currency (for the US Dollar in the London interbank market and for the euro in the euro-zone interbank market), as chosen by the Bank; and (ii) 2% (200 basis points) per annum. For the purposes of this Indent (b), the interest periods of reference shall consist of successive periods of one month, commencing on the due date of the overdue sum.
Such interest shall be payable in the same currency as the overdue sum on which it accrues.
4.01 Normal Repayment
The Borrower shall repay the Loan in accordance with the amortisation table set out in Schedule B.
4.02 Voluntary Prepayment
A. Fixed-Rate Tranches
(i) The Borrower may prepay all or part of any Fixed-Rate Tranche, upon giving written notice (hereinafter a “Prepayment Notice”) specifying the amount (the “Prepayment Amount”) to be prepaid and the proposed date of prepayment (the “Prepayment Date”), which shall be a date specified in Paragraph 5.03 (each a “Payment Date”). The Prepayment Notice shall be delivered to the Bank at least one month prior to the Prepayment Date. Prepayment shall be subject to the payment by the Borrower of the compensation, if any, due to the Bank in accordance with the provisions of Indents (ii) and (iii) below.
(ii) The amount of compensation due on the Tranche shall be the amount of the shortfall in interest incurred by the Bank in respect of each half-year ending on successive Payment Dates falling after the Prepayment Date calculated in the manner stated in the following Sub-paragraph and discounted in accordance with indent (iii).
The amount of the shortfall shall be calculated as the amount by which:
(x) the interest that would have been payable during that half-year on the prepaid part of the Tranche
(y) the interest which would have been so payable during that half-year if calculated at the Reference Rate; for which purpose the “Reference Rate” means the rate of interest (reduced by 15 (fifteen) basis points) which the Bank determines on the date falling one month prior to the Prepayment Date to be the standard rate for loan quoted by the Bank in the relevant currency, having the same financial characteristics as the loan, in particular the same periodicity for the payment of interest, the same remaining life to maturity and the same type of repayment profile.
(iii) Each amount so calculated shall be discounted to the Prepayment Date by applying a discount rate equal to the rate determined pursuant to Indent (y) of Indent (ii).
(iv) The Bank shall give notice to the Borrower of the compensation due or, as the case may be, of the absence of compensation. If by 5 p.m. Luxembourg time on the date of the notification the Borrower fails to confirm its intention to effect the prepayment on the terms notified by the Bank, the Prepayment Notice shall be of no effect. Save as aforesaid, the Borrower shall be obliged to effect payment in accordance with the
Prepayment Notice, together with accrued interest on the Prepayment Amount as well as any sum due under this Sub-paragraph 4.02A.
B. Variable-Rate Tranches
The Borrower may prepay any Variable-Rate Tranche together with accrued interest, on the date of the expiry of any Reference Period. Prepayment may be effected without penalty and subject to thirty days’ prior written notice to the Bank. The notice shall be irrevocable.
4.03 Compulsory Prepayment
A. If the Borrower voluntarily prepays a part or the whole of any other loan originally contracted for a term of more than five years, the Bank may demand prepayment of such proportion of the amount of the Loan then outstanding as the prepaid sum bears to the aggregate outstanding amount of all such loans.
The Bank shall address its demand, if any, to the Borrower within four weeks of receipt of the relevant notice under Paragraph 8.02(a). Any sum demanded by the Bank shall be paid, together with accrued interest, on the date indicated by the Bank, which date shall not precede the date of prepayment of the other loan.
Prepayment of a loan by means of a new loan having a term at least as long as the unexpired term of the loan prepaid shall not be considered to be a prepayment.
B. If the total cost of the Project should fall significantly short of the figure stated in the Recitals, the Bank may in proportion to the shortfall demand prepayment of the Loan.
C. In case of any prepayment due under this Paragraph 4.03 the Borrower may select which Tranche or Tranches are to be prepaid.
4.04 General Provisions regarding Prepayment under Article 4
In case of partial prepayment of a Tranche, each amount prepaid shall be applied pro rata in reduction of each outstanding instal­ment.
This Article 4 shall not prejudice Article 10.
5.01 Place of Payment
Each sum payable by the Borrower under this contract shall be paid to the respective account notified by the Bank to the Borrower. The Bank shall indicate the account not less than fifteen days before the due date for the first payment by the Borrower and shall notify any change of account not less than fifteen days before the date of the first payment to which the change applies.
This period of notice does not apply in the case of payment under Article 10.
5.02 Calculation of Payments relating to a Fraction
of a Year
Any amount due by way of interest, commission or otherwise from the Borrower under this contract, and calculated in respect of any fraction of a year, shall be calculated on the basis of a year of three hundred and sixty days and
(a) in respect of Fixed Rate Tranches, a month of thirty days; or
(b) in respect of Variable Rate Tranches the number of days elapsed; or
5.03 Dates of Payment
In respect of Variable-Rate Tranches, sums due quarterly under this contract are payable to the Bank on the 15 March, 15 June, 15 September and 15 December in each year and sums due semi annually are payable to the Bank on the 15 March and the 15 September in each year.
Sums due semi annually under this contract in respect of Fixed-Rate Tranches are payable to the Bank on the 15 March and the 15 September in each year.
Any payment due on a Day which is not a Business Day shall be payable on the next succeeding day which is a Business Day. “Business Day” means a day on which banks are open for business in the financial centre of the country whose national currency is the currency of the amount due provided that, in the case of the euro, Business Day means a day on which credit or transfer instructions in euro are processed through the euro settlement system entitled Trans-European Automated Real-Time Gross Express Transfer System (“TARGET”).
Other sums due hereunder are payable within seven days of receipt by the Borrower of the demand made by the Bank.
A sum due from the Borrower shall be deemed paid when it is received by the Bank.
Particular Undertakings
6.01 Use of Loan and other Funds
The Borrower shall use the proceeds of the Loan and the other funds mentioned in the financing plan described in the Recitals exclusively for the execution of awarded contracts covering the components under 3, 4 and 5 with respect to the Project as described in Schedule A.
6.02 Completion of the Project
The Borrower undertakes to carry out the Project in accordance with, and to complete it by the date specified in, the Technical Description, in accordance with European Union standards related to environmental and radiation protection, as they may be amended or modified.
6.03 Increased Cost of the Project
If the cost of the Project exceeds the estimated figure set out in the Recitals, the Borrower shall obtain the finance to fund the excess cost without recourse to the Bank, so as to enable the Borrower to complete the Project in accordance with the Technical Description. The Borrower’s plans for funding the excess cost shall be communicated to the Bank without delay.
6.04 Tendering Procedure
The Borrower undertakes to purchase goods, procure services and order works for the Project, so far as appropriate and to the satisfaction of the Bank, by international tender open to nationals of all countries on equal terms. The tender documents shall be translated into English and reviewed by the Bank. The invitation to prequalify for tenders shall be published in the Official Journal of the European Community.
6.05 Insurance
So long as the Loan is outstanding, the Borrower shall appropriately insure all works and property forming part of the Project in accordance with normal practice for similar works of public interest in the territory of Slovenia, including third party liability coverage.
6.06 Maintenance
So long as the Loan is outstanding, the Borrower shall ensure that all property forming part of the Project is maintained, repaired, overhauled and renewed as required to keep it in good order in particular with regard to environment, radiation and geotechnics.
6.07 Operation of the Project
So long as the Loan is outstanding, the Borrower shall ensure that it either directly or indirectly will, unless the Bank shall have consented otherwise in writing, retain ownership of the Project and ensures that the assets comprised in the Project are replaced and renewed as appropriate and that the Project is maintained in substantially continuous operation in accordance with its original purpose.
The Bank may withhold its consent only where the proposed action would prejudice the Bank’s interests as lender to the Borrower or would render the Project ineligible for financing by the Bank.
6.08 Auditing of Accounts
The Borrower undertakes to maintain financial and accounting records and documents to the satisfaction of the Bank.
6.09 Technical Assistence
The Borrower undertakes to engage a consultant, of international repute, familiar with the relevant regulations of and their implementation within the EU, satisfactory to the Bank for monitoring the progress of the Project with particular emphasis on, but not limited to, environmental, radiation and geotechnical issues, and cost-effectiveness, as well as the Project’s compliance with the relevant EU standards (herein referred to as “EU-Consultant”). The EU-Consultant will establish an annual monitoring report as long as the Project is on-going and a final report no later than six months after completion.
6.10 Environmental Covenants
So long as the Loan is outstanding, the Borrower shall carry out:
(a) its activities in conformity with its by-laws and laws related to environmental protection which may be applicable to the Borrower’s activity and with European Union standards related to environmental and radiation protection, as they may be amended or modified and shall secure and maintain all necessary governmental authorisations applicable thereto; and
(b) all maintenance and rehabilitation works as well as policies mitigating environmental and radiation impact which may be necessary for the Project in conformity with good practice and the laws referred to in section (a) of this Paragraph 6.10 and shall carry out all maintenance and rehabilitation works on the Project facilities which may be required by the competent authorities under said laws.
6.11 Remediation Measures
The Borrower undertakes to carry out all remediation measures in such a way, that:
(a) the protection of the environment will be assured by respecting the authorised limits during the perpetual lifetime as set out by the regulations mentioned in Paragraph 6.10 (including but not limited to regular monitoring, maintenance and potentially repairs of the implemented measures);
(b) the authorised limits for the Borst tailings disposal site, the Jazbec mine waste stockpile and the underground mine will not be exceeded in case of an earthquake of maximum intensity; and
(c) national law, particular authorised limits for the uranium mine of Zirovski Vrh, and European legislation and regulations are respected.
6.12 Indemnification
In case the Bank is subject to any claim raised by any third party and based on circumstances derived from the implementation of, or arising in connection with the Project, it shall promptly inform the Borrower. After having consulted with the Borrower regarding such claim and its factual and legal circumstances, the Bank may decide in its sole discretion on the steps to be taken to protect its interests. The Borrower unconditionally undertakes to fully indemnify the Bank for all liabilities accruing to the Bank from such third party claim including but not limited to damages, judgments, executions and demands.
Furthermore, the Borrower undertakes to support the Bank’s position in any such case by all reasonable means, which may prove necessary, including joining the Bank in any court or arbitral proceedings.
7.01 Additional Security
If the Borrower grants to a third party any security interest over any of its assets for the performance of any of the Borrower external indebtedness or any preference or priority in respect thereof, it shall, if so required by the Bank, provide equivalent security interest to the Bank for the performance of its obligations under this contract or grant the Bank equivalent preference or priority. The Borrower represents that no such security interest, preference or priority presently exists.
Information and Visits
8.01 Information concerning the Project
The Borrower shall:
(a) deliver to the Bank in the English language or with English translation, (i) by 30 June 2002 and subsequently at half-yearly intervals until the Project is completed and thereafter till the Loan is repaid a report on the implementation of the Project or on its status after completion, as the case may be, satisfactory to the Bank; (ii) six months after the completion of the Project, a Project completion report satisfactory to the Bank; and (iii) from time to time, any such further document or information concerning the financing, implementation and operation of the Project as the Bank may reasonably require;
(b) submit for the approval of the Bank without delay any material change to the general plans, timetable or expenditure programme for the Project, by relation to the disclosures made to the Bank prior to the signing of this contract;
(c) inform the Bank in good time of any situation, which requires the consent of the Bank under Paragraph 6.07;
(d) inform the Bank immediately of
(i) any fact or event known to the Borrower, which might substantially prejudice or affect the conditions of execution or operation of the Project; and
(ii) of any environmental irregularity such as exceeding emission limits as set out by the regulations mention in Paragraph 6.10, or generally jeopardizing the health of people or nature, or of any geotechnical changes, which might have an impact on the Project;
(e) make available to the Bank the EU Consultant’s annual reports issued in accordance with Paragraph 6.09.
8.02 Information concerning the Borrower
The Borrower shall inform the Bank in English language:
(a) immediately of any decision made by it for any reason or of any fact, which obliges it, or any demand made to it to prepay any loan originally granted for a term exceeding five years;
(b) immediately of any intention on its part to create any security interest over any of its assets in favour of a third party;
(c) generally of any fact or event which might prevent the fulfilment of any obligation of the Borrower under this contract.
8.03 Visits
The Borrower shall permit and shall cause any relevant third party to permit, persons designated by the Bank to visit the sites, installations and works comprising the Project and to conduct such checks as they may wish, and shall provide them, or ensure that they are provided, with all necessary assistance for this purpose.
Charges and Expenses
9.01 Taxes, Duties and Fees
The Borrower shall pay all taxes, duties, fees and other impositions of whatsoever nature including stamp duty and registration fees, arising out of the execution or implementation of this contract or any related document and in the creation of any security for the Loan.
The Borrower shall pay all principal, interest, commission and other amounts due under this contract gross without deduction of any national or local impositions whatsoever; provided that, if the Borrower is obliged by law to make any such deduction, it will gross up the payment to the Bank so that after deduction, the net amount received by the Bank is equivalent to the sum due.
9.02 Other Charges
The Borrower shall bear any professional, banking, transfer or exchange costs incurred in the execution or implementation of this contract or related document and in the creation of any security for the Loan.
Prepayment upon an Event of Default
10.01 Right to demand Repayment
The Borrower shall repay the Loan or any part thereof forthwith upon demand being made therefor by the Bank:
(A) immediately:
(a) if any material information or document given to the Bank by or on behalf of the Borrower in connection with the negotiation of this contract or during its lifetime proves to have been incorrect in any material particular;
(b) if the Borrower fails on due date to repay any part of the Loan, to pay interest thereon or to make any other payment to the Bank as herein provided;
(c) if, following any default in relation thereto, the Borrower is required to prepay any loan or other financial indebtedness;
(d) (i) if any distress, execution, sequestration or other process is levied or enforced upon or sued out against any property forming part of the Project and is not discharged or stayed within fourteen days; or (ii) generally if any event occurs which is likely to jeopardise the servicing of the Loan or adversely affect any security therefor;
(e) if the Borrower is liable, by reason of any default, to be required to effect immediate prepayment of any loan granted by the Bank from the resources of the Bank or of the European Community;
(f) if environmental effects of whatever kind occur which would in the opinion of the Bank jeopardize the health of people or nature or would endanger the completion or implementation of the Project; or
(B) upon expiry of a reasonable period of time specified in a notice served by the Bank on the Borrower, without the matter being remedied to the satisfaction of the Bank:
(a) if the Borrower fails to comply with any obligation under this contract other than one mentioned in Sub-paragraph 10.01(A) Indent (b);
(b) if any obligation assumed by the Borrower as stated in the Framework Agreement ceases to be fulfilled as regards any loan made to any Borrower in Slovenia from the resources of the Bank or of the European Community; or
(c) if any material fact stated in the Recitals substantially alters and if the alteration either prejudices the interests of the Bank as lender to the Borrower or adversely affects the implementation or operation of the Project.
10.02 Other Rights at Law
Paragraph 10.01 shall not restrict any other right of the Bank at law to demand repayment of the Loan.
10.03 Damages
In case of Fixed-Rate Tranches:
In case of demand under Paragraph 10.01, the Borrower shall pay to the Bank a sum calculated as at the date of demand, as the greater of:
(a) a sum calculated according to the provisions of Sub-paragraph 4.02A Indents (ii) and (iii) as applied to the sum which has become due and payable, and with effect from the due date specified in the Bank’s notice of demand; and
(b) an amount calculated at the annual rate of 0.25% from the date of the demand to the respective date on which each instalment of the amount demanded would have been repayable under Schedule B but for the making of the demand.
In case of Variable-Rate Tranches:
In case of demand for prepayment under Paragraph 10.01, the Borrower shall pay to the Bank a sum calculated as at the date of the demand at an annual rate of 0.25% from the date of the demand to the respective date on which each instalment of the amount demanded would have been repayable under Schedule B but for the making of the demand.
10.04 Non Waiver
No failure or delay by the Bank in exercising any of its rights under this Article 10 shall be construed as a waiver of such right.
10.05 Application of Sums Received
Sums received following a demand under Article 10 shall be applied first in payment of damages, commission and interest in that order and secondly in reduction of outstanding instalments in inverse order of maturity. They shall be applied between Tranches at the discretion of the Bank.
Law and Jurisdiction
11.01 Law
This contract and its formation, construction and validity shall be governed by the laws of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.
The place of performance of this contract is the head office of the Bank.
11.02 Jurisdiction
All disputes concerning this contract shall be submitted to the Court of Justice of the European Communities.
The parties to this contract hereby waive any immunity from or right to object to the jurisdiction of that Court.
A decision of the Court given pursuant to this Paragraph 11.02 shall be conclusive and binding on the parties without restriction or reservation.
11.03 Evidence of Sums due
In any legal action arising out of this contract the certificate of the Bank as to any amount due to the Bank under this contract shall be prima facie evidence of such amount.
11.04 Entry into effect
This Contract shall enter into force upon the completion of the procedures necessary to this effect in the Republic of Slovenia and upon confirmation by the Bank of receipt of the relevant documents.
Final Clauses
12.01 Notices
Notices and other communications given hereunder shall be sent to the respective address set out below except that notices to the Borrower relating to litigation whether pending or threatened shall be sent to the address mentioned under 2) below where the Borrower elects domicile:
–  for the Bank      :     100 Boulevard
                           Konrad Adenauer
                           L 2950 Luxembourg
                           Kirchberg ;
–  for the Borrower  :  1) Ministry of Finance
                           Zupanciceva, 3
                           1502 Ljubljana
                        2) Embassy of the
                           Republic of Slovenia
                           179, Avenue Louise
                           1050 Brussels
Each party may, by notice to the other, change its addresses as set out above, provided that the address in 2) above may only be changed to another address within the European Community.
12.02 Form of Notice
Notices and other communications, for which fixed periods are laid down in this contract or which themselves fix periods binding on the addressee, shall be served by hand delivery, registered letter, telegram, telex, confirmed fax or any other means of transmission which affords evi­dence of receipt by the addressee. The date of registration or, as the case may be, the stated date of receipt of transmission shall be conclusive for the determination of a period.
12.03 Recitals, Schedules and Annexes
The Recitals and following Schedules form part of this contract:
Schedule A Technical Description
Schedule B Amortisation Table
The following Annexes are attached hereto:
– Annex I                Authority of Signatory
                         for the Borrower
– Annex II               Legal Opinion
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have caused this contract to be executed in three originals in the English language. Each page hereof, except this page, has been initialled on behalf of the Bank by Mr. Richard Schnopfhagen, Counsel and on behalf of the Borrower by Ms. Maja Kosak, Advisor to the Government.
Signed for and on behalf of
E. Nowotny (s)
Signed for and on behalf of
A. Rop (s)
This 8th day of July 2002 in Ljubljana
this17th day of July 2002 in Luxembourg.
                                                                        Schedule A
                                  Technical Description
                              SLOVENIA – ZIROVSKI VRH PROJECT
The project consists of engineering, design, implementation, supervision and
follow-up of the decommissioning measures undertaken by RZV in order to
decrease and minimise existing radiation levels and geotechnical risks. It
comprises the following components:

1.  Project preparation, which has to a large extent already been carried out.
2.  Remediation measures carried out from 1994 until 2000 including
    dismantling of the mill premises.

3.  Partial backfilling of the underground mine where appropriate to prevent
    pillar instability and potential collapse of underground voids. Stabilisation of
    the underground mine will prevent excessive long-term contamination of the
    mine effluent, which has to satisfy (after mixing with the other contaminators
    and the natural uncontaminated flow), the strict upper limits for drinking
    water. Additionally, several strong contaminated underground water sources
    will be sealed. The mine has furthermore to be sealed airtight in order to
    prevent further radon exhalation.
4.  Resloping of the Jazbec mine waste stockpile and reworking of its drainage
    system in order to achieve long term geotechnical stability. In addition, the
    site has to be covered with a multilayer barrier to minimise radon exhalation,
    gamma radiation and, at the same time, prevent rainwater intake. Stockpile
    drainage water and water contamination should gradually decrease to levels
    below the authorised limits.

5.  Resloping and partial relocation of the Borst tailings disposal site and
    possibly reworking of its drainage system in order to achieve long term
    geotechnical stability. In addition, the site has to be covered with a multilayer
    barrier to minimise radon exhalation and gamma radiation and, at the same
    time, prevent rainwater intake. As in the case of the mine waste stockpile,
    drainage water from the depositioning site and water contamination should
    gradually decrease to levels below the authorised limits.
6.  Project management, internal and external supervision and long-term
    follow-up of the implementation measures.
  EIB financing is towards awarded contracts covering the components under 3,
4 and 5 above.
  Preparation of the decommissioning measures started in late 1990, site works
started in 1994. Completion of the remediation measures is foreseen for end of 2005,
followed by a 5 years’ short-term monitoring period.

                                             SCHEDULE B

                 Amortisation Table

        Due date of               Amounts to be repaid
        Instalment              expressed as percentage
                                 of the Loan as defined
                                    in Paragraph 2.01
   1.   15 March       2007              3 1/3%
   2.   15 September   2007              3 1/3%
   3.   15 March       2008              3 1/3%
   4.   15 September   2008              3 1/3%
   5.   15 March       2009              3 1/3%
   6.   15 September   2009              3 1/3%
   7.   15 March       2010              3 1/3%
   8.   15 September   2010              3 1/3%
   9.   15 March       2011              3 1/3%
  10.   15 September   2011              3 1/3%
  11.   15 March       2012              3 1/3%
  12.   15 September   2012              3 1/3%
  13.   15 March       2013              3 1/3%
  14.   15 September   2013              3 1/3%
  15.   15 March       2014              3 1/3%
  16.   15 September   2014              3 1/3%
  17.   15 March       2015              3 1/3%
  18.   15 September   2015              3 1/3%
  19.   15 March       2016              3 1/3%
  20.   15 September   2016              3 1/3%
  21.   15 March       2017              3 1/3%
  22.   15 September   2017              3 1/3%
  23.   15 March       2018              3 1/3%
  24.   15 September   2018              3 1/3%
  25.   15 March       2019              3 1/3%
  26.   15 September   2019              3 1/3%
  27.   15 March       2020              3 1/3%
  28.   15 September   2020              3 1/3%
  29.   15 March       2021              3 1/3%
  30.   15 September   2021              3 1/3%
Ljubljana, 8. 7. 2002
Luxembourg, 17. 7. 2002
Republiko Slovenijo prek Ministrstva za finance, ki ga zastopa g. Anton Rop, minister za finance,
v nadaljevanju “posojilojemalka”,
na eni strani
Evropsko investicijsko banko, ki ima svoj sedež na 100 boulevard Konrad Adenauer, Luxembourg-Kirchberg, Veliko vojvodstvo Luksemburg, ki jo zastopa g. Ewald Nowotny, podpredsednik,
v nadaljevanju “banka”,
na drugi strani.
– da je Svet Evropske unije povabil banko, da nameni večjo predpristopno posojilno pomoč državam Srednje in Vzhodne Evrope, ki so zaprosile za članstvo v Evropski uniji;
– da je Svet guvernerjev banke upošteval to odločitev in je odobril dodelitev posojil tem državam iz svojih lastnih sredstev;
– da je Okvirni sporazum o finančnem sodelovanju med banko in Slovenijo (v nadaljevanju okvirni sporazum) Slovenija podpisala 1. decembra 1997, banka pa 15. decembra 1997;
– da posojilojemalka načrtuje izvedbo projekta (v nadaljevanju “projekt”), ki obsega nadaljevanje in dokončanje varnega in trajnega zaprtja nekdanjega rudnika urana na Žirovskem vrhu, kot je podrobneje opisano v tehničnem opisu v Prilogi A k tej pogodbi (v nadaljevanju “tehnični opis”);
– da skupni stroški projekta znašajo po oceni banke 62,3 milijona EUR (dvainšestdeset celih, tri desetine milijona evrov), vključno z nepredvidenimi stroški in obrestmi med izvajanjem, in se bodo financirali, kot sledi:
                               Protivrednost v mio. EUR
Lastna finančna sredstva                           42,3
Za dopolnitev financiranja
je posojilojemalka banko
zaprosila za posojilo
v protivrednosti mio. EUR                          20,0
Skupaj                                             62,3
– da se je banka prepričala, da je financiranje projekta v okviru njene dejavnosti, in se ob upoštevanju zgoraj navedenega odločila ugoditi zaprosilu posojilojemalke za posojilo v znesku v protivrednosti 20 milijonov EUR;
– da je parlament Republike Slovenije sprejel in ratificiral zakon, ki dovoljuje posojilojemalki sklenitev te pogodbe, in je pooblastil g. Antona Ropa za podpis te finančne pogodbe v njenem imenu (Dodatek I);
– da so sklicevanja v tej pogodbi na člene, odstavke, pododstavke, uvodne navedbe, priloge in dodatke sklicevanja na člene, odstavke, pododstavke in uvodne navedbe, priloge in dodatke k tej pogodbi,
JE s tem dogovorjeno naslednje:
1. člen
1.01 Znesek kredita
S to pogodbo banka daje v korist posojilojemalke in posojilojemalka sprejema kredit (v nadaljevanju “kredit”) v znesku v protivrednosti 20,000.000 EUR (dvajset milijonov evrov) za izključni namen delnega financiranja določenih sestavin projekta, kot je navedeno v Prilogi A.
1.02 Postopki izplačila
A. Kredit se izplača v skladu s pogoji iz odstavka 1.04 v največ 5 tranšah (v nadaljevanju “tranše” ali posamezno “tranša”), pri čemer je znesek vsake tranše enak najmanj 4 milijonom EUR (štiri milijone evrov) razen zadnjega izplačila in ne sme preseči protivrednosti 10 milijonov EUR (deset milijonov evrov).
B. Za izplačilo vsake tranše mora banka od posojilojemalke prejeti pisno zaprosilo (“zaprosilo”), ki ga je podpisal pravilno pooblaščen uslužbenec, v katerem se navedejo:
(a) znesek tranše v evrih, za katerega izplačilo se prosi po tej tranši;
(b) valuta, v kateri želi posojilojemalka, da se tranša izplača, pri čemer je to valuta, omenjena v odstavku 1.03;
(c) ali bo tranša obrestovana s stalno obrestno mero (pri čemer se taka tranša imenuje “tranša s stalno obrestno mero”) ali spremenljivo obrestno mero (pri čemer se taka tranša imenuje “tranša s spremenljivo obrestno mero”), vendar pa pod pogojem, da se izplačila po vseh tranšah s spremenljivo obrestno mero ne smejo opraviti skupno v več kot treh valutah;
(d) obrestna mera, če je takšno obrestno mero banka predhodno navedla neobvezno kot obrestno mero, ki bi se uporabljala za tranšo med njenim trajanjem, in
(e) želeni datum izplačila, pri čemer se razume, da lahko banka izplača vsako tranšo v največ štirih koledarskih mesecih od datuma posameznega zaprosila.
Po 15. septembru 2006 se ne sme več predložiti nobeno zaprosilo. Ob upoštevanju pridržka k pododstavku 1.02 C je vsako zaprosilo nepreklicno.
C. Od 10 do 15 dni pred datumom izplačila banka, če je zaprosilo v skladu z odstavkom 1.02 A in B, in ob upoštevanju odstavkov 1.04 in 1.07 pošlje posojilojemalki obvestilo (v nadaljevanju “obvestilo o izplačilu”), ki
(a) potrjuje znesek in valuto izplačila po tranši, kot je navedeno v zaprosilu;
(b) navaja obrestno mero, določeno na podlagi pododstavka 3.01 A oziroma med prvim referenčnim obdobjem na podlagi pododstavka 3.01 B, in
(c) navaja datum izplačila tranše.
Če obrestna mera, navedena v obvestilu o izplačilu, presega ustrezno obrestno mero, ki jo je predhodno navedla banka in je navedena v zaprosilu, ali če kateri koli drug element, naveden v obvestilu o izplačilu, ni v skladu z zaprosilom, lahko posojilojemalka v treh dneh, ko je banka v Luxembourgu odprta, po prejemu obvestila o izplačilu zaprosilo prekliče z obvestilom banki in nato zaprosilo in obvestilo o izplačilu nimata več nobenega učinka.
D. Izplačilo katere koli tranše se izvede na tisti bančni račun na ime posojilojemalke, ki ga posojilojemalka navede v obvestilu banki, ki ga je podpisal pravilno pooblaščen uslužbenec posojilojemalke, najpozneje osem dni pred datumom izplačila pod pogojem, da se sme za vsako tranšo navesti največ en račun.
1.03 Valuta izplačila
V odvisnosti od razpoložljivosti banka izplača vsako tranšo v valuti, ki jo je posojilojemalka izbrala kot želeno valuto. Valuta izplačila je evro, valuta ene od držav članic banke, ki ne sodelujejo v tretji fazi EMU, ali katera koli druga valuta, s katero se v večjem obsegu trguje na vodilnih mednarodnih finančnih trgih.
Za izračun zneskov, ki se izplačajo v drugih valutah in ne evrih, uporabi banka referenčne menjalne tečaje, ki jih izračunava in objavlja Evropska centralna banka v Frankfurtu, sicer pa menjalne tečaje, ki veljajo na katerem koli drugem finančnem trgu po izboru banke na dan v obdobju petnajstih dni pred datumom izplačila, kot se odloči banka.
1.04 Pogoji izplačila
A. Za izplačilo prve tranše na podlagi odstavka 1.02 se zahteva izpolnjevanje naslednjih pogojev, sprejemljivih za banko, in sicer da pred datumom zaprosila:
(a) državni pravobranilec posojilojemalke izda ugodno pravno mnenje v angleškem jeziku pretežno v obliki, ki je priložena tej pogodbi kot Dodatek II, o tem, da je posojilojemalka pravilno podpisala to pogodbo in da je ustrezna dokumentacija sprejemljiva za banko;
(b) banka prejme angleški prevod zakona o ratifikaciji, ki ga je sprejel parlament Republike Slovenije, s katerim se posojilojemalki dovoljuje sklenitev te pogodbe;
(c) so bila pridobljena vsa morebitna potrebna devizna soglasja, ki posojilojemalki dovoljujejo, da prejme izplačila po tej pogodbi za odplačilo posojila in za plačilo obresti in vseh drugih zneskov, dolgovanih po tej pogodbi; takšna soglasja morajo obsegati odprtje in vzdrževanje računa, na katerega bo po navodilih posojilojemalke banka izplačala kredit;
(d) posojilojemalka ukrene vse potrebno za zagotovitev, da se obresti in vsa druga plačila, dolgovana banki po tej pogodbi, izvedejo brez odbitka ali zadržanja kakršnega koli davka, dajatev ali drugih davščin katere koli vrste, ki jih je treba po zakonu plačati v Republiki Sloveniji;
(e) posojilojemalka banki predloži dokaze o pooblastilih osebe ali oseb, ki so pooblaščene za podpis zaprosil, in overjen deponiran podpis te osebe ali oseb in
(f) banka prejme od posojilojemalke potrditev, da so ustrezni organi izdali ustrezna in potrebna dovoljenja za končni projekt in okoljska dovoljenja za projekt.
Če je zaprosilo za izplačilo prve tranše dano, preden je banka prejela dokaz, ki je zanjo sprejemljiv, da so ti pogoji izpolnjeni, se šteje, da je banka tako zaprosilo prejela na datum izpolnitve pogojev.
B. Za izplačilo vsake nadaljnje tranše se nadalje zahteva, da banka prejme pred datumom ustreznega zaprosila (i) od posojilojemalke potrditev, da vsa okoljska dovoljenja za projekt še vedno veljajo in da ni prišlo do nikakršne spremembe v okoljskih razmerah glede na poročilo, ki ga je izdal prvotni svetovalec EU, in (ii) za banko sprejemljiva dokazila, da je ali da bo posojilojemalka v šestih mesecih od datuma zaprosila porabila za tiste sestavine projekta, ki jih delno financira banka, kot je podrobno opisano v Prilogi A k tej pogodbi, znesek, ki je najmanj enak znesku izplačila, za katerega se prosi po tej pogodbi. Banka bo opravila izplačilo do višine 100% takih izdatkov (neto brez davkov in uvoznih dajatev) v okviru celotnega kredita.

Za katero koli izplačilo tranše, s katerim se vnaprej financirajo izdatki, se zahteva, da banka v šestih mesecih prejme dokaz, ki je zanjo sprejemljiv, da je bil vsak znesek, izplačan po ustrezni tranši, pravilno porabljen pri projektu.
Za vsako izplačilo tranše se zahteva, da je banka prepričana, da so še vedno posojilojemalki na voljo zadostna druga finančna sredstva, tako da sta zagotovljena pravočasno dokončanje in izvedba projekta v skladu s tehničnim opisom.
Za izplačilo zadnje tranše se razen tega zahteva, da posojilojemalka določi za banko sprejemljivo institucijo, ki bo pristojna za spremljanje stanja in vzdrževanje lokacije projekta po dokončanju projekta.
Če kateri koli del dokazov, ki jih je predložila posojilojemalka, ni sprejemljiv za banko, lahko banka izplača znesek, ki je sorazmerno nižji od zaprošenega.
C. Za izračun protivrednosti zneskov v evrih, porabljenih na podlagi tega odstavka 1.04, uporabi banka menjalni tečaj, omenjen v odstavku 1.03.
1.05 Provizija za odlog izplačila
Če se izplačilo katere koli tranše odloži na zaprosilo posojilojemalke (s soglasjem banke), plača posojilojemalka na neizplačani delež tranše provizijo za odlog izplačila po stopnji 1% na leto, izračunano od prvotno določenega datuma izplačila do dejanskega datuma izplačila, oziroma če tranša ni (v celoti) izplačana, do datuma razveljavitve ali preklica te tranše. Banka mora prejeti zaprosilo za odlog izplačila vsaj osem dni pred prvotnim datumom izplačila. Takšna provizija teče od dneva do dneva in zapade v plačilo na vsak datum, naveden v odstavku 5.03.
1.06 Razveljavitev kredita
Če bi bili stroški projekta nižji od zneska, navedenega v uvodnih navedbah, lahko banka z obvestilom posojilojemalki razveljavi kredit v sorazmerju z razliko v zneskih.
Posojilojemalka lahko kadar koli z obvestilom banki v celoti ali deloma razveljavi kateri koli neizplačani delež kredita.
Če posojilojemalka razveljavi katero koli tranšo, za katero ustrezno zaprosilo posojilojemalke ni bilo preklicano v skladu s pridržkom iz pododstavka 1.02 C, plača provizijo, izračunano od razveljavljenega zneska po pavšalni stopnji, enaki polovični obrestni meri, navedeni v ustreznem obvestilu o izplačilu. Takšna provizija se plača dodatno h kateri koli proviziji, ki se plača po odstavku 1.05.
Banka lahko kadar koli po 15. septembru 2006 z obvestilom posojilojemalki v celoti ali deloma razveljavi kateri koli neizplačani delež kredita, ki zatem ni več predmet zaprosila.
1.07 Preklic in odlog kredita
Banka lahko z obvestilom posojilojemalki prekliče neizplačani delež kredita kadar koli in s takojšnim učinkom:
(a) ob kakršnem koli dogodku, omenjenem v pododstavku 10.01 (A) ali (B), ali
(b) ob izrednih okoliščinah, ki neugodno vplivajo na dostop banke na nacionalni in mednarodni trg kapitala.
Druga možnost je, da lahko banka, če meni, da je prišlo do okoliščin, opisanih pod (a) ali (b), in so te začasne, z obvestilom posojilojemalki odloži črpanje neizplačanega deleža kredita. V takem primeru se odlog izplačila nadaljuje, dokler po izdaji naslednjega zaprosila banka znova ne izda obvestila o izplačilu.
Vendar pa banka nima pravice, da v primeru pod (b) prekliče ali odloži katero koli tranšo, ki je predmet obvestila o izplačilu.
Šteje se, da je kredit preklican, če banka zahteva odplačilo po 10. členu.
Če je kredit preklican zaradi drugih okoliščin, ki niso okoliščine, omenjene pod primerom (b) zgoraj, plača posojilojemalka provizijo na preklicani znesek po letni stopnji 0,75%, izračunano od datuma zaprosila do datuma preklica.
Takšna provizija se plača dodatno h kateri koli proviziji, ki se plača po odstavku 1.05.
1.08 Valuta provizij
Provizije, ki jih posojilojemalka plača banki po tem 1. členu, se izračunajo in plačajo v evrih.
2. člen
2.01 Znesek posojila
Posojilo (v nadaljevanju “posojilo”) obsega skupni seštevek zneskov v valutah, ki jih izplača banka, v skladu z obvestili banke ob izplačilu vsake tranše.
2.02 Valuta odplačil
Vsako odplačilo tranše po 4. členu oziroma 10. členu se izvede v valuti, v kateri je bilo izvedeno izplačilo po tej tranši.
2.03 Valuta obresti in drugih stroškov
Obresti in drugi stroški, ki se plačajo na posamezno tranšo ali v zvezi z njo po 3., 4., oziroma kadar ustreza, po 10. členu, se izračunajo in plačajo v valuti, v kateri se ta tranša odplača.
Vsako drugo plačilo se izvede v valuti, ki jo je določila banka, ob upoštevanju valute izdatkov, ki se s tem plačilom povrnejo.
2.04 Obvestilo banke
Po izplačilu vsake tranše banka pošlje posojilojemalki povzetje, ki prikazuje znesek, valuto, datum izplačila, načrt odplačevanja in obrestno mero za to tranšo.
3. člen
3.01 Obrestna mera
A. Neodplačana razlika katere koli tranše s stalno obrestno mero se obrestuje po obrestni meri, navedeni v obvestilu o izplačilu, ki se nanaša nanjo, pri čemer je ta obrestna mera obrestna mera, ki velja na datum izdaje obvestila o izplačilu za posojila, izražena v ustrezni valuti in ki jih je banka odobrila svojim posojilojemalcem po enakih pogojih odplačevanja in po enakih pogojih za plačilo obresti, kot veljajo za to tranšo.
Obresti na katero koli tranšo s stalno obrestno mero se plačajo polletno za nazaj na datume, navedene v odstavku 5.03 za tranše s stalno obrestno mero, z začetkom na prvi tak datum po datumu izplačila te tranše.
B. Obrestna mera, ki se uporablja za neodplačani znesek po kateri koli tranši s spremenljivo obrestno mero, je obrestna mera, ki velja za vsakokratno referenčno obdobje na podlagi naslednjih opredelitev.
Za namene te pogodbe:
(a) “obrestna mera”:
(i) je obrestna mera, ki jo določi banka za vsako zaporedno referenčno obdobje v skladu s postopki, ki jih vsakokrat določi njen upravni odbor za posojila, ki jih je banka odobrila po spremenljivih obrestnih merah in se financirajo iz ustreznih sredstev, vendar pod pogojem, da ne preseže za več kot 0,25% (25 bazičnih točk) trimesečne obrestne mere, ponujene na glavnem medbančnem trgu ustrezne valute (za ameriški dolar na londonskem medbančnem trgu in za evro na medbančnem trgu območja evra), ki jo je izbrala banka;
(ii) je pavšalna medbančna obrestna mera, če datum izplačila tranše s spremenljivo obrestno mero ni datum začetka referenčnega obdobja, in za trajanje samo prvega obrestnega obdobja in
(iii) je tista, o kateri banka obvesti posojilojemalko v desetih dneh po datumu začetka referenčnega obdobja, za katero se uporablja;
(b) “medbančna obrestna mera” pomeni:
(i) za katero koli obrestno obdobje enega meseca ali več obrestno mero za medbančne depozite v obdobju, ki je enako številu celih mesecev, ki ustrezajo trajanju takega obrestnega obdobja, in
(ii) za katero koli obrestno obdobje manj od enega meseca obrestno mero za medbančne depozite za obdobje enega meseca,
ponujeno na glavnem medbančnem trgu ustrezne valute (za ameriški dolar na londonskem medbančnem trgu in za evro na medbančnem trgu območja evra), ki jo je izbrala banka;
(c) “referenčno obdobje” pomeni obdobje treh mesecev, ki se začne 15. marca, 15. junija, 15. septembra ali 15. decembra katerega koli leta, razen prvega referenčnega obdobja, ki se začne na datum izplačila posamezne tranše, in
(d) “ustrezna sredstva” pomenijo izposojena in druga sredstva, izražena v valutah, omenjenih v odstavku 1.03, in najeta na takšnih trgih, kot jih lahko banka vsakokrat izbere za namene financiranja posojil, ki jih je dala v teh valutah in po spremenljivih obrestnih merah.
Obresti na katero koli tranšo s spremenljivo obrestno mero se plačajo četrtletno za nazaj na datume, navedene v odstavku 5.03 za tranše s spremenljivo obrestno mero, z začetkom na prvi tak datum po datumu izplačila te tranše.
3.02 Zamudne obresti
Ne da bi to vplivalo na 10. člen in na podlagi izjeme iz odstavka 3.01, tečejo obresti od dneva do dneva na kateri koli zapadli neplačani znesek, ki se plača po pogojih te pogodbe v kateri koli valuti, od datuma njegove zapadlosti do datuma njegovega plačila po obrestni meri, ki je enaka višji od:
(a) vsote: (i) 0,25% (25 bazičnih točk) in ii) obrestne mere, ki se vsakokrat uporabi po odstavku 3.01 za tranšo, s katero je takšen zapadli neplačani znesek povezan, in
(b) vsote: (i) obrestne mere za medbančne depozite za obdobje enega meseca, ponujene na glavnem medbančnem trgu ustrezne valute (za ameriški dolar na londonskem medbančnem trgu in za evro na medbančnem trgu območja evra), ki jo je izbrala banka, in (ii) 2% (200 bazičnih točk) na leto. Za namene te alineje (b) so referenčna obrestna obdobja sestavljena iz zaporednih obdobij po en mesec, začnejo se z datumom zapadlosti neplačanega zneska.
Takšne obresti se plačajo v isti valuti kot zamujeni neplačani znesek, na katerega se obračunavajo.
4. člen
4.01 Običajno odplačevanje
Posojilojemalka odplačuje posojilo v skladu s preglednico o odplačevanju posojila v Prilogi B.
4.02 Prostovoljno predčasno odplačilo
A. Tranše s stalno obrestno mero
(i) Posojilojemalka lahko predčasno odplača celotno ali del katere koli tranše s stalno obrestno mero po svojem pisnem obvestilu (v nadaljevanju “obvestilo o predčasnem odplačilu”), v katerem navede znesek (“znesek predčasnega odplačila”), ki bo predčasno odplačan, in predlagani datum predčasnega odplačila (“datum predčasnega odplačila”), ki je datum, naveden v odstavku 5.03 (vsak “datum plačila”). Obvestilo o predčasnem odplačilu mora biti banki poslano vsaj en mesec pred datumom predčasnega odplačila. Pogoj za morebitno predčasno odplačilo je, da posojilojemalka plača nadomestilo, ki se banki plača v skladu z določbami alinej (ii) in (iii) v nadaljevanju.
(ii) Znesek nadomestila, ki se plača za tranšo, je znesek primanjkljaja v obrestih, ki banki nastane za vsako polletje v obdobju med predčasnim odplačilom in datumi plačila, izračunan na način, naveden v naslednjem pododstavku, in diskontiran v skladu z alinejo (iii).
Znesek primanjkljaja se izračuna kot znesek, za katerega
(x) obresti, ki bi jih bilo treba plačati med tem polletjem na predčasno odplačani del tranše,
(y) obresti, ki bi jih bilo treba plačati med tem polletjem, če bi se izračunale po referenčni obrestni meri; v ta namen pomeni “referenčna obrestna mera” obrestno mero (zmanjšano za 15 (petnajst) bazičnih točk), ki jo banka določi na datum, ki nastopi en mesec pred datumom predčasnega odplačila, kot standardno obrestno mero za posojilo, ki ga je banka ponudila v ustrezni valuti, ki ima enake finančne značilnosti kot to posojilo, zlasti enako periodičnost za plačilo obresti, enako preostalo dobo do zapadlosti in enak način odplačevanja.
(iii) Vsak tako izračunan znesek se diskontira na datum predčasnega odplačila z uporabo diskontne stopnje, ki je enaka stopnji, določeni na podlagi alineje (y) alineje (ii).
(iv) Banka obvesti posojilojemalko o dolgovanem nadomestilu oziroma o neobstoju nadomestila. Če do 5. ure popoldne po luksemburškem času na datum obvestila posojilojemalka ne potrdi svojega namena, da bo izvedla predčasno odplačilo po pogojih, o katerih jo je banka obvestila, obvestilo o predčasnem odplačilu nima nobenega učinka. Razen prej omenjenega mora posojilojemalka izvesti plačilo v skladu z obvestilom o predčasnem odplačilu skupaj z natečenimi obrestmi na znesek predčasnega odplačila in plačati kateri koli znesek, dolgovan po tem pododstavku 4.02 A.
B. Tranše s spremenljivo obrestno mero
Posojilojemalka lahko predčasno odplača katero koli tranšo s spremenljivo obrestno mero skupaj z natečenimi obrestmi na datum izteka katerega koli referenčnega obdobja. Predčasno odplačilo se lahko izvede brez pogodbene kazni in pod pogojem, da je banka o tem obveščena trideset dni pred tem. Obvestilo je nepreklicno.
4.03 Obvezno predčasno odplačilo
A. Če posojilojemalka prostovoljno predčasno odplača del ali celoto katerega koli drugega posojila, ki je bilo prvotno dano za obdobje več kot pet let, lahko banka zahteva predčasno odplačilo takšnega deleža zneska tedaj še neodplačanega posojila, kot predčasno plačani znesek pomeni v skupnem neodplačanem znesku vseh takšnih posojil.
Banka naslovi svoj morebitni zahtevek na posojilojemalko v štirih tednih od prejema ustreznega obvestila po odstavku 8.02 (a). Vsak znesek, ki ga zahteva banka, se plača skupaj z natečenimi obrestmi na datum, ki ga banka navede, pri čemer ta datum ne sme biti pred datumom predčasnega odplačila drugega posojila.
Predčasno odplačilo posojila s pomočjo novega posojila, ki ima rok, ki je vsaj tako dolg kot nepotekli rok predčasno odplačanega posojila, se ne šteje za predčasno odplačilo.
B. Če bi bila skupna vrednost projekta bistveno nižja od zneska, navedenega v uvodnih navedbah, lahko banka v sorazmerju z razliko v ceni zahteva predčasno odplačilo posojila.
C. Pri kakršnem koli predčasnem odplačilu, dolgovanem po tem odstavku 4.03, lahko posojilojemalka izbere, katero tranšo ali tranše bo predčasno odplačala.
4.04 Splošne določbe glede predčasnega odplačila posojila po 4. členu
Pri delnem predčasnem odplačilu tranše se vsak predčasno odplačan znesek uporabi pro rata za znižanje vsakega neodplačanega obroka.
Ta 4. člen ne vpliva na 10. člen.
5. člen
5.01 Kraj plačila
Vsak znesek, ki ga plača posojilojemalka po tej pogodbi, se plača na ustrezen račun, ki ga banka sporoči posojilojemalki. Banka navede račun najmanj petnajst dni pred datumom zapadlosti prvega plačila posojilojemalke in jo obvesti o kakršni koli spremembi računa najmanj petnajst dni pred datumom prvega plačila, na katero se sprememba nanaša.
Ta obvestilni rok ne velja pri plačilu po 10. členu.
5.02 Izračun plačil, ki se nanašajo na del leta
Kateri koli znesek, ki ga mora plačati posojilojemalka po tej pogodbi, kot so obresti, provizija ali drugo, in izračunan za kateri koli del leta se izračuna na podlagi leta iz tristošestdesetih dni in
(a) za tranše s stalno obrestno mero na podlagi meseca iz tridesetih dni ali
(b) za tranše s spremenljivo obrestno mero na podlagi števila poteklih dni.
5.03 Datumi plačila
Za tranše s spremenljivo obrestno mero se zneski, ki zapadejo po tej pogodbi v plačilo vsakega četrt leta, plačajo banki 15. marca, 15. junija, 15. septembra in 15. decembra vsakega leta; zneski, ki zapadejo v plačilo vsakega pol leta, pa se banki plačajo 15. marca in 15. septembra vsakega leta.
Zneski, ki zapadejo v plačilo vsakega pol leta po tej pogodbi za tranše s stalno obrestno mero, se plačajo banki 15. marca in 15. septembra vsakega leta.
Katero koli plačilo, ki zapade v plačilo na dan, ki ni delovni dan, se plača prvi naslednji dan, ki je delovni dan. “Delovni dan” pomeni dan, ko so banke odprte za poslovanje v finančnem središču države, katere nacionalna valuta je valuta zapadlega zneska, pod pogojem, da pri evru delovni dan pomeni dan izvedbe naloga za plačilo ali prenakazilo v evrih prek evro sistema poravnav, imenovanega Transevropski avtomatski ekspresni sistem bruto poravnav v realnem času (TARGET).
Drugi zneski, ki zapadejo v plačilo po tej pogodbi, se plačajo v sedmih dneh po tem, ko je posojilojemalka prejela zahtevo banke za plačilo.
Znesek, ki ga dolguje posojilojemalka, se šteje za plačanega, ko ga banka prejme.
6. člen
Posebne obveznosti
6.01 Uporaba posojila in drugih finančnih virov
Posojilojemalka uporabi sredstva posojila in druge finančne vire, omenjene v finančnem načrtu, ki je opisan v uvodnih navedbah, izključno za izvedbo sklenjenih pogodb, ki se nanašajo na sestavine pod 3, 4 in 5 v zvezi s projektom, kot je opisano v Prilogi A.
6.02 Dokončanje projekta
Posojilojemalka se obvezuje, da bo projekt izvedla v skladu s tehničnim opisom in ga dokončala do roka, določenega v tehničnem opisu, v skladu s standardi Evropske unije, ki se nanašajo na varstvo okolja in varstvo pred sevanjem, kot so lahko dopolnjeni ali spremenjeni.
6.03 Povečani stroški projekta
Če stroški projekta presežejo ocenjeni znesek, naveden v uvodnih navedbah, pridobi posojilojemalka finančna sredstva za financiranje povečanih stroškov, ne da bi se v ta namen obrnila na banko, da bi posojilojemalki omogočila dokončanje projekta v skladu s tehničnim opisom. Načrti posojilojemalke za financiranje povečanih stroškov se nemudoma sporočijo banki.
6.04 Razpisni postopek
Posojilojemalka se zavezuje, da bo nakupila blago, zagotovila storitve in naročila dela za projekt, če je primerno in sprejemljivo za banko, prek mednarodnega javnega razpisa, na katerega se lahko prijavijo državljani vseh držav pod enakimi pogoji. Razpisna dokumentacija se prevede v angleški jezik in jo pregleda banka. Poziv na natečaj za predizbiro ponudnikov se objavi v Uradnem listu Evropske skupnosti.
6.05 Zavarovanje
Tako dolgo, dokler posojilo ni odplačano, posojilojemalka ustrezno zavaruje vsa dela in premoženje, ki so del projekta, v skladu z običajno prakso za podobna dela javnega interesa na ozemlju Slovenije, vključno z zavarovanjem za odgovornost do tretjih.
6.06 Vzdrževanje
Tako dolgo, dokler posojilo ni odplačano, posojilojemalka zagotavlja, da se vse premoženje, ki je del projekta, vzdržuje, popravlja, remontira in obnavlja, kot je potrebno, da se ohranja v dobrem stanju zlasti z glede na okolje, sevanje in geotehniko.
6.07 Obratovanje projekta
Tako dolgo, dokler posojilo ni odplačano, posojilojemalka zagotavlja, da bo neposredno ali posredno, razen če banka ni dala drugačnega pisnega soglasja, obdržala lastništvo nad projektom in zagotovila, da se sredstva, ki jih obsega projekt, zamenjajo in obnavljajo, kot je primerno, in da se ohranja pretežno neprekinjeno delovanje projekta v skladu z njegovim prvotnim namenom.
Banka lahko odkloni soglasje, samo če bi predlagano ravnanje škodovalo interesom banke kot posojilodajalke posojilojemalki oziroma bi privedlo do tega, da projekt ne bi več izpolnjeval pogojev banke za financiranje.
6.08 Revizija računovodskih evidenc
Posojilojemalka se zavezuje, da bo vzdrževala za banko sprejemljivo finančno in računovodsko evidenco ter dokumentacijo.
6.09 Strokovna pomoč
Posojilojemalka se zavezuje, da bo angažirala mednarodno priznanega svetovalca, ki pozna ustrezne predpise EU in njihovo izvajanje v EU ter bo sprejemljiv za banko, za spremljanje napredovanja projekta s posebnim poudarkom, vendar ne izključno, na vprašanjih varstva okolja, sevanja in geotehničnih vprašanjih ter stroškovni učinkovitosti kot tudi skladnosti projekta z ustreznimi standardi EU (v nadaljevanju “svetovalec EU”). Svetovalec EU bo pripravljal letna poročila o spremljanju tako dolgo, dokler traja projekt, in bo pripravil končno poročilo najpozneje šest mesecev po dokončanju del.
6.10 Okoljske zaveze
Tako dolgo, dokler posojilo ni odplačano, posojilojemalka izvaja:
(a) svoje dejavnosti v skladu s svojimi podzakonskimi akti in drugimi predpisi o varstvu okolja, ki se lahko uporabljajo za dejavnost posojilojemalke, in standardi Evropske unije o varstvu okolja in zaščiti pred sevanjem, kot so lahko dopolnjeni ali spremenjeni, ter zagotovi in ohranja vsa potrebna vladna dovoljenja, ki se na to nanašajo, ter
(b) vsa vzdrževalna in sanacijska dela kot tudi usmeritve, ki blažijo vpliv na okolje in vpliv sevanja in so lahko potrebne za projekt v skladu z dobro prakso in zakoni iz točke a) tega odstavka 6.10, ter izvede vsa vzdrževalna in sanacijska dela na projektnih objektih, ki jih lahko zahtevajo pristojni organi po omenjenih zakonih.
6.11 Ukrepi za odpravo pomanjkljivosti
Posojilojemalka se zavezuje, da bo izvedla vse ukrepe za odpravo pomanjkljivosti na tak način, da:
(a) bo zagotovljeno varstvo okolja z upoštevanjem dovoljenih omejitev med trajanjem življenjske dobe, kot to določajo predpisi iz odstavka 6.10 (vključno, vendar ne omejeno na redno spremljanje, vzdrževanje in morebitne popravke izvedenih ukrepov);
(b) dovoljene omejitve za odlagališče hidrometalurške jalovine na Borštu, odlagališče jamske jalovine na Jazbecu in podzemni del rudnika ne bodo presežene ob potresu največje jakosti in
(c) so upoštevani notranja zakonodaja, zlasti dovoljene omejitve za Rudnik urana Žirovski vrh, ter evropska zakonodaja in predpisi.
6.12 Oprostitev materialne odgovornosti
Če tretja stran proti banki vloži kakršen koli zahtevek na podlagi okoliščin, ki izhajajo iz izvedbe projekta ali ki nastanejo v zvezi z njim, banka o tem takoj obvesti posojilojemalko. Po posvetovanju s posojilojemalko o takem zahtevku ter o njegovih dejanskih in pravnih okoliščinah se lahko banka po svoji izključni prosti presoji odloči o ukrepih, ki jih bo sprejela za zaščito svojih interesov. Posojilojemalka se brezpogojno zavezuje, da bo banki povsem povrnila škodo za vse obveznosti, ki za banko nastanejo iz takega zahtevka tretje strani, vključno, vendar ne omejeno na odškodnino, sodbe, izvršbe in zahtevke.
Poleg tega se posojilojemalka zavezuje, da bo podprla stališče banke v vsakem takem primeru z vsemi razumnimi sredstvi, ki se lahko izkažejo za potrebna, vključno s pridružitvijo banki v katerem koli sodnem ali arbitražnem postopku.
7. člen
7.01 Dodatno jamstvo
Če posojilojemalka tretji strani da kakršno koli jamstveno pravico nad katerimi koli svojimi sredstvi za poplačilo katere koli zunanje obveznosti ali katero koli posebno pravico ali prednostno pravico v zvezi s tem, zagotovi banki, če ta tako zahteva, enakovredno jamstveno pravico za izpolnitev svojih obveznosti po tej pogodbi ali da banki enakovredno posebno pravico ali prednostno pravico. Posojilojemalka izjavlja, da trenutno ne obstaja nikakršna takšna jamstvena, posebna ali prednostna pravica.
8. člen
Informacije in ogledi
8.01 Informacije o projektu
(a) pošlje banki v angleškem jeziku ali z angleškim prevodom (i) do 30. junija 2002 in nato v polletnih presledkih do dokončanja projekta ter po njegovem dokončanju, dokler posojilo ni poplačano, poročila o izvajanju projekta oziroma poročilo o njegovem stanju po dokončanju, sprejemljivo za banko, (ii) šest mesecev po dokončanju projekta poročilo o dokončanju projekta, sprejemljivo za banko, in (iii) občasno vsak tak nadaljnji dokument ali informacijo o financiranju, izvajanju in potekanju projekta, kot ga lahko banka upravičeno zahteva;
(b) nemudoma predloži banki v potrditev kakršno koli bistveno spremembo splošnih načrtov, časovnega razporeda ali programa izdatkov projekta glede na podatke, predstavljene banki pred podpisom te pogodbe;
(c) pravočasno obvesti banko o kakršnih koli okoliščinah, ki zahtevajo soglasje banke po odstavku 6.07;
(d) takoj obvesti banko o
(i) vsakem dejstvu ali dogodku, ki ga posojilojemalka pozna in bi lahko bistveno posegel v pogoje izvedbe ali potekanja projekta ali vplival nanje, in
(ii) vsaki okoljski nepravilnosti, kot je preseganje omejitve emisij, določene s predpisi iz odstavka 6.10, ali splošno ogrožanje zdravja ljudi ali narave, ali o kakršnih koli geotehničnih spremembah, ki lahko vplivajo na projekt;
(e) da na voljo banki letna poročila svetovalca EU, izdana v skladu z odstavkom 6.09.
8.02 Informacije, ki se tičejo posojilojemalke
Posojilojemalka obvesti banko v angleškem jeziku:
(a) takoj o vsaki odločitvi, ki jo je sprejela iz kakršnega koli razloga, ali o vsakem dejstvu, ki jo zavezuje, ali o vsaki zahtevi, da predčasno odplača katero koli posojilo, ki ji je bilo prvotno odobreno za rok, daljši od petih let;
(b) takoj o vsakem svojem namenu, da bo dala kakršno koli jamstveno pravico na katerih koli svojih sredstvih v korist tretje strani;
(c) na splošno o vsakem dejstvu ali dogodku, ki bi lahko preprečil izpolnitev katere koli obveznosti posojilojemalke po tej pogodbi.
8.03 Ogledi
Posojilojemalka dovoli oziroma poskrbi za to, da katera koli ustrezna tretja stran dovoli osebam, ki jih je določila banka, ogled lokacij, objektov in naprav ter del, ki sestavljajo projekt, in da opravijo takšne preglede, kot jih želijo, in jim da ali zagotovi vso potrebno pomoč za ta namen.
9. člen
Stroški in izdatki
9.01 Davki, dajatve in pristojbine
Posojilojemalka plača vse davke, dajatve, pristojbine in druge davščine katere koli vrste, vključno s kolkovino in pristojbinami za registracijo, ki izhajajo iz sklenitve ali izvajanja te pogodbe ali katerega koli z njo povezanega dokumenta ter iz kakršne koli jamstvene pravice za posojilo.
Posojilojemalka plača vse zneske glavnice, obresti, provizij in druge zneske, dolgovane po tej pogodbi, bruto brez odbitka kakršnih koli nacionalnih ali lokalnih dajatev pod pogojem, da bo, če je posojilojemalka po zakonu zavezana, da izvede kakršen koli tak odbitek, plačala banki tak znesek, da bo po odbitku neto znesek, ki ga prejme banka, enakovreden dolgovanemu znesku.
9.02 Drugi stroški
Posojilojemalka krije vse stroške strokovnega dela, bančnega poslovanja, prenakazil ali tečajnih razlik, nastale pri sklenitvi ali izvajanju te pogodbe ali z njo povezanega dokumenta in pri jamstveni pravici za posojilo.
10. člen
Predčasno odplačilo dolga ob neizpolnjevanju obveznosti
10.01 Pravica zahtevati predčasno odplačilo dolga
Posojilojemalka brez odlašanja odplača posojilo ali del posojila na zahtevo banke za tako odplačilo:
(A) takoj:
(a) če se izkaže, da je kakršna koli bistvena informacija ali dokument, ki ga je banka dobila od posojilojemalke ali v njenem imenu v zvezi s pogajanji za sklenitev te pogodbe ali med njenim trajanjem, nepravilen v kakršni koli bistveni podrobnosti;
(b) če posojilojemalka ob zapadlosti ne odplača katerega koli dela posojila, ne plača obresti nanj ali ne izvede kakršnega koli drugega plačila banki, kot je določeno v tej pogodbi;
(c) če mora po kakršnem koli neizpolnjevanju obveznosti posojilojemalka predčasno odplačati kakršno koli posojilo ali drugo finančno obveznost;
(d) (i) če se na katerem koli premoženju, ki je del projekta, uvede ali sodno uveljavi oziroma iztoži zoper njega kakršna koli zaplemba, izvršba, sekvestracija in ta ni odpravljena ali začasno ustavljena v štirinajstih dneh ali (ii) na splošno če pride do kakršnega koli dogodka, ki bi utegnil ogroziti odplačevanje posojila ali neugodno vplivati na kakršno koli jamstvo zanj;
(e) če je posojilojemalka zaradi kakršne koli neizpolnitve obveznosti pozvana, da takoj predčasno odplača katero koli posojilo, ki ji ga je banka odobrila iz sredstev banke ali sredstev Evropske skupnosti;
(f) če se pojavijo okoljski učinki kakršne koli vrste, ki bi po mnenju banke ogrozili zdravje ljudi ali naravo ali dokončanje in izvedbo projekta, ali
(B) po poteku razumnega roka, navedenega v obvestilu, ki ga banka pošlje posojilojemalki, če zadeva ne ni bila zadovoljivo rešena za banko:
(a) če posojilojmalka ne izpolni katere koli obveznosti po tej pogodbi razen obveznosti iz pododstavka 10.01 A), alineja b);
(b) če se preneha izpolnjevati katera koli obveznost, ki jo je prevzela posojilojemalka, kot je navedeno v okvirnem sporazumu, glede kakršnega koli posojila, danega posojilojemalki v Sloveniji iz sredstev banke ali Evropske skupnosti, ali
(c) če se katero koli bistveno dejstvo, navedeno v uvodnih navedbah, bistveno spremeni in če ta sprememba škoduje interesom banke kot posojilodajalke posojilojemalki ali neugodno vpliva na izvajanje ali potekanje projekta.
10.02 Druge zakonite pravice
Odstavek 10.01 ne omejuje kakršne koli druge zakonite pravice banke, da zahteva odplačilo posojila.
10.03 Odškodnina
Pri tranšah s stalno obrestno mero:
Ob zahtevi za odplačilo po odstavku 10.01 plača posojilojemalka banki večjega od naslednjih zneskov, izračunanih na datum zahtevka:
(a) znesek, izračunan po določbah pododstavka 4.02 A, alineji (ii) in (iii), kot se uporabljajo za znesek, ki je zapadel in ga je treba plačati, in z veljavnostjo od datuma zapadlosti, ki je naveden v zahtevi banke za plačilo, in
(b) znesek, izračunan po letni stopnji 0,25% od datuma zahtevka za plačilo do datuma, na katerega bi bilo treba odplačati vsak obrok zahtevanega zneska po Prilogi B, če zahteva za odplačilo ne bi bila dana.
Pri tranšah s spremenljivo obrestno mero:
Ob zahtevi za predčasno odplačilo po odstavku 10.01 plača posojilojemalka banki znesek, izračunan na datum zahtevka po letni stopnji 0,25% od datuma zahtevka do datuma, na katerega bi bilo treba plačati vsak obrok zahtevanega zneska po Prilogi B, če zahteva za predčasno odplačilo ne bi bila podana.
10.04 Neodpoved pravicam
Nobena neizpolnitev ali zamuda banke pri uveljavljanju katere koli njene pravice po tem 10. členu se ne sme razlagati kot odpoved takšni pravici.
10.05 Uporaba prejetih zneskov
Zneski, prejeti po zahtevku na podlagi 10. člena, se uporabijo najprej za plačilo odškodnine, provizije in obresti v tem zaporedju in zatem za znižanje neodplačanih obrokov v obratnem zaporedju zapadlosti. Uporabijo se med tranšami po lastni presoji banke.
11. člen
Pravo in sodna pristojnost
11.01 Pravo
To pogodbo in njeno sklenitev, razlaganje in veljavnost ureja pravo Velikega vojvodstva Luksemburg.
Kraj izpolnitve te pogodbe je sedež banke.
11.02 Sodna pristojnost
Vsi spori v zvezi s to pogodbo se predložijo Sodišču Evropskih skupnosti.
Pogodbenici se s tem odrekata vsakršni imuniteti ali pravici do ugovora zoper pristojnost tega sodišča.
Odločitev sodišča, ki jo sodišče sprejme na podlagi tega odstavka 11.02, je dokončna in zavezujoča za pogodbenici brez omejitve ali pridržka.
11.03 Dokaz o dolgovanih zneskih
V vsakem pravnem sporu, ki izhaja iz te pogodbe, je potrdilo banke o katerem koli znesku, dolgovanem banki po tej pogodbi, dokaz prima facie o takem znesku.
11.04 Začetek veljavnosti
Ta pogodba začne veljati po dokončanju postopkov, ki so v ta namen potrebni v Republiki Sloveniji, in po potrditvi banke, da je prejela ustrezno dokumentacijo.
12. člen
Končne določbe
12.01 Obvestila
Obvestila in druga sporočila po tej pogodbi se pošljejo na ustrezen naslov, naveden v nadaljevanju, razen tistih obvestil posojilojemalki v zvezi s tožbo ne glede na to, ali poteka ali je zagrožena, ki se pošljejo na naslov, omenjen pod 2) v nadaljevanju, kjer si posojilojemalka izbere domicil:
– za banko:                   100 Boulevard
                              Konrad Adenauer
                              L-2950 Luxembourg-
– za posojilojemalko:     1)  Ministrstvo za finance
                              Župančičeva 3
                              1502 Ljubljana
                          2)  Veleposlaništvo
                              Republike Slovenije
                              179, Avenue Louise
                              1050 Bruselj
Vsaka pogodbenica lahko z obvestilom drugi pogodbenici spremeni svoje zgoraj navedene naslove pod pogojem, da se sme naslov pod 2) zgoraj zamenjati samo z drugim naslovom znotraj Evropske skupnosti.
12.02 Oblika obvestila
Obvestila in druga sporočila, za katera so v tej pogodbi določeni fiksni roki ali ki sama določajo roke, ki so za naslovnika zavezujoči, se vročijo osebno, s priporočenim pismom, telegramom, teleksom, potrjenim telefaksom ali na kateri koli drug način prenosa, s katerim je mogoče dokazati, da jih je naslovnik prejel. Datum priporočenega sporočila oziroma navedeni datum prejema obvestila bo odločilen za določitev roka.
12.03 Uvodne navedbe, prilogi in dodatka
Uvodne navedbe in naslednji prilogi so sestavni del te pogodbe:
– Priloga A               Tehnični opis
– Priloga B               Preglednica odplačevanja
Pogodbi sta priložena dodatka:
– Dodatek I               Pooblastilo podpisnika za
– Dodatek II              Pravno mnenje
V POTRDITEV NAVEDENEGA sta pogodbenici podpisali to pogodbo v treh izvirnikih v angleškem jeziku. Vsako stran te pogodbe, razen te strani, je v imenu banke parafiral g. Richard Schnopfhagen, svetovalec, in v imenu posojilojemalke ga. Maja Košak, svetovalka vlade.
Podpisano za
in v njenem imenu
E. Nowotny, l. r.
Podpisano za
in v njenem imenu
A. Rop, l.r.
Dne 8. julija 2002 v Ljubljani
Dne 17. julija 2002 v Luxembourgu

                                                              Priloga A

                              Tehnični opis
                      SLOVENIJA – PROJEKT ŽIROVSKI VRH

   Projekt sestavljajo inženiring, projektiranje, izvedba, nadzor in
spremljanje rezultatov ukrepov za varno in trajno zaprtje, ki jih izvaja
RUŽV, da bi zmanjšal in na najmanjšo mero znižal obstoječe ravni sevanja
in geotehnična tveganja. Obsega te sestavine:
1.  pripravo projekta, ki je bila v veliki meri že opravljena;
2.  ukrepe za odpravo pomanjkljivosti, ki so se izvajali od leta 1994
    do 2000, vključno z demontažo objekta za predelavo rude;
3.  delno zasutje jame, kjer je to primerno, da se preprečita
    nestabilnost varnostnih stebrov in možna porušitev podzemnih
    prostorov.Stabilizacija podzemnih prostorov bo preprečila
    čezmerno dolgoročno
    onesnaženje odpadne vode iz rudnika, ki mora (po mešanju z
    drugimi onesnaževali in naravnim neonesnaženim tokom) zadostiti
    strogim zgornjim mejnim vrednostim za pitno vodo. Poleg tega bo
    zatesnjenih več močno
    onesnaženih podzemnih vodnih virov. Rudnik je treba poleg tega
    zapreti, da se prepreči nadaljnje izhajanje radona;
4.  oblikovanje in utrjevanje površin odlagališča jamske jalovine na
    Jazbecu in preureditev njegovega sistema odvajanja vode, da se
    doseže dolgoročna geotehnična stabilnost. Poleg tega je treba
    odlagališče pokriti z večslojno zaporo, da se na najmanjšo mero
    zmanjšata izhajanje radona in sevanje gama ter hkrati prepreči
    pronicanje meteorne vode. Odvedena voda z odlagališča jamske
    jalovine in onesnaženje vode se morata postopoma zmanjšati na
    raven pod dovoljenimi mejnimi vrednostmi;
5.  oblikovanje in utrjevanje površin odlagališča ter delno
    preselitev odlagališča hidrometalurške jalovine na Borštu in po
    možnosti preureditev njegovega sistema odvodnjavanja, da se
    doseže dolgoročna  geotehnična stabilnost. Poleg tega je treba
    odlagališče pokriti z večslojno zaporo, da se na najmanjšo mero
    zmanjšata izhajanje radona in sevanje gama ter hkrati prepreči
    pronicanje meteorne vode. Enako kot pri odlagališču jamske
    jalovine se morata tudi odvedena voda z  odlagališča in
    onesnaženje vode postopoma zmanjšati na raven pod dovoljenimi
    mejnimi vrednostmi;
6.  vodenje projekta, notranji in zunanji nadzor ter dolgoročno
    spremljanje izvedenih ukrepov.

   Financiranje EIB je namenjeno sklenjenim pogodbam, ki se nanašajo na
sestavine pod 3, 4 in 5 zgoraj.
   Priprava ukrepov za varno in trajno zaprtje se je začela proti koncu leta
1990, dela na lokaciji so se začela leta 1994. Dokončanje ukrepov za
odpravo pomanjkljivosti je predvideno za konec leta 2005, čemur bo
sledilo 5-letno kratkoročno obdobje opazovanja.

                                                      PRILOGA B

                  Preglednica odplačevanja posojila

          Zapadlost obroka               Zneski, ki jih je treba
                                            odplačati, izraženi
                                          kot odstotek posojila,
                                            kot je opredeljeno
                                             v odstavku 2.01
   1.     15. marec          2007                 3 1/3%
   2.     15. september      2007                 3 1/3%
   3.     15 marec           2008                 3 1/3%
   4.     15. september      2008                 3 1/3%
   5.     15. marec          2009                 3 1/3%
   6.     15. september      2009                 3 1/3%
   7.     15. marec          2010                 3 1/3%
   8.     15. september      2010                 3 1/3%
   9.     15. marec          2011                 3 1/3%
  10.     15. september      2011                 3 1/3%
  11.     15. marec          2012                 3 1/3%
  12.     15. september      2012                 3 1/3%
  13.     15. marec          2013                 3 1/3%
  14.     15. september      2013                 3 1/3%
  15.     15. marec          2014                 3 1/3%
  16.     15. september      2014                 3 1/3%
  17.     15. marec          2015                 3 1/3%
  18.     15. september      2015                 3 1/3%
  19.     15. marec          2016                 3 1/3%
  20.     15. september      2016                 3 1/3%
  21.     15. marec          2017                 3 1/3%
  22.     15. september      2017                 3 1/3%
  23.     15. marec          2018                 3 1/3%
  24.     15. september      2018                 3 1/3%
  25.     15. marec          2019                 3 1/3%
  26.     15. september      2019                 3 1/3%
  27.     15. marec          2020                 3 1/3%
  28.     15. september      2020                 3 1/3%
  29.     15. marec          2021                 3 1/3%
  30.     15. september      2021                 3 1/3%
3. člen
Za izvajanje finančne pogodbe skrbi Ministrstvo za finance.
4. člen
Ta zakon začne veljati naslednji dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 440-03/03-119/1
Ljubljana, 29. maja 2003
Državnega zbora
Republike Slovenije
Borut Pahor l. r.
* Dodatka I in II sta na vpogled v Sektorju za mednarodnopravne zadeve Ministrstva za zunanje zadeve.

AAA Zlata odličnost

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