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Uradni list RS, št. 66/2003 z dne 7. 7. 2003
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 66/2003 z dne 7. 7. 2003


42. Zakon o ratifikaciji Sporazuma o ohranjanju afriško-evrazijskih selitvenih vodnih ptic (MOAEP), stran 954.

Na podlagi druge alinee prvega odstavka 107. člena in prvega odstavka 91. člena Ustave Republike Slovenije izdajam
Razglašam Zakon o ratifikaciji Sporazuma o ohranjanju afriško-evrazijskih selitvenih vodnih ptic (MOAEP), ki ga je sprejel Državni zbor Republike Slovenije na seji 18. junija 2003.
Št. 001-22-52/03
Ljubljana, 27. junija 2003
Republike Slovenije
dr. Janez Drnovšek l. r.
1. člen
Ratificira se Sporazum o ohranjanju afriško-evrazijskih selitvenih vodnih ptic, sprejet 15. avgusta 1996 v Haagu.
2. člen
Sporazum se v izvirniku v angleškem jeziku in v prevodu v slovenskem jeziku glasi:
RECALLING that the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals, 1979, encourages international cooperative action to conserve migratory species;
RECALLING further that the first meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention, held in Bonn in October 1985, instructed the Secretariat of the Convention to take appropriate measures to develop an Agreement on Western Palearctic Anatidae;
CONSIDERING that migratory waterbirds constitute an important part of the global biological diversity which, in keeping with the spirit of the Convention on Biological Diversity, 1992, and Agenda 21 should be conserved for the benefit of present and future generations;
AWARE of the economic, social, cultural and recreational benefits accruing from the taking of certain species of migratory waterbirds and of the environmental, ecological, genetic, scientific, aesthetic, recreational, cultural, educational, social and economic values of waterbirds in general;
CONVINCED that any taking of migratory waterbirds must be conducted on a sustainable basis, taking into account the conservation status of the species concerned over their entire range as well as their biological characteristics;
CONSCIOUS that migratory waterbirds are particularly vulnerable because they migrate over long distances and are dependent on networks of wetlands that are decreasing in extent and becoming degraded through non-sustainable human activities, as is expressed in the Convention on Wetlands of International Importance, especially as Waterfowl Habitat, 1971;
RECOGNIZING the need to take immediate action to stop the decline of migratory waterbird species and their habitats in the geographic area of the African-Eurasian waterbird migration systems;
CONVINCED that the conclusion of a multilateral Agreement and its implementation through coordinated or concerted action will contribute significantly to the conservation of migratory waterbirds and their habitats in the most efficient manner, and will have ancillary benefits for many other species of animals and plants; and
ACKNOWLEDGING that effective implementation of such an Agreement will require assistance to be provided to some Range States for research, training and monitoring of migratory waterbird species and their habitats, for the management of those habitats as well as for the establishment or improvement of scientific and administrative institutions for the implementation of this Agreement,
Scope, Definitions and Interpretation
1. The geographic scope of this Agreement is the area of the migration systems of African-Eurasian waterbirds, as defined in Annex 1 to this Agreement, hereafter referred to as the “Agreement Area“.
2. For the purpose of this Agreement:
(a) “Convention“ means the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals, 1979;
(b) “Convention Secretariat“ means the body established under Article IX of the Convention;
(c) “Waterbirds“ means those species of birds that are ecologically dependent on wetlands for at least part of their annual cycle, have a range which lies entirely or partly within the Agreement Area and are listed in Annex 2 to this Agreement;
(d) “Agreement secretariat“ means the body established under Article VI, paragraph 7, subparagraph (b), of this Agreement;
(e) “Parties“ means, unless the context otherwise indicates, Parties to this Agreement; and
(f) “Parties present and voting“ means the Parties present and casting an affirmative or negative vote; those abstaining from voting shall not be counted amongst the Parties present and voting.
In addition, the terms defined in Article I, subparagraphs 1(a) to (k), of the Convention shall have the same meaning, mutatis mutandis, in this Agreement.
3. This Agreement is an AGREEMENT within the meaning of Article IV, paragraph 3, of the Convention.
4. The annexes to this Agreement form an integral part thereof. Any reference to the Agreement includes a reference to its annexes.
Fundamental Principles
1. Parties shall take co-ordinated measures to maintain migratory waterbird species in a favourable conservation status or to restore them to such a status. To this end, they shall apply within the limits of their national jurisdiction the measures prescribed in Article III, together with the specific actions determined in the Action Plan provided for in Article IV, of this Agreement.
2. In implementing the measures prescribed in paragraph 1 above, Parties should take into account the precautionary principle.
General Conservation Measures
1. The Parties shall take measures to conserve migratory waterbirds, giving special attention to endangered species as well as to those with an unfavourable conservation status.
2. To this end, the Parties shall:
(a) accord the same strict protection for endangered migratory waterbird species in the Agreement Area as is provided for under Article III, paragraphs 4 and 5, of the Convention;
(b) ensure that any use of migratory waterbirds is based on an assessment of the best available knowledge of their ecology and is sustainable for the species as well as for the ecological systems that support them;
(c) identify sites and habitats for migratory waterbirds occurring within their territory and encourage the protection, management, rehabilitation and restoration of these sites, in liaison with those bodies listed in Article IX, paragraphs (a) and (b) of this Agreement, concerned with habitat conservation;
(d) coordinate their efforts to ensure that a network of suitable habitats is maintained or, where appropriate, re-established throughout the entire range of each migratory waterbird species concerned, in particular where wetlands extend over the area of more than one Party to this Agreement;
(e) investigate problems that are posed or are likely to be posed by human activities and endeavour to implement remedial measures, including habitat rehabilitation and restoration, and compensatory measures for loss of habitat;
(f) cooperate in emergency situations requiring international concerted action and in identifying the species of migratory waterbirds which are the most vulnerable to these situations as well as cooperate in developing appropriate emergency procedures to provide increased protection to these species in such situations and in the preparation of guidelines to assist individual Parties in tackling these situations;
(g) prohibit the deliberate introduction of non-native waterbird species into the environment and take all appropriate measures to prevent the unintentional release of such species if this introduction or release would prejudice the conservation status of wild flora and fauna; when non-native waterbird species have already been introduced, the Parties shall take all appropriate measures to prevent these species from becoming a potential threat to indigenous species;
(h) initiate or support research into the biology and ecology of migratory waterbirds including the harmonization of research and monitoring methods and, where appropriate, the establishment of joint or cooperative research and monitoring programmes;
(i) analyze their training requirements for, inter alia, migratory waterbird surveys, monitoring, ringing and wetland management to identify priority topics and areas for training and cooperate in the development and provision of appropriate training programmes;
(j) develop and maintain programmes to raise awareness and understanding of migratory waterbird conservation issues in general and of the particular objectives and provisions of this Agreement;
(k) exchange information and results from research, monitoring, conservation and education programmes; and
(l) cooperate with a view to assisting each other to implement this Agreement, particularly in the areas of research and monitoring.
Action Plan and Conservation Guidelines
1. An Action Plan is appended as Annex 3 to this Agreement. It specifies actions which the Parties shall undertake in relation to priority species and issues, under the following headings, consistent with the general conservation measures specified in Article III of this Agreement:
(a) species conservation;
(b) habitat conservation;
(c) management of human activities;
(d) research and monitoring;
(e) education and information; and
(f) implementation.
2. The Action Plan shall be reviewed at each ordinary session of the Meeting of the Parties, taking into account the Conservation Guidelines.
3. Any amendment to the Action Plan shall be adopted by the Meeting of the Parties, taking into consideration the provisions of Article III of this Agreement.
4. The Conservation Guidelines shall be submitted to the Meeting of the Parties for adoption at its first session, and shall be regularly reviewed.
Implementation and Financing
1. Each Party shall:
(a) designate the Authority or Authorities to implement this Agreement which shall, inter alia, monitor all activities that may have impact on the conservation status of those migratory waterbird species of which the Party is a Range State;
(b) designate a contact point for the other Parties, and communicate without delay its name and address to the Agreement secretariat to be circulated forthwith to the other Parties; and
(c) prepare for each ordinary session of the Meeting of the Parties, beginning with the second session, a report on its implementation of the Agreement with particular reference to the conservation measures it has undertaken. The format of such reports shall be determined by the first session of the Meeting of the Parties and reviewed as may be necessary at any subsequent session of the Meeting of the Parties. Each report shall be submitted to the Agreement secretariat not less than one hundred and twenty days before the ordinary session of the Meeting of the Parties for which it has been prepared, and copies shall be circulated forthwith to the other Parties by the Agreement secretariat.
2. (a) Each Party shall contribute to the budget of the Agreement in accordance with the United Nations scale of assessment. The contributions shall be restricted to a maximum of 25 per cent of the total budget for any Party that is a Range State. No regional economic integration organization shall be required to contribute more than 2.5 per cent of the administrative costs.
(b) Decisions relating to the budget and any changes to the scale of assessment that may be found necessary shall be adopted by the Meeting of the Parties by consensus.
3. The Meeting of the Parties may establish a conservation fund from voluntary contributions of Parties or from any other source for the purpose of financing monitoring, research, training and projects relating to the conservation, including protection and management, of migratory waterbirds.
4. Parties are encouraged to provide training and technical and financial support to other Parties on a multilateral or bilateral basis to assist them in implementing the provisions of this Agreement.
Meeting of the Parties
1. The Meeting of the Parties shall be the decision-making body of this Agreement.
2. The Depositary shall, in consultation with the Convention Secretariat, convene a session of the Meeting of the Parties not later than one year after the date of the entry into force of this Agreement. Thereafter, the Agreement secretariat shall convene, in consultation with the Convention Secretariat, ordinary sessions of the Meeting of the Parties at intervals of not more than three years, unless the Meeting of the Parties decides otherwise. Where it is possible to do so, such sessions should be held in conjunction with the ordinary meetings of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention.
3. On the written request of at least one third of the Parties, the Agreement secretariat shall convene an extraordinary session of the Meeting of the Parties.
4. The United Nations, its Specialized Agencies, the International Atomic Energy Agency, any State not a Party to the Agreement, and the secretariats of international conventions concerned inter alia with the conservation, including protection and management, of migratory waterbirds may be represented by observers in sessions of the Meeting of the Parties. Any agency or body technically qualified in such conservation matters or in research on migratory waterbirds may also be represented at sessions of the Meeting of the Parties by observers, unless at least one third of the Parties present object.
5. Only Parties have the right to vote. Each Party shall have one vote, but regional economic integration organizations which are Parties to this Agreement shall, in matters within their competence, exercise their right to vote with a number of votes equal to the number of their Member States which are Parties to the Agreement. A regional economic integration organization shall not exercise its right to vote if its Member States exercise theirs, and vice versa.
6. Unless provided otherwise in this Agreement, decisions of the Meeting of the Parties shall be adopted by consensus or, if consensus cannot be achieved, by a two-thirds majority of the Parties present and voting.
7. At its first session, the Meeting of the Parties shall:
(a) adopt its rules of procedure by consensus;
(b) establish an Agreement secretariat within the Convention Secretariat to perform the secretariat functions listed in Article VIII of this Agreement;
(c) establish the Technical Committee provided for in Article VII of this Agreement;
(d) adopt a format for the reports to be prepared according to Article V, paragraph 1, subparagraph (c), of this Agreement; and
(e) adopt criteria to define emergency situations which require urgent conservation measures, and determine the modalities for assigning responsibility for action to be taken.
8. At each of its ordinary sessions, the Meeting of the Parties shall:
(a) consider actual and potential changes in the conservation status of migratory waterbirds and the habitats important for their survival, as well as the factors which may affect them;
(b) review the progress made and any difficulty encountered in the implementation of this Agreement;
(c) adopt a budget and consider any matters relating to the financial arrangements for this Agreement;
(d) deal with any matter relating to the Agreement secretariat and the membership of the Technical Committee;
(e) adopt a report for communication to the Parties to this Agreement and to the Conference of the Parties of the Convention; and
(f) determine the time and venue of the next session.
9. At any of its sessions, the Meeting of the Parties may:
(a) make recommendations to the Parties as it deems necessary or appropriate;
(b) adopt specific actions to improve the effectiveness of this Agreement and, as the case may be, emergency measures as provided for in Article VII, paragraph 4, of this Agreement;
(c) consider and decide upon proposals to amend this Agreement;
(d) amend the Action Plan in accordance with Article IV, paragraph 3, of this Agreement;
(e) establish such subsidiary bodies as it deems necessary to assist in the implementation of this Agreement, in particular for coordination with bodies established under other international treaties, conventions and agreements with overlapping geographic and taxonomic coverage; and
(f) decide on any other matter relating to the implementation of this Agreement.
Technical Committee
1. The Technical Committee shall comprise:
(a) nine experts representing different regions of the Agreement Area, in accordance with a balanced geographical distribution;
(b) one representative from the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN), one from the International Waterfowl and Wetlands Research Bureau (IWRB) and one from the International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation (CIC); and
(c) one expert from each of the following fields: rural economics, game management, and environmental law.
The procedure for the appointment of the experts, the term of their appointment and the procedure for designation of the Chairman of the Technical Committee shall be determined by the Meeting of the Parties. The Chairman may admit a maximum of four observers from specialized international inter-governmental and non-governmental organizations.
2. Unless the Meeting of the Parties decides otherwise, meetings of the Technical Committee shall be convened by the Agreement secretariat in conjunction with each ordinary session of the Meeting of the Parties and at least once between ordinary sessions of the Meeting of the Parties.
3. The Technical Committee shall:
(a) provide scientific and technical advice and information to the Meeting of the Parties and, through the Agreement secretariat, to Parties;
(b) make recommendations to the Meeting of the Parties concerning the Action Plan, implementation of the Agreement and further research to be carried out;
(c) prepare for each ordinary session of the Meeting of the Parties a report on its activities, which shall be submitted to the Agreement secretariat not less than one hundred and twenty days before the session of the Meeting of the Parties, and copies shall be circulated forthwith by the Agreement secretariat to the Parties; and
(d) carry out any other tasks referred to it by the Meeting of the Parties.
4. Where in the opinion of the Technical Committee there has arisen an emergency which requires the adoption of immediate measures to avoid deterioration of the conservation status of one or more migratory waterbird species, the Technical Committee may request the Agreement secretariat to convene urgently a meeting of the Parties concerned. These Parties shall meet as soon as possible thereafter to establish rapidly a mechanism to give protection to the species identified as being subject to particularly adverse threat. Where a recommendation has been adopted at such a meeting, the Parties concerned shall inform each other and the Agreement secretariat of measures they have taken to implement it, or of the reasons why the recommendation could not be implemented.
5. The Technical Committee may establish such working groups as may be necessary to deal with specific tasks.
Agreement Secretariat
The functions of the Agreement secretariat shall be:
(a) to arrange and service the sessions of the Meeting of the Parties as well as the meetings of the Technical Committee;
(b) to execute the decisions addressed to it by the Meeting of the Parties;
(c) to promote and coordinate activities under the Agreement, including the Action Plan, in accordance with decisions of the Meeting of the Parties;
(d) to liaise with non-Party Range States and to facilitate coordination between the Parties and with international and national organizations, the activities of which are directly or indirectly relevant to the conservation, including protection and management, of migratory waterbirds;
(e) to gather and evaluate information which will further the objectives and implementation of the Agreement and to arrange for appropriate dissemination of such information;
(f) to invite the attention of the Meeting of the Parties to matters pertaining to the objectives of this Agreement;
(g) to circulate copies of the reports of the Authorities referred to in Article V, paragraph 1, subparagraph (a), of this Agreement and of the Technical Committee, along with copies of the reports it must provide pursuant to paragraph (h) of this Article, to each Party not less than sixty days before the commencement of each ordinary session of the Meeting of the Parties;
(h) to prepare, on an annual basis and for each ordinary session of the Meeting of the Parties, reports on the work of the secretariat and on the implementation of the Agreement;
(i) to administer the budget for the Agreement and, if established, its conservation fund;
(j) to provide information for the general public concerning the Agreement and its objectives; and
(k) to perform such other functions as may be entrusted to it under the Agreement or by the Meeting of the Parties.
Relations with International Bodies dealing with Migratory Waterbirds and their Habitats
The Agreement secretariat shall consult:
(a) on a regular basis, the Convention Secretariat and, where appropriate, the bodies responsible for the secretariat functions under Agreements concluded pursuant to Article IV, paragraphs 3 and 4, of the Convention which are relevant to migratory waterbirds, the Convention on Wetlands of International Importance, especially as Waterfowl Habitat, 1971, the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, 1973, the African Convention on the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, 1968, the Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats, 1979, and the Convention on Biological Diversity, 1992, with a view to the Meeting of the Parties cooperating with the Parties to these conventions on all matters of common interest and, in particular, in the development and implementation of the Action Plan;
(b) the secretariats of other pertinent conventions and international instruments in respect of matters of common interest; and
(c) other organizations competent in the field of conservation, including protection and management, of migratory waterbirds and their habitats, as well as in the fields of research, education and awareness raising.
Amendment of the Agreement
1. This Agreement may be amended at any ordinary or extraordinary session of the Meeting of the Parties.
2. Proposals for amendment may be made by any Party.
3. The text of any proposed amendment and the reasons for it shall be communicated to the Agreement secretariat not less than one hundred and fifty days before the opening of the session. The Agreement secretariat shall transmit copies forthwith to the Parties. Any comments on the text by the Parties shall be communicated to the Agreement secretariat not less than sixty days before the opening of the session. The Secretariat shall, as soon as possible after the last day for submission of comments, communicate to the Parties all comments submitted by that day.
4. An amendment to the Agreement other than an amendment to its annexes shall be adopted by a two-thirds majority of the Parties present and voting and shall enter into force for those Parties which have accepted it on the thirtieth day after the date on which two thirds of the Parties to the Agreement at the date of the adoption of the amendment have deposited their instruments of acceptance of the amendment with the Depositary. For each Party which deposits an instrument of acceptance after the date on which two thirds of the Parties have deposited their instruments of acceptance, the amendment shall enter into force on the thirtieth day after the date on which it deposits its instrument of acceptance.
5. Any additional annexes and any amendment to an annex shall be adopted by a two-thirds majority of the Parties present and voting and shall enter into force for all Parties on the ninetieth day after the date of its adoption by the Meeting of the Parties, except for Parties which have entered a reservation in accordance with paragraph 6 of this Article.
6. During the period of ninety days provided for in paragraph 5 of this Article, any Party may by written notification to the Depositary enter a reservation with respect to an additional annex or an amendment to an annex. Such reservation may be withdrawn at any time by written notification to the Depositary, and thereupon the additional annex or the amendment shall enter into force for that Party on the thirtieth day after the date of withdrawal of the reservation.
Effect of this Agreement on International Conventions and Legislation
1. The provisions of this Agreement do not affect the rights and obligations of any Party deriving from existing international treaties, conventions or agreements.
2. The provisions of this Agreement shall in no way affect the right of any Party to maintain or adopt stricter measures for the conservation of migratory waterbirds and their habitats.
Settlement of Disputes
1. Any dispute which may arise between two or more Parties with respect to the interpretation or application of the provisions of this Agreement shall be subject to negotiation between the Parties involved in the dispute.
2. If the dispute cannot be resolved in accordance with paragraph 1 of this Article, the Parties may, by mutual consent, submit the dispute to arbitration, in particular that of the Permanent Court of Arbitration at The Hague, and the Parties submitting the dispute shall be bound by the arbitral decision.
Signature, Ratification, Acceptance, Approval, Accession
1. This Agreement shall be open for signature by any Range State, whether or not areas under its jurisdiction lie within the Agreement Area, or regional economic integration organization, at least one member of which is a Range State, either by:
(a) signature without reservation in respect of ratification, acceptance or approval; or
(b) signature with reservation in respect of ratification, acceptance or approval, followed by ratification, acceptance or approval.
2. This Agreement shall remain open for signature at The Hague until the date of its entry into force.
3. This Agreement shall be open for accession by any Range State or regional economic integration organization mentioned in paragraph 1 above on and after the date of entry into force of the Agreement.
4. Instruments of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession shall be deposited with the Depositary.
Entry into Force
1. This Agreement shall enter into force on the first day of the third month after at least fourteen Range States or regional economic integration organizations, comprising at least seven from Africa and seven from Eurasia, have signed without reservation in respect of ratification, acceptance or approval, or have deposited their instruments of ratification, acceptance or approval in accordance with Article XIII of this Agreement.
2. For any Range State or regional economic integration organization which has:
(a) signed without reservation in respect of ratification, acceptance, or approval;
(b) ratified, accepted, or approved; or
(c) acceded to
this Agreement after the date on which the number of Range States and regional economic integration organizations necessary to enable entry into force have signed it without reservation or have ratified, accepted or approved it, this Agreement shall enter into force on the first day of the third month following the signature without reservation, or deposit, by that State or organization, of its instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession.
The provisions of this Agreement shall not be subject to general reservations. However, a specific reservation may be entered by any State or regional economic integration organization on signature without reservation in respect of ratification, acceptance or approval or, as the case may be, on depositing its instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession in respect of any species covered by the Agreement or any specific provision of the Action Plan. Such a reservation may be withdrawn at any time by the State or regional economic integration organization which had entered it, by notification in writing to the Depositary; such a State or organization shall not be bound by the provisions which are the object of the reservation until thirty days after the date on which the reservation has been withdrawn.
Any Party may denounce this Agreement by written notification to the Depositary at any time. The denunciation shall take effect twelve months after the date on which the Depositary has received the notification.
1. The original of this Agreement, in the Arabic, English, French and Russian languages, each version being equally authentic, shall be deposited with the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands which shall be the Depositary. The Depositary shall transmit certified copies of these versions to all States and regional economic integration organizations referred to in Article XIII, paragraph 1, of this Agreement, and to the Agreement secretariat after it has been established.
2. As soon as this Agreement enters into force, a certified copy thereof shall be transmitted by the Depositary to the Secretariat of the United Nations for registration and publication in accordance with Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations.
3. The Depositary shall inform all States and regional economic integration organizations that have signed or acceded to the Agreement, and the Agreement secretariat, of:
(a) any signature;
(b) any deposit of instruments of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession;
(c) the date of entry into force of this Agreement and of any additional annex as well as of any amendment to the Agreement or to its annexes;
(d) any reservation with respect to an additional annex or to an amendment to an annex;
(e) any notification of withdrawal of a reservation; and
(f) any notification of denunciation of the Agreement.
The Depositary shall transmit to all States and regional economic integration organizations that have signed or acceded to this Agreement, and to the Agreement secretariat, the text of any reservation, of any additional annex and of any amendment to the Agreement or to its annexes.
In witness whereof the undersigned, being duly authorized to that effect, have signed this Agreement.
Done at the Hague, this fifteenth day of August 1996.
                                  Annex 1
                     Definition of the Agreement Area
  The boundary of the Agreement area is defined as follows: from the North
Pole south along the 130°W line of longitude to 75°N; thence east and
southeast through Viscount Melville Sound, Prince Regent Inlet, the Gulf
of Boothia, Foxe Basin, Foxe Channel and Hudson Strait to a point in the
northwest Atlantic at 60°N, 60°W; thence southeast through the northwest
Atlantic to a point at 50°N, 30°W; thence south along the 30°W line of
longitude to 10°N; thence southeast to the Equator at 20°W; thence south
along the 20°W line of longitude to 40°S; thence east along the 40°S
line of latitude to 60°E; thence north along the 60°E line of longitude
to 35°N; thence east-northeast on a great circle to a point in the
western Altai at 49°N, 87°27’E; thence northeast on a great circle to
the coast of the Arctic Ocean at 130°E; thence north along the 130°E
line of longitude to the North Pole. The outline of the Agreement Area
is illustrated on the following map.
                         Annex 2
   Waterbird Species to which this Agreement Applies


Gavia stellata                Red-throated Diver
Gavia arctica                 Black-throated Diver
Gavia immer                   Great Northern Diver
Gavia adamsii                 White-billed Diver


Podiceps grisegena            Red-necked Grebe
Podiceps auritus              Slavonian Grebe


Pelecanus onocrotalus         Great White Pelican
Pelecanus crispus             Dalmatian Pelican


Phalacrocorax pygmaeus        Pygmy Cormorant
Phalacrocorax nigrogularis    Socotra Cormorant


Egretta vinaceigula           Slaty Egret
Ardea purpurea                Purple Heron
Casmerodius albus             Great Egret
Ardeola idae                  Madagascar Pond-Heron
Ardeola rufiventris           Rufous-bellied Heron
Ixobrychus minutus            Little Bittern
Ixobrychus sturmii            Dwarf Bittern
Botaurus stellaris            Great Bittern


Mycteria ibis                 Yellow-billed Stork
Ciconia nigra                 Black Stork
Ciconia episcopus             Woolly-necked Stork
Ciconia ciconia               White Stork


Plegadis falcinellus          Glossy Ibis
Geronticus eremita            Waldrapp
Threskiornis aethiopicus      Sacred Ibis
Platalea leucorodia           Eurasian Spoonbill
Platalea alba                 African Spoonbill


Phoenicopterus ruber          Greater Flamingo
Phoenicopterus minor          Lesser Flamingo


Dendrocygna bicolor           Fulvous Whistling-Duck
Dendrocygna viduata           White-faced Whistling-Duck
Thalassornis leuconotus       White-backed Duck
Oxyura leucocephala           White-headed Duck
Cygnus olor                   Mute Swan
Cygnus cygnus                 Whooper Swan
Cygnus columbianus            Bewick’s Swan
Anser brachyrhynchus          Pink-footed Goose
Anser fabalis                 Bean Goose
Anser albifrons               Greater White-fronted Goose
Anser erythropus              Lesser White-fronted Goose
Anser anser                   Greylag Goose
Branta leucopsis              Barnacle Goose
Branta bernicla               Brent Goose
Branta ruficollis             Red-breasted Goose
Alopochen aegyptiacus         Egyptian Goose
Tadorna ferruginea            Ruddy Shelduck
Tadorna cana                  South African Shelduck
Tadorna tadorna               Common Shelduck
Plectropterus gambensis       Spur-winged Goose
Sarkidiornis melanotos        Comb Duck
Nettapus auritus              African Pygmy-goose
Anas penelope                 Eurasian Wigeon
Anas strepera                 Gadwall
Anas crecca                   Common Teal
Anas capensis                 Cape Teal
Anas platyrhynchos            Mallard
Anas undulata                 Yellow-billed Duck
Anas acuta                    Northern Pintail
Anas erythrorhyncha           Red-billed Duck
Anas hottentota               Hottentot Teal
Anas querquedula              Garganey
Anas clypeata                 Northern Shoveler
Marmaronetta angustirostris   Marbled Teal

Netta rufina                  Red-crested Pochard
Netta erythrophthalma         Southern Pochard
Aythya ferina                 Common Pochard
Aythya nyroca                 Ferruginous Pochard
Aythya fuligula               Tufted Duck
Aythya marila                 Greater Scaup
Somateria mollissima          Common Eider
Somateria spectabilis         King Eider
Polysticta stelleri           Steller’s Eider
Clangula hyemalis             Long-tailed Duck
Melanitta nigra               Common Scoter
Melanitta fusca               Velvet Scoter
Bucephala clangula            Common Goldeneye
Mergellus albellus            Smew
Mergus serrator               Red-breasted Merganser
Mergus merganser              Goosander


Grus leucogeranus             Siberian Crane
Grus virgo                    Demoiselle Crane
Grus paradisea                Blue Crane
Grus carunculatus             Wattled Crane
Grus grus                     Common Crane


Sarothrura boehmi             Streaky-breasted Flufftail
Porzana parva                 Little Crake
Porzana pusilla               Baillon’s Crake
Porzana porzana               Spotted Crake
Aenigmatolimnas marginalis    Striped Crake
Fulica atra
(Black Sea/Mediterranean)     Common Coot


Dromas ardeola                Crab Plover


Himantopus himantopus         Black-winged Stilt
Recurvirostra avosetta        Pied Avocet


Glareola pratincola           Collared Pratincole
Glareola nordmanni            Black-winged Pratincole


Pluvialis apricaria           Eurasian Golden Plover
Pluvialis squatarola          Grey Plover
Charadrius hiaticula          Common Ringed Plover
Charadrius dubius             Little Ringed Plover
Charadrius pecuarius          Kittlitz’s Plover
Charadrius tricollaris        Three-banded Plover
Charadrius forbesi            Forbes’ Plover
Charadrius pallidus           Chestnut-banded Plover
Charadrius alexandrinus       Kentish Plover
Charadrius marginatus         White-fronted Plover
Charadrius mongolus           Mongolian Plover
Charadrius leschenaultii      Greater Sandplover
Charadrius asiaticus          Caspian Plover
Eudromias morinellus          Eurasian Dotterel
Vanellus vanellus             Northern Lapwing
Vanellus spinosus             Spur-winged Plover
Vanellus albiceps             White-headed Lapwing
Vanellus senegallus           Senegal Lapwing
Vanellus lugubris             Wattled Lapwing
Vanellus melanopterus         Black-winged Lapwing
Vanellus coronatus            Crowned Lapwing
Vanellus superciliosus        Brown-chested Lapwing
Vanellus gregarius            Sociable Plover
Vanellus leucurus             White-tailed Plover


Gallinago media               Great Snipe
Gallinago gallinago           Common Snipe
Lymnocryptes minimus          Jack Snipe
Limosa limosa                 Black-tailed Godwit
Limosa lapponica              Bar-tailed Godwit
Numenius phaeopus             Whimbrel
Numenius tenuirostris         Slender-billed Curlew
Numenius arquata              Eurasian Curlew
Tringa erythropus             Spotted Redshank
Tringa totanus                Common Redshank
Tringa stagnatilis            Marsh Sandpiper
Tringa nebularia              Common Greenshank
Tringa ochropus               Green Sandpiper
Tringa glareola               Wood Sandpiper
Tringa cinerea                Terek Sandpiper
Tringa hypoleucos             Common Sandpiper
Arenaria interpres            Ruddy Turnstone
Calidris tenuirostris         Great Knot
Calidris canutus              Red Knot
Calidris alba                 Sanderling
Calidris minuta               Little Stint
Calidris temminckii           Temminck’s Stint
Calidris maritima             Purple Sandpiper
Calidris alpina               Dunlin
Calidris ferruginea           Curlew Sandpiper
Limicola falcinellus          Broad-billed Sandpiper
Philomachus pugnax            Ruff
Phalaropus lobatus            Red-necked Phalarope
Phalaropus fulicaria          Grey Phalarope


Larus leucopthalmus           White-eyed Gull
Larus hemprichii              Sooty Gull
Larus audouinii               Audouin’s Gull
Larus armenicus               Armenian Gull
Larus ichthyaetus             Great Black-headed Gull
Larus genei                   Slender-billed Gull
Larus melanocephalus          Mediterranean Gull
Sterna nilotica               Gull-billed Tern
Sterna caspia                 Caspian Tern
Sterna maxima                 Royal Tern
Sterna bengalensis            Lesser Crested Tern
Sterna bergii                 Great Crested Tern
Sterna sandvicensis           Sandwich Tern
Sterna dougallii              Roseate Tern
Sterna hirundo                Common Tern
Sterna paradisaea             Arctic Tern
Sterna albifrons              Little Tern
Sterna saundersi              Saunders’ Tern
Sterna balaenarum             Damara Tern
Sterna repressa               White-cheeked Tern
Chlidonias leucopterus        White-winged Tern
Chlidonias niger              Black Tern
OB SKLICEVANJU na to, da Konvencija o varstvu selitvenih vrst prosto živečih živali iz leta 1979 spodbuja skupno mednarodno ukrepanje za ohranitev selitvenih vrst;
TUDI OB SKLICEVANJU na to, da je Konferenca pogodbenic konvencije na svojem prvem zasedanju oktobra 1985 v Bonnu naročila sekretariatu konvencije, naj stori vse potrebno, da pripravi sporazum o zahodnopaleoarktičnih plovcih (Anatidae);
OB UPOŠTEVANJU, da so selitvene vodne ptice pomemben del svetovne biološke raznovrstnosti, ki jih je treba glede na Konvencijo o biološki raznovrstnosti iz leta 1992 in Agendo 21 ohraniti v dobro sedanje in prihodnjih generacij;
KER SE ZAVEDAJO gospodarskih, družbenih, kulturnih in rekreacijskih koristi odvzemanja nekaterih vrst selitvenih vodnih ptic iz narave ter okoljske, ekološke, genske, znanstvene, estetske, rekreacijske, kulturne, izobraževalne, družbene in gospodarske vrednosti vodnih ptic na splošno;
PREPRIČANE, da mora kakršno koli odvzemanje selitvenih vodnih ptic iz narave temeljiti na trajnosti ob upoštevanju ohranitvenega stanja posamezne vrste na njenem celotnem območju razširjenosti in njenih bioloških značilnostih;
KER SE ZAVEDAJO, da so selitvene vodne ptice posebej ranljive, ker se selijo na velike razdalje in so odvisne od omrežja mokrišč, ki se manjšajo in propadajo zaradi netrajnostnih človekovih dejavnosti, kakor je navedeno v Konvenciji o močvirjih, ki so mednarodnega pomena, zlasti kot prebivališča močvirskih ptic iz leta 1971;
KER PRIZNAVAJO potrebo po takojšnjem ukrepanju, da se ustavi zmanjševanje vrst selitvenih vodnih ptic in njihovih habitatov na zemljepisnem območju sistemov selitvenih poti afriško-evrazijskih vodnih ptic;
PREPRIČANE, da bosta sklenitev večstranskega sporazuma in njegovo izvajanje z usklajenim in skupnim ukrepanjem pomembno in najučinkoviteje prispevala k ohranjanju selitvenih vodnih ptic in njihovih habitatov ter bosta poleg tega koristila tudi mnogim drugim živalskim in rastlinskim vrstam, in
KER PRIZNAVAJO, da bo treba za učinkovito izvajanje takega sporazuma nekaterim državam na območju razširjenosti pomagati pri raziskavah, usposabljanju in spremljanju stanja vrst selitvenih vodnih ptic in njihovih habitatov, pri njihovem upravljanju ter ustanavljanju ali krepitvi znanstvenih in upravnih institucij za izvajanje tega sporazuma,
Področje uporabe, pomen izrazov in razlaga
1. Zemljepisno območje uporabe tega sporazuma je območje sistemov selitvenih poti afriško-evrazijskih vodnih ptic, kot je opredeljeno v prilogi 1 k temu sporazumu, v nadaljnjem besedilu “območje sporazuma“.
2. V tem sporazumu:
(a) “konvencija“ pomeni Konvencijo o varstvu selitvenih vrst prosto živečih živali iz leta 1979;
(b) “sekretariat konvencije“ pomeni telo, ustanovljeno po 9. členu konvencije;
(c) “vodne ptice“ pomeni tiste vrste ptic, ki so vsaj del svojega letnega cikla ekološko odvisne od mokrišč, katerih območje razširjenosti je v celoti ali deloma na območju sporazuma in so navedene v prilogi 2 k temu sporazumu;

(d) “sekretariat sporazuma“ pomeni telo, ustanovljeno skladno s pododstavkom (b) sedmega odstavka VI. člena tega sporazuma;
(e) “pogodbenice“ pomeni pogodbenice tega sporazuma, razen kadar ni drugače navedeno v sobesedilu, in
(f) “prisotne in glasujoče pogodbenice“ pomeni pogodbenice, ki so prisotne in glasujejo za ali proti; tiste, ki se glasovanja vzdržijo, se ne štejejo med prisotne in glasujoče pogodbenice.
Poleg tega imajo izrazi, opredeljeni v pododstavkih (a) do (k) 1. člena konvencije, s potrebnimi spremembami enak pomen v tem sporazumu.
3. Ta sporazum je SPORAZUM v smislu tretjega odstavka 4. člena konvencije.
4. Priloge k temu sporazumu so njegov sestavni del. Navajanje sporazuma vključuje navajanje njegovih prilog.
Temeljna načela
1. Pogodbenice usklajeno ukrepajo, da ohranijo ali obnovijo ugodno stanje ohranjenosti vrst selitvenih vodnih ptic. V ta namen v mejah svoje državne jurisdikcije uporabljajo ukrepe, predpisane v III. členu, skupaj s posebnimi ukrepi, določenimi v akcijskem načrtu, predvidenem v IV. členu tega sporazuma.
2. Pri izvajanju ukrepov, predpisanih v prvem odstavku, pogodbenice upoštevajo previdnostno načelo.
Splošni ohranitveni ukrepi
1. Pogodbenice storijo vse potrebno, da ohranijo selitvene vodne ptice ter pri tem posebno pozornost posvetijo ogroženim vrstam in vrstam z neugodnim stanjem ohranjenosti.
2. V ta namen pogodbenice:
(a) ogroženim vrstam selitvenih vodnih ptic na območju sporazuma namenijo enako stopnjo strogega varstva, kot je predvideno v četrtem in petem odstavku 3. člena konvencije;
(b) zagotovijo, da kakršna koli uporaba selitvenih vodnih ptic temelji na oceni najboljšega razpoložljivega znanja o njihovi ekologiji ter je trajnostna za vrsto in ekološke sisteme, ki jo vzdržujejo;
(c) določijo območja in habitate selitvenih vodnih ptic, ki se pojavljajo na njihovem ozemlju, ter spodbujajo varstvo, upravljanje, sanacijo in obnavljanje teh območij skupaj s tistimi telesi iz odstavkov (a) in (b) IX. člena tega sporazuma, ki se ukvarjajo z ohranjanjem habitatov;
(d) usklajujejo svoja prizadevanja, da zagotovijo ohranitev, ali kadar je primerno, ponovno vzpostavitev omrežja primernih habitatov na celotnem območju razširjenosti vsake posamezne vrste selitvenih vodnih ptic, zlasti kadar se mokrišča raztezajo čez območje več pogodbenic tega sporazuma;
(e) raziščejo probleme, ki jih povzročajo ali jih bodo verjetno povzročile človekove dejavnosti, in si prizadevajo izvesti sanacijske ukrepe, ki vključujejo sanacijo in obnovo habitata, in nadomestne ukrepe za izgubo habitata;
(f) sodelujejo ob izrednih razmerah, ko je potrebno skupno mednarodno ukrepanje, pri določanju vrst selitvenih vodnih ptic, ki so v takih razmerah najranljivejše, ter pri oblikovanju ustreznih postopkov v izrednih razmerah, da zagotovijo povečano varstvo teh vrst v takih razmerah, in pripravi smernic v pomoč posameznim pogodbenicam pri obvladovanju takih razmer;
(g) prepovejo namerno vnašanje tujerodnih vrst vodnih ptic v okolje in storijo vse potrebno, da preprečijo nenamerno izpuščanje takih vrst, če bi tak vnos ali izpust posegal v ohranitveni status prosto živečega živalstva in rastlinstva; če so bile tujerodne vrste vodnih ptic že vnesene, pogodbenice z ustreznimi ukrepi preprečijo, da bi te vrste ogrozile domorodne vrste;
(h) začnejo ali podprejo raziskave biologije in ekologije selitvenih vodnih ptic skupaj z uskladitvijo metod raziskovanja in spremljanja stanja, ter kadar je primerno, izdelavo skupnih programov ali programov sodelovanja pri raziskovanju in spremljanju stanja;
(i) analizirajo svoje potrebe po usposabljanju, med drugim za študije selitvenih vodnih ptic, spremljanje stanja, obročkanje in upravljanje mokrišč, zato da določijo prednostne teme in področja za usposabljanje ter sodelujejo pri razvijanju in zagotavljanju ustreznih programov usposabljanja;
(j) oblikujejo in ohranjajo programe za ozaveščanje in povečevanje razumevanja vsebin ohranjanja selitvenih vodnih ptic na splošno in posameznih ciljev in določb tega sporazuma;
(k) izmenjujejo informacije in izsledke programov raziskav, spremljanja stanja, ohranjanja in izobraževanja, in
(l) sodelujejo zato, da si pomagajo pri izvajanju tega sporazuma, zlasti pri raziskovanju in spremljanju stanja.
Akcijski načrt in navodila za ohranjanje
1. Akcijski načrt je dodan kot priloga 3 k temu sporazumu. Določa ukrepe, ki jih pogodbenice izvajajo v zvezi s prednostnimi vrstami in zadevami pod navedenimi točkami skladno s splošnimi ohranitvenimi ukrepi iz III. člena tega sporazuma:
(a) ohranjanje vrst,
(b) ohranjanje habitatov,
(c) vodenje človekovih dejavnosti,
(d) raziskave in spremljanje stanja,
(e) izobraževanje in obveščanje in
(f) izvajanje.
2. Akcijski načrt se pregleda na vsaki redni seji zasedanja pogodbenic ob upoštevanju navodil za ohranjanje.
3. Spremembe akcijskega načrta sprejme zasedanje pogodbenic ob upoštevanju določb III. člena tega sporazuma.
4. Navodila za ohranjanje se predložijo zasedanju pogodbenic v sprejetje na prvi seji in se redno pregledujejo.
Izvajanje in financiranje
1. Vsaka pogodbenica:
(a) imenuje organ ali organe za izvajanje tega sporazuma, ki med drugim spremljajo vse dejavnosti, ki bi lahko vplivale na stanje ohranjenosti tistih vrst selitvenih vodnih ptic, katerih država na območju razširjenosti je pogodbenica;
(b) imenuje točko za stike z drugimi pogodbenicami in nemudoma sporoči njeno ime in naslov sekretariatu sporazuma, ki ga takoj sporoči drugim pogodbenicam, in
(c) za vsako redno sejo zasedanja pogodbenic, začenši z drugo sejo, pripravi poročilo o svojem izvajanju sporazuma, v katerem posebej navede ukrepe ohranjenosti, ki jih je izvedla. Oblika takih poročil se določi na prvi seji zasedanja pogodbenic, in če je potrebno, pregleda na kateri koli naslednji seji zasedanja pogodbenic. Vsako poročilo se vsaj sto dvajset dni pred redno sejo zasedanja pogodbenic, za katerega je bilo pripravljeno, predloži sekretariatu sporazuma, ki njegove kopije nemudoma pošlje drugim pogodbenicam.
2. (a) Vsaka pogodbenica prispeva v proračun sporazuma skladno z razdelilnikom prispevkov Združenih narodov. Prispevki se omejijo na največ 25 odstotkov celotnega proračuna za pogodbenico, ki je država na območju razširjenosti. Nobeni regionalni organizaciji za gospodarsko povezovanje ni treba prispevati več kot 2,5 odstotka upravnih stroškov.
(b) Odločitve, ki se nanašajo na proračun, in kakršne koli spremembe razdelilnika prispevkov, ki bodo morda potrebne, soglasno sprejme zasedanje pogodbenic.
3. Zasedanje pogodbenic lahko s prostovoljnimi prispevki pogodbenic ali iz kakršnih koli drugih virov ustanovi ohranitveni sklad za financiranje spremljanja stanja, raziskav, usposabljanja in projektov, ki se nanašajo na ohranjanje selitvenih vodnih ptic skupaj z varstvom in upravljanjem.
4. Pogodbenice so spodbujane, da drugim pogodbenicam ponudijo usposabljanje ter strokovno in finančno pomoč na večstranski ali dvostranski ravni ter jim tako pomagajo pri izvajanju določb tega sporazuma.
Zasedanje pogodbenic
1. Zasedanje pogodbenic je organ odločanja tega sporazuma.
2. Depozitar ob posvetovanju s sekretariatom konvencije skliče sejo zasedanja pogodbenic najkasneje eno leto po začetku veljavnosti tega sporazuma. Potem sekretariat sporazuma sklicuje redne seje zasedanja pogodbenic ob posvetovanju s sekretariatom konvencije v presledkih največ treh let, razen če zasedanje pogodbenic ne odloči drugače. Kadar je mogoče, se take seje skličejo skupaj z rednimi zasedanji konference pogodbenic konvencije.
3. Na pisno zahtevo vsaj tretjine pogodbenic sekretariat sporazuma skliče izredno sejo zasedanja pogodbenic.
4. Združene narode, njihove specializirane agencije, Mednarodno agencijo za atomsko energijo, državo, ki ni pogodbenica sporazuma, in sekretariate mednarodnih konvencij, ki med drugim obravnavajo ohranjanje selitvenih vodnih ptic skupaj z varstvom in upravljanjem, lahko na sejah zasedanj pogodbenic predstavljajo opazovalci. Tudi agencijo ali telo, strokovno usposobljeno za vsebine ohranjanja ali raziskave selitvenih vodnih ptic, lahko na seji zasedanja pogodbenic predstavljajo opazovalci, razen če vsaj tretjina prisotnih pogodbenic temu ne nasprotuje.
5. Le pogodbenice imajo pravico glasovati. Vsaka pogodbenica ima en glas, regionalne organizacije za gospodarsko povezovanje, ki so pogodbenice sporazuma, pa pri zadevah v njihovi pristojnosti uveljavljajo svojo pravico, da glasujejo s številom glasov, enakim številu svojih držav članic, ki so pogodbenice sporazuma. Regionalna organizacija za gospodarsko povezovanje ne uveljavlja svoje pravice glasovanja, če njene države članice uveljavljajo svojo pravico, in obratno.
6. Če ni drugače določeno v tem sporazumu, se odločitve zasedanja pogodbenic sprejmejo soglasno, ali če soglasja ni mogoče doseči, z dvetretjinsko večino prisotnih in glasujočih pogodbenic.
7. Na svoji prvi seji zasedanje pogodbenic:
(a) soglasno sprejme svoj poslovnik;
(b) ustanovi sekretariat sporazuma v okviru sekretariata konvencije za opravljanje nalog sekretariata, navedenih v VIII. členu tega sporazuma;
(c) ustanovi strokovni odbor, predviden v VII. členu tega sporazuma;
(d) sprejme obliko poročil, ki jih je treba pripraviti skladno s pododstavkom (c) prvega odstavka V. člena tega sporazuma, in
(e) sprejme merila za opredeljevanje izrednih razmer, pri katerih so potrebni nujni ohranitveni ukrepi, in določi način dodeljevanja pristojnosti za potrebno ukrepanje.
8. Na vsaki redni seji zasedanje pogodbenic:
(a) obravnava dejanske in možne spremembe ohranitvenega stanja selitvenih vodnih ptic in habitatov, pomembnih za njihovo preživetje, ter dejavnikov, ki bi lahko vplivali nanje;
(b) pregleda doseženi napredek in vse težave pri izvajanju tega sporazuma;
(c) sprejme proračun in obravnava vse zadeve, povezane s finančno ureditvijo tega sporazuma;
(d) obravnava vse zadeve, ki se nanašajo na sekretariat sporazuma in članstvo v strokovnem odboru;
(e) sprejme poročilo, ki se pošlje pogodbenicam tega sporazuma in konferenci pogodbenic konvencije, in
(f) določi čas in kraj naslednje seje.
9. Na seji zasedanje pogodbenic lahko:
(a) pogodbenicam da priporočila, kakor meni, da je potrebno ali primerno;
(b) sprejme posebne ukrepe za izboljšanje učinkovitosti tega sporazuma, in če je potrebno, izredne ukrepe, kot je predvideno v četrtem odstavku VII. člena tega sporazuma;
(c) obravnava predloge za spremembo tega sporazuma in o njih odloči;
(d) spremeni akcijski načrt skladno s tretjim odstavkom IV. člena tega sporazuma;
(e) ustanovi pomožna telesa, za katera meni, da so potrebna za pomoč pri izvajanju tega sporazuma, zlasti za usklajevanje s telesi, ustanovljenimi na podlagi drugih mednarodnih pogodb, konvencij in sporazumov s prekrivajočimi zemljepisnimi ter taksonomskimi področji uporabe, ter
(f) odloči o kateri koli drugi zadevi, ki se nanaša na izvajanje tega sporazuma.
Strokovni odbor
1. Strokovni odbor sestavljajo:
(a) devet strokovnjakov, ki zastopajo različne regije območja sporazuma skladno z uravnoteženo zemljepisno porazdelitvijo;
(b) en predstavnik Mednarodne zveze za ohranitev narave (IUCN), en predstavnik Mednarodnega urada za raziskave vodnih ptic in mokrišč (IWRB) in en predstavnik Mednarodnega sveta za ohranjanje divjadi in prosto živečih živali in rastlin (CIC) in
(c) po en strokovnjak z vsakega od teh področij: agrarna ekonomija, upravljanje divjadi in okoljsko pravo.
Postopek za imenovanje strokovnjakov, njihov mandat in postopek za imenovanje predsednika strokovnega odbora določi zasedanje pogodbenic. Predsednik lahko dovoli udeležbo največ štirih opazovalcev specializiranih mednarodnih medvladnih in nevladnih organizacij.
2. Če zasedanje pogodbenic ne odloči drugače, sestanke strokovnega odbora skliče sekretariat sporazuma skupaj z vsako redno sejo zasedanja pogodbenic in vsaj enkrat med rednimi sejami zasedanja pogodbenic.
3. Strokovni odbor:
(a) zasedanju pogodbenic in prek sekretariata sporazuma pogodbenicam daje znanstvene in strokovne nasvete ter informacije;
(b) zasedanju pogodbenic daje priporočila v zvezi z akcijskim načrtom, izvajanjem sporazuma in dodatnimi raziskavami, ki bi jih bilo treba izvesti;
(c) za vsako redno sejo zasedanja pogodbenic pripravi poročilo o svojih dejavnostih in ga najkasneje sto dvajset dni pred sejo zasedanja pogodbenic predloži sekretariatu sporazuma, ki kopije poročila nemudoma pošlje pogodbenicam, in
(d) opravlja vse druge naloge, ki mu jih dodeli zasedanje pogodbenic.
4. Kadar je po mnenju strokovnega odbora zaradi izrednih razmer treba sprejeti nujne ukrepe, da se prepreči poslabšanje ohranitvenega stanja ene ali več vrst selitvenih vodnih ptic, lahko strokovni odbor zaprosi sekretariat sporazuma, da skliče nujno sejo zadevnih pogodbenic. Te pogodbenice se sestanejo takoj, ko je mogoče, in čim prej določijo mehanizem za zavarovanje vrst, za katere je bilo ugotovljeno, da so posebej močno ogrožene. Kadar se na taki seji sprejme priporočilo, zadevne pogodbenice obvestijo druga drugo in sekretariat sporazuma, kaj so storile za njegovo izvedbo, ali razloge, zaradi katerih tega priporočila ni mogoče izvesti.
5. Strokovni odbor lahko ustanovi delovne skupine, ki so morda potrebne za opravljanje posebnih nalog.
Sekretariat sporazuma
Naloge sekretariata sporazuma so:
(a) organizirati seje zasedanja pogodbenic in sestanke strokovnega odbora ter skrbeti za njihovo izvedbo;
(b) izpeljati odločitve, ki jih nanj naslovi zasedanje pogodbenic;
(c) spodbujati in usklajevati dejavnosti po sporazumu skupaj z akcijskim načrtom skladno z odločitvami zasedanja pogodbenic;
(d) povezovati se z državami na območju razširjenosti, ki niso pogodbenice, in omogočati usklajevanje med pogodbenicami ter z mednarodnimi in nacionalnimi organizacijami, katerih dejavnosti so neposredno ali posredno pomembne za ohranjanje selitvenih vodnih ptic skupaj z varstvom in upravljanjem;
(e) zbirati in vrednotiti informacije, ki bodo izboljšale uresničevanje ciljev in izvajanje sporazuma, ter urediti ustrezno razširjanje takih informacij;
(f) opozarjati zasedanje pogodbenic na zadeve, ki se nanašajo na cilje tega sporazuma;
(g) pošiljati kopije poročil organov iz pododstavka (a) prvega odstavka V. člena tega sporazuma in strokovnega odbora skupaj s kopijami poročil, ki jih mora zagotoviti na podlagi odstavka (h) tega člena vsem pogodbenicam najkasneje šestdeset dni pred začetkom vsake redne seje zasedanja pogodbenic;
(h) za vsako leto in vsako redno sejo zasedanja pogodbenic pripraviti poročilo o delu sekretariata in izvajanju sporazuma;
(i) upravljati proračun sporazuma in ohranitveni sklad, če se ustanovi;
(j) obveščati najširšo javnost o sporazumu in njegovih ciljih ter
(k) opravljati vse druge naloge, ki mu jih po tem sporazumu zaupa zasedanje pogodbenic.
Odnosi z mednarodnimi telesi, ki se ukvarjajo s selitvenimi vodnimi pticami in njihovimi habitati
Sekretariat sporazuma se posvetuje:
(a) redno s sekretariatom konvencije, in kadar je primerno, s telesi, pristojnimi za naloge sekretariata po sporazumih, sklenjenih na podlagi tretjega in četrtega odstavka 4. člena konvencije, ki so pomembni za selitvene vodne ptice, Konvenciji o močvirjih, ki so mednarodnega pomena, zlasti kot prebivališča močvirskih ptic iz leta 1971, Konvenciji o mednarodni trgovini z ogroženimi vrstami prosto živečih živalskih in rastlinskih vrst iz leta 1973, Afriški konvenciji o ohranjanju narave in naravnih virov iz leta 1968, Konvenciji o varstvu prosto živečega evropskega živalstva in rastlinstva ter njunih naravnih življenjskih prostorov iz leta 1979 ter Konvenciji o biološki raznovrstnosti iz leta 1992, da bi zasedanje pogodbenic sodelovalo s pogodbenicami teh konvencij pri vseh zadevah skupnega interesa ter zlasti pri pripravljanju in izvajanju akcijskega načrta;
(b) s sekretariati drugih ustreznih konvencij in mednarodnih dokumentov v zvezi z zadevami skupnega interesa in
(c) z drugimi organizacijami, usposobljenimi za ohranjanje selitvenih vodnih ptic in njihovih habitatov skupaj z varstvom in upravljanjem, ter za raziskave, izobraževanje in ozaveščanje.
Spremembe sporazuma
1. Ta sporazum se lahko spremeni na redni ali izredni seji zasedanja pogodbenic.
2. Spremembe lahko predlaga vsaka pogodbenica.
3. Besedilo vsake predlagane spremembe in razlogi zanjo se sporočijo sekretariatu sporazuma najkasneje sto petdeset dni pred začetkom seje. Sekretariat sporazuma kopije takoj pošlje pogodbenicam. Pogodbenice sporočijo sekretariatu sporazuma kakršne koli pripombe k besedilu najkasneje šestdeset dni pred začetkom seje. Sekretariat, takoj ko je to mogoče, po zadnjem dnevu za predložitev pripomb sporoči pogodbenicam vse pripombe, predložene do tega dne.
4. Sprememba sporazuma, razen spremembe prilog, se sprejme z dvetretjinsko večino pogodbenic, ki so prisotne in glasujejo, ter začne veljati za tiste pogodbenice, ki so jo sprejele, trideseti dan po dnevu, ko sta dve tretjini pogodbenic sporazuma na dan sprejetja spremembe deponirali svoje listine o sprejetju spremembe pri depozitarju. Za vsako pogodbenico, ki listino o sprejetju deponira po dnevu, ko sta dve tretjini pogodbenic deponirali svoje listine o sprejetju, začne sprememba veljati trideseti dan po dnevu, ko je deponirala svojo listino o sprejetju.
5. Dodatne priloge in spremembe prilog se sprejmejo z dvetretjinsko večino pogodbenic, ki so prisotne in glasujejo, ter začnejo veljati devetdeseti dan po dnevu, ko jih je sprejelo zasedanje pogodbenic, za vse pogodbenice, razen tistih, ki so izrazile pridržek skladno s šestim odstavkom tega člena.
6. V obdobju devetdesetih dni, predvidenem v petem odstavku tega člena, lahko katera koli pogodbenica s pisnim uradnim obvestilom depozitarju izrazi pridržek v zvezi z dodatno prilogo ali spremembo priloge. Tak pridržek se lahko kadar koli umakne s pisnim uradnim obvestilom depozitarju, dodatna priloga ali sprememba pa za to pogodbenico začne veljati trideseti dan po dnevu, ko je umaknila pridržek.
Učinek tega sporazuma na mednarodne konvencije in zakonodajo
1. Določbe tega sporazuma ne vplivajo na pravice in obveznosti katere koli pogodbenice, ki izhajajo iz veljavnih mednarodnih pogodb, konvencij ali sporazumov.
2. Določbe tega sporazuma nikakor ne vplivajo na pravico katere koli pogodbenice, da ohrani ali sprejme strožje ukrepe za ohranitev selitvenih vodnih ptic in njihovih habitatov.
Reševanje sporov
1. Vsak spor, ki lahko nastane med dvema ali več pogodbenicami zaradi razlage ali uporabe določb tega sporazuma, se rešuje s pogajanji med pogodbenicami v sporu.
2. Če se spor ne da rešiti skladno s prvim odstavkom tega člena, lahko pogodbenice z medsebojnim soglasjem predložijo spor arbitraži, zlasti Stalnemu arbitražnemu sodišču v Haagu, in arbitražna odločitev zavezuje pogodbenice, ki so spor predložile.
Podpis, ratifikacija, sprejetje, odobritev,
1. Ta sporazum je na voljo za podpis vsem državam na območju razširjenosti ne glede na to, ali so območja pod njihovo jurisdikcijo na območju sporazuma, in regionalnim organizacijam za gospodarsko povezovanje, ki imajo med svojimi članicami vsaj eno državo na območju razširjenosti:
(a) s podpisom brez pridržka glede ratifikacije, sprejetja ali odobritve ali
(b) s podpisom s pridržkom glede ratifikacije, sprejetja ali odobritve, ki mu sledi ratifikacija, sprejetje ali odobritev.
2. Ta sporazum je na voljo za podpis v Haagu do dneva, ko začne veljati.
3. Ta sporazum je na voljo za sprejetje vsem državam na območju razširjenosti in regionalnim organizacijam za gospodarsko povezovanje iz prvega odstavka od dneva, ko začne veljati.
4. Listine o ratifikaciji, sprejetju, odobritvi ali pristopu se deponirajo pri depozitarju.
Začetek veljavnosti
1. Ta sporazum začne veljati prvi dan tretjega meseca, potem ko je vsaj štirinajst držav na območju razširjenosti ali regionalnih organizacij za gospodarsko povezovanje, od katerih jih je vsaj sedem iz Afrike in sedem iz Evrazije, podpisalo sporazum brez pridržka glede ratifikacije, sprejetja ali odobritve ali deponiralo svoje listine o ratifikaciji, sprejetju ali odobritvi skladno s XIII. členom tega sporazuma.
2. Za katero koli državo na območju razširjenosti ali regionalno organizacijo za gospodarsko povezovanje, ki je ta sporazum:
(a) podpisala brez pridržka glede ratifikacije, sprejetja ali odobritve;
(b) ratificirala, sprejela ali odobrila ali
(c) k njemu pristopila
po dnevu, ko je sporazum podpisalo brez pridržka oziroma ratificiralo, sprejelo ali odobrilo toliko držav na območju razširjenosti in regionalnih organizacij za gospodarsko povezovanje, kot je potrebno za začetek veljavnosti, ta sporazum začne veljati prvi dan tretjega meseca, potem ko je ta država ali organizacija podpisala sporazum brez pridržka ali deponirala svojo listino o ratifikaciji, sprejetju, odobritvi ali pristopu.
Za določbe tega sporazuma ne veljajo splošni pridržki. Vendar pa lahko katera koli država ali regionalna organizacija za gospodarsko povezovanje ob podpisu brez pridržka glede ratifikacije, sprejetja ali odobritve oziroma ob deponiranju svoje listine o ratifikaciji, sprejetju ali odobritvi izrazi poseben pridržek glede katere koli vrste, vključene v ta sporazum, ali katere koli določbe akcijskega načrta. Država ali regionalna organizacija za gospodarsko povezovanje, ki je izrazila tak pridržek, ga lahko kadar koli umakne s pisnim uradnim obvestilom depozitarju; določbe, ki so predmet pridržka, take države ali organizacije ne zavezujejo še trideset dni po umiku pridržka.
Pogodbenica lahko kadar koli odpove ta sporazum s pisnim uradnim obvestilom depozitarju. Odpoved začne veljati dvanajst mesecev po dnevu, ko je depozitar prejel uradno obvestilo.
1. Izvirnik tega sporazuma v arabskem, angleškem, francoskem in ruskem jeziku, pri čemer je vsaka različica enako verodostojna, se deponira pri vladi Kraljevine Nizozemske, ki je depozitar. Depozitar pošlje overjene kopije teh različic vsem državam in regionalnim organizacijam za gospodarsko povezovanje iz prvega odstavka XIII. člena tega sporazuma ter sekretariatu sporazuma, potem ko je ustanovljen.
2. Takoj ko sporazum začne veljati, depozitar pošlje overjeno kopijo sporazuma Sekretariatu Združenih narodov za registracijo in objavo skladno s 102. členom Ustanovne listine Združenih narodov.
3. Depozitar obvesti vse države in regionalne organizacije za gospodarsko povezovanje, ki so podpisale sporazum ali k njemu pristopile, ter sekretariat sporazuma o:
(a) vsakem podpisu;
(b) vsakem deponiranju listin o ratifikaciji, sprejetju, odobritvi ali pristopu;
(c) datumu začetka veljavnosti tega sporazuma in vsake dodatne priloge ter vsake spremembe sporazuma ali njegovih prilog;
(d) vsakem pridržku glede dodatne priloge ali spremembe priloge;
(e) vsakem uradnem obvestilu o umiku pridržka in
(f) vsakem uradnem obvestilu o odpovedi sporazuma.
Depozitar pošlje vsem državam in regionalnim organizacijam za gospodarsko povezovanje, ki so podpisale ta sporazum ali k njemu pristopile, ter sekretariatu sporazuma besedilo vsakega pridržka, vsake dodatne priloge in vsake spremembe sporazuma ali njegovih prilog.
Da bi to potrdili, so podpisani pooblaščenci, ki so bili za to pravilno pooblaščeni, podpisali ta sporazum.
Sestavljeno v Haagu, 15. avgusta 1996.
                                  Priloga 1
                       Opredelitev območja sporazuma

Meje območja sporazuma se opredelijo: od severnega tečaja proti jugu po
poldnevniku 130° z. do 75° s.; nato proti vzhodu in jugovzhodu skozi Rokav
vikonta Melvilla, Zaliv princa regenta, Zaliv Boothia, Foxovo kotlino, Foxov
in Hudsonov preliv do točke 60° s., 60° z. v severozahodnem Atlantskem
oceanu; nato proti jugovzhodu čez severozahodni Atlantski ocean do točke 50°
s., 30° z.; nato proti jugu po poldnevniku 30° z. do 10° s.; nato proti
jugovzhodu do ekvatorja na širini 20° z.; nato proti jugu po poldnevniku 20°
z. do 40° j.; nato proti vzhodu po vzporedniku 40° j. do 60° v.; nato proti
severu po poldnevniku 60° v. do 35° s.; nato proti vzhodu-severovzhodu po
ortodromi do točke 49° s., 87° 27' v. v zahodnem Altaju; nato proti
severovzhodu po ortodromi do obale Severnega ledenega morja na 130° v.; nato
proti severu po poldnevniku 130° v. do severnega tečaja. Skica območja
sporazuma je prikazana na zemljevidu.
                     Priloga 2
Vrste vodnih ptic, na katere se nanaša ta sporazum


Gavia stellata                  rdečegrli slapnik
Gavia arctica                   polarni slapnik
Gavia immer                     ledni slapnik
Gavia adamsii                   rumenokljuni slapnik


Podiceps grisegena              rjavovrati ponirek
Podiceps auritus                zlatouhi ponirek


Pelecanus onocrotalus           rožnati pelikan
Pelecanus crispus               kodrasti pelikan


Phalacrocorax pygmaeus          pritlikavi kormoran
Phalacrocorax nigrogularis      bronasti kormoran


Egretta vinaceigula
Ardea purpurea                  rjava čaplja
Casmerodius albus               velika bela čaplja
Ardeola idae
Ardeola rufiventris
Ixobrychus minutus              čapljica
Ixobrychus sturmii              afriška čapljica
Botaurus stellaris              bobnarica


Mycteria ibis                   afriški nesit
Ciconia nigra                   črna štorklja
Ciconia episcopus
Ciconia ciconia                 bela štorklja


Plegadis falcinellus            plevica
Geronticus eremita              klavžar
Threskiornis aethiopicus        sveti ibis
Platalea leucorodia             žličarka
Platalea alba                   afriška žličarka


Phoenicopterus ruber            plamenec
Phoenicopterus minor            mali plamenec


Dendrocygna bicolor             rumeni žvižgač
Dendrocygna viduata             vdovski žvižgač
Thalassornis leuconotus
Oxyura leucocephala             beloglavka
Cygnus olor                     labod grbec
Cygnus cygnus                   labod pevec
Cygnus columbianus              mali labod
Anser brachyrhynchus            kratkokljuna gos
Anser fabalis                   njivska gos
Anser albifrons                 beločela gos
Anser erythropus                mala gos
Anser anser                     siva gos
Branta leucopsis                belolična gos
Branta bernicla                 grivasta gos
Branta ruficollis               rdečevrata gos
Alopochen aegyptiacus           nilska gos
Tadorna ferruginea              rjasta kozarka
Tadorna cana
Tadorna tadorna                 duplinska kozarka
Plectropterus gambensis         ostrožka
Sarkidiornis melanotos
Nettapus auritus
Anas penelope                   žvižgavka
Anas strepera                   konopnica
Anas crecca                     kreheljc
Anas capensis                   kapska raca
Anas platyrhynchos              mlakarica
Anas undulata
Anas acuta                      dolgorepa raca
Anas erythrorhyncha             rdečekljuna raca
Anas hottentota
Anas querquedula                reglja
Anas clypeata                   raca žličarica
Marmaronetta angustirostris
   (Anas angustirostis)         marmorna raca
Netta rufina                    tatarska žvižgavka
Netta erythrophthalma
Aythya ferina                   sivka
Aythya nyroca                   kostanjevka
Aythya fuligula                 čopasta črnica
Aythya marila                   rjavka
Somateria mollissima            gaga
Somateria spectabilis           pisana gaga
Polysticta stelleri             ruska gaga
Clangula hyemalis               zimska raca
Melanitta nigra                 črna raca
Melanitta fusca                 beloliska
Bucephala clangula              zvonec
Mergellus albellus              mali žagar
Mergus serrator                 srednji žagar
Mergus merganser                veliki žagar


Grus leucogeranus               snežni žerjav
Grus virgo                      deviški žerjav
Grus paradisea
Grus carunculatus
Grus grus                       žerjav


Sarothrura boehmi
Porzana parva                   mala tukalica
Porzana pusilla                 pritlikava tukalica
Porzana porzana                 grahasta tukalica
Aenigmatolimnas marginalis      progasta tukalica
Fulica atra (Črno morje/
Sredozemlje)                    liska


Dromas ardeola                  čapljar


Himantopus himantopus           polojnik
Recurvirostra avosetta          sabljarka


Glareola pratincola             rjava komatna tekica
Glareola nordmanni              črna komatna tekica
Pluvialis apricaria             zlata prosenka


Pluvialis squatarola            črna prosenka

Charadrius hiaticula            komatni deževnik
Charadrius dubius               mali deževnik
Charadrius pecuarius            pritlikavi deževnik
Charadrius tricollaris          trikomatni deževnik
Charadrius forbesi
Charadrius pallidus
Charadrius alexandrinus         beločeli deževnik
Charadrius marginatus
Charadrius mongolus             mongolski deževnik
Charadrius leschenaultii        debelokljuni deževnik
Charadrius asiaticus            kaspijski deževnik
Eudromias morinellus            dular
Vanellus vanellus               priba
Vanellus spinosus               ostrogasta priba
Vanellus albiceps
Vanellus senegallus
Vanellus lugubris
Vanellus melanopterus
Vanellus coronatus
Vanellus superciliosus
Vanellus gregarius              stepska priba
Vanellus leucurus               belorepa priba


Gallinago media                 čoketa
Gallinago gallinago             kozica
Lymnocryptes minimus            puklež
Limosa limosa                   črnorepi kljunač
Limosa lapponica                progastorepi kljunač
Numenius phaeopus               mali škurh
Numenius tenuirostris           tenkokljuni škurh
Numenius arquata                veliki škurh
Tringa erythropus               črni martinec
Tringa totanus                  rdečenogi martinec
Tringa stagnatilis              jezerski martinec
Tringa nebularia                zelenonogi martinec
Tringa ochropus                 pikasti martinec
Tringa glareola                 močvirski martinec
Tringa cinerea
Tringa hypoleucos               mali martinec
Arenaria interpres              kamenjar
Calidris tenuirostris           tenkokljuni prodnik
Calidris canutus                veliki prodnik
Calidris alba                   peščenec
Calidris minuta                 mali prodnik
Calidris temminckii             Temminckov prodnik
Calidris maritima               morski prodnik
Calidris alpina                 spremenljivi prodnik
Calidris ferruginea             srpokljuni prodnik
Limicola falcinellus            ploskokljunec
Philomachus pugnax              togotnik
Phalaropus lobatus              ozkokljuni liskonožec
Phalaropus fulicaria            ploskokljuni liskonožec


Larus leucophthalmus            rdečemorski galeb
Larus hemprichii                čadasti galeb
Larus audouinii                 sredozemski galeb
Larus armenicus                 armenski galeb
Larus ichthyaetus               ribji galeb
Larus genei                     zalivski galeb
Larus melanocephalus            črnoglavi galeb
Sterna nilotica                 črnonoga čigra
Sterna caspia                   kaspijska čigra
Sterna maxima                   kraljeva čigra
Sterna bengalensis              bengalska čigra
Sterna bergii                   čopasta čigra
Sterna sandvicensis             kričava čigra
Sterna dougallii                rožnata čigra
Sterna hirundo                  navadna čigra
Sterna paradisaea               polarna čigra
Sterna albifrons                mala čigra
Sterna saundersi                temnonoga mala čigra
Sterna balaenarum
Sterna repressa                 pepelasta čigra
Chlidonias leucopterus          beloperuta čigra
Chlidonias niger                črna čigra
3. člen
Za izvajanje sporazuma skrbi Ministrstvo za okolje, prostor in energijo.
4. člen
Ta zakon začne veljati naslednji dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 801-12/03-20/1
Ljubljana, dne 18. junija 2003
Državnega zbora
Republike Slovenije
Borut Pahor l. r.

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