Uradni list

Številka 74
Uradni list RS, št. 74/2003 z dne 30. 7. 2003
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 74/2003 z dne 30. 7. 2003


48. Uredba o ratifikaciji Dodatnega protokola k Evropski okvirni konvenciji o čezmejnem sodelovanju teritorialnih skupnosti ali oblasti, stran 1085.

Na podlagi petega odstavka 75. člena Zakona o zunanjih zadevah (Uradni list RS, št. 45/01) izdaja Vlada Republike Slovenije
1. člen
Ratificira se Dodatni protokol k Evropski okvirni konvenciji o čezmejnem sodelovanju teritorialnih skupnosti ali oblasti, sprejet 9. novembra 1995 v Strasbourgu.
2. člen
Dodatni protokol se v izvirniku v angleškem in prevodu v slovenskem jeziku glasi:
The Council of Europe member States signatory to this Protocol to the European Outline Convention on Transfrontier Co-operation between Territorial Communities or Authorities (hereinafter referred to as “the Outline Convention”),
Affirming the importance of transfrontier co-operation between territorial communities or authorities in border areas;
Being resolved to take further measures to secure transfrontier co-operation between territorial communities or authorities;
Wishing to facilitate and develop transfrontier co-operation between territorial communities or authorities situated in border areas;
Acknowledging the need to adapt the Outline Convention to the actual situation in Europe;
Considering that it would be appropriate to supplement the Outline Convention with a view to reinforcing transfrontier co-operation between territorial communities or authorities;
Having regard to the European Charter of Local Self-Government;
Bearing in mind the Declaration on transfrontier co-operation in Europe which the Committee of Ministers made on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the Council of Europe and which, among other things, called for continued action in order to gradually remove barriers of any kind – administrative, legal, political or psychological – to curb the development of transfrontier projects,
Have agreed the following additional provisions:
Article 1
1 Each Contracting Party shall recognise and respect the right of territorial communities or authorities under its jurisdiction and referred to in Articles 1 and 2 of the Outline Convention to conclude transfrontier co-operation agreements with territorial communities or authorities of other States in equivalent fields of responsibility, in accordance with the procedures laid down in their statutes, in conformity with national law and in so far as such agreements are in keeping with the Party’s international commitments.
2 A transfrontier co-operation agreement shall entail only the responsibilities of the territorial communities or authorities which have concluded it.
Article 2
Decisions taken jointly under a transfrontier co-operation agreement shall be implemented by territorial communities or authorities within their national legal system, in conformity with their national law. Decisions thus implemented shall be regarded as having the same legal force and effects as measures taken by those communities or authorities under their national legal system.
Article 3
A transfrontier co-operation agreement concluded by territorial communities or authorities may set up a transfrontier co-operation body, which may or may not have legal personality. The agreement shall specify whether the body, regard being had to the responsibilities assigned to it and to the provisions of national law, is to be considered a public or private law entity within the national legal systems to which the territorial communities or authorities concluding the agreement belong.
Article 4
1 Where the transfrontier co-operation body has legal personality, such personality shall be as defined in the law of the Contracting Party in which its headquarters are located. The legal personality of the body is recognised by the other Contracting Parties which have territorial communities or authorities party to the transfrontier agreement in conformity with their own national law.
2 The transfrontier co-operation body shall perform the responsibilities assigned to it by the territorial communities or authorities in accordance with its purpose and in the manner provided for in the national law by which it is governed. Thus:
a action by the transfrontier co-operation body shall be governed by its statute and by the law of the headquarters State;
b the transfrontier co-operation body shall not, however, be empowered to take measures which apply generally or which might affect the rights and freedoms of individuals;
c the transfrontier co-operation body shall be financed from the budgets of the territorial communities or authorities. It shall not be empowered to impose levies of a fiscal nature. It may, where appropriate, receive revenue in respect of services provided by it to territorial communities or authorities, users or third parties;
d the transfrontier co-operation body shall have an annual estimated budget and shall draw up a balance-account which shall be approved by auditors independent of the territorial communities or authorities party to the agreement.
Article 5
1 The Contracting Parties may, if their national law allows it, decide that the transfrontier co-operation body is to be a public law entity and that, for the purposes of each Contracting Party’s legal system, any measures which it takes are to have the same legal force and effects as if they had been taken by the territorial communities or authorities which concluded the agreement.
2 However, the agreement may stipulate that it is for the territorial communities or authorities which concluded the agreement to execute such measures, especially where the measures may affect the rights, freedoms and interests of individuals. Moreover, each Contracting Party may provide that general responsibilities cannot be attributed to the transfrontier co-operation body and that such a body shall not be empowered to take measures which apply generally.
Article 6
1 Measures taken by territorial communities or authorities under a transfrontier co-operation agreement shall be subject to the same supervision as the law of each Contracting Party prescribes in respect of any measure taken by the territorial communities or authorities concluding the agreement.
2 Measures taken by a transfrontier co-operation body set up under an agreement shall be subject to the supervision provided for in the law of the State in which the body’s headquarters are located, keeping in mind, in addition, the interests of territorial communities or authorities of other States. The transfrontier co-operation body shall comply with information requests made by the authorities of the States to which the territorial communities or authorities belong. The supervisory authorities of the Contracting Parties shall endeavour to establish means of appropriate co-ordination and information.
3 Measures taken by a body as referred to in paragraph 1 of Article 5 shall be subject to the same supervision as the law of each Contracting Party prescribes in respect of any measure taken by the territorial communities or authorities concluding the agreement.
Article 7
Any disputes arising from a transfrontier co-operation body’s activities shall be referred to the courts which are competent under internal law or under an international agreement.
Article 8
1 Each Contracting Party shall declare, when signing this Protocol, or when depositing the instrument of ratification, acceptance or approval, whether it will apply the provisions of Articles 4 and 5 or of one of those articles only.
2 Such a declaration can be modified at any subsequent time.
Article 9
No reservations to the provisions of this Protocol shall be allowed.
Article 10
1 This Protocol shall be open for signature by the States which have signed the Outline Convention, which may express their consent to be bound by either:
a signature without reservation as to ratification, acceptance or approval; or
b signature subject to ratification, acceptance or approval, followed by ratification, acceptance or approval.
2 A member State of the Council of Europe may not sign this Protocol without reservation as to ratification, acceptance or approval, or deposit an instrument of ratification, acceptance or approval, unless it has already deposited or simultaneously deposits an instrument of ratification, acceptance or approval of the Outline Convention.
3 The instruments of ratification, acceptance or approval shall be deposited with the Secretary General of the Council of Europe.
Article 11
1 This Protocol shall come into force three months after the date on which four member States of the Council of Europe have expressed their consent to be bound by the Protocol, in accordance with the provisions of Article 10.
2 In respect of any member State which subsequently expresses its consent to be bound by it, the Protocol shall come into force three months after the date of its signature or deposit of instrument of its ratification, acceptance or approval.
Article 12
1 After the entry into force of this Protocol, any State which has acceded to the Outline Convention may also accede to the Protocol.
2 Accession shall be effected by the deposit with the Secretary General of the Council of Europe of an instrument of accession which shall take effect three months after the date of its deposit.
Article 13
1 Any Contracting Party may, at any time, denounce this Protocol by means of notification addressed to the Secretary General of the Council of Europe.
2 Such denunciation shall become effective six months after the date of receipt of the notification by the Secretary General.
Article 14
The Secretary General of the Council of Europe shall notify the member States of the Council of Europe and any State which has acceded to this Protocol of:
a any declarations submitted by the Contracting Parties in conformity with Article 8;
b any signature;
c the deposit of any instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession;
d any date of entry into force of this Protocol, in accordance with Articles 11 and 12;
e any other measure, notification or communication relating to this Protocol.
In witness whereof, the undersigned, being duly authorised thereto, have signed this Protocol.
Done at Strasbourg, this 9th day of November 1995, in English and French, both texts being equally authentic, in a single copy which shall be deposited in the archives of the Council of Europe. The Secretary General of the Council of Europe shall transmit certified copies to each member State of the Council of Europe and to any State invited to accede to this Protocol.
Države članice Sveta Evrope, podpisnice tega protokola k Evropski okvirni konvenciji o čezmejnem sodelovanju teritorialnih skupnosti ali oblasti (v nadaljevanju Okvirna konvencija), so se
ob poudarjanju pomena čezmejnega sodelovanja teritorialnih skupnosti ali oblasti na obmejnih območjih,
odločene, da sprejmejo nadaljnje ukrepe za zagotovitev čezmejnega sodelovanja teritorialnih skupnosti ali oblasti,
v želji, da bi omogočile in razvijale čezmejno sodelovanje teritorialnih skupnosti ali oblasti, ki so na obmejnih območjih,
ob priznavanju potrebe po prilagoditvi Okvirne konvencije dejanskemu stanju v Evropi,
ker menijo, da bi bilo primerno dopolniti Okvirno konvencijo, zato da se okrepi čezmejno sodelovanje teritorialnih skupnosti ali oblasti,
ob upoštevanju Evropske listine o lokalni samoupravi,
ob upoštevanju Deklaracije o čezmejnem sodelovanju v Evropi, ki jo je sprejel Odbor ministrov ob 40. obletnici Sveta Evrope in ki med drugim poziva k stalnemu delovanju, zato da se postopoma odstranijo ovire vseh vrst upravne, pravne, politične ali psihološke ki zavirajo razvoj čezmejnih projektov,
sporazumele o naslednjih dodatnih določbah:
1. člen
1. Vsaka pogodbenica prizna in spoštuje pravico teritorialnih skupnosti ali oblasti, ki so pod njeno jurisdikcijo in so omenjene v 1. in 2. členu Okvirne konvencije, da sklepajo sporazume o čezmejnem sodelovanju s teritorialnimi skupnostmi ali oblastmi drugih držav na področjih skupnih odgovornosti v skladu s postopki, določenimi v njihovih statutih, v skladu z notranjim pravom in ob spoštovanju mednarodnih obveznosti pogodbenice.
2. Sporazum o čezmejnem sodelovanju zavezuje samo teritorialne skupnosti ali oblasti, ki so ga sklenile.
2. člen
Odločitve, ki so bile skupno sprejete po sporazumu o čezmejnem sodelovanju, uresničujejo teritorialne skupnosti ali oblasti v okviru svojega notranjepravnega sistema v skladu z notranjim pravom. Za tako uresničene odločitve se šteje, kot da imajo isto pravno moč in učinke kot ukrepi, ki so jih te skupnosti ali oblasti sprejele po svojem notranjepravnem sistemu.
3. člen
Po sporazumu o čezmejnem sodelovanju, sklenjenem med teritorialnimi skupnostmi ali oblastmi, se lahko ustanovi organ za čezmejno sodelovanje, ki ima lahko pravno osebnost ali pa ne. Sporazum določa, ali se organ ob upoštevanju odgovornosti, ki so mu bile dodeljene, in določb notranjega prava šteje kot subjekt javnega ali zasebnega prava v okviru notranjepravnih sistemov, ki jim pripadajo teritorialne skupnosti ali oblasti, ki sporazum sklepajo.
4. člen
1. Če ima organ za čezmejno sodelovanje pravno osebnost, bo ta osebnost taka, kot je opredeljena v pravu pogodbenice, v kateri je njegov sedež. Pravno osebnost organa priznajo druge pogodbenice, katerih teritorialne skupnosti ali oblasti so pogodbenice čezmejnega sporazuma v skladu z njihovim lastnim notranjim pravom.
2. Organ za čezmejno sodelovanje izvaja naloge, ki so mu jih dodelile teritorialne skupnosti ali oblasti, v skladu s svojim namenom in na način, določen po notranjem pravu, ki ga ureja. Tako:
a) delovanje organa za čezmejno sodelovanje urejata njegov statut in pravo države, v kateri je njegov sedež,
b) organ za čezmejno sodelovanje pa ni pooblaščen za sprejemanje ukrepov, ki bi se uporabljali splošno oziroma ki bi utegnili vplivati na pravice in svoboščine posameznikov,
c) se organ za čezmejno sodelovanje financira iz proračuna teritorialnih skupnosti ali oblasti. Nima pooblastil, da bi uvedel dajatve finančne narave. Kadar je to primerno, lahko prejema prihodek za storitve, ki jih zagotavlja teritorialnim skupnostim ali oblastem, uporabnikom ali tretjim,
d) ima organ za čezmejno sodelovanje letni ocenjeni proračun in sestavi bilanco, ki jo potrdijo finančni revizorji, ki so neodvisni od teritorialnih skupnosti ali oblasti pogodbenic sporazuma.
5. člen
1. Če njihovo notranje pravo to dopušča, se lahko pogodbenice odločijo, da bo organ za čezmejno sodelovanje subjekt javnega prava in da morajo imeti kakršni koli ukrepi, ki jih sprejme, v pravnem sistemu vsake pogodbenice isto pravno moč in učinke, kot če bi jih sprejele teritorialne skupnosti ali oblasti, ki so sklenile sporazum.
2. Vendar pa sporazum lahko določa, da te ukrepe izvajajo teritorialne skupnosti ali oblasti, ki so sklenile sporazum, zlasti če bi ukrepi utegnili vplivati na pravice, svoboščine in interese posameznikov. Poleg tega vsaka pogodbenica lahko določi, da splošnih odgovornosti ni mogoče prenesti na organ za čezmejno sodelovanje in da tak organ ni pooblaščen za sprejetje ukrepov, ki se splošno uporabljajo.
6. člen
1. Za ukrepe, ki jih sprejmejo teritorialne skupnosti ali oblasti na podlagi sporazuma o čezmejnem sodelovanju, velja isti nadzor, kot ga določa pravo vsake pogodbenice za kakršen koli ukrep, ki ga sprejmejo teritorialne skupnosti ali oblasti, ki sklepajo sporazum.
2. Za ukrepe, ki jih sprejme organ za čezmejno sodelovanje, ustanovljen po sporazumu, velja nadzor, določen v pravu države, v kateri leži sedež organa, ob dodatnem upoštevanju interesov teritorialnih skupnosti ali oblasti organov drugih držav. Organ za čezmejno sodelovanje ugodi zaprosilom za informacije, ki jih pošljejo organi držav, ki jim pripadajo teritorialne skupnosti ali oblasti. Nadzorni organi pogodbenic si prizadevajo vzpostaviti načine ustreznega usklajevanja in obveščanja.
3. Za ukrepe, ki jih sprejme organ, kot je omenjeno v prvem odstavku 5. člena, velja isti nadzor, kot ga pravo vsake pogodbenice predpisuje za kakršen koli ukrep, ki ga sprejmejo teritorialne skupnosti ali oblasti, ki sklepajo sporazum.
7. člen
Kakršni koli spori v zvezi z dejavnostjo organa za čezmejno sodelovanje se predložijo sodiščem, ki so pristojna po notranjem pravu ali po mednarodnem sporazumu.
8. člen
1. Vsaka pogodbenica ob podpisu tega protokola ali ob deponiranju listine o ratifikaciji, sprejetju ali odobritvi izjavi, ali bo uporabljala določbe 4. in 5. člena oziroma samo enega od teh členov.
2. Taka izjava se lahko pozneje kadar koli spremeni.
9. člen
Glede določb tega protokola niso dovoljeni nobeni pridržki.
10. člen
1. Ta protokol je na voljo za podpis državam podpisnicam Okvirne konvencije, ki lahko izrazijo soglasje, da jih zavezuje:
a) podpis brez pridržka ratifikacije, sprejetja ali odobritve ali
b) podpis s pridržkom ratifikacije, sprejetja ali odobritve, ki mu sledi ratifikacija, sprejetje ali odobritev.
2. Država članica Sveta Evrope ne more podpisati tega protokola brez pridržka ratifikacije, sprejetja ali odobritve ali deponirati listine o ratifikaciji, sprejetju ali odobritvi, če ni že deponirala ali hkrati ne deponira listine o ratifikaciji, sprejetju ali odobritvi Okvirne konvencije.
3. Listine o ratifikaciji, sprejetju ali odobritvi se deponirajo pri generalnem sekretarju Sveta Evrope.
11. člen
1. Ta protokol začne veljati tri mesece od dneva, ko so štiri države članice Sveta Evrope izrazile soglasje, da jih zavezuje protokol v skladu z določbami 10. člena.
2. Za katero koli državo članico, ki pozneje izrazi soglasje, da jo zavezuje protokol, začne protokol veljati tri mesece od dneva njenega podpisa ali deponiranja listine o ratifikaciji, sprejetju ali odobritvi.
12. člen
1. Po začetku veljavnosti tega protokola lahko k njemu pristopi tudi katera koli država, ki je pristopila k Okvirni konvenciji.
2. Pristop se opravi z deponiranjem listine o pristopu pri generalnem sekretarju Sveta Evrope in začne veljati tri mesece od dneva njenega deponiranja.
13. člen
1. Katera koli pogodbenica lahko kadar koli odpove ta protokol z uradnim obvestilom, naslovljenim na generalnega sekretarja Sveta Evrope.
2. Ta odpoved začne veljati šest mesecev od dneva, ko generalni sekretar prejme uradno obvestilo.
14. člen
Generalni sekretar Sveta Evrope obvesti države članice Sveta Evrope in vsako državo, ki je pristopila k temu protokolu, o:
a) vsaki izjavi, ki so jo pogodbenice predložile v skladu z 8. členom,
b) vsakem podpisu,
c) deponiranju vsake listine o ratifikaciji, sprejetju, odobritvi ali pristopu,
d) vsakem datumu začetka veljavnosti tega protokola v skladu z 11. in 12. členom,
e) vsakem drugem ukrepu, uradnem obvestilu ali sporočilu v zvezi s tem protokolom.
V potrditev tega so podpisani, ki so bili za to pravilno pooblaščeni, podpisali ta protokol.
Sestavljeno v Strasbourgu 9. novembra 1995 v angleščini in francoščini, pri čemer sta besedili enako verodostojni, v enem izvodu, ki se hrani v arhivu Sveta Evrope. Generalni sekretar Sveta Evrope pošlje overjene kopije vsaki državi članici Sveta Evrope in vsaki državi, ki je povabljena, da pristopi k temu protokolu.
3. člen
Za izvajanje dodatnega protokola skrbi Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve.
4. člen
Ta uredba začne veljati naslednji dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 916-06/2003-2
Ljubljana, dne 10. julija 2003
EVA 2003-1811-0114
Vlada Republike Slovenije
mag. Anton Rop l. r.

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