Na podlagi petega odstavka 75. člena Zakona o zunanjih zadevah (Uradni list RS, št. 45/01) izdaja Vlada Republike Slovenije
1. člen
Ratificira se Sporazum med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Združenimi narodi o soorganizaciji Konference Združenih narodov o vseh vidikih nezakonitega trgovanja z osebnim in lahkim orožjem v Jugovzhodni Evropi, sklenjen z izmenjavo pisem z dne 4. marca 2003 v New Yorku.
2. člen
Sporazum se v izvirniku v angleškem jeziku in v prevodu v slovenski jezik glasi:
4 March 2003
I have the honor to refer to your letter of 19 November 2002, in which the Government of the Republic of Slovenia (hereinafter ”the Government”) has agreed to host the United Nations Conference on the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects in South Eastern Europe (hereinafter ”the Conference”),which will be held in Brdo pri Kranju, Republic of Slovenia, from 10 to 12 March 2003.The Conference is convened in pursuance to the Programme of Action to Prevent, Combat and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects (UN Document A/CONF.192/15), adopted on 20 July 2001 by the United Nations Conference on the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects in New York. The Conference will be held at the Hotel Kokra in Brdo pri Kranju.
The United Nations, represented by the Department for Disarmament Affairs through its Regional Disarmament Branch (hereinafter” the United Nations”), which will organize the Conference in cooperation with the Government of Slovenia, represented by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (hereinafter ”the Government”), and the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, represented by the Conflict Prevention Centre (hereinafter” OSCE”), would like to take this opportunity to tender its gratitude to the Government for its offer to host the Conference.
It is understood that approximately 70 participants will participate in the Conference, including officials of the United Nations, government representatives from South Eastern Europe, other interested States, representatives of international governmental organizations, UN Specialized and related Agencies, and representatives of the civil society. The tentative agenda of the Conference is attached herewith.
As the Conference is jointly organized by the United Nations and the OSCE, a number of financial and practical arrangements are set out in a separate exchange of letters between the United Nations and OSCE.
I wish to propose that the following terms shall apply to the Conference:
1. The Government shall be responsible for costs and services related to the following:
(a) Conference facility for the Conference, meeting room and office space as required;
(b) Registration related supplies;
(c) Audio equipment installed in the conference facility;
(d) Local Administrative support personnel, including secretarial assistance;
(e) Local transportation between the airport and the hotel, as well as between the hotel and the conference facility;
(f) Office supplies, stationery and office equipment, including computers (with internet facilities), printer, photocopier, fax and projectors (alternative Power Point facilities);
(g) One lunch and one reception, as well as coffee breaks;
(h) Communications;
(i) Sundries up to $ US 500 for miscellaneous and unforeseen expenses, including banners of the Conference.
2.(a) (i) The Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on 13 February1946 (hereinafter ”the Convention”), to which the Government is a party, shall be applicable in respect of the Conference. In particular, the representatives of States participating in the Conference shall enjoy the privileges and immunities provided by the United Nations under article IV of. the Convention. The participants invited by the United Nations designated by the Secretary-General as experts on mission for the United Nations shall enjoy the privileges and immunities accorded to experts on mission for the United Nations by article VI and VII of the Convention. Officials of the United Nations participating in or performing functions in connection with the Conference shall enjoy the privileges and immunities provided under articles V and VII of the Convention. Officials of the Specialized Agencies shall enjoy the privileges and immunities provided under articles VI and VIII of the Convention on the privileges and immunities of the specialized agencies, adopted by the General Assembly on 21 November 1947.
(ii) Without prejudice to the provisions of the Convention, all participants and persons performing functions in connection with the Conference shall enjoy such privileges and immunities, facilities and courtesies as are necessary for the independent exercise of their functions in connection with the Conference.
(iii) Personnel provided by the Government pursuant to this Agreement shall enjoy immunity from legal process in respect of words spoken or written and any act performed by them in their official capacity in connection with the Conference.
(b) All participants and all United Nations officials performing functions in connection with the Conference shall have the right of unimpeded entry into and exit from the Republic of Slovenia. Visas and entry permits, where required, shall be granted free of charge and as speedily as possible. When applications are made four weeks before the opening of the Conference, visas shall be granted not later than two weeks before the opening of the Conference. If application is made less than four weeks before the opening, visas shall be granted as speedily as possible and not later than three days before the opening. Arrangements shall also be made to ensure that visas for the duration of the Conference are delivered at the airport of arrival to those who are unable to obtain them prior to their arrival. Exit permits, where required, shall be granted free of charge, as speedily as possible, and in any case not later than three days before the closing of the Conference.
3. It is further understood that the Government shall be responsible for dealing with any action, claim or other demand against the United Nations or its officials arising out of:
a) Injury to person or damage to or loss of property in the conference or office premises provided for the Conference;
b) Injury to persons, or damage to or loss of property caused by or incurred in using the transportation provided or arranged by the Government; and
c) The employment for the Conference of personnel provided or arranged by the Government.
The Government shall indemnify and hold the United Nations and its officials harmless in respect of any such action, claim or other demand.
4. The Government shall furnish such police protection as may be required to ensure the safety of the participants and UN personnel and the effective functioning of the Conference in an atmosphere of security and tranquility free from interference of any kind. While such police services shall be under the direct supervision and control of a senior officer provided by the Government, this officer shall work in close cooperation with a designated senior official of the United Nations.
5. Any dispute concerning the interpretation or implementation of this agreement, except for a dispute subject to the appropriate provisions of the Convention that is regulated by Section 30 of the Convention or of any other applicable agreement, shall, unless the United Nations and the Government of Slovenia otherwise agree, be resolved by negotiations or any other agreed mode of settlement. Any such dispute that is not settled by negotiation or any other agreed mode of settlement shall be submitted at the request of either the United Nations or the Government of Slovenia for a final decision to a tribunal of three arbitrators. If either party does not appoint an arbitrator within three months of the other party having notified the name of its arbitrator, or if the first two arbitrators do not, within three months of the appointment or nomination of the second one of them appoint the Chairman, then such an arbitrator shall be nominated by the President of the International Court of Justice at the request of either party to the dispute. Except as otherwise agreed, the tribunal shall adopt its own rules of procedure, provide for the reimbursement of its members and the distribution of expenses between the parties, and take all decisions by a two-third majority. Its decisions on all questions of procedure and substance shall be final and, even if rendered in default of one of the parties, be binding on both of them.
6. I further propose that upon receipt of your Government’s confirmation in writing of the above, this exchange of letters shall constitute an Agreement between the United Nations and the Government of the Republic of Slovenia regarding the hosting of the United Nations Conference on the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All its Aspects in South Eastern Europe, which shall enter into force on the date of receipt, by the United Nation, of the notification of the Republic of Slovenia that its internal legal procedures for the entry into force of the Agreement have been completed. The Agreement shall be applied provisionally from the date of your reply and shall be in effect for the duration of the Conference, as well as for such additional period as is necessary for the completion of their work and for the resolution of any matters arising out of the Agreement.
Please accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.
Hannelore Hoppe
Department for Disarmament Affairs
His Excellency
Mr. Roman Kirn
Permanent Representative of the Republic of Slovenia
to the United Nations
New York
New York, 4 March 2003
I have the honor to confirm the receipt of your letter of 4 March 2003, regarding the hosting of the United Nations Conference on the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All its Aspects in South Eastern Europe, which will take place in Brdo pri Kranju, Slovenia, from 10 to 12 March 2003. In this regard I would like to confirm that the Government of the Republic of Slovenia agrees fully with the content of above mentioned letter.
The Republic of Slovenia further agrees that your letter and this letter-reply constitutes an agreement between the United Nations and the Government of Slovenia on hosting the United Nations Conference on the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects in South Eastern Europe.
Please accept, Excellency, the assurance of my highest consideration.
Roman Kirn
Permanent Representative
of the Republic of Slovenia
to the United Nations
Jayantha Dhanapala
for Disarmament Affairs
United Nations
4. marca 2003
čast imam sklicevati se na vaše pismo z dne 19. novembra 2002, v katerem se Vlada Republike Slovenije (v nadaljevanju “vlada“) strinja, da bo gostiteljica Konference Združenih narodov o vseh vidikih nezakonitega trgovanja z osebnim in lahkim orožjem v Jugovzhodni Evropi (v nadaljevanju “konferenca“), ki bo potekala na Brdu pri Kranju, Republika Slovenija, od 10. do 12. marca 2003. Konferenca je sklicana v skladu z Akcijskim programom za preprečevanje vseh vidikov nezakonitega trgovanja z osebnim in lahkim orožjem, boj proti njim in njihovo izkoreninjenje (Dokument ZN A/CONF.192/15), ki ga je Konference Združenih narodov o vseh vidikih nezakonitega trgovanja z osebnim in lahkim orožjem v Jugovzhodni Evropi sprejela v New Yorku 20. julija 2001. Konferenca bo potekala v hotelu Kokra na Brdu pri Kranju.
Združeni narodi, ki jih predstavlja Oddelek za razorožitev prek svoje regionalne podružnice za razorožitev (v nadaljevanju “Združeni narodi“), ki bo organizirala konferenco v sodelovanju z vlado Slovenije, ki jo predstavlja Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve (v nadaljevanju“vlada“), in Organizacija za varnost in sodelovanje v Evropi, ki jo predstavlja Center za preprečevanje sporov (v nadaljevanju“OVSE“), bi ob tej priložnosti vladi radi izrazili svojo hvaležnost za ponudbo, da bo gostila konferenco.
Pričakuje se, da bo na konferenci sodelovalo približno 70 udeležencev, vključno z uradniki Združenih narodov, vladnimi predstavniki iz Jugovzhodne Evrope, drugimi zainteresiranimi državami, predstavniki mednarodnih vladnih organizacij, specializiranih in drugih podobnih agencij ZN ter predstavniki civilne družbe. Predlog dnevnega reda konference je priložen.
Ker konferenco skupaj organizirajo Združeni narodi in OVSE, se z ločeno izmenjavo pisem med ZN in OVSE uredi več finančnih in praktičnih vprašanj.
Rad bi predlagal, da za konferenco veljajo ti pogoji:
1. Vlada prevzame stroške in storitve v zvezi s:
a) konferenčno dvorano, dvorano za srečanje in potrebnimi pisarniškimi prostori;
b) potrebnim za registracijo;
c) zvočno opremo konferenčne dvorane;
d) lokalnim administrativnim pomožnim osebjem, vključno s tajniškim;
e) lokalnim prevozom med letališčem in hotelom ter med hotelom in konferenčno dvorano;
f) pisarniškimi potrebščinami, pisarniškim materialom in opremo, vključno z računalniki (s priključkom na medmrežje), tiskalnikom, fotokopirnim strojem, telefaksom in projektorji (alternativna oprema za Power point);
g) kosilom in sprejemom ter odmori s kavo;
h) zvezami;
i) drugimi manjšimi izdatki do zneska USD 500 za nepredvidene in druge stroške, vključno z zastavami konference.
2. a) (i) V zvezi s konferenco se uporablja Konvencija Združenih narodov o privilegijih in imunitetah, ki jo je sprejela Generalna skupščina Združenih narodov 13. februarja 1946 (v nadaljevanju“ konvencija“), katere pogodbenica je tudi vlada. Predstavniki držav udeleženk konference uživajo privilegije in imunitete, določene v IV. členu konvencije. Udeleženci, ki jih povabijo Združeni narodi in so po odločitvi generalnega sekretarja kot strokovnjaki na misiji za Združene narode, uživajo privilegije in imunitete, ki se priznavajo strokovnjakom na misiji za ZN v skladu s VII. členom konvencije. Uradniki Združenih narodov, ki sodelujejo na konferenci ali opravljajo naloge v zvezi s konferenco, uživajo privilegije in imunitete, kot jih določata V. in VII. člen konvencije. Uradniki specializiranih agencij uživajo privilegije in imunitete, določene v VI. in VIII. členu Konvencije o privilegijih specializiranih agencij, ki jo je Generalna skupščina sprejela 21. novembra 1947.
(ii) Ne glede na določbe konvencije vsi udeleženci konference in osebe, ki opravljajo naloge v zvezi s konferenco, uživajo take privilegije in imunitete, olajšave in ugodnosti, kot so potrebne za neodvisno opravljanje njihovih nalog v zvezi s konferenco.
(iii) Osebje, ki ga v skladu s tem sporazumom zagotovi vlada, uživa imuniteto v sodnem postopku glede izgovorjenih ali zapisanih besed in kakršnih koli dejanj, ki jih je storilo pri opravljanju svoje uradne dolžnosti v zvezi s konferenco.
b) Vsi udeleženci in vsi uradniki Združenih narodov, ki opravljajo naloge v zvezi s konferenco, imajo pravico do neoviranega vstopa v Republiko Slovenijo in izstopa iz nje. Vizumi in dovoljenja za vstop, če so potrebni, se izdajo brezplačno in kakor hitro je mogoče. Če je prošnja za vizum vložena štiri tedne pred začetkom konference, se vizum izda najmanj dva tedna pred njenim začetkom. Če je prošnja za vizum vložena manj kot štiri tedne pred začetkom konference, se vizum izda, kakor hitro je mogoče in najmanj tri dni pred njenim začetkom. Uredi se tudi, da se za obdobje trajanja konference zagotovi izdajanje vizumov na letališču prihoda za tiste, ki vizuma niso mogli dobiti pred svojim prihodom. Dovoljenja za izstop iz države, če je potrebno, se izdajo brezplačno in kakor hitro je mogoče, vsekakor pa najmanj tri dni pred koncem konference.
3. Nadalje se pričakuje, da je vlada odgovorna za obravnavanje vseh tožb proti Združenim narodom ali njihovim uradnikom, zahtevkov ali drugih zahtev do njih, ki izhajajo iz:
a) poškodb oseb ali poškodovanja ali izgube imetja v konferenčnih prostorih ali pisarniških prostorih, danih na voljo za konferenco;
b) poškodb oseb ali poškodovanja ali izgube imetja zaradi prevoza, ki ga je zagotovila ali organizirala vlada ali med njegovo uporabo;
c) zaposlitve osebja, ki ga za konferenco zagotovi ali organizira vlada.
Vlada Združene narode in njihove uradnike zavaruje pred vsako tako tožbo, zahtevkom ali drugo zahtevo in jim povrne škodo.
4. Vlada zagotovi tako policijsko varstvo, kot je potrebno za varnost udeležencev in osebja Združenih narodov ter učinkovito delo konference v varnem in mirnem vzdušju brez kakršnegakoli vmešavanja. Policijske dejavnosti neposredno vodi in nadzoruje višji uradnik, ki ga določi vlada in tesno sodeluje z zato določenim višjim uradnikom Združenih narodov.
5. Vsak spor v zvezi z razlago ali izvajanjem tega sporazuma, razen spora za katerega veljajo ustrezne določbe 30. odstavka Konvencije ali katerega koli drugega ustreznega sporazuma, se, razen če se Združeni narodi in vlada Slovenije ne dogovorijo drugače, rešuje s pogajanji ali na drug dogovorjen način reševanja. Vsak tak spor, ki se ne reši s pogajanji ali na kak drug dogovorjen način reševanja, se na prošnjo Združenih narodov ali vlade Slovenije predloži v dokončno odločitev razsodišču treh članov, od katerih enega imenuje generalni sekretar Združenih narodov, drugega vlada, tretjega, ki bo predsednik, pa imenovana razsodnika. Če katera od strank ne imenuje razsodnika v treh mesecih od takrat, ko ji je druga stranka uradno sporočila ime svojega razsodnika, ali če prva dva razsodnika v treh mesecih po imenovanju drugega od njiju ne imenujeta predsednika, potem takega razsodnika imenuje predsednik Meddržavnega sodišča na zahtevo katere koli stranke v sporu. Če ni dogovorjeno drugače, razsodišče sprejme svoj poslovnik, poskrbi za nadomestilo svojim članom in porazdelitev stroškov med stranki ter sprejema vse odločitve z dvotretjinsko večino. Njegove odločitve o vseh postopkovnih in vsebinskih vprašanjih so dokončne in zavezujoče za obe, tudi če so sprejete v odsotnosti ene od strank.
6. Nadalje predlagam, da ob prejemu pisnega potrdila vlade, da se z navedenim strinja, ta izmenjava pisem sestavlja Sporazum med Združenimi narodi in Vlado Republike Slovenije o soorganizaciji Konference Združenih narodov o vseh vidikih nezakonitega trgovanja z osebnim in lahkim orožjem v Jugovzhodni Evropi, ki začne veljati na dan, ko Združeni narodi prejmejo uradno obvestilo Republike Slovenije,da so bili končani vsi njeni notranje pravni postopki, potrebni za začetek veljavnosti sporazuma. Sporazum se začasno uporablja od dneva prejema vašega odgovora in velja med konferenco in za tako dodatno obdobje, kot je potrebno, da se konča njeno delo ter rešijo vse zadeve, ki izhajajo iz sporazuma.
Sprejmite, prosim, ekscelenca, izraze mojega najglobljega spoštovanja.
Hannelore Hoppe
višja referentka
Oddelek za razorožitev
Nj. eksc.
g. Roman Kirn
stalni predstavnik
Republike Slovenije pri
Združenih narodih
New York
New York, 4. marca 2003
čast imam potrditi prejem vašega pisma z dne 4. marca 2003 o soorganizaciji Konference Združenih narodov o vseh vidikih nezakonitega trgovanja z osebnim in lahkim orožjem v Jugovzhodni Evropi, ki bo potekala na Brdu pri Kranju, Slovenija, od 10. do 12. marca 2003. Glede tega potrjujem, da se Vlada Republike Slovenije popolnoma strinja z vsebino omenjenega pisma.
Republika Slovenija se nadalje strinja s predlogom, da vaše pismo in ta odgovor sestavljata sporazum med Združenimi narodi in Vlado Republike Slovenije o soorganizaciji Konference Združenih narodov o vseh vidikih nezakonitega trgovanja z osebnim in lahkim orožjem v Jugovzhodni Evropi.
Sprejmite, prosim, ekscelenca, izraze mojega najglobljega spoštovanja.
Roman Kirn
stalni predstavnik
Republike Slovenije
pri Združenih narodih
Jayantha Dhanapala
generalni podsekretar za razorožitev
Združeni narodi
3. člen
Za izvajanje sporazuma skrbi Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve.
4. člen
Ta uredba začne veljati naslednji dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 222-13/2003-2
Ljubljana, dne 9. oktobra 2003
EVA 2003-1811-0033
Vlada Republike Slovenije
mag. Anton Rop l. r.