Na podlagi druge alinee prvega odstavka 107. člena in prvega odstavka 91. člena Ustave Republike Slovenije izdajam
Razglašam Zakon o ratifikaciji Sporazuma med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Republike Poljske o pomorskem prometu (BPLPP), ki ga je sprejel Državni zbor Republike Slovenije na seji 19. decembra 2003.
Št. 001-22-140/03
Ljubljana, dne 29. decembra 2003
Republike Slovenije
dr. Janez Drnovšek l. r.
1. člen
Ratificira se Sporazum med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Republike Poljske o pomorskem prometu, podpisan v Ljubljani 30. januarja 2003.
2. člen
Sporazum se v izvirniku v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku glasi:*
Vlada Republike Slovenije in Vlada Republike Poljske, v nadaljevanju "pogodbenici", sta se
– v želji, da bi razvijali prijateljske odnose med državama,
– ob upoštevanju širitve sodelovanja v pomorskem prometu na podlagi načel enakosti pravic, vzajemnih koristi, svobodne plovbe in nediskriminacije,
– v skladu z mednarodnimi sporazumi, ki zavezujejo pogodbenici v pomorskem prometu,
sporazumeli, kot sledi:
1. člen
Pomen izrazov
V tem sporazumu uporabljeni izrazi pomenijo:
1. "pristojni organi pogodbenic":
a) za Republiko Slovenijo: Ministrstvo za promet,
b) za Republiko Poljsko: ministra za infrastrukturo in druge pristojne organe;
2. "ladja pogodbenice" – trgovsko čezoceansko ladjo, ki je vpisana v ladijski vpisnik v skladu z zakoni in predpisi, ki veljajo na območju države pogodbenice, in plove pod njeno zastavo. Ta izraz se ne nanaša na vojne ladje, obalno stražo in policijske ladje, ribiške ladje in ladje, ki opravljajo javne naloge, in ne vključuje šolskih ladij;
3. "ladjarsko podjetje pogodbenice" – pravno ali fizično osebo, ki v svojem imenu upravlja lastne ali zakupljene ladje v mednarodni plovbi, in je registrirano na območju države pogodbenice;
4. "član posadke" – poveljnika ali katero koli drugo osebo, ki je zaposlena na ladji in je na seznamu posadke;
5. "pristanišče pogodbenice" – pomorsko pristanišče, vključno s sidrišči, na območju države pogodbenice, ki ga je ta pogodbenica razglasila za pristanišče, odprto za mednarodni promet.
2. člen
Razvoj pomorskega prometa
1. Pogodbenici se sporazumeta, da:
a) bosta prispevali k razvoju pomorskega prometa med državama,
b) si bosta prizadevali za večjo udeležbo ladjarskih podjetij pogodbenic pri prevozu blaga, izmenjanega v okviru njune zunanje trgovine ter med državo pogodbenice in tretjimi državami.
2. Ladje pogodbenic imajo pravico pristajati v pristaniščih druge pogodbenice, prevažati potnike in ladijski tovor med državama pogodbenic ter med vsako od njiju in tretjimi državami.
3. Ladjarska podjetja tretjih držav in ladje, ki plovejo pod zastavo tretje države, neomejeno sodelujejo pri prevozu blaga v okviru zunanje trgovine držav pogodbenic.
4. Ladje, ki plovejo pod tujo zastavo in so jih zakupila ladjarska podjetja pogodbenic, uživajo enake pravice in imajo enake dolžnosti, kot če bi plule pod zastavo ene od pogodbenic.
3. člen
Mednarodne obveznosti
1. Določbe tega sporazuma ne vplivajo na pravice in obveznosti pogodbenic, ki izhajajo iz mednarodnih sporazumov, ki ju zavezujejo, ali njunega članstva v mednarodnih organizacijah.
2. Pogodbenici si prizadevata, da postaneta pogodbenici ustreznih mednarodnih sporazumov o varnosti na morju, o socialnih razmerah pomorščakov in o varstvu morskega okolja.
4. člen
Podružnice in predstavništva
Ladjarska podjetja ene pogodbenice na območju države druge pogodbenice ustanovijo predstavništva ali podružnice v skladu z zakonskimi določbami, ki veljajo na območju države, na katerem se ustanovi predstavništvo ali podružnica.
5. člen
Obravnavanje ladij
Pogodbenica zagotavlja v svojih pristaniščih, teritorialnem morju in drugih vodah, ki so pod njeno jurisdikcijo, ladjam druge pogodbenice enako obravnavo kot svojim lastnim ladjam. To velja tudi za dostop do pristanišč, obravnavo med postankom v pristaniščih, odhod iz njih, uporabo pristaniških naprav za nakladanje in razkladanje tovora in storitve za potnike ter dostop do vseh storitev in druge pristaniške infrastrukture.
6. člen
Stiki z ladjo in posadko
Pogodbenica v skladu z veljavnimi zakoni in predpisi na območju svoje države dovoljuje pooblaščenim predstavnikom vlade, diplomatskih predstavništev in konzularnih uradov države druge pogodbenice kot tudi predstavnikom ladjarskih podjetij druge pogodbenice dostop do pristanišč in ladij, ki so jih zakupila ladjarska podjetja pogodbenice, ali ladij, ki plovejo pod njeno zastavo, da lahko izpolnijo dolžnosti v zvezi s temi ladjami in njihovimi posadkami.
7. člen
Prosti prenos
Pogodbenica ladjarskim podjetjem druge pogodbenice prizna pravico do uporabe dohodka od ladjarske dejavnosti, prejetega na območju države pogodbenice, za plačilo vseh dajatev in pristojbin, ki izhajajo iz te dejavnosti, ali zagotovi prosti prenos tega dohodka v zamenljivi valuti.
8. člen
Področja, izključena iz sporazuma
Ta sporazum ne vključuje:
a) privilegijev za izvajanje obalne plovbe pod lastno zastavo, poglabljanja, vleke in pilotskih storitev, pridržanih za ladjarska podjetja ali druga podjetja in državljane države te pogodbenice. To pa se ne bo nanašalo na obalno plovbo, če ladja ene pogodbenice plove med pristanišči druge pogodbenice, da bi raztovorila tovor ali izkrcala potnike, pripeljane iz tretje države, ali da bi naložila tovor ali vkrcala potnike za prevoz v tretjo državo;
b) raziskovanja morja.
9. člen
Upoštevanje zakonov in predpisov
1. Za ladje ene pogodbenice kot tudi njihove posadke, potnike in tovor na območju države druge pogodbenice veljajo ustrezni zakoni in predpisi države gostiteljice, zlasti predpisi o varnosti pomorskega prometa, vstopu, bivanju in odhodu posadk in potnikov ter uvozu, izvozu in skladiščenju tovora kot tudi predpisi o odhodu na kopno, priseljevanju, carini, davkih in karanteni.
2. Na območju države ene pogodbenice veljajo za ladje druge pogodbenice predpisi o opremi, napravah, ladijskih varnostnih napravah, izmeritvah in sposobnosti ladje za plovbo, ki se uporabljajo na podlagi ustreznih mednarodnih sporazumov države pripadnosti.
10. člen
Olajševanje pomorskega prometa
Pogodbenici v okviru pravnih predpisov, ki so zavezujoči na območjih njunih držav, storita vse, da olajšata in podpirata pomorski in multimodalni prevoz, da preprečita neželeno zadrževanje ter pospešita in olajšata carinjenje in druge pristaniške postopke ter uporabo naprav za sprejemanje ladijskih odpadkov.
11. člen
Medsebojno priznavanje ladijskih listin
1. Ladijske listine, vključno z listinami, ki se nanašajo na posadko in jih izdajo ali priznajo pristojni organi ene pogodbenice v skladu z mednarodnimi sporazumi, priznajo tudi pristojni organi druge pogodbenice.
2. Ladje z veljavnimi izmeritvenimi spričevali, ki jih izdajo ali priznajo pristojni organi ene pogodbenice na podlagi mednarodnih predpisov, so oproščene ponovne izmeritve tonaže v pristaniščih druge pogodbenice.
12. člen
Osebni dokumenti pomorščakov
1. Pogodbenica prizna osebne dokumente članov posadke, ki so državljani držav pogodbenic, ki dajejo pravico do prehoda državne meje in jih izdajo pristojni organi druge pogodbenice ter zagotavljajo imetnikom teh dokumentov pravice, omenjene v 13. členu tega sporazuma. Ti dokumenti so:
– za državljane Republike Slovenije: potni list ali pomorska knjižica,
– za državljane Republike Poljske: potni list ali pomorska knjižica.
2. Pogodbenici si po diplomatski poti izmenjata vzorce dokumentov, omenjenih v prvem odstavku, najpozneje trideset (30) dni od datuma uveljavitve tega sporazuma. Spremembe v teh dokumentih ali uveljavitev novih vzorcev se sporočijo najpozneje trideset (30) dni pred spremembo ali uveljavitvijo.
3. Člani posadke ladje ene pogodbenice, ki so državljani tretjih držav, morajo imeti veljavne osebne dokumente, ki jim dajejo pravico do prehoda državne meje in jih izdajo pristojni organi pogodbenic ali tretjih držav.
13. člen
Vstop, tranzit, bivanje in odhod članov posadke
1. Pogodbenica dovoli članom posadke ladje druge pogodbenice, ki imajo enega od dokumentov iz prvega in tretjega odstavka 12. člena tega sporazuma in vizum, če je potreben, da gredo na kopno in ostanejo na območju pristaniškega mesta med postankom ladje v pristanišču države pogodbenice v skladu z zakonodajo te države.
2. Vsak član posadke, ki ima enega od dokumentov iz 12. člena tega sporazuma in vizum, če je potreben, je upravičen do tranzita čez območje države druge pogodbenice v primeru:
a) vrnitve na območje svoje države,
b) odhoda na svojo ali drugo ladjo,
c) drugega namena, ki ga pristojni organi druge pogodbenice štejejo za utemeljenega.
3. Pristojni organi pogodbenic izdajo dovoljenje za bivanje vsakemu članu posadke, ki je sprejet v bolnišnico na območju njihove države, za tako dolgo, kot je potrebno za bolnišnično zdravljenje.
4. Pogodbenici si pridržujeta pravico, da nezaželenim osebam odklonita vstop na območje njunih držav tudi, kadar imajo te osebe enega od dokumentov iz 12. člena tega sporazuma in vizum, če je potreben.
5. Določbe od prvega do četrtega odstavka tega člena ne vplivajo na zakone in predpise držav pogodbenic o vstopu, tranzitu, bivanju in odhodu tujcev.
14. člen
Plovbne nezgode
1. Če ladja pogodbenice doživi nezgodo ali ji grozi kakšna druga nevarnost v notranjih morskih vodah ali v teritorialnem morju države druge pogodbenice, pristojni organi druge pogodbenice kadar koli zagotovijo pomoč v enakem obsegu, kot če bi šlo za ladjo, ki plove pod zastavo te pogodbenice, in njeno posadko, potnike in tovor. Pri obravnavanju plovbnih nezgod se pogodbenici ravnata po načelih, določenih v določbah Mednarodne pomorske organizacije, ki sta jih sprejeli pogodbenici.
2. Pristojni organi pogodbenice, na območju katere je ladja druge pogodbenice doživela nezgodo ali ji je grozila kakšna druga nevarnost iz prvega odstavka tega člena, o tem čim prej uradno obvestijo najbližji konzularni urad države druge pogodbenice.
3. Če ladja pogodbenice doživi nezgodo ali ji grozi kakršna koli druga nevarnost v notranjih morskih vodah ali v teritorialnem morju države druge pogodbenice, druga pogodbenica oprosti tovor, opremo in drugo premoženje uvoznih carin, vključno z davkom na dodano vrednost in drugimi davki na porabo, če niso namenjeni prodaji na območju njene države.
4. Pristojni organi ene pogodbenice o nezgodi ali o nevarnosti takoj uradno obvestijo pristojne organe druge pogodbenice, da se dogovorijo o pogojih začasnega skladiščenja blaga brez uvoznih carin.
5. Določbe tega člena ne vplivajo na pravice do katerega koli zahtevka v zvezi s povračilom za reševanje ladje in tovora v zvezi s pomočjo, ki jo dobijo ladja, potniki, posadka in tovor.
15. člen
Sodelovanje pri storitvah, povezanih s pomorskim prometom
Pogodbenici spodbujata ladjarska podjetja in druge organizacije, povezane s pomorskim prometom, v svojih državah, da razvijajo vse možne oblike sodelovanja in še zlasti na področju klasifikacije ladij, pomorskega izobraževanja, pomorske uprave, obalne plovbe, varstva morskega okolja in reševanja ladij.
16. člen
1. Za učinkovito uresničevanje tega sporazuma se lahko skliče sestanek predstavnikov pristojnih organov pogodbenic in strokovnjakov, ki jih imenujeta pogodbenici.
2. Na prošnjo ene od pogodbenic je tak sestanek v treh (3) mesecih od datuma prejema prošnje.
17. člen
Reševanje sporov
1. Vse spore v zvezi z uporabo ali razlago tega sporazuma obravnavajo in rešujejo pristojni organi pogodbenic.
2. Če dogovor ni dosežen na način, kot je omenjen v prvem odstavku tega člena, se spori rešujejo po diplomatski poti.
18. člen
Začetek veljavnosti sporazuma
Ta sporazum začne veljati trideset (30) dni po datumu, ko druga pogodbenica po diplomatski poti prejme zadnje pisno obvestilo o izpolnitvi vseh potrebnih pravnih zahtev pogodbenic za začetek veljavnosti tega sporazuma.
19. člen
Trajanje sporazuma
Ta sporazum je sklenjen za nedoločen čas. Pogodbenica ga lahko odpove z uradnim obvestilom; v tem primeru preneha veljati šest (6) mesecev od datuma prejema odpovedi.
Sestavljeno v Ljubljani dne 30. januarja 2003 v dveh izvirnikih v slovenskem, poljskem in angleškem jeziku, pri čemer so vsa besedila enako verodostojna. Pri razlikah v razlagi prevlada angleško besedilo.
Za Vlado
Republike Slovenije
Jakob Presečnik l. r.
Za Vlado
Republike Poljske
Marek Pol l. r.
The Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Government of the Republic of Poland hereinafter referred to as the "Contracting Parties":
– Desiring to develop the friendly relations between the two States;
– Bearing in mind the extension of the co-operation in maritime transport on the basis of principles of equality of rights, mutual benefits, freedom of navigation and non-discrimination;
– In compliance with the international agreements, binding both Contracting Parties in the field of maritime transport;
have agreed as follows:
Article 1
For the purpose of the present Agreement the applied terms shall mean:
1. The "competent authorities of the Contracting Parties":
a) for the Republic of Slovenia: the Ministry of Transport;
b) for the Republic of Poland: the Minister of Infrastructure and other relevant organs.
2. The "vessel of the Contracting Party" – any merchant sea-going vessel registered in the ship register in accordance with the laws and regulations in force in the territory of the State of the Contracting Party and flying its flag. This term shall not apply to warships, coast guard and police vessels, fishing vessels and vessels performing public functions, excluding training vessels.
3. The "shipping company of the Contracting Party " – a legal or natural person, which in its own name operates owned or chartered vessel in international shipping and is registered in the territory of the State of the Contracting Party.
4. The "crew member" – the master and any other person employed on board of a vessel and included in the crew list.
5. The "port of the Contracting Party " – any sea-port, including roadsteads, in the territory of the State of the Contracting Party, which is declared open to international shipping by that Contracting Party.
Article 2
Development of maritime transport
1. The Contracting Parties agree:
a) to contribute to the development of maritime transport between their States;
b) to make efforts aiming to the development of share of shipping companies of the both Contracting Parties in the carriage of goods exchanged within the framework of their foreign trade and between the State of a Contracting Party and third states as well.
2. Vessels of the Contracting Parties have the right to call at the seaports of the other Contracting Party, carry passengers and cargo between the States of the Contracting Parties and between each of them and third states.
3. Shipping companies of third states and vessels flying the flag of a third state, shall enjoy unrestricted participation in transportation of goods within foreign trade of the States of the Contracting Parties.
4. Vessels flying foreign flags, chartered by shipping companies of the Contracting Parties, shall enjoy the same rights and have the same duties as if they were flying one of the Contracting Party’s flag.
Article 3
International obligations
1. The provisions of this Agreement shall not affect rights and obligations of the Contracting Parties arising from the international agreements binding them, or from their membership in international organisations.
2. The Contracting Parties shall make efforts to become a party to respective international agreements on maritime safety, on social conditions of seafarers and on the protection of marine environment.
Article 4
Branch and representative offices
Shipping enterprises of one Contracting Party shall establish on territory of State of the other Contracting Party representative offices or branch offices, in accordance to the provisions of law being in force on the territory of State, where representative office or branch office are established.
Article 5
Treatment of vessels
Each of the Contracting Parties shall give the vessels of the other Contracting Party the same treatment as is given to its own vessels in its own ports, on the territorial sea and other sea areas under its sovereign jurisdiction. It also concern the access to the ports, treatment during staying in the ports, departure from the ports, using cargo loading and unloading facilities and services for passengers and access to the every services and other port facilities.
Article 6
Contact with vessel and crew
Each of the Contracting Parties, in accordance with the laws and regulations in force in the territory of its State, shall allow the authorised representatives of the government, diplomatic missions and consulate offices of the State of the other Contracting Party, as well as the representatives of the shipping companies of the other Contracting Parties, access to the ports of another Contracting Party and to the chartered vessels by the shipping companies of the Contracting Party or flying its flag in order to fulfil the duties connected with these vessels and their crews.
Article 7
Free transfer
One Contracting Party shall grant to shipping companies of the other Contracting Party the right to use the incomes from maritime shipping services received in the territory of the State of the Contracting Party to pay any charges and dues arising from these services or shall ensure the free transfer of such incomes in convertible currency.
Article 8
Spheres excluded from the Agreement
This Agreement shall not cover the following spheres:
a) privileges to carry out coastal shipping under own flag, dredging, towage and pilot services reserved for shipping companies or other companies and nationals of the State of this Contracting Party. This will not concern however to coastal shipping if a vessel of one Contracting Party sails between ports of the other Contracting Party to unload cargo or disembark passengers carried from any third country, or to load cargo or embark passengers carried to any third country;
b) sea research.
Article 9
Observation of the laws and regulations
1. The vessels of one Contracting Party as well as their crews, passengers and cargo, whilst in the territory of the State of the other Contracting Party, shall be subject to the relevant laws and regulations in the host State, especially to the regulations concerning safety of maritime transport, entry, stay and departure of the crews and passengers and importation, exportation and storage of cargo, as well as regulations concerning going ashore, immigration, customs, taxes and quarantine.
2. Whilst in the territory of the State of the one Contracting Party, vessels of the other Contracting Party shall be subject to the regulations relating to equipment, facilities, vessel's safety appliances, measurement and seaworthiness, applied on the basis of relevant international agreements of the flag State.
Article 10
Facilitation of maritime transport
The Contracting Parties shall undertake, within the legal regulations binding in the territories of their States, all necessary measures in order to facilitate and support maritime and multimodal transport, to avoid undesired demurrages as well as to accelerate and facilitate the customs clearance and other port formalities, and the use of ship waste reception facilities.
Article 11
Mutual recognition of vessel's documents
1. Vessel's documents on board, including documents concerning the crew, issued or recognised by the competent authorities of one Contracting Party consistent with international agreements, shall be recognised by the competent authorities of the other Contracting Party.
2. Vessels holding the valid tonnage certificates issued or recognised by the competent authorities of one Contracting Party on the basis of international regulations, shall be exempted from remeasurement in the ports of the other Contracting Party.
Article 12
Identity documents of seafarers
1. Each of the Contracting Parties shall recognise identity documents of crew members, who are nationals of States of Contracting Parties, entitling to cross the state border issued by competent authorities of the other Contracting Party and gives holders of such documents the rights as mentioned in Article 13 of this Agreement.
These documents are:
– for nationals of the Republic of Slovenia – Passport or Seaman’ s Book,
– for nationals of the Republic of Poland – Passport or Seaman’ s Book.
2. The Contracting Parties shall exchange by the diplomatic channels samples of documents mentioned in paragraph 1, not later than thirty (30) days from the date of entry into force of this Agreement. Any amendments in these documents or enforcement of new samples will be notified not later than thirty (30) days before its amendment or enforcement.
3. Crew members of vessel one of the Contracting Parties, who are nationals of third states are obliged to possess valid identity documents entitling to cross the State border issued by competent authorities of the Contracting Parties or third states.
Article 13
Entry, transit, stay and departure of crew members
1. Each of the Contracting Parties shall allows crew members of vessel of the other Contracting Party, who possess one of the documents mentioned in Article 12 paragraph 1 and 3 of this Agreement and visa, if it is required, to go ashore and stay in the port town area during vessel stay in the port of State of the Contracting Party in accordance to the law of this State.
2. Every member of crew, who possess one of the document mentioned in Article 12 of this Agreement and visa, if required, is entitled to transit trough State territory of the other Contracting Party in the cases as follows:
a) return to the territory of his State,
b) proceed on his or other vessel,
c) in other cases recognised as justified by the competent authorities of the other Contracting Party.
3. Competent authorities of the Contracting Parties shall issue permission to stay for every crew member, who has been taken to the hospital in the territories of their States, for the period of time required for hospital treatment.
4. The Contracting Parties shall stipulate the right to refuse enter on the territory of their State of persons regarded as undesirable even if these persons are possessors one of the documents mentioned in article 12 this Agreement and visa, if required.
5. The provisions in paragraph 1 – 4 of this Article do not affect laws and regulations of State of the Contracting Parties concerning enter, transit, stay and departure of foreigners.
Article 14
Maritime accidents
1. If a vessel of one Contracting Party suffers from an accident or encounters any other emergency situation in the area of internal waters or in the territorial sea of the State of the other Contracting Party, the relevant authorities of the other Contracting Party shall render at any time help and assistance to the same extent as in the case of a vessel flying that Party's flag and her crew, passengers and cargo. Whilst dealing with the maritime accidents, the Contracting Parties shall comply with the principles stipulated in provisions of International Maritime Organisation, accepted by both Contracting Parties.
2. The relevant authorities of one Contracting Party, in whose State territory a vessel of the other Contracting Party has suffered from an accident or encountered any other emergency situation mentioned in paragraph 1 of this Article, shall notify the event to the nearest consular office of the State of the other Contracting Party, as soon as possible.
3. If a vessel of one Contracting Party suffers from an accident or encounters any other emergency situation in the area of internal waters or in the territorial sea of the State of the other Contracting Party, the other Contracting Party shall exempt from import dues, including VAT and other consumption taxes, the cargo, equipment and other properties, insofar as they are not delivered for commercial turnover in the territory of its State.
4. The accident or emergency situation should be promptly notified by the competent authorities of one of the Contracting Party to the competent authorities of the other Contracting Party in order to agree the conditions of temporary storage of goods without import duties.
5. Provisions of this Article do not affect the rights to any claim for maritime salvage in respect of any assistance and help given to a vessel, its passengers, crew and cargo.
Article 15
Co-operation in services related to maritime transport
The Contracting Parties shall encourage shipping companies and other institutions related to the maritime transport in their States to develop all possible forms of co-operation, and in particular in vessels classification, maritime education, maritime administration, short-sea shipping, marine environment protection and ship salvage.
Article 16
1. A meeting of representatives of competent authorities of the Contracting Parties, and experts named by the Contracting Parties, can be called to ensure the efficient implementation of this Agreement.
2. Such a meeting shall be held on the request of one of the Contracting Parties within three (3) months from the date of receiving the request.
Article 17
Settlement of disputes
1. Any disputes regarding the application or interpretation of the present Agreement shall be discussed and solved by the competent authorities of the Contracting Parties.
2. In the event an agreement is not reached in a way mentioned in paragraph 1 of this Article, the disputes shall be settled through diplomatic channels.
Article 18
Entry into force of the Agreement
The present Agreement shall enter into force thirty (30) days after the date when the latest written note on fulfilment of all necessary legal requirements of the Contracting Parties for the present Agreement to enter into force is received through the diplomatic channels by the other Contracting Party.
Article 19
Duration of the Agreement
The present Agreement is concluded for indefinite time. It can be terminated by way of notification by any Contracting Party; in such case the Agreement shall be terminated six (6) months after the date of receiving such denunciation.
Done at Ljubljana on this 30th day of January 2003, in two original copies, each in the Slovene, Polish and English languages, all texts being equally authentic. In the case of divergences in their interpretation, the English text shall prevail.
For the Government
of the Republic of Slovenia
Jakob Presečnik (s)
For the Government
of the Republic of Poland
Marek Pol (s)
3. člen
Za izvajanje sporazuma skrbi Ministrstvo za promet.
4. člen
Ta zakon začne veljati naslednji dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 326-04/03-19/1
Ljubljana, dne 19. decembra 2003
EPA 1061-III
Državnega zbora
Republike Slovenije
Borut Pahor l. r.
* Besedilo sporazuma v poljskem jeziku je na vpogled v Sektorju za mednarodnopravne zadeve Ministrstva za zunanje zadeve.