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Uradni list RS, št. 41/2004 z dne 22. 4. 2004
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Uradni list RS, št. 41/2004 z dne 22. 4. 2004


45. Zakon o ratifikaciji Konvencije o statutu Evropskih šol (MKSEŠ), stran 3917.

Na podlagi druge alinee prvega odstavka 107. člena in prvega odstavka 91. člena Ustave Republike Slovenije izdajam
Razglašam Zakon o ratifikaciji Konvencije o statutu Evropskih šol (MKSEŠ), ki ga je sprejel Državni zbor Republike Slovenije na seji 9. aprila 2004.
Št. 001-22-66/04
Ljubljana, dne 19. aprila 2004
Republike Slovenije
dr. Janez Drnovšek l. r.
1. člen
Ratificira se Konvencija o statutu Evropskih šol, podpisana v Luxembourgu 21. junija 1994.
2. člen
Konvencija se v izvirniku v angleškem in v prevodu v slovenskem jeziku glasi:
considering that, for the education together of children of the staff of the European Communities in order to ensure the proper functioning of the European Institutions, establishments bearing the name 'European School`, have been set up from 1957 onwards;
considering that the European Communities are anxious to ensure the education together of these children and, for this purpose, make a contribution to the budget of the European Schools;
considering that the European School system is 'sui generis`; considering that it constitutes a form of cooperation between the Member States and between them and the European Communities while fully acknowledging the Member States' responsibility for the content of teaching and the organization of their educational system, and for their cultural and linguistic diversity;
considering that:
– the Statute of the European School, adopted in 1957, should be consolidated to take account of all the relevant texts adopted by the Contracting Parties;
– it should be adapted, taking into account the development of the European Communities;
– the decision-making procedure within the organs of the Schools should be modified;
– experience in the operation of the Schools should be taken into account;
– adequate legal protection against acts of the Board of Governors or the Administrative Boards should be provided to the teaching staff as well as other persons covered by it; to this end a Complaints Board should be created, with strictly limited jurisdiction;
– the jurisdiction of the Complaints Board will be without prejudice to national courts' jurisdiction in relation to civil and criminal liability;
considering that a School has been opened in Munich on the basis of the Supplementary Protocol of 15 December 1975 for the education together of children of the staff of the European Patent Organization,
Article 1
This Convention defines the Statute of the European Schools (hereinafter referred to as 'Schools`).
The purpose of the Schools is to educate together children of the staff of the European Communities. Besides the children covered by the Agreements provided for in Articles 28 and 29, other children may attend the Schools within the limits set by the Board of Governors.
The Schools are listed in Annex I, which may be amended by the Board of Governors to take account of decisions made under Articles 2, 28 and 31.
Article 2
1. The Board of Governors, acting unanimously, may decide to establish new Schools.
2. It shall determine their location in agreement with the host Member State.
3. Before a new School is opened in the territory of a Member State, an Agreement must be concluded between the Board of Governors and the host Member State concerning the free provision and maintenance of suitable premises for the new School.
Article 3
1. The instruction given in each School shall cover the course of studies up to the end of secondary school.
It may comprise:
– a nursery school;
– five years of primary school;
– seven years of secondary school.
Technical education requirements shall as far as possible be covered by the Schools in cooperation with the education system of the host country.
2. Instruction shall be provided by teachers seconded or assigned by the Member States in accordance with decisions taken by the Board of Governors under the procedure laid down in Article 12 (4).
3. (a) Any proposal to modify the fundamental structure of a School shall require a unanimous vote of the Member State representatives on the Board of Governors.
(b) Any proposal to modify the official status of the teachers shall require a unanimous vote of the Board of Governors.
Article 4
The education given in the Schools shall be organized on the following principles:
1. the courses of study shall be undertaken in the languages specified in Annex II;
2. that Annex may be amended by the Board of Governors to take account of decisions taken under Articles 2 and 32;
3. in order to encourage the unity of the School, to bring pupils of the different language sections together and to foster mutual understanding, certain subjects shall be taught to joint classes of the same level. Any Community language may be used for these joint classes, insofar as the Board of Governors decides that circumstances justify its use;
4. a particular effort shall be made to give pupils a thorough knowledge of modern languages;
5. the European dimension shall be developed in the curricula;
6. in education and instruction, the conscience and convictions of individuals shall be respected;
7. measures shall be taken to facilitate the reception of children with special educational needs.
Article 5
1. Years of study seccessfully completed at the School and diplomas and certificates in respect thereof shall be recognized in the territory of the Member States, in accordance with a table of equivalence, under conditions determined by the Board of Governors as laid down in Article 11 and subject to the agreement of the competent national authorities.
2. The European baccalaureate, which is the subject of the Agreement of 11 April 1984 amending the Annex to the Statute of the European School laying down the regulations for the European baccalaureate, hereafter referred to as the 'European baccalaureate Agreement`, shall be awarded upon completion of the cycle of secondary studies. The Board of Governors, acting by a unanimous vote of the Member State representatives, shall be able to make any adaptations to that Agreement which may prove necessary.
Holders of the European baccalaureate obtained at the School shall:
(a) enjoy, in the Member State of which they are nationals, all the benefits attaching to the possession of the diploma or certificate awarded at the end of secondary school education in that country;
(b) be entitled to seek admission to any university in the territory of any Member State on the same terms as nationals of that Member State with equivalent qualifications.
For the purposes of this Convention, the word 'university` applies to:
(a) universities;
(b) institutions regarded as of university standing by the Member State in whose territory they are situated.
Article 6
Each School shall have the legal personality necessary for the attainment of its purpose, as defined in Article 1. It shall for that purpose be free to manage the appropriations in its own section of the budget under the conditions laid down in the Financial Regulation referred to in Article 13 (1). It may be a party to legal proceedings. It may in particular acquire and dispose of movable and immovable property.
As far as its rights and obligations are concerned, the School shall be treated in each Member State, subject to the specific provisions of this Convention, as an educational establishment governed by public law.
Article 7
The organs common to all the Schools shall be:
1. the Board of Governors;
2. the Secretary-General;
3. the Boards of Inspectors;
4. the Complaints Board;
Each School shall be administered by the Administrative Board and managed by the Headteacher.
The Board of Governors
Article 8
1. Subject to Article 28, the Board of Governors shall consist of the following members:
(a) the representative or representatives at ministerial level of each of the Member States of the European Communities authorised to commit the Government of that Member State, on the understanding that each Member State has only one vote;
(b) a member of the Commission of the European Communities;
(c) a representative designated by the Staff Committee (from among the teaching staff) in accordance with Article 22;
(d) a representative of the pupils' parents designated by the Parents' associations in accordance with Article 23.
2. The representatives at ministerial level of each of the Member States and the member of the Commission of the European Communities may appoint persons to represent them. Other members who are unable to attend shall be represented by their alternates.
3. A representative of the pupils may be invited to attend meetings of the Board of Governors as an observer for items concerning the pupils.
4. The Board of Governors shall be convened by its Chairman, on his own initiative or at the reasoned request of three members of the Board of Governors or of the Secretary-General. It shall meet at least once a year.
5. The office of Chairman shall be held for one year by a representative of each Member State in turn, in the following order of Member States: Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Spain, France, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, United Kingdom.
Article 9
1. Save in cases where unanimity is required by this Convention, decisions of the Board of Governors shall be adopted by a two-thirds majority of the members comprising it, subject to the following provisions:
(a) adoption of a decision affecting the specific interests of a Member State, such as the significant extension of the premises or the closure of a School established in its territory, shall require a favourable vote by the representative of that Member State;
(b) the closure of a School shall require a favourable vote by the Member of the Commission;
(c) the representative of an organization governed by public law who has obtained a seat and a vote on the Board of Governors pursuant to an agreement based on Article 28 shall vote on all matters relating to the School covered by such agreement;
(d) the right to vote of the representative of the Staff Committee mentioned in Article 8 (1) (c) and the representative of the pupils' parents mentioned in Article 8 (1) (d) shall be restricted to the adoption of decisions on educational matters under Article 11, with the exclusion of decisions concerning adaptations to the European baccalaureate Agreement and decisions having financial or budgetary effects.
2. In cases where unanimity is required by this Convention, the adoption of decisions of the Board of Governors shall not be prevented by abstentions by members who are present or represented.
3. In all voting, each of the members present or represented shall have one vote, whithout prejudice to the specific provision in Article 8 (1) (a).
Article 10
The Board of Governors shall supervise the implementation of this Convention; for this purpose, it shall have the necessary decision-making powers in educational, budgetary and administrative matters, and for the negotiation of the Agreements referred to in Articles 28 to 30. It may set up committees with responsibility for preparing its decisions.
The Board of Governors shall lay down the General Rules of the Schools.
The Board of Governors shall each year draw up, on the basis of a draft prepared by the Secretary-General, a report on the operation of the Schools and shall forward it to the European Parliament and to the Council.
Article 11
In educational matters, the Board of Governors shall determine which studies shall be undertaken and how they shall be organized. In particular, following the opinion of the appropriate Board of Inspectors, it shall:
1. adopt harmonized curricula and timetables for each year's studies and for each section which it has set up and make recommendations as to which methods should be used;
2. provide for supervision of the teaching by the Boards of Inspectors and fix the operating rules of the latter;
3. determine the age for entry to the different levels. It shall lay down rules for the promotion of pupils to the next year of study or to the secondary school and, in order to enable pupils to return at any time to their national schools, rules for the validation of years of study at the School in accordance with Article 5. It shall draw up the table of equivalence referred to in Article 5 (1);
4. arrange for examinations to be held as a means of certifying the work done in the School; it shall lay down rules for the examinations, appoint examining boards and award diplomas. It shall ensure that the papers for the examination are set at such a level as to give effect to the provisions of Article 5.
Article 12
In administrative matters, the Board of Governors shall:
1. lay down the Service Regulations for the Secretary-General, the Headteachers, the teaching staff and, in accordance with Article 9 (1) (a), for the administrative and ancillary staff;
2. appoint the Secretary-General and Deputy Secretary-General;
3. appoint the Headteacher and Deputy Headteachers of each School;
4. (a) determine each year, on a proposal from the Boards of Inspectors, the teaching staff requirements by creating or eliminating posts. It shall ensure a fair allocation of posts among the Member States. It shall settle with the Governments questions relating to the assignment or secondment of the secondary school teachers, primary school teachers and education counsellors of the School. Staff shall retain promotion and retirement rights guaranteed by their national rules;
(b) determine each year, on a proposal from the Secretary-General, the administrative and ancillary staff requirements;
5. organize its operation and draw up its own Rules of Procedure.
Article 13
1. In budgetary matters, the Board of Governors shall:
(a) adopt the Financial Regulation, specifying in particular the procedure for establishing and implementing the budget of the Schools;
(b) adopt the budget of the Schools for each financial year, in accordance with paragraph 4 below;
(c) approve the annual revenue and expenditure account and forward it to the competent authorities of the European Communities.
2. The Board of Governors shall, by no later than 30 April of each year, establish an estimate of revenue and expenditure of the Schools for the following financial year and forward it forthwith to the Commission, which shall, on that basis, establish the necessary forecasts in the preliminary draft general budget of the European Communities.
The budgetary authority of the European Communities shall fix the amount of the European Communities' contribution under its budgetary procedure.
3. The Board of Governors shall also forward the estimate of revenue and expenditure to the other organizations governed by public law provided for in Article 28 and to the organizations or institutions provided for in Article 29, whose financial contribution is such as to finance the bulk of a School's budget, so that they may determine the amount of their contributions.
4. The Board of Governors shall finally adopt the budget of the Schools before the start of the budgetary year and shall adapt it if necessary to the contributions of the European Communities and of the organizations or institutions referred to in paragraph 3.
Article 14
The Secretary-General shall represent the Board of Governors and direct the Secretariat in accordance with the Service Regulations for the Secretary-General provided for in Article 12 (1). He shall represent the Schools in legal proceedings. He shall be responsible to the Board of Governors.
The Boards of Inspectors
Article 15
Two Boards of Inspectors shall be set up for the purposes of the Schools: one for the nursery schools and the primary schools, the other for the secondary schools.
Article 16
Each Member State which is a Contracting Party shall be represented by one Inspector on each Board. He shall be appointed by the Board of Governors on a proposal from the Party concerned.
The Boards of Inspectors shall be chaired by the representative on the Board of Inspectors of the Member State which holds the chairmanship of the Board of Governors.
Article 17
It shall be the task of the Boards of Inspectors to ensure the quality of the education provided by the Schools and to this end to ensure that the requisite inspections are carried out in the Schools.
They shall submit to the Board of Governors the opinions and proposals provided for in Articles 11 and 12 respectively and, if need be, proposals for changes in curricula and for the organization of studies.
Article 18
The task of the Inspectors shall be to:
1. ensure, in their respective cycles of instruction, supervision of the work of teachers from their national administrations;
2. compare views on the standard of work attained and the quality of the teaching methods;
3. address to the Headteachers and the teaching staff the results of their inspections.
Taking into account needs evaluated by the Board of Governors, each Member State shall provide the Inspectors with the facilities necessary for carrying out fully their task in the Schools.
The Administrative Board
Article 19
Subject to Articles 28 and 29, each Administrative Board provided for in Article 7 shall comprise eight members, as follows:
1. the Secretary-General, who shall be Chairman;
2. the Headteacher of the School;
3. the representative of the Commission of the European Communities;
4. two members of the teaching staff, one representing the staff of the secondary school and the other the staff of the primary and nursery schools jointly;
5. two members representing the Parents' Association as provided for in Article 23;
6. a representative of the administrative and ancillary staff.
A representative of the Member State in which the School is located may attend meetings of the Administrative Board as an observer.
Two representatives of the pupils shall be invited to attend meetings of the Administrative Board of their School as observers for items of business which concern them.
Article 20
The Administrative Board shall:
1. prepare the estimates of revenue and expenditure of the School in accordance with the Financial Regulation;
2. supervise the implementation of the School's section of the budget and draw up its annual revenue and expenditure account;
3. ensure that suitable physical conditions and an atmosphere conducive to the proper operation of the School are maintained;
4. perform such other administrative duties as may be entrusted to it by the Board of Governors.
The procedures for the convening of meetings and for decision-making by the Administrative Boards shall be laid down in the General Rules of the Schools provided for in Article 10.
The Headteacher
Article 21
The Headteacher shall discharge his duties in accordance with the General Rules provided for in Article 10. He shall have authority over the staff assigned to the School in accordance with the procedures stipulated in Article 12 (4) (a) and (b).
He shall have the competence and the qualifications required in his country for directing an educational establishment providing a leaving certificate entitling the holder to university entrance. He shall be responsible to the Board of Governors.
Article 22
A Staff Committee shall be established comprising elected representatives of the teaching staff and of the administrative and ancillary staff of each School.
The Committee shall contribute to the proper functioning of the Schools by enabling the opinion of the staff to emerge and be expressed.
The procedures for the election and operation of the Staff Committee shall be determined in the Service Regulations for the teaching staff and for the administrative and ancillary staff provided for in Article 12 (1).
Once a year the Staff Committee shall designate a member and an alternate from among the teaching staff to represent the staff on the Board of Governors.
Article 23
For the purpose of maintaining relations between the pupils' parents and the School authorities, the Board of Governors shall recognize for each School the Association which is representative of the pupils' parents.
The Parents' Association so recognized shall designate each year two representatives on the Administrative Board of the School concerned.
Once a year the Parents' Associations of the Schools shall designate a member and an alternate to represent the Associations on the Board of Governors.
Article 24
The financial year of the Schools shall correspond to the calendar year.
Article 25
The budget of the Schools shall be financed by:
1. contributions from the Member States through the continuing payment of the remuneration for seconded or assigned teaching staff and, where appropriate, a financial contribution decided on by the Board of Governors acting unanimously;
2. the contribution from the European Communities, which is intended to cover the difference between the total amount of expenditure by the Schools and the total of other revenue;
3. contributions from non-Community organizations with which the Board of Governors has concluded an Agreement;
4. the School's own revenue, notably the school fees charged to parents by the Board of Governors;
5. miscellaneous revenue.
The arrangements for making available the contribution from the European Communities shall be laid down in a special agreement between the Board of Governors and the Commission.
Article 26
The Court of Justice of the European Communities shall have sole jurisdiction in disputes between Contracting Parties relating to the interpretation and application of this Convention which have not been resolved by the Board of Governors.
Article 27
1. A Complaints Board is hereby established.
2. The Complaints Board shall have sole jurisdiction in the first and final instance, once all administrative channels have been exhausted, in any dispute concerning the application of this Convention to all persons covered by it with the exception of administrative and ancillary staff, and regarding the legality of any act based on the Convention or rules made under it, adversely affecting such persons on the part of the board of Governors of the Administrative Board of a school in the exercise of their powers as specified by this Convention. When such disputes are of a financial character, the Complaints Board shall have unlimited jurisdiction.
The conditions and the detailed rules relative to these proceedings shall be laid down, as appropriate, by the Service Regulations for the teaching staff or by the conditions of employment for part-time teachers, or by the General Rules of the Schools.
3. The members of the Complaints Board shall be persons whose independence is beyond doubt and who are recognized as being competent in law.
Only persons on a list to be compiled by the Court of Justice of the European Communities shall be eligible for membership of the Complaints Board.
4. The Statue of the Complaints Board shall be adopted by the Board of Governors, acting unanimously.
The Statute of the Complaints Board shall determine the number of members of the Board, the procedure for their appointment by the Board of Governors, the duration of their term of office and the financial arrangements applicable to them. The Statute shall specify the manner in which the Board is to operate.
5. The Complaints Board shall adopt its rules of procedure, which shall contain such provisions as are necessary for applying the Statute.
The rules of procedure shall require the unanimous approval of the Board of Governors.
6. The judgments of the complaints Board shall be binding on the parties and, should the latter fail to implement them, rendered enforceable by the relevant authorities of the Member States in accordance with their respective national laws.
7. Other disputes to which the Schools are party shall fall within national jurisdiction. In particular, national courts' jurisdiction with regard to matters of civil and criminal liability is not affected by this Article.
Article 28
The Board of Governors, acting unanimously, may conclude participation Agreements concerning an existing School or one to be established in accordance with Article 2 with any organizations governed by public law which, by reason of their location, have an interest in the operation of the Schools. By concluding such an Agreement, any such organization may then have a set and a vote on the Board of Governors for all matters regarding the School in question if its financial contribution is such as to finance the bulk of the School's budget. It may also obtain a seat and a vote on the Administrative Board of the School in question.
Article 29
The Board of Governors, acting unanimously, may also negotiate agreements other than participation Agreements with organizations or institutions governed by public or private law which have an interest in the operation of one of the Schools.
The Board of Governors may grant them a seat and a vote on the Administrative Board of the School in question.
Article 30
The Board of Governors may negotiate with the Government of a country in which a School is located any additional Agreement required to ensure that the School can operate under the best possible conditions.
Article 31
1. Any Contracting Party may denounce this Convention by written notification to the Luxembourg Government; the latter shall inform the other Contracting Parties upon receipt of the notification. Denunciation shall be notified by 1 September of any year in order to take effect on 1 September the following year.
2. A Contracting Party which denounces this Convention shall abandon any share in the assets of the Schools. The Board of Governors shall decide which organizational measures, including staff measures, are to be taken as a result of denunciation by any of the Contracting Parties.
3. The Board of Governors, acting in accordance with the voting method set out in Article 9, may decide to close a School. It shall, by the same procedure, take such steps in regard to that School as it considers necessary, in particular as regards the situation of teaching, administrative and service staff and the distribution of the assets of the School.
4. Any Contracting Party may request that this Convention be amended. To that end, it shall notify the Luxembourg Government of its request. The Luxembourg Government shall make the necessary arrangements with the Contracting Party holding the Presidency of the Council of the European Communities to convene an Intergovernmental Conference.
Article 32
Applications for the accession to this Convention of any State becoming a member of the Community shall be made in writing to the Luxembourg Government, which shall inform each of the other Contracting Parties thereof.
Accession shall take effect on 1 September following the day on which the instruments of accession are deposited with the Luxembourg Government.
From that date, the composition of the organs of the Schools shall be altered accordingly.
Article 33
This Convention shall be ratified by the Member States as Contracting Parties in accordance with their respective constitutional requirements. As regards the European Communities, it shall be concluded in accordance with the Treaties establishing them. The instruments of ratification and the acts notifiying the conclusion of this Convention shall be deposited with the Luxembourg Government, as depositary of the Statute of the European Schools. That Government shall inform all the other Contracting Parties of the deposit.
This Convention shall enter into force on the first day of the month following the deposit of all instruments of ratification by the Member States and of the acts notifying conclusion by the European Communities.
This Convention, drawn up in a single original in the Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish languages, all nine texts being equally authentic, shall be deposited in the archives of the Luxembourg Government, which shall transmit a certified copy to each of the other Contracting Parties.
Article 34
This Convention cancels and replaces the Statute of 12 April 1957 and the Protocol thereto of 13 April 1962.
Save as otherwise provided in this Convention, the European baccalaureate Agreement shall remain in force.
The supplementary Protocol concerning the Munich School, drawn up with reference to the Protocol of 13 April 1962 and signed at Luxembourg on 15 December 1975, shall be unaffected by this Convention.
The references in the acts previous to this Convention which concern the Schools shall be understood as relating to the corresponding Articles of this Convention.
Done at Luxembourg on the twenty-first day of June in the year one thousand nine hundred and ninety-four.
European Schools to which the Statute applies:
European School, Bergen
European School, Brussels I
European School, Brussels II
European School, Brussels III (1*)
European School, Culham
European School, Karlsruhe
European School, Luxembourg
European School, Mol
European School, Munich
European School, Varese
(1*) The Board of Governors decided to establish this School at their meeting of 27/29 October 1992.
Languages in which basic instruction is given:
glede na to, da se zaradi zagotovitve ustreznega delovanja evropskih institucij od leta 1957 naprej za skupno izobraževanje otrok osebja Evropskih skupnosti ustanavljajo zavodi z imenom »Evropska šola«;
glede na to, da si Evropske skupnosti prizadevajo zagotoviti skupno izobraževanje teh otrok in v ta namen prispevajo v proračun Evropskih šol;
ob upoštevanju, da je sistem Evropskih šol sistem posebne vrste; glede na to, da predstavlja obliko sodelovanja med državami članicami ter med njimi in Evropskimi skupnostmi, in hkrati v celoti priznava odgovornost držav članic za vsebino poučevanja in organizacijo njihovega izobraževalnega sistema ter za njihovo kulturno in jezikovno raznolikost;
glede na to, da:
– bi morali pripraviti prečiščeno besedilo Statuta Evropske šole, sprejetega leta 1957, da bo upošteval vsa ustrezna besedila, ki so jih sprejele pogodbenice;
– bi ga morali prilagoditi z upoštevanjem razvoja Evropskih skupnosti;
– bi bilo treba spremeniti postopek odločanja v organih šol;
– bi morali pri tem upoštevati izkušnje v delovanju šol;
– bi morali zagotoviti ustrezno pravno varstvo učnega osebja in drugih delavcev, ki jih zajema Statut, pred odločbami Sveta guvernerjev ali upravnih odborov šol; v ta namen bi morali ustanoviti Odbor za pritožbe s strogo omejeno pristojnostjo;
– pristojnost odbora za pritožbe v zvezi s civilnopravno in kazensko odgovornostjo ne bo posegala v pristojnost nacionalnih sodišč;
glede na to, da je bila na podlagi Dopolnilnega protokola z dne 15. decembra 1975 v Münchnu odprta šola za skupno izobraževanje otrok delavcev v Evropski patentni organizaciji,
Člen 1
Ta konvencija opredeljuje Statut Evropskih šol (v nadaljnjem besedilu »šole«).
Namen šol je skupaj izobraževati otroke delavcev v Evropskih skupnostih. Poleg otrok, ki jih zajemajo v sporazumi, predvideni v členih 28 in 29, lahko šole obiskujejo tudi drugi otroci, v mejah, ki jih določi svet guvernerjev.
Šole so naštete v Prilogi I, ki jo svet guvernerjev lahko spremeni, da bi upošteval sklepe, sprejete po členih 2, 28 in 31.
Člen 2
1. Svet guvernerjev lahko soglasno odloča o ustanovitvi novih šol.
2. Sedež šole določi v soglasju z državo članico gostiteljico.
3. Pred odprtjem nove šole na ozemlju države članice mora biti med svetom guvernerjev in državo članico gostiteljico sklenjen dogovor o brezplačni zagotovitvi in vzdrževanju primernih prostorov za novo šolo.
Člen 3
1. Pouk, zagotovljen na vsaki šoli, obsega izobraževalne programe do konca sekundarnega izobraževanja.
Obsega lahko:
– predšolsko izobraževanje;
– pet let primarnega izobraževanja;
– sedem let sekundarnega izobraževanja.
Kolikor je mogoče, zajemajo tehnične zahteve glede izobraževanja šole v sodelovanju z izobraževalnim sistemom države gostiteljice.
2. Pouk izvajajo učitelji, začasno premeščeni ali dodeljeni iz držav članic, v skladu s sklepi, ki jih svet guvernerjev sprejme po postopku iz člena 12(4).
3. (a) Za vsak predlog o spremembi temeljne sestave šole je potreben soglasno izglasovan sklep predstavnikov držav članic v svetu guvernerjev.
(b) Za vsak predlog o spremembi uradnega statusa učiteljev je potreben soglasno izglasovan sklep sveta guvernerjev.
Člen 4
Izobraževanje v šolah se organizira po naslednjih načelih:
1. izobraževalni programi se izvajajo v jezikih, določenih v Prilogi II;
2. svet guvernerjev lahko spremeni to prilogo, da bi upošteval sklepe, sprejete po členih 2 in 32;
3. za spodbujanje enotnosti šole, zbliževanje učencev različnih jezikovnih oddelkov in pospeševanje medsebojnega razumevanja se nekateri predmeti poučujejo v skupnih razredih na isti ravni. Za pouk v skupnih razredih se lahko uporablja kateri koli jezik Skupnosti, če svet guvernerjev odloči, da okoliščine upravičujejo njegovo uporabo;
4. šola si zlasti prizadeva dati učencem temeljito znanje modernih jezikov;
5. kurikuli razvijajo evropsko razsežnost;
6. pri izobraževanju in poučevanju se spoštuje vest in prepričanje posameznika;
7. sprejmejo se ukrepi za lajšanje sprejemanja otrok s posebnimi izobraževalnimi potrebami.
Člen 5
1. Uspešno zaključena leta šolanja v šoli, diplome in spričevala v zvezi s tem se priznavajo na ozemlju držav članic v skladu s preglednico o enakovrednosti šolanja, pod pogoji, ki jih v skladu s členom 11 določi svet guvernerjev, in v soglasju s pristojnimi nacionalnimi organi.
2. Evropska matura, ki je predmet Sporazuma z dne 11. aprila 1984 o spremembi Priloge k Statutu Evropske šole, ki določa pravila za Evropsko maturo, v nadaljnjem besedilu »Sporazum o evropski maturi«, se prizna ob zaključku sekundarnega izobraževanja. Svet guvernerjev lahko po potrebi s soglasjem predstavnikov držav članic prilagodi Sporazum.
Imetniki evropske mature, pridobljene na tej šoli:
(a) v državah članicah, katerih državljani so, uživajo vse ugodnosti, ki izvirajo iz imetja diplome ali spričevala, priznanega ob zaključku sekundarnega izobraževanja v navedeni državi;
(b) so upravičeni do prijave za sprejem na katero koli univerzo na ozemlju države članice pod enakimi pogoji kakor državljani navedene države članice z enakovrednimi kvalifikacijami.
V tej konvenciji izraz »univerza« pomeni:
(a) univerze;
(b) institucije, ki jih država članica, na ozemlju katere so, obravnava enako kakor univerzo.
Člen 6
Vsaka šola je pravna oseba, kolikor je to potrebno za uresničevanje njenih ciljev, opredeljenih v členu 1. V ta namen prosto upravlja z dodeljenimi sredstvi v svojem proračunskem deležu po pogojih iz Finančne uredbe, navedene v členu 13(1). Lahko je stranka v sodnem postopku. Zlasti lahko pridobi in odsvoji premičnine in nepremičnine.
Kar zadeva njene pravice in dolžnosti, se šola v vsaki državi članici obravnava kot izobraževalna institucija javnega prava, s pridržkom posebnih določb te konvencije.
Člen 7
Vse šole imajo naslednje skupne organe:
1. svet guvernerjev;
2. glavni tajnik;
3. odbora inšpektorjev;
4. odbor za pritožbe.
Vsako šolo upravlja upravni odbor in jo vodi ravnatelj.
Svet guvernerjev
Člen 8
1. S pridržkom člena 28 svet guvernerjev sestavljajo:
(a) predstavnik ali predstavniki na ministrski ravni vsake države članice v Evropskih skupnostih, pooblaščen za prevzemanje obveznosti v imenu vlade svoje države članice, pri čemer se razume, da ima vsaka država članica samo en glas;
(b) član Komisije Evropskih skupnosti;
(c) predstavnik, ki ga v skladu s členom 22 določi odbor delavcev (izmed učnega osebja);
(d) predstavnik staršev učencev, ki ga v skladu s členom 23 določijo združenja staršev.
2. Predstavniki na ministrski ravni vsake države članice in član Komisije Evropskih skupnosti lahko imenujejo osebe, ki jih predstavljajo. Druge člane, ki ne morejo biti navzoči, predstavljajo njihovi namestniki.
3. Predstavnik učencev je lahko povabljen na sestanke sveta guvernerjev kot opazovalec v tistih točkah dnevnega reda, ki zadevajo učence.
4. Svet guvernerjev skliče njegov predsednik na lastno pobudo ali na utemeljeno zahtevo treh članov sveta guvernerjev ali glavnega tajnika. Sestane se vsaj enkrat letno.
5. Predsedstvo izmenično prevzame predstavnik vsake države članice za dobo enega leta v naslednjem vrstnem redu držav članic: Belgija, Danska, Nemčija, Grčija, Španija, Francija, Irska, Italija, Luksemburg, Nizozemska, Portugalska, Združeno kraljestvo.
Člen 9
1. Razen v primerih, za katere ta konvencija zahteva soglasje, svet guvernerjev sprejema sklepe z dvotretjinsko večino svojih članov, s pridržkom naslednjih določb:
(a) za sprejetje sklepov, ki vplivajo na posebne interese države članice, kakršno je na primer pomembno povečanje prostorov ali zaprtje šole, ustanovljene na njenem ozemlju, se zahteva, da zanj glasuje predstavnik navedene države članice;
(b) za zaprtje šole se zahteva, da zanj glasuje član Komisije;
(c) predstavnik organizacije javnega prava, ki je na podlagi sporazuma po členu 28 dobil sedež in glas v svetu guvernerjev, glasuje o vseh zadevah v zvezi s šolo, ki je predmet takega sporazuma;
(d) pravica do glasovanja predstavnika odbora delavcev, navedena v členu 8(1)(c), in predstavnika staršev učencev, navedena v členu 8(1)(d), je omejena na sprejetje sklepov o izobraževalnih zadevah po členu 11, razen sklepov o prilagoditvi Sporazuma o evropski maturi in sklepov s finančnimi ali proračunskimi posledicami.
2. V primerih, ko se s to konvencijo zahteva soglasje, vzdržani glasovi navzočih ali predstavljanih članov ne preprečujejo sprejetja sklepov sveta guvernerjev.
3. Brez poseganja v posebne določbe člena 8(1)(a) ima pri vsakem glasovanju vsak navzoči ali predstavljani član en glas.
Člen 10
Svet guvernerjev nadzira izvajanje te konvencije; v ta namen ima potrebna pooblastila za odločanje v izobraževalnih, proračunskih in upravnih zadevah ter pooblastila za pogajanje o sporazumih, navedenih v členih 28 do 30. Ustanovi lahko odbore, ki so odgovorni za pripravo njegovih sklepov.
Svet guvernerjev določi splošni šolski pravilnik.
Svet guvernerjev na podlagi osnutka, ki ga pripravi glavni tajnik, vsako leto pripravi poročilo o delovanju šol ter z njim seznani Evropski parlament in Svet.
Člen 11
Svet guvernerjev v zvezi z izobraževalnimi zadevami odloči o tem, kateri programi se izvajajo in kako se organizirajo. Ob upoštevanju mnenja ustreznega odbora inšpektorjev zlasti:
1. sprejema usklajene kurikule in urnike za vsak letnik in za vsak oddelek, ki ga je ustanovil, ter daje priporočila glede uporabe metod;
2. zagotovi nadzor nad poučevanjem, ki ga izvajajo odbori inšpektorjev, in poskrbi za pravila njihovega delovanja;
3. določi vpisno starost za različne stopnje. Določi pravila za napredovanje učencev v višji letnik ali v sekundarno izobraževanje ter pravila za potrditev letnikov, opravljenih na šoli, v skladu s členom 5, s čimer se učencem omogoči, da se lahko kadar koli vrnejo v svoje nacionalne šole. Sestavi preglednico enakovrednosti šolanja, navedeno v členu 5(1);
4. pripravi izpite, ki jih je treba opraviti za potrditev dela, opravljenega na šoli; določi izpitni pravilnik, imenuje izpitne komisije in podeljuje diplome. Zagotovi, da je raven izpitnih nalog v skladu z določbami člena 5.
Člen 12
Svet guvernerjev v zvezi z upravnimi zadevami:
1. določi pravila o delu glavnega tajnika, ravnateljev, učnega osebja ter v skladu s členom 9(1)(a) o delu upravnega in pomožnega osebja;
2. imenuje glavnega tajnika in namestnika glavnega tajnika;
3. imenuje ravnatelja in namestnike ravnatelja vsake šole;
4. (a) na predlog odbora inšpektorjev vsako leto z odpiranjem ali ukinjanjem delovnih mest določi potrebe po učnem osebju. Zagotavlja nepristransko porazdelitev delovnih mest med državami članicami. Z vladami ureja vprašanja, ki se nanašajo na dodelitev ali začasno premestitev v primarnem in sekundarnem izobraževanju ter svetovalnih delavcev šole. Delavci ohranijo pravice do napredovanja in upokojitve, ki jim jih zagotavljajo njihovi nacionalni predpisi;
(b) na predlog glavnega tajnika vsako leto določi potrebe po upravnem in pomožnem osebju;
5. organizira svoje delovanje in sprejme svoj poslovnik.
Člen 13
1. Svet guvernerjev v zvezi s proračunom:
(a) sprejme Finančno uredbo, ki zlasti podrobno določa postopek za pripravo in izvrševanje proračuna šol;
(b) sprejme proračun šol za vsako proračunsko leto v skladu z odstavkom 4 spodaj;
(c) odobri zaključni račun prihodkov in odhodkov ter ga pošlje pristojnim organom Evropskih skupnosti.
2. Svet guvernerjev pripravi vsako leto najpozneje do 30. aprila načrt prihodkov in odhodkov šol za prihodnje proračunsko leto ter ga nemudoma pošlje Komisiji, ki na tej podlagi pripravi potrebne napovedi v predhodnem predlogu splošnega proračuna Evropskih skupnosti.
Organ za izvrševanje proračuna Evropskih skupnosti določi višino prispevka Evropskih skupnosti po svojem proračunskem postopku.
3. Svet guvernerjev pošlje načrt prihodkov in odhodkov tudi drugim organizacijam javnega prava, predvidenim v členu 28, in organizacijam ali institucijam, predvidenim v členu 29, katerih finančni prispevek so tolikšen, da se iz njega financira večji del proračuna šole, tako da lahko določijo višino svojih prispevkov.
4. Svet guvernerjev dokončno sprejme proračun šol pred začetkom proračunskega leta in ga po potrebi prilagodi glede na prispevke Evropskih skupnosti in organizacij ali institucij, navedenih v odstavku 3.
Člen 14
Glavni tajnik predstavlja svet guvernerjev in vodi tajništvo v skladu s pravilnikom o delu glavnega tajnika, predvidenim v členu 12(1). Šole predstavlja v sodnih postopkih. Odgovoren je svetu guvernerjev.
Odbora inšpektorjev
Člen 15
Za namene šol se ustanovita dva odbora inšpektorjev: eden za predšolsko in primarno izobraževanje, drugi za sekundarno izobraževanje.
Člen 16
Vsako državo članico pogodbenico predstavlja en inšpektor v vsakem od obeh odborov. Imenuje ga svet guvernerjev na predlog zadevne pogodbenice.
Odboroma inšpektorjev predseduje predstavnik odbora inšpektorjev tiste države članice, ki predseduje svetu guvernerjev.
Člen 17
Naloga odborov inšpektorjev je zagotavljati kakovost izobraževanja, ki ga dajejo šole, in v ta namen zagotoviti izvajanje potrebnih inšpekcijskih pregledov v šolah.
Svetu guvernerjev dajeta mnenja in predloge, predvidene v členih 11 in 12, ter po potrebi predloge za spremembe kurikulov in za organizacijo izobraževanja.
Člen 18
Naloga inšpektorjev je:
1. zagotoviti nadzor nad delom učiteljev iz njihovih nacionalnih uprav v rednih zaporednih obdobjih njihovega poučevanja;
2. primerjati mnenja o doseženi ravni dela in kakovosti učnih metod;
3. seznanjati ravnatelje in učno osebje z ugotovitvami svojih pregledov.
Ob upoštevanju potreb, ki jih oceni svet guvernerjev, vsaka država članica zagotovi inšpektorjem potrebne možnosti, da bodo lahko v celoti opravili njihove naloge v šolah.
Upravni odbor
Člen 19
S pridržkom členov 28 in 29 vsak upravni odbor, predviden v členu 7, sestavlja osem članov:
1. glavni tajnik, ki predseduje;
2. ravnatelj šole;
3. predstavnik Komisije Evropskih skupnosti;
4. dva člana učnega osebja, od katerih je eden predstavnik osebja v sekundarnem izobraževanju ter drugi skupni predstavnik osebja v predšolskem in primarnem izobraževanju;
5. dva člana, predstavnika združenja staršev, kakor predvideva člen 23;
6. predstavnik upravnega in pomožnega osebja.
Predstavnik države članice, na ozemlju katere je šola, se lahko udeleži sestankov upravnega odbora kot opazovalec.
Dva predstavnika učencev sta povabljena na sestanke upravnega odbora njune šole kot opazovalca v tistih točkah dnevnega reda, ki zadevajo učence.
Člen 20
Upravni odbor:
1. pripravi načrt dohodkov in odhodkov šole v skladu s Finančno uredbo;
2. nadzira izvajanje proračuna v proračunskem deležu šole ter sestavi zaključni račun njenih prihodkov in odhodkov;
3. zagotovi vzdrževanje primernih fizičnih pogojev in ugodnega vzdušja, ki je potrebno za ustrezno delovanje šole;
4. opravlja druge upravne naloge, ki mu jih lahko zaupa svet guvernerjev.
Postopki za sklicevanje zasedanj in za odločanje upravnih odborov se določijo v splošnih šolskih pravilnikih šol, predvidenih v členu 10.
Člen 21
Ravnatelj izpolnjuje svoje dolžnosti v skladu s splošnim pravilnikom, predvidenim v členu 10. Po postopkih iz člena 12(4)(a) in (b) je nadrejen delavcem, ki so zaposleni v šoli.
Ima kompetence in kvalifikacije, kakršne se zahtevajo v njegovi državi za vodenje izobraževalne ustanove, ki daje zaključno spričevalo, s katerim se je mogoče vpisati na univerzo. Odgovoren je svetu guvernerjev.
Člen 22
Ustanovi se odbor delavcev, ki ga sestavljajo izvoljeni predstavniki učnega osebja in upravnega ter pomožnega osebja vsake šole.
Odbor s tem, da delavcem omogoči oblikovati in izražati svoje mnenje, prispeva k ustreznemu delovanju šol.
Postopki za volitve in delovanje odbora delavcev se opredelijo v pravilniku o delu učnega osebja in upravnega ter pomožnega osebja v skladu s členom 12(1).
Odbor delavcev enkrat letno izmed učnega osebja imenuje člana in namestnika, ki predstavljata osebje v svetu guvernerjev.
Člen 23
Za vzdrževanje stikov med starši učencev in organi šole svet guvernerjev za vsako šolo prizna združenje, ki predstavlja starše učencev.
Tako priznano združenje staršev vsako leto določi dva predstavnika v upravni odbor zadevne šole.
Združenja staršev Evropskih šol enkrat letno določijo člana in namestnika, ki predstavlja združenja v svetu guvernerjev.
Člen 24
Proračunsko leto šol je enako koledarskemu letu.
Člen 25
Proračun šol se financira:
1. s prispevki držav članic prek trajnih plačil začasno premeščenega ali dodeljena osebja in po potrebi s finančnim prispevkom, o katerem soglasno odloča svet guvernerjev;
2. s prispevkom Evropskih skupnosti, ki je namenjen kritju razlike med skupnimi odhodki šol in skupnimi drugimi prihodki;
3. s prispevki organizacij nečlanic Skupnosti, s katerimi je svet guvernerjev sklenil sporazum;
4. z lastnimi prihodki šole, zlasti s šolninami, ki jih staršem zaračuna svet guvernerjev;
5. z raznimi prihodki.
Postopek za zagotovitev razpoložljivosti prispevka Evropskih skupnosti je predmet posebnega sporazuma med svetom guvernerjev in Komisijo.
Člen 26
Za spore med pogodbenicami v zvezi z razlago in uporabo Konvencije, ki jih ne reši svet guvernerjev, je izključno pristojno Sodišče Evropskih skupnosti.
Člen 27
1. Ustanovi se odbor za pritožbe.
2. Ko so izčrpane vse upravne poti, ima odbor za pritožbe izključno pristojnost na prvi in končni stopnji v kakršnih koli sporih glede uporabe te konvencije za vse osebe, ki jih zajema, razen upravnega in pomožnega osebja, in glede zakonitosti katerega koli akta, ki temelji na tej konvenciji, ali glede pravilnika, ki je na njej zasnovan, in škoduje takim osebam s strani odbora guvernerjev upravnega odbora šole pri izvajanju njihovih pooblastil, kakor jih določa ta konvencija. V primerih, ko gre za spore finančne narave, ima odbor za pritožbe neomejeno pristojnost.
Pogoji in podrobna pravila v zvezi s temi postopki se določijo, kakor je to ustrezno, s pravilnikom o delu učnega osebja ali s pogoji za zaposlitev učiteljev s krajšim delovnim časom ali s splošnim šolskim pravilnikom.
3. Člani odbora za pritožbe so osebe, katerih neodvisnost je nedvomna in ki so usposobljene za področje prava.
Člani odbora za pritožbe so lahko samo osebe na seznamu, ki ga sestavi Sodišče Evropskih skupnosti.
4. Svet guvernerjev soglasno sprejme Statut odbora za pritožbe.
Statut odbora za pritožbe določa število članov odbora, postopek za njihovo imenovanje s strani sveta guvernerjev, trajanje njihovega mandata in finančna pravila, ki se zanje uporabljajo. Statut natančno določa način delovanja odbora.
5. Odbor za pritožbe sprejme svoj poslovnik, ki vsebuje vse določbe, potrebne za uporabo statuta.
Za sprejetje poslovnika je potrebna soglasna odobritev sveta guvernerjev.
6. Sodbe odbora za pritožbe so zavezujoče za stranke in, če jih te ne izvajajo, izvršljive preko pristojnih organov držav članic v skladu z njihovimi nacionalnimi predpisi.
7. Drugi spori, v katerih so šole stranka, so v nacionalni pristojnosti. Ta člen zlasti ne vpliva na pristojnost nacionalnih sodišč v zvezi s civilnopravno in kazensko odgovornostjo.
Člen 28
Svet guvernerjev lahko soglasno sklepa sporazume o sodelovanju, ki zadevajo obstoječo šolo ali šolo, ki bo ustanovljena v skladu s členom 2, z vsemi organizacijami javnega prava, ki imajo zaradi mesta svojega delovanja interes za delovanje šol. S sklenitvijo takšnega sporazuma ima lahko torej vsaka taka organizacija sedež in glas v svetu guvernerjev za vse zadeve v zvezi s šolo, če je njen finančni prispevek takšen, da z njim financira pomemben delež proračuna šole. Pridobi lahko tudi sedež in glas v upravnem odboru zadevne šole.
Člen 29
Svet guvernerjev se lahko z organizacijami ali institucijami javnega ali zasebnega prava, ki imajo interes za delovanje ene od šol, soglasno pogaja tudi o sporazumih, ki niso sporazumi o sodelovanju.
Svet guvernerjev jim lahko podeli sedež in glas v upravnem odboru zadevne šole.
Člen 30
Svet guvernerjev se lahko pogaja z vlado države, v kateri je šola, o dodatnem sporazumu, ki je potreben zato, da lahko šola deluje v najboljših možnih pogojih.
Člen 31
1. Vsaka pogodbenica lahko odpove Konvencijo s pisno notifikacijo luksemburški vladi; ta o prejemu notifikacije obvesti druge pogodbenice. Odpoved se notificira do 1. septembra tekočega leta, da začne učinkovati 1. septembra naslednje leto.
2. Pogodbenica, ki odpove to konvencijo, se odreče vsem deležem v premoženju šol. Svet guvernerjev odloči, kakšne organizacijske ukrepe, vključno z ukrepi glede osebja, je treba sprejeti zaradi odpovedi katere od pogodbenic.
3. Svet guvernerjev lahko v skladu z načinom glasovanja, predvidenim v členu 9, sklene zapreti šolo. Po enakem postopku sprejme v zvezi s šolo vse ukrepe, ki se mu zdijo potrebni, zlasti glede položaja učnega, upravnega in tehničnega osebja ter porazdelitve sredstev šole.
4. Vsaka pogodbenica lahko zahteva, da se Konvencija spremeni. V ta namen svojo zahtevo notificira luksemburški vladi. Luksemburška vlada skupaj s pogodbenico, ki predseduje Svetu Evropskih skupnosti, sprejme potrebne ukrepe za sklic medvladne konference.
Člen 32
Pisne vloge za pristop h Konvenciji katere koli države, ki postane članica Skupnosti, se naslovijo na luksemburško vlado, ki o tem obvesti druge pogodbenice.
Pristop začne učinkovati 1. septembra po deponiranju listin o pristopu pri luksemburški vladi.
S tem dnem se ustrezno spremeni sestava organov šole.
Člen 33
Konvencijo ratificirajo države članice kot pogodbenice v skladu z njihovimi ustavnimi določbami. Evropske skupnosti jo sklenejo v skladu s Pogodbami o njihovi ustanovitvi. Listine o ratifikaciji in akti o notifikaciji sklenitve te konvencije se deponirajo pri luksemburški vladi kot depozitarju Statuta Evropskih šol. Navedena vlada o deponiranju obvesti še druge pogodbenice.
Ta konvencija začne veljati prvi dan v mesecu po deponiranju listin o ratifikaciji vseh držav članic in aktov o notifikaciji sklenitve Konvencije s strani Evropskih skupnosti.
Ta konvencija, sestavljena v enem izvirniku v danskem, nizozemskem, angleškem, francoskem, nemškem, grškem, italijanskem, portugalskem in španskem jeziku, pri čemer je vseh devet besedil enako verodostojnih, se deponira v arhivih luksemburške vlade, ki pošlje overjeno kopijo drugim pogodbenicam.
Člen 34
Ta konvencija razveljavlja in nadomešča Statut z dne 12. aprila 1957 in njegov Protokol z dne 13. aprila 1962.
Če v tej konvenciji ni določeno drugače, Sporazum o evropski maturi še naprej velja.
Ta konvencija ne vpliva na dopolnilni protokol o šoli v Münchnu, ki je sestavljen s sklicevanjem na Protokol z dne 13. aprila 1962 ter podpisan v Luksemburgu dne 15. decembra 1975.
Sklicevanja v aktih, sprejetih pred to konvencijo, ki se nanašajo na šole, se razumejo, kakor da se nanašajo na ustrezne člene te konvencije.
V Luxembourgu, dne enaindvajsetega junija tisoč devetsto štiriindevetdeset.
Evropske šole, za katere se uporablja Statut:
Evropska šola, Bergen
Evropska šola, Bruselj I
Evropska šola, Bruselj II
Evropska šola, Bruselj III (*),
Evropska šola, Culham
Evropska šola, Karlsruhe
Evropska šola, Luxembourg
Evropska šola, Mol
Evropska šola, München
Evropska šola, Varese
(*) Svet guvernerjev je sklenil ustanoviti to šolo na zasedanju od 27. do 29. oktobra 1992.
Jeziki, v katerih poteka osnovno poučevanje:
3. člen
Za izvajanje konvencije skrbi Ministrstvo za šolstvo, znanost in šport Republike Slovenije.
4. člen
Ta zakon začne veljati naslednji dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 602-07/04-2/1
Ljubljana, dne 9. aprila 2004
EPA 1204-III
Državnega zbora
Republike Slovenije
Borut Pahor l. r.

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