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Uradni list RS, št. 85/2004 z dne 2. 8. 2004
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 85/2004 z dne 2. 8. 2004


96. Zakon o ratifikaciji Spremenjene konvencije o ustanovitvi Evropske organizacije za satelitske telekomunikacije EUTELSAT (MKEOST), stran 4636.

Na podlagi druge alinee prvega odstavka 107. člena in prvega odstavka 91. člena Ustave Republike Slovenije izdajam
Razglašam Zakon o ratifikaciji Spremenjene konvencije o ustanovitvi Evropske organizacije za satelitske telekomunikacije EUTELSAT (MKEOST), ki ga je sprejel Državni zbor Republike Slovenije na seji 15. julija 2004.
Št. 001-22-175/04
Ljubljana, dne 23. julija 2004
dr. Janez Drnovšek l. r.
Republike Slovenije
1. člen
Ratificira se Spremenjena konvencija o ustanovitvi Evropske organizacije za satelitske telekomunikacije EUTELSAT, podpisana na skupščini pogodbenic 20. maja 1999 v Cardiffu.
2. člen
Besedilo spremenjene konvencije se v izvirniku v angleškem jeziku ter prevodu v slovenskem jeziku glasi:
The States Parties to this Convention,
Underlining the importance of telecommunications by satellite for the development of relations between their peoples and their economies, and their desire to strengthen their co-operation in this field,
Noting that the Provisional European Telecommunications Satellite Organization «INTERIM EUTELSAT» was established for the purpose of operating space segments of European telecommunications satellite systems,
Considering the relevant provisions of the Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, Including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies, done at London, Moscow and Washington on 27 January 1967,
Wishing to continue the establishment and operation of the EUTELSAT telecommunications satellite system as part of a trans-European telecommunications network for providing telecommunications services to all participating States, without prejudice to the rights and obligations of the States parties to the relevant European Union and other international agreements,
Recognizing the need to keep under review and, as necessary, to adapt to technical, economic, regulatory and political developments in Europe and globally, and, in particular, the will to transfer the operational activities and associated assets of EUTELSAT to a limited liability company to be established under a national jurisdiction, such company to operate on a sound economic and financial basis having regard to accepted commercial principles, and to the Arrangement,
Agree as follows:
For the purposes of this Convention:
a) «Convention» means the Convention establishing the European Telecommunications Satellite Organization «EUTELSAT» including its Preamble and its Annexes, opened for signature by Governments at Paris on 15 July 1982 as subsequently amended;
b) «Provisional Agreement» means the Agreement on the Constitution of a Provisional European Telecommunications Satellite Organization «INTERIM EUTELSAT», done at Paris on 13 May 1977 between Administrations or Recognized Private Operating Agencies and deposited with the French Administration;
c) «ECS Agreement» means the Supplementary Agreement to the Provisional Agreement relating to the space segment of the Satellite Telecommunications System for Fixed Service (ECS), done at Paris on 10 March 1978;
d) «Party» means a State for which the Convention has entered into force or has been provisionally applied;
e) «The Director General of EUTELSAT» means the head of the executive organ of EUTELSAT;
f) «The Executive Secretary of EUTELSAT» means the head of the Secretariat of EUTELSAT;
g) «The Company Eutelsat S.A.» means a corporate entity established under the laws of one of the Parties; it will initially be located in France;
h) «Space Segment» means a set of telecommunications satellites, and the tracking, telemetering, command, control, monitoring and related facilities and equipment for the operational support of those satellites;
i) «Satellite system» means the unit formed by a space segment and the earth stations having access to that space segment;
j) «Telecommunications» means any transmission, emission or reception of signs, signals, writing, images and sounds or intelligence of any nature, by wire, radio, optical or other electromagnetic systems;
k) «The Basic Principles» means the principles referred to in Article III a) of the Convention;
l) «The Arrangement» means the Arrangement between EUTELSAT and the Company Eutelsat S.A. having as its purposes to define the relationship between EUTELSAT and the Company Eutelsat S.A. and their respective obligations and in particular to provide the framework that will enable EUTELSAT to oversee and ensure the observance by the Company Eutelsat S.A. of the Basic Principles.
(Establishment of EUTELSAT and the Company Eutelsat S.A.)
a) The Parties hereby establish the European Telecommunications Satellite Organization, hereinafter referred to as EUTELSAT.
b) i) The Company Eutelsat S.A. will be established to operate a satellite system and to provide satellite services and for this purpose, EUTELSAT’s assets and operational activities will be transferred to the Company Eutelsat S.A.;
ii) The Company Eutelsat S.A. shall be governed by its constituent instruments and by the laws of the place of its incorporation;
iii) Any Party in whose territory the Company Eutelsat S.A.’s headquarters are settled or in which assets are located and/or operated shall, in accordance with arrangements to be made between the Party and the Company Eutelsat S.A., take such measures as may be necessary to facilitate the establishment and operation of the Company Eutelsat S.A.
c) The relationship between EUTELSAT and the Company Eutelsat S.A. shall be established in the Arrangement.
d) The relevant provisions of Annex A to the Convention shall apply for the purpose of continuity between the activities of EUTELSAT and those of the Company Eutelsat S.A.
(Purposes of EUTELSAT)
a) The primary purpose of EUTELSAT is to ensure that the Basic Principles set forth in this Article are observed by the Company Eutelsat S.A. namely:
i) public service/universal service obligations: such obligations apply to space segment and to its use to provide services connected to the public switched telephone network; audiovisual services and future services will be provided in conformity with the relevant national regulations and international agreements, in particular the provisions of the European Convention on Transfrontier Television, taking account of those applying to the universal service concept and the information society;
ii) pan-European coverage by the satellite system: the Company Eutelsat S.A. shall, on an economic basis, seek through the pan-European coverage of its satellite system to serve all areas where there is a need for communications services in Member States;
iii) non discrimination: services shall be provided to users on an equitable basis subject to commercial flexibility and consistent with applicable laws;
iv) fair competition: the Company Eutelsat S.A. shall comply with all applicable laws and regulations relating to fair competition.
b) EUTELSAT shall also have the purpose of ensuring continuity regarding rights and obligations under international law, in particular under the Radio Regulations for the use of frequencies deriving from the operation of the EUTELSAT space segment transferred to the Company Eutelsat S.A..
(Legal Personality)
a) EUTELSAT shall have legal personality.
b) EUTELSAT shall enjoy the full capacity necessary for the exercise of its functions and the achievement of its purposes, and may in particular:
i) enter into contracts;
ii) acquire, lease, hold and dispose of movable and immovable property;
iii) be a party to legal proceedings;
iv) conclude agreements with States or international organizations.
a) Arrangements shall be concluded between EUTELSAT and the Company Eutelsat S.A. to meet costs and expenses of EUTELSAT, according to the Arrangement.
b) The costs incurred in establishing and operating the Secretariat, including, but not limited to rent and associated costs of maintaining office premises, salaries and emoluments of staff, costs of organizing and holding meetings of the Assembly of Parties, the costs of consultations between EUTELSAT and the Parties and other organizations and costs of applying measures taken by EUTELSAT under Article III to ensure that the Basic Principles are observed by the Company Eutelsat S.A. shall be borne by the Company Eutelsat S.A. in accordance with paragraph a) of Article V, within the relevant ceilings set forth in the Arrangement.
(Structure EUTELSAT)
a) EUTELSAT shall have the following organs:
i) the Assembly of Parties;
ii) the Secretariat, headed by the Executive Secretary.
b) Each organ shall act within the limits of the powers that are conferred upon it by the Convention.
(Assembly of Parties – Composition and Meetings)
a) The Assembly of Parties shall be composed of all the Parties.
b) A Party may be represented by another Party in a meeting of the Assembly of Parties, but no Party may represent more than two other Parties.
c) The first ordinary meeting of the Assembly of Parties shall be convened within one year after the date on which the Convention enters into force. Ordinary meetings shall thereafter be held every two years unless the Assembly of Parties decides at an ordinary meeting that the following meeting shall be held at a different interval.
d) The Assembly of Parties may also hold extraordinary meetings at the request of one or more Parties supported by at least one-third of the Parties or at the request of the Company Eutelsat S.A.. Such a request shall state the purpose of the meeting.
e) Each Party shall meet its own costs of representation at meetings of the Assembly of Parties.
(Assembly of Parties – Procedure)
a) Each Party shall have one vote in the Assembly of Parties. Parties abstaining from voting shall be considered as not voting.
b) Decisions on matters of substance shall be taken by an affirmative vote cast by at least two-thirds of the Parties present or represented and voting. A Party which represents one or two other Parties under paragraph b) of Article VII of the Convention may vote separately for each Party it represents.
c) Decisions on procedural matters shall be taken by an affirmative vote cast by a simple majority of the Parties present and voting, each having one vote.
d) A quorum for any meeting of the Assembly of Parties shall consist of representatives of a simple majority of all the Parties, provided that no less than one-third of all the Parties are present.
e) The Assembly of Parties shall adopt its rules of procedure, which shall be consistent with the provisions of the Convention and which, in particular, shall include provisions for:
i) election of its Chairman and other officers;
ii) convening of meetings;
iii) representation and accreditation;
iv) voting procedures.
(Assembly of Parties – Functions)
The Assembly of Parties shall have the following functions:
a) to consider and to review the activities of the Company Eutelsat S.A. which relate to the Basic Principles. The Company Eutelsat S.A. may make recommendations in this connection, which will be considered by the Assembly of Parties;
b) to ensure observance by the Company Eutelsat S.A. of the Basic Principles, in accordance with the Arrangement;
c) to take decisions on proposed changes to the Arrangement, such changes being subject to mutual agreement of the parties to the Arrangement;
d) to take the appropriate decisions in order to ensure continuity regarding rights and obligations under international law, in particular under the Radio Regulations for the use of frequencies deriving from the operation of EUTELSAT Space Segment transferred to the Company Eutelsat S.A.;
e) to take decisions on formal relations between EUTELSAT and States, whether Parties or not, or international organizations, and in particular to negotiate the Headquarters Agreement mentioned in paragraph c) of Article XII of the Convention;
f) to take decisions on any proposal to terminate the Convention pursuant to paragraph c) of Article XIV;
g) to consider complaints submitted to it by Parties;
h) to take decisions under Article XIII of the Convention about the withdrawal of a Party from EUTELSAT;
i) to decide upon any proposal for amendment to the Convention under Article XIV of the Convention, and to submit to the Company Eutelsat S.A. any proposed amendment that is liable to affect the performance of its activities;
j) to decide upon any request for accession made in accordance with paragraph e) of Article XVIII of the Convention;
k) as required under Article X of the Convention, to decide upon the appointment and removal from office of the Executive Secretary, and, upon the recommendation of the Executive Secretary, to determine the number, status, and terms and conditions of employment of all staff of the Secretariat with due consideration to the Arrangement;
l) to designate a senior officer of the Secretariat to serve as Acting Executive Secretary whenever the Executive Secretary is absent or is unable to discharge duties of the office of Executive Secretary, or if this office becomes vacant;
m) to adopt an annual or biennial budget;
n) to approve changes in the location of the Company Eutelsat S.A. in accordance with the Arrangement.
(The Secretariat)
a) The Secretariat shall be headed by the Executive Secretary appointed by the Assembly of Parties.
b) The term of office of the Executive Secretary shall be four years, unless otherwise decided by the Assembly of Parties.
c) The Assembly of Parties may remove the Executive Secretary for cause before the end of his term of office.
d) The Executive Secretary shall be the legal representative of EUTELSAT. The Executive Secretary shall act under the direction of the Assembly of Parties and shall be directly responsible to it for the performance of all functions of the Secretariat.
e) The Executive Secretary shall have the power to appoint all Secretariat staff subject to the approval of the Assembly under Article IX k).
f) During any vacancy in the office of the Executive Secretary or when the Executive Secretary is absent or unable to discharge his duties, the Acting Executive Secretary, duly designated by the Assembly of Parties, shall have the capacity to exercise the powers of the Executive Secretary under the Convention.
g) The Executive Secretary and the staff of the Secretariat shall refrain from any action incompatible with their responsibilities to EUTELSAT.
(Rights and Obligations)
a) The Parties shall exercise their rights and meet their obligations under the Convention in a manner fully consistent with and in furtherance of the principles and provisions of the Convention.
b) All Parties may attend and participate in all conferences and meetings in which they are entitled to be represented under any of the provisions of the Convention, and in any other meetings called by or held under the auspices of EUTELSAT in accordance with the arrangements made by it for such meetings, regardless of where they may take place.
c) Before any such conference or meeting is held outside the country in which the Headquarters of EUTELSAT is established, the Executive Secretary shall ensure that arrangements with the host Party for each such conference or meeting include a provision for the admission to and residence in the host country during such conference or meeting of representatives of all Parties entitled to attend.
(EUTELSAT Headquarters, Privileges, Exemptions, Immunities)
a) The Headquarters of EUTELSAT shall be in France;
b) Within the scope of activities authorized by the Convention, EUTELSAT and its property shall be exempt in the territory of all Parties from income and direct property taxation and from customs duties.
c) Each Party shall grant in accordance with the Protocol referred to in this paragraph the appropriate privileges, exemptions and immunities to EUTELSAT, to its officers, and to those categories of its employees specified in such Protocol, to Parties and representatives of Parties, and to persons participating in arbitration proceedings. In particular, each Party shall grant to these individuals immunity from legal process in respect of acts done or words written or spoken in the exercise of their functions and within the limits of their duties to the extent and in the cases to be provided for in the Protocol referred to in this paragraph. The Party in whose territory the Headquarters of EUTELSAT is located shall, as soon as possible, negotiate, or, as the case may be, re-negotiate with EUTELSAT a Headquarters Agreement covering privileges, exemptions and immunities. The other Parties shall also, as soon as possible, conclude a Protocol covering privileges, exemptions and immunities. The Headquarters Agreement and the Protocol shall each prescribe the conditions of its termination and shall be independent of the Convention.
a) Any Party may withdraw voluntarily from EUTELSAT at any time by written notice to the Depositary as defined in Article XXI. Such withdrawal shall take effect three months after the date of receipt of the notice by the Depositary.
b) If a Party appears to have failed to comply with any obligation under the Convention, the Assembly of Parties, having received notice to that effect or acting on its own initiative, and having considered any representations made by the Party, may decide, if it finds that the failure to comply has occurred, that the Party be deemed to have withdrawn from EUTELSAT and, from the date of such decision, the Convention shall cease to be in force for that Party. An extraordinary meeting of the Assembly of Parties may be convened for this purpose.
c) A Party which has withdrawn or is deemed to have withdrawn from EUTELSAT shall cease to have any right of representation in the Assembly of Parties and shall incur no obligations or responsibility after the effective date of withdrawal except for liabilities arising from acts or omissions before that date.
d) Every notification of a withdrawal and every decision effecting a deemed withdrawal shall be communicated at once to all Parties by the Depositary.
(Amendments and Termination)
a) Amendments to the Convention may be proposed by any Party and shall be communicated to the Executive Secretary who shall promptly circulate the proposals to all the Parties. The Assembly of Parties shall consider the proposed amendment not earlier than six months from its circulation, taking due account of any recommendation made by the Company Eutelsat S.A., whose views shall be solicited if the proposed amendment to the Convention is liable to affect the performance of its activities. This period may, in any particular case, be reduced by the Assembly of Parties by a decision taken in accordance with the procedure for a matter of substance.
b) If adopted by the Assembly of Parties, the amendment shall enter into force one hundred and twenty days after the Depositary has received notices of acceptance from two-thirds of those States, which, at the time of adoption by the Assembly of Parties, were Parties. Upon its entry into force, the amendment shall become binding upon all Parties.
c) The Parties may bring EUTELSAT to an end by termination of the Convention by a two-thirds majority of all Parties.
d) The termination of the Convention shall not affect the continued existence of the Company Eutelsat S.A.
e) Unless otherwise agreed with the Company Eutelsat S.A., no decision to terminate EUTELSAT under paragraph c) of this article shall be taken as long as the international rights and obligations mentioned in paragraph b) of Article III have not been entirely extinguished.
(Settlement of Disputes)
a) All disputes arising between Parties or between EUTELSAT and a Party or Parties in connection with the interpretation or application of the Convention shall be submitted to arbitration in accordance with Annex B to the Convention, if not otherwise settled within one year of the time a party to the dispute has notified the other party of its intention to settle such a dispute amicably.
b) All disputes arising in connection with the interpretation and application of the Convention between a Party and a State which has ceased to be a Party, or between EUTELSAT and a State which has ceased to be a Party, and which arise after the State has ceased to be a Party, shall be submitted to arbitration in accordance with the provisions of Annex B to the Convention, if not otherwise settled within one year of the time a party to the dispute has notified the other party of its intention to settle such a dispute amicably, provided that the State which has ceased to be a Party so agrees. If a State ceases to be a Party after a dispute to which it is a disputant has been submitted to arbitration under paragraph a) of this Article, the arbitration shall be continued and concluded.
(Signature – Reservations)
a) Any State whose telecommunications Administration or Recognized Private Operating Agency is, or has the right to become, a Signatory Party to the Provisional Agreement may become a Party to the Convention by:
i) signature not subject to ratification, acceptance or approval, or
ii) signature subject to ratification, acceptance or approval, followed by ratification, acceptance or approval, or
iii) accession.
b) The Convention shall be open for signature at Paris from 15 July 1982 until it enters into force and thereafter remain open for accession.
c) No reservation may be made to the Convention.
(Entry into Force)
a) The Convention shall enter into force sixty days after the date on which it has been signed, in accordance with subparagraph i) of paragraph a) of Article XVI of the Convention, or has been ratified, accepted or approved, by two-thirds of the States which, at the date on which it is opened for signature, have jurisdiction over Signatory Parties to the Provisional Agreement provided that those Signatory Parties, or their designated Signatories to the ECS Agreement, hold at least two-thirds of the financial shares under the ECS Agreement.
b) The Convention shall not enter into force less than eight months after the date on which it is opened for signature. The Convention shall not enter into force if it has not been signed, ratified, accepted or approved under paragraph a) of this Article, within thirty six months of the date on which it is opened for signature.
c) For a State whose instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession is deposited after the date on which the Convention enters into force, the Convention shall enter into force on the date of such deposit.
d) Upon entry into force, the Convention will be applied provisionally for any State, which has signed it subject to ratification, acceptance or approval and has so requested at the time of signature or at any later time before entry into force. Provisional application shall end:
i) upon deposit of an instrument of ratification, acceptance or approval by that State, or
ii) at the end of two years from the date on which the Convention enters into force without having been ratified, accepted or approved by that State, or
iii) upon notification by that State, before the end of the period mentioned in sub-paragraph ii) of this paragraph, of its decision not to ratify, accept or approve the Convention.
When provisional application ends under subparagraph ii) or iii) of this paragraph, paragraph c) of Article XIII of the Convention shall govern the rights and obligations of the Party.
e) Upon entry into force, the Convention shall replace and terminate the Provisional Agreement. However, nothing in the Convention shall affect any right or obligation of a Party acquired in its former capacity as a Signatory Party to the Provisional Agreement.
a) Any State whose telecommunications Administration or Recognized Private Operating Agency was, or had the right to become, a Signatory Party to the Provisional Agreement at the date on which the Convention is opened for signature, may accede to the Convention from the date on which it ceases to be open for signature, until two years after its entry into force.
b) The provisions of paragraphs c) to e) of this Article shall apply to requests for accession by the following States:
i) a State whose telecommunications Administration or Recognized Private Operating Agency was, or had the right to become, a Signatory Party to the Provisional Agreement at the date on which the Convention was opened for signature, which has not become a Party to the Convention in accordance with subparagraphs i) or ii) of paragraph a) of Article XVI of the Convention, or paragraph a) of this Article;
ii) any other European State which is a member of the International Telecommunication Union wishing to accede to the Convention after its entry into force.
c) Any State that wishes to accede to the Convention in the circumstances mentioned in paragraph a) of this Article ("the Applicant State") shall so notify the Executive Secretary in writing and shall supply the latter with all information relevant to the application.
d) The Executive Secretary shall receive the application of the Applicant State and shall submit the same to the Assembly of Parties.
e) The Assembly of Parties shall take a decision on the Applicant State's request within six months following the date on which the Executive Secretary decides that he or she is in possession of all the information required under paragraph c) of this Article. The decision of the Executive Secretary shall be promptly notified to the Assembly of Parties. The decision of the Assembly of Parties shall be taken by secret vote and in accordance with the procedure for decisions on matters of substance. An extraordinary meeting of the Assembly of Parties may be convened for this purpose.
f) The Executive Secretary shall notify the Applicant State of the conditions for accession established by the Assembly of Parties, which shall be the subject of a protocol annexed to the instrument of accession to be deposited by the said State with the Depositary.
No Party shall be individually liable for the acts and obligations of EUTELSAT, except where such liability results from a treaty to which that Party and a State claiming compensation are parties. In that case, EUTELSAT shall indemnify the Party concerned in respect of any such liability, unless the latter has expressly undertaken to assume exclusively such liability.
(Miscellaneous Provisions)
a) The official and working languages of EUTELSAT shall be English and French.
b) EUTELSAT shall, having regard to the general views of the Assembly of Parties, co-operate on matters of common interest with the United Nations and its specialized agencies, in particular the International Telecommunication Union, and other international organizations.
c) To comply with Resolution 1721 (XVI) of the General Assembly of the United Nations, EUTELSAT shall send to the Secretary General of the United Nations, and to the specialized agencies concerned, for their information, an annual report on its activities. The annual report shall also be sent to the Company Eutelsat S.A.
a) The Government of the French Republic shall be the Depositary for the Convention, with which shall be deposited instruments of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession, requests for provisional application and notifications of ratification, acceptance or approval of amendments, and of decisions to withdraw from EUTELSAT or of termination of the provisional application of the Convention.
b) The Convention shall be deposited in the archives of the Depositary. The Depositary shall send certified copies of the text of the Convention to all States that have signed it or deposited instruments of accession to it, and to the International Telecommunication Union.
c) The Depositary shall promptly inform all States which have signed or acceded to the Convention and, if necessary, the International Telecommunication Union of:
i) all signatures of the Convention;
ii) the deposit of all instruments of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession;
iii) the start of the sixty-day period referred to in paragraph a) of Article XVII of the Convention;
iv) the entry into force of the Convention;
v) all requests for provisional application under paragraph d) of Article XVII of the Convention;
vi) the appointment of the Executive Secretary under paragraph a) of Article X of the Convention;
vii) the adoption and entry into force of all amendments to the Convention;
viii) all notifications of withdrawal;
ix) all decisions by the Assembly of Parties under paragraph b) of Article XIII of the Convention that a Party is deemed to have withdrawn from EUTELSAT;
x) all other notifications and communications about the Convention.
d) Upon entry into force of the Convention, the Depositary shall send to the Secretariat of the United Nations, for registration and publication in accordance with Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations, confirmed certified copies of the Convention.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned duly authorized by their respective Governments, have signed this Convention (*).
Opened for signature at Paris this fifteenth day of July one thousand nine hundred and eighty-two in the English and French languages, both texts being equally authentic, in a single original.
(*) Member States of EUTELSAT: Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Denmark, Finland, France, [Germany (Fed. Rep.)], Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, San Marino, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, the United Kingdom, Vatican City, Yugoslavia.
(Transitional Provisions)
1. Continuity of Activities
a) Any agreement entered into by EUTELSAT and which is in effect at the time the Company Eutelsat S.A. is established shall remain in effect, unless and until modified or terminated in accordance with the provisions of that agreement. Any decision taken by EUTELSAT and which is in effect at the time the Company Eutelsat S.A. is established shall remain in effect unless and until that decision is modified or terminated.
b) If, at the time the Company Eutelsat S.A. is established, any organ of EUTELSAT has embarked on, but not completed, any action which it is authorized or required to take, the Executive Secretary or the first Chief Executive Officer of the Company Eutelsat S.A. within their respective powers, and in accordance with arrangements made between EUTELSAT and the Company Eutelsat S.A., shall stand in the place of that organ for the purpose of completing such action.
2. Method of transfer
a) EUTELSAT shall enter into a transfer agreement (the "Transfer Agreement") with the Company Eutelsat S.A. to transfer any or all of its assets and liabilities relating to its activity (as more fully set out in the Transfer Agreement) to the Company Eutelsat S.A. (the "Transfer").
b) The Transfer will result in a universal transfer of all right, title, interest and benefit to, and all obligations and liabilities attaching to, the assets and liabilities so transferred and the assets and liabilities so transferred shall constitute a complete and autonomous branch of activity. Such Transfer shall have the same effects as a spin off ("scission") transfer of activity provided under Article 382 et seq. of the French law N°66-537 of 24 July 1966 relating to commercial companies, except that none of the obligations and formalities normally binding upon the transferor (société apporteuse) under such law shall be applicable to EUTELSAT.
c) In particular, and without prejudice to the foregoing, the Transfer shall take effect erga omnes as of the date specified in the Transfer Agreement without requiring the notification to, or the consent or approval of, any person, including any person to whom any such obligations and liabilities are owed. The Transfer shall take effect in the same manner with respect to any person with whom EUTELSAT has entered into any agreement of an intuitu personae nature.
3. Management
a) with respect to 2c) above, all personnel of the Executive Organ of EUTELSAT shall have the right to be transferred to the Company Eutelsat S.A. and persons exercising this right shall as at the date of their transfer enjoy terms and conditions of employment that are, so far as consistent with French law, at least equivalent to those which they enjoyed immediately prior to the date of their transfer.
b) With respect to persons who, at the date of the Transfer, are in receipt of benefits under the Rules of the EUTELSAT Pension Scheme, such benefits shall continue to be paid in accordance with all of the relevant provisions of those Rules which were in force as at the date of Transfer.
c) With respect to persons who, at the date of the Transfer, have acquired rights to receive benefits under the Rules of the EUTELSAT Pension Scheme, appropriate arrangements shall be made in order to preserve those rights.
d) In accordance with paragraph 1 of this Annex, the conditions of employment of personnel in force shall continue to apply until new conditions of employment are drawn up by the Company Eutelsat S.A.
e) Until the first Chairman of the Directorate of the Company Eutelsat S.A. and the first Executive Secretary assume office their respective functions shall be performed by the Director General of EUTELSAT.
4. Transfer to the Company Eutelsat S.A. and to the Executive Secretary of the functions of EUTELSAT
a) On the date of establishment of the Company Eutelsat S.A. and of the Secretariat the Director General of EUTELSAT shall inform all concerned.
b) The Director General of EUTELSAT shall take all measures for a timely transfer to the Company Eutelsat S.A. and the Executive Secretary of all rights and obligations acquired by EUTELSAT, in its capacity as legal representative of EUTELSAT.
(Arbitration Procedure)
1. For the purposes of adjudicating upon any dispute referred to in Article XV of the Convention, an Arbitration Tribunal shall be established in accordance with the following paragraphs.
2. Any Party to the Convention may join either party to the dispute in the arbitration.
3. The Arbitration Tribunal shall consist of three members. Each party to the dispute shall nominate one arbitrator within a period of two months reckoned from the date of receipt of the request by one party to refer the dispute to arbitration. Where Article XV of the Convention requires the agreement of the disputants to refer the dispute to arbitration, the period of two months shall be reckoned from the date of that agreement. The first two arbitrators shall, within a period of two months reckoned from the nomination of the second arbitrator, nominate the third arbitrator, who shall be the Chairman of the Arbitration Tribunal. If one of the two arbitrators has not been nominated within the required period, he shall, at the request of either party, be nominated by the President of the International Court of Justice or, if there is no agreement between the parties, the Secretary General of the Permanent Arbitration Court. The same procedure shall apply if the Chairman of the Arbitration Tribunal has not been nominated within the required period.
4. The Arbitration Tribunal shall determine its seat and establish its own rules of procedure.
5. Each party shall bear the cost relating to the arbitrator for whose nomination it is responsible, as well as the costs of being represented before the Tribunal. The expenditure relating to the Chairman of the Arbitration Tribunal shall be shared equally by the parties to the dispute.
6. The award of the Arbitration Tribunal shall be made by a majority of its members, who may not abstain from voting. This award shall be final and binding on all parties to the dispute and no appeal shall lie against it. The parties shall comply with the award without delay. In the event of a dispute as to its meaning or scope, the Arbitration Tribunal shall interpret it at the request of any party to the dispute.
Države pogodbenice te konvencije so se,
poudarjajoč pomen satelitskih telekomunikacij za razvoj povezav med svojimi narodi in gospodarstvi ter željo po krepitvi sodelovanja na tem področju,
upoštevajoč, da je bila Začasna evropska organizacija za telekomunikacije prek satelita »INTERIM EUTELSAT« ustanovljena zaradi delovanja vesoljskih segmentov za evropske satelitske telekomunikacijske sisteme,
upoštevajoč ustrezne določbe Pogodbe o načelih delovanja držav pri raziskovanju in uporabi vesoljskega prostora, vključno z Luno in drugimi nebesnimi telesi, ki je bila sklenjena v Londonu, Moskvi in Washingtonu 27. januarja 1967,
v želji, da se nadaljujeta vzpostavljanje in upravljanje satelitskih telekomunikacijskih sistemov kot sestavnega dela čezevropskega telekomunikacijskega omrežja, ki bo vsem državam udeleženkam zagotavljal telekomunikacijske storitve brez vpliva na pravice in obveznosti držav pogodbenic ustreznih sporazumov Evropske unije in drugih mednarodnih sporazumov,
priznavajoč potrebo po stalnem spremljanju, in če je potrebno, prilagajanju tehničnemu, gospodarskemu, zakonodajnemu in političnemu razvoju v Evropi in svetu ter zlasti voljo, da se operativne dejavnosti in z njimi povezana osnovna sredstva EUTELSAT-a prenesejo na družbo z omejeno odgovornostjo, ki naj se ustanovi v skladu z državno zakonodajo, pri čemer naj ta družba posluje na zdravi ekonomski in finančni podlagi ob upoštevanju sprejetih poslovnih načel in Dogovora,
sporazumele o naslednjem:
I. člen
(pomen izrazov)
V tej konvenciji pomeni:
a) »konvencija« Konvencijo o ustanovitvi Evropske organizacije za telekomunikacije prek satelita »EUTELSAT« skupaj s preambulo in prilogama, ki je bila vladam na voljo za podpis v Parizu 15. julija 1982, kot je bila pozneje spremenjena;
b) »Začasni sporazum« Sporazum o ustanovitvi Začasne evropske organizacije za telekomunikacije prek satelita »INTERIM EUTELSAT«, sklenjen v Parizu 13. maja 1977 med vladami ali priznanimi zasebnimi agencijami za upravljanje in deponiran pri francoski vladi;
c) »Sporazum ECS« Dodatni sporazum k Začasnemu sporazumu, ki se nanaša na vesoljski segment satelitskega telekomunikacijskega sistema za fiksne storitve (ECS), sklenjen v Parizu 10. marca 1978;
d) »pogodbenica« državo, v kateri je ta konvencija začela veljati ali se začasno uporablja;
e) »generalni direktor EUTELSAT-a« vodjo izvršilnega organa EUTELSAT-a;
f) »izvršilni sekretar EUTELSAT-a« vodjo sekretariata EUTELSAT-a;
g) »družba Eutelsat S.A.« pravno osebo, ustanovljeno po zakonodaji ene od pogodbenic; na začetku bo imela sedež v Franciji;
h) »vesoljski segment« niz telekomunikacijskih satelitov in naprave za sledenje, telemetrijo, vodenje, nadzorovanje, spremljanje ter s tem povezane naprave in opremo za podporo delovanja teh satelitov;
i) »satelitski sistem« enoto, sestavljeno iz vesoljskega segmenta in zemeljskih postaj, ki imajo dostop do tega vesoljskega segmenta;
j) »telekomunikacije« vsak prenos, oddajanje ali sprejemanje znakov, signalov, pisnih znakov, slik in zvokov ali vseh vrst sporočil po žičnem, radijskem, optičnem ali drugem elektromagnetnem sistemu;
k) »temeljna načela« načela iz odstavka a) III. člena te konvencije;
l) »Dogovor« dogovor med EUTELSAT-om in družbo Eutelsat S.A., katerega namen je opredeliti razmerje med EUTELSAT-om in družbo Eutelsat S.A. in njune medsebojne obveznosti ter zlasti zagotoviti okvir, da bo lahko EUTELSAT v družbi Eutelsat S.A. nadziral in zagotavljal spoštovanje temeljnih načel.
II. člen
(ustanovitev EUTELSAT-a in družbe Eutelsat S.A.)
a) Pogodbenice ustanavljajo Evropsko organizacijo za satelitske telekomunikacije, v nadaljevanju EUTELSAT.
b) i) Družba Eutelsat S.A. bo ustanovljena za upravljanje satelitskega sistema in zagotavljanje satelitskih storitev in v ta namen se bodo osnovna sredstva in operativne dejavnosti EUTELSAT-a prenesle na družbo Eutelsat S.A.
ii) Poslovanje družbe Eutelsat S.A. urejajo njeni ustanovitveni dokumenti in zakonodaja kraja registracije družbe.
iii) Vsaka pogodbenica, na ozemlju katere je sedež družbe Eutelsat S.A. ali v kateri so in/ali se upravljajo osnovna sredstva, sprejme v skladu z dogovori med pogodbenico in družbo Eutelsat S.A. take ukrepe, ki bi bili potrebni za lažjo ustanovitev in poslovanje družbe Eutelsat S.A.
c) Razmerje med EUTELSAT-om in družbo Eutelsat S.A se določi v Dogovoru.
d) Ustrezne določbe priloge A k tej konvenciji se uporabljajo zato, da se zagotovi nepretrgano nadaljevanje dejavnosti EUTELSAT-a in družbe Eutelsat S.A.
III. člen
(cilji EUTELSAT-a)
a) Glavni cilj EUTELSAT-a je zagotoviti, da družba Eutelsat S.A. spoštuje temeljna načela, določena v tem členu, zlasti:
i) obveznosti zagotavljanja javnih storitev/univerzalnih storitev: te obveznosti veljajo za vesoljski segment in njegovo uporabo za zagotavljanje storitev, povezanih z javnim komutiranim telefonskim omrežjem; avdiovizualne storitve in prihodnje storitve bodo zagotovljene v skladu z ustreznimi državnimi predpisi in mednarodnimi sporazumi, zlasti določbami Evropske konvencije o čezmejni televiziji, ki upoštevajo koncept univerzalnih storitev in informacijske družbe;
ii) pokrivanje celotne Evrope s satelitskim sistemom: družba Eutelsat S.A. si na ekonomski podlagi prizadeva, da bi bila s pokrivanjem celotne Evrope s svojim satelitskim sistemom na voljo vsem območjem, kjer je v državah članicah potreba po komunikacijskih storitvah;
iii) enako obravnavanje: pravično zagotavljanje storitev uporabnikom ob upoštevanju poslovne prilagodljivosti in v skladu z veljavno zakonodajo;
iv) poštena konkurenca: družba Eutelsat S.A. bo upoštevala vse veljavne zakone in predpise v zvezi s pošteno konkurenco.
b) Namen EUTELSAT-a je zagotoviti tudi nepretrgano veljavnost pravic in obveznosti po mednarodnem pravu, zlasti po Pravilniku o radiokomunikacijah za uporabo frekvenc, ki izhajajo iz upravljanja vesoljskega segmenta EUTELSAT-a, prenesenega na družbo Eutelsat S.A.
IV. člen
(pravna osebnost)
a) EUTELSAT je pravna oseba.
b) EUTELSAT ima polno pravno sposobnost za opravljanje svoje dejavnosti in uresničevanje svojih ciljev in lahko zlasti:
i) sklepa pogodbe;
ii) pridobi, zakupi, ima v lasti premičnine in nepremičnine in razpolaga z njimi;
iii) nastopa kot stranka v pravnih postopkih;
iv) sklepa sporazume z državami ali mednarodnimi organizacijami.
V. člen
a) EUTELSAT in družba Eutelsat S.A. skleneta dogovore o pokrivanju stroškov in izdatkov EUTELSAT-a v skladu z Dogovorom.
b) Stroške, nastale pri ustanavljanju in delovanju sekretariata, vključno s, vendar ne samo, stroški najemnine in drugimi stroški vzdrževanja pisarniških prostorov, plačami in honorarji osebja, stroški organiziranja zasedanj skupščine pogodbenic, stroški posvetovanj med EUTELSAT-om in pogodbenicami in drugimi organizacijami ter stroški izvajanja ukrepov, ki jih sprejme EUTELSAT v skladu s III. členom za zagotovitev, da družba Eutelsat S.A. spoštuje temeljna načela, krije družba Eutelsat S.A. v skladu z odstavkom a) V. člena do višine, določene v Dogovoru.
VI. člen
(sestava EUTELSAT-a)
a) EUTELSAT sestavljata ta organa:
i) skupščina pogodbenic;
ii) sekretariat, ki ga vodi izvršilni sekretar.
b) Vsak organ deluje v okviru pristojnosti, ki so mu zaupane s to konvencijo.
VII. člen
(skupščina pogodbenic – sestava in zasedanja)
a) Skupščino pogodbenic sestavljajo vse pogodbenice.
b) Na zasedanju skupščine pogodbenic lahko ena pogodbenica zastopa drugo, vendar nobena ne more zastopati več kot dveh drugih pogodbenic.
c) Prvo redno zasedanje skupščine pogodbenic se skliče v enem letu po dnevu uveljavitve te konvencije. Redna zasedanja so nato vsaki dve leti, razen če skupščina pogodbenic na svojem rednem zasedanju ne odloči, da bo naslednje redno zasedanje kdaj drugič.
d) Skupščina pogodbenic ima lahko tudi izredna zasedanja, če to zahteva ena ali več pogodbenic in to podpre najmanj ena tretjina pogodbenic ali če to zahteva družba Eutelsat S.A. V zahtevi za izredno zasedanje mora biti naveden namen zasedanja.
e) Vsaka pogodbenica krije svoje stroške predstavljanja na zasedanjih skupščine pogodbenic.
VIII. člen
(skupščina pogodbenic – postopek)
a) Vsaka pogodbenica ima v skupščini pogodbenic en glas. Za pogodbenice, ki se vzdržijo glasovanja, se šteje, da niso glasovale.
b) Odločitve o vsebinskih vprašanjih se sprejmejo, če zanje glasujeta najmanj dve tretjini prisotnih ali zastopanih pogodbenic, ki glasujejo. Pogodbenica, ki zastopa eno ali dve drugi pogodbenici, lahko po odstavku b) VII. člena te konvencije glasuje posebej za vsako pogodbenico, ki jo zastopa.
c) Odločitve o postopkovnih vprašanjih se sprejmejo, če zanje glasuje navadna večina prisotnih pogodbenic, ki glasujejo, pri čemer ima vsaka po en glas.
d) Zasedanje skupščine pogodbenic je sklepčno, če so prisotni predstavniki navadne večine vseh pogodbenic, pod pogojem, da je prisotna najmanj tretjina vseh pogodbenic.
e) Skupščina pogodbenic sprejme svoj poslovnik, ki mora biti v skladu z določbami te konvencije in vključevati predvsem določbe o:
i) izvolitvi predsedujočega in drugih visokih uradnikov;
ii) sklicevanju zasedanj;
iii) predstavljanju in akreditaciji;
iv) postopkih glasovanja.
IX. člen
(skupščina pogodbenic – naloge)
Skupščina pogodbenic ima te naloge:
a) preučuje in spremlja dejavnosti družbe Eutelsat S.A, ki se nanašajo na temeljna načela. Družba Eutelsat S.A. lahko v zvezi s tem daje priporočila, ki jih skupščina pogodbenic preuči;
b) zagotavlja, da družba Eutelsat S.A. spoštuje temeljna načela v skladu z Dogovorom;
c) sprejema odločitve o predlaganih spremembah Dogovora, pri čemer se o takih spremembah medsebojno dogovorijo vse pogodbenice Dogovora;
d) sprejema ustrezne odločitve, s katerimi zagotovi nepretrgano veljavnost pravic in obveznosti po mednarodnem pravu, zlasti po Pravilniku o radiokomunikacijah za uporabo frekvenc, ki izhajajo iz upravljanja vesoljskega segmenta EUTELSAT-a, prenesenega na družbo Eutelsat S.A.;
e) odloča o vprašanjih, ki zadevajo uradne odnose med EUTELSAT-om in državami ne glede na to, ali so pogodbenice ali ne, ali mednarodnimi organizacijami, zlasti pa sklene sporazum o sedežu, ki je naveden v odstavku XII. člena te konvencije;
f) sprejema odločitve o vsakem predlogu o odpovedi te konvencije v skladu z odstavkom c) XIV. člena;
g) obravnava pritožbe pogodbenic;
h) v skladu s XIII. členom te konvencije sprejema sklepe o izstopu pogodbenice iz EUTELSAT-a;
i) odloča o vsaki predlagani spremembi konvencije v skladu z določbami XIV. člena te konvencije in predloži družbi Eutelsat S.A. vse predlagane spremembe, ki bi lahko vplivale na izvajanje njenih dejavnosti.
j) odloča o vsaki zahtevi za pristop, vloženi v skladu z odstavkom e) XVIII. člena te konvencije;
k) v skladu z X. členom te konvencije odloča o imenovanju in razrešitvi izvršilnega sekretarja in na njegovo priporočilo določa številčnost, položaj in pogoje zaposlovanja celotnega osebja sekretariata ob ustreznem upoštevanju Dogovora;
l) imenuje visokega uradnika sekretariata za vršilca dolžnosti izvršilnega sekretarja, kadar je ta odsoten ali ne more opravljati svojih nalog ali je njegovo mesto prosto;
m) sprejme letni ali dveletni proračun;
n) v skladu z Dogovorom odobri spremembo kraja, kjer je družba Eutelsat S.A.
X. člen
a) Sekretariat vodi izvršilni sekretar, ki ga imenuje skupščina pogodbenic.
b) Mandat izvršilnega sekretarja traja štiri leta, če skupščina pogodbenic ne odloči drugače.
c) Skupščina pogodbenic lahko iz utemeljenega razloga razreši izvršilnega sekretarja pred iztekom njegovega mandata.
d) Izvršilni sekretar je zakoniti predstavnik EUTELSAT-a. Deluje v skladu z usmeritvami skupščine pogodbenic in je neposredno odgovoren za izvajanje vseh nalog sekretariata.
e) Izvršilni sekretar imenuje osebje sekretariata, za kar pridobi soglasje skupščine v skladu z odstavkom k) IX. člena.
f) Če je mesto izvršilnega sekretarja prosto ali če je izvršilni sekretar odsoten ali ne more opravljati svojih dolžnosti, ima vršilec dolžnosti izvršilnega sekretarja, ki ga pravilno imenuje skupščina pogodbenic, pristojnosti izvršilnega sekretarja po tej konvenciji.
g) Izvršilni sekretar in osebje sekretariata ne smeta storiti ničesar, kar bi bilo nezdružljivo z njunimi odgovornostmi do EUTELSAT-a.
XI. člen
(pravice in obveznosti)
a) Pogodbenice uveljavljajo pravice in izpolnjujejo obveznosti iz te konvencije tako, da v celoti spoštujejo in razvijajo njena načela in določbe.
b) Pogodbenice se lahko udeležujejo vseh konferenc in srečanj, na katerih imajo pravico sodelovati v skladu z določbami te konvencije, in vseh drugih srečanj, ki jih skliče EUTELSAT ali potekajo pod njegovim pokroviteljstvom, v skladu z njegovimi dogovori o teh srečanjih ne glede na to, kje potekajo.
c) Pred vsako tako konferenco ali srečanjem zunaj države sedeža EUTELSAT-a mora izvršilni sekretar zagotoviti, da dogovori z državo gostiteljico o vsaki konferenci ali srečanju vsebujejo določbo o vstopu vanjo in bivanju v njej predstavnikov vseh pogodbenic, ki imajo pravico sodelovati, dokler traja taka konferenca ali srečanje.
XII. člen
(sedež EUTELSAT-a, privilegiji, oprostitve, imunitete)
a) Sedež EUTELSAT-a je v Franciji.
b) V okviru dejavnosti, določenih s to konvencijo, sta EUTELSAT in njegovo premoženje na ozemlju pogodbenic oproščena davkov na dohodek in neposrednih davkov na premoženje ter carinskih dajatev.
c) Vsaka pogodbenica v skladu s protokolom iz tega odstavka podeli EUTELSAT- u, njegovim visokim uradnikom in drugim uslužbencem, navedenim v omenjenem protokolu, pogodbenicam in njihovim predstavnikom ter osebam, ki sodelujejo v arbitražnem postopku, ustrezne privilegije, oprostitve in imunitete. Zlasti pa vsaka pogodbenica podeli tem osebam procesnopravno imuniteto za storjena dejanja ali pisano ali govorjeno besedo pri opravljanju njihovih nalog in v mejah njihovih dolžnosti v obsegu in primerih, predvidenih v protokolu iz tega odstavka. Pogodbenica, na ozemlju katere je sedež EUTELSAT-a, z EUTELSAT-om čimprej sklene oziroma odvisno od primera obnovi sporazum o sedežu, ki se nanaša na privilegije, oprostitve in imunitete. Druge pogodbenice prav tako čimprej sklenejo protokol, ki se nanaša na privilegije, oprostitve in imunitete. Sporazum o sedežu in protokol določata pogoje, pod katerimi prenehata veljati, in sta neodvisna od te konvencije.
XIII. člen
a) Vsaka pogodbenica lahko kadarkoli prostovoljno izstopi iz EUTELSAT-a s pisnim obvestilom depozitarju, kot je določeno v XXI. členu. Tak izstop začne veljati tri mesece po datumu, ko depozitar prejme obvestilo.
b) Če se pokaže, da pogodbenica ni izpolnila katere od svojih obveznosti iz te konvencije, lahko skupščina pogodbenic, potem ko prejme obvestilo o tem ali na lastno pobudo in ko preuči pojasnila, ki jih je predložila pogodbenica, sklene, če ugotovi, da obveznost ni bila izpolnjena, da se šteje, da je ta pogodbenica izstopila iz EUTELSAT-a in da z dnem, ko je takšna odločitev sprejeta, ta konvencija preneha veljati za to pogodbenico. Skupščina pogodbenic lahko zaradi tega skliče izredno zasedanje.
c) Pogodbenica, ki je izstopila ali za katero se šteje, da je izstopila iz EUTELSAT-a, nima več nobene pravice do predstavljanja v skupščini pogodbenic in nobene obveznosti ali odgovornosti po dnevu dejanskega izstopa, razen odgovornosti, ki izhajajo iz dejanj ali opustitev pred tem datumom.
d) O vsakem uradnem obvestilu o izstopu in vsakem sklepu o izstopu depozitar takoj obvesti vse pogodbenice.
XIV. člen
(spremembe in odpoved)
a) Vsaka pogodbenica lahko predlaga spremembe te konvencije in jih pošlje izvršilnemu sekretarju, ki predloge takoj razpošlje vsem pogodbenicam. Skupščina pogodbenic obravnava predlagane spremembe najprej po šestih mesecih po tem, ko so bile razposlane, pri čemer ustrezno upošteva priporočila družbe Eutelsat S.A., katere stališča pridobi, če bi predlagana sprememba konvencije lahko vplivala na opravljanje njenih dejavnosti. Skupščina pogodbenic lahko v posebnih primerih skrajša to obdobje s sklepom, sprejetim v skladu s postopkom, ki je predviden za vsebinska vprašanja.
b) Če skupščina pogodbenic sprejme spremembo, začne ta veljati sto dvajset dni po tem, ko depozitar prejme obvestila o sprejetju od dveh tretjin držav, ki so bile pogodbenice na dan, ko jo je sprejela skupščina pogodbenic. Ko sprememba začne veljati, postane zavezujoča za vse pogodbenice.
c) Pogodbenice lahko ukinejo EUTELSAT s tem, da to konvencijo odpove dvetretjinska večina vseh pogodbenic.
d) Odpoved te konvencije ne vpliva na nadaljnji obstoj družbe Eutelsat S.A.
e) Če ni drugače dogovorjeno z družbo Eutelsat S.A., ni mogoče sprejeti nobenega sklepa o ukinitvi EUTELSAT-a po odstavku c) tega člena, dokler povsem ne prenehajo mednarodne pravice in obveznosti iz odstavka b) III. člena.
XV. člen
(reševanje sporov)
a) Vsak spor med pogodbenicami ali med EUTELSAT-om in eno ali več pogodbenicami, ki se nanaša na razlago ali uporabo te konvencije, se predloži arbitraži v skladu z določbami priloge B h konvenciji, če ga ni bilo mogoče drugače rešiti v enem letu od dneva, ko je ena pogodbenica v sporu sporočila drugi, da namerava spor rešiti s pogovori.
b) Vsak spor, ki se nanaša na razlago in uporabo te konvencije in nastane med pogodbenico in državo, ki ni več pogodbenica, ali med EUTELSAT-om in državo, ki ni več pogodbenica, in ki nastane po tem, ko omenjena država ni več pogodbenica, se predloži arbitraži v skladu z določbami priloge B k tej konvenciji, če spora ni bilo mogoče rešiti drugače v enem letu od dneva, ko je pogodbenica v sporu sporočila drugi, da namerava tak spor rešiti s pogovori, če se država, ki ni več pogodbenica, s tem strinja. Če kaka država ni več pogodbenica po tem, ko se spor, v katerem je udeležena, v skladu z odstavkom a) tega člena predloži arbitraži, se arbitraža nadaljuje in konča.
XVI. člen
(podpis – pridržki)
a) Vsaka država, katere uprava za telekomunikacije ali priznana zasebna agencija za upravljanje je podpisnica ali ima pravico postati podpisnica Začasnega sporazuma, lahko postane pogodbenica te konvencije s:
i) podpisom brez pridržka ratifikacije, sprejetja ali potrditve ali
ii) podpisom s pridržkom ratifikacije, sprejetja ali potrditve, ki mu sledi ratifikacija, sprejetje ali potrditev, ali
iii) pristopom.
b) Konvencija je na voljo za podpis v Parizu od 15. julija 1982 do uveljavitve, potem pa se lahko k njej pristopi.
c) V zvezi s to konvencijo ni mogoč noben pridržek.
XVII. člen
(začetek veljavnosti)
a) Konvencija začne veljati šestdeset dni po dnevu, ko jo podpišeta dve tretjini držav v skladu s pododstavkom i) odstavka a) XVI. člena te konvencije ali ko jo ratificirata, sprejmeta ali potrdita dve tretjini držav, ki so imele na dan, ko je bila na voljo za podpis, jurisdikcijo nad podpisnicami Začasnega sporazuma, če imajo omenjene podpisnice ali podpisnice, ki jih te imenujejo za Sporazum ECS, najmanj dvetretjinski finančni delež po Sporazumu ECS.
b) Konvencija ne začne veljati prej kot v osmih mesecih po dnevu, ko je bila na voljo za podpis. Konvencija ne začne veljati, če ni podpisana, ratificirana, sprejeta ali potrjena v skladu z odstavkom a) tega člena v šestintridesetih mesecih od dneva, ko je bila na voljo za podpis.
c) Če kaka država deponira listino o ratifikaciji, sprejetju, potrditvi ali pristopu po dnevu uveljavitve te konvencije, začne konvencija zanjo veljati z dnem deponiranja omenjene listine.
d) Takoj po uveljavitvi se ta konvencija začasno uporablja za vsako državo, ki jo je podpisala s pridržkom ratifikacije, sprejetja ali potrditve in ki je to zahtevala ob podpisu ali kadarkoli pozneje pred njeno uveljavitvijo. Začasna uporaba preneha:
i) ko omenjena država deponira listino o ratifikaciji, sprejetju ali odobritvi, ali
ii) po preteku dveh let od dneva uveljavitve te konvencije, če je omenjena država ni ratificirala, sprejela ali potrdila, ali
iii) pred iztekom časa, navedenega v pododstavku ii) tega odstavka, po prejemu uradnega obvestila omenjene države o njeni odločitvi, da konvencije ne bo ratificirala, sprejela ali potrdila.
Če začasna uporaba preneha na podlagi pododstavka ii) ali iii) tega odstavka, pravice in obveznosti pogodbenice ureja odstavek c) XIII. člena konvencije.
e) Ko začne veljati, ta konvencija nadomesti in razveljavi Začasni sporazum. Nobena določba te konvencije pa ne posega v pravice ali obveznosti, ki jih je pogodbenica že pridobila kot podpisnica Začasnega sporazuma.
XVIII. člen
a) Vsaka država, katere uprava za telekomunikacije ali priznana zasebna agencija za upravljanje je bila podpisnica ali je imela pravico postati podpisnica Začasnega sporazuma na dan, ko je bila konvencija na voljo za podpis, lahko k njej pristopi od dneva, ko ni bila več na voljo za podpis, do dveh let po njeni uveljavitvi.
b) Določbe odstavkov od c) do e) tega člena se uporabljajo za prošnje za pristop, ki jih vložijo te države:
i) država, katere uprava za telekomunikacije ali priznana zasebna agencija za upravljanje je bila podpisnica ali je imela pravico postati podpisnica Začasnega sporazuma na dan, ko je bila konvencija na voljo za podpis, in ni postala pogodbenica konvencije v skladu z določbami pododstavka i) ali ii) odstavka a) XVI. člena te konvencije ali odstavka a) tega člena;
ii) vsaka druga evropska država, ki je članica Mednarodne telekomunikacijske zveze in želi pristopiti h konvenciji po njeni uveljavitvi.
c) Vsaka država, ki želi pristopiti k tej konvenciji pod pogoji iz odstavka a) tega člena (»država prosilka«), o tem pisno obvesti izvršilnega sekretarja in mu pošlje vse podatke v zvezi s prošnjo.
d) Izvršilni sekretar prejme prošnjo za pristop države prosilke in jo predloži skupščini pogodbenic.
e) Skupščina pogodbenic odloči o prošnji države prosilke v šestih mesecih po dnevu, ko je izvršilni sekretar odločil, da ima vse podatke, potrebne po odstavku c) tega člena. Odločitev izvršilnega sekretarja se takoj sporoči skupščini pogodbenic. Skupščina pogodbenic odloči s tajnim glasovanjem in v skladu s postopkom odločanja o vsebinskih vprašanjih. V zvezi s tem se lahko skliče izredno zasedanje skupščine pogodbenic.
f) Izvršilni sekretar uradno obvesti državo prosilko o pogojih za pristop, ki jih je določila skupščina pogodbenic in so navedeni v protokolu, priloženem listini o pristopu, ki jo omenjena država deponira pri depozitarju.
XIX. člen
Nobena pogodbenica ni individualno odgovorna za dejanja in obveznosti EUTELSAT-a, razen če taka odgovornost ne izhaja iz pogodbe, katere pogodbenici sta omenjena pogodbenica in država, ki zahteva odškodnino. V tem primeru EUTELSAT odškoduje zadevno pogodbenico za vsako tako odgovornost, razen če pogodbenica ni izrecno prevzela obveznosti, da sama prevzame tako odgovornost.
XX. člen
(razne določbe)
a) Uradna in delovna jezika EUTELSAT-a sta angleški in francoski jezik.
b) EUTELSAT sodeluje pri vprašanjih skupnega pomena z Organizacijo združenih narodov in njenimi specializiranimi agencijami, zlasti z Mednarodno telekomunikacijsko zvezo ter z drugimi mednarodnimi organizacijami, in pri tem upošteva splošne usmeritve skupščine pogodbenic.
c) V skladu z Resolucijo 1721 (XVI) Generalne skupščine Združenih narodov pošilja EUTELSAT letna poročila o svojih dejavnostih v vednost generalnemu sekretarju Združenih narodov in ustreznim specializiranim agencijam. Letno poročilo pošlje tudi družbi Eutelsat S.A.
XXI. člen
a) Vlada Francoske republike je depozitar te konvencije, pri katerem so deponirane listine o ratifikaciji, sprejetju, potrditvi ali pristopu, prošnje za začasno uporabo in uradna obvestila o ratifikaciji, sprejetju ali potrditvi sprememb in odločitve o izstopu iz EUTELSAT-a ali o prenehanju začasne uporabe te konvencije.
b) Konvencija se deponira v arhivu depozitarja. Depozitar pošlje overjene kopije besedila konvencije vsem državam, ki so jo podpisale ali so deponirale svoje listine o pristopu, in Mednarodni telekomunikacijski zvezi.
c) Depozitar takoj obvesti vse države, ki so podpisale to konvencijo ali so k njej pristopile, in po potrebi Mednarodno telekomunikacijsko zvezo o:
i) vsakem podpisu konvencije;
ii) deponiranju vsake listine o ratifikaciji, sprejetju, potrditvi ali pristopu;
iii) začetku šestdesetdnevnega obdobja, navedenega v odstavku a) XVII. člena konvencije;
iv) uveljavitvi konvencije;
v) vsaki prošnji za začasno uporabo po odstavku d) XVII. člena konvencije;
vi) imenovanju izvršilnega sekretarja po odstavku a) X. člena konvencije;
vii) sprejemu in uveljavitvi vsake spremembe konvencije;
viii) vsakem uradnem obvestilu o izstopu;
ix) vsaki odločitvi skupščine pogodbenic po odstavku b) XIII. člena konvencije, da se šteje, da je pogodbenica izstopila iz EUTELSAT-a;
x) vseh drugih uradnih obvestilih in sporočilih v zvezi s konvencijo.
d) Po uveljavitvi te konvencije pošlje depozitar njeno overjeno kopijo Sekretariatu Združenih narodov, da jo registrira in objavi v skladu s 102. členom Ustanovne listine Združenih narodov.
V POTRDITEV TEGA so podpisani, ki so jih za to pravilno pooblastile njihove vlade*, podpisali to konvencijo.
Na voljo za podpis v Parizu petnajstega julija tisoč devetsto dvainosemdeset v enem izvirniku v angleškem in francoskem jeziku, pri čemer sta besedili enako verodostojni.
* Države članice EUTELSAT-a: Avstrija, Belgija, Ciper, Danska, Finska, Francija, [Nemčija (Zvezna republika)], Grčija, Islandija, Irska, Italija, Liechtenstein, Luksemburg, Malta, Monako, Nizozemska, Norveška, Portugalska, San Marino, Španija, Švedska, Švica, Turčija, Združeno kraljestvo, Vatikanska mestna država, Jugoslavija.
(prehodne določbe)
1. Nepretrgano nadaljevanje dejavnosti
a) Vsak sporazum, ki ga sklene EUTELSAT in velja na dan ustanovitve družbe Eutelsat S.A., velja še naprej, razen če ni in dokler ni spremenjen ali razveljavljen v skladu z določbami tega sporazuma. Vsaka odločitev, ki jo sprejme EUTELSAT in velja na dan ustanovitve družbe Eutelsat S.A, velja še naprej, razen če se ne in dokler se ne spremeni ali razveljavi.
b) Če ima ob ustanovitvi družbe Eutelsat S.A katerikoli organ EUTELSAT-a začeto, pa nedokončano nalogo, za katero ima pooblastilo ali jo mora opraviti, izvršilni sekretar ali prvi izvršilni direktor družbe Eutelsat S.A. v okviru svojih pooblastil in v skladu z dogovori, sklenjenimi med EUTELSAT-om in družbo Eutelsat S.A., nadomesti ta organ, da bi se omenjena naloga lahko končala.
2. Način prenosa
a) EUTELSAT sklene sporazum o prenosu (»Sporazum o prenosu«) z družbo Eutelsat S.A. za prenos kakršnihkoli ali vseh sredstev in obveznosti v zvezi s svojo dejavnostjo (kot je podrobneje določeno v Sporazumu o prenosu) na družbo Eutelsat S.A. (»prenos«).
b) Prenos povzroči splošen prenos vseh pravic, lastninske pravice, obresti in koristi ter vseh obveznosti in odgovornosti v zvezi s tako prenesenimi sredstvi in obveznostmi, pri čemer tako prenesena sredstva in obveznosti pomenijo celotno in samostojno dejavnost. Tak prenos mora imeti enak učinek kot odstop dejavnosti (»scission«) po členu 382 et seq. francoskega zakona št. 66-537 z dne 24. julija 1966 o gospodarskih družbah, razen da nobena obveznost in formalnost, ki po tem zakonu navadno zavezuje prenosnika (société apporteuse), ne velja za EUTELSAT.
c) Zlasti in brez vpliva na zgornje določbe začne prenos veljati erga omnes na dan, določen v Sporazumu o prenosu, pri čemer ni potrebno nobeno uradno obvestilo, privolitev ali odobritev katerekoli osebe, vključno z osebo, do katere obstaja kakršnakoli obveznost ali odgovornost. Prenos začne veljati na isti način za katerokoli osebo, s katero je EUTELSAT sklenil kakršenkoli sporazum vrste intuitu personae.
3. Upravljanje
a) V zvezi s točko c) 2. odstavka zgoraj ima vse osebje izvršilnega organa EUTELSAT-a pravico do premestitve v družbo Eutelsat S.A., osebe, ki bodo uresničile to pravico, pa bodo na dan premestitve imele pogoje zaposlitve, najmanj enake pogojem, ki so jih imele tik pred dnevom premestitve, če so v skladu s francoskim pravom.
b) Osebam, ki so na dan prenosa prejemale izplačila v skladu s pravilnikom o pokojninskem zavarovanju EUTELSAT-a, se ta izplačila še naprej plačujejo v skladu z vsemi ustreznimi določbami tega pravilnika, ki so veljale na dan prenosa.
c) V zvezi z osebami, ki so na dan prenosa pridobile pravico do prejemanja izplačil v skladu s pravilnikom o pokojninskem zavarovanju EUTELSAT-a, se ukrene vse potrebno, da ohranijo te pravice.
d) V skladu z določbami 1. odstavka te priloge za osebje še naprej veljajo veljavni pogoji zaposlitve, dokler družba Eutelsat S.A. ne določi novih pogojev.
e) Dokler prvi predsednik direkcije družbe Eutelsat S.A. in prvi izvršilni sekretar ne prevzameta svojih dolžnosti, jih opravlja generalni direktor EUTELSAT-a.
4. Prenos nalog EUTELSAT-a na družbo Eutelsat S.A. in na izvršilnega sekretarja
a) Na dan ustanovitve družbe Eutelsat S.A. in sekretariata generalni direktor EUTELSAT-a o tem obvesti vse, ki jih to zadeva.
b) Generalni direktor EUTELSAT-a kot zakoniti zastopnik EUTELSAT-a ukrene vse za pravočasni prenos vseh pravic in obveznosti, ki jih je pridobil EUTELSAT, na družbo Eutelsat S.A. in izvršilnega sekretarja.
(arbitražni postopek)
1. Za odločanje o vsakem sporu iz XV. člena te konvencije se v skladu s spodnjimi odstavki ustanovi arbitražno sodišče.
2. Vsaka pogodbenica te konvencije se v arbitraži lahko pridruži eni ali drugi stranki v sporu.
3. Arbitražno sodišče sestavljajo trije člani. Vsaka stranka v sporu imenuje enega razsodnika v dveh mesecih od dneva, ko je ena stranka prejela zahtevo, da se spor predloži arbitraži. Če se v XV. členu konvencije zahteva, da se stranki v sporu dogovorita o tem, da se spor predloži arbitraži, se dvomesečni rok računa od dneva, ko je bil dosežen ta dogovor. Prva dva razsodnika imenujeta tretjega razsodnika, ki je predsedujoči arbitražnega sodišča, v dveh mesecih po tem, ko je bil imenovan drugi razsodnik. Če eden od prvih dveh razsodnikov ni imenovan v predpisanem roku, ga na zahtevo ene ali druge stranke imenuje predsednik Meddržavnega sodišča, če se stranki s tem ne strinjata, pa generalni sekretar Stalnega arbitražnega sodišča. Isti postopek se uporabi, če predsedujoči arbitražnega sodišča ni imenovan v predpisanem roku.
4. Arbitražno sodišče določi svoj sedež in svoj poslovnik.
5. Vsaka stranka krije stroške za razsodnika, ki ga je imenovala, in stroške zastopanja pred arbitražnim sodiščem. Stroški za predsedujočega arbitražnega sodišča se delijo enako med strankama v sporu.
6. Arbitražno sodišče sprejme odločitev z večino glasov svojih članov, ki se ne smejo vzdržati glasovanja. Ta odločitev je dokončna in obvezna za stranki v sporu in zoper njo ni mogoča pritožba. Stranki morata takoj ravnati v skladu z odločitvijo. Ob sporu v zvezi z njenim pomenom ali obsegom jo mora arbitražno sodišče razložiti na zahtevo katerekoli stranke v sporu.
3. člen
Za izvajanje spremenjene konvencije skrbi Ministrstvo za informacijsko družbo.
4. člen
Ta zakon začne veljati petnajsti dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 326-08/04-14/1
Ljubljana, dne 15. julija 2004
EPA 1397-III
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Republike Slovenije
Feri Horvat l. r.

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