Na podlagi petega odstavka 75. člena Zakona o zunanjih zadevah (Uradni list RS, št. 113/03 – uradno prečiščeno besedilo) izdaja Vlada Republike Slovenije
1. člen
Ratificira se Sporazum med Republiko Avstrijo, Republiko Bolgarijo, Republiko Hrvaško, Češko republiko, Republiko Madžarsko, Republiko Poljsko, Romunijo, Slovaško republiko in Republiko Slovenijo o spodbujanju sodelovanja visokega šolstva v srednjeevropskem programu o meduniverzitetni izmenjavi (CEEPUS II), podpisan 9. marca 2003 v Zagrebu.
2. člen
Sporazum se v izvirniku v angleškem jeziku ter v prevodu v slovenskem jeziku glasi:
between the Republic of Austria, the Republic of Bulgaria, the Republic of Croatia, the Czech Republic, the Republic of Hungary, the Republic of Poland, Romania, the Slovak Republic and the Republic of Slovenia promoting cooperation in the field of higher education within the framework of the Central European Exchange Programme for University Studies ("CEEPUS II")
The Republic of Austria, the Republic of Bulgaria, the Republic of Croatia, the Czech Republic, the Republic of Hungary, the Republic of Poland, Romania, the Slovak Republic and the Republic of Slovenia hereinafter referred to as the "Contracting Parties",
have agreed as follows:
Article 1
Cooperation between the Contracting Parties shall be promoted in the field of higher education, in particular inter-university cooperation and mobility in the context of the implementation of CEEPUS II. The actions of the CEEPUS II programme are set out in Annex I which forms an integral part of the present Agreement.
Article 2
(1) For the purpose of the present Agreement, the terms "University" applies to an establishment providing higher education and being recognized by the competent authority of a Contracting Party as belonging to its system of higher education.
Each Contracting Party shall yearly provide a list of universities eligible for CEEPUS II.
(2) For the purpose of the present Agreement, the term "academic year" applies to the period of time from September 1st until August 31st of the following year.
(3) Students registered at universities, regardless of the field of study, are eligible for support within the CEEPUS II programme, up to and including doctoral or post graduate level, provided that the period of study or training carried out in accordance with the present Agreement at a host university or a host establishment, which is compatible with the curriculum at the student's home university, forms part of his or her university studies.
Furthermore, the CEEPUS II programme shall support the mobility of teaching staff of universities to promote transnational inter-university cooperation and to enhance the Central European dimension of university curricula.
The CEEPUS II programme shall not cover research and technological development activities.
Article 3
(1) A Joint Committee of Ministers, each of them representing one of the Contracting Parties, is hereby established. The Joint Committee of Ministers shall be responsible for all steps and decisions necessary to ensure the implementation and promotion of the CEEPUS II programme and for the approval of evaluation reports and the restructuring of the programme.
(2) The Joint Committee of Ministers shall meet at least once a year. Ministers unable to attend a meeting shall be represented by their high officials. The Joint Committee of Ministers may establish a panel of their high officials to decide on those issues which the Joint Committee of Ministers has deferred to them in preparation of the next meeting of the Joint Committee of Ministers.
(3) The Joint Committee of Ministers shall elect one of its members to act as chair for a period of one year.
(4) The Joint Committe of Ministers shall make every effort to reach agreement by consensus regarding all decisions to ensure the implementation and promotion of the programme as described in Annex I. Should consensus not be attainable, the matter shall be subject to decision by two-thirds majority of the members Joint Committee of Ministers present and voting.
(5) Concerning the annual budget of all Contracting Parties and their exchange quotas, i.e. the number of scholarship months per academic year to facilitate the actions described in Annex I each Contracting Party shall make a pledge. The Joint Committee of Ministers takes a final unanimous overall decision on all pledges.
Article 4
(1) All decisions concerning the selection of projects described in Annex I (Actions 1 – 3) shall be made by the Joint Committee of Ministers, or by a panel of high officials, as described in Article 3. Academics or other experts shall be consulted to support the selection process.
(2) After entry into force of the present Agreement, each Contracting Party shall nominate a National CEEPUS Office with the following responsibilities and notify the Joint Committee of Ministers thereof:
– advertising in order to promote the programme in close cooperation with the Central CEEPUS Office and the other National CEEPUS Offices;
– receipt of applications;
– preparation of the awarding of scholarships to applicants;
– securing of a place to study for incoming scholarship holders;
– awarding scholarships (as described in Annex I under Action 4);
– organizing scholarship payment;
– receipt of reports;
– carrying out national evaluation of the programme;
– annual reports.
(3) Each Contracting Party shall take measures to ensure that its National CEEPUS Office shall have at its disposal the necessary means to enable them to fulfil its functions.
Article 5
(1) A Central CEEPUS Office shall be established in Vienna. The Central CEEPUS Office shall have such legal capacity as may be necessary for the exercise of its functions. The Central CEEPUS Office, its staff and representatives of the Contracting Parties to the Central CEEPUS Office shall enjoy such privileges and immunities as are necessary for their functions.
(2) The Secretary General of the Central CEEPUS office shall be elected by a two thirds majority of the Joint Committee of Ministers for a period of five years upon proposition by the Republic of Austria. The Secretary General may be recalled before the end of his/her term by unanimous decision of the Joint Committee of Ministers.
(3) The necessary infrastructure, including the salaries of the Secretary General and the staff, of the Central CEEPUS Office shall be financed by the Republic of Austria. Each Contracting Party is entitled to dispatch additional staff to the office at their own expense.
The Secretary General shall lay down the rules of procedure of the Central CEEPUS Office and notify the Joint Committee of Ministers thereof.
(4) The Central CEEPUS Office shall serve solely as a coordinating and evaluating facility, whereas the Contracting Parties shall retain full power over their national budget designated for mobility and exchange actions described in Annex I.
(5) The Central CEEPUS Office shall furthermore:
– be responsible for the development of a joint public relations strategy for the programme and advise the Contracting Parties on informative issues;
– publish information on the Contracting Parties´ universities in order to promote academic mobility among them;
– take over responsibility for the preparation of an annual progress report and carry out the overall evaluation of the CEEPUS II programme;
– submit proposals for further programme development;
– be responsible for preparation and organisation as well as keeping the minutes of the meetings of the Joint Committee of Ministers;
– upon request support the implementation of the decisions agreed upon by the Joint Committee of Ministers.
Article 6
(1) The Contracting Parties shall make all efforts to abstain from any restrictions concerning the free movement and residence of individuals participating in mobility actions covered by the present Agreement.
(2) The Contracting Parties agree to take the measures they consider appropriate in the framework of their national law so as to eliminate all administrative and financial obstacles to acquiring visa and/or residence permits for CEEPUS II scholarship holders.
Article 7
(1) The present Agreement shall remain in force for a period of five years. It may be renewed for a further period upon agreement of the Contracting Parties. A review of the present Agreement shall be completed before the end of the third academic year after entry into force. This review shall be based on an overall evaluation of the CEEPUS II programme.
(2) Each Contracting Party may at any time request a revision of the present Agreement. For this purpose, it shall submit a written request to the chairman of the Joint Committee of Ministers and the other Contracting Parties. All decisions concerning the revision of the present Agreement shall be made by unanimous decision of the Joint Committee of Ministers.
Article 8
(1) The present Agreement shall be open for signature at Zagreb, Croatia, from March 9th, 2003 until March 9th, 2003 by the Republic of Austria, the Republic of Bulgaria, the Republic of Croatia, the Czech Republic, the Republic of Hungary, the Republic of Poland, Romania, the Slovak Republic and the Republic of Slovenia. It shall thereafter be open for accession.
(2) The present Agreement and revisions thereof shall be subject to approval by the Contracting Parties and the documents of approval shall be deposited with the Hungarian Ministry of Education, referred to in this Agreement as "the Depositary".
(3) The present Agreement shall enter into force upon the first day of the third month following the deposit of the documents of approval by not less than three Contracting Parties.
(4) Any State not mentioned in para. 1 may accede thereto by unanimous invitation by the Joint Committee of Ministers. Any State wishing to become a Contracting Party may notify the Depositary in writing of this intention.
(5) The Depositary shall inform all Contracting Parties of all notifications and documents of approval received.
(6) For any State which has become a Contracting Party after entry into force of the present Agreement full participation in programme activities as laid down in Annex I shall take place in accordance with the provisions unanimously decided upon by the Joint Committee of Ministers.
Article 9
At any time a Contracting Party may withdraw from the present Agreement by giving written notice to the Depositary. Any such withdrawal shall take effect upon expiry of at least 6 months from the date of receipt by the Depositary of the notification of withdrawal; however, the Joint Committee of Ministers may lay down a period longer than 6 but less than 12 months for the entry into force of the withdrawal notified.
Article 10
(1) Any dispute between two or more Contracting Parties, or between any of them and the Central CEEPUS Office, concerning the interpretation or application of the present Agreement or its Annex, which cannot be settled by the Joint Committee of Ministers, shall, at the request of any party to the dispute, be submitted to arbitration.
(2) The arbitration tribunal shall consist of a minimum of three members. Each party to the dispute shall nominate one arbitrator each; the first two arbitrators shall nominate the third arbitrator, who shall be the chair of the arbitration tribunal.
(3) The arbitration tribunal shall determine its seat and establish its own rules of procedure.
(4) The award of the arbitration tribunal shall be made by a majority of its members, who may not abstain from voting. This award shall be final and binding on all parties to the dispute and no appeal shall lie against it. The parties shall comply with the award without delay. In the event of a dispute as to its meaning or scope, the arbitration tribunal shall interprete it at the request of any party to the dispute.
Article 11
The original of the present Agreement, of which the English text is authentic, shall be deposited with the Depositary.
In witness whereof the undersigned being duly authorized to that effect, have signed this Agreement.
Done at Zagreb, Croatia, on the ninth day of March, two thousand and three.
The Contracting Parties shall develop and promote a Central European University Network made up of various individual networks. This network is designed to stimulate academic mobility, in particular student mobility within Central Europe, and to promote Central European university cooperation and the development of joint programmes ideally leading to double or joint degrees.
All CEEPUS II Actions except for the Freemover scholarships take place in the framework of CEEPUS II networks as described in Action 1.
CEEPUS II shall give priority to networks developing their cooperation into joint programmes or developing new joint programmes. The Joint Committee of Ministers will monitor the progress achieved within the Bologna Process in this respect and adapt the CEEPUS II priorities accordingly.
Action 1: Establishment and Operation of a Central European University Network
1) A network shall comprise at least three universities, two of them belonging to different Contracting Parties, although networks specializing in the development of joint programmes may comprise only two universities of different Contracting Parties for an initial phase to be specified by the Joint Committee of Ministers. However, priority shall be given to networks consisting of more than two universities of different Contracting Parties.
2) Any university desiring to participate in a CEEPUS II network shall meet the following requirements:
a) Periods of study or training completed at one participating university or host establishment shall be fully recognized at the partner universities.
b) Mutual recognition within the network shall be foreseen. ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) or compatible systems shall be applied. In the case of students working on their theses or dissertations this might be replaced by a statement of both the advisor of the home and of the host university that the study abroad period served the purpose of working towards a thesis or dissertation, respectively.
c) In order to facilitate academic mobility, CEEPUS II courses and/or lectures shall be held also in English, German or French, respectively.
The Contracting Parties agree to promote professional language courses by awarding scholarship months for preparatory professional language courses in English, German or French, offered by the respective networks.
Accompanying language courses in the language of the host country might be offered where possible.
d) A student studying within the CEEPUS II framework shall be exempt from any registration and/or tuition fees whatsoever.
Action 2: Intensive Courses
The Contracting Parties agree to promote intensive courses under the provision that
1) these courses are designed to attract participants from as many Contracting Parties as possible, including the host country. Participants are defined as students and/or lecturers, visiting professors and teaching staff.
2) these courses are classified as
summerschools over a period of at least 10 working days dedicated to a specific topic, provided they carry credit points.
intensive training courses over a period of at least 10 working days for young teaching staff.
3) Congresses and similar events are explicitly excluded.
Action 3: Student Excursions
The Contracting Parties agree to promote student excursions under the provision that these excursions carry credit points and
1) serve a scientific/artistic purpose and make use of a specific part of the infra-structure of the host country; or
2) serve a scientific/artistic purpose and are jointly organized.
Action 4: Student and Teacher Mobility Scholarship Scheme
1) The Contracting Parties agree to award individual scholarships to students participating in the CEEPUS II activities described under Action 1 – 3.
2) Scholarships shall also be awarded to lecturers, visiting professors and teaching staff, provided that they contribute to transnational university cooperation and/or appropriate training measures.Lecturers, visiting professors and teaching staff shall carry a workload of at least 6 teaching hours a week at the host university.
3) Scholarships shall also be awarded to students and graduates for practical training at a commercial enterprise, research facility or governmental institution in the host country, provided that a definite and structured proposal is made.
4) Student scholarhips for regular semester activities shall be awarded for a minimum of 3 months and a maximum of 10 months. Shorter stays shall only be permitted for students working on their theses or dissertations.
5) CEEPUS II scholarships may also be awarded to students enrolled at an eligible CEEPUS II university for whom special arrangements for studying have been made outside a CEEPUS II network (Freemovers).
6) CEEPUS II scholarships are "comprehensive" scholarships, i.e. intended to cover the cost of living, expenses for laboratory fees according to general usage in the host country where applicable, housing and basic medical insurance where applicable during the stay in a host country. CEEPUS II scholarships shall be linked to the cost of living in the respective host country and shall be safeguarded against inflation.
7) Since there is no transfer of funds, CEEPUS II scholarships shall be paid by the host country, with the exception of travel allowances, which shall be paid by the country of origin where applicable.
8) The CEEPUS II currency is defined as "one scholarship month". All Contracting Parties shall announce their quotas for the following academic year in yearly intervals. The minimum requirement shall be 100 scholarship months.
9) CEEPUS II shall not cover overhead costs or expenses related to organisational purposes.
med Republiko Avstrijo, Republiko Bolgarijo, Republiko Hrvaško, Češko republiko, Republiko Madžarsko, Republiko Poljsko, Romunijo, Slovaško republiko in Republiko Slovenijo o spodbujanju sodelovanja visokega šolstva v srednjeevropskem programu o meduniverzitetni izmenjavi (CEEPUS II)
Republika Avstrija, Republika Bolgarija, Republika Hrvaška, Češka republika, Republika Madžarska, Republika Poljska, Romunija, Slovaška republika in Republika Slovenija, v nadaljnjem besedilu pogodbenice,
so se sporazumele:
1. člen
Spodbuja se sodelovanje med pogodbenicami na področju visokega šolstva, predvsem meduniverzitetno sodelovanje in mobilnost v zvezi z izvajanjem programa CEEPUS II. Akcije programa CEEPUS II so navedene v prilogi I, ki je sestavni del tega sporazuma.
2. člen
(1) V tem sporazumu izraz »univerza« pomeni visokošolski zavod, ki omogoča visokošolski študij in jo pristojni organ pogodbenice priznava za del svojega visokošolskega sistema.
Vsaka pogodbenica enkrat letno pošlje seznam univerz, ki izpolnjujejo pogoje za program CEEPUS II.
(2) V tem sporazumu izraz »študijsko leto« pomeni obdobje od 1. septembra do 31. avgusta naslednjega leta.
(3) Študenti, vpisani na univerzah, so ne glede na študijsko področje vse do doktorske ali podiplomske ravni upravičeni do podpore po programu CEEPUS II, če je obdobje študija ali usposabljanja, ki po tem sporazumu poteka na univerzi ali drugi organizaciji gostiteljici, skladno s študijskim programom na študentovi domači univerzi in je sestavni del njegovega univerzitetnega študija.
Program CEEPUS II podpira tudi mobilnost visokošolskih učiteljev in sodelavcev na univerzah zaradi spodbujanja nadnacionalnega meduniverzitetnega sodelovanja in krepitve srednjeevropske razsežnosti univerzitetnih študijskih programov.
Program CEEPUS II ne zajema raziskovalnih in tehnološkorazvojnih dejavnosti.
3. člen
(1) Ustanovi se Skupni odbor ministrov, od katerih vsak zastopa eno pogodbenico. Skupni odbor ministrov je odgovoren za vse ukrepe in odločitve, ki so potrebni, da se zagotovita izvajanje in spodbujanje programa CEEPUS II, za potrjevanje poročil o vrednotenju in preoblikovanje programa.
(2) Skupni odbor ministrov se sestaja vsaj enkrat letno. Ministre, ki se srečanja ne morejo udeležiti, zastopajo njihovi visoki uradniki. Skupni odbor ministrov lahko ustanovi sosvet visokih uradnikov za odločanje o vprašanjih, ki mu jih je Skupni odbor ministrov prepustil, ko je pripravljal naslednje srečanje skupnega odbora ministrov.
(3) Skupni odbor ministrov med svojimi člani izvoli člana, ki mu bo predsedoval eno leto.
(4) Skupni odbor ministrov si zelo prizadeva, da se sklepi za zagotovitev izvajanja in spodbujanja programa iz priloge I sprejmejo soglasno. Če soglasja ni mogoče doseči, se odločitev sprejme z dvetretjinsko večino članov Skupnega odbora ministrov, ki so navzoči in glasujejo.
(5) Pogodbenice se zavežejo, da bodo skladno s svojim letnim proračunom in kvotami za izmenjave, tj. številom mesecev štipendiranja za študijsko leto, omogočile izvajanje akcij iz priloge I. Skupni odbor ministrov o vseh kvotah soglasno sprejme končno odločitev.
4. člen
(1) Vse odločitve o izbiri projektov iz priloge I (akcije 1–3) sprejme Skupni odbor ministrov ali sosvet visokih uradnikov iz 3. člena. Med postopkom izbiranja se posvetuje z visokošolskimi učitelji ali drugimi strokovnjaki.
(2) Po začetku veljavnosti tega sporazuma vsaka pogodbenica določi nacionalni urad CEEPUS z navedenimi obveznostmi in o tem uradno obvesti Skupni odbor ministrov:
– oglaševanje zaradi spodbujanja programa v tesnem sodelovanju s Centralnim uradom CEEPUS in drugimi nacionalnimi uradi CEEPUS;
– sprejemanje prijav;
– priprava dodeljevanja štipendij prosilcem;
– zagotavljanje študijskih mest za prihajajoče štipendiste;
– dodeljevanje štipendij (kot je opisano v prilogi I pod akcijo 4);
– organiziranje izplačila štipendij;
– sprejemanje poročil;
– nacionalno vrednotenje programa;
– priprava letnih poročil.
(3) Vsaka pogodbenica poskrbi, da ima njen nacionalni urad CEEPUS na voljo potrebna sredstva za izpolnjevanje nalog.
5. člen
(1) Centralni urad CEEPUS ima sedež na Dunaju. Centralni urad CEEPUS ima tako pravno sposobnost, kot je potrebna za opravljanje njegovih nalog. Centralni urad CEEPUS, njegovo osebje in predstavniki pogodbenic v uradu uživajo privilegije in imunitete, potrebne za opravljanje njihovih nalog.
(2) Generalnega sekretarja Centralnega urada CEEPUS na predlog Republike Avstrije z dvetretjinsko večino izvoli Skupni odbor ministrov za pet let. Generalni sekretar je lahko pred koncem svojega mandata odpoklican s soglasno odločitvijo Skupnega odbora ministrov.
(3) Republika Avstrija financira potrebno infrastrukturo Centralnega urada CEEPUS skupaj s plačami generalnega sekretarja in osebja. Vsaka pogodbenica lahko na lastne stroške v urad pošlje dodatno osebje.
Generalni sekretar določi poslovnik Centralnega urada CEEPUS in o tem uradno obvesti
Skupni odbor ministrov.
(4) Centralni urad CEEPUS deluje zgolj kot institut usklajevanja in vrednotenja, pogodbenice pa obdržijo izključno odločanje o svojem nacionalnem proračunu, namenjenemu mobilnosti in izmenjavam iz priloge I.
(5) Centralni urad CEEPUS:
– je odgovoren za razvoj skupne strategije za stike z javnostmi za program in pogodbenicam svetuje glede obveščanja;
– objavlja informacije o univerzah pogodbenic, da spodbuja akademsko mobilnost med njimi;
– prevzema odgovornost za pripravo letnega poročila o napredku in celostno vrednoti program CEEPUS II;
– daje predloge za nadaljnji razvoj programa;
– pripravlja in organizira srečanja Skupnega odbora ministrov ter pripravlja zapisnike sestankov;
– na prošnjo pomaga pri izvajanju odločitev, o katerih se je dogovoril Skupni odbor ministrov.
6. člen
(1) Pogodbenice si zelo prizadevajo, da ne bi omejevale prostega gibanja in prebivanja posameznikov, ki so udeleženi pri izmenjavah iz tega sporazuma.
(2) Pogodbenice soglašajo, da bodo v okviru svoje zakonodaje ukrepale tako, kot se jim zdi primerno, da bi odpravile vse administrativne in finančne ovire pri pridobivanju vizumov in/ali dovoljenj za prebivanje štipendistov CEEPUS II.
7. člen
(1) Ta sporazum velja pet let. Z dogovorom pogodbenic se lahko podaljša. Pregleda se pred koncem tretjega študijskega leta po začetku veljavnosti. Pregled temelji na celostnem vrednotenju programa CEEPUS II.
(2) Vsaka pogodbenica lahko kadar koli predlaga spremembo tega sporazuma. V ta namen predsedniku Skupnega odbora ministrov in drugim pogodbenicam predloži pisni predlog. Skupni odbor ministrov soglasno sprejme vse odločitve o spremembi tega sporazuma.
8. člen
(1) Republika Avstrija, Republika Bolgarija, Republika Hrvaška, Češka republika, Republika Madžarska, Republika Poljska, Romunija, Slovaška republika in Republika Slovenija lahko podpišejo ta sporazum devetega marca 2003 v Zagrebu, Hrvaška. Pozneje bo mogoče pristopiti k njemu.
(2) Ta sporazum in njegove spremembe morajo pogodbenice odobriti, listine o odobritvi pa se deponirajo pri madžarskem Ministrstvu za šolstvo, v nadaljnjem besedilu »depozitar«.
(3) Ta sporazum začne veljati prvi dan tretjega meseca po tem, ko vsaj tri pogodbenice deponirajo listine o odobritvi.
(4) Katera koli država, ki ni omenjena v prvem odstavku, lahko pristopi k sporazumu na podlagi soglasnega povabila Skupnega odbora ministrov. Država, ki želi postati pogodbenica, o tej nameri pisno obvesti depozitarja.
(5) Depozitar vse pogodbenice obvesti o vseh prejetih uradnih obvestilih in listinah o odobritvi.
(6) Država, ki postane pogodbenica po začetku veljavnosti tega sporazuma, enakopravno sodeluje pri dejavnostih programa iz priloge I skladno z določbami, ki jih soglasno sprejme Skupni odbor ministrov.
9. člen
Pogodbenica lahko kadar koli odstopi od tega sporazuma s pisnim obvestilom depozitarju. Odstop začne veljati po poteku najmanj 6 mesecev, potem ko depozitar prejme uradno obvestilo o odstopu, vendar pa lahko Skupni odbor ministrov določi, da začne odstop veljati po obdobju, ki je daljše od 6, a krajše od 12 mesecev.
10. člen
(1) Spori med dvema ali več pogodbenicami ali katero koli od njih in Centralnim uradom CEEPUS glede razlage ali uporabe tega sporazuma ali njegove priloge, ki jih ne more rešiti Skupni odbor ministrov, se na prošnjo katere koli stranke v sporu predložijo razsodišču.
(2) Razsodišče sestavljajo najmanj trije člani. Vsaka stranka v sporu določi enega razsodnika; prva dva razsodnika določita tretjega razsodnika in ta je predsednik razsodišča.
(3) Razsodišče določi svoj sedež in lastna postopkovna pravila.
(4) Razsodbo razsodišča sprejme večina njegovih članov, ki se ne smejo vzdržati glasovanja. Ta razsodba je dokončna in zavezuje vse stranke v sporu, zoper njo ni mogoča pritožba. Stranke morajo razsodbo brez odlašanja izpolniti. Če pride do spora zaradi pomena ali obsega razsodbe, razsodišče to razloži na prošnjo katere koli stranke v sporu.
11. člen
Izvirnik tega sporazuma, katerega angleško besedilo je verodostojno, se deponira pri depozitarju.
V potrditev tega so podpisani, ki so bili za to pravilno pooblaščeni, podpisali ta sporazum.
Sestavljeno v Zagrebu, Hrvaška, devetega marca dva tisoč tri.
CEEPUS II: Priloga I
Pogodbenice razvijajo in spodbujajo srednjeevropsko univerzitetno mrežo, ki jo sestavljajo razne posamezne mreže. Ta mreža je namenjena spodbujanju akademske mobilnosti, predvsem mobilnosti študentov v srednji Evropi, in spodbujanju sodelovanja srednjeevropskih univerz ter razvijanju skupnih programov, če je le mogoče za pridobitev dveh ali skupne diplome.
Vse akcije CEEPUS II iz točke 1 potekajo v univerzitetnih mrežah CEEPUS II, razen za prejemnike prostih štipendij.
CEEPUS II daje prednost mrežam za sodelovanje v skupnih programih ali pri razvijanju novih. Skupni odbor ministrov bo glede tega spremljal napredek, dosežen pri prenovi visokega šolstva v skladu z bolonjskimi procesi, in bo temu prilagodil prednostne naloge CEEPUS II.
1. akcija: ustanovitev in delovanje mreže srednjeevropskih univerz
1) Mrežo sestavljajo vsaj tri univerze, od katerih dve pripadata različnim pogodbenicam, čeprav lahko mreže, specializirane za razvoj skupnih programov, v prvi fazi, ki jo opredeli Skupni odbor ministrov, sestavljata samo dve univerzi različnih pogodbenic. Prednost pa se daje mrežam, sestavljenim iz več kot dveh univerz različnih pogodbenic.
2) Univerza, ki želi sodelovati v mreži CEEPUS II, mora izpolnjevati te pogoje:
a) obdobja študija ali usposabljanja, končana na eni od sodelujočih univerz ali drugi organizaciji gostiteljice, se na partnerskih univerzah v celoti priznavajo;
b) predvideti je treba medsebojno priznavanje v mreži. Uporablja se ECTS (evropski prenosni kreditni sistem) ali z njim primerljiv sistem. Če študenti pripravljajo nalogo ali disertacijo, se namesto tega lahko upoštevata izjavi mentorjev domače univerze in univerze gostiteljice, da je študijsko obdobje v tujini namenjeno njeni izdelavi;
c) da se olajša akademska mobilnost, so predmeti in/ali predavanja v okviru CEEPUS II tudi v angleškem, nemškem ali francoskem jeziku. Pogodbenice soglašajo, da bodo spodbujale strokovne jezikovne tečaje s podeljevanjem mesečnih štipendij za pripravljalne tečaje strokovnega angleškega, nemškega ali francoskega jezika, ki jih ponujajo posamezne mreže.
Če je to izvedljivo, se lahko ponudijo spremljajoči jezikovni tečaji v jeziku države gostiteljice;
d) študent, ki študira v okviru CEEPUS II, je oproščen plačila vsakršne vpisnine ali šolnine.
2. akcija: intenzivni tečaji
Pogodbenice soglašajo, da bodo spodbujale intenzivne tečaje:
1) če bo namen teh tečajev pritegniti udeležence iz čim več pogodbenic skupaj z državo gostiteljico. Udeleženci so opredeljeni kot študenti in/ali predavatelji, gostujoči profesorji in učno osebje;
2) če se bodo ti tečaji uvrščali med
poletne šole, ki trajajo vsaj 10 delovnih dni in so namenjene posebni temi, če bodo kreditno ovrednotene;
intenzivne tečaje usposabljanja za mlade učitelje, ki trajajo vsaj 10 delovnih dni.
3) Kongresi in podobne prireditve so izrecno izključeni.
3. akcija: študentske ekskurzije
Pogodbenice soglašajo, da bodo spodbujale študentske ekskurzije, če bodo kreditno ovrednotene in
1) bodo imele znanstveni/umetniški namen ter uporabljale opremo države gostiteljice ali
2) bodo imele znanstveni/umetniški namen in bodo skupno organizirane.
4. akcija: program štipendiranja mobilnosti študentov in učiteljev
1) Pogodbenice soglašajo, da bodo posamezne štipendije podeljevale študentom, ki sodelujejo pri dejavnostih CEEPUS II, opisanih v akcijah 1–3.
2) Štipendije se podeljujejo predavateljem, gostujočim profesorjem in učnemu osebju, če prispevajo k nadnacionalnemu meduniverzitetnemu sodelovanju in/ali ustreznemu usposabljanju. Predavatelji, gostujoči profesorji in učno osebje morajo na univerzi gostiteljici poučevati vsaj šest učnih ur tedensko.
3) Štipendije se podeljujejo tudi študentom in diplomantom za praktično usposabljanje v podjetju, raziskovalni organizaciji ali vladni organizaciji v državi gostiteljici, če je izdelan jasen in strukturiran predlog.
4) Študentske štipendije za redne semestrske dejavnosti se podeljujejo najmanj za tri in največ deset mesecev. Krajša bivanja se dovolijo samo študentom, ki pripravljajo naloge ali disertacije.
5) Štipendije CEEPUS II se lahko podeljujejo tudi študentom, vpisanim na univerzi, ki izpolnjuje pogoje za program CEEPUS II, za katere pa so bili glede študija sprejeti posebni dogovori zunaj mreže CEEPUS II (prejemniki prostih štipendij).
6) Štipendije CEEPUS II so »vsezajemajoče« štipendije, saj so namenjene za poravnavanje življenjskih stroškov, po potrebi laboratorijskih stroškov v skladu s splošno prakso v državi gostiteljici, stroškov namestitve in po potrebi osnovnega zdravstvenega zavarovanja med bivanjem v državi gostiteljici. Štipendije CEEPUS II so odvisne od življenjskih stroškov v posamezni državi gostiteljici in se povečujejo z inflacijo.
7) Ker se sredstva ne prenašajo, štipendije CEEPUS II plačuje država gostiteljica, razen potnih stroškov, ki jih lahko plača domača država.
8) Valuta CEEPUS II je opredeljena kot »en mesec štipendiranja«. Vse pogodbenice vsako leto napovejo svoje kvote za naslednje študijsko leto. Zahteva je najmanj100 mesečnih štipendij.
9) CEEPUS II ne poravnava niti režijskih niti organizacijskih stroškov.
3. člen
Za izvajanje sporazuma skrbi Ministrstvo za šolstvo, znanost in šport.
4. člen
Ta uredba začne veljati petnajsti dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 681-13/2003-2
Ljubljana, dne 30. septembra 2004
EVA 2004-1811-0195
Vlada Republike Slovenije
mag. Anton Rop l. r.