Uradni list

Številka 36
Uradni list RS, št. 36/2005 z dne 8. 4. 2005
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 36/2005 z dne 8. 4. 2005


10. Zakon o ratifikaciji Sporazuma med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Švicarskim zveznim svetom o ponovnem sprejemu oseb, ki prebivajo nedovoljeno in Protokola o izvajanju Sporazuma med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Švicarskim zveznim svetom o ponovnem sprejemu oseb, ki prebivajo nedovoljeno (BCHPSO), stran 464.

Na podlagi druge alinee prvega odstavka 107. člena in prvega odstavka 91. člena Ustave Republike Slovenije izdajam
Razglašam Zakon o ratifikaciji Sporazuma med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Švicarskim zveznim svetom o ponovnem sprejemu oseb, ki prebivajo nedovoljeno in Protokola o izvajanju Sporazuma med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Švicarskim zveznim svetom o ponovnem sprejemu oseb, ki prebivajo nedovoljeno (BCHPSO), ki ga je sprejel Državni zbor Republike Slovenije na seji 23. marca 2005.
Št. 001-22-13/05
Ljubljana, 31. marec 2005
dr. Janez Drnovšek l. r.
Republike Slovenije
1. člen
Ratificirata se Sporazum med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Švicarskim zveznim svetom o ponovnem sprejemu oseb, ki prebivajo nedovoljeno in Protokol o izvajanju Sporazuma med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Švicarskim zveznim svetom o ponovnem sprejemu oseb, ki prebivajo nedovoljeno, podpisana v Bernu 27. julija 2004.
2. člen
Besedilo sporazuma in protokola se v izvirniku v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku glasi (*1):
Vlada Republike Slovenije
Švicarski zvezni svet,
v nadaljevanju pogodbenika,
sta se
v želji po nadaljnjem sodelovanju z namenom zagotavljanja boljšega izvajanja določb o pretoku oseb,
v želji, da se omogočita ponovni sprejem in tranzit oseb, ki prebivajo nedovoljeno, v duhu sodelovanja in na podlagi vzajemnosti,
ob upoštevanju Evropske konvencije o varstvu človekovih pravic in temeljnih svoboščin z dne 4. novembra 1950 in Konvencije o statusu beguncev, podpisane v Ženevi 28. julija 1951, spremenjene s protokolom, podpisanim v New Yorku 31. januarja 1967,
odločena, da se bosta borila proti nezakonitim migracijam,
1. člen
Za namene tega sporazuma izraz tujec pomeni osebo, ki ni niti slovenski niti švicarski državljan. Tujec je lahko tudi oseba brez državljanstva.
2. člen
(1) Vsak pogodbenik na zahtevo drugega pogodbenika brez formalnosti ponovno sprejme na svoje območje vsako osebo, ki ne izpolnjuje ali ne izpolnjuje več pogojev za vstop ali prebivanje, ki veljajo na območju pogodbenika prosilca, če se dokaže ali se lahko utemeljeno domneva, da ima ta oseba državljanstvo zaprošenega pogodbenika.
(2) Pogodbenik prosilec osebo pod istim pogojem ponovno sprejme na svoje območje, če se z nadaljnjim preverjanjem ugotovi, da oseba v trenutku, ko je zapustila območje pogodbenika prosilca, dejansko ni imela državljanstva zaprošene države.
(3) Za namene tega člena se državljanstvo osebe lahko dokazuje z dokumenti, naštetimi v protokolu.
3. člen
(1) Če se državljanstvo domneva na podlagi dokumentov in informacij, naštetih v protokolu, konzularni organi zaprošenega pogodbenika v treh delovnih dneh izdajo osebi, ki bo ponovno sprejeta, (začasne) potovalne dokumente, ki jih potrebuje za vrnitev v matično državo.
(2) Če državljanstva osebe ni mogoče dokazati ali utemeljeno domnevati na podlagi predloženih dokumentov, konzularni organi zaprošenega pogodbenika opravijo razgovore z osebo, ki je v postopku ponovnega sprejema, v šestih delovnih dneh po prejemu vloge za ponovni sprejem. Ta razgovor organizira pogodbenik prosilec po posvetovanju s konzularnim organom v najkrajšem možnem času.
(3) Če se med razgovorom, ki ga opravi konzularni organ zaprošenega pogodbenika, ugotovi ali utemeljeno domneva državljanstvo osebe v postopku ponovnega sprejema, konzulat nemudoma izda (začasni) potovalni dokument, v nobenem primeru pa ne pozneje kot v devetih delovnih dneh po prejemu vloge za ponovni sprejem.
4. člen
(1) Vsak pogodbenik na zahtevo drugega pogodbenika brez formalnosti sprejme tujca, ki je v obdobju devetih mesecev pred vložitvijo vloge zapustil območje zaprošenega pogodbenika, potem ko je na njegovem območju bival vsaj dva tedna.
(2) Vsak pogodbenik na zahtevo drugega pogodbenika brez formalnosti ponovno sprejme tujca, ki ne izpolnjuje pogojev za vstop ali bivanje, ki veljajo na območju pogodbenika prosilca, če ima ta oseba veljaven vizum ali kakršno koli dovoljenje za prebivanje, ki ga je izdal zaprošeni pogodbenik. Ta določba ne vključuje začasnega dovoljenja za prebivanje na območju države pogodbenika, ki se odobri v zvezi z obravnavanjem vloge za azil.
5. člen
Obveznost ponovnega sprejema iz 4. člena ne velja, kadar gre za:
a) tujce, ki so na območje pogodbenika prosilca vstopili zakonito ali jim je pogodbenik prosilec izdal vizum ali dovoljenje za prebivanje, razen če je zaprošeni pogodbenik izdal veljaven vizum ali dovoljenje za prebivanje z daljšo veljavnostjo;
b) tujce, ki na območju pogodbenika prosilca bivajo dlje od šestih mesecev, razen če so imetniki veljavnega dovoljenja za prebivanje, ki ga je izdal zaprošeni pogodbenik;
c) tujce, ki jim je pogodbenik prosilec priznal bodisi status begunca v skladu s Konvencijo o statusu beguncev, podpisano v Ženevi 28. julija 1951, spremenjeno s protokolom, podpisanim v New Yorku 31. januarja 1967, bodisi status osebe brez državljanstva v skladu s Konvencijo o statusu oseb brez državljanstva, podpisano v New Yorku 28. septembra 1954;
d) tujce, ki jih je zaprošeni pogodbenik dejansko vrnil v njihovo matično državo ali v tretjo državo, pod pogojem, da niso vstopili na območje pogodbenika prosilca po bivanju na območju zaprošenega pogodbenika po izvedbi ukrepa vrnitve v matično državo.
6. člen
(1) Za namene prvega odstavka 4. člena se vstop tujca na območje zaprošenega pogodbenika ali njegovo bivanje na njegovem območju lahko dokazuje z dokumenti, naštetimi v protokolu. Vstop ali bivanje se lahko ugotavlja tudi z drugimi dokazili, ki so podrobno navedena v protokolu. Obstoj takšnih dokazil je podlaga za domnevo o vstopu ali bivanju.
(2) Vlogo za ponovni sprejem si neposredno pošljejo pristojni organi pod pogoji, ki jih določa protokol.
7. člen
Pogodbenik prosilec ponovno sprejme na svoje območje vsako osebo, če se po preverjanju, ki sledi ponovnemu sprejemu te osebe s strani zaprošenega pogodbenika, izkaže, da ta oseba v trenutku svojega odhoda z območja pogodbenika prosilca ni izpolnjevala pogojev iz 4. člena.
8. člen
(1) Vsak pogodbenik na zahtevo drugega pogodbenika tujcu dovoli tranzit čez svoje območje pod pogojem, da je pogodbenik prosilec zagotovil sprejem v namembni državi ali drugi državi tranzita. V tem primeru tujec ne potrebuje tranzitnega vizuma.
(2) Pogodbenik prosilec je odgovoren za celotno potovanje tujca v namembno državo in to osebo tudi ponovno sprejme, če je sprejem v namembni državi ali drugi tranzitni državi zavrnjen ali ga iz katerega koli razloga ni mogoče izvesti.
(3) Za namene tranzita mora pogodbenik prosilec obvestiti zaprošenega pogodbenika, ali je treba osebi, na katero se nanaša ta odločitev, zagotoviti spremstvo. Za namene tranzita se lahko zaprošeni pogodbenik:
a) odloči, da bo sam priskrbel spremstvo, pod pogojem, da ji pogodbenik prosilec povrne ustrezne stroške;
b) odloči, da bo spremstvo priskrbel v sodelovanju s pogodbenikom prosilcem;
c) pooblasti pogodbenika prosilca, da sam priskrbi spremstvo na območju zaprošenega pogodbenika.
V zadnjih dveh primerih spremstvo pogodbenika prosilca spada v pristojnost pooblaščenih služb zaprošenega pogodbenika.
9. člen
Vlogo za dovoljenje za tranzit si neposredno pošljejo pristojni organi pod pogoji, ki jih določa protokol.
10. člen
(1) Če se tranzit opravi s spremstvom, spremljajoče uradne osebe pogodbenika prosilca svojo nalogo opravijo neoborožene, pri sebi pa imajo pooblastilo za tranzit.
(2) Spremstvo je odgovorno za nadzor nad tujcem in njegovo vkrcanje na letalo ob pomoči in pod pristojnostjo zaprošenega pogodbenika.
(3) Po potrebi lahko zaprošeni pogodbenik po posvetovanju s spremstvom prevzame odgovornost za nadzor nad tujcem in njegovo vkrcanje na letalo.
(4) Pogodbenik prosilec mora izpeljati vse potrebne ukrepe, da zagotovi čim hitrejši tranzit tujca na letališču zaprošenega pogodbenika.
11. člen
(1) Če se tranzit opravi brez spremstva, nadzor in vkrcanje izvedejo uradne osebe zaprošenega pogodbenika.
(2) Nadzor ne sme trajati dlje od 24 ur po prihodu na letališče.
12. člen
Če oseba med potekom tranzita zavrne vkrcanje ali se ne more vkrcati, pogodbenik prosilec:
a) nemudoma ali najpozneje v 24 urah po prihodu na letališče ponovno sprejme osebo v postopku tranzita, če ta nima spremstva, ali
b) prosi zaprošenega pogodbenika, da osebo v postopku tranzita poskuša ponovno vkrcati na letalo in v tem času zagotovi nadzor nad to osebo. Nadzor ne sme trajati dlje, kot je nujno potrebno za njen odhod, nikakor pa ne sme trajati dlje od 24 ur po prihodu na letališče. Če se zaprošeni pogodbenik s tem predlogom ne strinja, se pogodbenik prosilec obveže, da nemudoma ponovno sprejme tujca, za katerega tranzit je zaprosil, v primeru višje sile pa v novem 24-urnem roku. Zavrnitev vkrcanja na letalo v državi tranzita ima enake pravne posledice, kot jih določa zakonodaja pogodbenika prosilca, če bi do take zavrnitve prišlo na njegovem območju.
13. člen
Organi države tranzita sporočijo organom pogodbenika prosilca vsa dejstva, ki se nanašajo na kakršne koli dogodke med tranzitom.
14. člen
(1) Organi države tranzita zagotovijo spremljajočim uradnim osebam pogodbenika prosilca pri opravljanju njihove naloge v okviru tega sporazuma enako zaščito in pomoč, kot bi jo zagotovili ustreznim uradnim osebam svoje države.
(2) Med tranzitom se spremljajoče uradne osebe, ki delujejo na območju drugega pogodbenika, štejejo za uradne osebe tega pogodbenika, kar zadeva dejanja, ki so storjena zoper njih ali ki jih storijo same. Spremljajoče uradne osebe, ki izvajajo tranzit, morajo delovati v skladu z določbami prava pogodbenika, na območju katerega delujejo.
15. člen
Spremljajoče uradne osebe, ki izvajajo tranzit, morajo biti v vsakem trenutku sposobne dokazati, da delujejo kot uradne osebe, in imeti pri sebi dokument, ki potrjuje, da je pooblastilo za tranzit dal zaprošeni pogodbenik.
16. člen
(1) Če spremljajoča uradna oseba pogodbenika prosilca, ki izvaja tranzit na območju drugega pogodbenika, utrpi škodo pri izvajanju nalog ali med njo, je pogodbenik prosilec odgovoren za plačilo odškodnine, ne da bi od zaprošenega pogodbenika zahteval nadomestilo.
(2) Kadar spremljajoče uradne osebe pogodbenika v skladu z določbami tega sporazuma delujejo na območju drugega pogodbenika, je pogodbenik prosilec odgovoren za vsako škodo, ki jo te osebe povzročijo med svojim delovanjem, v skladu z notranjim pravom pogodbenika, na območju katerega delujejo.
(3) Če oškodovanec zahteva nadomestilo od zaprošenega pogodbenika v skladu z drugim odstavkom tega člena, je zaprošeni pogodbenik odgovoren za takšno škodo pod pogoji, ki veljajo za škodo, kot če bi jo povzročile njegove uradne osebe. Pogodbenik, katerega uradne osebe so povzročile škodo kateri koli osebi na območju drugega pogodbenika, temu v celoti povrne znesek, ki ga je izplačal oškodovancu ali drugim osebam, ki so do tega upravičene v njihovem imenu.
(4) Brez vpliva na uveljavljanje svojih pravic do tretjih oseb in z izjemo tretjega odstavka se vsak pogodbenik v primerih iz drugega odstavka odreče zahtevi za odškodnino za škodo, ki mu jo je povzročil drug pogodbenik.
17. člen
Tranzit se lahko zavrne:
a) če tujcu v namembni državi ali v drugi državi tranzita grozi mučenje, nečloveško ali ponižujoče ravnanje ali kaznovanje ali smrtna kazen ali preganjanje zaradi rase, veroizpovedi, narodnosti, pripadnosti določeni družbeni skupini ali zaradi političnega prepričanja,
b) če tujcu v namembni državi ali drugi državi tranzita grozi, da ga bo kazensko sodišče obtožilo ali obsodilo zaradi dogodkov, ki so se zgodili pred tranzitom.
18. člen
(1) Če se za izvajanje tega sporazuma sporočajo osebni podatki, jih je treba zbirati, obdelovati in varovati v skladu z notranjim in mednarodnim pravom. Zlasti se upoštevajo naslednja merila:
a) Pogodbenik prejemnik jih lahko uporabi le za namen, določen s tem sporazumom, in pod pogoji, ki jih določi pogodbenik, ki podatke sporoča.
b) Pogodbenik prejemnik na zaprosilo pogodbenika, ki podatke sporoča, tega obvesti o tem, kako bodo podatki uporabljeni, in o dobljenih rezultatih.
c) Osebni podatki se smejo sporočati le pristojnim organom, ki so odgovorni za izvajanje tega sporazuma in edini, ki jih smejo uporabljati, in sicer na način, ki nepooblaščenim osebam onemogoča dostop do njih. Pogodbenik, ki podatke sporoča, mora dati pisno soglasje, preden se lahko podatki sporočijo drugim organom.
d) Pogodbenik, ki podatke sporoča, zagotovi, da so ti točni, potrebni in ne presegajo namena, za katerega so sporočeni. Če podatki niso točni ali so bili sporočeni nezakonito, se pogodbenik prejemnik o tem nemudoma obvesti, da jih popravi ali uniči.
e) Vsako osebo je treba na njeno zahtevo obvestiti o sporočanju podatkov, ki se nanašajo nanjo, in o njihovem namenu.
f) Sporočeni osebni podatki se hranijo le toliko časa, kolikor je potrebno za namene njihovega sporočanja. Vsak pogodbenik zaupa nadzor nad obdelavo in uporabo shranjenih podatkov ustreznemu neodvisnemu organu.
g) Organi, ki osebne podatke sporočajo in prejemajo, morajo voditi pisno evidenco o njihovem sporočanju in prejemanju.
h) Vsak pogodbenik mora sporočene osebne podatke varovati pred nepooblaščenim dostopom, spreminjanjem ali razkritjem.
(2) Osebni podatki, ki se sporočajo v zvezi s ponovnim sprejemom oseb, se smejo nanašati le na:
a) podatke o osebi, ki bo premeščena, in če je potrebno, o njenih družinskih članih (priimek, ime, prejšnja imena, vzdevki ali psevdonimi, privzeta imena, datum in kraj rojstva, spol, sedanje in katera koli prejšnja državljanstva);
b) potni list, osebno izkaznico ali katere koli druge osebne ali potovalne dokumente;
c) druge podatke, ki so potrebni za identifikacijo osebe, ki bo premeščena (npr. prstni odtisi);
d) načrte potovanja in kraje postankov;
e) dovoljenja za prebivanje ali vizume, izdane v tujini.
19. člen
(1) Pogodbenika si vzajemno pomagata pri uporabi in razlagi tega sporazuma. Sproti se obveščata o pogojih priseljevanja za tujce.
(2) Vsak pogodbenik lahko zahteva, da se sestanejo strokovnjaki obeh pogodbenikov z namenom reševanja kakršnih koli vprašanj, povezanih z uporabo in izvajanjem tega sporazuma.
20. člen
Vse stroške prevoza, ki nastanejo pri ponovnem sprejemu in tranzitu do meje zaprošenega pogodbenika ali do meje namembne države, pa tudi stroške, povezane z morebitnim vračanjem, krije pogodbenik prosilec.
21. člen
(1) V 30 dneh po datumu podpisa se pogodbenika uradno obvestita o organih, pooblaščenih za izvajanje tega sporazuma, in njihovih naslovih ter zagotovita seznam vstopnih in izstopnih točk, kjer se izvajata ponovni sprejem in tranzit.
(2) Pogodbenika se po diplomatski poti nemudoma obvestita o spremembah, ki se nanašajo na prvi odstavek tega člena.
(3) Za namen izvajanja tega sporazuma pogodbenika skleneta protokol o:
a) postopkih, dokumentih, vlogah in drugih informacijah za izvedbo ponovnega sprejema ali tranzita,
b) načinih plačila in stroških v skladu z 20. členom tega sporazuma.
22. člen
Ta sporazum ne vpliva na obveznosti pogodbenikov, ki izhajajo iz:
a) Konvencije o statusu beguncev, podpisane v Ženevi 28. julija 1951, spremenjene s Protokolom o statusu beguncev, podpisanim v New Yorku 31. januarja 1967;
b) Evropske konvencije o varstvu človekovih pravic in temeljnih svoboščin z dne 4. novembra 1950;
c) mednarodnih konvencij in sporazumov o izročitvi, sprejemu, ponovnem sprejemu ali tranzitu državljanov in tujcev.
23. člen
Ta sporazum se uporablja tudi na območju Kneževine Lihtenštajn in za državljane Kneževine Lihtenštajn.
24. člen
(1) Vsak pogodbenik lahko deloma ali v celoti začasno preneha izvajati ta sporazum s pisnim uradnim obvestilom drugemu pogodbeniku zaradi pomembnih razlogov, zlasti pa zaradi zaščite državne varnosti, javnega reda ali javnega zdravja. Pogodbenika se nemudoma po diplomatski poti uradno obvestita o odpravi vsakega takega ukrepa.
(2) Začasno prenehanje izvajanja sporazuma začne veljati prvi dan meseca, ki sledi mesecu, v katerem je drug pogodbenik prejel uradno obvestilo.
25. člen
(1) Ta sporazum je sklenjen za nedoločen čas.
(2) Ta sporazum začne veljati z dnem prejema zadnjega od uradnih obvestil, s katerima se pogodbenika obvestita, da so izpolnjeni notranjepravni pogoji, potrebni za začetek veljavnosti sporazuma.
(3) Vsak pogodbenik lahko odpove ta sporazum s pisnim obvestilom drugemu pogodbeniku. Odpoved začne veljati 30 dni po datumu prejema takšnega obvestila.
Sestavljeno v Bernu dne 27. julija 2004 v dveh izvirnikih v slovenskem, nemškem in angleškem jeziku, pri čemer so vsa besedila enako verodostojna. Ob razlikah pri razlagi prevlada angleško besedilo.
Za Vlado Republike
Rado Bohinc l. r.
Za Švicarski zvezni
Christoph Blocher l. r.
Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve Republike Slovenije in Zvezno ministrstvo za pravosodje in policijo Švicarske konfederacije (v nadaljevanju: pogodbenika) sta se v skladu z določbami tretjega odstavka 21. člena Sporazuma med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Švicarskim zveznim svetom o ponovnem sprejemu oseb, ki prebivajo nedovoljeno (v nadaljevanju: sporazum),
I – Informacije in postopki v zvezi z državljani pogodbenikov (2. in 3. člen sporazuma)
1. člen
1.) Državljanstvo se lahko dokazuje:
za Republiko Slovenijo z:
a) veljavno osebno izkaznico,
b) veljavnim potnim listom, skupinskim potnim listom, diplomatskim potnim listom, službenim potnim listom, prepustnico ali drugimi potnimi listi, ki se lahko izdajo slovenskim državljanom v skladu z mednarodnimi sporazumi,
c) potrdilom o državljanstvu,
d) veljavno pomorsko knjižico;
za Švicarsko konfederacijo z:
a) veljavnim potnim listom,
b) veljavno osebno izkaznico,
c) začasnim potrdilom o istovetnosti,
d) družinsko knjižico, ki navaja kraj izvora v Švici.
2) Če se predložijo omenjeni dokumenti, organi zaprošenega pogodbenika priznajo državljanstvo osebe in nadaljnje ugotavljanje ni potrebno.
2. člen
1) Državljanstvo se lahko domneva zlasti s pomočjo:
a) kopij dokumentov, naštetih v 1. členu tega protokola,
b) dokumentov, naštetih v 1. členu tega protokola, ki jim je potekla veljavnost,
c) vozniškega dovoljenja ali njegove kopije,
d) rojstnega lista ali njegove kopije,
e) izjav prič,
f) podatkov, ki jih pove oseba v postopku ponovnega sprejema,
g) kakršnih koli dokumentov, ki dokazujejo članstvo v oboroženih silah ali policijskih organih pogodbenikov,
h) kakršnih koli dokumentov, ki jih izdajo državni organi in iz katerih je mogoče domnevati o državljanstvu osebe,
i) jezika zadevne osebe z uporabo jezikoslovnega izvedenskega mnenja;
j) primerjave prstnih odtisov v evidencah drugega pogodbenika.
2) V tem primeru se šteje, da je bilo državljanstvo ugotovljeno, če ga potrdi zaprošeni pogodbenik.
3. člen
Če pogodbenik prosilec meni, da oseba v postopku ponovnega sprejema dejansko ima državljanstvo zaprošenega pogodbenika, mu pošlje naslednje pisne informacije o tej osebi:
a) imena in priimke, dekliško ime, če je mogoče,
b) datum in kraj rojstva,
c) zadnji znani naslov v državi zaprošenega pogodbenika,
d) vrsto, serijsko številko, veljavnost potnega lista ali drugih potovalnih dokumentov in podatke o organu, ki ga je izdal, ter fotokopijo tega potovalnega dokumenta,
e) kakršen koli dokument ali informacijo, s katero se lahko dokaže ali domneva državljanstvo osebe v postopku ponovnega sprejema.
4. člen
Če oseba potrebuje zdravstveno oskrbo, pogodbenik prosilec zagotovi, če je to v interesu osebe v postopku ponovnega sprejema, tudi opis njenega zdravstvenega stanja, vključno s fotokopijami zdravniških potrdil in informacijami o potrebni posebni obravnavi, kot je na primer zdravstvena ali druga oskrba, nadzor ali prevoz z rešilnim avtomobilom.
5. člen
Vlogo za ponovni sprejem državljana je treba poslati neposredno po telefaksu ali jo pisno predložiti pristojnim organom zaprošenega pogodbenika.
6. člen
Zaprošeni pogodbenik mora obvestiti pogodbenika prosilca o svoji odločitvi v najkrajšem možnem času, najpozneje pa v 10 delovnih dneh od prejema vloge. Zavrnitev prejete vloge za ponovni sprejem se pisno obrazloži.
7. člen
Ponovni sprejem osebe, navedene v vlogi, se ne sme izvesti, dokler zaprošeni pogodbenik s tem ne soglaša.
II – Informacije in postopki v zvezi s tujci
(6. člen sporazuma)
8. člen
Dejanski vstop tujca na območje zaprošenega pogodbenika ali njegovo prebivanje na njem se ugotavlja s pomočjo:
a) vstopnega ali izstopnega žiga ali drugih opomb, vpisanih v pristne, prenarejene ali ponarejene potovalne dokumente ali dokumente o istovetnosti,
b) začasnega ali stalnega dovoljenja za prebivanje, ki je poteklo pred manj kot enim letom,
c) vizuma, ki je potekel pred manj kot enim letom,
d) vozovnic, ki se glasijo na osebno ime in formalno dokazujejo vstop osebe v postopku ponovnega sprejema bodisi na območje zaprošenega pogodbenika ali na območje pogodbenika prosilca z navedbo kraja odhoda,
e) žiga mejne kontrole mejnega prehoda tretje države na skupni meji z zaprošenim pogodbenikom ob upoštevanju načrta potovanja in datuma, ko je oseba v postopku ponovnega sprejema prestopila mejo.
9. člen
Vstop tujca na območje zaprošenega pogodbenika ali njegovo prebivanje na njem se lahko domneva zlasti s pomočjo:
a) dokumentov, ki jih izdajo pristojni organi zaprošenega pogodbenika in vsebujejo podatke o istovetnosti osebe v postopku ponovnega sprejema, zlasti vozniškega dovoljenja, pomorske knjižice, orožnega lista itd.,
b) dokumenta o zakonskem stanu,
c) začasnega ali stalnega dovoljenja za prebivanje, ki je poteklo pred več kot enim letom,
d) fotokopije katerega koli dokumenta iz 8. člena tega protokola,
e) primerjave prstnih odtisov, ki jih je zaprošeni pogodbenik vzel že kdaj prej,
f) vozovnic,
g) hotelskih računov,
h) vozil, ki jih uporablja oseba v postopku ponovnega sprejema in so registrirana na območju zaprošenega pogodbenika,
i) kartic, ki omogočajo dostop do javnih in zasebnih prostorov,
j) kartic za naročanje pri zdravniku, zobozdravniku itd.,
k) potrdil o menjavi valute, ki jo ima oseba v postopku ponovnega sprejema pri sebi,
l) uradnih nedvoumnih informacij, ki jih da javni uslužbenec,
m) nedvoumnih in dovolj podrobnih podatkov, ki jih oseba v postopku ponovnega sprejema pove o dejstvih, ki jih je mogoče objektivno preveriti,
n) izjav o osebi v postopku ponovnega sprejema, ki jih dajo priče in zapišejo pristojni organi, ki potrjujejo vstop te osebe na območje zaprošenega pogodbenika ali njeno bivanje na njem;
o) informacij, ki jih je mogoče preveriti in dokazujejo, da je oseba v postopku ponovnega sprejema uporabila storitve potovalne agencije ali oseb, ki nezakonito vodijo ljudi čez mejo.
10. člen
Vloga za ponovni sprejem tujca vsebuje naslednje pisne podatke o osebi:
a) imena in priimke, dekliško ime, če je mogoče,
b) datum in kraj rojstva,
c) državljanstvo,
d) natančen opis dokazil in domnev, na podlagi katerih se ugotavlja ali domneva prebivanje na območju zaprošenega pogodbenika ali tranzit čezenj v skladu s sporazumom,
e) vrsto, serijsko številko, veljavnost potnega lista ali drugih potovalnih dokumentov, če obstajajo, pa tudi podatke o organu, ki jih je izdal.
11. člen
Če oseba potrebuje zdravstveno oskrbo, pogodbenik prosilec zagotovi, če je to v interesu osebe v postopku ponovnega sprejema, tudi opis njenega zdravstvenega stanja, vključno s fotokopijami zdravniških potrdil in informacijami o potrebni posebni obravnavi, kot je na primer zdravstvena ali druga oskrba, nadzor ali prevoz z rešilnim avtomobilom.
12. člen
Vlogo za ponovni sprejem tujca je treba poslati neposredno po telefaksu ali jo pisno predložiti pristojnim organom zaprošenega pogodbenika.
13. člen
Zaprošeni pogodbenik mora obvestiti pogodbenika prosilca o svoji odločitvi v najkrajšem možnem času, najpozneje pa v 10 delovnih dneh od prejema vloge. Zavrnitev prejete vloge za ponovni sprejem se pisno obrazloži.
14. člen
Ponovni sprejem osebe, navedene v vlogi, se ne sme izvesti, dokler zaprošeni pogodbenik s tem ne soglaša.
III – Informacije in postopki v zvezi s tranzitom
(9. člen sporazuma)
15. člen
Vloga za tranzit mora vsebovati naslednje podatke o osebi v postopku tranzita:
a) imena in priimke, dekliško ime, če je mogoče,
b) datum in kraj rojstva,
c) državljanstvo,
d) zadnji znani naslov v namembni državi,
e) vrsto, serijsko številko, veljavnost potnega lista ali drugih potovalnih dokumentov in podatke o organu, ki ga je izdal, ter fotokopijo tega potovalnega dokumenta,
f) pojasnilo, ki potrjuje, da so izpolnjeni pogoji v skladu z 8. členom sporazuma in da ni nobenega poznanega razloga za zavrnitev tranzita v skladu s 17. členom sporazuma,
g) navedbo mejnega prehoda in časa tranzita.
16. člen
Če oseba potrebuje zdravstveno oskrbo, pogodbenik prosilec zagotovi, če je to v interesu osebe v postopku tranzita, tudi opis njenega zdravstvenega stanja, vključno s fotokopijami zdravniških potrdil in informacijami o potrebni posebni obravnavi, kot je na primer zdravstvena ali druga oskrba, nadzor ali prevoz z rešilnim avtomobilom.
17. člen
Vlogo za tranzit je treba poslati neposredno po faksu ali jo pisno predložiti pristojnim organom zaprošenega pogodbenika.
18. člen
Zaprošeni pogodbenik mora obvestiti pogodbenika prosilca o svoji odločitvi v najkrajšem možnem času, najpozneje pa v 3 delovnih dneh od prejema vloge. Zavrnitev prejete vloge za tranzit se pisno obrazloži.
19. člen
Če zaprošeni pogodbenik vlogo odobri, se mora tranzit izvesti v 30 dneh od datuma odgovora.
20. člen
O času in načinu tranzita (številka leta, časi odhodov in prihodov, osebni podatki o spremljajočih uradnih osebah) se pristojni organi pogodbenikov dogovorijo neposredno.
IV – Načini plačila in stroški
(20. člen sporazuma)
21. člen
Stroški se obračunajo v skladu z veljavnimi predpisi zaprošenega pogodbenika.
22. člen
Stroški, ki jih pogodbenik prosilec ne more poravnati neposredno, se povrnejo v 30 dneh po prejemu računa na bančni račun pooblaščenega organa zaprošenega pogodbenika.
V – Splošne in končne določbe
23. člen
Za izvajanje tega protokola uradne osebe pogodbenikov uporabljajo angleški jezik, če se ne dogovorijo drugače v vsakem posameznem primeru.
24. člen
Pogodbenika lahko sporazumno spremenita ta protokol.
25. člen
Ta protokol začne in preneha veljati na isti datum kot sporazum.
Sestavljeno v Bernu dne 27. julija 2004 v dveh izvirnikih v slovenskem, nemškem in angleškem jeziku, pri čemer so vsa besedila enako verodostojna. Ob razlikah pri razlagi tega protokola prevlada angleško besedilo.
Za Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve
Republike Slovenije
Rado Bohinc l. r.
Za Zvezno ministrstvo za
pravosodje in policijo
Švicarske konfederacije
Christoph Blocher l. r.
The Government of the Republic of Slovenia
The Swiss Federal Council
hereinafter referred to as the Contracting Parties,
wishing to further co-operate in order to ensure better implementation of the provisions on the movement of persons,
desirous to facilitate the readmission and the transit of persons whose stay has not been authorised, in a spirit of co-operation and on the basis of reciprocity,
taking into account the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms of 4 November 1950 and the Convention relating to the Status of Refugees, signed at Geneva on 28 July 1951, as amended by the Protocol, signed at New York on 31 January 1967,
determined to fight against illegal migration,
have agreed as follows:
Article 1
For the purposes of this Agreement the term alien shall mean a person who is neither a Slovenian nor a Swiss national. An alien can also be a stateless person.
Article 2
(1) At the request of the other Contracting Party, each Contracting Party shall readmit to its territory without any formalities a person who does not fulfil or no longer fulfils the requirements for entry or residence applicable on the territory of the requesting Contracting Party, provided that it is proved or can be reasonably assumed that he or she possesses the nationality of the requested Contracting Party.
(2) The requesting Contracting Party shall readmit such a person to its own territory under the same condition, if checks later reveal that he or she did not in fact possess the nationality of the requested Contracting Party at the time when he or she left the territory of the requesting Contracting Party.
(3) For the purposes of this Article, the nationality of the person can be proved by means of the documents listed in the Protocol.
Article 3
(1) If nationality is presumed on the basis of the documents and information listed in the Protocol, the consular authorities of the requested Contracting Party shall within three working days issue the person to be readmitted with the (emergency) travel documents required for his or her repatriation.
(2) If a person's nationality cannot be proved or reasonably assumed on the basis of the documents supplied, the consular authorities of the requested Contracting Party shall conduct interviews with the person in the process of readmission within six working days after receipt of the readmission application. The interview shall be organised by the requesting Contracting Party in consultation with the consular authority concerned within the shortest time possible.
(3) If the nationality of the person in the process of readmission is established or reasonably assumed during the interview conducted by the consulate of the requested Contracting Party, the consulate shall immediately issue an (emergency) travel document but, in any case, not later than nine working days after receipt of the readmission application.
Article 4
(1) Each Contracting Party shall readmit at the request of the other Contracting Party without any formalities an alien who, during the nine months preceding the submission of the request, left the territory of the requested Contracting Party after having stayed there at least two weeks.
(2) At the request of the other Contracting Party, each Contracting Party shall readmit without any formalities any alien who does not fulfil the requirements for entry or residence applicable on the territory of the requesting Contracting Party if this person possesses a valid visa or a residence permit of any kind whatsoever, issued by the requested Contracting Party. This provision does not include the temporary permission to reside on the territory of the State of a Contracting Party granted in relation to the handling of an asylum application.
Article 5
The readmission obligation pursuant to Article 4 shall not apply in respect of:
a) aliens who have entered legally the territory of the requesting Contracting Party or have been issued by the requesting Contracting Party with a visa or a residence permit, unless the requested Contracting Party has issued a valid visa or residence permit with a longer validity;
b) aliens who have stayed longer than six months on the territory of the requesting Contracting Party, unless they are holders of a valid residence permit issued by the requested Contracting Party;
c) aliens in whose case the requesting Contracting Party has either recognised refugee status in accordance with the Convention relating to the Status of Refugees, signed at Geneva on 28 July 1951, as amended by the Protocol, signed at New York on 31 January 1967, or the status of a stateless person in accordance with the Convention relating to the Status of Stateless Persons, signed at New York on 28 September 1954;
d) aliens who have effectively been repatriated by the requested Contracting Party to their country of origin or to a third State on condition that they did not enter the territory of the requesting Contracting Party after having stayed on the territory of the requested Contracting Party after the repatriation measure has been carried out.
Article 6
(1) For the purposes of Article 4, paragraph 1, entry or residence of the alien into or on the territory of the requested Contracting Party can be proved by means of the documents listed in the Protocol. Entry or residence may also be established by any other means of proof specified in the Protocol. Existence of such proof shall establish a presumption of entry or residence.
(2) A readmission application shall be directly communicated between the authorities concerned, under the conditions specified by the Protocol.
Article 7
The requesting Contracting Party shall readmit to its territory any person if, on the basis of subsequent verification after his or her readmission by the requested Contracting Party, it is shown that this person did not fulfil the conditions provided in Article 4 at the moment of his or her departure from the territory of the requesting Contracting Party.
Article 8
(1) Each Contracting Party at the request of the other Contracting Party shall allow transit of an alien through its territory on condition that the requesting Contracting Party has ensured admission to the country of destination or any other transit country. In this case the alien in transit does not need a transit visa.
(2) The requesting Contracting Party shall remain responsible for the whole duration of the journey of an alien to his or her country of destination and shall readmit such a person if admission to the country of destination or any other transit country has been refused or cannot be carried out for any reason whatsoever.
(3) For the purposes of transit, the requesting Contracting Party must indicate to the requested Contracting Party, whether it is necessary to provide the person subject to this decision with an escort. For the purposes of transit, the requested Contracting Party may:
a) decide to provide the escort itself, on condition that the requesting Contracting Party reimburses the corresponding costs;
b) decide to provide the escort in collaboration with the requesting Contracting Party;
c) authorise the requesting Contracting Party to provide the escort itself on the territory of the requested Contracting Party.
In the last two cases, the escort of the requesting Contracting Party shall be placed under the authority of the competent services of the requested Contracting Party.
Article 9
The application for a transit permit shall be directly communicated between the authorities concerned, under the conditions specified by the Protocol.
Article 10
(1) If transit is conducted under escort, the escorting officials of the requesting Contracting Party shall carry out their mission unarmed and shall carry a transit authorisation.
(2) The escort shall be responsible for the alien's surveillance and boarding of the plane, with the assistance and under the authority of the requested Contracting Party.
(3) If necessary, the requested Contracting Party may take over the responsibility for the alien's surveillance and boarding of the plane, after consultation with the escort.
(4) The requesting Contracting Party must take all necessary steps to ensure that the alien transits through the airport of the requested Contracting Party as quickly as possible.
Article 11
(1) If transit is conducted without escort, surveillance and boarding shall be undertaken by officials of the requested Contracting Party.
(2) Surveillance may not exceed 24 hours after arrival at the airport.
Article 12
In the event of a refusal or the impossibility of boarding on the part of the person in the course of transit, the requesting Contracting Party shall either
a) readmit the latter immediately or at the latest within twenty-four hours after arrival at the airport, if the person in the process of transit is unescorted, or
b) ask the requested Contracting Party to have the person in the process of transit board the plane again and, in the meantime, to ensure the surveillance of this person. The length of surveillance may not exceed the time strictly required for his or her departure and, in any case, twenty-four hours after arrival at the airport. Should the requested Contracting Party not agree with this proposal, the requesting Contracting Party undertakes to readmit without delay the alien for whom it had requested transit or, in the event of force majeure, within a new time limit of twenty-four hours. The refusal to board a plane in a transit State will result in the same legal consequences as those provided by the legislation of the requesting Contracting Party if such a refusal took place on its own territory.
Article 13
The authorities of the transit State shall indicate to the authorities of the requesting Contracting Party all the facts relating to any incidents during transit.
Article 14
(1) The authorities of the transit State shall grant the escorting officials of the requesting Contracting Party, in the exercise of their function within the framework of this Agreement, the same protection and assistance as they would grant to the corresponding officials of their own country.
(2) During the transit, escorting officials operating in the territory of the other Contracting Party shall be regarded as officials of that Contracting Party with respect to offences committed against them or by them. The escorting officials in charge of the transit are subject to the provisions of the law of the Contracting Party in whose territory they are operating.
Article 15
The escorting officials in charge of the transit must at all times be able to prove that they are acting in an official capacity and carry a document certifying that the transit authorisation has been granted by the requested Contracting Party.
Article 16
(1) If an escorting official of the requesting Contracting Party, while operating a transit on the territory of the other Contracting Party, suffers damage during the execution or in the course of the mission, the requesting Contracting Party is responsible for paying the compensation due, without seeking redress from the requested Contracting Party.
(2) Where, in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement, escorting officials of a Contracting Party are operating in the territory of the other Contracting Party, the requesting Contracting Party shall be liable for any damage caused by them during their operations, in accordance with the national law of the Contracting Party in whose territory they are operating.
(3) If the injured person seeks compensation from the requested Contracting Party referred to in paragraph 2 of the present article, the requested Contracting Party shall be held liable for such damage under the conditions applicable for the damage as if it was caused by its own officials. The Contracting Party whose officials have caused damage to any person in the territory of another Contracting Party shall reimburse the latter in full any sums it has paid to the injured person or persons entitled on their behalf.
(4) Without prejudice to the exercise of its rights vis-à-vis third persons and with the exception of paragraph 3, each Contracting Party shall refrain in the case provided for in paragraph 2 from requesting compensation for damage it has sustained from another Contracting Party.
Article 17
Transit can be refused:
a) if the alien runs the real risk of being subjected to torture or to inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment or the death penalty or of persecution because of his or her race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political conviction in the State of destination or another State of transit;
b) if, in the country of destination or any country of transit, the alien runs the risk of being accused or sentenced by a criminal court for events which happened before transit.
Article 18
(1) In so far as personal data shall be communicated in order to implement this Agreement, the data shall be collected, treated and protected according to national and international law. In particular, the following criteria shall be observed:
a) The recipient Contracting Party shall use the communicated data only for the purpose stated in this Agreement and under the conditions set by the communicating Contracting Party.
b) If asked, the recipient Contracting Party shall inform the communicating Contracting Party about how the data will be used and the results thereby obtained.
c) Personal data may only be communicated to and used by the competent authorities responsible for implementing this Agreement in such a manner as to prevent access to such data by unauthorised persons. The communicating Contracting Party must give its written consent before the data can be further communicated to other bodies.
d) The Contracting Party communicating the data shall ensure that it is accurate, necessary, and does not exceed the requirements of the purposes for which it is communicated. If the data is inaccurate or has been communicated illegally, the recipient Contracting Party shall be informed of this immediately and shall correct or destroy the data.
e) At his or her request, any person shall be informed about the communication of any data relating to himself or herself as well as about its intended purpose.
f) Communicated personal data shall only be stored for as long as it is required for the purposes for which it was communicated. Each Contracting Party shall entrust an appropriate independent body with control of the processing and use of the stored data.
g) The communicating and the recipient authorities are under the obligation to make a written record of the communication and receipt of personal data.
h) Each Contracting Party shall protect communicated personal data against unauthorised access, alteration or disclosure.
(2) Personal data communicated in relation to the readmission of persons may only concern the following:
a) particulars of the person to be transferred and, where necessary, of the members of the person's family (surname, forename, any previous names, nicknames or pseudonyms, aliases, date and place of birth, sex, current and any previous nationality);
b) passport, identity card or any other identity and travel documents;
c) other details which are needed to identify the person to be transferred (e.g. fingerprints);
d) itineraries and stopovers;
e) residence permits or visas issued abroad.
Article 19
(1) Both Contracting Parties shall provide each other with mutual assistance in the application and interpretation of this Agreement. They shall keep each other informed of immigration requirements for aliens.
(2) Each Contracting Party may request that experts of the two Contracting Parties meet with a view to resolving any problems associated with the application or the implementation of this Agreement.
Article 20
All transport costs incurred in connection with readmission and transit as far as the border of the requested Contracting Party, or the border of the country of destination, as well as the costs linked to a possible return, shall be borne by the requesting Contracting Party.
Article 21
(1) Within 30 days after the date of signature, the Contracting Parties shall notify each other of the authority responsible for implementation of this Agreement and its address and provide a list of entry and exit points where readmission and transit will be carried out.
(2) The Contracting Parties shall immediately notify each other through diplomatic channels of the changes related to paragraph 1 of the present Article.
(3) For the purpose of the implementation of this Agreement, the Contracting Parties shall conclude a Protocol on:
– the procedures, documents, applications and other information for the implementation of readmission or transit,
– the methods of payment and costs in accordance with Article 20 of this Agreement.
Article 22
This Agreement does not affect the obligations of the Contracting Parties arising from:
– the Convention relating to the Status of Refugees, signed at Geneva on 28 July 1951, as amended by the Protocol, signed at New York on 31 January 1967;
– the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms of 4 November 1950;
– international conventions and agreements on the extradition, admission, readmission or transit of nationals and aliens.
Article 23
This Agreement shall also apply to the territory of the Principality of Liechtenstein and to nationals of the Principality of Liechtenstein.
Article 24
(1) Each Contracting Party may suspend, in whole or in part, the implementation of this Agreement by giving notification to the other Contracting Party in writing of important reasons, in particular on the grounds of the protection of State security, public order or public health. The Contracting Parties shall notify each other of the cancellation of any such measure without delay via diplomatic channels.
(2) Suspension shall become effective on the first day of the month following the month in which the notification was received by the other Contracting Party.
Article 25
(1) This Agreement is concluded for an indefinite period of time.
(2) This Agreement shall enter into force on the day of the receipt of the last notification by which the Contracting Parties inform each other of the fulfilment of the internal legal requirements necessary for its entry into force.
(3) Each Contracting Party may terminate this Agreement by giving notice in writing to the other Contracting Party. The termination shall become effective 30 days after the date of receipt of that notice.
Done at Bern this 27 day of July 2004, in two original copies, each in the Slovenian, German and English language, all texts being equally authentic. In case of divergence in the interpretation of this Agreement the English version shall prevail.
For the Government of the
Republic of Slovenia
Rado Bohinc l. r.
For the Swiss Federal
Christoph Blocher l. r.
The Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Slovenia and the Federal Department of Justice and Police of the Swiss Confederation (hereinafter referred to as the Contracting Parties), on the basis of the provisions of paragraph 3 of Article 21 of the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Swiss Federal Council on the Readmission of Persons with Unauthorised Stays (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement), have agreed as follows
I – Information and procedures regarding nationals
of the Contracting Parties (Articles 2 and 3
of the Agreement)
Article 1
1) Nationality may be proved by presenting:
for the Republic of Slovenia:
a) a valid identity card;
b) a valid passport, a group passport, a diplomatic passport, an official passport, a laissez-passer or other passports that can be issued to Slovenian nationals in accordance with international agreements;
c) a certificate of nationality;
d) a valid seaman’s book.
for the Swiss Confederation:
a) a valid passport;
b) a valid identity card;
c) a provisional attestation of identity;
d) a family book mentioning the place of origin in Switzerland.
2) If these documents are presented, the authorities of the requested Contracting Party shall recognise the person's nationality and no further examination will be required.
Article 2
1) A presumption of nationality may be established in particular by means of:
a) any copy of documents listed in Article 1 of this Protocol;
b) any documents listed in Article 1 of this Protocol whose validity has expired;
c) driving licence or its copy;
d) birth certificate or its copy;
e) statements by witnesses;
f) particulars supplied by the person who is in the process of readmission;
g) any document proving membership of armed forces or police authorities of the Contracting Parties;
h) any document issued by state authorities from which it is possible to presume the nationality of a person;
i) the language of the person concerned through linguistic expertise;
j) comparison of fingerprints that are registered in the other Contracting Party’s fingerprint files.
2) In this case, nationality is considered to have been established provided the requested Contracting Party confirms it.
Article 3
If the requesting Contracting Party considers that the person in the process of readmission does in fact have the nationality of the requested Contracting Party, it shall send the requested Contracting Party the following written information about him or her:
a) first and family names, maiden name if appropriate;
b) date and place of birth;
c) last known address in the state of the requested Contracting Party;
d) type, serial number, length of validity of his or her passport or other travel documents as well as details of the issuing authorities and a photocopy of the travel document;
e) any document or information which can prove or presume the nationality of the person in the process of readmission.
Article 4
If the person is in need of medical care, the requesting Contracting Party shall also provide, if this is in the interest of the person in the process of readmission, a description of his or her state of health including copies of any medical certificates and information about the need for special treatment, such as medical or other care, supervision, or transport by ambulance.
Article 5
The readmission application of a national is to be sent per fax directly or submitted in writing to the competent authorities of the requested Contracting Party.
Article 6
The requested Contracting Party must inform the requesting Contracting Party of its decision in the shortest period of time, within 10 working days at the latest after receiving the application. The rejection of the submitted readmission application shall be explained in written form.
Article 7
The readmission of the person mentioned in the application is not to be executed until the requested Contracting Party has given its consent.
II – Information and procedures regarding aliens
(Article 6 of the Agreement)
Article 8
Proof of the actual entry or residence of an alien into or on the territory of the requested Contracting Party shall be established by means of:
a) entry or departure stamp or other remarks affixed to authentic, faked or forged travel documents or identity papers;
b) short term or long term residence permit that expired less than 1 year ago;
c) visa that expired less than 1 year ago;
d) personal travel tickets, which can formally establish the proof of entry of the person in the process of readmission, either into the territory of the requested Contracting Party or into the territory of the requesting Contracting Party, indicating the place of departure;
e) border control stamp of a third country border crossing point at the common border with the requested Contracting Party, taking into account the itinerary and the date of the border crossing of the person in the process of readmission.
Article 9
A presumption of the entry or residence of an alien into or on the territory of the requested Contracting Party may be established in particular by means of:
a) documents issued by the competent authorities of the requested Contracting Party, which specify the identity of the person in the process of readmission, especially driving licence, seaman’s book, weapon certificate etc.;
b) marital status document;
c) short term or long term residence permit that expired more than 1 year ago;
d) photocopy of any of the documents under Article 8 of this Protocol;
e) comparison of fingerprints taken by the requested Contracting Party at an earlier date;
f) travel tickets;
g) hotel bills;
h) any vehicles used by the person in the process of readmission that are registered on the territory of the requested Contracting Party;
i) cards providing access to public and private premises;
j) appointment cards for doctors, dentists etc.;
k) receipts of currency exchanges in the possession of the person in the process of readmission;
l) official unequivocal information provided by a civil servant;
m) unequivocal and sufficiently detailed particulars provided by the person in the process of readmission on objectively verifiable facts;
n) statements on the person in the process of readmission made by witnesses and recorded by the competent authorities which confirm his or her entry into or residence on the territory of the requested Contracting Party;
o) verifiable information proving that the person in the process of readmission has used the services of a travel agency or a trafficker.
Article 10
The application form for the readmission of an alien shall contain the following written information about him or her:
a) first and family names, maiden name if appropriate;
b) date and place of birth;
c) nationality;
d) precise description of proofs and presumptions which can establish or presume a stay or a transit in the territory of the requested Contracting Party according to the Agreement;
e) type, serial number, length of validity of his or her passport or other travel documents if they exist as well as details of the issuing authorities.
Article 11
If the person is in need of medical care, the requesting Contracting Party shall also provide, if this is in the interest of the person in the process of readmission, a description of his or her state of health including copies of any medical certificates and information about the need for special treatment, such as medical or other care, supervision, or transport by ambulance.
Article 12
The readmission application of an alien is to be sent per fax directly or submitted in writing to the competent authorities of the requested Contracting Party.
Article 13
The requested Contracting Party must inform the requesting Contracting Party of its decision in the shortest period of time, within 10 working days at the latest after receiving the application. The rejection of the submitted readmission application shall be explained in written form.
Article 14
The readmission of the person mentioned in the application is not to be executed until the requested Contracting Party has given its consent.
III – Information and procedures regarding transit
(Article 9 of the Agreement)
Article 15
The transit application form must contain the following information about the person in the process of transit:
a) first and family names, maiden name if appropriate;
b) date and place of birth;
c) nationality;
d) last known address in the destination country;
e) the type, serial number, and length of validity of their passport or other travel documents, as well as details of the issuing authorities and a photocopy of the travel document;
f) an explanation confirming that the conditions pursuant to Article 8 of the Agreement have been fulfilled and that there is no reason known to refuse transit in accordance with Article 17 of the Agreement;
g) indication of the border crossing point as well as the time of transit.
Article 16
If the person is in need of medical care, the requesting Contracting Party shall also provide, if this is in the interest of the person in process of transit, a description of his or her state of health, including copies of any medical certificates and information about the need for special treatment, such as medical or other care, supervision, or transport by ambulance.
Article 17
The transit application is to be sent per fax directly or submitted in writing to the competent authorities of the requested Contracting Party.
Article 18
The requested Contracting Party must inform the requesting Contracting Party of its decision in the shortest period of time, within 3 working days at the latest after receiving the application. The rejection of the submitted transit application shall be explained in written form.
Article 19
If the requested Contracting Party accepts an application, the transit must be carried out within 30 days from the date of the reply.
Article 20
The time and method of the transit (flight number, departure and arrival times, personal details of any escorting officials) must be agreed directly between the competent authorities of the Contracting Parties.
IV – Methods of payment and costs
(Article 20 of the Agreement)
Article 21
The costs shall be calculated in accordance with the regulations in force of the requested Contracting Party.
Article 22
The costs which cannot be settled directly by the requesting Contracting Party, shall be reimbursed within 30 days after receipt of the invoice to the bank account of the competent authority of the requested Contracting Party.
V – General and final provisions
Article 23
For the implementation of this Protocol, officials of the Contracting Parties shall use the English language unless otherwise agreed between officials in each individual case.
Article 24
This Protocol may be amended by agreement between the Contracting Parties.
Article 25
This Protocol shall enter into force and shall terminate on the same date as the Agreement.
Done at Bern this 27 day of July 2004, in two original copies, each in the Slovenian, German and English language, all texts being equally authentic. In case of divergence in the interpretation of this Protocol the English version shall prevail.
For the Ministry of the Interior
of the Republic of Slovenia
Rado Bohinc l. r.
For the Federal Department of
Justice and Police of the
Swiss Confederation
Christoph Blocher l. r.
3. člen
Za izvajanje sporazuma in protokola skrbi Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve.
4. člen
Ta zakon začne veljati naslednji dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 213-04/05-37/1
Ljubljana, dne 23. marca 2005
EPA 149-IV
Državnega zbora
Republike Slovenije
France Cukjati, dr. med. l. r.
(*1) Besedilo sporazuma in protokola v nemškem jeziku je na vpogled v Sektorju za mednarodno pravo Ministrstva za zunanje zadeve.

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