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Številka 49
Uradni list RS, št. 49/2005 z dne 18. 5. 2005
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 49/2005 z dne 18. 5. 2005


20. Zakon o ratifikaciji Sporazuma med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Slovaške republike o vzajemnem varovanju tajnih podatkov (BSKVTP), stran 543.

Na podlagi druge alinee prvega odstavka 107. člena in prvega odstavka 91. člena Ustave Republike Slovenije izdajam
Razglašam Zakon o ratifikaciji Sporazuma med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Slovaške republike o vzajemnem varovanju tajnih podatkov (BSKVTP), ki ga je sprejel Državni zbor Republike Slovenije na seji 20. aprila 2005.
Št. 001-22-18/05
Ljubljana, 28. april 2005
dr. Janez Drnovšek l. r.
Republike Slovenije
1. člen
Ratificira se Sporazum med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Slovaške republike o vzajemnem varovanju tajnih podatkov, ki je bil podpisan 8. decembra 2004 v Bratislavi.
2. člen
Sporazum se v izvirniku v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku glasi(*):
med Vlado Republike Slovenije in
Vlado Slovaške republike
o vzajemnem varovanju tajnih podatkov
Vlada Republike Slovenije
Vlada Slovaške republike
(v nadaljevanju pogodbenici) sta se
ob zavedanju potrebe, da se določijo pravila za vzajemno varovanje izmenjanih tajnih podatkov,
z namenom, da se varujejo tajni podatki, ki jih kot tajne določa zakonodaja države ene pogodbenice in so jih državi druge pogodbenice poslali pristojni organi ali subjekti v skladu s potrebo po izpolnitvi zahtev državne uprave in lokalne samouprave, ali tajni podatki v sporazumih o sodelovanju, poslovnih pogodbah in naročilih, ki so jih sklenili organi državne uprave in lokalne samouprave, gospodarski subjekti in posamezniki obeh držav,
dogovorili o tem:
1. člen
Pomen izrazov
V tem sporazumu:
a) »tajni podatki« pomenijo podatke, ne glede na to, na kakšnem nosilcu ali v kakšni obliki so shranjeni, ki se varujejo pred nepooblaščenim ravnanjem v skladu z zakonodajo držav pogodbenic in so bili ustrezno označeni s stopnjo tajnosti v skladu s to zakonodajo;
b) »ustrezna organa« pomenita organa držav pogodbenic, navedena v 13. členu tega sporazuma, ki sta odgovorna za varovanje in medsebojno sporočanje tajnih podatkov v skladu z zakonodajo držav pogodbenic;
c) »pooblaščeni organi« pomenijo organe državne uprave in lokalne samouprave, ki zagotavljajo varovanje sporočenih tajnih podatkov v skladu z zakonodajo držav pogodbenic. Dejavnosti pooblaščenih organov nadzorujejo pristojni organi;
d) »pogodba s tajnimi podatki« pomeni sporazum med dvema ali več pogodbeniki, ki opredeljuje njihove pravice in obveznosti, del katerega so ali bi lahko bili tajni podatki;
e) »pogodbenik« je fizična ali pravna oseba, ki ima pravno sposobnost za sklepanje pogodb.
2. člen
Primerljivost stopenj tajnosti
Pogodbenici sta se strinjali, da so navedene stopnje tajnosti primerljive, kot sledi:
|TAJNO     |TAJNÉ     |                |
|TAJNO     |TAJNÉ     |SECRET          |
3. člen
Varnostna potrdila
Pogodbenici priznavata potrdilo o varnostnem preverjanju oseb druge države, izdano v skladu z njeno zakonodajo. Pogodbenici lahko priznata potrdilo o industrijski varnosti gospodarskih subjektov druge države, izdano v skladu z njeno zakonodajo na podlagi zaprosila druge pogodbenice. Ustrezna organa držav pogodbenic se morata vzajemno obveščati o kakršnih koli spremembah v potrdilih o varnostnem preverjanju in potrdilih o industrijski varnosti, povezanih z dejavnostmi, ki se opravljajo v skladu s tem sporazumom, še posebej če so bila preklicana ali je bila znižana stopnja tajnosti.
4. člen
Označevanje tajnih podatkov
(1) Ustrezni organ države prejemnice označi prejete tajne podatke s primerljivo stopnjo tajnosti skladno z 2. členom tega sporazuma v skladu z njeno zakonodajo ali pa se tako označijo na njeno pobudo.
(2) Ustrezni organ države prejemnice spremeni ali odpravi stopnjo tajnosti ali zagotovi njeno spremembo ali odpravo samo na podlagi pisnega sporočila ali zaprosila ustreznega organa države pogodbenice izvora podatkov. Ustrezna organa nemudoma sporočita spremembo ali odpravo stopnje tajnosti.
5. člen
Notranji ukrepi
(1) Pristojni in pooblaščeni organi v skladu z zakonodajo držav pogodbenic sprejmejo vse potrebne ukrepe za zavarovanje tajnih podatkov, ki so bili sporočeni skladno s tem sporazumom, ali tajnih podatkov, ki so bili pogodbeniku sporočeni v zvezi s pogodbo s tajnimi podatki.
(2) Tajni podatki se uporabljajo izrecno za namene, za katere so bili sporočeni, razkrijejo pa se lahko samo osebam, ki so bile varnostno preverjene in morajo podatke poznati pri izpolnjevanju svojih delovnih nalog. Nobena druga oseba ni pooblaščena za seznanitev s sporočenimi tajnimi podatki zgolj na podlagi naziva, položaja ali potrdila o varnostnem preverjanju.
(3) Sporočeni tajni podatki se tretji strani ne razkrijejo brez predhodne pisne odobritve ustreznega organa pogodbenice.
6. člen
(1) Pred sklenitvijo pogodbe s tajnimi podatki ustrezni organ države izvora podatkov zaprosi ustrezni organ države druge pogodbenice za pisno obvestilo, da ima pogodbenik potrdilo o industrijski varnosti ustrezne stopnje.
(2) Ustrezni organ države izvora podatkov pošlje ustreznemu organu države prejemnice seznam tajnih podatkov, ki jih vsebuje pogodba s tajnimi podatki, in stopnjo njihove tajnosti.
(3) Ustrezni organ države prejemnice pisno potrdi prejem sporočenih tajnih podatkov.
7. člen
Sporočanje tajnih podatkov
(1) Tajni podatki se iz države ene pogodbenice v državo druge pogodbenice pošiljajo po diplomatski poti.
(2) Elektromagnetni prenos tajnih podatkov se izvaja s potrjenimi kriptografskimi sredstvi.
(3) Ustrezna organa se lahko dogovorita o drugih načinih sporočanja tajnih podatkov.
8. člen
Prevajanje in razmnoževanje
(1) Tajne podatke lahko prevajajo samo osebe, ki so bile varnostno preverjene skladno s stopnjo tajnosti izvirnega dokumenta. Prevod se označi z isto stopnjo tajnosti kot izvirni dokument.
(2) Pri razmnoževanju tajnih podatkov se kopira tudi njihova izvirna stopnja tajnosti. Narediti se sme samo toliko kopij tajnih podatkov, kot je nujno potrebno.
(3) Tajni podatki, označeni s stopnjo tajnosti STROGO TAJNO in TAJNO, se lahko prevajajo in razmnožujejo samo na podlagi pisne odobritve ustreznega organa države izvora podatkov.
9. člen
(1) Tajni podatki in njihovi nosilci se uničijo ali spremenijo na način, ki preprečuje vsako možnost za njihovo obnovitev.
(2) Prejemnik ne uniči tajnih podatkov, označenih s stopnjo tajnosti STROGO TAJNO in TAJNO, brez pisnega soglasja ustreznega organa države izvora podatkov. Kopija poročila o uničenju teh tajnih podatkov se pošlje ustreznemu organu države izvora podatkov.
10. člen
(1) Za obiske, ki zahtevajo dostop do tajnih podatkov države druge pogodbenice, je potrebno dovoljenje, ki ga izda ustrezni organ. Tako dovoljenje lahko izda pooblaščeni organ, če ima za to pooblastilo.
(2) Zaprosilo za obisk se pošlje ustreznemu ali pooblaščenemu organu države gostiteljice praviloma deset delovnih dni pred načrtovanim obiskom.
(3) Zaprosilo za obisk vsebuje:
a) ime in priimek obiskovalca, datum in kraj rojstva, številko potnega lista,
b) državljanstvo,
c) položaj obiskovalca in ime ustanove ali podjetja, ki ga predstavlja, ali naslov in podrobnejšo opredelitev pogodbe s tajnimi podatki, pri kateri sodeluje,
d) podatke o stopnji dovoljenja za dostop do tajnih podatkov obiskovalca,
e) namen obiska in predvideni datum prihoda in odhoda,
f) ime ustanove ali podjetja, ki ga bo obiskal.
(4) Ob več obiskih so ustrezni ali pooblaščeni organi pristojni, da odobrijo sezname rednih obiskov. Ti seznami so veljavni največ dvanajst mesecev.
11. člen
Kršitev varovanja tajnih podatkov
(1) Ob nepooblaščenem dostopu do tajnih podatkov, ki jih je sporočila država druge pogodbenice, ali če takega dostopa ni mogoče izključiti, se o tem obvesti ustrezni organ države izvora podatkov.
(2) Kršitev varovanja tajnih podatkov iz prvega odstavka raziščejo organi države, v kateri je do kršitve prišlo. O ugotovitvah se obvesti ustrezni organ države druge pogodbenice.
12. člen
Stroške, ki nastanejo pri izvajanju tega sporazuma, krije pogodbenica za storitve, ki jih zagotavlja.
13. člen
Ustrezna organa
(1) Ustrezna organa držav pogodbenic sta:
v Republiki Sloveniji:
Urad Vlade Republike Slovenije za varovanje tajnih podatkov,
v Slovaški republiki:
Državni varnostni urad
(Národný bezpečnostný úrad).
(2) Pogodbenici se po diplomatski poti obvestita o kakršnih koli spremembah ustreznih organov. Ustrezna organa lahko skleneta izvedbene protokole za izvajanje tega sporazuma.
14. člen
Razmerje do drugih sporazumov
Ta sporazum ne vpliva na obveznosti na področju varovanja tajnih podatkov, ki izhajajo iz drugih mednarodnih sporazumov, ki zavezujejo državi obeh pogodbenic.
15. člen
Posvetovanja in pregledi
(1) Ustrezna organa se obveščata o veljavni zakonodaji o varovanju tajnih podatkov in o vseh njenih spremembah ali dopolnitvah.
(2) Ustrezna organa se na zaprosilo enega od njiju posvetujeta o sodelovanju pri izvajanju tega sporazuma.
(3) Ustrezna organa sodelujeta pri preverjanju primernega varovanja sporočenih tajnih podatkov in izvajanju pregledov.
16. člen
Reševanje sporov
Spori zaradi razlage ali izvajanja tega sporazuma se rešujejo z neposrednim posvetovanjem ustreznih organov.
17. člen
Končne določbe
(1) Ta sporazum začne veljati prvi dan drugega meseca po dnevu prejema zadnjega obvestila, s katerim se pogodbenici po diplomatski poti obvestita o končanju notranjih postopkov za začetek veljavnosti tega sporazuma.
(2) Ta sporazum se lahko spremeni na podlagi dogovora med pogodbenicama. Spremeni se s pisnim uradnim obvestilom. Spremembe tega sporazuma začnejo veljati v skladu s postopki za začetek veljavnosti iz prvega odstavka tega člena.
(3) Pogodbenica lahko odpove ta sporazum s pisnim uradnim obvestilom. Odpoved začne veljati šest mesecev po datumu, ko je druga pogodbenica prejela uradno obvestilo. Vsi tajni podatki, ki so bili izmenjani ali so nastali v skladu s tem sporazumom, se varujejo v skladu z določbami tega sporazuma tudi po prenehanju veljavnosti sporazuma, dokler je to potrebno zaradi njihove narave in stopnje tajnosti.
Sestavljeno v Bratislavi dne 8. decembra 2004 v dveh izvirnikih v slovenskem, slovaškem in angleškem jeziku. Ob razlikah v razlagi velja angleško besedilo.
Za Vlado
Republike Slovenije
Ludvik Čarni l. r.
Za Vlado
Slovaške republike
Aurel Ugor l. r.
between the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Government of the Slovak Republic on Mutual Protection of Classified Information
The Government of the Republic of Slovenia
the Government of the Slovak Republic
(hereinafter referred to as “the Parties“)
being aware of the need to set rules of mutual protection of exchanged classified information,
with aim to protect classified information that were specified by the legislation of the state of one of the Parties such as marked and handed to the state of the other Party through competent bodies or subjects in accordance with the need to meet the requirements of the state administration and self-administration or within agreements on co-operation, business contracts and orders concluded between bodies of state administration and self-administration, corporate entities and individuals of both states,
have agreed as follows:
Article 1
For the purpose of this Agreement:
a) “classified information” is information, no matter in what carrier or form preserved, which is subject of protection against unauthorized manipulation according to the legislation of the states of the Parties, and which were according to this legislation appropriately marked with the classification level,
b) “relevant bodies” are bodies of the states of the Parties, stated in article 13 of this Agreement which are responsible for the protection and mutual provision of classified information according to the legislation of the states of the Parties,
c) “authorized bodies” are bodies of the state administration and self-administration which ensure the protection of provided classified information according to the legislation of the states of the Parties. Competent bodies carry out the control of the activities of authorized bodies.
d) “classified contract” is an agreement between two or more contractors defining their enforceable rights and obligations and the part of which shall be or may be classified information,
e) “contractor” is an individual or corporate entity possessing the legal capacity to undertake contracts.
Article 2
Comparability of the classification level
The Parties agreed on mutual comparability of stated levels of classification as follows:
|Republic of |  Slovak   | Equivalent  |
|  Slovenia  | Republic  | in English  |
|TAJNO       |TAJNÉ      |             |
|TAJNO       |TAJNÉ      |SECRET       |
Article 3
Security clearances
The Parties shall recognize the certificate on security clearances of persons of the second state issued in accordance with its national legislation. The Parties can recognize the certificate on industrial security of corporate entities of the second state issued in accordance with its national legislation on the basis of a request from the second Party. Relevant bodies of the states of the Parties are obliged to inform each other about any changes in the certificate on security clearances and the certificate on industrial security which are connected with the activities performed according to this Agreement, especially if they were revoked or the classification level was decreased.
Article 4
Marking of classified information
(1) Released classified information shall be marked by the relevant body of the state of the receiving Party or on his/her incentive with a comparable classification level according to Article 2 of this Agreement in accordance with the national legislation.
(2) Relevant body of the state of the receiving Party shall change the classification level or declassify, or ensure the change or declassification only on the basis of a written announcement or request of the relevant body of the state of the releasing Party. The relevant bodies shall inform about the change of the classification level or declassification without any delay.
Article 5
Intrastate measures
(1) Competent bodies and authorized bodies shall take in accordance with the legislation of the states of the Parties all necessary measures to protect classified information provided under this Agreement or classified information which the contractor acquainted with in connection with the classified contract.
(2) Classified information shall be used strictly only for purposes for which they have been provided and may be released only to persons who have the security clearance and who need to know them for the fulfillment of their working duties. No other person shall be authorized to acquaint with the provided classified information only on the basis of his/her rank, position or certificate on security clearance.
(3) Released classified information shall not be disclosed to the third party without the prior written approval of the releasing Party.
Article 6
(1) Before concluding a classified contract the relevant body of the state of the releasing Party shall request from the relevant body of the state of the receiving Party written information that the contactor has a certificate on industrial security of the relevant level.
(2) The relevant body of the state of the releasing Party shall deliver to the relevant body of the state of the receiving Party the list of classified information provided within the classified contract including their classification levels.
(3) The relevant body of the state of the receiving Party shall confirm in writing the receipt of the released classified information.
Article 7
Releasing of classified information
(1) Classified information shall be transported from the state of one Party to the state of other Party by diplomatic means.
(2) Classified information provided by electromagnetic transfer shall be done through certified cryptographic means.
(3) The relevant bodies may agree on other ways of releasing of classified information.
Article 8
Translation and reproduction
(1) Translation of classified information may be done only by persons having the security clearance corresponding to the classification level of the original document. The translation shall be marked with the same classification level as the original document.
(2) In case of reproduction of the classified information their original classification level shall be reproduced too. Copies of classified information may be made only in the necessary amount.
(3) Translation and copies of classified information marked TOP SECRET and SECRET may be done only on the basis of a written approval of the relevant body of the state of the releasing Party.
Article 9
(1) Classified information and their carriers shall be destroyed or modified in a way to prevent any possibility of their reproduction.
(2) Classified information marked as TOP SECRET and SECRET shall not be destroyed by the recipient without the written consent of the relevant body of the state of the releasing Party. The copy of the report on destruction of this classified information shall be delivered to the relevant body of the state of the releasing Party.
Article 10
(1) Visits that require access to classified information of the state of the second Party shall have a permission issued by the relevant body. The authorized body shall proceed equally in case it is empowered to issue such permission.
(2) A request for visit shall be sent to the relevant body or authorized body of the host state, as a rule ten working days before the planned realization of the visit.
(3) Requests for visit shall include following:
a) name and surname of visitor, date and place of birth, passport number,
b) nationality
c) position of visitor and name of institution or company (s)he is representative of, or name and closer identification of classified contract (s)he takes part in
d) information on the level of security clearance of visitor
e) purpose of visit and estimated date of arrival and departure,
f) name of institution or company to be visited.
(4) In case of repeated visits the relevant bodies or authorized bodies shall be competent to approve the lists of regular visits. These lists shall be valid for twelve months at maximum.
Article 11
Breach of protection of classified information
(1) In case of unauthorized access to classified information provided by the state of the second Party or in case such access shall not be possible to rule out, the relevant body of the state of the releasing Party shall be informed about it.
(2) Breach of protection of classified information stated in paragraph 1 shall be investigated by the bodies of the state within which the breach was realized. The relevant body of the state of the second Party shall be informed on the outcome.
Article 12
Any costs incurred in the application of this Agreement shall be borne by the Party providing the services.
Article 13
Relevant bodies
(1) Relevant bodies of the states of the Parties are:
in the Republic of Slovenia
Urad Vlade Republike Slovenije za varovanje tajnih podatkov
(Office of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia for the Protection of Classified Information)
in the Slovak Republic
Národný bezpečnostný úrad
(National Security Authority).
(2) The Parties shall, through diplomatic channels, inform each other on any change of the relevant bodies.
(3) Relevant bodies may conclude executive protocols for realization of this Agreement.
Article 14
Relation to other agreements
This agreement shall not influence the obligations in the field of protection of classified information resulting from other international agreements the states of the Parties are bound by.
Article 15
Consulting and inspections
(1) Relevant bodies shall mutually inform one another on the valid legislation concerning the protection of classified information and on any changes or amendments.
(2) For the purpose of cooperation in realization of the provisions of this Agreement relevant bodies shall consult one another on the request of one of them.
(3) Relevant bodies shall co-operate at examining the sufficient protection of released classified information and at performing inspections.
Article 16
Dispute settlement
Any dispute concerning the interpretation or implementation of this Agreement shall be solved by direct consultation between the relevant bodies.
Article 17
Closing provisions
(1) This Agreement shall enter into force on the first day of the second (2) month following the receipt of the last of the notes with which both Parties hereto notify each other trough diplomatic channels of the completion of the internal procedures required for entering of this Agreement into force.
(2) This Agreement may be changed or amended on the basis of the mutual agreement of the Parties. Any changes and amendments shall be done by a written notification. Changes and amendments to this Agreement shall enter into force according to the procedures for entering into force stated in paragraph 1 of this Article.
(3) Each Party may terminate this Agreement by a written notification. The termination shall take effect six (6) months following the date on which the notification was received by the other Party. All classified information that have been exchanged or arouse in compliance with this Agreement, shall be protected according to the provisions of this Agreement even after repudiation of the agreement, until their nature and classification require so.
Done in Bratislava on 8 December 2004, in two originals, each in the Slovak, Slovenian and English languages. In case of differences of interpretation, the English text shall prevail.
For the Government
of the Republic of Slovenia
Ludvik Čarni (s)
For the Government
of the Slovak Republic
Aurel Ugor (s)
3. člen
Za izvajanje sporazuma skrbi Urad Vlade Republike Slovenije za varovanje tajnih podatkov.
4. člen
Ta zakon začne veljati petnajsti dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 040-05/05-6/1
Ljubljana, dne 20. aprila 2005
EPA 167-IV
Državnega zbora
Republike Slovenije
France Cukjati, dr. med. l. r.
(*) Besedilo sporazuma v slovaškem jeziku je na vpogled v Sektorju za mednarodnopravne zadeve Ministrstva za zunanje zadeve.

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