Uradni list

Številka 105
Uradni list RS, št. 105/2005 z dne 23. 11. 2005
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 105/2005 z dne 23. 11. 2005


69. Uredba o ratifikaciji Sporazuma med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Organizacijo Severnoatlantske pogodbe o sodelovanju enot Slovenske vojske v sestavi Mednarodnih varnostnih sil za pomoč (ISAF) v Afganistanu, stran 1362.

Na podlagi tretje alinee petega odstavka 75. člen a Zakona o zunanjih zadevah (Uradni list RS, št.113/03 – uradno prečiščeno besedilo) izdaja Vlada Republike Slovenije
1. člen
Ratificira se Sporazum med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Organizacijo Severnoatlantske pogodbe o sodelovanju enot Slovenske vojske v sestavi Mednarodnih varnostnih sil za pomoč (ISAF) v Afganistanu, sklenjen z izmenjavo pisem 15. marca 2004 in 16. marca 2004.
2. člen
Besedilo sporazuma se v izvirniku v angleškem jeziku in v prevodu v slovenskem jeziku glasi:
Jaap de Hoop Scheffer
                                                               15 March 2004
Dear Ambassador,
I have the honour to refer to the UN Security Council Resolution 1386 dated 20 December 2001 providing in the establishment of an International Security Force In Afghanistan (ISAF), extended under UN Security Council Resolution 1413 dated 23 May 2002 and UN Security Council Resolution 1444 dated 27 November 2002 and UN Security Council Resolution 1510 dated 13 October 2003 further extending the mandate of ISAF.
In accordance with these UN Security Council Resolutions, the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation decided to take over the lead of ISAF on 11 August 2003. The North Atlantic Council agreed in principle to a further expansion of ISAF.
Therefore, based upon previous discussions and communications, I accept with appreciation the offer of the Government of Republic of Slovenia to provide to ISAF a Light Reconnaissance Team, a National Support Element and a Staff Component for work in the HQ ISAF consisting of a maximum of 18 personnel. It is my understanding that it is the intention of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia to maintain its participation in ISAF for a period of at least 6 months, which may be extended by mutual agreement.
The principles concerning the establishment, functions and responsibilities of ISAF are set out in the relevant UN Security Council Resolutions and NATO operational planning documents. It is understood that your ultimate decision with respect to participation will be contingent upon your acceptance of the provisions of these documents. I seek your agreement that the Slovenian contingent shall conduct itself in accordance with the terms of these documents and any changes to them throughout the course of the operation. Also, I would like to emphasise the importance of continuity of service of units in ISAF and to seek your Agreement that the Slovenian contingent will not be withdrawn without at least 6 months prior notification to the Commander, ISAF (COMISAF), except as otherwise agreed.
I draw your attention to UN Security Council Resolution 1386 and other subsequent relevant UN Security Council Resolutions, the Agreement on Provisional Arrangements in Afghanistan pending the re-establishment of Permanent Government Institutions (so-called Bonn Agreement), the Military Technical Agreement dated 4 January 2002 as revised and other agreements which may be concluded relating to the rights, obligations, privileges and immunities of ISAF and its constituent elements when present in the territory of Afghanistan. I trust you will confirm that the appropriate authorities of your national contingent shall take the necessary measures to assure the maintenance of proper discipline of your personnel and to exercise jurisdiction with respect to any crime or disciplinary offence which might be committed by your personnel.
With reference to OPLAN 10419 (REV1) – ISAF and any other follow-up OPLANS related to an extended mandate of ISAF, I seek your agreement that national contingents provided to ISAF, having fully arrived in the Area of Operations and having been assessed as capable of performing its assigned ISAF mission, are transferred at a minimum of operational control to the Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR) and subject to NATO authorised Rules of Engagement. SACEUR, who will assume overall responsibility of this operation, will further designate the Commander in Chief Northern Europe (CINCNORTH) as Joint Force Commander (JFC) who, in turn, provides direction to a Commander, ISAF (COMISAF). The COMISAF will issue orders to the national contingents through the chain of command established by him. Non-NATO nations will retain national command of their own contingents.
The exchange of NATO and ISAF classified information between NATO and non-NATO nations will be carried out in accordance with adequate security arrangements to be executed by all participating Nations.
Any issues not covered in the present letter remain the responsibility of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and will not entail any financial responsibility of NATO or any of the other national constituent elements of ISAF.
Troop contributing Nations can address issues of a political nature concerning the operation to the NATO Secretary General.
COMISAF will utilise national contingents in accordance with their capabilities taking into account the advice of the contingent Commander.
I have the honour to propose that this letter and your reply confirming the agreement of your Government to the terms thereof shall constitute an Agreement which shall enter into force when all internal legal procedures within the Republic of Slovenia have been fulfilled; this Agreement shall be applied provisionally as from the date of your reply.
Yours sincerely,
Jaap de Hoop Scheffer
His Excellency
Mr Matjaž Šinkovec
Head of the Mission of the Republic of Slovenia
Generalni sekretar
Jaap de Hoop Scheffer
SG (2004) 0335
                                                               15. marec 2004
Spoštovani veleposlanik,
čast mi je sklicevati se na Resolucijo Varnostnega sveta Združenih narodov št. 1386 z dne 20. decembra 2001, ki določa ustanovitev Mednarodnih varnostnih sil v Afganistanu (ISAF), Resolucijo Varnostnega sveta Združenih narodov št. 1413 z dne 23. maja 2002, ki podaljšuje njihov mandat, in Resolucijo Varnostnega sveta Združenih narodov št. 1444 z dne 27. novembra 2002 ter Resolucijo Varnostnega sveta Združenih narodov št. 1510 z dne 13. oktobra 2003, ki dodatno podaljšujeta mandat Isafu.
V skladu s temi resolucijami Varnostnega sveta Združenih narodov se je Organizacija Severnoatlantske pogodbe odločila, da 11. avgusta 2003 prevzame vodenje Isafa. Severnoatlantski svet se je načeloma strinjal z nadaljnjo širitvijo Isafa.
Na podlagi predhodnih pogovorov in obvestil hvaležno sprejemam ponudbo Vlade Republike Slovenije, da v Isaf prispeva lahko izvidniško enoto, nacionalno podporno enoto in osebje za delo v glavnem poveljstvu Isafa, ki jih sestavlja največ 18 oseb. Kot razumem, namerava Vlada Republike Slovenije sodelovati v Isafu za obdobje najmanj šest mesecev, ki se lahko sporazumno podaljša.
Načela o ustanovitvi, nalogah in odgovornostih Isafa so opredeljena v ustreznih resolucijah Varnostnega sveta Združenih narodov in Natovih operativno načrtovalnih dokumentih. Razume se, da bo vaša končna odločitev o sodelovanju odvisna od vašega sprejetja določb teh dokumentov. Prosim vas za soglasje, da bo slovenski kontingent med potekom operacije ravnal v skladu z določbami teh dokumentov in vseh njihovih sprememb. Prav tako bi želel poudariti pomembnost neprekinjenega sodelovanja enot v Isafu in vas prosim za soglasje, da slovenski kontingent ne bo umaknjen brez predhodnega uradnega obvestila poveljniku Isafa (COMISAF) najmanj šest mesecev vnaprej, razen če ni drugače dogovorjeno.
Opozarjam vas na Resolucijo Varnostnega sveta Združenih narodov št. 1386 in poznejše ustrezne resolucije Varnostnega sveta Združenih narodov, Sporazum o začasnih ureditvah v Afganistanu do ponovne vzpostavitve stalnih vladnih institucij (Bonski sporazum), Vojaški tehnični sporazum z dne 4. januarja 2002 s spremembami ter druge sporazume, ki se lahko sklenejo v zvezi s pravicami, obveznostmi, privilegiji in imunitetami Isafa in njegovih enot v sestavi med prisotnostjo v Afganistanu. Prepričan sem, da boste potrdili, da bodo ustrezni organi vašega nacionalnega kontingenta sprejeli potrebne ukrepe za zagotovitev ustrezne discipline vaših pripadnikov in izvajanje sodne pristojnosti za morebitna kazniva dejanja ali disciplinske prekrške vaših pripadnikov.
V skladu z operativnim načrtom OPLAN 10419 (REV1) – ISAF in vsemi drugimi naslednjimi operativnimi načrti, povezanimi s podaljšanim mandatom Isafa, vas prosim za soglasje, da bo slovenski kontingent v Isafu po dokončnem prihodu na območje operacije in potem ko bo ocenjeno, da je sposoben opravljati dodeljene naloge v Isafu, razporejen vsaj pod operativni nadzor vrhovnega poveljnika zavezniških sil v Evropi (SACEUR) in bodo zanj veljala Natova pravila za delovanje. SACEUR, ki bo prevzel celotno odgovornost za to operacijo, bo imenoval vrhovnega poveljnika za Severno Evropo (CINCNORTH) kot poveljnika združenih sil (JFC), ta pa dajal usmeritve poveljniku Isafa (COMISAF). COMISAF bo izdajal povelja nacionalnim kontingentom po liniji poveljevanja, ki jo bo sam vzpostavil. Države, ki niso članice Nata, bodo obdržale nacionalno poveljevanje svojim kontingentom.
Tajni podatki Nata in Isafa se bodo izmenjavali med državami članicami Nata in državami, ki niso članice Nata, v skladu z ustreznimi varnostnimi sporazumi, ki jih bodo izvajale vse države udeleženke.
Za vsa vprašanja, ki niso zajeta v tem pismu, je odgovorna Vlada Republike Slovenije in nimajo nobenih finančnih posledic za Nato ali katere koli druge nacionalne enote v sestavi Isafa.
Države, ki prispevajo pripadnike, se lahko obrnejo na generalnega sekretarja Nata s kakršnim koli političnim vprašanjem v zvezi s to operacijo.
Ob upoštevanju nasvetov poveljnika kontingenta bo COMISAF uporabljal nacionalne kontingente v skladu z njihovimi zmogljivostmi.
Čast imam predlagati, da to pismo in vaš odgovor, ki potrjuje, da vaša vlada soglaša z njegovimi določili, sestavljata sporazum, ki začne veljati, ko so končani vsi notranjepravni postopki v Republiki Sloveniji; sporazum pa se začasno uporablja od dneva vašega odgovora.
S spoštovanjem
Jaap de Hoop Scheffer l.r.
Njegova ekscelenca
gospod Matjaž Šinkovec
vodja Misije Republike Slovenije pri Natu
The Ambassador
Head of Mission
of the Republic of Slovenia
to NATO and WEU
                                                             16 March 2004
No.: 003/04
Dear Secretary General,
I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of 15 March 2004 which reads as follows:
“I have the honour to refer to the UN Security Council Resolution 1386 dated 20 December 2001 providing in the establishment of an International Security Force In Afghanistan (ISAF), extended under UN Security Council Resolution 1413 dated 23 May 2002 and UN Security Council Resolution 1444 dated 27 November 2002 and UN Security Council Resolution 1510 dated 13 October 2003 further extending the mandate of ISAF.
In accordance with these UN Security Council Resolutions, the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation decided to take over the lead of ISAF on 11 August 2003. The North Atlantic Council agreed in principle to a further expansion of ISAF.
Therefore, based upon previous discussions and communications, I accept with appreciation the offer of the Government of Republic of Slovenia to provide to ISAF a Light Reconnaissance Team, a National Support Element and a Staff Component for work in the HQ ISAF consisting of a maximum of 18 personnel. It is my understanding that it is the intention of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia to maintain its participation in ISAF for a period of at least 6 months, which may be extended by mutual agreement.
The principles concerning the establishment, functions and responsibilities of ISAF are set out in the relevant UN Security Council Resolutions and NATO operational planning documents. It is understood that your ultimate decision with respect to participation will be contingent upon your acceptance of the provisions of these documents. I seek your agreement that the Slovenian contingent (SICON) shall conduct itself in accordance with the terms of these documents and any changes to them throughout the course of the operation. Also, I would like to emphasise the importance of continuity of service of units in ISAF and to seek your agreement that the Slovenian contingent will not be withdrawn without at least 6 months prior notification to the Commander, ISAF (COMISAF), except as otherwise agreed.
I draw your attention to UN Security Council Resolution 1386 and other subsequent relevant UN Security Council Resolutions, the Agreement on Provisional Arrangements in Afghanistan pending the re-establishment of Permanent Government Institutions (so-called Bonn Agreement), the Military Technical Agreement dated 4 January 2002 as revised and other agreements which may be concluded relating to the rights, obligations, privileges and immunities of ISAF and its constituent elements when present in the territory of Afghanistan. I trust you will confirm that the appropriate authorities of your national contingent shall take the necessary measures to assure the maintenance of proper discipline of your personnel and to exercise jurisdiction with respect to any crime or disciplinary offence which might be committed by your personnel.
With reference to OPLAN 10419 (REV1) – ISAF and any other follow-up OPLANS related to an extended mandate of ISAF, I seek your agreement that national contingents provided to ISAF, having fully arrived in the Area of Operations and having been assessed as capable of performing its assigned ISAF mission, are transferred at a minimum of operational control to the Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR) and subject to NATO authorised Rules of Engagement. SACEUR, who will assume overall responsibility of this operation, will further designate the Commander in Chief Northern Europe (CINCNORTH) as Joint Force Commander (JFC) who, in turn, provides direction to a Commander, ISAF (COMISAF). The COMISAF will issue orders to the national contingents through the chain of command established by him. Non-NATO nations will retain national command of their own contingents.
The exchange of NATO and ISAF classified information between NATO and non-NATO nations will be carried out in accordance with adequate security arrangements to be executed by all participating Nations.
Any issues not covered in the present letter remain the responsibility of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and will not entail any financial responsibility of NATO or any of the other national constituent elements of ISAF.
Troop contributing Nations can address issues of a political nature concerning the operation to the NATO Secretary General.
COMISAF will utilise national contingents in accordance with their capabilities taking into account the advice of the Contingent Commander.
I have the honour to propose that this letter and your reply confirming the agreement of your Government to the terms thereof shall constitute an agreement which shall enter into force when all internal legal procedures within the Republic of Slovenia have been fulfilled: this agreement shall be applied provisionally as from the date of your reply. “
I am pleased to inform you of my Government’s acceptance of the said-letter, which, together with this reply, constitute an Agreement, which enters into force, as indicated above.
Please accept, Secretary General, the expression of my highest consideration.
Yours sincerely,
Matjaž Šinkovec
Mr. Jaap de Hoop Scheffer
Secretary General
North Atlantic Treaty Organisation
Vodja Stalne misije
Republike Slovenije
pri NATU in WEU
Št.: 003/04
                                                           16. marec 2004
Spoštovani generalni sekretar,
čast imam potrditi prejem vašega pisma z dne 15. marca 2004, ki se glasi:
»Čast mi je sklicevati se na Resolucijo Varnostnega sveta Združenih narodov št. 1386 z dne 20. decembra 2001, ki določa ustanovitev Mednarodnih varnostnih sil v Afganistanu (ISAF), Resolucijo Varnostnega sveta Združenih narodov št. 1413 z dne 23. maja 2002, ki podaljšuje njihov mandat, in Resolucijo Varnostnega sveta Združenih narodov št. 1444 z dne 27. novembra 2002 ter Resolucijo Varnostnega sveta Združenih narodov št. 1510 z dne 13. oktobra 2003, ki dodatno podaljšujeta mandat Isafu.
V skladu s temi resolucijami Varnostnega sveta Združenih narodov se je Organizacija Severnoatlantske pogodbe odločila, da 11. avgusta 2003 prevzame vodenje Isafa. Severnoatlantski svet se je načeloma strinjal z nadaljnjo širitvijo Isafa.
Na podlagi predhodnih pogovorov in obvestil hvaležno sprejemam ponudbo Vlade Republike Slovenije, da v Isaf prispeva lahko izvidniško enoto, nacionalno podporno enoto in osebje za delo v glavnem poveljstvu Isafa, ki jih sestavlja največ 18 oseb. Kot razumem, namerava Vlada Republike Slovenije sodelovati v Isafu za obdobje najmanj šest mesecev, ki se lahko sporazumno podaljša.
Načela o ustanovitvi, nalogah in odgovornostih Isafa so opredeljena v ustreznih resolucijah Varnostnega sveta Združenih narodov in Natovih operativnonačrtovalnih dokumentih. Razume se, da bo vaša končna odločitev o sodelovanju odvisna od vašega sprejetja določb teh dokumentov. Prosim vas za soglasje, da bo slovenski kontingent med potekom operacije ravnal v skladu z določbami teh dokumentov in vseh njihovih sprememb. Prav tako bi želel poudariti pomembnost neprekinjenega sodelovanja enot v Isafu in vas prosim za soglasje, da slovenski kontingent ne bo umaknjen brez predhodnega uradnega obvestila poveljniku Isafa (COMISAF) najmanj šest mesecev vnaprej, razen če ni drugače dogovorjeno.
Opozarjam vas na Resolucijo Varnostnega sveta Združenih narodov št. 1386 in poznejše ustrezne resolucije Varnostnega sveta Združenih narodov, Sporazum o začasnih ureditvah v Afganistanu do ponovne vzpostavitve stalnih vladnih institucij (Bonski sporazum), Vojaški tehnični sporazum z dne 4. januarja 2002 s spremembami ter druge sporazume, ki se lahko sklenejo v zvezi s pravicami, obveznostmi, privilegiji in imunitetami Isafa in njegovih enot v sestavi med prisotnostjo v Afganistanu. Prepričan sem, da boste potrdili, da bodo ustrezni organi vašega nacionalnega kontingenta sprejeli potrebne ukrepe za zagotovitev ustrezne discipline vaših pripadnikov in izvajanje sodne pristojnosti za morebitna kazniva dejanja ali disciplinske prekrške vaših pripadnikov.
V skladu z operativnim načrtom OPLAN 10419 (REV1) – ISAF in vsemi drugimi naslednjimi operativnimi načrti, povezanimi s podaljšanim mandatom Isafa, vas prosim za soglasje, da bo slovenski kontingent v Isafu po dokončnem prihodu na območje operacije in potem ko bo ocenjeno, da je sposoben opravljati dodeljene naloge v Isafu, razporejen vsaj pod operativni nadzor vrhovnega poveljnika zavezniških sil v Evropi (SACEUR) in bodo zanj veljala Natova pravila za delovanje. SACEUR, ki bo prevzel celotno odgovornost za to operacijo, bo imenoval vrhovnega poveljnika za Severno Evropo (CINCNORTH) kot poveljnika združenih sil (JFC), ta pa bo dajal usmeritve poveljniku Isafa (COMISAF). COMISAF bo izdajal povelja nacionalnim kontingentom po liniji poveljevanja, ki jo bo sam vzpostavil. Države, ki niso članice Nata, bodo obdržale nacionalno poveljevanje svojim kontingentom.
Tajni podatki Nata in Isafa se bodo izmenjavali med državami članicami Nata in državami, ki niso članice Nata, v skladu z ustreznimi varnostnimi sporazumi, ki jih bodo izvajale vse države udeleženke.
Za vsa vprašanja, ki niso zajeta v tem pismu, je odgovorna Vlada Republike Slovenije in nimajo nobenih finančnih posledic za Nato ali katere koli druge nacionalne enote v sestavi Isafa.
Države, ki prispevajo pripadnike, se lahko obrnejo na generalnega sekretarja Nata s kakršnim koli političnim vprašanjem v zvezi s to operacijo.
Ob upoštevanju nasvetov poveljnika kontingenta bo COMISAF uporabljal nacionalne kontingente v skladu z njihovimi zmogljivostmi.
Čast imam predlagati, da to pismo in vaš odgovor, ki potrjuje, da vaša vlada soglaša z njegovimi določili, sestavljata sporazum, ki začne veljati, ko so končani vsi notranjepravni postopki v Republiki Sloveniji; sporazum pa se začasno uporablja od dneva vašega odgovora.«
Z zadovoljstvom sporočam, da vlada sprejema navedeno pismo, ki skupaj s tem odgovorom sestavlja sporazum, ki začne veljati, kot je prej navedeno.
Sprejmite, prosim, gospod generalni sekretar, izraze mojega najglobljega spoštovanja.
S spoštovanjem,
Matjaž Šinkovec l.r.
Jaap de Hoop Scheffer
generalni sekretar
Organizacija Severnoatlantske pogodbe
3. člen
Za izvajanje sporazuma skrbi Ministrstvo za obrambo.
4. člen
Ta uredba začne veljati petnajsti dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 00724-92/2005/3
Ljubljana, dne 6. oktobra 2005
EVA 2005-1811-0031
Vlada Republike Slovenije
Janez Janša l. r.

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