Na podlagi druge alinee prvega odstavka 107. člena in prvega odstavka 91. člena Ustave Republike Slovenije izdajam
o razglasitvi Zakona o ratifikaciji Konvencije o Evropskem inštitutu za gozdove (MEIG)
Razglašam Zakon o ratifikaciji Konvencije o Evropskem inštitutu za gozdove (MEIG), ki ga je sprejel Državni zbor Republike Slovenije na seji 10. februarja 2006.
Št. 001-22-22/06
Ljubljana, dne 20. februarja 2006
dr. Janez Drnovšek l.r.
Republike Slovenije
1. člen
Ratificira se Konvencija o Evropskem inštitutu za gozdove, sestavljena 28. avgusta 2003 v Joensuuju.
2. člen
Besedilo konvencije se v izvirniku v angleškem jeziku ter v prevodu v slovenskem jeziku glasi:
on the European Forest Institute
The Parties to this Convention, hereafter referred to as the Contracting Parties,
Recalling the forest-related decisions adopted at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in 1992, the Proposals for Action by the Intergovernmental Panel on Forests and the Intergovernmental Forum on Forests, the Expanded Programme of Work on Forest Biological Diversity relating to the Convention on Biological Diversity as well as the outcome of the World Summit on Sustainable Development;
Recognising the progress and achievements made in the implementation of the commitments of the Ministerial Conferences on the protection of forests in Europe;
Conscious of the changing nature of European forest and forestry issues and the concerns within society and the need to generate relevant scientific data with a view to gooddecision-making;
Considering that the European Forest Institute was established as an association under Finnish law in 1993 to contribute to the study of forestry, forests and forest conservation at a European level;
Mindful of the added value of embedding forestry and forest research in an international setting;
Desiring to pursue on an international basis their cooperation in forestry and forest research while at the same time avoiding duplication of efforts;
have agreed as follows:
Article 1: The Institute
The European Forest Institute (hereafter the Institute) is hereby established as an international organisation. It shall have its seat in Joensuu, Finland.
Article 2: Purpose and functions
1. The purpose of the Institute is to undertake research on the pan-European level on forest policy, including its environmental aspects, on the ecology, multiple use, resources and health of European forests and on the supply of and demand for timber and other forest products and services in order to promote the conservation and sustainable management of forests in Europe.
2. In order to achieve its purpose, the Institute
a) provides relevant information for policy-making and decision-making in European countries relating to the forest and forest industry sector;
b) conducts research in the above-mentioned fields;
c) develops research methods;
d) organises and participates in scientific meetings; and
e) organises and disseminates knowledge of its work and results.
Article 3: Information
The Contracting Parties support the work of the Institute with forest-related information on specific request provided it is not available from other data collecting bodies and as far as it can reasonably be made available. To avoid duplication of effort, the Institute aims to ensure appropriate coordination with other international bodies, including those carrying out data collection.
Article 4: Members, Associate and
Affiliate Members of the Institute
1. The Contracting Parties are Members of the Institute.
2. Associate membership of the Institute is open for research institutes, educational establishments, commercial organisations, forest authorities, non-governmental organisations and institutions of a similar nature from European States (hereafter referred to as Associate Members). Affiliate membership is open for institutions of a similar nature from non-European States (hereafter referred to as Affiliate Members). Affiliate Members do not participate in the decision-making process of the Institute.
Article 5: Organs
The organs of the Institute shall be a Council, a Conference, a Board and a Secretariat headed by a Director.
Article 6: The Council
1. The Council shall consist of representatives of the Members, and will meet in ordinary session every three years. An extraordinary session may be held at the request of a Member or of the Board, subject to approval by a simple majority of the Members.
2. The Council shall
a) appoint members of the Board in accordance with Article 8, paragraphs 2 a), c) and d);
b) give assent to the appointment of the Director in accordance with Article 8, paragraph 4, subparagraph d);
c) set the policy framework for the work of the Institute;
d) take decisions on general issues of a technical, financial or administrative nature submitted by the Members, the Conference or the Board;
e) approve, by simple majority, such guidance as may be necessary for the functioning of the Institute and its organs; and
f) approve and amend, by a simple majority, its Rules of Procedure.
3. Each Member shall have one vote. Decisions shall be taken by consensus, unless otherwise provided in the Convention.
Article 7: The Conference
1. The Conference shall consist of representatives of the Associate Members. The Conference shall meet once a year in plenary session and shall take decisions by a simple majority. The Affiliate Members may participate in the annual plenary sessions of the Conference. Institutions and regional or international organisations that are not Associate or Affiliate Members of the Institute may be invited to attend the plenary sessions of the Conference in accordance with the rules established by the Board.
2. The Conference shall, inter alia,
a) appoint the members of the Board in accordance with Article 8, paragraphs 2 b), c) and d);
b) determine the membership fees for the Associate and Affiliate Members;
c) make recommendations to initiate activities with a view to the realisation of the purposes of the Institute;
d) approve the audited financial statements;
e) approve the work plan for the following year submitted by the Board;
f) review and adopt the Annual Report on the Institute´s activities; and
g) approve and amend its Rules of Procedure.
Article 8: The Board
1. The Board shall be composed of eight individuals with established competence in the field of the activities of the Institute. Such Board members may serve no more than two consecutive terms.
2. a) Four members of the Board shall be appointed by the Council for a period of three years.
b) Four members of the Board shall be appointed by the Conference for a period of three years.
c) The Council and the Conference shall adopt rules relating to the process of nomination and rotation of the members they appoint.
d) Interim vacancies shall be filled by written procedure by the Council or the Conference, respectively.
3. The Board shall meet at least once every year and shall take decisions by a simple majority.
4. The Board shall
a) within the policy framework laid down by the Council, establish and keep under review the administrative and research programme of the Institute's work;
b) subject to any guidance by the Council, adopt such internal regulations as may be necessary;
c) approve the budget and the accounts;
d) appoint the Director, subject to assent of the Council;
e) approve the admission and expulsion of Associate and Affiliate Members;
f) report to the Council and the Conference;
g) subject to any guidance by the Council, approve the agreement referred to in Article 12;
h) approve and amend its Rules of Procedure; and
i) establish the rules referred to in Article 7, paragraph 1.
Article 9: The Secretariat
1. The Secretariat headed by the Director shall comprise the personnel of the Institute.
2. Subject to any general directions of the Council, the Conference and the Board, the Director shall appoint such other personnel as may be required for the purposes of the Institute on such terms and to perform such duties as the Director may determine.
Article 10: Financial resources
The financial resources necessary for the functioning of the Institute shall be provided by:
a) Associate and Affiliate Members, by means of membership fees;
b) Members, through voluntary contributions if they so desire; and
c) such other sources as may present themselves.
Article 11: The Budget and the accounts
The budget and the accounts of the Institute shall be approved by a simple majority by the Board on proposal of the Director.
Article 12: Legal personality, privileges and
The Institute shall have international and domestic legal personality. On the territory of Finland it shall enjoy such privileges and immunities as are necessary for the exercise of its functions. These privileges and immunities shall be defined in an agreement between the Institute and the Government of Finland.
Article 13: Dispute-settlement
Any dispute concerning the interpretation or application of this Convention which is not settled by negotiation or by the good offices of the Board may, upon mutual agreement between the parties to the dispute, be submitted to conciliation under the Permanent Court of Arbitration Optional Conciliation Rules.
Article 14: Signature and consent to be bound
1. This Convention shall be open for signature by European States and European regional economic integration organisations in Joensuu on 28 August 2003. Thereafter, it shall remain open for signature in Helsinki at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland, until 28 November 2003.
2. This Convention is subject to ratification, acceptance or approval by the signatory States and regional economic integration organisations. Instruments of ratification, acceptance or approval shall be deposited with the Government of Finland which shall act as the depositary.
3. This Convention shall be open for accession by those European States and European regional economic integration organisations that have not signed it. Instruments of accession shall be deposited with the Depositary.
4. For the purposes of this Convention, a European State is a State which is eligible for membership of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe as a European State.
Article 15: Entry into force
1. This Convention shall enter into force on the sixtieth day after the date of the deposit of the eighth instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession.
2. For each State and regional economic integration organisation ratifying, accepting, approving or acceding to this Convention after the deposit of the eighth instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession, the Convention shall enter into force on the sixtieth day after the date of deposit of such State or regional economic integration organisation of its instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession.
Article 16: Transitional provisions
1. Upon the entry into force of this Convention, the research institutes, educational establishments, commercial organisations, forest authorities, non-governmental organisations and institutions of a similar nature from European States that are members or associate members of the European Forest Institute established in 1993 as an association under Finnish law and by that date have not according to its Bylaws given notice of resignation, shall become Associate Members of the Institute. Institutions of a similar nature from non-European States that are associate members of the said European Forest Institute shall likewise in the absence of notice of resignation become Affiliate Members of the Institute.
2. After the entry into force of this Convention the Institute shall initiate negotiations with the European Forest Institute established in 1993 as an association under Finnish law on the transfer of the latter's activities, funds, assets and liabilities to the Institute.
Article 17: Amendments
1. This Convention may be amended by the unanimous vote of the Members present in a meeting of the Council or by a written procedure. Any proposal for amendment shall be circulated by the Depositary at least eight weeks in advance. In case of a written procedure the Depositary shall fix the deadline for the replies.
2. The amendment will enter into force on the sixtieth day after the date on which all the Contracting Parties have notified the Depositary that they have fulfilled the formalities required by national legislation with respect to the amendment.
3. Unless the Conference approves, amendments shall not affect the institutional position of Associate or Affiliate Members.
Article 18: Withdrawal
A Contracting Party may withdraw from this Convention by giving written notice of the withdrawal to the Depositary. The withdrawal shall be effective one year after receipt of the notice of withdrawal by the Depositary.
Article 19: Termination
This Convention shall be terminated if at any time after its entry into force there are less than eight Contracting Parties.
In witness whereof, the undersigned, duly authorised thereto by their respective Governments, have signed this Convention.
Done in the English language, at Joensuu, this 28th day of August 2003.
o Evropskem inštitutu za gozdove
Stranke te konvencije, v nadaljevanju pogodbenice, so se
ob sklicevanju na sklepe glede gozdov, sprejete na Konferenci Združenih narodov o okolju in razvoju leta 1992, predloge za ukrepanje, ki sta jih dala Medvladni odbor za gozdove in Medvladni forum za gozdove, Razširjen program dela o biotski pestrosti gozdov, ki se nanaša na Konvencijo o biotski pestrosti gozdov, ter na izid Svetovnega vrha o trajnostnem razvoju;
ob priznavanju napredka in dosežkov pri izpolnjevanju obveznosti ministrskih konferenc o varstvu gozdov v Evropi;
ker se zavedajo spremenljivosti evropskega gozda in vprašanj gozdarstva, pa tudi skrbi, ki tarejo družbo, in potrebe po ustreznih znanstvenih podatkih zaradi sprejemanja dobrih odločitev;
glede na to, da je bil Evropski gozdarski inštitut ustanovljen leta 1993 kot družba po finskem pravu, da bi prispeval k proučevanju gozdarstva, gozdov in njihovi ohranitvi na evropski ravni;
ker se zavedajo dodane vrednosti tega, da se gozdarstvo in raziskovanje gozdov vključita v mednarodni okvir;
v želji, da svoje sodelovanje na področju gozdarstva in raziskovanja gozdov nadaljujejo na mednarodni ravni, hkrati pa se izogibajo podvajanju dela,
1. člen: Inštitut
Evropski inštitut za gozdove (v nadaljevanju inštitut) je ustanovljen kot mednarodna organizacija. Svoj sedež ima v Joensuuju na Finskem.
2. člen: Namen in naloge
1. Namen inštituta je izvajati raziskave na vseevropski ravni o gozdni politiki, vključno z njenimi okoljskimi vidiki, ekologiji, večnamenski rabi, virih in zdravju evropskih gozdov ter o ponudbi lesa, drugih gozdnih proizvodov in storitev ter o povpraševanju po njih, da se v Evropi spodbudita ohranjanje in trajnostno gospodarjenje z gozdovi.
2. Da bi svoj namen dosegel, inštitut
a) daje ustrezne informacije za oblikovanje politike in odločanje v zvezi z gozdovi in gozdarskim sektorjem v evropskih državah;
b) opravlja raziskave na omenjenih področjih;
c) razvija raziskovalne metode;
d) organizira znanstvena srečanja in se jih udeležuje ter
e) pridobiva in širi znanja svoji dejavnosti in njene izsledke.
3. člen: Informacije
Pogodbenice podpirajo delo inštituta z informacijami o gozdovih na posebno zaprosilo, če informacije niso na voljo pri drugih organih, ki zbirajo podatke in so dosegljive. Da se izogne podvajanju dela, si inštitut prizadeva za ustrezno usklajevanje z drugimi mednarodnimi organi, vključno s tistimi, ki zbirajo podatke.
4. člen: Člani, pridruženi člani in
partnerji inštituta
1. Pogodbenice so članice inštituta.
2. Pridruženo članstvo inštituta je na voljo raziskovalnim inštitutom, izobraževalnim ustanovam, gospodarskim organizacijam, organom, pristojnim za gozdarstvo, nevladnim organizacijam in podobnim ustanovam iz evropskih držav (v nadaljevanju pridruženi člani). Partnerstvo je na voljo podobnim ustanovam iz neevropskih držav (v nadaljevanju partnerji). Partnerji ne sodelujejo pri sprejemanju odločitev inštituta.
5. člen: Organi
Organi inštituta so svet, konferenca, odbor in sekretariat, ki ga vodi direktor.
6. člen: Svet
1. Svet sestavljajo predstavniki članov, ki se na rednih sejah sestajajo vsake tri leta. Izredno zasedanje je lahko sklicano na zahtevo člana ali odbora, če to odobri navadna večina članov.
2. Svet:
a) imenuje člane odbora v skladu s točkami a), c) in d) drugega odstavka 8. člena;
b) daje soglasje k imenovanju direktorja v skladu s točko d) četrtega odstavka 8. člena;
c) določa okvir politike za delo inštituta;
d) sprejema odločitve o splošnih tehničnih, finančnih ali upravnih vprašanjih, ki jih predložijo člani, konferenca ali odbor;
e) z navadno večino sprejme smernice, potrebne za delovanje inštituta in njegovih organov in
f) z navadno večino sprejme in spreminja svoj poslovnik.
3. Vsak član ima en glas. Če v konvenciji ni drugače določeno, se odločitve sprejemajo soglasno.
7. člen: Konferenca
1. Konferenco sestavljajo predstavniki pridruženih članov. Konferenca se enkrat na leto sestaja na plenarnem zasedanju in sprejema odločitve z navadno večino. Partnerji se lahko udeležujejo letnih plenarnih zasedanj konference. Ustanove in regionalne ali mednarodne organizacije, ki niso pridruženi člani ali partnerji inštituta, so na plenarna zasedanja konference lahko vabljeni v skladu s pravili, ki jih sprejme odbor.
2. Konferenca med drugim
a) imenuje člane odbora v skladu s točkami b), c) in d) drugega odstavka 8. člena;
b) določa članarine za pridružene člane in partnerje;
c) daje priporočila za uvedbo dejavnosti, katerih cilj je uresničevanje ciljev inštituta;
d) odobrava revidirane računovodske izkaze;
e) odobrava delovni načrt za naslednje leto, ki ga predloži odbor;
f) pregleda in sprejme Letno poročilo o dejavnostih inštituta;
g) sprejme in spreminja svoj poslovnik.
8. člen: Odbor
1. Odbor sestavlja osem posameznikov, uveljavljenih na področju dejavnosti inštituta. Člani odbora lahko svojo funkcijo opravljajo največ dve zaporedni obdobji.
2. a) Štiri člane odbora imenuje svet za dobo treh let.
b) Štiri člane odbora imenuje konferenca za dobo treh let.
c) Svet in konferenca sprejmeta pravila o postopku imenovanja in rotacije članov, ki jih menujeta.
d) Svet oziroma konferenca zapolni začasna prosta mesta na podlagi pisnega postopka.
3. Odbor se sestane vsaj enkrat vsako leto in odločitve sprejema z navadno večino.
4. Odbor:
a) v okviru politike, ki jo določa svet, uvaja in stalno preverja upravni in raziskovalni program dela inštituta;
b) ob upoštevanju smernic sveta sprejema potrebne notranje predpise;
c) sprejema proračun in obračune;
d) imenuje direktorja na podlagi soglasja sveta;
e) potrdi pristop in izključitev pridruženih članov in partnerjev;
f) poroča svetu in konferenci;
g) ob upoštevanju smernic sveta sprejme sporazum iz 12. člena;
h) sprejme in spreminja svoj poslovnik ter
i) določa pravila iz prvega odstavka 7. člena.
9. člen: Sekretariat
1. Sekretariat, ki ga vodi direktor, obsega osebje inštituta.
2. Direktor ob upoštevanju splošnih smernic sveta, konference in odbora lahko po pogojih in za naloge, ki jih lahko sam določi direktor, imenuje še drugo osebje, potrebno za delovanje inštituta.
10. člen: Finančni viri
Finančni viri za delovanje inštituta se zagotovijo:
a) s članarino pridruženih članov in partnerjev;
b) s prostovoljnimi prispevki članov, če to želijo, ter
c) z morebitnimi drugimi viri sredstev.
11. člen: Proračun in obračuni
Proračun in obračune inštituta z navadno večino sprejema odbor na predlog direktorja.
12. člen: Pravna osebnost, privilegiji in
Inštitut je pravna oseba po mednarodnem in notranjem pravu.. Na ozemlju Finske uživa privilegije in imunitete, ki jih potrebuje za opravljanje svojih nalog. Ti privilegiji in imunitete so opredeljeni v sporazumu med inštitutom in finsko vlado.
13. člen: Reševanje sporov
Vsak spor, nastal v zvezi z razlago ali uporabo te konvencije, ki ni rešen s pogajanjem ali posredovanjem odbora, se s soglasjem strank v sporu predloži v poravnavo po neobveznih spravnih pravil Stalnega arbitražnega sodišča.
14. člen: Podpis in soglasje za sprejem obveznosti
1. Ta konvencija je evropskim državam in evropskim organizacijam za regionalno gospodarsko povezovanje na voljo za podpis 28. avgusta 2003 v Joensuuju. Pozneje bo do 28. novembra 2003 na voljo za podpis na Ministrstvu za zunanje zadeve Finske v Helsinkih.
2. To konvencijo države podpisnice in evropske organizacije za regionalno gospodarsko povezovanje ratificirajo, sprejmejo ali odobrijo. Listine o ratifikaciji, sprejetju ali odobritvi se deponirajo pri finski vladi, ki je depozitar.
3. Ta konvencija je na voljo za podpis tistim evropskim državam in evropskim organizacijam za regionalno gospodarsko povezovanje, ki je niso podpisale. Listine o pristopu se deponirajo pri depozitarju.
4. V tej konvenciji evropska država pomeni državo, ki izpolnjuje pogoje za članstvo v Gospodarski komisiji Združenih narodov za Evropo kot evropska država.
15. člen: Začetek veljavnosti
1. Ta konvencija začne veljati šestdeseti dan po dnevu deponiranja osme listine o ratifikaciji, sprejetju, odobritvi ali pristopu.
2. Za vsako državo in organizacijo za regionalno gospodarsko povezovanje, ki to konvencijo ratificira, sprejme, odobri ali k njej pristopi po deponiranju osme listine o ratifikaciji, sprejetju, odobritvi ali pristopu, konvencija začne veljati šestdeseti dan po dnevu, ko je ta država ali organizacija za regionalno gospodarsko povezovanje deponirala svojo listino o ratifikaciji, sprejetju, odobritvi ali pristopu.
16. člen: Prehodne določbe
1. Po začetku veljavnosti te konvencije raziskovalni inštituti, izobraževalne ustanove, gospodarske organizacije, organi, pristojni za gozdarstvo, nevladne organizacije in podobne ustanove iz evropskih držav, ki so člani ali pridruženi člani Evropskega inštituta za gozdove, ustanovljenega leta 1993 kot družba po finskem pravu, in do tega dne niso dali izjave o odstopu v skladu s svojimi podzakonskimi akti, postanejo pridruženi člani inštituta. Podobne ustanove iz neevropskih držav, ki so pridruženi člani omenjenega Evropskega inštituta za gozdove, če niso dali izjave o odstopu, na enak način postanejo partnerji inštituta.
2. Po začetku veljavnosti te konvencije inštitut začne pogajanja z Evropskim inštitutom za gozdove, ustanovljenim leta 1993 kot družba po finskem pravu, o prenosu dejavnosti, sredstev, premoženja in obveznosti slednjega na inštitut.
17. člen: Spremembe
1. Ta konvencija se lahko spremeni s soglasno izglasovanim sklepom članov, navzočih na sestanku sveta, ali s pisnim postopkom. Depozitar pošlje vsak predlog za spremembo vsaj osem tednov vnaprej. V primeru pisnega postopka pa depozitar določi skrajni rok za odgovore.
2. Sprememba bo začela veljati šestdeseti dan po dnevu, ko so vse pogodbenice uradno obvestile depozitarja, da so izpolnile pogoje v skladu s svojimi notranje pravnimi postopki. Spremembe ne vplivajo na institucionalni položaj pridruženih članov ali partnerjev, razen če konferenca to sprejme.
18. člen: Odpoved
Pogodbenica lahko to konvencijo odpove s pisnim obvestilom o odpovedi, poslanim depozitarju. Odpoved začne veljati eno leto potem, ko depozitar prejme obvestilo o odpovedi.
19. člen: Prenehanje veljavnosti
Ta konvencija preneha veljati, če je število pogodbenic kadar koli po njenem začetku veljavnosti manjše od osem.
V potrditev tega so podpisani, ki so jih njihove vlade za to pravilno pooblastile, podpisali to konvencijo.
Sestavljeno v angleškem jeziku 28. avgusta 2003 v Joensuuju.
3. člen
Za izvajanje konvencije skrbi Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano.
4. člen
Ta zakon začne veljati petnajsti dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 323-01/05-3/1
Ljubljana, dne 10. februarja 2006
EPA 648-IV
Državnega zbora
Republike Slovenije
France Cukjati, dr. med., l.r.