Uradni list

Številka 25
Uradni list RS, št. 25/2006 z dne 9. 3. 2006
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 25/2006 z dne 9. 3. 2006


24. Uredba o ratifikaciji Memoranduma med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Mednarodno organizacijo za migracije (MOM) o sodelovanju pri programu prostovoljnega vračanja migrantov, stran 492.

Na podlagi tretje alinee petega odstavka 75. člena Zakona o zunanjih zadevah (Uradni list RS, št. 113/03 – uradno prečiščeno besedilo) izdaja Vlada Republike Slovenije
1. člen
Ratificira se Memorandum med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Mednarodno organizacijo za migracije (MOM) o sodelovanju pri programu prostovoljnega vračanja migrantov, sprejet v Ljubljani 24. maja 2005.
2. člen
Besedilo sporazuma se v izvirnikih v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku glasi:
Vlada Republike Slovenije in Mednarodna organizacija za migracije (v nadaljevanju pogodbenici)
sta se
skladno s 1. členom Sporazuma o sodelovanju med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Mednarodno organizacijo za migracije (v nadaljevanju sporazum), ki je bil podpisan 19. decembra 2001, in v skladu s cilji in nalogami, določenimi v Ustavi Mednarodne organizacije za migracije;
zavedajoč se sprejetih mednarodnih obveznosti Republike Slovenije, pravnega reda EU na področju migracij in notranjih predpisov o tujcih ter v zvezi s tem posebej temeljnih pravic in svoboščin, kot izhajajo iz Evropske konvencije o varstvu človekovih pravic in temeljnih svoboščin, kot je bila spremenjena s protokoli;
ob upoštevanju, da je Mednarodna organizacija za migracije (v nadaljevanju MOM) zavezana načelu, da je humana in urejena migracija v korist tako migrantom kot družbi in da s svojim delovanjem pomaga pri soočanju z naraščajočimi operativnimi izzivi obvladovanja migracij, krepitvi razumevanja migracijskih zadev, spodbujanju socialnega in ekonomskega razvoja z migracijami ter ohranjanju človeškega dostojanstva in dobrobiti migrantov;
ob upoštevanju zapletenosti izzivov, ki jih pomenijo migracijski tokovi, in potrebe po zagotavljanju urejenega obvladovanja migracij;
prepričani, da bi program pomoči pri prostovoljnem vračanju migrantov prispeval k doseganju ciljev slovenske migracijske politike,
1. člen
(1) Namen tega memoranduma je podrobneje opredeliti sodelovanje med pogodbenicama, kot ga določa sporazum, še posebej okvire izvajanja programa pomoči pri prostovoljnem vračanju določenih kategorij migrantov (v nadaljevanju program).
(2) Pri izvajanju programa se posebna pozornost namenja ranljivim skupinam migrantov, s čimer so mišljene osebe s posebnimi potrebami, zlasti pa žrtve trgovine z ljudmi, mladoletne osebe brez spremstva, ženske brez spremstva, invalidne osebe, starejši, nosečnice, starši samohranilci z mladoletnimi otroki, žrtve spolnih zlorab in žrtve mučenja ali organiziranega nasilja.
2. člen
(pristojna organa)
Pristojna organa za izvajanje tega memoranduma sta za Vlado Republike Slovenije Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve in za MOM predstavništvo Mednarodne organizacije za migracije v Ljubljani.
3. člen
(obseg sodelovanja)
Sodelovanje med pristojnima organoma poteka tako, da MOM tekoče zagotavlja informacije o vsebini programa in možnostih sodelovanja pri raziskavah o prostovoljnem vračanju migrantov. Pristojni organi v Republiki Sloveniji pa sodelujejo pri raziskavah skladno s svojimi interesi.
4. člen
(opredelitev programa)
(1) Izraz »prostovoljna vrnitev«, kot je uporabljen v tem memorandumu, pomeni, da se oseba svobodno in na podlagi informacij odloči, da se svobodno in po svoji volji vrne v državo izvora. Če taka vrnitev ni mogoča ali če je oseba brez državljanstva, pa prostovoljna vrnitev pomeni, da se oseba po svoji volji svobodno vrne v državo, v kateri je imela zadnje stalno prebivališče, ali v državo, ki jo je pripravljena ali dolžna sprejeti.
(2) Upravičenci po programu so:
(a) osebe, ki nezakonito prebivajo v Republiki Sloveniji;
(b) prosilci za azil, ki se na svojo željo vključijo v program, preden se azilni postopek konča;
(c) osebe z začasnim zatočiščem;
(d) žrtve trgovine z ljudmi in mladoletne osebe brez spremstva;
(e) begunci, ki se na svojo željo vključijo v program.
5. člen
(obveščanje možnih upravičencev
o programu)
Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve obvešča osebe iz drugega odstavka prejšnjega člena o programu iz tega memoranduma.
6. člen
(obveznosti MOM)
(1) MOM svetuje možnim upravičencem po programu o praktičnih zadevah, ki jih je treba upoštevati pred odhodom, in pri svetovanju ustrezno sodeluje z vladnimi organi in nevladnimi organizacijami. Prav tako zagotovi informacije o trenutnih razmerah v državi izvora in osebah/organizacijah, na katere se lahko obrnejo povratniki, če potrebujejo dodatne nasvete ali svetovanje.
(2) MOM v soglasju s pristojnim organom zagotovi upravičencem po programu naslednjo pomoč:
(a) pomoč pri pridobivanju veljavnih potovalnih dokumentov;
(b) organiziranje prevoza, če za to zaprosi pristojni organ;
(c) kadar je to mogoče, organiziranje pomoči pri odhodu, tranzitu in prihodu v državo izvora;
(d) druge oblike pomoči, povezane s prejšnjimi točkami tega odstavka, skladno z njenimi pristojnostmi in zmožnostmi.
7. člen
(1) Financiranje programa temelji na letnem proračunu, ki ga pripravi MOM na podlagi programa. MOM mora program z letnim proračunom za naslednje proračunsko leto poslati Ministrstvu za notranje zadeve najpozneje do konca oktobra tekočega leta. Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve po pregledu in morebitnih potrebnih predhodnih usklajevanjih z MOM navedeni program predloži v obravnavo Vladi Republike Slovenije še pred iztekom tekočega leta.
(2) Po podpisu tega memoranduma MOM pošlje Ministrstvu za notranje zadeve predlog proračuna za prvo proračunsko leto izvajanja programa. Predlog letnega proračuna temelji na storitvah, ki jih sporazumno določita pogodbenici.
(3) Sredstva za kritje storitev MOM, opravljenih v skladu s tem memorandumom in vsakoletnim potrjenim programom, izplača Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve četrtletno na bančni račun MOM v Ljubljani. Izplačilo se lahko izvede le za že opravljene dogovorjene storitve po programu ter na podlagi prejetih in obrazloženih ustreznih dokazil (na primer račun) v roku, kot ga določa Zakon o javnih financah.
8. člen
(1) Vsakih šest mesecev MOM predloži polletno vmesno poročilo o stroških, nastalih pri opravljanju storitev v skladu s programom.
(2) Letno poročilo o stroških, opravljenih dejavnostih in doseženih rezultatih se pripravi ob koncu koledarskega leta in se predloži v 60 dneh po koncu koledarskega leta.
9. člen
(posvetovalni odbor)
Za izvajanje tega memoranduma se ustanovi posvetovalni odbor, ki se sestane enkrat letno na predlog ene od pogodbenic tega memoranduma. Sestavljajo ga predstavniki Vlade Republike Slovenije in MOM.
10. člen
(1) Ta memorandum začne veljati z dnem prejetja uradnega obvestila Republike Slovenije o izpolnjenih notranjepravnih pogojih za začetek njegove veljavnosti v Republiki Sloveniji in velja do 31. decembra 2005. Po tem datumu se njegova veljavnost molče podaljša vsakokrat za eno leto.
(2) Memorandum se začasno uporablja od dneva podpisa.
(3) Določbe tega memoranduma se lahko spremenijo s pisnim soglasjem pogodbenic.
(4) Vsaka pogodbenica lahko memorandum odpove po diplomatski poti. Odpoved začne veljati tri mesece od dneva, ko je druga pogodbenica prejela uradno obvestilo o odpovedi.
Sestavljeno v Ljubljani dne 24. maja 2005 v dveh izvirnikih v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku, besedili sta enako verodostojni.
Za Vlado Republike Slovenije:
Dragutin Mate l.r.
Minister za notranje zadeve
Za Mednarodno
organizacijo za migracije:
Argentina Szabados l.r.
Regijska predstavnica za Centralno in JV Evropo
The Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the International Organization for Migration (hereinafter referred to as the Contracting Parties),
In accordance with Article 1 of the Agreement on Cooperation between the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the International Organization for Migration (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement), which was signed on 19 December 2001, and in accordance with the purposes and functions that are defined in the Constitution of the International Organization for Migration;
Aware of the international commitments that the Republic of Slovenia has adopted, the EU acquis in the field of migration and the national regulations on aliens and in this relation notably the fundamental rights and freedoms as laid down in the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms as amended by protocols;
Recalling that the International Organization for Migration (hereinafter referred to as the IOM) is committed to the principle that humane and orderly migration benefits migrants and society and that it acts to assist in meeting the growing operational challenges of migration management, advance understanding of migration issues, encourage social and economic development through migration, and uphold the human dignity and well-being of migrants;
Considering the complexity of the challenges posed by migration flows and the need to ensure orderly management of migration;
Convinced that an assisted voluntary return programme would contribute to attaining the objectives of the Slovenian migration policy;
Have agreed as follows:
Article 1
(1) The purpose of this Memorandum is to set forth the cooperation between the Contracting Parties as outlined in the Agreement, and particularly to define the framework of the implementation of the programme for the assisted voluntary return for certain categories of migrants (hereinafter referred to as the Programme).
(2) In the implementation of the Programme, special attention shall be given to vulnerable groups of migrants, which means persons with special needs and notably victims of trafficking in human beings, unaccompanied minors, unaccompanied women, the disabled, the elderly, pregnant women, single parents with minor children, victims of sexual abuse and victims of torture or organised violence.
Article 2
(Competent Bodies)
The bodies competent for the implementation of the present Memorandum shall be the Ministry of the Interior for the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the IOM Mission in Ljubljana for the IOM.
Article 3
(Scope of Cooperation)
The cooperation between the competent bodies shall take place in the following way: the IOM shall provide continuous information on the contents of the Programme and on the possibilities of cooperating in research on voluntary return of migrants. The competent bodies in the Republic of Slovenia shall take part in such research in accordance with their interest.
Article 4
(Definition of the Programme)
(1) The term “voluntary return” as used in this Memorandum refers to the free and informed decision of a person to return to the country of origin freely and on his/her own will. If such return is not possible, or if a person is stateless, a voluntary return means that a person, based on his/her own will, freely returns to the country of his/her last permanent residence or to a country willing or having to receive him/her.
(2) The beneficiaries of the Programme shall include:
(a) Persons illegally residing in the Republic of Slovenia;
(b) Asylum seekers who join the programme on their own wish before the asylum procedure is concluded;
(c) Person enjoying temporary refuge;
(d) Victims of trafficking in human beings and unaccompanied minors;
(e) Refugees who join the programme on their own wish.
Article 5
(Providing Potential Beneficiaries with Information
on the Programme)
The Ministry of the Interior shall provide the persons from Paragraph 2 of the preceding Article with information on the Programme defined in the present Memorandum.
Article 6
(Responsibilities of the IOM)
(1) The IOM shall counsel potential beneficiaries of the Programme on practical issues to be taken into account before departure and in such counselling shall cooperate, as appropriate, with governmental bodies and non-governmental organisations. Furthermore, it shall provide information on the prevailing conditions in the country of origin and on persons/entities the returnees can contact if they need additional advice or counselling.
(2) In agreement with the competent body, the IOM shall provide the following assistance to the beneficiaries of the Programme:
(a) Assisting in obtaining valid travel documents;
(b) Organising transport if requested by the competent authority;
(c) Whenever it is possible, organising assistance upon departure, transit and arrival in the country of origin;
(d) Offering other forms of assistance in relation to the preceding points of this Paragraph and in accordance with its competencies and capabilities.
Article 7
(1) The funding shall be based on an annual budget prepared by the IOM on the basis of the Programme. The IOM shall be obliged to send the programme with the annual budget for the next fiscal year to the Ministry of the Interior not later than the end of October in the current year. Upon review and any necessary prior coordination with the IOM, the Ministry of the Interior shall send the mentioned programme to the Government of the Republic of Slovenia for discussion before the end of the current year.
(2) Upon signing this Memorandum, the IOM shall submit to the Ministry of the Interior a budget proposal for the first fiscal year of the operation of the Programme. The annual budget proposal shall be based on the services that the Contracting Parties define by mutual agreement.
(3) Funds to cover the costs of the IOM services that are incurred in accordance with this Memorandum and with the approved annual programme shall be paid by the Ministry of the Interior, on a quarterly basis, to the IOM's bank account in Ljubljana. Payment may only be effected for the services that have been agreed upon and already performed according to the Programme and on the basis of adequate and explained receipts (such as a bill) within the term defined in the Public Finance Act.
Article 8
(1) Every six months, the IOM shall submit a mid-annual interim report on the costs incurred through the implementation of the services according to the Programme.
(2) An annual report on the expenditure, the activities performed and the results achieved shall be prepared at the end of the calendar year and submitted within 60 days following the end of the calendar year.
Article 9
(Consultative Committee)
For the implementation of this Memorandum a Consultative Committee shall be formed, which shall meet once a year, at the request by one of the Contracting Parties of the present Memorandum. It shall be composed of the representatives of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and of the IOM.
Article 10
(Terms of Validity)
(1) The present Memorandum shall enter into force on the date of the receipt of the notification of the Republic of Slovenia on the fulfillment of the internal legal requirements necessary for its entry into force in the Republic of Slovenia and shall remain in force until 31 December 2005. It will then be tacitly extended on a yearly basis.
(2) The present Memorandum shall be provisionally applied from the day of its signature.
(3) The provisions of this Memorandum may be changed with the written consent of the Contracting Parties.
(4) Either party may terminate this Memorandum through diplomatic channels. The termination shall become effective three months following the date when the other Contracting Party received the notification of termination.
Done in Ljubljana on the 24 May 2005, in two original copies in the Slovenian and English language, both texts being equally authentic.
For the Government of the Republic of Slovenia:
Dragutin Mate (s)
Minister of the Interior
For the International Organization for Migration:
Argentina Szbados (s)
Regional representative for Central and SE Europe
3. člen
Za izvajanje memoranduma skrbi Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve.
4. člen
Ta uredba začne veljati petnajsti dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 00724-5/2006
Ljubljana, dne 16. februarja 2006
EVA 2006-1811-0003
Vlada Republike Slovenije
Janez Janša l.r.

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