Na podlagi druge alinee prvega odstavka 107. člena in prvega odstavka 91. člena Ustave Republike Slovenije izdajam
o razglasitvi Zakona o ratifikaciji Sporazuma med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Republike Hrvaške o izročitvi in prevzemu oseb, katerih vstop ali prebivanje je nezakonito (BHRIPO)
Razglašam Zakon o ratifikaciji Sporazuma med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Republike Hrvaške o izročitvi in prevzemu oseb, katerih vstop ali prebivanje je nezakonito (BHRIPO), ki ga je sprejel Državni zbor Republike Slovenije na seji 7. marca 2006.
Št. 001-22-39/06
Ljubljana, dne 15. marca 2006
dr. Janez Drnovšek l.r.
Republike Slovenije
1. člen
Ratificira se Sporazum med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Republike Hrvaške o izročitvi in prevzemu oseb, katerih vstop ali prebivanje je nezakonito, podpisan na Brionih, 10. junija 2005.
2. člen
Besedilo sporazuma se v izvirniku v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku glasi:*
Vlada Republike Slovenije in Vlada Republike Hrvaške (v nadaljevanju pogodbenici) sta se
v želji po nadaljnjem sodelovanju z namenom zagotavljanja boljšega izvajanja določb o pretoku oseb,
v želji, da se omogočita ponovni sprejem in tranzit oseb, katerih vstop in prebivanje sta nezakonita,
v duhu sodelovanja in na podlagi vzajemnosti,
ob upoštevanju Konvencije o varstvu človekovih pravic in temeljnih svoboščin, sestavljene v Rimu 4. novembra 1950, in Konvencije o statusu beguncev, sestavljenim v Ženevi 28. julija 1951, spremenjene s Protokolom o statusu beguncev, sestavljenim v New Yorku 31. januarja 1967,
odločeni, da se bosta borili proti nezakonitim migracijam,
1. člen
(1) Vsaka pogodbenica na zahtevo druge pogodbenice brez formalnosti sprejme na svoje državno območje vsako osebo, ki ne izpolnjuje ali ne izpolnjuje več pogojev za vstop ali prebivanje na državnem območju pogodbenice prosilke, če se dokaže ali domneva, da ima državljanstvo zaprošene pogodbenice.
(2) Državljanstvo osebe se dokazuje ali domneva na podlagi dokumentov, navedenih v protokolu o izvedbi tega sporazuma (v nadaljevanju protokol).
(3) Če državljanstva osebe iz prvega odstavka ni mogoče dokazati ali domnevati na podlagi predloženih dokumentov, konzularni organi zaprošene pogodbenice v treh delovnih dneh od dneva prejema vloge za sprejem opravijo razgovor z njo. Ta razgovor organizira pogodbenica prosilka po posvetovanju s konzularnim organom zaprošene pogodbenice v najkrajšem možnem času.
(4) Če se med razgovorom iz prejšnjega odstavka dokaže ali domneva državljanstvo, diplomatsko ali konzularno predstavništvo nemudoma izda ustrezen potovalni dokument za vrnitev, v nobenem primeru pa ne pozneje kot v petih delovnih dneh od dneva prejema vloge za sprejem.
(5) Pogodbenica prosilka pod enakimi pogoji ponovno sprejme osebo, če se pozneje ugotovi, da ta oseba ob izročitvi ni bila državljan zaprošene pogodbenice. Ta obveznost ne velja, če je zaprošena pogodbenica osebo, ki prebiva na državnem območju pogodbenice prosilke, odpustila iz svojega državljanstva, ne da bi pridobila državljanstvo tretje države ali si zagotovila sprejem v državljanstvo pogodbenice prosilke.
2. člen
(1) Vsaka pogodbenica na zahtevo druge pogodbenice sprejme na svoje državno območje državljana tretje države ali osebo brez državljanstva, ki ne izpolnjuje ali ne izpolnjuje več pogojev za vstop na državno območje pogodbenico prosilko ali prebivanje na njem, če se dokaže ali domneva, da je ta oseba vstopila na državno območje te pogodbenice neposredno po prebivanju na državnem območju zaprošene pogodbenice ali prehodu čezenj.
(2) Vsaka pogodbenica na zahtevo druge pogodbenice sprejme državljana tretje države ali osebo brez državljanstva, ki nezakonito prebiva na državnem območju pogodbenice prosilke, če ima veljavno dovoljenje za prebivanje, veljaven vizum ali kateri koli drug veljaven dokument zaprošene pogodbenice za vstop ali prebivanje.
(3) Pristojni organi pogodbenic sprejmejo državljana tretje države ali osebo brez državljanstva brez formalnosti (v nadaljevanju skrajšani postopek), če to zahteva pogodbenica prosilka najpozneje v 72 urah po nezakonitem prestopu državne meje. Skrajšani postopek se uporablja samo, če pristojni organ pogodbenice prosilke navede podatke, ki omogočajo ugotovitev, da je taka oseba nezakonito prestopila skupno državno mejo. Če se sprejem osebe po skrajšanem postopku zavrne, se za sprejem lahko zaprosi v skladu s prvim ali drugim odstavkom tega člena.
(4) Če so izpolnjeni pogoji za vračanje oseb po skrajšanem postopku, pristojni organ pogodbenice prosilke ustno ali po telefonu najavi izročitev osebe pristojnemu organu zaprošene pogodbenice. O izročitvi in prevzemu se sestavi zapisnik, katerega vsebina je določena v protokolu.
3. člen
Obveznosti sprejema po 2. členu ni v primeru:
a) državljanov tretjih držav, ki imajo skupno državno mejo s pogodbenico prosilko;
b) državljanov tretjih držav ali oseb brez državljanstva, ki so ob vstopu imele veljavni vizum za vstop ali dovoljenje za prebivanje, ki ga je izdala pogodbenica prosilka, ali pa so po vstopu pridobile dovoljenje za prebivanje v tej državi;
c) državljanov tretjih držav ali oseb brez državljanstva, ki na dan prejema zahteve za sprejem več kot 12 mesecev prebivajo na državnem območju pogodbenice prosilke, razen če imajo veljavno dovoljenje za prebivanje, ki ga je izdala zaprošena pogodbenica;
d) državljanov tretjih držav ali oseb brez državljanstva, ki jim je pogodbenica prosilka s pravnomočno odločbo priznala status begunca na podlagi določb Konvencije o statusu beguncev, sestavljene v Ženevi 28. julija 1951, spremenjene s Protokolom o statusu beguncev, sestavljenim v New Yorku 31. januarja 1967, ali status osebe brez državljanstva na podlagi Konvencije o pravnem položaju oseb brez državljanstva, sestavljene v New Yorku 28. septembra 1954;
e) državljanov tretjih držav ali oseb brez državljanstva, za katere je pogodbenica prosilka začela postopek za priznanje statusa begunca, do sprejetja dokončne odločitve;
f) državljanov tretjih držav ali oseb brez državljanstva, ki so zapustile državno območje zaprošene pogodbenice in so prišle na državno območje pogodbenice prosilke z državnega območja tretje države, v katero pogodbenica prosilka lahko vrne te osebe po mednarodnem sporazumu o izročitvi in sprejemu.
4. člen
Pogodbenica prosilka soglaša, da bo ponovno sprejela na svoje državno območje tiste državljane tretjih držav ali osebe brez državljanstva, za katere je zaprošena pogodbenica z ustreznim preverjanjem ugotovila, da ob odhodu z državnega območja pogodbenice prosilke niso izpolnjevale pogojev iz 2. in 3. člena tega sporazuma.
5. člen
(1) Vsaka pogodbenica na zahtevo druge pogodbenice dovoli tranzit državljanov tretjih držav, ki ne izpolnjujejo ali ne izpolnjujejo več pogojev za vstop na državno območje pogodbenice prosilke ali prebivanje na njem, pod pogojem, da je pogodbenica prosilka zagotovila sprejem v namembni državi ali drugi državi tranzita. V takih primerih zaprošena pogodbenica ne zahteva tranzitnega vizuma ali izpolnitve drugih pogojev za tranzit.
(2) Vsebina zahteve, podatki za tranzit in pristojni organi za pošiljanje ter obravnavo zahtev se določijo v protokolu.
(3) Pogodbenica prosilka je odgovorna za celotno potovanje osebe v namembno državo. To osebo tudi ponovno sprejme, če je sprejem v namembni državi ali drugi tranzitni državi zavrnjen ali potovanja iz katerega koli razloga ni mogoče opraviti.
(4) Pogodbenica prosilka obvesti drugo pogodbenico, ali oseba v tranzitu potrebuje spremstvo. Zaprošena pogodbenica se lahko odloči, da:
a) ob povračilu stroškov opravi tranzit te osebe čez svoje državno območje;
b) opravi tranzit v sodelovanju s pogodbenico prosilko;
c) pooblasti pogodbenico prosilko, da opravi tranzit čez njeno državno območje.
(5) V primerih iz točke b) ali c) prejšnjega odstavka tega člena je spremstvo pogodbenice prosilke v pristojnosti pooblaščenih organov zaprošene pogodbenice.
(6) Če se tranzit opravi s spremstvom, spremljajoče uradne osebe pogodbenice prosilke svojo nalogo opravijo neoborožene in praviloma v civilu, prisilna sredstva pa se določijo v dovoljenju za tranzit.
(7) Spremljajoče uradne osebe pogodbenice prosilke morajo imeti pri sebi dovoljenje za tranzit.
6. člen
(1) Spremstvo je odgovorno za nadzor nad osebo in njeno vkrcanje v letalo ob pomoči in pod pristojnostjo zaprošene pogodbenice.
(2) Po potrebi lahko zaprošena pogodbenica po posvetovanju s spremstvom prevzame odgovornost za nadzor nad osebo in njeno vkrcanje v letalo.
(3) Pogodbenica prosilka mora izpeljati vse potrebne ukrepe, da zagotovi čim hitrejši tranzit osebe na letališču zaprošene pogodbenice.
7. člen
Če se tranzit opravi brez spremstva, nadzor in vkrcanje osebe v letalo izvedejo uradne osebe zaprošene pogodbenice.
8. člen
Če oseba med tranzitom zavrne vkrcanje ali se ne more vkrcati, pogodbenica prosilka:
a) brez odlašanja ponovno sprejme to osebo, če ta oseba nima spremstva, ali
b) prosi zaprošeno pogodbenico, da osebo poskuša ponovno vkrcati v letalo in v tem času zagotovi nadzor nad to osebo. Zavrnitev vkrcanja v letalo v državi tranzita ima enake pravne posledice, kot jih določa zakonodaja pogodbenice prosilke, če bi do take zavrnitve prišlo na njenem državnem območju. Če zaprošeni pogodbenici osebe ne uspe vkrcati v letalo, jo bo pogodbenica prosilka brez odlašanja ponovno sprejela.
9. člen
Pristojni organi pogodbenic se medsebojno obveščajo o vseh dejstvih, pomembnih za tranzit.
10. člen
(1) Zaprošena pogodbenica zagotavlja spremljajočim uradnim osebam pogodbenice prosilke pri opravljanju njihove naloge v okviru tega sporazuma enako zaščito in pomoč, kot bi jo zagotovila svojim uradnim osebam.
(2) Med tranzitom se spremljajoče uradne osebe, ki delujejo na državnem območju druge pogodbenice, štejejo za uradne osebe te pogodbenice in morajo delovati v skladu z določbami notranjega prava pogodbenice, na državnem območju katere delujejo.
11. člen
(1) Če uradna oseba pogodbenice prosilke, ki opravlja tranzit na državnem ozemlju druge pogodbenice, utrpi škodo pri izvajanju ali v času izvajanja naloge, je pogodbenica prosilka odgovorna za škodo, ne da bi od zaprošene pogodbenice zahtevala nadomestilo.
(2) Kadar uradne osebe pogodbenice opravljajo tranzit po tem sporazumu na državnem območju druge pogodbenice, je pogodbenica prosilka odgovorna za vsako škodo, ki jo te osebe povzročijo med svojim delovanjem, v skladu z notranjim pravom pogodbenice, na katere državnem območju delujejo.
(3) Če oškodovanec zahteva nadomestilo od zaprošene pogodbenice v skladu z drugim odstavkom tega člena, je zaprošena pogodbenica odgovorna za takšno škodo pod pogoji, ki veljajo za škodo, kot če bi jo povzročile njene uradne osebe. Pogodbenica, katere uradne osebe so povzročile škodo kateri koli osebi na državnem območju druge pogodbenice, v celoti povrne znesek, ki ga je izplačala druga pogodbenica oškodovancu ali drugim osebam, ki so do tega upravičene v njegovem imenu.
(4) Brez vpliva na uveljavljanje svojih pravic do tretjih oseb in z izjemo tretjega odstavka tega člena se vsaka pogodbenica v primerih iz drugega odstavka tega člena odreče zahtevi za povrnitev škode, ki jo je utrpela zaradi druge pogodbenice.
12. člen
Tranzit se lahko zavrne:
a) če osebi v namembni državi ali drugi državi tranzita grozi mučenje, nečloveško ali ponižujoče ravnanje, kaznovanje, smrtna kazen ali preganjanje zaradi rase, veroizpovedi, narodnosti, pripadnosti določeni družbeni skupini ali zaradi političnega prepričanja;
b) če osebi v namembni državi ali drugi državi tranzita grozi uvedba kazenskega postopka ali izvršitev kazenskih sankcij, razen zaradi nezakonitega prestopa državne meje;
c) če je osebi izrečen ukrep izgona z državnega območja zaprošene pogodbenice.
13. člen
(1) Zaprošena pogodbenica je brez odlašanja dolžna pisno odgovoriti na zahtevo za sprejem, v vsakem primeru pa v največ petnajstih dneh od prejema zahteve. Vsako odklonitev prevzema mora pisno obrazložiti.
(2) Zaprošena pogodbenica sprejme osebo brez odlašanja ali najpozneje v enem mesecu od dneva prejema potrditve sprejema.
(3) Zaprošena pogodbenica mora sprejeti osebe, ki se vračajo po skrajšanem postopku, takoj, najpozneje pa v 24 urah od prejema najave.
(4) Rok iz drugega odstavka tega člena se lahko podaljša za toliko časa, kot je potrebno za odpravo pravnih ali praktičnih ovir.
(5) Zaprošena pogodbenica, od katere se zahteva tranzit po prvem odstavku 5. člena, na zahtevo za tranzit odgovori v najkrajšem možnem času, vendar najpozneje v treh delovnih dneh od dneva prejema zahteve.
14. člen
Pristojni organ zaprošene pogodbenice pristojnemu organu pogodbenice prosilke dostavi pisno soglasje o sprejemu osebe, ki vsebuje podatke o istovetnosti osebe ter o kraju in času sprejema.
15. člen
Pogodbenica prosilka pri izročitvi in sprejemu oseb krije vse stroške do državne meje zaprošene pogodbenice, pri tranzitu pa do namembne države.
16. člen
(1) Če se za izvajanje tega sporazuma sporočajo osebni podatki, jih je treba zbirati, obdelovati in varovati v skladu z notranjim in mednarodnim pravom. Zlasti se morajo upoštevati ta merila:
a) pogodbenica, ki prejme podatke, jih lahko uporabi le za namen, določen s tem sporazumom, in pod pogoji, ki jih določi pogodbenica, ki podatke sporoča;
b) osebni podatki se smejo sporočati le pristojnim organom, ki so odgovorni za izvajanje tega sporazuma in edini, ki jih smejo uporabljati, in sicer na način, ki nepooblaščenim osebam onemogoča dostop do njih. Pogodbenica, ki podatke sporoča, mora dati pisno soglasje, preden se lahko podatki sporočijo drugim organom;
c) pogodbenica, ki podatke sporoča, zagotovi, da so ti točni, potrebni in ne presegajo zahtev namenov, za katere so sporočeni. Če podatki niso točni ali so bili sporočeni nezakonito, je treba pogodbenico, ki je podatke prejela, o tem nemudoma obvestiti, da jih popravi ali uniči;
d) vsako osebo je treba na njeno zahtevo obvestiti o sporočanju podatkov, ki se nanašajo nanjo, in o njihovem namenu;
e) sporočeni osebni podatki se hranijo le toliko časa, kolikor je potrebno za namene njihovega sporočanja. Vsaka pogodbenica zaupa nadzor nad obdelavo in uporabo shranjenih podatkov ustreznemu neodvisnemu organu;
f) vsaka pogodbenica mora varovati sporočene osebne podatke pred nepooblaščenim dostopom, spreminjanjem ali razkritjem.
(2) Osebni podatki, ki se sporočajo v zvezi z izročitvijo, sprejemom in tranzitom oseb, se smejo nanašati le na:
a) podatke o osebi, ki bo izročena, in če je potrebno, o njenih družinskih članih (priimek, dekliški priimek, ime, prejšnje ime, vzdevek ipd., datum in kraj rojstva, spol, sedanje in prejšnja državljanstva);
b) potni list, osebno izkaznico ali katere koli druge osebne ali potovalne dokumente;
c) druge podatke, potrebne za identifikacijo osebe, ki bo izročena (npr. prstni odtisi);
d) načrte potovanja in kraje postankov;
e) dovoljenja za prebivanje ali vizume.
17. člen
(1) Določbe tega sporazuma ne vplivajo na obveznosti pogodbenic, ki se nanašajo na izročitev ali sprejem oseb in izhajajo iz drugih mednarodnih pogodb.
(2) Določbe tega sporazuma ne vplivajo na uporabo določb Konvencije o statusu beguncev, sestavljene v Ženevi 28. julija 1951, spremenjene s Protokolom o statusu beguncev, sestavljenim v New Yorku 31. januarja 1967, Konvencije o pravnem položaju oseb brez državljanstva, sestavljene v New Yorku 28. septembra 1954, in Konvencije o varstvu človekovih pravic in temeljnih svoboščin, sestavljene v Rimu 4. novembra 1950.
(3) Določbe tega sporazuma se ne uporabljajo pri pravni pomoči v zvezi z izročitvijo oseb v kazenskih zadevah.
18. člen
(1) Pristojna organa za izvajanje tega sporazuma sta:
v Republiki Sloveniji: Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve Republike Slovenije, Policija, in
v Republiki Hrvaški: Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve Republike Hrvaške, Ravnateljstvo policije.
(2) Ministrstvi za notranje zadeve pogodbenic podpišeta protokol o izvajanju tega sporazuma.
(3) S protokolom iz drugega odstavka tega člena se določijo:
a) pristojni organi za pošiljanje in obravnavo prošenj za izročitev, sprejem ali tranzit ter način medsebojnega komuniciranja;
b) dokumenti, na podlagi katerih se dokazuje ali domneva državljanstvo;
c) dokumenti in informacije, s katerimi se dokazuje ali domneva prebivanje državljanov tretjih držav na državnem območju pogodbenice ali potovanje čezenj;
d) vsebina zahtev za izročitev, sprejem ali tranzit;
e) načini dokazovanja nezakonitega prestopa meje;
f) mejni prehodi za izročitev in sprejem oseb;
g) način poravnave stroškov izročitve, sprejema ali tranzita.
(4) Pristojna organa iz prvega odstavka tega člena se obveščata o vseh okoliščinah, ki vplivajo na izvajanje tega sporazuma.
19. člen
(1) Pogodbenici si vzajemno pomagata pri uporabi in razlagi tega sporazuma.
(2) Pristojna organa iz prvega odstavka prejšnjega člena lahko predlagata sestanke strokovnjakov pogodbenic zaradi reševanja morebitnih težav pri izvajanju tega sporazuma.
(3) Pristojna organa se sproti obveščata o pogojih vstopa in prebivanja tujcev.
(4) Pogodbenici se po diplomatski poti nemudoma obvestita o spremembah, ki se nanašajo na pristojne organe za izvajanje tega sporazuma, in njihovih naslovih. Morebitni spori se rešujejo po diplomatski poti.
20. člen
(1) Vsaka pogodbenica lahko takoj deloma ali v celoti, razen v primerih iz 1. člena, začasno preneha izvajati ta sporazum s pisnim uradnim obvestilom drugi pogodbenici zaradi pomembnih razlogov, zlasti pa zaradi zaščite nacionalne varnosti, javnega reda ali javnega zdravja. Pogodbenici se nemudoma po diplomatski poti uradno obvestita o odpravi vsakega takega ukrepa.
(2) Ta sporazum je sklenjen za nedoločen čas.
(3) Sporazum začne veljati prvi dan naslednjega meseca po prejemu zadnjega uradnega obvestila, s katerim se pogodbenici po diplomatski poti obvestita, da so izpolnjeni vsi notranjepravni pogoji, potrebni za začetek veljavnosti sporazuma.
(4) Z začetkom veljavnosti tega sporazuma prenehata veljati Pogodba med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Republike Hrvaške o prevzemu oseb na skupni državni meji in Protokol o uresničevanju pogodbe med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Republike Hrvaške o prevzemu oseb na skupni državni meji, podpisana 4. junija 1993 v Zagrebu.
(5) Vsaka pogodbenica lahko odpove ta sporazum s pisnim uradnim obvestilom po diplomatski poti drugi pogodbenici. Odpoved začne veljati trideseti dan od dneva prejema takega obvestila.
Sestavljeno na Brionih dne 10. junija 2005 v dveh izvirnikih v slovenskem, hrvaškem in angleškem jeziku, pri čemer so vsa besedila enako verodostojna. Ob razlikah pri razlagi tega sporazuma prevlada angleško besedilo.
Dragutin Mate l.r.
Marijan Mlinarić l.r.
The Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Government of the Republic of Croatia (hereinafter referred to as the Contracting Parties),
desiring to cooperate further to ensure better implementation of the provisions on the movement of persons,
wishing to facilitate the readmission and transit of persons whose entry and residence are illegal,
in the spirit of cooperation and on the basis of reciprocity,
taking into account the Convention on the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms done in Rome on 4 November 1950 and the Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees done in Geneva on 28 July 1951, as amended by the Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees done in New York on 31 January 1967,
determined to fight against illegal migration,
have agreed as follows:
Article 1
(1) Any Contracting Party shall, at the request of the other Contracting Party and without any formalities, readmit to its national territory any person who does not fulfil or who no longer fulfils the conditions for entry into or residence in the national territory of the requesting Contracting Party if it is proved or presumed that that person is a national of the requested Contracting Party.
(2) The nationality of the person shall be proved or presumed on the basis of the documents listed in the Protocol on the Implementation of this Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Protocol).
(3) If the nationality of the person from the first paragraph cannot be proved or presumed on the basis of the documents submitted, the consular bodies of the requested Contracting Party shall interview that person within three working days after the day of receipt of the readmission application. This interview shall be organised as soon as possible by the requesting Contracting Party, after consultation with the consular body of the requested Contracting Party.
(4) If in the course of the interview from the preceding paragraph the nationality of the person in question is proved or presumed, the diplomatic mission or consular post shall without any delay issue an appropriate travel document that enables the person to return; this may under no circumstances be issued later than five working days after the day of receipt of the readmission application.
(5) The requesting Contracting Party shall under the same conditions readmit a person who is subsequently found not to have been a national of the requested Contracting Party at the time he/she was returned to the requested Contracting Party. This obligation shall not apply if the requested Contracting Party has deprived a person residing in the national territory of the requesting Contracting Party of nationality without them having obtained the nationality of a third country or having secured the nationality of the requesting Contracting Party.
Article 2
(1) Any Contracting Party shall at the request of the other Contracting Party readmit to its national territory a national of a third country or a stateless person who does not fulfil or who no longer fulfils the conditions for entry into or residence in the state of the requesting Contracting Party if it has been proved or presumed that this person entered the national territory of this Contracting Party directly after residence in or transit across the national territory of the requested Contracting Party.
(2) Any Contracting Party shall at the request of the other Contracting Party readmit a third country national or a stateless person who resides illegally on the national territory of the requesting Contracting Party if that person is in possession of a valid residence permit, a valid visa or any other document valid for entry into or residence issued by the requested Contracting Party.
(3) The competent authorities of the Contracting Parties shall readmit a third country national or a stateless person without any formalities (hereinafter referred to as summary procedure) if the requesting Contracting Party so requests no later than within 72 hours of the illegal crossing of the state border. The summary procedure shall be used only if the competent authority of the requesting Contracting Party provides information that allows it to be established that the person in question crossed the border between the Contracting Parties illegally. If a Contracting Party refuses to readmit a person using the summary procedure, readmission may be requested pursuant to the first or second paragraph of this Article.
(4) If the conditions for the return of a person using the summary procedure are met, the competent authority of the requesting Contracting Party shall notify the competent authority of the requested Contracting Party of the readmission orally or by telephone. A record shall be drawn up of the readmission; the contents of this record are laid down in the Protocol.
Article 3
The readmission obligation pursuant to with Article 2 shall not apply in respect of:
a) third country nationals that have a joint state border with the requesting Contracting Party;
b) third country nationals or stateless persons who, when they entered, were in possession of a valid visa for entry or a residence permit issued by the requesting Contracting Party, or who acquired a residence permit in that country after entry;
c) third country nationals or stateless persons who, on the day of receipt of the request for readmission, have resided for more than 12 months on the national territory of the requesting Contracting Party, unless they are holders of a valid residence permit issued by the requested Contracting Party;
d) third country nationals or stateless persons who have been granted refugee status by the requesting Contracting Party with a final decision pursuant to the provisions of the Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees done in Geneva on 28 July 1951, as amended by the Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees done in New York on 31 January 1967, or stateless person status pursuant to the Convention Relating to the Legal Status of Stateless Persons done in New York on 28 September 1954;
e) third country nationals or stateless persons in relation to whom the requesting Contracting Party has commenced a procedure for the granting of refugee status, until the adoption of a final decision;
f) third country nationals or stateless persons who have left the national territory of the requested Contracting Party and arrived in the national territory of the requesting Contracting Party from the national territory of a third country to which the requesting Contracting Party may return that person pursuant to an international agreement on readmission.
Article 4
The requesting Contracting Party shall agree to readmit into its national territory those third country nationals or stateless persons in relation to whom the requested Contracting Party, using the proper verification procedures, has established that at the time they left the national territory of the requesting Contracting Party, the conditions from Articles 2 and 3 of this Agreement had not been met.
Article 5
(1) Any Contracting Party shall at the request of the other Contracting Party allow the transit of nationals of third countries who do not meet or no longer meet the conditions for entry into or residence in the national territory of the requesting Contracting Party on condition that the requesting Contracting Party has ensured that that person will be admitted into the destination country or other transit country. In such cases the requested Contracting Party shall not require a transit visa or require that other conditions for transit be met.
(2) The contents of requests, information relevant to transit, the authorities competent to send requests and the procedure of handling requests are laid down in the Protocol.
(3) The requesting Contracting Party shall be responsible for the entire journey of the person to the destination country. It shall also readmit that person if the destination country or other transit country refuses to readmit him/her, or if the journey cannot be completed for any other reason.
(4) The requesting Contracting Party shall inform the other Contracting Party as to whether the person in transit requires an escort. The requested Contracting Party may decide:
a) to perform the transit of this person across its national territory, with the costs reimbursed by the requesting Contracting Party;
b) to perform the transit in cooperation with the requesting Contracting Party;
c) to authorise the requesting Contracting Party to perform the transit across its national territory.
(5) In the cases referred to in point b) or c) of the preceding paragraph of this Article, escorting by the requesting Contracting Party shall lie within the competence of the authorised authorities of the requested Contracting Party.
(6) If transit is performed using an escort, the requesting Contracting Party's officials who are performing the escort shall perform their tasks unarmed and, as a rule, in civilian clothes, while other coercive measures shall be determined in the transit permit.
(7) The requesting Contracting Party's officials who are performing the escort must have the transit permit with them.
Article 6
(1) Officials performing the escort shall be responsible for supervising the person being escorted and for ensuring that he/she boards the aircraft, with the assistance and under the competence of the requested Contracting Party.
(2) The requested Contracting Party may, if required and after consultation with the escort, assume responsibility for supervising the person being escorted and for ensuring that he/she boards the aircraft.
(3) The requesting Contracting Party must carry out all measures necessary for ensuring the speediest possible transit of the person being escorted through the requested Contracting Party's airport.
Article 7
If transit is performed without an escort, supervision and boarding of the person onto the aircraft shall be conducted by the officials of the requested Contracting Party.
Article 8
(1) If in the course of transit the person refuses to or cannot board, the requesting Contracting Party shall:
a) without delay readmit this person if he/she is without escort; or
b) request the requested Contracting Party to attempt to re-board the person onto the aircraft and to ensure the person’s supervision during this time. Refusal to board an aircraft in the country of transit shall have the same legal consequences that are defined in the legislation of the requesting Contracting Party in case of such refusal on its own national territory. If the requested Contracting Party does not board the person onto the aircraft, the requesting Contracting Party shall readmit the person without delay.
Article 9
The competent authorities of the Contracting Parties shall inform each other of all facts that have a bearing on the transit procedure.
Article 10
(1) The requested Contracting Party shall ensure the same protection and assistance in the course of the performance of tasks under this Agreement to the officials from the requesting Contracting Party as it would ensure its own officials.
(2) During transit, officials performing the escort who are operating on the national territory of the other Contracting Party shall be deemed to be officials of this Contracting Party. They must operate according to the provisions of the domestic law of the Contracting Party on whose national territory they are operating.
Article 11
(1) If an official of the requesting Contracting Party who is conducting transit on the national territory of the other Contracting Party suffers damage in the implementation or during the period of implementation of his/her tasks, the requesting Contracting Party shall be responsible for the damage without requesting compensation from the requested Contracting Party.
(2) When officials of a Contracting Party are conducting transit in accordance with this Agreement on the national territory of the other Contracting Party, the requesting Contracting Party shall be responsible for any damage that these persons cause in the course of their work, in accordance with the domestic law of the Contracting Party on whose national territory they are operating.
(3) If a damaged party requests compensation from the requested Contracting Party in accordance with the second paragraph of this Article, the requested Contracting Party shall be responsible for such damage as if it had been caused by its officials, under the conditions applying to damage. A Contracting Party whose officials have caused damage to any person on the national territory of the other Contracting Party shall refund in full the sum paid by the other Contracting Party to the damaged party or to other persons entitled to the sum on their behalf.
(4) Without prejudice to the enforcement of its rights towards third parties and with the exception of the third paragraph of this Article, any Contracting Party shall waive, in cases from the second paragraph of this Article, a request for compensation for damage it has suffered on account of the other Contracting Party;
Article 12
Transit may be refused:
a) if the person in question is at risk of torture, inhuman or degrading treatment, punishment, death penalty or persecution on the basis of race, religion, nationality, membership of a certain social group or political conviction in the destination country or other transit country;
b) if the person in question is threatened with the institution of criminal proceedings or the enforcement of penal sanctions in the country of destination or other country of transit, unless these relate to illegal crossing of the state border;
c) if the measure of deportation from the national territory of the requested Contracting Party has been passed against the person in question.
Article 13
(1) The requested Contracting Party shall be obliged to reply without delay and in writing to a readmission request, and in all cases within 15 days from receiving the request. Each refusal to readmit must be explained in writing.
(2) The requested Contracting Party shall readmit a person for whom confirmation of readmission has been issued without delay, or no later than one month from the day of receipt of the confirmation.
(3) The requested Contracting Party must readmit persons who are being returned using the summary procedure immediately, and no later than 24 hours from the receipt of notification.
(4) The time limit from the second paragraph of this Article may be extended by the amount of time required for the removal of legal or practical obstacles.
(5) The Contracting Party to which a transit request has been made under the first paragraph of Article 5 shall reply to the transit request as soon as possible, and within no later than three working days of receipt of the request.
Article 14
The competent authority of the requested Contracting Party shall deliver its written consent to the readmission of a person to the competent authority of the requesting Contracting Party; this consent shall contain information on the identity of the person and on the time and place of readmission.
Article 15
The requesting Contracting Party shall cover all costs relating to the readmission of persons to the border of the requested Contracting Party, and in the case of transit to the destination country.
Article 16
(1) If personal data is transmitted for the purposes of implementation of this Agreement, this data must be collected, processed and protected in accordance with domestic and international law. The following criteria in particular must be taken into account:
a) the Contracting Party that receives the data may only use it for the purpose laid down in this Agreement and under conditions laid down by the Contracting Party that is communicating the data;
b) personal data may only be communicated to the competent authorities responsible for implementation of this Agreement and the only ones entitled to use it, and in such a way that unauthorised persons are prevented from accessing it. The Contracting Party that communicates the data must give its written consent before the data can be communicated to other authorities;
c) the Contracting Party that communicates the data shall ensure that the data is accurate and necessary and that it does not go beyond the requirements of the purposes for which it is being communicated. If the data is not accurate or if it was communicated unlawfully, the receiving Contracting Party shall be informed immediately so that it may amend or destroy the data;
d) every person is entitled to be informed at his/her request of the communication of data relating to him/her, and of their purpose;
e) communicated personal data shall be stored only for as long as is required for the purposes for which it was communicated. Each Contracting Party shall entrust an independent authority with the supervision of the processing and use of stored data;
f) each Contracting Party must protect communicated personal data against unauthorised access, alteration or disclosure.
(2) Personal data communicated in connection with the return, readmission and transit of persons may only concern the following:
a) data on the person to be returned and, if necessary, on his/her family members (surname, maiden name, first name, previous name, nickname and similar, and date and place of birth, sex, current and previous nationality);
b) passport, identity card or any other personal or travel documents;
c) other data necessary for the identification of the person to be returned (e.g. fingerprints);
d) itineraries and stopping places;
e) residence permits or visas.
Article 17
(1) The provisions of this Agreement shall not affect the obligations of the Contracting Parties in relation to the readmission of persons arising from other international agreements.
(2) The provisions of this Agreement shall not affect the application of the provisions of the Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees done in Geneva on 28 July 1951, as amended by the Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees done in New York on 31 January 1967, the Convention Relating to the Legal Status of Stateless Persons done in New York on 28 September 1954, and the Convention on the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms done in Rome on 4 November 1950.
(3) The provisions of this Agreement shall not be applied in cases of legal aid in connection with the extradition of persons in criminal cases.
Article 18
(1) The competent authorities for the implementation of this Agreement are:
in the Republic of Slovenia: Ministry of the Interior, the Police, and
in the Republic of Croatia: Ministry of the Interior, the General Police Directorate.
(2) The Ministries of the Interior of the Contracting Parties shall sign a Protocol on the Implementation of this Agreement.
(3) The Protocol from the second paragraph of this Article shall lay down:
a) the authorities competent to send and handle return, readmission or transit requests, and the method of communication between them;
b) the documents on whose basis nationality is proved or presumed;
c) the documents and information on whose basis the residence of third country nationals or travel across the national territory of a Contracting Party are proved or presumed;
d) the contents of return, readmission or transit requests;
e) the methods of proving illegal crossing of the border;
f) the border crossings for the return and readmission of persons;
g) the method of settling costs relating to return, readmission or transit.
(4) The competent authorities from the first paragraph of this Article shall inform each other of all circumstances that affect the implementation of this Agreement.
Article 19
(1) The Contracting Parties shall assist each other in the application and interpretation of this Agreement.
(2) The competent authorities from the first paragraph of the preceding Article may propose that meetings be held between experts from both Contracting Parties in order to resolve any problems relating to the implementation of this Agreement.
(3) The competent authorities shall inform each other on a continuous basis of the conditions applying to the entry and residence of aliens.
(4) The Contracting Parties shall inform each other without delay and through diplomatic channels of any changes relating to the authorities competent to implement this Agreement and their addresses. Any disputes shall be resolved through diplomatic channels.
Article 20
(1) With the exception of cases from Article 1, each Contracting Party may suspend, in whole or in part, the implementation of this Agreement by a written notification to the other Contracting Party, for important reasons; these shall be, in particular, reasons of national security, public order or public health. The Contracting Parties shall notify each other, without delay and through diplomatic channels of the cancellation of any such measures.
(2) This Agreement is concluded for an indefinite period of time.
(3) This Agreement shall enter into force on the first day of the month following the day of the receipt of the last written notification by which the Contracting Parties inform each other through diplomatic channels of the fulfilment of all internal legal requirements necessary for its entry into force.
(4) With the entry into force of this Agreement, the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Government of the Republic of Croatia on the Readmission of Persons on the Joint State Border and the Protocol on Implementation of the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Government of the Republic of Croatia on the Readmission of Persons on the Joint State Border, signed in Zagreb on 4 June 1993, shall cease to have effect.
(5) Each of the Contracting Parties may denounce this Agreement by a written notification through diplomatic channels to the other Contracting Party. Denunciation shall become effective on the 30th day after the day of receipt of this notification.
Done at Brioni on 10 June 2005 in two originals in the Slovenian, Croatian and English languages, all texts being equally authentic. In case of divergence in the interpretation of this Agreement, the English text shall prevail.
Dragutin Mate l.r.
Marijan Mlinarić l.r.
3. člen
Za izvajanje sporazuma skrbi Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve.
4. člen
Ta zakon začne veljati petnajsti dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 213-04/92-4/64
Ljubljana, dne 7. marca 2006
EPA 172-IV
Državnega zbora
Republike Slovenije
France Cukjati, dr. med., l.r.
* Besedilo sporazuma v hrvaškem jeziku je na vpogled v Sektorju za mednarodno pravo Ministrstva za zunanje zadeve.